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BUSYhello - i recently upgraded from 18.04 LTS beaver to 20.04 LTS fossa - some parts of the window manager (gnome?) don't appear quite right and alt-tab hotkeys are not set correctly - what's the best way to purge some of this configuration back to a 'clean install'00:42
GinaloHi, I need help. I keep having the following error when running update-initramfs:00:46
Bashing-omBUSY: A thought - how about ' apt show gnome-initial-setup '; look relevant ?00:46
GinaloWhat should I do with this? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/pYob0mGj/update-initramfs_output00:46
GinaloThis error showed up after installing Ubuntu Studio through an APT package.00:47
BUSYBashing-om, will give it a shot - doesn't look like it can hurt00:47
BUSYhmm - actually, it looks like it wants me to create a new user00:50
sarnoldGinalo: what provided that : /etc/initramfs/post-update.d//zz-kernelstub file?00:50
Bashing-omBUSY: Ouch - I do not run gnome - so no 1st hand knowledge here.00:50
Ginalosarnold: I have no idea, to be honest.00:52
sarnoldGinalo: pastebinit it?00:52
Ginalosarnold: Okay, I'll get back after doing that.00:53
tomreyn5.11.0-7614 doesn't seem to exist on ubuntu00:57
Ginalotomreyn: Yeah. It doesn't make sense. Any idea on what I should do?00:58
ice9how to remove old kernels?00:59
ice9apt autoremove doesn't list them00:59
tomreynGinalo: do the pastebin01:00
tomreynGinalo: and tell us what this system is you're running01:01
Ginalosarnold, tomreyn: Really sorry for not having an idea, but what should I pastebin?01:01
oerheksapt would remove them, after reboot01:01
oerheksso, no longer need to cleanup, ice901:01
oerheksnew policy01:01
sarnoldGinalo: /etc/initramfs/post-update.d//zz-kernelstub01:01
sarnoldGinalo: whatever that is feels buste01:02
GinaloI'm running pop-os01:02
sarnoldGinalo: or whatever it's reading is busted01:02
ice9oerheks, i already rebooted but they are not getting removed by apt01:02
sarnoldGinalo: you'll have better luck talking with them, they'll probably know what this is01:02
sarnoldGinalo: hah, cute. it just calls something else..01:04
sarnoldGinalo: yeah, talk to pop_os folks, that's your best bet01:05
tomreynice9: which ubuntu release is this? which architecture? is linux-generic (or linux-generic-hwe-*) installed?01:08
ice9tomreyn, 21.04 5.11.0-18-generic01:09
tomreynapt list --installed linux-generic*01:10
Bashing-om!info linux-generic-hwe-20.0401:11
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, hirsute): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 2 kB / 18 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)01:11
ice9tomreyn, https://bpa.st/EVFA01:12
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tomreynice9: you have linux-generic-hwe-20.04 installed on hisuite? that's weird, how did that get installed?01:12
ice9tomreyn, i just installed ubuntu normally from the installer, i haven't configure anything manually; what is the hwe?01:13
tomreyn!hwe | ice901:14
ubottuice9: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:14
tomreynit's for LTS release (latest LTS release is 20.94 LTS) only01:14
tomreynanyways, purge that and install linux-image01:14
tomreyn* 20.04 LTS01:17
tomreynice9: did it help? you'd need to run   sudo apt update && sudo apt autoremove    again01:35
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Guest98hello, are the software repos for 7.04 still online?02:05
tomreynGuest98: you should not be running this version from year 2007. there's old-releases.ubuntu.com02:07
Guest98I have to for my software requirements (compiz fusion). I hope the software repos are still active.02:08
tomreynGuest98: are you joking then?02:09
Guest98no, I am already downloading the iso but my question was if the software archives are still online02:09
tomreyn!7.04 | Guest9802:09
ubottuGuest98: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:09
Guest98that doesn't really answer my question02:11
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:11
tomreynthis release will have many, many unfixed vulnerabilities. the release is certainly not "active". i already pointed you to where old apt archives can be found.02:11
tomreyn"compiz" is still available in current ubuntu releases02:11
Guest98awesome. Thanks. Yes but it doesn't have any of the custom features compiz had in its heyday (such as cube desktop, fire, water, wobbly windows etc)02:12
tomreynso you prefer nice looks over security. that's pretty close to insane, but you should make your own choices.02:13
Guest98it's gonna be in a vm02:14
leftyfbGuest98: compiz isn't a requirement, it's personal preference fluff that is outdated and unsupported02:14
Guest98you don't know what my requirements are02:15
sarnoldwobbbbbbbly windows!02:15
MirukuHi. I installed the vboxguest editions on ubuntu server but I still can't get bidirectional clipboard working. Any tips?02:16
leftyfbGuest98: if your "requirements" are for an OS that went unsupported 14 years ago, then they aren't valid requirements02:16
Guest98my requirements are to play with wobbly windows so your argument is invalid02:16
Guest98you can actually get them in 20.10 with gnome shell extensions but another one of my requirements is the fire tool02:17
tomreynMiruku: i suppose you mean "additions", not "editions". those should ideally be the same version as the virutalbox version the host is running. and, unless you've installed that with ubuntu packages, you should seek support from virtualbox (probbaly their forums, though they also used to have an irc channel on freenode, which may have moved here, to libera)02:19
tomreynthe irc channel was #vbox02:19
MirukuYeah, that's what I meant. I think I will just use superputty. But thank you! :)02:20
tomreynMiruku: also, i would be surprised if their clipboard sharing does not depend on X.02:20
MirukuYeah, I was reading that as well. Not really wanting to install x. Kind of defeats the purpose of my development environment. At that point I would just pay a few bucks to host in aws.02:21
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ice9linux package name in ubuntu is linux-image? and is it named like that in debian too?02:53
sarnoldN: Can't select versions from package 'linux-image' as it is purely virtual03:02
sarnoldlinux-image-generic depends upon whatever package is newest, eg:03:02
sarnoldDepends: linux-image-5.4.0-74-generic, linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-74-generic, linux-firmware, intel-microcode, amd64-microcode03:02
sarnoldthis way apt can be taught to bring in new packages03:03
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Bashing-ompoof as off to bed I go \o04:30
trohrtAnybody know where/who I would go to for support for Android Studio in snap store? I'm having an issue with AVD Manager not being able to locate adb, even when installed via Android Studio SDK Manager.  I manually added that directory to my $PATH and it still can't find it in Android Studio, even though I now have access to the command via shell. Sorry if this is the...04:35
trohrt... wrong place. I'm not as familiar with snap as I'd like to be.04:35
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yevhenivanchenkoWe have a request. This is about Ubuntu 20.04. There is a bug with dhcp in the package network-manager 1.22.10-1ubuntu2.2. This bug is described on redhat bugtracker - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1817788. Here you can see "error -113 dispatching events" in log. It seems the issue was resolved in network manager  1.22.12. Is it possible to update(or fix) the network-manager package in repository? It affects many users, I suppose.06:44
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1817788 in Fedora "Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections drops every few minutes when using NetworkManager's internal DHCP client implementation" [Medium, Closed: Duplicate]06:44
guivercyevhenivanchenko, bug requests belong on a bug tracker; launchpad.net being Ubuntu's , but if you have the CVE you can check to see what releases have fixed or back-ported fixes06:49
Chunkyz-RPiThanks tomreyn! going to try it out. :-D06:54
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yevhenivanchenkoit is not easy for me to create bug on launchpad. I though that it will be easier to write about it in the chat. As I know, the issue exist at least a few months and nobody fixed it.07:03
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wezHey, what's the command to uninstall snap?07:50
Unit193apt remove snapd  ?07:51
wezWill that break anything?07:52
Unit193Depends, have any important snaps installed?07:52
wezUnit193: I haven't installed any, just what comes out of the box with Ubuntu 20.0407:55
Chunkyz-RPiwez: check if snap is mounted with lsblk...07:55
Chunkyz-RPiyou should see a mount if it is, if not... it's not installed. :-)07:56
wezAlso, whose idea was it to install snap by default?07:56
Chunkyz-RPicanocial. (not sure if that's spelled correctly)07:56
enycarj_: hrrm what sent you to freenode still out of interest?07:56
enycarj_: a particular ubuntu irc package?07:57
Unit193Chunkyz-RPi: Canonical*07:57
Chunkyz-RPiUnit193: thanks. :-)07:58
wezIs Canonical open to input on what they should bundle in their OS?07:58
Chunkyz-RPino lol07:58
snhardini wish heh08:00
wez:(  I guess I'll go back to Debian then.08:00
snhardinI love Debian until I need a relatively up-to-date version of some software to use a new feature08:01
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enycsnhardin: debian 11 and derivatives be out soonish08:15
enycsnhardin: some like 'rolling releases'08:15
enyce.g. artix/arch  if nhey keep up to date08:15
enycsnhardin: often, you can 'backport' packages to your needed debian/ubuntu release08:16
Mekanecksnhardin: mind taking that conversation elsewhere please, it has nothing to do with ubuntu support.08:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:17
Mekaneckenyc: too08:17
Mekaneckthanks ;)08:17
ograwez, if you want a certain app added or replaced by a better one you can definitely start a discussion on discourse.ubuntu.com ...08:57
wezogra: Thanks, I'll check it out.09:04
pikaroHi! On Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS, looking at ip addr I see that my IPv6 address is autoconfigured as 2001:db8:dead:beef::/64. IOW, the server is receiving a prefix but not assigning itself an IP. why is that the case, and what is this configured "address" for? it doesn't seem to respond to all addresses under it which was my first guess. is it possible to just have it append its EUI-64? I wouldn't like to09:24
pikaromanually configure it as static - there's currently no Netplan file and this is a Docker server so the possibility of breaking something is high.09:24
lotuspsychjepikaro: you might wanna talk to the #ubuntu-server experts about that09:32
pikarolotuspsychje: Thanks, will do!09:32
InteloHow can an ssd be checked in linux/ubuntu for errors? I get i/o errors on a luks encrypted disk. I reboot system and it works but get it again sometime later.  after error, I cannot access files on disk09:33
tomreynIntelo: same as hdd's, !smart09:34
Intelotomreyn smart?09:51
Intelowhich drives are good? brand and size? (my needs are 2tb though). Also I heard m.2 is better like 5% more than normal ssd but I guess the portability of ssd is better as I can use a case and port ssd anywhere. Also plug it in a laptop (most laptops don't have m.2 )09:51
Chunkyz-RPi!smart | Intelo09:52
ubottuIntelo: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools09:52
tomreynIntelo: for hardware recommendations, try asking in ##hardware , while discussing how it'll be used / what the requirements are.10:03
thecivvieenyc thanks for the tip :)10:34
enycthecivvie: uerr oh I probbably sent you to right network from somewhere11:01
enycforget now ;p11:01
rhys-the-daviesubuntuonair community office hours starting in 20 minutes on Twitch and Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBhLEtS0jjU&ab_channel=UbuntuOnAir chat there or in #ubuntu-on-air :D11:41
Chunkyz-RPi!ot | rhys-the-davies12:00
ubotturhys-the-davies: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:00
Chunkyz-RPinot sure *what* that has to do with #ubuntu support rhys-the-davies......12:00
BluesKajHi all12:47
dirtwashnyone know how I reload networking to update netmask in ubuntu 16 without rebooting?13:07
dirtwashrestarting network service doesnt work13:08
Chunkyz-RPidirtwash: nm?13:08
dirtwashubuntu server13:08
Chunkyz-RPiisn't 16 eol?13:09
dirtwashwhat does it matter13:09
Chunkyz-RPino support...13:09
ograwell, paid support ๐Ÿ™‚13:10
dirtwashi forgot ubuntu has a shitty community13:10
rbasakI knew how to do that four years ago. Now I'm not sure I'll get it wrong by accident and lead you into more trouble (eg. lose connectivity when adjusting remotely).13:17
rbasakWe made it much better now. "sudo netplan apply". But I'm not sure that applies to 16.04 either.13:18
leftyfbrbasak: they left13:18
BrianBlazedude is gone13:18
rbasakAh :)13:18
BrianBlazegood riddance lol13:18
gnitizenhonestly though i think ubuntu has one of the better communities13:19
BrianBlazeit would be someone who would come in and ask a question impatiently and then scream shitty community really get what they put in13:21
BrianBlazewow I feel like my thoughts were not put into words properly there sorry lol13:22
gnitizenNo I get you. I and you are very much right. I feel like whenever I have an issue with my machines/servers the UB community most of the time has an answer to my questions13:23
ograrbasak, it would have been ifconfig down/up ... but he left too quickly13:26
kyenteiogra: Yep, and chaining that to reverting a backup if your config if ifconfig fails, because otherwise you'd have lost access to the box :-p13:34
kyenteiLook at that, shitty community providing an answer even after the person has left. Oh well, perhaps they'll read the logs online ;-)13:37
pjsAnyone know of a ppa for neomutt? The latest on Ubuntu is several versions behind and there is an annoying bug I keep running into and I'd like to update13:48
leftyfbpjs: the latest release of ubuntu has the latest release of neomutt available in Debian13:54
pjsleftyfb: hrmm, I'm on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS13:55
pjslatest version according to apt-cache is from 201913:55
leftyfbok, that one is a bit outdated. Not uch we can do there13:55
* pjs nods13:56
pjsI'll build it, nbd13:56
kyenteipjs: you could try downloading the newer deb, and hope all the dependencies are met.13:57
kyenteipjs: https://packages.debian.org/testing/mail/neomutt13:57
leftyfbpjs: there's also the option of building and uploading a snap so others can take advantage13:57
pjsleftyfb: I completely removed snapd, not my thing ;)13:59
pjskyentei: Wonder if anyone has had any issues doing that14:00
leftyfbpjs: yeah, I hate easily installing the latest release of packages on almost any distro as well14:00
pjsleftyfb: When the tradeoffs are yet another daemon, slower performance, a million mounts, etc. I agree 100%14:07
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mrtrousersHello.. Im so confused. What happened with freenode? Is that the new freenode?14:33
user217_Hello. I get 'stegsolve' running before I try to run most of my apps. Is anyway to fix this ?14:33
leftyfbmrtrousers: feel free to chat about freenode in #freenode or actually, #libera for a more civilized conversation. This channel is the official support IRC channel for Ubuntu14:34
mrtrousersleftyfb well, well thanks for the advice, but.. You must know what happened as your channel was hosted in freenode until recently, right?14:35
mrtrousersI just come ask here cuz is my main channel in irc, lulz..14:35
mrtrousersIll go ask in those channels as you suggested though..14:35
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user217_Hello. I get 'stegsolve' running before I try to run most of my apps. Is anyway to fix this ?15:01
leftyfbuser217_: what version of ubuntu?15:01
user217_leftyfb: 20.0415:02
leftyfbuser217_: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999915:02
user217_@leftyfb https://termbin.com/5ss115:03
leftyfbuser217_: stegsolve is not a supported application in ubuntu. Feel free to remove it15:04
tobtoht-Hi, quick question: Do old package revisions ever get removed from archive.ubuntu.com ?15:17
mortwhen I hit the sleep button on my computer, if Discord is running, the computer refuses to go to sleep15:18
oerhekstobtoht-, old versions stay, afaik .. see example gedit https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/gedit15:18
mortI feel like no software should be able to prevent a sleep that's triggered through physically pushing the sleep button, but a confined snap should be *especially* unable to do that15:19
oerheksmort, talk to the developers, discord is a proprietary binairy blob;  https://snapcraft.io/discord15:21
mortoerheks: but discord is irrelevant, it's a bug that a program is able to prevent sleep like that15:21
oerheksmort check out software > installed > discord > permissions15:24
mortit has play audio, browser-support, use camera, gsettings read access, home folder file access, network access, opengl access, plau and record sound access, and prevent screen sleep/lock15:25
oerheksgreat, you found the setting15:26
mortbut "prevent screen sleep/lock" surely is just meant to prevent going to sleep after some number of minutes?15:26
oerheks.. try it15:26
ice9sometimes when the i try to unlock the screen after no activity, i find that ubuntu 21.04 has freezed and I have to hard reset, any idea?15:26
oerheks 15:28
mortweird, even after opening discord again just now, still having that permission, it doesn't affect sleep15:28
srcice9: if you use wayland, start with xorg (it's an alternative, you can set it from the login screen)15:29
mortwhy is there one "play audio" permission, one "record audio" setting and one "play and record sound" setting15:29
tobtoht-oerheks: excellent, thanks15:29
ogramort, the combined one is deprecated but still there because older snaps might still use it ... the curse of eternal backwards compatibility that snaps bring along15:30
ice9src, i'm using xorg already15:30
srcice9: then I'm afraid I don't know what's causing it15:31
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ogramort, if you are disabling screen-inhibit-control in discord and you still can not suspend you should open a topic on forum.snapcraft.io, disconnecting that iterface shuld clearly allow you to suspend15:32
ogramort, also ... there is the #snappy channel for snap questions ๐Ÿ˜‰15:34
mortogra: isn't it a weirdly designed experience in general that I can hit the sleep button on my keyboard, see my screens turn off and lights on my keyboard turn off, and then everything turns back on a few seconds later and I'm at a login screen?15:34
ravananHey, I'm trying to open gnome-terminal in tty3 by running 'startx gnome-terminal', without a window manager, but instead the applications is opened on my graphical console (Ctrl-Alt-F2). Why is this happening?15:34
morteven if a program should be able to prevent my sleep button from working, surely that's not the way it's supposed to look?15:35
goddardcan i stop gnome shell from changing my displays and resizing all my windows if a display powers off?15:35
oerheksmort, you found the option, it is by design to prevent sleep.15:35
ogramort, well, i didnt implement that interface ... but i'm happy that vlc keeps ny system alive while watching a video ... and that zoom does while in a conference15:35
mortogra: I get preventing the auto lock/sleep due to inactivity, I don't get preventing the sleep button from working, and I especially don't get preventing the sleep button from working in the manner it currently does15:36
ogramort, as i said, post on forum.snapcraft.io to get it changed or to learn why it is as it is15:36
ogra(i'm using snaps ince plenty of years and have actually never had issues with the sleep button, even when using the ones that use that interface ... perhaps discord does something special over i.e. zoom or vlc)15:37
mortI just checked my journal, and, well, https://p.mort.coffee/8vQ15:39
ograthe interface only allows the apps to access the bits of the system ... it does not rule how these system resources are used (an app could forcefully ping a wakeup event every second or just monitor if your screen wants to sleep and then send a ping=15:39
ogralooks like some gnome-shell thing15:39
mortit looks like gnome-shell/apparmor preventing discord from accessing /proc/self/maps and discord retrying in a hot loop15:40
mortweird to prevent access to /proc/self, that seems like it'd break a bunch of programs with no security benefits15:40
ograwell, these "gnome-shell: Sandbox" messages have nothing to do with snaps15:41
ogralooks like a gnome-shell bug to me15:41
oerheksmort, what is your issue now?15:41
mortI don't know what the relationship between gnome-shell and apparmor is15:41
ograwell, your log shows there is none15:42
ograno idea where that "Sandbox" message comes from, it is definitely unrelated to snaps15:42
mortI'm not really comfortable using a system which spams the log with a ton of permission errors every second15:45
tomreyni think you get those messages when you run DRM "protected" stuff (widevine) in Firefox. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=194833115:46
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1948331 in Fedora "repeated 'Sandbox: attempt to open unexpected file /proc/self/maps'" [Unspecified, New]15:46
mortyou seem to be right, closing my music tab made gnome-shell stop spamming15:46
mortthat begs the question, wtf is the widevine blob doing with /proc/self/maps15:48
mortanyways, not related to ubuntu then15:49
tomreyni guess the log spam is, this should get rate limited or something.15:50
ravanan(insert Bernie saying I'm once again asking) Hey, I'm trying to open gnome-terminal in tty3 by running 'startx gnome-terminal', without a window manager, but instead the application is opened on my graphical console (Ctrl-Alt-F2). Why is this happening?15:50
morttomreyn: yeah, some kind of feature where it prints the first message and then "[omitted 1337 identical denials]" would be neat15:51
mortat least dedupe denials happening within the same second15:52
tomreynmort: would you please file a bug then?15:53
mortwell, with widevine rummaging through the browser's memory maps and discord pthread probing random applications it's a good thing we have sandboxes eh15:58
lotuspsychjeravanan: startx is not really the way to go anymore, and why do you want a GUI terminal from inside a tty?16:00
ogramort, well, if discourse used the system-observe interface (check with "snap connections discord" if it has that plug defined) it would be quiet ๐Ÿ™‚16:05
ogranot sure if it is actually harmful what it tries to do16:06
mortallegedly it's just to automatically enter streaming mode if you start OBS or something like that16:06
user217_____@leftyfb: the problem is that I cant remove 'stegsolve' becouse I cant found any binary file that can run it16:07
mortbut I don't really want my chat application to ptrace all my other applications, *especially* not when it's closed source, so I'm happy that apparmor is blocking it16:07
leftyfbuser217_____: that would have been something you installed manually. It's not available in the ubuntu repos. Maybe look for CTF applications you installed16:07
user217_____also, I dont see any process that run it in 'top'/'htop'16:07
leftyfbuser217_____: have you tried messing with "hacking" tools at all?16:08
leftyfbuser217_____: if not, then your only option would be to wipe your system, reinstall ubuntu and restore your files from backup16:09
leftyfbuser217_____: and be more careful about opening up your system/ports to the internet16:10
user217_____leftyfb: yep, I try to play with "hacking tools" but now stuck with removing this tools16:12
leftyfbuser217_____: you shouldn't be messing with such tools unless you know what you are doing16:12
ograuser217_____, this is what $DIETY created VMs for ๐Ÿ˜‰16:12
user217_____I found the way how to run it now: ls -la /proc/919602/exe16:12
user217_____but still cant found binary16:13
user217_____that run it16:13
Alabalisticwhich # did you try it16:13
user217_____o noo :( looks like my 'ls' just broken and run 'stegsolve' now intead of do it work :(16:14
leftyfbuser217_____: reinstall your system. There's no telling what sort of mess has been created with random tools installed without fully understanding what they do or the system they're installed on16:15
user217_____leftyfb: bad idea for me16:17
mortwhat does `echo $PATH` say16:17
leftyfbuser217_____: bad idea? You've been messing with hacking tools on a system that is deemed critical and/or no backups?16:20
mortI'm 50/50 on "user217_____ accidentally 'hacked' themselves with their hacking tools" and "user217_____ downloaded a trojan meant to target script kiddies"16:21
leftyfboh, I'm 90/10 on that16:22
goddardwhats the deal when trying to get a script work on linux and mac16:22
goddardit works perfectly on linux but mac is complaining16:22
leftyfbgoddard: maybe try #mac?16:22
user217_____@mort https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rQyNN8yjS7/16:22
mortwell there are differences between linux and mac, to get a script to work on both you have to use their common subset16:22
srcgoddard: different shell, different bash version? and not something for this channel I guess16:23
srcslightly different tools etc16:23
srcdepends on the script really16:23
user217_____@mort looks like in any of this locations there is no 'stegsolve' binary https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qjHs8p5TVJ/16:24
mortuser217_____: you say that running `ls` runs stegsolve..?16:25
user217_____@mort yep. A few more apps16:25
srclet this be a lesson kids, stay safe, use condoms16:26
mortuser217_____: what is the actual problem you have experiencing? Describe what you do, what the expected result would be, and what the actual result is16:27
user217_____@mort this is how "ls -l" command looks like in "htop" https://itmages.su/images/2021/06/17/88d27a8d9ce94faccd14ede618424fc7.png16:29
leftyfbuser217_____: powerpc64?16:31
leftyfbuser217_____: this is an old mac?16:31
user217_____@mort:  for exaple: I want to run "ls -la" and expect to see list of files in my current folder. But get runing "stegsolve" app - as result16:32
user217_____@leftyfb nope. Acer with ubuntu 20.04 on it16:32
mortuser217_____: can you run `env`, censor any keys or sensitive data you may have there, and pastebin it16:33
srcisn't the solution obviously to boot from a sysresccd, carefully back up most important files, and wipe the damn system?16:34
mortyea that'd probably be the best way to go, this seems completely fucked16:34
morthow the hell do you end up in a situation where your commands are prefixed with `/usr/lib/x86_64-kfreebsd-gnu/jni:/usr/lib/powerpc64-linux-gnu/jni:<...> -jar`16:35
mortis that even legal shell syntax?16:35
srchow do you debug this, how do you clean up this system reliably, and then how are you sure it's really clean16:36
srccarefully back up stuff if you need to and do a clean install16:36
ograthats debians multiarch stuff for kfreebsd i guess16:36
srcand learn a lesson16:36
user217_____@mort https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gvNdrhyZpn/16:36
leftyfbuser217_____: re-install and restore from backup16:37
user217_____@leftyfb may be someone is interested to go deepre in this :)16:38
srcI doubt it :D16:38
user217_____anyway, next step should be - question on ask.ubuntu16:40
ogranot really16:41
user217_____but, first - should try my luck here16:41
ograjust wipe it16:41
ograyou will likely not get other answers on askubuntu and just bind supporter resurces16:41
leftyfbuser217_____: even if you get passed this one particular issue, I can guarantee you you have other issues16:41
user217_____@leftyfb everybody, for shure, have a some issues time to time16:42
leftyfbuser217_____: not usually like this. You have a huge mess16:42
ograreinstall freshly ... and use VMs for such experiments in the future16:42
srcuser217_____: you botched your install playing around with hacking tools up to a point where $ ls doesn't work and you don't know what the damn thing even did, how can you recover this install up to a point where it can be trusted to be reliable without restoring from backup or wiping it clean?16:43
srcuser217_____: writing up your issue / issues, what exactly you did, getting all of the right logs and so forth will be more work than backing up and installing fresh16:44
srcyou're free to do what you want, but don't say you haven't been told. Not sure why you are trying to needlessly drag this any further16:44
user217_____it should be my plan "B"16:46
leftyfbuser217_____: reinstall. That is your option. Good luck16:46
oerheksleftyfb +116:48
user217_____This is the easiest way. But there is also some logic that run 'stegsolve' and I want to found it.16:52
leftyfbuser217_____: good luck. It's beyond the scope of this channel16:56
jamea97hi all17:00
lotuspsychjewelcome jamea9717:00
jamea97downloaded visual studio .deb17:00
jamea97and isntalled where is?17:00
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oerhekswe don't support manual downloads, use the snap version, you would get updates https://snapcraft.io/code17:01
jamea97i am downloaded from official site of visual code17:02
jamea97ok https://snapcraft.io/code downloading17:02
jamea97arghh installed snap: apt install snap..17:03
jamea97now: sudo snap install code --classic17:03
jamea97sudo snap command not found :(17:04
oerheksinteresting, on what linux version are you?17:04
oerheksmint, hahaha , blocks snaps17:04
lotuspsychjesome flavours dont have snap by default neither17:04
oerheksfind the mint channel?17:05
jamea97not sure if mint17:05
oerheksi am sure it is not ubuntu17:05
srcjamea97: you can get vscode on ubuntu via three ways, -) manual installation, -) snap, -) using the ms repos17:06
srcjamea97: having problem with the first and second, maybe the third is the way to go17:06
jamea97ubuntu 18.04.517:07
srcjamea97: but you should at least know what OS you're actually running17:07
jamea97old version?17:07
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu, supported until April 2023. Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes17:08
jamea97yes, then is buntu :)17:08
srcjamea97: do you plan to do dev work?17:08
Chunkyz-RPihaving difficulty trying to get sway working, here's some logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rBrx66jnTG/17:09
jamea97not, only compilation17:09
srceverything will be outdated, all packages, language versions, libraries et cetera, while still being supported it will cause problems17:09
srcI would consider upgrading17:09
srcjamea97: also see my above messages about your options in installing vscode17:09
jamea97this machine is configured, hard to configure, python android, so so for compile17:09
jamea97found error:17:11
jamea97sudo apt install snap17:11
tomreynfound error: user failed to excplain what the error is.17:12
jamea97would be:17:13
jamea97sudo apt install snapd17:13
jamea97wich is better: sudo snap install code --classic   or sudo snap install core   ?17:13
oerheksi do not see core as an option for visual studio17:14
jamea97ok thanks17:15
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jamea97src consider upgrading? my ubuntu? is possible with a commnand line?17:20
srcjamea97: if vscode works and your setup works feel free to stick with it17:22
srcI personally would prefer a newer version but it would mean backing up your system before, can't promise that everything will go smoothly17:22
srcand it will be somewhat involved, if interested you should search online17:23
jamea97how to execute i dont see in desktop or any menu option17:28
srcjamea97: $ code17:33
srcshould start it17:33
srcit should have created a menu entry though as well (not sure about snap on 18.04, don't know what de/wm you're running)17:34
srcmaybe you can create one yourself, you can check where the program is with $ which code17:34
jamea97worked command code17:35
alzghkde opens your terminals wherever you left them after restart17:37
alzghcan also split terminals vert and hor17:37
Chunkyz-RPias well as sway not working, I can't get GDM3 to work too. it just show a grey screen and a white little box (I'm presuming it's my mouse) anyone have any ideas?17:38
jamea97src thanks17:38
srcjamea97: have fun coding17:38
jamea97you are dev?17:39
srcI dabble17:39
ograjamea97, if you just freshly installed snapd you should log out and back in again, else icons for newly installed snaps will not show up17:42
srcogra: oh nice, so that's the cause17:42
ograsnapd extends XDG_DATA_DIRS ... thats only set at login time17:43
jamea97need relogin?17:45
Chunkyz-RPiI also installed gd3m, IT NEVER gets enabled after a restart even though I enabled the service!!17:45
srcjamea97: need to log in again for vscode icon to show up in menu17:46
Chunkyz-RPisome more logs of sway https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rBrx66jnTG/17:46
Chunkyz-RPianyone know what's causing it? I EVEN installed ubuntu-desktop...17:46
srcI can't really help but is there any reason you need wayland over xorg?17:48
srcwayland still has issues17:48
Chunkyz-RPijust want to try sway tbh.17:48
srcI had to search for it since I didn't know it17:48
srcbut since it's a drop in replacement for i3, you could just try i3 on xorg?17:49
srcif that actually works17:49
ograChunkyz-RPi, you should really switch to 20.10 if you want to run any ubuntu desktop on a Pi ... there is a reason we did not release a desktop image in 20.04 (the underlying system simply was not ready)17:49
jamea97help me with snap for install notepad++17:50
srcjamea97: you should really learn some basic things about your system17:51
srcjamea97: $ man snap17:51
srctells you what commands do work with snap17:51
ograor just "snap" and hit enter17:51
srcyou then can use search, list, install at will17:51
ogra(i guess that is actually more informative tan the manpage)17:52
srcjamea97: it's not viable to ask for help for every single installation17:52
alzghreading man pages is not easy for beginners, I'm just starting be able to extract information from them17:53
alzgha useful tool that may help you work with commands is `tldr`17:53
jamea97src :( thanks17:53
jamea97reading man snap17:53
alzghjust type `tldr command` and it will gives the most common example usages for that command17:54
srcalzgh: tldr is not installed on my system for example17:54
srcman pages are universal to POSIX systems17:54
alzghit's not, you need to install it17:54
srcand sorry, if reading man pages if something that can not be demanded from new users, I'm really at a loss17:54
srcplus the snap man page is really clean17:55
alzghman pages are always better, I fully agree. src17:55
alzghmy comment wasn't directed at your instructions17:55
alzghyou are right to ask people to read man pages17:55
srcI just don't agree with "man pages are too complicated for new users"17:55
srcand they shouldn't be expected to make an effort reading them17:56
rneesehey guys having a issue with the falkon browser pkg18:06
rneeseit seeks not to keep bookmarks or settings18:06
rneeseevery time you start it its like a first time run18:07
srcrneese: that seems like an issue of that package or your browser, not ubuntu18:09
srcrneese: sorry, I thought you meant extension / add-on .. didn't know what falkon was, I jumped the gun there18:09
nhasianwhat is the service name for the remote desktop that is built into Ubuntu (Gnome)? I want to verify that it is running or to restart it as I'm unable to connect with a VNC client18:10
rneesefalkon is a web browser pkg18:10
leftyfbnhasian: I think it's vino.18:10
oerheksfalkon from the snap store?18:13
oerhekscheck out software > installed > falkon > permissions18:13
rneeseno falkon from ubuntu pkgs18:14
rneesenot a snap pkg18:14
oerheksoh, then you are on your own18:14
oerheksimage of snap settings > https://imgur.com/gallery/nYLuTtr18:16
alzghwhat is the benefit of ascii armoring gpg keys?18:22
tomreynalzgh: it creates printable output for what is originally binary data, similar to base64 encoding would.18:25
alzghAhh, so it helps in say transportation over email as plain text versus an attachment etc.18:26
alzghThanks tomreyn18:26
tomreynright, you're welcome18:27
alzgh`sudo install -o root -g root -m 644 repo_key.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/` is this a correct way to add a third party key to apt? I'm asking bc I read something against using apt-key and that it would grant access to the third party key holder to modify all repositories and not only its own.18:35
Chunkyz-RPiogra: I tried 21.04, same thing happens18:38
ograChunkyz-RPi, unmdified with the ubuntu kernel ? (note that 21.04 uses wayland by default already)18:39
Chunkyz-RPiAnd I know 21.04 is default Wayland18:40
ograChunkyz-RPi, i was just mentioning the kernel because your log showed some weirdo non-ubuntu kernel ... there has been quite some work put in between canonical and the pi foundation to make the kernel as perfect as possible particulary with the graphics drivers ... i'd not use some third party thing there to get the full performance18:47
Chunkyz-RPiogra: 5.11 is eol, I was using the rpi foundation kernel.18:48
ograhuh ?18:48
Chunkyz-RPiWhat you huhing?18:49
ograhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hirsute/+source/linux-raspi doesnt looke very EOL to me ... and its definitely supported fr the lifetime of 21.1018:49
ogra*and has been worked o and tested with the 21.10 userspace for 6 months18:50
Chunkyz-RPiKernel.org = 5.11 eol.18:50
ograand ?18:50
ograwhy would that matter for anything18:50
* Chunkyz-RPi closes irc.18:50
ograthe kernel in ubuntu has been developed, patched and tested particulary for this distro and release18:51
ograand is supported for the lifetime of the release18:51
ograyour sway log showed graphics driver issues ... and you run some non-std kernel18:51
ogra(which is most likely the cause of your sway issues)18:52
alzghso just learned that adding keys to `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d` is like doing `apt-key` and will give them unconditional access to change packages of all repositories18:54
ogranot really18:55
ograthese keys are used to verify the signatures of the repositories18:55
ograyou can not change the remote server contents ๐Ÿ™‚18:56
alzghnot remote server contents, the contents of the packages that I have installed from those repositories18:57
ograalzgh, well, they are used to verify these package archives, but indeed if you install third party packages you give the package maintainer root access to your system ... keep that in mind when adding third party repos18:58
ograbut thats not realted to the gpg keys18:58
srcalzgh: keys are keys, by themselves they don't really do18:58
srcthey are used for verifying the repos, downloading from untrusted repos is an issue18:58
srcso you should only add repos to sources you trust18:59
alzghI have a pgp file, instead of gpg19:00
alzghhow would I add it?19:00
alzghI copied it to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d19:00
ograto apt ?19:00
ograwhy would you do that ?19:01
alzghwhat should I do?19:01
ograthe keys are used to verify repository servers ... like arhive.ubuntu.com19:01
ograwhy woudl you copy your own key there ?19:02
alzghit's not my own key19:02
alzghI'm trying to add the key of a third party repo to apt19:02
ograah, and there were no instructions for that at that repo ?19:02
ograusualy there are19:02
alzghit's weechat I'm trying to install on Ubuntu focal19:03
alzgh` sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 11E9DE8848F2B65222AA75B8D1820DB22A11534E`19:03
alzghThis returns an error by the openpgp.org server19:03
alzghso I went over to install their gpg key that's advertised also there19:04
alzghIt's in pgp format19:04
ograalzgh, the apt-key command works fine here19:05
ograjust tried it19:05
alzghI knew from before that I can copy gpg files to `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d`19:05
alzghdoes it use anything other than 80 and 443?19:06
alzghlet's try it again19:06
alzghmaybe was temporary19:06
alzghdoesn't work on my end19:08
ogravery weird19:08
alzghit may be bc of my network19:09
alzghanyway, I wanted to install the pgp file that they provide19:09
ogra(sorry, all german)19:10
alzghdw, Ich weiss deutsch19:10
ograthat might help19:10
sarnoldalzgh: maybe just curl it down into a file named foo.asc? https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/11E9DE8848F2B65222AA75B8D1820DB22A11534E19:11
oerheksthat key worked here, on bionic19:11
alzghgood idea @sarno19:11
alzghI'm new to this stuff have learned a lot this past hour19:11
alzghhave 2 options now: use asc, convert pgp to gpg and install19:12
alzghgonna test both for learning puposes19:12
alzghthank you guys19:12
ograalzgh, wget -qO - https://weechat.org/dev/info/debian_repository_signing_key/ | sudo apt-key add -19:13
ograshould work as well ...19:14
bundtcakeShould I enable or disable in the bios WSMT (Windows SMM Security Mitigation Table)?19:42
oerheksbundtcake, no clue about that.. i think it is a windows thing only?19:47
leftyfbbundtcake: disable i19:47
Xavierdarkness 19:48
hepkuI've spun up a vm (4.19.182) inside my ubuntu machine (4.15.0-142-generic). I want to load up a kernel module (net.ipv4.moduleName) inside the vm but the kernel module isn't showing up inside the vm. I'm able to modprobe and load up the module in the host though.20:09
tomreynhepku: sounds like a shortcoming / problem with your guest system20:12
oerheks4.19.182 on Disco?20:14
hepkuYeah, it is a vm created by minikube, a kubernetes based local cluster orchestrator.20:14
hepkuThis is what the docs say about the guest vm: The minikube ISO is booted by each hypervisor to provide a stable minimal Linux environment to start Kubernetes from. It is based on coreboot, uses systemd, and includes all necessary container runtimes and hypervisor guest drivers.20:14
oerheksoh, important information20:14
hepkutomreyn So I guess that the problem is the ISO does not get built with the kernel module I want?20:15
hepkuI was following along here so I could build my own custom ISO with the kernel module: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/contrib/building/iso/20:15
tomreynhepku: "The minikube ISO" ... "It is based on coreboot" -> this is where you should seek support20:16
hepkuBut after I did that and used that ISO instead, once I ssh into minikube vm, it still does not have the modules.20:16
sarnoldhepku: what problem exactly are you trying to solve?20:16
tomreynthis channel supports Ubuntu, and its packages, not the vatrious guest systems you could run on it20:16
hepkutomreyn, yeah sorry that's fair.20:16
hepkusarnold, I'm trying to understand why the buildroot process is not creating the minikube iso with the kernel module.20:17
sarnoldhepku: what operating system runs on that minikube?20:17
sarnoldhepku: is it a linux? or is it a bsd? or is a 'unikernel' kind of thing?20:18
hepkuIt's an embedded linux distribution afaik20:20
sarnoldhepku: hmm, interesting. I've never seen periods in linux kernel module names before20:21
hepkuIn general, could I simply download the .ko file and copy that over to the VM?20:21
sarnoldhepku: and normally ipv4 is compiled into the kernel; tbh I'm not sure if you can even turn off ipv4..20:21
hepkuSo the VM has some ipv4 modules20:21
sarnoldhepku: kernel modules need to match the kernel they were built for exactly20:21
hepkuJust not all of them.20:21
hepkusarnold, right.20:21
sarnoldwhat specifically is missing?20:22
hepkuSo, I'm trying to switch from a particular version of TCP congestion control to a different version.20:22
hepkuTCP Cubic to TCP LP20:22
hepkucubic and reno are loaded up by default in ubuntu20:22
hepkuSo both inside host and in vm, when I run sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_available_congestion_control, I see cubic and reno20:23
hepkuBut in the host, I am able to run: sudo modprobe -a tcp_lp and load up the module into the running kernel.20:24
hepkuAnd then switch from cubic to lp20:24
hepkuBut inside the vm, there's no tcp_lp module.20:24
sarnoldaha! okay, cool, this makes a *lot* more sense20:24
hepkuWhich is why I was trying to rebuild the ISO image from which the VM is booted up.20:25
hepkuAccording to this doc: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/contrib/building/iso/20:25
hepkuWhat I still don't understand from that doc is the following20:26
hepkuthis creates the ISO: make out/minikube.iso20:26
hepkuBut this is what toggles which kernel modules you want to add: make linux-menuconfig20:26
hepkuSo how does it get "added" to the ISO?20:26
sarnoldhepku: so, here's my guess; "make linux-menuconfig && make buildroot-image && make out/minikube.iso"20:28
sarnoldhepku: if you're lucky they've done a good job with their makefiles and you could just run make linux-menuconfig && make out/minikube.iso and the magic of dependencies would sort it all out, but that feels a bit too magical :)20:28
hepkumake linux-menuconfig basically just creates a config file according to what I see on the output20:29
sarnolddoes it bring up the 'real' linux make menuconfig target? if so, you can search through it with / and look for CONFIG_TCP_CONG_LP20:29
hepkuSo I guess that latter two steps read the config?20:29
hepkuWhat do you mean 'real' linux make menuconfig target?20:30
hepkuIt opens up a menu basically20:30
hepkuWhere I can navigate through and toggle modules I want20:30
hepkuI am able to toggle LP in that.20:30
ograabd hit /20:30
hepkuSo that parts fine.20:30
sarnoldI worried they were going to stick their own menu or script in place of the linux kernel's menuconfig20:31
hepkuAh, no, I think it's the linux kernel's menuconfig20:31
hepkucd out/buildroot20:31
hepkumake menuconfig20:31
hepkuThis^ implies the existence of out/buildroot when you're choosing user land component and kernel modules20:32
hepkuSo how do I even run menuconfig without running buildroot first?20:32
hepkuThis will open the kernel configuration menu, and then save your changes to our iso directory after theyโ€™ve been selected20:33
hepkuSo is it post-processing on the ISO? Like packaging it with the right configs?20:33
synapthttps://paste.st-projects.com/33f4kzox0br1cx112lvb <-- anyone got any ideas on this, I've run a bit stale on what could be a problem.  Sources and details at the bottom of the paste20:34
synaptLiterally not a clue what could have changed to have randomly broken this stuff20:34
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sarnoldsynapt: I think you may need to specify the old version number on all those packages that are going to try to install the updated versions, just as you're selecting a specific version of rabbitmq20:35
sarnoldhepku: after the menuconfig, it'll need to compile the module, too20:35
synaptsarnold: Well originally they were being automatically pulled in as dependencies automatically.  Closest I can tell is it does look like there may have been a recent v24 released and it may have previously v23, but I even tried explicitly referencing erlang-23.x in sources but it complained about a few missing components20:36
synapter less one automatically there lol20:37
hepkusarnold: So basically like so: (1) make buildroot-image && (2) make out/minikube.iso && (3) make linux-menuconfig && then do step 1 and 2 again?20:38
sarnoldhepku: probably the other way around, make linux-menuconfig && make buildroot-image && make out/minikube.iso20:39
hepkuHmm, so basically run linux-menuconfig from outside the out directory (which isn't there at this point)20:39
sarnoldyeah probably20:39
hepkuLet me give that a shot. Build takes forever but worth a try.20:40
sarnoldyeah, heh20:41
sarnoldmaybe adding a -j8 or something similar can help20:41
sarnolddepends on the build, your hardwqare, etc20:41
hepkuYeah lol fair20:42
synaptsarnold: Ah looks like there were literally package updates this morning for a bunch of erlang stuff on launchpad and it completely buggered stuff20:43
hepkusarnold: fails with make[1]: *** out/buildroot/output/build/linux-4.19.182/: No such file or directory.  Stop.20:44
hepkuSo it needs step 1 and 2 to be done first by the looks of it.20:45
tomreynsynapt: maybe you have some untracked package / package version preventing those upgrades: temporarily disable those third party repositories, then:  sudo apt update && sudo apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'   then re-enable these repositories and run    sudo apt update again20:48
tomreynnote: you have not discussed which ubuntu release you're running20:50
synaptI assumed that would have been obvious by the "bionic" reference in my paste, but if I must further clarify, it is 18.04 LTS :P20:50
synaptbut there was definitely never a local package installed, but let me try to disable the extra repos and flush stuff20:51
tomreynif you'd hang aroun dhere more, you wouldn't have considered it obvious. ;-)20:52
synaptHey I usually did, but for some reason my #ubuntu didn't carry over in my ZNC from my freenode config copy lol20:53
synaptOkay did all that, no local packages exist (checked just for the sake of it), still same error20:53
synaptas far as I can tell this only started today, perhaps coincidentally with the erlang 24.x package update that was seemingly released today20:54
synaptis it possible something on the repo is borked?20:54
tomreynunless ruled out by the infallible deity of apt repositories, sure.20:55
synaptAll I know is we use ansible to deploy to this and it was never an issue until now, but the timestamps in the repo file structure showing package updates today/this morning seem notable20:57
synaptlet me actually check our production server and see what version is on there, we didn't deploy to it yet20:57
tomreynthe version of rabbitmq-server you have chosen to install, 3.8.14-1, apparently defines dependencies to specific (lower than ...) versions of erlang packages, which neither ubuntu itself or that erlang repository seem to match20:59
synaptYeah that's why I thought that v24 release today maybe buggered stuff, but I'm still getting it when I try and install 1:23.3.4-1rmq1ppa1~ubuntu18.04.1, which does fall within the version range21:00
synaptthat using `erlang=1:23.3.4-1rmq1ppa1~ubuntu18.04.1`21:01
ullbekingI run Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS.  Can I run a full KDE installation without having to switch to Kubuntu?21:01
synaptand apt-cache policy shows that 1:23.3.4-1rmq1ppa1~ubuntu18.04.1 is there21:01
tomreynsynapt: is universe enabled (unless you intentionally disabled it)?21:02
tomreynullbeking: theoretically yes, but switching back and forth may involve manual changes21:03
ullbekingtomreyn: switching back and forth between what?21:03
synaptI -believe- it is as there is a bionic-backports/universe package showing up under policy, which I was actually just pondering trying to use as it's 22.021:03
ullbekingtomreyn: are you referring to swtiching between KDE and GNOME?21:04
synaptokay nevermind 1:22.0.7+dfsg-1build1~ubuntu18.04.1 from `http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports/universe amd64 Packages` still does the same, hrm21:04
tomreynullbeking: from what i remember, sddm still runs as root, whereas gdm3 runs as the restricted user, so just switching between the two desktops on a graphical login manager *may* not work.21:05
synaptSorry I should note I'm literally trying to install the erlang package -alone- now, not even as a dependency and it still largely says the same21:05
tomreynsynapt: if you can show full commands you run with the output they produce it should get easier21:06
tomreyni generally don't trust "does the same" until i've seen it ;)21:06
synaptI did in the original paste, I'll show what I was doing just for erlang now;21:06
synaptAnd by same I mean well quite literally the same, minus the rabbitmq depends list21:07
synaptSeems every single erlang package does this, and I can't see anything in apt logs that indicate why all of a sudden it broke in the past few days21:08
tomreynand this erlang version you'Re forcing is provided by which repository? it's not from universe21:08
synapthttp://ppa.launchpad.net/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang/ubuntu bionic main <-- as noted in the original paste21:09
tomreynokay, i must have misunderstaood what you'Re doing, thought you were now trying to install erlang from universe21:09
synaptI also tried `http://packages.erlang-solutions.com/ubuntu bionic contrib` and even `1:22.0.7+dfsg-1build1~ubuntu18.04.1` from the official ubuntu bionic-backports/universe21:09
synaptNo no, I'm just trying to install one of the two supported versions rabbit shows lol21:10
synaptbasically 22 or 23 since 20 and 24 are outside it's range, but like I said I'm getting these errors even trying to install erlang alone21:10
synaptand I've tried to debug apt as much as I can, tried --fix-broken, checked dpkg for anything held and there wasn't anything21:11
synaptit's like in the past couple days apt simply stopped liking erlang lol21:11
tomreynhttps://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz lists packages, versions of those, and their dependencies21:12
tomreynhttps://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz lists packages, versions of those, and their dependencies21:12
tomreynonce for rabbitmq, once for erlang21:13
tomreynnow check whether you can find a match21:13
tomreynthat's how apt does it21:13
synaptyeah, and policy lists them; https://paste.st-projects.com/819p78hjdmm5ywc30nk121:13
tomreynmaybe the ~ in the version number makes them not match21:15
tomreynsorry, it's really too hot here, i can't think straight...21:16
synaptAh interesting, decided to look at dpkg log, about two and a half hours ago when he ran the ansible deployment that failed;21:16
synapt2021-06-17 19:47:47 upgrade erlang-inets:amd64 1:23.3.1-1rmq1ppa1~ubuntu18.04.1 1:24.0.2-1rmq1ppa1~ubuntu18.04.121:16
synaptIt DID force a main version upgrade on all erlang-* packages, and it's been broke since, but nothing in the log indicates any issues21:17
synaptjust a lot of half-configured and half-installed statuses on 23.3.1, but all that should have been undone when I forcibly removed the packages with autoremove21:17
tomreynnot if you didn't --purge, i think21:19
synaptAh indeed, let me see21:19
synaptdoesn't visibly seem to imply it did anything, but let me try to install again21:21
synaptnope same, complains about held broken packages but doesn't list any21:21
synaptI wonder if there's a launchpad channel somewhere I can find the erlang package person to stab about this lol21:25
synaptoh hey there is lol21:26
oerheksthey surely want to hear about that ppa21:29
Guest6356409If anyone wanders in asking about where the Gnome music player Lollypop stores it's database...22:40
matsaman~/.config/ somewhere, or worse?22:40
Guest6356409The answer appears to be in $HOME/.local/share/lollypop/lollypop.db22:40
matsamanah, sure22:40
Guest6356409and it's an Sqlite db.22:40
matsamanGuest6356409: posterity will thank you22:40
Guest6356409Heh. Hopefully the person asking will find it in the logs.22:41
Guest6356409where *are* the logs, anyway?22:41
Guest6356409Hm, doesn't seem to be up to date...22:43
Guest6356409https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2021/06/17/%23lubuntu.txt unless I'm looking in the wrong place22:44
sarnoldthe logs are written every half hour or hour or so22:45
Intelo everytime I reboot, I can access this corsair ssd. But in middle I get io errors. smart tools said this https://imgur.com/4qREesk.png  How to know the issue?22:46
yukiuphow come in the ubuntu installer you can't resize the partitions?22:48
yukiupin the old days there was a nice slider22:48
Guest6356409sarnold -- ah, makes sense22:48
matsamanyukiup: there's no 'manual' option?22:49
yukiupi couldn't find one22:49
matsamanI mean Ubuntu surely uses LVM now, so22:49
matsamanyukiup: what would you even change about it?22:49
yukiupbring back the old installer22:49
z1hazewhy doesn't this use the samba-tool? https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/samba-domain-controller22:50
yukiupmaybe its because i'm on a mac22:52
matsamanyukiup: install to an apple computer? I doubt that would have such a different installer22:53
matsamanyukiup: it's probably just hard to find or not present like you've suggested22:53
matsamanbut I'd still guess the former (I haven't run the installer in a while)22:53
yukiupwell i ended up using the mac disk utility to resize the disk22:53
matsamanresize it for what22:54
matsamandual booting?22:54
yukiupthere used to be a an option to resize the disk to install ubuntu (guided)22:55
lostndevI have a very strange issue, of which I cannot seem to find a reasonable explanation for. Let's assume I have an ubuntu system (18.04.1 LTS). I have a cellular (sim) card adapter that a systemd service brings online. From root it is as if this adapter doesn't have internet (curl returns "No route to host"). But from a local user, the adapter does23:39
lostndevhave internet. "route -n" and "ip link" for both accounts are identical. Any ideas where else I could try looking for an explanation would be greatly appreciated.23:39
oerhekssearch into network manager, make available for all users, would fix that.23:40
oerhekssame as for wifi23:40
lostndevhttps://pastebin.com/AP0Cg5ZU is what I mean to be more precise23:42
lostndevoerheks, it's a server so no desktop access, googling now to see if there is a terminal version of that23:44
sarnoldlostndev: well that's interesting23:46
lostndevsarnold right? I'm scratching my head here23:46
sarnoldlostndev: try using ip addr and ip route instead of ifconfig; ifconfig doesn't understand everything the kernel can do23:46
sarnoldlostndev: ip route get
sarnold.. kinds of things ar eneat23:47
lostndevAha, trying in a minute.23:47
lostndevsarnold so this is probably going to make thing interesting. The server is connected to a wireguard VPN (wg0) and wireless (wlp4s0). From root the route to 216 is passing through the VPN, from devbot wireless.23:52
lostndev216.239.35.0 via dev wg0 src uid 023:52
lostndev    cache23:52
lostndev216.239.35.0 via dev wlp4s0 src uid 100023:52
sarnoldd'oh :) when pasting more than three lines it's best to use a pastebin site like https://paste.ubuntu.com23:53
lostndevsarnold yep - https://pastebin.com/Mv9t2gW423:54
sarnoldlostndev: aha! excellent digging23:55
=== Marco_Polo is now known as Guest797
ice9boltd crashed without using any thunderbolt device, what could be the issue?23:59

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