
lotuspsychjerootbash: are you at your ubuntu computer?00:00
rootbashi have use ubuntu 16.0400:00
leftyfbrootbash: what type of phones?00:00
rootbashmediatek processor00:01
rootbashmark BLU00:02
leftyfbrootbash: is it running Android?00:02
leftyfbrootbash: Can't you just use googles automatic backup and/or the SD card?00:02
rootbashyes Android00:02
rootbashohhh!!! i just know which programm can use it00:06
rootbashfor googles automatic backup....:no00:06
leftyfbrootbash: why not?00:07
leftyfbrootbash: please don't CTCP ping others00:07
OerHekshttps://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/11/android-file-transfer-app-linux this guide handles ubuntu 18.0400:08
kris905@davic no00:09
rootbashok how can i use google auto backup00:09
OerHeksrootbash, that would be an android issue, not sure that backup tool can handle linux, so see the url above00:10
OerHeksi would backup to a sdcard inserted in android00:11
leftyfbrootbash: please lookup documentation for android for how to backup using googles online service or the SD card. That is beyond the scope of this channel00:13
OerHeksi think google stores the backup in your account, i have no idea about android backup00:14
rootbashanhh ok00:15
nathan[m]1!join irc.freenode.net #ubuntu00:22
ubottunathan[m]1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:22
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dman777Coming from Gentoo, can I place my network commands from http://dpaste.com/2BB3ZZY as-is in /etc/network/interfaces?00:49
tomreyndman777: no. /etc/network/interfaces is not a shell script.00:51
tomreynthere is a man page describing its format.00:51
tomreyndman777: however, with current ubuntu releases you should rather use either network-manager (desktop) or systemd-networkd configurations instead.00:52
tomreynnetplan can be used to write configurations for either.00:53
dman777tomreyn: to keep it simply can I just run the shell script instead to set the network?00:53
tomreyndman777: i haven't tried, so can't tell for sure. but probably yes, after installing the deprecated software. but it may, and likely wlll, break in future ubuntu releases.00:55
dman777tomreyn: ok, thanks00:56
dman777With ubuntu-vm-builder, anyonw know what to do about this error? http://dpaste.com/2VV4G2B#line-15 ... ubuntu-minimal depends on sudo; however: Package sudo is not configured yet.01:15
dman777using the xenial vm01:15
kreyreni've just figured out the hard way that if non-standart filesystem is mounted on mini.iso installation that it's going to formatt the drive.. 336 hours of work on my LFS ruined.. thanks for that02:01
kreyren*even when do not formatt is checked02:01
Squarismwhat is the best irc client for linux now days?02:12
kreyrenhexchat/konversation ?02:12
kreyrenirssi on wm?02:16
raSquarism, as kreyren suggested, knonversation is very good, i use hexchat on my main computer. i also use irssi on an ubuntu minimum install02:19
Squarismi use hexchat, but it feels dated02:20
raSquarism, dated compared to what?02:20
Squarismlike if i have 20 channels open the best 2 best ways to switch channelsl is pressing ctrl+pgdn/up or write /j #channelname02:21
kreyrenor use mouse?02:21
Squarismthat operations could be limited to max 3-4 key presses02:21
Squarismi dont use mouse02:21
Squarismbut maybe i should test konversation02:22
raSquarism, i'm on 25 channels on 5 networks, just click the channel in the list :)02:22
Squarismas i said, i dont use mouse02:22
kreyrenI would fork it and bind it to something like favorites02:22
kreyrenif such feature is not present already02:22
kreyrenotherwise irssi probably02:24
mlalkakaSquarism, I've been using HexChat on Ubuntu as well. I looked around for other IRC clients, and it seemed that HexChat was probably the best one overall, and seems to still be maintained (last release in Aug 2018)02:27
mlalkakaHow would you rather switch channels?02:27
JammersIs anybody else present?02:29
kreyrenJammers: eh?02:30
downer06I use quassel and love it run the core on an Ubuntu server then install the client on everything else02:30
raSquarism, #hexchat is an active channel, and TinPing can probably offer solutions for you02:31
JammersWell damn02:41
JammersFirst time I've properly used this program.02:41
Jammersmlalkaka smells02:42
mlalkakadowner06, Jammers, sorry, I missed what you said. Had a network issue and just got reconnected02:43
downer06mlalkaka: I was saying I use quassel instead of hexchat run the core on a Ubuntu server and the client on everything else (it will also help not miss anything from crashes02:45
mlalkakaAh, nice02:46
destinydrivenHey guys02:48
destinydrivenI have a vm which has updated tp 18.04.2 but unman -a still shows I'm on 4.15.0-45-generic kernel. Shouldn't that have changed to 4.18 with this release?02:49
destinydrivenuname -a02:49
OerHeksdestinydriven, only for fresh installs, but you can upgrade with !hwe , or sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.0402:49
destinydrivenOerHeks, ahh ok I did see that but thought that only applied to desktop versions02:50
OerHeksdestinydriven, that was my 1st thought too02:50
Bashing-omdestinydriven: No, from the initial 18.04 install, unless you opt in for HWE you will remain on the 4.15 series.02:50
OerHekssame happened with 16.04, iirc02:50
destinydrivenBut xserver on server . . is that needed?02:51
OerHekshmm, good point..02:51
destinydrivenLet me so some digging on that. Snapshot in the making02:52
OerHeksnot sure "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 " would do02:52
destinydrivenOerHeks, works perfectly without need for xserver-xorg03:03
OerHeksdestinydriven, thanks for feedback, noted.03:04
destinydrivenThanks for then tip.03:04
OerHekshave fun!03:04
et09i did a remote upgrade 16.04 -> 18.04, ssh stopped working so i tty'ed in, for the life of me can't figure out why sshd isn't working03:10
et09or perhaps that the port is blocked - i checked iptables -L, input policy is accept, checked for ufw, doesn't exist...03:10
et09using the right IP... sshd seems to be running (pgrep sshd) although typing ps aux|grep ssh comes out ps aux > grep ssh for some bizarre reason03:10
OerHekset09, produce a verbose log. ssh -vvv <something>03:12
et09i did, it hangs at "Connecting to..."03:12
et09nmap -p22 thinks the host is down03:13
et09oh something's wrong with the network on the machine...03:13
et09i don't have dhcpcd... :/03:14
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et09i'm willing to bet this thing was originally like 12.0403:23
et09i can barely remember03:24
OerHeksmaybe you have 1024 bytes keys, those are dropped, 4096 is standard now?03:24
et09nah that's not it03:25
et09something wrong with network interface config03:25
OerHeksrestarting sshd on the host, perhaps?03:26
et09first thing i tried, nope03:27
et09can't ping, no ipv4 on eth0 when i do `ip addr`03:27
OerHeksis it still eth0?? mine gives enp2s003:28
et09it is yeah03:28
OerHeksoke, old situation03:29
tomreyn!cn | fengjinkui03:35
ubottufengjinkui: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:35
fengjinkui /join #ubuntu-cn03:35
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nshirelaptopI only see the option to suspend 18.04 lts, is there no way to hibernate?03:49
OerHeksnshirelaptop, sure, but it needs a little work: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2018/05/add-hibernate-option-ubuntu-18-04/03:50
nshiresystemctl hibernate did work.. I think.. don't know how to verify03:50
OerHekssudo systemctl hibernate03:51
OerHeksthen follow that post03:51
nshireactually didn't work03:51
nshirewhen I resumed it was like it was from cold boot03:52
OerHeksnshire, do you have a swap file or partition?03:52
nshiredon't you mean a hiberfil?03:53
OerHeksin the same post there are tips about GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash resume=UUID=<swap>”03:53
nshireor does linux use the same partition for swap and hibernate03:53
OerHeksyes, i guess so, but fresh installs give a swapfile03:53
OerHeksno need to edit grub for swapfile, iirc03:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1743094 in linux (Ubuntu) "[regression] hibernation (freezes on resume) since 4.13.0-25.29" [Medium,Confirmed]03:54
nshiremm no swap or hibernate partition03:55
nshirethis was originally a windows dualboot machine so I didn't have much room03:55
tomreynalso bug 176929703:58
ubottubug 1769297 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "resume from hibernation broken when resume image is autodetected" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176929703:58
nshirelaptopis it too late to shrink this ntfs partition? https://i.imgur.com/KHLs8il.png03:58
tomreynnshirelaptop: too late how?03:59
OerHeksnshirelaptop, i think you can03:59
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OerHeksbut that layout is a mess03:59
nshireI'd want to shrink the windows ntfs partition and then move the ext4 partition into the new space, so that the ext4 partition will have more room. idk if it works like that though?04:00
nshiredunno if its possible to move partitions like that...04:01
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tomreynyou'd also need to move sda5 somewhere else.04:01
tomreynbut generally that's possible04:01
nshireI have no idea what sda5 is, I have 8gb of ram so its probably not hiberfil or swap04:02
tomreynsda5 ooks like it shouldn't exist04:02
tomreynmove data off it, then delete it04:03
nshireI'll see if I can mount it04:03
nshirein windows, partition 5 is labeled "oem partition" despite me being the one who installed everything04:06
nshirethis is going to be more work than I have time for tonight04:07
zeropointWhich Windows version?04:09
zeropointBIOS or UEFI boot?04:10
nshireuefi only04:10
nshiredisabled csm04:10
zeropointI'm only seeing four.04:11
zeropointWait, you're dual-booting.04:11
zeropointIgnore me.04:12
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ClickTekI have a somewhat serious question.... Since using Linux it has almost made me feel like I HAVE to start ditching the Google ecosystem. Is that normal or paranoid? It's been something I am struggling with. heh04:13
zeropointThat's 1. a matter of personal preference and 2. not really an Ubuntu question.04:13
OerHekslet me bing that04:13
ClickTekYeah, it isn't particularly an Ubuntu question. Apologies. Disregard.04:14
zeropointMe, personally? I use the Google ecosystem pretty extensively. I'm fine with it.04:14
ikeaLooking for ideas on a good backup solution04:17
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zeropointDepends on what you're trying to back up, to what, and a bunch of other variables.04:17
Guest773423Tb incremental04:18
OerHeks2 backups are pretty common these days04:18
OerHeksrsync & grsync ( gui)04:18
zeropointduply/duplicity, rsync, tar, etc.04:19
zeropointGuest77342: You've given almost no information around which to form an intelligent recommendation, so all we can do is just start rattling off package names.04:19
Guest77342I use rsync to back up but I want an incremental version.04:21
OerHeksman rsync --ignore-existing04:24
Donald_Trump lol04:30
Donald_Trump zzzzzuc04:30
Donald_Trumpgot to goatsedance.com04:31
blue1ClickTek: I use google as little as possible.  but we can discuss on #ubuntu-offline04:35
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qwebirc28873hey, one simple q, which desktop ubuntu was the last to ship with default Unity as GUI env?05:03
nileshI need to calculate md5sum over a 10TB data on ubuntu any tool that can calculate it efficiently in a lesser time?05:07
KrimoHey guys is it okay to ask for some assistance in this channel?05:12
KrimoI'm running Ubuntu 18.10 on a RAID 0 encrypted, and whenever Ubuntu tries to update the kernel it breaks the mounting on my LVM drives and won't boot. Is there any way to fix this?05:13
KrimoI had this issue on Arch before and I just had to run grub-mkconfig and mkinitcpio -p linux and it would work.05:14
cliff1245Anyone know why this script is not working? Its supposed to check if the service is running and if it's not, it's supposed to restart the service. https://paste.pound-python.org/show/bqay00thAUHlXyVyJ6Jq/05:33
tgm4883cliff1245: any reason you're restarting it via a bash script and not letting systemd do it?05:48
cliff1245i need to output to print that it's not running then print that it was fixed. it's for a school project05:49
tgm4883cliff1245: ok, so I don't help with homework, but I can give you a few pointers. Line 3 seems all wrong. You're not actually running that command. Even if you were, you'd be setting the variable to the output of the command, not the exit code05:53
XATRIXHi, i have some problem after i tried to instal teamviewer.deb05:57
XATRIXcan you advice ?05:57
Frzd271018whats wrong05:57
WhistleBloweri dont trust you05:57
XATRIXthat's an apt log05:57
Frzd271018what is that05:57
zanowhats up05:58
zanoxonotic anyone ?05:58
lotuspsychjeKrimo: are you on ubuntu server?06:05
Krimolotuspsychje nope06:08
KrimoI tried going to grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg and manually mapping my drives but Im getting the same issue.06:08
KrimoRunning /scripts/local-premount...06:09
KrimoGave up waiting for suspend/resume device06:09
Krimoand never boots06:09
lotuspsychje!raid | Krimo can this help?06:10
ubottuKrimo can this help?: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:10
oceanquakeHi all.  I'm running 18.04 AMD64, on a relatively recent and working/clean install.  I'm experiencing hard lockups (graphics and cursor remain frozen, but up; system does not respond to anything but power-off).  How can I go about collecting any logs that may be useful to figure out what is causing the lockups?06:23
oceanquakeFWIW, these frequently seem to happen when scrolling in firefox.06:24
Krimolotuspsychje I narrowed it down to the kernel06:40
Krimowhenever I use 4.18.0-15-generic it will not mount my drives.06:40
Krimoif I use 4.18.0-13-generic it will06:40
Krimoeven with the same parameters and pointing it directly to my LVM drives06:41
KrimoNot sure if it is a bug that should be reported?06:41
lotuspsychjeKrimo: yeah that sounds like a bug to me06:42
lotuspsychjeKrimo: but before you file one, you might wanna look for duplicates first cause there's a lot of those06:42
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Krimolotuspsychje where can I file a bug report? Or look for one? Isn't Ubuntu's issue tracker independent from github07:02
anbavapeyo my niggas07:04
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CruX|hello, i am using clonezilla on ubuntu 18.04 - parallel lzma and parallel xz is not available07:52
CruX|pixz is installed, how can be this fixed07:52
JFlashhi, I 'm trying to fix my screen resolution08:21
JFlashcurrenly using a 4k TV but the image looks a little bit squashed (I can see   ~100 dark pixels at the top and bottom)08:22
JFlashhow can i find out what windows manager I amd using?08:22
KitidateI just reset  my b tablet and expect to be able to update the Android version but apparently cannot08:22
Kitidateb tablet08:23
KitidateB tablet08:23
KitidateB Q tablet08:24
JFlashok, I have budgie-desktop08:24
KitidateAnyone know how to ?08:25
Kitidate Sorry  I type  wrong.I mean to update Ubuntu on B Q tablet08:28
lotuspsychjeKitidate: join #ubports08:29
KitidateThank you.08:30
erle-Why are the Firefox and Thunderbird updates delayed?08:30
JFlashguys , it looks like I'm using something called Solus project08:30
JFlashhow can I know for sure?08:30
lotuspsychjeJFlash: sudo apt install neofetch08:31
JFlashwhat is that?08:32
lotuspsychje!info neofetch | JFlash08:33
ubottuJFlash: neofetch (source: neofetch): Shows Linux System Information with Distribution Logo. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.0-1 (bionic), package size 73 kB, installed size 356 kB08:33
JFlashthis loooks freaking cook!08:33
JFlashsays OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS x86_6408:35
JFlashguys, how do I temporarely disaple bundie to see if I can fix my issue?08:36
JFlashlike, is it easy to rever to vanila gnome?08:36
JFlashI have a hint that the  squashing problem only happens after budgie desktop is loaded , since it looks ok before I log in08:37
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blackflowshirofuji: is there a question in that?09:35
NginUSIs there a way to wait for internet before running a script at boot?09:35
blackflowNginUS: yeah, make it dependent on network-online.target09:35
NginUScan it run whenever an internet connection is established... each time in case it d/c's & reconnects?09:36
shirofujiyea, newbie here, why do i lose connection when running adding main interface to bridge?09:36
NginUSIm not even sure that would fit the bill tho... :-(09:37
NginUSI have an s3 bucket mounted locally via s3fs, & if it loses internet after its initial connection, I could end up with /tmp/cache filling up if I lose the connection.09:38
blackflowshirofuji: because a whole lot about routing tables has changed. existing flows are no longer valid beacuse the NIC changed context. that means broken tcp connections.09:38
blackflowNginUS: if you want that -- dynamic network events handling -- you can look into Network Manager and dbus events it creates09:39
shirofujiis there a way to create a bridge to the main interface such that it would still be usable?09:39
blackflowshirofuji: you'll have to clarify. bridge is "still usable" after creation. your previous question was about losing existing connections.....09:40
NginUSblackflow: Ok thanks, didn't know that was a thing, cool...09:41
blackflowNginUS: however, look into autofs, iirc it can do dynamic mounting of s3 buckets09:41
shirofujifor example create bridge "br0", and "addif br0 eno1" such that I could still use eno1 normally?09:41
blackflowshirofuji: define "normally".09:42
ubuntuahi everyone, is there big difference btw "try ubuntu without installation" and actrully installed in regard of security?09:42
blackflowa network interface is just that -- an interface. what matters to userland is ip addresses and routing, all managed by the kernel with bridges.09:42
shirofujinormally, such that after addif i won't lose connection to ssh09:43
blackflowshirofuji: so when you add eno1 to a bridge, you can continue using the network that those NICs are attached to physically and logically.09:43
blackflowshirofuji: probably not for the reasons I mentioned above09:44
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shirofujidoes restarting the network delete interfaces created by brctl?09:46
shirofujior bring them down?09:46
Meilishirofuji: I would suggest you spin up a VM and just try what you want to do and see what happens.09:48
blackflowubuntua: yes, you can't fully update the live env. if you need a portable installation, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:49
blackflowshirofuji: probably. if you want bridges to persist reboot and network "restarts", you'll have to configure them statically09:49
ubuntuathank you blackflow. what if I was trying the latest one(no need update), could I say I'd  get the same safe env.?09:53
blackflowubuntua: I dislike using "safe" in contexts like that because it's misleading. but yes, the closer to release date you are, your live env has less stuff pending update for bug and security fixes.09:55
blackflow(closer on the side after the release)09:55
blackflowubuntua: but the live env is not designed to be "safe" or "secure". it's designed to be as usable as possible and enable installation.09:55
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Guest23092Hi, Currently I am booting using boot from file in my hp's bios09:57
Guest23092How to set it to use the shimx64.efi as default for boot09:58
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usualrise1I have ijust installed ubuntu. dual booted with windows actually09:59
usualrise1should I need to go to bios and select boot from file everytime I boot ?10:00
jeremy31usualrise1: Is there an OS Boot menu in the BIOS?10:01
ubuntuagreat blackflow, I'm a newbie on Linux, "try ubnutu without installation" , dose this only works on Ubuntu or I can do it on another one like arch linux?10:01
EriC^^usualrise1: no10:01
EriC^^usualrise1: are you in ubuntu right now?10:01
usualrise1jeremy31: yes10:01
usualrise1EriC^^: Yes I am in ubuntu right now10:01
EriC^^usualrise1: what's this boot menu in the BIOS you're talking about?10:02
jeremy31usualrise1: Select ubuntu in the os boot menu, make it first in the list and save and exit bios settings10:02
blackflowubuntua: this is specific for the Ubuntu Live ISO. Whether Arch has a similar, I don't know. so it's distro specific.10:02
usualrise1jeremy31: We need to create that a boot path first before moving it to first place10:02
EriC^^usualrise1: can you type "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999" in a terminal?10:03
usualrise1EriC^^: https://termbin.com/n25610:04
ubuntuaok, blackflow, thank you10:04
blackflowubuntua: if you're new to linux, I recommend you stick to Ubuntu. Arch is an advanced distro, you're expected to be familiar with the ecosystem as you manually install components10:05
cim209or go with manjaro10:06
cim209the ubuntu of arch10:06
lotuspsychjecim209: lets not reccomend other distro's here10:06
cim209lotuspsychje: but it's open source10:07
cim209like everything else10:07
ubuntuayeah,black flow, I like to, but I feel my system is hacked, that;s why I just ack you about the security things, cus I'm using the "try with out installation" mode10:07
blackflowlet's not confuse new users with a megaton of choice.   to Ubuntu they came, with Ubuntu they should stick until they feel familiar enough to try others. If at all.10:07
blackflowubuntua: it's quite unlikely that your system is hacked. possible, yes, but unlikely.10:08
blackflowubuntua: again, if you want persistent Ubuntu that you can use normall, from an USB stick, take a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:08
cim209the newcomers will know soon enough about advance stuff10:08
cim209soon know enough*10:09
ubuntuaso you are very confident about the "try ubuntu without installation" mode in regard of security?10:09
cim209ubuntua: you mean the live usb mode?10:10
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ubuntuayes cim209,10:10
blackflowubuntua: the reason I dislike using "this is safe" is because "safe" is very much relative. Depending on the level of security needed, it ranges from "very much" to "not at all". For starters with a live env you can't update components that require restart, like the kernel, dbus or systemd.10:11
ubuntuais that mode as safe as the persistent installed mode?10:11
blackflowubuntua: does my above answer about relativity of "safe" satisfy you? there's no other answer.10:11
cim209what blackflow said is true, security is 100% relative10:11
EriC^^usualrise1: we can try making ubuntu the first in the boot order, but likely the BIOS will override it10:11
blackflowbut definitely persistent installation is "safer" (relative), because it can update ALL components10:11
cim209think of live mode as a burner phone10:12
EriC^^usualrise1: sometimes the BIOS has a feature to select which one to boot usually within the BIOS options itself, which PC model is this?10:12
cim209you can use and abuse it then throw it away after. like a VM10:12
EriC^^usualrise1: sudo efibootmgr -o 000F,000C,0010,000B,000A,000E,000D,0000,0001,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,001110:12
ubuntuabut backflow, i just "sodo apt upgrade" succeeded couple days ago10:13
blackflowubuntua: again, some components need restart and reboot. live env is not persistent across reboots.10:14
blackflowif you want to use Ubuntu off of an USB stick, take a look at the link above.10:14
ubuntuayes, cim209, that's why I like that mode, i wont hurt the computer persistently10:14
cim209no not sodo10:14
cim209it's sudo10:14
blackflowubuntua: "hurt"?10:15
ubuntuait wont hurt..10:15
blackflowubuntua: okay you don't want to mess with the OS and files on your disks. Fine. Look up that link, install ubuntu on an USB stick persistently.10:16
ubuntuaI mean if you persistently installed, anything you do will left to the disk, for a newbie, a lot of moves are wrong10:16
blackflowubuntua: I can agree with that. the only dual/multi booting that I will ever suggest is one with each OS on its own disk.10:17
blackfloweverything else is fiddling with high risks to break something even to advanced users, as your Windows is lying about how its using "drive letter" and proceeds to erase whole disk, not just the partition the "drive letter" is attached to. :)10:17
cim209you wanna do something so backward and make your life hard? try building a docker image10:18
ubuntuacim209,"backward" you mean?10:20
cim209ubuntua: you ever used docker10:20
blackflowubuntua: one day, when you learn about "docker", you'll understand what a steaming pile of .... it is. that's what cim209 meant.10:21
blackflowand now for something completely different:  let's not confuse new users :)10:21
cim209blackflow: i actually love docker but it's a PITA lol10:21
ubuntuaok. it seems too "advanced" to me:)10:21
blackflowubuntua: don't bother yourself with it. it's usable only in some very specific and advanced settings. if you will ever need it, you'll learn about it.10:22
cim209i am actually connected to this channel using a web client docker image10:22
usualrise1EriC^^: Thanks a lot :)10:22
EriC^^usualrise1: did it work?10:22
usualrise1Yeah it worked10:22
EriC^^ah great, good to hear10:22
EriC^^no problem :)10:22
usualrise1EriC^^: Can you help me with windows too? How can I add windows option in grub10:23
usualrise1Since I am unable to see windows in it10:23
EriC^^usualrise1: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"10:23
ubuntuafor now I just feel "try ubuntu without installation" is a good way to learn , if no security concerns borther me, I would stick to that mode for a while10:23
cim209usualrise1: most modern distros have grub os prober10:23
cim209which should detect your windows partition10:24
EriC^^ubuntua: nothing is saved though10:24
blackflowubuntua: well as time passes, that live env will be less and less secure as you can't apply some fixes.10:24
blackflowubuntua: really..... really... if you want to use Ubuntu off of an USB stick, please take a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent      do yourself a favor.10:25
usualrise1EriC^^: https://termbin.com/iw6d10:26
cim209i recommend etcher but it doesn't have persist mode10:26
blackflowubuntua: but it's not just updates. it is NOT designed for regular use. as a small example, the "root" user on the live env is not protected. anyone and anything can elevate privilege and affect your main disks...10:26
EriC^^usualrise1: windows is installed in legacy mode and ubuntu in uefi mode, you need to either convert ubuntu to use legacy which is easy, or reinstall ubuntu in legacy mode10:27
EriC^^do you want to convert it to legacy?10:27
EriC^^usualrise1: type "sudo nano /etc/fstab"10:28
EriC^^usualrise1: go to the line that says UUID=stuff-here /boot/efi .......  and add at the start of the line a "#" to comment it out, then press ctrl+o to save then ctrl+x to exit10:29
usualrise1It is already commented10:30
ubuntuaI learn some moves, like "sudo touch nologin"  , start ufw and passwd root , do you think these still can't protect root?10:30
blackflowubuntua: the next power loss or reboot for whatever reason (say a bug in GPU while you watch a YouTube vid) will erase everything you did, all updates, all configs, any local files you had.10:32
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
usualrise1EriC^^: It is already commented10:32
EriC^^usualrise1: hmm, type "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"10:33
usualrise1EriC^^: https://termbin.com/totf10:34
EriC^^usualrise1: ok, great, type "sudo apt-get install grub-pc"10:34
EriC^^usualrise1: then type "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 999910:35
EriC^^usualrise1: then type "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999"10:35
usualrise1EriC^^: https://termbin.com/3kb810:35
EriC^^usualrise1: did it say it was already installed?10:36
ubuntuaI suffer couple times  that everything dont anwser(mouse, keyboard..) these days, I have to reboot and lost what i've done10:37
EriC^^usualrise1: please type "ls /sys/firmware/efi" and tell me if it shows dirs or no file found10:37
blackflowubuntua: exactly. make a persistent installation.10:37
ubuntuaand there seems no "ctrl alt del" in ubuntu:)10:38
usualrise1EriC^^: Dirs10:38
anikrashi, can I add an alias in my /etc/hosts without IP. I have only a DNS name. I would like to to an example: mydomain.ask.ct  server10:38
ubuntuaI will blackflow , good suggestion10:38
blackflowanikras: nope.10:39
EriC^^usualrise1: ok, that means you're booted in uefi mode10:39
anikrasok, thanks10:39
blackflowanikras: but... there's the "search" function/option for resolv.conf  so that when you use "mydomain" as host,   and "search ask.ct" is in resolv.conf,   it'll try "mydomain.ask.ct"10:40
EriC^^usualrise1: ok, try now "sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda"10:40
blackflowanikras: you can set that via "Domains" option of /etc/systemd/resolved.conf   if you're using Ubuntu defaults (with systemd-resolved)10:40
anikrasI add an alias in my bashrc alias server='mydomain'10:41
usualrise1EriC^^: Installition finished. no errors reported10:41
blackflowanikras: what _exactly_ do you want to achieve as the end goal?10:42
blackflow!xy | anikras10:42
ubottuanikras: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.10:42
anikrasI have an list of servers with a large names10:43
anikrasI woudl like a list of alias with all the server names, but I don't have IP address10:44
blackflowanikras: is the domain search functionality as explained above sufficient for your situation?10:44
usualrise1EriC^^: Done that.10:44
blackflowanikras: alternatively, why don't have the IPs? are they dynamic? If they're static and won't chnage, it's easy to find them10:45
EriC^^usualrise1: type "sudo update-grub"10:45
EriC^^see if it mentions windows10:45
usualrise1No it didn't mentioned windows10:46
anikrasblackflow,  I have an alias file with all the dns10:46
blackflowanikras: again, are they all on the same domain? is the "domain search" functionality sufficient for your problem?10:47
anikrasblackflow,  yes, it is a sufficient for my problem, thanks10:48
EriC^^usualrise1: oh, try booting now to get into ubuntu without uefi10:59
EriC^^usualrise1: choose in the BIOS csm legacy if that's an option10:59
OnkelTemMy USB microphone doesn't work neither in Google Chrome nor in Firefox. I *must* select it manually in Pavucontrol every damned time! It cannot rememeber that I use it11:05
OnkelTemI use Kubuntu 18.04, and I selected this microphone in the Systehm  Settings11:05
OnkelTemI also selected exactly this microphone in Chrome and Firefox11:05
OnkelTemBtw, this shit didn't work on 17.10 either11:06
OnkelTemSo I've been playing with pavucontrol for the second year11:07
OnkelTemYet I hope it's possible to get sound working on Linux anyway, it is probably that I didn't invest enough time!11:08
usualrise1EriC^^: Ok I will try that11:09
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
silenfgdI'm unable to connect to a WiFi network11:42
lotuspsychje!details | silenfgd11:42
ubottusilenfgd: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.11:42
silenfgdI am actually able to connect but not any new connections. im assuming it's because somehow its not able to save the network files. Im using plasma.11:43
silenfgdWhere are they saved in plasma? I think chowning them would solve the issue.  I tried finding it online but couldn't find thr exact location.I confirmed this (that its able to write the files) by installing another network manager gui and when tried to add or delete a network connection it said you don't have root permissions11:44
randominternetusIs there any way to have the tray bar back in ubuntu 18.04 gnome?11:46
blackflowsilenfgd: any results with this command?   `find ~/ \! -user USERNAME`   replace USERNAME with your actual user11:46
lotuspsychjerandominternetus: the tray bar?11:47
lotuspsychjerandominternetus: you mean you want indicators at right upepr corner?11:47
blackflowsilenfgd: it would list any files in your home dir not owned by you. normally no such files should exist. That's just to find any potential permission issues in your ~/. NM is likely storing config files under /etc/NetworkManager/    but... I'm not sure exactly about Plasma, whether it's the same NM11:49
randominternetuslotuspsychje, yaeh I think11:49
lotuspsychjerandominternetus: the indicators still work on gnome 18.04, depending on wich apps you install, some work, some are broken11:50
blackflowrandominternetus: Ubuntu specifically adds an extension that does that yes   "appindicators" if I'm not mistaken11:50
randominternetuslotuspsychje, hexchat for example.11:50
randominternetusblackflow, can you give me the package name please?11:50
lotuspsychjeyeah hexchat hasnt got an indicator anymore for 18.0411:50
randominternetusWhat can I do?11:51
blackflowrandominternetus: no idea, and it's installed by default. look into "Top Icons" extension as well, I think it's the "generic" systray extension these days11:51
lotuspsychjerandominternetus: some out of my head working: qbittorrent, caffeine,11:51
randominternetusalright. thanks guys.11:51
silenfgdblackflow It's showing none11:51
blackflow!info gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus11:52
lotuspsychjerandominternetus: you can find the appindicators blackflow mentions on gnome-tweak-tool11:52
ubottugnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus (source: gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus): GNOME Shell extension to move system tray icons to top bar. In component universe, is optional. Version 21-3 (bionic), package size 8 kB, installed size 42 kB11:52
silenfgdblackflow I even chowned my home directory kust in case11:52
blackflow!info gnome-shell-extension-appindicator11:53
ubottugnome-shell-extension-appindicator (source: gnome-shell-extension-appindicator): App indicators for GNOME Shell. In component main, is optional. Version 18.04.1 (bionic), package size 19 kB, installed size 100 kB11:53
blackflowsilenfgd: right so that red herring is out of the way.11:53
blackflowrandominternetus: seen the two packages above?11:58
randominternetusblackflow, ah just saw it. thanks.11:59
BluesKajHi folks13:03
=== skr is now known as Guest13939
Exterminadorleftyfb: heads up > that radio bot that I was using that crashed with the 'general protection ip' error, doesn't crash if I use taskset to assign it to just one core.13:36
ExterminadorI'm wondering how that can affect the bot tho13:38
Guest21Hi guys13:39
Guest21I have genereted two list of MD5 files in different directory with the commands:13:40
Guest21find DirectoryA/ -type f -exec md5sum {} + | sort -k 2 > dir1.txt13:40
Guest21find DirectoryB/ -type f -exec md5sum {} + | sort -k 2 > dir2.txt13:40
Guest21then I would like show only difference by only MD5 with the command: diff -u dir1.txt dir2.txt13:41
Guest21but it does not the output that I want13:42
blackflowGuest21: it's not clear what you want. also why don't you use diff on dirs directly?13:43
Guest21for example: in dir1.txt I have  1a2b3c4d5e6f5g... /path1/path2/file1.txt  and in dir2.txt I have same file (MD5) but in different path 1a2b3c4d5e6f5g... /path3/path4/file5.txt13:44
Guest21the output I would like to show is only those files that have different MD5s in both directories13:45
blackflowGuest21: so you want to show files with same NAME, but differing MD5sums in different dirs?13:46
blackflowGuest21: note that with find + md5sum the output is full paths. so same named files would still have different directories and would not sort equally with that -k 213:47
leftyfbExterminador: you still need to contact the author of the bot for support13:47
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Exterminadorleftyfb: I'll do so. just trying to get some insight about how having multiple cores (6 in this case) can raise that error but using taskset solves it13:48
leftyfbExterminador: again, that's not an ubuntu problem. It's a bot problem.13:48
elichai2hey, what's the easiest way to create a keyboard/mouse macro in ubuntu?13:48
leftyfbelichai2: the keyboard settings13:49
Guest21blackflow Given two directories A and B I want to show ONLY those files (through the comparison of MD5) of B that are not present in A13:49
elichai2leftyfb: there's shortcuts to open apps can't see any to write text13:49
Exterminadoralso, I can use taskset in a systemd script, just like in the command line, correct? like ExecStart=taskset -c 0 /home/radio/radiobot (where radiobot is the script that starts the bot)13:49
elichai2(I want it to write `println!("{:?}");` lol)13:50
leftyfbelichai2: then you want a bash alias13:50
blackflowGuest21: you can use diff directly on two directories btw13:51
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elichai2leftyfb: and how will a bash alias do that?13:51
blackflowGuest21: diff -q DirectoryA/ DirectoryB/     for example13:52
geirhaGuest21: awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1];next} !($1 in a) { print "Missing:", $0 }' dir1.txt dir2.txt13:52
blackflowGuest21: otherwise you'll have to strip directories from filenames if you want to diff a list of md5sums for files of the same NAME in different dirs13:52
leftyfbelichai2: what is this for exactly?13:54
elichai2I have the `Logitech Maste MX 2S` mouse and I have a spare button that I want to use to write a print in rust when I program13:55
aniWhen i want to start apache2 i got error?13:55
aniJob for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.13:55
aniPlease give me solution13:56
leftyfbani: did you do what the error message told you?13:56
leftyfbani: and what was the error from journalctl? (use pastebin)13:56
leftyfbelichai2: print in rust?13:57
elichai2yeah lol `println!("{:?}");`13:58
aniI don't understand it13:58
elichai2that's what I want it to write13:58
leftyfbani: I'm not asking you to understand it. You should paste the output to pastebin so we can see it here and help you.13:58
Guest21geirha "Missing:......" is refered to the file dir2 that is not present in dir1?13:58
geirhaGuest21: it lists the files in dir2 that has no md5sum entry in dir113:59
grkblood13For some reason when I type commands in the terminal window theyre now being underlined and Ican no longer tab to autocomplete the command. How do Iget rid of this?14:01
tomreynani: this isnt the command that was given. and you should pipe the ouput into    pastebinit     or    nc termbin.com 999914:01
Guest21geirha Ok works! (y)14:01
Exterminadoris there a way to check if a process/PID is really assigned just to a specific core, after using taskset?14:02
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ani@tomreyn i can't get the error for  journalctl14:05
tomreynani: just run this, paste the url here: journalctl -xe | nc termbin.com 999914:06
traekilielichai2, i think that xclip could help do that but not 100% sure. like if you could map middle mouse to a script that uses it so it moves the print cmd to the clipboard. not sure because i dont know if it would paste14:06
elichai2there's actually another problem. my mouse has 2 whell scrollers. a vertical and horizontal. I tried changing the horizontal to be a vertical too with xinput but I failed14:07
tomreynani: what you do there is to run the command given in the error message ("journalctl -xe", right?) and push its output into termbin.com (a paste bin service for hosting short text snippets, such as logs), using the 'nc' (netcat) utility.14:07
elichai2traekili: leftyfb maybe this one will be easier to fix? haha14:08
Exterminadorcan I add a 'custom' command to a systemd script, to just echo the result of "taskset -p $MAINPID"?14:11
tomreynani: and be sure to highlight (name) those whom you are responding to:14:17
leftyfbani: "Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: No such file"14:17
leftyfbani: what version of ubuntu is this?14:18
leftyfbani: which version of ubuntu is this?14:18
leftyfbani: server or desktop?14:18
leftyfbani: Do you have Ubuntu with a desktop interface installed or is this just ubuntu server with console only?14:19
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ani@leftyfb Ubuntu with desktop interface installed14:21
leftyfbani: why are you trying to install/run apache?14:21
ani<leftyfb> To run database in xamp14:23
leftyfbani: how did you install apache?14:23
anilefttyfb From digitalocean.14:25
leftyfbani: what were the commands you ran to install apache? (please try to answer quickly. It's really painful waiting 2 minutes between answers)14:26
anisee it https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-0414:26
pragmaticenigmaani: Notice anything odd about that title?14:27
anithis command was  rum by me14:27
leftyfbani: Are you running a Digitial Ocean droplet?14:27
pragmaticenigmaani: First, the tutorial is for Ubuntu 16.04... you claimed to be on 18.10... you should match the documentation to the software you are trying to run on14:28
aniThis was runing before updation of the ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.1014:28
pragmaticenigmaani: Second, we don't support Digital Ocean droplets here. You need to use the support channels provided by Digital Ocean for help/14:28
leftyfbani: ok, you REALLY need to give us all your details up front14:28
aniWhat you want from14:29
leftyfbani: it sounds like you upgrade wiped out your configs for apache. If it were me, I would create a new droplet with Ubuntu SERVER 18.04 and reinstall and restore from backups14:29
zeropointpragmaticenigma: Where is it said that DO droplets aren't supported here?14:30
pragmaticenigmazeropoint: This is not a debate channel, discussion available in #ubuntu-discuss if you like14:31
zeropointpragmaticenigma: No. If you're going to tell someone that their particular host renders them unsupportable, you're going to provide where that's stated.14:32
lotuspsychjezeropoint: join #ubuntu-discuss14:32
zeropointpragmaticenigma: Because otherwise, and I believe this is the case, you're full of it.14:32
zeropointlotuspsychje: No.14:32
lotuspsychjezeropoint: this si a support channel14:32
pragmaticenigma!ohmy | zeropoint14:32
ubottuzeropoint: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:32
zeropointI'm asking this -here-. Answer the question.14:32
aniI can't able to restore and reinstall for this version14:32
zeropointlotuspsychje: And you're telling someone that they're unsupportable because of their host.14:33
pragmaticenigma!guidelines | zeropoint, also14:33
ubottuzeropoint, also: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:33
zeropointpragmaticenigma: You can spam those all you want. It's a legitimate question. Provide where that's stated, or be quiet.14:33
leftyfbani: why can't you "restore and reinstall"?14:34
aniHow can i restore and reinstall14:34
pragmaticenigmazeropoint: The host has nothing to do with it. Ubuntu as provided by Digital Ocean is not the same Ubuntu as provided directly from Canonical. Digital Ocean has modified their installations of Ubuntu for their platform. We are not provided with the documentation or necessary information about the changes they have altered. There is your answer. Further discussion will occur in #ubuntu-discuss as that is the proper14:35
pragmaticenigmaforum for this discussion.14:35
leftyfbani: Follow Digital Ocean instructions on creating a new droplet or reinstalling Ubuntu 18.04 onto your exiting one. Then reinstall your applications like you did before and refer to either your previous droplet if you kept it and went with a new one or refer to your backup configs to reconfigure it the way you like/need14:35
zeropointpragmaticenigma: Provide a source, please. Otherwise, be quiet if you're unwilling to help. Especially due to the fact that you're factually wrong.14:36
zeropointpragmaticenigma: And no, I'm not going to take this out of the public eye. I'm going to discuss this right here.14:36
pragmaticenigma!ops | zeropoint ... failing to follow guidelines14:36
ubottuzeropoint ... failing to follow guidelines: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax14:36
leftyfbzeropoint: technically, the very nature of VPS is a shared and custom kernel across all droplets. That right there is a pretty big change.14:37
zeropointleftyfb: That's also factually inaccurate. DO droplets run their own kernels.14:37
leftyfbzeropoint: what I said is not inaccurate. Maybe I was wrong to assume DO droplets were VPS. But I am right about VPS.14:38
zeropointVPS is a product term, not a technical thing.14:38
anileftyfb I tried it but not able to install apache2 or start it14:38
leftyfbani: you tried what exactly?14:38
zeropointleftyfb: So no, you're not. That's my problem. People are telling users that they're unsupported based on invalid data and are unwilling to provide a source for this supposed "policy." That is NOT right.14:39
leftyfbzeropoint: Which web hosting company are you or have you worked for?14:39
pragmaticenigmazeropoint: ENOUGH, #ubuntu-disuss is just as public as this channel and is the appropriate forum for this dicussion.14:39
zeropointpragmaticenigma: No.14:40
zeropointleftyfb: Not a reasonable response. Google "VPS" and see how many KVM responses you get. They all run their own kernels.14:40
Seveasleftyfb: vps literally means "virtual private server", a virtual machine running its own kernel. Which kernel can run on such a vps *may* be limited, but digital ocean vps'es are not limited in that way and behave just like physical servers, except that they're virtual machines.14:41
anithis is https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/install-and-configure-apache#314:42
blackflowXen based VPS used to shared a kernel, that's no longer common setup14:42
blackflowand by "share" I mean image file. they still run their own instance in their VM space14:42
zeropointXen and OpenVZ are shared kernel. KVM, which is most common these days, are not. All are VPS. Anyway, this portion of the discussion IS off-topic. Sorry about that.14:42
Seveasblackflow: that's what I meant with the limitations :) And it's still fairly common (AWS)14:42
blackflowOpenVZ is OS-level virt, it literally is a shared kernel14:43
zeropointAWS moved to KVM a while back.14:43
Seveaszeropoint: oh? Damn. I'm behind on the times14:43
blackflowSeveas: I doubt anyone does it these days, tehy all moved to KVM or are using Xen with pvgrub14:43
leftyfbAgain, I admitted that I was wrong in assuming DO used a shared kernel. Though It looks like I was right about DO using a custom(internal) kernel which is not supported here.  https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/droplets/how-to/kernel/14:44
Seveasblackflow: yeah, people like adding more layers of isolation, and for good reasons :)14:44
Seveasleftyfb: that has nothing to do with apache though14:44
blackflowso what's the problem here, I scrolled up but can't find the orig question14:44
Seveasuser with an apache problem, and people unwilling to support because it's on DO14:44
leftyfbani: what exactly did you try?14:44
leftyfbI've been supporting them this whole time14:45
leftyfbalbeit very slowly14:45
zeropointSeveas: Not just unwilling, but telling them that they're unsupportable in this channel.14:45
marcoagpintoguys?! Has Thunderbird 60.5.1 been released already in the updates?14:46
blackflowwell, DOs per se are not. Ubuntu installations that are not modifed with unsupported software, are not.  DO dropplets aren't in that category afaik14:46
blackflow(they don't modify Ubuntu)14:46
leftyfbblackflow: they do not run a stock kernel14:46
blackflowOVH did and got sued by Canonical. DO would've suffered the same fate if they did.14:46
blackflowleftyfb: the page you linked doesn't state so, though14:47
zeropointleftyfb: 4.15.0-45-generic?14:47
tomreynmarcoagpinto: have you tried to look for and install pending updates uon your (yet) unknown ubuntu version, have you looked at https://packages.ubuntu.com , have you run rmadison?14:47
blackflowit uses a bit weird term "internal" but from what I gather, that's native kernel supplied by the VM14:47
leftyfb"All Droplets created after March 2017 use internal kernels by default"14:47
lotuspsychjewe seen alot of those digitalocean users before with weird kernels here before, def not !mainline14:47
zeropointleftyfb: Internal = distro-provided.14:47
blackflowleftyfb: weird terminology but it means OS native for the VM14:47
Seveasani: your apache install is missing config files. Could you pastebin the output of `find /etc/apache2` please? Proper instructions on how to try to fix your issue will depend in what files remain. Whether you need to reinstall is yet to be determined14:47
leftyfbok, I could be wrong about that then as well. Bad way to word it14:47
blackflowtotally bad14:48
zeropointleftyfb: Agreed there.14:48
Seveaslotuspsychje: a custom kernel does not delete apache config files though :D14:48
marcoagpintotomreyn: 16.04, 18.04 and 18.10. But they are VMs in the computer that is in the closet14:48
Seveas(well, it could, but I'd expect DO's kernel not to)14:48
zeropointThis is why I was actively challenging the assertion that DO automatically makes you unsupportable. And rather than anyone listening, they want to shuffle people off to a different channel. Absolutely unacceptable.14:49
tomreynmarcoagpinto: so <ou did check whether it's available already?14:49
Seveaszeropoint: agreed, that's why I spoke up too. But let's calm down a bit again and focus on supporting the user :)14:49
marcoagpintotomreyn: :( I am a lazy arse14:49
zeropointSeveas: I'm next to clueless about Apache, so I'll let someone with expertise in that area continue.14:49
Seveas!info thunderbird14:50
leftyfbSeveas: ani is running Ubuntu 18.10 desktop on a droplet upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 with incompatibilities with 18.04+ apache configs. At this point, it will be a LOT easier and quicker and more productive to install Ubuntu 18.04 server and reconfigure. 18.10 will be unsupported in 5 months. Probably not the best thing to be running on a hosted server.14:50
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:60.4.0+build2-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 42505 kB, installed size 167225 kB14:50
tomreynmarcoagpinto: be less lazy then14:50
blackflowthough technically #ubuntu-server IS a better place for apache problems14:50
blackflow(so shuffling users to other chans ain't that bad idea in this case)14:50
lotuspsychjeblackflow: he's on a lenovo desktop...non-lts14:50
marcoagpintobut take the laptop out of the closet and do all the tasks gives too much effort, just to check the Thunderbird version14:50
zeropointOh, I thought that was for internal discussions about the server release.14:50
Seveasleftyfb: could be. The reason I asked for configs is to make sure we keep what's needed before suggesting a reinstall. I don't generally trust people to have made backups beforehand :)14:51
blackflownah. and laptops can be servers too. "server" is not just a rack mounted thing. it's any machien that fulfills a "server" role. running apache does that14:51
leftyfbSeveas: It doesn't sound like they have backups. And they are missing their /etc/apache2/apache.conf, that's the current issue.14:51
Seveasleftyfb: and if that's the only missing file, a reinstall with force-confmiss may fix it. But if there's more missing, we'll have to go more radical14:52
leftyfbblackflow: running the desktop version on a remote instance to host a "xampp" is probably not the best use of resources and probably chosen out of inexperience(assumption)14:52
blackflowprobably not, but it's not wrong per se14:53
leftyfb$wrong ;)14:53
marcoagpintotomreyn: "thunderbird (1:60.4.0+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [amd64, i386], 1:38.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x]) [security]14:54
marcoagpinto    Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter"14:54
marcoagpintoit is still the old version14:54
anii have some missing file /etc/apache2/apache.conf14:55
leftyfbmarcoagpinto: is there a specific feature you need in 60.5 that isn't available in 60.4?14:55
leftyfbani: Do you have a backup of your previous config?14:55
marcoagpintoyes, my add-on, the British speller is a WebExtension14:55
marcoagpintoit requires 60.5+14:55
Seveasani: could you pastebin the output of `find /etc/apache2` please? Proper instructions on how to try to fix your issue will depend in what files remain. Whether you need to reinstall is yet to be determined14:56
leftyfbani: ok, step #1 would be to make a backup of all your configs in /etc/apache2. Then we can continue troubleshooting.14:57
Seveasani: while you're at it, pastebin the output of `dpkg -l` too, to see if there's packages in a bad state14:57
blackflowoopsie daisie14:58
leftyfbno configs14:58
Seveasok, so absolutely no apache config files remaining, that's... really broken :)14:58
leftyfbani: it will be 100% quicker to just reinstall Ubuntu 18.04 server (do you really need desktop) and reconfigure14:58
Seveashopefully not too many broken packages, eagerly awaiting the dpkg output14:59
leftyfbani: I would take backups of anything left that you want to keep (database?)14:59
Seveasleftyfb: that depends on how much data there is on that server that should be kept14:59
leftyfbani: Can you explain why it takes so long for you to respond?15:01
blackflowwait, why suggest whole OS reinstall, when apparently reinstalling apache would suffice? did something else happen?   I read the backlog but I'm totally confused now. is this a laptop or a digital ocean droplet? is it LAMP or XAMP (OSX...)?15:01
ani_How to i configer ubuntu 18.04 version15:02
ani_of server15:03
tomreynmarcoagpinto: do there are new features in 60.5.1 which your extension depends on?15:03
blackflowani_: that question is as broad as asking "how do I drive a car"15:03
Seveasani_: by answering the questions we ask. Your system is in a bad state, and we'll need to figure out how to fix it.15:03
blackflowani_: you'll have to be more specific in what you want to achieve.15:03
marcoagpintotomreyn: it is a WebExtension15:03
marcoagpintono longer a legacy add-on15:03
tomreynmarcoagpinto: and web extension support is introduced in exactly this thunderbird version?15:04
marcoagpintoit should be at 60.0 ESR but Mozilla screwed up15:04
tomreynmarcoagpinto: i see. strange version number for such a substantial change. have you tried the snap?15:04
marcoagpintothey swapped the hunspell filenames15:04
tomreyni see15:05
leftyfbtomreyn: the snap is 60.315:05
marcoagpintothen they took one or two months to release 60.515:05
tomreynleftyfb: oh hadnt checked yet15:05
tomreynmarcoagpinto: so i guess oyu'll need to try the upstream builds to test the extension you are developing15:05
OerHeksor use https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/all/ ..?15:06
tomreynthose are the upstream builds ;)15:06
marcoagpintotomreyn: I am a Windows user... I am just concerned about the people who send me e-mail "it doesn't work blah blah"15:06
OerHeksoh oke, i was thinking about debian15:06
tomreynOerHeks: i see, no i think ubuntu's thunderbird comes directly from mozilla.15:07
ani_but i con't  get through that15:07
tomreynmarcoagpinto: i guess there's no way around it for now.15:07
petroubuntu is full of bugs15:07
petrohere's one:15:07
petroapparently, this is the same bug from 2016 lol15:08
Seveaspetro: all software is made of bugs, it's a key ingredient :)15:08
tomreynpetro: to discuss, please /join #ubuntu-discuss.15:08
BluesKajSeveas, they're also called "features"15:08
SeveasBluesKaj: that15:09
SeveasBluesKaj: that's just a fancy word for a documented bug :D15:09
marcoagpinto — 60.5+ ESR (29-JAN-2019)15:09
marcoagpinto — 65+ "15:09
tomreyn!paste | marcoagpinto15:10
ubottumarcoagpinto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:10
marcoagpintoit does work with 6515:10
tomreynwe dont have 65, though15:10
marcoagpintobecause 65 is beta15:11
Seveasmarcoagpinto: looks like the only way to get thunderbird at that version on Ubuntu is to use binaries provided by mozilla or building from source. I'd expect proper updates in repositories to follow in a bit, so keep an eye out :)15:11
marcoagpintoonly evey 8 versions there is an ESR15:11
marcoagpintoso, the real new ESR will be 6815:11
Seveas!info tunderbird disco15:11
ubottuPackage tunderbird does not exist in disco15:11
Seveas!info thunderbird disco15:11
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:60.4.0+build2-0ubuntu1 (disco), package size 42163 kB, installed size 166560 kB15:11
Seveaseven disco (ubuntu dev version) isn't at 60.5 yet15:12
tomreynmarcoagpinto: ubuntu users can choose between https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=thunderbird&exact=1 and https://snapcraft.io/thunderbird - there may be PPAs which provide newer versions, and there are the mozilla builds, but neither are supported here or by canonoical.15:12
OerHeksbeta = 66.x15:12
hans_is there some way to install CodeBlocks 17.12 on 18.04 ? (Ubuntu official repos haven't updated since CodeBlocks 16.04)15:15
leftyfb!info codeblocks15:16
ubottucodeblocks (source: codeblocks): Code::Blocks integrated development environment (IDE). In component universe, is optional. Version 16.01+dfsg-2.1 (bionic), package size 1929 kB, installed size 6876 kB15:16
leftyfbhans_: It doesn't look like it15:16
tomreynhans_: maybe from a ppa15:17
Seveashans_: there seems to be a third party repo at https://apt.jenslody.de/ - use at your own risk :)15:17
lotuspsychjeani_: can you pastebin: uname -a && lsb_release -a && apt-cache policy apache215:17
hans_Seveas, i tried that, get "Depends: libhunspell-1.4-0 but it is not installable"15:17
hans_ani_, you having a problem with httpd? can you repeat?15:18
Seveasnot entirely surprising to find such issues. Try grabbing the sources from that repo and recompiling (apt-get source, apt-get build-dep and dpkg-buildpackage are your friends here) to link against the right versions of libraries for Ubuntu15:19
riffohei guys15:20
tomreynmarcoagpinto: these are unsupported, may not provide a clean upgrade path (data loss is possible); https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=bionic15:24
Seveashans_: sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot cdbs libboost-system-dev devscripts; dget -u https://apt.jenslody.de/testing/pool/release/codeblocks_17.12.dsc; cd codeblocks-17.12; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot15:25
Seveastomreyn: nice find!15:26
hans_Seveas, hmm i'll give it a go, thanks!15:26
Seveashans_: do make sure you have at least a vague understanding of what those commands do before executing them please :)15:26
blackflowwasn't there an apt command to install all build deps for a package?15:26
hans_don't know what dget does but i can guess15:27
Seveasoh, I missed that one. hans_ do this one before the buildpackage: sudo apt-get build-dep codeblocks15:27
blackflowapt-get build-dep   .... I wonder if it works with dsc files15:27
hans_if not, it'll get what's required for the 16.04 version, which with a bit of luck, shouldn't be all that differet15:27
Seveasthe other things with apt-get install are deps missing in the ubuntu version of the package, and other build tools assumed to be installed or used by the other commands15:27
Seveashans_: only cdbs and libboost-system-dev were missing :)15:28
tomreynhans_: this is unsupported: https://launchpad.net/~alyshmahell/+archive/ubuntu/codeblocks15:33
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Seveasseems to be only for xenial and bionic15:40
Seveasheh, and they seem to be rebuilds of Jens' packages as well. Looks like they'll work then :D15:40
Seveashans_: I've just built those packages and they seem to work just fine. codeblocks starts and I can write code with it :)15:55
bsdpartitionhello, does anyone know how to mount openbsd (6.4) partitions on ubuntu?15:56
bsdpartitiona simple mount either does not display the files, or comes with an error15:56
hans_Seveas, meanwhile i'm running on a laptop running on battery, meaning the cpu runs much slower to lower power consumption, and.. https://i.imgur.com/9IsbHMm.png15:57
Seveasbsdpartition: depends on the filesystem on the partition.15:57
hans_and it's running in a VM wich has performance overhead, and it only has 2 cores and only 1 GB ram and.. stuff15:57
bsdpartitionalright, how do i get the partition type on them?15:58
hans_bsdpartition, iirc echo "print all" | parted /dev/sda    ?15:58
Seveashans_: yeah, building large c++ projects requires patience. Build time for me (slow laptop, but not vm, and I'm on ac power) was from a minute before I gave you the dpkg-buildpackage commands to half a minute before I sent the message that it works :)15:58
bsdpartitioni will try15:58
blackflowbsdpartition: you mean filesystem.... it's probably UFS and you're out of luck. there's some _readonly_ support but it's.... not good.15:58
bsdpartitionread only would be more than enough15:59
=== Simon_NL is now known as SimonNL
bsdpartitionlol parted only list a single partition and sees its filesystem as 'sun-ufs'16:00
hans_did you write /dev/sda or did you write /dev/sda1   ?16:00
bsdpartitioni did /dev/sda16:00
Seveasbsdpartition: https://askubuntu.com/questions/85154/mount-ufs-filesystem16:00
hans_bsdpartition, after running `modprobe ufs`, you probably need to run `sudo partprobe /dev/sda` too16:01
bsdpartitioni did try that answer16:01
Seveaswhat was the result?16:01
blackflowI'm not sure type=ufs2 is valid for openbsd, I think it was something else, can't remember now16:01
bsdpartitioni will try again with ufstype=ufs instead16:02
blackflowbsdpartition: if all fails, fire up an openbsd VM  and mount the disk there natively. then access through the VM via whatever protocol you want.16:02
bsdpartitionresult: incorrect filesystem16:02
bsdpartitionlets see if partprobe does16:03
blackflowbsdpartition: try ufstype=44bsd   or any ohter listed in the manpage16:03
bsdpartitiontrying 44bsd16:04
bsdpartitionoh man16:04
bsdpartition44bsd did it16:04
bsdpartitionthank you so much blackflow16:04
bsdpartitionand Seveas and hans_16:04
Marzanyone know of a good ssh app that can save commands?16:04
Seveasbsdpartition: you're welcome! Enjoy your ufs :)16:05
SeveasMarz: what do you mean with 'save commands'? With ssh you (usually) start a remote shell, and that shell's history can be saved as normal.16:05
blackflowMarz: aside from Seveas said, run `script` and it'll start a new shell and record all of input/ouput to a file you designated.16:08
blackflowas history only records issued commands, `script` records all stdin+stdout+stderr16:08
hans_Seveas, hmm https://i.imgur.com/Zx8do89.png16:11
Seveashans_: that's expected. The .deb files are now available in ~/cb/16:11
Seveasit's trying to sign the .dsc file as Jens, but you're not Jens and don't have his keys :D16:12
hans_so now i need to coerce Jens into handing over his private keys?16:13
Seveashehe :D No, you just need to sudo dpkg -i codeblocks_17.12_amd64.deb codeblocks-common_17.12_all.deb codeblocks-libwxcontrib0_17.12_amd64.deb libcodeblocks0_17.12_amd64.deb16:13
Seveasit may complain about wanting xterm. sudo apt-get install xterm solves that.16:14
hans_Seveas, huh, that actually worked! thanks  (used `apt install` over `dpkg -i`  but still)16:16
Seveashans_: you're welcome!16:25
=== Arrrstin is now known as Austemagne
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DeihmosHow do you know if the snap app is from the developer or a 3rd party?16:49
dannyjazz_this s the error I get, how can I fix it? E: Package 'gksu' has no installation candidate16:51
ioriadannyjazz_, if you are on 18.04, it's normal16:52
=== Austemagne is now known as agustusthegreat
dodeHi, would it be possible to force the ubuntu installer to load wl instead of b43?16:52
dannyjazz_is there a fix to that ?16:53
tomreyndannyjazz_: what did you use it for?16:54
dannyjazz_trying to install samba from apps not loading16:54
tomreyn!releasenotes | dannyjazz_ - read the 18.04 release notes, which should discuss it16:54
ubottudannyjazz_ - read the 18.04 release notes, which should discuss it: For release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases16:54
ioriadannyjazz_, you use pkexec , gedit admin:///path/to/file.txt ,or install nautilus-admin16:54
Deihmosare snap packages recommended? i always hear bad things about them16:54
tomreynDeihmos: you choose16:55
Deihmosdo you install apps from snap?16:55
ioriadannyjazz_, sorry, i don't see the relation with samba16:55
tomreyndannyjazz_: use sudo in a temrinal, or use pkexec16:55
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tomreynDeihmos: no polls on this (very) channel, please, we just do support here.16:56
tomreyn!discuss | Deihmos16:57
ubottuDeihmos: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:57
curlyearswhere in setup may IJ alter the size and shape of the cursor, under ubuntu?16:59
heap_Your system does not have a connection to the Snap Store. For the17:00
heap_best upgrade experience make sure that your system can connect to17:00
heap_any idea how can i make that connection available? thank you17:00
tomreynheap_: configure your network firewalls to allow the connection to be established and use resolvers which allowf or the hostnames to be resolved properly.17:03
heap_there are no fws17:03
tomreynheap_: yet this message would only be printed when a connection to api.snapcraft.io could not be established. maybe your network is just flakey?17:04
heap_what is flakey network?17:04
heap_host api.snapcraft.io17:04
heap_api.snapcraft.io has address
heap_it can resolv hostname17:04
heap_without issue17:04
=== Austemagne is now known as Arrrrstin
heap_snap install hello-world17:06
heap_error: cannot install "hello-world": Post https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh: dial tcp: lookup17:06
heap_connection refused17:06
tomreynsee, fails on your end17:06
heap_my end is OK17:06
tomreynif you search the web on it, this is clearly an error message from your local resolver.17:08
heap_       dial tcp: lookup api.snapcraft.io on [::1]:53: read udp17:08
heap_       [::1]:54897->[::1]:53: read: connection refused17:08
heap_but my local connection works fine17:08
tomreynis this a docker guest?17:09
tomreynis this ubuntu desktop, server or core?17:10
heap_ubuntu server :)17:10
tomreynheap_: can you post the output of: lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline; ls -l /etc/resolv.conf17:11
tomreyn!pastebinit | heap_17:11
ubottuheap_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit17:11
dodeok i've answered my own question, the ubuntu installer doesn't appear to include wl so TIL i DO have another ethernet cable17:13
heap_Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS17:13
heap_Linux version 4.4.0-142-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-033) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) ) #168-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 16 21:00:45 UTC 201917:13
heap_console=ttyS0 BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-142-generic root=UUID=b23ac74b-b0ef-46ca-8216-20bdafe84e38 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=717:13
heap_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 kv▒tc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf17:14
tomreynheap_: also, are you working from inside a snap, have you used "snap login" as discussed here? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-failing-on-dell-edge-3001/8850/817:15
tomreynbtw. please use a pastebin in the future17:15
heap_no im just root ; using console17:16
tomreynheap_: please run this and report output, including warnings and errors: sudo systemctl restart snapd.servcice;  snap refresh17:20
heap_Failed to restart snapd.servcice.service: Unit snapd.servcice.service not found.17:20
tomreynheap_: sorry, i had a typo there: sudo systemctl restart snapd.service && snap refresh17:23
heap_All snaps up to date.17:23
tomreynthere was no other line of output?17:24
heap_All snaps up to date.17:24
tomreyngood luck!17:25
ioriaheap_, it's a proxy thing, i guess17:27
blackflowheap_: you should really learn not to copypaste commands without understanding them. one day you'll get trolled and lose all your data.17:29
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frederic_Hello, I would like to know the difference between "sr" and "scd" about devices17:34
leftyfbfrederic_: http://linuxdocs.org/HOWTOs/SCSI-2.4-HOWTO/sr.html   # first result when searching google for "sr vs scd"17:35
frederic_"Google your friend" community ; interesting...17:39
frederic_And Linux users are wondering why minority of people are interesting about Linux17:40
frederic_You have your answer : when you don't know something, instead of answering "I don't know", you say "ask Googl".17:41
frederic_It seems that you don't know a lot of things about Linux17:42
frederic_It easiest to find serious people on YouTube than answering you17:42
frederic_asking, not answering17:42
nnrdIs there anyone out there that is capable to tell me what kind of certifications that is "standard" in mozilla firefox from scratch?17:43
leftyfbnnrd: huh?17:45
leftyfbfrederic_: you're welcome17:46
mDonchev_Hello all.17:48
lotuspsychjewelcome mDonchev_17:48
mDonchev_For some reason my Ubuntu 18.04 freezes when I have Chrome (or Firefox) and the memory usage reaches above 98%.17:48
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: how much ram do you have?17:49
mDonchev_The mouse is barely moving ... what could it be? It happens very often ... how can I prevent that from happening17:49
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: thats a bit low for gnome im affraid and for modern browsing17:49
blackflowthat's very much too low17:49
mDonchev_i prefer scratching on the HDD than just freezing17:50
blackflowsounds like a swapstorm is hogging the system down17:50
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: have you considered a lubuntu/xubuntu ?17:50
lotuspsychje!flavors | mDonchev_ have a look17:50
ubottumDonchev_ have a look: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours17:50
mDonchev_how is that different than the normal ubuntu?17:50
traekililess resources used17:50
traekiliusing it now17:51
mDonchev_I guess I can install Budgie or any other window manager ... right?17:52
Devarshiwhen i hit command 'vagrant' or 'vagrant-up' ; I get this error : 'Invalid gemspec in [/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/specifications/rbnacl-libsodium.gemspec]: stack level too deep'17:52
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: from your existing ubuntu you can test other desktops, but we reccomend if you like one, to clean install the flavor17:53
mDonchev_Can I just setup someting on my ubuntu just to stop freezing even if it writes constantly to the hdd?17:53
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: if you dont mind testing, you could install lubuntu-desktop for example17:53
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: but in your case, i would go fresh lubuntu 18.04 and perhaps minimal too17:54
VuurDraakhi everybody, i started Ubuntu and out of the blue without installing new stuff, I get a black screen in the GUI, i initialy found an error concerning systemd and i --reinstall 'ed it as some files where missing, i purged the nvidia driver reinstalled it, reinstalled xserver-xorg & unity-control-center & gnome-control-center, cp back a previous working xorg.conf, but nothing seems to work and i can not realy see any erros in Xorg.0.log, anybody got17:54
VuurDraakany idea what other stuff X11 is depending on that i could try to reinstall ?17:54
leftyfbVuurDraak: what version of ubuntu did you install?17:55
VuurDraak14.04 LTS17:56
mDonchev_lotuspsychje, what is minima?17:56
nnrdleftyfb I dont understand whats weird with my question? I have a lot of wierd certificates direct after my installation17:56
mDonchev_can I just setup more virtual memory here on my current installation17:56
mDonchev_I have it setup so well I dont want to do that again17:56
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: 18.04 and higher has now a minimal option during setup, saving spaces, so you can chosoe yourself what to install and whatnot17:57
blackflownnrd: well your question makes no sense. it's not clear what you're asking about.17:57
leftyfbnnrd: what sort of "weird" certificates? Do you have examples?17:57
blackflow"certifications standard in mozilla firefox from scratch" -- what does that mean?17:57
lotuspsychjemDonchev_: as desktop environment, you need something very lightweight on 2g ram, whatever you choose17:58
leftyfbmDonchev_: you are limited by hardware. There is no workaround to get modern UI's to perform well on inadequate hardware resources. Either use a less resource intensive UI like lxde or xfce like suggestion or get new hardware17:58
zeropointnnrd: Give an example, please?17:58
leftyfbblackflow: the default CA's installed with firefox17:58
blackflowbtw firefox has no CAs on its own if thats what you're asking. there's ca-certificates package that from the mozilla project and it provides all the mozilla trusted CAs17:58
blackflowleftyfb: ca-certificates ones? the CAs?17:58
leftyfbI  assume that is what they are referring to. I'd like to hear of examples from them.17:59
=== Euph0ria is now known as EuphOria
VuurDraakif i do a 'do-release-upgrade' will ubuntu notice broken stuff and attempt to repair it ? as i need to upgrade to 18.04 anyway, or will anything broken now stay broken ?18:03
leftyfbVuurDraak: it will more likely not end well18:04
VuurDraakas i have no idea what is broken atm18:04
lotuspsychjeVuurDraak: we strongly advice before upgrading, to fix broken things18:04
VuurDraaki cant see anything that is wrong, maybe others see it: https://pastebin.com/XtzSu1Me18:06
VuurDraakits the Xorg.0.log18:06
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lotuspsychjeVuurDraak: the important part for upgrading is having a clean apt, without errors18:11
lotuspsychjeVuurDraak: pastebin us: uname -a && lsb_release -a && sudo lshw -C video please?18:15
VuurDraaki cant im in windows atm18:15
lotuspsychjeVuurDraak: cant enter ubuntu anymore?18:16
ioriaVuurDraak, what's the problem exactly ?18:16
VuurDraaki have to boot for that and im currently downloading the 18.04 iso18:16
VuurDraaki can get in the cli18:16
VuurDraakjust the gui stays black18:16
lotuspsychjeVuurDraak: you consider a 18.04 fresh install then?18:17
ioriaVuurDraak, and you cannot login in the GUI ?18:17
VuurDraakbut im atm using ubuntu 14.04 lts 64bit18:17
VuurDraakwith nvidia geforce 1060 gtx with 415 driver18:17
VuurDraakthe gui only stays black so i can nopt do anything from the gui18:17
ioriaVuurDraak, logged in tty atm ?18:18
VuurDraaki reinstalled systemd, xserver-xorg, unity-control-center, gnome-control-center & nvidia-415 packages but nothing helps18:18
VuurDraakno im in windows18:19
ioriathere is no systemd on trusty18:19
VuurDraakthere is18:19
VuurDraaki noticed a missing file in the error log18:19
blackflowthere is but it's not installed by default18:19
blackflowthat btw is very too old systemd. a festival of bugs too.18:19
ioriaVuurDraak, well, if you want to do something,you need to boot the linux box18:20
VuurDraakwell the error lofg was complaining it could not find systemctl since that is part of systemd i installed it after searching online18:20
blackflowideally you shouldn't be using systemd in trusty. upgrade to a newer ubuntu where systemd is default and well integrated.18:20
VuurDraakmaybe but i could not find any other thing that pointed to a problem18:20
ioriaVuurDraak, you probably broke your system18:21
VuurDraakits also weird as previously the OS runned just fine, i started it again later and poof, no more gui18:21
VuurDraakso it broke without me doing anything18:21
ioriaVuurDraak, again, if you want to do something,you need to boot the linux box18:22
VuurDraaki guesse something random is corrupted by i have no clue what18:22
blackflowwait, is this WSL?18:22
VuurDraaki can not chat and be in linux atm18:22
ioriaVuurDraak, yes, you can18:22
VuurDraakim first going to make an 18.04 boot usb stick18:22
ioriaVuurDraak,  yo uopen another tty, install weechat (or another text chat app)18:23
VuurDraakwhat cli irc client is there to install :) ?18:23
ioriaor irssi18:24
blackflowirssi ftw18:25
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VuurDraakk thanks18:27
bwailerhello.  A friend and I are using a server at my house but we can not get him to be able to connect from his house18:28
xamithancheck the firewall18:29
bwailerFirewall on server or computer?18:30
bwailerthere is no firewall set up on the server18:30
tomreynbwailera network firewall rather. you may need to setup port forwarding on your router18:31
bwailerI have set up port forwarding on the router.  We have all the credentials.  He is using Putty to try to get in but hostname/ip address is what is holding us up18:32
zeropointIs it connecting at all?18:33
xamithan"holding us up"  Can he telnet to the port18:34
bwailerI honestly do not have the answer to that question.18:34
tomreynbwailer: this returns your (your routers') WAN / public / external / internet ip address (which may change over time) https://ipv4.myip.info/18:34
blackflowthere could also be ISPs firewalls in effect18:35
xamithanPossibly,  kind of rare depending on port18:35
johnnyfiveHowdy! I'm trying to recreate a flat-file repository using an absolute Suite Component entry in my sources.list, however in Bionic i've started to receive the "W: Conflicting distribution:" error due to bionic now trying to match the release to the codename in the Release file18:35
VuurDraakusing a weird port should not get blocked by an isp18:35
zeropointSome ISPs block well-known ports.18:36
zeropointA former ISP of mine blocked 80/tcp inbound.18:36
JimBuntuzeropoint, yup, some block most anything < 102418:36
blackflowmy ISP blocks all incoming SYN packets. I chose that, btw.18:36
johnnyfiveis there a way around this? Or what's the canonical way to create a flat file repository for Bionic? I've determined I can get around the error by changing the "Codename" to "main/" in my Release file, but i'm not 100% sure of the affects of that18:36
VuurDraakyeh use a port 1024+18:36
zeropointJimBuntu: I've never encountered one THAT bad, but I'm sure there are.18:36
maxLeet`hi all, updated my system yesterday and now im having resolv issues. seems like ipv6 is set to default but netplan isn't working. I manually set my resolv.conf but every network command gives me an connection time out error.18:36
bwailerwhen I try not on my network I get "Server unexpectedly closed network connection"18:37
tomreynjohnnyfive: can you show the config you have there?18:38
johnnyfivewhich config do you want to look at? apt.conf used for apt-ftparchive, or the Release file, or the sources.list?18:38
tomreynbwailer: which service is it you're trying to make accessible. or which protocol is spoken there?18:38
johnnyfivetomreyn, or all of the above18:39
kinghatto install a new theme on ubuntu you have to use gnome tweaks tool?18:39
zeropointbwailer: Are you forwarding the correct port to the correct internal address? There are a ton of things this could be.18:39
kinghatthere isnt a native UI for switching themes?18:39
tomreynjohnnyfive: hmm, actually i'm not familiar with apt-ftparchive. could you ask in #ubuntu-server instead ?18:39
johnnyfivetomreyn, yea, didn't know that existed. Thanks18:40
bwailertomreyn, I am trying to give him full access as we are trying to work together. And honestly I am confused with the protocal.18:40
JimBuntubwailer, as in SSH ?18:41
VuurDraakkinghat: cant you switch themes from the standard options thingy ? Where you can also tweak the screen saver etc ?18:41
tomreynbwailerfull access meaning ssh access and root access?18:41
tomreynbwailer: full access meaning ssh access and root access?18:41
bwailerzeropoint. I am forwarding on port 80.  when he tries to sign in with the public ip it still does not work18:41
zeropointbwailer: That isn't SSH...18:41
bwailerI can ssh from my home network but not out of my home network18:42
zeropointSSH defaults to port 22.18:42
JimBuntubwailer, Note: Port 80 is the MOST common port to be blocked by ISPs.18:42
zeropointAlso that.18:42
bwailerI can SSh into it from my home network18:42
blackflowand port 25. they hate it.18:42
xamithanWhy you sshing to the http port?  so strange18:42
kinghatVuurDraak: i dont usually use ubuntu proper, but ubuntu/kde. i dont know what you are talking about.18:43
xamithanProbably need to change it if you want it to work outside network18:43
zeropointbwailer: Your client is using port 22 by default. If you've forwarded the wrong port, then it won't work.18:43
bwailerJimBuntu you think I should change port?  What advice on a port do you have18:43
zeropointPort 22 is the default and well-known SSH port.18:44
bwailerzeropointwe have tried port 22 as well as 8-18:44
zeropointYou've forwarded 80. Port 22 won't do anything from outside.18:44
zeropointUntil you forward it correctly.18:44
VuurDraakkinghat: i got it in my side bar so idk how to search for it in the dash maybe 'option' ? but I can open 'options' for ubuntu, where all kind of stuff is located, for network, keyboard screensaver etc , i thought one of the options you could alter the them, but not sure as im not in ubuntu atm18:44
JimBuntubwailer, I would suggest using a port above 1024. They are simply less common to be blocked.18:44
blackflow(and attacked by bots)18:44
bwailerJimBuntu.  I will give it a try18:44
tomreynbwailer: can you confirm that you are trying to have your friend ssh into the server? because i dont think you did, yet.18:44
zeropoint(the security risk of which is next to zero)18:45
JimBuntublackflow, yes , very much so!18:45
bwailertomreyn, yes we have been working on trying to get him in for days18:45
zeropointTry forwarding port 2222 or something to port 22 internally. And he has to specify the port on the client side.18:46
tomreynbwailer: maybe we talked about this yesterday. i was talking to someone and it took a while to find out who is trying to connect wher actually, and it turned out the server is actually a VM or VPS or dedicated server (don't remember) hosted with some company in a data center, directly connected to the internet. and not a home server at the persons' home, within their LAN. but i'm not sure this was you, or whethet his is really correct.18:47
lotuspsychjeyeah bwailer was here yesterday too18:48
bwailerI doubt it was me.18:48
VuurDraaki created a 18.04 boot usb, i will first boot back to ubuntu 14.04 cli and install/start irssi brb o/18:48
xamithanMaybe ask for screenshots in those circumstances.  a ss -tulpn | grep sshd even18:48
tomreynbwailer: okay, cool.18:48
bwailerI was here but I found no answers to get to where we want to be18:48
tomreynbwailer: but you got a way forward now, right?18:49
bwailerTomreyn, I changed my port and still can not connect from a different networl18:50
tomreynbwailer: where did you "change [your] port"?18:51
JimBuntubwailer, /var/log/auth.log  Does it show connect attempts? What about a tcpdump of the port in question? Router logs?  Need to figure out where it's failing.18:51
* JimBuntu will leave it to tomreyn - You are in great hands bwailer 18:52
bwailertomrey,  I changed it on my router18:52
tomreynbwailer: so, first of all, just to be sure, the server your friend is trying to access is in your home, right?18:52
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bwailerJimBuntu I will try that18:52
VuurDraakhellu :)18:52
bwailertomreyn, yes it is.  It is in my bedroom18:53
tomreynbwailer: ok. when you changed the port in your router, you may have been able to specify both an inbound (WAN / Internet) and an internal (LAN / your home network) port. did you have this option? if so, did you set the same or different ports there?18:54
xamithanAre you sure you aren't double NAT'd ?  Like you got a cable modem that does wifi18:54
xamithanThen another router18:54
bwailerTomreyn, yes I changed both to the same thing18:55
VuurDraakis it posible to copy a text file to a past bin thingy from the CLI inside ubuntu :') ?18:55
lotuspsychje!pastebinit | VuurDraak18:55
ubottuVuurDraak: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit18:55
tomreynbwailer: okay can you say which port this is, or do you prefer not to (either is fine)18:55
blackflowVuurDraak: cat <that file> | nc termbin.com 999918:55
bwailerTomreyn it is at 112518:56
n3tbursthello, i borked up my install and now i cannot boot into live usb anymore18:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1798171 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "System fails to boot with \EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi - Not Found" [Undecided,Fix released]18:56
tomreynbwailer: okay, so you have internet originated traffic to your WAN / router port 1125 forwarded to your server in your LAN, on the same port, so 1125 there, too. now you'd need to make sure that something actually listens on this port, too.18:57
n3tbursti tried to copy /EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi to /EFI/BOOT/mmx64.efi but no luck18:57
hans_after installing mysql-server then deleting it then installing mariadb-server then deleting it, then trying to install mysql-server again, this happens when i do: apt remove --purge mysql-server.* mariadb-server.* ; apt install mysql-server18:57
hans_; gives me this http://paste.debian.net/plain/106876818:57
hans_installing & uninstalling mariadb-server seems to have broken  the installation script for mysql-server18:57
hans_any idea how to fix it?18:57
tomreynbwailer: you probably want to make the ssh server listen there, did you do this, yet? if not, yet, this gives us an oppportunity to test.18:58
bwailerTomreyn, I do need to make sure someone is listening to this port18:58
tomreynbwailer: can you run this on your server? nc -vv -l -p 112518:59
hans_(just so we're clear, the installation for mysql-server worked fine until i installed & uninstalled mariadb-server )18:59
VuurDraaki was asked to do a uname lsb_release etc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/fqCGb3dCz818:59
tomreynbwailer: this is a small proigram which just opens this port and listens for incoming connections, reporting who is connecting and what they transfer.18:59
lotuspsychjeVuurDraak: wrong link19:00
hans_tomreyn, so.. nc -vvvvv -l 9999   ? :p19:00
tomreynhans_: similar ;)19:00
bwailer-it says command not found19:01
VuurDraakthere needs to be an extra / behind the link19:01
tomreynbwailer: hmm, what does "which nc" return?19:01
bwailerthe server says -vv command not found19:01
hans_VuurDraak, think your link got corrupted.  > The Paste you are looking for does not currently exist.19:02
VuurDraakow i misseed a /p/19:02
tomreynbwailer: you seem to have missed "nc"19:02
tomreynbwailer: here's the command i suggested to run again:     nc -vv -l -p 112519:03
hans_bwailer, what about `type nc` ?19:03
VuurDraakthats what u get when u need to retype stuff manulay :')19:03
bwailersorry I will try again19:03
tomreynbwailer: seem to work19:04
VuurDraakmy problem is that i get a black screen/GUI and i can not see what is wrong in the log files19:04
tomreynbwailer: so we have successfully tested connectivity from the internet to your server19:05
bwailerTomreyn, how can i get that so my friend can get onto my server19:05
bwaileryou are helping so much thank you19:05
tomreynbwailer: now you need to make sure that your ssh server listens on this port, so that your friend can get a shell19:05
tomreynbwailer: do you have a preferred in-terminal (non GUI) text editor?19:06
bwaileryes i do19:06
bwailerI basically use nano19:06
tomreynbwailer: okay, run this then: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:07
tomreyndon't midd the 'd' in sshd_config19:07
tomreyndon't miss the 'd' in sshd_config19:07
hans_huh, this fixed my mysql installation: apt remove --purge mysql-client.* mysql-common.* ;19:07
bwailerTomreyn, I ran it and it shows me much stuff.19:08
hans_(then i was able to run `apt install mysql-server;`  without issues)19:08
tomreynbwailer: then press ctrl-w to search for "Port"19:08
tomreynbwailer: without the quotation marks19:08
hans_tomreyn, don't miss the `.` in rm -rf ./19:09
tomreynbwailer: to find more hits, press ctrl-w again and just enter then19:09
tomreynhans_: please don't post such commands here19:09
VuurDraakmy xorg log is http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zxDQ2HGwkC/19:10
bwailerI am doing all of it but unfortunately it is confusing me19:10
VuurDraaki got no clue why i no longer see the gui buut get a black screen19:10
tomreynbwailer: okay, we can try a different approach. you can quit the editor using ctrl-x, then n (to not save)19:11
bwailercool, I did it19:11
bwailerwell got out of nano19:11
tomreynbwailer: run this and report the url:   grep -i 'port ' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | nc termbin.com 999919:12
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bwailerit is saying no such file or directory19:14
tomreynbwailer: you mistyped, try again19:14
bwailerwill do.19:15
tomreynbwailer: how do you enter these commands i type here? can you not just copy + paste them?19:15
grkblood13For some reason when I type commands in the terminal window theyre now being underlined and Ican no longer tab to autocomplete the command. How do Iget rid of this?19:15
tomreynit's a bit unsafe to do so but then if you trust me enough to not trick you there then you could just copy + paste them.19:15
anjenIs this Ubuntu channel the right channel where I might get some advise regarding proper installation of Ubuntu?'19:16
tomreynanjen: generally, yes, this is a volunteer ubuntu support channel19:16
tomreyngrkblood13: try ctrl-c, then "reset"19:17
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anjentomreyn: thanks. I'll form my question and post. Much appreciated on the quick answer.19:17
OerHeksgrkblood13,  i think you have hit CTRL + u, do that again?19:17
bwaileri coppied and pasted and it just sent me back to enter more19:17
tomreynbwailer: this would happen is you missed one of the single quotes (ticks)19:18
grkblood13neither are making it go away19:18
tomreynbwailer: here's the command again:     grep -i 'port ' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | nc termbin.com 999919:18
tomreynbwailer: i ran it here and it runs fine19:18
grkblood13happens in a new terminal window too19:18
tomreyngrkblood13: hmm then i don't know exactly, this is strange. did you change the temrinal font by chance?19:19
grkblood13its not the font, its more than that19:19
tomreyngrkblood13: a screenshot might help19:20
grkblood13tabbing to autocomplete no longer works either19:20
bwailerok it gave me http://termbin.com/b0on19:20
grkblood13I installed konqueror to test some stuff out19:20
grkblood13maybe it installed something19:20
grkblood13ok, uninstalling konqueror made it go away19:21
grkblood13must be some dependency program19:21
grkblood13maybe a KDE thing?19:21
tomreynbwailer: very well. so does just copy pasting commands not work for you?19:21
bwaileryes sir19:21
tomreyngrkblood13: not sure, try asking in #kubuntu maybe19:22
bwailersorry I was able to get the copy and paste to work for me19:22
tomreynbwailer: great.19:22
tomreynbwailer: now run this:  cp -p /etc/ssh/sshd_config{,-tomreyn_backup}19:23
tomreynbwailer: we're creating a backup of your configuration file just in case19:24
tomreynit's a copy, not really a backup19:24
coz_hey all19:24
bwailerokay i did it19:25
tomreynbwailer: does this seem to have worked, did it return with out any output?19:25
bwailerit did not show me anything different19:25
bwailerit returned without any output.19:25
tmm88heyho everyone19:25
tomreynbwailer: now:    echo Port 1125 | tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:25
tmm88what's the equivalent of xdg-open / open -a Chrome . in ubuntu?19:25
tomreynhi coz_ + tmm8819:25
bwailerwhen i enterit gave me port 1125ed that19:26
tomreynbwailer: with a lower case P?19:26
raidghostwhat might be wrong here?19:26
tomreynbwailer: can you tell me exactly what the previous command returned, please.19:27
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tomreynraidghost: ask in ##hardware19:27
bwailerport 1125 is all it is giving me with lowercase p or the uppercase P19:27
tomreynbwailer: well it has to be either "Port 1125" or "port 1125", can't be both, right?19:28
zeropointI think he might have run it multiple times.19:28
tomreyni'm sure bwailer would have told us if he ran it more than once, right?19:29
bwailer echo Port 1125 | tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:29
bwailerPort 112519:29
tomreynbwailer: ok, now this:  tail -n3 /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:30
zeropointtomreyn: You might be sure. I'm not. Carry on.19:30
bwailer now it is saying Port 112519:32
bwailerand before that UsePam yes19:32
dyc3_I'm trying to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.2, but when I run `do-release-upgrade` I get `Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.` When I run `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` it says that `i3` and `i3-wm` are held back. I remember holding them back because I installed i3-gaps from source, so how do I do the release upgrade anyway?19:33
tomreynbwailer: so two lines of output? also another empty line then?19:33
bwailerUsePAM yes19:33
bwailerPort 112519:33
bwailerport 112519:33
bwailerThat was the output19:33
zeropointOkay, let's try this again.19:34
tomreynbwailer: okay, so you actually ran the earlier command twice.19:34
bwaileraccording to terminal it does not show it running twice19:35
bwailerI am totally baffled.19:35
bwailerbasically I need to ip address and port for him to connect19:36
tomreynbwailer: no problem we can recover from this. now just copy and paste this command to your server, don't type it, it will likely result in a mess:   sudo sed -i '/^port 1125$/d' /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:36
tomreynbwailer: for now you need to put something up for him to connect to. so far he would not be able to connect.19:37
tomreynthis si what we're working on right now.19:37
bwaileri copied and pasted but gave me nothing19:39
bwailerSorry that I a making this so difficult for you19:39
tomreynbwailer: okay, now this:    tail -n3 /etc/ssh/sshd_config | nc termbin.com 999919:39
tomreynbwailer: i know this is surely not an easy work mode for you either. we'll be done soon19:40
bwailerthis is the output https://termbin.com/481819:40
maxLeet`hi all, im having a problem getting ipv4 enabled on ubuntu 18.04.19:41
maxLeet`every sinc i upgraded a couple of days ago. my system has been using ipv619:41
maxLeet`but any software that was using ipv4 are broken now19:42
tomreynbwailer: now this:   systemctl restart ssh19:42
bwailerAuthentication complete is what it just gave me.19:43
tomreynbwailer: good, and it worked out, too.19:43
bwailerFor that part it seems so19:44
tomreynbwailer: so your ssh server is now reachable from the internet on your public ip address, on port 112519:44
tomreynbwailer: i just tested19:44
bwailerCool.  So know I just have to have him enter the public IP address and the 1125 and it will work19:44
tomreynbwailer: you can now tell your friend that they need to connect to on port 112519:44
tomreynbwailer: well, depends :)19:45
bwailerhahaha, Lets hope19:45
tomreynbwailer: how is your friend going to login there?19:45
tomreynusing a user you created for them? or as root? and using a password, or an ssh authentication (public) key?19:46
bwailerSweet.  It just worked for me.  I tried it off teatherphone and it is working.ing off my19:46
tomreynso you ssh'd in from the internet basically, great19:46
ioriaVuurDraak, still there ?19:46
heap_any idea how to fix that snap stuff19:47
tomreynbwailer: if you want, answer these other questions i just asked, or just have your friend try now if you prefer19:47
VuurDraakcopying files for if i need to do a fresh install19:47
bwailertomreyn:  I really appreciate all of the help you have give me.19:47
tomreynbwailer: you're welcome.19:47
ioriaVuurDraak, on 14.04 atm ?19:47
VuurDraakyes in irssi19:47
bwailerI just asked him to try but it worked for me not on my network19:48
ioriaVuurDraak, open anothe tty and run   ps -A | head -219:48
leftyfbjeeze bwailer you are still at this?19:48
tomreynbwailer: so you logged in there as him?19:48
leftyfbbwailer: Is your friend really not capable of ssh'ing to a public ip using putty?19:48
ioriaVuurDraak, please, highlight the nickname19:49
tomreynleftyfb: this will yet have to show. i assume that so far there was no way for the friend to login19:49
leftyfbtomreyn: I was able to ssh to his public ip yesterday and got a login prompt19:49
tomreynoh ok19:49
leftyfbNow ssh isn't open anymore19:50
VuurDraakioria , i did the command19:50
ioriaVuurDraak, paste the 2° line19:50
leftyfbbwailer: what did you change?19:50
VuurDraak1 ? 00:00:01 init19:50
leftyfbah, changed the port19:50
tomreynleftyfb: we changed the WAN port, it is working now, listening on a different port19:50
leftyfbbwailer: ssh is working fine. I can ssh to your server no problem19:51
bwailerWe got it worked out thanks to Tomreyn!  I tried to loging in using a different network. I used a hotspot on my phone that was not connected to the same network and it workded19:51
leftyfbbwailer: so your friend is able to ssh in now?19:51
bwaileryes he is19:51
tomreynoh he tested already?19:51
VuurDraaksorry for not putting ioria in it19:51
leftyfbbwailer: next step, only allow ssh keys. NO passwords19:52
bwailerI will work on that.19:52
ioriaVuurDraak, systemd is running ?   ps -A | grep systemd19:52
leftyfbbwailer: also, you still have 443 pointing directly to the login of your NAS, publicly.19:53
bwailerI need to fix a few things19:53
leftyfban 8443 pointing to some other auth19:53
VuurDraakioria : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Jng4qrF23/19:54
VuurDraakcan i copy the last line from the cli with the keyboard without a mouse ?19:54
ioriaVuurDraak, broken link19:54
bwailerwhen trying to get onto the server you must have a login and password.  leftyfb are you able to do that?19:54
VuurDraakoww sorry its past not pastbin19:54
ioriaVuurDraak, install gpm ; select and click the mouse button19:54
leftyfbbwailer: Ever heard of brute force attacks?19:55
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bwaileryes I have, so is that what you did?  cause i am under the impression that is illegal19:55
leftyfbbwailer: someone breaking in doesn't care what is illegal. They will do it anyway.19:56
VuurDraakioria , how can i copy what i select with the mouse ?19:56
VuurDraakleft click ?19:57
ioriaVuurDraak, when you select, it's copied19:57
bwailerwell, I would assume the site would not allow anyone who tries to get into someone useless stuff without permission.19:57
ioriaVuurDraak, you paste with the mouse click19:58
VuurDraakand how to past it ioria ?19:58
leftyfbbwailer: someone can run a script to try all passwords and eventually get in. Or they could find an epxloit for your Netgear r6300v2 router and get in quicker. It's your network. Your choice.19:58
VuurDraakoww i get it now ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xrvtpm2cFZ/19:58
bwaileryou seem very slimy!!!19:59
leftyfbbwailer: I beg you, please get your friend to only use ssh keys to login, then look into a program like sshuttle which he can then use to login via ssh and access any resources on your network. That way you can close all other ports and be secure.20:00
bwailerI will be contacting Netgear right now20:00
ioriaVuurDraak,   sudo service lightdm restart20:01
zeropointbwailer: You don't really seem to understand what's being said, here. :/20:03
VuurDraakioria  lightdm start/running, process 586720:03
VuurDraakthen it got black and after some time the cli came back20:03
ioriaVuurDraak,   and what happens ?20:03
ioriai see20:03
ioriaVuurDraak,   sudo systemctl restart lightdm20:04
VuurDraak21:04 < ioria> VuurDraak,   sudo systemctl restart lightdm20:04
VuurDraakFailed to issue method call: Unit lightdm.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status lightdm.service' for details.20:04
leftyfbbwailer: netgear has nothing to do with securing your own network which you basically have wide open at the moment20:05
VuurDraak@ ioria20:05
zeropointbwailer: Using SSH keys as opposed to passwords is far more secure. leftyfb is giving you very sound advice.20:05
VuurDraaksorry it copies it auto with an enter behind it20:05
leftyfbzeropoint: not to mention not port forwarding your router nand NAS webUI's to the internet20:06
zeropointOi, seriously?20:06
leftyfbbwailer: we're trying to help you. It's very possible someone has already broken in. It's guaranteed that someone has already tried or is in the process.20:07
ioriaVuurDraak,   reboot; enter grub -> advanced option;  see if you have an 'upstart' item; if not 'esc'; press 'e' and add 'nomodeset' in the linux line20:08
VuurDraaku mean ad nomodeset after ro in the vmlinuz ?20:08
leftyfbbwailer: there are more secure ways of achieving what you and your friend are doing. I can help you with it if you like.20:09
VuurDraakioria what you mean with upstart ?20:09
VuurDraakioria 'upstart' some where in the grub command it is giving what u see when i press e ?20:09
hggdhbwailer: just for the record, on the machines I have open to the internet with SSH, I get continuous SSH break-in attempts, every second20:09
tomreynleftyfb, zeropoint: it doesn't seem like bwailer wants you to help. or they're just AFK right now. i agree, all of these changes would be very advisable. but as long as it's not default passwords on these exposed services i guess it's as good / bad as any fifth ot tenth average internet user.20:09
lucifer_I have a question20:10
ioriaVuurDraak,   in advanced options you might have 2 items : upstart and systemd ; pick upstart20:10
ravercultMe too20:10
tomreynhi ravercult + lucifer_20:10
VuurDraakioria , im not sure how to get in advanced options, is that also a letter i can press once i see the grub2 menu ?20:11
ioriaVuurDraak,   from the grub menu20:11
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leftyfbtomreyn: there are scripts/bots scanning the internet 24 hours a day looking for open ports and trying dictionaries of passwords. Some have exploits loaded that can get in almost instantly regardless of default passwords.20:12
tomreynleftyfb: i'm fully aware of this.20:12
VuurDraakokay i take a look booting o720:12
ravercultMy question is the following: trying to run lamp on ubuntu, and was trying to test apache2. If I type in my browser the "localhost" I get the right result, but I'm searching for my public IP address, and when I type it in the browser it gives me a pop-up asking for username/password and also mentioning the model name of my router. What's going on?20:12
lucifer_I wanted to download a live usb creater for unbuntu and end up downloading something from internet. since i have installed it i can find it in search reuslts but not in apps directory. I am trying to open it, it asks for su password. When i enter password it just vanish. in my sear results it is names as "liveUSB install" I want to remove it but do not know how to remove it20:12
leftyfbtomreyn: bwailer was not. Unfortunately, they seem to have left and will continue to be open for exploitation.20:13
ravercultCan someone help me?20:14
abdulhakeemSo I installed the ubuntu-desktop package on my ubuntu server in order to have a GUI, but then changed my mind and wanted to go back to terminal only. So I removed that package and got the server back to terminal only, except that now it goes into standby mode after like 30 mins of inactivity, which I don't want. How do I disable that?20:14
OerHeksravercult, likely you found the ip of your router20:14
rypervencheravercult: Your router is running something on that port. Also, port 80 is going to be blocked on your home network if you're trying to get to it from outside your network. I'd recommend using a non-standard port.20:14
leftyfbravercult: you will not be able to access your public ip from your local network20:15
rypervencheravercult: You'll also need to be sure that you set a port forwarding for whatever port you choose to work.20:15
zeropointicanhazip.com returns only text.20:15
ravercultOerHeks are you dutch? :D20:15
zeropointNot saying wimi.com is BAD.20:16
leftyfbravercult: You'll need to test your port forwarding from a cellphone or tethered machine or a friend over the internet20:17
ravercultHow do I do that?20:17
leftyfbravercult: lets make this easier, if you're talking about the ip address you're on IRC with right now, there's no port 80 (http) listening on your public ip address20:18
leftyfbravercult: That said, a lot of ISP's will not allow you to run a web server on residential internet services like your home20:19
ravercultleftyfb: Is there anything that can be done about that?20:19
ravercultI'm totally new to this20:19
leftyfbravercult: why do you need to run a web server from your home ip out to the internet?20:20
maxLeet`anyone there to help me out a bit.20:20
Ben64ravercult: get a cheap vps to play with instead of potentially getting your computer more vulnerable20:20
leftyfbmaxLeet`: disable ipv620:20
maxLeet`leftfb: is that the only way?20:20
tonytif you want to run a webserver on your home ISP service, spend a few extra bucks on a decent vpn. that will hide what ever you are doing from your home isp20:21
leftyfbmaxLeet`: probably not. But it's the easiest,20:21
Ben64maxLeet`: can you explain what the issue is20:21
Ben64disabling ipv6 isn't a solution20:21
leftyfbBen64: of course it is. They never said they want to use ipv6 at all20:21
zeropointDisabling IPv6 is not a solution.20:21
zeropointCorrecting your network configuration generally is.20:22
ravercultSo essentially what I do is stop fooling around and find a good host20:22
ravercultI was so excited that I could run my website from home :( lol20:22
zeropointI say "generally" because the other option is "realize that IPv6 wasn't your issue to begin with."20:22
zeropointA or B.20:22
maxLeet`Ben64: i upgraded 18.04 a couple of days ago and i cant get ipv4 to come up.. i tried configuring it manually but still nothing.20:22
leftyfbmaxLeet`: are you sure you're not confusing the lack of ipv4 with the lack of network connectivity at all?20:23
maxLeet`Ben64: this is affecting some of my other programs because they are still using ipv4.20:23
Ben64maxLeet`: can you pastebin the output of ifconfig20:23
maxLeet`leftyfb: lack of network connectivity?20:23
Ben64maxLeet`: also, do you know the details of your home network, like network range, gateway address, etc20:24
maxLeet`Ben64: Command not found20:24
iorianet-tools; but ip a is good20:24
leftyfbBen64: Ubuntu 18.04 does not include ifupdown20:24
ioriamaxLeet`, paste  'ip a'20:25
zeropointnet-tools has been deprecated for ages.20:25
ioriabut still there20:25
Ben64old habits20:25
ioria!info net-tools20:25
maxLeet`1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 100020:25
ubottunet-tools (source: net-tools): NET-3 networking toolkit. In component main, is optional. Version 1.60+git20161116.90da8a0-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 180 kB, installed size 728 kB20:25
maxLeet`    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:0020:25
maxLeet`    inet scope host lo20:25
maxLeet`       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever20:25
Ben64please not here20:25
Ben64use a pastebin20:26
maxLeet`    inet6 ::1/128 scope host20:26
maxLeet`       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever20:26
maxLeet`2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 100020:26
zeropointioria: Just because it's still there doesn't mean you shouldn't encourage people to move to the current tools.20:26
ioriazeropoint, i did not20:26
leftyfbI prefer ifconfig to ip a. It's much easier to read20:26
zeropointFine, but it's not installed by default for a reason. Please remember that.20:27
Ben64yeah ip needs some formatting20:27
tomreyn!paste | maxLeet` you may talk again now, but read this20:29
ubottumaxLeet` you may talk again now, but read this: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:29
maxLeet`so 'nc termin.com' command not returning links over to me.20:34
iorianc termbin.com 999920:34
xamithanprobably because you typed the address wrong20:34
maxLeet`ioria: tried. nothing returned.20:34
ioriamaxLeet`, ip a | nc termbin.com 9999    ; no url ?20:35
maxLeet`ioria; nope20:35
ioriamaxLeet`, ll /bin/nc20:36
maxLeet`lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jul 25  2018 /bin/nc -> /etc/alternatives/nc*20:36
ioriamaxLeet`,  sudo apt install pastebinit20:37
maxLeet`ping -6 termbin.com doesnt work but ping -6 www.termbin.com works20:38
leftyfbioria: I think pastebinit comes preinstalled on ubuntu 18.0420:38
iorialeftyfb, idt so20:38
iorialeftyfb, http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.2/ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.manifest20:39
anton_hello everyone20:41
tomreynhi anton_20:41
maxLeet`had to manually create this one via browser: https://pastebin.com/5uCduVCa20:41
maxLeet`ip a: https://pastebin.com/F5iQsNYZ20:42
ioriamaxLeet`, ok, and what's the problem ?20:43
tomreynoops, neither termbin.com nor paste.ubuntu.com has an AAAA record.20:43
=== oleg is now known as Guest4421
afx_Hello everyone ! I have installed atom.io through snap and now I am getting this error git-remote-keybase error: (1) keybase isn't running; try `run_keybase`, when trying to push to keybase autogit repo. Could that be cause of the snap container not giving access to this repo . Or maybe some env vars missing from a snap packaged software ?20:44
maxLeet`ioria: im trying to get ipv4 to work. i tried to configure it manually but its not taking the static address and configs ive setup.20:44
afx_keybase is definetely running and run_keybase does not make a difference20:44
Ben64maxLeet`: also, do you know the details of your home network, like network range, gateway address, etc20:45
ioriamaxLeet`, ^ that20:45
maxLeet`Ben64: ipv4 yes. ipv6 more or last (but this one is working)20:45
ioriamaxLeet`,  and what are you using ? Network-manager ? statis netplan config ?20:45
maxLeet`more or less*20:46
Ben64maxLeet`: ok so what are the details20:46
maxLeet`ioria: i thing Network-manager is depreciated or im trying to work with netplan but the configurations ive made arent working.20:46
maxLeet`Ben64: ipv4 or ipv6?20:47
ioriamaxLeet`,  NM it's not depreciated20:47
maxLeet`Ben64: ill paste my configs20:47
dannyjazz_ubuntu 18.4 I cannot access utilities20:47
ioriamaxLeet`,  better to paste /etc/netplan/*.yaml20:47
tomreyndannyjazz_: what are you trying to do, how do you know it's failing, which error messages are reported?20:48
dannyjazz_trying to set a bluetooth device nothing happens20:48
dannyjazz_I click in the top right corner, I see the untilities icon, when I click on it nothing happens20:48
maxLeet`ioria: https://pastebin.com/gXLf6h82 ... above command wasn't spaced out well.20:49
azrael_anyone else have an issue with NV Drivers 4.10 on 18.10 where X will only start after you flick between tty1 to tty2 and back a few times before it starts ?20:50
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ioriamaxLeet`, what is ? a server edition ?20:50
maxLeet`ioria: yes20:51
ioriamaxLeet`, backup 50-cloud-init.yaml20:51
tomreyndannyjazz_: can you run this in a terminal - be sure to copy it exactly as given:    nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds; cat/proc/version /proc/cmdline; hcitool dev;)20:51
tomreyndannyjazz_: if it works properly, it will return a web address, please paste (only) this address here.20:52
tomreyndannyjazz_: sorry, i notice i had a typo in there, try this instead:   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline; hcitool dev 2>&1 )20:54
lawltoadhi, I just set up a frsh install of ubuntu 18.04 on a laptop with an nvidia card.20:57
lawltoadwhen i go into nvidia setting or propritary drivers it all shows nvidia is being used, but glxinfo | grep renderer gives me MESA DRI20:58
tomreyndannyjazz_: okay, so your ubuntu 18.04 LTS system seems to be up to date, and it did detect a bluetooth device. are you using the default Gnome-Shell based desktop?20:58
tomreyndannyjazz_: so when you click on this menu with the network / sound /power icons top right, does it show a bluetooth icon in the menu that opens?20:59
nnrdIs it standard to have a Windows Network in "Other Locations? I have no windows network in my home.21:00
tomreynnnrd: i think it's by default in case you do have such a network and would like to search for available resources in it.21:02
dannyjazz_yes it shows icon and I guess it helped me find out how it works21:02
CarlFKanyone know of a  #openoffice chan to ask about spread sheet formulas?  like can I reference a sheet by position and not name?21:02
JimBuntu try this /msg alis list openoffice21:02
tomreyndannyjazz_: alright, if you have more questions about this, just ask.21:02
tomreynCarlFK: also please note we only support libreoffice here, which is what ubuntu ships with.21:03
nnrdtomreyn thank you very much!21:04
CarlFKtomreyn: #libreoffice is a thing, thanks21:04
tomreynlawltoad: did you reboot (or restart X) since enabling the proprietary drivers?21:04
lawltoadYea, like twice21:05
tomreynnnrd: you're welcome. by the way i also run 18.04.2 and don't have a service supporting these protocols installed and it still shows up for me in nauilus, so this is probably just to be ignored.21:05
tomreynCarlFK: you're welcome.21:06
tomreynlawltoad: okay, thern it sounds more complicated, and i'll not try to help.21:06
lawltoadtomreyn, it's a laptop soI don't know the current state of the whole optimus/bumblebe stuff21:06
tomreynyeah, sorry, i dont like nvidia, to me you bought the wrong hardware.21:06
tomreynmaybe somenoe else will help21:07
lawltoadIt used to be the better choice, haha. These things sift back and forth every two years -_-21:13
maxLeet`ioria: im i suppose to do anything after ive backed up the *.yaml configs?21:14
qwebirc77950Hello! I have a problem, my only way to install Ubuntu is a 1GB USB. As recent versions are larger than 1GB, I tried to download v12.04.5 and then upgrade, but it does not seems to works and crash everytime. Is trying to download an older version a bad idea?21:16
lawltoadtomreyn, weird prime-select  query also returns nvidia ... but just nto glxgears21:17
tomreynqwebirc77950: trying to install any unsupported version is a bad idea21:17
tomreynqwebirc77950: at least when this system has or will have any network connection21:18
qwebirc77950Well yes, but I don't really have any choice because I can't go higher than 1GB :/21:18
tomreynqwebirc77950: which kind of network connections does this system have? ethernet? wireless? both?21:19
tomreynqwebirc77950: so you couldn't attach it to a wired network even when you wanted?21:20
qwebirc77950I can't right now, no21:21
tomreynqwebirc77950: the reason i'm asking is because with 1 GB storage on the usb stick, you you still install ubuntu server, then install the desktpo from there. but this would require a network connection. and i'm not sure whether the server supports wireless network connections out of the box.21:22
tomreyni'm trying to determine this now.21:22
qwebirc77950So I should try to download Ubuntu Server to then download the desktop? (If wireless works, of course)21:24
tomreynqwebirc77950: it's something you can give a try, yes21:25
leftyfbqwebirc77950: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso21:25
tomreynleftyfb: so the mini.iso does support wireless?21:25
qwebirc77950I will try this, thanks21:26
leftyfbthat I'm not sure to be honest21:26
leftyfbworth a shot21:26
leftyfbit's a 70M iso, it'll take a few minutes to test21:26
tomreyni'd rather expect the server to, just for the larger image size. but not sure either21:26
leftyfbqwebirc77950: any way to could plug in ethernet?21:26
tomreyni asked this before21:27
qwebirc77950Nope, sorry :/21:27
Ben64get a bigger usb21:28
leftyfbqwebirc77950: got another pc/laptop/pi that can connect via wifi and share ethernet?21:28
tomreynwpasupplicant is not installed by server21:28
qwebirc77950Nope, I can't have ethernet at all now21:29
leftyfbqwebirc77950: do you have another computer with wireless and an ethernet port and a cable?21:30
tomreyni meant to say: wpasupplicant is not installed by the alternative server installer (d-i)21:30
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qwebirc77950I have a PC with wireless connection but not a cable21:31
pi0i downloaded youtube videos how do i get a preview icon to show instead of a generic video icon21:31
leftyfbqwebirc77950: what about a local convenience store? They usually have flash storage for pretty cheap21:31
qwebirc77950When launching with mini.iso, it says "Failed to open \EFI\BOOT\grubx64.efi - Not Found"21:32
leftyfbqwebirc77950: how did you put the mini iso onto your flash drive?21:33
qwebirc77950Hmm yeah, it would be better without it but if there's no solution I'll do this21:33
leftyfbpi0: That is not a feature of nautilus21:33
qwebirc77950I used Rufus21:33
leftyfbqwebirc77950: on Windows or ubuntu?21:33
leftyfbqwebirc77950: try etcher.io21:33
qwebirc77950I will try, thanks21:34
qwebirc77950https://www.techspot.com/downloads/6931-etcher.html Is this the right software?21:34
leftyfbqwebirc77950: http://etcher.io21:35
qwebirc77950Oh. Yeah lmao. Thanks21:35
leftyfbpi0: the default file manager in ubuntu21:35
pi0do you know what the feature is called so i can enable21:36
leftyfbpi0: again, that is not a feature that exists in nautilus, AFAIK21:36
OerHekspi0, there is no howto to see a preview else than a tumbnail picture21:36
leftyfbpi0: you could convert the videos to mp4 or something and you'll get thumbnails21:37
OerHeksso that youtube may be old or not suitable for linux?21:37
pi0do you have the how to?21:37
OerHekswhat howto ?21:37
leftyfboh, youtube-dl does download in mp4 now21:38
leftyfbit should work21:38
pi0i used that21:38
OerHeksif nautilus browses over network to a nas/server, you don't want those icons, they slow down transfer dramaticly21:38
leftyfbpi0: open nautilus and click the 4 little squares in the top right21:39
leftyfbpi0: hit CTRL+ to make them bigger21:39
mint__Linux Mint apps With Ubuntu Packages21:39
leftyfb!mint | mint__21:40
ubottumint__: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)21:40
pi0i can see the generic icons21:40
leftyfbpi0: mind you, I'm not sure if this works with whatever filemanager Ubuntu Mate uses (assuming you're running Ubuntu mate on that raspberry pi of yours )21:40
mint__ls /21:41
pi0:) let me check21:42
leftyfbmint__: we do not support Mint here. Please go to #linuxmint-help21:42
pi0ah dconf hack21:42
dyc3_I'm trying to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.2, but when I run `do-release-upgrade` I get `Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.` When I run `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` it says that `i3` and `i3-wm` are held back. I remember holding them back because I installed i3-gaps from source, so how do I do the release upgrade anyway?21:43
leftyfbdyc3_: you'll probably need to remove i3* in order to upgrade21:43
OerHeksdyc3_, they point to: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade21:43
OerHeksthat might give some updates about upgrading too21:44
ubuntuls /21:44
leftyfbubuntu: what can we help you with?21:44
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest84350
leftyfbdyc3_: apt-cache policy i321:44
leftyfbdyc3_: what's the output of that? (please use pastebin)21:45
pi0nice thank leftyfb21:45
Guest84350initrd.img.old and vmlinuz.old21:45
pi0i took the risk of removing windows 10 from my surface pro 621:45
pi0and jumped right in21:45
leftyfbGuest84350: what can we help you with?21:45
qwebirc77950It doesn't seems to work with Etcher, but I think I will do what you suggested first and will just buy another one, it will make everything much easier21:46
blackflowask and run!21:46
pi0but scaling isnt working right21:46
qwebirc77950Thanks a lot for your help, have a good day/night!21:47
pi0i cant get percentage scaling to work21:50
pi0on ubuntu 18.1021:50
pi03.30 gnome21:50
leftyfbpi0: just to be clear, this is on a Microsoft Surface Pro table correct?21:51
FurretUberAfter systemd updated, the following messages appeared on dmesg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nxTMfSfms8/ Xubuntu 18.04, kernel version 4.18.0-15. Are they relevant?21:51
dyc3_leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/n9Jct3nf21:51
leftyfbdyc3_: that was not installed from the official ubuntu repos. You'll need to remove it and any other packages from that repo21:52
Room-ElderALL rise21:53
Room-Elderyou may be seated21:53
leftyfbRoom-Elder: This is a support channel. Can we help you with something?21:53
Room-Eldergot it21:54
pi0leftyfb: is there a setting i over looked21:58
pi0regarding not being able to scale in percentage21:58
leftyfbpi0: maybe check video drivers?21:58
=== mulletmen is now known as mulletman
pi0hmm how do i check video drivers if working correctly22:06
OerHeksdriver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'22:07
dyc3_leftyfb: I've uninstalled the i3 and i3-wm packages but I'm still getting the same message from `do-release-upgrade`22:08
leftyfbdyc3_: apt-cache policy i3 i3-wm | nc termbin.com 999922:09
pi0thank you let me try22:10
dyc3_leftyfb: https://termbin.com/jjd622:10
leftyfbdyc3_: pastebin/termbin the output of: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo do-release-upgrade22:11
pi0driver not found22:12
dyc3_leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/eLH3zKAd22:13
OerHekspi0, maybe there is no driver, or you did not install one? and what is the first part, graphics card detail?22:13
pi0nothing showed22:14
leftyfbdyc3_: you're going to need to ppa-purge all of those PPA's and oher repos you have22:14
dyc3_leftyfb: ah ok, ill clean those up and try again22:15
kreyrenHow do i switch ubuntu on rolling (like debian) ? Using `sid` in /etc/apt/sources.list ?22:19
OerHekskreyren, not.22:19
leftyfbkreyren: you don't. You upgrade when the latest is released22:20
kreyrenit's debian based it should be possible switching on sid afaik22:20
tomreyndyc3_: in case this is of use to you: before a release upgrade, i usually disable all PPAs myself first of all, then use https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#foreign_packages to detect packages i had installed form these PPAs, and either purge them (if not in ubuntu at all) or downgrade them to their ubuntu release version (if they are newer than what is available in ubuntu).22:20
leftyfbkreyren: if you want Debian's release cycle, you use debian22:20
OerHekskreyren, no22:20
kreyreni want ubuntu on sid22:20
OerHeksi want the moon22:20
kreyrenyou have one already22:20
zeropointkreyren: sid isnt a rolling release. Your premise is flawed.22:20
kreyrenzeropoint: what is rolling release on debian then?22:21
tomreyndyc3_: then i do the release upgrade and once that is done, i check those PPAs i had on whether they still provide a newer / more suitable version than the new ubuntu release provides, and if that is the case,  re-enable them.22:21
OerHeksnever knew debian has a rolling thingy22:21
zeropointOerHeks: It doesn't.22:21
kreyrenor it's unstable i think22:22
kreyrenor like how do i get more recent versions?22:22
kreyrenabove cosmic22:22
zeropointsid is the name for unstable.22:22
kreyrenso using sid should be sufficient?22:22
dyc3_tomreyn: ah ok. I'll give it a shot22:22
OerHeksKryptron_, the development version 19.04 ? i would not suggest that, unless you know what you are doing22:23
zeropointkreyren: Its not designed for use. What are you actually after?22:23
tomreyn!latest | kreyren22:23
ubottukreyren: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:23
kreyrenzeropoint: Expected secure system with 150 debian updates that ware released yesterday afaik22:23
blackflowpretty sure debian sid is rolling release. there are no release branches/tags/points/dates for it. packages get updated continuously.22:24
kreyrenthat is close to secure to my gentoo running CLIP OS, MUSQQ and PaX kernel patches22:24
leftyfbkreyren: then run something else.22:25
zeropointblackflow: Its for testing and development. Its not a release.22:25
blackflowzeropoint: the release model is "rolling release" tho22:25
kreyrenleftyfb: need backup OS to work on LFS and i want to go with ubuntu22:25
Some_PersonRegardless, the idea of actually running sid... well, the term "here be dragons" comes to mind22:25
VuurDraakmy internet decided to kill it self sorry everybody22:25
zeropointsid is not a release, in Debian'sbown description.22:26
leftyfbkreyren: you will not get rolling releases with ubuntu. Period.22:26
kreyrenleftyfb: sid is sufficient22:26
leftyfbkreyren: then run debian22:26
OerHeksor go back to gentoo?22:26
kreyrenis apt able to compile? based on deb-src http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse ?22:27
zeropointsid is for testing and development. It WILL break.22:27
kreyrenbreakage is expected and welcomed22:27
blackflowubuntu LTS will break too22:27
blackflowlike it did a few days ago when servers couldn't reboot due to a frakup in the kernel22:27
kreyrenin /etc/apt/sources.list22:27
blackflowdon't be so absolutist. software gets bugs.22:27
zeropointblackflow: You arent being helpful.22:27
leftyfbkreyren: you can download source packages and compile them, yes22:28
VuurDraakwhat to do when ur gui is no longer working, and the last install program 'gpm' or somothing like that (mouse in cli) made it so that when you try to login to a tty you cant enter a password anymore on login cause somehow automatics enters are given and you cant type a password anymore :')22:28
kreyrenzeropoint: he is, i have no problem with less stable system since i can make it stable22:28
blackflowsure I am. if kreyren wants to run debian sid, by all means, do so. nothing bad or wrong with it.22:28
kreyrenleftyfb: more info?22:28
pi0shoot i dont know how to check my video drivers22:28
blackflowbe aware that such software is _less_ tested, and that's all22:28
zeropointkreyren: You cant even make sense, let alone stability.22:28
kreyrenzeropoint: it makes sence to me?22:28
leftyfbkreyren: use apt source22:29
PlatonidesVuurDraak: boot from a different partition / live media22:29
zeropointkreyren: Hardly a useful metric.22:29
kreyrenleftyfb: Any benefit in compiling excluding security? is there any way to optimize it ?22:29
* zeropoint moves on.22:29
nshireis it normal to get like 200kbps downloads from Launchpad? are those separate servers from the ones used the main ubuntu repository?22:29
kreyren0,01% optimization counts22:29
VuurDraakPlatonides, how to kill the program delete its executable i guess mmm22:30
leftyfbkreyren: it is not suggested to compile your own packages. Go for Gentoo or LFS if you want something like that22:30
tomreynVuurDraak: try recovery mode22:30
blackflowkreyren: I wouldn't bother except to enable/disable a compile time config feature I nee22:30
kreyrenleftyfb: i have gentoo and working on LFS i need backup OS -> i want ubuntu for that22:30
tomreyn!recover | VuurDraak22:30
ubottuVuurDraak: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery22:30
tomreyn!recovery | VuurDraak22:30
ubottuVuurDraak: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode22:30
Platonidesif that will be a backup OS, wouldn't a stable one make more sense?22:30
kreyrenblackflow: elaborate? any benefit in it? (excluding time needed to compile)22:30
leftyfbkreyren: Then you should know how to compile packages and read documentation22:30
blackflowkreyren: not much, that's the point22:31
tomreynVuurDraak: ignore what ubottu told you *first*22:31
VuurDraakPlatonides, i was logged in with a live usb boot stick, didnt think about searching for the offending program and simply deleting it, i forgot the exact program name, as somebody asked me to install it from this chat :D22:31
kreyrenblackflow: 'much' ?22:31
blackflowkreyren: plus, unlike gentoo, you'll have hard time tracking upgrades.22:31
blackflowkreyren: well even gentoo admits that these days reocmpiling "for teh speeds" is no longer a thing.22:31
VuurDraaktomreyn, recovery mode doesnt work, as i get the same problem22:31
dyc3_leftyfb: Ok, do-release-upgrade is giving me a new error: "Your python3 install is corrupted. Please fix the '/usr/bin/python3' "22:31
kreyreni know, but 'not much' ? as i said 0,001% optimization counts22:31
pi0do you guys use atom?22:32
leftyfbkreyren: bottom line, what you're asking is beyond the scope of this channel.22:32
blackflowbuilding from source is  useful when you need to enable or disable a compile-time option which isn't available otherwise. but for speed? nah22:32
leftyfbpi0: Not a support question22:32
VuurDraaktomreyn, as my first problem was a black screen in the gui22:32
kreyrenleftyfb: noted22:32
VuurDraaktomreyn, but now i can not loggin in the cli even :')22:32
leftyfbdyc3_: apt-cache policy python322:32
tomreynVuurDraak: well recovery mode doesn't enter the gui22:32
kreyrenblackflow: thanks22:32
pi0i was going to use that to modify my settings file22:32
pi0with syntax highlighting22:32
pi0i cant make sense of these files all the same color22:33
tomreynVuurDraak: you could also do init=/bin/bash22:33
VuurDraaktomreyn, cant enter a password anymore when i login, so i cant get in the cli also now22:33
dyc3_leftyfb: https://termbin.com/f8rt22:33
VuurDraaki need to kill the offending program from a live usb boot22:33
leftyfbdyc3_: maybe try: sudo apt install --reinstall python322:33
tomreynVuurDraak: init=/bin/bash should still work.22:33
kreyrenthere is no sid-security on ubuntu?22:34
leftyfbkreyren: sid is debian. Please stop referring to it22:34
dyc3_leftyfb: do-release-upgrade gives the same result22:35
kreyrenleftyfb: there seems to be packages in ubuntu sid22:35
horus125hey can i safely remove /boot/boot-repair22:35
leftyfbkreyren: there is no "ubuntu sid"22:35
VuurDraaktomreyn, i get a login screen in bash, but after i enter my username, i can not enter a password , cause automatic ,enters. are given since the <mouse in cli> program was insatlled at the password prompt, making sure i can not enter a proper password22:35
kreyrenah i see22:36
tomreynVuurDraak: you don't have a login screen with init=/bin/bahs, you just get the sehll22:36
tomreyn* init=/bin/bash22:36
kreyrenso i can use cosmic for packages and debian source of sid for security and gentoo for ck-kernel22:36
leftyfbdyc3_: ls -l /usr/bin/python322:36
VuurDraaktomreyn, and how or when should i invoke that ?22:36
leftyfbkreyren: no. please stop22:36
VuurDraakfrom grub ?22:36
kreyrenleftyfb: why?22:37
leftyfbkreyren: go troll elsewhere22:37
tomreynVuurDraak: yes, it's an option you add to the 'linux' line22:37
kreyreni'm not trolling i'm solving an issue22:37
dyc3_leftyfb: https://termbin.com/anh222:37
leftyfbkreyren: your "issue" is off topic here. good luck22:37
tomreynVuurDraak: but if oyu're already booted into the chroot form a live cd this is probably not worth it now22:37
blackflowkreyren: you can't mix them like that. either use ubuntu, debian or gentoo.22:37
hggdhkreyren: if you are working with an issue in Ubuntu, then no problem. But please stop asking to mix different distributions22:37
leftyfbdyc3_: ls -l /usr/bin/python3.522:38
VuurDraakim in windows atm watching a movie, as i could not do anything anymore with my internet down before :D22:38
kreyrenblackflow: why not? Debian security should be compatible and i can compile gentoo kernel with ubuntu's sauce to make it work on ubuntu22:38
dyc3_leftyfb: https://termbin.com/m7pd22:38
blackflowkreyren: for the same reason you can't take a .deb file and install it on windows22:38
VuurDraaki came back in to wanr or explain why i didnt react anymore22:38
hggdhkreyren: please. Ubuntu is *based* in Debian, but it is not Debian.22:38
leftyfbkreyren: it's not. What you're asking/looking to do is unsupported and beyond the scope of this channel22:38
kreyrenblackflow: windows != linux.. + you can using WSl22:38
blackflowkreyren: but it's the same PC so why can't you.   really, stop. you can't do it, period. try it and see for yourself.22:39
kreyreni'm asking why can't i use debian security packages on ubuntu?22:39
OerHeksjust ignore it .. and move on to support :-D22:39
tomreynVuurDraak: i see. well i can't choose between videos and fixing ubuntu for you.22:39
leftyfbkreyren: It's not supported here.22:39
kreyrenor is cosmic updated with recent release of debian security?22:40
blackflowkreyren: because they're compiled for different dependencies and versions22:40
kreyrenblackflow: i see, ty helpful22:40
kreyrenblackflow: if i satisfy those dependencies will it work?22:40
blackflowin theory yes, but when you satisfy them, you'd essentially turn your ubuntu into debian.22:40
hggdhkreyren: last time. Not on-topic22:40
kreyrenblackflow: ty22:41
VuurDraaktomreyn, i have been trying to fix this for 15+ hpurs22:41
kreyrenhggdh: sry i really needed an answer on that since it's on topic for my usage of ubuntu22:41
VuurDraaktomreyn, when the internet then also went down due to my isp f'ing around , i decided it was time to watch a movie sorry :)22:41
leftyfbkreyren: Using debian packages in ubuntu is not supported and is offtopic here. Good luck22:42
tomreynVuurDraak: oh, that's really long. well, i can guide you for a bit if you want to.22:42
hggdhkreyren: as long as you stay with Ubuntu and Ubuntu *only*, no problem.22:42
VuurDraakthanks for trying to help though, i copied the init thingy, i will try again tomorow if i can fix this22:42
tomreynVuurDraak: good plan.22:42
tomreyn+ good luck22:42
kreyrenhggdh: since debian is compatible with lots of functions in ubuntu i don't know why it's not on-topic assuming that i have experience with LFS to make gentoo kernel work on ubuntu which is what i want to do..22:42
VuurDraakyou too thanks :)22:43
kreyren+ i cant really ask elsewhere22:43
hggdhOK. I tried.22:43
VuurDraakhave a good day all o/22:43
leftyfbkreyren: you're already in ##linu22:43
leftyfb##linux *22:43
leftyfbsaw that coming22:43
pi0is there a process explorer for linux22:44
pi0gui based like windows22:45
dyc3_leftyfb: in case you missed it: https://termbin.com/m7pd22:45
leftyfbpi0: there are several22:45
pi0with graphs in all22:45
Platonidespi0: you can use eg. gnome-system-monitor22:45
leftyfbdyc3_: I'm not sure what's wrong with your install. You're probably better off just installing 18.04 from scratch and restoring from backup.22:45
OerHeks!info htop22:46
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.0-3 (bionic), package size 83 kB, installed size 219 kB22:46
dyc3_leftyfb: hmm ok. Thanks for your help22:46
leftyfbOerHeks: while htop is nice, it's not exactly "gui based like Windows"22:46
hggdh!info glances22:46
ubottuglances (source: glances): Curses-based monitoring tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.11.1-3 (bionic), package size 505 kB, installed size 3033 kB22:46
hggdhleftyfb: well, yes, not really graphical, either of them22:47
OerHeksoops, it must be gui based?22:47
leftyfbdon't get me wrong, I'll take htop over anything else any day22:47
pi0how did you find out about all these gnome features22:47
pi0is there an actual gnome book?22:48
tomreynpi0: neither htop nor glances are gnome related really.22:49
Platonidesif glances is a cli tool, how is it that it depends on angular and javascript-common?22:51
tomreynpi0: if you're wondering how to find software packages for a specific purpose, you could use "apt search 'something_you_are_looking_for'"22:52
OerHeksinstal synaptic, a much more detailed softwarecenter22:52
tomreynPlatonides: not directly, maybe indirectly? https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/glances22:53
pi0thank you gotta reboot updates22:53
pi0one sec22:53
tomreynPlatonides: not indirectly either, not on ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS anyways22:54
Platonideshmm, let me see, I was checking on a debian machine22:54
Platonidesseems a weird debian thing22:56
tomreynsomeoner did22:58
tomreynnice, they have a frankendebian factoid :)22:59
tomreynoops, wrong channel, sorry22:59
fklWhat gui app will allow me to edit a pdf file?23:18
fklI just need to delete several pages within that docment.23:18
Platonidesit's not a gui app, but stapler will do it easily23:18
cim209fkl: try www.photopea.com23:18
OerHeksfkl, libre office could do that, annotate23:19
OerHeksand edit/delete pages23:19
OerHeks* unless that pdf is protected, i guess23:19
palomarubuntu is a great opsys - thank you all!!23:21
dyc3_where can I find the repo for `do-release-upgrade`? Is it the `ubuntu-release-upgrader` package?23:21
dyc3_nvm, i found it23:25
OerHekssudo apt-get install update-manager-core update-manager # according to the manual23:25
dyc3_leftyfb: I fixed it, /usr/bin/python must be symlinked to /usr/bin/python223:31
thaurwylthHow about this? https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2019/02/04/%23xubuntu.html#t22:3023:42
OerHeksold 32b VIA (former Cyrix) models?23:44
OerHeksif you want to find out, just run xubuntu in live mode?23:44
thaurwylthWell, I do have a VIA Centaur M7, I think. But I guess that's not the point. The point was more that whether the processor does need to support certain protocols (flags in the /proc/cpuinfo, if you will) to run current versions of Ubuntu, or Xubuntu. I'm pretty sure that running it on a live format is going to be painfully slow, so I'll try to avoid it as long as possible, hehehe.23:46
OerHeksit will give an indication.. slow or not23:47
thaurwylthAnyways, I noticed that my i7-4600U has about five times more flags than the old 32b Centaur, so I just started to think that maybe some of those flags would represent crucial new technologies for compatibility.23:50
FurretUberAfter systemd updated, the following messages appeared on dmesg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nxTMfSfms8/ Xubuntu 18.04, kernel version 4.18.0-15. Are they relevant?23:52
OerHeks64 bit, vt-x, and such ..23:52
thaurwylthWell, I guess that's why #ubuntu is a bitt off channel for this question, but on the other hand, that's what they suggested on #xubuntu. The fact of the matter is that the VIA M7 is a 32b processor, that is not going to change. And there is still a Xubuntu version available that supports 32b.23:54
thaurwylthPerhaps I won't ask about it more than that, then.23:54

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