
MapManlordcirth__: fresh install, everything works as intended00:12
jeremy31MapMan: Ubuntu 18.04?00:12
el_profehow can I configure my open ssh server?00:44
kreyrenis https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=923403&fbclid=IwAR0gP56iy6e_esSPu8Wp1p4QtO5dsbd1KhgOORQ3rjFHrpXFw9eiyu-5YtE solved on ubuntu? can someone check?00:44
ubottuDebian bug 923403 in anbox "anbox launch fails" [Important,Fixed]00:44
kreyren(is fixed in unstable, i want to see if i can grab it fro ubuntu)00:44
kreyren*from ubuntu using snap so that it won't conflict deps00:45
kreyrenbased on https://snapcraft.io/anbox-installer anbox is deprecated in ubuntu >.>00:48
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kreyrenprobably worth the shot tho.. can i add ubuntu sources on debian to get this package?00:49
kreyrenredo: 01:49:32 wrong channel00:49
Bashing-omkreyren: Debian says " Don't - just don't" : https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian .00:51
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eraserpencil1i'm following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend and the example was "hash matches drivers/base/power/resume.c:46" I followed the steps and I always got somewhere along the lines of " memory memory174: hash matches". Are they the same thing? I'm on 16.04.601:07
hggdhBashing-om: I wish we had something like that for Ubuntu as well01:07
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en1gmahello all01:07
Bashing-omhggdh: :) .. Wiser heads than I say that it applies equally to ubuntu :P01:15
psichashi all maybe do you know where i could download paste code engine like pastebin i want have my own website :)01:29
nisstyrepsichas: https://github.com/seejohnrun/haste-server01:34
psichasnisstyre, is it support api? :)01:35
nisstyrepsichas: I don't know, I've never used it01:36
nisstyreI just googled "open source pastebin"01:36
nisstyreand that one looked like the easiest to install and set up01:36
psichasnice google01:36
nisstyrewell actually I used duckduckgo01:36
nisstyrebut same deal01:36
hggdhBashing-om: on yes, it does.01:37
Jacob97Can anyone help with sound issues?02:05
Jacob97is this the right irc channel to ask questions?02:06
jamie_1hey, im currently having some issues with conky randomly freezing while running, it will startup with a lag sometimes then when it figures itself out it will go for a bit then start lagging. my .conkyrc is https://pastebin.com/88mdKj30 and my lua is https://pastebin.com/RzhWvb3r02:07
guivercJacob97, if it's a Ubuntu Support question, yes it's the correct channel. Ask your question (in a single line if possible, pastebinit for output if needed) and be patient, people who can answer will when they can02:07
Jacob97thank you!02:08
nisstyrejamie_1: anything in journalctl? (assuming conky logs to the journal, I've never used it)02:09
jamie_1nisstyre: one sec let me check02:10
Jacob97I have pavucontrol02:13
pragmaticenigmajamie_1: You might also want to ask for help in #conky as they might be better suited for helping on troubleshooting conky specific modules02:15
guivercJacob97, I don't see an actual question yet from you (only mention of a sound issue, and question about asking a question)02:20
jamie_1so it turned out it was actgyu02:35
Jacob97oh sorry, I need help with my sound, if I open open up pavucontrol, and play a sound file I can see the audio output with the volume mixer but not with the speaker02:35
guivercJacob97, if you go to the last tab (Configuration), what do you see as your 'profile'?02:36
jamie_1actually an ubuntu issue ish..... im using portmon to do the checks for connections to the machine both in and out so whats happening is the portmon is making systemd calls on a systemctl based system... so whats happening is dns violation complaints02:37
jamie_1systemd-resolved[543]: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-2018-0001, retrying transaction with reduced feature level UDP.02:37
guivercJacob97, (i was meaning inside `pavucontrol`)02:37
Jacob97Analog stero output02:37
guivercJacob97, okay, try changing profile to off, then put it back to stereo..02:38
jamie_1any idea on how to solve the issues withsystemd-resolved[543]: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-2018-0001, retrying transaction with reduced feature level UDP.02:42
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nisstyrejamie_1: does nethogs do the same thing roughly that portmon does?02:54
nisstyrehmm probably not, nevermind02:55
cim209Linux imac 5.0.0-arch1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 4 14:11:43 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:59
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smallville71231996 unread messages lol03:04
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SirisianAnyone ever have an issue trying to change resolutions on Ubuntu? Here's my xrandr output, xorg.cong, and xorg logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SnMZzfGKn6/ It's like when Ubuntu is plugged into my TV it's locked to 3840x2160 and won't let me set it to anything else.03:09
SirisianIs there like an HDMI feature in Ubuntu that detects the monitor resolution and then ignores xorg configuration? That's kind of what it seems like. Every tutorial using xrandr to change the resolution seems to do nothing. I can add more resolutions even to the screen, but I can't switch to them. It doesn't do anything when I run the -s command. I think that's because the minimum is set to 3840x2160?03:14
jamie_1okay so i found my issues is actually portmin using the old network manager and the two of them conflicting, is there a way to make portmon use networkmanager?03:17
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jamie_1or is there a new package in 18.10 that i can use instead of portmon03:18
jcottonis there any way to drop stdin onto my clipboard?03:25
ExoUNXdoes Ubuntu 18.10 support RAM compression out of the box?03:25
jcottonon windows i use clip.exe (bundled with the OS)03:25
nisstyrejcotton: xclip03:25
nisstyreecho "woohoo" | xclip03:25
ExoUNXyah, xclip03:26
nisstyreyou probably have to do apt-get install xclip03:26
jcottonhm, doesn't seem to be working, just installed it and tried `echo "a" | xclip`03:26
ExoUNXI just started having horrible images in my head03:26
ExoUNXsome idiot out there probably uses xclip as a caching tool for their application03:27
nisstyrejcotton: clipboard stuff works funny03:27
ExoUNXjust because it was simple and worked03:27
nisstyreI forget exactly but I think there might be multiple clipboards03:27
jcottonyeah i see -selection03:27
nisstyreyeah there are two clipboards :)03:28
jcottoni needed `-selection clipboard`03:28
nisstyreI've had a similar issue with vim clipboard before03:29
jcottondoesn't vim also have it's own clipboard03:29
nisstyreit has its own registers03:29
nisstyrewhen you yank stuff it goes into the vim clipboard03:29
nisstyrebut you can also use the system one, e.g. "+p03:30
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* jcotton is an intermediate-ish vim user03:30
jcottoni keep meaning to install vim plugins in my other editors03:30
nisstyrejcotton: apparently you need to install vim-gnome to make the " register work properly03:32
nisstyreif you're using the default ubuntu (gnome)03:32
jcottonis there an equivalent pkg for neovim?03:33
nisstyreI don't know if neovim works any differently03:33
nisstyreit might just work by default03:33
nisstyreat least on my machine it seems to work (nvim with vim-gnome installed)03:34
nisstyrejcotton: also the best advice for vim is just to pay attention to what you're doing, and if you're constantly doing something in a slow way, or notice a room for improvement, then look up how to do it better03:35
nisstyreinstead of trying to learn every feature in vim03:35
jcottoni went through vimtutor but beyond that i just learned as needed03:35
nisstyremacros are really useful to know03:36
nisstyree.g. qw, do a bunch of commands, q, then @w03:37
nisstyreor 20@w, etc03:37
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amazoniantoadHow do I create a bridge now that the interfaces file is not used?03:48
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Bashing-omamazoniantoad: See: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan .03:52
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hillyuyeah netplan, pretty neat tool.03:56
amazoniantoadthanks Bashing-om03:56
amazoniantoadI don't like change hillyu03:56
amazoniantoadLet's never make another update :D03:56
Bashing-omamazoniantoad: :) My bit to try and help.03:56
hillyuyeah, changes are not always good, just got use to systemd-networkd and now this. Fortuately it works quite well without putting too much effort in learning.03:58
amazoniantoadhillyu, let's hope. I'm a bit thick03:58
gambl0r3why is swap being used when the ram isnt even full?04:01
hillyuamazoniantoad good luck annd enjoy exploring.04:04
hillyugambl0r3: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/linux-swappiness/04:06
amazoniantoadhillyu, thanks04:07
Deihmosis there any other backup solution that can backup whole system like clonezilla04:23
cim209Deihmos: timeshift?04:25
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btartsacould I get an assist on making networkmanager turn on/off networking as non root? the applet boxes cant be used as regular user in netdev group.05:18
lotuspsychjebtartsa: best to send more details to the channel so volunteers can think along with you05:22
Flacoany ircops available for help?05:22
lotuspsychjebtartsa: ubuntu version, kernel,whats happening and whats your end goal05:22
lotuspsychjeFlaco: whats the problem?05:22
btartsalotuspsychje, the problem is updating networkmanager caused the applet be only stopped/ started by root.05:24
btartsalotuspsychje, end goal is to be able to toggle networking on / off easily again from the applet non root05:27
lotuspsychje!details | btartsa05:28
ubottubtartsa: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.05:28
BudgiiHi all, i'm on RPi but i feel like this question will apply. I'm trying to do an update and getting an error about my weechat not being a secure update. How can I override that? This is the log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GCK2yYm7B2/05:32
lotuspsychjeBudgii: thats looks more debian stretch then ubuntu05:33
Budgiiahh ok. any suggested channel?05:33
lotuspsychjeBudgii: where did you download the Os for your rpi?05:33
BudgiiI dunno, straight from raspian like over a year ago and thought i'd do an update05:34
Budgiilotuspsychje: ^05:34
amazoniantoadhow do I create a virtual interface with netplan?05:36
lotuspsychjeBudgii: try #raspbian05:36
nisstyreI'm trying to create a systemd user unit file that starts synergy. https://gist.github.com/weskerfoot/800a1655effdee4409ec6415a05555c5 It's not working for some reason unless I restart it after X is up and running. Any idea how to fix that?05:38
nisstyreI'm assuming my "After=" line is wrong05:38
nisstyre(I did systemctl --user enable synergy obviously)05:41
nisstyreit starts up fine actually, just doesn't work until I restart it05:41
OerHeksnisstyre, take a look at this service file? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/synergy#Clients_configuration05:49
nisstyreOerHeks: oh I didn't know about the "--no-daemon" flag05:49
nisstyrethat might help05:49
nisstyreOerHeks: also seems to help if I throw a ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 10 in there05:50
adlihi all06:06
adlimay i know the best method to perform linux root cause analysis?06:07
Ben64adli: can you be more specific06:08
adliBen64: the ubuntu server down this morning..06:09
adliBen64: whats the best method to check system log?06:09
marz_d`ghostmanAnyone using taskwarrior? I can't seem to find where the themes are located06:45
OerHekssome clue https://taskwarrior.org/docs/configuration.html > .taskrc06:47
mirazi_hekethey, i wanted to use this screensaver, how i can actually install/use it? https://philswitch.itch.io/dvd-video-screensaver06:49
marz_d`ghostmanOerHeks: Guess themes were not included and I have to download them manually06:52
OerHeksmarz_d`ghostman, indeed, and location is where you want them06:53
marz_d`ghostmanOerHeks: thanks06:54
OerHeksmirazi_heket, i find no manual in hte download, nor on the site, and that .pck is an unknown filetype to me07:06
OerHeksgood luck, ask the author07:06
mirazi_heketsame :(07:06
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badSophiaubuntu don’t reconize exfat?07:35
badSophiano one know it?07:37
EriC^^badSophia: try installing exfat-fuse exfat-utils07:37
danliiI am running 18.04 LTS, which has been upgraded to 18.04.2, and no more updates are available, but I still have kernel 4.15.0-46. I was under the impression that I would automatically get kernel 4.18 with 18.04.02 LTS. apt policy linux-image-generic shows only 4.15 version. Is there something wrong?07:39
EriC^^danlii: what does "uname -r" return?07:40
guivercdanlii, you need to enable HWE (hardware enablement kernel), it's only default for new installs of 18.04.207:40
danliiEriC^^: 4.15.0-46-generic07:40
guivercdanlii, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack07:40
danliiguiverc: Ahh, that explains it. Thanks a lot!07:41
badSophiaah how can i install exfat-fuse?07:45
badSophiahow can i change my account?07:51
badSophiaon ubuntu07:52
guivercbadSophia, change account?  you'll have to provide more details for that to make sense?  (settings comes to mind as first place to go)07:55
badSophiabadSophia@mycom on ubuntu, i want to change badSophia07:56
badSophiato another guiverc07:56
guivercbadSophia, badSophia would be your username; the value you want to change is in $PS1 I suspect - is this what you mean?  ie. you want to change your prompt?07:57
guivercbadSophia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizingBashPrompt07:57
badSophiayeah i want to change it on bash07:58
guivercbadSophia, have a look at what I gave (it's not great, I hoped it'd have more), but also `info bash` & searching for PS1 provides more  (/PS1  if you don't use vi)07:59
badSophiacan i change it at /etc/passwd manually?08:00
guivercbadSophia, you've lost me there, I can't see a connection between /etc/passwd & $PS108:01
badSophiaguiverc: ?08:02
guivercbadSophia, you can change your shell (zsh, ksh, csh etc) via that file, which will change the prompt, but I miss your connection (unless that's it)08:02
badSophiaguiverc: i changed my username editing /etc/passwd08:04
badSophiathere is problem? guiverc ?08:05
badSophiacan i change username editing /etc/passwd?08:08
farsightyes u can08:09
guivercyes you can change username (that way), but its too long ago for me to recall details accurately to advise sorry badSophia08:10
geirhabadSophia: you'll lose all your group memberships, because memberships are added by username in /etc/group, not uid08:11
geirhaThere could be other things that has your old username stored that will break too08:11
elias_aI started also thinking what all can break if one does that.08:15
ducassewon't you also need to edit /etc/shadow?08:20
guivercI would suggest doing a grep of files looking for your old username (ie. things you need to consider, and most likely change)08:21
guiverc(i was thinking of files in /etc/, re: grep)08:21
ducasselinux: can you stop that, please?08:33
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un4ooR6fHello everybody. Firstly I het libhogway broken. Then I found apt not working. I have reinstalled libhogway downloading the deb manually, but apt is still broken. It sigsegvs. with "method http died" . What should I do08:44
cappenot sure how to unlock a apt-mark hold on grub-efi-amd64 plus some others packages?08:52
DalekSeccappe: apt-mark unhold?  You can also apt-mark showhold08:53
cappecool, wasnt sure about the UNhold command08:55
cappewhat am I supposed to do about this?09:00
cappeGenerating grub configuration file ...09:00
cappe/etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: 3: /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy: not found09:00
un4ooR6freinstalled libgnutls, now apt works09:00
errsthey everyone09:01
mcrabbleHi, I just did a fresh install of 18.10, and after running updates, I'm getting Possible missing firmware warnings, and initramfs 'will attempt to resume from /dev/dm-2'09:03
errsti am following this guide to create a simple deb pgk with installation script(pre and post) but, i couldn't make it to copy the files i want to to target directory. i.e., i have a simple hello.py and i want it to copy to /usr/share/hello/hello.py but i dont know how. can you help me with this?09:04
errstguide -> http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html09:04
capperrors were encountered while processing: grub-pc09:05
cappecant update the grub09:05
mcrabbleI can reboot and it seems fine, but if I run apt autoremove it borks my system09:06
cappedpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of grub-efi-amd64-signed:09:09
cappedpkg: error processing package grub-efi-amd64-signed (--configure):09:15
cappe dependency problems - leaving unconfigured09:15
mcrabbleIt's the middle of the morning, we'll probably be waiting a while09:18
mcrabbleMiddle of the night**09:18
sorin-mihaii have a lacp setup with netplan on 18.04. seems to be working, but it disregards the lacp-rate: fast from the config according to /proc/net/bonding/bond0 which shows LACP rate: slow. any idea why?09:28
cappewill my kernel be updated at all if I dont get update-grub to work?09:28
guiverccappe, what Ubuntu are you running?  you could `pastebinit` your error messages & I could have a look09:32
nakamakicappe: it will be updated but the old kernel will still be booted09:36
nakamakiif you dont remove a kernel it will be a fallback option usually09:37
hTantiaHi... I've just switched to Linux... Using Ubuntu 18.04... When installing something via Terminal, if it displays a msg : Press [Enter] to continue, Ctrl+C to cancel...09:53
hTantiaHow to press [Enter]09:53
mcrabbleWhat happens if you hit your enter key?09:54
hTantiaSome specific key-combination alongside normal Enter-Key.../!!09:54
hTantiaNothing... It just went to next line... No further processing09:55
mcrabbleWell it recognized the input, that's why it went to the next 'ine09:55
hTantiaIf it provides options which represent buttons (as in GUI), are you sure that we don't have to press TAB, or anything else to switch between them?09:56
mcrabbleEither the command is wrong, or the operation is performed in the background quietly and won't update the console until it's finished or it runs into an error09:56
hTantiaI had read that somewhere, but have apparently forgotten...09:57
mcrabbleAs an example, if you use dd, once the operation begins, a blank cursor blinks at you until the file copy is complete09:57
hTantiaIf I enter the following:09:58
hTantiasudo add-apt-repository ppa:varlesh-l/papirus-pack09:58
hTantiaIt will ask for password, then go blank because of the processing09:59
hTantiaNot an issue there09:59
hTantiaBut it then displays a msg : Press [Enter] to continue and Ctrl+C to cancel10:00
mcrabbleDoes it just hang indefinitely after you press enter?10:00
mcrabbleHow long have you waited?10:01
hTantiaTill it displayed a msg meaning that it has gone timed out bcz of non-response10:01
mcrabbleSounds like the ppa isn't responsive10:02
hTantiaWell.... Am new here... Will hopefully get the hang of it with time.... (I don't know what PPA is)10:02
mcrabbleI was going to say anyway, but definitely go to where the ppa is hosted and verify that the location and arguments are correct, they may have specific instructions that must be followed to add the ppa10:03
mcrabbleWhat it should be doing after you hit enter is adding the proper keys for the ppa, and that can take a second or two, but it updates the terminal definitely10:05
hTantiaOkay... I'll try again... Thanks, mate...          :)10:06
guivercpossibly related hTantia - https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/11/papirus-icon-theme-drops-ppa  (did you check bionic was supported?)10:06
mcrabbleOnly other thing I can recommend is to check the currently added repos and check if you've already successfully added the ppa.  If it's already added, you should be able to do apt update && apt upgrade10:06
hTantiaOkay... I got it now... Restarting the process... Thanks...10:07
hTantia@guiverc Nope, I didn't check that10:07
hTantiaWell... Thanks, guys... Positive ;)10:09
strkany idea which package contains gssapi/gssapi.h ?10:24
strkor, how to find out ? (apt-cache search doesn't tell, does it ?)10:25
bindidid you try google?10:25
bindiseems to be the top 2 google results for me, yes10:26
bindior mentioned in them10:26
mcrabbleCould anyone help me troubleshoot bluetooth connectivity in 18.10 on xfce?10:37
marcoagpintoahhhh... next month will come 19.0410:37
marcoagpintoon month 4 and on month 1010:37
mcrabbleI mean, I just had a mouse and keyboard paired a day ago, and then I reinstalled xubuntu and it can't detect the devices, but ok...10:38
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toolzany cacti user around?10:50
lightProbeis even here?10:54
lightProbei have installed KDE Neon Developer Edition alongside Ubuntu but it doesnt show up?10:55
yvyzlightProbe: KDE is not showing up in the login->Session Selection?10:56
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lightProbegrub shows only Ubuntu10:57
lightProbe@yvyz on boot the grub only shows Ubuntu option10:59
ThinkT510lightProbe: grub is for booting operating systems, not selecting a window manager11:00
Fuchsyes, and they are talking about an OS11:00
Fuchsif they installed Neon Dev edition. But of course it depends how they did install it11:00
yvyzYea KDE neon is a full fledged distro11:00
JamesSquirehey ya :)11:00
lightProbeI went through the setup via the live iso, it also turns out to be installed but can't really find out how to boot it!11:02
mcrabbleDoes kde neon use grub, or systemd boot?11:02
yvyzlightProbe: if you installed it onto its own partitions, you will to update the grub entry for KDE11:02
yvyzOr in short, you need to ADD the grub entry for KDE11:03
lightProbei executed the update command on ubuntu and it shows up that it detected the "KDE Developer Edition" OS but it doesnt show up on the grub menu11:04
yvyzlightProbe: awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 999911:06
lightProbemy current grub file: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fGrbxcdt7j/11:07
yvyzUmm. That is the sparsest grub.cfg file ive ever seen.11:08
lightProbealso when i run: +"update-grub" it shows up that it detected ="Found KDE neon Developer Edition (18.04) on /dev/sda3"11:08
yvyzYes you mentioned that11:08
yvyzlightProbe: awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 999911:08
lightProbeit's because this is my new hardrive XD11:09
lightProbei newly installed ubuntu11:09
cappewhat should I do with this?? /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy: not found11:09
cappewhen I do update-grub11:09
yvyzAnd you ran update-grub from your ubuntu install?11:09
cappeno from the running system11:10
hTantiaHi... I tried the code in Terminal... It gave the following response.....11:10
hTantiaThis PPA contains different icons from different creators but available by http://www.NoobsLab.com11:10
hTantia More info: https://launchpad.net/~noobslab/+archive/ubuntu/icons11:10
hTantiaPress [ENTER] to continue or Ctrl-c to cancel adding it.11:10
yvyzlightProbe: And you ran update-grub from your ubuntu install?11:10
hTantiaAnd... When I pressed ENTER key and waited......11:10
lightProbeshould i add this in my grub config file? "awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"11:10
lightProbe@yvyz yes, wait is that not how it's done?11:11
hTantiaFollowing error msg occured :_                   Error: retrieving gpg key timed out.11:11
mcrabbleThat's a ppa problem11:11
cappedo I need to install 10_linux_proxy? :S11:12
hTantiaHow to 'press [Enter] while on terminal...?!!11:12
mcrabble...You did it right.  The ppa is the proble.11:12
hTantia** How to solve 'that' PPA Problem?11:12
yvyzlightProbe: that is how it is done11:12
mcrabbleYou have to figure out what happened with the ppa11:12
cappenobody has any clue about my issue? :(11:12
yvyzcappe: you need to check /etc/grub.d for *_proxy and remove them if you are not using them. It will break grub if you do not have the required packages. no sense in having them if you are not using11:13
lightProbe@yvyz should i add the line at the end of the config file?11:13
hTantiaAny idea as to... How to troubleshoot that?11:13
cappeok. thanks man. I need assistance with that, could I please have a bit of your time?11:13
yvyzlightProbe: you could, for now, add a manual grub entry into /etc/grub.d/00_custom11:13
cappeI did install grub-menu11:14
cappewhich could be the problem source11:14
yvyzlightProbe: or more /etc/grub.d/40_custom11:14
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:15
yvyzcappe: run-> sudo apt-get -f install11:15
yvyzcappe: you might be missing dependencies11:15
cappeI mean the program that lets you design the GRUB menu within grub11:15
cappewithin GUI11:15
BluesKaj /etc/default/grub11:16
lightProbeit says it couldn't fine the file "/etc/grub.d/00custom"11:16
yvyzlightProbe: ll /etc/grub.d/11:16
cappegrub seems to be complicated, many issues with it, I think11:16
yvyzlightProbe: whichever one says ##_custom, add a grub entry to that11:16
yvyzcappe: grub is highly straightfoward.11:16
cappedpkg: error processing package grub-efi-amd64-signed (--configure):11:16
yvyzcappe: you are having issues after installing a grub customizer11:16
mcrabblehTantia: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/11/papirus-icon-theme-drops-ppa11:16
cappeand holding the grub with apt-mark11:17
lightProbehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XBJpnCQgdH/ @yvyz11:17
yvyzlightProbe: add a grub entry for your KDE install to 40_custom.11:17
cappethis happens every time after generating grub-configuration file11:19
yvyzlightProbe: https://askubuntu.com/a/34435911:19
cappe/etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: 3: /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy: not found11:19
yvyzlightProbe: add the entry and run update-grub11:19
cappeI think that's very cryptical11:19
yvyzcappe: that is highly transparent. You installed a grub customizer, and then now you have issues looking for files that do not exist. Where do you think the issue began?11:20
cappeyeah, but what files should I delete man!?11:20
yvyzNo need to yell. There only is a lack of files.11:21
yvyzYou should consider apt-get remove <thepackageyouinstalltomanagegrub>11:21
yvyzor rather You should consider apt-get purge <thepackageyouinstalltomanagegrub>11:21
yvyzand see if it fixes the problem11:21
cappeyeah, what's the name u think? can't remeber11:21
lightProbe@yvyz thank you! followed the link will update you after reboot!11:21
cappegrub-customizer or something like that11:21
yvyzcappe: theres been issues with grub-customizer in the past11:21
cappeI found grub-customizer11:22
yvyzcappe: I cannot know the packages you have installed. Consider removing it.11:22
cappeI will remove it then?11:22
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
cappegrub-customizer - Grub Customizer - A graphical Grub2/BURG configuration application11:23
cappedare I remove it?11:23
crownedlakehi this is my first time or irc11:23
cappewarm welcome crownedlake11:24
lightProbe_@yvyz hey! thank you really very much! im on the kde right now!11:25
yvyzlightProbe_: hell yea.11:25
lightProbe_thank you very much!11:25
yvyzlightProbe_: *finger guns*11:25
yvyzlightProbe_: mp11:25
yvyzlightProbe_: np11:25
lightProbe_have a good day!11:25
yvyzlightProbe_: now, see if you can update-grub from within kde11:25
yvyzcappe: sudo apt-get purge grub-customizer11:26
lightProbe_yes working like hot knife on  butter11:26
lightProbe_updates frine!11:26
yvyzlightProbe_: isnt linux fun?11:26
lightProbe_alright going back to work! thank you very much again!11:27
yvyznp man. go forth and conquer11:27
cappewell put!11:27
cappeI did try that now yvyz , here's the return E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:28
cappestill the proxy-files messing11:28
yvyzcappe: sudo apt-get -f install11:29
yvyzcappe: your package manager is broken (you are missing dependencies)11:29
cappeI have tried I think every apt command to remove and reinstall grub and so on, still the proxy issue comes up11:29
cappealso this11:30
cappe installed linux-image-4.18.0-10-generic package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 111:30
yvyzcappe: what the specs of your machine?11:31
cappeasus rog, 16gb ram, intel cabylake and so on11:32
cappeLinux platina 4.18.0-16-generic #17-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 8 00:06:57 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:32
yvyzcappe: sudo dpkg –configure -a311:33
yvyzcappe: sudo dpkg –configure -a11:33
cappedpkg: error: need an action option11:33
yvyzcappe: sudo dpkg --configure -a11:34
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
cappe  Package grub-efi-amd64-signed is not configured yet.11:35
cappeGenerating grub configuration file ...11:35
cappe/etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: 3: /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy: not found11:35
capperun-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 12711:36
cappesorry spamming11:36
EriC^^cappe: did you add 10_linux_proxy?11:36
cappeno such package11:37
EriC^^cappe: type 'sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy'11:37
EriC^^!find 10_linux_proxy11:37
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 375 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=10_linux_proxy&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all11:37
EriC^^cappe: after the chmod command, try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' again11:38
cappestill that error with the proxy11:38
geirhaI doubt that helps. It's trying to execute a file that doesn't exist; not a permission issue11:39
EriC^^geirha: i'm disabling it11:39
EriC^^if it's -x it wont be run during update-grub11:39
EriC^^cappe: can you type 'update-grub |& nc termbin.com 9999' ?11:39
cappereturn was11:40
EriC^^cappe: type 'sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober_proxy'11:41
EriC^^!find /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy11:41
ubottuPackage/file /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy does not exist in bionic11:41
EriC^^cappe: can you type on your system 'dpkg -S /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy' and see what it gives?11:41
geirhaAh sorry, my bad11:42
cappedpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy11:42
EriC^^cappe: alright, after the chmod command, try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' again11:43
cappesame error again11:45
EriC^^cappe: type 'sudo dpkg --configure -a |& nc termbin.com 9999'11:45
EriC^^seems it didnt catch the error11:46
EriC^^cappe: type "sudo dpkg --configure -a 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999"11:46
cappewith update-grub I get this Generating grub configuration file ...11:47
cappe/etc/grub.d/31_linux_proxy: 8: /etc/grub.d/31_linux_proxy: /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy: not found11:47
EriC^^cappe: type 'sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/31_linux_proxy'11:47
EriC^^cappe: also please type 'ls -l /etc/grub.d | nc termbin.com 9999' to see if more are left11:47
EriC^^cappe: also type 'dpkg -S /etc/grub.d/31_linux_proxy' and see what it gives11:48
EriC^^cappe: ok, type 'sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/*_proxy'11:49
EriC^^there's 2 more left, what did the dpkg -S return?11:50
cappeSourcing file `/etc/default/grub'11:53
cappeGenerating grub configuration file ...11:53
cappeerror: out of memory.11:53
cappeSyntax error at line 15411:53
cappehere is that line11:53
cappe#GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"11:53
cappeSyntax errors are detected in generated GRUB config file.11:54
cappeEnsure that there are no errors in /etc/default/grub11:54
yvyzI think its time we rebuild grub completely for you11:55
EriC^^cappe: i think first remove the package responsible for the faults, cause on future updates it might overwrite the files again11:56
cappeshould I go for REFind instead?11:56
EriC^^you didnt give us the return of "dpkg -S /etc/grub.d/31_linux_proxy"11:56
EriC^^grub is more than fine, something with bugs was put over it so it's messed up now11:56
cappedpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /etc/grub.d/31_linux_proxy11:57
EriC^^!find grubcfg_proxy11:59
ubottuPackage/file grubcfg_proxy does not exist in bionic11:59
cappebtw, will my system be updated if I cannot get grub to work (and boot with REFind instead)? I mean work such as in become updated/upgraded and so on?11:59
EriC^^cappe: yeah12:00
cappethen I guess I dont really need bother12:00
EriC^^cappe: what does 'sudo updatedb && locate grubcfg_proxy' give?12:00
yvyzBootloaders only function is to supply your BIOS with the entry location of the operating system you want to BOOT into.12:00
yvyzIt "loads the boot information"12:00
EriC^^cappe: it'd be more tiresome to put refind than fix the grub issue, i'd guess12:00
yvyzOnce a system is booted, it is functional.12:00
EriC^^plus are you using uefi anyways?12:00
cappeno return from the locate12:01
yvyzI think we should just have you sudo apt-get purge grub-customizer12:01
EriC^^cappe: type "ls /sys/firmware/efi"12:01
cappeconfig_table  esrt              fw_vendor  runtime-map  vars12:02
cappeefivars       fw_platform_size  runtime    systab12:02
Penemanmmm456789hola puta12:02
vegetitahy guys12:02
yvyzcappe: !ops12:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax12:03
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
vegetitai have a problem do you want help me ?12:04
yvyzvegetita: what is the issue12:04
EriC^^cappe: ok, how did the problem start? i wasnt here at the start12:06
cappeI think I put the grub into the hold12:06
cappeapt-mark hold12:06
EriC^^cappe: you had grub-customizer installed, and it was giving the same proxy error thing?12:06
cappethen I did use the grub-customizer12:06
EriC^^i see12:07
cappenot at that time, it worked just fine12:07
yvyzPenemanmmm456789: hello12:07
EriC^^cappe: ok so then what happened12:08
cappeand then I think I did a customizer telling GRUB to use the current whatever cant remember instead of using the new...12:08
Penemanmmm456789que tal12:08
cappeit was in a colored console mode12:08
yvyzPenemanmmm456789: this is an English support channel.12:08
cappeasking about the config file I think12:08
EriC^^cappe: ah, the current /etc/default/grub ? or so12:08
Penemanmmm456789ok , i can speak in english12:08
EriC^^cappe: ok, type 'cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999'12:09
yvyzPenemanmmm456789: What do you need help with?12:09
Penemanmmm456789sex problems12:09
yvyz!ops Penemanmmm45678912:09
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax12:09
EriC^^Penemanmmm456789: /join ##c it's a support group for that12:09
vegetitayvyz: sorry i tellyou my problem12:09
EriC^^cappe: odd, it looks perfectly fine12:11
EriC^^cappe: can you type 'sudo update-grub 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999' to see what it'l give12:11
EriC^^did it give any errors?12:12
Penemanmmm456789yes this sit have a lot of fuching pronblems12:12
vegetitaonce in a while my computer restarts and I do not know why you can help me?12:13
cappeyeah, after the command executed it returned12:13
cappeerror: out of memory.12:13
cappeerror: syntax error.12:13
cappeerror: Incorrect command.12:13
cappeerror: syntax error.12:13
cappesyntax error 15412:13
EriC^^cappe: have you removed grub-customizer yet?12:16
cappeI guess it's fine having it like this, the issue is very complex and I have tried so many differnt workarounds12:16
EriC^^cappe: i think we should try purging grub stuff and reinstalling12:17
cappeI did type lots of commands about blocking GRUB from installing, before it did crash like this12:17
EriC^^why bock grub though12:17
Obscenitymaybe they are one of those LILO weirdos12:17
cappesince I rather used REFinder12:18
EriC^^cappe: grub is way easier and stuff, i think there's some bug in grub-customizer and it caused the issues12:18
cappeit seems reasonable12:19
EriC^^cappe: type 'dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999'12:19
EriC^^we should be able to solve it, it's literally that update-grub uses /etc/default/grub + the stuff in /etc/grub.d/ to build /boot/grub/grub.cfg no funny business12:19
EriC^^aha, there are some grub-legacy grub-pc packages there too12:20
cappeI think I used the 40_custom file12:20
cappeto edit with the grub-customizer12:20
EriC^^cappe: aha, let's remove the grub-pc stuff then chmod the file12:21
EriC^^cappe: type 'sudo 'apt-get purge grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub-legacy-ec2'12:21
cappedamn! I found it, the issue has to do with my FreeBSD entry12:21
cappewhich was faulty12:21
EriC^^alright, you got to remove the grub-pc grub-legacy stuff as well12:22
cappethe file /etc/grub.d/40_custom_proxy12:23
cappehas a entry for TrueOS whichi doesnt even exist anymore; I'm under the real FreeBSD now12:23
cappealso in the 40_custom (not the _proxy) .... there is a FreeBSD entry which doesnt work12:24
cappeshould I delete the entry from the file?12:25
cappeI could inactivate it also12:25
cappeshould I do this and not execute the purge?12:26
EriC^^cappe: no you have to purge those packages they conflict with eachother12:27
EriC^^you only want grub-efi* and grub2-common and grub-common12:27
EriC^^at this point i'd remove grub-common as well and grub2-common cause those provide the /etc/grub.d/* stuff12:28
cappeah! I can remember having installed both GRUB and GRUB212:28
cappeconflicting, yeah12:28
EriC^^yeah grub-legacy, also grub-pc and grub-efi conflict12:29
EriC^^grub-pc being the bios legacy mode grub (vs uefi mode)12:29
cappethis time it worked12:29
cappenow update-grub-legacyec2?12:30
EriC^^no grub-legacy should be removed12:30
EriC^^!info grub-legacy-ec212:30
ubottugrub-legacy-ec2 (source: grub-legacy-ec2): Handles update-grub for ec2 instances. In component main, is extra. Version 1:1 (bionic), package size 18 kB, installed size 81 kB12:30
EriC^^cappe: is this an ec2 thing?12:31
cappeshould I run the grub-update OR the grub2 update or which one?12:31
cappeI only have that one left the ec212:31
cappean ec2 thing, I'm not sure12:32
cappeI use the legacy, that much I know12:33
cappein bios12:33
cappewait, I use both btw12:33
cappethe same time12:33
cappeI dualboot ubuntu, windows 10 and freebsd12:34
EriC^^cappe: you're only using uefi right now12:34
EriC^^cappe: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999'12:34
EriC^^i gtg for a while12:34
EriC^^if the partition table is GPT then you're using uefi with windows for sure12:35
cappeok! cya later12:35
EriC^^you're only using uefi cappe12:35
EriC^^remove everything and purge it and only install grub-efi-amd64-signed and grub2-common and grub-common12:35
cappeok with everything u mean what command? a grub* ?12:36
EriC^^as i said those last 2 give /etc/grub.d files so remove everything there then reinstall the packages12:36
EriC^^sudo apt-get purge/install12:36
SeekWhat channel do i join on the irc for just talking to people?12:36
cappetry /list chat12:37
cappethe one who seeks shall find12:37
SeekThank you :)12:38
cappekeep on rockin'12:38
cappedamn my CPU freezer in my mind wont keep up with the temprature, I guess I be back later u guys, cheers and thanks for everything u helped me with so far, I'm sure we'll work this out later12:40
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EriC^^Seek: there's ##chat and #ubuntu-offtopic12:52
EriC^^Seek: if you want to look for anything specific do "/msg alis list <search pattern>"12:52
SeekOh alright sweet thanks man12:53
=== shann_ is now known as shann
StephenLynxhey, I got my onboard audio and the graphics card audio. both display on pavucontrol but for some reason only the hdmi actually works.13:07
StephenLynxany idea?13:07
=== j`` is now known as flask`
BluesKajStephenLynx, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1038490/how-do-you-set-a-default-audio-output-device-in-ubuntu-18-04/103849213:12
eraserpencil1I finally resolved over a 100warnings of my dsdt.dsl. Following the instructions from https://wiki.debian.org/OverridingDSDT, am i supposed to get the source code for linux-headers?13:13
=== Seek- is now known as Seek
StephenLynxBluesKaj, that is not the issue, I can select the onboard card13:14
StephenLynxbut it won't work.13:14
ph88how can i see if 32-bit architecture has already been enabled?  i have only the command to set it, but i would like to know the current value    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38613:14
StephenLynxit mutes the hdmi but it doesn't output sound.13:15
BluesKajStephenLynx, have you checked alsamixer volume ctrls ?13:15
eraserpencil1ph88: you can double tab on "dpkg --"13:16
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil1: Why are you monkeying around with DSDT? Do you fully understand the reprocussions of changing those items? What are you trying to do?13:16
StephenLynxyes I did, BluesKaj13:16
BluesKajautomute is disabled?13:16
StephenLynxwhere is that?13:17
eraserpencil1is "dpkg --print-architecture" and "dpkg --print-foreign-architecture"what you're looking for?13:17
BluesKajin alsamixer, StephenLynx13:17
ph88eraserpencil1, i messed up now, would have to reinstall the system to see what the default value was13:18
eraserpencil1pragmaticenigma: suspend/resume dont work on my laptop and sometimes it boots without the  keyboard working. I got tired of waiting so im trying out things13:18
StephenLynxnothing there, BluesKaj. trying to run amixer -c 0 sset 'Auto-Mute Mode' Disabled gave me  Unable to find simple control 'Auto-Mute Mode',013:20
ph88how can i do these two commands in one step so i don't need to create a file?   wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key     sudo apt-key add winehq.key13:20
pragmaticenigmaeraserpencil1: DSDT changes can brick your machine. In the meantime, I believe you're well outside the knowledge base of this channel. You might want to start asking question in ##kernel or something similar13:20
eraserpencil1pragmaticenigma: probably a good idea. thanks13:20
BluesKajStephenLynx, alsamixer in the terminal13:23
EriC^^ph88: probably something like wget -O - ...13:23
EriC^^ph88: you could always use -O /tmp/file to create a temp file that'll get erased on reboot13:24
ph88EriC^^, i tried this    wget --quiet -O - ttps://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key | sudo apt-key add -13:24
ph88but then i get:  gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.13:24
KermitHermitHi all. How to disable cgroupv1 controllers (blkio and memory) without reboot(Ubuntu 16.04)?13:24
StephenLynxBluesKaj, i know, there is no auto mute there.13:24
ph88EriC^^, sorry i just malformed the URL -____-13:24
tomreynph88: try adding the missing 'h'13:24
tomreynoh you noticed13:25
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
BluesKajStephenLynx, so it's not showing the vol ctrls , just the spdif/hdmi13:27
StephenLynxfor the hdmi, it isn't. for the onboard, it is.13:27
StephenLynxeverything is maxed and nothing is on MM, for muted.13:27
BluesKajStephenLynx, is the hdmi onboard as well ?13:28
StephenLynxthe hdmi is from a graphics card.13:28
StephenLynxit works by plugging the headphones on the monitor audio output.13:28
BluesKajnot a pci gpu tho?13:28
StephenLynxpci-e, yes.13:28
StephenLynxsame old song13:29
StephenLynxthing is, this card messed my system for good.13:29
StephenLynxeven if I remove it, it doesn't work.13:29
StephenLynxfor bonus points, my extra hdd mounting is messed up and can't auto mount anymore.13:29
BluesKajwhat's the onbaord audio chip, intel?13:29
StephenLynxcard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC887-VD Analog [ALC887-VD Analog]13:30
StephenLynxfrom aplay13:30
StephenLynxhdmi is card 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]13:30
=== Noisette_ is now known as Noisette
BluesKajStephenLynx, run sudo lshw -C sound, then look in the list for "configuration: driver=snd-something'13:32
StephenLynxconfiguration: driver=snd_hda_intel latency=013:34
StephenLynxfor both of them13:34
mcrabbleCan somebody help me with audio problem in 18.10?13:43
mcrabbleI'm only getting one channel/mono out on both my 2.1 speakers and my headphones13:43
BluesKajStephenLynx, ok run, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel the you may need to make your analog output card 0 in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, with the line 'options snd-hda-intel index=0' then right below it, options hdmi index=-2, then save and reboot13:45
=== cram is now known as Xaphan
mcrabbleI'm only getting one channel/mono audio output on 18.10, on both my headphones and 2.1 speakers.  Could someone help me troubleshoot please?13:57
BluesKajmcrabble, is this true mono, with both channels outputin the same sound or is it one L or R channel only?14:13
mcrabbleNot sure, on xfce, can't tell how to test14:15
mcrabbleNew to xfce14:15
mcrabbleOk, I found a way to test, it's not mono, only one channel is being output14:18
mcrabbleBluesKaj: I tried it with both my headphones and speakers, each have their own cables and they display the same behavior14:19
=== RtMF|hasacold is now known as RtMF
Xtremehey guys,  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZVVV8MRQgk/ < can someone help me understand this? I can see that i have kernel modules which i need, but they are not loaded in DMSEG14:23
Xtremenot cross posting. I have no idea whats going on in ##linux14:23
BluesKajmcrabble, does your media player have an audio L/R balance control ?14:25
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
mcrabbleBluesKaj: so in volume control I apparently have to unlock the output to get the channel balance, messing with left does nothing, right just makes the right channel louder/quieter14:27
BluesKajmcrabble, L/R vol ctrls in ?14:30
mcrabbleBluesKaj: system volume control14:30
BluesKajhmm, must be a gnome thing, I'm on KDE/Plasma14:31
mcrabbleBluesKaj: I'm not on gnome, i'm using xfce14:32
BluesKajmcrabble, that's even more arcane for me14:33
mcrabbleBluesKaj: I was just on solus and it worked fine14:34
mcrabbleThis is just telling me I need to switch distros, again14:34
mcrabbleThanks for your time14:35
BluesKajmcrabble, suggest you try asking in #xubuntu, not highly populated but maybe they have some insights14:35
BluesKajoops too late14:36
FuraiHmm, some topics on the internet claim that it's possible to move tabs between terminal windows.14:42
FuraiI can't seem to be able to do that on ubuntu 18.10.14:42
FuraiDid something change in that regard?14:42
pragmaticenigmaFurai: Depends on what terminal emulator application you are using14:43
FuraiThe default from ubuntu.14:46
FuraiNever tried anything else.14:46
FuraiApparently the threads show it was possible in 16.0414:46
FuraiRight now I can't drag the tab out of the window to even detach it.14:47
leftyfbFurai: terminator can do this. You should try that one. It's got lots of features.14:49
FuraiHow do you even go about replacing the default terminator?14:54
black_13if you build and ubuntu package from source would that allow you to have the dbg information and to step into the source14:55
black_13that is gdb into the source of library or sources of that package14:56
FuraiIf you build it with symbols then yes.14:56
FuraiI don't see why not.14:56
black_13Furai: i want to build from source the packages for gstreamer14:57
black_13this seems to have some dependences14:57
black_13on other gstreamer packages14:57
black_13how do i build all these14:57
leftyfbFurai: if you install terminator, it becomes the default terminal emulator14:58
Furaileftyfb, just like that? Hmm, is there some project website to have a look at it?14:59
leftyfbFurai: sudo apt install terminator. It's REALLY that simple. If you don't like it: sudo apt remove terminator14:59
tomreynFurai: you can: sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator14:59
FuraiI wanted to see it's feature list and so on. Could probably just check apt cache.15:00
leftyfbFurai: After googling for "terminator terminal emulator" you get: https://gnometerminator.blogspot.com/p/introduction.html15:00
Furaiblack_13, sorry, I can't you help more. Probably all depends on how it's build. If there are some makefiles - you should probably modify those and add compiler flags. Maybe there are as well targets defined which are meant for debugging.15:01
Furaileftyfb, I just wanted to be sure I'll find what you're talking about, not something different.15:01
FuraiThanks a ton.15:02
johnfghi folks!15:06
johnfgOn this new install, I wonder which would be the best vnc server/viewer to install?15:07
pragmaticenigmablack_13: perhaps telling us the issue you are having with gstreamer, we might be able to help solve the problem without you needing to build from source15:07
johnfgOn other distros, I usually install x11vnc.  Is there a preferred one for ubuntu?  I'm actually running xubuntu.15:07
leftyfbjohnfg: I still prefer x11vnc15:08
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: You can continue to use x11vnc... I believe that is the recommended vnc server for XFCE installs (Xubuntu)15:08
black_13pragmaticenigma: my issue is pedagoy15:08
pragmaticenigmablack_13: I don't know what that is15:08
black_13bad spelling15:09
leftyfbhe wants to learn15:09
black_13best way is to read the source15:09
black_13doesn't everyone say that15:09
johnfgThanks guys, just the kind of input I was looking for :-)  I know it was close to a poll, which I shouldn't do.15:11
black_13but that wasn't the question i asked i want to build a set of packages from source15:11
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pragmaticenigmablack_13: That's fine, I'm just trying to better understand what you are doing. That way I or someone in this channel can better help you or find you a better resource for assistance15:14
lordcirth__It's a reflex many of us have to check for XY problems :)15:17
pragmaticenigmablack_13: Also, there is a channel for gstreamer... they may have someone in there familiar with building gstreamer from source that can help you out: #gstreamer15:18
black_13there is15:19
sabertoothhello, I'd like to use my pc as dhcp server for my local network instead of the broadband router provided by my ISP. Will it be ok if I just install dnsmasq on the server and disable dhcp from the router? My phone connecting to via wifi and router to the lan will get the dhcp lease from my server (does it send a probe via broadcast and the dhcp running on the server responds because it listen for thsese kind of broadcast messages?(?15:34
leftyfbsabertooth: why do you want to do this?15:35
sabertoothleftyfb: to learn and to gradually be able to change the broadband router provided by the isp with my own device15:36
leftyfbsabertooth: If you're looking to learn, I would suggest setting something up like isc-dhcp-server.15:36
leftyfbsabertooth: But the short answer is yes, it will work the way you assume15:37
sabertoothleftyfb: I'll check that out.. thnx15:37
sabertoothleftyfb: I have a bonus question too.. ;-) looking at conf online I don't see references to the way the dhcp server should send the gateway information15:38
sabertoothleftyfb: I read that the gateway should have ip_forward set and route all to the router15:38
bieb1I have a ubuntu pc at the office that has an IP address.. it responds to pings, but we can not figure out where this PC is.. I was trying to find the computer name using, nslookup, nmap, zenmap.. with no luck.. any other ideas?15:38
sabertoothbieb1: how many pcs in your office? ;-)15:39
leftyfbsabertooth: I'm not sure what you're talking about. But setting up just a dhcp server alone has little to do with setting any ip_forward or routes other than specifying the router/gateway ip to be given out to dhcp clients.15:40
lordcirth__bieb1, log into your switch and see what port it is connected to.15:40
bieb1and a few VMWare also15:40
sabertoothleftyfb: but it seems the dnsmasq conf I saw have not reference to gateway ip to send with the dhcp lease15:40
leftyfbsabertooth: It should, though I'm not that familiar with dnsmasq. I suggest a proper dhcp server like isc-dhcp-server.15:41
naccsabertooth: look for "deafult route"15:41
naccerr, "default route"15:41
sabertoothleftyfb: the ip_forward part is the next step.. once dhcp is up and running I'll set the server ad gateway and will switch off the router15:41
leftyfbbieb1: Your issue has nothing to do with ubuntu really and is offtopic here.15:41
leftyfbsabertooth: 1 step at a time15:41
lordcirth__leftyfb, personally I haven't found anything I've needed that dnsmasq didn't do.15:42
leftyfblordcirth__: classes of dhcp pools?15:42
sabertoothleftyfb: so first set up the dhcp *without* any info on default gateway or setting the default gateway to the router's IP?15:42
leftyfbsabertooth: the latter, correct15:42
naccleftyfb: it does support that15:43
naccleftyfb: "dhcp vendor classes"15:43
leftyfbnacc: ok, again, not that familiar with dnsmasq. I've always used isc15:43
naccleftyfb: yeah i agree with you it's probably easier15:44
sabertoothleftyfb: ok.. so after that configure the server as gateway and change the default gateway accordingly15:44
leftyfbI think of dnsmasq as a lightweight dhcp server meant for things like local virtualization and ICS type things. Not really for enterprise physical networks15:44
sabertoothleftyfb: will I need to restart the dhcp server .. is there a way to force a lease renew?15:45
leftyfbsabertooth: sure. Though we're getting a bit offtopic here. There's plenty of tutorials out there on how to build your own router. If you run into issues, you can ask for help here. Though I feel #ubuntu-server might be more appropriate.15:45
sabertoothleftyfb: sure.. thanks..15:46
jamie_1hey, im running on ubuntu 18.10, i work with a lot of vm so i have 2 vmnet connections, but for some odd reason it shows the status of the vmnet on the status bar, is there a way to show my ethernet adapter instead?15:54
leftyfbjamie_1: what status bar?15:57
jamie_1leftyfb: in the upper right hand corner of the main display15:57
leftyfbjamie_1: got a screenshot of the issue?15:58
jamie_1where the battery indicator and sound indicator also are15:58
jamie_1yeah the system tray15:58
SimonNLYou're welcome15:58
leftyfbyeah, I get the area. I'm curious about what it's showing exactly. Can you take a screenshot?15:59
jamie_1thanks :p im horrible at remember the names of the stuff15:59
jamie_1that is the status of the vmnet116:00
jamie_1which is turned off because im using software in the vm that needs a bridged connection16:00
leftyfbjamie_1: can you drop down the menu and screenshot it?16:01
leftyfbfeel free to edit out anything personal16:02
leftyfbjamie_1: I understand the issue, though I don't have a solution. A workaround might be to run nm-applet as well which should default to your physical network device.16:06
jamie_1leftyfb: sorry on a call for work sorry, one sec16:13
jamie_1https://pasteboard.co/I4l38WU.png leftyfb16:15
leftyfbjamie_1: I think the idea is that it will show offline if ANY of your interfaces are offline16:15
leftyfbjamie_1: none of my virtual interfaces show up there though16:16
jamie_1leftyfb: i dont know if its a difference in using gnome vanilla16:20
leftyfbjamie_1: that might be.16:20
ikoniawin 116:24
johnfgFor ubuntu, a page that discusses setting up x11vnc, having gdm, has the file: /run/user/120/gdm/Xauthority.16:28
johnfgI'm running xubuntu with lightdm.  The user id should be 100; no problem there.  But what do I use instead of: /run/user/120/gdm/Xauthority?16:29
leftyfbjohnfg:  x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -usepw16:30
isomarigreetings, how can I remove the noprefixroute flag using the ip command?16:33
lordcirth__isomari, I believe ip address change IFADDR dev IFNAME CONFFLAG-LIST, where CONFFLAG-LIST is the current list minus noprefixroute16:37
JuJUBeeHow can I use dd to duplicate one HD to a remote HD on same network so I don't have to take drive out of computer?16:50
leftyfbJuJUBee: live cd's/usb's and nfs16:51
pragmaticenigmaJuJUBee: "dd" is not designed to work over the network... you can use "dd" to make the image, then send that image to another device, then on that device use "dd" to restore the image to a device attached16:52
JuJUBeeleftyfb, if I boot both with live CD, can I just go from machine to machine?16:52
leftyfboh wait, image it directly. I don't think you can. You'll need to use dd to take an image to a file of the source drive. Then mount that somewhere or copy it to usb and use that to dd to the other drive16:53
johnfgmy xubuntu has: /run/user/1000/, with some directories underneath.16:53
leftyfbJuJUBee: no16:53
leftyfbJuJUBee: you cannot access the block devices of one machine from the another on the network like that16:53
johnfgleftyfb: Thanks.  Of course, the typo with 100.  Meant the 1000 of later.16:54
JuJUBeeleftyfb, ok, so I have to have local storage to save image then move to other computer to restore16:54
leftyfbJuJUBee: local or mount over nfs, yeah16:54
johnfgleftyfb: It's good leftyfb!  Started and accessible from other office!16:55
JuJUBeeleftyfb, I tried with clonezilla but when I booted the restored computer I got UUID not found.  Is this a grub issue? or something else?16:57
leftyfbJuJUBee: You'll need to contact clonezilla for support with their bootable OS.16:59
RandomNick312Heya! So i'm running a decent CPU(i5 3330), decent GPU(Gainward GTX760 Phantom 4GB) and got 8GB of RAM. I'm running XUbuntu 18.10 and got the NVIDIA driver version 415.27 installed. Yet firefox feels slowish when scrolling and i can literally see it scroll, as well as Rocket League(native linux game) is behaving weird ingame, like it feels like something's set up wrong(does not really look like 60fps, although game performance shows 60+)17:05
RandomNick312. At this point i'm out of ideas, since i'm coming from Windows 10 and had no graphics issues at all :/17:05
RandomNick312oh and nvidia-smi shows fan and temp, but PWR Usage/Cap is N/A17:07
skrRandomNick312, are you using nvidia proprietary drivers?17:12
RandomNick312skr: Yes i am. from ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa17:14
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
skrRandomNick312, aren't you meaning 'tearing' for firefox?17:16
RandomNick312skr: Uhm actually now that you say..yes it's tearing(as well?)17:17
skrRandomNick312, enable forcecompositionpipeline or forcefullcompositionpipeline. It will fix tearing.17:19
StephenLynxbtw BluesKaj when you mentioned options snd-hda-intel index=0, you meant snd_hda_intel , right?17:19
RandomNick312skr: Should i enable "sync to VBlank" btw? I had disabled it, suspecting it to cause my graphics issues ingame17:20
ZewwyIf I setuu a super simple Ubuntu server (all-in-one parition) whats the easiest way to expand it? (Its a VM and extending the HDD is easy "physcially")17:20
BluesKajStephenLynx, both syntaxes should work, but you're correct  underscores are the default17:21
Zewwyis using gparted via a live boot the best option?17:21
Zewwyor is there a live option?17:21
MalMenmy PC just shutdown by accident and I was compiling stuff in one of my servers17:22
MalMenthe compiler is still on17:22
MalMenis there anyway to restore the window that I closed ? :(17:22
skrRandomNick312, no, sync to vblank wont fix tearing17:23
RandomNick312skr: Not to fix tearing, but graphics issues in RocketLeague ^^17:23
skryou can try17:23
ZewwyGefore 1080 with a Gsync 144Hz Monitor = no tearing17:24
RandomNick312skr: uhm, could my issue be related to having a dedicated GPU and a CPU with integrated graphics?17:25
Zewwygenerally not17:25
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ZewwyCan you exapnd a partition live, like in windows on Ubuntu?17:27
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RandomNick312skr: I think the option helped with firefox tearing (tested with https://www.vsynctester.com/), but not 100%. I'll now try ingame and see if it helped..idk if it's tearing ingame really17:30
RandomNick312Should i enable VSync though?17:31
Zewwyif you have high FPD and are willing to loose a few17:31
Zewwysure why not17:31
RandomNick312oh and is it normal, that "nvidia-smi" doesn't show any proccesses, saying "not supported"?17:31
RandomNick312Zewwy: I'm experiencing stuttering or something similar, that's why i was genuinely experimenting17:32
leftyfbZewwy: short answer, yes.17:32
cryptodanI get no tearing on linux with nvidia17:32
ZewwyRandomNick312: drivers?17:32
Zewwyfaulty card?17:32
Zewwyleftyfb: got a link to a longer answer lol17:33
leftyfbZewwy: LVM is the proper way.17:33
skrRandomNick312, stuttering in firefox? are you using flash?17:33
RandomNick312Zewwy: drivers are newest compatible proprietary driver17:33
RandomNick312skr: Nah, it was tearing on normal txt pages17:33
cryptodanRandomNick312: what video card17:34
RandomNick312Gainward GTX760 Phantom 4GB17:34
Zewwyits got Phantoms alright17:34
cryptodanwhat kind of monitor and what kind of cables17:34
RandomNick312My GPU is also getting considerably hotter and fan speed higher in RocketLeague than it did on Windows btw17:35
ZewwySeems driver related, but *shrug*17:35
Zewwyi unno17:35
RandomNick312BenQ GL2450H and HDMI to HDMI17:36
RandomNick312Rocket League actually feels slower lol. Although ingame perfomance stats show constant high(over my possible 60 even, but that's RLs weird calculation) and it still feels slower17:39
ZewwyDoes LVM exist on server eidtion (no desktop GUI)17:39
cryptodanyou sure its hdmi per google and benq that monitor doesnt have hdmi RandomNick31217:39
RandomNick312oh and could "force full composition pipeline" cause input lag from a gamepad? ^^17:39
RandomNick312cryptodan: it does though https://www.amazon.de/BenQ-GL2450H-Monitor-Reaktionszeit-schwarz/dp/B00HZF2M9U17:41
yutai have a ubuntu live USB with persistence17:42
cryptodanRandomNick312: https://www.benq.com/en/monitor/stylish/gl2450/specifications.html17:42
yutai want to access the persistence file system from another computer, pluggin in the USB17:42
yutawhere can i locate these files?17:42
RandomNick312cryptodan: i guess the "H" adds HDMI then :-D17:43
yutai suppose that it is a image or similar17:43
yutahow can i mount that filesystem on my current system to access the home folder?17:43
BrianBlazeI have never had luck with live systems and trying to save anywhere on them, but I never took the time to get into it either17:43
ashumudus[QUESTION] i have just installed utorrent on ubuntu 18.04 through software center. But its not launching. when i click on it nothing nada ... can anybody help17:44
dasilva WN17:44
BrianBlazeashumudus, transmission is the best <317:44
yutaashumudus: run it from command line and see STDERR/STDOUT to find any error or useful information17:45
cryptodanRandomNick312: I would get a better HDMI Cable to see if its the cabling causing your tearing and stuttering.17:45
yutaor see the log file17:45
ashumudus@BrianBlaze , ill try it mate but still an installed program should work or give some sort of error17:45
ashumudus@yuta lemme try that17:46
BrianBlazeto see the error you normally need to open it from terminal then it will let you know17:47
RandomNick312cryptodan: well, it worked fine on Windows10..so i suspect something else. But i just tried playing with vsync on and setting max FPS ingame to 60 and it seems like it's smoother now17:48
RandomNick312I really suspect the vsync option to be the issue here17:48
RandomNick312my god yes, turning off the composition pipeline setting again, it feels just as sluggish as before17:49
RandomNick312skr: thanks man!17:49
cryptodanRandomNick312: but windows drivers and linux drivers shouldnt be compared17:50
RandomNick312What exactly does "Sync to VBlank" do though?17:50
RandomNick312cryptodan: agreed, but the cable is the same^^17:50
cryptodanthat syncs your refresh rate to your monitor17:50
cryptodanso it is forcing 60hz to your monitor17:51
Zewwyonly 60hz :( :P17:51
RandomNick312so it SHOULD be a good idea to enable it when i am facing those issues?=17:51
Zewwywouldn't you want variable frame rate in times of stutter or hard computaional graphics?17:52
cryptodanRandomNick312: if your monitor cannot cope with what the video card is sending it then yeah17:52
RandomNick312Zewwy: I don't know what i want anymore.. just realized the option didn't really fix the weird fps ingame17:53
Zewwycryptodan: what do you mean by cope, more frames than the monitor can handel, or less?17:53
ZewwyRandomNick312: I think you want smooth game play17:53
RandomNick312I do, ya17:53
cryptodanZewwy: being able to handle the frames its being sent17:54
yutaanyone can give me an advice? i need to access the persistence filesystem on a ubuntu live usb from my system (debian)17:54
Zewwyreally sucks when you have manually tweak a hundred setting to get what you want17:54
Zewwyyuta: mount it?17:54
RandomNick312Zewwy: do you mean me? Yes it does suck :(17:55
yutaZewwy: i have the usb mounted, i can see all the files17:55
RandomNick312I've died 100 deaths trying to fix it17:55
yutaZewwy: but i don't know where the filesystem is located (the home folders)17:55
ZewwyRandomNick312: Windows makes something easy..17:55
RandomNick312Yeah it makes updating easy, by taking it out of your hands..that's big part of why i switched few weeks ago17:56
Zewwyif it's single partition drive just use find command17:56
RandomNick312From Win10 to Kubuntu to Xubuntu xD17:56
Zewwyif it's multi partitioned ensur you've mounted the correct partitions17:56
yutaZewwy: the files that i want are not there!17:56
Zewwy*shrug* beats me17:56
yutai see now17:56
yutathere is a "filesystem.squashfs" file17:57
yutathe files that i want must be there17:57
yutahow can i mount that fs?17:57
Zewwyunno I don't dick with file system files17:57
EriC^^yuta: that's the read only filesystem, look for casper-rw17:57
EriC^^yuta: then "sudo mount -o loop /path/to/casper-rw /mnt"17:58
yutaEriC^^: i only need to copy some files, no need for write privileges17:58
yutaEriC^^: so it must work, right?17:58
Zewwyif your just reading content, yea17:58
EriC^^yuta: no the filesystem is the read only filesystem for the live usb, the stuff you've added is in casper-rw17:58
Zewwywhat exactly is the end goal?17:59
RandomNick312nop..this still didn't fix my issue :(17:59
yutaEriC^^: ok, thanks17:59
yutaEriC^^: i dont see any casper-rw file18:00
RandomNick312brb rebooting, gonna enable sync to vblank(was enabled default)18:00
yutaEriC^^: what exactly do you mean?18:00
Zewwyyuta: What are you trying to accomplish?18:01
yutaZewwy: i need to extract some pieces of code that are stored in the home folder of that usb persistence18:01
yutanothing else18:01
EriC^^yuta: where did you mount the live usb?18:01
Zewwyextract file system code, huh, still wonder what the goal is18:02
yutaEriC^^: it is mounted on /media/live/MYLINUXLIVE18:02
EriC^^yuta: what does 'ls -l /media/live/MYLINUXLIVE/casper-rw' give?18:02
yutathere is no such file18:03
EriC^^yuta: try "find /media/live -type f -iname 'casper-rw'"18:04
yutaoh i see18:04
yutai found it, thanks18:04
yutai was looking in "casper" fodler18:05
yutahow i mount it?18:05
EriC^^yuta: then "sudo mount -o loop /path/to/casper-rw /mnt"18:05
yutaEriC^^: thank you!18:06
EriC^^no problem18:06
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ZewwyGoal Accomplished18:08
rud0lfZewwy: first ubuntu operated satellite is on orbit?18:09
RandomNick312hmm..it's good now, after enabling sync to vblank and rebooting18:09
RandomNick312aaaaand..tabbing out and back in made it slow again18:09
Zewwyrud0lf: must have been the reboot18:09
RandomNick312any idea if this could be related?18:09
Zewwyprobably not supported18:09
Zewwyor tested18:09
rud0lfi reinstalled ubuntu because my disk was corrupted and now my bluetooth is moody18:10
rud0lffighting with it atm18:10
Zewwyassuming you used a new disc, thats interesting18:10
rud0lfi did18:11
rud0lfbut it's probably non-standard bt usb dongle, windows is moody too18:12
ZewwySame OS version and same drivers?18:12
rud0lfyes but i spent some time before mangling with bt settings, and i don't remember what actually i did18:12
rud0lfi think it was disabling something in .conf18:12
rud0lfanyway, i rather wanted to share my misery than to seek for help here :)18:13
ZewwyAll good, computers are painful at times18:13
RandomNick312Zewwy: agreed 200%.. still facing this issue18:13
ZewwyIf it only occurs while tabbing in and out of the game, don't do it18:14
Zewwyif you find a reproducable bug, report it, and avoid doing it :P18:14
cryptodanRandomNick312: get a different cable and if that doesn't work then i would get a better monitor18:15
ZewwyI doubt its the cable or monitor, seem driver related IMHO18:16
RandomNick312is it normal that tabbing in and out is muuuch faster than on windows, almost instantenous?18:16
RandomNick312oh, OpenGL and DirectX, eh?18:16
lordcirth__RandomNick312, linux is often faster than Windows.18:17
Zewwydepedning on task and many factors18:17
EriC^^i notice linux is faster than windows for me, except with an ssd the difference becomes less noticeable18:17
Zewwylinux IS less bloaty than Windows18:17
RandomNick312Reminded me of the '"borderless fullscreen" having less FPS than "fullscreen"' issue18:17
RandomNick312*on windows18:18
ZewwyIf you optamize Windows and remove all the services and crap you don't want or need, it can be a great OS18:18
cryptodanI have 2 very old dell ultrsharps 24" and have had no tearing or stutter with them on linux or windows using video cards from an 8800gts to a gtx 980ti using hdmi and now displayport18:18
Zewwygenerally not worth the work, that Linux makes easy out of the box18:18
RandomNick312okay say..it is driver related..what do :/18:19
Zewwytry differen't versions, if you're lucky and the cards still supported by the manufcacter ask their support for help18:19
Zewwyelse your on your own18:19
RandomNick312Is there any way i can actually "see logs of" or "record" the issue?18:19
ZewwyIf you YOLO, you YOYO18:20
RandomNick312'*For the products which you cannot find it in the category, please download from Nvidia or ATi'18:20
RandomNick312thanks for nothing Gainward..18:20
ZewwyYeah the big boys just licensed their stuff to other manufacterers18:20
ZewwyWhen it came to NVidia I always picked Asus18:21
Zewwycause they stick around18:21
dffdoes sudo service ssh start stop restart also restart the ssh daemon?18:21
dffor is it some client that gets restarted18:21
Zewwythats fpor the service18:21
Zewwyaka daemon18:21
lordcirth__RandomNick312, what GPU are you trying to get working?18:21
dffZewwy: thanks18:21
Zewwythey are the same18:21
RandomNick312Gainward GTX760 Phantom 4GB18:21
cryptodanRandomNick312: get a different cable18:22
dffso both ssh and sshd do the same thing18:22
RandomNick312It "is" working..it seems..but it isn't smooth and doesn't feel normal18:22
ZewwyRandomNick312: Trya  diff cable as suggested, I'm assming the results will be the same, but at least its a varialbe you can cut out18:22
CumaI just installed the ubuntu operating system. audio driver is up to date, but no sound. Tried again with headphones. I tried to check via Alsamixer settings, no sound.18:22
lordcirth__dff, 'ssh.service' is the same as 'sshd.service' in systemd, yes. The actual commands 'ssh' and 'sshd' are of course different.18:22
lordcirth__RandomNick312, what driver are you running?18:23
ZewwyCuma: Hardware specs would be helpful?18:23
RandomNick312proprietary nvidia driver version 415.2718:23
Zewwylordcirth__: Yeah but theres no restarting a client, it's either your connected, or yoru not18:23
RandomNick312Xubuntu 18.1018:23
lordcirth__Zewwy, yes, and?18:23
ZewwyMade the initla question mute18:24
lordcirth__RandomNick312, well, nvidia's site recommends 418.43, but that's not a big difference18:24
RandomNick312oh that one's fresh18:25
RandomNick312Guess i will install and come back to cry afterwards :-P18:26
Zewwyyeah try different drivers18:26
lordcirth__RandomNick312, but you should be installing from ppa, not nvidia's site directly, if possible18:26
RandomNick312i am from ppa18:26
RandomNick312after running apt update, it showed me the update as well18:27
Rootsudofuck yaaaaaalllll18:28
Rootsudooh, sorry this is the ubuntu chat18:28
CumaI installed the Linux operating system for the first time. I should get Turkish language support. Zewwy, thank you for your interest.18:28
ZewwyLVM is not seeing my expanded disc size, now in Windows diskmgmt I press F5 to refresh and it sees it18:29
Zewwyhow do I make LVM see the whole new disc18:29
RandomNick312any way to see which process is using my GPU "How much" btw?18:29
lordcirth__Zewwy, in what sense did the disk expand?18:29
Zewwyon Hypervisor, expand disc18:29
lordcirth__Zewwy, ah, a VM, ok. Is the LVM PV a partition on the disk?18:29
Zewwy20GB -> 40GB18:29
Zewwyno clue?18:30
Zewwyall-in-partition at creation18:30
lordcirth__Zewwy, lsblk -f18:30
Zewwyaight, what am I looknig 418:30
lordcirth__RandomNick312, nvidia-smi will tell you total load. On some systems/drivers/cards? it will show processes18:30
Sven_vBwhat does the dpkg-divert manpage mean with "divert-to is the location where the versions of file, as provided by other packages, will be diverted."? if I divert /etc/foo.conf, would "divert-to" default to /etc/foo.conf.distrib?18:30
RandomNick312It mostly shows N/A lordcirth__18:30
RandomNick312https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/498322/cuda-programming-and-performance/gpu-utilization-broken-in-cuda-4-0-is-patch-available-/ oh18:31
Zewwyohh boy18:31
Zewwyso I have Sda1 vfat and sda2 ext418:31
Zewwywhat do I do next18:32
RandomNick312I was asking because my GPU is running on around 50°C and 45% fan speed while i'm casually browsing and chatting here18:32
Zewwylil high but over not too obad18:32
RandomNick312for casual browsing even?18:32
Zewwyto many variables to know18:33
pragmaticenigmaRandomNick312: That would depend on what you're browsing... web pages load all sorts of things in the background18:33
Zewwyalso room temp, air flow18:33
Zewwyetc, etc, etc18:33
Zewwytoo many variables to know18:34
Zewwyquality of the thermal paste, how old it is, etc etc18:34
Zewwylordcirth__: I ran lsblk -f what do I do now?18:35
RandomNick312how does thermal paste relate to GPU ^^18:35
Zewwyif your GPU doesn't have a heat sink, wow18:35
RandomNick312granted higher cpu temp means hotter airflow, but eh18:35
Sven_vBRandomNick312, check htop to see whether some background processes are on a rampage. I had that several times with udisksd.18:35
pragmaticenigmaRandomNick312: These are questions that are better suited for the #ubuntu-offtopic channel... please stick to Ubuntu OS specific questions here18:35
RandomNick312I was reacting to a suggested fix for my issue...18:36
Sven_vBRandomNick312, also there's a daemon that can control CPU frequency on compatible CPUs. on one of my machines it runs wild and I wasn't able to tame it yet.18:36
ZewwyI'm assuming rebooting is the easiest way to get LVM to see my whole disk afetr expanding at the hypervisor?18:36
r3ply`RandomNick312, you might also ask in ##hardware18:36
ZewwyI'm kinda being left in limbo here18:36
Sven_vBZewwy, dunno if there are better ways but a reboot should do the trick.18:37
RandomNick312you should be able to use partprobe to refresh it Zewwy18:37
ZewwyI thought Linux can do anything windows can and better18:37
Zewwypart probe eh18:38
Sven_vBZewwy, indeed, but you need to know the correct magic chant to make it do that. ;)18:38
pragmaticenigmaZewwy: It's best practice to avoid changing disk sizes on a live system18:38
ZewwyWindows does it better18:38
ZewwyI'll reboot18:38
ZewwyWindows 1 linux 018:38
RandomNick312I assume you expanded the virtual disk in VMWare or whatever?18:38
ZewwyWith Windows its soooo easy18:38
RandomNick312Okay if you don't want to, reboot then..18:39
Zewwyi did partprobe18:39
Zewwydidn't work18:39
RandomNick312Did you expand the disk itself, or only the virtual disk?18:39
Sven_vBZewwy, you can use windows for the partitioning and then do other stuff with linux. mix and match as you like.18:39
RandomNick312I've got a great tutorial for expanding lvm volumes at hand, but it's in german :/18:40
ZewwyWith windows you expand the disc at the hypervisor, open diskmgmt, f5 refresh the page, exapnd the disk, done, Linux LVM doesn't see the new expanded disc18:40
Zewwyno matter what18:40
RandomNick312what did you do so far, only expand the disk in vmware?18:41
RandomNick312or whatever hypervisor*18:41
Zewwyreboot now sees it but...18:41
ZewwyGPT PMBR size mismatch18:41
Zewwywill be corrected by w(rite)18:42
Zewwywtf does that mean18:42
pragmaticenigmaZewwy: It is asked that you avoid vulgar words or acronyms that imply them in this channel18:42
ZewwyHow does frank understand this crazy lingo18:43
Zewwythis is NOT easy18:43
Zewwywell this didn't help18:48
andrewjHi, new to ubuntu/linux, just installed 18.04.2 LTS to new computer. settings > sound is showing only HDMI outputs and S/PDIF although comptuer has standard earphone jack in and out as well. . . Anyone know how to remedy that? I'm guessing it's an easy fix but I don't have the exp to make it so.18:49
pragmaticenigmaandrewj: Do you have anything plugged into the headphone port?18:49
andrewjno, not at present. Neitehr to the S/PDIF though18:50
pragmaticenigmaandrewj: Try plugging in your headphones/speakers to the port then go and reopen the settings18:51
ZewwyHadphone jacks are aware usually if something connected18:51
Zewwyimpedence values18:51
ZewwyBe lovely if someone could give me a hint as to how to fix my parition that fdisk is saying theres a problem with18:52
andrewjpragmaticenigma, thanks, I'll give that a try18:52
andrewjpragmaticenigma, AHA! thank you friend. (andty too Zewwy)18:53
pragmaticenigmaZewwy: I've tried searching but everything I find is a few years older than I'm comfortable recommending18:53
Zewwynp, i noticed the same thing with old old ac97 drivers on Windows98 or even Xp or 718:54
Zewwypragmaticenigma: I tried this right now18:54
Zewwylets see18:54
Zewwyi made a backup before I started this anyway, so noty like Im hooped if I screw up18:55
pragmaticenigmaZewwy: smartest step to make! always make a backup!18:55
Zewwyyou know it18:55
Zewwyless sweat under my pits18:55
RandomNick312heya, any idea where i should go with those (possibly) nvidia driver issues?18:55
ZewwyRandomNick312: did the updates succeed?18:56
RandomNick312oh, i forgot to update. i am downloading the recommended benchmark tests from the ppa, so i got something to show18:56
EriC^^Zewwy: what's the problem you have?18:56
Zewwythe link i shared worked!18:57
Zewwygetttin a stupid gpt mbr error after exapnding a simple HDD(cirtuall hdd)18:57
Zewwynow I can finally use LVM to expand the parition18:58
Zewwyway more work than windows for sure18:58
Zewwygparted would have probably saved me a fair amount of grief18:58
pragmaticenigmaZewwy: There's probably a different approach to what you were doing. And ya... gparted probably would have saved you a little trouble18:59
pragmaticenigmaZewwy: glad to see you got it work18:59
Zewwypragmaticenigma: well in reality you shoudl be able to expand the virtual drive reboot, and linux should know better18:59
pragmaticenigmaRandomNick312: You might need to repost your original question... It has scrolled out of my history18:59
Zewwyif Windows can do... linux should be able to do it better18:59
pragmaticenigmafdisk is a bit long in the tooth, it is also more low level access. gparted gives a much higher level interface, make it more user friendly.19:01
Budgiiis lubuntu the lightest OS?19:01
Budgiiive got an i3 with 2gb of ram thought i'd try that.19:01
Zewwypragmaticenigma: agreed19:01
ZewwyAFAIK it was designed to be lightweight19:01
RandomNick312pragmaticenigma: sry it was quite a bit.. started around https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu.html#t17:0519:02
pragmaticenigmaBudgii: Lubuntu strives to be system resource friendly19:02
RandomNick312At this point i'm considering it COULD be related to CPU usage as well?19:02
Budgiithats what i thought. thanks pragmaticenigma19:02
RandomNick312Since the game is running 2 processes combined, around "130% CPU" in htop19:03
RandomNick312while tabbed out and in main menu..19:03
pragmaticenigmaRandomNick312: I run with a GTX 645 and haven't noticed any sluggishness in Firefox (I don't game so I can't speak to that exactly)19:04
RandomNick312I'll be updating my drivers now..since the benchmark download is rigged i guess19:06
Xtremehey guys,  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZVVV8MRQgk/ < can someone help me understand this? I can see that i have kernel modules which i need, but they are not loaded in DMSEG19:06
XtremeCan anyone help me fix the above issue?19:06
Xtremeits been over a week I am suffering with the problem.19:06
pragmaticenigmaRandLover: For mine, I'm running nvidia drvier version 396.5419:07
Xtremeyvyz: Online?19:10
windowdoorDoes anyone know if there are any plans to fix this regression in nautilus?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1164016  There's a huge amount of interest in a fix, and a working patch is available, but it doesn't seem like any devs are aware of it since it was marked "Fix Released".19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1164016 in ubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "restore type-ahead find" [Medium,Fix released]19:14
yvyzXtreme: hello19:15
XtremeHow are you?19:15
leftyfbwindowdoor: that is an upstream bug. Contact the gnome devs19:15
yvyzGood... whats up19:16
XtremeI further debugged my issue19:16
XtremeSST drivers are loaded successfully19:16
Xtremebut only its not able to get the channel/,ic19:17
pragmaticenigmaRandomNick312: I see that I also have an update to nvidia... 418.43... seems like a jump19:17
robertparkerxhow do I see cronjob for all users? -- doesn't crontab -e show only current user19:17
Xtremeeven if i connect an external headphone, even that mic doesnt work.19:17
RandomNick312pragmaticenigma: well i'm updating through the drivers GUI thingy..although it's taking ages19:18
pragmaticenigmarobertparkerx: you can see the current crontabs for all users in /var/spool/cron/crontabs ... DO NOT CHANGE THE FILES THERE!19:19
robertparkerxnano /var/spool/cron/crontabs19:19
windowdoorleftyfb: It's already been reported to them, but they refuse to fix it.  They basically claim that the bug is a feature.  Ubuntu had patched it in the past (for ubuntu 17.04 and earlier), but this patch stopped working in recent versions (18.04 and newer).  A new patch has been created by the arch community, but the Ubuntu devs don't seem to have taken notice.  I suspect they don't know since the bug was already marked "Fix Release19:20
RandomNick312i'll reboot and report back19:20
robertparkerxpragmaticenigma, I got a blank result19:21
pragmaticenigmarobertparkerx: each user's file is in there separately19:22
robertparkerxish sorry19:22
pragmaticenigmarobertparkerx: You could do something like concat the files together in a separate location to view them all at once19:22
RandomNick312"GPU Utilization" isn't even showing over 50%, while ingame it's still kinda stuttering :/19:25
RandomNick312updated now btw19:25
robertparkerxthanks pragmaticenigma19:25
RandomNick312I'm basically out of ideas at this point.. except for driver issues specific to my GPU?19:26
pragmaticenigmaRandomNick312: Do you have multiple monitors?19:29
RandomNick3121 monitor19:30
cryptodanRandomNick312: please try my suggestions19:31
RandomNick312I don't have spare HDMI cables flying around :/19:31
RandomNick312and as i said, i highly doubt it's the cable..since just before reinstallation of OS it worked19:32
leftyfbwindowdoor: open a new bug on launchpad as a regression19:36
lordcirth__Zewwy, sorry, had a meeting. How far did you get?19:38
cryptodanRandomNick312: part of troubleshooting19:40
Zewwylordcirth__: I managed to fix the gpt error mbr thing on fdisk using a link i shared19:40
Zewwylvm didn't seem to have any volumegroups19:40
Zewwyand resize2fs didn't do crap19:40
Zewwyrunning gparted live from a ISO19:41
lordcirth__Zewwy, so, you weren't actually using lvm?19:41
Zewwyso sick of this crap19:41
armuneed help setup bind pay btc19:41
lordcirth__armu, I don't think that's on topic here19:41
Zewwyapparently not unno, no standization when it comes to this stuff on linux19:41
ZewwySS free for all19:42
armuPAYING BTC for bind setup to host multiple domain names and an easy way to create a A name for each hosted domain name and point to a ip19:42
cryptodanarmu: vestacp19:42
lordcirth__Zewwy, standardization of what? partitioning and LVM follow the same rules on all Linux distros, though the defaults may change19:43
Zewwyyeah i ran default install of Ubuntu19:43
lordcirth__armu, this sounds like a trivial bind setup. What part are you having trouble with?19:43
Zewwyso i unno if it does or doesn't or what19:43
armucryptodan: tks too heavy19:43
Zewwybut gparted was so easy19:43
Zewwyhow it should be19:43
lordcirth__Gparted is a nice tool, yes. I use it a lot. But learning how things actually work can be useful in future.19:44
Zewwyagreed but what a mess everything else seems to be, lvm just seems like a logical RAID ontop of a extisten volume/partitino, unno what it's trying to do19:44
Zewwyjust give me a standard partition with a normal FS on it19:45
lordcirth__Zewwy, LVM does lots of things, but the main reason to put it on a single device is so you can make, shrink, and expand logical volumes easily.19:45
geard_Hey, i'm looking to reinstall my Ubuntu 18.04 this weekend. i'm curious what tools you guys would recommend for extracting my current configuration and backing my files up?19:46
lordcirth__Also it lets you have one LUKS device that contains multiple partitions, which can be handy19:46
ZewwyYeah be nice to do it without it weird magic, just extend the partition using resize2fs liek gparted does19:46
ZewwyI saw the command gparted ran afterwards19:46
lordcirth__geard_, depends, how much did you change? Many people only need to restore their home directory19:46
pragmaticenigmageard_: There is no better tool than to simply copy those files to an external drive or location19:46
lordcirth__Zewwy, resize2fs is only the last command in the sequence.19:46
ZewwyI finally have my extnded parition19:46
Zewwythank god19:46
ZewwyGparted for the win19:47
Zewwylvm can suck it19:47
pragmaticenigmaZewwy: Please keep it family friendly19:47
lordcirth__Zewwy, first you need to extend the partition, then the PV, then the LV, then the fs. A bit annoying but not that hard.19:47
geard_pragmaticenigma: i was hoping that wasn't the answer :)19:48
lordcirth__Most people don't resize their drives, really19:48
Zewwyyeah give me one comamnd that can do it for me, liek Windows diskmgmt19:48
Zewwywizard next, next, next done19:48
Zewwyeven in cli only scipts19:48
geard_lordcirth__: i'm not changing much. I just want to nuke and pave. I kinda want to currate some of my software i'm not using.19:48
windowdoorleftyfb: Ok thanks.  I wasn't sure if that was frowned upon since an issue already exists, but I guess it does make sense since it's really a separate instance of a similar bug.  Thanks again!19:49
lordcirth__geard_, I usually back up everything, just in case, then nuke and pave, then restore my user data only19:49
geard_lordcirth__:  thanks. I'll be doing that this weekend. Always like a nice clean install.19:52
geard_doesn't include all the garbage I tried for 10 minutes and forgot to remove19:52
lordcirth__geard_, yeah, I know what you mean19:53
SpeConhello i just upgraded in terminal from 16.04 to 18 latest version. But when i reboot my computer i still see the same screen like before. I mean the menu at the left side of the screen is still thesame as in 16.04  is this normal ? when i type lsb_release -a it shows me Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS bionic so its updated for sure19:57
leftyfbSpeCon: there is no version "18"19:58
SpeConbionic beaver ...19:58
leftyfbSpeCon: That is 18.04 and not "latest version".19:58
SpeConnormaly the desktop should be gnome right ?19:58
SpeConyea 18.04.2 i have now19:58
leftyfbSpeCon: How exactly did you upgrade?19:58
SpeConleftyfb,  hold on19:58
leftyfboh, so you did upgrade then19:58
SpeConyes  i did upgrade19:59
leftyfbSpeCon: The upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 will keep Unity as the default DE19:59
SpeConbut i don't have a gnome environment i think19:59
SpeConahhhh thats what i mean19:59
RandomNick312cryptodan: same issue with diff hdmi cable19:59
leftyfbSpeCon: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-gnome-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux20:00
cryptodanRandomNick312: then time to look at getting a better monitor20:00
SpeConah okay thanks for the link leftyfb20:00
RandomNick312cryptodan: what makes you think it's the monitor though :/20:00
RandomNick312Since..Windows10 was fine20:00
SpeConleftyfb, going to start installing gnome thanks mate20:01
SpeConleftyfb, another question. With this brand new update that i did. Will my printer drivers still work and my sound stuff ? because i didn't test it out yet. I had allot of troubles to get my sound working on my HP laptop on 16.0420:02
ioriaSpeCon, dpkg -l | grep gnome-shell20:02
leftyfbSpeCon: won't know until you test20:02
leftyfbioria: the upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 keeps Unity.20:02
iorianot sure20:03
iorialeftyfb, i think that link will install gnome classic20:03
cryptodanRandomNick312: the monitor maybe slow and unable to keep up with the video card and in windows the driver may have in it ways to cope with it20:03
leftyfbioria: I thought that to, but toward the end it suggests installing ubuntu-desktop20:03
ioriathat's ok20:04
ioriaSpeCon,  don't you have  gnome-shell    installed ?20:05
SpeConleftyfb, i did sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop but it hangs at 77% :s20:07
RandomNick312cryptodan: but isn't that still an nvidia issue then? D:20:07
SpeConlibsane-hpaio amd64 is getting configured20:07
SpeConi hope it continues20:07
cryptodanRandomNick312: no20:09
Zewwyso driver related then20:09
Zewwyif the issue can be shown to be resolved with different drivers on a different OS, how exactly is it the issue not driver related?20:10
RandomNick312I'd say "the driver had a way to cope with it on windows" is essentially a driver issue then20:11
Zewwyme too20:11
cryptodanRandomNick312: or your monitor is crap and cannot keep with up with it20:11
RandomNick312But i've already asked for assistance in #nvidia20:11
Zewwywell its laways an option20:11
Zewwytry another monitor and report the reults20:11
ZewwyI'd expect teh same reuslt much like the diff cable20:11
RandomNick312well..now I really don't have a better monitor flying around..otherwise i'd use it20:12
Zewwywho doesn't have multiple monitors? :P20:12
RandomNick312someone with limited space and resources20:12
Zewwytime an dmoney20:12
SpeConleftyfb, Just want to inform you that i have read some info on the internet and i found out that i just had to logout from the current desktop. After that i just could select gnome desktop. I didn't had to install anything anymore :)20:21
SpeConso gnome is working now.20:21
SpeCongnome was already installed with the upgrade from 16.04 to 18.0420:22
Budgiican someone help me learn how to make a simple startup script after reboot? I'm wanting to open terminal and type 'weechat'.thats all. :D20:22
lordcirth__Budgii, System > Settings > Startup Applications, or something like that20:23
GrievreI'm trying to update locales, libc6 and libc-bin on an embedded system from .debs I've built and dpkg seems to completely randomly just refuse to do it but then sometimes it does it just fine.20:23
GrievreIt won't install libc6 because it breaks the old version of locales, it won't install libc-bin or locales because they need the new libc620:24
Grievresorry correction I didn't build the debs, I got them from launchpad20:24
lordcirth__Budgii, Will launch it on login. The actual command would probably be 'gnome-terminal -x weechat'20:24
Budgiilordcirth__:Im actually on raspberry pi, i thought it might be very similar. Maybe I should check in #raspberrypi?20:25
BudgiiI think i just need to make a 'bash' script20:25
lordcirth__Budgii, do you have a desktop? If so, what desktop environment?20:26
BudgiiI have mac, windows or ubuntu Budgie if needed.20:26
Budgiimy purpose is so when i reboot my rpi, i don't hvae to connect via VNC and type in the word weechat manually. :p20:27
Budgiilordcirth__: i'm reading this but i'm not making a ton of sense from it. https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/20:27
lordcirth__Budgii, what you probably want is to get Budgie to open a terminal and run weechat when you log in20:29
RandomNick312I'm seriously considering a dualboot installation, just because my graphics are effing up :(20:30
RandomNick312Nobody got any other idea what to try, other than "switching monitors"?20:30
system32can anyone help me setup l2tp ? it does appear in settings20:35
system32i have the username , password , preshared key and server address20:35
system32OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.0420:36
=== fears is now known as hopes
jcottonis .dbus in my homedir supposed to be owned by root?21:06
jcottondrwx------  3 root   root    4096 Mar  3 15:10 .dbus/21:06
WoCjcotton, it happens with you sudo21:09
jcottonso i should chown it?21:09
WoCimho yes21:09
jcottonto myself21:09
WoCchown -R id:grp21:09
WoCsudo -H <cmd> and it wont happen21:10
jcottonalso i've installed wine (sudo apt install wine) but i can't open .exe by double clicking21:11
jcottoni could've sworn that used to work21:12
jcotton64-bit ubuntu 18.10 btw21:12
mrecdoes anyone know a tool which can do stdin caching (without depending on the stdout reader)  and dumping it to stdout?21:15
jcottonstdin caching?21:15
lordcirth__mrec, what do you mean by caching?21:15
mrecstdin will be blocked if the consumer isn't fast enough21:15
lordcirth__Like, saving a potentially really large stdin to disk, and slowly feeding it to stdout?21:16
mrecI need an extended circular buffer between 2 applications with some bigger caching memory21:16
jcottoncan't tee do that?21:16
mrecI have fast data coming in and the raspberry pi might have some hickups when writing the data to the sdcard21:17
mrecthat's the problem21:17
mrecwhich would cause the data to drop21:17
lordcirth__jcotton, tee writes to file and stdout at the same time, I think21:17
mrecin the worst case I'll do it myself but would be nice to know if anyone knows a standard tool21:18
jcottonugh, GarbageShield installers21:18
lordcirth__mrec, I'm not aware of one, but it seems like the sort of thing the 'moreutils' team would like21:19
lordcirth__They have a number of other piping-related tools21:19
mreccat /fastdata | pv | pv | pv | pv | pv > or something like that I guess21:19
lordcirth__Actually, "sponge" might do what you want?21:19
mrechmm any kind of multipipe should increase the buffer21:19
ZewwyI like buff21:20
lordcirth__sponge reads everything, then when the input closes, starts sending it to stdout. That's probably not what you need21:20
jcottonoh god i broke X21:21
jcottoncame out of a fullscreen wine app and the second montir is freaking out21:21
mrececho foo | cat | cat | cat | cat | cat ...21:21
lordcirth__mrec, found it! apt install buffer; man 1 buffer21:21
lordcirth__pv also has flags to increase the buffer size21:21
jcotton>pee: tee standard input to pipes21:22
mrecbuffer looks good!21:24
mrecI'm testing my FPGA design with the Raspberry PI (ATSC via SPI)21:25
lordcirth__I learned a thing today, too. buffer may come in handy one day21:25
Budgiilordcirth__: sorry, I had to step away21:29
hmw_metalabMate/Menu Applet (The single-drop-down-menu version): It shows only a few items and I have to scroll all the time. I forgot, how to disable scrolling, so I tried to find the setting dconf-editor and did an extensive web search to no avail. How can I get rid of scrolling? Can I compare settings of both computers?21:29
BudgiiI'm not wanting to run weechat on Budgie, i'm wantint it on the RPi since i use it as IRC relay.21:29
tripelb18.04 weird: I have libreoffice (seen later) I go to software and it says install so I think I dont have it and click install. It says installing and hanges on a litle progress. so I look on the menu-tree and it is there. There is no button to cancel install. This is in the narmal software gui. cinnamon.21:33
tripelbwhat shall I do now.21:33
tripelbIt is progressing, not hung. installing what is already installed. I dont understand. Please help me...21:34
hmw_metalabtripelb: how long have you been waiting?21:34
tripelbhmw_metalab, it isnt hung. but it is installing libreoffice over the install of libreoffice like the os routine called software doesnt understand what software is here.It is still progressing.. it is a slower connection.21:37
lordcirth__Could be it's installing libreoffice from snap, while you have it from apt. Or updating libreoffice. I wouldn't really know, I don't use the GUI software manager.21:38
hmw_metalabtripelb: I see, and I don't know for sure. My guess would be, that it simply re-installs the software21:38
tripelbIt is progressing, not hung. installing what is already installed. I dont understand. Please help me...what do I do? (I am fully updated, upgraded today.21:40
=== Taco is now known as DetectiveTaco
=== DetectiveTaco is now known as Taco
tripelblordcirth__,  and hmw... It finished. I now have libreoffice and lif=breoffice 6.2 both installed. CONFUSING, AMUSING and WorkAble. --- Thanks. (I will talk to the libreoffice booth at Scale17x)21:44
Acheroni sure with a newer version of LibreOffice would show up in the official Ubuntu repos21:47
=== mumung is now known as Mumung
bobdobbsI'm using ubuntu 18.04. I've got a Canon MB5160 printer. My system sees it (although it describes it as MB5100). When I use the system print dialogue to send a job to the printer, nothing happens on the printer side of things. But I get a message from the window manager every 30 seconds or so telling me that a job is being sent to the printer.22:04
bobdobbsso... how do I actually print something?22:04
bobdobbsBetter yet, how do I set up printing so that it works every time I try? At the moment I try and print something about once every two months. Every time I try I get a new and different issue.22:05
bobdobbsI've had this issue on every version of ubuntu from 10.04 (my first ubutu) onwards22:06
jeremy31bobdobbs: What have you tried?  I think there is a canon printer package shown in Synaptic Package Manager22:07
bobdobbsjeremy31: what have I tried to print? Recently? At the moment I'm using the system print dialogue.22:08
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amazoniantoadHow do I create a virtual interface in netplan?22:20
davidfetter_workis there a fairly straight-forward way to diff the current files from those laid down by apt-get install ?22:29
andrewjHi, newbie Ubtunu 18.04 user again. Installing rvm. installation goes fine but ends with a message that "installation of RVM is almost complete, then directs me to run 'source/home/myusername/.rvm/scripts/rvm in all your open shell windows". Probably sounds dumb, but I'm not sure how to interpret that22:47
hggdhandrewj: what is rvm?22:49
andrewjhggdh, Ruby Version Manager.  On second thought, maybe this isn't the right place to ask.22:50
andrewjhggdh, if so, my apologies. kinda new to this22:51
davidfetter_worknm. figured it out. apt-get download xxx && ar -vx xxx....deb && tar xJvf data.tar.xz22:51
hggdhandrewj: I can see no ruby-rvm package (if that is the package name). Where did you get it?22:52
lavinhogood night22:53
andrewjhggdh, from http://rvm.io/ . Again, I may be asking in the wrong channel. it's really not ubuntu, it's a package for managing RoR installations. Again sorry for the distraction.22:53
lavinhohow to realocate bad sectors hard drive ?22:53
hggdhandrewj: yes, this would be the wrong channel, since it was not packaged by Ubuntu22:54
andrewjhggdh. yep. my mistake.22:54
lavinhohelp me please23:02
tomreynlavinho: the hdd firmware usually does this by itself.23:03
OerHekslavinho, realocate bad sectors ? that is not possible, they can be marked as bad.23:04
lavinhohow to ?23:04
tomreynif a disk has more bad sectors than it has spare ones, you definitely need to replace it.23:04
OerHekssudo badblocks -v /dev/sda1 > /home/$USER/bad-sectors.txt23:05
OerHeksthis can take a while23:06
tomreynmarkting as bad can be done using badblocks. you can also run an ext file system check (fsck) and have it report its findings to badblocks. e2fsck -c23:06
lavinhosudo badblocks -svw /dev/sda23:08
leftyfblavinho: if you have bad sectors on a drive, get a new one. STOP using that drive until you can make an image of it and recover what you need from it. Unless you don't care about the data on it at all, then just keep using it as normal until you lose everything.23:10
OerHeksbad sectors grow, indeed23:10
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hggdhmore than that: marking new bac blocks may corrupt files that were using the bad area... so leftyfb's suggestion is the best course of action23:13
OerHeksbadblocks check and backup data23:14
nisstyreI recommend using ddrescue to image a bad drive23:14
nisstyreit will automatically truncate zeros and try to recover bad sectors23:15
leftyfbOerHeks: only if it can read the data from the bad block :)23:18
leftyfb+1 nisstyre23:18
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miraclei have gtk2 + gtk3 libraries. i  install geany from ppa . it seems linked against gtk2 (ldd show it). i can change links from gtk2 to gtk3 without compilation ?23:46
miraclegeany.pc in deb package contains Libs: Cflags: -DGTK -I${includedir}/geany -I${includedir}/geany/tagmanager -I${includedir}/geany/scintilla23:48
miraclewhat mean -DGTK ? it is gtk2 or gtk3 ?23:48
tripelbI have two versions of libre office. I didnt expect "Software" to not tell me I had one already. (18.04) -- So I used apt to remove libreoffice and it twlls me that libreoffice is not installed.   (sear sirs and sirrah, what is happening. -- one is 5 and one is 6.2)23:52
tripelbPackage 'libreoffice' is not installed, so not removed23:52
tomreyntripelb: you probably have one installed as a snap23:54
tomreyn"snap list"23:55
black_13how is gsteamer build from source for ubuntu?23:57
OerHeksblack_13,  not sure why you want to do it with same result, but you can https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo23:59

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