
IrcsomeBot<Sandeepattri> @Sandeepattri, ????00:03
gnoobwhat is IrcsomeBot?00:06
s0rcerervalorie: so not only did i replace that keyboard cause of that issue i had, but i also got a new laptop now and kubuntu is running beautifully on it so far01:22
valoriewow, that's a total win!01:22
s0rcereryou can tell im a nerd, i just keep adding stuff to my collection haha01:23
valoriegnoob: it's the bot linking the telegram channel and IRC01:23
s0rcererbut its asus vivobook 1401:23
s0rcererryzen 301:23
s0rcerer8gb ram, 256mb ssd01:23
valorieSysinfo for 'valorie-Oryx-Pro': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.18.5 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) powered by Linux 5.4.0-7634-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz at 2637-3340/3800 MHz, RAM: 30885/32067 MB, Storage: 327/1144 GB, 290 procs, 306.59h up01:23
valorieI love my System 76 lappy01:23
s0rcereris 3 lines a flood to the bot?01:23
s0rcererim jealous i wanted a system 76 one, maybe when i get more money01:24
s0rcererthis one is nice for the 280 i paid01:24
s0rcereri bought an external 2tb HD for extra storage, its got a "rugged" case on the HD01:24
s0rcererhalf the reason i got it other then i seen 2tb for $100, what better deal could i see lol01:25
s0rcereri need a better alt nickname, i dont like this 0 in my name lol01:26
s0rcerervalorie: what was that other channel u told me about, #ubuntu something01:27
s0rcereri dont feel like getting up n lookin at other computer lol01:27
s0rcererit was a dev channel you said01:28
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IrcsomeBot<Ilesanmi Victor> any logs?04:05
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/04:25
valorie@Ilesanmi Victor ^^04:25
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Hello @Valoriez Is there someone I could ping who would have a solution to this problem - My laptop on 20.04 after going to screen lock when awakened reboots. nb What can I trouble shoot so as to have it re-awaken to the login screen? Thanks.05:04
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @Anarchotaoist, Hm.... less eloquent than we are used to from our Anarcho Taoist!05:06
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> ?05:07
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hmm05:22
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andreyHow to install the AMD video card driver I already downloaded06:28
gnoobcan you use the proprietary drivers option?06:33
gnoobto install the drivers?06:33
gnoobYou have to start System Settings (systemsettings5) and select Kubuntu Driver Manager application from it.06:38
gnoobOtherwise, AMD has directions.  https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/gpu-635    I think the only thing missing is that you probably need to make the script executable.06:39
andreyI seem to have installed the driver by script, but my video card is not shown in the system information06:44
gnoobyou are looking under kInfocenter?06:53
gnoobif it's not there I think it's something with ubuntu no having it setup not just drivers.06:54
andreyYes, but you can't see my video card06:55
andreyEverything is fine in windows06:56
gnoobI am not an expert but I think that's means something else is wrong. It's not just the driver.    It should be showing some sort of video card?06:56
andreyOperating System: Kubuntu 20.0406:58
andreyKDE Plasma Version: 5.18.506:58
andreyKDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.006:58
andreyQt Version: 5.12.806:58
andreyKernel Version: 5.4.0-42-generic06:58
andreyOS Type: 64-bit06:58
andreyProcessors: 12 × AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor06:58
andreyProcessors: 12 × AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor06:58
andreyPASTEBIN does not work for me06:59
andreyI can't even send the full text of this program07:01
andreyI can't even send the full text from this program07:01
andreySorry, I went to figure it out myself07:02
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user217_I get some strange rights to my folder: d?????????  ? ?          ?                 ?            ? FTP09:59
user217_can I fix this09:59
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=== Heavyarms[Vim-on is now known as Heavyarms
BluesKaj'Morning all10:51
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fransweet iemand hoe het kan dat ik de dvd niet zonder fouten kan downloaden17:38
fransbij dvd test geeft hij aan 1 file error als ik installeer stopt hij bij 95 %17:40
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:40
geniidiogenes_: I think Dutch17:41
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl17:41
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=== MANIAC is now known as Guest14282
dahliaHow can I get rid of those toasts that pop up "Caps Lock on" and "Num Lock on"?21:30
bassedahlia: ?22:10
dahliabasse: when I press num lock or caps lock a toast appears on my screen and I'd like to have it not appear22:11
dahliait also happens when I move my mouse into and out of a vmware window and it's very annoying22:12
dahliaand I can't find anything in system settings to shut it off22:12
dahlia18.04 did not do this22:12
basseyes, I have never heard(or seen) kubuntu doing that..22:12
bassewhat does it say when you move in and out of vmware?22:13
basseor maybe this is just vmware setting?22:13
dahlia"Num Lock On" or "Num Lock Off"22:13
gnoobI am going to boot my kubuntu vm and see what it does.22:13
dahliano it does it on all desktops even when vmware is not running22:13
bassewell I take a peek at configs22:15
gnoobYeah, I don't get any popup when hitting caplock or numlock22:16
bassedahlia: there are some settings in accessibility that sound a bit like what you are describing, but even if I fiddle with those I can't get a popup.22:16
gnoobonly a new icon in the tray22:16
dahliaok I'll look in accessibility22:17
basseoh wait yes, I got it working with visual bell :) so maybe check the accessibility22:17
basseWOW. never knew that, nbow my screen flashes red when I hit capslock :)22:18
dahliaI searched for "num" or "num lock" but it didnt give me anything22:18
bassefunny that yours was on by default.22:19
dahliaall that stuff is turned off but it's still doing it22:21
dahliaoh wait22:22
dahliahmmm only over vnc22:22
dahliamaybe it's the vnc viewer22:22
basseso you are not running kubuntu natively? they are all virtualized?22:22
dahliait's running natively22:24
dahliaI use vnc also22:24
dahliaok it must be something in the vnc somewhere22:25
dahliasorry :)22:25
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