
lubot<ItzSwirlz> doin crazy dev stuff. any ideas @kc2bez ? … ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/PySide2/Qt/lib/libQt5Network.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZdaPvm, version Qt_501:30
lubot<ItzSwirlz> (Photo, 710x200) https://i.imgur.com/KkzUPlh.jpg01:31
lubot<ItzSwirlz> currently trying to build and run another DE.01:31
lubot<ItzSwirlz> checking the code it had to do with bindings and pyqt5... i had to override stuff by removing it. similar story here?01:34
lubot<kc2bez> Somewhat difficult to tell but it looks like you need to install a python module or two.01:34
lubot<ItzSwirlz> @kc2bez [Somewhat difficult to tell but it looks like you need to install a python module …], Always unlucky with PySide201:36
lubot<ItzSwirlz> with the current assuming we have Qt 5.15 it's a hell of a mess.01:36
lubot<ItzSwirlz> And considering idk what the plan is for Qt 5.15 and 20.10/Debian Unstable (atm) then that'd require patching it for specific debian to enforce an override01:36
lubot<ItzSwirlz> now.. there is Side201:44
lubot<ItzSwirlz> another module01:44
lubot<ItzSwirlz> ugh01:44
lubot<ItzSwirlz> i minus well see how it's going with JADE or try again another day or something01:45
lubot<ItzSwirlz> i'd rather see a success of JADE in manjaro first then in debian01:45
=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru
vishuhi i am a newbie i installed lubuntu 20.04 few days back. im tryin to intall nitroshare but have dificulties with it04:32
vishui have extracted these two files and i dont know what to do further04:33
lubot<nihal697> @vishu [<vishu> hi i am a newbie i installed lubuntu 20.04 few days back. im tryin to in …], Is the original package a .deb file?05:23
lubot<nihal697> @zqf [<zqf> 你好,有人在吗?], Please speak english07:06
zqfsu: Authentication failure07:07
zqfhow to deal with07:08
lubot<aptghetto> @zqf [<zqf> su: Authentication failure], That is normal and expected. The password of root is deactivated.07:08
lubot<aptghetto> You can use sudo -i07:09
zqfis not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.07:09
zqfafter use sudo -i07:10
lubot<aptghetto> The user is not in the sudo group07:12
zqfwill you tell me how to add in the sudo group07:15
guivercG'day Jimmy164, if you have a Lubuntu Support question please ask it (try and keep to a single line, and be patient, people will respond when they are able)..  For non support chat though please use #lubuntu-offtopic07:55
jimmy190I am trying to install Lubuntu 18.10, 32-bit version on my old pc computer (it has a Palermo 90nm Amd cpu and 518MB or Ram). After using Rufus to render my flash drive bootable, I couldn't find a usb boot option from my Bios, so i installed acustom extended bios menu where I was able to boot lubuntu. I chose language, and pressed enter on Run08:07
jimmy190Lubuntu. But after that, a black screen appears than automatically runs some commands, and i get a print_req_error io error dev fd0 sector 008:07
jimmy190This is where my system prompt and installation stops. How can I fix this?08:09
andriana20Can someone assist me?08:15
guiverc@jimmy190 Lubuntu 18.10 is EOL or end-of-life08:16
andriana20What is that supposed to mean?08:16
guivercandriana20, just ask your question (try and keep to a single line), people will reply when they can  (my last line was to prior question)08:17
andriana20Sorry guys, this is jimmy (i got disconnected and had to create a new username)08:17
andriana20I will repeat my problem : I am trying to install Lubuntu 18.10, 32-bit version on my old pc computer (it has a Palermo 90nm Amd cpu and 518MB or Ram). After using Rufus to render my flash drive bootable, I couldn't find a usb boot option from my Bios, so i installed acustom extended bios menu where I was able to boot lubuntu. I chose language, and08:18
andriana20pressed enter on Run Lubuntu. But after that, a black screen appears than automatically runs some commands, and i get a print_req_error io error dev fd0 sector 0 This is where my system prompt and installation stops. How can I fix this?08:18
guivercLubuntu 18.10 or the 2018-October release of Lubuntu is end-of-life, it upgraded to 19.04 which itself is EOL now too.  19.10 reaches EOL in a matter of hours.  You don't want to use the EOL software; or if you do, you need to support yourself08:19
kc2bezandriana20: You can find the supported release downloads at https://lubuntu.me/downloads08:20
andriana20Guys, I've got a critical installation error with my system. It happens no matter whether I use 18.10, or 18.04. My system is 32-bit , and I would appreciate slmeone who could assist me with this specific issue of mine08:21
guiverc512MB of RAM is insufficient to run as a 'live' system AND do installations, which is why the alternate ISO existed (it's last production was 18.04 though)08:21
guivercWe don't support EOL software08:22
andriana20And How come My system Runs a Windows 7 32-bit OS08:22
andriana20Yes, you already informed me you don't support 18.10 . Take this issue as an inquiry of General Sense. Alright?08:23
guivercOkay, with <768MB of RAM you need to use the alternate installer, which was last produced for Lubuntu 18.04 LTS as already stated.08:23
andriana20If my system can Run Windows 7 on 518MB of Ram, why It wouldn't run Lubuntu?08:23
guivercLubuntu will run, but the installer won't run in 512MB of RAM ontop of a 'live' system.  Not even windows 7 runs in a 'live' environment.08:24
andriana20What do you mean? 'live'? Did I ever mention that term?08:25
kc2bezandriana20: did you use the alternate installer?08:25
guivercLubuntu 18.10 only comes on a 'live' system08:25
andriana20So live means , running an OS on top of an already installed one?08:26
andriana20Can you define what a live system is?08:26
guiverca 'live' system is a non-installed OS being run, ie. all from memory08:26
kc2bezlive means running the os from DVD or USB08:26
andriana20Alright then, lets suppose that I want to install directly on top of W7, and not demo it. Thats what i tried to do. But i suppose there s no way tk make that happen?08:27
guivercyou need to use the alternate ISO if you have <768MB of RAM which you said you have08:28
andriana20I mean, the way systems work, any single way I try to install Lubuntu, I will have to run it live first?08:28
guivercno, the alternate ISO doesn't run a 'live' system, it uses the debian installer.08:29
andriana20Okay. The alternate ISO exists and will work for all Lubuntu versions?08:29
guivercI've already stated the last alternate ISO was created in April-2018, ie. original 18.04 media only (no .1, no .2, etc)08:30
andriana20I am asking that I am shown some understanding. I am not an expert and its my first attempt, ok?08:31
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
guivercandriana20, https://lubuntu.me/downloads/  scroll down to 18.04.4 Bionic Beaver LTS (LXDE) and you'll see alternate ISOs for x86 (32-bit) & amd64/x86_64 (64-bit)08:33
guivercthe alternate ISO is older, so will have 2+ years of updates to install, unlike other media though which has been refreshed 4 times since 2018-april.08:34
andriana20I do not have a fettish with any specific Lubuntu version over others. Carrying the limited lnowledge I have for computers, I wanted to install the best possible version which will offer me better system stability than windows 7 do. I just discovered that my cpu instruction set support 64-bit at most. Which Lubuntu version do you best recommend me08:34
andriana20to start with? Thanks for the aptience08:34
andriana20I just chose 18.10 because of its pretty LDqt. But i have no problem ceding this feature for the better of my system08:35
andriana20I also want the best System response (least input and output lag)08:36
guivercIt'll depend on your RAM which you've indicated twice+ was 518MB (an unusual size, it's usually 512MB or a power of 2 being binary which is why I read it as 512 sorry).  18.10 is EOL thus not advisable unles syou're offline only.08:36
andriana20Yup, i want to revive my friend's 518mb Ram pc08:37
andriana20Sorry if my size stating isn t exact, its at 500+ MBs of RAM08:37
andriana20An AMD Sempron 3000+ (Palermo 90nm) with an instriction set of 64-bit08:38
guivercthe 512Mb is your problem, Lubuntu 18.10 requires more RAM to install as it only came on a 'live' ISO. We cannot help with 18.10 though.08:39
andriana20I understand performance is limited, but I want the best lubuntu version for internet browsing and simple everyday use08:39
andriana20Alright then, of course I am willing to choose a different version08:39
andriana20Do you recommend me to go to 20.04 64-bit or towards an older 32-bit one?08:39
guivercI've already said Lubuntu 18.04 LTS is the only options I see, installed via alternate ISO as you have <768MB of RAM  I'd use 32-bit08:39
guiverc64-bit has a slightly larger overhead because each RAM address is double-the-size.. it's a small hit yes, but on such a small RAM, every RAM hit will be noticed.08:40
guiverc(non-local addresses anyway, relative addresses will be same size)08:40
andriana20I see08:41
andriana20 I really liked the ldqt of newer versions08:41
andriana20So i guess using 20.04 would be suicidal for my system?08:41
* guiverc clarified my answer as I saw a flaw, even if you didn't understand it... ie. 32bit is slightly more efficient. (very slightly)08:41
guivercyou don't have enough RAM to boot it I suspect, though even if you could boot, you won't be able to run `calamares` I bet (the installer used by Lubuntu LXQt releases)08:43
andriana20it's ok, don't bother with what i looks like i understand guys, i just want to get through with this08:43
andriana20Ok. Know anything about the print_req_error io error dev fd0 sector 0  i got?08:44
andriana20Got this even after i disabled my floppy disk drive08:45
guivercI would ignore it, your machine thinks you have a floppy (fd0) but you have no media inserted thus sector cannot be read (ie. no floppy in the drive to read)... how I read your error08:45
guivercI still have some boxes with floppies installed, I ignore the message when I see it08:46
andriana20Yeah, but this is where my lubuntu installation prompt stops08:46
andriana20And i have to restart my pc08:46
andriana20Virtually, this was the only problem i had with i 18.1008:47
andriana20So i couldn't innor it really08:47
guivercokay, Calamares has an issue with floppies, it'll try and write the MBR to a floppy if it believes a floppy is present..  It's an issue which has now been fixed, but the fix only just occurred and isn't in any release media (for Lubuntu or any other distro yet either, it's very recent fix)08:48
guivercfix is in calamares 3.2.27 released 9 days ago08:49
andriana20Yes, but the problem is that I encounter that problem without even having Booted Lubuntu at all. I am on windows 708:50
andriana20So software fixes are unsuable for an Operating system installation error08:51
andriana20Unless there is something i could do to bypass it08:51
andriana20I encounter this at the very start of my first Lubuntu boot Attempt08:51
andriana20I get the Lubuntu Logo choose language , 4 options (first is Run Lubuntu)08:52
guivercI can't (or won't) help with EOL releases sorry.08:53
andriana20And after running lubuntu, a black screen command prompt that runs automatic commands leads me to this error08:53
andriana20Yes, but this error can easily occur with 18.04 lts version and i need to combat this error regarless08:54
guivercYou are most welcome to use EOL (end of life) software but all security patches are no longer provided by Canonical/Ubuntu community, so responsibility is all on you. Official support options are also closed, as we do not encourage the use of unsupported EOL software. If you're competent enough to back-port all security patches yourself, you won't need support anyway.08:54
guiverc18.04 uses different installers (debian OR ubiquity) to 18.10 so is different08:54
andriana20I will see about that. I will be here again if it reoccurs08:55
andriana20Is my boot method on point at all?08:56
andriana20Used rufus to pass the iso to my flash drive08:56
guivercI don't know your hardware, so any advice I give it won't be worth much08:56
guivercI've also never used rufus to write media either, so cannot help there.08:56
andriana20What do you need to know about my hardware?08:56
andriana20Rufus is adviced to be used in the official website08:57
andriana20What do you mean?08:57
andriana20I was introduced to rufus by the lubuntu installation guide08:58
guiverchttps://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.2/booting_the_image.html is all Ican provide.  (I've never used rufus in my life, never seen it running on a machine even)08:58
andriana20Ok, so what is my alternative tested by you?08:58
guivercI've not used it sorry, I use windows maybe twice a year  (i'm lucky)08:58
andriana20I ll check it08:59
andriana20It's not luck oriented, but choice oriented08:59
andriana20So do not worry about running out of luck09:00
andriana20Yet you need to understand how windows function so you can advise windows users who want to turn lubuntu09:03
andriana20lubuntu seemed to boot just fine using a rufus flash drive09:04
andriana20I don't know if it will detect by iso bruning09:05
andriana20I will try to get it both ways and see ehich one works09:07
andriana20Hopefully it gets resolved..!09:07
andriana20guiverc still here?09:16
guivercyes, but busy doing things.... I'll respond when I can (like most people in room, or those invisible as on telegram)09:17
andriana20guiverc understood. i want to install lubuntu to a friend as  a service. So you understand that I have to make one visit this afternoon, and that i i do not get there prepared with the correct lub version, a properly bootable usb stick and the knowledge to do it, it s one day s work that goes to waste, and repeat tomorrow.. what do you think should09:20
andriana20i do09:20
diogenes_andriana20, what's the issue?09:21
andriana20Its a long story diogenes, we discussed it with guiverc for the last hour . Can you check the chat history?09:22
diogenes_andriana20, you can always compress it in 1 sentence.09:22
andriana20I will try09:23
andriana20Nice name btw, sounds like it came out of Greece, where i come from09:24
diogenes_yeah it comes from Sinope )09:24
andriana20Sorry, i got off topic09:25
andriana20My friend has this old computer (2006 est.)09:25
andriana20Cpu: amd sempron 3000+ palermo 90nm (64-bit) , and 512MB of ram. I booted ubuntu 18.10 (which Yes, i now know is not supported anymore , booted it into rufus properly, and went off to his house. I was trying to get its BIOS to read and boot my flash drive, to no avail. So i installed an extended custom Bios menu (called Free... Something) and i09:30
andriana20finally got the LUBUNTU logo. I chose language, then hit Run lubuntu, and after initiating it, i got a black coand prompt that automatically runs commands, and got anprint_req_error io error dev fd0 sector 0 error, which pauses the executional, and gets me stuck there. So i have to restart my pc for it to respond. So i couldnt do it all night long09:30
andriana20His system is currently running windows 7 32-bit09:31
andriana20It was a crapshoot09:32
andriana20Mobo is Microstar LS-7135 (Socket 940)09:32
diogenes_andriana20, first i'd not use rufus but either etcher or win32diskimager, and for such ancient hardware i'd use antiX which is a Greek distro btw.09:35
andriana20Will the software used to make my flash drive bootable fix the error?09:36
andriana20I was prompted to rufus through the lubuntu inst. guide09:37
diogenes_andriana20, i shared what i'd do, you decide to follow or now, everything is a trial and error method, you try and see.09:39
andriana20Is there anything wrong with the lubuntu version I decided to use?09:39
andriana20I think booting my rufus flash drive worked fine, right?09:40
andriana20I can't imagine how that would be the source of my issue09:40
diogenes_Lubunto is for low spec hardware but low spec doesn't necessarily mean old.09:40
andriana20Wait, what do you mean?09:41
diogenes_and i'd not use rufus.09:41
andriana20That lubuntu is not suited for that system?09:41
andriana20Ok, which is my best option instead of rufus?09:42
andriana20I mean, etcher, win32dmanager, antiX09:43
andriana20I want to lock in 1 choice09:43
diogenes_andriana20, https://etcher.download/#Download_Your_Copy_Of_Etcher09:43
guivercI tested Lubuntu 18.04, 18.10 & 19.04 on older hardware than yours andriana20 , but always with 1GB ram (or more)09:44
andriana20Does that mean..09:44
andriana20My ram is insufficient to run it live?09:45
diogenes_andriana20, but in any case, even if you are lucky and you install any distro on 512MB or RAM, as soon as you open a webpage in the browser, your system will froze.09:45
andriana20Wait a minute. So you're saying i'd rather stay on windows 7 32-bit?09:46
andriana20I thought lubuntu optimizes performance and response time for such systems09:46
diogenes_is that system running win7? i don't believe.09:47
guivercandriana20, diogenes_ has already given his suggestion (antix),  if lubuntu 18.04 doesn't suit, I'd suggest pure debian09:47
andriana20Of course it is09:47
andriana20It is nice to hear a second perspective09:47
andriana20But i kept your adivce guiverc09:48
diogenes_ok then you've been given a few choices already, make up your mind and pick what you think suits you better.09:48
andriana20This system was purchased about 200609:48
andriana20I mean, it had to run at least one kind of OS09:49
andriana20I am asking you guys because of your experience09:49
andriana20I get that annoying error09:50
andriana20Should I change anything in my methods? Do you know what the problem is?09:51
andriana20I at least want to understand what you mean by t09:53
andriana20if lubuntu 18.04 doesn't suit, I'd suggest pure debian09:53
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Cpu: amd sempron 3000+ palermo 90nm (64-bit) , and 512MB of ram. I …], Which pc he has?09:54
lubot<nihal697> Did you try to enter into boot menu first and then choose the ...wait does that device have uefi?09:55
andriana20No, I don't think so09:58
andriana20It's got the classic Blue Bios Boot menu09:59
andriana20DEL button for Bios, F11 for Setup I think09:59
andriana20DEL button for Boot**09:59
andriana20Only problem is, I couldn't see my flash hdd as boot device10:00
andriana20So i installed an extended bios menu that actually detected it10:00
andriana20guiverc I will do what you suggested. Do i Have to do something with my Rufus Flash drive right now to de-Rufus it? Or shall I just delete the files and it's good as new?10:10
guivercI've never used rufus, so cannot advise with rufus10:12
andriana20Can you give me a quick summary of the process I shall follow? Download the alternate 18.04.4, burn it on my usb stick, and then what do i do on that pc?10:14
andriana20Shall i use my extended bios menu again to run from my usb stick.10:14
andriana20Or does that installer follow a dofferent process?10:15
guivercandriana20, I haven't used the debian installer in a very long time, I cannot advise sorry. (blue background is all that comes to mind, but i'll be confusing too many installations to be of help).. as for booting, each box is somewhat different & I don't know your box.10:17
guivercin your case, I'd do a VM install on a local machine now, or before you go... so you're familiar with it...10:17
andriana20Its alright10:18
andriana20If the process goes smooth, i dont mind first time encounters10:19
andriana20Its just that print_req_error io error dev fd0 sector 0 i m afraid10:19
andriana20Imagine a full screen command prompt, that the system is running commands on its own and ends up print_req_error io error dev fd0 sector 010:20
andriana20And stays there indefinitely10:21
guivercI think that's just a message, not your issue..  the last message written before your issue.  but opinion only10:21
andriana20What do you mean by the last message before your issue?10:21
guivercdifferent messages (warnings etc) get printed... they are not always the error that kills the install/program, but clues as to where it is (what it had done), more than the problem itself..10:23
andriana20By the way, i ran a performance test on my main pc and it stated that it is suffering from excessive memory paging10:37
andriana20Isn't it odd?10:38
andriana20I got 4 gb of ram10:38
andriana20 Hi guiverc11:24
andriana20Sorry, which burning software did you recommend me to use? Chat history expired11:24
guiverca browser can show all chat history; https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/07/16/%23lubuntu.txt, I don't think I've ever written an ISO from windows11:26
andriana20Diogenes suggested me 3 programs11:26
andriana20I think antix and 2 other11:27
andriana20I'll check it out, thx11:28
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> guiverc I will do what you suggested. Do i Have to do something wit …], U need to format it manually.11:29
andriana20Lubot So rufus is excluded?11:30
andriana20Oh, got it11:30
diogenes_andriana20, ISO writing software: 1. Etcher you can find it here: https://etcher.download/#Download_Your_Copy_Of_Etche 2. win32diskimager - https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/ and anitX is NOT a burning software, antiX is a Linux Distribution same as Lubuntu but it's based on Debian.11:30
andriana20diogenes_ alright, that helped quite well11:31
lubot<nihal697> @guiverc [<guiverc> a browser can show all chat history; https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/0 …], U want to install windows or linux?11:31
andriana20lubot lubuntu11:31
andriana20Check my pc specs11:32
andriana20Its ancient11:32
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> lubot lubuntu], Rufus or etcher.11:32
andriana20Lubot ok11:32
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Check my pc specs], I dont need to.11:32
lubot<nihal697> And you might want to try to boot from  a usb as well if you have one. An sdcard with at least 4gb memory will also work11:33
andriana20Lubot do you know what causes print_req_error io error dev fd0 sector 0 every time i initiated a lubuntu 18.10 installation from bios?11:33
andriana20I did it using rufus on my usb drive11:34
andriana20My default boot menu couldn t detect the usb stick, so I used an extended bios menu and it booted11:34
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Lubot do you know what causes print_req_error io error dev fd0 sect …], 1. Who is lubot? … 2. Try to quote the msg or mention the person you are referring for clarity11:34
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> My default boot menu couldn t detect the usb stick, so I used an ex …], Are things like secure boot disabled?11:35
andriana20I am not refering to any message or me tion11:35
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> I am not refering to any message or me tion], Still, if you dont do that i dont get any notification so i never know if u replied .11:35
lubot<nihal697> Makes sense?11:36
andriana20Your question is on point, and I have to answer that I did not check11:36
andriana20I did not disable secure boot manually11:36
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Your question is on point, and I have to answer that I did not chec …], Check. And you arent quoting still11:37
andriana20I am not familiar with this chat11:37
andriana20Lubot is it ok now?11:37
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> I am not familiar with this chat], Just swipe from right to left on a msg to quote the msg. … Or use @ and then username to mention the person11:38
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Lubot is it ok now?], Who tf is lubot lol11:38
andriana20@lubot for some reason swiping isnt working11:38
andriana20@lubot so thats all that can be done11:38
diogenes_andriana20, it's not lubot, lubot is just a robot, not a humab being, when you see something like this: Lubot <nihal697> then, the person name is actually nihal697 and not Lubot.11:39
andriana20Got me confused as hell11:39
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @lubot for some reason swiping isnt working], My username is nihal697 … Who tf is lubot lmao11:39
lubot<nihal697> @diogenes_> andriana20, it's not lubot, lubot is just a robot, not a humab being, when you see something like this: Lubot <nihal697 [<diogenes_> andriana20, it's not lubot, lubot is just a robot, not a humab being …], Thanks11:40
andriana20Nihal just try to give me an easy time here, its the firs time i use this chat11:40
diogenes_and nihal697 doesn't know about lubot either because he is probably in telegram chat and not on IRC.11:40
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Nihal just try to give me an easy time here, its the firs time i us …], I m not even mocking or yelling, just helping you out so i might help you out.11:40
lubot<nihal697> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> and nihal697 doesn't know about lubot either because he is probably …], Yep.11:40
lubot<nihal697> Did you check for secure boot?11:41
andriana20@nihal697 i am not on telegram, so no swipe function here, Plus you are not included in mention list cause u re from telegram11:41
andriana20Can we get to the issue now?11:41
andriana20How do I do that?11:41
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 i am not on telegram, so no swipe function here, Plus you …], Just mention @nihal697 like you did now whenever you are referring to me. Thats okay as well.11:42
andriana20I read somewhere that I should do that, but dodn't do it eventually11:42
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> How do I do that?], In boot settings there shud be an option named secure boot11:42
lubot<nihal697> Shud be disabled11:42
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> I read somewhere that I should do that, but dodn't do it eventually], Nice11:42
andriana20@nihal697 yes, nice11:42
andriana20@nihal697 how do I navigate to secure boot disabling?11:43
diogenes_secure boot in 2006?11:43
andriana20My mobo is MS-7135 socket 93911:44
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 how do I navigate to secure boot disabling?], When you boot the pc, press the key that takes you to boot settings. I dont know the key for your pc11:44
lubot<nihal697> Cud be f9 , f10 or esc11:44
lubot<nihal697> Or somethimg else11:44
andriana20@nihal697 I have already accesed my setup nd bios, thats not the problem11:45
andriana20@nihal697 I said AFTER BOOTING LUBUNTU FROM MY FLASH DRIVE, it gave me this damn req Error11:45
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 I said AFTER BOOTING LUBUNTU FROM MY FLASH DRIVE, it gave …], When exactly? While checking the drive? … Did you do a system check on usb for errors?11:47
lubot<nihal697> Before booting it up11:47
andriana20Yes i did a memory test11:47
andriana20I mean11:47
andriana20@nihal697 It gets me to this blue Lubuntu menu, it says Start Lubuntu, check disc for defects, Test memory and Boot from first hard disk11:48
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Yes i did a memory test], Memory test it said? … I mean the test After booting the usb when you choose to reboot into lubuntu11:49
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 It gets me to this blue Lubuntu menu, it says Start Lubun …], Check disc for defects11:49
lubot<nihal697> Did u run that?11:49
andriana20@nihal697 I press Start Lubuntu, I get a black full screen command prompt, some commands are executed, then it transitions to a new same one, and i get that error and get stuck st that unfinished command11:49
andriana20So it never boots11:50
andriana20Lubuntu never starts11:50
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 I press Start Lubuntu, I get a black full screen command …], Do  a disc check first11:50
andriana20I get stuck at that black screen with commands executed11:50
andriana20What disk check?11:50
lubot<nihal697> It shows you if the bootable was created properly11:50
andriana20My disk is fine11:50
lubot<nihal697> check disc for defects11:50
lubot<nihal697> Jesus fuckin christ11:50
andriana20Jesus won't help11:51
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> My disk is fine], Its not the disk but the check for yoor bootable.11:51
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Jesus won't help], Looks like he technically cant11:51
lubot<nihal697> Now do a disk check thn whininh11:51
andriana20@nihal697 version 18.10 which i attempted to install i am unsure if it had the option check disc for defects. The other 3 were definitely included11:51
guivercIn https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/_images/boot_installer.png it's the third option in the menu, it validates your write to media11:52
andriana20Thats where i read the options from11:52
andriana20I cant exactly remember if they were the exact same yesterday11:52
andriana20There were 4 options, not 5!11:52
andriana20Because these options differ from lubuntu version to another11:53
lubot<nihal697> Its better u just boot it up and see now?11:53
guivercandriana20, the options can vary on your hardware... so may differ slightly despite you booting the same thumb-drive on multiple boxes..11:53
andriana20Right now i am not at my friends computer11:53
lubot<nihal697> Ping when you are at it11:53
andriana20Besides, i erased version 18.10 as guiverc told me11:53
lubot<nihal697> Cuz blind guessing + theory not gonna lead us anywhere11:54
andriana20And booted 18.04 alternative imagine on my usb stick just now11:54
guivercthe logo will be different for 18.04, but otherwise it'll be ~same (though I'm not sure the alternate installer has that option now)11:54
lubot<nihal697> Doesnt matter which version you boot up, our concern is to boot it up.11:54
andriana20@nihal697 i will be there in exactly 2 hours and 30 mins11:54
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 i will be there in exactly 2 hours and 30 mins], I hope im free at that time. But make sure to check disk before booting up. It shud be somewhere in the screen if not upfront11:56
andriana20@nihal697 guiverc told me not to install 18.10 because the system's RAM 512MB won't be able to boot version 18.1011:56
lubot<nihal697> In fact u shud check disk before installing any os11:56
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 guiverc told me not to install 18.10 because the system's …], Cant comment on that really as i have nver tried it on 512 mb ram personally but 2gb one.11:57
lubot<nihal697> Still if you wanna try you can create two bootables11:57
lubot<nihal697> Or just use the older11:57
andriana20@nihal697 He said that 18.10 uses an installer that cannot be booted Live on such a small Ram bandwith11:57
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 He said that 18.10 uses an installer that cannot be boote …], As i said, i have no idea. I just personally test myself in the name of hope.11:58
lubot<nihal697> Its ur choice11:58
andriana20@nihal697 And that only Alternate image isos such as 18.04 bypass the live running and directly install11:58
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 And that only Alternate image isos such as 18.04 bypass t …], Hm11:59
andriana20@nihal697 Is that corrent?11:59
andriana20@nihal697 I shall also download telegram to show you pictures too11:59
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 Is that corrent?], Corrent?12:00
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 I shall also download telegram to show you pictures too], Sure.12:00
andriana20@nihal697 Correct*12:00
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 Correct*], Oh. … I have no idea about that to be honest. You can cross check it by web searching.12:01
lubot<nihal697> Or can try yourself as booting doesnt harm12:01
andriana20@nihal697 Try myself what?12:02
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 Try myself what?], Booting both to see what happens.12:03
andriana20Ok, but as I said, i have no access to that computer right now12:03
andriana20We will check it in 2:30 hrs12:03
andriana20Are you guys in usa?12:03
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Ok, but as I said, i have no access to that computer right now], Doesnt make any difference . U can do it whenever its available12:04
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Are you guys in usa?], I m in pajeetland12:04
andriana20@nihal697 Oh, sweeden?12:04
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 Oh, sweeden?], Nah. Pajeetland is a country12:04
andriana20That's funny12:04
lubot<nihal697> Where pajeets are originally from12:04
lubot<nihal697> Whats funny ?12:04
andriana20No such country exists12:05
andriana20It's a pity to be hide the soviety you live in12:05
andriana20But i am a computer science student, I know how this community fonds hoding locstions etc12:06
andriana20Or better yet this anonymity complex12:06
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> No such country exists], It does.12:07
andriana20Maybe in a meme fantasy world12:08
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> Maybe in a meme fantasy world], No. Search for pajeets online.12:09
andriana20Until then, let's keep using our national Telecommunications services to get online12:09
andriana20@nihal697 So, that would make you Indian12:10
andriana20Or a troller12:10
lubot<nihal697> @andriana20 [<andriana20> @nihal697 So, that would make you Indian], Ah yes, our old name.12:11
=== Munsko_ is now known as Munsko
iffraffHi, I have an app that starts up a browser.  Some how i knows the worst place to put it and the worst size to make it :)  Is there any way to at least influence where the browser starts up?  e.g. I have two monitors.  I'd just be happy if it started on the left monitor.  I feel like it used to as well.  Any thoughts appreciated13:28
iffraffThis may seem tivial, but the app is an e2e test runner so I'm spawing browsers over and over when I'm developing and its super frustrating.13:29
iffraffPerhaps this isn't the right group. should I post this in ubuntu-offtopic?14:15
iffraffor somewhere else even?14:16
lubot<ItzSwirlz> This would be the correct group ish14:17
lubot<ItzSwirlz> You should look for default application or preferred applications14:17
lubot<ItzSwirlz> There you should hopefully or maybe have an option to do so.14:17
iffrafflubot: :) in the ubuntu settings right? not the test runner?14:18
lubot<ItzSwirlz> are you testing/using lubuntu or ubuntu?14:18
lubot<ItzSwirlz> It also depends what Desktop Environment you're using.14:18
iffraffI'm using ubuntu 20.0414:19
iffraffI don't see anyting helpful in settings, perhaps in "tweaks"14:20
ardagsame im use too14:20
iffrafflubot: I don't see anything in settings.  I thought this is a long shot.14:23
iffraffHere's a more interesting question perhaps14:23
iffraffI'm running ubuntu 20.04.  I have a bluetooth ear thing.  The system is picking up the bluetooth headset as a speacker but does not recognize the microphone.  Does anyone know how I could get it to register?14:24
Munskoiffraff, it does not show you the microphone?14:32
Munskoi mean, it does not appear in the list14:33
iffraffMunsko: so in settings no,  the ear piece shows up in speakers list but not in mic list14:33
Munskothe microphone is separated or its with the ear thing?14:34
iffraffit's all one tiny little ear bud thing.  Like an apple ear ...thing, but way cheaper14:36
Munskohmm, i see14:37
Munskohave you tried conenct it with another device?14:37
Munsko(like a phone)14:37
Munskojust to be sure that the problem is that dont work in the pc(or if the problem is the ear thing)14:37
iffraffwell, no, I should have thoguth of that.  I'll give that a try.  One moment14:38
iffraffyep works on my phone14:40
Munskoso the problem is on the pc14:40
Munskowhat application you use to connect via usb?14:41
Munsko(you can check that in the package manager searching for "bluetooth")14:41
iffraffjust native, whatever comes with bluetooth.  I just got to bluetooth settings, pair, then go to sound setting and test.14:43
Munskothere's various applications14:43
Munskothats why i ask14:44
iffraffArrgg, I'm sorry I was mistaken, the ear piece DOES show up under mic but it does not show any sound coming through, by which I mean ther's a litte "progress bar" that should bounce when it hears sound14:44
iffraffyes I will check the application one sec14:44
iffraffer,  what would the command be for apt-get?14:45
Munskoso it does not recognize the speaker14:45
Munskocheck it on graphical package manager14:45
Munskoif you have it14:45
Munskolike synaptic, muon, etc14:45
Munskoyou will find it on the menu14:45
iffraffsorry, no it recognizes both the speaker and the mic, however when testing the in the sound settings, speaker works but mic does not.14:45
Munskoi see, so it recognizes but dont seems to work14:47
Munskoyou app is blueman?14:47
Munsko(since you are in gnome,that should be the default i think)14:47
iffraffso in the "Ubuntu Software" gui under installed it does not show any bluetooth stuff.  when I search for bluetooth it only shows stuff under "explore"  is there a cli command I could use/14:48
Munskowhat you see when you search for "blueman"?14:49
Munskoits a bluetooth program14:49
iffraffso it says "no applications found"14:50
iffraffperhaps blueman is not updated for 20.04?14:50
apt-ghetto!info blueman14:52
ubottublueman (source: blueman): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.2-1 (focal), package size 639 kB, installed size 3003 kB14:52
Munskocheck if you have another program like ubuntu software14:52
Munskolike synapic package manager14:52
Munskoand check it there14:52
Munskoi never liked the ubuntu software center14:52
Munskobut i can guide yourself in that one since im in lubuntu, not ubuntu14:52
Munskoso check if you have another program for package maager like the synaptic14:53
iffraffI don't seem to. I never liked it either, I usually just go commnad line  maybe I can search for it via apt-get14:54
Munskoi discourage that, and more if you dont are sure of what you are using14:55
Munsko!info synaptic14:55
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.6ubuntu5 (focal), package size 606 kB, installed size 3300 kB14:55
Munskoi sugget you install synaptic14:55
Munskousing the ubuntu software manager14:55
Munskoand then check "blueman" there14:55
Munskoits very useful application14:55
iffraffmmm, is that spelled correctly? I'm just getting "Validity fingerprint Sensors Linux Tools"14:57
iffraffso here's what I have in apt for bluetooth ( I hope this dosn't blow up irc )14:58
iffraffgir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0/focal,now 3.34.1-1 amd64 [installed,automatic]14:58
iffraffgnome-bluetooth/focal,now 3.34.1-1 amd64 [installed]14:58
iffrafflibbluetooth3/focal,now 5.53-0ubuntu3 amd64 [installed,automatic]14:58
iffrafflibgnome-bluetooth13/focal,now 3.34.1-1 amd64 [installed,automatic]14:58
iffraffpulseaudio-module-bluetooth/focal-updates,now 1:13.99.1-1ubuntu3.3 amd64 [installed]14:58
Munskoi see14:59
Munskomaybe you could try search with apt "blueman"14:59
Munskothat application have more options i think14:59
Munskoyou get that message from the ubuntu sofware center?(validity fingerprint...)15:00
apt-ghetto!paste | iffraff15:01
ubottuiffraff: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:01
iffraffapt has synaptic - Graphical package manager15:02
iffraffmore evidence that the Ubuntu Software gui is .. no bueno15:03
Munskoyou should install synaptic15:03
Munskowith apt15:03
Munskoand then check for "bluetooth" in that app15:03
Munskosynaptic is a safe thing btw15:03
Munskoit was included in older versions of ubuntu15:04
Munskobut someway they quite it on the base setup15:04
Munskofrom the*15:04
iffraffin process15:04
iffraffright so yes ther eare lots of entries under bluetooth.  including bluemon ( with an o ), bluetooth ( from ubuntu )15:06
iffraffand bluedevil  KDE Bluetooth stach15:07
Munskoblueman is there?15:08
Munskocheck if its installed or not15:08
iffraffyea, it's ther too but maybe because I just installed it using apt :)15:08
Munskoi see15:09
Munskoso you have it now?15:09
Munskotry check your problem with that app15:09
Munskoyou will find it as "Bluetooth Manager"15:09
iffraffHA!  so "bluetooth manager" has nothing, nor blueman and bluetooth just has the system settings BUT now the ding dang thing works!  so perhaps installing blueman installed som drivers:)15:12
iffraffyay!  thank you Munsko15:12
Munskoiffraff, now it works?15:24
iffraffyep! :)15:24
Munskoso you are using blueman or the one from before?15:24
iffraffSo what I did was was apt install blueman ( and also synaptic ) then paired my device went to sound settings check mic and the sound did register when I spoke.15:26
iffraffsooo who knows :)15:26
Munskoi see, the important thing is that works15:26
Munskoif you have any other problem, you can ask here or #ubuntu, which is the official channel for ubuntu and have a lot of people(you have more chance of get your answer there if you use ubuntu)15:27
iffraffcool thanks.  I didn't even notice the l until you mentioned it.  This channel came default with Quassel.  Thanks again for you help.15:28
iffraffActually do you have any thoughts on my earlier quiestion re: where the browser spawns?15:28
apt-ghettoWith Gnome, I think, the browser opens on the monitor, where the mouse pointer is.15:29
Munskoiffraff,  i dont have idea about that, sorry15:30
iffraffMunsko: ok, thanks.15:31
iffraffapt-ghetto: I tried that but I don't think it works in this case15:31
iffraffso I have an app that ( actually a test runner, and the test runner ) opens the browser.  I have the test runner gui in the left screen, and the mouse focused in the left screen and the browser starts in the right window15:32
iffraffright screen15:33
apt-ghettoiffraff: With test runner you mean something like Selenium?15:34
iffraffyes, except it's called cypres and iT"S WAY BETTER :)  it does not use selenium under the hood15:34
apt-ghettoI am not a tester, but I guess, the frameworks normally are run on servers without graphical environment. It is enough to get the results of the test.15:40
iffraffyes, but in development the gui is supppper helpful.  If you are a fullstack or front end dev you should really check it out15:41
iffraffthen figure out the browser location issue and let me know :)15:41
andriana20I am in dire need for help16:13
andriana20Could someone assist me please?16:14
akemAsk your question.16:14
andriana20I just installed my Lubuntu 18.04 , 32-bit16:15
andriana20It was all nice and set, i even downloaded some updates for the software that the system adviced me to16:15
andriana20But i had one issue with my resolution. It was stuck at 640*48016:15
andriana20So i searched online, and i did the following16:16
andriana20The system didn t offer me a resolution choice16:16
andriana20Through screen preferences16:16
andriana20So I opened the terminal and hit16:16
andriana20sudo nano etc/default/grub16:17
=== tijara_ is now known as tijara
andriana20Then i searched the line # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)#GRUB_TERMINAL=console16:18
andriana20And changed it to # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)GRUB_TERMINAL=console16:18
=== alex_ is now known as Lessie
andriana20I saved the file16:18
andriana20And then hit sudo update-grub16:18
andriana20It looked like it worked perfectly16:18
andriana20I went again at preferences, and now I could choose 1280*720 , 72 hz (my screen default)16:19
andriana20So i click on it, and then click on save changes16:19
andriana20Then for some reason, the screen doesnt change resolution, the choice locks on 640*480 again, despite the file staying on its change form16:20
akemYou don't have to change the file /etc/default/grub afaik.16:20
andriana20So I normally turn off my computer, and now every time I turn it on, lubuntu won't even boot up16:20
akemDo you run the system right now?16:20
andriana20It stays on a black screen, with a text input prompt kndefinitely16:21
andriana20Did I mess up?16:21
andriana20One user said that helped him16:22
andriana20... i dont understand what went wrong here16:22
akemWell, yeah. You probably need to  manually enter the commands to boot. It will be faster if you just reinstall. The other option is to boot from a live USB and undo the modifications / update grub but it's a bit annoying, you have to chroot etc IIRC...boot repair may work...Just wipe it off and reinstall, then come back for the screen resolution but don't touch anything that has to do with grub.16:23
andriana20Sorry, but this computer is on 512MB of ram, so i cant run any live OS16:24
andriana20I used the 18.04 alternative iso16:24
apt-ghettoDo you see the Grub menu?16:24
andriana20Maybe I can now, idk16:24
akemReinstalling will be much faster than messing with the system again.16:24
andriana20I see an empty black screen with only a text promot16:24
andriana20And i cannot type anything16:24
andriana20This is where i end up after the booting of my mobo ends (press del for boot menu and f11 for setup)16:25
akemOnly 512 MB of RAM ? :X16:25
andriana20I was running windows 7 32bit originally16:25
andriana20What should i do now?16:25
andriana20It's a 2006 pc, and lubuntu worked perfectly16:26
andriana20Until THIS haplened16:26
akemI would reinstall, but 512 MB is low even for LUbuntu. Can't you add another 512 MB more?16:26
andriana20At the moment, i need to reboot the system sir16:26
apt-ghettoIf you press CTRL + ALT + F5 do you get a login prompt?16:26
andriana20It is my friends pc and i dont want to hand him this thing16:26
andriana20No i dont16:27
apt-ghettoIf it is your friend, then I never would hand this thing, unless the friend owns a computer museum.16:27
andriana20It says No caching mode page found16:27
andriana20Assuming drive cache: write through16:28
andriana20The only thing that matters is to deliver back a functional computer ffs16:28
akemYou'll waist your time, just reinstall.16:28
andriana20Ok, restart pc?16:28
andriana20I forgot16:29
apt-ghetto!language | andriana2016:29
ubottuandriana20: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:29
andriana20I booted lubuntu through an extended bios menu on windows 716:29
andriana20Which doesnt exist anymore as i installed lubuntu clear16:29
andriana20Cause the bios wouldnt detect my flash drive16:29
andriana20How can i get my default bios to boot from my usb flash drive?16:30
akemTry another USB stick, or maybe you have a DVD on that machine?16:31
andriana20Its not the stick's issue16:31
andriana20This is the stick i install lubuntu in the first llace16:31
andriana20Its the fact that the default bios of my system cant find my usb i think16:31
andriana20When i get into boot menu, it only has Floppy, Hard Disk and CDROM choices16:32
andriana20No usb hdd16:32
akemDouble check your BIOS boot options/order, you may also have a FX keys like F9 or F11 etc at bootime that will pop up the boot drive option.16:32
andriana20Can i do some bios settings to counter that?16:33
akemGo look into your bios with your stick plugged maybe.16:33
andriana20Advanced bios features16:34
andriana20Boot Sequence16:34
andriana201st boot device gives me the following choices: Floppy, ls120, hard disk, CDROM, Zip, USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, USB-CDROM, LEGACY LAN, DISABLED16:35
akemI would try USB-CDROM and then USB-FDD :X16:37
akemBut it may not work i think you need USB-HDD.16:37
akemYou'll probably have to boot with something else.16:37
andriana20Even after i changed these, it still gives me the same boot options16:38
andriana20I have messed up16:38
akemIt's old hardware.16:39
akemYou gotta boot with an oldschool Linux CD.16:39
andriana20I need it back working man16:39
akemLike Knoppix for example.16:39
andriana20But cd only has 700mb of capacity16:39
andriana20I cant use lubuntu on it16:40
akemBut even if you boot Knoppix, i don't know how you could install LUbuntu from there :P16:40
andriana20Is there any lubuntu version lowwr than 700mb?16:41
andriana20An iso?16:41
akemYou still have the option to reinstall Win7.16:41
apt-ghettoYou can download for example the Gentoo minimal installation cd and boot from it, then chroot into the installed Lubuntu, fix the problems and reboot16:42
akemNo idea. Check the download section.16:42
apt-ghettoImportant is that the architecture of the iso is the same as the installed systemd16:42
akemIt can be a bit tricky if you don't know about Linux tho.16:42
andriana20I have no idea about linux16:43
andriana20It is the first time16:43
apt-ghettoAnd your friend does know Linux?16:43
andriana20Why can i just not boot it from my flash drive . Ffs16:43
andriana20No guys. Its a damn 2005 pc that i promised to make run smoothly16:43
andriana20Using lubuntu16:43
andriana20Now its all fcked up16:43
akemEasiest for you is to get a Win7 install CD.16:44
andriana20You mean buy it?16:44
akemYou can download from the internet if you don't have it, you just need the license key.16:45
andriana20I ll have to . Yes16:45
apt-ghettoWin7 is out of support, it might be a bit difficult to find an official download for it.16:45
andriana20I dont xare16:45
andriana20I have to16:45
andriana20One way ay another16:45
akemLook for a torrent...But your OEM key may not work with all versions. Anyway it's offtopic now :X16:46
akemGood luck with your machine ;)16:47
andriana20I ve found no luck until now16:47
andriana20Right now I am steps back from where it all started16:48
andriana20I just wanted a normal screen resolution16:48
apt-ghetto640x480 is a normal screen resolution16:49
andriana20Maybe i got lucky16:49
andriana20Not for this sytem16:49
andriana20It now says GNU GRUB version 2.0216:49
apt-ghettoThen press the key "E"16:49
andriana20Use the up and down keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS,16:51
andriana20'e' to edit commands before booting or 'c' for a command line16:51
andriana20What should I do now??16:51
apt-ghettoPress e and then you can edit16:52
andriana20setparams 'Ubuntu'16:52
andriana20recordfail, load_video, gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode, insmod gzio etc16:53
apt-ghettowhat shows the line with "linux   /boot/vmlinuz-....."?16:54
andriana20Nothing, its just text editing16:54
apt-ghettoSurprisingly, I know that16:55
andriana20If [  x$grub_platform = xxen ]; then insmod xzio; insmod lzopio; fi16:55
andriana20Insmod part_msdos16:55
andriana20Insmod ext216:56
andriana20Set root='hd0,msdos1'16:56
andriana20If [z$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ] then search --nofloppy --fs-uuid --setroot --hint-bios=hd0, msdos1 --\16:57
andriana20I need to upload some oictures16:58
andriana20Here https://ibb.co/09Txd6716:59
andriana20This is what k see16:59
andriana20And it has some more text16:59
andriana20Can you see it?17:01
andriana20Is this any help?17:02
apt-ghettoEverything looks good and normal17:03
andriana20Thank fck17:04
apt-ghettoYou can delete the words "quiet splash" on the line with linux17:04
apt-ghettoand boot with F10, so you should see some kernel messages17:04
andriana20Ok so wait17:04
andriana20After i delete quiet splash, ro and $vt should have 1 space bar between?17:05
andriana20Because ro and quiet has 2 space bars between17:05
apt-ghettoit does not matter17:06
andriana20Now which bytton to save?17:06
andriana20Welcome to ubuntu17:06
andriana20Many OK17:06
andriana20Back at the same page17:07
andriana20Take a look17:07
andriana20After all those commands ran17:08
andriana20I am back here again17:08
apt-ghettowait five minutes17:08
apt-ghettomaybe you hear the harddisk?17:08
andriana20I wouldnt say so.. :(17:09
apt-ghettoAnd after 5 minutes, press CTRL + ALT + F517:09
apt-ghettoIf you get a login prompt, you can try to login17:10
andriana20I m waiting17:10
andriana20I ll try it now17:13
andriana20Ctrl alt f5 does nothing17:14
apt-ghettoYou can consider your project successfully failed17:15
Munskoandriana20, what about install windows xp with some cds?17:15
andriana20I can consider i ve already considered that17:16
Munskoi mean, ask somebody to burn a xp iso in 2 or 3 cd17:16
andriana20Munsko thats what i will do17:16
Munskothen you could use your program to install lubuntu17:16
apt-ghettoWindows XP? Why not Windows 95 or Win 3.11?17:16
Munskoapt-ghetto, i dont see older windows versions good to conect to internet17:16
Munskoi mean, it could not recognize some hardware or drivers17:17
andriana20I did not originally have xp17:17
andriana20But windows 717:17
apt-ghettoMunsko: But you see Win XP good to connect to the Internet?17:17
Munskoi think its a bit more "modern" in that way17:17
andriana20W7 32bit17:17
Munskowhen w95 was released i think the internet was 56k17:17
apt-ghettoEvery Windows system out of support should never see an active Internet connection17:18
Munskoof course not17:18
Munskobut between that and cant use a pc17:18
andriana20What the hell team17:18
apt-ghettoYou can use a pc without internet, no problem17:18
Munskoyes, of course17:19
andriana20Yes guys17:19
Munskobut the idea here is install xp to install again ubuntu17:19
andriana20But the piece of software i used to extend my bios menu17:19
andriana20Was run on windows 717:19
Munskothen you could try burn windows 7 in some cds17:20
Munskowith the help of another pc17:20
andriana20I said before, my bios cannot even access my usb flash drive17:20
andriana20So any os i install until i get to w7 has to be in a CD-r size17:20
Munskobut you said that cd was an option iirc17:20
andriana20It is an option17:20
andriana20But only cds17:21
apt-ghettoandriana20: Arch Linux or Gentoo17:21
apt-ghettoBoth without a graphical user interface, but good to learn17:21
andriana20Once i get windows, i can download that software and install lubuntu again17:21
andriana20Guys, the pc is not mine. Right now i am not at home. This has to happen within a logic time frame17:22
andriana20I am not looking to learn how to program right now17:22
Munskotheres a version called "alternate"17:23
Munskowhich is 722mb17:23
andriana20But i want lubuntu17:23
Munskoits lubuntu17:23
andriana20It only has 512mb of ram17:23
andriana20Oh, ok17:23
andriana20Got to reach a pc and find a cd17:23
andriana20Cd-r or cd-rw?17:24
Munskono idea about that17:24
apt-ghettocd-r  is better17:24
apt-ghettoand burn it slowly to avoid errors17:24
andriana20Can someone give me a link of this chat history llg?17:25
andriana20I dont want to lose the link u sent me, i m on a phone17:25
Munskojust a minute17:25
andriana20Oh, wait a minute.17:26
andriana20Once i install 16.04, will i be able to go back to 18.04 ?17:26
apt-ghetto16.04 is out of support17:26
apt-ghettoTake 18.04 or let it be17:27
andriana20How will I take18.04 if i can only install through a cd rom?17:27
Munskothats the 18.0417:27
andriana20That was the one i installed today!!!17:27
Munskothe logs arent updated17:27
andriana20i already have that!!17:27
Munskoso it will dont show this mssg17:27
andriana20Will it fit in a cd r???17:27
Munskobut there it is17:27
andriana20715mb equals.. 0.7 gb17:28
Munskothats another, more secure link17:29
Munskoi remember you could install some things in a hard drive via another pc17:29
Munskosomething called "slave hard drive"17:29
Munskodont rememebr right the name17:29
Munskothe idea is connect your hard drive to another pc and do the instalation via that one17:30
andriana20But i cannot bring the whole system here17:33
andriana20Besides, what use could it be if the slave pc doesnt even run on an os?17:33
Munskoyou could format the disk17:34
Munskoinstall an OS from the master pc to the slave hard disk17:34
andriana20No way i can bring two pc s in that room17:34
Munskowithout having your cd or bios problem17:34
Munskoyou need just to use the disk17:34
andriana20Only with a laptop17:34
Munskoextract the hard disk i think17:34
andriana20Munsko can you add me so we dont losebtouch?17:35
andriana20On instagram17:35
Munskoi think thats some type of guide17:35
Munskobut i dont have ide how to do it17:35
andriana20Can i not install windows 7 on a cd?17:36
Munskoi dont see it possible17:36
Munskoiso is more bigger than 700mb i think17:36
Munskolike 3 or 4GB17:36
andriana20Maybe find a way to fit 715mb?17:36
Munskoi dont think so17:36
Munskotry check that link17:37
andriana20Something that could be removed from it?17:37
Munskoif you can extract your hard disk17:37
Munskoyou could try somebody install the os froma nother pc17:37
Munskothen plug it back in your pc17:37
Munskobut not sure if it will work17:38
andriana20@munso hello17:55
andriana20Munsko hello17:55
andriana20I returned17:55
andriana20Is there any chance the disk driver is stated as cd rom but in fact also support dvd17:55
Munskoim not sure about that17:56
andriana20Because I can't really make out how windows 7 were installed there in the first place!!17:56
andriana20I m sure it originally was windows xp, the commercial os of 200517:56
Munskoi see17:57
Munskobut theres some OS that comes with a bunch of cds17:57
Munskolike 3 cds17:57
Munskothey could have installed it that way17:57
andriana20He did an unofficial format17:57
andriana20Dont think they used 3 cds17:57
andriana20Can i install ubuntu on 2cds??17:58
Munskothats a good question17:58
Munskomaybe they use a dvd cd17:58
Munskowith another pc17:58
andriana20What is a dvd cd??17:58
Munskoand put the hard drive in that one17:58
MunskoDVD disk, sorry17:58
andriana20No way17:58
andriana20Its a 72 gb hdd17:59
andriana20If he changed it, it would be bigger17:59
andriana20Its the default hdd from 200517:59
Munskoi mean, used the disk in another computer that have a DVD reader17:59
Munskohard drive*18:00
andriana20Too complicated18:00
andriana20Dont think so18:00
Munskoor some mass method to install os in hard drives18:01
andriana20We re in a rural area18:02
andriana20Dont think too complex18:03
andriana20It was some time ago18:03
Munskoi mean an industry that make the drives18:03
Munskoto sell them in pcs18:03
andriana20No industry munko18:03
andriana20It is the same hdd18:03
Munskoi see18:04
Munskoi suggest you to ask in ##hardware18:04
Munskoi ran out of ideas18:04
Munskothey should know how do the job18:04
andriana20Come on, it shouldnt be that complex18:05
Munskoit looks like that18:05
Munskoyou dont have much options18:05
andriana20What size is the alternate18:06
Munskolike 715mb18:06
Munskoi dont think you could cut it more18:08
andriana20It has to read dvd18:12
andriana20No other way18:12
andriana20My friend told me the guy that inst w7 had a disk18:13
andriana20That disk had to be a dvd, otherwkse it makes no sense18:13
andriana20W7 32 bit is quite large size18:14
Munskoit should have a dvd reader18:15
Munskoand put in in the machien someway18:15
andriana20But is there any lubuntu version <700mb? Just in case18:16
Munskolet me see18:16
Munsko722 and 715 the less big18:17
Munskoyou could also see how make your bios recogniz usb stick18:18
andriana20Which ones??18:18
Munsko16.04 and 18.0418:18
andriana2018.04 is 715??18:18
andriana20We re so close..18:19
Munskoyes, is a pity18:19
andriana20W7 32 bit sizes 2.38gb18:19
andriana20It has to add up18:20
andriana20Dvd technology has released 20 years now18:21
Munskoi found something18:22
Munskoit should allow you to make a minimmal installation and with internet just download to get the full distro18:22
andriana20What is a minimal installation?18:23
Munskosomething like the basic things for OS to work18:23
andriana20@munsko sorry , browser refreshed18:25
andriana20I lost what u typed18:25
andriana20Even the link18:25
Munskoi found the netboot way18:25
Munskolooks like it could be burned in cd18:25
Munskoweight like 70mb18:25
andriana20But is that lubuntu?18:26
Munskoyes, looks like that18:26
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