
=== lubuntu is now known as AshZetA
KITMWill Lubuntu 20.04 be released tomorrow too ?01:51
KITMhousecat Thank you :)01:56
guivercG'day, if you have a Lubuntu Support question, please just ask it (and try and keep to a single line, be patient waiting responses, people will answer when they can)02:59
=== kiwi_ is now known as kiwitrader
lubot<totallynotavirus> (Photo, 960x1280) https://i.imgur.com/4OJmWkk.jpg Why do i need all these options and wich should I chose?07:22
kiwitraderChoice is a wonderful thing unless its confusing @lubot.  I'd just pick Lubuntu unless you have a special reason for something else.08:22
Guest_51hi guys11:31
Guest_51i have a problem on my OS lubunt11:32
Guest_51audio doesn't work11:32
Guest_51i wrote on terminal cat/proc/asound/cards11:32
kc2bezWhich version of Lubuntu?11:32
Guest_510 [Audio          ]: HdmiLpeAudio - Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio                       Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio  1 [bytchtcx2072x  ]: bytcht-cx2072x - bytcht-cx2072x                       ASUSTeKCOMPUTERINC.-E200HA-1.0-E200HA11:33
kc2bez!paste | Guest_5111:33
ubottuGuest_51: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:33
Guest_51mmmh i don t remember the version11:33
kc2bezOpen a terminal and type `lsb_release -a`11:34
kc2bezThe best I can tell from your pasted text it looks like your audio is either a displayport or HDMI monitor.11:36
Guest_51how can i solve this problem?11:42
Guest_51i have no display port or HDMI monitor11:44
kc2bezPlease paste the output of  lspci | grep "Audio"11:46
Guest_51it doesn t show any output =(11:51
=== housecat is now known as dax
lubotrigocalleja was added by: rigocalleja16:28
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu Support | About: https://lubuntu.me | Docs: https://manual.lubuntu.me | Lubuntu 20.04 LTS released! https://lubuntu.me/focal-released/ | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Contribute: #lubuntu-devel | Español: #lubuntu-es | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users | Telegram: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support
M--uismojvkinbisIs this a new chat or is history blocked?17:38
wxlneither seems to be applicable17:38
daxM--uismojvkinbis: history on portaled matrix <-> IRC rooms is limited to "since you joined the room"17:39
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/17:39
wxlah didn't notice the matrix connection. right right17:39
M--uismojvkinbisOh okay. Well, let's see if I can get any help. When I tried to install 19.10, I was unable to setup raid through the default installer. I tried using mdadm which allowed me to setup up the array probably but when I wanted to install Lubuntu, it did not detect this as a partition. Perhaps, I'm not doing this in the right order, but is raid supported at all? What I ended up doing was using Ubuntu server and17:42
M--uismojvkinbisinstalling the lubuntu desktop on top of it, but I would like to do it properly. Any guidance?17:42
wxlM--uismojvkinbis: looks like it's still a current issue the installer is working to solve https://github.com/calamares/calamares/issues/98717:47
M--uismojvkinbisI beleieve I even tried using a different installer but even that did not work. I see someone wrote a work around but it's probably too involved for me.17:55
M--uismojvkinbisI think since I'm technically using fakeRaid, that is the issue17:55
M--uismojvkinbisIs there a more practical solution to doing FDE of LVM over RAID?18:04
lubot<aptghetto> We don't use LVM for FDE18:05
CrazyTuxHow much RAM and CPU does Lubuntu 20.04 use?18:07
lubot<aptghetto> Lubuntu can use all CPU cores and the whole RAM18:09
lubot<aptghetto> Or are you asking for the minimum requirements?18:09
M--uismojvkinbisThere was an article I read a while back that showed how much ram it used compared to xfce and the other popular DEs but idk where I would find it now. Just do a generic search engine search. Spoiler alert, it's less than the rest18:19
CrazyTuxNo.  Lubuntu is supposed to be a lightweight distro. I just wanted to know how much resources does Lubuntu 20.04 use.18:20
CrazyTuxI need a lightweight, stable, bugfree, user friendly distro.18:21
wxllightweight, stable, user friendly: that's lubuntu. go install it18:21
M--uismojvkinbisexactly lol18:22
wxlbugfree: that's like asking for immortality. doesn't exist. we work hard to limit them, though.18:22
CrazyTuxhow much RAM and CPU does Lubuntu 20.04 use?18:25
wxlless than anything else18:31
wxli've run it on as little as 256m but that's a terrible state to be in with regards to the modern web. that's not lubuntu's fault, but the web's fault. like if you want to use gmail in a browser, you need to ask google for system requirements, because theirs are much higher than ours18:32
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @rjCousineau [<rjCousineau> Hello,], Namaste!19:02
rjCousineauHello, I'm trying to install Lubuntu 18.04.4 LTS from USB and after install, i get a boot loop.   When installing through a gui, under Installation type, I choose 'Erase disk and install Lubuntu'.  I might have confused my partitions?  I'm not sure how it works19:04
wxlrjCousineau: 20.04 just came out. install that instead.19:05
M--uismojvkinbiscreate a new partition table and try again19:22
M--uismojvkinbisI would say but yeah 20.0419:22
rjCousineauNo worries, i'm trying 20.04 now19:23
M--uismojvkinbisCan't wait to spin it up. I'm just not sure I want to abandon my current setup19:24
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Use the live USB for sometime. See if it suits you. :)19:27
rjCousineauIn 20.04, selection 'Install Lubuntu' - on step: Partitions, i select the storage device, but NEXT is disabled.   Under manual partitioning, if I delete the ext4 it become unallocated. When i create a partition with default settings, it becomes 'New Partition' with ext4.   Except, the NEXT button is still disabled. hmm19:41
M--uismojvkinbishmm I haven't tried it out and it's been a while to remember what the install process it like19:42
M--uismojvkinbisTry checking out the manual19:43
M--uismojvkinbisif you can't get it, let me know. I could try it out real quick19:43
rjCousineauok thx.19:43
wxlyou probably have something automounted19:44
wxlmost likely swaps19:44
wxlthat's in the manual19:44
rjCousineauI don't see the 'Erase Disk' option.  I've ran 'sudo swapoff -a'19:59
wxldo you have anything else mounted?20:03
rjCousineauI was able to manually create the partition and get past that step.. thanks20:04
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest55445
rjCousineauThanks for your support, it seems to be booting now20:25
rjCousineauDoes anyone know if Lubuntu 20.04 needs tlp tlp-rdw (for thermal CPU throttling?)20:26
hutchHi I know devs will be busy. Congratulations on the 20.04 relese. Just a quikie22:04
hutchLubuntu doesn't have an info page as such showing version and mem, cpu etc. How do I check that beta has upgraded to final?22:05
daxubottu: final22:13
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Focal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 20.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.22:13
daxjust do updates as normal22:13
hutchok thanks both22:17
=== pietro is now known as Guest23943

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