
xu-irc92wi want clean the old kernels00:01
Bashing-omxu-irc92w: Show in a pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep linux-image- ' . see what there is to work.00:07
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BinarySaviorif i use ubuntu color scheme / general UI appearance for a website design, do I need to give credit to ubuntu?01:41
BinarySavioralso, am I still able to copyright it?01:42
BinarySaviormy website, not the colorscheme01:42
tomreynthis sounds more like a question for a legal department than a support question01:43
sarnoldBinarySavior: I think this is the starting point https://ubuntu.com/legal/intellectual-property-policy01:44
BinarySaviorsarnold, thanks, #7 answered my question01:47
BinarySaviori'm safe01:47
Vaelaternany simple reason why ubuntu might be failing to boot from installation media with /init not found?01:51
VaelaternI am able to drop in another live ISO from a different distro with no issue, so this must be a simple problem, right?01:51
* Vaelatern grins like an idiot01:51
Bashing-omVaelatern: Boot code does not have the config file location ?01:53
VaelaternI mean.... it gets to the kernel running, and the initrd loaded, but somehow it doesn't actually find /init, which is wrong because I can boot this image in qemu normally (I'm trying to get it to be all orchestrated with Packer, which has its own stuff....)01:54
Gallomimiarecently purchased a baofeng CB radio, handheld unit, with a USB cable. does anyone know if there's a good way to program it using a Ubuntu desktop? (it came with a mini CD for windows)02:07
sarnoldoo fun02:08
Gallomimiaya good deal too02:08
Gallomimiaprogram baofeng radio02:08
Gallomimiad'oh. that's not the google window02:09
Bashing-omGallomimia: I have seen several articles in the past on http://planet.ubuntu.com/ .02:09
Gallomimiaactually seems to support it natively02:10
Gallomimiawhat. is going on? unable to locate any of the python packages it needs, or the flatpack package02:16
sarnoldGallomimia: check the ppa description on https://launchpad.net/~dansmith/+archive/ubuntu/chirp-snapshots02:17
sarnoldapparently it's a python 2 program and hasn't been ported to python 3 yet02:17
Gallomimiasigh. The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/flatpak/stable/ubuntu impish Release' does not have a Release file.02:18
GallomimiaN: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.02:18
Gallomimiawhat am i to do with these people?02:19
xu-irc60wis this command work02:20
xu-irc60wdpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size} ${Package} ${Status}\n'|grep -v deinstall|sort -n|awk '{print $1" "$2}'02:21
Gallomimiano. this is a support channel02:21
xu-irc60wi mean does this list all dpkg packages by size02:21
sarnoldit's pretty plausible, try it?02:22
* Vaelatern is an idiot and hides head in shame02:22
xu-irc60wi tried, but i dont if its all package list02:22
xu-irc60wUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/f8f5a021a8a290d62e63d3e98084c937/1.txt02:23
Gallomimiareading the man page for bypassing an insecure repository... sounds ominous. how do i even add two ppa's in a row and BOTH of them are insecure?02:24
Gallomimiathat's like... special02:24
xu-irc60wi think this is the just the package installer size, not disk use size.. maybe02:26
xu-irc60wim uninstallin thunderbird anyways02:26
sarnoldGallomimia: well, that error message is *actually* saying that there's no packages built for impish at all, the description again :) https://launchpad.net/~flatpak/+archive/ubuntu/stable02:26
Gallomimiastill. what am i to do with these people!02:27
sarnoldideally, you'd provide them with a port of their project to python 302:27
sarnoldbut i can see where that might be a bit ambitious :)02:27
Gallomimiaindeed. a good slap was more what i had in mind02:28
Gallomimiabut, then it's not nice to mollywhomp providers of free software02:28
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sarnoldespecially since the python people already did that02:32
Gallomimiayou're a droid, and i'm a 'noid02:50
sarnoldavoid the noid02:54
Gallomimiaeven xcom2 is whining at me about using an OS that's too new03:00
Gallomimiastarting to think i might be better off to just install LTS03:01
sarnoldthat'd be easier for a lot of tasks, yeah03:02
Gallomimiai seem to recall telling myself never to install a distro of ubuntu until a month or two later03:02
Gallomimiathe first few weeks for the distro to get its poop in a pile. the next for everyone else to notice it's landed and they need to update03:03
sarnoldbut a *lot* of third-party programs and such only ever target the LTS releases03:06
sarnoldthe LTS releases get something like 90 or 95% of the users03:06
sarnoldand there's way fewer of them03:06
sarnoldit's like a walking, talking, example of the pareto principle -- you can get 90 or 95% of the users for 25% of the work. that's an obvious choice for folks maintaining their software 'outside' the ecosystem03:07
Gallomimiai think i need to understand more about what a release actually entails. that line of thinking right there makes me wonder why do the releases between the LTS milestones at all03:09
sarnoldto provide a series of smaller, more well-defined chunks..03:11
sarnoldhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeboxing gives some context03:11
sarnoldeveryone's familiar with huge projects that everyone thought were going to be three or four years, but keep hitting stumbling blocks, or finding reasons why things should change, etc, and it turns into five to eight years, then ten years, then you wind up with a james webb space telescope that's fifteen years and a billino dollars behind budget etc03:12
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viktor_if i need to change my encrypted /home password by doing 'ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /home/USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase', should i be logged-out as the user owning said /home ?04:49
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acagastyaHi, my friend is trying to plug in Ehternet cable at her university, created a DSL via nmcli, and she is getting "Activation of network connection failed". (she is on 20.04 + GNOME) -- how do we debug what the actual issue is -- the reason why the connection failed?  And how should one set up that connection anyway/07:02
rfmacagastya, DSL?   and really if sheś having trouble connecting to the university net, she should talk to the uniś support staff, they know the problems...07:18
acagastyaDigital Subscriber Line -- that is what she told me.07:21
acagastyaThe IT department (if they even go address the problem) will tell her to use windows.07:21
acagastyaHow is one supposed to debug the PPPoE login failure, in any case?07:22
rfmacagastya, so itś not what you said, "plugging in ethernet cable at her university"07:24
rfmacagastya, so you have a PPpoE login failure?  That would be the local ISP, nothing to do with the remote university...07:26
acagastyahttps://convos.hanabi.in/file/1/kZru755SM2DPMtAw <- this is what she sent me.07:27
acagastyaBefore that, https://convos.hanabi.in/file/1/DjCau2sTFx5fU22g07:27
acagastyaShe is at her uni, plugging in the ethernet (in windows, she had to do a "dial-up" setting, and that worked) but in Ubuntu, she used nmcli (`nmcli con edit type pppoe con-name`) and `set pppoe.username ISPUsername` and same for password.07:29
rfmacagastya, this is hopeless, her uni has a totally oddball policy, only they can help. nothing to do with ubuntu07:31
acagastyaOkay, let me reframe the question rfm -- how to create PPPoE connection in Ubuntu -- and debug the error?07:32
acagastyaUsing nmcli to set up the DSL works temporarily before giving a generic error.07:34
rfmacagastya, I don't know.  All I have ever done with PPPoE is avoid any ISP that required it.07:34
rfmacagastya, If her uni only supports Windows, then maybe she should use Windows?07:37
acagastyaI am not saying they support only windows -- but here in india -- the IT department usually says "use windows, we don't know linux".07:37
acagastyaAnd that has happened enough time that we don't even bother going to the IT cell when it comes to debugging this issue.07:38
rfmacagastya, if I were not retired, I'd ask which uni this was, so I could remember not to credit a degree from it if I saw a resume07:40
rfmacagastya, but I *am* retired so I'm off to bed07:41
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tomreynacagastya: i would suggest using nm-connection-editor (a graphical interface) for setting up PPPoE.08:37
tomreynacagastya: i think you need to have package pppoe installed as well.08:38
tomreynacagastya: journalctl -f    lets you view the system logs while the connection is being setup (run this command before you start connecting)08:39
tomreyncancel log output using ctrl-c. to later check what was recently logged, use   journalctl -eb08:40
tomreynsame pppoe username and password seems unlikely to me, that way the authentication would have no value.08:40
acagastyasame pppoe username and password seems unlikely to me, that way the authentication would have no value. -- no, I was meaning to say, similar commands, not exactly same.08:41
Guest72hi i'd like some help setting a graphical interface on my ubuntu server09:10
Guest72is this a good place to ask?09:10
Guest72aight awesome thanks for the answer09:32
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TobWhat a user interface may be used for Wifi connection setup except nm-applet in tray?11:05
Tobnm-connection-editor will not list available SSIDs, I should enter SSID manually which is not convinient.11:05
TobThere is nmtui - it's ok too. Are there any alternatives, except nm-apllet in tray?11:05
kn100Tob A long time ago I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD for some reason - maybe that does what you want?11:18
kn100it replaces network-manager though afaik11:18
jeremy31I am not sure if WICD is still maintained11:22
lotuspsychje!info wicd11:28
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in impish11:28
lotuspsychje!info wicd focal11:28
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in focal11:28
lotuspsychje!info wicd bionic11:28
ubottuwicd (1.7.4+tb2-5, bionic): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Built by wicd. Size 5 kB / 27 kB11:28
lotuspsychjeseems like not indeed jeremy3111:29
kn100welp there goes my attempt at helping :D11:32
jeremy31Tob: Using Broadcom wifi?11:35
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BluesKajHi folks13:54
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giesenI'm trying to do an autoinstall of ubuntu 20.04 with the user-data/meta-data files on a 2nd cdrom, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to be picking them up. The 2nd cdrom has a label of "cidata", and my boot arguments are (in addition to the standard ones): autoinstall ds=nocloud;seedfrom=/cidata/. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?14:40
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feral_hedgehogHello! So Wayland decided to crash during a release upgrade from 20.04 to 21.04. I think it was at the dpkg --configure stage (it was asking whether to replace modified files in etc).15:56
feral_hedgehogI haven't restarted the laptop, and have tried running 'dpkg --configure -a' which complained that another instance is already running (ps shows dpkg --force-overwrite --status-fd 118 --configure --pending).15:56
feral_hedgehogDo I kill the existing dpkg and run dpkg --configure -a?15:56
feral_hedgehogOhh and the graphical session is borked (both X and Wayland start, but most graphical elements are missing)15:58
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ioriaferal_hedgehog, ps auxf | cat | grep  dpkg | nc termbin.com 999916:02
feral_hedgehogThat's so cool :D https://termbin.com/odjx16:05
ioriaferal_hedgehog, how long has been stuck like that ?16:09
feral_hedgehogioria: ~30 minutes16:10
feral_hedgehogioria: It may have something to do with Wayland crashing while one of the "Replace file with package version?" windows was open?16:11
feral_hedgehogioria: Can I just kill it and run reconfigure?16:12
pikapikaWhere are the checksums for xubuntu 18.04?16:12
ioriaferal_hedgehog, idk; cat /etc/apt/sources.list  | nc termbin.com 999916:12
pikapikaspecifically 'xubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso'16:12
pikapikaNOT 18.04.516:12
feral_hedgehogioria: https://termbin.com/1tt6816:14
pikapikahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/ only lists 18.04.516:14
ioriaferal_hedgehog,  can you use apt ?   sudo apt update16:15
feral_hedgehogioria: Sorry, in a bit of a hurry, so I just killed dpkg and ran it again: 'dpkg --configure -a', and it's back on track (it's asking me about the same modified file as when Wayland crashed)16:18
ioriaferal_hedgehog,  ok, good16:18
feral_hedgehogioria: It's so much easier on Arch lol16:18
feral_hedgehogioria: Thanks for you help!16:18
fabio_Hello, any idea to make a sound when i click the mouse or the touch screen?16:18
feral_hedgehogpikapika: Via Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20181024090054/http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/MD5SUMS16:23
pikapikaoh wow16:23
pikapikaHadn't expected you would need to do that16:23
KBarfabio_ ubuntu version and flavor?16:23
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pikapikaI thought they shifted the old versions into a "subdirectory" in the website16:24
Gallomimiawhy does the window i'm typing in lose focus when a new window opens, and, more importantly, what can i do to stop it?16:25
fabio_@KBar: mint16:25
KBarferal_hedgehog, that was good. You were in a hurry, managed to fix your own problem AND helped a fellow. 8-)16:26
leftyfb!mint | fabio_16:26
ubottufabio_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)16:26
KBarfabio_, yep. You're going to have to join their channel.16:26
leftyfbGallomimia: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/234/steal-my-focus/16:26
feral_hedgehogAlright, update's done - reboot time O.O16:26
KBarfabio_ unfortunately, Mint is not an official flavor.16:26
fabio_KBar: thank you16:27
KBarNo problem.16:27
leftyfbMint is based on a mix of Debian and Ubuntu, it's not even a "flavor" of ubuntu16:27
feral_hedgehogIT'S WORKING :D16:29
feral_hedgehogAnd the graphical session doesn't even crash when I copy-paste!16:29
feral_hedgehogTruly a marvel of software design16:29
feral_hedgehogThanks everyone!16:29
Gallomimialeftyfb, doesn't that do the exact opposite of what i'm hoping? i'm talking about when programs are opening on first boot, and i'm trying to type in one.... everything popping open steals my focus. don't like it.16:39
leftyfbGallomimia: try it16:39
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Gallomimiaand i need.... 2 other pieces of software to use it?16:40
Gallomimiathe extension homepage is a 40416:40
Gallomimiasorry bud, there's no "try it" button here. no install either16:41
leftyfb!extensions | Gallomimia16:42
Gallomimianot a damn thing is working today? i'm going back to bed.16:42
leftyfbGallomimia: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-gnome-shell-extensions-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux-desktop16:43
leftyfband the page isn't 404, you have other issues16:43
Gallomimiabackend not running it says. to install: sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell. result: already installed16:43
leftyfbGallomimia: are you running gnome?16:44
Gallomimiano. it's ubuntu 21.1016:44
leftyfbGallomimia: is it kubuntu or xubuntu or anything other than default ubuntu 21.10?16:44
leftyfbthen it is gnome16:48
Gallomimiaseems reasonable. it came with that backend already installed16:48
Gallomimiai installed the front end and it doesn't want to do anything16:48
GallomimiaAlthough GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected. Refer documentation for instructions about installing connector.16:48
Gallomimia    https://github.com/sstent/gnome-shell-extension-stealfocus this URL has a 404 for me16:49
KBarGallomimia, I think there must be a settings for that. Hold on, and maybe I can find one for you16:49
KBarIf you're not in a rush, that is16:50
Gallomimiaeh. i'll probably sit and eat instead of mess with this16:50
leftyfbGallomimia: please only ask for help when you are willing to spend the time to receive said help16:51
Gallomimiawell, in retort to that, i wanted something that would make less headaches, and i received 3 more headaches so16:51
KBarGallomimia, aha! Check this and see if it helps.16:51
KBarGallomimia, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences auto-raise 'false'16:51
Gallomimiathat is probably going to help much more16:52
KBarGallomimia, did you try it? It should solve your problem.16:52
Gallomimiauh, i entered that command16:52
KBarIt survives reboot, so no need to worry about that either.16:52
Gallomimianot sure if i can find a way to make 8 trillion windows raise up until i reboot again16:53
KBarGallomimia, you don't have to open 8 trillion windows. Try with one.16:53
KBarFor now.16:53
KBarTo test it.16:53
Gallomimiaright click > new window on firefox gives results16:54
KBarGallomimia, open Libre Writer, start typing something, then invoke some other program by its keyboard shortcut.16:54
Gallomimiakeyboard shortcuts16:54
Gallomimiathat's one thing i should consider setting up16:54
KBari.e. Terminal with Ctrl-Alt-T16:54
KBarand see if focus was stolen16:54
KBarfrom LibreWriter16:54
Gallomimiaor from hexchat?16:55
Gallomimiafocus was stolen16:55
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KBarGallomimia, well how about increase the delay then? gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences auto-raise-delay 'your-preferred-value-in-milliseconds'16:59
KBarmax is 10,00016:59
KBari.e. 10 seconds17:00
Gallomimiahow would increasing the delay on a disabled feature make it... better?17:00
KBarI see.17:01
Gallomimiai'll try 150017:01
Gallomimiai assume there's a great many settings available thru that tool? know a place i can go to read about them?17:01
KBarGallomimia the gschema xml should be present on your system. you can view it with any editor/page. This is the directory and files you need to look for: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/17:03
Gallomimiawell thanks17:03
KBarGNOME Shell and its components have this prefix: org.gnome.17:03
Gallomimiai bet that'll keep me occupied for a long time17:03
Gallomimiaand there are other things in there?17:03
Gallomimiaoh my17:04
KBarI don't know. It's your system. Find out yourself. :)17:04
Gallomimiaquite a number of things17:05
KBarGallomimia, man gsettings for more details on how GSettings work.17:05
leftyfbextensions do a lot of these things for you, also in groups as needed for specific tasks/settings17:06
KBarThey also slow down your computer and consume resources. And they break after every update.17:07
Gallomimiai find that the built-in stuff with GUI's and all that seem to do like 80-90 % of what i want. might as well read what settings actually are available17:07
KBarGallomimia, you may also try GNOME Tweaks that reveals some of the hidden settings (that are access through GSettings back-end)17:08
KBarIt's available in Ubuntu Software.17:08
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: dconf-editor to the rescue for tweaks17:09
KBaraccess > accessible17:09
Gallomimiathink i do have tweaks17:12
Gallomimiaand it's nice too, but again, doesn't reveal everything17:12
KBarwell thats GNOME for ya. if you want full customization options, you are gonna have to switch to some other de, like kde or xfce17:13
KBarbut thats already offtopic17:13
Gallomimiabut you just gave me the secret to full customization17:14
KBarnah, its still not full17:14
Gallomimiawell, it's better.17:14
Gallomimiatold myself i'd only read the settings, and the first one i came across needed a toggle :P17:14
Gallomimiathere's a bunch of settings here for ubuntu touch. i thought that project was canned?17:15
Gallomimiabe a lot cooler if it kept on17:16
KBarGallomimia, https://ubuntu-touch.io/17:17
stewie925hey guys, does anyone here use vagrant to install ubuntu?17:50
leftyfbstewie925: polls are offtopic here. If you have a support question, please ask the support question.17:51
stewie925its not a poll question, its just that installing ubuntu boxes with vagrant are much easier17:53
leftyfbstewie925: ok, feel free to express opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is for ubuntu support questions17:55
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psystemupdateanyone heard of using rsync over the network but for partitions? on top of that, anyone heard of rsyncing from a usb boot linux, over the network, and on the rsync server, into a virtual hard disk file like .vmdk18:24
psystemupdatepartition over network to vmdk partition18:24
tomreyn"rsync over the network but for partitions" would be ~ DRBD18:26
tomreynyou definitely would not want to try and do that with rsync18:26
leftyfbor casync18:26
psystemupdatei guess i should ask this way...how do you back partitions up over the network where they end up in a vmdk file18:27
ramblebamblepsystemupdate, why would you wanna backup partitions, they are just the organisational structure, the important thing is the data inside the partitions18:28
leftyfbpsystemupdate: you should look into something like ansible for rebuilding a machine and pulling data from backups18:29
ramblebambleotherwise you could look into some filesystems with snapshot functionality, there you can export the snapshot and copy it over the network18:29
tomreynbut snapshotting doesn't help you if the data on the snapshot will be in an inconsistent state18:29
tomreynand snapshotting is not backup18:30
ramblebamblegood point, and a sync might take a while and be a performance hit, didn't consider that18:30
psystemupdatebeing able to treat partitions as files is whats important right now because we are creating machines; imagine copy pasting machines.18:30
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tomreynon ubuntu?18:31
leftyfbmirageOS != Ubuntu18:31
psystemupdatepartition per file.vmdk to move them  around easily18:31
leftyfbpsystemupdate: try #linux for non-ubuntu support18:31
psystemupdateit was originally an rsync question soz18:32
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SmashcatI wish people who still mess around with Python should learn a proper language like C/C++ before starting OS projects :)18:52
leftyfb!ot | Smashcat18:53
ubottuSmashcat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:53
SmashcatNot off topic when things like netplan are used by Ubuntu.18:54
leftyfbSmashcat: it's offtopic because it's not a support question18:54
leftyfbSmashcat: is there something wrong with your ubuntu installation you'd like help resolving?18:55
SmashcatAh, ok, this is only for Ubuntu issues, got it. It's kind of an issue for ubuntu though, as "netplan try" can fail several times in a row, then suddenly work with no changes to the config file.18:55
SmashcatI spent quite a bit of time wondering why there was an error when I'd just changed the WiFi SSID. Then it magically worked after a few tries. Seems like the netplan stuff doesn't shut the adapter down properly, then crashes with an error.18:56
SmashcatCurrently the only reliable way tochange WiFi settings is to update the netplan file, then reboot the machine.18:58
elyograghello, denizens.  I'm having a strange problem.  I upgraded a test server to impish and it seems to be ignoring /etc/apt/sources.list.  Here is some gathered info: https://apaste.info/bEy819:23
leftyfbelyograg: there's no issue19:24
elyogragleftyfb: what am i missing, then?19:25
leftyfbelyograg: what is your issue exactly? Your repo's are fine19:25
elyogragI expected a lot more than six entries being loaded by "apt update".19:26
leftyfbelyograg: this might clear things up. Your entire sources.list can be simplified like this: https://termbin.com/ed5cq19:27
leftyfbelyograg: do you have some issue that made you start looking into the output of apt-get update that you would like to express here to resolve?19:29
elyogragIt seemed like it wasn't loading what I asked it to.  am I misinterperting the output?19:29
leftyfbelyograg: try this, this will tell you all the repo's you have enabled: apt-cache policy | awk '/http/ {print $2 $3}' | sort -u19:31
elyogragthanks.  I thought I was going crazy.  I think you're saying that apt is seeing the same URL on multiple lines and where possible, combining them so fewer requests are required.19:35
z1hazeI am having an impossible time trying to `sudo apt update` on my ubuntu server. Are there currently issues or are these issues on my server? It is SUPER slow getting from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates/main20:10
tomreynz1haze: this does not have to be due to the mirror servers (CDN). you could try a traceroute, try https rather than http, maybe ipv6 rather than ipv4...20:15
z1hazeall im doing is running `sudo apt update` im not picking an http protocol20:16
z1hazeim also not picking the servers20:16
tomreynright, but you could20:16
z1hazenot without help. I don't know how to do this20:17
tomreyndo you know what traceroute is? maybe start with this: sudo apt install mtr && mtr -w -c5 us.archive.ubuntu.com20:18
tomreynthen post the output to https://paste.ubuntu.com or https://paste.debian.org20:19
tomreynyou may want to omit the line starting      "1." and maybe "2." since this could give away your location and ISP, if that's a privacy risk20:20
leftyfb( sudo apt install -y mtr && mtr -w -c5 us.archive.ubuntu.com ) nc termbin.com 999920:20
leftyfbz1haze:  ( sudo apt install -y mtr && mtr -w -c5 us.archive.ubuntu.com ) | nc termbin.com 999920:20
tomreynleftyfb: would not work, i think, termbin.com closes the connection after a second or so20:21
z1hazecant even install the package because it just sits there20:21
z1haze3% for 15 seconds20:21
tomreynz1haze: hmm that's bad. but you can access websites just fine?20:22
z1hazewell my server is not local20:22
elyogragI just did apt update on two servers, one running focal and the other impish.  The focal one took two seconds, and the impish took one second.  The impish server has one extra repo (zabbix) and the focal server has four (mysql, zabbix, plex, gitlab).20:22
z1hazebut I can ping my server just fine20:22
tomreynz1haze: can you    time curl -D- -o /dev/null -s -4 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com; time curl -D- -o /dev/null -s -6 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com20:26
tomreynz1haze: and repeat that with https:// on both URLs, and then post all outputs to the pastebin20:27
jayumezhello, i encountered two problems regarding the ubuntu software package version 3.38.1 (impish), first of all the app window looks bugged as if it is squeezed together: https://i.imgur.com/1uEu9Oj.png secoond problem is it tells me automatic updates are disabled because im on a volume plan network connection even though the check box for that in network settings is not active. can anyone help me out?20:28
tomreynjayumez: you could try to remove and resintall this snap. there may be better ways to debug this - but i can't help with it.20:30
z1hazetomreyn, the times look fine to me? https://bpa.st/N5ZQ20:30
z1hazeits only certain lines that take forever on the apt update20:30
z1hazefor example the first 10 will be really fast then it will stuck on one20:30
tomreynz1haze: hmm this output is not what it should have been - no http headers. maybe the connection just failed to be setup.20:32
tomreyn(and timed out)20:32
z1hazeoh sorry maybe i missed20:32
hebertoHi, from Venezuela20:32
tomreynz1haze: i'm also sorry, i failed to realize that the us.archive.ubuntu.com mirrors do not support https20:33
jayumeztomreyn: how would i do that? i only used the ubuntu software tool to manage my snaps so far20:33
tomreynjayumez: from a terminal, using the "snap" command, i think it's "snap remove ubuntu-software" and "snap install ubuntu-software"20:34
tomreynhi heberto! do you have an ubuntu support question?20:34
tomreynz1haze: the latest paste shows a properly set up ipv4 connection to one of the (http) mirrors, and a failed ipv6 one.20:35
hebertoYes, my support is xubuntu20:35
tomreynz1haze: the ipv4 http connection was set up quickly. so that's not an issue apparently, and the http headers don't indicate that your connection was intercepted. although the time is really low there.20:36
hebertoany question?20:37
ioriajayumez, 3.38.1 ? are you sure ?20:37
tomreynjayumez: actually i think the snap is called "snap-store", not "ubuntu-software", i keep mixing those up20:40
jayumezioria: yes, i just re-checked20:40
ioriaubuntu-software is not available on impish20:40
z1hazewell, something is amiss20:40
z1hazethis is not good20:41
ioriajayumez, snap-store is 3.38.020:41
tomreynz1haze: you could discuss this with the colocation / hosting company. or run more tests, or just use a different apt mirror.20:41
jayumezmaybe wrong translation? i have the german localization20:42
tomreynapt configuration is in /etc/apt20:42
ioriajayumez, not is 3.38.120:42
jayumezioria, tomreyn : https://i.imgur.com/aGFZgm4.png this is what the about page tells me20:44
ioriajayumez,  snap list | nc termbin.com 999920:46
jayumezioria: snap-store               3.38.0-66-gbd5b8f7          558       latest/stable/…  canonical✓    -20:47
jayumezso it's a translation bug?20:48
ioriajayumez,  i don't know; try to snap remove  snap-store and reinstall it20:48
tomreyni think there is also a snap faq somewhere with trouble shooting suggestions. but i don't support snap, so... good luck :)20:49
tomreynz1haze: are you making any progress there, need more help?20:55
z1hazeive opened a ticket with the provider. dont know what else to do20:56
tomreynwell, you could temporariyl change the apt mirrors to some that work from this server, and install mtr or traceroute, and use that to further analyze the situation. or just keep using different mirrors. but i guess it's a good start about the ticket if you provided information they can use to verify the situation.20:58
jayumezioria, tomreyn i reinstalled snap-store and the bugs seem gone but it's the same version as before, also translated as Ubuntu-Software in the german localization. thx tho guys21:02
merpnderpI'm writing a bot to pull data from our production servers, but am not sure how to use linux utils to pull data in a way that's easily captured as string. I want cpu load, memory and I'll have to figure out how to pull state of our apps.21:05
z1hazeis this any reason to use 20.04 instead of 21.04?21:08
tomreyn!lts | z1haze21:11
ubottuz1haze: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Focal (Focal Fossa 20.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.21:11
z1hazethey are both lts21:12
tomreynmerpnderp: /proc/{loadavg,vmstat}21:12
z1hazei know what an lts is21:12
tomreynz1haze: no, you don't21:12
z1hazei more or less mean all the articles that complain how shitty 21.04 is. are they well founded21:12
tomreyn21.04 is not an LTS release21:12
z1hazeoh sorry21:12
z1hazei do know what an lts is21:12
z1hazeconfusing 21.04 as an lts does not mean i dont know what an lts is..21:13
elyogragLTS is an acronym meaning Long Term Support.21:14
elyogragtypically even numbered releases (20, 18, 16, 14, etc) are LTS, which means that stability is a goal, and odd numbered are the experimental playground where things are developed and tested for the next LTS release.  Software in those releases is occasionally broken, but any problems are usually fixed quickly.21:18
elyogragsorry, I misread and thought you were saying you didn't know what LTS was. :)21:21
pxI'm trying to remove spaces from directory names using this one liner which doesn't seem to work if there are multiple spaces in the name: find . -iname "* *" -exec rename " " "_" '{}' \;21:32
pxhow make work21:32
elyogragpx: maybe this would be useful.  The package it uses is called "rename" on ubuntu20.  https://stackoverflow.com/a/270961921:42
cbreakpx: tried to use sed?21:56
cbreaka small shell script like: OLDNAME=$1; NEWNAME=$(echo "$OLDNAME" | sed 's/ /_/g'); mv "$OLDNAME" "$NEWNAME";22:00
MarcUKHow do i access Wine and Wine reg i have installed Wine22:12
MarcUKnever really used it before22:12
klausfiendpx: you could do something like this22:14
klausfiendfor old in "$@"; do new=$(echo "$old" | tr -s " " "_"); mv "$old" "$new"; done22:14
klausfiend(in a script if you're using "$@")22:14
MarcUKanyone know why i cant run regedit in wine says command not found22:23
MarcUKok i solved it i didnt type wine regedit.exe22:24
klausfiendMarcUK: that's not really an Ubuntu question just FYI22:25
MarcUKok how do i list my usb ports thats an ubuntu question22:26
tomreynMarcUK: lsusb will list your usb root hubs with some additioan info. for much more info, add one or more -v22:31
tomreynyes, exactly, just on the other window22:32
MarcUKok i need to know the path to it to add it to wine registry to get a piece of hardware for programming microchips to work22:32
MarcUK/dev/ whatever22:33
MarcUKBus 002 Device 006: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 Serial (UART) IC22:33
MarcUKi believe thats the pic programmer22:34
jeremy31 /dev/USB0  ?22:37
MarcUKyea along that lines i was just looking in the /dev dir22:37
MarcUK/dev/ttyUSB0 would that be it ?22:38
jeremy31that might b it22:38
jeremy31Is it for picaxe?22:40
MarcUKPIC Microcontroller programmer22:41
MarcUKI'm trying to run the windows program under wine using the USB coms22:41
Dr-007hey guys, i just installed ubuntu 20.04 on my laptop. i had the usb stick laying around with that on in and i wanted to install it as dual boot on my laptop. anyway; my problem. i made a partition when i was in windows for where it should be installed. so i went to the 'advanced partitions' manager (i came there via a comment that said there were a few hidden partitions that werent being23:02
Dr-007showed) anyways.. i installed it then rebooted but i end up in windows. there is no grub.23:02
Dr-007is there a quick fix for it without reinstalling? like boot up from the usb stick then choose to try ubuntu. then apt-get install grub or something?23:02
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:04
jhutchinsSee also:23:04
jhutchinso reinstall <GRUB> boot to your Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2), mount your root23:05
jhutchins             filesystem (mount -t ext4 /dev/whatever /target ; mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ; mount23:05
jhutchins             -t sysfs none /target/sys), chroot into it (chroot /target), run "mount /boot/efi" on EFI and "update-grub &&23:05
jhutchins             grub-install /dev/whatever".  See also <rescue mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.23:05
Dr-007wicked, thanks23:05
Dr-007then im going to leave again to try this out, thanks again for your quick response23:07
jhutchinsDr-007: Pure luck, I just happened to drop by at the right moment.23:09
merpnderptomreyn: thanks!23:16
Caerusis there a way to attach a terminal session to another terminal. I was conntected through ssd to a local virtual machine but the connection spiked and I lost the ssh session. when I reconnect/reauth i get a new bash but I can see the other terminal in the process list.23:34
Caerusssh* not ssd xD23:35
klausfiendif you started your session in screen or tmux, yeah23:38
klausfiendbut if your shell got disconnected, it's essentially orphaned if the kernel didn't already cull it23:38
klausfiendscreen/tmux are a godsend for noisy/unreliable/irregularly-connected hosts23:38
jhutchinsOr for just dropping a session and coming back later.23:39
Caerusyeah google shows screen and tmux, but unfortunately that requires to have it pre-installed so I was wondering about alternatives. I'm gonna go with tmux, this has happened often enough to warrant a safeguard23:40
tomreyn!info reptyr23:51
ubottureptyr (0.6.2-1.3, impish): Tool for moving running programs between ptys. In component universe, is optional. Built by reptyr. Size 22 kB / 66 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, armel, armhf.)23:51
tomreyn^ Caerus23:51
tomreynbut a terminal multiplexer should be preferred.23:52
Caerusohh great I can use that to recover it and then install the multiplexer for future sessions. thanks tomreyn23:53
longus_catusI'm using ubuntu 21.20 and using Gnome/Ubuntu on X11, and whenever I have vi open in a gnome-terminal and alt-tab, it goes out of insert mode.  What is this about, this has never happened to be before.23:54

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