
sarnoldhello auggies01:05
auggiesI have always wondered, when installing postfix, what the hell should I put for the host name? I have read all kinds of tutorials and they all say the same exact things that are way to vague01:05
auggiesHi sarnold01:06
sarnoldman ain't that the truth01:06
sarnoldif your machine has a real routable dns name, probably that01:06
sarnoldif not, well, uh, I get fuzzy :)01:06
auggiesIt is a VPS on Azure free01:06
auggiesI suppose I can just try mydomain.com and see if it will send mail. if now I should keep a backup of the detected name01:07
sarnoldif it's only ever going to *send* mail then it likely doesn't matter01:07
sarnoldbut if you intend to receive mail it might require more thinking01:07
auggiesOnly send mail01:07
sarnold(note that my mail server knowledge is a good 20 years out of date, I don't know how modern antispam things work)01:08
auggiesG Suite has a good thing going on where you can have it only receive mail from your server IP plus spf=mydomain (close to that) and dkim which I haven't learned yet01:09
auggiesFor DNS records of course01:09
sarnoldhow much does azure charge for ip addresses? if it's a problem that's solved by three bucks a month or something it might be worth it01:12
auggiesIt has a free plan that I am currently using and it comes with an IP01:21
auggiesIt is called Azure free VPS I think01:21
auggiesYeah and I installed their Ubuntu 16.04 but upgraded to 18.0401:23
auggiesTo do this you sign into portal.azure.com and search the marketplace for "Free account virtual machine"01:26
lordievaderGood morning06:25
sahidcoreycb, jamespage I will start new point stable updates for queens07:51
sahidhum we actually have bug/1830341 not yet in 'updates'07:54
sahidcoreycb: cinder did not passed autopkgbuild for some reason08:13
sahidlooks like a dns issue, perhps we could just trigger an other attempt?08:27
sahid^ jamespage http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/n/nova/bionic/armhf08:27
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caribouHello everyone, who looks after the QEMU bugs nowadays ? it used to be cpaelzer but I don't see him around10:27
john3voltas[m]i'm looking into using 'ubuntu core' on a raspberry pi.10:52
john3voltas[m]is this the best channel to talk about 'ubuntu core'?10:52
compdocbest to use the versions already made for pi11:10
compdocunless youre planning to develop and program ubuntu to make it run11:11
* john3voltas[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/tRqsWyWaeHReQTWTFwxKQTCE >11:15
john3voltas[m]googling i found a version for the compute module 3, but i want the latest for the full RPi 3B+11:16
john3voltas[m]ok, i've found it11:22
john3voltas[m]thanks though11:22
lotuspsychjere-ask your issues here haiiokarin11:58
haiiokarinhey guys11:58
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: yes one sec :)11:58
haiiokarinso basically i have droplet on the digitalocean on which iinstall only one dependency - LibreTime ( it's made for hosting radio station using icecast as server ) . So i want this IP that i received with droplet to make SSL secure, is there any easy way implementing that in the digitalocean with let's encrypt? Do i have to install any more depedency like Apache ( this i saw on some blog )11:59
lotuspsychje Ubuntu 16.04.6 x64 ,  4.4.0-154-generic server ^12:00
haiiokarinlotuspsychje: ty12:00
haiiokarinhmmm but as i am looking around this is more like digitalocean type of question12:05
haiiokarinthere is not much up to ubuntu - Let's Encrypt doesn't provide ssl certificates for IP adresses so far12:06
avuhaiiokarin: you can use certbot in standalone mode12:09
avuno need for a dedicated webserver12:09
haiiokarinavu: yes? i just want to make ip adress secure not domain12:09
haiiokarinavu: this ip adress doesn't need to have for example "www.domain.com" but i need to stay it as ip but ssl secure12:10
haiiokarinthis is what i found - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/ssl-for-ip-address12:10
avuyes, don't think that work with letsencrypt12:10
haiiokarinavu: yeah :/12:10
avudoesn't but doesn't icecast stream using HTTP?12:11
haiiokarinavu: hmmm yes it does12:12
avuthen using a letsencrypt domain certificate should work?12:12
haiiokarini'm new into this so let me understand - will Let's Encrypt let encrypt over ip adress?12:14
haiiokarinor it does look for the actually domain?12:14
supamanits dependent on a domain name, doesn't provide certificates for IP addresses12:15
haiiokarinooor maybe i'm not googlin to much and right asking you ( my bad ) - https://libretime.org/manual/secure-login-with-ssl/ this is what i found now12:15
avunot sure what you mean by "encrypt over ip address", letsencrypt will issue certificates for a domain, you can then use that domain in your icecast server to encrypt the traffic between it and its clients12:15
haiiokarinavu: yes my bad with typing12:16
supamanhaiiokarin: that link at libretime, these directions also depend on you having a domain name12:17
lordievaderIf you don't care about certificate validation you can just use a self-signed cert, that way you can encrypt your connections with SSL without the need for a domain (for LE).12:17
haiiokarinsupaman: right, that is just settings after i acquire domain.12:18
supamanhaiiokarin: what is usually meant with a certificate is to provide the https capability, but a certificate can be used for a bit more then just that (it can be used to encrypt all traffic, be it through a webbrowser or some other internet service)12:20
supamanhaiiokarin: when you say you want to get a certificate for an IP address, that has no meaning, what you need to ask yourself is "how do I encrypt the service that I am providing"12:21
supamanhaiiokarin: in your case your setting up icecast right?12:22
supamanhaiiokarin: so you need to figure out how to encrypt that, and how to let users know what a valid certificate is12:22
haiiokarinsupaman: right, ty for brief explanation. Yes, not exactly icecast but LibreTime which is mix of icecast and liqudisoap ( it's web managment for radio station )12:22
haiiokarinsupaman: yes12:22
supamanhaiiokarin: well, I don't have an answer unfortunately, but that is the problem that you are having and since you don't have a domain name then letsencrypt and other services like that are of no help since they all depend on domain name.12:24
supamanhaiiokarin: but self signed certificates can do this I think, then its the problem of letting users know what is the correct certificate and that is not easy12:24
haiiokarinyes i guess i'll have to buy domain and encrypt service as provided up there in the guideline of libretime12:25
supamanhaiiokarin: that is the best solution yes12:25
supamanhaiiokarin: you don't own any domains at the moment? you could put this as a subdomain then (if you own example.com, then you could use radio.example.com)12:26
haiiokarini have domain on which my website for the radio is - radio itself is hosted on this droplet since i wanted them separated12:27
supamanhaiiokarin: a subdomain doesn't have to be on the same IP address12:27
haiiokarinbecause for musicians and developers to not cross each other ( that's just my way of seeing it )12:28
supamanyou can have domain at x.y.z.k and radio.example.com at a.b.c.d12:28
supamanthen you don't have to buy a new domain12:28
haiiokarinoh right12:29
haiiokarinso i can put that on the subdomain12:29
supamanhaiiokarin: yes, you can put the icecast/liquidsoap on the subdomain12:30
haiiokarinsupaman: just by following that exact path on guide libretime?12:31
supamanhaiiokarin: well, that one is using a self signed certificate, but since you will be having a URL for the service then its best to use certbot for it since other computers trust certificates from them12:33
haiiokarinoh right, thank you for clarifying things12:33
haiiokarini'm learning every day by asking this type of questions but i have to :D12:34
supamanhaiiokarin: no problem :-)12:34
coreycbsahid: sounds good. I re-ran the cinder test.13:01
sahidcoreycb: i'm on https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/183786613:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1837866 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive " [SRU] rocky stable releases" [Undecided,New]13:05
coreycbsahid: sounds good, that can go straight to rocky uca (cosmic is EOL)13:08
coreycbsahid: anything new for stein should get done first though13:08
sahidcoreycb: for stein i can only see cinder13:16
coreycbsahid: ok. we might as well get that prepped and in the queue.13:17
m_tadeuhi...I'm trying to change the hostname (sudo hostnamectl set-hostname newhostname), but it won't persist after boot...how to persist it?14:31
tomreynm_tadeu: this rings a bell, but i don't know whether that's still an issue currently. which ubuntu server version are you asking about?15:01
m_tadeuI'm using 18.04.215:02
tomreynand you installed fresh using the default server installer (the 'new' one)?15:03
tomreynhave a look at /var/log.cloud-init.log (if it exists), see if there are hints on it changing the hostname perpetually.15:03
tomreyncheck whether the desired hostname is set in one or both of /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname15:09
tomreynhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init?field.searchtext=hostname or https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init?field.searchtext=hostname might have relevant bug reports.15:09
m_tadeutomreyn: thanks...seems setting the preserve_hostname in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg did the job15:17
tomreynm_tadeu: could you please file a bug on this?15:18
tewardtomreyn: that's a known issue, because cloud-init defaults to locking the hostname, editing the cloud.cfg as m_tadeu did (or just removing cloud-init) solves the issue15:18
tewardtomreyn: i remember filing such a bug let me dig it up15:18
tewardi think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1780867 was where it was filed, invalid for cloud-init but valid against Subiquity and 'fixed' but not sure that's leaked its way into LTS installers15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780867 in subiquity "hostname unchangeable / some daemon changes and resets /etc/hostname" [Critical,Fix released]15:19
tewardwill be present in .3 though I think15:19
tewardtomreyn: so "Fixed" for .3, but they'd need to respin the ISOs to fix it for .215:20
tewardwith the easy workaroudns identified here already until .3 is spun15:20
tewardsee above15:20
tomreynpreserve_hostname is not mentioned in there15:20
tomreynthanks for digging it up, though15:20
tewardtomreyn: no, it isn't, but it's in my other bug15:22
tewardhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subiquity/+bug/1809155 <-- the dupe I filed15:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780867 in subiquity "duplicate for #1809155 hostname unchangeable / some daemon changes and resets /etc/hostname" [Critical,Fix released]15:22
tewardcopied that bit over15:23
tomreynoh i see. i should have set the search to show dupes15:24
tewardso now the workaround is mentioned15:24
tomreynit's only a few more weeks to 18.04.3 thankfully15:24
tewardbut the issue *was* known and *is* fixed going forward and will be picked up in 18.04.3 ISOs15:24
tomreynactually les than a week15:25
tomreynor exactly 1 week. ;) aug 1st15:25
tewardassuming nothing bad happens, yes :P15:29
tewardyou never know because of kernel issues or last minute crit patches15:29
* tomreyn crosses fingers15:33
Ussatgonna drop this here just in case anyone is interested: https://uiowa.referrals.selectminds.com/jobs/linux-senior-systems-administrator-427315:46
Greyztarhello,if i drop all traffick to my server and then allow only ssh the sshd service refuse to start and just hangs if i do systemctl start sshd,if i run /usr/sbin/sshd manually its starts without a problem though,how can i find out whats stopping me from starting the service?In syslog theres no information of it also so im kind of at a loss journcalctl -ue sshd is empty aswell ,when i run sshd manually it uses the same config /etc/ssh/sshd_co16:15
Greyztart it either,maybe its some dependency of the service?16:16
Greyztaror it has to be with the blocking of traffick,it starts when i open all traffick again,how come it starts manually though16:19
tomreyndid you only block inbound or also outbound traffic?16:20
Greyztartomreyn: only inbound,though it completely works if i start it manually when i block all other traffick than ssh16:20
tomreynyou can strace the service, i guess. but i'm not sure whether sshd or apparmor has counter measures to try and prevent this16:22
tomreynor try the same configuration on a newly configured VM, see if it behaves the same there.16:22
Greyztarok ill try an strace and see what comes up,just find it really weird it works when started manually though16:22
tomreynnewly *installed*, i mean16:23
seven-eleveni found this in preseed.cfg:  tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-desktop17:02
seven-eleveni want to install ubuntu server so i replace ubuntu-desktop with ubuntu-server right?17:03
tomreynseven-eleven: there's no "ubuntu-server" task in bionic (18.04 LTS), but there is "server", and several other server related tasks.17:08
seven-eleventomreyn, ah thanks! then i will just use "server"17:08
tomreyn^  tasksel --list-tasks | grep server | nc termbin.com 999917:08
OerHeks#tasksel tasksel/first multiselect lamp-server, print-server  ...17:08
OerHeksand tons of other services17:09
seven-elevenyeah, basic ubuntu server just what i need :-)17:09
seven-eleveni need openssh though17:09
seven-elevenbut later in the preseed there's d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server17:09
seven-elevenso it's kind of in two places17:09
seven-eleveni wonder if I can feed the preseed with my public ssh key17:10
seven-elevenor i simply login from ansible with the password and let ansible do the job17:11
tomreyn"apt-get -s install server^ | grep ssh" has no output, making me think that the "server" task does no install an openssh server (nor client)17:12
seven-elevennope i think server doesn't17:12
tomreynyou can do late_command17:12
seven-elevenbut I think you can install it later on via d-i pgsel/include17:12
seven-elevenyeah, late_command is an option17:13
tomreynkeep in mind the installer is not a standard server environment, ansible might run into issues.17:15
tomreynseven-eleven: also consider commenting on https://community.ubuntu.com/t/please-review-design-for-automated-server-installs/1192317:16
mmercerdoes apt have something akin to yums 'history' ?17:19
mmercerthat allows you to review each of the transacted invocations?17:20
tomreynthere are logs, two types17:20
mmerceryeap, just found the apt log :)17:20
tomreynhistory lists requested actions, term lists what actually happened as a result (but less readable)17:21
seven-eleveni've created my preseed.cfg, now I have two options: remaster an ISO with the preseed or use netinstaller, by using netinstaller i simply point to ubuntu's netinstaller package on ubuntu.com?17:24
seven-elevenoh seems remastered ISO is much easier, net install over internet requires grub preinstalled and booted17:29
Greyztartomreyn: first of thanks for help,i just found out,all my other servers are working fine with same setup so coudlnt figure it out,it seems my vps provider runs a script to import ssh keys from managment page and it cant fetch it unless appropriate port is open and somehow the ssh server depends on that script to run successfully else it wont start who would know,it was really weird i didnt find an dependency for no script in unit file or so,17:29
tomreynglad you solved it17:31
tomreynseven-eleven: are you aware of https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apb.html (especially step B.2.5.)17:33
seven-eleventomreyn, didn't know about dhcp preseeding18:05
seven-elevenwhich way should I choose?18:06
seven-elevenI would have go for remastered iso, but if dhcp preseeding is recommended; I'd go for that18:07
tomreynseven-eleven: there are multiple options, you choose based on your needs and preferences. if you need to install a lot of systems or need to install often, PXE booting is probably the best approach (most of the time).18:10
seven-elevenhm, I don't need to install often, but if PXE is used most of the time I think I'd go for it18:13
seven-eleveni worry about PXE security concerns https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/64915/what-are-the-biggest-security-concerns-on-pxe18:47
seven-elevenwhat's the #2 alternative to PXE?18:48
sarnoldif your network isn't secure from MITM attacks, then your best bet is to walk a USB stick from machine to machine18:50
seven-eleveni think i can avoid PXE and still have a convenient auto install, because in my case I install not on physicial computers, but auto install vms with a preseed18:52
sarnoldoh in that case you probably want to use the cloud images and cloud-init scripts instead18:53
seven-elevensarnold, guess then I dont need a preseed.cfg anymore :-)20:04
seven-eleveni found this script for QEMU https://github.com/giovtorres/kvm-install-vm20:05
seven-elevenit uses cloud-init - i think here it creates an ISO with the cloud-init config data, not the whole distro iso https://github.com/giovtorres/kvm-install-vm/blob/master/kvm-install-vm#L50120:07
sarnoldseven-eleven: hmm, look around a bit, I have a feeling virt-install's no longer the new hotness; it may or may not still exist in newer releases20:08
sarnoldseven-eleven: I've heard good things about https://multipass.run/ but haven't tried it yet20:08
seven-elevensarnold, oh, maybe with multipass I don't need that intermediate github script anymore, because it takes care of all that20:11
sarnoldI'm sure it has new restrictions of its own of course20:11
seven-eleveni'll check it out, thanks!20:11
sarnoldbut I once said aloud "I wish there was a user interface like lxd for kvm" and someone replied "check out multipass" :) heh20:11
seven-elevenhehe :-)20:12
sarnold(I might have also said some naughty words in the general direction of libvirt, I just wanted something simpler to run qemu directly without the N layers of abstraction libvirt gives.. and multipass adds yet another layer of abstraction.. but still, it sounds like a nice wrapper :)20:12
seven-eleveni wonder if I can run libvirt and multipass at the same time20:14
seven-elevenif you run virtualbox and libvirt together it doesn't work without a workaround20:14
sarnoldlibvirt and multipass should work together20:14
sarnoldmultipass and virtualbox probably won't20:14
sarnoldand I'm even surprised to hear there's a workaround available to let vbox and libvirt play nice20:15
sarnoldI thought those were just using different kernel modules and that's that20:15
seven-elevenit's cli looks so easy, so I can easily give it a try on my libvirt host20:15
seven-elevenhm, i found an article last week how to run them together, but it looked too hackerish that i didnt try20:16
sarnold"buy a second computer" would be my starting point :)20:16
sarnoldlunch time here, have fun seven-eleven :)20:16
seven-eleventhanks! have a nice lunch :-)20:17
ezioI'm having a problem with installing server.  I can install desktop.  I've done that.  Here's the error.  I see other people with this error and no resolution. https://imgur.com/jO3SCIC20:21
lordcirthezio, is this when  loading the installer, or after rebooting? What ISO?20:30
zygahello, who can I talk to about potential issue with xenial amazon images?20:44
eziozyga, just ask20:52
zygawe got an IRC report about xenial based aws instance using lots of CPU and disk for 30 minutes until it was killed20:53
zygait was a fresh instance, derived from xenial,20:53
zygait is presumed that the source of the resource usage was snapd20:53
zygaI didn't attempt to reproduce the issue, all the information we got was: "eu-west-1a, t2.large, xenial-based image"20:55
zygaI was wondering if anyone could check if the vanilla image has similar problems20:55
zygait had two snaps seeded: core and amazon agent20:55
sarnoldzyga: interesting, someone reported snapd chewing cpu a few hours ago in #ubuntu: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2019/07/25/%23ubuntu.html#t19:2022:23
sarnoldzyga: ahhh, I see, he mentions aws, it might be the same guy22:24

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