
didrocksgood morning06:05
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:08
didrockssalut oSoMoN06:14
oSoMoNsalut didrocks06:19
seb128gooood morning desktopers06:27
didrockssalut seb12806:31
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?06:35
oSoMoNsalut seb12806:37
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ?06:39
didrocksseb128: ça va, et toi ?06:40
seb128didrocks, ça va bien !06:40
pieqc'est la French connection tous les matins, ici :)06:44
seb128oui :-)06:45
pieqjamesh, hey, it's ePierre from the snapcraft forum :) Thanks for your answers regarding access to /var/lib, very much appreciated!06:50
jameshpieq: hi06:51
jameshno problem06:51
jibelhi all06:54
dufluMorning didrocks, oSoMoN and jibel06:56
dufluAfternoon jamesh06:56
jameshhi duflu06:57
pieqdidrocks, I opened an issue regarding the snap recipe for ubuntu-report: https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-report/issues/28 ; jamesh has provided an answer that works for me, so if you ever decide to push the snap version instead of the deb, you may want to remember this :)07:00
pieqsalut jibel07:00
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jibelsalut pieq07:02
jibelça va?07:02
oSoMoNmorning duflu07:07
oSoMoNhey jamesh07:07
oSoMoNsalut jibel, pieq07:07
didrockshey duflu07:20
didrockspieq: oh nice, thx! Will have a look, as long as it supports completion and so on, that's great!07:21
didrockspieq: do not hesitate to PR so that I can rereview it07:21
pieqjibel, oui ça va et toi ? It's been raining a lot in Taipei these last few days, which is bad (especially to walk the dog) but also good (the temperature is finally livable!)07:21
pieqdidrocks, oh ok! I would have to find a way that works on both debian and snaps though. So far I've only tried jamesh 's trick on my own snap which uses --devmode (cause I'm lazy and all)07:22
didrocksyeah, reading that, this is why we couldn't snap it07:23
didrocksthere was first an issue with core18, you couldn't build it against07:23
didrocksand then, confinement, classic isn't an option and there is no interface for this07:23
pieqdidrocks, why isn't classic an option? is ubuntu-report supposed to work even on Ubuntu Core?07:29
didrockspieq: I got some informal discussion with the snap team and the classic confinement would be nacked apparently, they prefer someone to take the time to develop proper interface07:31
willcookemorning all07:59
dufluMorning willcooke07:59
dufluMorning marcustomlinson08:00
* marcustomlinson is feeling bleh this morning :/08:00
marcustomlinsonpicking up some cold/flu thing since yesterday08:01
willcookehi duflu08:01
willcookebad luck marcustomlinson.  Don't solider on if you're ill08:01
marcustomlinsonmorning willcooke08:01
marcustomlinsonI'll see how it goes08:01
marcustomlinsoncould someone with upload rights please trigger this for me? could someone with upload rights trigger this for me pretty please: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=eoan&arch=s390x&package=libreoffice&ppa=marcustomlinson/libreoffice&trigger=libreoffice/1:6.2.4-0ubuntu2~ppa108:03
marcustomlinsonwhoops how did that happen ?? 🤔08:03
marcustomlinsonmessage seemed to disappear so retyped it08:04
oSoMoNmarcustomlinson, done08:06
oSoMoNand good morning!08:06
willcookehi Laney. oSoMoN08:06
marcustomlinsonthanks oSoMoN :) and good morning to you08:06
oSoMoNand good morning willcooke & Laney08:07
seb128hey again desktopers08:12
willcookemorning seb12808:12
seb128(laptop suspended/irc disconnected during morning erands)08:12
seb128hey willcooke, how are you?08:12
willcookekeeping dry :)08:12
willcookehi Nafallo08:13
oSoMoNhey Nafallo08:14
Laneyhi marcustomlinson duflu oSoMoN willcooke seb12808:14
dufluMorning seb12808:15
marcustomlinsonmornign seb128 and Nafallo08:15
dufluand Nafallo08:15
Laney& Nafallo !08:17
seb128hey Laney duflu marcustomlinson08:17
Nafallosomeone sitting on good documenation about creating udebs? ;-)08:18
Nafallootherwise I'll just base it on flash-kernel and try to figure it out :-D08:22
seb128Nafallo, https://d-i.debian.org/doc/internals/ch03.html#idm459 ?08:22
Nafallothanks seb128 :-D08:26
Nafallothat gives an additional primer indeed08:28
dufluseb128, if using the "June - Started" column, do we still use "In Review", or just keep it "Started"?09:36
seb128duflu, keep it "started" for now, we can adjust the workflow later if needed09:36
seb128duflu, if we move it out of the june columns we loose visiblity on the fact that it was targetted for this month09:37
seb128we could create a "june - in review" if needed, but I'm not sure the column is big enough that it's required so let's try without it this month09:37
seb128and do a round of feedback at the end of the month09:38
dufluseb128, should we rename "In Progress" to "Long Term - Started" ?09:40
dufluOtherwise people might think "In Progress" represents everything in progress09:41
seb128duflu, hum, good point. I renamed it to "non targetted work -  started"09:41
seb128duflu, are you the one moving proposed/backlog on the top left?09:42
dufluseb128, yeah just getting a feel for the ordering/appearance. I am done now so feel free to change it09:43
seb128let's keep the june one on the left for the month09:43
seb128I plan to do a round of feedback/comment after that iteration09:43
seb128but I think the ones on the left are the most visible ones, and what we want to see/focus on/be reminded of is the current priority work09:44
seb128not the endless list of backlog items that is sitting on the board09:44
dufluThat makes sense. I was just wondering if it made more sense to order the columns chronologically09:44
dufluseb128, I suspect you will want to pick that vmwgfx regression bug out of proposed ;)09:46
seb128duflu, urg, indeed, SRU regressions in the LTS are not good :-/09:48
seb128Trevinho, ^ https://trello.com/c/gn0J5Qgb/169-bug1832138-login-screen-never-appears-on-vmwgfx-but-setting-waylandenablefalse-fixes-it-bionic-updates-regression09:48
Trevinhoseb128: I'm actually affected by that in a VM I've and while looking at it since long time, I've never understood what's the problem, but indeed isn't a crash. But something in the very low level10:29
Trevinhomutter starts and everything, the problem seems to be more related to the drv10:29
dufluTrevinho, yes that's also the part of mutter I changed in the latest update10:36
dufluGood morning Trevinho10:37
dufluGood night all10:37
seb128Trevinho, hey. Duflu said that bug started happening following a SRU in bionic, that might tell us what change is triggering the issue and give more clues about the problem?11:31
GunnarHjHi seb128, do you have time to sponsor the SRU-MP at bug #1831144? (Patch picked from upstream.)11:53
ubot5bug 1831144 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Disco) "GNOME control center UI does not update dconf setting for magnifier mouse tracking m ode" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183114411:53
seb128GunnarHj, I add it to the backlog11:55
GunnarHjseb128: Ok.11:55
Trevinhoseb128: mh, I can look at see if I can get to a point where I start from a bionic VM, dist-upgrade for each upgrade12:35
Trevinhobut look a bit complicated to track this way12:35
seb128Trevinho, check with Daniel first tomorrow maybe? he perhaps started poking to find the commit?12:36
Trevinhomh ok12:37
Trevinhothe annoying thing is that with vmplayer I can't either create snapshotts without copying the disk making such process a bit more annoying12:37
jibelboot the disk image with qemu?12:56
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seb128oSoMoN, great, which reminds me we said we wanted a discuss about disk space13:24
oSoMoNseb128, yes, I implemented a check that won't attempt to import an existing profile if there isn't enough space on disk13:25
oSoMoNseb128, https://git.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snap-from-source/commit/?id=41c779916fcfda62080f346d118e6cc8acab436c13:26
oSoMoNhappy to discuss further and to refine, of course13:26
seb128oSoMoN, oh, nice, well done :)13:28
seb128oSoMoN, "when running the snap for the first time, an existing chromium user profile in $HOME/.config/chromium will be imported"13:33
seb128oSoMoN, maybe add a "unless there is enough disk space available on disk"?13:33
seb128-on disk13:33
oSoMoNseb128, done13:45
tkamppeterseb128, the n-m autopkgtest got solved, when I looked after it last week the fix was doine, probably by the person who uploaded the changed n-m in the first place.13:47
seb128oSoMoN, thx13:48
seb128tkamppeter, oh? can you give details?13:48
Laneydoesn't look solved to me13:49
seb128tkamppeter, ^ also there doesn't seem to have been an upload to port away from the missing bindings so unsure how it could have been resolved?13:58
seb128kenvandine, tkamppeter, that's probably sometime that we should deal with on higher priority, we have been sitting on that for over a week13:58
kenvandinetkamppeter: what was the fix?14:00
Laneycyphermox did some work, and then it was handed over to tkamppeter to finish because it wasn't finished14:00
Laneypossibly tkamppeter was confused and thought that cyphermox was saying it was done14:01
seb128kenvandine, tkamppeter, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2019/06/03/%23ubuntu-desktop.html has the ping/details14:02
seb128Laney, (thx for the summary / details)14:05
cyphermox^ basically, I think the port hangs on the callbacks14:10
cyphermoxnot sure, but I haven't really done any meaningful glib in a long while, and much less in python14:11
kenvandinetkamppeter: look into that ASAP14:12
kenvandinewe need to get this resolved14:12
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willcookenight all.  See you all next week probably (depending on what I do on Friday)17:18
robert_ancellkenvandine, what migrates snap-store from candidate to stable? Manual?21:48
robert_ancellAnd how is the candidate revision (131) greater than the edge revision (122) !?21:52
kenvandineEdge is dead21:59
kenvandinerobert_ancell: manually promote from candidate21:59
kenvandinerobert_ancell: I have a version built in candidate now that I'll promote tomorrow after some testing22:00
kenvandineFor a USN refresh22:00
robert_ancellkenvandine, Thanks. the candidate contains the use of the new media API (didn't notice that change was missing in snap-store) so it's the last thing that's blocking the removal of the old screenshot support in snapd (https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6582)22:01

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