
Intelotomreyn,  or e.g you by vps, encrypt it with ubuntu encryption. can vps provider see whats going inside vps?00:00
tomreynthey provide your ram, they can dump it00:00
tomreynon a physical (bare metal) computer, the attacker would need to gain access to a root shell, or dump the memory from dimms.00:01
xoxocan someone point me to the documentation for the built in Intel WiFi drivers?00:02
xoxoi want to port one of them to macOS00:02
xoxoand i need to know whats happening and why00:02
xoxoi tried that =/00:02
Intelotomreyn, to dump ram, they need to unplug ram00:03
Intelotomreyn,  how they can get root access?00:03
xoxotomreyn: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Ultrabook-Windows-m3-8100Y-Storage/dp/B07X2M2WTX/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=gpd+p2+max&qid=1571615682&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyMFZWNkRZNUJBVDc0JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDIwOTE3SjA1TkJQQ0hQUjhJJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzMzQ2ODkxM1BaMDBBTzJIWUMxJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==00:04
tomreynIntelo: by exploiting vulnerabilities, or physical attacks, such as a hardware keylogger. but this is pretty much beyond the scope of this channel.00:04
tomreynxoxo: yes?00:05
xoxotomreyn: just sharing my conclusion00:05
tomreynthat's not a conclusion, that's an amazon.com tracking link, pretty much OT here00:05
xoxoi sent you the wrong link00:06
Intelotomreyn, ok. talking about ubunty encryption, is there any way other than hardware keylogger or ram dump, to get into a running or shutdown computer?00:06
xoxotomreyn: sorry, it's a book called "Essential Linux Devices"00:06
Intelotomreyn, I mean to say that when the computer is running, the disk is in unencrypted state. so it can be just read00:06
Inteloalso what bit of encryption does ubuntu does? can I have 1024bit?00:07
tomreynxoxo: this channel is about ubuntu support, we don't to driver development or porting support here.00:07
xoxotomreyn: sorry00:07
tomreynxoxo: maybe try ##linux00:07
Intelotomreyn, ^00:07
tomreynIntelo: ask in ##security please00:08
Intelotomreyn,  I think they won't know how ubuntu encryption works00:08
tomreynit's called LUKS, and they do00:10
eipip1e0how to list what packages installed recently?00:54
waltmanYesterday someone posted a shell command to return the original ubuntu version that was used to install ubuntu on a box. I didn't save it, and I've been unable to find it online. Does anyone happen to know what it is?00:59
tomreyn<ioria> waltman, start with : cat /var/log/installer/media-info01:00
tomreyn!irclogs | waltman01:01
ubottuwaltman: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/01:01
tomreyneipip1e0: /var/log/apt/history.log01:01
waltmanAwesome, thanks!01:02
waltmanInterestingly my linode ubuntu server doesn't have that file.01:06
eipip1e0tomreyn: thanks01:08
spinningcatwhat is the command for distribution upgrade?01:23
Bashing-omspinningcat: Your intent here is to go to 19.10 ?01:26
spinningcatyeah or 20.0401:26
spinningcatis 20.04 buggy?01:26
Bashing-om20.04 is still a figment in the imagination. 19.10 is latest and is not LTS.01:27
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spinningcatBashing-om,  hmm how can i upgrade?01:29
spinningcatfound the command01:31
Bashing-omspinningcat: Check that /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to any, and in terminal execute ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt do-release-upgrade '. The upgrade path should now be open.01:32
eipip1e0i found a wierd issue with bash history which always eats any 'tar' command - no tar on history or the beginning 'tar' was eatten, so it does not appear in history expansion and isearch. any possible reason?01:34
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eipip1e0maybe i should ask #bash01:35
Bashing-omeipip1e0: A leading space will cause the entry in the history file to be absent.01:35
eipip1e0does history record it if tar failed?01:37
eipip1e0Bashing-om: tested no leading space the same issue01:40
guiverceipip1e0, if leading space(s) are used commands aren't written to history (if local; if remote logged in usually commands get recorded but configuration can change this) - but local setup can vary this01:40
Bashing-omeipip1e0: Do not know as I have never yet had tar fail on me :(01:40
eipip1e0no matter what history does not record tar on my box/bash01:40
guiverceipip1e0, check ownership of ~/.bash_history  (if not owned by you, eg. `sudo` - your commands won't be able to overwrite the 'root' ownership so nothing new will be recorded)01:43
Bashing-omguiverc: Great thought ^^ from a great mind :P01:48
Polybius-if im using tor browser does my browser still look in /etc/hosts for domain names?02:06
guivercPolybius-, i just tested, and it didn't on my system02:15
Polybius-guiverc, k, thanks02:18
=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
doug16kdoes ubuntu 18.04 LTS installer automagically install the HWE kernel if you have a ryzen 2600G (integrated GPU)? My (linux novice) friend just did an install and it already had the hwe, I was shocked. he didn't install it03:35
lotuspsychjedoug16k: HWE kernel is now on the ubuntu-desktop iso 18.04 by default03:37
doug16kah ok, that explains it. thanks03:37
lotuspsychjedoug16k: only users that came from 18.04.0 start still have 4.1503:37
doug16kit works, but it's not quite perfect. there's a crash in dmesg every startup (in amdgpu code), but it works anyway03:38
doug16kit's fairly amazing how well linux tolerates kernel mode exceptions nowadays03:39
doug16kI don't think I have even seen a full blown kernel panic yet03:40
doug16kin years of use03:40
xpistosHey all03:48
kinghatif I installed 19.10 on my laptop with Bluetooth disabled in the BIOS and have turned it back on, how do you force it to go get the drivers for it?03:49
xpistosAfter I reboot my server my drive assignments are different. /dev/sdd is not long the 4tb drive. now it is /dev/sda/. Will this be fixed if I use the UUID info from blkid?03:49
guivercxpistos, the drive assignments is machine specific, thus why UUIDs exist & should be used03:50
guivercxpistos, the 'fix' for sdx (changing) would need to come from your BIOS/UEFI as it provides the order used by the booted OS for each boot; thus just use UUID03:53
xpistosguiverc: thanks a million!!!03:54
xpistosguiverc: I will make those changes right now03:54
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boktani want to set up the dhcp settings but it is not working on me06:50
boktanthis is what i get06:50
boktanhttps://pastebin.com/xmrKrgqN this is the dhcp.conf06:51
boktani want to do it to my external wifi adapter06:51
geirhaat first glance I suspect it's missing the closing } which is commented out on line 6206:53
boktangeirha was that post to me?06:55
mvvvvHi ! When the update from 19.04 to 19.10 will be available ?06:55
boktanmvvvv yes06:55
boktanis there any tool that setups dhcp automatic? there was one but i forget its name06:58
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ducassemvvvv: when it's ready07:06
mvvvvIt's ready since october 1607:08
ducassemvvvv: the upgrade path isn't07:11
geirhaboktan: yes07:12
linuxinstalling 19.10 ,but trying to do manual lvm partitions ,or manual luks format before running installer ,in both case it installs normally ,but then I get the ubunut logo ,then initramfs prompt ,it never works what am Imissing ??07:12
boktanyou say its "missing" but on that line you saying me have a "}" geirha?07:14
linuxis there no way to install ubuntu with previously prepared lvm??07:28
tatertotslinux: have you tried using the installer to setup your system?07:31
tatertotslinux: that's probably what you are missing07:31
lupulolinux but your question is about not losing the information?07:32
linuxthe installer doesn t let you manual lvm partitioning07:33
linuxif I do it manually before running installer it seems to work but on reboot doesn t07:33
linuxno way to successfully install on already made customs LVM??07:37
ducasselinux: try the old (debian) server installer07:38
linuxyou mean going back to debian?07:39
linuxno way for the ubuntu installer to manage it?07:39
ducasseno, using the server installer that is inherited from debian07:39
linuxthankyou ,will look into it ,is it a netinstaller or normalinstall??07:40
boktani want to set up the dhcp settings but it is not working on me https://imgur.com/a/cGppzQN this is what i get https://pastebin.com/xmrKrgqN this is the dhcp.conf i want to do it to my external wifi adapter07:41
ducasselinux: the net installer also uses the debian installer, but has no uefi support iirc07:41
linuxducasse: do you mean ubuntu server 19.10 oe something else??07:41
ducasselinux: yes, the server image without 'live' in the name07:42
linuxducasse: thank you so much ,it s actually great I ll have only the packages I need then!07:43
ducasselinux: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/19.10/release/ubuntu-19.10-server-amd64.iso07:43
ducasselinux: ^^ that one07:43
linuxyes already on it thanks07:44
boktani need help please help me07:56
ducasse!ask | boktan07:56
ubottuboktan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:56
legreffier boktan: uncomment line 6207:59
legreffierthe bracket isn't closed07:59
boktanlegreffier result is same if i check the satus08:01
boktanhttps://pastebin.com/AAMAv27L this is the ifconfig output08:02
legreffierI'm not sure what you want to do08:02
boktani do want to start the dhcp without errors08:02
boktani cannot start it08:02
legreffierbut for network setting on laptop/desktop , you usually don't need to fiddle with those08:02
boktanhttps://imgur.com/a/cGppzQN this is what i get08:03
legreffierbut it should find those parameter from the gateway without you having to set them up.08:03
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boktanon the default file it was giving again same error08:03
boktanthen i decide to edit it08:04
legreffierboktan: line 54 is missing a ';'08:04
legreffierwhat did you change in this file08:04
boktanip ranges etc08:04
boktanA slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.08:04
boktanthis place i08:04
legreffierthe bracket '}' and the ';' it should fix it syntax-wise08:05
boktanlegreiffer i did it this is what i get after start and after status command https://imgur.com/a/YkfmAeX08:06
boktansudo gedit /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server https://pastebin.com/VsFc2WYR08:08
boktanifconfig https://pastebin.com/BU9dZCiN08:09
boktanlegreffier i cannot understand what is wrong here08:09
legreffierboktan: unless you want to use this machine as a router, you should use the settings in your desktop to setup the network08:11
boktanlegreffier how to do it?08:12
boktanshould i revert this files first to orginal? legreffier08:12
legreffierboktan: yeah08:17
boktanbut after how to do it in my desktop legreffier?08:18
legreffierthose settings should really come from your network (it's the whole point of dhcp)08:18
legreffierclick on the network icon in the upper right of your desktop08:18
boktanif i try to do from desktop with my external wifi adaptor it is creating ap with my internal ap :D  legreffier08:25
boktanthere was a tool to do it automaticly but i forget its name :/08:26
geirhaboktan: The line has #} not }08:34
boktangeirha i think you said me i should remove it on line 62 it was i think :D08:35
boktan#  max-lease-time 7200;#}08:35
geirhayes, you need to change the #} on line 62 to }, otherwise the opening { on line 53 is never closed08:35
boktannow i did it it like you seid geirha08:36
saltyfamiliarHello can anyone help me get my wifi adapter working properly?08:37
boktangeirha https://imgur.com/a/fVzlgTI status is same :/08:37
geirhaboktan: Ok. Spotted another syntax error on line 54. Missing semicolon at the end of the line08:39
saltyfamiliarMy usb wifi adapter is able to connect to my router but DL speed is slower than it should be. Maxes at 10mbps on 2G and at under 1mbps on 5G08:40
boktangeirha this i already fix08:40
geirhaboktan: try this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14160480/152454508:41
=== milkshake is now known as Milkshake
boktandhcpd -t -cf /path/to/dhcpd.confInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 4.4.1Copyright 2004-2018 Internet Systems Consortium.All rights reserved.For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/Can't open /path/to/dhcpd.conf: No such file or directoryIf you think you have received this message due to a bug ratherthan a configuration issue08:43
boktanplease read the section on submittingbugs on either our web page at www.isc.org or in the README filebefore submitting a bug.  These pages explain the properprocess and the information we find helpful for debugging.exiting.08:43
boktanups sorry wait08:44
boktanFor info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/bad range, address not in subnet netmask
boktanthis is the output08:45
geirhaperhaps that netmask was supposed to be
boktannow the output from check and status changed08:47
boktanthis is the status https://pastebin.com/cZ3sbnWh08:47
saltyfamiliarHello can anyone help me get my wifi adapter working properly?08:47
boktanthis is the output from what you send me geirha https://pastebin.com/jvCTuUUz08:48
=== Grldfrdom_ is now known as Grldfrdom
geirhayeah, so now the syntax is good and dhcpd manages to start. That message about eno2 looks like just an informative warning08:49
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: can you ran and post      lsusb | nc termbin.com 999908:49
=== Grldfrdom is now known as Grldfrdom_
boktanthis eno2 appears later before it wasnt there i dont know what it is but ifconfig is this : https://pastebin.com/hu8AHxiz08:50
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: this is to find out which exact wifi adapter yuo have there08:50
saltyfamiliartomreyn: done08:51
saltyfamiliartomreyn: It can connect to my network so I know the driver is at least half working. But the speed is very slow08:52
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: it shoud have returned a http address08:52
tomreynplease post that here, since i could not otherwise see what you posted08:53
geirhaboktan: well, if it's enough that the dhcpd only responds on wlo1, you can just ignore the message08:53
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: so i guess it's the  Bus 001 Device 003: ID 13b1:003e Linksys AE6000 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [MediaTek MT7610U]08:54
saltyfamiliartomreyn: yes08:54
tomreynwhats your ubuntu release? lsb_release -ds08:54
saltyfamiliarUbuntu 19.1008:55
boktanafter restart dhcp not giving error :/08:56
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: hmm that's a pretty badly supported device. i'll see if i can find a better driver somewhere08:57
boktanthank you so much for helping legreiffer and geirha08:58
saltyfamiliartomreyn: This is a list of the drivers that are loaded on my computer right now: https://termbin.com/jk1r08:58
saltyfamiliarThe mt76 stuff are the ones for my adapter08:59
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: right, how did you install this one?09:01
saltyfamiliarIt came preloaded with Ubuntu09:01
Fallenourhey tomreyn saltyfamiliar geirha Im having an issue with this command: for i in $(seq 1 3); do lxc launch ubuntu:x "c${i}"; done09:02
FallenourIt keeps telling do isnt  proper syntax?09:02
Fallenouris anyone else having issues with for loops?09:02
legreffieraw I thought it'd auto-correct that.09:02
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: can you    journalctl -b | grep mt76 | nc termbin.com 999909:06
tomreynoh that's less than i expected09:09
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: maybe your full log then:  journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999909:09
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: thanks, this can take 5 minutes to review09:12
geirhaFallenour: what's the exact error message?09:15
johnjbogle1tomreyn: hi, I just wanted to ask before I go ahead with updating my bios and fresh installing Ubuntu... Would you recommend using Mackup or Aptik, or..?09:16
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: sorry, took me a while. so i don't see a lot of options really. there's a newer driver at https://github.com/openwrt/mt76 but you'd need to build and set it up yourself, and keep rebuilding it on every kernel update.09:26
=== Leion1 is now known as Leion
saltyfamiliartomreyn: I guess that's fine. How do I build it and set it up?09:27
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: so if replacing it is an option i'd recommend you do so, get a better supported one and sell this one09:28
tomreynto build this one you'd "git clone" it, then run "make", but i'm not really looking forward to guide09:29
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: iwconfig | nc termbin.com 999909:29
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: https://termbin.com/gbvqf09:30
SimonNLwas going to ask if that was an option tomreyn09:30
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: sudo iwconfig wlx58ef68a77747 txpower 2009:31
saltyfamiliartomreyn: Alright thanks anyway. I'll just look into figuring out how to build the driver myself if nothing else works09:32
=== Peppep47 is now known as Peppep
tomreynsaltyfamiliar: please work with jeremy, he's got a lot bette runderstanding of wireless than i have09:33
tomreynSimonNL: thanks, but the git repository this references no longer exists09:34
jeremy31I guess I need to delete that09:35
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: 2G works much faster now but 5G is still under 1mbps09:36
PeppepI tried to upgrade from 19.04 to 19.10, but got an error about corrupted Python install. I found a suggestion about changing the symlink, but forgot to change from /usr/bin/python3.5 to 3.7 when running "sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.5 /usr/bin/python3". Now I'm not able to run the terminal. Any suggestions?09:36
tomreynFallenour: /join ##bash for bash scripting help09:36
SimonNLjeremy31: yep09:36
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: iwconfig | nc termbin.com 999909:37
SimonNLjeremy31: would this help https://github.com/pauledd/mt7610u09:38
tomreynjohnjbogle1: i don't even know what Mackup is. aptik i think i head before, but forgot what it was. what is it you're trying to do?09:39
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: should I connect to the 5G network and send you the iwconfig output of that?09:39
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: For some reason that wifi keeps dropping to 5 dBm, mine usually run at 20-2209:40
jeremy31SimonNL: not likely to compile on the 5.3 kernels as that github hasn't been updated in 2 years09:41
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: iwconfig txpower 20 definitely sped up the 2G network so you're probably on the right track..09:46
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: Is this a desktop?09:46
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: yes09:47
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: My phone is getting much higher speeds on the wifi so I don't think it's the router. Also I was getting faster speeds with this adapter when I was using Windows 1009:48
tomreynjeremy31: saltyfamiliar's    lsusb https://termbin.com/jm0b    lsmod https://termbin.com/jk1r   journalctl -b   https://termbin.com/vtvs09:48
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: most wifi devices will work better in windows as the drivers are tweaked to get as much as they can09:50
tomreyni was surprised not to see a firmware load mentioned in the kernel log (especially since searching the web did show firmware being loaded). and the kernel module has no parameters09:51
SimonNLjeremy31 don't know if my input is worth anything but what you think of disabling   /n/ac  function in router09:52
SimonNLfor a test09:52
tomreyni.e. no mention of /lib/firmware/mediatek/mt7610u.bin09:52
SimonNLthe longer I think of that the dumber it sounds09:54
saltyfamiliarSimonNL: The way you talk reminds me of my brother, who killed himself. Don't be so hard on yourself09:57
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: take a look at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2354328&p=13614520&#post1361452009:58
tomreynPeppep: upgrades from 19.04 to 19.10 are not enabled / supported, yet, you must have used an unsupported upgrade path.10:00
tomreynPeppep: and python3.5 wasn't actually available on anything later than ubuntu 16.04, hmm10:02
Peppeptomreyn: The 3.5 part was because I found an old Q&A suggestion and forgot to change to 3.7. I don't know if that was the cause, but I'm getting dpkg errors when trying to use apt to reinstall python3.10:07
PeppepError code 1. I've tried the suggestions here, but they didn't solve it: https://itsfoss.com/dpkg-returned-an-error-code-1/10:08
tomreynPeppep: if you have some output you can share, i can try to help.10:14
tomreynPeppep: sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog10:14
Peppeptomreyn: I'm only able to get into bash via tty. Is there any way to copy/paste between Gnome and tty?10:16
tomreynPeppep: so your default temrinal emulator is broken? maybe you have another one, such as xterm?10:17
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: That stuff didn't work. For now I'm okay with using the 2G network not that it's a little faster, but I have to keep running iwconfig txpower 20 every few minutes or it gets slow again. This is a very strange problem10:18
tomreynPeppep: another way is to store commands in a text file, then cat textfile.txt | bash10:18
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: Might want to use Network Manager and disable Wicd10:18
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: I am using Network Manager10:19
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: A lot of entries in the journal about Wicd10:20
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: I tried to install it earlier to fix the problem but then I removed it and restarted10:21
ali1234how do i install qt development libraries on 19.10?10:22
johnjbogle1tomreyn: I need to backup my settings and restore them, pre/post fresh install (albeit you suggested files only not configurations)10:23
johnjbogle1tomreyn: I was asking based off these 2: https://www.ostechnix.com/how-to-migrate-system-settings-and-data-from-an-old-system-to-a-newly-installed-ubuntu-system/10:24
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: ls /usr/sbin | grep wicd10:24
johnjbogle1and https://www.ostechnix.com/backup-and-restore-application-settings-on-newly-installed-linux-system/10:24
tomreynali1234: apt install build-essential qt5-default #qtcreator   # << only if needed10:24
ali1234okay thanks10:24
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: How do I get rid of it?10:25
tomreynjohnjbogle1: i have no first hand experience with teejee's aptik fork (or rewrite), which he now sells licenses for,10:26
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: try> sudo apt purge wicd10:26
saltyfamiliarPackage 'wicd' is not installed, so not removed10:27
tomreynjohnjbogle1: i would do it roughly like this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages10:27
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: systemctl | grep -i wicd | nc termbin.com 999910:28
tomreynjohnjbogle1: but maybe aptik is a good option for you, i just could not tell.10:29
boktani cannot understand why i get this error from scapy https://pastebin.com/3tAsFZ7B10:29
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: systemctl disable wicd.service10:30
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: I think it asks for a password twice, then do a reboot10:30
leruHi, I'd like to have a log (or log myself) when a any device is send to sleep(?)/turned off because of energy saving measures. Is there a possibility to log such things?10:31
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saltyfamiliarjeremy31: I rebooted and got a message saying wicd couldn't connect to dbus on startup10:37
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: was wicd manually installed?10:37
saltyfamiliaryeah I apt-get installed it10:38
jeremy31saltyfamiliar: I have to go now10:39
saltyfamiliarjeremy31: Alright. Thanks for trying10:40
legreffierboktan: there's no error on the pastebin... only infos and warning.10:44
tomreynboktan is getting help in ##linux10:47
johnjbogle1ok thx for those10:48
tomreynleru: that's probably highly driver specific. what's the overall goal there?10:49
rscarrascoHello. I'm having a problem with Ubuntu NTP server, as it's seems to be not configured to handle daylight savings at TZ America/Sao_Paulo. Official Brazilian DS started yesterday. Is this kind of issues handled here, or should I refer somewhere else?10:52
tomreynrscarrasco: what's your ubuntu release, is it fully updated, which ntp server do you use?10:55
rscarrascotomreyn: I actually use Linux Mint 19.3, and I'm using ntp.ubuntu.org (I've checked that out running `cat /var/log/syslog | grep ntp`)10:56
tomreyn!mint | rscarrasco10:57
ubotturscarrasco: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)10:57
tomreynyou're welcome to seek support here if you'll install ubuntu10:57
rscarrascoCan you at least point me somewhere else, where I can check if Ubuntu NTP server is providingi the correct time for Brazil?10:58
rscarrascoI understand this is a Ubuntu channel, but my problem seems to be with a Ubuntu server. I don't believe Mint folks can fix that...10:59
guivercrscarrasco, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html  (not sure if it's what you want, but you're not on-topic)11:00
tomreynrscarrasco: the ubuntu ntp server is working fine, and ntp servers do not care about time zones.11:01
tomreyn*servers are11:01
lerutomreyn: we have a bunch of devices connected to a computer and we need to find out how and when they go to sleep. I don't know the specifics, but I guess it's about to find out when the whole system is ready to work again or how long it takes until the devices are turned off11:01
rscarrascotomreyn: they don't? Oh sorry, I thought they did it. Thanks.11:01
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tomreynleru: it's most likely driver specific. which are hardware specific. providing a generic how-to won't be possible. your requirements / needs will need to be specified more thoroughly, and (if the generic approach still applies then) you'll want to have a senior sysadmin or a non junior programmer spend a couple days on this just to get a rough idea how it works.11:08
lerutomreyn: I see. Thank you a lot.11:12
tomreynyou're welcome.11:14
zambai want to install a package for ubuntu that's available in 19.04, but not in 18.04.. proftpd is running with version 1.3.5e in 18.04, but the version which is in disco is 1.3.6-411:40
zambaso how can i get that version for 18.04?11:40
lupulo@zamba you could mix repositories and it could generate dependencies problem11:41
zambalupulo: so what is the recommended way of doing this11:42
squeezyzamba: compile it yourself11:46
TomyWorkapt told me that lots of seemingly forensics-related packages are no longer required and can be removed. I thought have I been hacked? Turns out the "vagrant" package in bionic recommends vagrant-libvirt, which then drags in a shitton of dependencies. funny enough, virtualbox is only a "suggests". The standard use case for Vagrant is with VirtualBox, not with libvirt, this recommendation for libvirt makes no sense11:47
j`eyIm not using gnome/gdm, can  just kill gdm-session-worker?11:49
j`eyI have systemctl stop-ped gdm already11:49
TomyWorkyou are not using gdm but you stopped it?11:49
TomyWorkwas it started before?11:50
j`eyby default, I believe so11:50
TomyWorkso i guess you're using lightdm now?11:52
TomyWorkdid you follow a guide to make the switch?11:52
j`eyno, I just login via a tty11:53
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zambasqueezy: compiling packages is even worse than mixing distributions11:55
zambasqueezy: unless you can compile it and then build it as a package which could then be updated as a part of a future distribution upgrade11:56
zambasqueezy: is that possible?11:56
j`eyand in htop I still see a 'gdm' user running gnome-shell11:56
TomyWorkzamba, extremely unlikely11:59
boktanifconfig wlan adapter name output is wlx00c0caa51d03 how to change the name of it?12:01
TomyWorkwhy would you want to?12:01
boktanasking to me? TomyWork12:02
boktanbecause it is long story to write that name on terminal everytime :D12:02
TomyWorkthen don't?12:02
Fallenouris anyone else noticing a large amount of LXD issues with Snap? @TomyWork boktan j`ey12:02
TomyWorkfirst of all you can stuff it into a variable, an alias, a script12:02
TomyWorkFallenour, don't highlight people randomly12:03
Fallenour@tomreyn, zamba12:03
rory7~you can use tab completion if needed. or https://askubuntu.com/a/78544212:03
TomyWorkFallenour, don't highlight people randomly!12:03
FallenourIm asking everyone active TomyWork  its not random12:03
TomyWorkFallenour, don't highlight people randomly!!!!!!!12:03
boktanis it not good to change the name of it? TomyWork?12:03
TomyWorkboktan, in general it's not necessary and who knows what breaks if you do12:04
FallenourLXD outages are a big deal to the community as a whole, and can cause global production outages.12:04
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Fallenourive realized theres a major uptick in lxd outages since may of 2018, and has continued on for the entire 18 series of ubuntu, to include 18.04LTS12:04
Fallenourcentered specifically around lxd snap12:04
TomyWorkwtf is lxd snap even?12:05
FallenourTomyWork, its a baseline install of lxd service currently being recommended by many mainstream services, to include ubuntu12:06
TomyWorkah, well i don't use that, so what's the point in highlighting me?12:06
Fallenourtheres a collision from what ive seen so far from deb/snap, which is causing the database and backend core services with systemd to fail.12:06
FallenourTomyWork, you are part of the community yes?12:06
TomyWorkof the lxd snap community? no12:07
FallenourTomyWork, of the ubuntu community12:07
TomyWorkyes i use some of the 10000 other packages12:07
FallenourTomyWork, then this includes you, because it impacts you.12:07
Fallenourif you use ubuntu 18 series, you use snap, whether you realize it or not12:08
TomyWorki use kubuntu12:08
FallenourTomyWork, and other services on ubuntu 18 series are moving, migrating, or integrating snap, so are other deb packages, whether we want it to or not.12:08
Fallenourwhich is part of the problem.12:08
Fallenourside note, how do you like kubuntu?12:09
TomyWorkyeah on gnome ubuntu they're using snaps now, for whatever reason12:09
FallenourTomyWork, I think its a trainwreck personally12:09
TomyWorkif you want to do something about it, personally I'd welcome it12:10
FallenourTomyWork, thats part of what Im working on. Im currently rebuilding a production stack for I think the 5th time in 2 days from snap related issues.12:10
TomyWorksnap is nice, i get intellij from it, updated whenever i do os updates. but why move core os components to snap?12:10
FallenourTomyWork, my thoughts exactly.12:11
Fallenourcore services shouldnt be moved ever, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary for kernel specific requirements.12:11
Fallenourotherwise, its risking boundless issues for no reason other than...something, becauase its sure not convenience.12:11
TomyWorkFallenour, wait, why is your production stack dependent on snaps? on kubuntu i have exactly 4 snaps. that's core, intellij and 2 more that i installed myself12:12
TomyWorki dont see why ubuntu-server would have more snaps by default than kubuntu12:12
FallenourTomyWork, because I use LXD for most systems related deployments with Juju12:13
TomyWork(the "core" snap is "The core runtime environment for snapd" according to "snap info core", btw)12:13
FallenourMaaS > Juju > 18.04LTS > Openstack12:13
TomyWorkMaaS? Mess as a Service?12:13
Fallenouris my standard production flow. Everything is deployed in systems containers.12:13
TomyWorkwhy don't you use docker like everyone else?12:14
FallenourTomyWork, metal as a service, although mess does fit the bill from tiem to time. its one misclick away from disaster.12:14
FallenourTomyWork, because service containers dont possess the security features or capabilites a systems container does. its one of the core issues in the current trending fad Im looking to fix.12:14
ioriaFallenour, you know that lxd is available also as a .deb pkg in repository, right ? not only as a snap12:15
Fallenourioria, yeap, but the recommendation, and default deployment is snap12:15
TomyWorki dont think any kind of container has adequate security12:15
tomreynactually lxd is snap only since disco12:15
Fallenourwhy? I have no idea, because theres a laundry list of issues following the path that hurricane has unleashed.12:15
TomyWorkbut it's a nice isolation12:15
FallenourIts not bad, dont get me wrong tomreyn but its causing a lot of issues.12:16
tomreyni have not made a statement of support for lxd as a snap12:16
FallenourI know tomreyn I think its a difficult argument for anyone to make honestly, but I can understand the modularity that snaps provide.12:17
ioria!info lxd disco12:17
ubottulxd (source: lxd): Transitional package - lxd -> snap (lxd). In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.7 (disco), package size 8 kB, installed size 77 kB12:17
TomyWorki would have never thought of using snaps in a production deployment12:17
Fallenourthat being said, I dont think everything should be a snap, like the calculator. someone thought that needed to be a snap?12:17
TomyWork"Transitional package - lxd -> snap (lxd)" <--- wait, that is possible?12:18
tomreynall of the above looks like a discussion12:18
iorialokks like it12:18
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:18
FallenourTomyWork, yea with lxd.migrate, although I dont recommend it12:18
CDuvHello, I have an issue with Ubuntu (18.04 LTS), SecureBoot and VirtualBox: I created my MOK key, imported it (`dmesg` confirms it's loaded), installed VirtualBox v6.0.14-133895, signed the *.ko modules but I still get "You must sign these kernel modules before using VirtualBox" from `/sbin/vboxconfig`...12:27
tomreynCDuv: as long as only vboxconfig reports (informs about) this but linux is happy loading your modules with secureboot enabled i don't see an issue there.12:30
Ilgaznot good, did anyone hear "2 in 1" laptop breakage on Ubuntu 19.10? E.g. not switching between modes anymore, not rotating screen?12:31
IlgazHP printer install, hplip manually wasn't a good idea12:32
jeloumehi guys12:33
jeloumeI'm install another distro and I'd like to add it on my grub file12:33
jeloumehow can I do it?12:33
OerHeksjeloume, see the !grub manual ?12:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:35
OerHeksi think you want to update grub with os-prober12:36
jeloumemm I don't know XD  just I wanted to update my grub12:37
tomreynare you bios or uefi booting?12:38
jeloumeI've windows and I think I installed on my windows like dual boot, but yesterday I add a new distro so..12:39
jeloumeI think uefi because when I did 'ls /boot/efi/efi/ it shows me my other distro12:40
jeloumeis it allright?12:40
tomreynit's alright as soon as you *know* which mode each of the OSs is installed in.12:40
tomreynotherwise you're likely to run into trouble12:41
CDuvtomreyn, `modprobe vboxdrv` works but `modprobe vboxnetadp` does not (nor for vboxnetflt or vboxpci)12:41
tomreynand even then you probably will on the next windows upgrade12:41
jeloumeoh I don't want run into trouble =(  I don't know a lot of this so it'll be a disaster xd12:41
tomreynCDuv: can i have a better report than "does not work"?12:42
CDuvRight, sorry: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxnetadp': Operation not permitted12:42
CDuv(as root)12:42
jeloumeBut I can't enter on my windows12:42
tomreynCDuv: and dmesg sayas it's due to lack of signing?12:42
jeloumeyesterder I installed a new distro and it added on the grub12:43
ioriaCDuv, try with --verbose12:47
jeloumemm I'm gonna check with os prober12:48
tomreynjeloume: don't multi boot unless you're happy to deal with the occasional breakage.12:48
tomreynand you really should install all OSes in either uefi or bios mode, not mixed12:49
jeloumeehm so what can I do? I wrote "os-prober" on the terminal to see what happens https://paste.debian.net/1108907/ it shows me 3 O.S but I've 412:49
tomreynin bios mode it will still break unless you separate OSes onto different storages, windows on the first one.12:50
tomreynah this is not worth the time, you'll just drown in this setup.12:50
jeloumeI don't understand at all :(  there's a distro that not appears there and it's what I'm using right now12:51
OerHeksjeloume, i think you need to seek help in that distro channel, it is not really an ubuntu issue, as ubuntu appears in your grub12:54
jeloumee.e but they told to come here because I'm using ubuntu that it's install on windows12:54
jeloumeI thought it will be easy u.u12:55
OerHeksNo, i don't do other distros.12:57
CDuvtomreyn, the /var/log/systlog was being filled by *lots* of "The Secure Boot key you've entered is not valid. The password used must be between 8 and 16 characters.": it was the "vboxdrv.service" systemD service that was still running. Killed it, re-signed my modules, ran `modprobe` for each module and restarted the service: all good. Thanks for the modprobe+dmesg tip12:57
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tomreynCDuv: glad you worked it out! i never did it myself, so could probably not have helped other than by pointing you to the documentation (fortunately there are two good docs on the ubuntu wiki)13:04
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BluesKajHey folks13:20
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AlexP11223Is it possible to setup mirophone noise gate in PulseAudio (globally, not just in one app like Audacity) like in this Windows tutorial? https://antlionaudio.com/blogs/news/how-to-improve-mic-quality-for-streaming-on-obs (step 3)14:00
AlexP11223That is mute when the sound is below threshold, like voice activation14:00
solsTiCehi. I just upgraded from beta eon to final via apt full-upgrade. the upgrade did not go a many process were killed (by oom). I tried rebooting and it seems stuck so I chrooted and fxied it by running dpkg --configure -a then rerunning apt install --reisntall with all the package of the upgrade (foudn in /var/log/apt/history.log). now it is again stuck at "A start job is running for Load AppArmor profiles" it's been 12 min14:17
solsTiCeand there is no limit14:17
solsTiCeok; it finally completed the boot sequence. how can I avoid a 15minutes the next boot ?14:19
tomreynsolsTiCe: how much RAM does this system have? which graphical desktop is it running?14:30
tomreynis it a zfs setup?14:30
solsTiCeno zfs. 1.8G RAM with gnome-shell /o\14:31
tomreynsolsTiCe: well, the minimum would be 4 GB as per ubuntu.com/download14:33
solsTiCecurrnetly I have 800M/1.8G used with only a terminal running14:33
tomreyntry starting a web browser and opening some tabs ;)14:34
solsTiCeit's not a full time desktop. just a netbook in case14:34
tomreyni think we clarified the cause of the OOM killer kicking in, though14:35
solsTiCeand most of time running archlinux. ubuntu is a second option14:35
solsTiCeok. never had problem with archlinux.. trolling14:36
solsTiCeI need to try another flavor of ubuntu14:36
tomreynapparmor profiles "not loading" could be the result of an outdated profile. but it should have said so in your logs.14:37
solsTiCejust rebooted, and this seems fine now. slow but fine14:38
solsTiCeI still didn't get the notice to upgrade on my main desktop. It's been quite a few days since the release, no ? do-release-upgrade -c say no new version14:45
tomreynit can take a week, possibly more. have some patience if you like reliable upgrade paths.14:46
solsTiCeit's pretty silent around here. especially at a time of a new release...14:48
solsTiCeI wanted to try systemd-nspawn instead of chroot but it did not work because of /dev being read-only.14:56
boktanwhy nothing about wifi adapters working on ubuntu :@14:56
boktannot airodump-ng detecting networks not airmon-ng start working nothing is working about my wifi adaptor14:58
boktanplease someone help me14:58
OerHekswe don't help hackers :-D15:01
boktanonly i need to reboot my laptop then the adaptor is finding networks15:03
statusfailedIs there a way I can "clone" a ppa? I want to upgade this for Eoan: https://launchpad.net/~aplattner/+archive/ubuntu/ppa15:07
SimonNLhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/aplattner/ppa/ubuntu/    statusfailed I would say so15:09
statusfailedah https://askubuntu.com/questions/656666/how-can-i-fork-a-ppa15:14
statusfailedheh :)15:14
um1b0zuHi all. How do I route traffic to my vpn?15:15
um1b0zuI'm looking at "route" and "ip route show" and all the tutorials I'm looking at don't explain what this stuff means. I have a weird routing table that doesn't match up to the tutorials at all.15:16
um1b0zuFor example I have this as my "route" result15:17
um1b0zuit seems like I have 2 default gateways15:17
um1b0zuand I assumed gateways should have 192.168.(whatever) as IP addresses but I'm not sure why mines is "_gateway"15:18
AlexPortableHow do I allow an user to unpause a printer without putting sudo password?15:23
AlexPortablei've tried adding my user to the /etc/cups/cups-files.conf, but to no avail15:25
AlexPortableshould I add the user to the lpadmin group instead?15:25
um1b0zueh... maybe I'll ask on the linux channel15:31
um1b0zuI have yet to receive good info on how the routing table actually works15:31
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TimmyI'm trying to dist-upgrade or do-release-upgrade to upgrade from disco-dango to the recently released new version. but the output says "No new release found."15:34
tomreynhi Timmy, upgrading to 19.10 is not supported, yet, it can take a week (sometimes more). if your system is configured to regularly check for updates, you'll be notified automatically when it is available.15:36
Timmyhi tomreyn, thanks for your answer to my question :)15:37
tomreynyou're welcome.15:37
amokavarshanneed help15:58
lotuspsychjeask a question amokavarshan15:59
amokavarshanhow to extract a tar.xzf file16:00
OerHekstar -xzf <filename>16:04
OerHeksman tar16:04
johnjbogle1I get this error, on both my machine and my gf's, when I try to open the Software Boutique: "Sorry, Ubuntu MATE Welcome is not currently supported on your distribution. We will soon be releasing a new version of Welcome that will support more distributions."16:16
OerHeksjohnjbogle1, how many desktops did you install on top of each other?16:18
OerHeksyesterday with the lowlatency kernel you said something like you added and removed desktops, so i want to know if it is usefull to find out, or guide you to a proper clean install16:20
mortso, ubuntu with gnome is pretty awesome, the team has done a great job and 19.10 is better than ever16:26
morthowever, I can't be the only one who thinks the login screen with its noisy purple texture is kinda ugly?16:27
OerHeksyes, you are the only one :-D16:27
morthmm, I can see how it might look nice enough on a laptop-sized IPS screen, but it does look pretty bad on my 27" TN panel with kinda bad color accuracy and the 24" even worse TN next to it16:28
OerHeksedit /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css # find lockDialogGroup and change it to your taste16:29
OerHeksthere is no tweak in gnome-tweak for this16:30
mortI mean yeah, that works, but it's editing a system file which will probably get overwritten eventually, and it doesn't help other people with displays which don't have great color accuracy16:32
um1b0zuAnyone with any insight on routing at all?16:36
lotuspsychjeum1b0zu: ##networking ?16:36
leftyfbum1b0zu: sorry, but you're going to have to provide more context and specifically how it relates to ubuntu16:36
OerHeksnew kernel, brb16:37
um1b0zuI did?16:37
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um1b0zuis the route command and how it's handled not specific to ubuntu?16:37
um1b0zudefinitely open to asking there16:37
um1b0zuI just figured this was a good place to start asking16:37
johnjbogle1OerHeks: I have 2 laptops. Mine and my gf's. Both have Ubuntu. Mine is giving me hella problems but that's another issue I'm working at resolving. My gf's laptop works fine, but even hers is displaying an error when trying to open Software Boutique.16:41
pragmaticenigmahttps://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/10/21/168232/equifax-used-admin-as-username-and-password-for-sensitive-data-lawsuit - You gotta be shitting me16:43
OerHeksjohnjbogle1, yes you said that.16:43
OerHeksjohnjbogle1, how about my question?16:43
OerHeksso you added desktops and ubuntu-studio, removed some, now you have issues...16:43
boktanwhat is the best way to install AWUS036ACH driver?16:44
boktanrtl8812au-dkms this haves in ubuntu sources do you think is the best way to use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install rtl8812au-dkms16:44
johnjbogle1OerHeks sorry I thought that was clarifying and answering your question. I must've misunderstood your question.16:44
pragmaticenigmaboktan: Are you certain you need the driver installed? Is the device not working currently?16:44
boktani did reinstalled my ubuntu because of driver problems and i do want to install the driver from the adaptor but want to know the best way pragmativenigma16:45
OerHeksif you only use mate, maybe you better do a clean install16:45
boktanbefore i did install it from github but was having many problems should i do sudo apt-get install rtl8812au-dkms now?16:46
pragmaticenigmaboktan: If the device is working after reinstallation, then there is no reason to install the driver16:46
boktani did not plug the device right now... pragmaticenigma16:47
boktani was thinking its better to install the driver first16:47
boktanbefore i did plugged it in without driver it was showing ????? on iwconfig16:47
pragmaticenigmaboktan: Ubuntu and other Linux distributions come with a large assortment of drivers already included and pre-tuned to work with the OS properly. It is better to verify the device does not work with those drivers before assuming you need to install a 3rd party driver16:49
boktani know that it is not working without installing driver pragmaticenigma16:49
mortOerHeks: do you happen to know where the color for the fade in animation is defined? Looks kinda weird for the screen to fade from purple from a a black login screen16:52
OerHeksmort, not really, i guess in that same .css?16:52
pragmaticenigmaboktan: Then unfortunately this channel is not the place to receive help. If you have to install 3rd party drivers/software to get a device to work, you need to reach out to the community/developers that made the software. This channel focuses on providing support for software and drivers available through official Ubuntu distribution channels16:53
boktanpragmaticenigma but the driver im asking about exist in ubuntu sources too :16:54
OerHeksboktan, why do you ask howto do it, as you clearly know that dkms works for you?16:55
boktanOerHeks i dont know if its working actually :/  and before i did install the driver from another source and im new on ubuntu if someone haves experience about alfa maybe can help me i was thinking16:56
JimBuntuboktan, You *may* get more help in ##linux, since it's not really an Ubuntu thing16:57
boktanokay thank you JimBuntu16:57
tonsofpcsboktan: did you confirm that the driver is correct for the pciid/usbid of the device you have?17:07
boktani dont know how to confirm it :(  but here have the driver https://files.alfa.com.tw/?dir=%5B1%5D%20WiFi%20USB%20adapter/AWUS036ACH/Linux and on ubuntu sources have a driver i dont know which one is the best choice17:08
tonsofpcsboktan: what is this device?17:10
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boktanalfa-AWUS036ACH wifi adaptor17:11
tonsofpcshow does it connect to the system?17:11
ioriaboktan, maybe paste the lsusb  infos of the  adapter17:11
pragmaticenigmaboktan: The best choice is what I already told you. The ones included in the Ubuntu repositories are already configured to work with Ubuntu. Any other source for a driver is not supported here as the volunteers in this chat rely on the official documentation for Ubuntu to be able to help you.17:12
OerHeksguys, he knows about  rtl8812au-dkms in our repos17:12
OerHeksboktan, stop trolling dude, this is abuse of volunteers17:13
Ilgazstrangest thing ever, I had to reinstall ubuntu 19.10 to get back "auto tablet mode" back in my 2 in 1 pc17:13
boktanim not trolling :/17:13
tonsofpcsboktan: how does it connect to the system?17:13
boktani did not understand the question i still did not plug the adaptor to laptop i dont want to do it before installing the driver :/17:14
tonsofpcsboktan: so it's USB? builtin? PCI?17:14
tonsofpcsboktan: ok, plug it in and run lsusb, then you should see a line that says ID 4444:5555 Name of device, paste that line here please17:15
boktanbut is it okay to plug in the device before installing the driver? in one youtube video one pakistan guy was saying dont plug it before installing the driver :/  tonsofpcs17:16
ioriabocan you read ?17:16
tonsofpcsboktan: yes, it is ok. The system might even work with it immediately without installing a third party driver17:16
OerHekswhy would he need to do that? he can tell that it is a 8812, and keeps on going to ask and gets the same answer over and over again17:17
tonsofpcslinux tends not to have the "system installed the wrong driver and now I can't install the right one" issue that a certain other OS has.17:17
boktanon kali linux i was installing realtek-rtl8812au-dkms for this device OerHeks17:18
boktandoes it means 8812?17:18
akemhpHey, isn't qbittorrent package for Ubuntu 18.04, there is a bot command to check i think?17:19
tonsofpcsapt search qbittorrent17:19
tonsofpcsqbittorrent/bionic 4.0.3-1 amd6417:19
tonsofpcs(should probably apt update first)17:20
boktantonsofpcs i will now plug the usb in it will not cause any problems later right?17:20
OerHekstry /msg ubottu find qbittorrent17:20
akemhpHm ok thanks tonsofpcs . Thanks OerHeks too.17:20
tonsofpcsboktan: correct.17:20
boktanBus 001 Device 006: ID 0bda:8812 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8812AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2T2R DB WLAN Adapter17:21
boktanbecause of i did not installed the driver it is not showing on iwconfig tonsofpcs17:22
ioriaboktan, rtl8812au-dkms is the correct package unless you have installed manually anothe moduel; and consider SB17:22
boktanioria is also enough if i just do apt-get install realtek-rtl8812au-dkms ?17:22
ioriaboktan, yes, but disable SB17:23
boktani dont need to restart laptop just plug out the usb and install right?17:23
ioriaboktan, i suggest to reboot17:24
boktanioria okay thank you for your help and to you too tonsofpcs17:24
craigbass76Is there a way to configure pulse so that xyz application (slack, zoom) ALWAYS uses a specific pair of audio input and output? I've go ta plantronics headset, and keep having to change things in a hurry when I realize people are talking out my laptop speaker.17:39
statusfailedargh. what is the workflow supposed to be for working on an existing PPA?17:47
statusfailedpull-lp-source only seems to work on packages in a released ubuntu version17:47
kostkoncraigbass76, try with pavucontrol17:56
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craigbass76kostkon, That looks like it will only work when the application is running.18:05
craigbass76I'll still have to scramble when I get a call.18:06
craigbass76Although I can shut the laptop's mic and speakers off. Maybe that will help18:06
CarlFKwhat is the x+prtSc that lets me pick a window (or the current window)18:08
uRockAlt + Prt Scrn to take a screenshot of a window.18:09
uRockShift + Prt Scrn to take a screenshot of an area you select.18:10
CarlFKhmm, Alt-Print .. I tried that.  let me try again..18:10
CarlFKoh. derp.  I was looking at the wrong files.  all set. thanks18:11
=== SimonNL_Pff is now known as SimonNL
CorvetteZR1hello.  when i install chromium-snap transition package, snap times out18:29
CorvetteZR1there is no proxy, everything from apt mirror installs fine18:29
CorvetteZR1it's just when i'm trying to install chromium, it tries to connect for 30 minutes and times out18:29
CorvetteZR1is there any configuration for snap that needs to be done?18:29
OerHeksCorvetteZR1, on what ubuntu version?18:30
OerHekssudo snap install chromium18:30
CorvetteZR1is the transition package not working?18:31
CorvetteZR1in 19.10?18:31
OerHeksthat is the info on https://snapcraft.io/chromium18:31
CorvetteZR1reason i ask, is this installation is for a docker desktop container...i'm basically keeping the code the same, just incrimenting ubuntu version.  this worked fine in 19.04 where the default chromium was apt, no snap transition stuff18:32
CorvetteZR1but now in 19.10, because of this change, my pipeline breaks and i can't make a new image18:32
kur1jhas anyone had luck with p11-kit-proxy adding system wide certs automatically to firefox?18:32
OerHeksif you upgraded, some functions on chromium may not work immediatly, this bug is know https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/184862118:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1848621 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[snap] lost all passwords on 19.10 when chromium-browser deb was replaced by a snap" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:32
CorvetteZR1i'll try snap install, but i have a feeling it's when snap is installed, there might be some extra config i need to add?18:32
OerHeksCorvetteZR1, oh, docker, not bare metal18:32
CorvetteZR1yes, docker.  not bare metal/vm18:33
CorvetteZR1ubottu: good to know, but this is not a concern since this is just building a base image with no previous settings/users18:33
OerHeksi have no clue about docker18:34
CorvetteZR1k.  well, in this case, process for installing packages and such is the same as bare metal18:34
CorvetteZR1i'll try your suggestion though, maybe the transition package is just not working or something18:34
CorvetteZR1does snap ask any questions?  is there a -y switch for it to just say yes to everything?18:38
CorvetteZR1can't find any documentation on this...18:38
OerHeksman snap gives no -y18:43
octav1aMy workplace provides a download page for their VPN which gives downloads of a pulse secure client for windows and mac. Is there any way to extract the config from either of these to use in another client like openVPN?18:44
OerHeksso, some packages that require the wine snap, might  fail :-P18:44
Habbieoctav1a, in general, things inside files can come out of those files; but i doubt pulse secure is openvpn-compatible18:48
octav1aThere is also a pulse secure client available for Linux, it seems, there is just not a pre configured one to download by my workplace.18:50
tomreynopenconnect works, there's also a network manager gui for it18:52
tomreynbut test with the CLI first18:52
tomreynpulse also offers linux clients, you could try to massage your admins to offer that, too. it's somehwat unreliable, though18:53
CorvetteZR1k, so using snap install chromium throws an error, can't connect to http://localhost/v2/snaps19:05
CorvetteZR1so is there some config that needs to be done first?19:05
boktani did reinstalled the ubuntu again :/19:07
boktanhow to install this stupid awus036ach driver :/19:07
sarnoldCorvetteZR1: do you have snapd installed and running?19:13
CorvetteZR1sarnold: installed yes, running i guess not...doesn't want to start in docker for some reason19:17
CorvetteZR1systemctl start snapd throws an error...i can't remember exact erro19:17
sarnoldCorvetteZR1: ah docker may be funny. try asking in #snappy about mixing snaps with docker19:17
CorvetteZR1yea, i just want to install chromium...wish there was a fallback to apt19:18
CorvetteZR1i'm creating a new image without chromium, will see if i can get it working manually...challenge is getting it to run/install during the docker build pipeline19:19
CorvetteZR1is there another way to start snapd besides systemctl?  the error i got before was systemd specific19:20
HabbieCorvetteZR1, you're not really supposed to do that outside of systemctl; it would help if you could show us the error19:21
CorvetteZR1Habbie: k, i'll have to add the systemctl command back into the pipeline and let it error out again.  will get it in a bit19:23
CorvetteZR1k, Habbie, so the error is:19:30
CorvetteZR1System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't opperate19:30
CorvetteZR1Failed to connect to bus: Host is down19:30
Habbieoh wait, this is inside docker19:31
ioriaCorvetteZR1, you might be interested in this : https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/running-snaps-inside-docker-containers/86919:31
CorvetteZR1that's right19:31
Habbieany chance you can use systemd-nspawn instead?19:31
CorvetteZR1ioria: cool, thanks19:31
Habbiemaybe read that first, yes :)19:31
CorvetteZR1ok, will do.  thanks :)19:31
=== jcara_ is now known as jcara
regexpertiseI'm running the new 19.10 because its kernal works with some strange ACPI settings on my HP Envy x360.  This laptop has a AMD Ryzen 5, however I do not see the proprietary drivers lsited in 'find additional drivers'  Is this something I need to add manually?20:12
tomreynwhich proprietary drivers were you hoping to find?20:13
regexpertiseThe AMD/ATI ones.20:13
regexpertiseOr am I making a poor assumption?  Do they not require proprietary ones for full capabilities like nvidia does20:14
tomreynthe amdgpu-pro overlay over amdgpu is not available via Ubuntus "additional drivers" interface / UI.20:14
tomreynfor almost all functionality you' don't need anything but the open source amdgpu drivers20:15
tomreynthat includes gaming20:15
regexpertiseWell that's fantastic.  Goes to show what happens when I assume.  Thank you sir20:15
tomreynyou are welcome sir20:15
tomreynnow lets sit and smoke a pipe in my library.20:16
regexpertiseHey that sounds good.  I'm off work in 30 minutes lol.  You guys might find this interesting.  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1162746/why-wont-my-hp-envy-x360-laptop-with-ryzen-7-3700u-boot-ubuntu-live-cd  this issue is why im using the 19.10 beta.  Apparently the kernal and some of these new UEFI ACPI settings dont' get along so well.20:17
regexpertiseI figured it'd be easier to risk a few beta bugs than doing all the work required to make .04 work and screwing something up.20:18
tomreyneveryday business, buggy bioses which linux then needs to work around20:19
tomreyn19.10 is no longer a beta20:20
regexpertiseMan, I just keep winning today.  ha20:20
MekelySpookyso i setup a wsl and i wan't to edit the login/prelogin page of it how would i do that?20:21
MekelySpookythis is ubuntu wsl20:22
Bashing-om!wsl | MekelySpooky20:22
ubottuMekelySpooky: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide20:22
regexpertiseThat's pretty neat actually20:23
MekelySpookyi ended up finding it but what i needed to learn was shell scripting,20:49
MekelySpookyty guys tho20:49
Bashing-omMekelySpooky: :D We help as we can:)20:53
kur1jHas anyone gotten p11-kit-proxy.so to work in firefox?>21:31
TenLeftFingersI have a Radeo HD3450 graphics card + radeon driver. My external display isn't detected via HDMI. I tried the drivers from the oibaf/graphics-drivers PPA but the issue persists. Can anyone help?21:44
tomreynTenLeftFingers: newer drivers won't be needed if it's not very recent hardware.21:46
oerheks1HD3450 is pretty old, lucky you have display. youtube might be too much for that card.21:46
TenLeftFingersYeah. I'm on r852 and it's working okay except for HDMI out. Maybe the driver just doesn't support it?21:47
tomreynr852 of what? the driver should support hdmi generally.21:48
tomreynhave you had a look at your X and system logs?21:49
TenLeftFingersr852 is the driver version (radeon). The HDMI display isn't detected.21:49
TenLeftFingerstomreyn: I've just used lspci to check driver version etc.21:49
TenLeftFingersI'm not sure what to look for.21:49
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TenLeftFingerslspci reports "HDMI audio"21:50
tomreynTenLeftFingers: which ubuntu version is this? lsb_release -ds21:51
TenLeftFingerstomreyn: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS21:52
tomreynppa-purge oibaf, then post a system log ( journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 )21:53
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:53
tomreynactually reboot after ppa-purge21:53
TenLeftFingerstomreyn: purging. Back after a reboot. Thanks.21:55
TenLeftFingerstomreyn: https://termbin.com/9i9kh22:01
tomreynTenLeftFingers: looking22:02
tomreynTenLeftFingers: which graphical desktop are you using?22:07
tomreyni see a reference to "compiz" there22:08
tomreynand com.canonical.Unity22:08
tomreynthat's probably fine if it's intentional22:08
TenLeftFingersI'm running Unity desktop.22:08
TenLeftFingersUnity 722:09
tomreynso i assume this is intentional?22:09
tomreynyou know that 18.04 uses gnome-shell by default22:09
TenLeftFingersYes, I do. If I thought that was the issue I'd switch.22:09
tomreynit's fine, just making sure22:10
TenLeftFingersOkay. Yes, I intentionally installed Unity 7.22:10
tomreynunity-settings-[2245]: failed to get edid: unable to get EDID for output22:11
tomreynunity-settings-[2245]: unable to get EDID for xrandr-LVDS: unable to get EDID for output22:11
tomreyndoes xrandr list the LVDS screen?22:11
TenLeftFingersLet me see. By the way, I'm using lightdm instead of gdm if that matters.22:12
TenLeftFingersOh, yes xrandr does list a HDMI-0 as "connected" :)22:12
tomreynokay, i don't even remember what unity used to use.22:12
TenLeftFingersI'm happy to switch to GDM/Gnome for an easy life. Just assumed it was all driver related.22:13
tomreynit's worth a try switching to gnome just for trying. it will most likely be too slow though22:14
tomreynbut for testing it should be ok22:14
TenLeftFingersI'll try. Thanks again. BRB.22:15
Your_Doggnome? pfft.. kde for life :)22:19
TenLeftFingerstomreyn: I'm in Gnome3/GDM now. In the settings->Devices->Displays, just the "built-in" display is listed. I'm not familiar with Gnome3, maybe there's a different way to add the external display?22:24
tomreynTenLeftFingers: hmm no that would be it. it also just uses xrandr under the hood, i think. arandr is an alternative GUI for it.22:25
tomreynTenLeftFingers: so maybe if you try gdm instead?22:26
tomreyni also noticed the session initialization didn't work the  way it would with gnome-shell22:27
tomreyngnome-session[2263]: gnome-session-binary[2263]: WARNING: Could not get session id for session. Check that logind is properly installed and pam_systemd is getting used at login.22:27
tomreyngnome-session-binary[2263]: WARNING: Could not get session id for session. Check that logind is properly installed and pam_systemd is getting used at login.22:27
tomreynbut i don't know whether this is just expected with lightdm (i assume not so)22:28
tomreynand i don't see any X initialization on this log, which makes me think you must have X run as root?22:29
TenLeftFingersI'm using GDM now instead of lightdm actually. Those warnings might be moot with GDM. But I'll come back tomorrow. I'll have a grumpy wife if I don't get to bed. Thanks so much for your help. I'll try your other suggestions too.22:31
TenLeftFingerstomreyn: as for X as root - I wouldn't have done that intentionally.22:31
tomreynabout X initialization, maybe you can find further information in ~/.local/share/xorg/ or /var/log/Xorg*22:31
tomreyngood luck, ttyl22:32
TenLeftFingersNoted, thanks again :)22:32
marttiI have a question about the way ubuntu is running22:44
martti...initscripts through systemd. I found these service files in /lib/systemd/, but they only run `/bin/true`22:45
Fallenour@tomreyn, hey do you know anyone I could recommend speakign with in regards to an issue with LXD?22:50
marttiah, that appears to be a so-called "slice"22:50
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tdsmartti: there's a generator that takes sysv init scripts and generates systemd units, see `man systemd-sysv-generator`23:01
ducasseFallenour: #lxcontainers23:08
marttitds: turns out what I was looking at with /bin/true had little to do with sysv initscripts. just the fact that there was a service-file with an @ next to it.23:11
tdsis this openvpn by chance?23:11
tdsah, no idea about their systemd units, sorry23:11
marttiwpa_supplicant has a "slice" thingy to attach different instances to different interfaces23:16
marttithat's what these '@'s are for23:16

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