
=== pikapika_lunar_a is now known as pikapika
marcocastignolihey everyone, im new here. i have a problem with nvidia drivers, I wrote a question on askubuntu. someone as any hint why dont't drivers work? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1314699/nvidia-rtx-3070-laptop-not-working-on-xubuntu-20-0408:09
marcocastignoliis there a log for this channel?08:47
JackFrostYes, but nobody has said anything since you last did, this is usually a very quiet time of night.08:49
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/08:50
marcocastignoliI'll ask again later then thanks08:51
MikaeladC/!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\13:07
BkidrP/!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\13:08
ManyRaptorsGO/!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\13:08
HollyW00dYw/!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\13:11
and/!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\13:13
Maikyikes, here too13:40
sorinelloHello. DO you know what happend to thunar-shares-plugin ?14:02
sorinellois it still supported ?14:02
krytariksorinello: You mean because it's not in the Xubuntu Extras PPA for the current development version yet?  I'm not sure, I believe there is no reason not to add it.14:12
sorinelloseems I am not able to access my windows network share from thunar14:14
krytarikSince when?14:15
sorinellothat's the problem, I haven't tried in a long time14:15
sorinelloso I don;t know what broke it14:15
sorinelloand I don;t know how to debug the issue in Thunar14:15
sorinellonvm, it is solved14:17
acagastyaHi, I am trying to help a colleague who was running Xubuntu 18.04.15:46
acagastyaSeems like his update didn't go properly.15:48
acagastyaNow he says on login screen, the input field for password is not responsive.15:48
acagastyaI told him to enter tty, by pressing Fn + Ctrl + Alt + F2, but he said nothing happened.15:48
acagastyaTried with all F#, same problem.15:49
acagastyaAny idea how to proceed?15:49
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M11good day all , i am new to linux and i am using zoom but for some reason i cant find the right setting to stop my screen  from locking during a session22:16

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