
lamiastellaI have installed latest version of MATLAB however after installation is complete, when I search for it in search bar I cannot find it. Could you please help how to fix it? Seems it is not on the path00:12
sarnoldhopefully the installer would say where it put it; if it said nothing, look in /opt and /usr/local/00:14
Bashing-omlamiastella: sarnold Snap ? As I do not find in our rep. But, snap find matlab >> octave 5.2.0 ??00:20
sarnoldBashing-om: I figured lamiastella has bought a copy of matlab :)00:21
sarnoldwhich is why I assume it had a moderately jankey installer00:22
Bashing-omsarnold: Your "assumtions" are always so right on :D00:22
sarnoldBashing-om: hah, not always; but it's surprising how often my guesses work out00:22
lamiastellaI had to install it via a licensed link from university00:26
lamiastellait is installed in /usr/local now sarnold00:26
lamiastellasarnold: Bashing-om https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VbfySnRwvC/00:28
lamiastellawhy didn't the installer add the path to ~/.bashrc and how should I do so?00:29
lamiastellaworked $ sudo ln -s  /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020a/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin/matlab sarnold00:33
lamiastellaany idea why the font on MATLAB GUI is super small? I barely can read it. Here's a screenshot of screen https://i.imgur.com/ZHFIGps.png00:35
Bashing-omlamiastella: Huh ? I expected "/usr/local/" to ne in the deafault path. what shows: sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH'00:36
lamiastellaBashing-om: that problem is solved I have a new problem. the fonts on the GUI are super small!00:37
lamiastellaBashing-om: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin00:37
lamiastelladocumented my question here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1262836/why-some-of-the-gui-fonts-are-so-small-in-ubuntu-20-04-and-how-to-fix-them00:41
Bashing-omlamiastella: Hard to say wbout the GUI - is a resolution set ? ' xrandr -d :0.0 --verbose ' . "*current +preferred" is what ?00:42
lamiastellaI am not familiar with ' xrandr -d :0.0 --verbose ' . "*current +preferred" Bashing-om could you please share the full command line?00:43
Bashing-omlamiastella: ^ is the command - a lot of output - you want to see in a pastbin my result ?00:44
lamiastellaBashing-om: yes please00:46
Bashing-omlamiastella: Mine: https://termbin.com/re37 where I use a Nvidia card.00:48
sarnoldBashing-om: oh *strange* -- when I seearch for "current" on that page, I get exactly one hit; but when I search for "preferred" I see a second "current" that firefox couldn't find! waaat??00:56
lamiastellaBashing-om:  what is this a result of https://termbin.com/re37 what command did you enter?00:57
Bashing-omlamiastella: xrandr -d :0.0 --verbose .00:58
lamiastellaBashing-om:   3840x2160 (0x1e9) 573.410MHz +HSync -VSync *current +preferred https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vdr9r8sQzG/01:00
Bashing-omsarnold: Got me too . Lemme see what a search of the terminal output reveals.01:01
sarnoldwelcome back irccloud, sheesh01:02
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sarnoldlamiastella: try this? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI#MATLAB01:02
lamiastellasarnold: awesome it worked01:05
sarnoldlamiastella: yay :D01:05
Bashing-om!cookie | sarnold01:06
ubottusarnold: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:06
sarnoldCOOKIE!! NOMNOMNOM01:07
WoCheh :)01:07
lamiastellagave answer to my question by giving credits to you https://askubuntu.com/a/1262841/165324 sarnold01:07
sarnoldoh yeah that looks actually legible now01:08
Bashing-omsarnold: ^^ *Current and +preferred in my output I find only one instance of each.01:13
sarnoldBashing-om: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1600 x 900, maximum 16384 x 1638401:15
sarnoldBashing-om:   1600x900 (0x67) 118.250MHz -HSync +VSync *current +preferred01:15
ntiyhello #ubuntu. Anyone here is using mate desktop environment? Do you know if there is a way to import color themes for mate-terminal?01:15
sarnoldhmm, funny, *now* firefox can find both instances of 'current'01:15
Bashing-omsarnold: Yup that is mine.01:16
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:16
Bashing-omntiy: Any hints here: https://www.maketecheasier.com/mate-review/ ?01:17
ntiyBashing-om, thank for link, but it doesn't have much to address my question01:20
lamiastellais there a way for me to figure if the laptop hardware is damaged or is it a driver problem for the audio? It is a gaming laptop from SAGER priced at 2800$ bought in October 201. It always had a noise problem (lots of jitter)01:21
lamiastella*October 201901:22
lamiastellathe sounds are kind of like echoish01:23
sarnoldoh strange, I haven't heard that one before01:23
Bashing-omntiy: Mate is not in my experience range - if get no response here maybe try Mate's dedicated channel: #ubuntu-mate ?01:23
sarnoldif you don't make progress on it, you could try the folks in #lau01:23
lamiastellathe problem is same in Windows01:24
ntiyBashing-om, thanks again. I've asked at #mate, will wait may be someone answers there. Thought I'll try here as well )01:24
sarnoldlamiastella: oh :( that's not encouraging :(01:25
quazimodoi created a nested seat using lightdm's dm-tool01:45
quazimodohow do i destroy it?01:45
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lamiastella I installed Ubuntu 20.04 alongside with Windows 10. However, when I restart, it only shows me the Ubuntu and recovery Ubuntu. How can I login to Windows now?02:03
Bashing-omlamiastella: In the ubuntu install ' sudo update-grub ' does it now pick up the Windows install ?02:08
lamiastellaI'll try and let you know Bashing-om thanks02:10
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lamiastellaBashing-om:  so I used that command and it told found windows in boot option but when I restarted it wasn't found02:26
lamiastellaand I am back to Ubuntu Bashing-om02:26
Bashing-omlamiastella: Well, how are you booting up ? - maybe there is more than the one boot menu option ?02:29
gnoobum, can you see your windows drives while inside linux?  Are the partitions still there?02:34
gnoobHopefully they were not overwritten?02:35
lamiastellaI am just using the restart button how else do you suggest to get into boot options? Bashing-om02:36
lamiastellagnoob: how can I see them?02:37
lamiastellagnoob: I used the option 'install ubuntu alongside windows'02:37
Bashing-omlamiastella: No real idea - as with modern machines it is EFI and each manufacturer implements different.02:38
EriC^^lamiastella: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link here02:38
lamiastellaEriC^^: https://termbin.com/2anv4 thank you02:46
sarnoldoh strange; that looks like several different installs... /dev/sda looks like it has a legacy windows, a legacy linux; /dev/nvme0n1 looks like it has an EFI windows install02:48
sarnoldthere may not be a happy way to boot all three operating systems02:48
lamiastellasarnold: yeah the laptop came with a preinstalled Windows 10. I am not sure how I could find windows 10 now02:49
=== Powder is now known as p0wder
gnoobEriC^^: that command will output your terminal directly to a that termbin page?03:01
gnoobthat's crazy03:01
sarnoldgnoob: not the terminal, just the stdout of the command03:04
gnoobsarnold: understood.03:05
lamiastellaEriC^^: any solution in your opinion? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1262861/i-installed-ubuntu-20-04-alongside-windows-10-but-now-windows-in-not-shown-in-bo03:29
b247_euHi, I have this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/1889277, anyone here can give me a hint on how to solve/debug?05:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1889277 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "lock screen not working, neither Win+L nor suspend works to lock the screen" [Undecided,New]05:35
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RadSurferDOES anyone know how to give an SD card a Label?07:32
blue_rogRadSurfer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/868894/how-to-name-an-sd-card07:32
RadSurferhopefully not only at time of formatting...07:33
blue_rogHave you tried gparted though?07:33
ConquerorHello, I have Jetson nano and am having problems with ssh service. Namely, my Jetson nano does not provide SSH from the other machines unless I login to the GUI. Jetson runs on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and how can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance.07:33
blue_rogAnd if you have, has it raised any error07:33
ConquerorEven if I do not login, I cannot even ping the machine from the same network...07:34
blue_rogWhat does the ssh error message say when you try to ssh?07:35
Conquerorblue_rog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3yKTr27NSn/07:37
blue_rogAre you running openssh-server by chance.07:40
Conquerorblue_rog: As I said, If I login to the Jetson via GUI, all is well. But, jetson is rebooted or something like that, I couldn't to the SSH...07:44
Conquerorblue_rog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/97CJzVY9pm/07:45
Conquerorblue_rog: ssh from jetson for you :)07:46
blue_rogConqueror: can you ping it07:47
Conquerorblue_rog: ping what?07:47
blue_rogping the jetson07:48
Conquerorfrom the local machine?07:48
blue_rogIt's possible that your jetson's firewall is blocking things07:48
Conquerorblue_rog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XFRcP8HVBJ/07:48
blue_rogOkay so login via the gui07:49
blue_rogHowever you did before07:49
blue_rogAnd make ufw allow for 22/tcp07:50
ConquerorIt does not have ufw. root@jetson:/home/jetson# ufw status verbose // bash: ufw: command not found07:51
blue_roginstall ufw07:51
ConquerorI just want to SSH from my machine. It does not the firewall..07:52
blue_rogTo check if the ssh route is blocked.07:52
ConquerorWho or what can block ssh without any firewall?07:54
ConquerorI think we should configure ubuntu to run all services without login.07:56
lupulothe another day i test the installer of ubuntu 20.04 and it fails after create the partitions07:56
lupuloit does a report and restart from language selection07:56
tatertotzConqueror: that could be the way Jetson functions by design...check with Jetson community, forums, mailing lists, and chat rooms07:56
tatertotzConqueror: until you do, you have no evidence that suggests it should operate in any other way07:57
lupulothe another day i test the installer of ubuntu 20.04 and it fails after create the partitions, , it does a report and restart from language selection. i tried to update the installer to next language selection but nothing08:19
lupuloif the partition is not gpt, it gives a error with json or something08:20
lupulobut it is another problem08:20
Conquerortatertotz: I guess the problem is GDM... Namely, I set the AutomaticLoginEnable true on GDM configuration, after that, I rebooted the Jetson and I am able to connect Jetson via SSH but this time problem is connected screen in the Jetson :D08:43
LordChaosSorry, trying to switch between buffers on Weechat09:19
sine0hey, I need to update my remove server I have only cli, I normally do things in tmux in case i disconnect etc (which i do alot) I just wondered what happens if tmux is part of what gets updated09:31
LordChaossine0: you could use screen instead09:32
sine0ok but my question still stands09:32
sine0replace tmux with screen09:32
LordChaossine0: I don't think nothing will happen, the process will still run I guess09:33
sine0ok, well im guessing as well, I just wanted to know.09:33
sine0I have done it before, but it was just one of those hmmm type questions in my head09:34
sine0VERSION="18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"09:36
sine0 Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-112-generic09:36
quadrathoch2sine0 yeah tmux still runs (because it's in memory) and the underlying executable gets exchanged. so the next time you run tmux, it's the newer version (but the old session is still the old version)09:36
sine0quadrathoch2: roger that. shall I do apt-get upate && apt-get upgrade09:37
quadrathoch2normally I use apt than apt-get but yes09:38
sine0what is the difference between apt and apt-get09:38
sine0am I conditioned from just typing that when installing bins and the correct way is to apt *09:38
quadrathoch2apt has a nicer output, doesn't cache packages and is the recommended way. the only thing apt-get is better at is the script interface is better09:40
sine0quadrathoch2: do you know how much more 18.04 has LTS for09:49
quadrathoch2about 3 years09:50
quadrathoch2(and then payed support)09:50
cariveriHi. Does anyone know a way to add audio files to pdf slides?09:53
LordChaoscariveri: as in a PowerPoint presentation?09:54
tatertotzI have never seen audio or video clips in a PDF09:54
LordChaostatertotz: me neither09:54
tatertotza PDF is electronic "document" format09:54
tatertotzso there must be some confusion09:55
tatertotzcariveri: audio doesn't belong in a PDF, PDF is a electronic "document" format09:55
olegbcariveri: I guess the obvious answer is to use something like: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/rich-media.html - but since this is a Ubuntu channel I guess you would like to do this with Ubuntu, right?09:59
cariveriLordChaos: as in LibreOffice Impress . that works like a charme. The exported pdf does not seem to provide working audio.09:59
cariveriolegb: in deed in ubuntu.10:00
LordChaoscariveri: I don't think audio is supported in a pdf file, neither is video I think. They can't be embedded if that's what your looking after.10:00
cariveriLordChaos: https://youtu.be/hwLOdLlarBE?t=15710:02
olegbcariveri: I would try to fiddle with pandoc: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html - but I dont know If it will work *smile*10:03
cariverihmm. seem I would have to revert to the idea of using latex and embed the sound from there, or produce a screencast of the slide show.10:04
LordChaoscariveri: interesting10:08
LordChaoscariveri: can't you do this with Impress?10:09
cariveriOh. it worked! The exported audio is played back, embeded in the pdf. nice.10:12
cariverisomehow after installing okular it worked. I guess it was adding some dependencies.10:14
DrSlonyHey, when I 'sudo apt update' it fails because: W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu xenial InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3F01618A51312F3F10:33
DrSlonyhow do I fix that?10:33
quadrathoch2DrSlony you would need to add the gpg key10:37
coconut... or comment out the line in sources.list you added10:38
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DrSlonyquadrathoch2 coconut thanks, solved10:42
DrSlonynow, someone has been messing on this server, and there is a problem with mysql10:42
DrSlonyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:42
DrSlony mysql-server : Depends: mysql-server-5.7 but it is not going to be installed10:42
shibbolethub version?10:47
coconutDrSlony, have you checked whether your repo sources is still ubuntu default?10:48
DrSlonycoconuthmm no, how do i do that? im not familiar with ubuntu10:53
DrSlonyshibboleth Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS10:54
shibbolethwell, 5.7 is the version carried by xenial10:56
shibbolethcheck /var/log/apt/history and see what's been going on10:56
BluesKajHowdy folks11:04
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DrSlonyshibboleth what repo sources should 16.06.6 have? where can in find this info?11:15
DrSlonythanks shibboleth11:18
DrSlonyAnother daft question, how do I list all available versions of some program?11:41
DrSlonyi mean full packages names with version, so i know how to install that specific version11:42
DrSlony`apt list -a foo` lists versions only, not full package names11:42
PeanutDrSlony: apt info <packagename> ?11:43
DrSlonyPeanut `invalid operation info`11:43
PeanutDrSlony: But generally, there's only one version of a package available.11:44
PeanutDrSlony: Oh, you must be on an older Ubuntu? Try 'apt-get info'11:44
DrSlonyapt-get info gitlab-ce11:45
DrSlonyE: Invalid operation info11:45
DrSlonyapt-cache search gitlab-ce11:46
DrSlonygitlab-ce - GitLab Community Edition (including NGINX, Postgres, Redis)11:46
DrSlonyno versions11:46
DrSlonygitlab-ce tells me that i may not upgrade directly to the latest version 13.2.1, I must first upgrade to 13.0.x11:46
PeanutDrSlony: apt-cache show <pkgname>, just double-checked that for you on a 16.06 machine.11:47
geirhaapt-cache policy gitlab-ce11:47
DrSlonyapt-cache show gitlab-ce shows there is a version '13.0.0-ce.0'11:48
DrSlonybut how do i install that?11:48
PeanutDrSlony: Does apt-cache policy show more than one version?11:48
DrSlonyPeanut yes, see the link11:49
PeanutDrSlony: try apt-get install gitlab-ce=13.0.0-ce.011:51
DrSlonyyay, that works! thank you11:52
DrSlonywow, not very intuitive11:52
bryanroderyckhello ubuntu can someone help me installing a printer driver ?12:28
EriC^^!ask | bryanroderyck12:32
ubottubryanroderyck: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:32
bryanroderyckhi im using ubuntu 20.04 lts and my cannon printer mg2545s is not working12:34
auxinkubuntu overwrote some of my zfs pools and my bootloader and I am upset about it.12:35
auxinhow can I approach this issue, when zpool.cache was deleted.12:36
auxinI don't want to and did not intend to lose data12:36
Peanutauxin: Were the pools overwritten, or just zpool.cache? Can you do 'zpool import' ?12:36
auxinthe installer damaged the partition table12:36
oerheksbryanroderyck, bad luck; Unfortunately your device is no longer supported under the selected operating system12:36
auxinand has since mounted the partitions12:36
auxinI cannot do zpool import from here12:37
bryanroderycki just bought this printer few days ago12:37
Peanutauxin: Ouch, if it damanged the partition table, and actually overwrote stuff, recovery may be difficult. Was it a pool with redundancy, and how many vdevs were affected?12:38
LordChaosbryanroderyck: what does "not working" mean exactly?12:38
auxin1 was affected 2 were unaffected12:38
auxinthank you for your attention12:38
LordChaosIs the printer not detected for instance?12:38
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tryauuumquestion that is hard to google due to many ancient results: can I still use /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules on 20.04 focal fossa? provided that I do not mess with kernel commandline option and use default options.12:39
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Peanutauxin: Might still be fixable, you could try a netboot, do a zpool import, and then resilver the array. That does of course undo whatever xubuntu did, but I guess that's what you want for now.12:40
bryanroderyckit adds driver for the printer mg 2500 ..but when printing is run a messages says "could not start your printing"12:40
tryauuumI mean it's systemd anyway who is doing all renaming, does it matter if I do renaming with .link files or old persistent-net.rules?12:41
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bryanroderyckLordChaos, any idea12:42
LordChaosbryanroderyck: did you install the printer yourself?12:43
LordChaosDid you use the cups interface to do that?12:44
bryanroderyckno cups interface .its add the driver throught the setting12:45
oerhekscanon does not provide drivers, maybe you are lucky with this ppa, fork from michael gruz (canon)  https://launchpad.net/~thierry-f/+archive/ubuntu/fork-michael-gruz12:46
LordChaosbryanroderyck: not sure what you mean by that. But could you remove the printer for now, make sure it is turned on and install it through the cups webinterface on https://localhost:631?12:47
bryanroderyckLordChaos, can you guide me with the cup.12:49
zethiusAny GPU utilities you can install on Ubuntu or Linux in general to go with your graphics card?12:52
LordChaosbryanroderyck: well, you need to login first.12:52
oerhekszethius, for what GPU? nvidia installs -settings12:52
zethiusAMD Ryzen12:53
LordChaosbryanroderyck: and then add a printer, but cups should detect it.12:53
bryanroderyckLordChaos, where do i log in?12:53
oerhekszethius, amd ryzen + amdgpu ?12:54
zethiusI'll run neofetch and copy and paste both12:54
oerheksfor AMD; no need for settings, it is supported in the kernel now12:54
zethiusSorry! Not Ryzen12:55
zethiusNot Radeon12:55
zethius*Radeon is the one I have12:55
auxinPeanut, thank you, I managed to import the pool zroot, I see it's DEGRADED and one of the devices is unavailable.12:56
auxinwhat does it mean to resilver an array?12:56
LordChaosbryanroderyck: https://localhost:631 on your machine12:57
bryanroderyckLordChaos, i dont have password12:57
Peanutauxin: Resilver means that ZFS will read all the disks, verify the checksums, and will repair the damaged disk by using the data from the good disks. However, make sure your partition table is back to its original form before you do that.13:02
oerheksif cups ask for password, just your user pass13:02
bryanroderyckis site secure?13:03
LordChaosbryanroderyck: it's a daemon running in your own machine with a self signed certificate13:03
oerheksit is not a site, just a webpage of your local cups printer server13:04
LordChaosoerheks: thanks for clarifying13:04
bryanroderyckok im trying now13:04
oerheksLordChaos, help him with that ppa, please13:04
LordChaosbryanroderyck: login with your own account, you should be in the lpadmin group13:04
oerhekscanon is not cooperative with linux13:05
LordChaosoerheks: I have a Canon printer myself, works flawlessly. But his might be an issue, we'll see.13:05
bryanroderyckoerheks,  where do i get my username13:09
bryanroderycksuceeded ,but dont find my model of printer in the list13:13
ledenibryanroderyck: what is your model for printer13:14
oerhekscanon does not provide drivers, maybe you are lucky with this ppa, fork from michael gruz (canon)  https://launchpad.net/~thierry-f/+archive/ubuntu/fork-michael-gruz13:16
oerheksbryanroderyck, ^^13:16
auxincan I access a geli device on ubuntu?13:18
bryanroderyckafter installing the ppa hat must be done?13:19
oerheksauxin, geli as in geli BSD encryption?13:20
auxinoerheks: yah13:20
oerheksubuntu uses luks, you might want to try with a VM13:20
abdulhakeemI'm trying to create a torrent and seed it, but when I load the .torrent into Transmission, it tries to download the data instead of seed it. But of course, it can't download anything because tehcnically there's nothing seeding yet. What am I missing?13:30
abdulhakeemI don't want it to download anything I want it to seed13:30
rr123is there a way when my cursor is moved to a window it will not only be activated, but also show front13:32
rr123e.g. two windows tiled if I move my cursor to the edge of the hidden one, it will move to the top without mouse-click13:32
rr123http://xahlee.info/linux/mouse_hover_auto-raise_window.html  i.e. "raise windows when the mouse pointer moves over them"13:37
rr123gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences auto-raise true13:43
rr123the above magic cmd will do it, cool13:43
linuxrhello anyone..so I've just had this situation where my 4 gigs of memory were exhausted because of firefox, resulting in a complete system freeze. How can this happen in 2020? How can one single process take all the memory and not being prevented by the OS?14:23
lotuspsychjelinuxr: wich version of ubuntu are you using?14:24
linuxrlotuspsychje, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS14:24
oerheksmust be firefox with multiple tabs open?14:24
lotuspsychjelinuxr: gnome is more adviced to run with 8GB ram, unless you go tweaking your system real profound14:25
linuxryes, firefox is a bloat whore, even even more so are thousands of websites with gigabytes of unnecessary bloat..but still..why does the OS not prevent this and kill the process before it's killed by the process?14:25
oerheksso, it is not one single process..14:25
linuxrIt was firefox..clearly..without firefox, my system barely uses any memory14:26
linuxrwhat about OOM killer?14:26
linuxrwhy didn't that work?14:26
Geniackhello, i just got hold of a mobile display which uses USB-c to connect to my laptop... its working fine under windows, when i connect it under ubuntu i see in dmesg "usb root hub lost power or was reset", can anyone point me in a direction to solve my issue?14:27
oerhekslinuxr, nobody can answer that, it must be caused by websites, .. maybe the new 3rd party cookie blocker is the issue14:27
lotuspsychjeGeniack: wich graphics card chipset and driver version are you using?14:30
Geniacklotuspsychje: having an optimus device here, usually my graphics is set to use the internal intel chipset14:31
Geniacklet me check which one it is14:31
lotuspsychjelinuxr: try lubuntu 20.04 might have positive influence for your hardware14:31
Geniackintel UHD 63014:32
lotuspsychjeGeniack: did you try to switch to performance mode yet as a test for that display?14:32
Geniacklotuspsychje: i only know of the "prime-select" command which allows me to switch, what is performance mode?14:33
lotuspsychjeGeniack: from nvidia-settings you can switch the optimus/prime setting powersaving vs performance mode14:34
Geniackbut i am not even using the nvidia card right now?14:34
lotuspsychjeGeniack: but you said you are using a hybrid card intel/nvidia right?14:35
Geniackyes but its basically never set to nvidia as long as i am on ubuntu14:35
Geniackso i was wondering if nvidia setting will affect my intel chip?14:35
lotuspsychjeGeniack: well setting it on performance mode will enable your nvidia, unless you disabled it via bios or so?14:36
linuxrlotuspsychje, when I tell you that firefox was the problem, why should switching the Desktop Environment help?14:36
Geniacklotuspsychje: naw its enabled in bios, just not selected in prime select... but now i get it, performance mode will overwrite that prime-select setting? and maybe it helps in not shutting down the display, i will try that14:37
lotuspsychjeGeniack: its just as a test14:38
lotuspsychjelinuxr: Firefox exhausting your full system making it freeze..i'm not convinced14:38
pavlushkalinuxr: How many open tabs you have in your firefox?14:39
* pavlushka can confirm the case and also the reason, too many open tabs (I had 100 or more, lol)14:41
linuxrpavlushka, only a few tabs, but poorly implemented pages like youtube and a large image gallery which probably did not proberly release resources when scrolling through it14:41
pavlushkalinuxr: well you can always htop or some other system resource monitor to check14:43
pavlushka*can use14:43
=== kedar is now known as kedar_apte
kedar_apte@SrPx - you will need to install openssh-server on the desktop and then u will either need a static public IP or a dynamic dns account. You will then need to either configure dyndns account on your desktop or your router.. if on desktop then just ssh into the hostname you have created on the dyndns else you will have to port forward on the router14:48
linuxrfirefox with only one youtube video open consumes a whopping gigabyte of memory...this is so insane14:48
kedar_aptebetter option would be to install teamviewer or anydesk, enable password based login and access the desktop using anydesk or team viewer14:50
kedar_aptenone of these methods are super secure....14:50
kedar_apteunless necessary, you should not do the above on a consistent basis14:50
=== pauljw_18 is now known as pauljw
pavlushkalinuxr: Then you should complain about it on https://chat.mozilla.org/14:55
hylianthis is not so much a problem as it is a request for your opinion. I am using irssi, and i love it... just wondering if anyone has another suggestion for a cli irc client, or if irssi is the best option?14:56
linuxrpavlushka, not really..there can always be misbehaving applications..but a modern system should be able to handle that14:56
Geniacklotuspsychje: :) its working, i had to do a reboot14:56
Geniacklotuspsychje: can this be done with the intel driver?14:56
Geniackor does windows do it with the nvidia driver too?14:56
oerheksinteresting.. so youtube caches a part of the stream14:58
oerheksis this your\ real issue, linuxr ?14:58
leftyfblinuxr: I would look into video drivers and hardware acceleration settings14:58
=== Amaranth3 is now known as Amaranth
pavlushkalinuxr: or may be here, https://wiki.mozilla.org/Matrix#Connect_to_Matrix, if they confirm it is not browser specific issue or what ever the reason is.14:58
pavlushkalinuxr: or would listen to leftyfb14:59
linuxroerheks, I think this is quite and issue, indeed14:59
linuxrleftyfb, how would that help when applications are eating memory up to the point where the system collapses?15:00
leftyfblinuxr: did you try it?15:00
leftyfblinuxr: are you here looking for help or just want to complain and continue with the issue?15:00
linuxrleftyfb, I am here to check if there is an option to tune the system to properly handle this type of problem15:01
linuxrapparently not15:01
=== [Ben] is now known as MrC
leftyfblinuxr: not if you refuse to listen to advice you have asked for15:02
Maik_aDseem like i missed out on something15:02
leftyfblinuxr: I'll repeat: I would look into video drivers and hardware acceleration settings15:03
linuxrleftyfb, yes I see this is your advice, but I fail to see any connection to my problem which is excessive memory usage by firefox15:03
leftyfblinuxr: ok, good luck15:04
linuxror better, which is the OS not killing havoc processes15:04
Maik_aDlinuxr: running any add ons?15:04
Maik_aDon FF that is15:04
linuxrMaik_aD, only ublock15:04
linuxrwhich should reduce resource usage15:04
Maik_aDand what is excessive memory usage by FF?15:05
Maik_aDi mean how much it uses up15:05
Maik_aDlinuxr: ublock doesn't reduce resource usage15:07
linuxrMaik_aD, of course it does..even by not loading/displaying all the advertisment gfx15:08
Maik_aDublock is just a adblocker which is resource friendly as in more lightweight than AdBlocker15:09
linuxrMaik_aD, my base system uses about 800M, and FF exhausted the remaining memory of my total 4G15:09
linuxrMaik_aD, exactly...and loading/displaying ads requires..a lot of resources15:09
Maik_aDnever had any issues and i also have only 4GB on two machines15:09
linuxryou can even extend battery life on a notebook using adblockers...this has been proven experimentally15:10
Gnjurachow to see in exmaple in what package is libvorbis.so.0 its pain in ass to manaly go ubuntu packages compy paste in search for 50 packages15:10
Maik_aDthe problem sounds too familiar by the way, seen someone elsewhere talking about the same thing not to long ago. However he had more add ons running but refused to turn them off to see which one caused the issue.15:12
pavloslinuxr: ps aux | awk '{print $6/1024 " MB\t\t" $11}' | grep firefox15:15
LordChaosGnjurac: dpkg -S <filename>15:20
leftyfbGnjurac: install "apt-file". Then run: sudo apt-file update # then run: apt-file search libvorbis.so.015:22
avemiliaI have black screen with artifacts when I try to boot live iso. by that I mean that I can see that something is going on in the console, but the output is multiplied to like 5 consoles on the screen at the same time and the output is so distorted that it looks like just some pixels here and there. nvidia 2070s, 4k screen. any ideas?15:24
Gnjuraci am atrying to appimage stupit viber15:25
Gnjuracwhen i do i cant play video so i  installed normal viber form deb ad it works15:25
Gnjuracso i did ldd to get what all libs it uses so i want to package them in appimage too15:26
leftyfbGnjurac: sorry, we can only support packages available from the official Ubuntu repo's here. Not appimage15:26
oerhekshmm ublobk and firefox blocking 3rd party cookies..15:27
oerhekswhat happens without?15:28
Gnjuracmy question was ubuntu realted how from ldd output to get whats package name15:28
leftyfbGnjurac: ldd is not the appropriate tool to find what package a file belongs to. Use apt-file for that a suggested15:32
LordChaosGnjurac: why use ldd for this?15:32
LordChaosleftyfb: or just dpkg -S15:32
Gnjuraccuz dpkg -S dosent vie me anything15:32
leftyfbdpkg -S only works for installed packages AFAIK15:33
leftyfbapt-file is the better solution15:33
Gnjuraci have viber installed15:33
Gnjuracapt-file list viber ?15:34
leftyfbGnjurac: please read my post above regarding apt-file15:35
LordChaosI was under the impression he already installed viber15:36
leftyfbapt-file will tell you what package(s) a file(or partial name) can be found in15:39
oerheksviber itself points to https://download.cdn.viber.com/cdn/desktop/Linux/viber.deb15:40
oerheksappimage is unofficial, even our own snap is unofficial too15:40
Gnjuracye i pull that deb15:41
Gnjuracam trying to make appimage with it15:41
Gnjuracso i can firejail it on voidlinux :P15:41
leftyfbGnjurac: This is a support channel for Ubuntu. Not for making appimages for other distros15:42
oerheksgood luck, not in this channel15:42
melatoninaI moved a directory that I had shared with samba on another disk. Now there are a subset of the files that don't appear at all if I use "unix extensions = no" and that appear as zero bytes directories if I use that settings. Do you have any idea of what could be the cause?15:42
oerheksmelatonina, on another disk, what filesystem is that?15:43
melatoninaoerheks: checking.15:45
melatoninaoerheks: both the original disk (my main disk) and the new one are ext4.15:46
Gnjuraceat fruit .). cya15:46
futureRichhello, there is good example of .vimrc setting15:48
futureRichfor vim editor?15:49
leftyfbfutureRich: do you have a support question or just looking for documentation?15:51
futureRichleftyfb, no idea15:51
oerheksmelatonina, not sure why you need 'unix extensions = no' ..15:52
leftyfbfutureRich: https://vimhelp.org/starting.txt.html#vimrc15:53
leftyfbfutureRich: from within vim, run:   :h vimrc15:54
futureRichhttps://pastebin.com/32hWhBu4  <--- it is mine15:55
futureRichleftyfb, it is not enough.15:56
futureRichi think that i add some text more leftyfb15:56
leftyfbfutureRich: enough for what? What is your support issue exactly?15:56
futureRichi want to make colorful text editor15:57
futureRichfor vim15:57
futureRichleftyfb, ?15:57
leftyfbfutureRich: https://linuxhint.com/vim_syntax_highlighting/#:~:text=After%20opening%20login.sh%20file,off%E2%80%9D%20to%20disable%20syntax%20highlighting.15:58
leftyfbfutureRich: I'm pretty sure syntax highlighting is enabled by default in ubuntu15:58
Maik_aDcan't really call it a support issue :)16:00
futureRichhttps://vimcolors.com/1113/synthwave84/dark   <--- how can i make it? leftyfb ?16:01
Maik_aDfutureRich: ask in #vim16:01
leftyfbfutureRich: you enable syntax highlighting like I linked you to. Which should already be enabled by default16:02
leftyfbfutureRich: your vimrc is invalid. Please remove, what looks like attempts at comments at the end of your lines16:03
futureRichleftyfb, ok16:03
futureRichi will go to #vim thanks16:03
sybaritenso i have an ubuntu 16.04 machine that seems to have lost its connection to the internet, its like a home server but i have a screen for it and i'm sitting by it.16:41
sybaritenThe start of the problem was _probably_ that i noticed it had changed from to .3 , and i wanted to change it back manually to make it work with some samba scanner setup etc16:42
sybaritenSo i probably did something wrong there.... but what shall i start doing? I suspect its not seeing my gateway.16:42
sybaritenroute -n gives two lines, one startging 169 and one starting 19216:43
sybariteni have not rebooted the machine as i thought that would be a last resort16:43
jmgb4Anybody know what port / proto the ubuntu media share works on?16:47
leftyfbjmgb4: got a link about this media share?16:48
leftyfbsybariten: is this a desktop environment or just command line?16:49
jmgb4leftyfb, its in the settings...16:50
leftyfbjmgb4: what version of ubuntu?16:50
sybaritenleftyfb: i have a desktop. Actually i just realized its not the most common ubuntu desktop, this might be a xubuntu machine (xfce)16:51
leftyfbjmgb4: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/sharing-media.html.en   looks like it might be DLNA which is port 1900 UDP16:52
oerhekswhat 'media share' exactly? samba, nfs,..16:52
jmgb4Currently I am on 20.0416:53
jmgb4oerheks, Thats really what I am trying to figure out16:53
sybaritentook out the network cable, reinserted it.... a popup came up on the desktop "your current network has a .local domain, which is not remommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. The service has been disabled"16:55
jmgb4Nothing can find it16:55
sybariten(that is probably unrelated though. )16:56
jmgb4Even nothing on the same network16:56
leftyfbjmgb4: did you not see my reply?17:02
jmgb4leftyfb, Yeah17:02
jmgb4leftyfb, I say its not serving up either, both dlna and upnp gets shutdown17:05
oerheksports on your router, or your firewall?17:07
jmgb4rst from server according to the logs17:08
jmgb4I could nmap it and see but already losing interest17:08
jmgb4If its UDP though, could take a while17:09
oerhekswhat port is specified in /etc/minidlna.conf ??17:09
oerheksi expect 1900 too ..17:10
jmgb4Doesnt exist17:12
pavlossybariten: ip a | nc termbin.com 999917:12
pavlossybariten: route | nc termbin.com 999917:12
oerheksgood, firefox patch is out https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-4443-117:24
sybaritenpavlos: one sec17:31
sybaritenpavlos: https://termbin.com/ybn817:33
sybaritenpavlos: https://termbin.com/t30vc17:33
sybaritentheres some kind of voodoo service that can take input from netcat into their webserver ?17:33
lotuspsychjeGeniack: sorry was afk abit, i think if you want full force of your hybrid card, you should enable the nvidia17:35
pavlossybariten: ip and route look ok17:35
pavlossybariten: it's a service termbin.com offers, nothing voodoo17:37
sybaritenpavlos: hm ok, strange17:38
sybaritenhey its working again17:39
sybaritenbut, once again i'm at .3   .... theres no simple little command line trick to get me to .2 instead ?17:39
pavlossybariten: sudo ifconfig enp1s0 netmask  ... then do, ip a again, you should have a .217:42
kalighosthello everyone...so you know how the xhost command lets you access the x server and using the example command 'xhost si:localuser:username' grants that permission but on reboot you have to enter that command again. is there a way that would make that command permanent? like is there a file i need to edit or anything else i can do so that i do not have to enter that command after each new boot up?18:18
luiserebiiHello, which channel should I jump to for questions on older Ubuntu versions? As in, 6.06 (are there any?)18:24
sarnoldluiserebii: probably there's very few people that remember any details about a 14 year old release.. you can try asking here..18:25
sarnoldkalighost: it's been ages since I've done "real" networked X, but my recollection is that you could get xdm or gdm etc to handle all those authorization details for you18:26
luiserebiiOk. Perhaps I'm actually in a bit of an X/Y problem, so I'll describe the former first. I've been trying to work with the GNU GCC 3.4 compiler, and I couldn't find any online ones, and so, to avoid any complexities that might arise from building or installing on my own machine, decided to use a VM to install an older flavor of Ubuntu, 6.06.18:27
luiserebiiThe installation of 6.06 was successful18:28
luiserebiiHowever, whenever I attempt something like `sudo aptitude gcc-3.3-base`, I seem to get nothing ("Need to get 0B of archives")18:29
luiserebiiI also tried to install build-essential per someone's recommendation found online, but it can't seem to find any package by that name18:30
luiserebiiIf anyone happens to know if there are good ways to get older version of gcc on my current installation also (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), I'd be happy to know also18:32
leftyfbluiserebii: https://askubuntu.com/a/9182118:32
luiserebiiThank you, I'll take a look now leftyfb!18:33
PinchiukasDo I need a special kernel to run in GCP with Shielded VM enabled?18:34
leftyfbPinchiukas: that is a question for Google support18:34
sarnoldluiserebii: did that link head to old-archives.ubuntu.com? :) I hope so18:36
sybaritenpavlos: after doing that, the network actially gets unreachable again...... when trying for instance links www.google.com . which worked right before18:36
sybaritenpavlos: and i cant do the termbin thing ofcourse18:37
pavlossybariten: can you modify /etc/hosts, add the ip and reboot ?18:39
PinchiukasWould the default kernels boot under Secure Boot?18:39
luiserebiisarnold: yup, seems it has!18:39
sarnoldluiserebii: sweet :) happy archaeology :D18:39
luiserebiisarnold: Thanks xD18:40
sybaritenpavlos: just add that IP on a line of its own?18:40
leftyfbPinchiukas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot18:41
pavlossybariten: you may have a localhost add after that thehostnameyouwant18:42
sybaritenpavlos: ah. you know what i have, i have 127 0 0 1 localhost, and the second line is adriane ... which is a name of this machine18:43
Pinchiukasleftyfb: how can I find out if my current kernel is signed at all?18:43
leftyfbPinchiukas: is this on GCP?18:44
Pinchiukasleftyfb: yes.18:44
leftyfbPinchiukas: I'm pretty sure GCP does not use stock Ubuntu/kernel installs so we won't be able to help you with that here18:44
Pinchiukasleftyfb: you mean they build their own?18:45
leftyfbPinchiukas: I think so, yes. I could be wrong18:45
pavlossybariten: change that second line to " adriane"18:45
sybaritenpavlos: i dont neeed the ? cant remember manually adding it..18:46
Pinchiukasleftyfb: at any rate, how could I check if the kernel I'm currently using has any signature whatsoever?18:46
pavlossybariten: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch05.en.html#_the_hostname_resolution18:47
sybaritenpavlos: thanks18:47
tomreynPinchiukas: a recent reminder why UEFI "Secure Boot" should always be written in quotes: https://eclypsium.com/2020/07/29/theres-a-hole-in-the-boot/18:49
tomreynPinchiukas: journalctl -b | grep -i 'secure boot'18:49
pavlossybariten: the is a debian/ubuntu thing, you can replace with a static ip within your network18:49
sybaritenpavlos: great, thanks18:50
tomreynPinchiukas: tainting is relevant to identify unsigned kernel modules: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/tainted-kernels.html18:51
luiserebiisarnold, leftyfb: I have been successful. Thank you so much!18:52
sarnoldluiserebii: yay :D18:53
sybaritenpavlos: rebooted, seems i still got a .3 IP if i understand correclty18:53
sybaritenoh wait18:54
pavlossybariten: you modified /etc/hosts with sudo, added adriane, saved, rebooted and still ip a shows .3 ?18:54
tomreynPinchiukas: kernel lockdown (also logged to your system log) is applied in secure boot mode to restrict the root user: https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/55105.html18:54
sybaritenpavlos: may have made a sloppy error.... one sec18:54
sybaritenpavlos: hm. I dunno. NOw when i reboot, for starters i am "disconneced" (this is a witrd connection btw) .18:58
sybariteni have a maenu choice where it says disconnected, ill click on the NIC now and see if it connects....  but shouldnt need to do this from the frsktop i guess18:58
sybaritenwitrd = wired18:59
sybaritenyup as soon as i click on the nic i get connected, albeit with a .3 adress19:00
sybaritenetc hosts definitely says on the second line19:01
pavlossybariten: so this machine, 16.04 is not configured static but dhcp (get an ip from your router) ?19:01
Pinchiukastomreyn: I don't have SB enabled yet but I'm lookimg into it. I want to figure out if my kernel is signed.19:03
tomreynPinchiukas: then i suggest reading through the documentation and links provided, startting with what lefty gave you.19:04
sybaritenpavlos: as far as i can tell when looking in the gui network settings under IPv4 yes19:09
sybaritenpavlos: method: automatic (DHCP)19:09
sybaritenI mean i guess i could just change the .2 to .3 in the receiving ends instead, i just wanted to avoid to go through that hassle19:10
sybaritenif i look at "network connections" and then press edit on enp1s0, it actually does not have a check in the box "atumatically connecto to this network when available", so maybe that is why i manually had to clik on that network/NIC in a menu, for it to get internet access now... but i guess the .3 is a bit strange. I better look in my router so no one else has taken that.19:12
pavlossybariten: your router has cached -> adriane so you cannot change the ip.19:15
oerheksmaybe your router has a mac filter, to assign a static ip19:17
sankhi folks!19:21
sankcan someone take a look at this? ^19:21
sankand help me out?19:21
sankIt involves connecting my 20.04 Ubuntu machine with an Apple external monitor that has an insight webcam. I am unable to access the webcam from my machine19:22
sarnoldsank: i suggest editing the question to includ what applications you're trying to use, what error messages they report, the output of the standard output and standard error from those applications, journalctl output, etc19:23
sanksarnold: doing that right away.19:23
oerhekssank,  i found this in top results;  http://mate-macos.blogspot.com/p/using-apple-led-cinema-display-in.html19:23
oerhekssee; Activating the iSight Camera19:24
oerheks!info isight-firmware-tools19:24
ubottuisight-firmware-tools (source: isight-firmware-tools): tools for dealing with Apple iSight firmware. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1.6-4 (focal), package size 27 kB, installed size 118 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)19:24
sankoerheks: dang. i have been searching the net for the last 2 days, and hadn't found this link. mad seo chops there! : )19:26
sankI tried that solution and unfortunately it still does not work19:26
sanklet me try restarting my machine19:26
sankoerheks: sarnold that doesn't seem to help. I have the firmware installed. I am trying to use cheese, and I can't see the second webcam.19:30
sankI also cannot see it on guvcview19:30
oerhekssorry to hear that, it has worked before.19:30
sankyeah. i wonder if there is a way to debug. : /19:31
ioriasank, not restart; try to shutdown completely and boot again19:31
sankioria: yep that's whaat i did actually. i selected "Power Off"19:31
sankand then restarted my machine from scratch19:32
ioriasank, have you tried with cheese ?19:32
fcastillohi everybody, does anybody know of a tool that cleans dconf? something that will find unused keys and deletes them.19:32
sankioria: yes, with cheese!19:32
leftyfbfcastillo: dconf is not the registry. Unused keys aren't going to affect your systems performance19:33
pavlossank: seems you need to patch appleusbvideosupport See the link oerheks posted, section "Activating the iSight Camera"19:33
sybaritenpavlos: a restart of the router then perhaps?19:33
ioriasank, check if you have this file : ' AppleUSBVideoSupport'19:34
pavlossybariten: what are the dhcp settings on your router? does it offer ip range from .2 to .250 ?19:34
sankpavlos: ioria yep, i have that file, i installed the isight-firmware-tools and used ift-extract to extract it19:34
sankstill no luck.19:34
sankthe camera definitely works, because I have an old mac, and it works with that.19:35
ioriasank,  ls /lib/firmware/isight.fw19:35
sankioria: yes!19:35
sanki have that.19:35
ioriasank,  have you copied AppleUSBVideoSupport in your home ?19:36
sankioria: yes19:36
ioriasank,   sudo ift-extract -a AppleUSBVideoSupport19:36
sankioria: yep i did that19:37
ioriasank,   do it again ans paste the output19:37
pavlosdid it report patch successful?19:37
sankioria: pavlos: yes. https://paste.centos.org/view/2358fdbf19:38
ioriasank,   shutdown19:39
sankioria: wwill do19:40
sankmeanwhile, also take a look at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/g2J7d3HDwg/19:40
sankbrb good folks!19:40
sankback, and started cheese, and still does not work19:42
sankthe lsmod does show the facetimehd drivers right?19:42
sankand i also have "facetimehd" in `/etc/modules`19:43
ioriasank,   try with guvcview19:43
sankioria: hmm, yeah, don't see the isight camera.19:44
* sank thinks19:44
ioriasank,   in lsusb ?19:44
sankdon't see it there too ioria19:44
ioriasank,  ok, i'am out, sy19:45
sank: /19:45
sankthanks for trying!19:45
sybaritenpavlos: it should yes and now after a reboot of also the router, the server seems to have received .2 !19:46
sybaritenpavlos: so thanks!19:46
pavlossybariten: yw19:48
pavlossank: old post but see steps 5,6,7 (not sure if needed) ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/100527/how-to-fix-webcam-on-macbook-pro-5-519:50
sankpavlos: thanks, I think my biggest concern right now is that the camera does not even show up on lsusb. : /19:51
sankwonder if it's not a usb camera19:52
pavlossank: this post (3 years ago) step 6, you've done those ... https://medium.com/@darioems/install-fedora-26-on-macbook-4-1-white-or-black-6e09c0fecbba19:55
oerheksgrub2 update https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-4432-120:03
sankpavlos: yep I've done all that. : ) So, as a sanity check I tried again to see if the camera works with my Mac OSX20:14
sankand surprise surprise it doesn't!20:14
sankso i wonder if something is borked with the camera20:15
sankwill keep debugging and update my askubuntu answer  when i find out20:15
sankthanks so much for helping me debug20:15
sank: )20:15
DoYouKnowhey, I'm on a surface pro. Is there any image I can dd to my hard disk to install ubuntu? it seems install is corrupt20:31
DoYouKnowcan I just redownload the install iso and dd it?20:32
DoYouKnowugh nvm20:33
wolfmani already asked this in #xchat but thought to ask it here as well. so, i have this odd issue with xchat auto-connecting to servers. whenever i run it from the command line, auto-connect works. but if i run it from ubuntu's app launcher, auto-connect does not work. thoughts?20:39
Dragonkeeperi have ubuntu on a dev board, its got to be headless, so is there a way i can add a virtual display so i can use vnc ? it has a nvidia chip20:40
sarnoldDragonkeeper: maybe xserver-xorg-video-dummy ?20:41
Dragonkeepersarnold: ill try that  thanks20:41
oerheksxchat is unmaintained ..20:41
wolfmanoerheks: arggh. what irc client would you recommend?20:42
oerhekshexchat, a maintained fork of xchat20:43
oerheksor irssi, in tty20:44
Dragonkeeperweechat ^20:44
oerhekstons of choice :-)20:44
oerheksfor secure sasl on freenode; https://freenode.net/kb/answer/sasl with the list20:45
wolfmani'm debating whether to go tty or not. i'll give hexchat a try. thanks!20:46
oerhekshave fun!20:47
wolfmanthanks for suggesting hexchat oerheks. on it now and i think i'll keep it.20:54
oerhekssame look and feel indeed. take your time to discover all options20:56
wolfmanwill do.20:57
wolfmanit's been a while since i've been on irc. need to oil rusted joints20:57
sarnoldoerheks: woot :)20:57
thyriaentomreyn, hey, are you there ?21:03
sarnoldthyriaen: tomreyn just took off21:04
thyriaenoh okay21:04
thyriaenwell we talked about a problem i had a few days ago21:04
thyriaenyou might have been there too21:04
sarnoldit's possible, heh, I'm at my computer entirely too much :) hehe21:05
thyriaenis there a log from this channel ?21:05
thyriaenthen i can grab my pastes again to get all the information together21:05
thyriaenthe problem is very simple now21:06
sarnoldthyriaen: yeah, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ -- since they are scattered by days it can be a bit hard to follow conversations that span day boundaries..21:08
thyriaenokey no problem21:08
thyriaenwell - my laptop hangs on shutdown ( sometimes like 70% chance ) with this error message: https://imgur.com/a/bSyp8OR21:09
thyriaenthe interesting part is - it worked with 16.04 and 18.04 ( i think i even had 19.04 for a few months - not sure ) but since 20.04 it introduced this bug21:09
sarnoldoh yeah this looks familiar21:10
sarnoldI had wondered if the /oldroot bit was a holdover from booting, or part of shutdown21:10
thyriaenwell so far we have concluded that the oldroot thing is not the issue21:10
thyriaenit is the xhci_hcd stuff that makes it hang21:11
thyriaensometimes when boot works normally i get some ( below 1s flashing of text where the oldroot stuff is in there and it isn't an issue21:11
sarnoldthyriaen: cool cool, it's good to have that sorted out21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1881276 in Snappy "shutdown fails to unmount some loops because of udevd, mark them LazyUnmount" [Medium,Confirmed]21:16
sarnoldthyriaen: have you found any correlation with specific devices being plugged in? specific mice, keyboards, scanners, etc?21:16
thyriaensarnold, yea, i have ruled out that any devices might be the cause of it cause i took a fresh install and didn't plug anything in21:16
thyriaenlast time i was around we suspected a faulty USB-ethernet dongle to be the issue but i never used that again21:17
thyriaenso it can't be any device21:17
thyriaenand since this is a laptop there is nothing else i can plug in or out :p21:17
sarnoldit's probably worth a bug report, but it's hard to guess if the kernel team would be able to help much :(21:19
sarnoldif you *really* want to get to the bottom of this, itmight require eg booting older kernels, newer kernels, and bisect your way to finding exactly when it started happening21:19
thyriaenyea, it would be helpful if i at least knew what the thing is that aint working21:19
thyriaenlike which part, or of its a part of the pc or whats going on21:19
thyriaenif i boot the newest kernel21:20
thyriaenthen it doesn't work either21:20
thyriaenbut i can try to use the 18.04 default kernel21:20
thyriaenthat might actually help21:20
thyriaenyou know which kernel that is currently ?21:20
thyriaenyea getting an older kernel is a really good idea21:22
sarnoldheh, there's a lot of different kernels.. this is a handy site to see some of the flavours https://kernel.ubuntu.com/sru/dashboards/web/kernel-stable-board.html21:22
thyriaenah ty21:22
thyriaensarnold, do you know how i can get hold of the entire log of my last shutdown ?21:23
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thyriaeni only know that journalctl -b gives me that of the boot21:23
sarnoldheh, I'm not sure how to get a hold of log entries made after the filesystems are unmounted21:24
thyriaentrue xD21:24
sarnoldyou *can* store logs in EFI vars or something similar and some folks have systems to store logs in RAM across reboots (magic)21:24
sarnoldbut I don't know how to get there easily21:24
thyriaenok, i thought there might be some linuxy way where it gets stored by default21:25
sarnoldthyriaen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds  -- the kernel team provides 'mainline' builds, too, which may be omre useful for debugging this21:25
thyriaensarnold, i was about to use https://github.com/bkw777/mainline - is there a difference between ubuntu-kernels and linux-mainline-kernels ?21:26
sarnoldthyriaen: this looks like a front end to picking kernels from that ppa21:27
sarnoldif that'd be helpful, that's fine, but I'm reluctant to install software from people I don't know21:28
thyriaenokay ty21:28
=== ZaZ1 is now known as ZaZ
WoCis there a way to prevent /etc/localtime from being altered by updates/upgrades ?21:33
WoCi.e. apparmor ?21:34
WoCor can i use some extended attributes ? or acl ?21:34
sarnoldWoC: using apparmor to confine apt to prevent /etc/localtime from being modified is going to be very very painful. it's best to pretend that option doesn't exist.21:35
WoCok, figured that too... just remove it and copy the right file from zoneinfo ?21:36
sarnoldWoC: you could try chattr +i on the file, I think that might do the trick, but if an update does try to update the file, it will probably cause an error, and that might fail the update and leave the system in an unhappy state that reqires recovery21:36
sarnoldI'm curious why / how this is a problem?21:36
WoCwrong timezone21:36
WoCi set it with timedatectl and it's changed as soon as i update the system21:37
sarnoldWoC: try using sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata  ?21:39
WoCi think chattr +i fixed it21:39
WoCit works with timedatectl, but as i mentioned; only until next system update21:40
WoCAnyhow, appreciated :)21:41
sarnoldWoC: yes, which is why I'm suggesting using the debian debconf approach to set it, and see if that helps :)21:41
WoCRight, just as the timedatectl, until the next update/upgrade/dist-upgrade21:41
sarnoldWoC: that's the thing, tohugh21:42
spiffdaddyhey gang -- I'm having issues with two systemd service units failing to start at boot and I'm pretty sure they're related and misconfigured.  wpa_supplicant.service & systemd-networkd-wait-online.service (hangs boot time until it times out).  I understand netplan configures wpa_supplicant and I have an active wireless connection to the server, but these failed services are bugging the crap out of me.21:42
sarnoldWoC: the debconf approach has been around for 25 years give or take, and *should* keep working fine21:42
sarnoldWoC: timedatectl knows nothing of debconf21:42
sarnoldWoC: and if the two disagree, then probably the debian tooling is putting back what is configured in debconf21:42
sarnoldWoC: so make sure debconf's thing KNOWS what you want :D21:42
spiffdaddyI'm kind of at a loss and don't really know what to look for in these .service files to sort this out...21:45
spiffdaddyis there a order of operations to run through to find what's causing this or any red flags in the netplan .yaml or wpa_supplicant.service files I should be looking for?21:47
spiffdaddyi'm convinced if i sort out wpa_supplicant, the wait-online.service will be fixed.21:47
Dragonkeeperi have installed xrdp and xserver-xorg-video-dummy   but i get this error once i have connected and put login info   libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast21:48
frogsdoes anyone know the correct command to fix the topic of my channel here on freenode? thank you21:49
WoCchanserv ?21:50
WoCfrogs, msg chanserv help topic21:50
frogsWoC, yes but when i leave the channel it erases the topic21:50
oerheksspiffdaddy, you rould do the ugly disable and mask.. https://gist.github.com/austinjp/9b968c75c3e54004be7cd7a134881d85#other-nonsense21:51
WoCfrogs, topiclock21:51
frogsWoC, oh ok ty21:51
frogsi'll try21:51
spiffdaddyoerheks -- I'd rather not mask.  I'm kind of playing with fire here considering everything "works", but i'd really like to learn how systemd services operate so I can deal with this again in the future if it occurs.21:52
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WoCoerheks, is there anything like inittab in systemd when it comes to tty's ans serial consoles ?21:55
oerheksWoC, yes, see this easy example https://wiki.debian.org/systemd#Virtual_and_serial_console_changes21:57
sarnoldlogind.conf(5) describes how many VTs to start..21:57
WoCSomehow i have a serial console defined ...21:57
oerhekssudo nano /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service21:59
WoCty :) ftw; systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyS0.service22:01
WoCS2 in my case22:01
spiffdaddyfixed it22:53
spiffdaddySo this is kind of strange, but on a previous install, i set up wpa_supplicant and made some changes to /etc/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant.service ... unless i'm imaging things, somehow these files carried over and I had a weird ExecStart line that was preventing wpa_supplicant from starting at boot.22:55
spiffdaddyafter correcting that line, wpa_supplicant began starting.  However, my assumption that after getting wpa_supplicant to start, systemd-networkd-wait-online.service would also work was wrong.  I ended up having to add an optional: true line under the eternet adaptor in my netplan .yaml file.22:57
spiffdaddyNow that i fixed this, I realized i can actually put this server closer to the access point and hard wire it...lol22:57
sarnoldhello boxrick23:33
boxrick I asked this in the server channel but it seems a little dead.  I am currently attempting to install Ubuntu 20.04 on a USB Stick in a HP server, it works until it gets to 'Installing Kernel ' and just sits forever at 'Unpacking linux-firmware'. Any ideas on what may be going wrong?23:33
sarnoldboxrick: can you get to another shell on it?23:34
boxrickI have yet to try a live usb stick and starting up a shell. Perhaps thats a thing to try23:35
sarnoldboxrick: sorry, I mean, contorl+alt+f2, control+alt+f3, ssh in, etc?23:38
boxrickI tried disconnecting the network since a bit of googling suggested it was perhaps being caused by IPV6. But a shell is accessible using control + alt + f323:39
boxrickSo no SSH ( at this exact second ) but I can use the terminal if I need23:39
sarnoldis there anytihng in dmesg that looks suspicious?23:42
boxrickYea seems so23:43
boxrickI am guessing this is a hardware issue.23:44
sarnoldouch :(23:45
boxrickThis a refurb HP server I purchased, its not the end of the world.23:45
boxrickPerhaps not so refurbed23:45
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boxrickWhats odd is I am not even using a SATA port23:47
boxrickIll disconnect all the Mini SAS and onboard SATA and see if I can get any further23:49
boxrickCheers for the pointers23:49
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sarnoldboxrick: heh, it's a port you're not even using? bugger..23:57
boxrickYea, not right now. There is a crappy b120i onboard raid controller and I think there is a SATA on the front for a CD drive ( which has nothing connected )23:58
boxrickJust retrying now with all the SATA disconnected.23:59

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