
V|Awhats the best--> most/simple VNC to use on ubuntu  20.0400:24
V|Anot focues on encryption here00:24
V|Ajust ease00:24
tomreynprobably vino / vinagre00:28
V|Aty tomreyn !! let me look that up00:30
tomreynok V|A !! look that up00:31
V|Auuhhmm errghm00:43
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
cuddylierI'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and an Intel X540-AT2 NIC. The "ksoftirqd/30" process is freqiently at 100% and I saw poor network throughput so I checked the interrupts and "enp2s0f0-TxRx" is the most frequent interrupt. Is there anything I can check to diagnose why? Throughput is less than 300Mb/s inbound/output and 20Kpps. I did Google about this NIC but found very little apart from a freebsd thread talking about disabling IXGBE_FDIR but I can't find any docs01:06
cuddylieron how to do this.01:06
cuddylierNote that this is the throughput I'm currently using, attainable throughput is higher but still much below what it should be capable of.01:06
sarnoldcuddylier: ethtool is probably the tool to fiddle with the card's settings01:14
cuddyliersarnold: I did somewhat assume that might be the case. This is the output I get for 'ethtool -k': https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K6hkt5n9QF/01:16
cuddylierLooks like IXGBE_FDIR is "ntuple-filters: off" so that is already off01:19
sarnoldnice nice01:19
sarnoldcuddylier: how about the output of:  ip -h -iec -s l01:19
sarnold(I copy-pasted that around ages ago, there may be better arguements, but these are ones I found once .. :)01:19
sarnoldcuddylier: the 'nstat' program can dump a ton of statistics about the networking stack; the first run shows cumulative numbers, additional runs will show you what changed01:21
cuddyliersarnold: I was running "dstat -t --top-int" which is how I knew the network interface was at fault to begin with01:21
cuddylierBut that gives no detailed info of course01:22
sarnoldcuddylier: nstat's output is vastly different from dstat: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z9YqV7gTmk/01:23
cuddylierHere's the output of this command: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fBNcqTnWYT/01:23
sarnoldcuddylier: my suggestion is to try a: while true ; do sleep 5; dstat ; done   .. run in one terminal, transfer some stuff, and see what numbers change01:24
sarnoldnice nice, no errors, no dropped, no ovverrun. maybe this own't be useful. heh.01:24
cuddyliersarnold: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2wC9hpv9Gp/ this was during a speedtest01:36
cuddylierDownload was hovering around 100Mb/s for a while before it eventually went up to 2 - 3Gb/s01:36
cuddylierOutbound is no where near as affected as much01:36
cuddylierIssue is primarily with inbound01:37
TJ-cuddylier: have you checked power savings settings, (eee) ?01:38
cuddylierTJ: Performance mode is enabled: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3shsVM4vHR/ and I'm using the tuned-adm virtual-host profile (I tried with it off/balanced but made no difference).01:41
sarnoldcuddylier: omg I'm sorry. I screwed up. I meant to suggest running while true ; do sleep 5; nstat ; done  -- that way you can see the kernel's networking counters and see if there's anything obviously fishy there01:45
sarnoldcuddylier: I've often heard the advice to turn off the offloading and checksumming features in cards, on the theory that they inject enough errors that they add latency to the overall connection. I don't know if those errors would show up in the stats you've already collected or not01:47
cuddyliersarnold: here's the nstat outputs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NP6N8D8skz/ The top one is during 'ok' inbound throughput and the bottom two is when it dropped to very poor numbers.01:54
sarnoldcuddylier: woot01:55
cuddylierdo you see anything interesting?01:58
sarnoldcuddylier: no :( those IcmpOutDestUnreachs in the middle one stands out a bit, but that could be entirely unrelated.. the TcpExtDelayedACKLost looks remarkably similar among them all, given that there's ten times as much traffic in the first one as the last two..02:01
sarnoldcuddylier: bummer. I was hoping for something to stand out here.02:01
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sarnoldcuddylier: the bpfcc-tools package has a bunch of tcp tools that might be worth trying. it's just kind of a wild stab, too, but takes more effort than the nstat test: https://github.com/iovisor/bcc#tools02:03
cuddyliersarnold: I appreciate your help, thank you.02:07
sarnoldcuddylier: my pleasure, I just wish we were having more success :)02:08
cuddylierMe too, I guess it could literally be something I'd never track down unless I was a kernel debugging expert.02:09
cuddylierX550 doesn't seem to have the same issue02:09
TJ-cuddylier: did you try enabling debug= on the ixgbe module?02:30
cuddylierTJ: I haven't, wasn't aware such a thing existed02:31
TJ-cuddylier: "modinfo ixgbe"02:32
cuddylierTJ: https://pastebin.com/raw/EuULEcR402:33
TJ-cuddylier: yes, I have that here. I was showing you how to see the 'debug' option :)02:36
cuddylierTJ: Would I issue the command "modprobe ixgbe debug=16"?02:38
TJ-cuddylier: assuming you've previously successfully unloaded the module, yes. Else you'd need to set the option via an /etc/modprobe.d/ file02:42
cuddylierTJ: Thanks. Does the debug output just output to the screen straight away upon enabling debug?02:45
TJ-kernel log02:47
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NecrosporusHi. I have connected to a machine with ssh and started apt upgrade. When certain network package was update, the connection was interrupted, however apt is still running. How do I reconnect to apt to get its progress?03:52
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bibbleFirefox & MPV had a window header and frame in Ubuntu 21.04 Live Desktop, but after installing and updating they have no window frames.05:35
bibbleSo for MPV can't resize etc.05:35
bittinhttps://linuxappsummit.org/ t06:47
ducassebittin: did you have a question?06:56
ducassethen please don't post random links, this is a support channel07:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:16
euler2718Anyone using gnote note app?08:28
lotuspsychje!ask | euler271808:28
ubottueuler2718: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:28
euler2718is there any way to add gnote app to top bar of ubuntu? like tomboy.08:29
lotuspsychjeeuler2718: not all apps have indicators08:29
euler2718so its app dependent. we can't do anything from Gnome settings?08:30
lotuspsychjeeuler2718: gnome shell doesnt provide indicators for individual apps08:31
Maikmaybe through a extension?08:31
euler2718any suggestion? I have searched but did not get anything useful.08:31
lotuspsychjeeuler2718: you need to find an app that uses an indicator or as Maik says a gnome extension08:31
Maikeuler2718: first hit on Gnome Extensions website: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/769/gnotetomboy-integration/08:32
larkfishermanHey guys, are there any resources to learn about how does Ubuntu work internally? E.g. what services are used for which part of the system, how do they all fit together, and how to tinker without breaking anything? :)08:33
Maikargh... actually that's a old one euler2718, not compatible with newer Gnome Shells. My bad08:33
euler2718Maik: Thanks. Let me check that extension08:33
lotuspsychje!systemd | larkfisherman a part of the services08:34
ubottularkfisherman a part of the services: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units08:34
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larkfishermanlotuspsychje: Systemd is only a service *manager*. The way I see it, learning about systemd doesn't help me with e.g. figuring out which services I can safely turn off and which have indirect consequences that I need to expect. Apparmor, for example. I see lots of error logs in journalctl related to it, but I have no idea if pruning it from my system will cause some unrelated part to break...08:41
larkfishermanlotuspsychje: I appreciate the help, though.08:42
memphistohi, i'm using libreoffice as snap and accessing csv file on remote host (fish::// from krusader) but it libre office complains about permisions09:25
memphisto"access to /home/..../.cache/koexec/krun/......csv was denied"09:25
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=== Skaface is now known as Cowface
ReviziisHI guys my system running xubuntu 20.04 completely locked up this morning and now every time I try to boot I get stuck at stuck at /dev/sda5: clean, 414951/61022208 files, 103882571/244058880 blocks. I booted to the installer usb and ran fsck -f /dev/sda5 but everythings fine.09:52
ReviziisCan someone please help me boot back into my desktop without having to do a complete reinstall....09:52
tomreynReviziis: is this a classic 'spinning rust' HDD, an SSD, something else? what were you doing when it locked up?09:54
Reviziisit's an HDD & I was just trying to open a new tab in Firefox..09:54
ReviziisI done a fresh xubuntu 20.04 install on Monday there.09:55
tomreyninstall smartmontools09:55
tomreynthen use it to diagnose the hdd09:55
ubottusmart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools09:55
tomreynyou can install it on the live system09:56
Reviziiscan I install & run that from the live usb ??09:56
Reviziisthanks I'll try that now.09:56
Reviziisbooting from the usb now. Will report back in a few moments....09:57
tomreynif the disk is *now* /dev/sdb (i'm guessing here!), you can run   sudo smartctl -x /dev/sdb &>1 | nc termbin.com 9999    to share the output here09:57
tomreynif the disk is *now* /dev/sdb (i'm guessing here!), you can run   sudo smartctl -x /dev/sdb 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999    to share the output here09:59
tomreyn^ i got this wrong the first time around09:59
oehmanAnyone hwo knows how to install woeUSB not ng version been trying all ppa's and they dont work i'm running ubuntu 21.0410:01
oehmanmissing dependecies that cant be downloaded10:02
Deano59oehman: can you not install with snap?10:03
tomreynoehman: not supported here. but there is https://github.com/WoeUSB/WoeUSB/releases/download/v5.1.0/woeusb-5.1.0.bash10:10
ReviziisDon't know if my last two messages sent or not, but here's the output >> http://termbin.com/1oo110:15
tomreynReviziis: they didn't. indeed you need to manually post the url here, as you just did.10:17
ReviziisAccessing here from my phone so this is all new to me....10:17
tomreynReviziis: this western digital disk should be fine. check all the file systems on it using fsck.10:19
ReviziisI've already run fsck from my live usb and there was no errors....10:20
ReviziisOn the live usb I installed boot repair and here's it's output >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MB23pdcDz7/10:22
tomreyntry mounting the root file system that's on this hdd, then use    journalctl with the -D option to point to /var/log/journal on this mount10:23
tomreynthis should get you access to the on-disk system log, so you can exmaine what was logged before things broke10:24
tomreynif this sounds too complicated, another option is to try booting a different kernel images from the grub menu10:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:24
tomreynmaybe you can also boot to recovery still, and work from the root shell provided there10:25
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode10:25
tomreyni don't think bootrepair will help here, since the sysstem did boot fine, fsck was run from the initrd10:26
ReviziisHere is the output from journalctl >> https://termbin.com/q55310:26
ReviziisOk so before I came on here I tried booting from the boot option in recover mode, but all i got was a black screen that never loaded anything...m10:27
tomreynReviziis: the log you posted is cur off toawards the end, because termbin.com limits how much can be stored. and the log covers three days. you can pipe the journalctl output into tail -n 1000  before you pipe it into nc termbin.com 999910:28
Reviziisoh sorry. I'll repaste a link now. one sex10:29
tomreynthe log you just posted shows that two HDDs were connected. maybe the other one is faulty? did you run smartctl against it, too?10:29
Reviziisthe other one is external and I have it unplugged ATM....10:30
tomreynso you'Re saying the system would not boot whether or not the external disk was connected, you tried both?10:31
ReviziisHere's what you wanted >> https://termbin.com/kl15b10:31
ReviziisYea I've tried it connected and not connected.10:31
ReviziisIt only hold pictures and videos. there's no os stuff on it or anything....10:32
tomreynyou have nvidia hardware. try booting in failsafe graphics mode, too, if you haven'T tried this, yet10:32
Reviziishow do I do that :?10:32
tomreynit should be an option on the grub menu, unless you installed in legacy bios mode10:33
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.10:33
tomreyn^ this also works10:33
Reviziisyea I'm pretty sure I installed in bios though I'm not 100%10:33
tomreynsearh your latest log for "INFO: task kworker". this is a problem. i'm still reading up, though10:34
tomreynthis seems to be related to wireless power saving10:35
Reviziisok so would that have caused my lockup earlier & failure to reboot correctly :?10:36
tomreynwhat we'Re looking at was logged at    May 13 09:41:14   in your local time zone10:37
tomreynso this morning. i do not know how this correlated to the events you mentioned10:37
tomreynthose events did certainly delay booting by several minutes, and may have made it look like a complete lockup10:38
ReviziisI've never actually ever experienced anything like this before and I've never really had any problems so I'm completely lost....10:38
metbsdFailed to register: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied:10:38
metbsdsnap problem10:39
tomreynReviziis: did you apply any power saving tweaks before this happened?10:39
Reviziisok so should I reboot and let my system just sit for a long time :?10:39
ReviziisI change some brightness setting yesterday morning but that's about it...m10:39
metbsdhey ubuntu snapper, your software is broken10:40
tomreynmetbsd: do you have an ubuntu support question?10:41
metbsdsnap is not ubuntu?10:41
tomreynReviziis: if you have a physical wireless kill switch, try switching it, see if you can boot fine then10:41
tomreynmetbsd: snapd and snaps are used in ubuntu. you have yet to ask a support question.10:42
metbsdubuntu is promoting snap store and not helping fix?10:42
metbsdi can't start remmina with that error10:42
Reviziisits on one of the function keys. I'll try it now. should I also remove the ethernet cable. ?10:42
metbsdcan i have a support fix10:42
tomreynmetbsd: see, you can ask a normal question, it's not too difficult.10:43
tomreynmetbsd: now let's see whether anyone able to help with this is around.10:43
metbsdbut i assume all snaps use gdbus will face the same bug10:43
tomreynReviziis: no, ethernet works fine10:44
Reviziisok trying now...10:44
tomreynReviziis: is this a dual boot system?10:46
Reviziisit's at /dev/sda5: clean. How long should I have to wait here :?10:46
tomreyni.e. do you have windows installed, and booted into that recently?10:46
tomreynif you workaround had worked the way i imagined, you would not have to wait there.10:47
tomreynif my workaround had worked the way i imagined, you would not have to wait there.10:47
tomreynsorry, I'm still waking up here apparently10:47
Reviziisok so the line cursor below the text is solid.10:48
Reviziisnow it's just started blinking.10:48
tomreynyou can wait some minutes, and answer my other questions in the meantime10:48
ReviziisI haven't used windows since 2002. Only run xubuntu on this machine.10:49
tomreynhmm, ok. so i'm assuming that your wireless chipset is in bad state. this can happen when you dualboot, because windows would not shut down cleanly. but it can also be a side effect of another problem, which occurred originally, and made you hard power off the system.10:53
tomreynresetting the bios to vendor defaults (and redoing any changes you require) may help there.10:54
ReviziisI can't remember the last time I was in my bios, but I'll go have a look at it now. I'm still stuck on a blinking cursor....10:54
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key10:55
tomreynyou could also try a bios update, this may help the system recovering from this (supposedly, i'm guessing there) bad firmware state. you have a lenovo thinkpad E470 type 20H1CTO1WW, BIOS R0DET86W (1.86 ) 08/31/2017. latest bios for this model is version 2.03  from 2020-07-2311:01
ReviziisThanks for the link. I'll boot my live usb and try that now....11:04
tomreynReviziis: i forgot to ask something: do you have a docking station connected? if so, remove it11:19
tomreynhmm no doesn't look like it11:19
Reviziisno I don't have a dock, but I do have a cooling tray plugged into one of the usb ports....11:20
tomreynbecause the laptop has overheating issues?11:21
Reviziisno overheating issues. the temps shown in conky reach 70 odd when playing some games jist11:22
tomreyni see11:22
cranberryheya, I try to install libtool, but it seems to be not compatible with my version of ubuntu? do I need to use a different package?11:27
cranberry libc6-dev : Depends: libc6 (= 2.31-0ubuntu9.2) but 2.31-0ubuntu9.3 is to be installed11:27
tomreyncranberry: which version of ubuntu are you running, how did oyu try to install libtool, whats the commmand you ran that created the above output, can we ssee the full output of this command, on a pastebin?11:29
tomreynhi houlei11:29
tomreyncranberry: and di you run   apt update    before trying to install?11:30
tomreyn+ sudo11:30
cranberryhi tomreyn, absolutely: https://pasta.lysergic.dev/?6e62058c36cc88ff#5KZZLWtD33Kc8X2AXfPfGG4WokmGUp3MH2EWZxrUV59S11:32
cranberryI did attempt to update too11:32
tomreyncranberry: can you show the output of    sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&111:36
cranberrywhatever you ask from me :]11:37
tomreyncranberry: now   sudo apt-get -yf install 2>&111:39
tomreynplease post that output, too11:39
Reviziistomreyn: I've just opted to do a complete reinstall....11:41
ReviziisThank you very much for all of the help you have provided :)11:42
tomreyncranberry: did you install any of those packages manually? did you mark them to be held?11:44
tomreynif not, i *think* this can be a bug introduced by bad package management on the mirrors, where 2.31-0ubuntu9.3 was pushed to mirrors, then removed (after people had already installed it). there was a situation like this about a week ago, but i can't find the references to this now.11:46
cranberrytomreyn: of which packages? as for the mirrors.. our current policy is to use the default digitalocean ones in addition with the ones for nginx/docker/teleport but if you suggest switching to alternative mirrors I can ask about doing so11:48
cranberryor can I clean it up by removing and reinstalling some packages?11:48
=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
tomreyncranberry: hmm what i remembered was just about the aRM64 architecture, not aMD64 (which you have), so i hope it's not related11:53
tomreyncranberry: you can maybe try downgrading the libc6 packages, but this can be unsafe, i don't want to recommend this.11:54
=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
cranberryoh ok. hmm should I expect a new libc package to be released?11:55
tomreyncranberry: the problem ther eis that the libc6 package you have has a sliughtly higher version than the libc6-dev package you have available to install11:56
tomreynlibc6 is installed in version 2.31-0ubuntu9.3, but libc6-dev, which you are trying to install, is only available in version 2.31-0ubuntu9.2, but depends on this very same version of libc611:58
tomreyncranberry: apt policy libc6 libc6-dev    may help verify this11:58
cranberrygot it.. I tried looking up libc6-dev for ubuntu but the highest I found was for 9.211:59
cranberryye that confirms libc6 is candidate for 9.3 and -dev only for 9.212:00
cranberryso I guess waiting for a newer -dev package it is?12:00
tomreynyes, i think the 9.3 was pushed to mirrors, then pulled, because there were problems with it. for usre in arm64 land, not sure about amd6412:00
tomreynthere probably isnt a newer version than 9.2 availöable for both libc6 and libc6-dev now12:01
cranberryok thanks a lot for the input!12:03
tomreyncranberry: i asked "did you install any of those packages manually? did you mark them to be held?", you asked "of which packages?". i meant packages libc6 and lic6-dev. knowing this, what is your answer to the original question?12:05
tomreynand what's the output of     apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'12:05
cranberrytomreyn: ah, no, I did not. I attempted to install libc6-dev simply because it was a dependency for libtool, but I have not touched anything libc related before that attempt12:08
tomreyncranberry: can you show the output of the apt policy command i posted aboive?12:09
tomreyncranberry: you could try this, but it could break this installation if things go wrong, so YMMV:   sudo apt install libc-bin=2.31-0ubuntu9.2 libc6=2.31-0ubuntu9.2 locales=2.31-0ubuntu9.212:11
cranberryit's a staging system so I'll give it a try12:12
BluesKajHowdy all12:14
cranberrytomreyn: hm it looks fine so far! should I attempt a reboot?12:14
tomreyncranberry: let's see whether there are more:  apt list --installed | grep -F '2.31-0ubuntu9.3'12:17
Foxfir3popos. sorry. cant get external hdmi monitor to work. anyone here know if thats a common issue?12:18
tomreyncranberry: does this output anything but the WARNING?12:18
Foxfir3x260. intel.12:18
tomreynFoxfir3: this channel supports Ubuntu only12:18
cranberrytomreyn: no output at all :)12:18
tomreyncranberry: no WARNING?12:18
Foxfir3tomreyn: the punishment for being honest12:18
cranberrytomreyn: ah the warning it printed to the console, yes12:18
cranberrymy bad, was only looking at the paste output12:19
tomreynFoxfir3: it's good that you'Re honest, it's bad that you assume you could get support with a derivative here12:19
tomreyncranberry: but nothing but the warning?12:19
Foxfir3tomreyn: well.. its ubuntu, and its debian, and then its not :D More than one issue tuning up with PopOS, so maybe I'll stick with Ubuntu12:20
tomreyncranberry: run    sudo update-initramfs -k `uname -r` -u    and, if it runs without errors,  reboot12:21
tomreynFoxfir3: it's not ubuntu by our definition. you can try to get support in ##linux12:22
cranberrytomreyn: run fine! seems everything is working now. thank you very much!12:25
cranberryanything to look out for upon upgrading things?12:25
tomreyncranberry: no, you're now running the versions that are on the mirrors, when a new version is published there, you'll get it as soo n as you install updates12:26
cranberryalright, thanks a lot12:26
tomreynyou're welcome. and i'm sorry that you had to run into this situation, which could very well have been prevented by the release team IMO12:27
tomreynyou and many, many other people, i guess12:27
tomreynsee this post by jochensp on #ubuntu-devel on april 29: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2021/04/29/%23ubuntu-devel.html12:28
tomreynbut this is now going beyond support12:29
cranberrytomreyn: cheers, I guess it can happen :)12:33
agvantiboHello. After a recent Ubuntu Vanilla update my GNOME dock stopped showing some windows that I open, and it sometimes "remembers" the ones it does show. THey do not get added to Favorites, just hang there and a relogin clears them. They also vanish after some time.12:36
agvantiboHave you experienced this problem and/or know how to solve it12:36
agvantiboI've upgraded to 20.11 (Groovy) right before seeing this issue12:37
tomreynagvantibo: do you mean ubuntu, with vanilla gnome? or is there a linux distribution called "ubuntu vanilla"?12:37
agvantibotomreyn: Ubuntu with vanilla gnome, sorry if unclear12:38
tomreynthanks for clarifying, i wasn't sure what you meant.12:38
ubottuUbuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) is the 33rd release of Ubuntu. Download at https://ubuntu.com/download - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GroovyGorilla/ReleaseNotes12:39
tomreynyou probably mean 20.10 there12:39
agvantiboyep, sorry12:40
tomreynjust checking... i could not comment on the specific issue, though. if you can take a screen shot or video, this might help attributing the issue to vanilla gnome or a graphics driver issue or similar.12:41
tomreynmaybe also try whether this happens with both Xorg and XWayland12:41
agvantiboLooks like this12:42
tomreynhmm, okay this is likely a bug in gnome then.12:43
DocMorscan anyone help me find a broken package?. I'm on 20.4 and get a 'you held broken packages' error but I can't find what package is causing this. I checked synaptic but don't see anything untoward there and 'dpkg --get-selections | grep hold' is also not returning anything12:43
tomreynagvantibo: i assume you can upgrade to to 21.04 now, maybe it's solved there.12:44
=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
tomreynDocMors: run this in a terminal:   sudo apt-get update      then post the command you ran and the output it produced to https://paste.ubuntu.com  and post the final url here12:45
Maikthe upgrade path to 21.04 officially opened up yesterday12:46
tomreyngood to know, thanks Maik12:46
Maikyou're welcome12:46
DocMorstomreyn, there are no errors else I wouldn't ask12:48
DocMorswhere do you find this offending package, what part of Ubuntu is responsible for that flag?12:49
tomreynDocMors: what are you doing that triggers the error message?12:49
DocMorsapt install gimp for example12:49
tomreynok, can you show the full output of this?12:50
DocMorsit's not telling me what package is blocking12:50
tomreyn*also* show    apt policy gimp    and    apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'12:51
DocMorstomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vfYdYvhdGC/12:51
DocMorsI switched to sudo -i to ensure no user permission is blocking12:51
tomreynthose latest two commands would not need ot be run as root12:52
DocMorsthat is helpful12:53
tomreynDocMors: so did you solve it then? what was it?13:05
ducasseDocMors: have you tried 'apt install -f'?13:08
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mescalinumI'm looking for a pkg that provides /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt53DExtras/Qt53DExtrasConfig.cmake and packages.ubuntu.com tells me it's qt3d5-dev, but I have already installed that pkg, but I don't have that file. how come?13:27
mescalinumI have similar related files, e.g. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt53DCore/Qt53DCoreConfig.cmake13:28
mescalinumonly Qt53DExtrasConfig.cmake is missing13:28
bittinIgor will talk Ubuntu and Canonical on Linux App Summit now in 1 minute13:29
mescalinumah... wrong suite (I'm in focal)13:29
bittinand hellsworth13:31
Maikbittin: do you really need to post it in every channel you're in?13:31
Maikit's considered cross posting and isn't allowed13:32
ducassebittin: why don't you post stuff like that in #ubuntu-discuss and there only, it would be a more proper place for it13:33
Maiksigh... kids13:34
bittindid not know there was a discuss channel13:35
Maikpretty sure you've been in the discuss channel before13:37
bittinMaik: must be so long ago i forgot about it then13:37
Maikjust a few months13:37
Maikyou were in there with your other nick luna13:38
Maikanyway, that's OT13:38
tsujpI'm trying to mount an xfs partition via fstab with `/dev/sdb4        /mnt/hdd2      xfs        rw,noexec,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,largeio,inode64,barrier=0        0        2` which is failing with `mount: /mnt/hdd2: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb4, missing codepage or helper program, or other13:48
tsujperror.` but if I do a normal `mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt/hdd2` it works fine and xfs_check shows no errors -- anyone know what's up there?13:48
drozdziak1Hey, I am on Ubuntu 20.10 and for some reason my SSH logins do not result in /etc/profile.d being read. What might be the issue?13:59
drozdziak1(I am trying to do a multi-user Nix install on the machine)13:59
drozdziak1I did not touch the original files like /etc/profile (etc profile does iterate over /etc/profile.d/*.sh and my script falls under that category14:00
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leftyfbdrozdziak1: does your user(s) have access to read and run/source the file(s) in /etc/profile.d/ ? Please test. Also, is your script in there executable?14:10
tomreyntsujp: so it'll be one of those options you're passing, i guess.14:10
tsujpI have another entry with another partition with the same options that is fine though tomreyn14:10
tomreyntsujp: you could try passing them with -o to mount14:10
tomreynthat other partition may be in a different format14:10
tomreynrun   file -s   against both, and compare14:11
tsujpidentical for both file -s on the partitions14:12
tsujpgives `/dev/sda5: SGI XFS filesystem data (blksz 4096, inosz 512, v2 dirs)`14:12
tsujpand /dev/sdb4 gives the same14:12
leftyfbtsujp: try mounting the filesystem with -o and the mount options you're trying to pass with fstab14:13
tsujpit appears `barrier=0` is the culprit14:13
tsujpidk why though14:13
tomreynxfs_info should probably tell14:13
leftyfbtsujp: it should be barrier=none14:14
drozdziak1leftyfb: I have SSH session reuse on so that's a culprit too, but also I'm not sure if I understand profile vs. /etc/bash.bashrc correctly14:14
leftyfbdrozdziak1: profile gets called first, then /etc/bash.bashrc14:16
tomreynthat's unless there are ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login14:17
tomreynoh wait, you were discussing system level, not user level14:17
drozdziak1leftyfb: tomreyn Yeah, I'm desperate right now and put a snippet sourcing it in /root/.profile and /root/.bash_profile14:18
drozdziak1might just do bashrc too14:18
tomreynprofil is only read for login shells. is it a login shell?14:19
leftyfbdrozdziak1: why are you logging in as root via ssh?????14:19
drozdziak1I'm over ssh, but my user somehow doesn't source /etc/profile.d/nix.sh14:19
drozdziak1leftyfb: I never said anything like that. Also, chill out, it's a dev box for an open-source project14:20
leftyfbdrozdziak1: please read my original post to you above14:20
=== Scotty_Trees is now known as Scotty_Mines
leftyfbdrozdziak1: does your user have access to run/source that file after logging in?14:20
drozdziak1leftyfb Good question, it doesn't, for my user I gave up and did it in .zprofile14:22
drozdziak1but then .zprofile might not have interest in being like bash14:23
leftyfbdrozdziak1: .zprofile is only for zsh, not bash(default)14:23
drozdziak1Yes, my goal is to go from just me to everyone and /etc/profile appeared perfect for that14:24
leftyfbdrozdziak1: you know /etc/profile is only called for bash users right? It does not apply to zsh14:25
leftyfbdrozdziak1: zsh uses /etc/zprofile14:25
drozdziak1leftyfb: That I didn't know :(14:25
drozdziak1Seems there probably isn't a one-size-fits-all for this but I'd love to avoid having people write custom snippets to pull in that file14:26
leftyfbdrozdziak1: copy the script to something like /usr/local/bin and call it from both /etc/zprofile and /etc/profile or .d/somescript14:27
=== Scotty_Mines is now known as Scotty_TrZzz
drozdziak1leftyfb Yeah I realize now that this is a sudo issue primarily, and not a shell one14:36
leftyfbdrozdziak1: what does sudo have to do with anything in /etc/profile* ?14:36
drozdziak1leftyfb The high-level goal is to include PATH set by /etc/profile.d/nix.sh (created by Nix installer) in all shells so that the commands installed from nix are visible. Any user that wishes to opt into using it can figure it out and I probably should not impose using Nix on them to begin with.14:38
leftyfbdrozdziak1: I highly agree with your last comment14:39
drozdziak1The only exception being the ability to do system-wide nix stuff using sudo (like managing available package repos)14:39
giacoI'm having an half-failing dns situation. "ping domain.com" fails, but "resolvectl query domain.com" returns success14:40
leftyfbdrozdziak1: any particular reason/package you need to implement nix over just using apt/snap?14:40
drozdziak1leftyfh Turning our project into a reproducible build is important to me and should enable some nice code reuse14:41
drozdziak1all in all, sudo `which nix` is not painful to write tbh14:42
leftyfbgiaco: systemd-resolve --status|grep -i "dns servers" | nc termbin.com 999914:42
leftyfbdrozdziak1: why not make your project into a snap?14:42
drozdziak1leftyfb: I prefer nix' rigidity and flexibility14:43
leftyfbdrozdziak1: ok. I think going forward you would be better off seeking support for this topic from the NIX project. I'm sure they have a solution.14:44
drozdziak1leftyfb Yeah, been there done that14:44
giacoleftyfb: that commands returns my gateway correctly ( and it works (tested with dig)14:44
leftyfbgiaco: it returns only your gateway?14:44
giacoleftyfb: yes14:45
leftyfbgiaco: and which public nameserver is your gateway configured to use?14:45
giaco"dig @ wwwl.google.com" works correctly from same machine14:46
leftyfbgiaco: what is the exact error you are getting with ping? Is this failing for all public web addresses or just some super secret domain you wish not to share?14:46
giacoleftyfb: "ping: wwww.google.com: Name or service not known"14:47
giacoleftyfb: let me explore a bit more14:47
leftyfbgiaco: "host google.com"14:47
giacoI typed 4 w14:48
giacoread the error above14:48
geosmini'm having a steam issue where steam play titles seem to be crashing instantly when launched. native titles work fine and perform great.14:53
leftyfbgeosmin: you can also try #ubuntu-steam14:57
geosmini think it's probably because i'm using the flatpak version. will try valve's .deb14:59
=== thinkofher0 is now known as thinkofher
oehmanwhoho i did it :)15:13
tehutyI try to use firehol with ipsets with a config like this -> https://pastebin.com/YEAAZQn7 But I get this error: "Cannot accept an empty 'inface'. "15:16
tehutyWhat is meant with empty inface?15:16
tehutythe same firehol.config works on an gentoo machine with no problem at all15:17
leftyfbtehuty: I'm going to guess ${wan} isn't resolving for some reason15:19
tehutyleftyfb:  I have set to WAN="interfacename"15:20
jblackHi all!  I've got a little bit of a weird question this morning. On rare occasion, my  group has gotten itself into some sort of package versioning issue, where apt reinstalls the same package every time we run upgrade.  This particular time, it's happening because we're trying to backport cloud-guest-utils 0.32-1   from  hirsute into bionic.  If we introduce the package to systems via a private nexus15:20
jblackrepository, things work. if we try and introduce into a repostory that is built and managed by inhouse tooling,  the upgrades with every apt upgrade.   The only difference we can detect is that our private repository adds a Source: line and a SHA512  that is not present in the nexus repo.15:20
leftyfbtehuty: ok, then that's why. You set "WAN", not "wan"15:20
jblackI guess the simpler question is "what should I be looking at to identify why  apt-upgrade successfully  reinstalls the same package every time it runs"15:22
mustmodifyI have two accounts with hosting provider Heroku. I need to run bash commands on one account or the other and I'm logged in via some kind of CLI token thing. Can I create some kind of separate session that will allow me to switch between logins without having to login and logout via oauth/browser, which is a bit of a pain?15:22
mustmodifyOr should I just use a different ubuntu user account? :)15:22
leftyfbmustmodify: sudo su <otheruser>15:23
mustmodifyThat's totally plan B. I was hoping that I could switch back and forth between two heroku users from within my single ubuntu user.15:25
tehutyleftyfb:  thx15:26
leftyfbmustmodify: I'm pretty sure the Ubuntu instance you have on Heroku is highly modified and something which we can't support here. You are probably better off contacting heroku for supprt with this case. If it were normal ssh, you could use something like ControlMaster to utilize the same ssh connection, though authentication would still need to take place15:27
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=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
foistI use xdotool to search for Firefox and switch to it using a keyboard shortcut. Since I upgraded to the latest Ubuntu, it no longer is able to find Firefox. I guess this is because of the switch to Wayland. Does anyone know a workaround without switching back to xorg? Basically I just want a keyboard shortcut that focuses on Firefox or raises it if it isn't open.15:37
ioria!info ydotool | foist15:43
ubottufoist: Package ydotool does not exist in focal15:44
ioria!info ydotool  groovy | foist15:44
ubottufoist: Package ydotool does not exist in groovy15:44
tomreyni don't think ydotool provides functionality to achieve the desired task15:44
mustmodifyleftyfb: Sorry, I have an ubuntu machine locally. Heroku has a CLI that you log into via oauth. I just wish I could use both of my heroku accounts from it.15:45
mustmodifyBut I'll contact their support team about it.15:45
leftyfbmustmodify: if you could use normal ssh, you could create an ssh tunnel to your instance there and ssh through that from your local machine using any ssh account you wanted. But again, this is ssh. We can't support their proprietary authentication system15:46
ioria!info ydotool hirsute15:47
ubottuydotool (source: ydotool): Command-line automation tool - cli. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.8-3 (hirsute), package size 702 kB, installed size 2403 kB15:47
ravagefoist, try to launch "wmctrl -xa firefox || firefox" with your shortcut15:49
tomreynfoist: maybe https://git.sr.ht/~brocellous/wlrctl would be an option.15:51
HaJonesis there a way to put the content of a text file in the copy register with a cli command?15:55
foistravage: almost works, but it opens a new window each time instead of focussing on the open one16:01
foistHaJones: I use `cat file.txt | xclip -selection clipboard` for that. And I have that xclip portion as an alias so I just do `cat file.txt | pbcopy`.16:06
leftyfbHaJones: yes, look into xclip16:07
HaJonesfoist, thanks for the tip :)16:22
HaJonesfoist, I duckducked it, I think you could write 'pbcopy file.txt' in your case, if you do not want to use cat and a pipe.16:28
agvantiboIs upgrading to hirsute possible?16:30
agvantiboAnd is the shim bug fixed?16:31
lotuspsychjeagvantibo: should be, we saw an article passby upgrades is possible now16:33
agvantiboAnd what is passby upgrading16:33
lotuspsychjeagvantibo: https://9to5linux.com/you-can-now-upgrade-ubuntu-20-10-to-ubuntu-21-04-heres-how16:34
agvantiboIIII AMMM UPGRAADING!!16:57
DocMorsa full reinstall was required :(16:57
agvantiboDocMors are you replying to me?16:58
DocMorsagvantibo, why woud I do that?16:58
Maikagvantibo: no need to scream16:58
agvantiboDocMors IDK honestly16:59
Maikand as i said before the upgrade path to 21.04 had been opened up yesterday16:59
agvantiboMaik Screaming while possibly funking up your only PC is fun.16:59
nezxanbtw just out of interest, anyone else had trouble with wayland on 21.04? encountered firefox (official pre-installed) and chromium (snap) crashes, plus issues with the gnome dock ; I first thought I had misconfigured firefox, until I noticed the error output clearly indicated something wayland related; booting via xorg and everything works now17:00
agvantibo"booting via xorg". The X.Org Bootloader17:00
nezxanI know someone would mock me for this17:01
nezxanI've had a day of programming, my brain is mush be kind17:01
nezxananyway many here complaining about wayland related issues or is my case uncommon?17:01
agvantibonezxan: Sorry, this was wayyy too funny17:02
Maiknezxan: after i found that some apps aren't really working well yet with wayland i switched back to Xorg. Been using Fedora with wayland years ago but Wayland is still in a sort of Beta after 12 years of development.17:02
Maikyour issues are common17:02
nezxanMaik: do you know, does Fedora have Xorg as fallback available by default as well?17:03
nezxanbecause it being red hat they switched quite a while ago? must be fun for them17:03
nezxanoh ok17:03
nezxanagvantibo: I do not forget, I do not forgive17:03
Maiki refuse to use wayland and leave it to those who like to test, help troubleshoot and help improve it.17:04
leftyfbagvantibo: do you have a bug port for the shim issue?17:04
Maikleftyfb: the shim bug has been fixed17:04
nezxanMaik: yes dito, if I wanted to be a tester I could just use fedora and help out red hat :D17:04
leftyfbMaik: yeah, I'm interested in the bug report. That issue caused an additional 2 hours of upgrade time and I'd like to have something to show my superiors :)17:05
nezxanagvantibo: no need to quit out of fear17:05
nezxanthough I appreciate it17:05
Maiknezxan: it's not only Fedora that uses wayland, Debian too and now Ubuntu17:06
Maikleftyfb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/192501017:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1925010 in shim (Ubuntu Hirsute) "shim-signed 15.4 does not boot on EFI 1.10 systems" [High,Fix released]17:06
nezxanMaik: it was meant as a soft put-down mockery to fedora being "bleeding edge" and mainly a test bed for red hat (or so it seems at times), but I don't mean to start something17:07
nezxanMaik: anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me :)17:07
agvantibo66nezxan: It was just a well-timed disconnect because of a closed PC17:07
agvantibo66Btw I am the same creature as agvantibo17:08
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leftyfbMaik: hm, might be a different bug than what I ran into. In particular, there was some version mismatch between grub2-common and grub-efi-amd64-signed during an upgrade/fresh install. I know it applied to 16.04 but I think it was also 20.04. The fix I found was to enable proposed and which had the correct versions17:09
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: might try idle in #ubuntu-bugs-announce some handy new bugs spam17:15
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amosbird_Hello, will the next release of ubuntu using glibc 2.32?18:24
sarnoldamosbird_: no, 21.04 already has 2.33 and I haven't heard any reasons why we would go backwards18:28
gschanuelHow can I get rid of  "groups: cannot find name for group ID XXXX" message on ssh login?18:33
gschanuelI'm using sssd and some groups must not be mapped, so I don't need to see this message18:33
edgyHi, my ssh timeout quickly so I tried ssh  -o ServerAliveInterval=1200 but still same problem, any idea?18:37
sarnoldedgy: many NAT firewalls will tear down idle connections pretty quickly; try setting that to 60 or something18:40
edgysarnold: sorry how changing the time to 60 would avoid this NAT issue?18:41
bumblefuzzI'm having trouble getting Remmina to connect to a VNC server18:42
bumblefuzzI have both boxes on the same VPN18:42
bumblefuzzI can SSH into the remote box just fine18:43
bumblefuzzI have tightvncserver installed on the remote box18:43
bumblefuzzand remmina installed on the local box18:43
bumblefuzzbut everything I try refuses to work18:43
bumblefuzzI don't know what I'm doing wrong18:43
edgysarnold: actually both the server and client are behind NAT18:43
lotuspsychjebumblefuzz: nmap the ip of the box running vnc to see if its service is running18:46
bumblefuzzlotuspsychje meaning port 5900?18:47
lotuspsychjebumblefuzz: service + port yeah18:49
bumblefuzzufw on the remote box says 5900 is open18:50
V|Aheyaall!! i have an issue connecting to a local xrdp entoty https://ibb.co/d5D6fK918:50
bumblefuzznmap says it's closed18:50
V|Arebooted and reset a bunch of times, after i enter the  credentials just nothing happens. the screenshot is what i see on the serverside18:50
edgysarnold: thanks for the tip.18:51
V|Ai cant make sense of it. thought another whitelist might be needed but its the same with vpn disabled18:52
sarnoldexplodes: my hope is that the client will send a message to the server every 60 seconds rather than 20 minutes (your setting) or never (the default)18:55
sarnoldexplodes: argh, sorry, tab misfire, I didn't notice the other guy with 'e' quit..18:55
V|Axrdp on ubuntu18:56
V|Afml sry18:56
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HaJonesI will install packages from source. Is it possible to let the package manager update them when updates in the binary repositories are newer then the install?19:56
sarnoldif you rebuild the packages from source and give them appropriate version numbers, etc19:57
HaJonessarnold, what do you mean by s/etc/yes?19:58
sarnoldHaJones: that's a little sed program to change the word 'etc'in my previous line to 'yes' :) it's a common short-hand on irc for fixing mistakes19:59
HaJonesok :)19:59
leftyfbHaJones: if you are pulling the package source from ubuntu and rebuilding the .deb and installing the .deb and stick with the appropriate version numbers, then the package should update when later versions are released. If you are compiling and installing software directly from source, that is the end of the line for that version. You will be stuck recompiling and installing from source every time here's an update and you download the new source20:01
leftyfbHaJones: if compiling and installing directly from source, there is also no mechanism to be notified when there is an update20:02
HaJonesleftyfb, thanks. I will be compiling from source. To keep track of the binaries from source so that I can update them when they exist in the repositories, do you have a suggestion?20:04
leftyfbHaJones: yeah, don't :)20:04
HaJonesleftyfb, haha.20:04
leftyfbHaJones: why do you need to compile from source?20:04
leftyfbHaJones: also, which package?20:05
=== yvectorx is now known as V|A
HaJonesleftyfb, Im on ubuntu 20.04.  plantUML will have problems with graphviz package version 2.42 which is the only one in the repositoryhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=graphviz&searchon=names20:07
leftyfbHaJones: you could try backporting from 21.0420:08
HaJonesleftyfb, how do I do that?20:09
leftyfb!info plantuml20:10
ubottuplantuml (source: plantuml): text-to-UML converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2018.13+ds-2 (focal), package size 6546 kB, installed size 7107 kB20:10
leftyfb!info plantuml hirsute20:11
ubottuplantuml (source: plantuml): text-to-UML converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2020.2+ds-1 (hirsute), package size 7846 kB, installed size 8491 kB20:11
leftyfb!backporting | HaJones20:11
leftyfbHaJones: https://geeky.name/story/backport-ubuntu-package-5-minutes20:13
HaJonesleftyfb, I have to backport from bionic which have graphviz verson 2.40 the others has the same as my version. is it possible to backport to an older version?20:15
leftyfbHaJones: that's not a backport if you're pulling from an older version20:15
HaJonesok so pulling form an older version, will I run in to trouble?20:16
leftyfbHaJones: I don't have any experience trying to use backportpackage like that. I'm not sure you can20:16
HaJonesleftyfb, perhaps better to install from source then and make a note somewhere that I did it?20:17
leftyfbHaJones: I don't personally recommend that. Maybe look into the backport method first. See if it's viable20:17
HaJonesleftyfb, I will then. Do you know how a distribution like gentoo keeps track on its installs, all is made from source to my knowledge.20:18
leftyfbHaJones: gentoo is a rolling distro20:19
HaJonesleftyfb, ok. thanks for your help :)20:22
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=== Guest4312 is now known as catalase
oehmananyone awake?23:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:15
oehmanJust checking23:15

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