
WaVfound the config file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/00:00
WaVNot sure if it is editable via command-line, but it doesn't matter now I guess.00:01
_Sym_Bottlecap65, did you "apt-get update" your sources? You could always manually install the dependencies00:03
Bottlecap65Yea, I did. I'm new to Ubuntu so I'm not completely sure what I'm doing though, what do you mean by manually install the dependencies?00:06
_Sym_Bottlecap65, I mean use wget to pull the deb files from ubuntu's package website and install them with "dpkg -i *.deb"00:07
Bottlecap65It says that I require superuser privilege when I run "dpkg -i *.deb"00:08
Bottlecap65"cannot access archive "*.deb"00:10
Bottlecap65sorry, i'm really clueless when it comes to this00:10
Bottlecap65would it be easier if I installed Ubuntu, then downloaded the Windows 10 .iso and WoeUSB, then just format the drive and install windows?00:10
Bottlecap65instead of running off of the Ubuntu USB, I mean00:10
_Sym_Bottlecap65, its been a while since I ran dual boot, but I think you want to intall Windows first and then Ubuntu second00:11
Bottlecap65I'm not trying to dual boot, I don't actually have an operating system on this computer right now. The only one I do have is Ubuntu on a USB, so I'm trying to install Windows 10 using this00:12
Bottlecap65I had Ubuntu to troubleshoot a hardware problem from awhile ago, I don't really know how to use it00:13
_Sym_Bottlecap65, and your issue is you can't get woeusb to install?00:16
Bottlecap65Yea, basically00:16
_Sym_Bottlecap65, looks like woeusb is not part of the official ubuntu repository00:17
_Sym_Bottlecap65, maybe you can add a ppa for it00:18
_Sym_Bottlecap65, the issue is that your version of woeusb has dependencies that are not in your version of ubuntu00:19
_Sym_a ppa would solve that00:19
Bottlecap65Would I need to update Ubuntu?00:19
Bottlecap65How would I go about getting that00:20
Bottlecap65actually, I think I did that already00:20
Bottlecap65"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8"00:20
Bottlecap65then I did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install woeusb00:21
Bottlecap65But then after the "sudo apt-get install woeusb" I get that error in the pastebin00:21
_Sym_normally the ppa would solve dependencies if its for your version of ubuntu00:22
Bottlecap65I'm running 18.04.300:23
_Sym_look at packages.ubuntu.com00:24
_Sym_see if versions you need are available00:24
Bottlecap65i searched for "woeusb" and it gave 0 results00:25
_Sym_no, the dependencies00:25
_Sym_your version of ubuntu does not have the right versions of the dependencies00:26
Bottlecap65"ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8" right?00:26
sarnoldp7zip-full libwxbase3.0-0v5 libwxgtk3.0-0v500:26
_Sym_18.04 should have those00:28
sarnoldBottlecap65: do you have universe enabled in your apt sources?00:29
sarnoldBottlecap65: try something like add-apt-repository universe00:29
Bottlecap65just added it00:30
Bottlecap65should I try reinstalling?00:30
_Sym_apt-get update00:30
Bottlecap65_Sym_ I checked in 18.04 "Bionic" and webupd didn't show up00:30
_Sym_the issue is not with webupd, its that you need "p7zip-full libwxbase3.0-0v5 libwxgtk3.0-0v5"00:31
_Sym_your error shows what version you need00:31
Bottlecap65sorry, I kinda need to be handheld00:31
Bottlecap65so then do I do "sudo apt-get install universe"?00:32
_Sym_it needs to install p7zip-full00:32
Bottlecap65then install the zip you posted?00:32
_Sym_and p7zip-full needs libwxbase3.0-0v5 (>= 3.0.4+dfsg) and libwxgtk3.0-0v5 (>= 3.0.4+dfsg)00:32
_Sym_so just try "apt-get install p7zip-full"00:33
awalisBottlecap65: _Sym_: https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB/issues/31100:33
awalishave you seen that issue  ?00:33
Bottlecap65_Sym_ just installed, now what00:33
sarnoldawalis: probably best to ignore that, it appears to be about focal, the development release, not 18.0400:34
_Sym_Bottlecap65, if p7zip installed now, then retry woeusb intall00:37
awalissarnold: in debian at least, the package name is a bit different, I see "libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5" instead of just "libwxgtk3.0"00:37
=== NickG365_ is now known as NickG365
lestac_oneloveNickG365 hello!00:38
_Sym_Bottlecap65, "apt-get -f install" should complete the broken installation process if you solved the dependency issue00:38
sarnoldawalis: oh crud, since I got results on https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libwxgtk3.0 I assumed I'd gotten the package name right :/00:39
veebullWhere is the best place (file) to put an export statement so that certain environment variables will be set every time I open the terminal?00:39
Bottlecap65I did "sudo apt-get install woeusb" and it seems to have worked00:39
veebulle.g. export LDLIBS="-lcs50"00:39
Bottlecap65which is what I was getting the error on before00:39
Bottlecap65how do I run it now?00:39
veebullworks, but only for the current session00:39
awalisveebull: ~/.bashrc00:39
_Sym_Bottlecap65, ive never used woeusb, but I'm sure there is a guide00:40
veebullawalis, the main config rc file, not ~/.bash_profile?00:40
Bottlecap65ah I found it, thank you for the help00:40
lestac_onelove"universe" is a package or what?00:41
awalisif my memory is good ~/.bash_profile is for login terminals00:41
awalisthe terminal you open from the desktop environment is not a login terminal00:41
veebullAh.  Gotcha, thanks!00:42
awalisveebull: you're welcome :)00:42
sarnoldlestac_onelove: the ubuntu archive is split into different components -- main is supported by canonical, universe is supported by the community https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu00:42
awalisBottlecap65: what if you try "sudo dd if=/path/to/win.iso of=/dev/sdX" where X is your usb drive letter00:43
sarnoldI don't think windows does that00:44
sarnoldotherwise tools like woeusb and rufus wouldn't exist00:44
awalisfair enough ! sarnold00:44
veebullawalis, hate to say it... but it doesn't appear to work00:46
veebullFWIW, this is what I'm trying to set:00:47
awalisBottlecap65: the WoeUSB github issue link I sent suggests to use the CLI to avoid this gtk dependency00:47
veebullI copy/pasted that into the tail end of ~/.bashrc, reloaded the terminal window... nada00:47
sarnoldveebull: I'd stuff those in the Makefile for the project that needs them00:47
veebullsarnold, at this point in the class, we're not *to* Makefiles yet00:48
sarnoldveebull: those variables only matter in the context of running make, or other build tools, so no need to rush ahead I guess :)00:48
awalisveebull: after modifying the .bashrc you have to source it, (close & open the terminal, or type ". ~/.bashrc")00:49
sarnoldveebull: you may need an 'export LDLIBS' in your configs, etc, for other programs to get the variables00:49
awalisveebull: oh, you did that before sorry00:49
sarnoldveebull: but I still think your best bet is to set them in your makefiles00:49
veebullawalis, before, I was just typing export LDLIBS="-lcs50" at the prompt00:50
veebullsarnold, when we get to using makefiles, I probably will ;)00:50
sarnoldveebull: when you get to makefiles, be *very* careful with tabs vs spaces; make recipes use TABS and will not work if you use spaces00:51
veebullawalis, I've closed and reopened the terminal several times, tried sourcing ~./bashrc, etc.  No go00:51
sarnoldveebull: this bit of advice may not make sense today, but when something doesn't work, double check if you're using tabs or if you're using spaces. it'll make sense then. :)00:51
veebullsarnold, sounds like another reason to prefer python - spaces for the win! ;)00:52
sarnoldveebull: hah, I'm of the opposite opinion. :) I've spent way too much of my life fixing python programs that used to work fine in previous versions but no longer work in newer versions of Python, but my Makefiles just keep working for decades.00:52
bobdobbsHi all. I'm using KDE and liking it. There seems to be a small range of music players for KDE. Are any of them far superior to the others?00:55
sarnoldyeah :) I never understood dislike for make.. sure you have to read the whole oreilly book a few times through before you can get it to go, but it's not so bad once you've got it working00:55
awalisveebull: here's some file the shell may or may not load at launch /etc/profile /etc/bash.bashrc ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile ~/.bash_login ~/.inputrc00:55
en50bobdobbs, try them all and see which one you like :)00:57
awalisdoes anyone here use Qemu ? I've been trying to get android-x86 to launch on it without success00:57
awalisI used these options "qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -machine q35 -smp 2 -accel kvm -m 2048 -k en-us -display gtk -vga std -usb -cdrom android-x86_64-9.0-r1-k49.iso"00:58
awalisinstead of displaying the android GUI, all I get is a command prompt00:59
en50bobdobbs, I use audacious on GNOME. I don't know how GTK integration is in KDE these days, but that's my preferred one. It supports winamp themes, but you can turn that off.01:00
bobdobbsen50: do you know if it's good for managing music on an connected Android device?01:01
sarnoldawalis: hmm, are you sure an .iso is supposed to get you to a gui?01:02
awalissarnold: it has a live CD entry, and install entry01:06
awalisI went both ways01:07
sarnoldheh, livecd does sound like the kind of thing that ought to give you a gui01:07
awalislive CD doesn't get my to the GUI01:07
sarnoldis that prompt useful enough to see logfiles? dmesg?01:07
awalisI even went through the install, on reboot it's the same issue, a land on a command prompt instead of the android GUI01:07
awalissarnold: might be :)01:08
s3vlahey there hows it going? Where should I go to, in order to solve this error: "SUMMARY: libfuzzer: deadly signal" ... "NOTE: libfuzzer has rudimentary signal handler"01:12
Bottlecap65_Sym_ my computer just crashed and i lost everything since it's on a usb, could you repaste the p7zip thing?01:16
sarnoldBottlecap65: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/03/24/%23ubuntu.html01:19
Bottlecap65ah ty01:20
sarnolds3vla: does it look like that message came as a result of fuzzing something? ie, a bug in whatever it is you're testing?01:20
sarnoldwell done :)01:20
s3vlabut it only happens on an older machine of mine01:20
sarnoldsometimes a C implemtnation and optimized assembly implementation will be provided for computationally intensive things01:21
s3vlacan only get one single fuzzer to work on that machine ..01:21
sarnoldso you may have found a flaw in the C version that can't be tripped with the assembly version01:22
sarnoldand perhaps the choice of routines is made based on CPU features, either at compile time or runtime01:22
myuserare there any changes for mdadm in 20.04?01:23
s3vlayes, that might be something along those lines sarnold ... thing is I have got no idea how to modify it01:25
sarnoldmyuser: the View Full Changelog link here may be helpful https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm01:25
s3vlais that even possible? if so what should I learn?01:25
sarnoldmyuser: it's a bit confusing since there's changelogs from several releases interleaved together, but it'll have a fair amount of information without forcing you just read the sources immediately, hehe01:26
sarnolds3vla: it depends upon what you're fuzzing01:26
sarnolds3vla: it'll probably take some source code changes though, fuzzing is a bit more work to do well than I expected01:26
s3vlasarnold thanks for the tip!01:28
en50bobdobbs, I don't think it can do what you're looking for. Sorry01:31
=== daniel is now known as Guest42539
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
RoseBushello friends, i just uninstalled a lot of stuff on windows to shrink the partition and expand my ubuntu partition01:59
RoseBusi'm trying to make ubuntu my main mode from now on01:59
RoseBusso far i've noticed a significant increase in battery life :)02:00
banyantreedo you like to remove windows completely or just set the default value in your bootmanager like grub02:00
RoseBusi still need windows for microsoft office02:00
banyantreejust like me02:01
RoseBuswhat a shame this libre-office has come so far but can't compete with msoffice02:01
banyantreewhat do you miss?02:02
banyantreei dont miss anything02:02
banyantreesame shit02:02
banyantreebut only other language02:02
RoseBuscollaborating with others02:02
sarnoldbut half the financial software in the world is in vba02:02
sarnoldgood luck converting it02:02
banyantreethats a good point02:03
RoseBusand downloading macro-enabled *.xlsm files02:03
RoseBusfor example nvidia's pinmux for their jetson nano comes in .xlsm format02:04
sarnoldwhat's a pinmux, what's a jetson, and ewww nano, the first package I uninstall on any ubuntu system :)02:04
RoseBuspinmux is basically configuring the hardware pinout on the jetson nano (small board comparable to raspberry pi but loaded with a nice GPU)02:06
RoseBusso you edit the excel file and click the button and a macro will generate a hardware tree file02:06
banyantreewhat stuff are you going to develope?02:06
RoseBus"device tree"02:06
RoseBusi think02:06
RoseBusi was working on a silly project to detect vehicles using a camera mounted on a bicycle02:07
RoseBusnothing spectaculat02:07
banyantreesounds very cool!02:07
RoseBusit's a pain in my but02:08
RoseBussenior design project02:08
RoseBushello, i'm having trouble configuring my bluetooth headset with ubuntu02:23
RoseBusi'm using bose soundlink02:23
RoseBusi think it uses pulseaudio02:23
JoakimZieglerHello, I'm having some problems installing Ubuntu Server 19.10 on an AMD Threadripper / ASUS Prime TRX40-Pro motherboard with an NVidia Geforce GT1030 GPU. Basically, the installer hangs right after enumerating USB devices. Using "Safe Graphics" or manually adding nomodeset to the GRUB options doesn't make any difference.02:38
JoakimZieglerIs there some known problem I should be aware of?02:39
theobald‏could someone send me ubuntu.css , i messed up mine02:39
sarnoldJoakimZiegler: maybe try one of the focal daily images, I've heard something about amd better supported in the upcoming release02:39
JoakimZieglersarnold: I was actually considering those, because ideally I want this box to end up on an LTS version anyway. Are those images fairly stable now?02:41
theobald‏usr -> share -> gnome-shell -> theme -> ubuntu.css02:42
sarnoldJoakimZiegler: I'm not sure; the kernel I'm running has some seriously frustrating issues, but I haven't rebooted into a newer kernel lately.02:42
JoakimZieglersarnold: Hm, might just give it a try, not much to lose I guess.02:43
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
sarnoldJoakimZiegler: and I think a transition between gnome versions is underway at the moment, so the desktop may have its own issues (I run i3wm, so no idea how much that affects the system)02:43
sarnoldJoakimZiegler: good point :)02:43
JoakimZieglersarnold: Is there a daily server image? I don't really need/want any desktop stuff on this.02:43
sarnoldoh right, ubuntu server, then the gnome transiotn probably doesn't matter02:43
JoakimZieglerOr alternatively, can I use the desktop image and just install minimally to avoid the desktop stuff?02:44
sarnoldJoakimZiegler: try this http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/02:44
JoakimZieglersarnold: Ah, excellent, thank you.02:44
JoakimZieglerI'll try that, this is just a simple production server that will eventually host critical infrastructure VMs, so no reason not to try some daily builds. :)02:45
sarnoldJoakimZiegler: but still, if you can report bugs, that'd be sweet :)02:45
theobald‏could someone send me /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css from 18.04.202:45
JoakimZieglersarnold: I might well, in a high-pitched keening voice.02:45
JoakimZieglersarnold: That worked and installed, at least. I'll report bugs if I find any. Thanks for your help.03:17
=== mrbeyond is now known as mrinfinity
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
alesanhello, I have a command called "mplayer" installed from the regular ubuntu apt.04:34
alesanif I type mplayer [TAB] [TAB] it does NOT SHOW ANYTHING even if there are several files in the current directory. why is tab completion not working?04:35
alesanit works in the other cases04:35
enriooooooogetting sslexception from terminal even when ca certificate is present.04:55
nomad_frhi, my screen locker is strange, it lock when I close my lid but don't blank it ... when I open my lid my screen seems not block but I have to type my passwd and enter to unlock ... it's like I have a transparent lock screen05:12
drbean_What's the equivalent to RedHat/fedora's alternatives, originally a debian script to allow sys admin to swap in and out commands with the same functionality under a common name. Like 'editor' for 'vim' or 'emacs'.05:40
drbean_Or 'mta' for 'sendmail' or 'exim' or 'postfix'05:40
drbean_I tried googling for alternatives ubuntu and all I got was alternative distributions.05:41
fricklerdrbean_: update-alternatives05:48
exit70does 18.04 (lightdm, unity) auto load ~/.Xmodmap ?06:35
=== jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh
BluerateI need to run vpn for Ubuntu 18.04 ... I tried openvpn but with no success, I am confused with server and client configuration of openvpn, how to work with openvpn on a local machine?08:11
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
JimBuntuBluerate: I don't use 18.04, so I'm not sure how different it would be. Are you trying to use openvpn to HOST a VPN service, or so you can connect to a remote VPN service?09:00
JimBuntuBluerate: If using it to connect to a remote VPN service, you should be able to run something like `sudo openvpn --config /path/to/config.conf --allow-pull-fqdn` and that will establish your connection from the command line. Assuming you already have a properly created config file to use. The config file could also end with .ovpn instead of .conf09:04
JimBuntuBluerate: I will not see/hear an alert when you reply, so anyone else is welcome to help with follow-up questions09:05
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
davrosI got my 'spare machine' working yesterday but i do have the residual question - is there a way to install a bootable ubuntu distro onto a second hard-drive on a machine running ubuntu09:53
eliyahuTBRmorning all. some of you may remember me from the past several days. i've been having promlems w/ sound output. i found a work around that if I ran pulseaudio from terminal and went into the sound settings in the GUI and selected my headphones as output it (more or less) worked. However, today in the gui all that shows up is "Dummy Output". What can I do?09:53
eliyahuTBRand a thank you to everyone who has helped me recently.09:54
davros(e.g for the scenario where you have an old version with data, and a new HD, and you want to install a new version on the new HD and move some files across)09:54
eliyahuTBRI can't WFH w/o music09:54
JimBuntusure davros. For the scenario you describe you can go the more simple route of changing drive boot order in BIOS. I have a machine like that. multiple drives, but not a normal multi-boot set up.09:56
davrosJimBuntu, yeah i've been able to change boot  order, use the boot menu, or even just swap the damn cables :)09:59
davrosbut with my current knowledge i can only actually install ubuntu from a USB stick (the "sticking point" yesterday was that the older machine in question was refuding to boot of USB. i had to install on a HD transplanted from another machine)10:00
davros(i fixed my problem by doing a fresh install on another machine, then just moving the drive over physically)10:00
davrosSo the question is would there be a way to just download a distro, put a new HD in a spare drive-slot, then say "Install this distro to the second drive, and make that drive independently bootable"10:01
eliyahuTBRI have but a single, easy to answer question. How do I get pulseaudtio to always run on boot up?10:09
eliyahuTBRor start of session, or whatever.10:09
Timbowhen I look at /etc/resolv.conf, I see that my dns server is, not (as I would expect) the DNS server that my DHCP returns10:22
Timbowhat is providing, and how do I flush its cache so that it resolves newly created upstream DNS records?10:22
BluesKajHiyas all10:36
=== Vesilu is now known as Ceber
Mibixtrying to figure out how to add tiemstamps to my terminal in 18.04, anyone know a quick way these google results keep telling me to edit ~/bash.rc and i dont have that file11:12
BluesKajMibixFox, maybe it's the hidden file  ~/.bashrc11:17
BluesKajerr Mibix^11:18
Mibixi mean i tried gedit ~/.bachrc and it seems empty11:26
Mibixerr bash.rc11:26
Mibixoh ok nvm .bashrc worked lol11:27
HamiltonAudio playback is distorted on 18.04.12:03
BluesKajcheck your alsamixer and pavucontrol and media player volume levels12:05
lestachello, every time start ubuntu i have pop up: problem has detected in a program of the system12:08
lestacwhere i can see report?12:08
pragmaticenigmalestac: /var/crash is where reports are saved12:09
HamiltonBluesKaj, There are fine. What should I check in them? I don't have this distortion problem in VLC or FF12:09
BluesKajHamilton, which player distorts?12:10
pragmaticenigmaHamilton: It might help if you explained what "distortion" means to you. It has different meanings to different people. Some might say low volume is distored, or the pitch is wrong. The more information you give us, the better volunteers can help troubleshoot12:10
lestachow open that files? (or what can do with that?)12:10
HamiltonBluesKaj, Clementine and Strawberry. Both are using gstreamer12:11
pragmaticenigmaany text editor will be able to look at them lestac12:11
Hamiltonpragmaticenigma, It's like radio noise when you can't find channel12:11
pragmaticenigmaHamilton: Static?12:11
Hamiltonpragmaticenigma, yes12:11
HamiltonBut it's very subtle. Also one time it completly went static12:12
lestacwell, i don't have permissions to open files12:12
BluesKajHamilton, those player volume levels must be overloading the inputs12:12
pragmaticenigmalestac: Is this not your computer?12:14
lestacsure, that is12:14
BluesKajstatic isn't distortion, it's usually called RF intereference12:15
egraincups printer keeps disabling itself. lpstat -t says unknown reason. happened yesterday, happened again today. i know how to activated it using the 631 interface, but is there a command?12:15
BluesKajinterference even12:16
=== WinterNight1 is now known as WinterNight
emxHi. When I plug in my headphones into my laptop (yes, the 3.5 mm jack) then sound is still routed to the laptop speakers. How can I have it redirected to the headphones? (Same issue with the microphone)12:45
ioriaemx,   enable   alsamixer -> automute ?12:47
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
gebbionehi folks, my Ubuntu 18.04 keeps me alive by not working well with my double screen setup. It is mirroring and the screens are not present in the settings. I tried removing (it was already there ) GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset" and this made no difference. Anything else i can try? I also have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi=force"13:17
akemgebbione, Tried arandr?13:18
gebbioneis that a grub option?13:18
pragmaticenigmaI don't think acpi has much to do with your monitors, that's mostly related to power saving/distribution features in the firmware. More details about your setup would be needed to further troubleshoot accurately13:18
gebbionesure happy to provide more, I am just unsure on what changed recently13:19
akemgebbione, No it's an app to configure screens. Try it: sudo apt install arandr13:19
gebbionei also tried booting the older kernel13:19
gebbionei have 2 installed13:19
gebbionebut made no difference13:19
pragmaticenigmagebbione: "details" mother board manufacture, system manufacture, graphics card manufacture,... all the details you can provide about your setup will help13:20
gebbioneis there a neat way to run a command and pastebin it somewhere?13:20
akemgebbione: your_command 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999913:21
pragmaticenigmaI'm giving up ... gebbione I'm asking for some simple information ... and you're doing everything to avoid posting it. sorry13:22
gebbionearandr sees only one screen13:23
akemgebbione, With some setups, i noticed for the 2nd screen to be nicely detected, it's good to plug it at the loggin screen then power it up. Then login once detected.13:24
Nyleakem: don't need bash redirection unless the program doesn't print to stdout by default13:25
akemNyle, It's still interesting to have both stdout and stderr, we never know.13:25
Nyleakem: Perhaps13:25
Nyleyou can try xrandr -q to see what xrandr sees. Arandr only works on top of xrandr13:26
Nylerandr extention does not work with Xinerama or Twinview etc13:26
NyleSo no custom xorg with 'device' config params.13:26
NyleIf your xorg.conf is not empty, make it empty and let randr discover whatever is there13:27
gebbionepragmaticenigma, it is an 18.04 desktop Gigabyte  X58A-UD3R with an I7 and 12 GB of RAM. It has a Juniper XT [Radeon HD 5770]13:27
Nylegebbione: how many monitors are reported when you type 'xrandr -q'13:27
gebbioneNyle only one... but it is powering and displaying on both of them13:28
NyleThat's not good.13:31
Nylewhat's your video driver?13:31
Nyleofficial ati or open source?13:31
gebbionei dont have a custom one, the radeon card should work with the kernel ones13:32
NyleSo open source drivers?13:32
ubonehow to make gnome's shell theme white like in the gnome classi session13:32
NyleHave you thought about trying fglrx (ATI linux drivers official)13:32
NyleWhich would probably let you configure dual head13:33
gebbioneI am regularly installing updated, i wonder what broke it as it might have been something in the last update13:33
NyleIf xrandr only sees one display, there is nothing you can do.13:33
pragmaticenigmaubone: https://www.gnome-look.org/13:33
NyleYou need to use the proper driver and configure it properly afaik13:33
gebbioneNyle, usually nomodeset works but not at the moment13:33
gebbioneand i think fglrx is something i tried in the past13:33
uboneit's obsolete13:34
Nylenomodeset is not relevant here.13:34
Nyleneither are any acpi related functions on your gpu13:34
gebbioneit was last time i had a problem, once set in grub my double screen worked13:34
NyleWere you using the framebuffer driver?13:36
pragmaticenigmaubone: Themeing your gnome shell is not on topic here. I provided you a link to a resource where you can find themes. there are plenty of online tutorials on how to make your own theme.13:36
NylePreviously, setting up the video card was the job of the X server. Because of this, it was not easily possible to have fancy graphics in virtual consoles. Also, each time a switch from X to a virtual console was made (Ctrl+Alt+F2), the server had to give control over the video card to the kernel, which was slow and caused flickering. The same "painful" process happened when the control was given13:37
Nyleback to the X server (Alt+F7 when X runs in VT7).13:37
NyleWith Kernel Mode Setting (KMS), the kernel is now able to set the mode of the video card. This makes fancy graphics during bootup, virtual console and X fast switching possible, among other things.13:37
ubone<pragmaticenigma> wasn't talking to you13:37
NyleWhat it would have to do with dual head or not, and wheather xrandr sees one or more displays, I don't follow.13:37
emxioria, Now I hear sound through headphones and speakers. If I mute "Speaker" in alsamixer I have no audio at all. Any ideas why?13:38
NyleTry the amdgpu drivers and see if X can see more than 1 monitor13:38
NyleThe proprietary AMD Catalyst driver does not support KMS. You have to use the amgpu or ati catalyst drivers anyway.13:39
NyleAnyway, KMS is not an issue or factor.13:39
NyleThough if KMS is disabled, some Xorg drivers are problematic.13:42
gebbionei thought all those drivers are obsolete for 18.0413:44
Nylehttps://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.15/gpu/drm-kms.html#overview you can read more here13:44
Nylegebbione: Then I'm sure you can find the current driver for your gpu.13:46
ducassegebbione: how are the screens connected?13:50
gebbioneducasse, i think the cable type is called dvi if not wrong13:54
gebbioneand i see this error https://termbin.com/qplr13:54
ducasseyou've tried booting with radeon.modeset=0?13:58
gebbioneducasse i m readying about that, do you know how to add it to the grub file ? is it radeon.modeset=0 or another way14:01
ducasseadd that to the line that starts with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= in /etc/default/grub and run update-grub14:03
ducasseput it inside the quotes14:03
gebbionethanks, i ll try now and reboot14:05
ducasseyou can forget about fglrx, it's been obsolete for years and won't work on 18.04, radeon should be the driver you need14:06
oerheksparaxial, fix your vpn, thanks14:14
mrproperI am running Ubuntu Workstation on VMware Fusion. When I turn on HiDPI mode, no wallpapers render. However, when I use Kubuntu HiDPI mode works fine.14:15
oerheksparaxial, fix your vpn, thanks14:21
oerheksparaxial, fix your vpn, thanks14:22
akemI think you can just ignore him. He's not in front of his machine.14:24
akemHm looks like ignore don't hide join/part...so forget what i said :P14:24
oerhekshe is using 3 ways, so he is there14:25
Bromiteguys why aren't my systemd service logs files persisting for my application?14:28
pragmaticenigmaBromite: Can you elaborate more? where are you looking, how are you trying to view the logs?14:29
oerheksBromite, who can tell, with such sparse information?14:29
oerhekswhat application?14:29
hggdhparaxial: please fix your connection14:31
hggdhparaxial: please fix your connection, or we will have to block yo14:31
Bromitepragmaticenigma, oerheks: so i'm runing a go app, and i've set up logging in a systemd service file, but i don't think the log is persiting14:32
Bromitei.e. when i stop the app, the file disappears14:32
pragmaticenigmaBromite: You might want to consult a forum that is dedicated to Go programming... they might have better suggestions for you14:34
gebbioneAbout my dual screen problem, i tried updating drivers, nomodeset or radeon.modeset=0 grub options make no difference :/ not sure what else to try14:36
benfrancisWhy do the docs on Ubuntu Core refer to /var/log/syslog which doesn't seem to exist? Did the logs get moved? https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/intro/security14:36
gebbionebenfrancis, it is there for me -> Mar 24 14:36 /var/log/syslog14:37
pragmaticenigmagebbione: Ubuntu Core is a base for an IoT platform14:38
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=== remy is now known as Remy^
gebbioneany other suggestions on how to fix a dual monitor setup not being detected suddenly? I tried a few grub options like adding an removing "nomodeset" (it was already added in the option when working fine), tried installing AMD graphics drivers, switching to lightdm and also tried adding option radeon.modeset=0 in GRUB but I am still unable to get the dual screens working. They are just mirroring and also CairoDock is15:08
gebbionemoved to the right and not visible in the middle so it goes out the screen.15:08
oerheksso, the 2nd screen works, just mirroring?15:09
gebbioneyes and it is not visible in the settings15:10
oerheksthere is a setting in systemsettings > devices > displays for that15:10
oerheks'join displays'15:10
gebbioneit was working yesterday. Something in the updates for yesterday must have caused it but I dont know what it was. I usually blindly install them15:11
gebbioneoerheks, no it is not there15:11
gebbionethats the problem15:11
oerheksi would go back to GDM for this15:12
akemgebbione, Try with 19.X live USB.15:12
gebbioneyou mean configuring back to GDM or a channel for GDM15:12
gebbionei was using gdm too15:13
gebbioneakem i can try that but then what would i do if it works? update to 19 ?15:13
akemYeah, that's what i'd do.15:13
oerheksno, fresh install, to avoid those changes15:14
gebbionefresh install is a nightmare for me15:14
akemFresh install is easy, just backup your home directory.15:14
oerheksone thing in my mind says this only happens when 1st monitor is oninternal gpu, and 2nd on pci card15:14
oerheksoh boy, freshinstall a nightmare,... you already have a nightmare though15:15
ducassegebbione: can you pastebin the output of 'xrandr'?15:15
ChadTaljaardtIs there any benifit to building stuff from source as opposed to the APT repo?15:16
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: Primarily.. the biggest different is packages you build will not be supported here15:16
ducasseChadTaljaardt: use the repos unless you *need* a newer version that is not available elsewhere15:17
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: Unless you have a specific reason to build your own software, the version available in the repos will be fine for everyday use. Know that software may not have the latest version as Ubuntu looks to stability instead of latest, though all patches and security fixes are applied. If you must have the latest version, you should see if the application is available as a Snap.15:18
oerheksChadTaljaardt, that was more than 10 years ago, dedicated config is faster..15:18
monojamoon|hello everyone, dual booted ubuntu on my system and I am consistently getting these errors [https://pastebin.com/q36sQxhC] in kern.log ... any idea how to resolve it?15:19
doug16kChadTaljaardt, if you used a mainline kernel and that broke `perf` because the kernel didn't match, then rebuilding perf from source would fix it. you wouldn't then go ask for support on that config though :D15:20
oerheksuse past.ubuntu.com please, i have no javascript enabled15:20
ChadTaljaardtSo we have a weird situation, we have a script that automatically configures ubuntu servers as webservers for our software, but management is scared about installing stuff from APT incase there is a update to a package which breaks things, so theyre wanting me to manually download and make a script to configure absolutely everything, including things like wget, autoconf, ca-certificates, curl..15:20
ChadTaljaardtseems pointless to me, i think getting it from APT is appropriate15:20
akemmonojamoon|, I think you need the boot parameter "pci=noaer".15:21
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: If that is their concern, your company should have a staging environment, where your software runs like it would in production, but where you apply updates before you apply them in the production15:21
ChadTaljaardtidk what to do really, they are so scared about getting the latest versions of these package from APT incase there is security issues or incase the API changes etc15:21
ChadTaljaardtWe do have staging environments, but because the software isnt version pinned, when we do create a production environement the package might have been updated since15:22
monojamoon|@akem .. ok! thanks.15:22
ChadTaljaardtwe are not using disk images etc, so everything is installed fresh when a new instance is needed15:22
akemmonojamoon|, Np.15:22
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: Since this really isn't a support question, let's please move this conversation to #ubuntu-discuss please15:22
ChadTaljaardtsure thing15:22
monojamoon|I'll check how to add it :)15:23
gebbioneducasse https://termbin.com/fz1015:23
littlekimmyi get permission denied when downloading on another partition who's owner is root15:25
littlekimmyand group too is root15:25
oerheksChadTaljaardt, no testing setup for these issues??15:25
littlekimmyso how can i make firefox dowload the file, should i run firefox as rooot15:25
akemmonojamoon|, Edit /etc/default/grub and there is a line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="..."15:26
oerhekslittlekimmy, sure, run as root .. i would chown to my user, or make a group and add myself to access that another partition15:27
NorthwestVeganlittlekimmy, if it were me, id change the download location to be owned by your non-root user15:27
monojamoon|cool ... :)15:27
akemAdd the parameter pci=aer at the end, before the closing '"'.15:27
akemmonojamoon|, Then you need to update grub, with "sudo update-grub" IIRC15:28
akemAnd reboot.15:28
littlekimmyhow do i add myself user to root group? is it safe15:28
monkeyislhi, how could i set ppp0 is always the default network available? even i plugged eth015:28
monkeyislwhen i reboot, i mean15:28
gebbioneis grub not getting update if update-grub is not run?15:29
pragmaticenigmalittlekimmy: you've been told before, trolling is offtopic here15:29
oerhekslittlekimmy, that is not what i wrote., nor NorthwestVegan15:29
oerheksyeah, i got that idea too, pragmaticenigma15:29
monojamoon|@akem, it has this line15:29
monojamoon|GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"15:29
monojamoon|I should add that parameter after splash, right?15:30
akemmonojamoon|, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pci=noaer"15:30
monojamoon|will do15:30
akemmonojamoon|, When booting, at the grub screen when choosing Windows or Linux you can press "e" on Linux, to double check that "pci=noaer" is actually defined in the parameters, then F10 to boot.15:35
monojamoon|sure thing, akem. just saving a couple of things and will test it :)15:37
monkeyisli have one service that send udp packets via ppp0. but the system as also eth0, i wanna the service will look up ppp0 only and fails, and retry until ppp0 shows up. how coudl i do it? should i route table priority?15:38
jayjofor the last few months, the software updater has told me that there is a LVVCM C++ Compiler that is 3+KB that I cannot install. It's available on every software update, says it's a anecssary update, but it's not checked and is unable to be checked. Is there a way I can upgrade this. Is it a security vulnerability?15:39
lotuspsychjejayjo: can you pastebin the whole apt output please, so volunteers can take a look for you?15:42
oerheksuse past.ubuntu.com please, i have no javascript enabled15:43
pavlostypo ... paste.ubuntu.com15:47
* oerheks edits the hotkey15:47
littlekimmyoerheks: which cmd to do that to add myself to another group/and to add that group...whatever you meant15:57
littlekimmyit's not safe to run firefox as root?15:57
littlekimmymy main / partition is full.... what to do15:57
littlekimmyi am not even trolling and called me that15:58
oerhekstons of examples 'chown partition to user'  .. what have you found sofar?15:59
littlekimmy?? what did you mean i should do15:59
littlekimmyso you said- you didn't say that i should add myself to root group16:00
oerheksno, again, that is not what i wrote.16:00
littlekimmywhat did you mean then god16:00
oerheksi never ask anybody to add to the root group, that is silly16:00
littlekimmyyes, then what did you mean, as the partition cannot have two groups16:01
oerheksoke, 1 free example: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/454962/mounting-volume-partition-with-permissions-for-user16:01
littlekimmyonly root group is present16:01
littlekimmymounting is easy16:01
pragmaticenigmalittlekimmy: as you have been told on numerous occassions... this channel is for support only. you do not currently have a support issue. instructions on how to use your computer is not the topic of this channel. If you can't follow the rules and read the room topic, then you will be asked to leave16:02
monojamoon|@akem, thanks mate! that error has disappeared :)16:06
oerheksmonojamoon|, yay!16:07
akemGreat ;)16:09
monojamoon|Is it normal that every 2-3 minutes something or the other keeps popping up in kern.log16:09
monojamoon|Now this keeps coming up: https://pastebin.com/DD5DGEv516:09
monojamoon|I have my doubts that I have installed Ubuntu correctly.16:10
revmooI have a server that has been untouched since installing 18.10 I just tried to use apt and I'm getting all 404s. What broke and how do I fix it?16:11
revmooThe repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic Release' no longer has a Release file.16:12
ducasserevmoo: 18.10 is eol16:12
oerheksRemy^, nothing broke, 18.10 is EOL, dead, upgrade please16:12
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:12
oerheksplease, keep the language family friendly, kiddo16:12
akemmonojamoon|, No, but is it continuous? It's all the same time here, are you using multiple screens?16:14
monojamoon|akem, nope. Not multiple screens. I think it came up after logging into the system, another time when I altered the system's resolution.16:17
akemmonojamoon|, If it just happens once at login, or when you change resolution or something like that, i think you can ignore it, just check it is not flooding the logs / I don't really know about NVidia drivers, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pasting, maybe someone else will have an idea about it.16:20
monojamoon|The logs aren't being flooded with it. It shows up after certain periods of time and that too (I think) after certain event.16:24
akemmonojamoon|, I would just ignore that if everything works, it's not labeled as error or warnings.16:26
monojamoon|oops! Got disconnected. Hope I didn't miss out on any pings :)16:28
akem<akem> monojamoon|, I would just ignore that if everything works, it's not labeled as error or warnings.16:28
monojamoon|ok :)16:28
akemmonojamoon|, Is it an Acer predator?16:30
akemOk, cool.16:30
monojamoon|this is my third attempt at getting a successful dual boot :P16:31
monojamoon|so far ... its OK :)16:31
akemGood you got it working :) I got dual boot too, but i very rarely boot Windows nowdays.16:32
monojamoon|oh! I keep windows to play video games! otherwise I like Ubuntu for my dev work16:33
greatgatsbyI don't think I've dual-booting in over 15 years.  VMs all the way :-P16:35
celphi how do i give multiple users full access to one directory only. key note: the directory is a webroot directory, so some files are root:root and some are root:nginx16:35
monojamoon|greatgatsby, I don't want to share my RAM. Don't know why but I don16:36
monojamoon|*I don't get a happy feeling with VMs. :)16:36
pragmaticenigmacelphi: you don't... users should commit their stuff to a deployment folder and one person handles merging the files to the server16:36
monojamoon|Not just RAM, every resource on the computer.16:37
snake-venomi am trying to setup Virtual host on my ubuntu 18.4 desktop..16:38
snake-venombut after all steps its throwing "Unable to connect"16:38
greatgatsbysnake-venom, not that I'll be able to help, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.  "Virtual host"?  What is that?16:43
greatgatsbyconnect to what?16:43
lotuspsychjezmagii: what can we do for you?16:49
zmagiiwhat is the best way to format external drives in xfce?16:49
zmagiithere doesn't seem to be a "disks" program16:50
zmagiishould i just install it?16:50
lotuspsychjezmagii: you could try gparted16:50
zmagiilotuspsychje: also not installed by default, should I?16:50
lotuspsychjezmagii: your choice what to install on your system16:51
zmagiimaybe a stupid question, sorry, but i am still being cured from macOS16:51
oerheksinstall gparted or gnome-disks-tool?16:51
zmagiican you install gnome-disk-tool on xfce?16:52
greatgatsbyzmagii, if you're comfortable on the CLI, you just need cfdisk and mkfs.<fs-type>16:52
zmagiigreatgatsby: i am happy to do it on the cli16:54
zmagiilet me try cfdisk16:54
zmagiianother question: can i format it to exfat, or is that difficult?16:54
oerheksinstall exfat-fuse and exfat-utils16:55
oerheksrestart the disk utility, and voila16:55
greatgatsbymkfs.exfat /path/to/partition16:56
zmagiigreatgatsby: only that?16:56
greatgatsbyafter partioning of course16:56
zmagiiok, what is the command to partition?16:56
greatgatsbyyou just need cfdisk to setup your partions, then mkfs.<fs-type> to format16:56
greatgatsbycfdisk /path/to/device16:57
oerheksnot sure cfdisk pulls in the exfat stuf ..16:58
greatgatsbyoh, the package you need?16:58
greatgatsbyyeah, cfdisk isn't responsible for formatting, just partitioning.  You'll need exfat-utils, as you mentioned16:59
oerheksexfat-fuse and exfat-utils17:01
monojamoon|Hey guys, I would love to get well versed with inner workings of Ubuntu and Linux. I love how you guys just look at the logs and know which module might be malfunctioning. Is this [https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/s390x/index.html] the correct place to start? Any other resource (possibly books) you would like to recommend?17:02
zmagiiif it already has an EFI system partition, do i leave that?17:02
greatgatsbywhy exfat-fuse?  Genuinely curious.  If I'm not using fuse, why would I need that package?17:03
oerheksyou need it, to mount the exfat partition17:04
oerheksjust the tools is not enough.17:04
snake-venomi am trying to setup Virtual host on my ubuntu 18.4 desktop..  but after all steps its throwing "Unable to connect"17:05
pavloszmagii: you dont have gnome-disks ?17:05
zmagiipavlos: no, but i can install it17:06
greatgatsbyoerheks, I see, does that mean exfat is not built into the kernel?17:06
zmagiiso in cfdisk it says filesystem: exfat but it says partition type: Apple HFS/HFS+17:06
oerheksNope, not yet. plans are made to do so17:07
gebbionejust to let you know, nomodeset in grub was causing my problem of a malfunctioning dual screen system17:07
zmagiioerheks: should i change the partition type? I don't even know what that means in this case as it seems formatted as exfat already now17:07
gebbioneworking now without it17:07
akemI would install gparted even if fine with CLI, it's cool to visualize partitions etc sometimes.17:08
akemGnome-disks is very basic i think.17:08
zmagiiakem: i did install gparted, but it doesn't seem to see that i installed exfat-utils17:08
akemzmagii, You don't have exfat in the list, or is it grayed out?17:09
zmagiiakem: greyed out17:10
zmagiibut i did manage to partition it using the command mkfs.exfat17:11
zmagiiso it's correctly formatted now. i am just a bit confused why there is a parameter called "partition type" in cfdisk17:11
greatgatsbyzmagii, not to bike-shed, but cfdisk does the partitioning, and mkfs does the formatting (creating a filesystem).  So if a device is only partitioned, it has not been formatted.  FYI, not trying to be rude.17:12
akemHm, i can't seem to use exfat in my gparted either though i have installed it.17:13
zmagiigreatgatsby: so i left the partition the way it was. I just formatted it from HFS/HFS+ Apple to exFat17:13
zmagiiit was partitioned into an EFI file system and then the large partition was Apple HFS/HFS+17:14
greatgatsbyzmagii, partition type 7 is for HPFS/NTFS/exFAT, so you can select that type before formatting17:14
akemHa exfat not yet supported in gparted other than moving or copying. :(17:14
akemSo you better know the CLI way in fact for that.17:14
zmagiiSo in my cli gui there are only names, FreeBSD Vinum, Apple HFS/HFS+, Apple UFS and so forth17:15
greatgatsbycfdisk --version  ?17:18
akemWhy not using regular fdisk? You can type L for types IIRC then the number ID you want.17:20
Hamilton1I'm using polybar which needs .pcf fonts. I just copied them to a directory I made inside /usr/share/fonts/my-fonts. Is it enough?17:20
greatgatsbywas just going to say the same, on my older Fedora box, I don't see exfat in cfdisk, but do with fdisk.  I just find cfdisk a nicer commandline experience.  Here's a exfat/fdisk tutorial:  https://appuals.com/how-to-format-a-drive-as-exfat-on-linux/17:22
greatgatsbythe cfdisk on my ubuntu 18.04 machine lists exfat, FWIW17:23
zmagiicfdisk from util-linux 2.3417:23
oerhekspcf fonts is so old, they seems to need compression.gz ?17:24
greatgatsbyhrmmm.. actually I'm not 100% sure why exfat does or does not show up, investigating now17:25
greatgatsbyahh, it's the label type17:27
greatgatsbygpt -> not exfat, dos -> exfat17:27
greatgatsby*no exfat17:27
Hamilton1oerheks, I found one instruction : `sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf && fc-cache`17:31
Hamilton1Why is it needed? Why Ubuntu disables bitmap fonts?17:31
oerheksit does not.17:32
oerhekspcf fonts is so old, they seems to need compression.gz ?17:32
oerheksnot even mentioned at the font wiki17:32
Hamilton1oerheks, I see that rule in my conf17:33
zmagiiare you guys discussing fonts because of that Windows vulnerability?17:33
lotuspsychje!discuss | zmagii17:34
ubottuzmagii: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:34
greatgatsbyso according to the googles, gpt drives can't be formatted exfat (for windows)17:34
Hamilton1zmagii, no, polybar needs a damned font for its symbols17:34
oerhekszmagii, it is from an app outside our repositories17:34
zmagiioh, so just coincidence17:34
zmagiithere was a discussion on HN about fonts being programatically generated17:34
TJ-fontconfig (2.13.1-2ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium17:34
zmagiiand then blah blah blah Mr Freeman17:34
TJ-    - Add 07_no_bitmaps.patch:17:34
TJ-      + Install 70-no-bitmaps.conf17:34
TJ- -- Sebastien Bacher <seb128@ubuntu.com>  Fri, 25 Jan 2019 15:39:42 +010017:35
pragmaticenigmazmagii: please, this is a support channel... discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubunut-discuss17:35
oerheksoh wait, there is a snap https://snapcraft.io/install/polybar-git/ubuntu17:35
zmagiipragmaticenigma: sorry, i was just trying to follow the convo17:35
zmagiioerheks: so i had to go and partition on macOS just because i had to get it to work. But i'll read more about cfdisk to understand it properly.17:38
zmagiiit seems like i did partition to exfat, but something was still wrong17:39
zmagiideleting and redoing partitions didn't seem to work (in cfdisk) but i was unsure what to do with the EFI partition17:39
greatgatsbyzmagii, it seems making a "universal" exfat device is not straight forward:  https://matthew.komputerwiz.net/2015/12/13/formatting-universal-drive.html17:40
Hamilton1oerheks, yeah it;s edge I used  ppa:kgilmer/speed-ricer17:41
pavloszmagii: I suggest you use gparted, wipe the disk, create partition, format ntfs (which has exFAT) and you should be ok.17:41
Hamilton1So any ideas why Ubuntu does this? http://i.imgur.com/Tr80HwW.png17:42
Hamilton1And any side-effects if I remove it?17:42
zmagiigreatgatsby: pavlos: thanks guys, i am slowly learning, unlearning, relearning17:42
greatgatsbyseems gdisk will to GPT+exfat  <shrug>  Nothing's ever easy :-P17:43
greatgatsbyzmagii, np, and sorry it wasn't as straight forward as I thought it would be.  If it was ext4 or xfs or whataver, it's a 2 minute job to partition and format a drive.17:44
oerheksHamilton1, contact that PPA owner?17:44
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:44
oerhekswe do not really like to support others mistakes, while we have no influence on it17:44
Hamilton1oerheks, it's not about PPA. Ubunut by default has this rule on /etc/fonts/conf.d17:44
sarnoldHamilton1: oh interesting, that's the first I've noticed that17:44
Hamilton1Actually I'm on Xubuntu but polybar instructions say that it is Ubuntu that does this17:45
sarnoldHamilton1: *probably* it's because fonts like fixed and similar would be TERRIBLE for documents and so on17:45
Hamilton1sarnold, well if I choose a bitmap font, yeah that's on me...but why does it exculde it17:46
sarnoldprobably to make the list of fonts reasonable-sized, heh17:46
sarnoldbut yeah, I could see wanting to use terminus for something :D17:46
oerheksone can file a bugreport, if you can reproduce it.17:47
shinobi_Are there any changes to mdadm from 18.04 to 20.04?17:50
zmagiigreatgatsby: just one last comment. according to that URL you posted, it looks like the correct type should be "microsoft basic data"17:50
oerheksshinobi_, ubuntu+1 for 20.04 until release17:50
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greatgatsbyzmagii, ah, and that is a gpt option with cfdisk.  Thanks :-)17:52
greatgatsbyso it depends on gpt/dos whether it's "ms basic data" or "exfat/and/friends"17:53
oerheksnot tru, exfat can be used on legacy mbr too17:55
greatgatsbyI was just saying the options are difference but there in cfdisk, depending on if you choose gpt or dos.  With GPT, pick "ms basic data" and with DOS pick "HPFS/NTFS/exFAT"18:29
greatgatsbyalthough I certainly admit I'm not a filesystem gur18:31
* greatgatsby has a wireless keyboard that's at its EOL18:31
Remy^<oerheks> Remy^, nothing broke, 18.10 is EOL, dead, upgrade please18:33
banisterfiendhi guys, anyone here have an understanding of how the 'resolvconf' utility works? i'm having great problems with it18:33
oerheks!18.10 | Remy^18:34
ubottuRemy^: Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html18:34
oerheks9 months to test it.18:35
Remy^oerheks, i didnt say anything ?18:47
preyaloneWho's joining the BOINC hackathon? We're fighting COVID-19, no programming required.19:00
MonkeyDustpreyalone: there's also folding@home19:02
sarnoldpreyalone: are CPUs remotely useful for the task? or is this a GPU-only thing?19:06
stevelandayHey guys, brand new to ubuntu IRC, need help fixing dual boot partition issues with osx/ubuntu, i may not be in the right place but perhaps you have suggestions on who to talk with or what better room to try etc19:08
sarnoldthis is probably as good as any19:08
sarnoldif you describe where you're stuck, what's happening, what you expectred to happen, hopefully someone'll know what's up19:08
stevelandayI'll give this a try then, thank ya!   let me compose a clear description and then i'll post shortly.19:09
MonkeyDuststevelanday: try to keep it in one line19:10
stevelandayone line?  hmmmm, ok.  So i'm only a little familiar the finer details of mac osx boot stuff, so I'll explain how I got to the place Im at19:11
dirtycajunriceSo i just got a new set of headphones that are only a minor revision different than my current headphones but its not detecting the mic. Any way to force it?19:11
dirtycajunricei can see the mic in arecord19:12
stevelandayI Started a tutorial to add dual boot to a macmini.   I created a new small partition on the internal osx drive, and i stopped before completing because I was afraid I was about to wipe my osx data.19:13
stevelandayI somehow installed ubuntu onto my external, and with it attached it boots, but problem is, i can no longer see or boot macosx.19:14
stevelandayI'm trying to recover the OSX boot ability, and afraid I dont know what I'm doing, and dont want to wipe the osx stuff19:14
EriC^^stevelanday: hey, are you booted in ubuntu right now?19:15
stevelandayYES , i'm booted and using ubuntu now.  I can also boot osx recovery and use diskutil but I dont want to mess anything up there before I know what to do.19:16
MonkeyDuststevelanday: reboot, the when you see No Signal, hold the Alt key19:17
MonkeyDuststevelanday: EFI is Linux, choose the other19:18
EriC^^stevelanday: try what MonkeyDust is suggesting, see what happens19:19
stevelandayI will lose this ichat connection when I try, should I just do it and then rejoin to update you guys?19:20
stevelandayAlso, i'm on an apple keyboard and dont see an ALT key19:20
sarnoldcontrol option and command. cripes, it's been too long since I'd used my old apple keyboard19:21
stevelandayto be clear, i'm to reboot holding all three keys, right?19:22
sarnoldI was just hoping by saying the names of the three funny keys someone else here woul dhave known off-ahnd which one runs as the alt key. heh.19:23
sarnoldI think I'd try command first and if that doesn't work, then try option, then last control19:23
Xardoption is alt19:23
stevelandayits the option key19:23
Xardin my macbook pro 2013 the "option" is still labeled as "alt"19:24
Xarddon't know when they changed that19:24
stevelandaysorry, i see that now.  its little.  ok i'll give this a try and return  with results.19:24
Xardseems like at 2017 the "alt" label was removed, source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Option_key19:27
jayjoI mentioned an error earlier with LVVM C++ Standard Library update that is 3 KB and I can't select it to update in the software updater. I can just take a screenshot of this, but what's the correct way to try this update so I can get logs to paste here?19:31
sarnoldsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade19:31
oerhekstry full-upgrade ?19:32
dirtycajunriceNo thoughts on USB Headset/Mic Combo headset visible but mic not?19:33
sarnolddirtycajunrice: sorry, not from me, never tried linux bluetooth19:34
stevelandayI'm back. Holding ALT while restarting gave me two drive options, 'EFI Boot' and 'WINDOWS'. I chose 'windows' and was present with "No bootable device - insert boot disk and press any key"19:35
sarnoldMonkeyDust, EriC^^, any ideas for stevelanday? ^^19:37
EriC^^stevelanday: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link it gives you here, it'll show your partitions19:38
oerheksdirtycajunrice, so the mic is visable in arecord?19:39
stevelandaysudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 999919:39
stevelandayError: /dev/sdc: unrecognised disk label19:39
oerhekssure you hve the correct soundcard selected? open terminal: alsamixer; hit F6; select soundcard19:39
EriC^^stevelanday: any link?19:40
dirtycajunriceoerheks, https://termbin.com/sxr8i19:41
oerheksdpends where you put the headset in ..19:41
stevelandayresponse was: Error: /dev/sdc: unrecognised disk label19:41
dirtycajunricecard 0 is the old one. Card 1 is the new one. they look... identical (sans the name) ad the new one has a 1/1 subdevice19:41
oerheksyou know haow to change it now, test them all/19:42
dirtycajunriceand that was the first thing i did with F6. i get  annot load mixer controls: Invalid argument19:42
EriC^^stevelanday: ok, how about 'lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999'19:42
EriC^^stevelanday: make that, "lsblk -f | nc termbin.com 9999"19:42
dirtycajunrice(the error is when i try to switch to the new headset not initially)19:43
oerheksis it a headset on usb? or a one plug/3way connector?19:43
dirtycajunriceUSB wireless. The "changes" from the first version to this is 7.1 audio is an option. thats it19:44
dirtycajunriceso i dont understand why it wouldnt just use the same drivers if it had nothing new19:44
stevelandayEric: lsblk -f response is: https://termbin.com/igsa19:44
EriC^^stevelanday: hmm19:48
stevelandayIf I wasnt clear during my initial problem description, i only have UBUNTU installed on an external drive, not the internal mini drive. unplugging the external drive and booting the mac gets me nothing.19:49
EriC^^stevelanday: currently ubuntu is installed sdb, however it's using the efi partition on sda, and swap there too19:49
stevelandaywould it help if I give what diskutil sees from my mac osx recovery boot?  I remember it showing one partition, and talking about linux swap or something19:49
EriC^^stevelanday: type 'sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999'19:49
EriC^^i want to find out if the internal hdd is sda or sdc19:49
stevelandaygdisk reply is: https://termbin.com/vs8m19:50
jalepenoftwHi there! I've been working on an open source project (https://FreePN.com) for a few months and wanted to get some feedback! FreePN is a Linux-first (Ubuntu included) open-source peer-to-peer VPN project.19:56
jalepenoftw(Since it's a p2p VPN, we allow users to decide what categories of traffic they're comfortable hosting (i.e. file-sharing) -- wrote up explanations for this and other common questions here: https://freepn.com/pages/faq.html)19:56
jalepenoftwWe're working on launching in about a month and if you're interested in the project, I'd really appreciate it if you'd join our waitlist at https://freepn.com! Thanks for your time!19:56
oerheksjalepenoftw, please don't spam here19:56
oerheksnice project, talk about it in #ubuntu-discuss  or something19:56
jalepenoftwThanks! Will check out #ubuntu-discuss19:58
EriC^^stevelanday: how big was the internal hdd?19:59
zmagiisup again19:59
shinobi_I'm using gparted to copy paritions from one drive to another. After the copy I am comparing the partitions with cmp. They show differences. Does anyone have an idea as to why? I previously ran the badblocks write test on the destination drive and there were no errors reported.19:59
EriC^^stevelanday: also can you run "sudo gdisk -l /dev/sdc | nc termbin.com 9999" ?19:59
zmagiisomewhat esotheric question, but is it possible to "recover" a bootcamp partition when you replace macOS with ubuntu?19:59
zmagiithe bootcamp partition is a windows partition19:59
zmagiior, used to be19:59
EriC^^shinobi_: is the partition table the same on both?20:00
EriC^^or at least the exact size of the partition where the fs is20:00
stevelandayEric, internal macmini HDD size is 500gb< i think, i can recheck that if you need me too.20:01
stevelandayEric, gdisk -l reply is: sudo gdisk -l /dev/sdc | nc termbin.com 999920:01
zmagiii guess this could be a hardware question, but would be nice if you can solve it from the main OS, the ubuntu partition20:01
EriC^^stevelanday: ok, if you care about the data on your macmini, firstly type "sudo umount /boot/efi; sudo swapoff -a"20:01
stevelandayI do care about the data so, here goes...20:02
EriC^^stevelanday: it seems it's been overwritten with swap, the more swap is being used the more it's being written to20:02
shinobi_IriC^^: It copies fine so I would assume so. I'm not getting a message from gparted saying there is not enough space. However, the destination drive is 512 sector size and the source is 4k.20:02
stevelandayEric, I entered sudo umount /boot/efi; sudo swapoff -a , reply was just a command prompt20:03
EriC^^shinobi_: can you pastebin 'sudo parted /dev/sdx unit s print' for both disks?20:03
EriC^^stevelanday: ok that's good, first let's get rid of the swap and efi partition being mounted, cause that can potentially write over your stuff, type 'sudo nano /etc/fstab'20:04
stevelandayeric, response was:20:04
stevelanday# /etc/fstab: static file system information.20:04
stevelanday# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a20:04
stevelanday# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices20:04
stevelanday# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).20:04
EriC^^stevelanday: please dont paste in the channel, the bot will unquiet you in a min, for long pastes use a pastebin site like http://paste.ubuntu.com20:05
stevelandayok thanks, sorry, still new at this. shall i paste what i got there?20:06
EriC^^stevelanday: no worries, actually open another terminal, and type 'cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999'20:06
EriC^^it'll paste it for you and give a link back20:06
EriC^^stevelanday: do you have a backup of your stuff btw? it's possible you won't be able to get your stuff back fully as it was right now20:07
stevelandayEric, response was: https://termbin.com/zftp420:07
EriC^^stevelanday: ok, add a "#" before UUID=2860-11F4  /boot/efi, so it becomes #UUID=28.....20:08
stevelandayi have an older backup somewhere i think.  Could i also copy that drive as it is now for future hopes to gain back access?20:08
EriC^^same for UUID=4e5e0ca0-5cb5-4200-bb76-19ad4c84c294 none            swap, make it #UUID=4e5e0ca0-5cb5-4200-bb76-19ad4c84c294 none            swap20:08
EriC^^stevelanday: i didnt understand your last sentence20:09
EriC^^stevelanday: you mean you want to copy the older backup over this one?20:09
stevelandayEric, lets go back because I'm not a little lost.  Last thing I did was enter: cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999  and the response was: https://termbin.com/zftp420:10
stevelandayi AM a little lost20:10
stevelandayhaha!  not "not" urgh20:11
EriC^^stevelanday: ok, in the sudo nano /etc/fstab , window20:11
EriC^^do you see the line that says "UUID=2860-11F4  /boot/efi" ?20:12
stevelandayEric, ( i'm only suggesting that I can copy the entire macmini drive to a new thumbdrive, in the hopes that if I lose stuff I may be able to recover later), sorry for my uinclarity. :)20:12
stevelandayERic, ok hold on let me look. I think I understand now.:D20:13
EriC^^stevelanday: ah i see, yeah that would definitely be a good idea to do in a sec20:13
stevelandayERIC!  YES ! I see the UUID=2860-11F4 etc20:14
EriC^^firstly though let's make sure ubuntu doesnt touch the drive for now, then copy it, then try to recover and see what can be done20:14
EriC^^stevelanday: ok, add a "#" at the start of the line to comment it out20:14
EriC^^(rendering it disabled)20:14
stevelandayEric: by "add a # to the start..", do you mean  i should add the # so it now looks like this? #UUID=2860-11F4  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       120:16
EriC^^yes stevelanday, exactly20:16
EriC^^stevelanday: do the same for the last line, UUID=4e5e0ca0-5cb5-4200-bb76-19ad4c84c294 none            swap20:17
Mrhubrisquestion, i've remapped my music folder (in home dir) to another location. in the GUI it's working as it should but when i ssh into the machine that folder is again empty. I edited this file ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs20:18
stevelandayEric, i've added the #s, but have not entered them with a return key or anything, did I do this correctly?20:18
stevelandayEric, so both lines have a # in front of them20:18
stevelandayquestion about xchat, how are you guys using the xchat interface to select the person you wish to reply to?  like when eric replies to me, his text is in red and formatted with my username and a :   am I blasting the whole channel with my replys to eric?  sorry, still learning.20:21
EriC^^stevelanday: you type a few letters of the nickname, then press tab to tab-complete it20:21
EriC^^stevelanday: everything you type here is public on the channel, but if you type the nickname in the line, my client will highlight it in red and notify me someone used the nickname20:22
akemI think you should switch to Hexchat.20:22
stevelandayok thanks20:23
pavlosif you type E then tab you will see all nicks that start with E. If you continue and type r, you will see nicks starting with Er ...20:23
EriC^^yeah, xchat is not maintained anymore stevelanday20:23
EriC^^stevelanday: anyways, if you are done putting the "#"s, press ctrl+o to save the file20:24
stevelandayEriC^^, press control along with a ZERO or an O?20:24
oerheksMrhubris, i guess that is only valid for the user, i am looking for system wide setting..20:25
EriC^^stevelanday: an O20:26
stevelandayakem, hexchat it is20:26
stevelandayEriC^^, sorry, is that an Ohhhhh, or a zero?20:26
EriC^^stevelanday: an oh20:26
oerheksMrhubris, yes, edit /root/.profile  for system wide change20:26
stevelandayOhhhH! :D20:27
mfilipeis there anyway to record mic from gnome's embedded screencast?20:27
RxlizardHey I am running 16.04 and this morning I went to ssh into it and it wont even connect but the web panel I installed onto it is up and running anyone know some common issues with this I have tried a reboot still nothing wont let me even connect just session timed out.20:27
stevelandayEriC^^, I pressed control and an O and hit enter, it looked like it did something, and returned me to the /etc/fstab stuff20:28
EriC^^stevelanday: great, press ctrl+x to exit20:29
stevelandayEriC^^, done! back at a prompt20:29
pavlosRxlizard: is sshd running ?    ps -ef | grep sshd20:29
oerheksmfilipe, not in the basic screencast, simplescreenrecorder, kazam and such, can20:29
EriC^^stevelanday: ok, type 'cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999' to confirm everything20:29
stevelandayEriC^^, cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999920:30
stevelandayEriC^^, https://termbin.com/54qd20:30
EriC^^looks great20:32
EriC^^stevelanday: ok, now's the time to backup your /dev/sda20:32
stevelandayEriC^^, (a side question here for my learning, are the terminal codes your giving me, automatically posting the results somewhere where you can see them?  Because thats COOL!20:33
EriC^^it's about 500GB20:33
EriC^^stevelanday: yeah they are, yeah it's pretty handy20:33
stevelandayEriC^^, excellent!  ok, I'll get this 500g drive copied, I have a super large flashdrive here somewhere.  Is there a simple command I can enter that will do all the work for me?20:35
stevelandayEriC^^, , actually i have a 1tb ssd i can hook up and use20:35
mfilipeoerheks, I'm looking for some application which works with wayland20:35
EriC^^stevelanday: yeah, well you'll want to mount the drive/ssd first from the filemanager20:35
oerheksmfilipe, oh oke, no clue what will work20:35
oerhekstry some? write an article about it on askubuntu?20:36
stevelandayEriC^^, thanks.  I'll work on this now, probably will take a couple hours, I can return here once its copied.20:36
EriC^^stevelanday: then type "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/mounted/ssd/myhdd.backup bs=4M conv=notrunc && sync"20:36
EriC^^stevelanday: you'll want to replace the of= part with where you mounted the ssd20:37
EriC^^stevelanday: no problem, ok20:37
stevelandayEriC^^, you mean IF= or OF=?20:37
stevelandayEriC^^, so your original string has an if=, was that a typo and should have been an of=?20:38
stevelandayEriC^^, sorry, my miostake20:39
stevelandayEriC^^, i see it now20:40
EriC^^stevelanday: no worries20:41
Mrhubrisso, what's the correct way of remapping folders inside the home dir to another location?20:41
=== nt0_ is now known as nt0
Mrhubrisi've done so by editing this file ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs20:42
galaxieHello, I was wondering what would happen if I use tmpfs and swap is disabled and there isn't enough RAM - would it just throw some sort of partition full error or what?20:42
Mrhubrisit worked when i'm on the desktop itself but when log into the machine over ssh (same user) the folder is empty20:42
stevelandayThanks so much you guys, i really appreciate your expertise and knowledge. I'll return later with updates.20:43
sarnoldgalaxie: it depends upon which operations are in progress and can't proceed due to low memory conditions -- maybe a malloc() call or C++ new call will fail, maybe a function call wn't be able to grow the stack automatically, maybe a fork() or an exec() call will fail, maybe directory listings will start to fail..20:56
sarnoldgalaxie: basically no software is prepared for memory allocations to fail, so it'll be very confusing when it happens20:57
sarnoldgalaxie: probably nothing will just tell you "out of memory"20:57
doug16kproblem with out of memory handling is, normally overcommit is enabled, so it generally can't fail at the point where memory is allocated. later, when the program touches that memory, at that point it allocates pages, and that point has to handle the a signal. good luck with that, nobody handles that21:35
oerheksso, you create a problem :-D21:36
sarnoldfunny enough, irssi does very well with it :) my irssi runs on an aws instance that has 512M of memory; it tries to fork a new process to do async dns lookups when it needs to reconnect to an irc network, that fails due to ENOMEM, and irssi falls back to a sync dns lookup and continues on as if nothing went wrong!21:36
sarnolditr's crazy21:36
sarnoldnothing ever handles it, but irssi handles it great :) at least in this case..21:37
pavlushkagenii: is a coffeeholic, doesn't even share his coffee on IRC21:39
oerhekshe does ..21:40
doug16ksarnold, it must be "prefaulting" the pages (either allocating with MAP_COMMIT, or touching each page within a code section expecting a bus error signal)21:43
doug16ktextbook "check the return value" method won't work on a normal modern os21:43
doug16ksure you got virtual address space, but no pages21:44
doug16kpossibly no pages*21:44
sarnolddoug16k: I always assumed it was a matter of not being able to duplicate all the page tables for irssi21:44
doug16ka fork will set it all up CoW. it must be provoking it to make pages unique (or heroically try to handle bus errors everywhere)21:45
doug16kfork will essentially make everything read only in both processes, then when you write one, spontaneously get a new page for there, and point the original one to the readonly one (now made readwrite), and make the copy page also readwrite21:46
doug16kthat can spontaneously fail anytime21:47
doug16kanyway, demand paging really made a mess of out-of-memory handling21:48
doug16kwhen overcommitting*21:48
shinobi_Eric^^    https://pastebin.com/YMTJsEDd21:50
=== arunpyasi_ is now known as arunpyasi
galaxiesarnold: Good to know. I don't think I'll run out anyways22:12
sarnoldgalaxie: no one ever says "I had too much memory" :)22:13
nikolamI wonder why vlc is locking for so long in ubuntu? I open video then vlc process gets stuck and can only be killed with kill -9 process_id22:16
nikolamIs that actually Ubuntu's issue that is not solved for so long time, is it VLC's issue22:16
jayjoIn the "Software Updater" GUI tool, there is a box for "LLVM C++ Standard Library  3 kB" that I cannot select. It's been there for a while. When I try to update from the command line, I do get errors, although I think they're unrelated: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KbjM7MHc8S/22:16
oerheksnikolam, what vlc version, and how did you install it?22:18
oerheksjayjo, fix is simple, you have https souces22:19
oerheksinstall apt-transport-https for that, and it will go22:19
nikolamoerheks, it is vlc VLC media player 3.0.8 Vetinari (revision 3.0.8-0-gf350b6b5a7) on updated Xubuntu 19.10 64bit22:19
oerheks!info apt-transport-https22:20
ubottuapt-transport-https (source: apt): transitional package for https support. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.4 (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 153 kB22:20
oerheksnikolam, and how did you install it??22:20
nikolamoerheks, using Ubuntu repository, I think it were installed upon install or i installed it via apt or Synaptic22:20
oerheksnot as snap22:21
oerheks!info vlc eoan22:21
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.8-2 (eoan), package size 32 kB, installed size 221 kB22:21
Bashing-omjayjo: ^^ Also bluez PPA: last supported in zesty: http://ppa.launchpad.net/bluetooth/bluez/ubuntu/dists/ .22:21
nikolamoerheks, so what if it is normal package, why would it be a snap?22:22
oerheksand not from apt22:22
oerheksso your claim is invalid.22:22
nikolamoerheks, ??22:22
oerheksif you google that version, tons of problems.22:23
oerheksnikolam, do not act as you are surprised, please22:24
oerhekshow did you install it?22:24
MonkeyDustnikolam: did you install it with apt or as a snap22:24
oerhekssnap does not give that version, and ubottu showed that too for apt22:24
nikolamI think I installed it via aether regular apt command or via synaptic..22:24
jayjoBashing-om: I actually haven't got bluetooth to work properly with an audio headset on this machine yet. I'm on 19.10. Do I need to downgrade the OS version or is there a different tool to use instead?22:24
nikolamI am uninstalling it to check what I will get after reinstalling and in the meantime i will check repos22:25
Bashing-omjayjo: Can not advise of bluetooth as I have minimal experience there. for sure the PPA must be done away with as there is no support.22:27
oerheksi have bluez ppa installed, to fix the wonky connection too22:27
Bashing-omjayjo: oerheks is correct . last support in bionic :(22:29
oerheksbut eoan got the same 5.50 ..https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez22:29
jeremy31jayjo: Do you have broadcom wifi?22:30
jayjojeremy31: I have the usb dongle Broadcom Corp. BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.022:32
jeremy31jayjo: do you have the USB ID for it?22:32
oerheksjayjo, so updates work properly now?22:32
jeremy31jayjo: in terminal do> cd /lib/firmware/brcm && sudo wget https://github.com/winterheart/broadcom-bt-firmware/blob/master/brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e8.hcd && sudo cp BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e8.hcd BCM.hcd22:33
jeremy31jayjo: then shut down and boot22:34
tripelb18.04 how do I set my resolution for my better monitor not my laptop monitor?22:37
tripelbI just figured it out, single monitor. I clicked to try.22:38
nikolamoerheks, I am not sure what you were reffering to, but it seems that version I get when I install vlc with 'apt install vlc' is exactly the same I see is available in 19.10 on packages.ubuntu.com So I suppose those are same binaries.22:43
nikolamMaybe you were suggesting NOT to use vlc from Ubuntu repos and find alternative, newer?22:44
oerheks3.0.8-2 on eoan. ... not that download from vlc itself > 3.0.8 Vetinari (revision 3.0.8-0-gf350b6b5a7)22:46
oerheksand please, google on 3.0.8 Vetinari (revision 3.0.8-0-gf350b6b5a7) ... 1000s of issues22:47
EriC^^shinobi_: the partition sizes look the same, sorry no idea22:47
oerheksit is *not* from our apt repos. period.22:47
oerheksmaybe you are on a derivate, like mint or something?22:48
EriC^^shinobi_: maybe try to compare the actual files by using md5sum on the filesystem while mounted, then comparing with the other using md5sum -c, because i think some very minor stuff could be different, such as the info in the filesystem regarding where you mounted the filesystem, if you did try to mount it after copying the partition22:49
nikolamoerheks, I have exactly 3.0.8-2 here. I have not been downloaded anything elsewhere outside Ubuntu repos. I have give vls --version output22:50
oerheksso howcome you said earlier 3.0.8 Vetinari (revision 3.0.8-0-gf350b6b5a7) ???22:51
oerheksyou just unstalled that, and installed the proper one, right?22:51
nikolamoerheks, that is whar vlc --version spits out when asked for version..22:51
nikolamI installed with apt install, but I think it is the same thing I had before uninstall22:52
=== pauljw_18 is now known as pauljw
MonkeyDustvlc 3.0.8 Vetinary here too23:01
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
=== skookum2 is now known as skookum

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