
=== director01 is now known as test
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IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey07:10
=== gnugo is now known as Gnugo
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> can i install dolby (or similer )09:06
=== fredy_ is now known as FredyBackSlash
=== andrea is now known as Guest67295
=== andrea is now known as Guest71560
IrcsomeBotxappleGF was added by: xappleGF09:34
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @revers3stark26, u can install pulseeffects09:35
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> @xappleGF, 👍🏻09:36
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @revers3stark26, but it's a flatpak09:36
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> @xappleGF, 🤔09:37
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @revers3stark26, u should need to install it through a terminal09:37
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> @xappleGF, sudo apt install pulseeffects09:38
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @revers3stark26, lol nope09:39
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @revers3stark26, search for pulseeffects in flathub store in browser09:39
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> then copy and paste the command into the terminal09:40
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/xWsdI8As/file_33786.jpg installed (from github)09:40
BluesKaj'Morning all09:45
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> apple lol09:45
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> @xappleGF, thar cz of theme09:47
Mamarokis it jsut me or is the kcm-mouse completely broken? I have zero options in systemsettings09:58
IrcsomeBotfabercode was added by: fabercode10:06
IrcsomeBot<fabercode> The latest 18.04 update is feezing the system. Anyone has an idea what is going on? Here are the details, thank you. … https://askubuntu.com/questions/1259783/latest-update-froze-the-system-kubuntu-18-0410:07
linuxuserftwThe latest 18.04 update is feezing the system. Anyone has an idea what is going on? Here are the details, thank you.10:09
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
tomreynlinuxuserftw: after the problem occurs, did you try booting an earlier kernel (by selecting it from the grub menu)?11:21
tomreynkernel parameter pci=noaer should let you boot when those pci errors occur11:23
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters11:23
tomreyn...with reduced feature set11:23
tomreynwhen you can boot properly, report what    cat /proc/cmdline    says11:24
tomreynyou should probably also do a bios update11:25
tomreynand likely try the LTSE/HWE kernel for amdgpu graphics cards11:25
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:25
IrcsomeBot<Data Grime> Only if the program stops running13:24
=== fredy_ is now known as FredyBackSlash
linuxuserftwtomreyn no, I have not, I mainly do coding, know nothing about kernel and booting etc, so what exactly should I do? read that linked document by ubottu and then insert a one-time param?14:14
linuxuserftwtomreyn and also make sure I have a "reduced feature set" ?14:14
linuxuserftwtomreyn and where do I find this "LTSE/HWE kernel for amdgpu graphics cards" ?14:15
linuxuserftwtomreyn what I do know from my early days is that bios update can cause lots of trouble and mess up the box if things go wrong, I am out of full warranty and cannot send in the device should things go bad, then I have no backup to work on, is it really important to do a bios update? in linux is it possible to revert to an earler version of a bios14:17
linuxuserftwtomreyn how do I select an earlier kernel from the grub menu? you mean the this https://i.stack.imgur.com/7Wkd9.jpg ?14:23
tomreynlinuxuserftw: yes14:24
linuxuserftwah that I did to get into recovery mode14:24
tomreynlinuxuserftw: well pick one of those which are not for recovery14:24
tomreynone that is not the latest14:24
tomreynso the third or fifth line on the screenshot14:25
linuxuserftwso before I try setting a temp kernel param?14:25
tomreynthat's without pci=noaer14:25
linuxuserftwI think I also even did this for bionic beaver https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:26
tomreynthe idea in this approach is to test whether the latest kernel image has introduced a problem for you, which was not present on earlier kernel images for you14:26
linuxuserftwok, that I understand14:26
linuxuserftwis there a way to check if I have this LTSE stack already going?14:26
linuxuserftwthx btw :)14:26
tomreynif you installed ltse then your grub menu now looks differently, the first line (default kernel) will be a much newer one, and the you'll also have a newer X version. this then breaks the above test case. but it will likely work around the problem for you.14:27
tomreynif "cat /proc/version"  returns a version number NOT starting 4.15 then you have the LTSE kernel running already14:28
linuxuserftwnah, then I possible don't have it, could check with apt list -a --installed linux-generic-hwe-18.04 I assume ?14:28
linuxuserftwLinux version 4.15.0-111-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-011) (gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)) #112-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 20:32:34 UTC 202014:29
linuxuserftwcat /proc/version output14:29
tomreynthat's the default / original 'GA' kernel14:29
linuxuserftwso I don't have LTSE, so much for that.. ;)14:29
tomreynnot running anyways14:30
tomreyncoming back to your earlier questions: there is no "LTSE/HWE kernel for amdgpu graphics cards", i.e. it is not specific to amdgpu driven cards, it's generic.14:31
linuxuserftwso next thing will be to check in that screenshot if I can boot with something that is NOT recovery mode.. trying 3rd line of that screenshot.. if that works though does that mean I always need to start with that in the boot menu, meaning starting with not the latest kernel, is that not bad?14:31
tomreyn"I have no backup to work on" -> that's generally a BAD idea. you NEED backups.14:32
linuxuserftwI mean no backup machine to work on14:33
tomreynhow to install and revert BIOS updates depends on your mainboard, i can't comment without having details.14:33
linuxuserftwmy work is backed up, have OS images, use Timeshift for that, that saved me btw14:33
tomreyntimeshift is snapshotting, not backups.14:33
linuxuserftwso before I do anything BIOS I will try earlier kernel and then possibly temp or permanent kernel param14:34
tomreynbut if oyxu have additional backups thats cool14:34
tomreyn*you ;)14:34
linuxuserftwbackups of data yes, backup of hardware no, if BIOS shoots my hardware I will to find temp hardware to continue work and most of all setup new hardware to be able to do work with it14:34
tomreynif you're mostly interested in a quick fix, then just try the LTSE stack. if you are happy to debug the GA kernel, then compare the experience of the latest 4.15 kernel image to that before it, see whether the earlier one works.14:35
linuxuserftwlocal data is backued up with rsync, the work data that is14:35
tomreynthanks for clarifying, i understand you don't have a second copy of your hardware ;)14:35
tomreyni wouldn't be as worried as you seem to be about BIOS updates. but indeed it could potentially happen that a new one would break something. that's always possible, as it is with any software upgrade.14:37
tomreyn(if not very likely)14:37
linuxuserftwok, going to try and boot with earlier kernel and report back, fingers crossed14:38
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey all14:41
linuxuserftwworks with Linux version 4.15.0-109-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-010) (gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)) #110-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 23 02:39:32 UTC 202014:43
linuxuserftwI mean I selected the 3rd option from screenshot in grub menu14:44
linuxuserftwso somthing between 111 and 109 broke things..14:44
=== shariq is now known as d
tomreynlinuxuserftw: so you could file a bug about this.14:47
tomreyn!bug | linuxuserftw14:47
ubottulinuxuserftw: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:47
linuxuserftwso now I would need to always go in grub Menu -> Advanced Options -> Select 109 Kernel?14:55
IrcsomeBotDeko was added by: Deko14:55
IrcsomeBot<Deko> Hi14:55
IrcsomeBot<Deko> Does anyone know,  how I can install the wifi drivers of my MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC on Kubuntu?14:56
linuxuserftwor perhaps now try with latest kernel and that temp param, I cannot see older text msgs, what was the param please?14:57
tomreynlinuxuserftw: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23kubuntu.html14:57
tomreynthose logs are usually delayed by an hour or so14:58
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> @Deko, Try looking in driver manager14:58
linuxuserftwperfect thank you tom14:59
IrcsomeBot<Michelle> Already tried it, but it doesnt find any driver14:59
tomreynlinuxuserftw: you wouldn't *always* need to select the old kernel image (after all, it would be automatically removed at some point, as it should, since it can lack necessary security patches - just like your bios)15:00
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> @Michelle, Check the name of your wifi adapter and search a linux variant15:00
tomreynlinuxuserftw: ...but only until the supposed regression (newer kernel package introducing a bug over the old one) woul dbe fixed thanks to your bug report.15:00
IrcsomeBot<Michelle> Intel WIFI Driver … Version … … This is everything I find15:00
tomreynMichelle: lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 999915:01
linuxuserftwso I should make the bug report now I guess15:01
tomreynlinuxuserftw: i suggested a couple approaches, reporting the bug was one of them. you make the choice. ;-)15:01
linuxuserftwyeah bug report will also help other people, opting for that, then will try with temp kernel param15:02
linuxuserftwthx tom :)15:02
tomreynI like how you're thinking :)15:02
linuxuserftwyeah well, you know.. :hug15:03
IrcsomeBot<Michelle> "The Intel 9260-AC Wireless Chipset doesn't work in newer Linux kernels"15:03
IrcsomeBot<Michelle> big uff15:03
tomreynMichelle: cat /proc/version    returns your current kernel version15:04
Michellemichelle@michelle-MS-7B85:~$ cat /proc/version15:04
MichelleLinux version 5.4.0-40-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-011) (gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2)) #44-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 23 00:01:04 UTC 202015:04
tomreynyou should install the pending updates15:05
Michellethere are no pending updates15:05
tomreynwhich kubuntu release are you on?15:06
tomreynlsb_release -ds15:06
tomreynoh thats the latest then indeed, sorry15:07
tomreynlets look for an existing bug report15:08
tomreynthose often have good workarounds15:08
tomreynmaybe !proposed yould also help you there15:09
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:09
tomreynthat's an extra repository by ubuntu with pre-release / QA package versions, incl. kernel images.15:10
tomreynthis can be bug 184892115:11
ubottubug 1848921 in linux (Ubuntu) "iwlwifi firmware crashes intel 9260ac [8086:2526] subsystem [8086:0010]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184892115:11
IrcsomeBotbigbruno was added by: bigbruno15:12
MichelleThe terminal cant even find the package "iwlwifi" lol15:12
tomreynthat'S the name of a kernel module, it comes with the kernel images15:13
Michellecan I somehow check, if "iwlwifi" is installed?15:14
tomreynMichelle: do you have a linux kernel installed?15:26
tomreynso you have iwlwifi installed (at least if it's an ubuntu provided linux kernel)15:27
tomreynthe   lsmod    command lists kernel modules which are currently loaded15:28
Michelleiwlwifi               331776  015:28
tomreynMichelle: this gives away the installation location of the module, as well as the package providing it: dpkg -L linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) | grep iwlwifi15:34
MichelleUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/b4c03cfc37e8e8663c426de142f9be1a/pasted.txt15:36
=== Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees
tomreynlinuxuserftw: did you actually file this bug?17:17
tomreyn*bug report17:17
linuxuserftwnot yet, out and about, will read up on it and file it for sure, no worries17:18
linuxuserftwbut thx for the reminder :)17:18
linuxuserftwI will for sure do this17:18
linuxuserftwnever filed a bug report for linux before, so happy to see how things go in that way..17:19
tomreynoh okay, i just looked over the past filings and couldn't spot it, so was wondering.17:19
tomreynto file a bug against linux images in ubuntu, you'll need to create a launchpad account, but the tool will guide you trhough this.17:19
IrcsomeBotcipull was added by: cipull17:21
=== Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees
linuxuserftwso I have launchpad account and now need software to report the bug? the thing is I don't know against what package to report it18:03
linuxuserftwalso I don't seem to have "run command" window :)18:08
linuxuserftwi have the konsole, doing ubuntu -bug in there tells me ubuntu not found18:08
mparilloI think you need to omit the space: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs18:10
mparilloBut, if you have a launchpad account, then you can just file a bug using the website. If they need more information, they may ask, so it is best if it is reproducible bug.18:11
linuxuserftwyeah just made lauchpad account, using online form18:12
linuxuserftwoh and yes, no space in there!!18:12
linuxuserftwso do it over form or with tool? what is better?18:13
=== jukebohi is now known as juboxi
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1888070 in Ubuntu "latest update freezes system on boot" [Undecided,New]18:24
linuxuserftwhope this is ok like this ;)18:24
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @linuxuserftw, Wow you are flooding the chat and my notification18:27
linuxuserftwleft the telegram group cpl minutes after joining the irc chat, not sure what is going on with the bot..18:29
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @linuxuserftw, Lol is this a bot18:30
linuxuserftwKDE Telegram Relay Service18:30
linuxuserftw20:30:24  ??18:30
linuxuserftwwell, regardless, and sorry for mistaking you for a bot, I hope I am not causing any sort of havoc, just filed a bug report on launchpad, that is all :)18:31
tomreynlinuxuserftw: it's best to report bugs using apport19:31
tomreynor rather "ubuntu-bug"19:31
tomreynin your case: ubuntu-bug linux19:31
tomreynlinuxuserftw: but since you already reported it, do this now: apport-collect 188807019:32
tomreynthis will add relevant logs to your report19:32
tomreynlinuxuserftw: looks like you're using amdgpu-pro, i think this is only supported by AMD (not Ubuntu)19:38
aienais ctrl+f5 used by plasma or something by default can't get it to work for reloading a page in FF20:07
aienaeven f5 doesn't work alone20:07
aienaI am on ubuntu 19.1020:08
aienaerr kubuntu 19.1020:08
tomreyn!19.10 | aiena20:17
ubottuaiena: Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) was the 31st release of Ubuntu, support ended July 2020. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-July/005494.html20:17
aienatomreyn: figured it out it was my keyboard20:29
aienaxev does not register a keypress for F520:29
tomreynaiena: good you found it! but make sure you upgrade shortly.20:51
aienatomreyn: ok. I noticed distro upgrades can mess up the system royally I probably will just reformat keeping the home20:51
tomreynin my experience this only happens when you leave third party software (or package version) installed, but YMMV20:52
aienatomreyn: I agree21:10
aienabut often I find out too late into a distro upgrade21:10
aienacrap my number three button is gone too :P time for another keyboard I guess.21:12
=== vivek is now known as anonymous_375
linuxuserftwtomreyn so this means the graphics card I have is not supported by Ubuntu? so this then means I cannot run updated kernels or updates on the system any more but stick with the one that does not show hang on the pcie errors? what is this amdgpu-pro about? I am not sure I understand your reply, sorry.22:29
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== vivek_ is now known as vivek__

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