
callmepkGood morning00:43
jibelmorning all05:49
dufluMorning jibel 05:52
jibelHi duflu 05:53
didrocksgood morning06:37
seb128goood morning desktopers!06:38
didrocksgood morning seb128 06:40
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ? passé un bon w.e ?06:40
dufluMorning didrocks and seb128 06:41
seb128hey duflu, how are you? had a good w.e?06:42
dufluseb128, the rest was excellent but exciting weekends don't tend to happen at the moment. You?06:42
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers, happy Monday!06:43
seb128lut oSoMoN, happy monday! had a good w.e?06:43
seb128duflu, nothing really exciting here either but it relaxing at least06:44
oSoMoNseb128, salut! a good week-end indeed, and you?06:44
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:44
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:44
seb128oSoMoN, it was alright :)06:44
seb128too much eating & drinking for the level of movement/sport though :-/06:45
dufluThere's a simple solution to that :)06:46
didrocksseb128: ça va, rien d’exceptionnel, et vous ?06:49
didrockshey duflu 06:49
didrockssalut oSoMoN 06:49
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:49
marcustomlinsonmorning jibel duflu didrocks seb128 oSoMoN06:49
didrockshey hey marcustomlinson 06:50
marcustomlinson2 day weekends are lame06:50
seb128didrocks, un peu pareil, on ne sort pas trop donc les jours se ressemblent06:52
seb128hey marcustomlinson06:52
oSoMoNmarcustomlinson, I totally agree06:53
oSoMoNwow my daughter caught my mouse, clicked once on the launcher and dragged, and BOOM, launcher broken!06:56
seb128segfault? stucked in dnd?06:56
dufluMorning marcustomlinson 06:56
oSoMoN(only the one icon she dragged actually, the other ones are responsive)06:56
oSoMoNso it looks like partially stuck in DnD06:56
seb128look in the journal for an error I guess06:56
oSoMoNyeah, will do that when she lets me :)06:56
seb128and maybe try hitting 'esc' on the keyboard06:57
oSoMoNtracker-extract is spamming the journal06:57
marcustomlinsonits amazes me how kids manage to do this06:58
oSoMoNI think that means our software is very fragile…06:58
oSoMoNnot kid-proof06:58
marcustomlinsonmaybe, my son has managed to do some super weird things to my iphone06:58
marcustomlinsonthings I could almost never reproduce :P07:00
marcustomlinsonI'd rather believe your daughter is a genius than admit this may be a bug ;)07:02
dufluHmm, multimonitor performance doesn't seem very good. Can't remember if that's better or worse than before. I will need to make more time for that this year07:19
oSoMoNseb128, nothing in the journal, and the broken launcher icon appears to have fixed itself after my screen locked and I unlocked it07:22
oSoMoNin other news, a friend of mine upgraded from 19.04 to 19.10 then 20.04 over the week-end, and he is very pleased with the performance improvements in gnome-shell and friends07:24
dufluI'm also a bit frustrated at how much slower the Ubuntu extensions make everything. Will need to find out why that is07:27
dufluseb128, is this meant to be "immutable" already? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes07:31
dufluor ever?07:32
seb128oSoMoN, nice to read, kudos to duflu for that :)07:53
seb128duflu, I can edit that page, are you properly logged in?07:56
dufluoSoMoN, seb128, I don't mean to sound negative at the same time. Actually both can be true simultaneously: 20.04 is faster than previous releases, and more work needs to be done07:56
dufluseb128, maybe my login is stale, but yes I am logged in07:56
seb128duflu, and you don't have the edit action in the top left?07:57
dufluseb128, nope07:57
dufluI wonder if I fell out of some group07:57
seb128maybe it's limited to some members? Laney or Wimpress might know better07:57
seb128can you edit other pages?07:57
dufluI have had edit access for years till this week07:57
dufluAha! Yes seb128 I just had to log out and in again07:59
seb128ok, at least you got it working07:59
marcustomlinsonmorning Laney08:04
dufluMorning Laney08:05
dufluPerfect timing... Laney do you reckon Ubuntu Server could do with being more concise and more consistently formatted in the release notes?08:06
seb128hey Laney, how are you? had a good w.e?08:14
Laneyhey marcustomlinson duflu seb128 08:16
Laneyduflu: ah thanks for raising that08:16
Laneyjust mentioned it in the virtual release sprint and sil2100 is going to speak to Josh08:16
Laneyseb128: quite nice, tidied the garden 08:17
seb128Laney, nice :)08:21
Laneyand fiddled with DNS servers08:21
Laneywhat about you?08:21
seb128nothing too exciting, we did a walk on sunday morning, otherwise mostly stayed out and usually w.e clearning, cooking and played some games08:23
Laneyseb128: steve pinged me about https://launchpad.net/bugs/187196008:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1871960 in libgtk3-perl (Ubuntu) "package libpam-modules 1.1.8-3.6ubuntu2.18.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: pre-dependency problem - not installing libpam-modules:amd64" [Critical,New]08:35
Laneywonder if anyone could take a look08:36
seb128Laney, thanks, I will try to poke, sounds like maybe some Depends not strong enough and mix of versions in the middle of the upgrade?08:37
WimpressMorning desktoppers o/08:50
dufluMorning Wimpress 08:50
marcustomlinsonhey Wimpress08:50
Laneyseb128: could be, sounds a bit hairy to me08:52
seb128hey Wimpress, how are you?08:52
seb128Trevinho, hey, can we get https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/pull/1174 merged/upload?09:22
gitbotmicheleg issue (Pull request) 1174 in dash-to-dock "Fix regression (wrong sign when computing position)." [Open]09:22
seb128duflu, thanks for fixing that one!09:22
dufluseb128, actually upstream fixed it yesterday :)09:22
seb128duflu, ah, nice, maybe we should close the GNOME report?09:23
dufluseb128, I keep trying but gitlab has been unresponsive for days09:23
dufluwhich is also good. I can't see what else I need to answer09:24
dufluseb128, can you confirm?09:24
dufluIt only half loads pages09:24
dufluIf you want a really long time sometimes a page will load09:24
dufluIf you wait a really long time sometimes a page will load09:24
seb128duflu, commenting works fine, I added a comment, I'm not a maintainer/having acl to close it though09:27
seb128loading has no slowness here09:28
dufluThat's worse news09:28
dufluWhy is it only me?09:28
dufluDid they change gitlab to only work with fast pings? :)09:28
seb128did you try if using the VPN makes a difference?09:31
seb128who knows, maybe some routing problems or something09:31
dufluNo, but I am asking Gnome sysadmin now09:33
bluesabrekenvandine: So, Eickmeyer tells me you're the one to find for pushing updates to gtk-common-themes... :) Do you mind taking a look at https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gtk-common-themes/-/merge_requests/19 ?10:36
xclaesseWindow buttons are messed up in gnome settings, when they are put on left as unity used to do: https://ibb.co/tJtqQZG13:03
xclaesse(I don't remember if I did the change for left buttons, or if that's still the default on ubuntu)13:04
seb128xclaesse, hey, we reverted to button on the right when we switched back to GNOME, so it's your setting. The issue is bug #1873638 ... it shouldn't be something new though? any application using GtkHeaderBar with a split titelbar should have those (we got reports in previous cycle from e.g gedit when enabling a sidebar)13:06
ubot5bug 1873638 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Titlebar buttons incorrectly placed when set to appear on the left" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187363813:06
xclaesseseb128: thanks for the link. It's not new indeed, I just rarely open an app that has that issue :)13:10
xclaesseheaderbars are a total mess in GNOME, it's sad13:11
xclaesseeach app invent their own way of placing their options13:11
KGB-1gnome-control-center Sebastien Bacher 156763 * commented merge request !16 * https://deb.li/ij8V013:20
TrevinhoLaney: hey, was mentioned last week, but could we move yaru under the desktop umbrella, wouldn't make sense? in any case what would be the procedure?13:20
KGB-1gnome-control-center Marco Trevisan 156768 * commented merge request !16 * https://deb.li/VJvD13:25
seb128Trevinho, I will handle that, see https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/04/17/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t15:00 for discussion13:25
Trevinhoah, i searched my logs but only desktop ones :)13:26
KGB-1gnome-control-center Marco Trevisan 156788 * commented merge request !16 * https://deb.li/Gxuy13:52
KGB-1gnome-control-center ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [update] merge request !16: debian/patches: Disable dock in all monitors when choosing a specific one * https://deb.li/79V13:55
Trevinhoseb128: I've dropped the other patch from ^13:56
Trevinhono other change was there though, I think was just the patch refreshing showing more context?13:56
seb128Trevinho, thanks!13:56
seb128Trevinho, you mean by "no other change was there though'?13:56
kenvandinebluesabre: looking at it.  The icons add 6M to the snap compressed 13:56
Trevinhog-c-c should reorganize the patches using pq features better IMHO though, using context for the ubuntu-only ones so that there's no manual management of debian/patches/series13:57
Trevinhoseb128: I meant the "keywords" one you mentioned?13:57
Trevinhomaybe I misuntedstood what you were referring to13:57
seb128Trevinho, you are right, my mistake, diff or patches are not easy to read :p13:58
Trevinhoah ok :), well gitlab isn't bad at showing them once you only look at the background color other than +/-'s13:58
seb128Trevinho, well it can be misleading too, look at https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-control-center/-/merge_requests/16/diffs now14:00
seb128just before POTFILES.in14:00
seb128in that an addition or a context?14:00
Trevinhoseb128: I mean you've to look at the side bg-color14:00
Trevinhowhere the lines are...14:00
Trevinhoif that's white there's no change, if red/green it's the added/removed ones14:01
seb128right, I never noticed14:01
seb128I looked at the selection color14:01
Trevinhoyeah, diffs of patches isn't great but with that tip should be better14:01
seb128indeed, thanks!14:02
seb128Trevinho, thanks for uploading the dock fix14:02
KGB-1gnome-control-center Sebastien Bacher 156794 * commented merge request !16 * https://deb.li/3XZ3U14:07
KGB-1gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 64740e9 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/ changelog patches/0008-Allow-tweaking-some-settings-for-Ubuntu-Dock.patch * debian/patches: Disable dock in all monitors when choosing a specific one * https://deb.li/3UJ1014:10
hellsworthgood morning dekstopers15:00
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 15:02
hellsworthhi oSoMoN how are you today?15:02
oSoMoNnot bad, how are you?15:03
hellsworthquite good thanks.. just testing a new LO :)15:03
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth15:09
didrockshey hellsworth!15:18
hellsworthhi there didrocks !15:18
KGB-1gnome-control-center ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [open] merge request !17: ubuntu-panel: Multimonitor fixes and improvements for dock monitor selector * https://deb.li/3wkvn16:06
Trevinhoseb128: I've moved the 2nd round of fixes for the appearence panel to ^16:07
seb128Trevinho, thanks16:08
seb128I will review tomorrow16:08
seb128I want another fix from Robert for the livepatch segfault and upload, then I will do a SRU16:08
Trevinhoseb128: yeah no rush only one that could be confusing is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1873890 but nothing high prio16:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1873890 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Appearence pane shows monitors also when they are disabled" [Medium,In progress]16:09
seb128Trevinho, ack16:11
seb128kenvandine, hey, how are you? had a good w.e?16:26
seb128kenvandine, I tried thunderbird's snap, it doesn't work with enigmail for me16:27
seb128kenvandine, unsure why there is no error on the command line or in the journal... but it doesn't see any key (and I connected to the interface/restarted it)16:27
Laneyfirst images are out on the iso tracker now16:55
Laneygo test16:55
Laneynot just randomly, follow a testcase on iso.qa.ubuntu.com and post a result17:08
Laneywe know there *will* be new images tomorrow (see status post: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-lts-final-release-status-tracking/15366) but it'll be more or less the same as this one for most people17:10
hellsworthricotz: LO 6.4.3 looks good to me but I'd like for you to kind of approve before asking marcustomlinson or oSoMoN to upload: https://launchpad.net/~hellsworth/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice17:13
ricotzhellsworth, hey :), looking17:21
ricotzhellsworth, did you push the packaging branch yet?17:21
hellsworthno but i can real quick17:22
ricotzplease do17:22
hellsworthwas just working on my fork to keep the main tree clean17:22
hellsworthk one sec17:22
ricotzor use a temp branch17:22
hellsworthok ubuntu-focal-6.4 is up to date17:25
hellsworthi also looked at every patch that went into debian.. and it all looked fine to me17:25
ricotzhellsworth, looks good :), just a minor thing, while the stale changelog entry for 1:6.4.2-0ubuntu4 is still there17:28
ricotzand try not introduce trailing spaces :)17:28
ricotz(in 1:6.4.3-0ubuntu1)17:29
ricotzhellsworth, you could merge the last commit into the merge17:31
ricotz*you could squash the last commit into the merge17:31
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
hellsworthok done17:41
ricotzlgmt :)17:44
hellsworthoh i need some autopkgtests run first.. let me get some links together..17:46
hellsworthkenvandine: could you please launch some autopkgtests for me?17:49
kenvandinehellsworth: sure17:49
Laneyhellsworth: please include a bug reference when you upload as this is quite likely to be going in as an SRU rather than into focal release17:49
hellsworthah right.. ok thanks Laney 17:50
Laney(and hi!)17:50
* hellsworth waves across the pond17:50
* Laney shouts really loudly17:51
Laneyactually I'm off, night night17:51
ngaioI guess it is now too late to make any changes to a focal universe package? (sorry if I'm asking in the wrong channel)17:57
* ricotz wonders about an answer to that :)17:59
ngaioI'm asking to see if it would be possible to make a last-minute update18:01
kenvandinehellsworth: done18:03
ricotzseb128, hi :), I am wondering about that focal-release pocket deadline in case of corresponding vala release for GNOME 3.36.218:04
Laneyricotz: past, expect it to be an SRU now18:24
ricotzLaney, ack, thanks18:26
ngaioLaney, thank you for the info regarding SRUs (which I'd never heard of). How do I request an SRU for a universe package? I'm an application developer with a package that has a startup crash for some users. I can file a bug against the package;  should I merely subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to it? In case it's not obvious I'm not in MOTU or an Ubuntu member.18:36
Laneyngaio: If you can supply a patch, filing a bug and attaching it, then subscribing ubuntu-sponsors ought to be enough18:38
Laney#ubuntu-motu is the channel to chat about universe stuff18:38
ngaioLaney, thanks! (Will take discussion to motu, sorry to bother folks here)18:39
Laneyno worries18:40
bluesabrekenvandine: much appreciated!18:46
kenvandinebluesabre: np18:47
KGB-1gnome-control-center ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [update] merge request !16: debian/patches: Disable dock in all monitors when choosing a specific one * https://deb.li/79V18:58
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
KGB-1gnome-control-center Marco Trevisan 156852 * commented merge request !16 * https://deb.li/iUKUe18:58
KGB-1gnome-control-center ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [close] merge request !16: debian/patches: Disable dock in all monitors when choosing a specific one * https://deb.li/79V18:58
KGB-2mutter tags c4776aa Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.1-3ubuntu3 * Debian release 3.36.1-3ubuntu3 * https://deb.li/HQZ119:26
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 265a8a9 William Grant debian/ changelog rules * Import Debian changes 3.36.1-3ubuntu3 * https://deb.li/3SboN19:26
seb128jdstrand, hey. You might know offhand, but is the gpg-keys snap interface supposed to give access to the private keys from the user? I'm trying with thunderbird, Ken said enigmail was working but it's not anymore. If I snap run --shell thunderbird and gpg --list-secret-keys nothing is listed... is that expected or already buggy? (also no deny/nothing in the journal)19:40
seb128jdstrand, kenvandine, it works if I ln -s /home/<username>/.gpg so looks like the only thing missing is that symlink to be created by default, what should be doing it?19:53
sa-ghostsI wrote a comment on a bug report 3 or 4 days ago19:53
sa-ghostsbut it didn't show up19:53
sa-ghostswhy is that?19:53
kenvandineseb128: symlink to what?19:54
seb128internet issue on your end? are you sure it correctly submitted?19:54
seb128kenvandine, from the snap ~ to the real userdir19:54
seb128I did 19:54
seb128$ snap run --shell thunderbird19:54
sa-ghostsit's okay though because the person who reported the issue noticed the same thing and commented to point it out19:54
seb128$ cd19:54
seb128$ ls -la19:54
seb128and there was a .gupng without secret key19:55
seb128removing that and symlink to /home/realuser/.gnupg and enigmail works19:55
seb128kenvandine, could be because tb doesn't share userdirs between versions?19:57
seb128k, need to step out for a bit, I will read the backlog later19:57
kenvandineseb128: i think we'd have to create a command-chain script to add that symlink at startup20:10
kenvandineseb128: actually, instead of creating a symlink we need to set some env20:23
seb128kenvandine, did we use to do that?20:53
kenvandineno, so not sure how this worked20:53
kenvandinei just pushed a fix20:53
kenvandinei think :)20:53
kenvandineseb128: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/thunderbird/snap/revision/3020:54
kenvandinewith that i can list keys in the snap shell20:54
kenvandine./bin/gpg-shim gpg --list-keys20:54
kenvandinewithout the symlink works20:55
seb128kenvandine, we can't have that directly in an env section of the snapcraft?yaml?20:56
kenvandinewe don't have REALHOME20:57
kenvandinewe need to shell out for that20:57
kenvandineseb128: with that the enigmail setup wizard succeeds21:00
kenvandineand i can toggle signing in compose21:00
kenvandinebut i get an error on send21:00
kenvandinei can also list keys in the enigmail UI21:01
kenvandinei am getting a denial21:02
kenvandineApr 20 17:00:01 trabajo kernel: [226275.941591] audit: type=1400 audit(1587416401.229:1990632): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="snap.thunderbird.thunderbird" name="/home/ken/.gnupg/.#lk0x0000561091faefa0.trabajo.538325" pid=538325 comm="gpg" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=1000 ouid=100021:02
kenvandinegood morning robert_ancell 21:18
seb128hey robert_ancell21:22
seb128kenvandine, the change looks suboptimal though, what happens if the interface is not connected? like maybe I want to use a private key for the snap only and not connect the interface?21:22
robert_ancellseb128, LP: #1862553 seems pretty broken. I wonder if it ever worked?21:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1862553 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in cc_panel_get_title_widget()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186255321:23
seb128kenvandine, also we use desktop-launch, seems like a better place to fix it so evolution and other softwares would work too21:23
kenvandinethis is a good way to see if it at least works in thunderbird21:23
kenvandinewe can consider moving it to the next snapcraft extension we do21:24
seb128still it should be conditional to the interface to be connected21:24
seb128robert_ancell, did you read the description of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/-/merge_requests/423 ? that hack from andyrock worked in bionic (we only have livepatch in LTSes)21:24
kenvandineI doubt anyone would go through the trouble of creating a separate .gnupg within the snap?21:25
seb128thunberbird created it for me21:25
robert_ancellseb128, looks like you are the right person to resolve this issue :)21:26
kenvandinei guess the enigmail UI would let you create keys?21:26
seb128robert_ancell, it's over my gobject skills sorry :/21:26
seb128robert_ancell, but that hack/patch got commited upstream so for some reason it isn't enough anymore21:26
seb128kenvandine, probably, I didn't play more with it21:26
robert_ancellWe're also carrying a weird patch from Andrea that quits g-c-c while triggering this, which looks very weird.21:27
seb128robert_ancell, the patch you are refering too is to avoid having a weird path of "click add, gcc -> add account is opened, add the account -> gcc is open"21:29
seb128https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/issues/16 has the details21:29
gitbotGNOME issue 16 in gnome-control-center "gnome-control-center windows remains open after using the launch-panel/online-accounts/add "API"" [1. Bug, 6. Component: Online Accounts, Opened]21:29
seb128but yeah, otherwise you end up having the setting app open on screen where you were just adding an account for another app, which is like "why is settings there"?21:30
kenvandineseb128: i'm trying this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4hz4F9RY3n/21:32
seb128kenvandine, k21:33
kenvandineseb128: ok, that works21:39
seb128kenvandine, great :)21:39
seb128kenvandine, thanks for fixing it!21:40
kenvandinenot sure about enigmail though21:40
kenvandineit still fails to sign messages21:40
seb128I will poke at that tomorrow21:40
kenvandinebut it can list keys, etc21:40
seb128one step at a time21:40
seb128on that note I'm going to call it a day21:41
seb128robert_ancell, good luck with the g-c-c issue, please send me a kick status update via email at the end of yourday, if you can't figure it out/are too busy with other things I will see if someone can maybe help tomorrow21:41
kenvandinegood night seb128 21:42
robert_ancellseb128, I'm not sure how successful I'll be at it - it looks like it might be a tricky fix. Got other things I need to resolve to. Will update at EOD though.21:42
seb128robert_ancell, thanks21:42

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