
=== xclaesse7 is now known as xclaesse
seb128goood morning desktopers08:07
seb128hey Laney, how are you? enjoyed the summer weekend?08:07
dufluHi Laney 08:07
jibelhi everyone08:08
dufluMorning jibel 08:08
Laneymoin seb128 duflu jibel 08:13
Laneysummer was good, we went swimming in the lake08:13
Laneyand then a storm came over while we were in there, that was fun08:13
Laneydid you have a good weekend seb128 duflu & jibel ?08:16
dufluLaney, not on par with yours, but yeah, pleasurable in parts08:17
dufluI wonder which bugs we can related to this? https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/commit/dd846f1ba2f3e93d5840dd48bef4eb67ba05084808:18
jibelLaney, w-e was good. shopping, cycling, picnic at the beach, and swimming in the sea. no rain and not too warm.08:23
jibelfar too many tourists though, waiting for september to enjoy empty beaches08:23
jibelanyone running win 10 could do an installation of 20.04 in virtualbox with and without hyper-v enabled?08:25
jameshduflu: doesn't glib have a property binding API to avoid that kind of bug?08:32
jameshmaybe it's difficult to use from JS?08:32
duflujamesh, probably, maybe, because glib has lots of such things. And you can use them from JS. But I don't follow the details and can't provide an educated answer08:33
dufluI mean; I don't know08:34
mertgorhi people! i'm waiting for today's meeting, i'm just started focusing on Ubuntu so i think that today is a good time to learn new things. Thanks this is mertgor on the forum and Launchpad ...08:35
jameshI seem to remember seeing property binding in use when investigating a gnome-control-center/whoopsie-preferences bug a while back08:35
mertgor*i've 08:35
=== pieq__ is now known as pieq
seb128Laney, weekend was relaxing, the weather was nice without being as warm as friday was so nice time to enjoy the garden, do some crosswords under the tree, nothing fancy but still pleasant :-)09:18
seb128mertgor, hey, unsure what meeting you are after but the desktop one is on tuesdays so tomorrow09:19
Laneysounds nice!09:20
seb128it was :-)09:30
mertgorseb128: Yes i realized that today is Monday :) Thanks09:34
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
oSoMoNricotz, can you push your changes to the firefox-beta.* branches for beta 3? I'll push my updates to unity-menubar.patch on top14:00
ricotzoSoMoN, done14:04
ricotzwould be good to get libreoffice 6.4.5/focal processed while 6.4.6 is around the corner14:05
oSoMoNricotz, you'll need to ping the SRU team for that14:14
oSoMoNricotz, are you looking at the firefox-beta.xenial build failures caused by Python 3.6, or do you want me to?14:17
ricotzoSoMoN, I know, I don't want to be annoying if this is some expected delay due to holidays14:17
ricotzoSoMoN, yeah, please look into it, I don't have time for that14:18
oSoMoNack, I'll do that now14:19
oSoMoNricotz, according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/#Publishing you can ping sil21_00 (if he isn't on holidays ofc)14:20
ricotzoSoMoN, trying ;)14:21
ricotzjfyi there is a libreoffice 7.0.0 build in progress -- https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-prereleases/+sourcepub/11500697/+listing-archive-extra14:24
seb128ricotz, thanks for the SRU nagging, the delay is more likely due to point release preparations than holidays but still the SRU team refuses to review new application on the basis that they are staffed enough to keep up with uploads so we should hold them up to their claims :-)14:58
ricotzseb128, I see, and yeah it should not be happen to wait 3 weeks :-)15:04
jibelon kubuntu live session xdg-open uses kde-open instead of kde-open5. Does anyone know where this association is defined?16:30
jibelit's used to open the link to the release notes16:31
Laneyjibel: that's just directly in the xdg-open script itself iirc16:36
jibelah right. I was looking for some magic with mime types.16:38
jibelso it uses  kde-open${KDE_SESSION_VERSION} "$1" and KDE_SESSION_VERSION is not set when privileges are dropped.16:40
Laneyhalf the problems we have in ubiquity are to do with environment variables and the dodgy permission dropping17:02
seb128hellsworth, marcustomlinson, osomon, the libreoffice focal 6.4.5 focal SRU got accepted but failed due to different orig tarball checksums that the one existing in G-serie20:59
seb128see https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/08/03/%23ubuntu-release.html#t17:4520:59
seb128unsure what's the workflow but it's a bit worring that we get different checksum for the same upstream version, the content of the orig isn't supposed to change...21:00
seb128(I know it's late but dumping that as a note, no need to do anything about it now)21:00
hellsworthhow can i check this before asking for an upload?21:14
hellsworthoh so what i did was an unnecessary get-orig-source.21:15

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