
=== M_aD is now known as Maik_aD
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Smaughey all, I'm having an issue....and it may be related to cuda00:28
Smaugwhen i attempt to install a package, such as right now I'm trying to install the package "at," I get an error that because cuda depends on a package, it won't complete the install.  i can't seem to install this dependency00:30
Smaugsome things i've tried and failures resulting are hre: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/C5PhwwcyRm/00:30
Smaugany thoughts?00:31
Bashing-om!info libcublas-dev00:34
ubottuPackage libcublas-dev does not exist in focal00:34
Bashing-om!info cuda-libraries-dev-10-100:35
ubottuPackage cuda-libraries-dev-10-1 does not exist in focal00:35
Bashing-omSmaug: ^^ what shows ' apt policy cuda-libraries-dev-10-1 ' ?00:36
SmaugBashing-om: "info: No menu item 'libculbas-dev' in node '(dir)Top' "00:37
SmaugBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bWMmmWmtRS/00:38
Smaugseems to be installed!!00:38
Bashing-omSmaug: Ouch - looks to me like you need to go talk to Nvidia, But - "cuda-repo" maybe the repo is not updated. Show us ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* '.00:41
SmaugBashing-om: here you go: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dMws865R7k/00:44
Bashing-omSmaug: Getting beyond my ecperience level - but, won't hurt to look. What shows ' cat /var/cuda-repo-10-1-local-10.1.243-418.87.00 ' .00:53
Smaugthat's a direcotyr, you want me to ls ot?00:54
Smaug* ls it?00:54
Smaugcat all the files in it??00:54
SmaugBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WWyPyjCVn2/00:54
Bashing-omSmaug: Got me - beyond my experience here. I do not know what we are looking for :(00:54
SmaugBashing-om: thanks for trying00:55
Smauganyone else have advice?00:55
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FutureRichi made conclusion that app of kali don't work on ubuntu :(02:06
FutureRichif someone want to use kali app, use kali os02:07
Maik_aDof course it doesn't work02:07
FutureRichMaik_aD, why?02:08
Maik_aDUbuntu is based on Debian but doesn't mean it's compatible with debian02:09
FutureRichanyway i will stop my project now02:09
Maik_aDand Kali stuff belong in he kami linux channel, not here02:09
Maik_aDlet me rephrase that02:10
Maik_aDKali stuff belongs in the kali linux channel, not here02:10
FutureRichif someone want to use kali app, then install kali instead of ubuntu. this is my last advice02:12
FutureRichMaik_aD, why?02:13
Maik_aDas i said, Kali talk doesn't belong in this channel02:13
lotuspsychjeFutureRich: please drop this thread, you have been asking this since yesterday now02:13
lotuspsychjefocus on ubuntu questions and move on FutureRich02:14
Maik_aDFutureRich: this channel is a support channel for Ubuntu and it's official flavors only02:14
Maik_aDeither go to offtopic or to the Kali channel and forums02:14
gnoobHey, I just installed a virtual machine using Virtualbox and when running command  $sudo apt-get update  it says "some index files failed to download"    https://pastebin.com/1Ch69jP1    I tried a few different mirrors.02:48
gnoobany ideas?02:48
leftyfbgnoob: use a different mirror02:52
leftyfband/or check the date/time on your VM02:53
gnoobI tried a few already.  hmm, date and time I will.02:53
gnoob21:53 looks OK.  and July 25th.02:54
gnoobI can try another mirror.  Right now I am on the main server option02:55
gnoobThe message keeps saying "Hash Sum M mismatch"  The SHA1  hash seems to be calculating incorrectly.  The other seem OK.02:57
gnoobOK, I found something that might have to do with WSL.  I tried to uninstall it but maybe something is residual.03:01
leftyfbgnoob: I thought you said this was Virtualbox? Not WSL03:20
gnoobYes, it's virtualbox.   I had WSL setup yesterday but have since uninstalled.03:20
gnoobbut I am seeing there might be some incompatibility with how windows handles virtualization and having had WSL setup at one point.03:21
gnoobleftyfb: some looking online might indicate windows 10 has an issue with Virtualbox  because WSL was already setup and it has issues with two virtual machine managers. I guess it turns out it may not be a ubuntu issue.03:27
gnoobFound a way to disable hyper-v and it seems to be working03:41
InteloI just need to run one GUI applicatio and none other. Can I just install console base ubuntu and just the one UI app?03:56
ddt94Wich ui framework does that app use?03:56
RingtailedFoxyou'd need to install the X11 Windowing System and a desktop environment... if you want to minimize resource usage and space, i'd recommend LXDE03:57
Inteloits zopier03:57
ddt94xinit to the rescue03:57
ddt94old timz03:57
Intelois x11 and desktop env mandatory?03:57
RingtailedFoxi suppose you can use wayland03:58
Intelocan I not run any UI app without x11 and desktop env?03:59
futureRichi give up using kali app :( i just learn programming or something and i format my pc because i can't delete kali app. thanks for help for 2 days03:59
ddt94Unless you use curses, I think not04:00
futureRichddt94, what do you mean?04:00
ddt94No, I was answering something else04:00
Intelocan I not run any UI app without x11 and desktop env?04:00
RingtailedFoxit's like asking to run a windows program in MS-DOS :P04:01
ddt94not so, but almost04:01
InteloRingtailedFox: desktop evn is not mandatory. x11 might be04:01
RingtailedFoxi've seen some rare linux programs on other distros that have both graphical and text-mode versions built-in... mostly things like drakconf (a configuration tool that's kinda like a control panel)... if your program has that sort of behaviour, you might be in luck... but don't count on it04:02
ddt94Install X11 and run xinit to setup some graphical environment, then run the app04:02
Intelowant to try on only x1104:03
ddt94RingtailedFox, that´s what I meant with ncurses04:03
Intelohow to install x11?04:03
RingtailedFoxsudo apt-get install x1104:03
ddt94 google it04:03
ddt94Oh, how I miss Linux!!!04:04
RingtailedFoxi dunno, i only screw around with ubuntu as part of WSL. most of the rest of the time, i'm on Mageia Linux or Fedora, since for whatever reason, ubuntu refuses to install on the machine they run on04:04
InteloI need ubuntu server 20 lts, which one to go for ? https://torrent.ubuntu.com/04:09
guivercIntelo, I'd download from https://ubuntu.com/download/server ; Ubuntu server & desktop releases are yy.mm in format, yy is used for specialist releases like Ubuntu Core04:12
Inteloguiverc: whyat its called 'live server'? https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso.torrent?_ga=2.134353973.555305386.1595736296-1560803637.159554122604:13
guivercThe default installer now for Ubuntu Server is subiquity, which runs in 'live' mode.04:13
guivercHistorically Ubuntu Server used debian installer, that has been replaced by subiquity (not to be confused with ubiquity used by desktops)04:14
Intelowhat does subiquity do in terms of 'live'?04:15
guivercsubiquity is the live installer used by Ubuntu Server (replacing the di or debian installer).  It's an application that runs on the 'live' server image that does the install04:16
Inteloguiverc: then whats the diff b/w network install and live server? https://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads04:17
guivercsorry I've confused you.  Ubuntu Server now exists on 'live' ISOs, like most desktop releases04:17
guivercNetwork installer (netboot) is tiny, 141MB or something, everything is downloaded except for details need to boot system.04:17
guivercIntelo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot04:18
guivercIntelo, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/server-installer-plans-for-20-04-lts/1363104:20
Intelohm but in one linver what is the live part04:20
guivercit boots and can be run in 'live', ie. use it as if it was installed without actual install (like Try Ubuntu on a desktop ISO)04:21
Inteloi get it now04:23
InteloCan ubuntu server 20 run on raspberry?04:24
guivercUbuntu Server use yy.mm format, Ubuntu Core 20 is a different product, but yes both Ubuntu Core 20 & Ubuntu Server 20.04 will run on pis04:25
Inteloguiverc: whats core?04:25
Intelodiff b/w core and server04:26
guivercUbuntu Core is a specialist appliance/device (snap based) release.  Ubuntu desktop & server use yy.mm format (year.month), specialist releases use yy and are snap based (not deb)04:26
Inteloso the pi one is a different OS with same name04:29
Intelomaybe minimized04:29
Inteloif I run real ubuntu server on pi, it might not run as good. I htink04:29
guivercIt's the same Ubuntu, but different architecture, like s390 is a different architecture; each different architecture has stengths, and yes weaknesses04:30
InteloSo I cant install normal ubuntu on pi. I need its special one?04:30
guivercIntelo, I r.pi doesn't know what amd64/i386 code is; to the arm cpu it's just data, not executable code.  You need to compile code for a specific architecture (some packages run in all architectures; eg. wallpaper packages work in all)04:31
guivercIntelo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SupportedArchitectures04:32
tatertotzIntelo: RasPi's have a "ARM" based mobile CPU/processor04:32
tatertotzIntelo: this is the differentiating factor04:32
* Intelo making a pc lap. need cheapest PCs ever. Any suggestions?04:33
tatertotzIntelo: vanilla ubuntu / ubuntu server is for X86 64bit CPU/processors04:33
Intelowhat hardware to buy? Cheapest?04:34
tatertotzIntelo: NOT "ARM" based mobile phone CPU/processor04:34
Intelogot t04:34
Intelo If I want multiple displays, I need multiple gpu/ graphics cards. Is there any alternative to this? e.g attach LCD display via usb or ethernet or some other thing that does not requires gpu ?04:43
guivercIntelo, I'm using multiple displays and am using only a single GPU, some cards have multiple outputs (for multiple displays).  Multiple cards for multiple displays provides faster performance needed by some04:51
S3xyL1nuxi am have been trying for a while to disable the 10% and lower "low battery mode" without any success , any luk for you guyz04:52
S3xyL1nuxubuntu 18.0404:53
Inteloguiverc: you use multi seat?05:00
guivercI don't know what multi-seat is sorry.05:01
mindbender1If someone was listening to my cries about pain with latest Ubuntu UI experience then I want to thank the effort applied to make it better05:26
futureRichupdate your phone or laptop :( old laptop can be penetrated easily05:27
futureRichleftleg_, ?05:31
squarecirclehi, I'm having trouble with simple-scan, which repeatedly crashes while saving. Is there a way to convert my .pixels files manually?05:35
abdulhakeemthe settings.json file for Transmission exists in two places, /etc and /var. Which one are you supposed to edit? Or does it matter?05:43
tatertotzsquarecircle: what is the absolute path to a .pixels file(s)?05:43
abdulhakeemThere's /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json and /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json05:44
squarecircletatertotz: ^05:44
tatertotzsquarecircle: to a file05:45
tatertotzsquarecircle: meaning you have to include the filename05:45
squarecircletatertotz: include the filename - where?05:45
tatertotzsquarecircle: let me see if i can say it differently05:46
tatertotzsquarecircle: observe the properties of a .pixel file and get it's "absolute" path that includes a file itself i.e /home/user/July2020.pixel05:47
tatertotzsquarecircle: or just do this in terminal>      ls -alh /home/user/.cache/simple-scan/autosaves|nc termbin.com 999905:48
tatertotzsquarecircle: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so05:48
tatertotzsquarecircle: did you fall in?05:50
squarecircletatertotz: -rw-r--r-- 1 squarecircle squarecircle 103M Jul 19 09:05 /home/squarecircle/.cache/simple-scan/autosaves/2248587824.pixels05:54
Yaron-HebHey guys, I don't need any helpline support I just want to understand what is the IS helpline described in the Ubuntu One documentation so I can better translate and explain it to the localization users: https://login.ubuntu.com/+device-help05:56
Yaron-HebBTW I will probably open a bug request for the project to better clarify where can I reach this #is channel because it doesn't seem to active on freenode.05:57
oerheksYaron-Heb, ISD support?06:00
Yaron-HebHmmm I don't know, if it's not IS anymore then the documentation should be updated :)06:01
oerheksobviously there is no #is channel, i did not find such in the doc either.06:01
oerheksisd support is mail only06:01
Yaron-HebDoes it have the same role of providing helpline support?06:02
Yaron-HebI thought about several possible acronyms: Internet Safety, Internet Support, I can't really tell.06:03
oerheksYes, for 2 fact auth devices06:04
oerheksno idea what isd stands for, actually :-D06:04
Yaron-HebIs it IS or ISD?06:05
oerheksISD .. and i found 'is'> You can reach IS in the #is channel (the vanguard is listed in the channel topic ...06:05
Yaron-HebI'm not really sure I understand vanguard in this context.06:07
Maik_aDdoesn't this belong in either discuss or offtopic since it isn't really a help question related to the OS?06:10
oerheksit is related to ubuntu, sure.06:10
Yaron-HebIs there a dedicated Ubuntu One channel?06:11
Maik_aDubuntu one was actually discontinued years ago, it's only used to sign in iirc06:12
Maik_aDYaron-Heb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:13
Yaron-Heb:(  Hmmmmm, I really don't know who to talk to about this.06:17
tatertotzsquarecircle: oh you actually posted something06:27
tatertotzsquarecircle: in terminal>    file /home/squarecircle/.cache/simple-scan/autosaves/2248587824.pixels|nc termbin.com 999906:28
tatertotzsquarecircle: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so06:28
tatertotzsquarecircle: i'll check back in 10 minutes or so, i'm sure it'll take you a while to complete the task06:28
squarecircletatertotz: :~$ file .cache/simple-scan/autosaves/2563663296.pixels06:34
squarecircle.cache/simple-scan/autosaves/2563663296.pixels: data06:34
famubuHi. I have both ubuntu and windows on my computer but since a few days ago, I noticed that while in linux, my file system goes read-only. I googled and ran the gnome-disks command which showed 'Self-test failed'. So I thought the problem was with my harddisk. But I've been using the same computer with a live USB Ubuntu and accessing the same harddisk and it's not showing any errors from the part of the06:36
famubuwindows partitions. But the linux partition is still read-only. Does that mean maybe my harddisk isn't dead after all? Maybe a simple reinstall can fix the problem?06:36
tatertotzsquarecircle: have you tried renaming the file and then playing with the file?06:39
tatertotzsquarecircle: ultimately you may need to figure out how to get successful, stable scanning capability06:39
tatertotzsquarecircle: so you don't end up with intermediary files in the first place06:40
Yaron-Heboerheks: it looks pretty active - https://git.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/log/06:41
BarnabasDK_famubu, what happens if you simply remount the root filesystem while in linux?06:56
BarnabasDK_$> sudo mount -o rw,remount /06:57
BarnabasDK_then perhaps run a06:57
BarnabasDK_$> sudo fsck -y /06:57
BarnabasDK_assuming you only have one partition here06:57
=== BarnabasDK_ is now known as BarnabasDK
BarnabasDKfamubu, provided your windows and linux partitions are on the same physical disk - it would be very wierd if a hardware problem only affected one of the partitions07:04
famubuSorry had got disconnected.07:17
famubuBarnabasDK: Both Windows and Linux are on the same harddisk. But while booting from USB iso file, attempts to mount the linux partition from the file manager always opens it in read-only mode whereas there is no problem whatsoever with the windows data partitions.07:17
famubugnome-disks said 'self-test failed'.07:18
oerheksrun a fsck from the live iso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting07:19
famubuSo I thought it was a harddisk problem. Yet, only the linux partition seem to have problems.07:19
oerheksone cannot fsck a mounted partition, that is why you need the iso07:19
famubuoerheks: I tried that as well. From live ISO, I umounted the old linux partiton and tried both simple `fsck` and `fsck -vcck`. On next reboot, things would work for a few minutes and then it would revert to read-only mode... :-(07:20
oerheksthen your disk is toast,. i guess07:21
BarnabasDKfamubu, what does your dmesg log say - if you have hw issues it will definately have info07:24
famubuoerheks: I had hoped windows partitions working fine under linux showed promise...07:24
lotuspsychjebranch it as external and try to recover data with photorec, if photorec doesnt liek the drive, its dead jim07:25
BarnabasDKand oerheks is right on linux you cannot run a fsck on a mounted system - on FreeBSD standard behaviour is to run a NO WRITE file system check07:25
BarnabasDKwhich is where I spend most of my time07:25
famubuBarnabasDK: I didn't know about that. How can I access the dmesg log?07:25
BarnabasDKjust type dmesg07:26
BarnabasDKbut I don't see how hardware issues on a disk can affect just one partition - you should have loads of errors in your windows event log as well07:27
BarnabasDKin the case of a dying disk07:27
famubuBarnabasDK: In the demsg log, what events should I look out for? It's quite long and I'm still booted from a USB. I better take a look on the installed ubuntu as well. And checkout windows event log (I don't even how to access it :-)  but I suppose it should be easy enough to find )07:29
oerheksBarnabasDK, depends what sector is affected.07:30
famubulotuspsychje: By branch as external, did you mean booting from ISO?07:30
lotuspsychjefamubu: no, i mean plug the faulty disk out, and plug it externally on a working system and scan with photorec07:31
BarnabasDKoerheks, true - but the linux partition was also accessed from windows07:31
oerheksBarnabasDK, that i did not make up from his story07:31
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vadiquehi, gyus and gals, can you help me to get back bluetooth disappeared after dist-upgrade?07:31
BarnabasDKfamubu, perhaps pipe the dmesg to a file and use pastebin07:33
BarnabasDKdrop the link here07:33
famubuBarnabasDK: No, I cannot access linux partitions from windows. I'm not sure of the details, but the setup was such that linux could view windows files but linux files couldn't be accessed from windows.07:33
BarnabasDKfamubu, sorry my mistake07:33
BarnabasDKon windows the event viewer is eventvwr.exe07:34
famubuSorry got disconnected again.07:40
BarnabasDKfamubu, what kind of disk is it - conventional or ssd?07:40
famubuBarnabasDK: Conventional. Mechanical HDD.07:41
BarnabasDKthen you oerheks could be right and you could have a bad sector - that kind of thing usually spread quickly07:41
BarnabasDKso I would firstly check the event log on windows07:42
famubuBarnabasDK: So probably no hope left for the drive? I better replace it?07:42
oerheksjups, bad sectors grow ..07:42
famubuBarnabasDK: Okay, I'll try that as well.07:42
oerheks(over time)07:43
BarnabasDKfamubu, no panic07:43
BarnabasDKfirstly check your event log in windows07:43
BarnabasDKthen boot on your iso image and try to use a tool called smartctl to query the disk firmware to see if it has logged any errors07:44
BarnabasDK$> smartctl -a /dev/<device>07:44
BarnabasDKyou may have to install that tool first after booting your image07:45
vadiquehow about my bluetooth?07:45
oerheksvadique, can you give more info? what ubuntu version, what bt adapter, and driver?07:49
vadiqueoerheks, current ubuntu, I duuno which adapter, it's built-in inside07:49
vadiqueit worked before I did the latest dist-upgrade07:50
vadiquenow I have no bluetooth07:50
oerhekssudo rfkill list //systemctl status bluetooth // gives some info, and lspci gives hw info07:51
famubuHad got disconnected yet again...07:52
oerhekssometimes 'rfkill unblock bluetooth && systemctl enable bluetooth.service && systemctl start bluetooth.service ' does thr trick07:52
vadiqueoerheks, I did as you wrote, but after that I still have $ service --status-all | grep -i blue07:54
vadique [ - ]  bluetooth07:54
famubuI ran the `sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda` command after umounting all partitons not on the USB and it gave https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/N7MBQGBPf6/. I also ran `sudo smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda` and it gave this output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4vnC3VfHDP/ It says read-failure. What could it mean?07:55
BarnabasDKfamubu, it means that the firmware on your disk is capable of self diagnosis and you have had several read errors07:58
vadiquesudo mesg | grep -i blue prints nothing07:58
vadiquekernel is 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 202007:59
BarnabasDKfamubu, if you are able to mount the disk read only from your iso image - you should be able to also copy the data from it08:01
BarnabasDKif you have anything important on there now is the time to get it08:02
BarnabasDKthis probably goes for your windows system too08:03
BarnabasDKbe carefull with smartctl btw - not all the tests are non intrusive08:04
famubuBarnabasDK: Thanks a lot for your help. I have started backing up the data.08:06
vadiquerfkill list doesn't show bluetooth08:08
vadiquehcitool dev prints nothing08:09
famubuoerheks: Thanks oerheks.08:14
famubulotuspsychje: Hi, regarding my harddisk problem, running photorec works fine on the linux partition. It was able to recover a bunch of files. Did you suggest just photorec as a means of rescuing the data or can it be used to check if the harddisk is dying?08:34
vadiqueso... no more bluetooth for me?08:36
BarnabasDKvadique, maybe pointing out the obvious here - but do your bluetooth have a hardware off?08:37
BarnabasDKbecause that I did that once ..08:38
vadiqueBarnabasDK, it worked perfectly before I did dist-upgrade, it's laptop, I doubt it is damaged, I bet its support just became absent in the kernel08:39
BarnabasDKhardware off = a key combination, that turns it off hardware wise08:39
BarnabasDKor maybe even a dedicated knob08:39
vadiqueBarnabasDK, there's fn+f2 for "airplane regime", but it's pretty well recognized by some parts of ubuntu08:40
vadiqueit switches off any wave-generating stuff inside08:40
vadiquebut it's not enabled now08:41
vadiqueis there any chance to switch to previous kernel maybe?08:42
BarnabasDKjust making sure - because I spend a good hour trying to make bt work on an old laptop .. just to find I had to push a physical knob ..08:42
vadiqueor to get some other?08:42
BarnabasDKvadique, it seems wierd they would remove hw support unless it is a VERY old laptop you have08:44
vadiqueBarnabasDK, 2018 laptop08:44
BarnabasDKvadique, easy test - image boot / usb from the old version of ubuntu - see if bt turns up08:45
BarnabasDKvadique, I really do not think 2018 hardware is being desupported08:46
BarnabasDKwould be crazy08:47
vadiquehow to switch a kernel?08:48
BarnabasDKalso can you turn it on / off in bios?08:48
BarnabasDKvadique, I would just create a bootable usb stick with the old version of ubuntu08:48
vadiquedpkg --list | grep linux-image | wc -l prints 27 (:08:49
BarnabasDKdon't start rolling back the kernel on your working system - that could have a lot of unforseeable consequences08:49
vadiqueBarnabasDK, it is not "working" at least for the bluetooth08:50
vadiqueah, it's dpkg --list | grep linux-image | grep ii -- only two08:50
vadiquelinux-image-5.4.0-40-generic and linux-image-5.4.0-42-generic08:51
vadiqueI'll try to reboot now, I saw there's some option in the bootloader08:51
BarnabasDKyes - so the earlier lts ran 4.15.x08:51
thyriaenHello, i have a problem with my ethernet-to-usbc connector - it shows its signs in 3 different ways: first on boot it shows this message: https://termbin.com/k6kn "xhci_hcd 0000:3c:00.0: Error while assigning device slot ID"08:53
thyriaenwhen plugging it in or out i get no dmsg output at all - nothing happens08:54
thyriaenregardless of if i have something plugged in or not - on shutdown it hangs and it shows me the following message:08:55
tomreynfamubu: photorec can't be used to test whether a disk is dying, you already ran the best tool available for this job, smartctl. photorec can be used to recover files which are no longer visible on the file system. if you have sufficient spare disk space on another disk then you should use ddrescue to back up the existing linux file system to an image on this other drive.08:58
thyriaenany ideas ?08:58
guivercthyriaen, you haven't provided OS/release details, but I note you're using a test kernel, do you have the problem with the supported kernel?08:59
thyriaenguiverc, oh, i am on a fresh ubuntu 20.04 install ( gnome ), yea i got the problem with the 4.5 and then i tried upgrading to the most up to date kernel to check if it might fix it09:00
vadique5.4.0-40-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 23 00:01:04 UTC 2020 has no bluetooth for me too09:01
thyriaenwhich it didn't :/09:01
tomreynthyriaen: does the ethernet-to-usbc-connector work on the default kernel, though, can you test this now if you haven't?09:02
tomreynalso tell us what the other problem is09:02
thyriaentomreyn, the strange thing is - it works "sometimes" ( i think it gets "decided" if it wants to work on boot time )09:03
tomreynwhat is "it"?09:03
thyriaenthere is no other problem - just 1. error on boot, 2. freeze on shutdown and 2. the connector doesnt work / no dmesg output09:03
vadiqueso the question is: how to get and boot with some earlier kernel?09:04
thyriaen"it" = no dmesg output / no ethernet connection09:04
tomreynthyriaen: so does the usb ethernet dingle not work on the standard kernel, or does it?09:05
thyriaenit doesn't work on the default kernel either09:06
vadiquewill just 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-5.4.0-39-generic' add it to grub boot option?09:06
tomreynvadique: you can try a mainline kernel. but it would be better to identify the chipset you have and the error messages you got first of all.09:06
thyriaentomreyn, i can revert back to the default kernel, and then "hope" it doesn't work this time - and report back with a boot log capture when it doesn't work again, if you want09:06
tomreyn!mainline | vadique09:06
ubottuvadique: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:06
tomreynthyriaen: oh so are you saying that the dongle works sometimes but not other times when you boot? on both kernels, or just the newer one?09:07
vadiquetomreyn, yeah, but currently I can't see *any* bluetooth hardware at all, lspci and hcitool show nothing09:07
vadiqueas well as mesg/dmesg09:07
vadiqueone more reboot, and I'm back09:08
thyriaentomreyn, exactly - sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't on both kernels - make no difference in both error messages and workinginess09:08
tomreynthyriaen: okay, can you also show a log of a kernel booting when it was detected properly?09:09
tomreynthen we can compare09:09
thyriaensure let me reboot09:10
tomreynjournalctl --list-boots09:10
thyriaenand hope for the best09:10
thyriaenwhat does --list-boots do ?09:10
tomreynlist the times when you last booted09:10
tomreynthen you can look at and post one of those logs09:10
thyriaenah so i dont have to reboot09:11
thyriaeni can just take an old log ?09:11
tomreynright.   journalctl -b -N     with -N being the number from --list-boots' first column09:11
tomreynto post it just append    | nc termbin.com 999909:11
thyriaenit is -109:12
thyriaendoes it make -b --1 ?09:12
tomreynjust one dash09:12
tomreynjournalctl -b -109:12
thyriaeni think it is here: usb 4-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0bda, idProduct=8153, bcdDevice=30.0009:14
thyriaenwhere it works09:15
tomreynright, 0bda:8153 is the usb ethernet dongle, an rtl8153 chipset09:18
tomreynand i agree that "xhci_hcd 0000:3c:00.0: Error while assigning device slot ID" looks related09:19
tomreynthis, too: Jul 26 10:44:14 thy kernel: usb usb3-port2: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad?09:19
tomreynso it could be a faulty adapter (dongle, or the cable that leads to it), or a faulty usb connector09:21
tomreynit could also be that you have to many power hungry devices connected to the usb already09:21
thyriaentomreyn, it is the only thing connected to my laptop at the moment09:21
tomreynso try a different usb connector, try unplugging devices you don't structly require09:21
vadiquewith "5.4.0-39-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 19 10:28:31 UTC 2020" I lost wifi (thus had no internetz at all) and touchpad09:22
thyriaentomreyn, so my best guess is to "buy a new one and hope it works" ?09:22
thyriaeni mean if that fixes it, i would be kinda happy :p09:22
tomreynthyriaen: or cross test more before you do, as i just suggested. you can also try it on a different computer, or on the same computer with a different OS.09:23
tomreynyou could also search the web for your computer model and such problems and possible solutions09:23
thyriaentomreyn, i tried different linuxxes and have no other options in terms of OS', for my laptop no problems came up09:24
tomreynvadique: and no bluetooth either?09:24
vadiquetomreyn, it was impossible to check, so I just rebooted back to current09:25
tomreynvadique: but booting into the default kernel wasn't always this bad, right?09:26
vadiquetomreyn, it worked previously, yes09:27
thyriaentomreyn, alright, im gonna try a different one - i'll be back if that doesn't give any results :)09:27
tomreynthyriaen: good luck09:27
asdfghi need to installa  a package named epel-release but it is for fedora09:27
thyriaentomreyn, thx09:27
asdfghwhat is the alternative for ubuntu ?09:27
tomreynasdfgh: there is none, epel is redhat world specific. what are you really trying to do?09:28
vadiquemaybe I need some other stuff together with older kernels too, like modules and so on?09:28
vadiquebut if yes, it would install together as dependencies, no?09:29
asdfghtomreyn, https://docs.yugabyte.com/latest/deploy/manual-deployment/system-config/09:29
asdfghthey say to instlal ntp and epel09:29
tomreynvadique: bluetooth should be supported by default on all kernels. it could be that older kernels do not detect your very bluetooth chipset, but then they'd never do, not sometimes yes and sometimes no.09:29
tomreynvadique: try mainline, or try to identify the error messages from your logs.09:30
vadiquetomreyn, *older* ones did bluetooth well09:30
vadiquetomreyn, as for mainline, the site you gave me says to download .dpkg package and install it via the dpkg tool09:31
vadiqueis there any easier way?09:31
vadique.deb package maybe, or better some repo with kernels09:31
tomreynasdfgh: are you trying to install the 'Distributed SQL Database" yugabytedb?09:31
vadiqueand I'm not sure how will I boot a dpkg-installed one09:32
tomreynvadique: there are no .dpkg packages, there are only .deb packages09:33
asdfghtomreyn, yes09:33
vadiqueah yep09:33
vadiquetomreyn, I mean installing via apt-get, and to get all deps and have grub2 boot option automatically09:34
tomreynvadique: this script works fine for me. it is not supported here, as are mainline kernels, except for testing. https://github.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh09:34
tomreynvadique: but you can also just download the matching .deb package from the mainline website and install it using dpkg.09:35
tomreynasdfgh: do they dsupport installation on ubuntu?09:35
asdfghtomreyn, they said yes09:36
tomreynasdfgh: is this written somewhere ontheir website?09:38
asdfghthey told me via chat09:39
asdfghi have to ask the ubuntu package09:39
tomreynasdfgh: if you'Re alsready chatting to their support, then ask them for support on installing their product on ubuntu, too09:40
tomreynasdfgh: this channel really only provides support for ubuntu and the software ti provides.09:40
vadiqueso I'm doing sudo apt-get install linux-image-5.4.0-37-generic linux-modules-5.4.0-37 linux-headers-5.4.0-3709:40
asdfghtomreyn, found https://docs.yugabyte.com/latest/quick-start/install/linux/09:41
tomreynvadique: you can install .deb packages using apt. the kernel packages from the ubuntu mainline 'ppa' (it's not a standard ppa like those on launchpad.net, this is a misnomer) do not depend on other software, but if they did, apt would install them when you use apt to install the packages.09:43
tomreynthey will trigger an update of the grub menu09:44
tomreynasdfgh: that's installation of a local cluster, not a multi instance deployment as you seemed to have tried previously.09:45
Mat63I have a magnetic disk, what tools can I use to repair?09:45
asdfghyeah but i think itis the same...i mean..i tr09:45
tomreynasdfgh: but i guess follow whichever documentation is provided for ubuntu09:45
asdfghand i will see what happen09:45
tomreynasdfgh: my point about not supported here stands, though09:46
Mat63Gparted, can't format it09:46
tomreynMat63: whats the exact error message you'Re seeing?09:46
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.09:46
tomreynbonus points if you can instead get textual output09:47
Mat63I'm looking for it, wait09:47
oerheksrun a fsck from the live iso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting09:47
tomreyn...from a CLI application started from a terminal09:48
Mat63I found a document09:50
vadiqueand it's linux-modules-5.4.0-37-generic to not to get "lowlatency"09:51
Mat63sorry that doesn't work09:54
vadiqueokay, now rebootin09:54
Mat63Wait a minute, I already found the list of errors09:54
Mat631.- "Format / dev / sdc1 as fat32 </b> & nbsp; & nbsp; 00: 00: 38 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; (ERROR)"09:56
Mat632.- "create a new fat32 file system & nbsp; & nbsp; 00: 00: 05 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; (ERROR)"09:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:57
Mat63I have no intention of doing so, but the file is in Spanish and I am taking the trouble to translate it for you09:59
Mat63So do you want a catch?09:59
Mat63So do you want a Impr Pant?10:00
tomreynyou can get english language output by running this ona terminal: export LANG=C; sudo gparted10:00
tomreynbut it'd be better to see the details of what failed. which may or may not be availabled from a graphical utility such as gparted.10:00
tomreyni.e. you may need to work on a terminal.10:01
Mat63Sure, Gparted already does it and produces a document with the list of errors and successes10:01
oerheksare you trying to format a disk that is in use?10:02
tomreynthese errors you posted above basically just state that a step the application tried failed, they do not say why they failed, but we'd need to find this out to help you.10:02
grimlyI've got a kubuntu set up with luks full disk encryption and a windows 10 partition.  Last night, the running Ubuntu instance suffered a critical power failure (i.e. someone unplugged it and the battery went) and now my boot fails at initramfs.  My knowledge and experience level here is pretty minimal.10:17
grimlyI think the grub autoupdate ran, and because it didn't get properly shutdown there are now issues to deal with10:19
Mat63I already have the list, ready10:21
BarnabasDKgrimly, can you boot in recovery mode? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode10:22
futureRichhello how can i move folder including contents using command line?10:25
Mat63You can see error when trying to format in ext4, or any other. With which tool could isolate the damaged sectors to create a disk, even if it is smaller, useful?10:25
tomreynfutureRich: mv path/to/directorytobemoved path/to/newparentdirectory/10:26
futureRichthere is no option? like -r or something?10:26
tomreynsure, almost all commands have options. most of the time you can list them using --help or -h10:27
Mat63(-r reverses order)?10:27
grimlyBarnabasDK: I can; similar results: "Mounting root file system ... Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ...   WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad.  Falling back to device scanning.  Volume group "system" not found.  Cannot process volume group system."10:28
tomreynMat63: please use a !pastebin to post text, not screenshots10:28
BarnabasDKgrimly, well I guess you can't then10:29
grimlyWell; I have the option ;)10:29
BarnabasDKof cause10:29
BarnabasDKgrimly, I think you need to boot of your installation media here - cd or usb stick10:30
tomreyngrimly: first of all, try an earlier kernel image (and initrd) from the grub menu10:31
BarnabasDKtomreyn, true10:31
BarnabasDKif you have one10:31
BarnabasDKif that does not work the installation option should have a "boot repair" choice10:31
BarnabasDKboot repair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair10:34
tomreyn"The log may include UUIDs, LUKS headers, hex dump of your first sectors of your drives, device serial numbers, your username and more."10:38
him-cesjf_Hi, can systemctl command be used to turn off screen?10:38
him-cesjf_I checked the man page, I couldn't figure it out10:39
tomreynhim-cesjf_: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Display_Power_Management_Signaling#Modify_DPMS_and_screensaver_settings_with_a_command10:40
tomreynbut depending on what you'll set you may be unable to reactivate the screen until next reboot10:40
tomreynmaybe provide some context.10:41
grimlyok, doesn't look like the earlier kernel versions are going to work, and also looks like I need to go buy a new usb stick10:42
BarnabasDKyou could also burn a cd - the old school way10:43
grimlySo oldschool that this state-of-the-art new laptop has no cd drive ;)10:45
Mat63Now, pass the url (Pastebin)?10:45
oerheksplease use paste.ubuntu.com10:46
tomreynsee also /topic10:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:46
BarnabasDKgrimly, in either case if you chose to use the boot repair tool or to do it by hand (read the disclaimer) you will need a running system from which you can mount the filesystem for the os with problems10:47
oerhekswe wait for the url ?10:51
oerheksare you trying to format a disk that is in use/mounted?10:53
oerheksyour paste gives not much info, never seen such format10:53
Mat63I will try again with Gnome or Gparted10:54
tomreynyou could run the command that's failing on a terminal instead:  sudo mkfs.fat -F32 -v -I /dev/sdc110:57
tomreynthis would provide you with an actual error message10:57
BluesKajHowdy all11:30
ubuntutrwith which infrastructure is this established https://www.herseyistanbul.com ?11:39
lotuspsychje!ot | ubuntutr11:40
ubottuubuntutr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:40
futureRichcan i know difference between apt and apt-get?11:44
lotuspsychje!discuss | futureRich11:44
ubottufutureRich: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:44
tomreynbasically, apt it trying to become a more user friendly apt-get. and for many uses, it already is. it is not (yet?) suitable for scripting, though.11:46
asdfghhow can i set a ulimit option value permanently?11:48
asdfghafter reboot i see it changes again11:49
asdfghi changed /etc/security/limits.conf11:49
asdfghadded https://privatebin.net/?750e7327189d3c56#J9RzMKYPt6dKp1SP1FwupTXewrxvqua1YL5LDahVYono at the end11:49
asdfghbut noting happen11:49
bipinHi , When I installed Lubuntu it was blazing fast , my browser and vs code opened quickly , now it has become slow , can I know the reason , and what can I do about it ?11:52
loxiehi all-how do i search for programs with apt, my goal is to install programs with sudo apt install "program-name-here", things like firefox are easy and some names i can tab complete but there are a few that i would like to search for the name of with a few different strings and thats where im stuck. should i be using apt-cache search -n "program-name" or11:56
futureRichhello, which python ---> no answer, which python2 ---> /usr/bin/python2. i want to make python2 as python. there is no way?11:57
tomreynasdfgh: i assume you will need to specify soft/hard limit11:58
loxiesomething else when im uncertain of the full name of program i want (eg like different versions perhaps)11:58
asdfghtomreyn, i did limits.conf but nothing happen11:58
asdfghnot i added file.conf inside limits.d/11:58
tomreynbipin: there's no easy explanation for this. it does not normally happen by itself, though customizations you may have made can have an impact.11:58
tomreynloxie: your message was cut off after 'should i be using apt-cache search -n "program-name" or' due to irc line length limitations. use an irc client which detects the (server specific) limit and automatically wraps lines to prevent this.12:00
bipinalso I find this weird when I use free -m , I get :total : 3853, used : 746 , free :128 , is the free:128 , or is it right , I have 4GB Ram12:00
asdfghtomreyn, nothing happen12:00
tomreynloxie: i usually use    apt search --names-only SEARCHTERM    or    apt-file search SEARCHTERM12:01
loxienah that was me i had a brain fart12:01
tomreynasdfgh: what are you expecting to happen, how do you test?12:01
asdfghtomreyn, ulimit -a12:01
asdfghi do not see the values i have st12:01
loxienow will that command search for names of programs i dont have installed currently12:01
tomreynbipin: read http://linuxatemyram.com12:02
futureRichcan i change python2 to python?12:02
futureRichhelp me plz12:02
lotuspsychje!patience | futureRich12:02
ubottufutureRich: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:02
tomreynasdfgh: see your system logs (journalctl -b), maybe they failed to apply.12:02
tomreynasdfgh: edits to /etc/security/limits.conf are applied on boot (only)12:03
asdfghtomreyn, i am reboting the systme12:05
asdfghnot just logout from shell12:05
asdfghnow iam testing with "soft" in limits.conf12:05
tomreynfutureRich: what you are trying to do, and on which ubuntu release / in which environment, is unclear. you generally should provide more !details. maybe this is what you're looking for: https://lornajane.net/posts/2020/the-python-is-python2-package-on-ubuntu-focal-fossa12:05
asdfghtomreyn, i still see https://privatebin.net/?5b98815f5f974ff6#5M783Smx4AFtKHXaAvAPdFv3fADunxcbv9uPFa6Pe7aT12:06
asdfghinsteaf of https://privatebin.net/?b714ca10e7730774#CiMzkEcoib5Lx5RdcXnqgB7mp1ektzuHj1mNoH7RtbV612:06
futureRichtomreyn, i use 20.04 now, but python --version no answer. but i want to make it possible : python --version tomreyn12:06
asdfghhttps://privatebin.net/?4ceb6622e7e37243#4fdzfjC7vKfQ6PgRTejnnBJLdkqt499A5WgeevVVwpfo <--- is see this12:07
tomreynasdfgh: and your logs say what about it?12:07
tomreynfutureRich: are you saying that running "python --version" on a terminal returns without any line of output?12:08
asdfghtomreyn, i do not know what to see12:08
asdfghit is very long12:08
tomreynasdfgh: then you should probabl ynot be playing with global limits in the fiurst place. they can easily have security implications.12:09
asdfghyes bu i use this server for databsae only12:10
asdfghi need to set those ulimit options12:10
asdfghwhy is not possible?12:10
asdfghdo i really need to install centos -_- ?12:10
FrUbuntuHello, I'd like to have support for a problem I'm facing with Ubuntu 20.04. Is this the right place? =L12:10
quadrathoch2FrUbuntu yes, just ask away12:11
tomreynFrUbuntu: this channel provides volunteer support for supported ubuntu releases such as 20.04 LTS.12:11
FrUbuntuThank you! Basically, the OS just hangs everytime I try to reboot/shut it down. I've looked up on the internet several solutions to this problem, but hardly any of them worked. I can provide additional info to tackle the issue12:12
FrUbuntuDual boot system: ubuntu - Windows 1012:12
FrUbuntuI can send a screenshot of the kernel messages I get when this happens12:13
loxiedo so via imgur and pastebin will help ppl help you12:14
loxieand dmesg12:15
FrUbuntuYes, imgur is slow right now12:15
FrUbuntuA link to the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/DRjURJ312:16
loxieur not kidding slow lols12:17
FrUbuntuThis is the /etc/default/grub config file12:19
FrUbuntuAlso, I'm using KDE Plasma as my DE12:21
lotuspsychjeFrUbuntu: the 'Os' hangs where exactly? elaborate plz?12:21
FrUbuntuOf course. It just stops at the splash screen (the image with the ubuntu logo), and by pressing ESC I see the lines in the image I've sent12:22
tomreynFrUbuntu: from your screenshot, there's no indication that any service failed to shut down properly, causing the overall shutdown to fail. in this case, it's more likely that there is a bios / acpi issue causing the actual power off to take place. i'd suggest you look for a bios update, and if this doesn't help, try this:12:22
tomreyn!acpi_osi | FrUbuntu12:22
ubottuFrUbuntu: If your system is unstable or power management does not work well and logs show ACPI issues, you can try to make the Linux kernel pretend it was Windows during boot (which can help on hardware which was only tested with Windows): http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html12:22
tomreynto get your current bios version and hardware model number, use: journalctl -b | grep DMI:12:23
tomreynasdfgh: maybe take a step back, tell us what you're trying to install and what its requirements are, pointing to documentation about it.12:25
FrUbuntuActually, there is an updated version of the BIOS form my motherboard, which as per the description the vendor wrote, adds "microcode for <this and that architecture>"12:25
tomreynif that's the only change then it will probably not solve this problem. but they don't always document all the changes, so there's really just one way to know.12:26
FrUbuntuSo, just to get this straight:12:26
tomreynanother otion you have it to get more verbose logging:12:27
FrUbuntuIt is either a BIOS update problem12:27
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters12:27
FrUbuntuOr power management going bananas with linux?12:27
tomreyn(this more verbose logging ill also aply to shutting down)12:27
tomreynit is either that the bios is not well done, or that linux fails to interpret it properly (not the issue most of the time, except maybe for very recently introduced hardware)12:28
tomreynor that your hardware is broken, but that's unlikely at this point.12:29
FrUbuntuI'll see to providing a more descrptive log as suggested by ubottu and @tomr12:30
tomreynthere could also be bugs in systemd, but something like this would get fixed promptly, so just make sure you're fully up to date12:30
ubottuTo ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.12:31
=== grimly is now known as grimly_
FrUbuntuubottu I'll prioritize this last thing before digging in with the BIOS12:32
ubottuFrUbuntu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:32
FrUbuntuVery good bot, though, gotta say12:32
FrUbuntuI'm downloading like 344 MB of archive, so hopefully the solution hides in there12:33
grimlyI've now live-booted on my non-booting laptop, and boot-repair has produced the following report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5GcfYRMHrx/12:33
FrUbuntutomreyn are these "!<command>" you're posting just parameters for the GRUB config file?12:34
tomreynFrUbuntu: no, those are what makes ubottu tell you stuff12:35
FrUbuntuAs you may have surmised, I'm kinda new here'=D12:36
tomreyn!botsnack | Thanks for telling me I'm good, and for feeding me, FrUbuntu12:37
ubottuThanks for telling me I'm good, and for feeding me, FrUbuntu: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!12:37
FrUbuntu!botsnack | Cool12:39
ubottuCool: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!12:39
asdfghtomreyn, that db12:40
asdfghi told you12:40
FrUbuntuBye, bye and thanks for all the support!12:40
asdfghtomreyn, https://docs.yugabyte.com/latest/deploy/manual-deployment/system-config/12:41
asdfghthe server is running but i cannot set the value they are saying12:41
tomreynasdfgh: and i told you we support software that's in ubuntu. this software is not.12:45
asdfghtomreyn, i know, but i am not asking how to configure that server, i am asking how to set ulimit options permanently.12:49
asdfghi am using ubuntu 20.0412:49
tomreyngrimly: the uefi boot records (lines 24 and following) only seem to point to your usb stick, and to the windows installation.12:50
tomreyngrimly: i think some windows upgrades would sometimes overwrite (destroy) the grub boot loader and ensure that windows' own bootloader is always used.12:52
tomreynmaybe that's what happened here12:52
=== xbfrog is now known as xBfrog
omega_doomhello. Is there a way to turn on wifi hotspot with vpn enabled?12:52
grimlytomreyn: Makes sense.  When I first powered up, grub didn't load and I went straight to Windows.  From there I did "bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\Ubuntu\grubx64.efi" which I'm not certain is correct12:54
tomreynasdfgh: if you were using ubuntu packaged software, you wouldn't need to make such changes. editing /etc/security/limits.conf is the right approach to making system-level changes to limits. they may not immediately or at all apply to every user or every login on the system, including after a reboot.12:55
tomreyngrimly: me enither, i would assume the folks in ##windows know how to use this software12:56
asdfghtomreyn, i am checking with root12:56
asdfghreboting the system12:56
asdfghalways with root12:56
raxor2kHi, is this a channel where i can ask for help? i need to solve an error12:57
grimlyIt was correct enough to bring up a grub menu on boot at least :)12:57
lotuspsychjeraxor2k: if its about ubuntu, sure ask away12:58
raxor2kI need help to solve this error: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)           and yes, mySql server is running perfectly12:58
raxor2kI get this error when my python script tries to convert json to sql and insert it to the db12:59
r15hi, Ubuntu 20, applied all the available updates on Acer aspire es1-732 however it's not powering off.. in text log it shows Reached target Power-off13:00
r15however just keeps on running13:00
tomreynr15: Search https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu.html for "FrUbuntu" and read all the suggestions given to them, they also apply to you.13:03
futureRichwhy i can't copy file to Desktop with mouse? :(13:03
tomreyn!yy.mm | r1513:03
ubottur15: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle13:03
tomreynr15: ^ that's just an aside13:03
tomreynraxor2k: don't run it as root if you don't have to13:04
=== grimly_ is now known as grimly
Mat63Hello, what can I do to repair this error?13:14
futureRichwhy i can't copy file to Desktop with mouse? :( help ubuntu member plz13:15
Mat63How to upload a screenshot?13:15
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.13:16
tomreynfutureRich: because the gnome extension trying to support files on the desktop after this feature was removed from gnome does not yet (?) support this. you can copy files to the desktop using nautilus, though13:18
futureRichthanks tomreyn13:18
SrPxHey all. I installed xbacklight and added a file to `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d` for it to work, and rebooted. Now my screen seems to be having a bad LCD trip. I've already removed the file and rebooted but it is still crazy. What do I do now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnhuVncLp1g&feature=youtu.be13:21
Mat63the error occurs when I want to format the disk with ext413:22
Mat63But if I press ntfs option, it works without any error13:23
Mat63It is an external magnetic disk that I want to format to install a linux distribution13:24
tomreynMat63: after you formatted it with ntfs, ubuntu probably omunted this new file system automatically (you could see this in nautilus, the file browser, top left icon on your screen), and then formatting it again failed because it was mounted13:25
tomreynso you'd need to unmount it first of all, which can be done in nautilus (and maybe also in gdisks), and then you should be able to format it again.13:26
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vadiquehci0DC:F5:05:1F:83:D2 is my device13:33
Mat63the disc is unmounted. Now it's formatting, I'm going to wait and see what happens13:34
grimlyI've resolved my issue; a BIOS setting had changed for no apparent reason.  Setting the SATA mode to AHCI resolved this.13:35
SrPxShorter video of the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uctv_yS5vv4&feature=youtu.be13:37
jeremy31vadique: what about your device?13:38
Mat63tomreyn: https://imgur.com/3N816Jo13:39
vadiquejeremy31, I had the problem of it wasn't seen13:40
SrPxanyone? any idea? is there any way for me to know if this is a hardware or software problem?13:42
squarecircletatertotz: I don't need a "stable scanning capabillity" I need a bug-free simple-scan. And as simple-scan is quite buggy, in this case I need to work on the autosave files, that are automatically created by simple-scan.13:50
tomreynMat63: "failed while writing FAT" may hint at a broken usb stick. but you should probably try to test it more before concluding this. including by running the same command from a temrinal instead.13:54
tomreynSrPx: do a cold boot, remove battery, clear nvram. one of those might help resetting the graphics card properly.13:57
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woenxHi. could someone help me with mounting a network share inside a user's home directory?14:18
woenxthe share mounts, but only root has access (it says permission denied to the user, even if I specify the uid and gid)14:19
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SrPxfixed, thanks14:46
SrPx(it randomly solved itself)14:47
futureRichi just use windows 10 instead of linux :( i don't know what is strength of linux than windows 10?14:48
quadrathoch2futureRich learning is not that hard, but when someone has windows centric habits it gets harder to break those habits14:50
futureRichwhat habit?14:50
futureRichquadrathoch2, ?14:52
quadrathoch2how you use a computer futureRich14:53
ubuntutrwith which infrastructure is this established https://www.herseyistanbul.com ?14:53
futureRichi think that visual is not good like windows 10 :(14:57
futureRichbut why people use linux? for money?14:58
Maik_aDfutureRich: the last couple of times you came here i only seen sad emoij's and complaints from you.14:58
Maik_aDfutureRich: for freedom14:58
futureRichfreedom? what freedom?14:58
lotuspsychjelets not discuss offtopic here futureRich14:58
Maik_aDfutureRich: but this is something for in #ubuntu-discuss as lotuspsychje said14:59
futureRichok why linux developer can't make app like colloquy? it is freedom? :(14:59
Maik_aDfutureRich: get over to the other channel please14:59
xxnodeHello guys15:00
lotuspsychjewelcome xxnode15:01
futureRichcan i ask last qustion related linux 20.04?15:03
Maik_aDdon't ask to ask futureRich15:03
jeremy31futureRich: not here15:03
jeremy31futureRich: you can if it is Ubuntu 20.0415:03
Maik_aDit's not linux 20.04 but ubuntu 20.0415:03
futureRichoh ubuntu 20.0415:04
futureRichi use name python, but there is python2, how can i use python name?15:04
futureRichi want to use name python, but there is python2, how can i use python name?15:04
lotuspsychjefutureRich: you have been asking that all day and you are on windows..15:05
PeanutfutureRich: There is a package called 'python-is-python2' that might do what you want.15:06
futureRichno i will stay on ubuntu, if i get help from here15:06
Maik_aDpyton 2 isn't on 20.04 afaik since it's EOL and not maintained or being developed anymore. But if you are on windows ask in #python15:06
futureRichMaik_aD, but there is python215:06
futureRichon ubuntu 20.04 now15:07
Maik_aDfutureRich: help you can get but also do some research yourself15:07
Maik_aDfutureRich: and python 2 isn't installed on Ubuntu 20.04 at my end. It's available yes, but not installed by default. So just use python 3.15:09
futureRichwhich python215:09
futureRichwhich python215:10
Maik_aDfutureRich: i don't have time for this. and it seems you know your way around.:)15:11
futureRichPeanut, oh15:14
futureRichi think that you are correct15:14
futureRichPeanut, i can use python with 'python-is-python2'?15:16
Maik_aDask in #python :)15:17
funnybunny2I can't install Japanese language support. When I go to Settings -> Region & Language -> Manage Installed Languages -> Install / Remove Languages... -> Check Japanese -> Apply, I get the error "Failed to download package files" and under "Details" it says "Failed to fetch http://"15:23
ioriafunnybunny2, try to change the mirror to Main or Us15:26
funnybunny2ioria: Is there a way to do that other than directly editing /etc/apt/sources.list ?  I don't know the URL of either of those mirrors15:29
ioriafunnybunny2, in Software&Updates15:29
funnybunny2Why does my /etc/apt/sources.list have the same URL over and over15:29
funnybunny2OK, I just used the GUI and it changed all the URLs. Nice15:31
funnybunny2Looks like it's downloading now15:32
funnybunny2Now it says Japanese is installed, but when I go to add an Input Source, Japanese (Mozc) is not an option. Is that the preferred input source? When I tried just "Japanese" it doesn't do anything15:35
ioriafunnybunny2, you ned to log out / in15:35
funnybunny2ioria: Thanks! It's working15:38
ioriafunnybunny2, ok15:38
funnybunny2I have another issue that occurs every time I log in15:38
funnybunny2"System program problem detected"15:38
ioriafunnybunny2, ls /var/crash15:38
funnybunny2ioria: Oh, it looks like it's Chrome15:39
funnybunny2I think Chrome doesn't like it when I log out without closing its window15:39
ioriafunnybunny2, remove the file in that dir15:39
funnybunny2The file was created just now though15:40
funnybunny2Or maybe it was modified...15:40
funnybunny2All of the times are just now15:40
funnybunny2Well, I deleted it.15:41
ioriafunnybunny2, log out / in again15:41
funnybun1y2ioria: OK, it didn't pop up that time15:42
ioriafunnybunny2, it if comes back, you'll need to investigate deeper15:43
nbusroneWhat is ubuntu mailing ? for support ? https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users ?15:43
funnybun1y2Ah shit15:43
ioriano prob15:43
funnybun1y2It just came back15:43
funnybun1y2Yeah, there is another chrome file in /var/crash/15:44
ioriafunnybunny2, are you fully updated ?15:45
funnybun1y2Is version 20 out yet?15:45
ioriafunnybunny2, no idea, i don't use chrome15:46
funnybun1y2I mean Ubuntu15:46
ioriafunnybunny2, what's your ubuntu version ?  cat /etc/issue15:46
funnybun1y218.04.4 LTS15:47
ioriafunnybunny2, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:47
funnybun1y2I need to backup my stuff first lol15:47
quadrathoch2funnybun1y2 yes 20.04 is out, but the upgrade path will be available on aug, 6th15:48
quadrathoch2nbusrone it's more for devs15:48
funnybun1y2I forgot how I installed Chrome. I don't think it was in the package manager15:48
funnybun1y2Maybe just from the website15:48
quadrathoch2funnybun1y2 there is only the website option, as chrome is closed source, and only distributed by google15:49
tomreynquadrathoch2: google distributes it via apt, though: https://www.google.de/linuxrepositories/15:50
funnybun1y2I am installing it now15:51
tomreynfunnybun1y2: this was not meant to be misunderstood as a recommendation15:51
quadrathoch2i knew there was an apt repository, but didn't know you could just add it yourself (which makes sense -_-)15:52
funnybun1y2No, I just downloaded the .deb file from the website and installed it on the command line15:52
funnybun1y2And I want to use Chrome.15:52
funnybun1y2OK, going to see if the crashing still happens...15:53
nbusronequadrathoch2 : I am having brightness issue but at this channel someone suggest me to ask at the email  ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com. Will i get respond from user from email ?15:54
cfochIs there an updated version of this guide? https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/packaging-tutorial/packaging-tutorial.en.pdf15:55
k4rt0ff3lch33t4hfunnybun1y2: are you sure it's not Chromium?15:55
quadrathoch2nbusrone yes you will. here are even more options :) https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/community-support/709 (including the forum)15:56
funnybun2y2Still crashing15:56
quadrathoch2cfoch I am pretty sure there is nothing newer than that15:56
funnybun2y2Well, I'll deal with it later15:57
tomreyncfoch: there's #debian here on freenode as well as on oftc15:57
GKirchhoffAnyone able to help me with some xrandr stuff? My monitors are different DPIs and I wanted the mouse to cross linearly across the border between them. I've already got that working. The problem is that the mouse can move into the leftover --fb space that is off the monitors. I'm at a loss as to how to prevent that from occuring.15:58
lotuspsychje!packaging | cfoch or this15:59
ubottucfoch or this: The packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring15:59
quadrathoch2cfoch I would even recommend #packaging on oftc15:59
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: Ubuntu ver?15:59
tomreyncfoch: oftc is another irc network, like freenode16:00
quadrathoch2cfoch it's an IRC network16:00
GKirchhoff20.04, with xfce as my DE.16:00
GKirchhoffrjwiii Most everything I've tried either screws with the layout, does nothing or refuses to execute.16:01
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: is gnome-control-panel installed? If you run it, go under "Displays" and you can set them up however you want ... xrandr is a PITA ...16:03
nbusronequadrathoch2 : This site is not for technical support.? forum slower reply ,  maybe https://askubuntu.com/ will be better16:05
quadrathoch2nbusrone probably16:05
GKirchhoffrjwiii I needed more granular scale functionality due to the bad dpi mismatch.16:06
eydaimonDoes ubuntu server support encrypted zfs on root ?16:07
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: I used xranr in 14.04 and I had monitors with different resolutions and it worked fine for me ... 20.04 has a nice GUI display settings app.16:08
quadrathoch2eydaimon no, as zfs on root is still experimental16:08
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: what are the resolutions of your monitors?16:09
eydaimonquadrathoch2: thank you. how current  are packages kept? like if git is updated, is server focused on stable, or can I get the latest versions quickly ?16:09
quadrathoch2stable, as versions never get updated (except a few exceptions like browsers). security and bugfixes are backported16:09
quadrathoch2eydaimon ^16:09
eydaimonquadrathoch2: what if I wanted latest ? would desktop be a better option ?16:10
quadrathoch2they are literally the same. if you want newer stuff, you would need to go rolling release16:11
eydaimonquadrathoch2: is that an option for ubuntu server ?16:11
GKirchhoffrjwiii 1280x1024 [5:4] and 2560x1440 [16:9]. I have the 5:4 scaled up to 1613x1290 so that they have matching DPI.16:11
quadrathoch2eydaimon, nope. that would mean you would need to go for arch/opensuse tumbleweed/or other distros who have rolling release (but those 2 are the most known ones)16:12
quadrathoch2server and newest stuff is never good together eydaimon and nobody wants that in production16:12
eydaimonquadrathoch2: yup. makes sense16:13
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: I've had issues trying to push a monitor past its max resolution ... never could get it to work right ...16:14
quadrathoch2eydaimon you could just always upgrade to the newest ubuntu version. so now server 20.04 and upgrade to 20.10 when it's released. but never really recommended, as the interim releases are not as QA as LTS ones16:15
eydaimonquadrathoch2: my use-case is my NAS, so having tools up to date with sacrifice to stability would be OK16:15
GKirchhoffrjwiii I've got it working, the issue I've got is the mouse boundaries are screwed up by having to manually set a --fb16:15
GKirchhoffrjwiii https://imgur.com/a/4P4pVHt is a screenshot of the entire --fb. The issue is the mouse can traverse into the black space where there is no actual monitor.16:16
quadrathoch2how does NAS and sacrificing stability (and maybe even data loss) work together? (I don't say it will happen, but it could)16:16
eydaimonquadrathoch2: data loss wouldn't be acceptable, no. but unstable packages would16:17
quadrathoch2eydaimon you sure? https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/5341 this is one of multiple (they are still trying to fix it)16:19
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: hmmmmm ... have you read the xrandr man page?16:19
GKirchhoffrjwiii yup. got it open right now. nothing seems to indicate how to set or edit mouse boundaries.16:20
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: I haven't tried what you are trying ... I did find this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/158012316:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1580123 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "xrandr --scale (again) confines mouse to native solution" [Medium,Confirmed]16:22
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: though that is old ...16:23
GKirchhoffubottu not the issue16:23
ubottuGKirchhoff: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
GKirchhoffrjwiii Funnily enough, that's the reverse of the issue i'm having.16:24
rjwiiiGKirchhoff: sorry ... I don't seem to be much help ... you can try some of these: https://www.google.com/search?q=xrndr+adjust+mouse+boundries&oq=xrndr+adjust+mouse+boundries&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.13933j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-816:26
GKirchhoffrjwiii It's fine. It was a long shot that I'd find an easy answer.16:27
cfochI am packaging ffmpeg with debuild, why is it creating more than 2 GB?16:27
cfochahh I think this is running tests16:32
cfochor something else16:32
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segfaultcoderHello! Could someone tell me the name of the program that makes charge of the instalation in Ubuntu?16:57
tomreynthe desktop installer is ubiquity16:57
tomreynother ubuntu !flavors use different installers, so does ubuntu server16:59
segfaultcoderok thanks16:59
segfaultcoderwhat installer does ubuntu server use?16:59
tomreyn*s*ubiquity (or the ubuntu fork of debian-installer on older releases)16:59
segfaultcoderthank you17:00
eydaimonquadrathoch2: ah zfs is critical for me :)17:00
quadrathoch2eydaimon just saying that everything has bugs, even zfs, so I would rather not use something newer on sth critical as a NAS17:02
eydaimonquadrathoch2: you make a great point :)17:03
usr1987I hear ZFS is experimental, why would it be included in an LTS version...17:04
eydaimonquadrathoch2: I just came from FreeBSD where ZFS is part of the kernel distro, so not part of something that would change.17:04
eydaimonusr1987: zfs on root is experimental, not zfs17:04
quadrathoch2imho I would look into creating a btrfs for root, and zfs for data ;) eydaimon it's also easier to debug17:05
usr1987did not know that... i mainly watched reviews on YT for this version17:05
eydaimonquadrathoch2: why btrfs for root ?17:07
eydaimonwhat do you know? 😁17:07
usr1987not a fan of snaps:-)17:07
eydaimonI know facebook has been working on it, but I didn't get any reason to put it on root17:07
quadrathoch2eydaimon it's easier to debug, as you wouldn't need to compile a module to access your data when you want to rescue something ;)17:07
quadrathoch2eydaimon snapshots and the same reasons why you want zfs on root :P17:08
eydaimonquadrathoch2: ah, that's compelling :)17:10
quadrathoch2eydaimon if you go that way look into snapper (so you can boot into snapshots from grub)17:10
eydaimonquadrathoch2: but the live ubuntu image has zfs, so I can use that, no ?17:10
quadrathoch2does it? idk honestly17:10
eydaimonquadrathoch2: yeah it does :)17:11
quadrathoch2eydaimon eh, so it kinda gets better17:11
quadrathoch2but still not supported by canonical/ubuntu community :p17:11
jmaderohi all - I'm having an issue on two separate machines with my fstab/NAS mounts - _netdev is not working correctly17:39
jmaderocurrently I have a cron job but the issue is that if I don't login right away, the crontab fails too (apparently "restart" crontab starts working shortly after LDM loads17:40
eydaimonquadrathoch2: does btrfs support encryption ?17:41
shibbolethunsure if it has native enc17:43
shibbolethbut why not have luks on top?17:43
shibbolethsure, i get the convenience of diff keys per subvolume17:44
darkadHello, I'm using cmake to install a new software, but although the generate is done, no executable is generated :(17:44
darkadhelp with cmake17:55
tomreynjmadero: _netdev not working would probably be worth a bug report. which ubuntu release are your systems running? maybe x-systemd.after would help: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.mount.html17:56
jmaderotomreyn: I'm running Bodhi Linux17:57
tomreyn!bodhi | jmadero17:57
tomreynjmadero: this channel is for ubuntu support, thus the name17:57
jmaderotomreyn: yes I know how to use IRC - Bodhi is a much smaller community, it's a Ubuntu derivative17:58
jmaderothus a solution for Ubuntu should work in Bodhi17:58
tomreynso you know it's off-topic here, good17:58
jmaderoI also know how to ignore - good!17:58
tomreyndarkad: cmake just prepares a build, you'll usually still run make afterwards17:59
tomreynbut you should refer to the instructions and support channels provided by the software you'Re trying to use18:00
darkadjust typing make?18:00
tomreynmaybe, depends18:00
darkadmkdir build18:00
darkad    cd build18:00
darkad    cmake .. [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[PREFIX]] [-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug]18:00
darkad    make18:00
darkad    make install18:00
tomreyn!paste | darkad18:00
ubottudarkad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:00
darkadThank you so much!18:06
nbusronehi , does  trash have permission set on certain default application to view ? example , a text or pdf files was deleted into the trash but I can view it using gedit/doc viewer and office  but not  any other applicaiton viewer or 3rd party apps ?18:07
nbusronewhy was it set ? can allow other document viewer to view the file in trash ?18:08
cfochhow can I tell ubuntu when doing "apt install ..." to ignore to install/upgrade certain dependency?18:26
tomreyncfoch: if it depends on it, you cannot, or not without breaking things. if it recommends it, you can apt-get --no-install-recommends18:33
cfochhow can I get the changelog of a package from repositories?18:33
cfochnot from an installed package18:34
cfochaccording apt/changelog documentation says: "By default it displays the changelog for the version that is installed"18:34
cfochI want the changelog for a package in repositories, since I have a custom deb package installed on my system18:35
tomreynspecify the package version using   PACKAGE=VERSION18:36
tomreynapt list -a PACKAGE    to list available versions18:38
chietahow to list all installed snap package with --classic mode?18:47
chietabecause error: This revision of snap "go" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform       arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to,       which may put your system at risk.18:47
chietain case go installed via snap18:47
quadrathoch2eydaimon sorry was afk, sadly no, still work in progress18:57
nbusroneWhy does  trash files can be open only by default application ? example , a text or pdf files was deleted into the trash but I can view it using gedit/doc viewer but not  any other application viewer like geany/Okular ? both also can be downloaded at repository ?19:08
nbusroneexcept i manually going to .local/share/trash and select the file. ? any reason  ?19:11
nbusroneI know nautilus was set to do so.is there anyway to set extra application to view trash folder directly ?19:16
oerheksi think ctrl + h ( hidden files), /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash19:21
oerheksor restore the file from trash to original place?19:22
chieta"because error: This revision of snap "go" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform       arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to,       which may put your system at risk."19:23
chietais there any security issue on this snap rather than usual apt install ?19:24
oerhekschieta, no. if a snap is in confinement, some games do, one cannot access the home folder and such.19:24
oerhekswhen a snap application can, is the same behaviour as a deb package19:25
oerheksso, snaps can be more secure than a deb.19:26
tyteen4a03Hey, is there an easy way to find historic debs? I am looking for thunar 1.16.12 for bionic but couldn't find it on launchpad19:29
chietanoted, oerheks19:30
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/thunar/+packages .. no 1.16.12 ...19:30
tyteen4a03This is the source https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/1.6.12-119:31
oerheksmaybe 1.6.12-1 ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/1.6.12-1/+publishinghistory19:31
tyteen4a03yep, there is a build for artful but nothing for bionic19:32
oerheksit says bionic too, but removed19:32
tyteen4a03does this mean I'll need to build it myself?19:33
tyteen4a03or maybe it's hidden somewhere else19:33
oerheksi find no deb, so build it yourself?19:34
tyteen4a03grr, this is what I did not want to hear19:35
ioriahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/1.6.12-1/+build/13057652/+files/thunar_1.6.12-1_amd64.deb  tyteen4a03  , if this might help19:37
oerheksoh good spot, ioria19:37
oerheksi was looking at https://pkgs.org/search/?q=thunar19:37
tyteen4a03that's artful though?19:37
ioriayeah, but idk what's the use of it19:38
tyteen4a03doing some symlink surgery on an ubuntu fork (IGEL OS) so would prefer a bionic deb19:39
ioriai see19:39
tyteen4a03meh, guess I'll have to spin up a bionic vm19:39
InteloI have ubuntu server. If I install firefox in it, will it automatically install x11 and all required things for UI or I have to install x11 myself? if so, how? (I do not want desktop but only x11/org/ minimum things to run firefox)?19:45
oerheksi think it does pull in a desktop, and restricted extras for codecs and stufff19:45
oerheksfirefox on a server?19:45
oerheksdo a dry-run, apt install firefox -d19:46
Inteloit includes x11-common19:48
Intelooerheks: nothing else like xorg19:48
Inteloubuntu-mono too19:48
Intelooerheks: but something tells me I should install x11 too. Then do `startx; firefox`. If so, how to install x11/xorg? <- only window manager19:49
oerheksdunno, maybe someone else has the answer?19:50
tespiyou don't really need a window manager either, just install x11?19:51
Intelosays 'error: no Display env variable setup19:51
Intelotespi: command?19:51
tespistartx comes from the xinit package19:51
tespiyou need to define the DISPLAY variable to tell which screen to use19:52
Intelotespi: ya so how to do I install x11?19:52
tespiDISPLAY=:0 startx # should do it19:52
Intelostartx not found but can be installed with xinit19:53
Intelotespi:  so xinit is x11?19:53
tespilooks like xinit depends on xserver-xorg and that pulls all the necessary stuff19:53
tespiso just install that I guess19:53
tespiah no, it only recommends xserver-org19:53
Intelojust install xinit?19:53
tespiinstall xinit and xserver-xorg19:54
Intelotespi: so startx == x11 == xinit?19:54
tespiyeah kinda19:54
Intelo!= xorg?19:54
ubottuIntelo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:54
tespix11 is more complicated than that :p19:54
Intelodiff xorg and x11?19:54
tespixorg I think is an implementation and x11 is the specification, not sure which way that goes19:55
tespiyea x11 is x server protocol version 11 and xorg is the implementation19:55
Inteloxinit is pulling gnome stuff19:57
tespioh, so it recommends gnome-terminal19:58
Intelotespi: gnome settings, session etc19:59
tespiuse --no-install-recommends in the apt command and that shouldn't happen I think19:59
Intelotespi: so do I need startx -> xinit -> xorg-server -> gnome stuff just to run firefox?19:59
tespiyou don't need gnome to run firefox19:59
tespiapt just wants to install it by default20:00
InteloI already started. Should I interrupt/20:00
Intelotespi: ^'20:01
tespiuh, I don't think interrupting apt is a good idea especially if it's already installing packages20:01
tatertotzIntelo: if you are dependent on a GUI...you may have saved lots of time and effort by using desktop ubuntu20:01
tatertotzIntelo: instead of installing ubuntu server ..then bending backwards to make it as much like ubuntu desktop as you can20:02
tespiI guess wait till it's done and then remove xinit again and use autoremove to clean up20:02
tatertotzIntelo: good thing you aren't using a "metered" connection20:03
Intelotespi: I installed xinit only and it says /usr/bin/X not found  /etc/x11/xining/xserverscc20:04
Intelounable to connect to x server20:04
Intelotatertotz: true but I need least resource utilization20:04
tespiyou could just go with xfce then...20:05
tatertotzIntelo: of course...so go ahead and pile on those extra packages20:05
tespiyou'll still need xserver-xorg to get the X server20:06
Intelotatertotz: which extra packages?20:06
Intelotespi: installing xserver-xorg20:06
leeijawHi is there anyone knowledgeable about 20.04 LTS settings? I remembered in the past almost every settings can be found in the dconf.  It now seems some of settings are not stored in the dconf database.20:06
Intelotespi: tatertotz https://imgur.com/7sDlvX8.png20:08
Intelotespi: tatertotz what seems wrong here? Why startx didn't worked?20:11
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tespithat doesn't really say what went wrong, maybe the logfile it wrote has more info?20:13
tatertotzIntelo: try it again20:13
tatertotzIntelo: you might get a different result20:13
Intelotatertotz: same20:13
tatertotzIntelo: try one more time20:14
Intelotatertotz: same20:14
tespitatertotz: you're not helping20:14
tespiIntelo: honestly x11 can be kind of a pain to set up and besides pointing to the log file I don't think I can help much20:15
tespitry find an error message? try different display values, maybe your display isn't actually :0?20:15
tespior just take the practical route and install xubuntu, it's low on system requirements20:16
tatertotztespi: you've had about a 10 min head start on me according to time stamps.....20:16
tatertotz14:51:12 <tespi> you don't really need a window manager either, just install x11?20:16
tatertotzthe man doesn't have a GUI yet..so what evidence shows that YOU are helping mr tespi ???...hmmm?20:17
oerheksfirefox on a server ..20:17
tespioerheks: it can be done, and you can actually use x11 forwarding to do remote browsing via ssh20:19
leftyfbIntelo: why do you need to run firefox on the server?20:19
oerheksvfb virtual frame buffer?20:19
Intelotatertotz: tespi gents, lets be civil. I appreciate you both. But wonder why can't we run mere display20:19
Intelotespi: I am not forwarding anything yet20:20
leftyfbIntelo: if all you're trying to accomplish is to run firefox over x-forwarding, you only need to install xauth and firefox on the server20:20
Inteloleftyfb: I have virtual box for now.  I am not forwarding anything yet20:20
tespileftyfb: I understood that he installed ubuntu server on a desktop and wants to use firefox on it20:20
leeijawI also got some avahi problems under 20.04. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.20:21
leftyfbIntelo: lets make sure we all understand your exact use case. You have Ubuntu server installed in a Virtualbox VM on your Desktop and you want to run firefox within that Ubuntu server in a VM on your desktop?20:21
tatertotzI think there is a dedicated ubuntu server channel or chat room...not %100 certain though20:21
xxnodeIf A motherboard has only 2 fan connectors each 12W max when I need 4 fans of 9W each to be connected. Is there a way to still connect to the mobo? & if not, I assume I will have to connect directly to the PSU: in this case, will the fans always be running at full power ?20:21
Inteloleftyfb: yes20:22
leftyfbxxnode: your question has nothing to do with ubuntu20:22
leftyfbIntelo: why?20:22
tespixxnode: I think there are other channels for hardware issues, this place is for Ubuntu specifically20:22
tatertotzxxnode: yes20:22
Inteloleftyfb: isolated setups, experiments, many reasons20:23
leftyfbIntelo: why not run xubuntu or lubuntu on that server?20:23
Inteloleftyfb: resources (even slight difference), experiments,20:23
Inteloleftyfb: how can I startx?20:24
leftyfbIntelo: Are you sure you need that much granularity to replicate a use case that barely exists?20:24
Inteloleftyfb: yes20:24
Inteloleftyfb: I am sure20:24
xxnode@tatertotz , can you explain more pls?20:24
tatertotzIntelo: there is a dedicated chat room for ubuntu server edition....just FYI20:24
Intelotatertotz: yes but they have less to do with server thing20:25
Intelotatertotz: yes but they have less to do with UI thing20:25
tatertotzIntelo: hmm wonder why that is?20:25
Intelotatertotz: 'server' is headless non GUI20:25
Intelotatertotz:  they expert in console stuf20:25
tespimaybe just go for x11 forwarding rather than messing with the display on the server end if it's causing so much trouble20:25
Intelotespi: forwarding is not required20:26
tatertotzxxnode: are you chatting from the computer/motherboard in question right now?20:28
oerheks##hardware is for hardware issues..20:29
Intelotespi:  leftyfb  tatertotz  oerheks  do I need cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc ~20:29
tatertotzxxnode: as the OP/mod mentioned there is a chat room for #hardware, and your motherboard query is NOT ubuntu related in any way20:30
tatertotzxxnode: take care20:30
chietaIntelo server +1  lubuntu20:31
KOLANICHHi everybody.20:32
KOLANICHhttps://github.com/guillemj/dpkg/pull/2 https://github.com/guillemj/dpkg/pull/320:32
oerhekshi KOLANICH before i click any url, what is your issue?20:33
KOLANICHoerheks: just a pair of patches to dpkg. Everyone is welcome to review them.20:34
oerheksoh, crossposting. keep it in debian, thanks20:34
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xxnode@tatertotz ok thanks20:42
Intelotespi:  leftyfb  tatertotz  oerheks logs: https://termbin.com/65qhc20:47
nbusroneoerheks : it's more on nautilus issue , you can try create text file and open with gedit vs other editor application from repo.Only defaults apps can open trash files except  manually going to /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash20:51
Intelomore logs: https://termbin.com/au5y20:52
Intelotespi:  leftyfb  says no window manager, no emulator, no.. aborting20:59
tatertotzIntelo: the logs show you what the problem is20:59
InteloI thought I don't need those things ^21:00
oerhekskeep it in #ubuntu-server please.. you don't want forwarding, no wm, no de .. running firefox on a server..21:00
oerheksgood luck!21:00
tatertotzIntelo: if you cannot supply all supporting software infrastructure and packages including configuration files to have a GUI on ubuntu server...consider making your life easier and installing a desktop version that has a GUI by default21:00
Intelooerheks: :)21:00
tespiIntelo: I guess your configuration is broken somewhere or you need to do some extra stuff with your VM software21:03
Intelotespi: why it says no window manager, no emulator, no.. aborting21:04
Intelotespi: what is needed?21:04
Intelotespi: don't i need .xinitrc?21:04
tespiI don't know what you ran to make it do that, startx shouldn't care about window managers21:04
tespiI don't know what you need21:04
Intelotespi: should I install xterm?21:05
squarecircleso again, if anyone knows a way to salvage like a hundred gigabytes of simple-scan autosave-data, that is not saveable by simple-scan itself anymore21:05
leftyfbIntelo: can you please explain exactly why you need to do this? What is it you are testing and why do you think you can't have the needed DE in order to run firefox?21:05
leftyfbsquarecircle: you should contact simple-scan. Your forensics question is beyond the scope of this channel21:06
Inteloleftyfb: we should concentrate on the thing I want (which is possible)21:08
squarecircleleftyfb: that might be the best way. I was hoping that some of the gnome people are lurking here too, especially one of the gnomers that worked with simple-scan :)21:08
leftyfbsquarecircle: very unlikely21:08
leftyfbIntelo: the thing you want is non-trivial and a very not-common practice.21:08
leftyfbIntelo: your best bet would be to look for an alternative solution21:08
tatertotzsquarecircle: yeah, consult simple scan directly, file a bug report or post to their mailing list21:09
Inteloleftyfb: hm21:09
Inteloleftyfb: ya, time consuming21:09
eydaimonquadrathoch2: I do enjoy that zfs encryption. it was a big reason I switched from freebsd21:33
quadrathoch2eydaimon so is there an improvement over luks?21:34
eydaimonquadrathoch2: freebsd didn't have encryption at all. I used GELI (LUKS equivalent) before. zfs encryption is slower than LUKS + zfs, but I write/read performance isn't souch a big deal for my NAS. I prefer having the possible future portability of being able to mount a drive on multiple OS. Just feels better to have native FS encryption to me... cleaner21:36
quadrathoch2eydaimon yeah I get you. at least now I know that I don't want encryption on zfs then ;)21:37
ozbrkhello people I have an iissue with pairing my beats audio solo 3 with ubuntu 20.04 system anyone can help?21:42
tomreynozbrk: got some details? ubuntu version? where is it failing exactly, any error messages?21:49
tomreyncontextual info is always required21:50
ozbrktomreyn as I mentioned ubuntu is 20.04.1 LTS  and there is no error message. I try to pair from settings and it falls back to not setup section21:50
ozbrkI've tried to do it from terminal and got this Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled21:51
tomreynozbrk: oops yes you did ysay 20.04, sorry. but the other info was needed, too.21:51
ozbrkdevice doesn't share the manufacturer name so I only assume that it was the right mac adress21:52
AnonamyHi, I am running Ubuntu 16.0421:52
Anonamyand I was trying to install some software, which told me my Libc6 was out of date21:52
ozbrktomreyn maybe this can help "I've tried to do it from terminal and got this Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled"21:52
Anonamyso I apt-get installed libc6 and now my video drivers arent working21:52
tomreynozbrk: i don't know whether this still applies, but it has worked for people running ubuntu 16.04 with your headphones: https://erikdubois.be/installing-bose-ae2-soundlink-linux-mint-18/21:53
Anonamythere is no "additional drivers" in the list21:53
Anonamynot sure how to revert back to ubuntu 16.0421:53
ozbrktomreyn well here goes nothing. Didn't found this article tho. Worth to give a shot. I'll let you know if it does work21:53
Anonamyif I try and remove libc6 it says it wants to remove 42 GB of data21:53
quadrathoch2Anonamy we would need more info, as in what did you try to install? what GPU do you have?21:54
tomreynozbrk: good luck, i'm not good at bluetooth debugging so i won'T be able to help more there i'm afraid.21:54
AnonamyGPU is a radeon21:54
AnonamyI tried installing Flareget21:54
ozbrktomreyn  thanks anyway21:54
Anonamyquadrathoch2, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BPns5tYk2b/21:56
Anonamyati radeon r9 I believe my card is21:56
ozbrktomreyn I have mixed feeling whenever this happens but issue solved by doing basicly nothing. Thanks for your help21:56
tomreynozbrk: looking up your error message seems to suggest that the key to solve this is to set      ControllerMode = bredr   in  /etc/bluetooth/main.conf   - but i think this also disabled BLE, whioch could be bad for other BT devices.21:57
tomreynoh ok21:57
Anonamyquadrathoch2, I don't need flareget anymore21:57
Anonamyjust need my ati drivers to come back in the list21:57
ozbrktomreyn yeah I only flagged device as trusted dfrom bluethoothcl - hope this is th correct name for the application -21:58
quadrathoch2Anonamy so what did you do to try install for flareget? (and broke radeon)21:58
AnonamyI don't know if that was what caused it21:59
Anonamybut it was the last thing I did21:59
Anonamyme resolution on my primary display is stuck at 1024x76821:59
Anonamynormally its 192021:59
Anonamywent to 1024 when I reset the computer, I reset because Wine was telling me I had no display driver set21:59
quadrathoch2Anonamy can you look into /var/log/apt.log and see what you did? so we can maybe figure something out (and post it to paste.ubuntu.com probably)22:00
Anonamyyou mean /var/log/apt/history.log ?22:01
tomreynozbrk: /usr/bin/bluetoothctl with ctl as in control, i think. just like sysctl, journalctl, networkctl, timedatectl, hostnamectl etc.22:01
quadrathoch2eh yeah Anonamy22:01
Anonamythere it is22:02
ozbrktomreyn Such apps made me love terminal anyways. Thanks for your help again my friend22:02
Anonamyquadrathoch2, I don't even know if something I did broke it or it just broke itself,22:05
quadrathoch2did you add any repository? recently22:05
quadrathoch2because wine-stable is not in xenial oO22:05
Anonamytoday I did but that was after the problem22:05
quadrathoch2Anonamy and wine 5.0 shouldn't even really run well, as there is a dependency missing (which was added with 5.0)22:06
quadrathoch2what does apt policy xorg-server-video-ati say? Anonamy22:08
sartan_I'm trying to install 20.04 lts from iso.. the installer has not been able to proceed when installing packages... it seems we can ssh into the server during installation, but this immediately dumps a crash dump, is there a way to ssh in and get an actual bash shell to debug further?22:08
Anonamyquadrathoch2, N: Unable to locate package xorg-server-video-ati22:09
quadrathoch2Anonamy oops, I meant xserver-xorg-video-ati :/22:10
tomreynsartan_: i don't know, but have you tried to make ssh run a shell remotely? such as    ssh HOSTNAME /bin/bash22:11
sartan_i think that's ignored, have tried22:11
tomreynwhich user did you connect as?22:11
Anonamyquadrathoch2, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D7qs9G9FBq/22:11
sartan_'installer' user22:11
sartan_is there a different user?22:11
tomreyni didn't even know there was this one22:11
sartan_neither ;)22:11
sartan_i pressed 'help', it said connecting via ssh. it's basically a remote view of the installation process.22:12
Anonamyquadrathoch2, I am going to try and reset computer22:12
tatertotzAnonamy: in terminal>      inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 999922:12
tatertotzanonymip: follow instructions to install if not installed then follow through22:12
tomreynsartan_: nice, i guess that's new then. but i don't know an answer to your question then, other than you can switch ttys if you have physical access22:14
sartan_I was also surprised =)22:15
Anonamyok I reset the computer. The log in screen is still 1920 res. but as soon as xfce fires up my GUI, resolution drops to 102422:17
Anonamyand there is no option to increase it22:17
Anonamyactually lol22:18
AnonamyI just checked it22:18
Anonamyoption is back for 192022:18
Anonamyits working again22:18
halvardi have one working version of openCPN. So i wanna clone everything onto another computer. is that possible?22:19
Anonamyquadrathoch2, that was weird sorry for the false alarm22:19
Anonamythanks very much for your expert help22:19
quadrathoch2Anonamy i didn't really do anything ;)22:20
sartan_tomreyn: i just added my own user in the tty. basically wanted to copy paste text from an ssh console. pleasantly surprised this was a feature22:21
AnonamyI know still I appreciate the help and I always give many thanks to anyone who donates their time to help me22:21
tomreynhalvard: i don't know what openCPN is, but, generally speaking, if both source and target computer run the same version of ubuntu and have the same packages configured the same way, and are of the same hardware and (operating) system architecture, then you should be able to just copy data from a read-only mounted source system to the target system fine. things may get more complicated when there are databases and other non file system based data22:23
tomreynstorage structures involved.22:23
westorI have https://pastebin.com/CUjF2Y1V items under "crontab" , the question is that sleep command there means that is supposed that command to be trigger after X sleep seconds on reboot ?22:25
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tomreynwestor: correct22:28
pennTellerHI guys, I cloned a 128 GB SSD into a new one that has 1 TB of space. I have both Windows and Ubuntu in such SSD but over 800 GB of unused space. What would be the steps to take to utilize my newly available space but continue to have both Windows and Ubuntu bootable in my new drive?22:53
KamilionpennTeller: fire up gparted and shuffle the partitions around.22:57
tomreynpennTeller: boot from a usb live system and use a partition editor to resize them as neede, or to add additonal partitions.22:57
tomreynthat's after ensuring you have complete backups.22:58
KamilionAnd a copy of the windows boot media on hand as well, to repair the bootloader via Shift-F10 command prompt.22:58
sartan_Hm - so, figured out how my installation borked - all my ca certificates are empty/missing on a fresh 20.04 install, wtf?23:13
sartan_20.04 is a dumpster fire compared to 18 =(23:14
tomreynsartan_: if there's a bug, if you file it now, i tmight still make it into 20.04.1 - might23:17
sartan_I'm trying to analyze installer logs to see where it could have failed23:17
sartan_i did upload them to canonical a couple times23:17
tomreynnormally there's a debconf prompt when installing ca-certificates where you can choose the CA certificates to trust.23:18
sartan_post-install i had to apt install --reinstall ca-certificates followed by update-ca-certificates --fresh i think23:18
tomreyndpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates should have sufficed if i got your description right23:19
sartan_ it didn't; the ca were all missing. ca-certificates.crt was empty23:19
sartan_no ca certificates were listed anywhere in the usual places on the system.23:19
sartan_reinstalling aforementioned package put them there23:20
tomreynca-certificates.crt is generated from the CA certificates. but if those were missing on the system, i guess that's a problem23:20
tomreyndid you choose to live update the installer before starting the installation?23:21
sartan_the live update failed, i had to cancel it23:22
sartan_it was just hanging23:22
tomreynhmm, maybe that's where things broke already23:22
tomreynyou'd want the updated version if you'll do disk encryption, though23:24
tomreynsee bug 187811523:24
ubottubug 1878115 in subiquity (Ubuntu) "logged luks passwords" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187811523:24
tomreyn20.04.1, due august 6, will likely come with a fixed subiquity, though.23:25
Mat63Hello, how can I isolate damaged sectors from a magnetic disk?23:30
tomreynyou replace the disk23:32
tomreynif you are really, really, really broke and can't go dumpster diving to get a pre-owned replacement disk for free, you could also look into using badblocks and storing its results on a file system table to maybe have the disk survive a couple weeks longer.23:34
Mat63I'm thinking that some program could isolate sectors in such a way that a smaller disk remains23:35
Mat63I am a faithful believer that Linux is the best, so surely some computer tool could solve it23:36
Mat63I'm using the program, but look, this is the command and it did nothing23:37
Mat63fsck -cfvr23:38
Mat63surely it is not well written, do you know if it is or not?23:39
Mat63now i am seeing what badblocks  -wvs. What if it is running23:43
Mat63it seems like it takes a couple of hours23:44

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