
OerHekssullvian, add it to startup applications?00:01
sullvianI have a ubuntu desktop, and I do not have that option OerHeks00:01
sullviansorry lubuntu00:01
sullvianI try to add in crontab but it does not start00:03
OerHeksfor lubuntu that would be something like ~/.config/autostart00:03
=== ctrlbreak_MAD is now known as ctrlbreak
sullvian[OerHeks] that directory does not exist, or I do not see it in the root00:06
OerHekslxqt-config-session, or in your menu ? https://manual.lubuntu.me/3/3.2/3.2.13/session_settings.html00:09
sullvianthanks, I added transmission-gtk to the autostart, but it does not boot, what can it be due to?00:16
sullvianthanks if it works, it takes a while to boot, so why use vmware00:17
murthyyoutube-dl not working with youtube00:18
tomreyn!bug | murthy00:18
ubottumurthy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:18
OerHeksuse full path for the starter,  /usr/bin/transmission-gtk -m00:18
murthyI will file a bug, If you confirm00:19
sullvianin that tab can I also add and applications? OerHeks00:19
sullvianin that tab can I also add javascript scripts and applications?00:19
tomreynmurthy: you haven'Ät even told us which ubuntu release you're running, how would anyone confirm?00:20
sullviansh , js00:20
murthytomreyn: 18.1000:20
murthytomreyn: youtube-dl version "2018.09.10"00:20
OerHekssullvian, you just did add an application00:23
tomreynmurthy: i don't have 18.10, but will test on 18.04 and a 19.04 preview00:24
murthytomreyn: what is the command to run a snap?00:27
tomreynmurthy: i run into errors on 18.04, not on 19.0400:27
murthytomreyn: whats the youtube-dl version on 18.04?00:27
tomreyn!info youtube-dl bionic00:27
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2018.03.14-1 (bionic), package size 909 kB, installed size 5147 kB00:27
OerHeksnot snap: youtube-dl version 2018.03.1400:28
tomreynmurthy: snap install PACKAGE  # And then you just run the binary it provides, often names the same as the package.00:28
murthytomreyn: thats not working00:28
murthytomreyn: package name is youtube-dl-snap00:29
tomreynmurthy: see /snap/bin for commands the snaps provide00:29
OerHekshttps://snapcraft.io/youtube-dl is the latest, https://snapcraft.io/youtube-dl-snap is old00:30
murthyok let me try that00:31
OerHekssnapcraft.io get clogged with versions00:31
murthytomreyn: OerHeks snap works fine with youtube00:34
murthyyoutube-dl snap package version is 2019.02.1800:36
murthy!info youtube-dl disco00:37
tomreynmurthy: i'm not surprised, since it also works with 19.04, which has 2019.01.17-100:37
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2019.01.17-1 (disco), package size 952 kB, installed size 5443 kB00:37
tomreynmurthy: here's what i get to see on 18.04.2 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZFPhnZGQkk/00:38
murthytomreyn: oh it works on 19.0400:38
tomreyn<tomreyn> murthy: i run into errors on 18.04, not on 19.0400:38
murthyThen I guess since its an upgrade and not a bug fix, it wont be accepted for 18.10?00:39
murthytomreyn: ^00:39
tomreynmurthy: if it'sbroken in 18.10, then it can be fixed in 18.10.00:39
murthytomreyn: ok I will file a bug00:40
tomreynbut as ubottu told you, "In component universe"00:40
tomreynso it's DIY00:40
murthytomreyn: do you package?00:41
tomreyneither identify and backport the patch, or request an !sru00:41
tomreynno, not really00:41
murthytomreyn: 19.04 will be mid apr?00:42
ubottuUbuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) will be the 30th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2019 (<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseSchedule#>). It will be supported for nine months.00:42
tomreynif you can't fix it yourself, it's also fine to just report it (after you verified that it has not yet been reported)00:43
murthytomreyn: can I just update this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/youtube-dl/+bug/152964700:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529647 in youtube-dl (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Always backport newer versions" [High,Confirmed]00:48
tomreynmurthy: i'm not sure whether an "always backport newer versions" process exists. so i don't know whether this bug report makes much sense in its current form.00:50
murthytomreyn: The following bug is a duplicate of the above one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/youtube-dl/+bug/170436800:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529647 in youtube-dl (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1704368 [SRU] Always backport newer versions" [High,Confirmed]00:52
murthyso If I file a new one, I guess that too will be a duplicate?00:52
OerHekssudo youtube-dl -U # youtube-dl: error: youtube-dl's self-update mechanism is disabled on Debian.00:53
TalenI'm trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 on raid 1 boot and I seem to be going in circles.  I created 512m system uefi partition on both in the beginning, then free space for rest, setup raid 1 on both, set free space to ext4 and /, and go to "install ubuntu" next step and it keeps putting me into partitioner00:53
tomreynmurthy: i cannot predict how the maintainer or bug trager will handle your reports.00:53
tomreynTalen: which installation method / installer are you using?00:54
TalenI downloaded the alternative installer00:55
Talenthe default one wouldn't allow boot off raid 100:55
tomreynalternative server installer, 18.04.2 amd64?00:55
tomreynTalen: when you say "I created 512m system uefi partition on both in the beginning", does this mean you created 512 MB sized partitions directly on the first and second system disk? which file system /usage and mount points did you assign?00:58
tomreynif you put those efi system partitions on RAID-1, you're doing it wrong.00:59
tomreynthey need to be read-/writable by the firmware.00:59
TalenYes, then selected "Use as" efi system (that's what the tutorial said)00:59
tomreynthe one and only tutorial?01:00
TalenI tried just setting them raid reserved as well and setup raid 101:00
TalenI tried like 601:00
Talenthey were all different01:00
TalenI've set 512MB as raid reserved then set it to /boot, and system partition uefi01:00
tomreynESP must be a partition on the first disk the firmware gets to see.01:00
TalenI chose first and beginning01:01
TalenShould I set them as raid reserved then setup raid 1 on it?  There are a few tutorials and all do it differently01:01
tomreynyou can have another partition of the same size, and same file system type, on another disk, but you should only have a single ESP. and there can be no other software based disk structures, such as software RAID, encryption, LVM or similar below the ESP.01:02
tomreynbug 1817066 discusses some of this01:04
ubottubug 1817066 in subiquity "support ESP on raid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181706601:04
tomreyn/boot can be on raid-1, that'S okay, just not the ESP01:05
Talenso 512m on each disk set to "raid member" then make it raid 1 and /boot?01:06
Talenthen other partition raid 1 for /?01:06
TalenI believe I tried that and it kept taking me back to partitioner when trying to go past it01:07
tomreynTalen: i think i explained before, but i can repeat and put it into context: You need an ESP for UEFI booting. It (does not have but) should be the first parition on the first system disk, which has to have a GPT partition table. There can be no other file system or block device structures in between, since the firmware will not understand these, but it has to find, and read from, and sometimes also write to, the ESP.01:13
tomreynTalen: the ESP is a FAT32 file system, it should have a size somewhere between 250 MB (may not work with all firmwares) and 512 MB (most compatble).01:14
Squarismis there some other techique to switching apps than bring up app-switcher and cycle/navigate through the available apps?01:15
tomreynTalen: whether or not you have a /boot partition seperate from the rest of the installation, and whether or not it's on a RAID-1, does not matter01:15
Squarismi mean could i assign hotkeys to certain window? Can i search for apps? Can I label windows and search for labels?01:15
CodeMouse92Squarism: I always use Alt-Tab myself01:15
CodeMouse92There are configurable keyboard shortcuts for workplace switching, too, so you can switch between entire sets of windows with a keypress01:16
TalenThis is what I have right now https://i.imgur.com/rifPiYT.png but I can't go to install as it keeps sending me back to partition01:16
CodeMouse92Squarism: If you're using Ubuntu 18.04 (or later), bring up the Keyboard settings. That will list all the existing shortcuts, and you can see and modify them there.01:17
CodeMouse92Specifically scroll down the list of shortcuts to the "Windows" section at the end for all the window-switching shortcuts01:17
SquarismI found them.01:17
CodeMouse92Oops! Actually, the Navigation section is what you want. It's about halfway down.01:17
CodeMouse92Fact is, I haven't used the activity view to switch between windows YET. :P01:18
tomreynTalen: undo RAID1 device #0, change partition #1 on SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) to ESP. this will only work if you previously manually created a GPT partition table on this storage.01:19
tomreynTalen: sorry, part of what i wrote is wrong, you don't have to use a GPT partition table, msdos will also work.01:24
TalenI wiped all the partitions in the ubuntu partitioner, not sure what it uses I assume GPT?01:25
Talenwas doing all partitioning through the alternative installer01:25
annihilatorhow do i disable the touchscreen keyboard'01:26
annihilatorubuntu 1801:26
Talenseems I'm better off just doing zfs mirror for boot since this is just as much as a hassle, I'll be using zfs for the other disks anyway01:27
tomreynTalen: debian-installer (which you are using) defaults to MBR / "msdos" partition tables. IIRC there are situations where it will switch to GPT itself, but i don't recall what triggers it. probably it's either whether you booted in UEFI mode or whether the promary disk is larger than 2 TB.01:27
SquarismWould you agree linux desktop isnt innovating much?01:27
tomreyn!ot | Squarism01:27
ubottuSquarism: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:27
TalenI have 2 256G SSD and 15 4TB01:27
Taleni'm trying to raid 1 the ssd, and leave the 4tb for zfs01:27
tomreynTalen: here's what i would do: reboot the installer you have there, bring up grub menu, select advanced installation. set up keyboard, switch to tty2, use parted (may need to install the locally available udeb) to create a GPT partition on both ssds. switch back to tty1, continue installation, do manaul partitioning. create 512 MB ESP/EFI partition on first ssd. create 512 MB  FAT-32 partition on second ssd. create partition covering the rest of01:34
tomreynavailable space on both ssd's, type raid-2, create a raid-1 across both components. create / on top of RAID-1 array (or add LVM in between, if needed).01:34
tomreynTalen: and once your installation is done and the system boots fine, you do the zfs on the other disks (but read up on zfs licensing vs linux licensing issues if you haven't).01:37
=== daniel is now known as Guest4458
royal_screwup21anyone know how to turn up/down brightness in ubuntu 17.10? I (foolishly) upgraded from 16.04 to said version, now this key isn't working. I tried changing grub setting as suggested in one SO answer, but that didn't work. I tried configuring GNOME brightness extension but that didn't work either.01:48
tomreyn!17.10 | royal_screwup2101:53
ubotturoyal_screwup21: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) was the 27th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 19th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2018-July/004483.html01:53
aurolacjust tried to run 0ad from a snap01:54
aurolacgot this error, 0ad01:54
aurolacexecv failed: No such file or directory01:54
aurolacany ideas?01:54
tomreynaurolac: talk to the package maintainer01:54
aurolacso its not a snap issue?01:56
calherDoes Ubuntu 16.04's file manager know how to mount LVM volumes?01:56
tomreynaurolac: If something a snap provides doesn'T work, it's either a bug in the snap or in the snap daemon/tooling or in the snap infrastructure. Until the first is ruled out, don't bother considering the other options.01:57
tomreynaurolac: note there are two separate 0 A.D. snaps available, one of which provides multiple channels.01:57
tomreyncalher: LVM logical volumes can't be mounted themselves, only if they contain a supported file system. this said, i *think* (not actually sure) nautilus (the default gnome + unity file manager) can handle those via udisks and / or gvfs in 16.04.602:00
calhertomreyn: The partition with the LVM is an XFS file system.02:02
tomreynroyal_screwup21: do you understand the security impact of running an operating system (supposedly on a network) which has reached its end of life half a year ago?02:03
tomreyncalher: hmm, so you tried and it didn't work?02:03
royal_screwup21i didn't know until few seconds ago support for that version had ended02:03
calhertomreyn: I asked here to see if it's worth rebooting into my Ubuntu live USB and trying it.02:04
calherMy system's messed up and I'm using someone else's computer to get to my disk.02:04
CodeMouse92royal_screwup21: Definitely try 18.04 (LTS) or 18.10. I'll bet the brightness will be working there02:04
CodeMouse92If not, come on back!02:05
tomreynroyal_screwup21: non !LTS releases generally have no more than 9 months of support. the channel topic here usually lists the supported releases. running "ubuntu-support-status" can also help getting a better understanding of the support status of a specific system.02:05
calherOK, going downstairs to get my USB.02:05
tomreyncalher: why not go for the latest LTS release instead, Ubuntu 18.04 ?02:06
calhertomreyn: All our computers are stuck on 16.04 until we can migrate everything.  I use the 16.04 live USB for testing purposes.02:07
tomreyncalher: i see. well, you got two years left (plus ESM, potentially). maybe the software you cannot migrate, yet, could also be installed as a snap, in a chroot, in a container or VM.02:09
tomreyncalher: be sure to use the latest 16.04 live/installer iso for testing, released today.02:09
calherYeah, we're working on it.  It should be ready in a few months.02:10
calhertomreyn: Link?02:10
tomreynprobably also somewhere on ubuntu.com02:11
tomreynhttps://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads has torrent links (only)02:12
tomreyn...and theyre not updated, yet02:13
royal_screwup21is it a good idea to lock if you want to take a break for a short while and come back and open up instantly? I've been doing that, but I don't know for sure if the "wear and tear" from background has actually affected performance02:14
whoareUi made a bootalbe usb of install image, i can us the iso in virtualbox, but i can't boot it from my pc , what matters02:19
tomreynwhoareU: what happens when you try to boot it on your real computer?02:22
calherHm. The torrent seems a bit slow.02:22
tomreyncalher: it's young.02:22
CodeMouse92calher: P.S. If you're using Transmission, you didn't click the turtle button in the corner, did you? ;)02:22
* CodeMouse92 asks because he did that once02:22
calherHa, I did not.02:22
CodeMouse92I'll start seeing 16.04.05, see if that helps (I've got good net)02:23
CodeMouse92I usually seed all of Ubuntu's live images, but I haven't done this one yet02:24
calherCodeMouse92: It's 16.04.6 now.02:24
CodeMouse92Er, .6 yes02:24
whoareUtomreyn: the pc prompt me type any key to boot from usb , i dit , the pc directly beging a new os which is a windows i had installed02:24
CodeMouse92calher: You're x64, yes?02:24
CodeMouse92kk, I'll get that seeding in a mo02:25
tomreynwhoareU: i do not understand "the pc directly beging a new os which is a windows i had installed"02:27
whoareUwindows os has been installed ,i plan building two os ,02:28
tomreynwhoareU: are you saying the ubuntu installation stick installed windows?02:29
tomreyni have my doubts on this02:30
OerHekswhen this is windows 10 and a recent pc with UEFI, you might want to check the manual02:30
whoareUby the way , the pc is 32-bit , and both windows and linux os are 32-bit02:31
CodeMouse92calher: Now seeing. Hope that helps you out!02:31
=== gms is now known as Guest48767
tomreynwhoareU: maybe you also need https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-install-ubuntu-desktop02:32
* calher jumps into the pool with CodeMouse92 02:37
whoareUtomreyn: my bootable usb made by dd command, there is another question, how to verify it02:38
calherI use Fedora Media Writer to write ISOs now.02:40
calherHow long will it take for me to get any download speed?02:40
calherHi paus ! :D02:41
paushi calher02:41
r1chi all02:42
r1cdoes anyone know if netplan only accepts wifi passwords in plaintext?02:42
calherYay!  I'm getting a little bit of down now!  2 kB/s...02:43
tomreynwhoareU: 2nd link i posted02:43
CodeMouse92calher: Curious (a) what client you're using, and (b) what's your net speed?02:47
calherCodeMouse92: (a) Transmission, (b) IDK.  148 kB/s down now.02:48
CodeMouse92calher: If you right click on the torrent in Transmission, click Properties, and go to Trackers, is torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 on there?02:49
AlericHello. I believe to have discovered bug in getnameinfo(3). How/where would I report such a bug?02:49
calherCodeMouse92: Yes.02:51
CodeMouse92Okay, so you're on the right tracker, then. Hm, dunno.02:51
tomreynAleric: first identify the package it belongs to, then run "ubuntu-bug PACKAGE" (replacing PACKAGE by the actual package name) to report the bug against your ubuntu release. alternatively, or additionally, read the very man pages' COLOPHON section to file a bug upstream.02:53
CodeMouse92calher: You can test your net speed with http://speedtest.net/02:54
tomreyncalher: i just downloaded using the same trackers with several MB/s, so i believe it has to do with your internet access.02:54
Alerictomreyn: The getnameinfo manpage says "Since glibc 2.22", so I suppose it belongs to package libc6?02:54
calhertomreyn: It's speeding up now.02:55
calher168 kB/s now02:56
tomreynAleric: you are jumping to conclusions. does this tell you which packages this man page beloings to?  dpkg -S getnameinfo02:57
Alerictomreyn: No, that just lists the package names of the man pages for that function. It is implemented in libc though...03:01
Aleric>readelf -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 | grep getnameinfo03:02
Aleric   931: 000000000013e360  1551 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 getnameinfo@@GLIBC_2.2.503:02
tomreynAleric: "getnameinfo(3)", which you said you want to report a bug against, refers to the man page, section 3, of the "getnameinfo()" function. this man page is part of the "Linux Programmer's Manual", packaged as manpages-dev in Ubuntu, as indicated by "dpkg -S getnameinfo"03:03
tomreynAleric: if you instead want to file a bug against the actual "getnameinfo()" function, this is part of linux.03:04
AlericIt's common to refer to a function by it's man page (aka, type getnameinfo(3))... the bug is in the function, not the man page.03:05
tomreynso the linux kernel. "ubuntu-bug linux", upstream bug tracker is https://bugzilla.kernel.org03:05
Alericyeah no... it's not part of the linux kernel :p03:06
yvyzI think I am sick of Nvidia and its failures. Took me 2 hours to fix apt after attempting to install nvidia-309 through Software and Updates. And it still didnt take until I had to loop -f install and update over and over again. What a f***ing joke.03:08
BenderRodriguezdon't blame invidia03:08
BenderRodriguezblame the sad state of linux on desktop03:08
tomreynneither here03:09
yvyzIm just, miffed. Ive never had an entire package manager dependency list break over video drivers before. Other things ofcourse, but FFS, something so basic and ubiquitus as wanting to SEE YOUR DESKTOP...03:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:10
tomreyn^ yvyz03:10
yvyzI love how the community continueally cares about all these great new technologies and building web apps, turns around and complains about video drivers and display, and only a FEW sit down and develop solutions.03:10
yvyzOh great, ubuntu core on an rpi.03:11
tomreynplease stay on topic03:11
yvyzBut I cannot easily install one of the most basic of drivers03:11
calherUbuntu works fine on my ten year old ThinkPad.  Suspend/resume, everything's great.03:11
yvyzThats pretty on topic as its a common ubuntu/debian issue esp after the systemd change03:11
yvyzBut thanks for the input tomreyn03:11
tomreynyvyz: *this* channel is only for ubuntu support Q&A, not for sharing experiences or opinions. there are other channels.03:12
yvyzI see you are the Zues of these lands.03:12
yvyzHey guys, anybody ever have problems installing nvidia drivers on ubuntu 18.04?03:13
tomreynnor for polls03:13
guivercyvyz, this is not a chat or poll channel, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting/polling..03:13
yvyzWell, it's interesting see: I keep getting package manager issues about dependencies when I try to install nvidia proprietary via software and drivers. Is there any relevant fix for this?03:14
yvyzIs this something that is intended to be fixed upstream with debian? Or is Ubuntu-dev working on a fix? It seems pretty common.03:15
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.03:15
Bashing-omyvyz: I too have no issues with nvidia drivers in 18.04. What is broke in your system ?03:16
yvyzWell you see I have an 18.04 installation with an Nvidia 1050 Ti on board. When I run ubuntu-drivers autoinstall it seems to hang on "nvidia-309 depends on nvidia-309:i386" but if I try to install nvidia-309:i386 it says that it depends on nvidia-309. So i get a dependency loop and this breaks apt.03:17
yvyzI should say I am running two video cards. One Quadro 2000 (nvidia-304) and a 1050 Ti (nvidia-309)03:17
yvyzI first attempted to use the software and drivers app to switch to proprietary drivers but they would never green light, and would immediately re-highlight the neauveu driver.03:18
yvyzBut then I attempted to switch the 1050 Ti one at a time, and got it into install. When I rebooted I was met with the right light warning that my package manager wsa broken.03:19
yvyzSo I eventually had to go back into terminal and attempt to remove the nvidia software via apt. Which failed because of the aformention dependency loop.03:19
yvyzSomehow I got things cleared up after using LC_MESSAGE=C and dpkg to remove all of the packages.03:20
yvyzSo my 1050 Ti is working, after hand install the nvidia drivers via apt after a apt upgrade. But I cannot get my Quaddro 2000 to use the nvidia-304 drivers for the life of me.03:20
lunatikoshi ! i got problem with steam steamplay / proton... when i click PLAY on my games it shows "launching game...." then the window close directly and it does not lau,ch/open the game. any idea how i can fix the issue ? seems like something is missing.. got ubuntu 18.10 + nvidia-415 (ppa)03:21
yvyzWhich doesnt seem quite right. I cannot get the 304 drivers to take after reboot whether i install via command line or set the drivers via package and drivers03:21
yvyzAny idea what could be happening?03:21
tomreynyvyz: i suggest you report a bug if ubuntu-drivers doesn't work as expected (search for existing bug reports first).03:22
tomreynalso consider installing a 64-bit variant of ubuntu03:23
yvyzLinux workstation 4.18.0-15-generic #16~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 7 14:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:24
tomreynah so it's just the packages then, maybe there are no 64-bit packages for those drivers.03:24
tomreyn!steam | lunatikos03:25
ubottulunatikos: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.03:25
lunatikosok thx03:26
lunatikosit needs subscribe :(03:27
yvyzubuntu-drivers devices03:27
tomreyn!info nvidia-309 bionic03:27
ubottuPackage nvidia-309 does not exist in bionic03:27
tomreynyvyz: this package does not seem to exist in ubuntu 18.0403:28
yvyz!info libnvidia-gl-39003:28
ubottulibnvidia-gl-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES GLVND libraries and Vulkan ICD. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.77-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 (bionic), package size 14531 kB, installed size 71827 kB03:28
yvyzApologies for the misname03:29
yvyzSo I ran: LC_MESSAGES=C dpkg-divert --list '*nvidia-340*' | sed -nre 's/^diversion of (.*) to .*/\1/p' | xargs -rd'\n' -n1 -- sudo dpkg-divert --remove03:30
yvyzI should say I am workong on the quaddroo 2000 which is nividia 34003:30
yvyzAfter running the above command I was able to autoremove and then upgrade.03:30
yvyzWhich fixed apt03:31
yvyzBut now I am unable to install the 340 drivers and have them take.03:31
tomreynyvyz: your initial report was about "When I run ubuntu-drivers autoinstall it seems to hang on "nvidia-309 depends on nvidia-309:i386" but if I try to install nvidia-309:i386 it says that it depends on nvidia-309. So i get a dependency loop and this breaks apt."03:32
tomreynnow you're discussing different packages03:32
Bashing-om!info nvidia-drivers-340 bionic03:32
ubottuPackage nvidia-drivers-340 does not exist in bionic03:32
yvyztomreyn: i said that i got 390 to work.03:32
yvyzAnd that I am battling with 304 drivers03:32
yvyz21:21:40            yvyz | Which doesnt seem quite right. I cannot get the 304 drivers to take after reboot whether i install via command line or set the drivers via package and drivers03:32
yvyzhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YzkRZDcMdV/ <- ubuntu-drivers devices03:33
yvyz!info nvidia-34003:33
ubottunvidia-340 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-340): NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.107. In component restricted, is optional. Version 340.107-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 (bionic), package size 28673 kB, installed size 139972 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)03:33
tonytyou can always download what ever nvidia driver from nvidia and manually install it yourself.03:33
yvyzI done just that. Which is what software and drivers does.03:34
yvyzBut I cannot get them to take03:34
tomreynyvyz: yes, you said so. i'm still trying to help you report a but about the issues you faced while doing so, or finding out whether there are such bug reports, with a possibly better workaround than those you applied.03:35
yvyzYes, I am using 3 screens. All three screens work right. Two (HDMI and DP) on the 1050 and one (VGA) on the 200003:35
Bashing-omyvyz: version 304 is end of life - 2017:http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3142/~/support-timeframes-for-unix-legacy-gpu-releases.03:35
yvyztomreyn: very possible. I am not trying to be a dick here.03:35
yvyzI saw that as well. But I should still be able to load them ya?03:36
yvyzOr maybe the latest kernels break them completely?03:36
yvyzWhich I guess would make sense03:36
* tomreyn bbl03:36
royal_screwup21instead of hostname, I want to harcode another name:     PS1="${bold_blue}[$(hostname)${normal} \w${normal} ${bold_white}[$(git_prompt_info)]${normal}» " how do I do that?03:49
mousessilly question - just want to get this right.  I have a user on my server that needs a script located in their home directory to start on boot, and run/work as that user of course (not root) so they can manage / kill it after boot if they want - server is on 18.04 -> what's my method to get this working?03:49
xamithanmake a .service file for it?03:50
yvyzIn the exec command field just "setuid $userid$"03:52
yvyzThen they will have full control over it and it will run on boot.03:52
yvyzAnd I guess its a little out of standard but you can point the service to Exec /home/username/file03:54
JFox762I need help with my backups04:02
calherJFox762: What do you need help with?04:03
JFox762calher: thanks04:07
qwebirc27864evening all  just wondering if  anyone else is having issues  with ubuntu  repos ?   getting can not connect to  network  but  i am  on here chatting with you guys on the same computer  that is having the issue04:15
yvyzqwebirc27864: what does: env | grep -i proxy04:17
calherJFox762: Hm, encryption stuff.  Don't know.04:17
qwebirc27864if your asking me   zero output  nothing  just went back  to  prompt04:18
qwebirc27864yvyz:  should it have  responded?04:20
JFox762calher: darn :( thanks though04:20
yvyzqwebirc27864: Sometimes there are proxy settings (http_proxy and https_proxy) that would prevent apt from reaching source urls.04:21
yvyzqwebirc27864: run: sudo apt-get install *YOURPACKAGE* | nc termbin.com 999904:22
yvyzand paste the link it produces04:22
qwebirc27864fresh install  :: for security repo 503  Service Unavailable [IP: 80] :: for InRelease  503  Service Unavailable [IP: 80]04:22
yvyzUgh, termbin breaks with multiline apt responses. Ok04:24
yvyzCan you ping those ip's?04:24
qwebirc27864i  get a  apache2  test page  for one  and  ubuntu security notices for the other04:25
tomreyncalher: a web search brings up https://answers.launchpad.net/duplicity/+question/218882 where further steps are suggested04:25
yvyzqwebirc27864: are you behind a school or work network?04:25
qwebirc27864nope home04:25
yvyzqwebirc27864: I mean the command: ping
yvyzIf so, your sources.list might be pointing to dead repositories.04:26
qwebirc27864 22 packets transmitted, 21 received, 4% packet loss,04:27
qwebirc27864ctrl c  caused the 4%04:27
yvyzWhen you run apt-get update, do some of the repos work and some others do not?04:28
qwebirc27864they  all connect04:28
yvyzWhat is the command you are running that gives you the errors?04:28
qwebirc27864 ok  timing  was bad  there ping  the  ips  resolve to  a connection04:29
JFox762anyone else know ?04:29
JFox762about how to fix this backup error?04:29
tomreynJFox762: a web search brings up https://answers.launchpad.net/duplicity/+question/218882 where further steps are suggested04:30
qwebirc27864 but  running  apt update  causes failures  apt-get and  synaptic aswell04:30
tomreynand sorry calher, this wasnt for you04:30
yvyzqwebirc27864: can you paste the entire output of sudo apt-get update to -> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/04:31
JFox762how do i run that program with maximum verbosity?04:31
yvyzJFox762: duplicity -v904:32
yvyzqwebirc27864: ping security.ubuntu.com04:33
yvyzI am just making sure things are resolving first before we do other stuff.04:35
qwebirc27864brb gotta help my kid    https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/VBrMJZWcdy/04:35
qwebirc27864and thank you04:35
qwebirc27864 back  sorry  monsters under the bed04:38
cim209qwebirc27864: lol04:39
JFox762yvyz: how do i run that when using the gui backup?04:39
SudoBashwhen doing updates through aptitude, apt, apt-get install, etc... why not wait until everything is done before generating kernel and init images instead of doing it after every time it installs something that requires a kernel change? for instance accumulate all the changes the need to be done to the kernel and init images and apply all at the same04:41
SudoBash time at the end of updates instead of throughout the entire process multiple times.................?????04:41
yvyzJFox762: duplicity verify -v9 /path/to/backup/location /foldertobebackedup04:44
yvyzqwebirc27864: 503 errors are generally due to proxy configurations on a host or network.04:44
qwebirc27864SudoBash: most likely  so  if one fails  you know  which one it is  with a miniamal  amout  of back tracking04:44
SudoBashAhhh that can be taken care of with proper coding...04:46
yvyzqwebirc27864: env | grep proxy :: does this show nothing04:46
qwebirc27864yvyz: glitch@glitch-bad-wolf:~$ env | grep -i proxy  glitch@glitch-bad-wolf:~$04:48
SudoBashwhen you finally apply the kernel / init images just log to stdout and stderr properly and shouldn't have a problem with iterating through an array of kernel / init changes04:48
qwebirc27864yvyz:  just goes straight back ot the prompt04:49
tomreynSudoBash: please note this channel is really just for support Q&A. you could join #ubuntu-discuss to discuss ubuntu, or #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics04:49
SudoBashoh lord the nazi's are still here04:50
qwebirc27864yvyz: think  an install  from a failing usb key  could cause this issue04:50
tomreyni dno not appreciate this insult.04:50
yvyzqwebirc27864: Open "Software and Updates" and select a different server in the "Download From: " drop down menu04:50
SudoBashHey, you're the ones ruining Linux so whatever..........04:51
SudoBash<- 16 programming languages04:51
lotuspsychjeSudoBash: stop that please04:51
yvyzqwebirc27864: its possible, but highly improbable that your install is corrupted in just the right away to not allow apt to connect04:52
yvyzqwebirc27864: you may try another sources server download location in Software & Updates. And if that does not work, look for a "proxy" file within /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/04:52
SudoBashI mean I have to install a clone of Gnome 2 just to have a workable desktop now days....04:53
lotuspsychje!ot | SudoBash04:53
ubottuSudoBash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:53
tomreynyvyz: it could be qwebirc27864's ISP, too. this happened occasionally lately.04:53
yvyzSudoBash: You may want to take kernel update method issues up with Linus directly. Not here.04:54
SudoBashYou had that in your queue ready didn't you?04:54
yvyztomreyn: I was thinking that, but he is able to reach all servers giving issues within apt through ping ip and ping name.name04:54
lotuspsychjeSudoBash: if you dont have an ubuntu question, please dont use this channel we have other channels for chitchat04:54
qwebirc27864yvyz: no suitable download server was found....04:55
SudoBashlotuspsychje: some people just come here to push your nazi buttons.....04:55
Deihmosis there a way to get a list of all installed packages with size ?04:55
lotuspsychje!ops | SudoBash seems not understand offtopic04:55
ubottuSudoBash seems not understand offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax04:55
Deihmossudo apt list --installed that gives me a list but i would like to know the size04:55
yvyzqwebirc27864: Select "Other..." and select a different service location in the dialogue box.04:55
tomreynyvyz: icmp traffdic may be handled differently than tcp / http. and even if not so, who says those (theoretical, so far) ISP proxies don't just respond to ping as wlel?04:56
SudoBashLoL what a nazi prat04:56
yvyzDeihmos: sudo apt list --installed04:56
yvyztomreyn: highly plausible. but what ISP would trash their own network like that?04:57
philip_how to install center of ubuntu?04:57
tomreynyvyz: several04:57
yvyz!ops | SudoBash is causing serious issues04:57
ubottuSudoBash is causing serious issues: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax04:57
tomreynyvyz: i've suggested httpS mirrors in past situations, which worked around it.04:57
yvyztomreyn: That makes me sad lol.04:57
tomreynas well as changing isp04:58
yvyzthat is actually a good idea. well both of them.04:58
tomreynpretty terrible, and doesn't sort by country, but at least you get a list04:59
yvyztomreyn better than nothing. bravo on the seds and awks04:59
yvyzor rather just sed's04:59
yvyzqwebirc27864: out of curiosity what is your ISP?05:00
JFox762_So when I typed that command05:00
qwebirc27864yvyz: comcast05:00
yvyzJFox762: apologies - duplicity verify -v9 file:///path/to/backup/file05:02
royal_screwup21how long did it take to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04? It's taking me more more than 2 hours at ~ 100 mbps05:03
yvyzJFox762_: or some variance of file:// /// or / ( i forget someimtes)05:03
yvyzroyal_screwup21: did you do-release-upgrade ?05:03
yvyzor dist-upgrade?05:04
royal_screwup21yeah I definitiely did one of those05:04
royal_screwup21I think it was the latter05:04
yvyzqwebirc27864: Following up on tomreyn's suggestion, you could: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:07
yvyzAnd put https:// in front of the security.ubuntu and see if it fixes the 503 for that one. And you will know what toi do for the rest05:07
royal_screwup21if I ctrl + c and start all over again, will it resume where it left off, or will it start a fresh install?05:08
yvyzroyal_screwup21: Well the upgrade process can take up to 2 hours. Depending on a number of factors05:08
yvyzI would NOT ctrl+c in the middle of a dist-upgrade05:08
tomreynqwebirc27864: i just tested those failing HTTP requests of yours through two separate comcast clients' proxy servers but didn't get any errors. so it could be that the issue is actually somewhere closer to your computers rather than affecting all of their customers.05:08
tomreynqwebirc27864: this is just a note, please follow up with what yvyz just suggested.05:09
yvyzBUt if you do, you could attempt to to do this via sudo update-manager so you get a continual review of the status05:09
qwebirc27864no  dice05:09
JFox762_yvyz: it says " CollectionsError: No backup chains found"05:10
yvyzqwebirc27864: curl http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu05:10
qwebirc27864tomreyn: thank you  for checking  and i was  waiting  for  responce  from  the computer05:10
royal_screwup21if I lock my screen with ctrl + alt + l, will that halt the upgrade (or worse, kill) the upgrade?05:11
qwebirc27864yvyz: curl  not  found05:11
yvyzJFox762_: the file:// path must be an absolute path.05:11
JFox762_absolute path?05:12
qwebirc27864im  going to  go  get a new  usb  and  try  reinstalling05:12
tomreynqwebirc27864: wget -O- http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/           is an alternative05:13
JFox762_can you elaborate yvyz ?05:13
yvyzJFox762_: you defined an incorrect path05:13
JFox762_in the Backup directory? or the Directory to be backed up?05:13
yvyzIt needs to be /path/to/file/thefile05:14
yvyzFor file:///05:14
royal_screwup21actually, I just scrolled up: I did a do-release-upgrade05:14
qwebirc27864yvyz: tomreyn: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/XZjVwC6BFW/    still no dice05:14
yvyzIs the same error with https:// ?05:15
tomreynsecurity.ubuntu.com is not available via https05:15
yvyzqwebirc27864: Do you have a firewall at your house, or just a  normal modem -> router -> machine setup?05:15
JFox762_yvyz: does it need to be a .gpg file?05:16
tomreynqwebirc27864: a "virus scanner" may also be getting in the way there05:16
JFox762_like an individual one?05:16
JFox762_I'm confused05:16
yvyzHe did say its a clean fresh install05:16
qwebirc27864 regular set up05:16
JFox762_duplicity verify -v9 file://media/jack/USB128/Backup/Backup1 /home/jack/05:16
JFox762_is the command i used05:16
JFox762_duplicity verify -v9 file://media/jack/USB128/Backup/ /home/jack/05:17
JFox762_i also used that one05:17
JFox762_my duplicity files (the .gpg files) are in the Backup folder05:17
qwebirc27864im  going to  get out of your hair tonight  im  going to  go  for the nuclear option in the moring  and  buy a new usb stick05:17
JFox762_on my 128gb USB05:17
yvyzJFox762_: ls -al /media/jack/USB128/Backup | nc termbin.com 999905:17
qwebirc27864and try again05:17
qwebirc27864thank you  for trying  and  best of luck05:18
JFox762_there you go05:18
JFox762_thats the output05:18
tomreynqwebirc27864: come back tomorrow if you run into the same issues, and sum things up again shortly here.05:19
royal_screwup21It's at "Unpacking linux-headers-4.15.0-45 (4.15.0-45.48) ..." -- any idea how much longer this upgrade is going to take?05:19
tomreynqwebirc27864: good luck!05:19
qwebirc27864ill at least come back  to let you know  what  has happened05:20
yvyzJFox762_: does: duplicity list-current-files file:///path/to/backup/folder05:21
yvyzlist files?05:21
tomreynqwebirc27864: i think this can be worked around should you run into the same issues again then. but it'd take some more time.05:21
JFox762_oh wait05:21
tomreynroyal_screwup21: how long have you been waiting?05:21
royal_screwup21tomreyn: at least 2.5 hours05:22
tomreynroyal_screwup21: oh, did your disk run full then?05:22
JFox762_I have two backup folders05:22
JFox762_Backup and Backup205:22
JFox762_i tried the command with both, and still get the same result05:22
royal_screwup21tomreyn: I don't think so, but is there a quick terminal command to check?05:22
yvyzroyal_screwup21: df -h05:23
tomreyninteus: hi there, got a minute? we just had a comcast user here who was unable to access this: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/   - could you test whether you get to see a directory listing there?05:23
tomreynroyal_screwup21: df -h /05:24
royal_screwup21tomreyn: nah I have lots of space05:24
tomreynroyal_screwup21: i'd say backup your files and do a fresh install.05:25
=== Guest1950639 is now known as saitoh183
=== saitoh183 is now known as Guest12319
royal_screwup21tomreyn: the thing is, it isn't stuck...it's just taking a long time...05:25
inteustomreyn: yes, a directory listing loads05:26
tomreyninteus: thanks!05:26
royal_screwup21looking at the logs I see stuff is definitely happening, but I'm curious if its expected to take as long05:26
=== Guest12319 is now known as darkpix
tomreynroyal_screwup21: if it's unpacking linux-headers-4.15.0-45 for at least 2.5 hours then something is really wrong with your system. either the OS, which was unpatched for half a year, or the hardware.05:27
tomreynroyal_screwup21: also the entire upgrade should not take this long, unless you have a really slow download.05:28
royal_screwup21it was unpacking those header a while back, now it's unpacking task warrior...05:28
tomreynroyal_screwup21: if you run "dmesg -w" on another terminal, does it keep adding new lines of output there?05:30
tomreyn(you can canel this with ctrl-c)05:30
pi0how do i connect ubuntu to my pi05:30
pi0i am in settings bluetooth05:30
pi0and says not setup05:30
darkpixim trying to create a mount in /mnt/feral using sshfs. It works fine when i run just the command to mount  but when i create a mnt-feral.mount it fails05:30
JFox762_yvyz: i created a new folder05:31
royal_screwup21tomreyn: nope, it didn't add any lines in the last ~ 30 seconds05:31
pi0i get the little circle for a little bit05:31
royal_screwup21still no lines05:31
darkpixhere is what im getting and the config im using https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y8dm2KBxTK/05:31
JFox762_seems to be backing up right now as I speak05:33
royal_screwup21tomreyn: still no lines :( although the upgrade is showing new logs every few seconds....05:33
JFox762_I deleted the old backup folder05:33
JFox762_and the old backup files (which is fine by me)05:33
tomreynroyal_screwup21: if you like, you can post the full log online and i'll take a quick look:  dmesg | nc termbin.com 999905:33
=== JFox762_ is now known as JFox762
royal_screwup21tomreyn: https://termbin.com/yabi905:35
royal_screwup21tomreyn: is the expectation that the there should be new lines outputted through dmesg? It's the same as it was before, nothing's changed :(05:40
royal_screwup21now it's setting up a bunch of stuff05:42
yvyzI would say let it ride05:42
royal_screwup21this nc termbin.com 9999 thing is pretty cool05:43
yvyzIt makes things a LOT easier05:43
cim209yvyz: indeed05:44
tomreynroyal_screwup21: no, i don't expect new output on the dmesg command. you can cancel it05:45
tomreynroyal_screwup21: the log you posted does not show any major issues.05:45
tomreynroyal_screwup21: but the upgrade is taking way too long. it may be advisable to reset the SSD and reinstall05:46
darkpixcan anyone help?05:48
tomreyn!details | darkpix05:48
ubottudarkpix: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.05:48
tomreyndarkpix: oh you asked before, sorry05:49
darkpixyeah. and im on 18.0405:49
tomreyndarkpix: have you considered using real network shares?05:49
darkpixi have limited methods of connecting to the other box since i have no root access05:50
darkpixon the other box05:50
tomreyndarkpix: and whoever has root access there wouldn't set up an NFS or samba server there?05:51
royal_screwup21now it's "removing obsolete obsolte connfile etc/xdg/QtProject/qtlogging.in"...this is taking exceptionally long05:51
darkpixno, it is a Feralhosting box05:52
tomreyni don't know what a "Feralhosting box" is05:52
darkpixtomreyn it a slot i rent shared server with others.05:53
darkpixso the short answer is no i dont have root05:54
tomreyndarkpix: well, my point is: sshfs is a crude hack. you should not use it for anything serious.05:55
darkpixi tried nfs and they dont have it enabled. so sshfs was the best option i could find. all i need it for is to pull logs of it and dump a single text file on it from time to time05:56
SeanConnelythe terminal interface protocol through another person sand with the other main person can instead be the through gate through the other terminal05:56
darkpixso no big file transferes or anthing05:56
royal_screwup21should I ctrl + c? It's been ~3 minutes and it's still "Removing obsolete conffile /etc/xdg/QtProject/qtlogging.ini ..."05:56
SeanConnelyno it is done through terminal switch through another being of another person through terminal05:57
tomreyndarkpix: oh okay, then it sounds like this could work ok, yes. i'm afraid i don't know how to debug the failing mount, though. sorry05:58
oosehedaiphequaghow deeply do you examine source code before compiling?05:58
SeanConnelythe other person can read the line through another eye in the terminal person of the other link05:58
royal_screwup21when I do lsb_release -a it says I'm on ubuntu 18.0405:59
pi0in ubuntu how can i sync to my pi05:59
tomreyndarkpix: i guess i'd read up on the mount.sshfs (or whatever it is called) man page and increase log verbosity, and search the web for those outputs you get.05:59
pi0i see it in my bluetooth scan05:59
pi0but it does not connect05:59
pi0i used this scipt https://github.com/DrRowland/RPi-Bluetooth-Console/blob/master/setup.sh05:59
yvyzpi0: please be more specific05:59
SeanConnelythe output stream of the other stream can be a link between to people06:00
darkpixtomryn . ok...im wondering if it because when using it by just typing the command i do get prompt to enter the password and accept using passkey the first  but in systemctl you cant get prompt ...i have looked up and added debug to the command06:00
SeanConnelythe output data can be switched in another person link through the ink06:00
pi0yvyz: yes06:01
tomreyndarkpix: wait, are you saying you need to authenticate by entering your password, haven't configured ssh keys?06:01
SeanConnelythe hack code is the terminal of the other person through insight blare06:01
pi0i configured my pi to enable bt06:01
pi0i scanned all devices on my ubuntu laptop06:02
yvyzThis is some interesting use of sshfs06:02
pi0i clicked to sync but it did not06:02
pi0yes the goal is ssh06:02
yvyzpi0: you need to make the BT device available for pairing.06:02
tomreyndarkpix: if this is so then yes, automating the mount wont work, as you just concluded correctly.06:02
yvyzdarkpix: what was your intention again?06:02
SeanConnelythe ssh is the other through the other through through another place in where they get through another06:03
darkpixtomreyn no..no...i setup the private key. but you know how the first time you login with ssh and private key you get a prompt06:03
yvyz^ yes06:03
tomreyn!who | SeanConnely06:03
ubottuSeanConnely: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:03
SeanConnelythe ssh is the gateway through another be in the place it can resolve06:03
tomreynSeanConnely: are you a bot?06:03
SeanConnelynoo i am not06:03
yvyzIts called a tunnel, or ssh tunnel.06:03
tomreynSeanConnely: are you helping someone, or trying to get help?06:04
darkpixyvyz need to mount a remote server so i can pull logs, on remote server i have no root access and there is no nfs06:04
yvyzsshfs would be great for this as long as you have ssh access06:04
darkpixyes i do06:04
yvyzbut I am wondering what your exact issue is, can you not mount?06:04
darkpixif i run the command in terminal, it works...but not when i run it via systemctl06:05
=== RaptorJesus is now known as E-Man
yvyzdarkpix: just like with ssh, you would benefit from configuring a .ssh/connectionConfigFile for the particular server you want06:05
tomreynyvyz: here's what darkpix posted earlier: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y8dm2KBxTK/06:06
yvyzdarkpix: you can set the public key, ip, and user execution rules06:06
royal_screwup21ok, I'm going to ctrl + c :(06:06
yvyzsystemctl is not run as user06:06
yvyzand will not, unless specified in the service definition, run the service as your user06:07
pi0what can i do with this script06:07
yvyzso it is probably not finding your /home/user/.ssh/ folder, and thus not using the correct key06:07
pi0i dont know what to do06:09
darkpixyvyz so your saying i should remove the uid and gid from mnt-feral.mount?06:09
royal_screwup21lol first bug with 18.0406:09
yvyzdarkpix: in your users .ssh folder /home/username/.ssh, create a host entry for your remote host06:09
tomreynroyal_screwup21: if you cancelled the upgrade, you are not running ubuntu 18.0406:10
yvyzAnd then you can set your service to sshfs hostname mountpoint06:10
royal_screwup21tomreyn: I pressed enter and it brought me back to promprt06:10
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tomreynroyal_screwup21: what did the line before that say?06:11
yvyzdarkpix: And verify that your .mount service is set to setuid/setguid yourusername06:11
darkpixyvyz do you mind modifying my paste of the .mount so i can see what you mean?06:12
yvyzIf you are using systemd service defintions, you will set User= and Group=06:12
pi0yvyz: shoot i dont even know what to do about this06:13
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royal_screwup21tomaw: before "removing obsolete..."? "Setting up libqt5core5a:amd64 (5.9.5+dfsg-0ubuntu1) ..."06:13
yvyzpi0: have you ever paired two bluetooth devices before?06:13
pi0not yet06:14
yvyzdarkpix: Let me take a look, but you could do this with an easier config06:14
darkpixyvyz initially i was following this example https://www.buggycoder.com/mount-remote-fs-sshfs-systemd/06:14
yvyzdarkpix: uname -a06:15
yvyzactually, what user do you want to run this under?>06:21
yvyzDoes /data/.ssh/feral exist?06:21
yvyzOr is it in /home/username/.ssh/feral ?06:21
darkpixit does exist06:22
yvyzchmod 600 /data/.ssh/feral06:23
yvyzand try it06:23
darkpixif i run this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hPfHhb6BTC/ it works...let me give that a try06:24
yvyzI just wonder if its either a key permission issue or you are not getting the prompt for first key use for some reason06:24
darkpixit was already set to 60006:25
darkpixand in known_host i already have the entry from the first key use06:25
yvyzls -al /data/.ssh/ -- who owns feral06:25
darkpix-rw-------  1 plex plex 1675 Feb 21 00:35 feral06:26
yvyz(rclone is far easier solution ;))06:27
yvyzYou might want to add User=plex and Group=plex to your systemd .mount file06:28
yvyzSo the service executes as the user06:28
yvyzSo in [Service/Mount] add User=plex and Group=plex06:29
darkpixok..let me try06:29
pi0yvyz: how do i see why a bt did not sync06:30
pi0were are the logs06:30
yvyzpi0: /var/log$ grep blue syslog.1|more06:31
yvyzpi0: tail -f /var/log/syslog and attempt to pair and see what it says06:31
darkpixyvyz no dice https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T6CMKVZqnD/06:33
yvyzdarkpix: if that doesnt work...06:33
yvyzok well06:34
yvyzLets put it this way, lets just define the service for you rlocal PC to run as root06:34
yvyzAnd remove the uid and gid flags from the fstab entry you made06:35
royal_screwup21Hi all. So I tried to update my 17.10 to 18.04...and things have gone horribly horribly wrong. I managed to get the do-release upgrade done, but now I can't seem to login. When I click on my username and enter passwords, it takes prompts me to login yet again. The password is alright; it's literally just cycling back, not giving me access.06:35
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: 17.10 is end of life06:36
royal_screwup21I know06:36
royal_screwup21that's why I tried to upgrade06:36
mlalkakaIn the Ubuntu/Gnome settings, there's a Display Scale option. How do I get or set that value from the command line? None of the tools I've tried (gsettings and xdpyinfo) seem to be used on the "backend" of that setting06:36
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: upgrading from eol releases can get you in trouble, also security issues06:36
ducasseroyal_screwup21: which desktop are you using?06:37
royal_screwup21I'm on a dell laptop06:37
darkpixyvyz i wanted to avoid editing the fstab directly by using systemd but if it isnt working i might have to go that route. right now i had it setup in a cronjob with the @reboot in front06:37
royal_screwup21lotuspsychje: I'm going to try and go into recovery mode. Is there anything I can do from there to gain access?06:37
royal_screwup21I'm looking at the recovery menu right now06:38
yvyzdarkpix: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Rsqc5xKrGh/06:38
royal_screwup21there#s a few options- resume, cleanean, root, fsck, grub...06:38
yvyzdarkpix: this will create a systemd entry for you06:38
pi0wow so much i did not understand06:39
darkpixah gotcha...trying...06:39
royal_screwup21I'd love a pointer or two in the right direction :( I'm super screwed up this time06:39
ducasseroyal_screwup21: one more time - which desktop are you using?06:40
royal_screwup21ducasse: not sure what you mean :) I've tried to install ubuntu 18.04 on on Linux. It's on a dell laptop06:40
ducasseroyal_screwup21: is it the regular ubuntu desktop version?06:41
royal_screwup21yu[p I followed the instructions on here https://itsfoss.com/use-unity-ubuntu-17-10/06:41
royal_screwup21ducasse: *06:41
royal_screwup21sorry I'm on a different computer atm, it's not that link and I'm a bit flustered06:42
royal_screwup21it was this one https://itsfoss.com/upgrade-ubuntu-version/06:43
ducasseok, let the machine boot fully, let me know when you're at the login screen06:43
yvyzroyal_screwup21: if you did not lose any data, save yourself the headache and just install 18.0406:43
royal_screwup21ducasse:  I'm looking at the recovery menu. I see option like resume, clean, root, systems memory, grub fsck06:43
royal_screwup21resume ->  resume normal boot, root -> drop to root shell prompt06:44
yvyzdarkpix: update?06:44
ducasseroyal_screwup21: resume06:45
yvyzpi0: Can you please explain the exact thing you are trying to do? WHat are the devices you want to pair?06:45
darkpixyvyz it seems to be running but nothing is showing up in mnt/feral just double checking...sec06:45
royal_screwup21ducasse: cool...thing is, I tried resume a while back and it takes me to the login screen, but there's nothing in the login screen. It just asks me for my password, which I enter, and then it prompts me for my password again...and again06:46
pi0how do i find out my bt mac address06:46
pi0yvyz: i would like to pair my pi with ubuntu06:46
yvyzpi0: what you ask does not make sense. You pair devices, not OS's and devices.06:47
ducasseroyal_screwup21: at the login screen, press ctrl+alt+f206:47
pi0can i pair my pi as a device06:47
pi0then ssh into it06:48
yvyzpi0: What are you trying to pair your pi to?06:48
yvyzpi0: Pairing your pi to another computer?06:48
royal_screwup21ducasse: alrighty, pressed resume, will keep you informed06:48
darkpixyvyz woot! its up! but will i be able to write to it since we removed the uid?06:48
yvyzdarkpix: as long as you have permissions, yep!06:48
yvyzdarkpix: and if its for what I think it is for, you should really check the sweet solution over at https://rclone.org/06:49
darkpixi already have rclone on the machine06:49
darkpixbut its for logs06:49
darkpixit so i can have access to the log files i use and add them to logarr06:50
yvyzLemme know if you can write to the mount point06:50
darkpixgoing to try06:50
yvyzdarkpix: cool. yea you can use it for tons of things. rclone is also great for securing your backups and creating rsync style diff triggered syncing06:51
royal_screwup21ducasse: pressing ctrl alt f2, but nothing's happening. f2 is also ,yeyboard shortcut to increase volume06:51
royal_screwup21also my keyboard*06:51
darkpixyvyz is it normal that it is slow to navigate?06:52
ducasseroyal_screwup21: what about ctrl+alt+f3?06:52
yvyzdarkpix: depends on your network connection to the remote host06:52
royal_screwup21ducasse: nope :(06:52
royal_screwup21ducasse: ctrl alt f4 did something; I see bash prompt against a black background06:53
yvyz^ good06:53
ducasseroyal_screwup21: ah, good. does it have a login prompt?06:53
royal_screwup21ducasse: yup I logged in06:53
ducasseroyal_screwup21: and that went fine?06:53
royal_screwup21fwiw, it says "welcome to ubuntu 18.04.02" right at the top06:54
yvyzdarkpix: in your fstab entry, you could always try adding -o auto_cache: oauto_cache,reconnect,defer_permissions,noappledouble,nolocalcaches,no_readahead06:56
ducasseroyal_screwup21: run this - 'rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity .cache .dbus .dmrc .mission-control .thumbnails ~/.config/dconf/user ~.compiz*'06:56
darkpixok..because it is locking up...i cant get to /mnt/feral now06:57
darkpixjust hangs06:57
yvyzdarkpix: and you could further set a more efficient encryption alg to like arcfour06:57
yvyzdarkpix: so with the other above additions, you could add Ciphers=arcfour06:58
yvyzI believe my default it uses AES128-cbc06:59
royal_screwup21ducasse: done, I see a blinking _06:59
royal_screwup21ok I got a permission denied06:59
pi0yvyz: is it possible what i am trying to do06:59
royal_screwup21I guess I should do it with sudo?06:59
ducasseroyal_screwup21: just wait until it finishes and gives you a prompt again06:59
royal_screwup21ducasse: rm: cannot remove .dbus: Permission denied06:59
yvyzpi0: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3688906:59
royal_screwup21ducasse: is there anything I should be googling? I'm not sure what the term is for this "login cycle"07:02
darkpixyvyz i must go sleep, i will check back in tomorrow07:02
yvyzroyal_screwup21: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226898807:02
yvyzdarkpix: ok, gl.07:02
darkpixthanks for the help07:02
pi0thank you07:02
yvyzdarkpix: np07:02
yvyzpi0: np07:02
pi0yvyz: does this seem possible too? https://medium.com/@andrewlr/raspberry-pi-zero-w-setup-ab16f89d812007:02
pi0i noticed it right before you pasted the link07:03
ducasseroyal_screwup21: not really. do you get a prompt yet?07:03
yvyzpi0: yes you could try that as well. You will want to think that your desktop machine is the master and your pi as the slave.07:04
royal_screwup21ducasse: yup I got a prompt07:04
yvyzpi0: so you are pairing the pi to your desktop, not the other way around07:04
royal_screwup21that rm command was denied because:  "m: cannot remove .dbus: Permission denied "07:04
yvyzroyal_screwup21: sudo command07:04
ducasseroyal_screwup21: run it again with sudo, should finish quickly07:05
royal_screwup21ok I sudo'd it, finishe quick07:05
ducasseroyal_screwup21: now 'sudo systemctl restart gdm3'07:06
pi0yvyz: oh shoot07:06
yvyzducasse: if that doesnt work, his gdm3 could have been corrupted and might need a reinstall/rebuild?07:06
royal_screwup21ducasse: done, it brough me to the login screen. Again some problem :( I entred password and it cycles back to login07:07
pi0almost feel that i should get a arduino module07:07
pi0to make it easier lol07:07
yvyzpi0: as long as they both have BlueTooth transcievers they should be able to connect. But anything more outside of general ubuntu configurations you might want to check with the rpi channels07:08
ducasseroyal_screwup21: try the icon next to your username that lets you select desktop, what does it list?07:08
royal_screwup21ducasse: the icon is basically an empty square. Below that is "Not Listed?"07:09
ducasseroyal_screwup21: ok, ctrl+alt+f4 to return to the console07:09
royal_screwup21ducasse: done07:10
ducasseroyal_screwup21: run 'sudo apt --install-recommends --reinstall ubuntu-desktop'07:10
royal_screwup21ducasse: i'm getting: commandline line option --reinstall is not understood in combination  other options07:12
ducasseroyal_screwup21: ok, remove --install-recommends07:13
royal_screwup21ducasse: --reinstall is not understood in combidation with other options07:14
royal_screwup21ducasse: did you mean something like this? sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop07:15
ducasseroyal_screwup21: yes07:16
ducasseroyal_screwup21: sorry :)07:16
royal_screwup21ducasse: no worries :) so I ran that, got dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run sudo dpk --configure -a07:17
royal_screwup21Ill run that and then the install07:17
ducasseyes, do that07:18
ducasseroyal_screwup21: it looks like your upgrade might have been interrupted07:19
royal_screwup21ducasse: hmm maybe....it took more 2.5 hours though and now I'm seeing a lot of logs like "installing new version of config file in..."07:20
royal_screwup21I'll let it finish and keep you informed07:20
ducasseok, i'll be here for a while yet07:21
royal_screwup21It's been on "updating database of manual pages" for the last 20 seconds....07:23
FuraiDoes anyone know here when 418 nvidia drivers will make it to the Graphics PPA?07:24
ducasseroyal_screwup21: it needs to finish this, though, if you want to try and avoid a reinstall07:24
royal_screwup21ducasse: yup it's moved ahead and setting up other stuff...fingers crossed the resintall works07:25
royal_screwup21ducasse: so I got a prompt : a new version of the configuration file /etc/default/grub is available, but the version installed is currently modified07:26
royal_screwup21what do you want to do about the modified configuration file grub?07:26
royal_screwup21install the package maintainers version07:26
ducasseroyal_screwup21: keep local version07:26
royal_screwup21keep the local version currently installed07:26
royal_screwup21ducasse: hmm actually...just so you know I did modify that file sometime back in an attempt solve this07:27
royal_screwup21I pretty compy pasted from an SO thread07:27
royal_screwup21pretty much*07:28
ducasseroyal_screwup21: should not be relevant to this, we might look at it later if necessary07:29
royal_screwup21ducasse: ah I remember why...it was cause the brightness key wasn't working on my keyboard (on ubunutu 17.04)07:30
royal_screwup21anyway, keeping the local version07:30
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royal_screwup21hmmm so how does that dpkg configure command work? Does it resume where the process left off, or does it the process all over again?07:44
royal_screwup21because I'm pretty sure I'm seeing "setting up <foo>" twice -- now, and once before07:45
ducasseroyal_screwup21: could have been just a similar package name07:47
royal_screwup21ducasse: ok, so that finished, and I ran the reinstall, and now it's rebooting I think07:47
royal_screwup21screen is blank, I think it turned off power07:48
royal_screwup21ducasse: I turned it on. Should I got to Ubuntu or advanced options for Ubuntu?07:49
ducassejust boot normally07:49
ducasseso ubuntu07:49
royal_screwup21cool okay#07:49
ducasseat the login screen, click the icon again07:50
royal_screwup21ducasse: yup, will do. For some reason it's gotten terribly slower, that ubuntu logo is still showing up...07:52
ducasseyou might still be missing packages, we'll look into that07:53
royal_screwup21ducasse: previously I was able to get into ubuntu 17.04 by hitting adv options for ubunut -> recovery mode07:53
ducasseyou couldn't get in otherwise?07:54
royal_screwup21ducasse: nope, I couldn't get in I hit ubuntu. It was super strange. I was normally always able to get into ubuntu 16.04 by simply hitting ubuntu, until I inadvertently upgraded to 17.0407:55
royal_screwup21if I*07:55
royal_screwup21when that inadvertent upgrade happened, I went to adv options -> recovery mode and things somehow worked07:56
royal_screwup21anyway, now it looks like it's frozen; that ubunut logo is still showing07:56
ducasseroyal_screwup21: i strongly suspect you really should backup your data and do a reinstall07:57
ducasseroyal_screwup21: if you're still here, try booting like you did before, bu going through recovery mode08:02
royal_screwup21ducasse: ah yeah doing just that08:02
royal_screwup21ducasse: ok there  was no login, the screen opened up08:03
royal_screwup21home screen*08:03
royal_screwup21I see the "what#s new in ubuntu " crap08:04
ducasseopen a terminal08:04
ducasse'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade'08:05
royal_screwup21cool, it's running08:05
royal_screwup21ducasse: yup its done08:06
ducasse'sudo apt install -f'08:06
royal_screwup21ducasse: done, all good08:06
ducasseok, so it seems you're more or less up and running, but i wouldn't trust this install. i strongly suggest you consider a fresh install.08:07
royal_screwup21ducasse: yup I think that would be for the best....but anyway, thanks for helping me out here! :)08:08
ducassenp, hope you're ok now08:09
royal_screwup21ducasse: so I'm finding that I can't quite decrease the brightness of my screen using the keyboard keys. Do you by any chance what I should be looking into? I saw some threads where they modified the grub file, not too sure what the right call is08:13
royal_screwup21decrease or increase*08:13
ducasseroyal_screwup21: is it controlled by fn+function key?08:15
royal_screwup21ducasse: so it was previously f10 for decreasing, f11 for increasing08:15
ducasseroyal_screwup21: with fn key?08:16
royal_screwup21ducasse: nope, nothing doing with the fn key08:16
yvyzIf you dont want to reinstall, and things seem to work OK, you can sudo apt-get -f install, and sudo apt-get update back and forth until you know your dependencies are not broken08:17
ducassewe've done that08:17
ducasseroyal_screwup21: i don't know much about controlling screen brightness, other than there are several things it could be08:18
ducasseit could be an acpi problem08:18
yvyzis it a laptop?08:19
ducasseroyal_screwup21: you can try this - http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html08:19
yvyzedit /etc/default/grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"08:19
yvyzbasically just add the acpi_backlight=vendor08:20
yvyzrun upgrade-grub and reboot08:20
yvyzhttps://askubuntu.com/a/1038144 is the general fixes for this08:21
tomreynyou may also want this bios upgrade (you're on BIOS 1.2.0 10/25/2017 currently): https://www.dell.com/support/home/de/de/debsdt1/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=rh9h5&oscode=wt64a&productcode=inspiron-15-7577-laptop08:21
royal_screwup21cool will try that08:21
tomreynroyal_screwup21: ^08:21
tomreynand your system may have thermal issues. make sure it has enough space for air circulation to the sides.08:22
ninaccinoHello, I would like to ask if there is a possibility to add to my Ubuntu partition. I am running a Dual Boot Windows 10 with Ubuntu 18.04.08:23
yvyzninaccino: You want to extend the size of your ubuntu partition?08:24
ninaccinoYes, exactly.08:24
yvyzninaccino: Is your current hard disk completely full with partitions, or do you have free space?08:24
Euph0rianinaccino: Boot from a liveCD/USB and run Gparted.08:24
ninaccinoMy current HD has free space08:25
yvyzDo what Euph0ria said08:25
ninaccinoAlright, thank you !08:25
royal_screwup21I changed my grub file to this http://termbin.com/lq6a but it still doesn't work as it used to before (with f10 and f11 for decreasing and increasing brightness)08:30
royal_screwup21also ran update08:30
yvyzroyal_screwup21: can you adjust brightness via the gui?08:33
royal_screwup21yvyz: there's no gui :( at least I don't see an option for brightness on the power settings08:34
yvyzHmmm, if you dont even see it in poer options...08:36
ducasseroyal_screwup21: try the bios update and the link i sent you08:38
baakohi guys. I have been having issues with my 18.10 install. just freezes when logged in.08:46
baakoI have "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" "nvidia-driver-390 - distro non-free recommend"08:47
royal_screwup21this is ridiculous...08:47
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lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: what is?08:48
royal_screwup21unable to increase/decrease brightness08:50
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: did you update bios as adviced above?08:53
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | royal_screwup2108:55
absencei get a notification that there's a new bios update for my laptop, but when i click the update button, nothing happens, and after a while i get the same notification again08:55
ubotturoyal_screwup21: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate08:55
absenceis there a way to run the bios update from the command line? it doesn't seem to come from apt-get08:57
lotuspsychje!info fwupdate | absence08:58
ubottuabsence: fwupdate (source: fwupdate): Tools to manage UEFI firmware updates. In component main, is optional. Version 10-3 (bionic), package size 38 kB, installed size 236 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; armhf; arm64)08:58
absencelotuspsychje: thanks, that lead me to fwupdmgr, which seems to be what ubuntu uses (fwupdate isn't installed)09:03
tomreynabsence: package fwupd09:04
repunzelHi. I'm trying to share my desktop from a ubuntu desktop laptop to a windows 10 machine. All works well - except that in the Settings on the ubuntu side, under Sharing > Screen Sharing, only wireless connections are shown. I have a LAN which the ubuntu machine is connected to via ethernet, yet that connection does not appear. I have read others have had similar situations... Has this problem been resolved?09:05
ramsub07Hi, I am trying to connect my bluetooth earphones to my laptop with 16.04. Although it connects, it fails to detect my earphones as the sound output. What could be going wrong ?09:13
royal_screwup21thank you folks <309:17
royal_screwup21there's a slightly better chance I won't turn blind by the end of this month :)09:17
repunzelThis is a pic of the screen I'm talking about: https://linuxconfig.org/images/02-ubuntu-remote-desktop-18.04-bionic-beaver.png09:19
repunzelnote that on the pic ubuntu picked up the wired connection fine09:19
royal_screwup21aaaaaand now my mouse froze09:23
ramsub07Hi, I am trying to connect my bluetooth earphones to my laptop with 16.04. Although it connects, it fails to detect my earphones as the sound output. What could be going wrong ?09:25
nakamakiramsub07: did you install blueman?09:32
ramsub07nakamaki: yes09:32
nakamakiin blueman you can select audio profile -> hifi playback09:32
nakamakiu gotta select a2dp sink09:33
ramsub07nakamaki: where to see in blueman?09:34
nakamakirightclick the headset09:34
jeremybramsub07: post URL for> pactl list short | grep blue | nc termbin.com 999909:34
ramsub07jeremyb: https://termbin.com/nvv209:35
ledeniramsub07: did you install 'pavucontrol'09:35
ramsub07nakamaki: i still cannot see that option. it only "pair, trust, disconnect.."09:36
ramsub07ledeni: just installed, haven't had it before09:36
jeremybramsub07: URL for> dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm' | nc termbin.com 999909:37
shibumiHey guys do you have any idea why Ubuntu is deleting created directories in /run/ just seconds after creation?09:42
shibumiI know that /run is a tmpfs09:42
shibumiBut why get directories deleted just seconds after a mkdir?09:42
jeremybramsub07: You should file a bug report09:43
ramsub07jeremyb: i am trying to understand what is going wrong09:43
ramsub07i can't find a missing package, yet this happens09:44
nakamakiramsub07: hci0: Hardware error 0x0a09:44
jeremybramsub07: It is more than just a bluetooth sound issue09:44
nakamakiis the device connected to another bluetooth device already?09:44
ramsub07jeremyb: where do i file this report?09:44
jeremybramsub07: start at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug09:45
lotuspsychjeramsub07: to attach relevant logs maybe start from ubuntu-bug (from terminal)09:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:46
ledeniramsub07: once you plugin headphones run 'pavucontrol' in terminal and check --output devices -- port09:46
ramsub07ledeni: mine is a bluetooth earphones09:47
ledeniramsub07: ok once you plugin earphones09:49
ramsub07ledeni: how do i plugin? you mean after pairing?09:49
ledeniramsub07: yes09:50
omletI installed a 18.04 server with automatic lvm partition of 240gio disk09:50
omletand now /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv is full09:51
lotuspsychjecome join in #ubuntu-server omlet09:51
ramsub07ledeni: I can only see Built-in Audio Analog Stero and in that the port says Headphones(Unplugged)09:53
ninaccinoramsub07: Is your Bluetooth adapter running?09:56
ramsub07ninaccino: yes, i connected to my headphones from there09:56
ninaccinoramsub07: Your Bluetooth headphones were paired? Or did you get a signal that showed that the pairing went succesful from the Headphones side?09:58
ramsub07ninaccino: usually my earphones sends a voice message if pairing is successful. but it doesn't when i connect to my laptop, but from my laptop's bluetooth manager, i can see the earphones is paired with and have also added to trusted devices10:00
ninaccinoramsub07: It might be a very basic suggestion, but did you try to remove it as a trusted device, and re-pairing?10:00
blb4393can a deb be recreated out of an installed package? I mean not manually10:01
ramsub07ninaccino: yes, didn't work10:01
ninaccinoramsub07: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset Have you tried following these steps?10:02
nakamakiramsub07: can you try unpairing it from all other machines as well?10:02
nakamakii think it might be a problem on the headphones10:02
nakamakilike not enough open device slots10:02
ninaccinonakamaki: This could also be a thing. It's odd that it doesn't play the message when it paired, yet your laptop registered it.10:03
ramsub07nakamaki: it's not paired with other devices at the moment10:03
ramsub07nakamaki: i fail at point 12 in the link you have sent. i had tried that already10:05
ninaccinoramsub07: Do the earphones connect to any other device?10:07
ramsub07yes, my macbook, mobile, and TV almost instantly10:07
nakamakiramsub07:  ninaccino sent the link :)10:08
ramsub07nakamaki: sorry. my autocomplete is bad haha10:10
ninaccinoramsub07: Okay, I see that multiple people have issues with Bluetooth 16.04, if you enter ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; lsusb; hciconfig -a; dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm ' could you post the results in a bin?10:11
tomreynblb4393: dpkg-repack. but obviously that's not the best approach. why do you need to?10:12
ninaccinonakamaki: And also; make sure that your laptop is discoverable as well. " bluetoothctl " => " scan on "10:14
ninaccinoramsub07: Woops; Not nakamaki, but you haha.10:14
ramsub07haha got it10:14
ramsub07it is discoverable i made sure that as well10:14
ninaccinoAnd what do you see in the list if you want to select a default device for sound?10:15
ninaccinoBecause it might be listed as simply 'headphones' or something.10:15
ramsub07ninaccino:  http://dpaste.com/0ZHP6BF10:15
blb4393tomreyn: yes10:16
tomreynblb4393: "yes" is not an ideal response to a "why" question.10:17
ninaccinoramsub07: I see a few hardware errors, and acl packets with unknown connection handles. Might be related to your issue?10:18
DusteDI just installed xmoto, and am greeted with "fatal exception : Unable to get xmDb version:" anyone had success with this game in recent times?10:25
ninaccinoDusteD: 18? 16? What are you using.10:25
DusteDbionic, so that must be 18 iirc10:26
ninaccinoDusteD: That is 18 yes, how did you attempt to install xmoto?10:27
DusteDapt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install xmoto10:28
DusteDI checked some forums about incompatible database versions in the xmoto config dir, some of those fixed it by removing the dir, I tried that, but didn't work10:29
ninaccinoDusteD: Hmm, yes I see these solutions as well, however your error seems a bit different. It is unable to retrieve the xmDb version..10:31
DusteDexactly, I did ldd and see that it's linked to sqlite, but as per the above comamnd, I should be running "whatever is in the repository"10:32
DusteDI'm thinking that the call to litesql may be failing10:32
DusteDbut that's slightly too technical for a "I just installed this via the package repository", where things are supposed to more or less work out of the box10:32
ninaccinoDusteD: That might be the issue. If you completely purge xmoto and reinstall (basic I know) did or does that work?10:32
ninaccinoHaha agreed10:33
DusteDgoing to try that, and wip the config dirs as well10:33
ninaccinoAlright, keep me posted.10:33
DusteDnope, same deal, I'm wondering if someone else would repeat this experiment before I report this as a bug to the package maintainer10:34
royal_screwup21anyone know how to fix a frozen touchpad, ubuntu 18.0410:44
royal_screwup21everything is so f***ed up :(10:45
SimonNLany of you see a touchpad with a layer of ice on it ?10:50
DusteDi think I saw a touchpad with a layer of snot, tears and ice on it earlier, it didn't seem to work10:53
sullvianWhat is the difference between installing Ubuntu server 18.04 by installing the lubuntu desktop later or directly installing the lubuntu 18.04 distribution? Security issues? since I do not control the console very well and you need to open some app with wine ...10:54
sullvianthat they advise me to do in case I need a server 24/7 and a desktop with the lowest consumption.10:56
ducassesullvian: if you install from the server image you will get some server-related packages installed by default10:58
ducassesullvian: you can get those by installing the ubuntu-server package10:58
sullvianthen recommend me to install lubuntu for its low consumption and install the packages you need server ?, is that I need a desktop and have wine app running11:01
sullvianDo you think it would be a good option and safe?11:01
ducassesullvian: if you need a graphical desktop then lubuntu is pretty light, yes11:03
sullvianok, thank you!11:03
DusteDninaccino, okay, got it working, this was actually caused my my dejavu font package being messed up :s11:04
DusteDso after fixing that, and removing all traces of xmoto from my homedir, it started up ^_^11:04
ninaccinoDusteD: Oh damn, all that from a font package hahaha. Well, have fun playing!11:04
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:11
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lordlHow can I extend the partition of my Ubuntu server with the unallocated space? I am using Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) and I extended the Virtual Machine disk. So, how can I use that unallocated space now?11:42
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bhuddahlordl: do you use lvm?11:47
lordlbhuddah, I don't know.11:47
bhuddahlordl: does "pvs" output volume information?11:47
bhuddahdid you run it as root?11:48
lordlNo error, but no output.11:49
bhuddahokay. sorry. i didn't do that to real partition is like forever. maybe someone else still knows how to do that. lordl11:49
lordlIt's okay.11:50
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royal_screwup21can someone help me make sense of this? I'm trying to replace my default grub and I got this emssage https://pastebin.com/ZWdRnaDF11:53
royal_screwup21there's an <Ok>sign at the end, but when I click it nothing happens11:54
royal_screwup21I don't understand what to do11:54
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royal_screwup21the message is ints entirety looks like this https://pastebin.com/4WdetEDR11:56
ducassehave you tried pressing enter?12:05
tomreynroyal_screwup21: normally, this screen wuold look somethig like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Upgrading?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=g2_dpkg-reconfigure.png12:05
tomreyndo you not have devices to choose form there?12:05
tomreynsee also https://askubuntu.com/questions/384388/how-to-select-option-in-configuration-grub-pc-menu12:07
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nobodyknowsmeHeyya, guys12:38
nobodyknowsmeWhat is initrd12:39
leftyfbnobodyknowsme: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial_ramdisk12:42
nobodyknowsmeleftyfb: thanks12:47
leftyfbnobodyknowsme: can I help you with something?12:48
nobodyknowsmeleftyfb: nevermind :)12:51
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mar77ihm. I'm struggling with a fresh 18.04 install here; the login screen (gdm3) apparently has some confusion about the screen resolution (or line length), completely scrambling whatever it's trying to display13:05
mar77iconfusingly enough both console and logged-in desktops work flawlessly13:06
nobodyknowsmemar77i: have you tried the xrandr?13:10
mar77iI don't really have a term running in the login screen.13:12
nobodyknowsmemar77i: try Ctrl+Alt+F113:13
nobodyknowsmethen Ctrl+Alt+F7, if you're lost13:14
mar77ihm. I logged in blindly now and I'm currently trying to install graphics drivers13:15
testnoobhello motherfuckers13:25
testnoobsorry missclick13:25
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qwebirc99066i added 2 aliases in the ~/.bash_aliases file and one of them works while the other one doesnt.  Also the alias that doesnt work, does work when using it with the "alias" command14:07
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ninaccinoMaybe you made an alias called 'alias {intended alias} '14:08
BrianBlazeis it just missing the alias part of the command? :)14:08
qwebirc99066this is the ~/.bash_aliases file https://pastebin.com/JQ0t28QL14:09
qwebirc99066the john alias works, but harvest doesnt14:09
qwebirc99066but if i do alias harvest='python3 /opt/theHarvester/trunk/theHarvester.py'14:10
qwebirc99066then it works, but obviously not permanently14:10
qwebirc99066any idea?14:12
qwebirc21055howdy, I think I'm having trouble with my video drivers? lightdm and startx boot to a black screen, but keyinput still works, was able to logout via terminal without seeing it.14:16
BrianBlazeI do my aliases differently. I add them to my .bash_profile or .bashrc I do : alias wahtever="whatever command"14:16
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lotuspsychjeJessArcade: wich graphics card and ubuntu version please?14:20
qwebirc99066BrianBlaze: I just did it your way and I still get "harvest: command not found"14:20
JessArcade@lotuspsychje 18.04.02 (updated yesterday from 16.04) and gt 750M (laptop)14:21
qwebirc99066BrianBlaze: yet again only 1 alias works14:21
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: ubuntu-drivers list gives you wich version(s)?14:22
JessArcadenvidia-390 is the recommended driver, I also have xorg-nouveau installed14:22
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: are you on gnome or unity?14:22
JessArcadelotuspsychje: I have both installed, but I'm just trying to launch i3 right now14:23
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: startx isnt the reccomended way anymore try to restart lightdm or gdm with systemd now14:25
JessArcadelotuspsychje: I've purged lightdm, it was trying to run and I couldn't access a tty terminal to fix it, I guess I could try gdm to see if it happens there too14:26
JessArcadelotuspsychje: getting the message that $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set14:30
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: a few ideas: perhaps try to create a second user, see if you can get in or try purge nvidia* maybe a nouveau fallback would work14:30
qwebirc99066anybody got any idea on why only 1 of my aliases is working?14:32
lotuspsychjeqwebirc99066: best way if you repeat once in a while, re-ask your full question with all details, ubuntu version, kernel, issue etc14:34
qwebirc99066lotuspsychje: ok thanks14:34
mar77iok. now I'm ready to play around with xrandr.14:35
qwebirc99066so i have added 2 aliases on the ~/.bashrc file: harvest='python3 /opt/theHarvester/trunk/theHarvester.py' and john='john-the-ripper'.  Apparently only "john" works14:35
qwebirc99066ubuntu 18.0414:35
mar77iDISPLAY=:0 xrandr # only returns Can't open display: :914:36
mar77i:0 of course, sorry, mistyped14:36
mar77iso how would I run xrandr in gdm3?14:37
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JessArcadelotuspsychje: still working on it, still got the black screen, trying to remove any broken packages, what's weird is I still get the ubuntu loading screen14:46
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: tell us more about your broken packages?14:47
JessArcadelotuspsychje: gnome-packagekit was being held back14:47
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: have any external ppa's?14:47
JessArcadelotuspsychje: had I commented them all out on my sources.list.d14:48
mar77ihm. had some success with disabling wayland for gdm3. one down, I think one problem to go14:48
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: feel free to pastebin your apt problems14:49
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baakohi guys what command to update your nvidia driver?15:23
BluesKajbaako, if you use the ubuntru recommended driver for nvidia, it will auto upgrade  when they're available in the repos15:25
baakoBluesKaj, am in command line15:26
baakowhen I login using GUI its freezes15:26
baakoread somewhere that driver might need updated15:26
baakoso I restarted into terminal15:27
BluesKajdid your un updates and upgrades in the terminal15:28
BluesKajyou run15:28
FuraiDoes anyone here know when 418 nvidia drivers will make it to the Graphics PPA? Or who to ask/poke about it?15:42
qwebirc58255yvyz: you on line15:42
ducasseFurai: talk to the maintainers of the ppa15:42
qwebirc58255is there a way for me to leave a message  for  a couple of guys that were helping me last night15:45
Furaiqwebirc58255, assuming you're using webchat - you can click on their nicks on the right in the list and choose "query" from there. It will open a private chat with them. Given that they accept PMs from unregistered users.15:48
qwebirc58255thank you15:48
JessArcadelotuspsychje_: back, I installed new drivers, lightdm still goes to a blank screen, but startx is giving a new error "no screens found"15:49
qwebirc58255dont use irc much over the past couple decades15:49
JessArcadelotuspsychje_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/mDbNd87BMX/15:49
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Richard_Cavellwhat's the name of the command-line command that lets you inspect the function of your joystick/gamepad?15:55
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: xev ?15:59
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: and apt-cache search gives me joy2key and joystick which look relevant16:01
pragmaticenigmaRichard_Cavell: perhaps "jstest" is the name of the application you're looking for16:02
JessArcadelotuspsychje_: if you're still out there, I got it to work, no idea what exactly did it16:05
Richard_Cavellpragmaticenigma, yes, that's it, thanks16:06
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Richard_Cavellnow, any idea which device (in /dev) my SNES-style gamepad would be?16:07
lotuspsychje_!yay | JessArcade16:13
ubottuJessArcade: Glad you made it! :-)16:13
pragmaticenigmaRichard_Cavell: Often, I unplug the device... run "tail -f /var/logs/syslog" and watch the log file for the change16:14
JessArcadeI purged lightdm, gdm and all video drivers, I noticed it kept saying libgl.so was missing, and that on Bionic it's part of the nvidia 340 driver but not the 390(recommended) then reinstalled lightdm and rebooted16:15
Richard_Cavellpragmaticenigma, good idea.  Here's my dump.  What do I type to get jstest to test this device?  https://ideone.com/ZDFYuf16:17
D-melanogasterhow to setup network for hypervisor using wifi? For eth0 I got following settings: 'etc/network/interfaces' file (auto lo xenbr0, iface lo inet loopback, iface eth0 inet manual, iface xenbr0 inet dhcp, bridge_ports eth0) and '/etc/xen/guest-machine.cfg' (vif = [ 'bridge=xenbr0' ]). It works for me when I use eth0 interface, but if I set wlan0 instead eth0 in my network config, the network offline on local machine and on virtual machine too. How16:18
D-melanogastercan I setup it properly?16:18
pragmaticenigmaRichard_Cavell: That I couldn't tell you, I acquired the idea of jstest from a web search... you might want to try seraching "jstest examples"16:18
pragmaticenigmaD-melanogaster: This channel specializes in Ubuntu support. For networking, you might want to try ##networking16:19
lotuspsychje_JessArcade: great, tnx for your feedback16:20
RoeyHello there.  I've shut off EUFI/PTT on my laptop and I found that it doesn't boot (can't find a boot image).. so I booted off of a LiveUSB stick.  How can I repair my installation?16:20
RoeyIs this just a matter of installing GRUB on the drive from which I want to boot?16:21
JessArcadelotuspsychje_: oh, and installed ubuntu-desktop, don't know if it got removed when I purged lightdm/gdm or it was missing all this time.16:22
lordcirthRoey, ... why not turn EFI back on?16:22
lotuspsychje_JessArcade: did you ltsupgrade from 16.04 before?16:22
Roeylordcirth: because I'm having trouble getting it to run with Virtualbox16:22
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lordcirthRoey, You enabled virtualization in BIOS?16:23
Roeyyes I did16:23
JessArcadelotuspsychje_: yeah I had a working 16.04, tried do-release-upgrade but got errors about my ppas, tried to remove them, and it seemed to have installed 18.04 on reboot, but had to dist-upgrade to get all my software up to date and the dm was gone.16:24
Roeylordcirth: it was running fine until I suppose I ran dist-upgrade (from 18.04) and rebooted like a couple of months later16:24
Roeyand I had been dist-upgrading it regularly16:24
Roeythis time when I rebooted it, I got some error16:24
darkpixyvyz are you around?16:25
lordcirthRoey, I doubt that EFI is your problem. What error?16:25
Roeyone moment.. I;ll re-enable things the way they were and report16:25
naccRoey: dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade versions16:25
lotuspsychjeJessArcade: well its hard afterwards to notice what happened, but i think some bad leftovers from the ltsupgrade might have caused it16:25
naccRoey: of your ubuntu versions, that is16:25
pragmaticenigmadarkpix: If you are seeking assistance of an Ubuntu related support question, please feel free to ask. To find someone to chat, please use appropriate IRC tools, or check out #ubuntu-offtopic16:26
darkpixit just that he was helping with a issue i had posted here but i think i will just ask my question again since it was a hours ago16:28
lotuspsychjedarkpix: volunteers can pick up where you left, state your question as pragmaticenigma adviced16:29
SubCoolhey, isnt there a GUI VNC server?16:29
Roeylordcirth: "No bootable devices found".16:29
SubCoolEverything i google brings me to the CLI VNCserver -16:29
Roeythat's what it gives me when I re-enable UEFI16:29
darkpixso i need help getting SSHFS working with FSTAB/systemd automount..basically i have tried many variations of config in the fstab, all of them resulting in the the mount folder hanging when i navigate to it. I will paste my config16:30
lordcirthRoey, ok, and the last thing you changed was an apt upgrade, apt dist-upgrade, or do-release-upgrade?16:30
Roeynacc: you're right, dist-upgrade does not upgrade between releases.  I had run do-release-upgrade, of course16:30
pragmaticenigmaSubCool: x11vnc provides a very crude but functional GUI for managing a local instance of VNC server for the current logged in session16:30
Roeylordcirth: after transitioning to 18.10 a few months ago I had only been dist-upgrading since.16:31
SubCoolpragmaticenigma - yeah, thats one of my favs. along with ssvnc. But- im looking for a simple gui serer that sits in the system tray. And is Always on. If i have to reformat this machine, which will happen, ill totally forget about all this configuring i did.16:31
lordcirthRoey, ok. So if you boot from a liveUSB, you can mount the hard drive without errors? You should be able to bind mount /dev and proc in, chroot, and run grub-install. Alternatively, run the boot repair iso16:32
Roeylordcirth: ok, I just heard of the boot-repair ISO in another channel actually.. does it work well?16:33
pragmaticenigmaSubCool: If you are running Ubuntu 18.04, there are options in the Settings app for enabling and disabling a VNC server (vinegre)16:33
Roeylordcirth: do you forsee me having any issues with GRUB once I do grub-install?16:33
lordcirthRoey, yeah, it's pretty handy16:33
SubCoolOk, maybe im just not thinking this through thoroughly enough. Iam creating a OpenVPN server, so i can simply connect to my machines, and would like to connect via VNC easily. using my tablet.16:33
lordcirthRoey, hard to tell, since we don't know why it broke16:34
SubCoolVinegre!!!! - i remember him16:34
SubCooli use to use vinagre- doesnt look the same anymore.16:37
darkpixi am runnin 18.04 here is paste https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KBwPpZx8Bn/16:38
pi0does app armour run on ubuntu16:39
Roeylordcirth: hey,16:42
Roeyok, so now when I booted my laptop off a USB stick and tried grub-install /dev/sda2 (sda1 is the UEFI volume), it gave me: "grub-install: error: fiald to get canonical path of '/cow'.16:42
naccpi0: yes, primarily only on ubuntu16:43
darkpixi have been at this for so many hours..lol16:46
leftyfbdarkpix: why are you mounting via sshfs as opposed to cifs or nfs?16:47
pi0 oh nice16:48
darkpixleftyfb only option since i dont have root access on remote machine16:48
darkpixi also tried to follow this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSHFS#fstab_mounting_issues16:52
yvyzhey darkpix16:56
darkpixyvyz hi, so yeah still not working16:57
Roeylordcirth: I followed https://askubuntu.com/questions/145241/how-do-i-run-update-grub-from-a-livecd  and ran grub-install from a chroot like you mentioned above.  Thanks so much for your help!16:57
darkpixyvyz you can check my latest paste above16:58
lordcirthRoey, great16:58
asd__Hi, after joining a samba 4 domain, i am no more able to login - neither with a local account, nor with a domain-account. But logging in with the domain-account gives a response. It tells me, that my password will expire, but returns back to login mask. In single-user-mode, i see in /var/log/auth.log at first a message like "dbus-dameon ... : ... Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.Avahi': timed out" and after...17:00
BrianBlazehello lovelies I am doing a ubuntu desktop install and want to manually install but keep having all kinds of weird issues... It keeps telling me I need to make an EFI boot partition... but I made a biosgrub partition...17:01
asd__i see a line "... sddm-helper: pam_krb5(sddm:auth): authentication failure;...17:01
BrianBlazemy only other option close to that is EFI system partition17:01
BrianBlazehow do I properly make a grub partition manually?>17:01
asd__it seems to be a pam-thing. But i configured pam.d with pam-auth-update, so this should be right. In /etc/nsswitch.conf, i placed the "files"-option to passwd, group and shadow-option at first in the line, which i expect to use passwd, group and shadows-files for login forst17:04
database2call to iopl(3) ends with “Operation not permitted”, even when running as root17:13
darkpixSo anyone with an idea?17:15
naccdatabase2: are you on i386?17:15
database2nope amd6417:15
naccdatabase2: did you read the iopl manpage? it's primarily for i38617:16
database2nacc i did17:16
database2nacc: and you are right17:16
naccdatabase2: that's specifically mentioned on the manpage, which is why i asked17:18
database2basically i am trying to run coreboot tool superiotool and other tools too but it kept saying that ""17:18
database2iopl: Operation not permitted17:18
database2Superiotool must be run as root.17:18
database2basically i am trying to run coreboot tool superiotool and other tools too but it kept saying that ""17:18
database2iopl: Operation not permitted17:18
database2Superiotool must be run as root."17:18
dffi removed a disk with grub on it, i installed xubuntu on a  newly installed disk, and now grub cant boot windows (on a separate disk). in xubuntu i can see and mount the windows partition so im trying to follow this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/197868/grub-does-not-detect-windows but lsblk doesnt show the /boot/efi mountpoint on sba (windows HD)17:20
dffany help is greatly appreciated17:20
BrianBlazedid you do sudo os-prober dff ?17:25
BrianBlazethen if you see windows : sudo update-grub17:26
dffBrianBlaze: yes17:28
BrianBlazedid it see windows with sudo ps-prober?17:28
AnywhereHey, I, after more than a little research, finally got ubuntu installed on my friends Acer Nitro 515-42. Everything seems to work except the touchpad. When I do "xinput --list" it returns  "virtual core xtest pointer". Not really sure where to go from here. I saw some tips about f6/f7/fn~f6, but when I do fn^f6, all that happens is the screen goes black.17:29
dffsudo os-prober doesnt output anything, BrianBlaze17:29
BrianBlazeso no it doesn't :(17:29
dffhow come i can mount the windows drie17:29
dffwhat are my options? do i need to create a windows recovery live-usb?17:31
dffand runt bootrec?17:31
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Anywhereyou can't boot into win?17:33
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qwebirc94445hello, I am having some trouble getting Citrix Receiver working. Everything is installed, but when I try to launch an ICA file it says "The keystore cannot be opened (SSL error 26)". Google wasn't very helpful in finding an answer.17:58
qwebirc94445Anyone have suggestions?17:58
lordcirthqwebirc94445, it seems receiver is deprecated: https://www.citrix.com/products/receiver.html18:03
AnywhereHey, I, after more than a little research, finally got ubuntu installed on my friends Acer Nitro 515-42. Everything seems to work except the touchpad. When I do "xinput --list" it returns  "virtual core xtest pointer". Not really sure where to go from here. I saw some tips about f6/f7/fn~f6, but when I do fn^f6, all that happens is the screen goes black. (lubuntu 18.10)18:04
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qwebirc94445I am now using "Citrix Workspace", because the Receiver was deprecated. The new error is "Cannot connect to ' - Published App Name' No such file or directory. Verify your connection settings and try again."18:22
lordcirthqwebirc94445, you might have better luck asking Citrix support18:26
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ironpillowHi all, I have an Ubuntu machine with two NICs, one on and other on I connected NIC A into router's port and NIC B into router's port. How can I send traffic between these ports (iperf) USING the router. I don't want these two NICs to communicate bypassing the router. Any advice? thanks!18:39
B1ack0phi. i am having problems with my ubuntu 18.04 everytime i reboot it pops up a warning telling me to report the problem but it doesnt show the error details18:39
B1ack0phow can i find out what are the problems?18:39
B1ack0palso when i click some apps it doesnt open such as calculater and language settings18:40
gabmus[m]hey people, I was wondering if you could help me with something. I am writing a server management tool, and I need to know the time the server takes to boot, including the time it takes for the bios to do its thing. I currently am looking at systemd-analyze, and that's fine for the os alone, but not for the bios. any ideas? also, I know this isn't really the right channel to ask, if you can't answer and want to suggest me a18:44
gabmus[m]channel where to ask, feel free to18:44
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B1ack0phi. i am having report a problem popup whenever i start ubuntu but it doesnt show details of the erros18:49
B1ack0phow can i find out the errors?18:49
rexwin_I just installed ubuntu as a VM. I cannot ssh into it by putty18:50
gabmus[m]B1ack0p it's likely stored in /var/crash. if you want to get rid of the error message, you can take a look here: https://www.binarytides.com/ubuntu-fix-system-program-problem-error/18:50
B1ack0pwhy am i in #ubuntu-unregged instead of #ubuntu ?18:51
B1ack0pi am regged already18:51
rexwin_used a minimal iso18:51
gabmus[m]rexwin_ did you configure your hypervisor to let the vm communicate with the host system?18:51
rexwin_yes it was automatically done18:51
gabmus[m]B1ack0p you're probably not logged in, try messaging NickServ18:52
murthyrexwin_: the ssh ports are configured?18:52
gabmus[m]rexwin_ which hypervisor?18:52
B1ack0pgabmus[m]: who is me18:52
rexwin_Vmware workstation18:52
B1ack0pi am already regged and identified18:52
murthyB1ack0p: I am you18:52
B1ack0plol murthy18:52
rexwin_I am checking murthy18:52
gabmus[m]B1ack0p try joining again18:52
B1ack0pi am still here18:53
* gabmus[m] shrugs18:53
rexwin_openssh was installed. issue resolved18:54
B1ack0pam i in ubuntu channel or unregged? i am very confused now18:54
rexwin_murthy from chennai18:54
gabmus[m]sorry sent by mistake18:55
lordcirthB1ack0p, you are on #ubuntu18:55
B1ack0pok then18:55
Anywherewell that's five mins of your life you never going to get back :)18:55
murthyrexwin_: yep18:57
rexwin_Can I PM you?18:57
Richard_Cavellpragmaticenigma, just to let you know I solved my joystick problem19:04
Richard_CavellThe solution was to ls -R1 /dev > txt  then pull out the device then ls -R1 /dev > txt2  and then compare the generated files19:04
AnywhereHey, I, after more than a little research, finally got ubuntu installed on my friends Acer Nitro 515-42. Everything seems to work except the touchpad. When I do "xinput --list" it returns  "virtual core xtest pointer". Not really sure where to go from here. I saw some tips about f6/f7/fn~f6, but when I do fn^f6, all that happens is the screen goes black. (lubuntu 18.10)19:04
ioriaAnywhere, try to tweak it in BIOS (Navigate to "Main" and toggle the Touchpad from "Advanced" to "Basic or the contrary");  if not working try to install  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics19:15
gabmus[m]Anywhere send over the output of `acpidump`19:16
gabmus[m]ioria synaptics is deprecated in favor of libinput. I don't think it's a problem with libinput but rather the kernel or the acpi table. I recently had in my hands a lenovo where the touchpad wasn't working because the bios didnt communicate the right address to the kernel or stuff like that. anyway, I solved it with a kernel command line argument19:18
ioriagabmus[m], probably ; you solved with 'i8042.reset i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.noloop' ?19:18
ioriagabmus[m], or acpi_osi= ?19:18
gabmus[m]ioria https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lenovo_ideapad_330s#Touchpad I wrote this entry myself, can't remember where I got the argument from19:19
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ioriagabmus[m], interesting;  but in this case the system booted19:20
gabmus[m]ioria fair point, still I wouldn't exclude a similar problem. speaking of similar problems, some people with lenovos had their touchpads not working because the id of the elan touchpad wasn't in the kernel and had to recompile it themselves19:22
Anywhereioria: this computer doesn't have that, ill try to install that. gabmus[m], if installing xserver-xorg-input-synaptics doesn't work I will.19:23
gabmus[m]sure, go ahead19:23
ioriaAnywhere, does not have... what ?19:24
Anywhereioria: basic/advanced for the touchpad in the bios. I upgraded to the latest y-day19:25
ioriaAnywhere, ah, ok19:26
AnywhereSorry forgot to mention that.19:26
Anywheredoing update/upgrade, that package wasn't in my repos19:26
gabmus[m]im pretty sure it's there19:27
gabmus[m]sudo apt install acpidump19:27
Anywhereoh gabmus[m], I do have pci=noacpi in the bootoptions, only way to boot this laptop.19:27
Anywhereok sec19:27
gabmus[m]ooooh, yeah. so you have the lenovo laptop problem I had...19:28
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Anywhereanother thing to complicate this matter, fn^f6 enables the touchpad. apparently it's disabled by default (was in win10, am dualbooting)19:29
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gabmus[m]Anywhere try using these kernel options: idle=nomwait pci=noaer rcu_nocbs=0-7 ivrs_ioapic[4]=00:14.0 ivrs_ioapic[5]=00:00.219:31
gabmus[m]and remove pci=noacpi19:31
gabmus[m]also read this https://forum.manjaro.org/t/all-issues-with-ryzen-2500u-rx560x-acer-nitro-5-an515-42/59156/9519:31
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fleabeardhas anyone experienced their system fans and everything inside their PC spins up to MAX SPEED when restarting Ubuntu in a dual-boot environment? If it reboots with the fans kicked up, it just boots to a black screen and doesn't even show the BIOS output page.19:39
fleabeardit happens intermittently and powering off and on fixes it19:39
leftyfbfleabeard: that's a motherboard issue, not Ubuntu. (no BIOS POST)19:40
fleabeardleftyfb, strange, it only happens (sometimes) when I choose to "restart" my PC from linux. I've never had this problem in Windows ever.19:40
fleabeardalthough this is an old board, Gigabyte P55-UD3R with a first gen i7 cpu lol19:41
OerHeksfleabeard, bad would be fans not kicking in19:41
leftyfbfleabeard: are you sure it's rebooting completely or just trying to reboot and never actually reboots the computer, hence no POST.19:42
leftyfbfleabeard: if that is the case, then it might be due to Ubuntu not communicating with your power management properly19:43
fleabeardleftyfb, hard to tell really, I mean it does darken the screen and the PC does act as though it's starting up from a restart, but it's kinda hard to be certain19:43
fleabeardit's so intermittent too, I'll keep an eye on it in the future. It just happened too me again (that's twice today out of 4 reboots) so I should be able to reproduce it :)19:44
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MalMenwhat is the best way to determine the default ipv6 routin use ?19:45
MalMen*what is the best way to determine the default ipv6 route use ?19:45
OerHeks ip -6 route show19:47
gabmus[m]MalMen ip r maybe?19:47
Anywheregabmus[m]: those bootoptions didn't work. But now I have some reading to do, I will probably update the kernel though to start with it seems.19:48
MalMenis the first one ?19:48
MalMen2001:8a0:f027:3600::/64 dev ens160 proto ra metric 1024 pref medium19:48
MalMenmy router actualy have the ip 2001:8a0:f027:3600::119:48
MalMenand I dont see it anywhere19:48
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Quazildpkg-query -L dnsmasq does not show an executable being installed on one of my servers.20:03
QuazilHow do I track this problem down? 0.o20:03
Quazil(I've tried purging and reinstalling.)20:03
leftyfbQuazil: you probably want dnsmasq-base20:05
QuazilSo somehow /usr/sbin/dnsmasq is missing20:05
QuazilIf I remove dnsmasq-base it wants to remove lxd et. al.20:06
Quazilapt-get install --download-only dnsmasq-base won't download it because it's already installed ...20:07
leftyfbQuazil: sudo apt install --reinstall dnsmasq-base20:08
ubuntu-mateHello !20:11
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programingsHi. Is there an easy way to see color emojis in Ubuntu 16.04?20:48
lordcirthprogramings, to see them in what program?20:49
programingsHexchat, etc20:49
leftyfb2 completely different tools with unrelated ways of displaying emojis20:50
wheresvicI'm looking for a feature list for 19.0420:50
wheresviccould anyone give me pointers to where I could find this information?20:50
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | wheresvic20:50
ubottuwheresvic: Disco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+120:50
wheresvicah ok thanks20:50
LaserAllan_hey guys, is there a handy GNOME openvpn client?21:17
LaserAllan_I haven't been able to find aone21:17
pragmaticenigmaLaserAllan_: Network Manager can work with OpenVPN ... I think there is a package you need to install to activate it21:18
pragmaticenigmaLaserAllan_: This should put you on the right track... you might need to search for differences if you're running 18.04: https://askubuntu.com/a/18752321:22
LaserAllan_pragmaticenigma: I am running 180421:36
LaserAllan_I finally moved my laptop to Linux :)21:36
LaserAllan_to my delight, bluetooth is working, the only thjing i haven't gotten to function properly yet is my Logitech MX masters spedcial button21:36
murthyLaserAllan_: you installed solar?21:37
murthyI mean solaar21:38
tomreynLaserAllan_: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Logitech_MX_Master21:39
tomreynarch linux is not ubuntu, it's a different linux distro, but they often have good documentation on non default hardware or configurations which *can* also work on ubuntu.21:40
LaserAllan_murthy: No not yet, i am also looking at getting pollybar to work :)21:42
LaserAllan_a friend of mine recommended it21:42
murthyLaserAllan_: you mean recommended pollybar or solaar?21:43
LaserAllan_murthy: recommended pollybar21:43
LaserAllan_I was thinking if i culd write a bash script that would look at if my vpn is connceted and if so display "VPn Connected"21:43
murthyLaserAllan_:  The vpn client does't do that?21:48
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leftyfbLaserAllan_: nmcli c show --active21:53
wheresvicI wrote a Node.js script that monitors the lan connection status and runs a command if it changes21:55
wheresvicit does this via dbus21:55
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wheresvicFeel free to PM me and I can send you a link to the code :)21:58
SimonNLnmcli c status          is that output show if a connection is VPN or not ?21:58
tomreynSimonNL: a command "nmcli c status" does not exist in 18.04: "Error: argument 'status' not understood."22:04
tomreyn"nmcli c" does show vpn connections22:04
LaserAllan_murthy: I havne't installed the client you linked yet22:05
LaserAllan_I am just thiking to basically use a bash script with pollybar to have a text that basically says "VPN Connected" if it doesnät for exmaple loss 15-20 seconds o ping or something like that22:05
leftyfbLaserAllan_: so do that22:07
wheresvicif you go via dbus you can get the networking events22:08
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LaserAllan_wheresvic: Oh.......I haven't done hta tbefore22:20
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alesanI am on a lifelong journey to find my goal22:32
alesanthat is... eliminate (or reduce) the login timeout time when the password is wrong22:32
alesanI am running a slightly older version of ubuntu the login manager seems "lightdm"22:32
alesanhowever login is (unnecessarily?) complex and it's not easy to find where or who is doing something wrong22:33
MalMengabmus[m] OerHeks route -6 actualy give me my ipv6 network22:33
MalMenbut I dont have my iprouter anywhere to find22:33
MalMenIE: I get 2001:8a0:f067:3622::/6422:34
MalMenI cant ping 2001:8a0:f067:3622:: it reach nowhere, but if I ping 2001:8a0:f067:3622::1 its all good22:34
alesananybody knows where the timeout for a wrong password is? otherwise I will have to check the sources (of lightdm)22:34
MalMen2001:8a0:f067:3622::1 is the router ip, but I would like to get it right and not force the 1 in the script22:35
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rfmMalMen, usually there are multiple routes in "ip -6 route show".  You shouldn't just look at the first one (which is probably the route for link local traffic.)22:41
rfmMalMen, "ip -6 route show default" would show the route being used for non-local traffic.22:41
AnywhereMalMen: well I don't have it22:43
rfmMalMen, at least on my system (using SLAAC auto config) the default route uses the router's link-local ip address (starts with fe80::)22:44
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qwefytuoitytytest message23:17
qwefytuoitytyFreeze PC. Bug 12309 any buntu version 15-19, Fedora, any Linux based on Ubuntu (Debian). https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12309 Only helps if the PC has a large memory that does not work with virtual memory swap space. HDD 7200 rpm, sata223:32
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 12309 in Block Layer "Large I/O operations result in poor interactive performance and high iowait times" [High,Closed: code_fix]23:32
ubottubug 12309 in Ubuntu "fglrx module loaded with errors, no 3D acceleration" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1230923:32
tomreynqwefytuoityty: are you asking a question, or reporting a bug there?23:34
OerHeksare you sure that is the correct bugreport?23:36
tomreyn12309 refers to bugzilla.kernel.org23:36
guivercqwefytuoityty, that also mentions `fglrx` which is depreciated (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD) and only supported in 14.04 LTS (which soon will be EOL)23:36
qwefytuoityty Remind you that it still exists, have a bug, but en not my lang and i not post information on kernel bug org.23:43
OerHeksoh, a random bug number, like your name, without details.23:45
anonnumberanonOn Ubuntu, how would I go about making my SD card reader mount? It won't mount when I double click its icon on the desktop when I insert an SD card into the computer (Lenovo W530).23:48
tomreynanonnumberanon: run this, post the url here:   lsusb | nc termbin.com 999923:50
qwefytuoitytyIf there is no free memory and there is a large of free memory in the paging file ( swap ), the computer with linux always freezes. fm2+, hdd 7200 rpm, sata2 buntu version 15-19 i not use. I did not use Linux below version 1523:51
qwefytuoitytyIf there is no free memory and there is a large of free memory in the paging file ( swap ), the computer with linux always freezes. fm2+, hdd 7200 rpm, sata2 buntu version 15-19. I did not use Linux below version 1523:51
qwefytuoitytyfedora the same23:52
tomreynqwefytuoityty: we only support ubuntu her,e not linux as a whole. you have not asked a support question. do you have a support question? if so, which ubuntu version is it about?23:52
anonnumberanontomreyn, https://termbin.com/nxcz23:52
kk4ewtqwefytuoityty;  google linux eat my ram23:52
tomreynanonnumberanon: run this, post the url here:   lspci -vv | nc termbin.com 999923:53
tomreynanonnumberanon: oh actually, not needed.23:53
tomreynanonnumberanon: which ubuntu version is this about?23:54
anonnumberanontomreyn, it is Xbuntu 16.0423:54
tomreynanonnumberanon: install package libccid23:55
tomreynanonnumberanon: actually i'm dumb, mixing up sd card and smartcard readers. so back to where we were previously: run this, post the url here:   lspci -vv | nc termbin.com 999923:57
anonnumberanonah i almost installed it, was reading the info about it23:58
qwefytuoitytyQuestion. When will the paging file work in the same way as in Windows, and not create a visibility that Linux has a paging file (i use swap partition)?23:58
tomreynif you got a smartcard, you may want to. otherwise, porbably not.23:58
anonnumberanonI do have a smart card reader but it is not what is used for SD cards, I have a dedicated SD card slot.23:59

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