
FaTaL_GI'll try it, worst thing is, it doesnt work00:00
chris11I'd like to be able to temporarily set environmental variables in a virtual environment. is there any way to do that without modifying the venv folder?00:00
sarnoldFaTaL_G: but consider routing to eg or or whatever... the gateway is where it'll send packets that it can't just hand to an interface to get to the next hop00:01
FaTaL_Gthat would have to be the  enp0s31f6 (public ip) over nat00:01
FaTaL_Gnot sure how to tell it to do that, and not try to route to everything connected to it00:01
Jeffrey_fComing back from a lock screen, my Ubuntu 19.10 takes 15-30 seconds to unlock.00:02
greatgatsbyHi.  I can use `passwd -l someuser` to lock a user, but what do I do to get the asterisk instead of the exclamation mark in /etc/shadow, to simply disable password based logins?00:02
sarnoldgreatgatsby: maybe try -d ? (I'm guessing)00:05
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greatgatsbysarnold, no, unfortunately that simply clears the password field altogether, which means it may be possible to authenticate without a password at all.00:06
sarnoldgreatgatsby: yikes really??00:08
sarnoldgreatgatsby: sorry about that. I really did think that'd do the trick. :(00:08
greatgatsbysarnold, technically, yeah, so unless the tools checking is configured not to accept empty passwords, that could be a bad thing00:08
greatgatsbyfrom the shadow manpage for that field:   This field may be empty, in which case no passwords are required to authenticate as the specified login name.  However, ...00:09
obitoriI'd like to launch qemu on a usb image the way that the usb creator launches it on a newly created usb.00:10
sarnoldI really dislike that the thing you want would be easy enough with sed, but that's a silly way to do this. you know the end result you want but not which tool to use to get there. and the manpage for the most likely tool (passwd) is silent about what it means to 'delete a user's password'. I *ass* umed that was eliding over "we'll put an * in there"00:11
obitoriAny idea on what the underlying command is?  (I figured I can mount the iso image and do the same thing.)00:11
sarnoldobitori: maybe qemu-system-x86_64 -- though the tool you';re trying to replicate may go through full libvirt virsh stuff to create domains, hook up storage, etc etc00:12
sarnoldJeffrey_f: is there anything in the logs? eg /var/log/auth.log ? dmesg? journalctl?00:12
obitori@sarnold: tnx.  I'll play around with it.00:13
FaTaL_Gsarnold: this example leads me to a conundrum...... https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/thread/8642100:44
FaTaL_Gsarnold: so basically, what I did is not wrong, however, ubuntu (I guess more specifically the networking.service) thinks it is a mistake00:45
TehCrawHi, I just installed ubuntu 19.10, and it's stuck on the loading screen with the dots. Tried to get into tty1, but ctrl-alt-f1 does nothing.00:48
sarnoldFaTaL_G: this post feels like a different situation to me -- first, they're dealing with a router-on-a-stick setup, but your router has a direct connection to the internet at learge through an interface and is pretending to be a switch to the lan00:49
sarnoldTehCraw: try also control+alt+f2, and add the 'fn' key if you've got a laptop that has an 'fn' key on it00:49
TehCrawI've tried all three of those modifier keys with f numbers 1-6 in every combination. LOL00:50
FaTaL_Gsarnold: agreed, but this example is just a synonymous consideration... in my case, I have one vlan,and one masqueraded-nat to the world, theirs is man many vlans, with each having a gateway adress pointing to "whatever vlan" manages the networks00:52
FaTaL_Gjust not sure that the computer is smart enough to decide what to do with certain types of traffic00:54
FaTaL_G(without a gateway)00:54
sarnoldthe 'ip route get' command can show you what the kernel will do with packets generated on the host -- eg compare ip route get vs ip route get
mattflyKubuntu 18.04, qtDesigner suddenly fails to open with error: https://bpaste.net/show/FKPKQ... What can it be now?00:56
TehCrawAigh, screw it. Fresh install it is. Thanks, sarnold00:57
FaTaL_Gsarnold: never tried that, very cool. doing it with a yields my inet address, I should create a iptables rule to prevent that forwarding.... I do not have  10/24 of any kind defined00:59
FaTaL_Gother ips are all to the nat pub ip, except the 192.168.1/2400:59
FaTaL_Gthat one is, which is good.... after I reboot, it should do the same thing.....01:00
FaTaL_Gwithout a subnet defined01:00
FaTaL_Gerrr, dfgw my bad01:00
sarnoldnote that 10/8 is an RFC 1918 block, like 192.168/1601:00
FaTaL_Gbut it is passing it to the pub ip01:00
FaTaL_Gsarnold: and this guy did it without the "roter" defining a dfgw, hrmmmpf, https://www.computernetworkingnotes.com/rhce-study-guide/how-to-configure-and-use-linux-as-a-router.html01:09
sarnoldFaTaL_G: it depends on the rest of the network design whether or not any given router 'needs' a default gateway01:10
FaTaL_Gmakes sense01:11
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FaTaL_Gsarnold.... guess removing the gateway was a bad idea. lol.02:51
sarnoldFaTaL_G: lol :( oh no02:51
FaTaL_Gput it back, flushed everything, rebooted the secondary routers *(just acting as switches/wifi) and all set02:52
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FaTaL_GI do have a question.... I'm guessing I'm sol, but any advice anyone has if I'm willing to go learn, how can I properly get support for the ASUS PCIE AC88 wireless NIC?02:53
FaTaL_Gthere are hacks that work, I use it, it worked on 14, 16, and 1802:54
FaTaL_Gand there are posts that kernel5+ has native support for it so 19 apparently has it out of the box02:54
FaTaL_Gis this something I can build into 18 without upgrading to 19?02:54
FaTaL_Gthe hack (which works) involves ripping the binary out of a driver for completely different hardware. I cant fathom why it works02:56
sarnoldFaTaL_G: if you're doing a fresh install, 18.04.3 may be able to do it. if you've already got an install running, try the HWE kernel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:57
FaTaL_Gsarnold: I upgraded from 16 to 18, I had to hack away again to get it to load the bootleg driver02:58
FaTaL_Gsarnold: that link isnt loading?02:59
FaTaL_Gnvm, it was just slow03:00
sarnoldFaTaL_G: yeah :/ the wiki can be insanely slow sometimes03:04
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: it also helps when you provide dmesg or journal logs of what happens to your wifi chipset, volunteers might be able to provide more help for you03:08
RandolfIs there an easy way to transform multiple lines from a text file into command-line parameters, each preceded by a switch?  For example, I have 3 lines in a text file "one" and "two" and "three" and I want to include them in a shell command as:  -n one -n two -n three03:09
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, I can do that, I have before, and generally the resounding help I have gotton was that "yep, I hate broadcom, their support is shiat" lol03:11
FaTaL_Gjust happy that there appears to be some progress03:11
FaTaL_Gmy dmesg is littered with traffic from the "firewall"03:12
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: on an updated system, broadcom support has actually improved alot on ubuntu, been a while since i noticed issues with them..03:12
RandolfI noticed that Broadcom support improvement recently too.03:13
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4V9zGNTwww/03:14
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: your current ubuntu version and kernel version please?03:15
FaTaL_G4.15.0-66-generic #75-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 1 05:24:09 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:16
FaTaL_GUbuntu 18.04.3 LTS03:17
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: did you check on software&updates to see if you can switch drivers?03:17
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, no? (not sure how), is it a gui thing?03:18
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: yes, the gui icon software&updates03:19
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, then no, not in quite a while. I usually do everything cli based03:20
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lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: try please03:22
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, ok03:22
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: it can help broadcom chipsets to switch from one to another driver to fix things03:22
sarnoldRandolf: hopefully helpful to you: paste <(yes -- -n | head -n$(cat /etc/passwd | wc -l)) /etc/passwd03:24
Randolfsarnold: Thanks!  I didn't now about "paste" -- it looks like a very useful tool.03:26
sarnoldRandolf: it's very handy indeed :)03:27
Randolfsarnold: That worked.  By the way, I added this to the end to turn it into one line:  |tr \\n " "03:40
sarnoldRandolf: nice nice03:41
sarnoldRandolf: btw, take a look at comm(1) too -- it's another little useful thing like paste03:41
RandolfI will.  Thanks.03:42
sarnoldRandolf: you may never need comm, but it's handy, and you never know when you could make someone's day by knowing about it :)03:42
RandolfIt looks like a very simple alternative to diff.03:43
sarnoldbut this will do smarter things than diff, too; when the input is two sorted lists and you want to see the differences, diff can sometimes make *very* siully choices, meaning you can't just grep for ^+ and ^- but have to inspect by hand..03:46
RandolfAh, it sorts.  Yeah, diff doesn't do that.03:47
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, where on this updater am I looking?03:49
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: tab additional drivers03:49
FaTaL_GI generally do the occasional add of a repo, or just apt-get things03:49
FaTaL_Gahhhhh..... it is empty :(03:49
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: when you say add ppa, do you mean you added a broadcom driver ppa?03:51
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, no. I only ever added ones like ntop/nbox or suricata etc03:53
FaTaL_GI've never found one for brcm03:54
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: found a few bugs around,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/159461403:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1594614 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 16.04 - Broadcom Corporation BCM43602 - wrong icon after first resume" [Low,Fix released]03:56
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx is the gist of what I have had to use on 16.04and 18.04, mine is the brcmfmac4366c03:56
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: did you test this yet, from a liveusb? see if wifi was working by default?03:57
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, in 19, no. I could try it.03:57
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: tested on a 18.04 live? was working?03:57
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, the "hacked method" at least works, but its painfully slow03:57
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, this card never worked on 16 or 18. live or otherwise03:58
FaTaL_Guntil the "hacked" driver is provided03:58
k1tsun3does anyone know how i can install sha256sum03:59
k1tsun3because i keep getting an error that the package doesnt exist and cannot be found03:59
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, if you want to read about the "hacK" I'm refrencing, https://tabre.com/post/2/04:00
FaTaL_Gthat works when you do it. works as an AP too. but sloooooooooowwwwwwwww04:00
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: interesting, maybe your chipset could deserve a new !bug but try for doublechecks a few liveusb's first, you never know its fixxed in some later kernel04:02
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, well, the first link I mentioned was supposedly fixed on kernel 5+04:03
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: lets try to make sure?04:04
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1072676/asus-pce-ac88-on-ubuntu-18-0404:04
FaTaL_Gok, so I will download a 19 livecd04:05
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: current 18.04 iso also has the HWE kernel 5.004:05
FaTaL_GI grabbed the recommends, so now I have to reboot to turn on the kernel?04:08
FaTaL_Gvmlinuz-5.0.0-32-generic  is present in /boot04:08
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, can I lspci against a non loaded kernel?04:10
FaTaL_Gor modprobe?04:10
Bashing-omFaTaL_G: ?? To see all installed kernels ' dpkg -l | grep linux- '.04:13
LatteNeroFaTaL_G: Try whit dmesg04:19
FaTaL_GGok, back on
vipin7275usb drive is not getting detected. Please help04:32
FaTaL_GGLatteNero & lotuspsychje, so I did reboot, I am running on kernel, but the system is still shwoing me the brcmfmac4366c-pcie.bin I placed in /lib/firmware/brcm/ months ago04:34
FaTaL_GG(when I run dmesg)04:37
vipin7275HI usb drive is not getting detected. Please help04:38
Bashing-omvipin7275: Is the USB device formatted and with a file system ?04:38
vipin7275i was trying to format with FAT. after that device is not showing up04:38
vipin7275@Bashin-om: i was trying to format with FAT. after that device is not showing up04:40
Bashing-omvipin7275: ' lsusb ' show the device ?04:43
FaTaL_GGLatteNero & lotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ng8C9gCvmR/04:46
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prophecy04has anyone been able to get sssd to work on Ubuntu 19.10?  The service fails on my system06:55
Fudghi all just bought a lenovo ideacentre 510s, the hex core i5. i popped my ubuntu drive in but after the purple splash screen the monitor looses signal. any ideas?07:37
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erle-What do when LibreOffice does not find intalled font? (URW Palladio)07:50
erle-Gnome Tweaks and Firefox use them07:50
mysticTor browser wont atart, and icon missing from app drawer. please advise08:20
mysticim waiting for the answer08:23
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B|ack0pi again faced system error popup after i woke the pc from sleep mode10:44
B|ack0pgnome-shell and xwayland crashes10:44
B|ack0pin /var/crash10:44
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lyiriyahHi.I am on Ubuntu Budgie 19.10 with a ZFS formatted 256GB drive.11:01
lyiriyahWhen I run os-prober it kicks out this error: device-mapper: reload ioctl on osprober-linux-sda5  failed: Device or resource busy Command failed.11:02
lyiriyahDoes anyone have a fix?11:02
lyiriyaharunza, y'areet11:05
thyriaeni am looking for a command line command : i want to contents of all the folders in my directory copied into my current directory11:06
thyriaenhow do i do this ?11:06
arunzabasically i have a problem: whenever i try to install a package it always say im not connected to internet. Here's the exact error it gives me: https://bit.ly/2WCLnFD11:06
thyriaeni basically want to defolderfy my current directory :P11:06
lyiriyaharunza, how funny11:07
lyiriyahdo you actually have an issue11:08
lyiriyahthyriaen, can you elaborate a bit?11:09
lyiriyahsounds a bit like you need cp -R11:10
lyiriyahwho was that11:12
thyriaenlyiriyah, i have a folder with 100 folders in them, they each contain folders with files in them - i want to have all the files out of their respective folders copied into my big directory11:13
thyriaenso they all sit on their own not wrapped into folders :P11:13
lyiriyahyeah you need cp -R11:13
lyiriyahrecursively copies11:14
arunza-r is better11:14
thyriaenbut if i recursively copy11:14
thyriaenthey are all still inside their folders11:15
lyiriyahthyriaen, run cp -rv src dest subst src and dest for the source and destination and paste the output here11:18
lyiriyahe.g cp -rv ~ .11:19
Guest_76nvme server install pains, anyone surmounted them either 18.04 lts or 19.10 ?11:20
Guest_76i  can boot / install desktop fine11:21
Guest_76OSError: [Errno Failed to find device at path: %s] /dev/disk/by-id/eui-etc00000011:23
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lyiriyahyh bye lads11:29
fluitfrieshave a ubuntu that doesnt want to boot x anymore.  started having problems with Vivaldi browser then stopped loading window session.  I can get a remote ssh into the system but that's about it when it comes up.  no display.  is there an option to auto-repair ubuntu installation?11:33
B|ack0pi ruined terminal colors :S11:39
B|ack0pwhat was the default terminal purple color code?11:39
B|ack0phtml code11:39
B|ack0pubuntu 18.0411:39
foistIs it not possible to install snaps without sudo, without logging in? I have no interest in making an Ubuntu account.12:12
LuckyManfoist, you can install without login, just sudo12:17
LuckyManfoist, specially if you do it on the terminal12:18
LuckyManfoist, but having a ubuntu account is great, you can report bugs and do a lot more12:19
thyriaeni am trying to batch remove a "- " string from my files - https://hastebin.com/ewijetuyip.bash this gives me an error that saying target "foobar" is not a directory which is the suffix of my files12:21
foistLuckyMan: I don't want to have to run every snap as sudo. Is there any way around that?12:25
lotuspsychjefoist: why are you trying so hard to avoid sudo in ubuntu exactly?12:26
foistWhy would I want to run applications with superuser privs?12:28
lotuspsychjefoist: running is not installing12:29
foistIf you install it with sudo you have to run it with sudo.12:30
lotuspsychjefalse statement foist12:30
foistHmm, really?12:31
foistIt appears I was mistaken. Thanks.12:35
ybaumyhi. question. i search for a music player with an IOS app that control the player  either via bluetooh or wifi. any suggestions12:46
ybaumyto clarify an ubuntu app12:47
lotuspsychjeybaumy: for apple devices we often reccomend clementine or rythmbox12:48
lotuspsychjeybaumy: but not sure if they support BT or wifi sync12:49
ybaumylotuspsychje: tried rhytmbox but this somehow does not work. it also seems to only provide sync. i would like to see the remote library .. maybe i need to try kodi12:53
ybaumyclementine i have not looked at yet12:54
ybaumylotuspsychje: but i see that clementine has a network remote and even a google drive integration12:55
ybaumywill try that12:55
lotuspsychjewelcome ybaumy12:55
BluesKajHi folks14:03
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swimm3rasl pls :)14:35
lotuspsychje!chat | swimm3r14:35
ubottuswimm3r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:35
swimm3r!chat | lotuspsychje14:36
ubottulotuspsychje: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:36
im0ndeHi, need help with a systemd unit. I'm installing jira but it wont start. "systemctl status  jira" shows this: https://gist.github.com/binaryplease/392fd47a62cbc5096eff2b91dc66cbd714:45
im0ndeI don't understand whats wrong, running /opt/jira/bin/start-jira.sh manually works fine14:45
lotuspsychje!crosspost | im0nde14:45
ubottuim0nde: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.14:45
im0ndelotuspsychje: Sorry, wasn't sure anyone was there. Will wait paitiently, sorry14:46
swimm3r!chat | lotuspsychje14:52
ubottulotuspsychje: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:52
lotuspsychjeswimm3r: please dont abuse the bot thanks14:53
swimm3ryou started :(14:54
swimm3rit's Saturday, every enjoyed the "asl pls" joke :(14:55
swimm3rciao all. is anyone using Astrometa DVB-C usb stick?14:57
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k1tsun3Im running ubuntu as a vm and cant figure out how to get my clock to sync properly15:30
ledenk1tsun3, witch version you running15:36
ledenk1tsun3, you mean 18.0415:39
ledenk1tsun3, Settings -- Details -- Date & Time --Automatic Date & Time will set your time & date extra option Automatic Zone too15:43
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k1tsun3leden: i set that but it isnt working15:47
k1tsun3automatic time & timezone are correct but its saying the time is 12:47AM when it is really 11:47 AM15:48
doug16kk1tsun3, your timezone is probably incorrect15:48
k1tsun3doug16k: nope it is set to NY15:48
doug16kk1tsun3, can the guest access the internet?15:49
k1tsun3the guest has the wrong timezone, the host is correct15:49
jeremy31k1tsun3: any VM BIOS settings?15:50
doug16kthe guest needs to have the correct timezone, otherwise it will apply the wrong offset to the time it gets from the timeserver15:50
k1tsun3doug16k: do you mean the host needs to have the correct timezone? because my host has the correct timezone the guest is the one iwth the issue15:57
doug16kI mean the guest needs to have the correct timezone15:57
doug16kyou seem to be convinced that the guest timezone is not relevant. it is relevant15:58
doug16kthe host time has effect when the guest first powers on. from then on, the guest is free to do as it pleases with the clock15:59
Cyber_Akumamodern liveisos of ubuntu still come with Memtest86+ right?15:59
jeremy31Cyber_Akuma: depends on whether booted in Legacy or UEFI mode16:00
Cyber_AkumaI see, which mode allows for memtext86+16:00
doug16kk1tsun3, a linux host clock hardware is actually set in GMT. a linux guest will also be setting its emulated hardware clock to GMT, so again the timezone of the guest completely determines the guest's time16:03
doug16kthe host and guest could have exactly the same time setting in their RTCs and still have different local time when the timezone of the guest is wrong16:04
doug16ks/GMT/UTC/ (practically the same thing)16:05
k1tsun3doug16k: do you mean the host needs to have the correct timezone? because my host has the correct timezone the guest is the one iwth the issue\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\16:07
Sven_vBk1tsun3, so what does date -R say on the guest?16:08
Sven_vBactually just "date" is better as it states the timezone name16:08
kre10hey guys, I need some script to scan udp address, like nmap or something.16:16
palo-altodesign so poor16:19
ioriak1tsun3, do you need help ?16:20
doug16kkre10, do you mean scan the UDP ports of a specific host?16:20
kre10doug16k, exactly16:21
doug16kkre10, nmap -sU ip16:21
kre10doug16k, http://host/udp/ ?16:21
doug16kkre10, nmap -sU
k1tsun3ioria: i went to the bathroom and came back to my husky sitting on my keyboard16:22
kre10I want to scan all udp ports after host/udp/X.X.X.X16:22
ioriak1tsun3, ok16:22
kre10nmap - sU host?16:22
doug16kwithout the space before sU, yes16:23
kre10OK, I will try16:23
doug16kkre10, needs root privileges, so actually sudo nmap -sU host16:24
kre10yes, I figure it out, but doesn't find anything16:24
kre10Failed to resolve16:24
kre10I put port after the host, that should be OK right?16:24
FaTaL_GI used https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers/60395#60395 when I installed my broadcom wireless in 16 & 18, now that I have kernel, how do I change from using the "hacked" driver I placed in /lib/firmware/brcfm, to the one that exists IN THE KERNEL?16:25
doug16kkre10, not ok16:25
doug16kwhole point is to scan all possible ports16:25
kre10yes, but actually I don't want to scan ports after host. I know what port is. I want to scan host:port/udp/HERE(
kre10is that possible at all ?16:26
kre10doug16k, ideas?16:29
kre10something like this - https://github.com/joolzg/udpxyscan16:30
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doug16kkre10, to see if a specific UDP port is open? this: nmap -sU -p port host16:32
FaTaL_GI dont know how to tell what driver the hardware is actually running with, but it looks like it is running with the "hacked" one16:32
FaTaL_GI suppose I can just delete it lol16:33
kre10I know which port is open. I want to know which udp address is open - like host:port/udp/
doug16kFaTaL_G, pci device? lspci -k16:33
kre10239.0.0.1 is what I've searching16:33
doug16kFaTaL_G, look for Kernel driver in use:16:34
jeremy31FaTaL_G: If you put a hacked driver in the firmware folder, it will do nothing most times16:35
oerheks" how do I change from using the "hacked" driver I placed in /lib/firmware/brcfm   .. "  just delete that file?16:36
jeremy31I don't know of a driver that will even load firmware from that directory unless it is supposed to be /lib/firmware/brcm16:37
FaTaL_Gdoug16k, it says " Kernel driver in use: brcmfmac " but if I run dmesg: ? brcmfmac: brcmf_fw_map_chip_to_name: using brcm/brcmfmac4366c-pcie.bin for chip 0x004366(17254) rev 0x000004 ?16:37
FaTaL_Gjeremy31, the dmesg tells me it is using it still16:38
jeremy31FaTaL_G: If you got that file from upstream linux-firmware or a newer Ubuntu version of Linux-firmware, it should be fine16:39
FaTaL_Gjeremy31 doug16k: the hacked driver works, but like ship. Its a well known thing (see: https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers/60395#60395) but last night people here helped me get onto kernel which has support for the card. So I want to ensure it is using the kernel version only16:40
FaTaL_Gmy card fell into this category: 14e4:43c3 rev 04    UNKNOWN                           Special Case #216:40
jeremy31FaTaL_G: Just do> sudo apt install --reinstall linux-firmware16:41
FaTaL_Git will pull from 5 now since Im on 5?16:41
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
jeremy31FaTaL_G: There isn't a special linux-firmware for any kernel version16:42
FaTaL_Goerheks, that is what I was wondering.16:43
FaTaL_Gjeremy31 .... nice....... doing the firmware install the file is now changed: -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1120971 Jul 12 08:42 brcmfmac4366c-pcie.bin16:44
FaTaL_Gnow it is older hahaha16:45
FaTaL_Gso I understand - when a kernel has support already built into it, does it still require a bin file in /lib/firmware/* to function?16:46
jeremy31FaTaL_G: Yes, that card needs firmware and there hasn't been a change to that firmware file since 201816:47
FaTaL_Gjeremy31, agreed.... makes sense. Good thing I didn't just delete the file.... so, the changes in kernel 5+ werent "the driver" but how the KERNEL interfaces to the driver?16:48
jeremy31FaTaL_G: The 5.0 kernel might have updates to the drivers in the kernel but in this case it uses the same firmware as the older kernel16:49
FaTaL_Ggot it. Then its ok that it is using the "hacked" firmware. In fact, ages ago, when I followed directions to pull the firmware from the windows driver, the binary/checksum of my hacked pull matches what is checked in to the official linux kernel lol16:51
jeremy31FaTaL_G: If you got it from Ubuntu package linux-firmware or upstreams linux-firmware, it is not a hacked firmware16:52
FaTaL_Gjeremy31, trust me, it is. It binary matches what is pulled from the drivers used for windows. I kid you not. Here is at least one thread about it: (https://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?310626-Fedora-24-and-ASUS-PCE-AC-88&p=1769999#post1769999)16:57
FaTaL_Ggranted it did come from asus/broadcom, but still.... a bit of a hack to obtain functionality on linux16:57
doug16kfirmware runs on the device. what makes you think it would vary per OS?16:59
jeremy31FaTaL_G: >  sha1sum /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac4366c-pcie.bin17:00
jeremy31I am fairly sure that firmware was not part of linux-firmware in 201617:01
FaTaL_Gdoug16k, jeremy31, all I was getting at is that when using firmware compiled for and loaded on NOT LINUX, I'd expect the built packages to be compressed or packaged for that OS, so I wouldn't think the binary to be the same for each os17:03
oerheksmaybe time for a fresh install...17:05
FaTaL_Gdoug16k, jeremy31, but when I did the binwalk trick and ripped the 4366c.bin data from the downloaded driver from asus website, it matched what is checked into the linux kernel now (the 2018 one you mentioned). And if you go download the latest and greatest from asus, (I did it a few months ago), the binary is newer and obviously not the same data, but it still works in ubuntu :)17:06
oerheksoh, it works ..17:07
FaTaL_Goerheks, why? It works. I jsut wanted to make sure now that I have the 5.0 kernel installed it was actually using it. I didn't realize it still required the/a /bin/firmware/brcm/*.bin file17:07
FaTaL_Goh yes, I am on my laptop now and connected via that wireless card acting as an AP. But I have had that working on 16.04 and 18.04 pre 5.0 kernel for the last 2 years. Now that people are reporting it works faster and properly on 5.0, I did the update to kernel last night, and I want to make sure I did it right. And thought, I had to "get rid of" the hacked file17:10
FaTaL_GI thought it would either stop using the /lib/firmware bin I manually placed there, or overwrite it with a new file. It didn't :)17:11
doug16kextremely complex devices like wireless NICs often have some amount of executable code that runs on a cpu embedded in the device. sometimes that is flashed onto the device and you can pretty much forget about it. sometimes it has to be loaded at runtime17:12
FaTaL_Gdoug16k, so does this mean perhaps, if I go grab the latest and greatest today, (from asus), and rip it again, and test it, and it works well, I should push a ticket to update the 2018 version on the kernel now?17:13
doug16kthere is little reason to believe that newer is better. more likely, the newer version also supports some newer revision of the hardware17:14
jeremy31FaTaL_G: If there was a better firmware, broadcom would have committed it to upstream linux-firmware17:14
FaTaL_Gjeremy31, broadcom doesnt support linux on this chipset.17:15
doug16kbroadcom would be a bit stupid to give free improvements to everyone. it is in their financial interest to NOT improve existing devices, in the hopes that you buy a new better one to get improvements17:15
FaTaL_Gdoug16k, ahha, there is some truth to that, but they also have to support their current devices as to avoid a bad rep, there is a balance.17:16
jeremy31FaTaL_G: look at https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/commit/brcm?id=211de1679a68b8ab0f841a8058df35e13e3963f0 firmware submitted by arend.vanpriel@broadcom.com17:16
FaTaL_Gjeremy31, ok17:16
FaTaL_Gjeremy31: 60812f1472ef6737ac2ef072632b0cc6fddb2d02  /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac4366c-pcie.bin   &&    dc28d55aa640966260fb45e10efc94fbe8a33a8f  /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac4366c-pcie.txt17:20
FaTaL_Gjust so you know, the first is the one I got today on the reinstall you requested. The second is what I have been using for months that I pulled out of the asus website file like 10 months ago17:21
FaTaL_Gclearly different, both worked. both are for that chipset, but as doug16k suggested, newer isn't always better. I'll stick with the one checked into the kernel for now and see if it performs any differently17:22
FaTaL_GI just looked at the asus website... and it looks like the JUST released the source code less than a month ago17:26
FaTaL_GUder "Others" -- https://www.asus.com/us/Networking/RT-AC88U/HelpDesk_Download/17:27
jamesnvchello! I just started seeing an issue with apt-get on Ubuntu 18.04.3; when I try to run apt-get install or apt-get update, all of the ubuntu, canonical, and launchpad repos fail to connect, giving a "Connection failed" error. I can fetch all those repos with curl though, I don't have a proxy in place, and the IP address apt shows seems to be correct17:36
jamesnvcI did have a power outage a few days ago, but the computer is on a UPS, so it should have shut down cleanly17:37
oerhekshi jamesnvc, pastebin the output of update?17:37
jamesnvcsure, https://pastebin.com/RxKXiFhu17:38
oerheksthat mirror should be oke, what happens if you switch to main in the updatetool?17:42
jamesnvcLooks like the same thing; using the gui "Sofctware & updates" to change download from to main (previosuly was "server for Canada"), now updating cache is proceding very slowly & saying "Notwork isn't available" for all the repos17:45
jamesnvcYeah...very puzzling :/17:47
jamesnvcis there any way to get more verbose output from apt about how exactly it's failing?17:48
tomreynjamesnvc: see the bottom of apt.conf(5)17:50
tomreynor rather the DEBUG OPTIONS section17:51
jamesnvctomreyn: thanks!17:52
tomreynjamesnvc: you're welcome. so you proably want something like      sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::http=1' update17:54
tomreyn"Connection failed" rather sounds like a plain TCP connection failure, though, and you might rather need to diagnose this using tcpdump17:55
tomreyn(or 'mtr' to inspect the route, packet loss)17:55
jamesnvchrm, mtr seems fine, 0% loss & curl seems to be able to fetch the pack lists fine17:57
styler2goHey everyone. I did do-release-upgrade and now wanted to update some other package too but apt ist telling me: "14 not fully installed or removed.". can somone help me what to do? i get a lot of errors like dependency problems and "is not configured yet"17:58
styler2goI already tried "apt install -f" and "dpkg --configure -a"17:59
tomreynstyler2go: can you gather some info (won't change anything):   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog18:01
tomreynstyler2go: looks like you just need to run     sudo apt full-upgrade18:03
styler2goIt terminates because of too many errors18:04
tomreynstyler2go: can you share the output?18:04
styler2goIs the dbDriver the actual problem maybe?18:06
tomreynyou probably have a "dpkg" process running which is waiting for input, either in another window or as part of the (unfinished?) upgrade18:07
tomreynis this on a remote server you were logged in to using ssh, and the connection dropped?18:07
tomreyntry this: screen -x18:07
styler2gotomreyn, this just showed a closed screen which let me decide x to close or r to restart18:08
tomreynso the upgrade had completed, ok18:09
styler2godoes the fuser paste help?18:09
tomreynthe fuser output is a bit short18:09
styler2goit did not show any more18:09
tomreyndoes this give more?   COLUMNS=200 fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat18:10
styler2gonope :/18:10
tomreynhmm i'm not sure how to get the full process name uot there18:12
tomreynoh via pid18:12
styler2goi did ps aux and grep18:12
styler2goit shows: root     29098  0.0  0.1  32796 23808 ?        S    15:16   0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-8.0.postinst configure18:12
styler2goi think it got stuck there?18:12
tomreynyes, looks like18:13
styler2go(i started do-release-upgrade like 3 hours ago, maybe 4)18:13
tomreynit's waiting for your input to configure mysqld18:13
styler2gocan i safely kill it and somehow restart?18:13
tomreynyes, you can reinstall it, this should re-run the postconf script18:13
tomreynso kill it, then   sudo apt-get install --reinstall mysql-server-8.018:14
styler2goah apt install -f re-ran it18:14
tomreynok :), so then you can full-upgrade18:15
tomreyngrub-pc was amongst the packages which had not been upgraded, yet. so make sure this upgrades properly, maybe run grub-install and update-grub manually just to be safe18:17
styler2goI think the mysql daemon/service is having some trouble. i am typing "service mysql stop" and it hangs up for a while, also apt does hang up on "Setting up mysql-server-8.0"18:17
styler2gohttps://p.styler2go.de/5305140 this for example doesnt sound right: https://p.styler2go.de/427280018:21
styler2gooups, second paste is the relevant one18:21
jamesnvcbtw, with my apt failing issue, after running apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::http=1 update, it's still failing, but is taking a very very long time; I see all the GET requests, which look reasonable (and if I duplicate them with curl, they succeed), I saw one 200 OK response, but everything else is not working18:24
jamesnvc 18:24
styler2gotomreyn, the mysql upgrade does not work18:25
styler2goit runs up until "mysql is running as pid xyz" and then just hangs there: https://p.styler2go.de/148286518:25
tomreynstyler2go: hmm so you think that process 29107 started process 29806   as a result of you running    apt install -f   ? or was process 29107 (started 4 minutes earlier) already active beforehand?18:28
styler2gotomreyn, i did play around a bit but the current situation is that apt install -f is stuck at "mysqld is running as..."18:29
tomreyni'm wondering whether someone or something started the mysql server when the configuration was still in process, or whether the server was started as a result of the configuration takingt place18:29
styler2goany commands i can do to help figuring out?18:30
tomreyni guess if you can't stop mysqld cleanly you'll need to kill PID 29806, then 29107, then  sudo  /bin/bash /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-8.0.postinst configure18:30
tomreynthen ensure this exits cleanly, then start mysqld normally18:30
styler2gothose are all current commands with mysql: https://p.styler2go.de/986930518:30
tomreynis this time current?18:31
tomreynlike, just a few minutes ago?18:31
StephenLynxhey, I got a weird issue:18:31
styler2gothat's the current state i am in right now, i did kill the process before already18:32
StephenLynxif I alt+tab out of stuff and they are playing audio, the audio gets weird.18:32
StephenLynxI transferred this hard drive from a different computer18:32
tomreynstyler2go: have a look at the mysql error log18:32
StephenLynxand it started doing this.18:32
StephenLynxit happened both with youtube and hotline miami 218:32
tomreynstyler2go: the PID printed at https://p.styler2go.de/1482865   does not match any of those given in your ps output18:33
StephenLynxwhen it first happened with hotline miami I thought the issue was the game, but now that I noticed it happening with youtube videos too, I think it's my system18:33
styler2go3179 does not exist18:33
styler2gothe error log has errors18:34
StephenLynxit doesn't happen to vlc18:35
StephenLynxi can either minize it to the tray18:35
StephenLynxor the window18:35
StephenLynxhuh, restarted firefox, issue is gone.18:37
tomreynstyler2go: ibdata1 not being lockable (for exclusive access) probably means that either multiple mysqld processes were accessing it in parallel or there are file system errors.18:40
styler2gook so: when i run apt install -f it just starts the mysqld...18:41
styler2goi will try running your postinst directly18:41
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tomreynbefore oyu do this, make sure all mysql processes are terminated18:42
tomreynthe postconf script will probably start mysqld up as part of the configuration18:42
styler2goeven running /bin/bash /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-8.0.postinst configure just starts the mysqld and hangs up :(18:43
tomreyni'm wondering whether the root causse is actually     [ERROR] [MY-000061] [Server] 1396  Operation ALTER USER failed for 'root'@'localhost'.18:43
styler2goi can create a localhost user wait18:43
tomreynnote that besides the "mysql-server-8.0" package, the "mysql-server" package was also pending an upgrade earlier.18:47
styler2gojupp, that helped18:48
tomreynstyler2go: nice. i need to leave for a bit, should be back in 45 min, but not for long. please sum up the situation again and repeat your question if you need help in the meantime.18:49
styler2gotomreyn, the root@ was the problem. thank you a lot!18:49
imihi. how can I prevent a certain generated file to be deleted when rightclick rebuild is issued in qt creator (qmake based project)?18:53
imimischan sorry18:55
oerheksimi, you might want to reask in #kubuntu ?18:58
imioerheks: ok, thank you, don't worry :)19:02
StephenLynxholy shit the issue is steam19:14
StephenLynxif I have steam window open19:14
StephenLynxthe audio of other stuff goes weird.19:14
* oerheks avoids 'holy shit' and goes couchsurfing19:15
jamesnvcany other ideas for things I can try to get my apt to work?19:34
jamesnvcI tried changing the sources to some other things in "software & updates", and some sources are able to fetch some of the sources, but a bunch of them still fail19:35
oerheksjamesnvc, sudo apt install -f # or removes the lists, and run spt update again > sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists >>>  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure19:38
oerhekselse i have no clue what is wrong :-(19:38
alikHi everyone. Are ubuntu mirrors currently broken? apt update fails with default mirrors.19:40
oerhekshi alik, can you pastebin the output of sudo apt update please?19:41
CarlFKNo one in u-mirror is complaining19:41
jamesnvcunless it's the same weird thing I'm experiencing...19:41
oerheksCarlFK, thanks for your responce, jamesnvc and alik seem to have issues, jamesnvc on Connection failed [IP: 80]19:42
alikCurrently tested on two machines: Ubuntu 18.4 desktop and 18.04 server. Spinning up a VM to test.19:42
oerheksi am on the dutch mirror, lets see what main does..19:43
oerheksno issue :-(19:44
alikWhat is weird is that just curl-in the mirror seems to work. I guess I'll have to look at tcpdump.19:45
oerheksus.archive.ubuntu.com is serious slow ..19:45
jamesnvcalik, I'm seeing the same issue; glad to know it's not just me, at least19:46
tomreynwhich of these six ips are you referring to?19:46
tomreynalik:  can oyu run this and post the http addree it returns?    curl --resolve ca.archive.ubuntu.com: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ &> /tmp/curl; cat /tmp/curl | nc termbin.com 999919:47
alikI tried with
tomreynoh curl works for you as well, ok19:47
tomreynthat's the same as jamesnvc reported19:48
aliktomreyn https://termbin.com/0cq219:48
alikjamesnvc, what mirror are you having issue with?19:48
oerheksyes, all in the 91.189.91.XX range19:49
tomreynyes, looks fine. so it could be intermittent packet loss, a flaky route, a misconfigured firewall on the destination,19:49
jamesnvcca.archive.ubuntu.com, but securuity.ubuntu.com and ppa.launchpad.net are all failing for me19:49
tomreynall of those point to canonicals cloud19:49
jamesnvchm, although one that's also failing for me is teamviewer's repo, which is at
alikjamesnvc, the same for me, interesting.19:50
tomreynmaybe you two can check your mtr / traceroutes for similarities?19:51
tomreynyou're with different ISPs AS9009 vs AS5645, but both in .CA19:53
oerhekswell, there are some problems with powerlines and such in cali ..19:54
tomreyncanada, not california19:55
tomreynalik: can you post mtr output, too, to compare?19:56
tomreynjamesnvc: your destination address was?19:57
tomreyntcpdump then, i'd say19:58
alikSame mtr for me, also on teksavvy19:58
jamesnvcoh, that was to ca.archive.ubuntu.com19:58
aliktomreyn you see me on different ISP because of VPN. So since both of us on the same ISP maybe its ISP problem?19:58
jamesnvcinteresting...something weird on teksavvy's network (which I guess is roger's fault))19:58
jamesnvcwe can both curl though, how odd :S19:59
jamesnvchuh https://askubuntu.com/questions/1185612/apt-get-stuck-on-waiting-for-headers19:59
jamesnvcapparently this is a thing that rogers is doing now19:59
tomreynalik: oh, could be then. but we'd yet need to find out what exactly. could be a transparent proxy. the route jamesnvc posted is way too short19:59
alikYes. But looking at tcpdump I see packets sent but no replies. Wondering if its some filtering based on header/UA? Gonna do some experiments.20:00
tomreynomg isp fail20:00
jamesnvcYup; I changed the user agent for apt and it works again20:01
tomreynapparently their thinking must have been along the lines of "our users are good users, they only use http clients from this whitelist we made up by fair dice roll, and we have all the rights to block the traffic of our paying customers if they use something abnormal!!!111"20:02
alikCan confirm, problem with user agent20:02
tomreyncan only recomend you send them your love and appreciation.20:03
alikE.g. curl --header 'Host: ca.archive.ubuntu.com' --header 'User-Agent: Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (1.6.6)'   - this doesnt work. Without user agent works >_<20:03
jamesnvctomreyn: oh, I will surely be doing that20:04
tomreynchances are it's just a misconfiguration on their part, though, i shouldn't be so mean.20:04
tomreynthe reports are all fairly young20:05
jamesnvcyeah, I won't be, just let them know that people out there are affected20:05
tomreynthey probably tried to reroute this traffic to a proxy server they host.20:05
alikGoing to write them as well. Thank you everyone for help, appreciate the responsiveness.20:06
jamesnvcyes, thank you so much for helping figure out this issue, it was very puzzling!20:06
NewToLubuntuwould anyone here know about firefox and flash players for troubleshooting?20:15
jeremy31NewToLubuntu: Even the browsers are stopping the use of flash20:16
tomreynflash will be gone soon, for many reasons. do you strictl still need it?20:16
NewToLubunturight now I'm trying to do an online course20:16
NewToLubuntuits instructions use an embed of Brightcove Player Version 6.37.320:17
NewToLubuntumy guess is they probably won't update this any time soon20:17
tomreyni'm not sure about the version, but generally this player works fine without flash20:17
NewToLubuntuI'm able to play the video, but the fullscreen button on the lower-right is non-responsive20:17
NewToLubuntuso it's very difficult to see the video details20:17
NewToLubuntuhttps://support.brightcove.com/known-issues-studio-brightcove-player-and-apis mentions something about this20:18
NewToLubuntu"In environments where Flash is disabled or Flash-based HLS is disabled  for the player, and the player is explicitly sized using a style  attribute on the video  tag, fullscreen viewing may not function in some browsers."20:18
NewToLubuntuso I'm trying to figure out if I have Flash and/or Flash-based HLS enabled20:18
NewToLubuntuI'm not sure what to search for under the Synaptic Package Manager for Lubuntu though, I'm hoping it's something that just wasn't included which I could download20:19
ioriaNewToLubuntu, sy, Brightcove is based on html5 afaik, why do you need flash ?20:20
tomreynNewToLubuntu: you should talk to the company whose courses you're using and point them to this information. in the meantime, you can try playing those videos in an external player such as vlc instead.20:21
tomreynhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hls-stream-detector/ might help there (I have no first hand experience with it)20:23
tomreyninstalling flash seems like the worst solution20:23
NewToLubuntuit usually has security vulnerabilites I'm guessing...20:26
NewToLubuntumaybe if I onl enabled it for just this one site?20:26
NewToLubuntuI actually already e-mailed my school about it but my guess is it would take a lot of work to rewrite the pages so they won't do it very quickly, and I have limited time to complete the course20:27
NewToLubuntuI have VLC but I'm not sure how I would have it access these videos, I can't see a way to download them20:27
tomreynif you'd install the firefox extension i pointed you to it would let you extract the stream url from the web page and then you could open this in vlc20:28
NewToLubuntuI installed the HLS stream detector as tomreyn advised, and got a notification...20:28
NewToLubuntubut I'm not sure how "use the right-click context menu to copy the URL" would work20:28
NewToLubuntuwhen I right click, "The Stream Menu" is an option that displays at the bottom now20:29
recon_dskNewToLubuntu: install videodownloadhelper into firefox and download any web video20:29
NewToLubuntubut hoverong on that only gives a "Pause Detection" thing to click20:29
tomreynNewToLubuntu: maybe this browser extension i found isn't the best, you can try another one20:30
tomreynas i said, i never used it.but there will be many like this.20:30
NewToLubuntuthis? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/versions/20:31
recon_dskyep, thats the one, free for linux :)20:31
NewToLubuntuthis says it can "access data for all websites"20:37
NewToLubuntudoes mozilla.addons.org investigate stuff for trustworthiness before allowing them?20:37
NewToLubuntuI wouldn't want my email passwords to get taken20:38
NewToLubuntuhttps://www.downloadhelper.net/privacy says "When using the Video DownloadHelper, no data are sent back to our service.  " but what about other services?20:40
recon_dskNewToLubuntu: buggered if i know, the dev makes his money off windows users. other than that I've no idea.20:42
alikNewToLubuntu: you can create a VM and do all this flash/addon installation and downloading there, so none of your data will be exposed if the extension is compromised.20:42
recon_dskor add a new user and add the plugin on that users firefox20:44
recon_dskprobably not as safe as a vm though20:45
tomreynNewToLubuntu: if you have a look at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/ you'll notice a "Recommended" icon and link you can follow to read more about this classification. it is not Free Software (GPL compatible) and the developer seems to also sell a pro version of it, but other than that i would not worry if the other option under consideration was installing adobe flash.20:46
jayjoi've got 'hot corners' enabled in ubuntu 19.10 ... is there a way to exclude minimized/hidden windows in the hot corner expansion? i'll hide a few windows but they still show on the desktop high-level view21:20
k1tsun3for whatever reason my time on an ubuntu vm is incorrect21:26
k1tsun3i tried running sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com but it says the ntp socket is in use21:27
NewToLubuntualik regarding VMs is that like using WineHQ to emulate windows?21:31
NewToLubuntuI've heard about this but haven't tried it yet. I am worried about how many resources it might use though as my comp is slow and locks up easily21:31
NewToLubuntuit looks trustworthy so I installed it tomreyn21:33
NewToLubuntuin trying to run "Some operations required by Video DownloadHelper cannot be performed from within the browser. In order to be able to still do the job, the add-on relies on an external application that is  called transparently. We call it the Companion Application. "21:34
NewToLubuntuI need to select either a deb or tarz at https://www.downloadhelper.net/install-coapp?browser=firefox21:34
shibbolethwhy does not ubuntu allow for simple https:// in sources.list?21:41
alikNewToLubuntu: a VM (virtual machine) is like emulating the whole computer, so you can install any OS on it and it will be completely isolated from your host OS. You can search for some VirtualBox examples.21:41
jeremy31shibboleth: wrong place to ask, find some devs21:41
alikshibboleth: https://whydoesaptnotusehttps.com/21:42
shibbolethyeah, repos can still very well do it21:42
shibbolethif requested21:42
shibboleththere have been issues with apt. mitm=install arb package, code exec21:42
NewToLubuntuI'm wondering about something like https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/native_hls_playback/ except I'm trying to find a "Recommended" version21:59
NewToLubuntua flash-free HLS player called TheoPlayer is also mentioned at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=107113222:00
ubottuMozilla bug 1071132 in Streaming "HLS stream doesn't work on Desktop (Linux)" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]22:00
recon_dskNewToLubuntu: videodownloadhelper not do the business? Dont think i've ever tried to use it on a flash site.22:07
cybercryptoHi there, is the new experimental zfs feature, allowing zfs on root + cryptfs (like lvm over crypto) ?22:08
cybercryptoI know that using Luks (very common nowadays) we can have lvm structure on top of luks. I am wondering if it is possible to have it based on zfs (instead of ext4, currently)22:10
AstreaeHello, I could do with a bit of help and I was directed here.22:40
Bashing-om!ask | Astreae22:41
ubottuAstreae: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:41
AstreaeThanks for the info. I'm trying to automount a partition so my steam drive can use it. I edited my fstab so it will automount, but steam says it doesn't have exec permissions even though it should. Here's the entry in fstab: UUID=abc142b3-0905-4fc8-9c12-8d957f6f52d6 /media/astreae/Linux\040Games ext4 errors=remount-ro,auto,exec,rw,user 0 022:43
oerhekshow did you install steam?22:47
AstreaeThrough terminal.22:47
oerheksthe snap version has this confinement, not looking outisde its tree22:47
AstreaeIt's worked when I manually mounted, but when I tried to do it automatically, steam doesn't like it.22:47
oerheksmaybe it contains errors, have you tried a fsck ?22:50
NewToLubunturecon_dsk actually I think I figured out how TheStreamDetector works22:51
NewToLubuntuthis lets me just open the videos or download them22:51
NewToLubuntuthe wonky thing is it accumulates a number of links as you load pages with streams22:57
NewToLubuntubut left-clicking the add-on icon actually clears them from the cache22:57
NewToLubuntuthat's why I kept getting 0 results22:57
NewToLubuntuyou actually have to right-click the icon and hover over "The Stream Detector" to see those links22:57
NewToLubuntuin my case there was 2 streams actually, master.m3u8 was 669 bites and rendition.m3u8 was 1.1KiB22:58
NewToLubuntuit seemed very small. when I double click it opens with the purple-icon mpv Media Player22:59
NewToLubuntua kilobyte for 1 whole minute of decent vidya...23:00
NewToLubuntumy File Manager is calling the file type an HTTP File Streaming Playlist23:00
NewToLubuntuso I think it probably works like a URL23:00
NewToLubuntubut it solves the problem: it opens outside of Firefox and allows me to maximize23:00
pjstirlinghi, I updated my system and now I get a purple screen on boot, I can ssh in though23:02
tomreynpjstirling: updated, or upgraded? which ubuntu version is it running now?23:06
pjstirlingI moved to 19.1023:09
tomreynpjstirling: so you upgraded from ubuntu 19.04 to ubuntu 19.10?23:09
tomreynwhich graphics card / chipset is installed?23:10
pjstirlingit's a virtualbox vm23:10
tomreynwhich virtualbox graphics driver are you using, how much vram is assigned, are guest extensions installed, is it booting in bios mode (default for virtualbox) or uefi mode?23:12
tomreynand is 3D acceleration enabled for this VM in virtualbox?23:13
tomreyni assume ubuntu is the standard gnome-shell desktop (with gdm as login manager)?23:14
pjstirlingI'm not sure which is running, I install xubuntu but had problems in the past with login managers23:14
pjstirlingI killed the guest additions, 3d acceleration isn't enabled, 128mb graphics memory, VboxSVGA23:17
tomreynso if you'll install guest additions this may make things work already. alternatively, assuming you're using gdm3 as a login manager (default on ubuntu, not sure about xubuntu), this initialized using wayland by default, which can result in what you're seeing, since virtualbox doesn't really support wayland yet.23:20
tomreynps auxw | grep dm      should hint on which login manager is in use23:20
tomreynor just     cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager23:21
tomreynif it's gdm3, you should edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and uncomment (remove the leading hash before) "WaylandEnable=false"23:22
tomreynalso note that the preferred virtualbox driver for linux guests is VMSVGA (if available)23:23
pjstirlingaha, switching to vmsvga and turning on 3d acceleration seem to have done the trick23:26
pjstirlingthanks for the help23:27
tomreynyou're welcome23:27

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