
LocutusOfBorgtianon, hello, do you have any clue for this? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/d/docker.io/groovy/amd6407:04
LocutusOfBorglooks like docker.io is regressed in release, maybe snapd related, or -ENOCLUE...07:04
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Laneymwhudson: if you can subscribe foundations then we could try to find an AA to promote it, see bug #186126808:18
ubottubug 1861268 in jeepney (Ubuntu) "[MIR] jeepney" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186126808:18
Laney(or someone else)08:18
Laneysil2100: ^- maybe you could do that? to unbreak image builds09:59
sil2100Laney: hey! What exactly? No backlog!10:28
LocutusOfBorgsil2100, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu-devel.html :)10:30
sil2100Ah, ok! I can look at that indeed10:32
sil2100Laney: did that, but we need to make sure the package gets a subscriber10:39
sil2100I thought I can do that, but I can't10:40
sil2100Who can add a subscriber for it?10:40
Laneysil2100: I thought you would be able to: https://launchpad.net/~foundations-bugs/+members#active10:41
sil2100hm, ok, I was simply unable to find this team on the dropdown list10:51
sil2100Indeed I could10:51
* Laney watches rmadison10:56
rafaeldtinoco@pilot in11:55
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | 20.04 Released! | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Trusty-Focal | If you can't send messages here, authenticate to NickServ first | Patch Pilots: rafaeldtinoco
rafaeldtinocomorning o/11:55
rafaeldtinocoalright.. I'll start with FTBFS of zsys on armhf and its grub2-common dependency issue on s390x.12:37
ahasenackLaney: hi, this ticket (and a few others) has been in that "queued" state since last week, just before you switched britney over to the "new thing": https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/414612:42
ahasenackdo I need to retrigger it somehow, flip the test to unapproved and back to approved, or even re-upload?12:43
Laneyahasenack: I have no visibility into bileto I'm afraid12:45
ahasenacksil2100: do you? ^12:45
sil2100ahasenack: looking12:53
oSoMoNLaney, I notice on the new proposed-migration page that migrations are now blocked on build deps (specifically firefox on nodejs), that's new, is it intended?13:43
sil2100ahasenack: oh, ouch, so actually britney is crashing for all the tickets right now, might be due to some of the latest changes in britney2!13:44
sil2100ahasenack: (for bileto)13:44
LaneyoSoMoN: it is new, and yeah13:45
oSoMoNthat puts more pressure on me fixing all these node-* failed tests, it caught me off guard13:46
oSoMoNbut I suppose it makes sense13:47
LaneyRight. Consider if this happened around release time. We'd migrate firefox, and then copy nodejs up to the next release and delete it from current-proposed, and then firefox would become unbuildable13:49
oSoMoNyeah, it definitely makes sense13:50
Laneyseems to extra suck in this case though13:50
oSoMoNnodejs transitions between major versions always suck because of API changes and so many reverse deps13:52
ahasenacksil2100: ouch13:52
Laneydoesn't bileto use a fork or something?13:55
sil2100Laney: no, it updates from https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu master ;)14:00
Laneysil2100: ah, and then what?14:00
Laneywell, I made a branch pre-rebase-2020<something> if you just want to pin to the old thing for now14:01
sil2100Laney: oh, might be useful, but I guess I'll dig a bit deeper first about what's up, thanks!14:03
ahasenackLocutusOfBorg: zoneminder migrated \o/14:53
LocutusOfBorgahasenack, yep :D14:55
sil2100Laney: hey! Do you by any chance know how the result.cache files are generated? e.g. the ones from https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/focal/results.cache14:58
Laneysil2100: it's a json dump of some internal data structure14:59
LaneyI didn't know they were online!14:59
ahasenackhah :)14:59
Laneythat link points to the wrong file now15:00
Laney(the path changed)15:01
Laneyshall I fix those?15:04
Laneyit's called autopkgtest-results.cache now btw15:05
Laneysounds like there's a script grabbing this file from there, that'll need to be fixed for the new name15:05
sil2100Laney: oh, yeah, let me use that name then! Since bileto uses it and I saw the crashes were casued by trying to read old test results from the cache15:06
sil2100So I'll switch to the new path name now15:06
Laneyand it lives under data/groovy/state, not data/groovy-proposed/autopkgtest15:06
Laneyhave a look under ~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration on snakefruit15:06
LaneyI'll delete the old results.cache files so it's not confusing15:06
sil2100Laney: is it exported publicly on the lillypilly ubuntu-archive mirror?15:07
* Laney double checks the 'backup' is still there ;-)15:07
Laneysil2100: that's a proxy to snakefruit15:08
Laneyif you mean the people.c.c/~ubuntu-archive thing via the web15:08
sil2100Yeah, I'm trying to find it there but I guess it's not there yet?15:09
* Laney type type type15:09
sil2100Maybe I'm too impatient, or blind15:09
sil2100Probably both!15:09
* Laney tries to remember which way round ln -s goes again /o\15:11
Laneysil2100: ok it's there15:13
sil2100I always remember the order by remembering that if you do ln -s ../../../some_file, by default it will create a symlink to that file in the current directory with the same name15:13
ahasenackI never remember15:14
ahasenackI just never use -f in the first try :)15:14
LaneyI remember it like this: if you want to make a symlink a/b -> c, type ln -s c a/b15:19
Laneyi.e. swap the order from what ls -l would show you15:19
cjwatsonI remember it like this: if you think of it as "make a copy, except the destination gets a symlink rather than an actual copy of the file", then it's the same way round as cp15:51
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tianonLocutusOfBorg: interesting -- I think mwhudson might be better to look into that than I am though; it's failing in the "docker-in-lxd" test and seems to be failing during "lxc exec docker -- cloud-init status --wait" which AFAIK is before it's even attempted to install docker.io? :/17:41
tianon(or really, anyone who's more familiar with LXC, but I think mwhudson wrote most of that test)17:42
SudoBashany one in here work on managing puppet under ubuntu?18:54
ubottuddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping19:01
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rafaeldtinoco@pilot out20:47
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | 20.04 Released! | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Trusty-Focal | If you can't send messages here, authenticate to NickServ first | Patch Pilots:
rafaeldtinocoill be back tomorrow. for now I was fighting with armhf migrations (and my lxd and kvm environments). So expect armhf /arm64 migrations to be worked on tomorrow20:47
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