
mupPR snapd#8086 opened: daemon: Allow clients to call /v2/logout via Polkit <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8086>03:27
mborzeckibrb, new kernel06:21
mborzeckiand back06:22
zygaJanek’s fever got me07:36
zygaWorking but sick07:36
mborzeckizyga: hey, maybe take some time off?07:40
mborzeckimvo: hey07:42
mvohey mborzecki07:43
mborzeckimvo: came up with this to trigger the failure in linking https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MHYXNkvJzZ/ that could brick the device07:44
mvomborzecki: uh, woah07:49
mvomborzecki: this is where the generator will help?07:49
mborzeckimvo: yes, the generator would ensure that the units are there and snapd.service is enabled07:51
mborzeckimvo: can you cherry pick https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8082 to 2.43?07:56
mupPR #8082: data, packaging: Add sudoers snippet to allow snaps to be run with sudo <Created by Conan-Kudo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8082>07:56
pedronisdo we need a .3 ?07:57
mborzeckiquick errand at school, back in 30 or so08:05
mvopedronis: I hope not, did I miss something this morning that may require a .308:10
mvomborzecki: will cherry pick it08:10
pedronismvo: I just wondered why mborzecki asked you to cherry pick08:11
pedronisif there's no .308:11
mvopedronis: I think just in case we do08:16
mupPR snapd#8080 closed: dirs: manjaro-arm is like manjaro <Bug> <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8080>08:32
mborzeckipedronis: mvo: yes, just in case we do a .308:33
mupPR snapd#8087 opened: dirs: variable with distros using alternate snap mount <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8087>08:45
pstolowskipedronis: +2 on #8084 (but travis is unhappy)08:46
mupPR #8084: many,randutil: centralize and streamline our random value generation <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8084>08:46
mborzeckibtw #7972 needs a 2nd review08:46
mupPR #7972: overlord/snapstate, wrappers: undo of snapd on core <Remodel 🚋> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7972>08:46
pedronispstolowski: yes, timeout on ubuntu tests :/08:51
pedronispstolowski: thx for the review08:51
mupPR snapd#8086 closed: daemon: Allow clients to call /v2/logout via Polkit <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8086>08:57
kbroulikHi, I noticed the Telegram Snap reports an incorrect desktop file name in its BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT. The name it reports is telegram-desktop_telegramdesktop whereas the actual desktop file is telegram-desktop_telegram-desktop - is that a snap bug or an issue on Telegram's side? I recall snap building meddling with desktop file names?09:24
zygaLucy has fever too09:40
zygakbroulik: it could be split between the two, but I don't recall how we generate that line09:41
zygakbroulik: let me check09:41
pstolowskii've just checked09:41
zygapstolowski: thanks!09:41
zygamvo: I may need to take today off, I also feel sick today :/09:41
zyga(Janek, me and now Lucy too)09:41
zygamvo: gadget bugs don't have a launchpad presence, or do they?09:43
pstolowskithe exec line is 'Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/telegram-desktop_telegram-desktop.desktop /snap/bin/telegram-desktop -- %u'09:43
mvozyga: in a meeting, will get back to you09:43
pstolowskiand the file under /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications is telegram-desktop_telegram-desktop.desktop09:43
pstolowski^ kbroulik09:44
pstolowskikbroulik: so looks fine here. where are you seeing that wrong hint? also, what versions of snapd and telegram snap do you have?09:44
zygamvo: all good, no need09:48
kbroulikpstolowski: oh, possibly the desktop file I have in my autostart is outdated then09:53
kbroulikyup. my autostart desktop file is outdated/wrong09:53
kbroulikthat explains why I was randomly seeing this phenomenon, typically in the morning ;)09:53
kbroulikwhen i start telegram manually it is correct. Oh well, sorry for the noise then09:54
mborzeckikbroulik: it should be enough to have a symlink to /var/lib/snapd/desktop/telegram-desktop_telegra-desktop.desktop09:55
kbroulikyeah, I was wondering that. However, the file also had a different name, so that wouldnt have helped09:55
kbroulikit probably was telegram-desktop_telegramdesktop a few months ago09:55
mborzeckiright, there might have been some fixes for the autogenerated destop file naming09:56
pstolowskikbroulik: great09:56
kbroulikI'll see what we can do on the KDE side of things, maybe use a symlink and then show a "could not autostart all programs [configure autostart]" so we fail gracefully rather than silently starting an ever-so-slightly broken version09:58
mupPR snapd#8088 opened: tests/lib/prepare-restore: Revert "Continue on errors updating or installing dependencies" <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8088>10:03
mborzeckiour project prepare is flaky ^^ looks like this was masking some errors10:03
zygamborzecki: can you git blame and see what's the reason for the original code?10:12
zygaI see10:12
mborzeckizyga: that's from before we had *-unstable systems10:12
zygawe should land or close https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/804710:17
mupPR #8047: tests: detect LXD launching i386 containers <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8047>10:18
mborzeckizyga: do you recall why we have mock in spread suite package dependencies on fedora?10:30
zygaperhaps we used to build with mock?10:31
zygabut otherwise no, it should not be there10:31
mborzeckican i get some reviews of #8081?10:37
mupPR #8081: tests/main/user-session-env: add test verifying environment variables inside the user session <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8081>10:37
mborzeckizyga: ^^ maybe?10:37
mborzeckiit's super simple10:38
zygamborzecki: does su -l or sudo -l setup a session?10:44
zygamborzecki: approved10:45
zygamvo: I'm off, going upstairs to the other sick folks10:46
pedronismvo: I reviewed #8063 and made a slightly annoying comment, sorry10:46
zygaI'll be back later to check upon things, if I feel better10:46
mborzeckizyga: no, it's weird but they do not, in this sense, afaiu the genrators, /lib/environment.d handling is only done when there's systemd --user involved, something that does not happen with su/sudo10:46
zygaI'll skip standup10:46
mupPR #8063: cmd/snap: implement 'snap remove-user' <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8063>10:46
mvopedronis: thank you, it's fine10:47
mvozyga: get well!10:47
mupPR snapd#8089 opened: features: enable robust mount ns updates <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8089>10:47
ijohnsonMorning folks10:52
mborzeckiijohnson: hey, you're up early ;)11:03
ijohnsonmborzecki: indeed!11:04
pstolowskihi ijohnson!11:09
ijohnsono/ pstolowski11:09
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Chipacazyga: WRT #core18/89, I talked with xnox at the sprint and was told it would be fixed Soon™11:30
mupIssue core18#89: bash completion not installed if "core" snap is not installed <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/issue/89>11:31
xnoxChipaca:  but did I do it? Not yet!11:31
Chipacaxnox: so you're saying it should be Soon℠, not Soon™?11:32
pedronismvo: this is a possible smoking gun on the running too long suites:  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/m7cJKkjGjp/11:45
pedronisI got a timeout again11:45
mvopedronis: is this just 20.04? or all over the place?11:45
ijohnsonpedronis: I've seen that before a week or two ago, but wasn't able to find the cause of that11:45
pedronismvo: only 20.04 afaict in my run11:46
ijohnsonmvo: pedronis: I saw it on 19.10 too https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4Kqpj2CnPb/11:46
pedronismvo: the full log is here: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/645874351/log.txt11:47
pedronisanyway it would be good if we made it fail at least11:47
pedronisvs hanging11:47
pedronisand timeout the whole suite11:47
ijohnsonhmm actually my failure had a different pulseaudio error11:47
pedronisin this one btw afaict the test never finishes11:48
* mvo scratches head11:50
pstolowskipedronis: hey, looking at you comment re #7705: "we should think how to avoid these changes, probably by having a *firstBootBaseTest .."; do you mean having makeSeedChange) in a new firstBootBaseTest?11:50
mupPR #7705: o/devicestate: handle preseed in firstboot <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705>11:50
pedronispstolowski: no, I mean structuring nesting the suite setup a bit differently11:52
pedronispstolowski: let me try to see if I can sketch something to be clearer11:54
pstolowskipedronis: thanks11:55
mborzeckihm why would it ping bluez in a vm on gcp?11:57
mborzeckipedronis: any chance this test was running after one that installs bluez?11:58
pedronispstolowski: this https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705/files#r374630332 if it makes any sense12:03
mupPR #7705: o/devicestate: handle preseed in firstboot <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705>12:03
pstolowskipedronis: thanks, will play with it12:06
ijohnsonpedronis: 8077 is ready again, note that it's gotten rather large again, if you'd prefer I can close this and we can land the smaller bits from the PR individually now?12:11
mborzecki8075 and 8076 would be a good start12:11
pedronisijohnson: thx, I'll look and decide, trying to finish something else ATM12:11
ijohnsonpedronis: no rush, thanks12:12
mupPR snapd#7965 closed: DRAFT - tests: enabling main and regression test suites for core20 <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7965>12:20
mborzeckiijohnson: some comments in 807612:37
ijohnsonmborzecki: thanks looking now12:37
mborzeckiijohnson: the part that mounts the kernel tries to use the current kernel as fallback, we should probably do the same for base, and use one that's listed in base= in modeenv (does that make sense?)12:38
ijohnsonyes that makes sense, I will implement that now12:38
ijohnsonafk for a little bit12:48
pedronisijohnson: it's a bit hard to judge because of the prereq but it might make sense to try to split out the initramfs bits12:51
ijohnsonpedronis: the initramfs is already split out - that's 807612:51
pedroniswe really need to solve the test snap-bootstrap issue12:52
mborzeckipedronis: can we ask nicely for relevant packages and snaps to be rebuilt? :)12:59
mborzeckiijohnson probably did that already12:59
pedronisnot really, this is about the kernel12:59
pedronisit cannot be rebuilt that often12:59
pedroniswe really need to inject in our tests12:59
mborzeckipedronis: ah, i see what you mean, we coudl try repacking it in prepare, i can look into that13:03
pedronismborzecki: I think ijohnson has a PR, but is building things and is too slow (5m)13:04
pedronismborzecki: you should sync with mvo on this13:04
ijohnsonmborzecki yes the PR is open but it is slow and I had an issue where sometimes it fails to reboot for reasons I don't understand, same thing works locally outside of spread13:07
mborzeckiijohnson: ok, let me look at it13:07
pstolowskicachio: hey, i've replied to one of your comments under  my new nested vm nests; let me know if you need more info about how preseeding works13:08
cachiopstolowski, nice, I'll take a look13:09
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cachiopstolowski, hey, images created13:45
cachioI added the info to the PR13:45
pstolowskicachio: oh wow, that was fast, thank you!13:45
cachioI can test them on my afternoon if you need help on that13:46
cachioafter I finish snapd validation13:46
cachiopstolowski, if you want I can update the spread.yaml with the new info13:51
pstolowskicachio: that would be great, ty13:52
pstolowskicachio: are you going to push any spread.yaml changes to my PR, or a separate one?14:40
cachiopstolowski, in yours, give me 1 minutes14:41
pstolowskicachio: awesome, np14:41
jdstrand_pedronis: hey, what kind of coordination needs to happen with the store re plug-names/slot-names (ignoring the review-tools for a moment)? eg, if I issued a snap decl with plugs-names, today, what would happen?14:44
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pedronisjdstrand: the version they use of the assertion library need to be updated14:45
jdstrandpedronis: ok, so it will give version 4. and what happens if the store gives version 4 and snapd still only supports version 3?14:45
pedronisjdstrand: it gets the old format answer14:46
pedronisit gets the assertion with the highest revision with the old format14:46
cachiopstolowski, cant push to your branch14:46
jdstrandpedronis: so the store knows to strip out the version 4-only bits?14:46
cachiopstolowski, do you want the diff?14:46
pedronisjdstrand: so it uses the old value14:46
pedronisit uses the old assertion14:46
pedronisit doesn't strip things14:47
jdstrandpedronis: ah. ok14:47
pedronisjdstrand: it filters on format the known revisions14:47
jdstrandpedronis: so, in order to start issuing plug-names, we need to make sure that snapd 2.44 has gone to stable (for reexec) and all distros without reexec have 2.4414:48
pstolowskicachio: sure you can give me the diff; perhaps you added my git remote with https:// instead of ssh?14:48
jdstrandpedronis: (and the assertion library needs updating of course)14:48
pedronisjdstrand: yes, we do need 2.44 to be widely released14:48
jdstrandpedronis: has the assertion library been updated?14:49
pedronisnot yet14:49
pedronisthey were going through a previous update yesterday14:49
pedronisI will ask them to, so it's done before 2.4414:49
jdstrandpedronis: and in terms of cross distro, it seems that sometimes we don't update everywhere. are you planning to for 2.44?14:50
jdstrand(for distros without reexec)14:50
pedronisjdstrand: we should try, do you have something particular in mind?14:52
pedronisI mean some particular distro?14:52
jdstrandpedronis: I'm just trying to document when we can cut over to plug-names for personal-files/system-files and trying to get a feel for the timing14:53
pedronisjdstrand: ok, we'll need probably a slightly slow approach to that14:58
jdstrandpedronis: I was also wondering if you had plans or thought about updating the base decl policy for this. eg, snapd-control with plug-names: $INTERFACE14:58
pedronisjdstrand: yes, but we need to go check how many snaps wouldn't need changes14:58
cachiopstolowski, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tW7K2pcQ4B/14:58
jdstrandpedronis: yes, that is what I've gathered14:58
pstolowskicachio: ty14:59
pedronisjdstrand: also to be honest changing the base decl is not that useful14:59
cachiosorry, my network failed14:59
pedronisit mostly says you cannot have those interfaces14:59
jdstrandpedronis: oh, yeah. I didn't ask about personal-files because it has an installation contraint, but then, so does snapd-control :)15:00
pedronisall the superpriviledge ones says no15:00
pedronisso it would be a matter to change the snap-declaration15:00
jdstrandpedronis: yes15:00
pedronisbut we need to check the snaps15:00
pedronisalso change the UI15:00
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pedronisto produce different patterns15:01
pedronisthat needs store work15:01
jdstrandit becomes a process thing15:01
jdstrandok, thanks15:01
mborzeckimvo: ijohnson: this is what i've got so far15:24
ijohnsonmborzecki: you can also filter dirs to use when extracting with unsquashfs so you could just do all of them except firmware IIUC15:25
mborzeckiright, that's the next step :)15:25
ijohnsonmborzecki: but that all looks good to me, excited to see it work :-)15:26
mvomborzecki: woah, that is pretty far, nice job15:30
pedronisijohnson: thank you, I did a pass on 8077, couple minor things in basestate20.go, we need with mborzecki to unblock the prereqs before getting this one in, also as I mentioned in the standup it probably needs 2 other reviewers as well16:07
* cachio lunch16:07
ijohnsonpedronis: ack makes sense16:07
pedronispstolowski: are you blocked on me reviewing something ATM?16:11
mborzeckihmm same method of unpacking, but on focal unmkinitramfs works fine but on bionic it says premature end of archive and does not extract the rest of initrd16:14
pedroniscan't we now make the core 20 based on a focal image ?16:19
pedronissorry, I mean the core 20 tests16:19
pedronisit starts with a bionic one16:19
pedronisbut not sure is needed anymore?16:19
pstolowskipedronis: not for today. i've addressed your latest comment to #7705, will need your re-review, and after that a review of #8046 (which i'm currently updating based on feedback from Sergio). but tomorrow i may look at doing something new & wait for reviews. i may start adressing known TODOs for firstboot, but i'm not sure about stacking more stuff on top of the two existing PRs16:20
mupPR #7705: o/devicestate: handle preseed in firstboot <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705>16:20
mupPR #8046: many, tests: integrate all preseed bits and add spread tests <Complex> <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8046>16:20
pedronispstolowski: ok, want to eod a bit earlier than yesterday16:20
ijohnsonpedronis: we can't make it based on focal unless cachio creates a uefi image based on focal, not sure how doable that is or not16:23
ijohnsonmborzecki: that's not surprising, perhaps we could make a simple snap based on core20 with the things we need from focal and install it during the build to prep the image ?16:24
ijohnsonmborzecki: I did manage to successfully build a snap based on core20 so I could do that if that is necessary/useful16:25
pstolowskicachio: the new nested vm tests wotk with 19.10 and 20.04 images \o/16:26
ijohnsonpstolowski: do you have a second to chat about the disconnect --forget PR? I'm trying to test it locally but whenever I use the --forget option I get "error: invalid empty plug name"16:26
jdstrandpedronis: one last question (I'm documenting this for reviewers): suppose the assertion library is updated in the store to support v4. now suppose a reviewer issues a snap decl that only uses v3 and lower items. does the store save that as v3 or v4?16:28
mborzeckiijohnson: mvo: need to step out with the kids soonish, i've pushed what i have to ian's branch in #806916:31
mupPR #8069: tests: build the initramfs + kernel snap for UC20 spread tests <Precious Logs> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8069>16:31
ijohnsonmborzecki: I'll take a look in my PM16:31
mvomborzecki: thank you16:31
ijohnsonthanks mborzecki !16:31
pstolowskiijohnson: sure16:32
ijohnsonpstolowski: so it seems that whenever the plug is missing and I use the --forget flag the only error message I get is `error: invalid empty plug name`, even though the plug name is there16:32
jdstrandpedronis: put another way, does the store save to the lowest format that supports the snap decl or to the highest version the assertion library supports?16:32
pedronisjdstrand: the former, v316:33
ijohnsonpstolowski: ^16:33
jdstrandpedronis: ok, cool. thanks!16:33
ijohnsonthat seems wrong but I can't tell where in the code the issue is from?16:34
pstolowskiijohnson: hmm interesting. maybe i missed something, need to check16:34
pedronisjdstrand: asserts has feature detection to pick the lowest format16:35
ijohnsonpstolowski: ok, it's possible I'm doing something wrong to test too, but it seems that error message always shows up for me, no matter the plug name if I use --forget16:39
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pstolowskiijohnson|lunch: it's possible you are onto something.. cmd disconnect (client side) does something with arg swapping. i'm investigating16:40
pstolowskiwill update my spread test16:41
jdstrandpedronis: yeah, cool. that is smart. it allows us the ability to issue an updated v3 and a new v4 declaration (for example) in the store. For reviewers, that is error prone and not particularly transparent (so not recommended in normal work flows), but having the ability just in case is nice16:42
jdstrandpedronis: I was doing a thought experiment on 'what if we started using plug-names ahead of good snapd field penetration' and then had questions on how the store does things (fyi, landed on 'just wait' in case you were wondering)16:44
pedronisjdstrand: to really to that nicely we would like to put them in the assertion store atomically together16:44
pedroniss/to that/do that/16:44
ackkhi, I have a prime dir which I previously had "snap try"'d. the snap (maas) requires maas-cli via content interface. after removing both snaps, I can't seem to be able to remove the maas-cli/lib inside the prime dir, not even as root16:45
ackkhow can I debug what's preventing it?16:45
ackk(I get permission denied)16:45
jdstrandpedronis: yeah. with different forms or something, I guess. the store can't really guess the intent of the decl though, so I also think it is smart we aren't auto-filtering down16:46
pedronisjdstrand: yes, auto-filtering could have strange security implications that are hard to predict16:46
* pedronis mostly eods16:47
jdstrandpedronis: oh, sorry to keep you! enjoy your eod :)16:48
ijohnson|lunchpstolowski: cool glad I helped you find a bug :-)16:52
pstolowskiijohnson|lunch: just confirmed with a spread test, thanks for catching! something is off with shortened syntax16:53
cachiopstolowski, nice, great news16:53
cachioijohnson|lunch, I can update the ubuntu  19.10  created for nested execution and enable uefi in case it is needed16:54
cachioijohnson|lunch, just confirm if you need that and I'll make the change16:55
ijohnson|lunchcachio I don't know yet, I'll look after my lunch to see if it's needed and let you know but to confirm you can't do 20.04 yet correct?16:55
cachioijohnson|lunch, good, just ping me in case you need it16:56
pstolowskiijohnson|lunch: ok, I think I see the problem. the existing ResolveDisconnect code in repo is very tolerant (specifically, the connected() method). with just 1 argument (the plug side) the client swaps args around (so it becomes a slot and empty plug). this is later "corrected" by the flexibility of ResolveDisconnect/connected, which tries to match by treating the arg as plug-or-slot. it gets very confusing along the way17:24
pstolowski because for most of the time we use plugName, slotName as variables, while sometimes they become plug-or-slot really. i haven't reflected this fuzzyness in my variant of ResolveDisconnect with forget17:24
pstolowskii will look at fixing it tomorrow, eod for now17:24
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mupPR snapd#8088 closed: tests/lib/prepare-restore: Revert "Continue on errors updating or installing dependencies" <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8088>17:46
mupPR snapcraft#2909 opened: elf: search for host libraries within search paths <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2909>18:26
mupPR snapd#8084 closed: many,randutil: centralize and streamline our random value generation <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8084>18:34
mupPR snapd#8090 opened: randutil,o/snapstate,-mkauthors.sh: follow ups to randutil introduction <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8090>18:45
mupPR snapd#8087 closed: dirs: variable with distros using alternate snap mount <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8087>19:08
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