
badfilmsjeremy31: I'm nearly 1.5hrs into disabling bt_coex and I still haven't had a drop. So while I can't be conclusive yet, I do have some targeted exploration to do over the next couple day00:02
shoober420HALP MEH00:03
shoober420ld_library_path= will break csgo from launching00:06
shoober420i dont know if i should put /usr/lib32 or /usr/lib/libSDL-2.0.so.000:07
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UndrWaternew to ubuntu. i'm trying to print to an epson artisan printer, but the 1430 driver is not listed in cups. having a hard time figuring out how to find  out which package to install....any ideas or good search terms?01:14
jpmhI have device conneted to a USB port, lsusb shows it as there, and as Bus 001 Device 049: ID 0525:a4a2 Netchip Technology, Inc. Linux-USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget, ip a shows it as connected and up - there is an sshd server on that device, how do I connect to it01:23
tonytssh using local host01:25
jpmhtonyt: if that was meant for me, I tried ssh themachinename.local and get "can't resolve hostname"  _ know I have the name rightsice if I let the conneted evice connect to the internet, THEN I can connect to it that way01:28
tonytif localhost doesnt work try the assigned internal ip01:29
jpmhtonyt: by localhost do you mean the .local that I am adding?01:29
jpmhto me localhost is
jpmhtonyt: the device is not even pingable - it is - or so IT thinks01:31
jpmhtonyt: so connectng by ip does not work01:32
rfmjpmh, well, if connecting by ip doesn't work, there's no point it trying to figure out why .local name resolution isn't working.  is this a multi-homed host (more than one network interface connected?)01:36
jpmhrfm: do you mean the device that I am having toruble connecting to?  if so,yes, he has a wlan and the dhcp file places that on and usb0 on
jpmhexcept clearly it does not01:38
jpmhthe device clearly has the two interfaces since the wifi connection works find and my laptop even sees the non-wifi connection as a gadget01:40
leftyfbjpmh: does the ip's the device gives itself match the same type of ip's on your local network? (192.168.1.x)01:43
jpmhleftyfb: yes - everything is 192.168.1.x - the machne that I am on is .198, and the wifi on that device is 205 and the usb is supposed to be 206 - in fact, that machine can ping to itself on 20601:44
leftyfbjpmh: that is why you can't connect01:44
leftyfbjpmh: you can't have 2 separate networks sharing the same subnet01:45
leftyfbjpmh: reconfigure the device to handle a different ip range. Like 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x01:45
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jpmhleftyfb: ty - that's what I was missing01:45
jpmhleftyfb: being called, so can't test not, but I'm sure that is iit - ty01:46
jayjois there a tool to get a filesystem diff periodically? Would using a journaling filesystem help in that regard? I'm hoping to just get a text output of all changed files since the last run, and then hopefully run it every 24hr02:11
matsamanjayjo: to what end?02:12
jayjoI would like to email it to myself to monitor a server02:13
matsamanmonitor it for what reason though...02:14
matsamanthere are packages just for this purpose, like AIDE02:14
matsamanif you wanted to write your own simplistic one02:14
matsamandepending on the number of files and FS, it might be easy enough to just 'find /some/path | sort | tee files."$(date +%Y%m%d)"02:15
sarnoldjayjo: if you've got zfs set up, it's pretty easy http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jn3yBXR85Q/02:16
matsamanand then diff -s <(ls -1rt files.* | tail -2 | head -1) <(ls -1rt files.* | tail -1)02:16
shoober420why would i would want to build cairo with gles2 support only and no opengl?02:18
matsamanmost likely you wouldn't02:19
sarnoldthat sounds like a phone thing02:19
matsamanbut it's for "embedded" systems, yeah02:19
matsamanso it's a lesser implementation02:19
shoober420but on arch i saw opengl is disabled02:19
shoober420is opengl idsbaled on ubuntu for cairo?02:19
jayjoAlso, sometimes when installing software with make, I'd like to be able to compare entire fs diffs to understand what went where. I've been using docker instead and have been getting started with lxc to keep things isolated, and considered that safer. Is there a better way to approach that?02:20
jayjoIDS is definitely on my mind, I'm looking into AIDE more02:20
matsamanshoober420: maybe a wayland thing02:20
matsamanshoober420: that is02:21
matsamana way to use wayland without pulling in X02:21
matsamanor more specifically, to use weston02:21
shoober420hmm, thats a possibility02:21
matsamanbut, y'know, wayland02:21
matsamanwouldn't surprise me if Arch is farther ahead on wayland adoption than Ubuntu02:21
* matsaman shrugs02:22
shoober420this is a sway/wayland/radeon setup02:22
shoober420but i would prefer opengl over opengles02:22
shoober420im using steam through xwayland since steam still depends on gtk202:22
matsamanif you have X stuff already, then probably using opengl instead will not cause any additional deps02:24
shoober420wayland can do native opengl, but not when the program uses gtk202:24
matsamanyou could probably use i3 and not be such an early wayland adopter, too02:25
matsamanas boring as that'd be02:25
shoober420i use bspwm on x1102:25
shoober420i still x11 with my nvidia machine02:26
shoober420radeon and sway/radeon02:26
shoober420i actually bought two cheap dell precision 3620 towers for cheap and put a geforce 1660 super in one and radeon 5500 xt in aother02:26
leftyfbshoober420: what version of ubuntu are you running?02:27
shoober420ok fine i use gentoo02:27
leftyfbshoober420: please stay on topic then. This is an Ubuntu support channel02:27
leftyfbshoober420: feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic02:28
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* enyc meows06:29
matsamanfound the cat06:30
nshirehi, my sound card seems to get put to sleep when not used for a while in ubuntu. any way to prevent this?06:42
nshireit seems that it is woken up when being put back to use and it screeches during the wakeup06:43
matsamanwhat sorta card?06:48
matsamanwhat sorta sound card?06:48
nshiregeneric builtin one on a msi motherboard06:50
nshiresnd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC1D0?06:50
nshireI tried this, seems to work https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/7vz8k6/since_recent_update_linux_puts_sound_to_sleep_on/dtylrm9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=306:55
nshireI don't know how to preserve it between updates though06:55
nshire**between reboots06:56
matsamannshire: this is a laptop?07:05
nshireno, desktop07:05
matsamannshire: do you have tlp installed? dpkg -l | grep -i tlp07:06
nshireit appears not07:07
matsamannshire: might try this first: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/565886/how-to-disable-the-power-saving-for-snd-hda-codec-realtek07:09
matsamanand then look at https://forum.manjaro.org/t/unable-to-disable-snd-hda-intel-power-save-through-modprobe/31568/507:09
matsamanif you wanted to just take your echo command and use that07:10
matsamanlook at https://askubuntu.com/questions/919054/how-do-i-run-a-single-command-at-startup-using-systemd07:10
matsamanor you could simply use cron07:10
nshirematsaman: thank you, I commented load-module module-suspend-on-idle. rebooting to check if it worked.07:19
Guest77328seems to have worked07:22
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trevarjanyone around? shot in the dark question here:07:30
trevarjhave 2 machines (ubuntu laptop on wifi) and a desktop on a local net. every day i need to ssh into my laptop, but always get a bad response "Destination not found"...so, what it comes down to (after some troubleshooting and not being able to reproduce the issue until the next day) i just ping the laptop and wait for a good response, then ssh07:33
trevarjsome details: the laptop has a net connection (interface is up and connected), i am not logging in to X11/gnome on the laptop (thought that it mattered but didn't seem to make a difference)07:34
trevarjfound this, which seems like it could be related, but i am on 20.04: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1095566/unable-to-ping-18-04-desktop-unless-this-machine-first-pings-the-client-when-us07:35
trevarji turn the laptop off every night, then when i start it in the morning the same issue happens. if i reboot the laptop now and ping/ssh it all works fine07:39
XATRIXHi, how can i disable KDE autostart after the system boot ?07:53
XATRIXI'd like to try another WM07:53
overcluckerXATRIX: It should be SDDM display manager I think? Maybe check your /etc/sddm.conf for autologin and comment it out.08:14
XATRIXoverclucker: thanks08:15
overcluckerXATRIX: no problem :)08:17
superschnellHi. It seems that the legacy images for pxe have been removed, but software such as foreman relies on them being available. Now, you get redirected to some fancy HTML page if you go there. What to do?09:13
mgedminafaiu if you want to keep using old ubuntu releases, the pxe images remain where they always were, is that not correct?09:15
mgedminif you want new ubuntu releases, you're supposed to switch to -live-server .iso images, they support PXE booting09:15
superschnellYeah, I know, but they are _very_ bloated and big, what happened to efficiently small netboot setups?09:16
mgedminsadness happened09:17
mgedminthe best bit is how cloud-init also fetches the netboot image two additional times because it misinterprets the url parameter on the kernel command line09:18
superschnellSo that's 3GB?09:19
cipherboysuperschnell: mgedmin: Having set this up recently, I ended up going with a local http server and mirroring the contents locally. Goes faster :)09:19
mgedmin3*1.2 GB, but there's a workaround for the cloud-init thing09:19
mgedminI can't find the thread on https://discourse.ubuntu.com09:19
superschnellI can't believe this is happening :(09:20
superschnellOh well09:20
cipherboysuperschnell: Also, to save you some time, if you do uefi+secure boot PXE boot, make sure you grab the focal-updates grub shim, not the focal one. Has a bug on some ethernet adapters.09:20
mgedminhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/please-test-autoinstalls-for-20-04/15250/292, but there was also a separate thread on that subtopic09:21
mgedminah, here: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-20-04-installer-downloads-iso-more-than-once/21697/309:21
mgedminand I linked to an irrelevant message in the middle of the thread because I don't know how to use discourse09:22
cluelesspersonI'm trying to use a nfc reader/writer with python, but it appears it's being used by another service in ubuntu09:37
cluelesspersonpcscd which I think is used for another smart card elsewhere09:37
cluelesspersonhow can I disable it taking over this usb device?09:37
ograwhy dont you talk to pcscd instead ?09:38
cluelesspersonoh hrm, I killed it and it's not effecting my usage at the moment09:39
cluelesspersonI probably was testing with it earlier.09:39
cluelesspersonogra, it's more of a general thing09:39
cluelesspersonah, I was experimenting with firefox / chrome smartcard usage09:40
ogracluelessperson, well, do you want to write your own pcscd in python ? that'd be quite some work (pcscd interfaces with all the low level drivers) .... i'd simply use python3-pyscard to talk to the daemon to not having to bother with low level drivers09:42
cluelesspersonogra, I'm working on writing nfc to a specific chip, I only installed that for smartcard usage testing09:43
ograwell, your choice 🙂09:44
TomyWorkhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1923670 yay, the fix for this is in the hwe-5.4 and hwe-5.4-prep branches for bionic now. now when's the next kernel release?09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1923670 in linux-oem-5.10 (Ubuntu) "CIFS DFS entries not accessible with 5.4.0-71.74-generic" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:53
gnaskgnask@gnaskBuntu:~/Hämtningar$ sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P 'passwordhere'10:55
gnaskSqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Can't open lib '/opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/libmsodbcsql-17.7.so.2.1' : file not found.10:55
gnaskgnask@gnaskBuntu:~/Hämtningar$ cd /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/10:55
gnaskgnask@gnaskBuntu:/opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64$ ls10:55
gnaskCan anyone help me with this? The file is clearly there but i still get an error, Ubuntu 20.0410:55
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superschnellgnask: permissions issue or apparmor issue looks like11:07
superschnellalso, what does tat /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/libmsodbcsql-17.7.so.2.1 say?11:07
superschnellcorrection: what does stat /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/libmsodbcsql-17.7.so.2.1 say?11:08
drag0niushow can i use gnome keyring in remote ssh sessions?11:27
gnasksuperschnell, Fil: /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/libmsodbcsql-17.7.so.2.111:27
gnask  Storlek: 2063728   Block: 4032       IO-block: 4096   normal fil11:27
gnaskEnhet: 805h/2053dInode: 1330464     Länkar:111:27
gnaskÃ…tkomst: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)  Gid: (    0/    root)11:27
gnaskÃ…tkomst: 2021-04-29 20:41:28.727465548 +020011:27
gnaskModifiering: 2021-03-04 20:23:56.000000000 +010011:27
gnask    Ã„ndring: 2021-04-29 20:40:30.623162698 +020011:27
gnask       Född: -11:27
drag0niusi got it to work through x2go, but i cannot get it to work in SSH11:28
mgedmindrag0nius: ssh -A remotehost11:31
metbsdso what release will include gnome4011:31
mgedminbut only for the part of gnome-keyring that acts as an ssh-agent11:31
mgedmin.... actually now that I think about it, does gnome-keyring still act as an ssh-agent?  wasn't that part disabled a while ago?11:31
drag0niusi need it to work with git credentials over ssh11:31
drag0niusreading remote matchine's keyring11:32
mgedminI generally use ssh keys as git credentials, for which ssh -A works great11:32
mgedminfor other kinds of credentials, hmm, if you use ssh -X to forward the X11 session, would that forward dbus too?  maybe not11:33
legreffier(you _really_ should warn about security issue when recommending ssh -A)11:39
legreffier(this option expose your private key to privileged users on "rebound" host)11:40
BluesKajHi folks11:46
mgedmin-A doesn't expose the key itself, but lets root on the remote host use your private keys while your session is active11:51
mgedminand yeah, I should've mentioned the security implications11:51
isomarigreetings, how can I list only the physical drives in server? no partitions and no logical vloumes. Just physical drives attached mounted and not mounted.11:56
bindiisomari: what are you trying to accomplish?12:02
bindiyou can look at 'ls /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep -v part' for example12:03
bindior 'lsblk -a -d'12:05
pizzaiolosorry if this is a bit off topic but is there a way to see all the ubuntu irc bot commands?12:13
lotuspsychje!brain | pizzaiolo12:13
ubottupizzaiolo: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone12:13
XATRIXHi, can you advice ? I'd like to make a system for my kiosk. Is it possible to say kubuntu not to load, any displaymanager? But only od startx with openbox/fluxbox ?12:38
XATRIXI suppose it to run to "init 3" and then do some kind of a script with trigger 'startx openbox' or something thislike12:39
zen_coderI want to insert the date into a file: I do it like this: date "+%Y-%m-%d %T" > /tmp/my-faketime.rc12:50
zen_coderbut I need to add a "@" at the beginning of the file: "@2021-04-30 12:46:58"12:51
zen_coderand Idea how to solve this in a simple cmd?12:51
zen_coderdate "@+%Y-%m-%d %T" > /tmp/my-faketime.rc  doesnt work12:51
katareeenaI'm trying to follow this https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-and-configure-wordpress#4-configure-database12:54
katareeenaBut I get ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY ""' at line 412:54
robertparkerxwhat line are you trying to run12:55
robertparkerxwhat part of the process12:55
katareeena    -> ON wordpress.*12:55
katareeena    -> TO wordpress@localhost12:55
katareeena    -> IDENTIFIED BY '<your-password>';12:55
katareeenaQuery OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)12:55
katareeenaI made identified by into12:56
katareeena    -> ON wordpress.*12:56
katareeena    -> TO wordpress@localhost12:56
katareeena    -> IDENTIFIED BY '<your-password>';12:56
katareeenaQuery OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)12:56
katareeena> IDENTIFIED BY "";12:56
katareeenaI mean12:56
robertparkerxYou can also do - create user 'new_user'@'localhost' identified by 'new_password';12:59
robertparkerxThen - grant all on my_db.* TO 'new_user'@'localhost';12:59
katareeenathank you robertparkerx13:06
BluesKaj!paste | katareeena13:11
ubottukatareeena: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:11
katareeenasorry I double pasted by mistake13:11
BluesKajkatareeena, usually anything over 3 lines is too much, that used to be the rule iirc13:13
pavloszen_coder: echo -n "@" > /tmp/fake; date "+%Y" >> /tmp/fake13:17
pavloszen_coder: you could also use sed to insert @ as first char, sed 's/^/@/' /tmp/fake13:24
tmusHi guys. On my new AMD laptop (amdgpu) I'm experiencing what some is calling "false hotplug events" on HDMI. When my external display goes to sleep, it wakes up after a second or two. I have found many posts on this issue from a couple of years ago, but nothing recent. Does anybody know a good way around it?14:01
rjwiiitmus: Try turning off port auto detection on the monitor itself.14:02
tmusrjwiii, thanks, i already tried that. I'm not sure my monitor allows complete disable but with DDC/CI disabled, it still happens.14:04
rjwiiiWorked for me ... I have 3 monitors.14:04
raphahi all!14:05
raphain ubuntu 20.04, is there a way to get Nvidia 460.73.01 via apt?14:06
lotuspsychjerapha: always use ubuntu-drivers list to see wich drivers available for your cards chipset14:07
tmusrjwiii, alright cool. I'll have to figure out a way to properly do this on my Lenovo G34w-10 monitor then. Soulds like the way to go... Could the cable make a difference? And do you know if this is _only_ a problem on HDMI or USB-C as well?14:08
raphalotuspsychje: thank you! it seems there's two available of that version, one with "-server" at the end ... should i use that because i'm headless?14:09
lotuspsychjerapha: headless on plain server or a desktop?14:10
raphalotuspsychje: it's a libvirt VM running on a 20-core Xeon without a physical screen attached.14:10
lotuspsychjerapha: if you dont need the graphical violence might need the -server driver14:12
raphaheheheh yeah no need for graphical violence, this is just for CUDA :P14:13
lotuspsychjerapha: some users tend also to download drivers from the ubuntu graphics ppa, for latest versions14:13
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa14:13
raphaah, latest features isn't necessary. i need latest production, which is 460.14:21
lotuspsychjeallrighty go for it rapha14:21
groklinuxxubuntu 17.10 - uptime was over 100 days and after reboot it's no longer resolving internal domain names using our dns server. systemd-resolve --status lists the our dns servers correctly. if we do nslookup internal.domain.blah.com it is unable to resolve but if we do nslookup internal.domain.blah.com which is the dns server listed in the status, it resolves it fine. resolv.conf is a linked file and it's set to
groklinuxuggestions or ideas appreciated14:21
lotuspsychjegroklinux: 17.10 is eol14:22
groklinuxi understand i just need to fix this though14:22
Walexgroklinux: then test it with "host ...."14:23
groklinuxyeah that came back with multiple entries14:24
leftyfbgroklinux: systemd-resolve --status|grep -i "dns servers"14:24
Walexgroklinux: then your applications mysteriuously are using an old or broken '/etc/resolv.conf'14:24
Walexgroklinux: are you using 'nscd' too?14:25
groklinuxso kill it and do the dpjg-reconfigure?14:25
groklinuxnot to my knowledge14:25
leftyfbgroklinux: systemd-resolve --status|grep -i "dns servers"14:25
Walexgroklinux: also look at "leftyb" command line.14:25
WalexI personally try to use 'unbound' as the local resolving server.14:26
groklinuxthe grep listed the correct internal server14:26
leftyfbgroklinux: only the 1?14:26
groklinuxyes only one14:27
thanaHi i have to enable secureboot and i am wondering how to make dkms to sign modules. i read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/DKMS and woud love to follow method 1. as of now i have SB disabled and have 4 dkms packages installed. how can i rebuild/reinstall them without SB being already enabled?14:27
groklinuxi have 2 internals and and
leftyfbWalex: lets not recommend non-standard configurations to fix an issue14:27
leftyfbgroklinux: ok, then is your issue14:27
leftyfbgroklinux: remove the externals14:27
leftyfbgroklinux: client resolvers should all be configured to respond in the same way since they all get queried randomly. and will not resolve any of your local DNS hosts, but those nameservers will be used when trying to query local hosts and fail14:29
leftyfbgroklinux: if your local (internal) resolver is set to forward requests to some external nameserver like and then you don't need to set those on the clients14:30
leftyfbgroklinux: especially if you need to resolve local hosts14:30
groklinuxsorry for the delay...removed the externals using the network-configuration gui (which was fine before) and status is still listing all 4. verified when i reopened network-configuration tool that they are not listed...i restarted the resolved service (naively) but it's still listing all 414:34
leftyfbgroklinux: where did you remove the externals from?14:34
groklinuxipv4 tab of network-configuration gui in xubuntu14:35
leftyfbgroklinux: is the machine getting it's ip address via dhcp?14:35
groklinuxno, it's set14:36
groklinuxi am thinking rm the resolve.conf and do the dpkg-reconfigure resolveconf might be next?14:37
leftyfbgroklinux: do not do that14:37
leftyfbgroklinux: if you want this fixed, just follow along and do not make any changes without being directed14:38
groklinuxwill do14:38
leftyfbgroklinux: reboot14:38
groklinuxok will have to give me a few as i have to notify the floor (they're prepped but not ready)14:39
leftyfbgroklinux: why is such a critical server running a desktop environment?14:40
leftyfbgroklinux: also, over 3 years EOL14:40
groklinuxif you have worked for a very large corp, you will already know how budgeting and false promises of IT works14:41
=== ufk is now known as ufk_
leftyfbgroklinux: 6 months to a year, sure. 3 years going on 4, no. Not acceptable14:42
groklinuxwe never in a million years expected this to be doing this now in 2021...never...we even have the real big iron for it sitting right beside it...it's a tragedy tbh14:42
Walexgroklinux: we all know, and I know places with a couple of racks of Windows 2003 servers... :-)14:42
groklinuxlol exactly...there's no excuse but it's reality i have to live in14:42
WalexBTW XUbuntu is nice for servers: It is convenient to have a lightweight GUI on the console. In part because of that I have often used *laptops* as critical servers (laptops have builtin UPS, builtin console, very robust, easy to relocate in a hurry).14:43
groklinuxbillion upon billions of dollars and heck, i have to ask irc friends to get help...you would think i'd have a pile of consultants at the least tripping over themselves14:43
leftyfbgroklinux: once/if this is resolved, the next step is getting it upgraded to an LTS release. One that is supported for 5 years for fre and 10 years with ESM. The version you have there was only supported for 9 months. Not something that should have been put on a mission critical machine with no plan on keeping it up to date14:43
groklinuxyeah we have the plans and like i said, the iron is sitting there...this is literally running on and old dell desktop...and i told you how much money goes through this you'd fall over14:44
leftyfbWalex: there are zero reasons to install a GUI on a mission critical server unless there is some mission critical application that requires a GUI14:44
leftyfbregardless, back on topic.14:45
groklinuxok rebooting14:45
* Walex uses LTS in his personal laptop, as GUI upgrades often don't amount to much14:45
* Walex uses HWE newer kernels with LTS though, as that is fairly transparent14:47
groklinuxok it's done rebooting14:48
leftyfbgroklinux: ok, check again: systemd-resolve --status|grep -i "dns servers"14:50
skeeterCan anyone help me diagnose crossftp not launching in Ubuntu. Installed the *.deb successfully, clicked to launch the application, pops up for a few seconds and then closes.14:50
groklinuxWE'RE BACK BABY!!!14:50
groklinuxoops...i did an nslookup real quick and it worked without including the dns server14:50
Walexskeeter: launch it from command line to see if there are any error messages.14:51
leftyfbskeeter: crossftp is not part of the officially supported packages. You'll need to seek support from the crossftp project14:51
leftyfbgroklinux: make sure systemd-resolved is only listing your internal nameservers, otherwise you'll run into this problem again14:51
groklinuxgood point14:52
Walexskeeter: anyhow there are several alternatives to CrossFTP14:52
skeeterlfetyfb, any officially support packages you recommend? ftp clients.14:52
groklinuxjust the 2 now leftyb14:52
Walexskeeter: I recently tried 'jftp'14:52
leftyfbskeeter: I don't recommend ftp at all, but if you must, I have used ncftp in thr past14:53
groklinuxapi's are able to pull from the aws stuff again...good deal.14:53
groklinuxjust so that i can get my head right...we did have the 2 externals in there prior to the reboot without issue...it appears taking them out resolved it but i'm unsure as to why14:54
Sven_vBhi :) in focal, is there a way to have the openssh-client read a config file from a pipe? with "ssh -F <(./guess_config.sh) web.local date" it says "Can't open user config file /dev/fd/63: No such file or directory"14:54
leftyfbgroklinux: entropy14:54
Walexskeeter: for FTP only there are very many, command line, 'curses', GUI, and many frameworks have builtin support for 'ftp://'14:54
groklinuxLOL i'll take that answer14:54
leftyfbSven_vB: why would you want to do such a thing?14:54
Walexgroklinux: in the goold old times DNS servers were used in the order they were listed in, unless there was an option to rotate them. I suspect that 'systemd-resolved' now does rotation.14:55
groklinuxleftyb and the rest, please enjoy a the rest of your friday...once again, irc friends come through where all the money in the world cannot14:55
leftyfbgroklinux: as in, client resolvers hit the different configured nameservers randomly. There is no order or weight. You need to make sure all configured nameservers will response to all queries in the exact same way with the results you expect14:55
Sven_vBleftyfb, to read the appropriate private key path from a database by hostname, rather than writing all of them into my config, or need a directory of full of hostname-named symlinks.14:56
Sven_vBor hostname-named config files to include14:56
leftyfbSven_vB: what is the use case? I don't quite understand what you are doing. Openssh uses it's ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config for it14:57
Sven_vBalso optionally more options like proxy and timeout.14:57
leftyfbit's "database" with no way to use an external db14:57
WalexSven_vB: if it is just to specify the private key path why not use '-i keypath' option?14:58
Sven_vBleftyfb, querying the DB is my bash script's job. I could of course put lots of options on the command line, it just feels more elegant to use the config file syntax.14:58
Sven_vBWalex, ^14:59
WalexSven_vB: ssh -i $(find-path-of-key-for ...) ....14:59
leftyfbWalex: that's not what they are asking14:59
leftyfbSven_vB: free free to create a shell script that does all the lookups and builds you ssh command. Pipes are going to work15:00
skeeterLeftyfb, do you know if JFTP supports PRET capable ?15:01
leftyfbskeeter: I have no idea. Feel free to look at the man page or project page15:01
Walexskeeter: note that IIRC GVFS supports several URL schemes...15:02
Walexskeeter: for FTP my favorite client is command line 'lftp'15:02
leftyfbskeeter: feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic for software recommendations15:03
skeeterThank you guys.15:03
donofriowhat issue does 21.04 have with booting?15:46
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donofriowhen upgraded from 20.04?15:46
lotuspsychje!21.04 | donofrio15:47
ubottudonofrio: Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) is the 34th release of Ubuntu and is the current regular release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HirsuteHippo/ReleaseNotes15:47
lotuspsychjecheck the releasenotes for the known bugs donofrio15:47
donofriolotuspsychje, I would have but this is where I seen the issue from https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2021-April/041448.html short answer has the shim been rolled into all upgrades now or?  (context that email was from the 24th)15:49
tomreyndonofrio: the mailing list post you pointed to refer to ablocking bug, with url. when you access this url, you should see its state on the top of the page15:50
tomreynsee if you can work it out15:51
donofriotomreyn, it renders fine for me15:51
leftyfbdonofrio: do you have an issue with 21.04 booting?15:51
donofriotomreyn, https://imgur.com/GUj1ZnV.png15:52
donofrioleftyfb, yes15:52
leftyfbdonofrio: ok, what issue are you having and what have you tried to fix it?15:52
donofrioleftyfb, I mean I don't have an issue just asking before I upgrade my device....15:52
leftyfbdonofrio: please detail any error message15:52
leftyfbdonofrio: ok, then you do not have any issues as of yet15:53
donofrioleftyfb, no because I'm on 20.0415:53
leftyfbdonofrio: feel free to ask for support here when you come across an issue. Good luck15:53
donofriohence my question....15:53
donofrioleftyfb, now looking for a guess if you do not know if shim is in place then just say so...15:53
donofrionow = not15:53
tomreyndonofrio: let me try to explain again: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2021-April/041448.html has two web links on the bottom. one of them is about the bug that's holding back release upgrades to 21.04 (as the text explains).16:05
tomreyndonofrio: i'm suggesting to access the bug report, and to examine its status. you can see that on top of a bug report.16:05
tomreyn"hirsute" is the release codename for Ubuntu 21.04.16:06
cbreak_"Hirsutism is excessive body hair on parts of the body where hair is normally absent or minimal." from wikipedia. Hmm...16:07
cbreak_so... this release might be ... a hairy one...?16:07
lotuspsychjenot here please cbreak_16:08
donofriotomreyn, so you could have just said "I don't know" or "no progress on this EFI issue" instead of sounding smug - just sayin.16:10
donofriomy device is EFI so I guess I'll hold off even though this was released as 0f 4/4/202116:10
tomreyndonofrio: i was trying to enable you to understand the state of a bug report on your own next time around. please don't just assume people are meaning to do you bad.16:11
donofrioit's not that it is just this - there are 1k users here probably wondering perhaps the same thing so that is why I asked here should I have asked in the +1 dev channel instead (guessing not cause they already moved on to 21.10 guessing)16:12
tomreyndonofrio: it's certainly fine to ask your ubuntu support questions here. further discussing the topic of what should be discussed here should move to #ubuntu-ops, after you read the links in the channel /topic16:14
cbreak_wonder if upgrading to 21.04 is easier when systemd-boot is used, or zfs-boot-menu, instead of grub16:14
Dev0nhey, anyone aware of a tool that is able to monitor `ps` and kill a process matching a name when it goes above a certain number in memory usage? but only the process name that's causing it as there can be duplicates with the same name16:38
Dev0nI could prob write a script but want to avoid any edge cases if there is a pre-built solution already16:38
leftyfbDev0n: shouldn't the proper solution be to fix the application that has a memory leak?16:39
Dev0nleftyfb, ofc, but the fix is still being explored as I don't know what's causing it but if I leave this running it ends up consuming the whole server and that ends up crashing16:40
tomreyncrashing, how?16:40
leftyfbDev0n: I'm not aware of such a tool. Maybe write a wrapper for said application that monitors and kills as needed16:40
Dev0nit's best of the worst solution at this point, it's a job worker and anything killed will get re-added to the job queue so nothing is really lost16:41
Dev0ntomreyn, because it ends up leaking memory until there is no memory left16:41
Dev0nthen the whole server just grinds to a halt16:41
Dev0nleftyfb, ok cool just checking16:41
tomreynDev0n: because it has swap and that's not configured well, so the OOM killer never kicks in, or because that's not configured well either?16:42
Dev0ntomreyn, I have configured it with limits to actually stop this from happening, however, the service I'm using is not respecting these limits, there are some edge cases that causes a task to escape out of those config params16:43
Dev0nit's a python celery worker, for context16:43
Dev0nand celery is notoriously bad for memory leaks16:43
TJ-Dev0n: pretty simple; put the offending processes into a mmory control group (cgroup)16:44
Dev0nTJ-, ooh interesting, never worked with cgroups but something I can look into16:44
TJ-Dev0n: here's a worked example https://www.monetdb.org/blog/limit_memory_usage_on_linux_with_cgroups16:45
Dev0nnice! thanks TJ-, this could be a very temporary solution while I try and debug the bigger issue at hand16:46
TJ-Dev0n: if you're using either --system or --user systemd units then see "man systemd.resource-control" and "MemoryMax=" and related options16:47
Dev0nhah even better, I am actually using systemd to start the celery processes16:48
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explodesDo "snaps" update when you do "sudo apt upgrade" ?16:50
explodesHow do you update them?16:50
leftyfbexplodes: snaps update on their own16:50
leftyfbexplodes: to run it manually, you can run sudo snap refresh16:50
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lotuspsychjethey do on update-manager GUI after apt updates16:51
explodesok thanks all16:52
Dev0nTJ-, not seeing anything in the docs but I assume that MemoryMax= set on a service will kill "all processes" that gets started by that service right?17:01
Dev0nFor example, in my case, the service starts celery which starts a number of workers, it's the workers that could be stuck leaking17:01
TJ-Dev0n: the control group usually is set to apply to a group of tasks/processes, so if they're children of the service's master PID they should be contained.17:02
leftyfbDev0n: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.resource-control.html   "If memory usage cannot be contained under the limit, out-of-memory killer is invoked inside the unit"   that should apply to any children process17:03
Dev0nTJ-, leftyfb ok the workers end up getting their on PID, there could be 10 workers and if one of those workers go above then looks like they would all get killed17:04
TJ-Dev0n: looks like you would use MemoryHigh= in preference to MemoryMax=17:05
Dev0nAhh TJ-, reading that option now, that looks like any workers that would be within the limit are unaffected and only the one that's going crazy is chopped17:06
Dev0ncool, guess that will work better in this instance17:06
TJ-Dev0n: there's kernel docs on those at https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/cgroup-v2.html#memory-interface-files17:08
Dev0ninterestingly enough, someone is running to the same issue I'm having and looking at these options in their systemd https://serverfault.com/questions/1021898/memory-limits-in-systemd17:08
troozersDoes anyone know if Ubuntu 21.04 will switch between internal GPU (Intel) and eGPU (nVidia)?  I don't mean whilst the laptop is powered on.  (e.g. power off, plug in eGPU, switch on, have wayland+nvidia)17:08
Dev0nTJ- ahh ok, these are for cgroups but if I'm doing this through systemd, those are abstracted away and systemd will take care of it right?17:09
TJ-Dev0n: correct; the systemd options create/write to those though, so there is more detail in the kernel docs (or more context sometimes)17:11
Dev0ngotcha, thanks TJ-17:11
TJ-Dev0n: do make sure the system is configured/booted to used cgroups v2 (unified control groups) though17:12
TJ-Dev0n: you'll likely need this adding to the kernel command-line: " systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1"17:12
Dev0nurgh, this is just a standard install of ubuntu 20.x, guessing it's not standard that it's using cgroups v317:13
Dev0nerr v2*17:13
TJ-Default is v1 yes (mostly due to Canonical's LXD not supporting unified cgroups completely as yet)17:13
TomyWorkpicking a name for 22.04 is gonna be a tough one. It's an LTS, so the name has to signify stability (at least as much as dapper, hardy, lucid, precise, trusty, xenial, bionic and focal) adjectives with j, however, are all pretty unstable17:14
lotuspsychje!discuss | TomyWork17:14
ubottuTomyWork: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:14
TomyWorkoh thanks17:14
Dev0nTJ- ahh ok, ok damn this is now getting into kernel level stuff which I'm not too experienced in, just looking into systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1 now thanks17:15
TJ-Dev0n: it's not unusual - all my/our systems use that now... it'll become the default quite soon17:16
Dev0nTJ-, can this be done on a live system without having to reboot it?17:16
TJ-Dev0n: not easily since PID 1 systemd init has to configure that before doing anything17:17
panxHi. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 20.04 on an hp laptop (pavilion 360x cd0009la) and I've run into difficulty. The installer detects RST and fails. I disabled RAID from BIOS, still same problem. I ran gparted from the live session and wiped all partitions clean. Still same problem. Can somebody help?17:18
Dev0nTJ-, found this, although it's for debian, the instructions should still work right? https://mbien.dev/blog/tags/debian17:19
Dev0noops wrong link: https://mbien.dev/blog/entry/java-in-rootless-containers-with17:19
Dev0nbasically editing /etc/default/grub17:19
tomreynpanx: so in bios, you switched RAID=ON to RAID=AHCI?17:20
panxthere was no option for AHCI... there was an option under "UEFI devices" for disabling RAID and I did that. It now shows nothing under UEFI devices17:22
leftyfbpanx: I would recommend disabling UEFI if you can17:22
panxI've disabled UEFI from BIOS... still the same17:22
tomreynand i wouldn't, but would look for the latest (uefi) bios17:23
TJ-Dev0n: that is precisely what I was on about - they show how to make it permanent with GRUB config17:23
Dev0ngreat thanks, just want to confirm17:23
panxtomreyn: you mean update BIOS?17:24
TJ-Dev0n: those instructions are slightly wrong though, add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=  (not ..._DEFAULT=) else it won't work if you boot to the non-default entry17:24
tomreynpanx: and then https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-installation-on-computers-with-intel-r-rst-enabled/1534717:24
tomreynpanx: so, yes, upgrade bios first of all17:25
panxnever done that before... thanks, will try and do that17:25
Dev0nTJ-, ahh ok thanks17:26
tomreynpanx: your current bios version should show for a second or two when you power on the computer and press escape, or after disabling the "full screen logo show" option in bios (if such exists)17:27
lotuspsychjetroozers: didnt test myself on 21.04 but this looks like a sane egpu tut; https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/accelerating-machine-learning-on-a-linux-laptop-with-an-external-gpu/17:28
tomreynpanx: you can also check the current bios version from an ubuntu live / installer system by pressing ctrl-alt-t (to run a terminal window), then typing, exactly:   journalctl -b | grep DMI:     (and pressing enter)17:28
explodesrhythmbox kinda sucks, clementine is no longer updated. what's the new hotness for music players?17:29
roryfoobar in wine17:29
roryidk actually I never tried it, but Foobar on Windows is the bomb17:29
roryClementine still works great doesn't it? What updates does it need17:30
tomreynpanx: version "F.37 Rev.A" (release date: Dec 15, 2020) is the latest available - https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-pavilion-14-cd0000-x360-convertible-pc/20283983/model/2191003017:32
panxtomreyn: sorry, bad connection, I'm back17:34
tomreynpanx: version "F.37 Rev.A" (release date: Dec 15, 2020) is the latest available - https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-pavilion-14-cd0000-x360-convertible-pc/20283983/model/2191003017:35
panxok, i'll get down to it, thx!17:36
tomreynpanx: your current bios version should show for a second or two when you power on the computer and press escape, or after disabling the "full screen logo show" option in bios (if such exists). you can also check the current bios version from an ubuntu live / installer system by pressing ctrl-alt-t (to run a terminal window), then typing, exactly:   journalctl -b | grep DMI:     (and pressing enter)17:36
tomreynpanx: and, once it's upgraded, follow https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-installation-on-computers-with-intel-r-rst-enabled/1534717:36
tomreyn!irclogs | panx: you can review this chat with ~ 30 minutes delay17:37
ubottupanx: you can review this chat with ~ 30 minutes delay: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/17:37
unimatrix9hi there17:45
unimatrix9i have two computers running ubuntu LTS 20.04, now one seems to run X11 and the other Wayland17:46
unimatrix9i have never been given a choice, it just " happened " ,17:46
unimatrix9is there any reason that i might be overlooking as to why this could be ?17:47
tomreynfresh 20.04 installations should always default to xorg17:47
tomreynin fact i don't think they'd even have xwayland installed (but only 60% sure there)17:47
unimatrix9yeah, but afcause i did do the regular update && upgrade17:48
tomreynthat wouldn't change it17:48
matsamanunimatrix9: both desktops?17:48
explodesqmmp is pretty neat tbh- even has old winamp skins17:48
unimatrix9no just one did a switch to wayland somehow17:48
matsamannot both desktops?17:49
unimatrix9no not both , just the one17:49
matsamansame arch?17:49
matsamanwhich is on wayland, the ... laptop is it?17:49
unimatrix9echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE wayland17:49
unimatrix9the one on the right of me ( dell optiplex desktop )17:50
matsamanthe desktop is on wayland and the laptop is on X17:50
unimatrix9and the other ( dell optiplex desktop ) wich i am using -- 1117:50
matsamanso they're both dell optiplex desktops?17:51
matsamansame model17:51
unimatrix9one = 780 / the other is a 9080 / does that matter ?17:51
matsamanif they're the exact same hardware, that means you personally configured them differently, or there was an interesting event and they received from upstream different configurations17:51
unimatrix9hmm , odd17:52
tomreynit doesn'T matter what hardware they are, no.17:52
unimatrix9and , i cant turn back to x11 ( on login, or at logout / login menu choice )17:53
tomreyni guess xorg isnt installed?17:54
unimatrix9afcause its not that a big problem, its just .. strange / yes xorg was installed , it just suddenly switched to wayland17:54
tomreynchances are you have a dependency mess on this system and uninstalled or upgraded soem software which caused xorg to be removed17:56
matsamanmmm, isn't 21 going to use wayland by default? It might honestly make sense to switch the X one to Wayland instead of vice versa, to make them more similar17:56
unimatrix9grep says xserver-xorg-core is installed , so that ok17:57
tomreyngrep isn't the tool you'd ask about it. use    apt list --installed xserver-xorg    or    dpkg -l xserver-xorg18:00
unimatrix9dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-core18:00
tomreyni think you want to look for "xserver-xorg", without "-core"18:02
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TheBigKhmm... when i reenable  secure boot with sudo mokutil --renable-validation ... i can set a password ... it also boots be into the mokutil of my uefi... but when i try to renable the secure boot status... it says failed...18:05
TheBigKmokutil in ubuntu tells me secure boot is disabled and in setup mode18:05
TheBigKam i doing something wrong? do i need to reimport the signature or somethign?18:05
unimatrix9did i just see a netsplit ?18:06
unimatrix9any way, thanks for the time and feedback, i will look into it later18:06
TheBigKunimatrix9: seems like it18:06
tomreynTheBigK: here's my understanding: the only place where you enable or disable the secureboot feature is your bios. once it's enabled and in setup mod (i.e. no password / passphrase has been entered, or you chose to delete it), the OS can choose to trigger its setup, which involves (rebooting and) setting a password / passphrase. once secure boot is enabled, you can have the shim enforce validation.18:12
unimatrix9see you all , bye Tom18:12
tomreynbye unimatrix918:12
TheBigKtomreyn: i tried disable and renable with the mokutil18:19
TheBigKdidnt work yet18:19
tomreyndisable and re-enable what exactly? which mode is the firmware in?18:22
mark4can someone explain the assinine reason behid removing kdbg from the repos?18:22
mark4literally the **ONLY** gdb front end thats actually usable18:23
leftyfbmark4: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=87494118:23
ubottuDebian bug 874941 in src:kdbg "[kdbg] Future Qt4 removal from Buster" [Serious,Fixed]18:23
leftyfbmark4: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=80387818:25
ubottuDebian bug 803878 in wnpp "O: kdbg -- graphical debugger interface" [Normal,Fixed]18:25
mark4ugh why is qt5 so divergent from qt4? why would lib developers break user space?18:26
leftyfbmark4: feel free to email the debian maintainers18:26
mark4leftyfb, seems its not the debian maintainers at fault but the qt develoeprs who break userspace on every itteration18:27
matsamanmark4: betrayal of users and codebases is pretty core to KDE (& GNOME, for that matter)18:27
matsamananyway does kdbg really not support qt5?18:27
matsamanit's mentioned briefly in its code18:27
mark4its no longer in the ubuntu repos18:27
matsamanwell that's a slightly different problem18:27
mark4like whoever packages it MUST have already tried to build it against qt5 amirite?18:27
matsamanmaybe, maybe not, or maybe some time ago18:28
matsamanno time like the present =)18:28
matsamanmark4: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1235242/trying-to-install-kdbg-debugger18:28
leftyfbmark4: feel free to contact the appropriate developers for more details. Ubuntu is based on Debian. Any packages that are no longer part of Debian will more than likely not get included in Ubuntu18:28
mark4well on my gentoo system i have kdbg emerged and ONLY have qt5 support enabled18:28
mark4so yea the ubuntu maintainers are being stupid18:29
leftyfbmark4: this is an an Ubuntu issue18:29
mark4well then debian is being stupid18:29
tomreyn!discuss | mark418:29
ubottumark4: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:29
leftyfbmark4: feel free to contact the appropriate developers for more details.18:29
mark4im too lazy to build kdbg against qt5 so im going to remove it from the repo18:29
mark4ill go ask in #debian18:29
matsamanI guess you need to find the Debian bug, yeah18:29
matsamanmaybe they removed it when there was no qt5 support, but now there is, that'd be convenient18:30
matsamanyou might be able to find a 3rd party build somewhere, too, perhaps even launchpad18:30
tomreynthey're gone18:30
matsamanit's almost like in IRC time keeps going18:30
TheBigKtomreyn: tried disable-validation and then renable again18:31
TheBigKboth worked according to the key management util in efi18:31
TheBigKbut it still says secure boot disabled and system is in setup mode18:31
tomreyndoes the "bios setup utility" (really the UEFI UI) also say that it is in setup mode?18:33
TheBigKin the bios i checked if secure boot is enabled and it seems it is. and system security is on "system" whatever that means18:34
TheBigKi cant check for the status of secure boot, can i ?18:34
TheBigKwhen du enable-validation the mokutil of the uefi is starting while rebooting18:34
TheBigKi can also enter the password18:34
TheBigKlooks fine to me?18:34
TheBigKanything special to think about?18:34
tomreynTheBigK: hmm i'm not sure what "system" means. normally there's "setup" and "user" mode, firmware-wise. in setup mode, certificates can be installed, it is meant for setting up the boot loader signing, and certificate (chain) validation. in user mode, it is enabled, and signatures on the boo loader (grub shim) are validated by the firmware.18:41
tomreynTheBigK: grub-shim (loaded from the ESP) would verify the main grub (loaded from /boot), and that would verify the initrd, which would verify the kernel, which would verify drivers etc. at least that's what i think it works like.18:44
tomreynhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot provides a lot more details on the process, also on mokutil and how it can be used to install certificates18:45
=== bettencb2 is now known as bettencb1
[VMGuy23]Any idea why legacy titlebars are using Ambience theme?18:54
[VMGuy23]GTK theme does nothing18:58
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:59
[VMGuy23]Legacy Titlebars (Wayland, GNOME 3.38.5) use the old Ambiency theme, no matter what the GTK theme is. Should use Yaru.19:01
[VMGuy23]Fresh install of 21.04 after copying my entire home folder over19:02
tomreynno ubuntu release supports GNOME 3.38.519:07
tomreynplease limit your support questions here to supported configurations and the supported ubuntu releases, as listed in the channel /topic19:08
TheBigKi feel like everything is correctly configured in bios... i think something else is wrong19:10
[VMGuy23]I am just using latest version in 21.04 repo, i looked in about19:10
[VMGuy23]It's gnome-shell 3.38.4-1ubuntu219:10
[VMGuy23]tomreyn: No PPAs, no external repo, just 21.04 default install.19:11
[VMGuy23]I checked in Settings -> About19:12
leftyfb[VMGuy23]: you originally said 3.38.5, no 3.38.419:12
leftyfb[VMGuy23]: 3.38.4 is fine19:12
TheBigKi feel like that message regarding EFI memory descriptor is causing secure boot to be disabled19:12
[VMGuy23]leftyfb: Settings said 3.38.5, apt said 3.38.419:13
leftyfb[VMGuy23]: which settings?19:14
leftyfbah, right19:15
[VMGuy23]GNOME Settings, the one in the volume, wifi etc menu19:15
leftyfbso it does19:15
leftyfbtomreyn: not sure if that's a bug. It shows it on mine as well19:15
[VMGuy23]I think my problem is related to snaps.19:16
tomreynTheBigK: "[    0.000000] secureboot: Secure boot disabled" - I think this message directly refers to the firmware setting19:16
[VMGuy23]Titlebar weir on snaps19:17
tomreynleftyfb: the wrong theme, you mean? maybe worth filing a bug repor tthen.19:17
TheBigKits enabled... when i enable it again with --enable-validation it fails... but when i say disable-validation it says disabled19:17
TheBigKand then i cant even find the bios setting for secure boot anymore19:17
TheBigKi feel like everything is fine...19:18
TheBigKassuming i changed the state in the mokutil in bios19:18
leftyfbtomreyn: I mean, settings -> about shows "GNOME Version" is 3.38.5 while the "gnome" package installed is 3.38.419:19
TheBigKi gonna boot into windows what windows tells me about my secure boot state...19:19
tomreynleftyfb: oh, ok. well, it's probably patched with newer patches then, but the package version remained the same since it was still deemed compatible.19:19
tomreyn... and to prevent dependency hell19:20
tomreynTheBigK: i could be wrong but i *think* --enable-validation is about whether grub will enforce validation of what comes after it, and is not the same thing as what enabling / disabling the secure boot option in the mainboard firmware setup UI does.19:20
[VMGuy23]I think it's an issue with gtk-common-themes19:21
tomreynTheBigK: on my 18.04 LTS, mokutil(1) says "--enrolled-validation" (and i think that's a typo, meant to say "--enable-validation") stands for "Enable the validation process in shim". so the grub shim, i.e. the Ubuntu Linux boot loader, on the ESP. not the mainboard firmware's configuration of whether or not it will try to verify the signature on the shim.19:24
RonaldsMazitishey, how could I restore deleted file by knowing exact location in external hard drive and half name19:28
tomreynTheBigK: okay, indeed it seems that    mokutil --enable-validation    will, when started during Secure Boot Setup Mode, will enable both the firmware's and the shim's validation.19:28
sarnoldRonaldsMazitis: I've had success recovering files using autopsy / the sleuthkit before19:29
tomreynRonaldsMazitis: which file system?19:30
tomreyntestdisk's photorec can work19:30
TheBigKtomreyn: ur the man and im just dumb19:31
TheBigKdisable csm was needed... im sorry :(19:31
RonaldsMazitisI have so much things to think about I forgot I know ubuntu19:31
tomreynTheBigK: :) glad you worked it out!19:31
TheBigKi just needed to resign the nvidia-dkms package... and then everything is fine now. SecureBoot enabled19:31
RonaldsMazitisI mean linux19:31
TheBigKtomreyn: u worked it out... i was just trying weird things... as i saw that windows did also tell me the same... i went back to bios19:32
TheBigKi should read what i see and trust it instead of questioning it... brrrr19:33
RonaldsMazitisI  was just interested if anybody has done this lately19:34
RonaldsMazitisso I could just bite your knowledge19:34
TheBigKthe only thing thats kind of weird is grub feels laggy with the secure boot enabled. i dont know why19:34
RonaldsMazitisdude how much time You spend on grub19:35
TheBigKnot much... just changing the boot menu is laggy19:35
TheBigKRonaldsMazitis: if i remember correclty, ext4 is rly doing nasty stuff when u delete a file... i dont think it just removes it out of the journal... but i might be wrong19:35
RonaldsMazitisYou know one thing I think ubuntu might have problems with is 3 usb ports using in same time, but maybe it's my asus19:36
TheBigKdid u try ext4magic ? seems like a tool u might wanna use19:36
RonaldsMazitisfor some reason one of my usb ports does not want to have file transfers if other are used19:36
RonaldsMazitisor keyboard used on it19:36
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: USB2 or USB3 port?19:37
RonaldsMazitisyeah let me see19:37
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: we know that some USB3 XHCI chipsets have issues with USB1.1 or USB2 devices connected on USB3 ports19:38
TheBigKusb can be weird ... but i would check the smart output first... sounds odd that u lose data just because u use ur keyboard :p19:38
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: also consider that multiple ports may be connected to the same internal chipset hub19:38
RonaldsMazitisxinput list says something19:38
RonaldsMazitistrying my best to get it right19:38
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: to get an idea use "lsusb -t"19:39
RonaldsMazitislinux users have best memory19:39
TJ-it's ECC19:40
TJ-ehci = USB2, no sigh of xhci (USB3)19:41
dakotakaeHey all! I've got a newer Thinkpad set up with 20.04. It has a fingerprint reader on it and I've set-up fingerprint authentication. One question though: right now it's password OR fingerprint. How can I make that password AND fingerprint?19:42
RonaldsMazitisI was expecting19:42
RonaldsMazitisbecause no way 3.0 is that slow19:42
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: USB3 ports still do the other protocols19:43
RonaldsMazitisok so I read manual of ext4magic19:43
TJ-dakotakae: you'd need to do some custom PAM config with 'requires' for both rather than 'optional' if I recall correctly19:43
Maikdakotakae: it's either password or fingerprint not both afaik19:43
RonaldsMazitisit's excelent "D19:43
ioriadakotakae, i don't think you can atm19:43
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: it could be a power issue - the internal hub may not be able to supply the power demands of all the devices connected to that hub19:44
dakotakaeDarn. I'll just set-up my U2F key as well, then.19:44
TJ-dakotakae: I did that about 12 years ago si it is possible19:44
sarnolddakotakae: try running pam-auth-update --- I think the change you need to is to use 'requires' rather than 'optional' in the PAM configurations for the fingerprint method19:44
RonaldsMazitisTJ that is really annoying when You have external keyboard and external keyboard and need a mouse too19:44
RonaldsMazitisfor example editing kdenlive does not have menu with exit19:45
sarnolddakotakae: I don't know if pam-auth-update can do that, but it's worth trying out to see if it can help19:45
RonaldsMazitisand other stuff that makes you plug it in 1000 times19:45
sarnolddakotakae: I strongly recommend ssh'ing in and starting a root shell *before* goofing with this, and test test test it before closing that shell :D19:45
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dakotakaeI did pam-auth-update and it allowed the fingerprint to be used in place of password on terminal applications, but it didn't make both required. I'll search through the pam files and see if I can just set it to "required" in the right places.19:45
TJ-RonaldsMazitis: indeed, and that may not be it, but it is a known kind of issue especially if the ports on the hub are only expected to have HIDs in them - the USB specification says each port is supposed to provide up to 500mA but...!19:46
RonaldsMazitisI really get the idea of having flags in terminal command19:48
RonaldsMazitisbut sometimes when You really lazy19:49
RonaldsMazitisthis seems like coding new C++ programm19:49
RonaldsMazitisstuff really needs GUI19:49
RonaldsMazitisbtw c++ on windows is really not intuitive, I got some stuff for job that supposedly compiles in ubuntu but windows is whole another story19:52
RonaldsMazitisunless You turn yourself into visual studio user19:52
sarnoldsolution: install ubuntu in your windows :) wsl19:52
RonaldsMazitissarnold waited for windows endorsing19:52
RonaldsMazitisI need to compile for windows lmao19:52
dakotakaeI worked out how to make password AND fingerprint required. Anyone interested in the solution?19:54
dakotakaeIt's actually a stupidly simple solution, just took a minute of looking around the pam files.19:55
TJ-dakotakae: "auth required" for each19:56
[VMGuy23]i need a wayland-compatible screenrecorder, which isnt laggy and does not produce laggy footage20:11
Maik[VMGuy23]: if you want hassle free just switch to Xorg instead. Not all apps are compatible or to work flawless with wayland as of yet.20:13
MaikWayland is still a WIP20:14
Maikand imo not yet ready for prime time20:14
Maiklook at it as Beta software, even after 12 years of development20:14
[VMGuy23]maik: Well, the app I'm using to talk to you right now in whick I like fails to creae/connect to display 0 on x20:14
Maikwhat app....20:15
dakotakae@TJ- No, actually. At least, not in my set-up. Setting auth required for each caused it not recognize my password for some reason. If you use pam-auth-update it inserts a new line above unix auth for fprintd. There is a section that says [success=2 default=ignore], and the unix auth line says [success=1 default=ignore]. If you just swap the 1 and the 2, it requires both.20:15
[VMGuy23]Using FluffyChat on Matrix because it looks nice20:15
Maiknever heard of it20:15
[VMGuy23]AND it doesnt make the channel name go bold when theres a new mesage, which is nice compared to Spectral20:16
Maikand i don't use software just because it looks nice, it needs to work20:16
[VMGuy23]Mine works and looks nice. Does the job.20:16
[VMGuy23]But do any screensavers work with wayland20:16
matsamanlike, animated screensavers of yore?20:17
matsamanor merely blanking/locking?20:17
Maikscreensavers are long gone20:17
matsamanthey really are, so I wouldn't expect a ton of enthusiasm porting them to wayland and not requiring the backwards comaptible X support20:18
[VMGuy23]I meant screenrecorders20:18
Maikas i said before... but you won't listen it seems.... Not everything is made to work with wayland yet20:18
matsaman[VMGuy23]: ffmpeg with kmsgrab instead of x11grab, potentially20:19
Maik[VMGuy23]: maybe better to ask the Wayland guys, this has nothing to do with Ubuntu support.20:19
matsamananother thing you don't have to do is: use wayland at this time20:20
[VMGuy23]I am using ubuntu, need an app tht works20:20
sarnoldmatsaman: sure it does, ubuntu ships wayland20:20
sarnoldsorry matsaman that was meant for Maik20:20
matsaman[VMGuy23]: or GNOME's extension 'EasyScreenCast'20:20
[VMGuy23]great idea20:21
Maiksarnold: it does indeed20:21
matsamansarnold: =)20:21
BuenGenioguys, maybe I can't seem to spot things point blank in Google, but honestly it shouldn't be this frustrating importing the keys for the main, universe, multiverse, updates and security repos into the "Trusted Software Providers" section on gnome-software-properties20:22
matsamanpersonally I'd figure out how to do it with ffmpeg, it's been the only reliable way IME20:22
leftyfbsarnold: except you can easily revert xorg. I agree with Maik. There are loads of common things that don't work properly with wayland and IMO, it isn't ready for primetime. If someone is spending days asking multiple times a day which applications work with wayland since the ones they used to use don't work properly, then I don't feel wayland is worth the time20:22
[VMGuy23]Not sure if this command exists, but20:22
BuenGenioWhere do I get the keys and more importantly how do I make sure they stop disappearing20:22
[VMGuy23]Oh whoops that was only on phrik20:22
BuenGenio(and find out why?)20:22
matsamanwhen it's ready it will be the default on Debian stable20:22
sarnoldBuenGenio: apt-add-repository universe or apt-add-repository multiverse  etc20:23
Maikthanks leftyfb20:23
matsamanand not merely a distro sourced from Debian unstable20:23
sarnoldleftyfb: oh I completely agree that wayland isn't ready for primetime20:23
sarnoldleftyfb: but asking how to record the screen seems perfectly on-topic for #ubuntu20:23
leftyfbsarnold: oh, I'm not disagreeing with that. But the overall theme here is that more than a handful of things don't work, maybe it's worth going back to xorg and working from there20:24
sarnoldleftyfb: yup! :D20:24
[VMGuy23]easyscreencast does not work on 3.38.420:24
leftyfb[VMGuy23]: try peek20:25
[VMGuy23]Trying noe20:25
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leftyfb[VMGuy23]: also, we've mentioned this multiple times. This isn't the best place for constantly asking for software recommendations. It can lead to arguments on opinions and it's all based on personal preference. The software center and apt should be good for searching for software. Or ask in #ubuntu-offtopic20:26
[VMGuy23]oh wait, peak cant do fullscreen recording20:26
matsamanyou'll have to do a little poking, and I think it will depend on your hardware, but again I'd check out that ffmpeg with kmsgrab approach20:31
[VMGuy23]I will keep trying different screenrecorders20:31
shimblesis it possible to get Guacamole to use the GPU for ie WebGL20:37
davido_Where should I go to discuss the cheese utility failing to record video (it correctly opens the cam, but when I record video, after a few seconds it freezes, and the video file is like 8 minutes long with only a little of actual video at the end of the 8 minutes)20:45
davido_Perhaps discuss is the wrong word. I'd like to get it working.20:46
[VMGuy23]Ask here20:46
davido_Alright. :)20:47
[VMGuy23]"cheese | nc termbin.com 9999" Then start recording until it freezes, close it and paste the link here.20:47
davido_When I use Cheese to record video, after about five seconds of video capture, it freezes and saves the file. The file it saves is over 8 minutes long, and the few seconds that actually get captured are at the end.20:47
davido_will do.20:47
davido_huh, i would have expected a link to show up after it closed. One didn't.20:50
davido_However, you also would not see anything useful. There is one startup warning, and that's it. The startup warning states that native windows taller than 65535 pixels are not supported20:52
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davido_Found the problem description: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/cheese/-/issues/9820:55
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