
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Security:: Episode 131 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-131/04:31
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Santiago Zarate: So you want to recover and old git branch because it has been overwritten? @ https://foursixnine.io/blog/linux/tech/git/2021/09/17/So-you-want-to-recover-and-old-git-branch-because-it-has-been-overwritten.html10:13
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Model-driven observability: Embedded Alert Rules @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/model-driven-observability-part-4-embedded-alert-rules12:31
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Spotify Linux Client (Finally) Fixes Missing Artwork Bug, Improves Speed @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/09/spotify-linux-client-finally-fixes-missing-artwork-bug-improves-speed (by Joey Sneddon)14:24
guiverchttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2021-September/000272.html - 18.04.6; will prepare for fridge next little while22:15
* guiverc filing bug report; will look at 18.04.6 after that's gone (was plan.. it's stuck)22:17
guiverc18.04.6 is up for review on fridge; https://fridge.ubuntu.com/?p=9318&preview=true  22:46
krytarikOk, logging in..22:48
krytarikThe links have odd formatting and it's missing the 'Release' and 'Planet' categories still.22:52
guivercthe odd formatting was likely because I had issues with editor, so was done in code editor ; i likely copied a wrong example thus the formatting issue 22:53
guivercthere's also a quote on contribute I missed I now see22:53
krytarikAh, indeed.22:54
guivercthere is no mention of "planet" in the source (lists.ubuntu.com)22:56
krytarikAnd the ubuntu-users ML link lost its protocol bit at the front.22:57
krytarikWell, I mean apply the usual categories to the post, when I looked it only had the 'News' one yet.22:58
guivercoops - yep didn't think about tags/categories at all - so would not have added any - HUGE mistake; sorry krytarik !22:58
guivercquote fixed; Planet & Release added22:59
guiverc(i was searching for planet.ubuntu.com ref.. had completely missed the categories!! sorry)23:00
guivercis the formatting of urls good enough? 23:01
krytarikI can fix it if you want.23:02
guivercwould appreciate it.. 23:02
krytarikAre you leaving the editor then?23:03
guiverci thought I had23:03
* guiverc is reading comment & wondering if reply is worth it (won't be on fridge)23:05
krytarikI think I just sent that one to trash.. :P23:06
guivercwon't be an issue - it's still on my screen23:06
guiverci replied to comment (as me) .. were you able to edit krytarik?23:21
krytarikYeah, turned out I'm reformatting the whole thing right now..23:22
guivercsorry then krytarik ; yeah I had some issues with the editor, so went to code editor & deleted lots & copied formatting from an example... chance of missing something was kinda high, but I thought I got it all (looking at preview)23:23
krytarikHaving issues with the link list in the middle now still though.. same formatting on the earlier 20.04.3 post works, but here it doesn't..23:33
guivercnote one lists.ubuntu.com does not have https:// so it ends up returning to fridge.ubuntu.com/lists.ubuntu... so I added https:// to it23:34
krytarikYeah, the one I mentioned earlier?23:35
krytarikYay, fixed the link list by copypasting! \o/23:37
* guiverc probably a good thing the fridge.ubuntu.com box is outside of our kicking range - it'd gotten a few kicks today I bet23:38
krytarikI guess you can go publish it now..23:39
guivercthank you heaps krytarik  !23:39
* guiverc will finish this bug report thingy then switch back to fridge23:39
krytarikI can make it purge the 6,191 spam comments in the meantime then! :P23:40
guivercthank you....23:41
krytarikWith the little of actual valid comments we get, I wonder if we shouldn't just disable commenting by default..23:42
guivercmaybe 2-4 a year are legit; but if it was disabled I'd expect them to go elsewhere (not counting the 2 I passed on to community council) - sounds like a worthwhile idea to me23:44
krytarikThe last approved one of those is from October last year..23:44
guivercI tend not to publish, but reply like I did one today, via email (ie. it's acted on even if never published)23:44
krytarikAh, that might skew the picture a bit then..23:45
guivercthat comment had nothing to do with post; so I saw no reason to publish it.. it was someone reaching out to 'ubuntu' (membership - i gave links, support; again link, suggestion for printer, I suggest uf is where I'd go for advice etc)23:46
krytarikYeah, hence why I trashed it.. XD23:47
guiverc:)   23:48
guivercyour links aren't 'spaced' out like mine where; and less code to copy/paste too - I like23:52
guivercThanks krytarik !23:52
krytarikYeah, the wonders of WP editing.. :323:56
guivercUbuntu 18.04.6 LTS released tweeted23:56

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