
JoeLlamaWelp, it finally happened.  I'm learning everything I NEVER wanted to know about ubuntu.00:27
JoeLlamaI need to copy home directory offf a drive but I cannot do that while mounted.00:27
JoeLlamahow can I copy home off the drive while using that drive for the OS boot?00:28
JoeLlamao k then I'll be idle but here00:30
JoeLlamaso... tried from live image to do fsck that didn't work...  tried to copy the directory and it just wouldn't... just need to copy the home directory off a drive... whats the trick...  don't make me google please :)00:37
JoeLlamaeh I found it never mind00:38
joebobjoewhat package is the development package?01:01
joebobjoebuild-essential thanks01:02
kernikelI have a question about installing Ubuntu on an external usb drive on a system with EFI SecureBoot. I followed the steps outlined in this guide: https://www.fosslinux.com/10212/how-to-install-a-complete-ubuntu-on-a-usb-flash-drive.htm , including the selection of the external drive for boot loader installation. My system is dual boot (the internal01:58
kernikelhdd has an Ubuntu and Windows10 and it boots to GRUB). As you can guess, trying to install Ubuntu on the external drive broke my internal GRUB installation, and I am left wondering why. If I start up my computer without the usb plugged in it boots to the GRUB command line, and I can’t do anything intuitive from there (if I type ‘normal’,01:58
kernikelnothing happens). If I turn it off and plug the usb in, then turn it on, I get the same behavior. If I turn it off again, I leave the usb plugged in, I start it up, then I open the BIOS startup menu (which at this point only shows two entries, one for windows10 and one for my internal Ubuntu installation) and leave it without changing the boot01:58
kernikelorder, then the regular GRUB selection appears and I can choose to startup the Ubuntu on the USB (default option), the original Ubuntu or Windows10.01:58
kernikelI have many questions about this: why would my internal boot loader be affected? What difference would it make to simply open the BIOS boot menu? Why isn’t the external Ubuntu installation showing up on the BIOS boot menu? And finally, how can I achieve what I wanted, ie a portable Ubuntu installation on a USB pen drive?02:01
kernikelhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing From this, I am trying to select the new Ubuntu partition (not the drive containing it) for the boot loader installation. I’ll know if it works when it finishes.02:04
kernikelWell, it didn’t (I’ll cry).02:05
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user01hi i have a 2GB flash drive available and trying to install ubuntu studio . . . is there a netinstall minimal image i could download?04:01
user01or do i have to order a 4gb flash drive?04:02
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leaftypeuser01: I don't think there is a straight "net install" version04:19
leaftypebut there is something popping up in apt04:20
leaftypeyou might be able to do a ubuntu-core or something and then apt install ubuntustudio-desktop04:21
user01ubuntu core is 2.7 GB04:43
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guivercuser01, you haven't said what release, but I believe Lubuntu is the only release/ISO that fits on 2GB for groovy/20.1005:28
silv3r_m00n1hi there05:40
silv3r_m00n1this sleep feature in kubuntu, does it suspend to ram or suspend to disk ?05:40
guivercsilv3r_m00n1, sleep is a suspend usually, hibernate writes to disk & turns off05:46
silv3r_m00n1guiverc: great thanks05:47
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Rumenhi there06:24
RumenI got problem with the monitor/resolution  after the last update06:25
Rumenafter every reboot or wake from hybernation start working with 1600x900 instead of 1920x108006:26
RumenI try to change it with xrandr but I got error06:26
Rumenthis is the output https://pastebin.com/2NBmdhDj06:27
Rumenanyone can help?06:27
Rumenhere is my xorg.conf generated by my Nvidia Quadro 4000 https://pastebin.com/LVb48hxj06:29
Rumenin the settings the normal resolution missing which is 1920x1080 for my screen06:31
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tomreynRumen: "the last update" to what?07:24
tomreynwhich ubuntu release07:25
tomreynhttps://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/170134/en-us does not list "Quadro 4000" as supported07:30
tomreynquadro 4000 is a legacy gpu https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/legacy-gpu/07:33
tomreynRumen: the problem with the xrandr request seems to be about the mode name "1920x1080_60.00" - try something simpler, alphanumeric only07:42
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Nav|Cis it safe to uninstall intel-microcode? both cpu and gpu is amd08:57
lotuspsychjeNav|C: i think its not installed by default, but adviced in software&updates as a driver/add08:58
lotuspsychje!info intel-microcode08:58
ubottuintel-microcode (source: intel-microcode): Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs. In component main, is extra. Version 3.20201110.0ubuntu0.20.04.2 (focal), package size 2678 kB, installed size 3449 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; x32)08:58
Nav|Cnvm, I tried and it is yet another package that if you try to uninstall, *will* uninstall your whole system08:59
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Ahoj12334Hello, im newbie, is there anyone willing to help me update bios on my Lenovo? Received lot of ACPI errors and i read update bios should solve it. Problem is, fwupdate syntax and process is very hard for me and I dont understand it :-(10:01
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: some lenovo models would suggest fiirmware updates via software center, did you check that already?10:01
Ahoj12334I already did full update via software center but didnt help. Also problem I think is my model has support for windows only, so on lenovo are windoes executables only10:04
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | Ahoj1233410:05
ubottuAhoj12334: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate10:05
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: your dmesg will also show current bios/firmware version10:06
Ahoj12334need UEFI  function (idk what is that) and based on my friend only possibility is to update bios. lotuspsychje bash: !biosupdate: event not found10:06
Ahoj12334.   Ubottu, will try, but already tried couple things and I feel i need someone more skilled with linux10:06
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: sgare your dmesg in a pastebin, volunteers might able to more specific pinpoint your bios version10:08
Ahoj12334need to learn how to use dmesg first :-(  I think its some kind of log and I need to serch for biosupdate or?10:09
Ahoj12334I told you, completly newbie, sry10:09
Ahoj12334ah, I was able to make pastebin :-)   https://pastebin.com/Ws3QSyuX10:10
Ahoj12334or at least advise how to skip ACPI errors, I found some manual to push left shift during boot and add acpi=off to group - i Did that but it didnt work, boots still show error and takes lot of time10:15
tomreynAhoj12334: your currnet bios:   DMI: LENOVO 80T3/, BIOS 2WCN29WW 07/12/201710:19
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
tomreynbios update https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/lenovo-v-series-laptops/v310-15ikb/80t3/downloads/ds118614-bios-update-for-windows-10-64-bit-notebook10:21
Ahoj12334yes, I know, both I found, but its windows executable. Windows not possible to install due to bluescreen and problem with uefi (would like to solve) So I tried some ways but failed with fwupdate10:23
tomreynsometimes you can just place the update on a fat formatted file system on the first partition of a usb stick and then use the embedded updater of your live bios to install it10:26
Ahoj12334do you think you can help me step by step? This I didnt find anywhere on the internet, only manuals were to use fwupdate. Dont have any idea how to put the exe file on first partition - or can I just format my usb to FAT, paste *.exe to this and reboot and choose first device usb?10:28
tomreynthe steps to prepare the stick , as you phrase them, could work. but you don't boot off it, but rather keep the stick connected, enter bios, look for a bios update option, point it to the stick, install the update10:30
Ahoj12334btw read the bios update manual you sent - all ways there mentioned not aplicable - Lenove doesnt have boot CD for my model, I dont have windows and ThinkVantage system seems unsupported10:30
tomreynthat's IF your system support that10:30
Ahoj12334ok, I will try with the USB, thank you for now10:31
tomreynnote this: "If your BIOS version is lower than 2WCN42WW, please update to 2WCN42WW firstly."10:31
tomreynvendor recommends a multi-step upgrade10:31
tomreynnone of this has anything to do with ubuntu, though10:31
tomreynhttps://support.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/DS542924 is 2WCN42WW10:32
Ahoj12334thx, will try 2WCN42WW first10:33
avernosdhclient[518]: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to  why is dhclient trying for
tomreynbecause that's how broadcasting works10:48
avernosbut its wrong, its not getting an IP because of it10:49
avernosdhclient[518]: No DHCPOFFERS received.10:49
avernoswlan0: Association request to the driver failed10:50
tomreynyour dhcp client yelled into your lan "hey, anyone here runs a dhcp server and can help me get setup?", as it should, and then there was silence.10:54
tomreynor your client didn't see any reply it knew how to work with10:55
avernosthere is dhcp. so its the second option10:56
tomreynor maybe dhcp is present, but on a different network?10:56
avernoshowever, i have a hotspot, a dhcp server on same machine. that is working fine10:56
avernosdhcp is present, got several clients getting ip just fine10:56
avernosthere is nothing at, should be something else. its looking there for some reason i cant find10:58
avernosme thinks something broken with the driver10:58
avernoscan the driver be loaded by 2 different interface?10:58
tomreyn255.255.255.255 is a special notation for "everyone". provide more context, starting with your ubuntu release and a description of your setup, and what you are doing, and why. maybe then someone will be able to help.11:04
avernosubuntu release 19.10. i have a wireless hostap and a wireless STA. hostapd is a subnet with dhcpd. wireless STA connects to a default network. like a hotspot so clients can connect to11:07
V|Aso im on ubuntu using xfce and id like a 2nd panel/taskbar for the 2nd monitor11:13
V|Aah interesting could create a 2nd panel in the preferences :>11:14
V|Ahmm well that worked but its the same on each monitor same crap microsoft did11:15
supremekaiHey guys, I have a VPS in VULTR with Ubuntu 20.04 and 2GB of RAM. What would be the best size of the swap memory? I've seen this table here and seems that 1GB of RAM and 2GB of RAM both use 1GB of swap: https://prnt.sc/10rko1112:05
supremekaiWhat does "No Hibernation" and "With Hibernation" means?12:06
Maiksupremekai: please don't cross post12:07
supremekaiMaik, sorry I found the server-related channel in the /list and as this is a VPS I posted over there12:09
jiggawattzDon't run swap on a VPS12:11
Maiksupremekai: the server channel is meant for support with ubuntu server. Not VPS12:11
jiggawattzNot sure if Vultr even allows that12:11
jiggawattznah it's fair Maik12:11
jiggawattzclose enough to Ubuntu12:11
jiggawattzsupremekai: Hibernation is when memory is written to the disk12:12
jiggawattzyou won't do that on a VPS12:12
supremekaijiggawattz, oh, only for vms?12:13
jiggawattzonly for laptops12:14
BluesKajHi folks12:51
Zuroger-W102Are there any filesystem peculiarities that could make things weird if I clone an installation installed onto a HDD and move it onto a SSD ?13:54
Zuroger-W102If so, would it automatically detect it's on SSD and readjust things or would I have to do something myself?13:55
lotuspsychjeZuroger-W102: ubuntu usualy adapts itself on your plugged hardware after cloning13:55
Zuroger-W102Because it would then need to enable TRIM for example right?13:56
Zuroger-W102Which is what I could probably check and manually enable and make sure, I guess.13:56
lotuspsychjeZuroger-W102: trimming is done automaticly these days, so after a few boots should be optimized for your new plugged ssd14:00
tomreynsystemctl cat fstrim.timer; systemctl cat fstrim.service14:02
tomreynso Ubuntu will automatically run fstrim against all file systems supporting the DISCARD operation once a week.14:03
tomreynoutput is logged to the systemd journal14:04
Zuroger-W102Ah, interesting, thanks!14:04
lotuspsychjeZuroger-W102: will you be using dd or clonezilla?14:04
Zuroger-W102I'm used to clonezilla and I usually have been cloning/backuping Windows, I think it's the second time ever I'm doing a linux.14:06
Zuroger-W102I don't think I messed with defaults the last time, whatever clonezilla chosen for the EXT4 filesystem.14:07
Zuroger-W102Tho, it will be an image first, not a direct clone, because I do want the backup as well.14:07
tomreyni haven't used clonezilla in a while, i assume it takes care of this, but not sure: make sure your partitioned disk space on the source disk can actually fit onto the target.14:09
raffaem2How do I setup USB tethering for Weylus? https://github.com/H-M-H/Weylus14:24
leftyfbraffaem2: you're asking how to do something and then immediately link to the instructions on how to to it?14:57
raffaem2<leftyfb "raffaem2: you're asking how to d"> There are no instructions in the link14:58
raffaem2leftyfb: There is written "Alternatively there is USB tethering too, which can be used to setup a peer to peer connection between your tablet and computer over USB.". This is not instruction14:58
leftyfbraffaem2: as has been pointed out to you multiple times, please don't quote people in replies. That said, you'll have to contact Welus for support with their project. It's not an officially support Ubuntu application14:59
raffaem2leftyfb: sorry15:00
raffaem2leftyfb: I though that setting up USB tethering was something "standard"15:00
leftyfbraffaem2: what kind of tablet?15:01
raffaem2leftyfb: Samsung Galaxy Tab S415:01
leftyfbraffaem2: this might be a good place to start: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-tether-your-smartphone-in-linux/15:04
leftyfbraffaem2: though I don't know about a tablet if it doesn't have a data plan, it might not have the ability to do usb tethering15:04
raffaem2leftyfb: I did follow that guide15:05
raffaem2and ifconfig shows usb015:05
raffaem2but I am unable to connect to Weylus from the tablet15:05
leftyfbDoes usb0 have an IP address?15:07
Ahoj12334Tomryen you advised me to copy bios to USB and try go to bios and update. I was in Bios but there is not any possibility how to actualize bios from bios... so I think only possibility is following: https://bladecoder.medium.com/flash-your-lenovo-ideapad-laptop-bios-from-linux-using-uefi-capsule-updates-a82e455ea29c    but Im, stuck here with:15:08
Ahoj12334fwupdate -a {e20bafd3-9914-4f4f-9537-3129e090eb3c} ./3HCN24WW.cap --esp-path=/boot   - I dont know what is esp-path, anyone help pls?15:08
leftyfbraffaem2: if so, then again, this is a Weylus support question. Your issue is that of Weylus not taking advantage of the connection. That is an aspect of the application, not Ubuntu. Ubuntu is doing what it’s supposed to.15:09
tomreynAhoj12334: esp stands for efi system partition. on ubuntu, the efi system partition is mounted to /boot/efi by default. i cannot tell whether the approach you're taking is safe to use.15:18
Ahoj12334tomryen, i dont mind if its safe or not, I can lost current system and install new one. Now I did all from manual but stuck here, i think paths are incorrect but dont know what is correct as i dont know linux basics :-(  https://pastebin.com/PxGQYmxf   I following this:15:21
Ahoj12334based on error I think I have only error in paths / syntax I used but i dont know what is correct one15:22
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: with bios/firmware updates its not a matter safe or not, you can brick your system if doing things wrong15:24
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: see also the ##hardware channel for guidance with uefi/hardware questions15:24
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: does fwupdate list something on your system?15:25
Ahoj12334if brick happaned its fine (it didnt work before). I just would like to try manual I found.  Yes, I was succesfull with fwupdate -l    https://pastebin.com/GXVT0V3C15:28
blafter upgrading to 18.04 is there any reason to keep the Unity Tweak Tool or CompizConfig Settings Manager?15:30
Maikbl: no, since 18.04 uses Gnome 3 as desktop15:33
blfrom what i've read gdm3 replaced lightdm in 18.04 and gnome-shell replaced unity15:33
bl(though in the context of my original question it is not relevant that gdm3 replaced lightdm...)15:33
Maikso unity tweak tool etc. aren't needed anymore15:33
ioriablyou can still install unity on 18.0415:34
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: i think that guide you found is pretty sane, if fwupdate lists an update, i think you can proceed safely15:34
blioria: gotcha, yea i was looking at that but more out of curiosity, i think i like gnome-shell so far15:36
ioriabl you can have both , if you want15:36
Ahoj12334lotuspsychje but I followed but Im stick with part of flash himself where I getting error /boot was not mounted  - so I just think I have something wrong with path or syntax - please see what i tried, I also did some dir to show what is inside of directories:  https://pastebin.com/GXVT0V3C15:37
lotuspsychjeoh right15:37
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: thats gonna be one for you^15:37
razanhello all15:38
razani need your help15:38
razani have encrypted with LUks and disk graphical tool in ubuntu a disk of data15:38
razanfew minutes ago, I have unencrypted my disk15:39
razanand accidentally, I delete the luks container during the disc was unencrypted15:39
razanbut, it was unmount and now I can't access it15:39
razancan you help me please15:39
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blioria: i see, i think right now i want to understand better what these things are and what the defaults are.  from what i've looked at so far upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 compiz was replaced by mutter, gdm3 replaced lightdm, and unity was replaced by gnome-shell15:45
ioriabl yes, we can say that15:46
Ahoj12334lotuspsychje I think I moved :-)  -  https://pastebin.com/ij13BxTv  - the error indikates I definitly have error in path I used (--esp-path=/boot) - in manual I can see the note "Note that I manually specify the ESP path which defaults to /boot/efi. Use the appropriate path for your Linux installation." - I think user used different distro with15:47
tomreynrazan: i'm having some difficulties following your description, but it sounds like you destroyed the crypto container. if so, restore backups.15:47
Ahoj12334different path, so what is correct --esp-path for Ubuntu?15:47
EriC^^Ahoj12334: yeah it's /boot/efi15:49
Ahoj12334so following is correct syntax? sudo fwupdate -a {e20bafd3-9914-4f4f-9537-3129e090eb3c} ./bios.cab --esp-path=/boot/efi15:50
blioria: thanks for your help.  this might be a bit off topic but from what i understand an alternative to X11 is Wayland, which is a change Ubuntu wants to eventually make the default15:52
ioriabl probably, we'll see15:52
razantomreyn: how to restore it ?15:52
lotuspsychjebl: 21.04 will have wayland by default15:53
Ahoj12334EriC^^ I feel Im so close - just path issue, right? https://pastebin.com/CBNFMTQa15:53
razanI come back15:54
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: bios.cap vc cab15:54
Ahoj12334OMG im really microswoft idiot15:54
Ahoj12334lotuspsychje I moved forward but new error here:  https://pastebin.com/QvJzEew415:57
Ahoj12334lotuspsychje maybe wrong path again? I found I have following path:  admin:///boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/fw/fwupd-{e20bafd3-9914-4f4f-9537-3129e090eb3c}.cap16:13
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: not sure, im reading things on not capable capsules too16:17
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: not sure, but suspecting something like this; https://github.com/rhboot/fwupdate/wiki/Debugging-UEFI-Capsule-updates16:22
lotuspsychjeAhoj12334: so doublecheck if you find that in your bios, Lenovo "Windows UEFI firmware update"16:23
Ahoj12334lotuspsychje i will check, only it will take some time, its maybe half hour till im able go to lenovo bios - it basically doesnt work (other users has similar problem). Anyway based on description I dont think this is related to my error, my error really seems more wrong path related16:29
node1Which is the best application in Ubuntu to record screen16:32
VMGuy23node1: OBS Studio is good if you know how to use it16:33
lotuspsychjethere's also kazam16:33
VMGuy23but Deepin Screen Recorder works well16:33
node1means? it does not easy options to record?16:33
node1I'm looking for offical recognized, no unoffical16:34
Ahoj12334lotuspsychje definitly in the bios is not anything like "Windows UEFI firmware update"16:34
VMGuy23OBS Studio is slightly complicated, allows you to add colour, screen, window, camera, text and allows you to resize all of them on a canvas. It doest always record ful quality for some reason16:34
node1If it's complicated then leave it.16:35
VMGuy23both OBS and Deepin Screen Recorder are on apt16:36
VMGuy23Deepin Screen Recorder is best for beginners though.16:36
node1E: Package 'gtk-recordmydesktop' has no installation candidate16:39
node1It's not there?16:39
Ahoj12334lotuspsychje I think I will not try to update to Bios and will current system. Remove ACPI errors and long boot may be more faster, anyway thank you for your help and I invite you for the coffee to my place :-)16:39
iorianode1, just 'recordmydesktop'16:39
node1yes but it fails here16:40
ioriafails what ?16:41
Ahoj12334Anyone please to help me to remove ACPI errors during the booting? I cannot update bios as its too difficult so just want to skip those errors to make boot more faster (take minutes instead of seconds). Already tried GRUB  change ACPI=OFF but errors still appearing and boot still long16:41
node1I would likes to record my terminal activity.16:42
iorianode1,  it works fine here. what ubuntu release ?16:43
node1Description:Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS16:43
iorianode1,  apt-cache policy recordmydesktop16:44
node1ioria, What are you trying to do here?16:44
iorianode1, check the source16:45
node1It's installed here.16:45
node1 Installed:
node1  Candidate:
ioriathat's not the source, but the version16:46
node1to check source of what?16:46
leftyfbnode1: it's not in the official repo's, but I've found peek to be very good. It also records right to an animated gif if you want. https://github.com/phw/peek#ubuntu16:48
leftyfbnode1: it's lightweight and easy to use. Not a lot of features though16:49
MIFcan I get back a folder I removed?16:49
MIFI did it from command line16:49
leftyfbMIF: if you used rm to delete it, your only option is to restore from backup16:49
node1leftyfb, Thanks i will check this out.16:49
MIFdarn it16:49
leftyfbMIF: you could also try something like photorec, though results aren't guaranteed. Not as simple as just telling it to just "undelete" a particular thing16:50
MIFI am tring that right now16:50
IarlaIs it possible to have Thunderbird only sync IMAP for a certain time period? I'm trying to save disk space. The only options close to this involve deletion on the server but I don't want that.16:51
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
SimplarHello! How do I properly install Ubuntu on an SSD drive which contains Windows? Thanks!18:10
EriC^^Simplar: shrink the partition in windows, boot ubuntu live usb, choose to install  alongside windows18:18
cbreakis nuking windows an option for you?18:18
EriC^^Simplar: you might want to boot a couple times into windows after you shrink the partition as well18:19
SimplarWindows still has some unique things which aren't yet present in Ubuntu18:19
SimplarBut when Ubuntu gets to support them, Windows gets nuked18:19
tomreynconsider running windows in a vm instead18:20
tomreynif you want dual-boot, make sure you disable fast startup in windows. you may also want to edit the windows registry so it can handle a hardware clock set to utc18:20
SimplarI own Acer Nitro 5 laptop, and it's a huge plus for me to have NitroSense.18:22
SimplarI also don't know any good alternatives to Bandicam on Ubuntu18:23
tomreyntry to explain the functionality a software provides if you're looking for ubuntu alternatives, since not everyone will know the windows softwares18:26
ThinkT510Simplar: OBS studio is an open source alternative that can do screencasting18:31
SimplarThinkT510: doesn't it eat more than Bandicam?18:32
SimplarI know about OBS, one thing I'm pretty much aware of is how it compresses the sound18:32
ThinkT510Simplar: I've never used it but if you want to get away from windows programs then searching for open source alternatives is what you need to do18:34
ThinkT510apparently vlc is also cpable of screencasting18:34
SimplarThat's my concern. Basically what I need for my YT channel is a way to record a screen region and a replacement to Paint which is fast enough18:34
SimplarI know VLC, an excellent video player18:35
ThinkT510gimp can be used as an alternative to paint18:36
SimplarA very resource costy alt to Paint tho18:36
ThinkT510unless you're planning on running it on something like a raspberry pi I doubt performance will be an issue with gimp18:37
blb4393they managed to get gimp ui in the most nonintuitive way. I always have trouble with it to do basic taks18:38
MIFout of gzip, bzip2 and XZ what will compress more?18:51
tomreynMIF: given enough RAM, with default settings, xz19:06
tomreyn+enough time19:06
tomreyn*may not apply to every file type and file size19:07
RumenAfter the last update the screen resolution get problems. Start with 1600x900 instead of 1920x108019:11
RumenI already try to fix it with CVT and XRANDR but got error https://pastebin.com/XxFMDY1x19:12
RumenAny idea how to fix it?19:12
RumenAfter wake up from hybernation again start with 1600x90019:12
RumenAnd the screen screen resolution missing in the list - the biggest one is 1600x90019:13
RumenI installed arandr and after somehow I fixed the issue one time OI saved the config file. After restart again same problem19:14
tomreyn<tomreyn> Rumen: the problem with the xrandr request seems to be about the mode name "1920x1080_60.00" - try something simpler, alphanumeric only19:15
tomreyni told you this about 12 hours ago19:16
RumenI did it with MyScreen19:16
RumenI mean that was "MyScreen"19:16
Rumensame  problem again start with 1600x90019:16
tomreynso you also read about your graphics chipset being considered legacy?19:17
tomreyn...no longer supported by current proprietary drivers?19:17
RumenI use that card from years it is Nvidia Quadro 400019:17
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/19:18
Rumen[21:16:13] <tomreyn> i told you this about 12 hours ago - Yeah but the IRC kicked me out by some reason and after I came I didn't seen the old messages19:18
tomreynso the logs should help there19:19
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/19:20
tomreynstill the same ;-)19:20
Rumentomreyn I will try to open them, never did it before19:22
tomreyni'm sure you used a web browser before19:23
VMGuy23what is the conversation, just joined19:23
Rumentomreyn - last update of the Ubuntu - regular update, I use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 bit, the graphic driver has not been changed just the core so no idea but I think the problem is not in the video driver19:34
Rumenthe graphic driver is Nvidia 390 it was that until 1 year and more and has no any problem until the last update of the system before 2-3 days19:35
RumenIt was the regular "auto update" where installed many new version of programs and also Ubuntu basic components19:36
tomreynRumen: i owuldn't really know, i just noted that you are using a driver which nvidia says they don'T support your graphics card on. it can still work, though. personally, i stay away from nvidia graphics card since i don't want to depend on proprietary graphics drivers for acceptable performance.19:36
tomreyn(i do see how this doesn'T help you now, but i'm unable to provide more help)19:37
RumenThe uograde was to 5.8.0-45-generi19:37
RumenAfter that came the issue19:38
Rumennow it recongnize the settings and the monitor https://i.imgur.com/e93GA6X.png but after start shows DVI-I-0 and and resolution 1600x90019:41
RumenI don't think the problem is in the driver it works fine https://i.imgur.com/rn7LS62.png  I think the problem is when the core try to recognize the monitor19:43
SimplarIs 100mbps read speed good for Ubuntu install USB?19:51
Simplar100mbps read and 25mbps write19:52
tomreynSimplar: is there a problem you're trying to solve?19:56
Simplartomreyn: I want to pick a good USB flash drive to keep it solely as installation / recovery media of Ubuntu19:57
SimplarRight now, I am considering a 32GB eXceleram A3 Series19:58
gordonjcpSimplar: that'll be fine19:59
oerheksthose speeds are fine.19:59
VMGuy23why 32GB19:59
tomreynSimplar: storage performance is usually measured in IOPS or megabytes (or mibibytes) per second, yours seems to be megabits/second, which is a bit weird. what's the source of this data?19:59
VMGuy23pretty sure 16GB would be cheaper, and still work fine19:59
SimplarYou can see the ATTO Speed column here20:00
tomreynso you have questions about hardware, there's ##hardware also20:00
SimplarThanks for the advice, I'll hop into ##hardware20:01
leftyfbSimplar: https://smile.amazon.com/SanDisk-Ultra-Flair-Flash-Drive/dp/B015CH1GTO/   $720:01
oerhekskrumelmonster, fix your connection please, thanks20:03
Simplarleftyfb: awesome one!20:07
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lolcatI have an icy box enclosure, it wont show up on my ubuntu laptop, what to do?20:13
jjbugglelolcat: like this: https://www.icydock.com/index.php  ?20:13
VMGuy23check for drivers20:14
VMGuy23look in Driver Manager20:14
VMGuy23or see if there are Linux/Debian/Ubuntu drivers on the manufacturers website.20:15
VMGuy23i dont know what an icy box is20:15
jjbuggledoes ubuntu allow icons on the desktop?20:16
VMGuy23it has them by default20:16
oerheksjjbuggle, no, unless you install ; sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons#logout, login and check gnome-tweaks20:20
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eco7, all21:21
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Rumentomreyn I checked the driver for my video card in the Nvidia web site, my driver is last and compatible for my card 390.141 is the last driver and it is fully compatible with Quadro 4000 under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 bits21:36
tomreynRumen: yes, i guess 390 should work. you weren't using that version by the time you created this, though: "nvidia-settings:  version 460.39"21:41
tomreynsource: https://pastebin.com/raw/LVb48hxj21:42
Rumenthat's strange I didn't see there is such version, because I use 390 at least this is what shows in Additional drivers https://i.imgur.com/H3HP5il.png21:45
RumenCould that be the problem? Somehow somewhere it shows 460 instead of 390?21:45
RumenI didn't installed any driver after 39021:45
RumenNo idea from where and how appeared there 460.3921:46
RumenHow to fix that?21:46
RumenCan I delete xorg.conf and generate it again?21:49
RumenWill that help?21:49
RumenI think that xorg.conf was created by the Nvidia application21:50
RumenI saved the file with that button https://i.imgur.com/qGfeLgH.png21:51
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oerheksmaybe something like; sudo ubuntu-drivers install 390, or use the drivertool in updates?22:13
tyson2I am trying to set up a static ip on Ubuntu Desktop 20.04, following the official instructions, which recommend using the gui.  However I am not clear on how to set up the static routes.22:30
tyson2these are the instructions that I am following: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/net-fixed-ip-address.html.en22:31
Bashing-omtyson2: See: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan for an example.22:33
coXZisttyson2: netplan is the way to go22:33
tyson2even though I am using the desktop version?\22:34
jeremy31tyson2: Can you use your router to set a static IP22:34
coXZisttyson2: I deploy ub20 desktop machines in an enterpise environment an almost never use the gui to configure anything22:35
tyson2this is for a vm running on hyper-v within windows 1022:35
coXZistjeremy31: well technically thats justs a ipreserve not a static host ip22:35
tyson2I will check out that link Bashing-om22:36
tyson2and will also investigate netplan generally and ipreserve. Thanks22:37
Bashing-omtyson2: Pretty straight forward.22:37
Bashing-om!netplan | tyson222:37
ubottutyson2: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/22:37
jaysbnchi guys i am trying to install ubuntu on a macbookpro6,2, it gives me a hard time. like black screen after installing the NVIDIA 340 drivers. Anyone here has a good hint for me? i a want to get a clean install without mac os.22:45
Bashing-omjaysbnc: Old hardware ? As the 340 driver is so old that Nvidia no longer supports it ( we do ).22:47
jaysbncBashing-om: its a macbook pro from mid 2010 with gt 330m. Macos works great, but i am willing to change to linux. i have already backed up my data. and tried to install 20.10 a few times, without succes, since the nvdia driver turns the screen black.22:49
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-340 groovy22:52
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-340 does not exist in groovy22:52
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-340 bionic22:52
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-340 does not exist in bionic22:52
Bashing-om!info nvidia-340 bionic22:52
ubottunvidia-340 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-340): NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.108. In component restricted, is optional. Version 340.108-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 50781 kB, installed size 268692 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)22:52
Bashing-om!info nvidia-340 groovy22:52
ubottunvidia-340 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-340): NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.108. In component restricted, is optional. Version 340.108-0ubuntu5.20.10.2 (groovy), package size 50779 kB, installed size 268730 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)22:53
jaysbncdo i need the nvidia driver?22:53
jaysbncif it has no disadvantages i can stick to the x.org driver22:54
Bashing-omWell - ^^ 340 we still support the hardware ... what results however if you boot with the "nomodeset" boot parameter ?22:54
Bashing-om!nomodeset | jaysbnc22:54
ubottujaysbnc: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.22:54
jaysbncBashing-om: i cant even see a prompt for entering, sind my mac boots directly into ubuntu22:55
Bashing-omjaysbnc: Weather you "need" the proporietary driver is depending on your use case of the system - I do not as the default nouveau driver does for me.22:56
jaysbncok, i dont play games, just surfing, some ssh, youtube and stuff22:57
Bashing-omjathan: Then yeah - try with the open source driver nouveau - can you boot to the grub boot menu ? from there boot a "recovery" kernel ?22:59
jaysbncno way for any menu, ubuntu just boots22:59
jaysbncmac is efi only i think23:00
jaysbnci just see something like „Failed to load MOKList....“23:02
Bashing-omjaysbnc: Sorry - I do not know how a Mac boots. At the bios splash screen spams the escape key - ( 3 second window of opportunity - timming has to be good ) does this yield the grub boot menu ?23:02
jaysbncBashing-om: :-D mac was allways special, but i am confident to get away23:03
Bashing-omjaysbnc: "MOK" makes me think "secure Boot" .. but again I do not know Mac. Secure boot a Microsoft thing ?23:05
jeremy31Bashing-om: Secure Boot is a UEFI thing, not sure if limited to MS23:10
cbreakI think some linux distros support it too23:13
cbreaklike ubuntu23:13
jaysbnci am trying refind now :-D maybe i will have an promt to try nomedeset23:14
cbreakif you want to have more control over the boot process on a real mac, you can take a look at RefInd23:14
cbreakat least on the x86 macs that should work23:14
cbreakjaysbnc: Mac Books are special23:16
cbreakthey can run with the nvidia gpu or the embedded GPU23:16
cbreakbut of course, you only have one display23:16
cbreakso there's some internal routing going on, which is likely not understood by linux / your driver23:16
jaysbnccbreak: true words ;-) mac os is getting on my nerves, my hardware is still good, but the software sucks somehow. my macbook gets hot for no reasons. some tasks are going postal. none of my ubuntu or debian server had this kind of behavoir, thats why i am switching to ubuntu23:18
cbreak<- running a hackintosh, because of the software :P23:24
cbreakcan you use the mac book via the intel GPU?23:25
cbreakusing the nvidia one for cuda only?23:25
jaysbnccbreak: no, ubuntu insists using the gt 330m23:36
cbreakhmm :/23:36
cbreakmaybe a problem with X config... I have no idea how that works in detail23:37
cbreakI think you could blacklist the device / driver though, but then you couldn't use the DGPU at all23:37
user01hi, my hardware support 4k@60hz but ubuntu studio only shows me up to 30Hz . . . 1920x1080 120Hz but it again only shows up to 30Hz, how do I change?23:40
user01oh wait, maybe the cable that came with the device only supports 30Hz let me swap and see23:43
user01yep it was the cable . . . i thought the cable that came with it would have supported what the device can do :p23:46
oerheksgood find23:46
user01is there something that can be installed so that the menu doesnt look microscopic in 4k?23:47
jaysbnccbreak: it has something to do with how mac efi handles  the pci-e devices23:48
user01like a theme or something that looks like 1920x108023:48
user01in terms of scale23:49
cbreakuser01: ubuntu settings allow setting of a scale factor23:49
cbreak200% should work fine at 4k23:49
user01oh i see thanks23:49
user01i dont want that applied for 4k videos though23:49
user01it wont right?23:50
cbreakwhy not?23:50
cbreakit scales the logical DPI23:50
cbreaknot the image23:50
oerheksluxury problems, there is scaling in settings, not sure for video too23:51
cbreakyou'd watch them in fullscreen anyway, right?23:52
cbreakso it doesn't matter23:52

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