
origintopleftDoes the sqlite3 package in 20.04's apt repository support fts5?00:03
sarnoldorigintopleft: probably yes, I see --enable-fts5 in the debian/rules file for 3.31.1-4ubuntu0.200:05
origintopleftsarnold: that sounds like a yes to me :V alright, i'll have to find a sqlite channel for further troubleshooting then, thank you00:06
pyeverythinghello could you please help me with this docker issue? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1400476/docker-error-response-from-daemon-could-not-select-device-driver-with-capab  I get this error docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].00:45
oerheksmaybe a typo; --shm-size 2GB  >> --shm-size=2GB00:49
oerheks2 gb is standard already00:50
pyeverythingoerheks, no not a typo  - solved the issue here https://askubuntu.com/a/1400480/16532401:05
* stupidnick always open from here https://cryptobug.wordpress.com/2022/04/01/https-www-google-com/ to open all Repo from Our Repo ... . remember that ... .01:25
* stupidnick or it is virus01:26
stupidnickalways open from here https://cryptobug.wordpress.com/2022/04/01/https-www-google-com/  to open all Repo from Our Repo ... . remember that ... . or it is virus01:26
oerheks"always open from here:01:29
oerheksstupidnick, what is this about? not ubuntu support related.01:29
oerheksplease  d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ spam on an other social media network,  thanks01:30
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!01:32
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK DJones el Flannel genii hggdh ikonia krytarik mneptok mwsb nhandler Pici popey sarnold tomreyn Unit193 wgrant01:32
ewomerAny graphical gui like what NVidia provides to change x server settings from AMD?01:34
oerheksamd gpu gui ? not native, but there are projects going on https://gitlab.com/corectrl/corectrl01:37
=== M4he is now known as mahe
oerheksxserver setting change do not happen that often01:39
FurretUberIs evdev supported on Wayland? evdev like the xserver-xorg-input-evdev01:56
RedDevilVigilantI think so, but I might be wrong01:57
funhouseis it faster to copy files thru cmd than explorer?01:57
funhouseor same thing01:57
FurretUberI'm testing some more exotic input devices (touchscreens, digital whiteboards) and many don't seem to work01:58
sarnoldFurretUber: I have the vague impression evdev is the only way wayland works01:58
sarnoldfunhouse: there's a lot of variables around how things get done, but in general a gui won't be faster or slower than a cli interface to copying files around01:59
funhousesarnold ok thank you01:59
sarnoldfunhouse: it gets complicated if you're using something like sshfs or cifs or smb mounts, it's possible that one or another system there might be faster; but if it's just moving files from one directory to another on the same filesystem, or if it's copying file data among local disks, it'll probably work out to pretty similar02:01
FurretUberWayland has an equivalent to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d, where it's possible to set parameters for specific devices? In the case I cited before, on X I usually have to set something with MatchUSBID and Driver on X configuration, as libinput only works with common devices, while these exotic devices work better with evdev02:05
sarnoldFurretUber: ugh :( I may have been more or less exactly wrong :( -- I thought of evdev as the 'new' kernel interface but that xorg package looks like that driver means "in contrast to libinput" :(  -- guessing from the bullet points on https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Evdev anyway02:08
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* Ex0 is me call me when you want to answer and ping me not ping me than too bad answer your own question than03:59
* Ex0 is that get paid so free money :p Thank God 04:01
oerheks!ot > Ex004:01
ubottuEx0: Please see my private message04:01
oerheksno spam here thanks04:02
oerheksyou do this in multiple channels04:02
oerheksForrestGumppp, how is that ubuntu support related?04:17
ForrestGumpppoerheks: if score less than 15 you shouldnt be doing Ubuntu Support lol04:19
=== Tacoder is now known as Guest7192
=== AvgMexican is now known as Tacoder
=== geeky_ is now known as geeky
* Ex0 is me call me if you want me to answer your question , if not free money for me than 05:32
* Ex0 ping me like Ex0 : your question05:32
backthen1How do I revert back to before I installed a driver? Now "failed to start network name resolution" message happens when booting06:05
ruzeri created efi partion while installation06:14
ruzerwas it neccessary to do06:14
=== conjo is now known as lll
lllcan anyone tell me if it is strange for a monitor to operate @ anything but 60Htz in countries like Australia06:18
ruzer60hz is ok06:19
llljust caught mine @ 74.97 and im in the middle of trying to understand causes of display issues which i have fixed (or so i hope)-reason i ask is that i have never heard of televisions running at anything but 60hz in AUST06:20
ruzertelevison running at 60hz is okay too06:21
lllruzer, is 74.97 bad on a pc monitor06:21
ruzerlll: maybe issues with your nvidia driver06:22
ruzeron ubuntu06:22
llliv not noticed options above 60Hz in past (until today) wondering if i had a bad driver that messed with what options are avail06:22
ruzerwhy do you want gaming on linux06:23
lll*if it might of had to do with bad driver(echoed) thanks for reply06:23
lllyes am on ubuntu06:23
lllvanilla 20.0.0406:23
ruzermaybe you look to pc suppoert website06:24
ruzerdriver and utilities for linux os06:24
ruzeri created efi partion while installation06:25
ruzerwas it neccessary to do so06:25
lllafter i ran sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade and rebooted, my display setting went to shit and i couldnt choose high resolutions, was stuck at lowest avail 480x860 4:3 or something ridiculous06:25
llli fixed06:25
lllended up running sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall06:26
lllthen rebooting it06:26
ruzerah, nice06:26
lllall was good again06:26
lllbut now i want to bloody know exactly what happened06:27
ruzerlinus will help06:27
lllcuriosity rabbithole ensues (me novice)06:27
ruzerlll: same here06:28
lllwondering if (assuming it was a change in driver where i should look for clues? dmesg or journalctl?06:28
ruzerdo mess it if is working06:29
lllor if it was a change from foss driver to nvidia driver where should i look for that (if in logs what with cat ... | grep "somekeywork?"06:29
ruzerlll: do you watch ipl?06:30
lllits the most fun when its broken and when your trying to feel out more understanding (in between granted frustration)06:30
llldont have time06:30
llli think we'll get in trouble if its off topic pm me if ya wanna banter06:31
lllhave a conversation06:31
ruzerlll: i am new too messing things06:31
ruzerno idea bout that06:31
=== ruzer is now known as yuzi
lllwhos ur team anyway (cricket right)06:33
* yuzi 06:34
lllare you winning? ;)06:40
lllHi all can anyone help me with this problem https://pastebin.com/ypPUz6rS06:49
llland if the cause of the problem could include kernel update = drop of support for my gpu how do i get my gpu details and where do i look to see if my gpu is no longer supported06:51
=== yaeiou1 is now known as yaeiou
lllokay found out how to find gpu info in case it helps someone else "lshw -numeric -C display"06:59
llllspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 1206:59
lllanyone know to how to look for nvidia gpu errors with journalctl07:22
DocMorshow do I find out whether a specific package is part of the initial install withour reinstalling a fresh copy? Is there a list of default packages?07:35
Jeremy31DocMors: you might be able to find the manifest list with a search07:36
DocMorswell I have a guy here telling me that his 20.04 doesn't have systemd installed. I tend to disbelieve that but I can't access his machine unfortunately.07:38
DocMorsas far as I know systemd is part of the core since 15.xx07:38
alkisgDocMors: tell them to upload the output of : dpkg -l | grep systemd | nc termbin.com 999907:48
DocMorsalkisg, good move07:54
blb120557it doesn't make sense to use ubuntu without systemd. Many packages depends on it and if you can't even use the packaging system then there's no reason to use such os at all08:27
blb120557is fwupd any good? it has tons of deps and last time i tried it didn't do anything08:49
dortalubuntu server.09:53
bostHi. How can I declare a list variable in the dash shell (i.e. /bin/sh)11:40
wezbost: dash does not support arrays. You could try something like this:11:44
wezbost: All I did was Google that, I don't know why you didn'y try that first.11:44
bostwez: I did. But that link doesn't appear in my googling results.11:47
bostwez: anyway thank you!11:47
wezbost: I guess you used list instead of the term array11:47
bostwez: aaah.11:48
wezBash also uses that term :)11:48
bostwez: well, I'm a LISP fan11:48
wezPython fan here!11:49
wezThey call it a list too, but bash uses the term array11:49
=== vlm_ is now known as vlm
westorhello, im trying to upgrade openssl to 3.0.2 but getting that error: openssl: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:25
westorany idea how to solve that ? (openssl version)12:25
ravagewestor: just dont do it. updating openssl will break everything12:32
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tomreynwestor: if you actually need openssl 3.0.2, install 22.04 when it releases12:46
westorso you suggesting not upgrading to?12:47
tomreynyou won't be able to upgrade to it too soon. maybe soon after release from 21.10, but not until *around* the 22.04.1 release from 20.04.12:49
westori don't need 100% to update on 3.0.2 , i just updating it because its the most newer but if that is gonna break anything on system then i will go on 1.1.112:49
=== thelounge59 is now known as serg073
BluesKajHi all13:03
=== serg073 is now known as ssh073
tomreynwestor: that's not how ubuntu is meant to be used, really. if you (manually) upgrade single software components, you can break many other softwares. the fixed release model defines specific software versions which are part of an ubuntu release / version. you seem to be trying to convert ubuntu into a rolling release model distribution, which it is not. maybe you'd be happier with one of those distros?13:06
westorright that makes sense, i will revert on 1.1.1 series until next distro LTS release13:07
westortomreyn: one last question, when "openssl version" says this "OpenSSL 1.1.1n 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021)" does that means it uses 1.1.1n or 1.1.1k ?13:21
rob0looks like the openssl(1) binary is n and the library is k13:24
rob0Ubuntu LTS (here I am looking at 20.04) versions, do they have NTP synchronization enabled by default?13:25
tomreynrob0: yes, via systemd-timesyncd13:27
tomreynuse timedatectl to manage it13:28
yuziwhats the point of having separate /home partition?13:29
yuzihow does it helps13:29
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tomreynyuzi: you no longer have / run full, possibly impacting system stability, when you fill up your /home. you have separate file systems, which can use different configurations, physical storage locations, storage configurations / block device layering. and probably a bunch more which i can't think of right now.13:32
tomreynoh, you can preserve /home while doing a fresh install of the OS.13:32
yuziprevserve, how do we do that13:33
yuzimeans only formatting the / and keeping/home13:34
yuziany documentation on that13:34
westortomreyn: it seems machine keeps using 1.1.1k instead 1.1.1n , how can i change that?13:35
tomreynyuzi: while you should still backup /home, you could just trash all other partitions and do a fresh install with custom partitioning, where you install the newer release side by side with the existing /home, and then later mount this existing /home to the new home directory. i don't have guide on this at hand, but i'm sure you can find one online.13:36
tomreynwestor: by undoing the changes you made previously to cause this. or a fresh install.13:36
westori did a fresh install already to install 1.1.1n13:37
tomreyni highly doubt there is an ubuntu release which uses a different openssl binary version than the libssl version13:38
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you on?13:38
llutzwestor: check available/used versions, "apt-cache policy libssl1.1 openssl"13:38
tomreyn!info openssl focal13:39
ubottuopenssl (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.12, focal): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is important. Built by openssl. Size 606 kB / 1,257 kB13:39
tomreyn!info libssl1.1 focal13:40
VIAhi all13:40
ubottulibssl1.1 (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.12, focal): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - shared libraries. In component main, is important. Built by openssl. Size 1,292 kB / 4,028 kB13:40
VIAmy system hung itself for the first time in a loong while. whats the part where i can see logs of what happened last ?13:40
tomreynwestor: the command "type openssl" says what?13:40
EriC^^VIA: /var/log/syslog13:41
westoropenssl is hashed (/usr/local/bin/openssl)13:41
tomreynwestor: you're using a locally installed openssl binary.13:41
tomreyn<tomreyn> westor: by undoing the changes you made previously to cause this. or a fresh install.13:42
yuziVIA: go to logs app13:42
VIAhmmmm the thingy i meant that was thrown around a lot, and a lot at other users too went different for sure. not saying its not in there though hmmhh13:43
VIAwell im not familiar with logs app sry13:43
tomreynVIA: journalctl -eb -1     or the "Logs" GUI application in gnome.13:43
yuziVIA: its simple gui app inbuilt13:43
VIAi do not have a "logs" application13:44
westori used "./config" -> "sudo make" -> "sudo mv /usr/bin/openssl ~/tmp" -> "sudo make install" -> "sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl" -> "sudo ldconfig" = are these steps the correct to upgrade on 1.1.1n ? or i miss something (sorry for this newbie thing)13:44
riverhey I want to install libXau13:45
riverbut apt install libXau can't find it13:45
riverhow should I go about finding the true name of the lib to install?13:46
riverI looked into the software thing but it doesn't have search?13:46
VIAty EriC^^ that looks about right :D13:46
VIAugly and right hmhmh13:46
yuziVIA: what distro you use13:46
llutzriver apt-cache search libxau13:47
tomreynriver: i can't tell about the graphical application, but you can search using the "apt" program in a terminal emulator: apt search libXau13:47
VIAhow can i copy that file EriC^ ?13:49
VIAdont seem to have enough capacity to select all text an cant move or copy that file itself ._.13:50
EriC^VIA: cp /var/log/syslog /path/to/destination, or use 'less /var/log/syslog' to browse through the file13:59
didac45hello people again14:03
lotuspsychjewelcome didac4514:03
didac45now i want make a boot sd from image disk14:03
tomreynVIA: or cut out the relevant part with journalctl --since=... and --until=... and append " | nc termbin.com 9999 "14:04
didac45how i do?14:04
tomreynwhat is "sd" and what format is "image disk" in?14:05
didac45tomreyn, is a sdcard14:06
didac45tomreyn, and image disk is file .img14:07
didac45i want make this file img on sdcard14:07
didac45but bootbale14:07
tomreynthen use a bootable image, or something like ventoy.14:08
didac45tomreyn, the img is alredy bootable14:08
tomreynso you can just cp it to the raw sdcard device14:09
didac45there any command to process?14:09
tomreynor 'dd'14:10
didac45noooo, cp, no not copy, dd yes14:10
llutzor 'cat'14:10
didac45what is the process to dd?14:10
leftyfbdidac45: what OS is the image?14:11
tomreyneither cp or dd should work if you have the right target device. and a system which can boot off sdcards.14:11
leftyfbdidac45: where did you download it from?14:11
didac45in the page chromiumos14:12
leftyfbdidac45: please provide the link here14:12
didac45one second14:13
leftyfbdidac45: sudo dd if=/path/to/your.img of=/dev/mmcblk0    # verify the location of your sd card with lsblk14:14
leftyfbdidac45: good luck14:15
didac45ok thanks14:15
VIAEriC^: tomreyn .. TY my sys just hung itself no idea why, well onlky 'miusepad'became unresponsive .. so i het to kill it all wtf14:23
VIAi opened the file again and just did a file->save as from the getgo and was able to snatch it14:24
VIAmy system has crashed around 12:10 so about 3 hours before i got back up. if anyone wants to take a look at the look idk i think like posting the last hhour or half hour should contain some or other info if at all14:25
VIAah damn whats up with my spelling que horror14:29
rob0lol, IRC doesn't have that "edit post" feature :)14:32
VIAsee caps. and i send anyway cuz thats what its about keepin it reeeel14:32
=== ruzer is now known as yuzi
tomreynVIA: please try to use family friendly language on this channel.14:47
yuziwhat if I use the non lts versions14:48
yuzilike 22.0414:48
yuziis it unstable, in beta?14:48
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | yuzi14:48
ubottuyuzi: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.14:48
tomreynthere's a beta14:48
VIAi did not use any family unfriendly language. thy for recognition.14:49
yuziis it unstable, in beta? tomreyn so it is stable14:49
VIA /ignore add *******14:49
yuziit comes with Gnome 4014:49
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Jammy and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 22.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.14:50
tomreynVIA: https://ubottu.com/y/gl - "Language and Subject"14:50
rob0A beta means that some features might not be working perfectly yet.14:50
yuzirob0: ya that's unstable i said14:51
rob0generally, it means not fully tested14:51
rob0so if you don't like that, don't use it14:51
yuziits april 2022 so it should be official till now14:52
yuziwhen connanical will roll out 2214:52
tomreynthere is a so-called "release schedule", which will bear the exact date. "april" != "april 1st"14:53
yuziya waiting eagerly14:53
yuzitomreyn: but 'april' == 'april' , I didn't metion date14:54
tomreynyuzi: yes, your assumption is incorrect.14:56
jhutchinsAlso sometimes april == > april.14:58
yuzi== > is invalid operator jhutchins14:58
yuzii agree14:59
BlackMagei have problems on my macbook to establish a lan connection15:06
dortali got macbook pro too15:07
tomreynBlackMage: got more details? ubuntu version, flavor, error message?15:08
BlackMagenot listened15:08
BlackMagein ifconfig15:08
tomreyndont use ifconfig, use 'ip'15:08
BlackMagebut i can list the interface with ifconfig15:09
tomreynip link15:09
tomreynbut we need more details nevertheless15:09
dubiousnessBlackMage: as tomreyn says, versions, macbook model, etc. will help with debugging. It sounds like the old Broadcom issue, but without more detail we are stabbing in the dark.15:10
lotuspsychjeBlackMage: try to use a pastebin to output some details the volunteers ask for, in order they can help you the best possible15:10
BlackMage2: enp1s0f0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100015:12
BlackMage    link/ether a8:20:66:50:d6:44 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff15:12
geosmileis there a good keylogger for ubuntu that i can install using apt?15:20
tomreynBlackMage: gathering more info: lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version; sudo apt -qq update && apt policy15:26
rob0"good" and "keylogger", to me, sound mutually exclusive. :)15:31
lotuspsychjegeosmile: there used to be logkeys in earlier ubuntu releases, but it has been removed i think15:32
BlackMagemy mac is a MacBook Pro 13" - A1278 - Mid 2012,BIOS MBP91, ROM Version:  00DA_B0015:41
tomreynBlackMage: are you using a graphical desktop, or are you just working on the tty?15:44
BlackMagei use a graphical desktop15:44
BlackMagebut networkmanager stop working with the ethernet interface15:45
tomreynBlackMage: oh, details, nice. so, what seemed to have caused this to happen, when did it start, can you pinpoint a change you may have introduced, or a date and time when this became an issue?15:46
lotuspsychjewelcome dortal15:47
BlackMagehow i can see what packages was last updated?15:49
lotuspsychjeBlackMage: /var/log/dpkg logs15:49
ioriaBlackMage, those 3 ppas are not supported on Focal; why do you have it ?15:50
jhutchinsBlackMage: What changes did you make between when the ethernet interface last worked and when it stopped?15:52
BlackMageonly updates15:52
tomreynso then it's likely that a kernel update introduced this issue for you, which is really that you depends on an out of tree kernel module for the network interface, i assume.15:55
tomreynyou could try switching back to an earlier kernel version temporarily by selecting that from the grub menu, under 'Advanced'15:56
lotuspsychjeBlackMage: maybe its a good idea to share your ' dmesg ' in a pastebin with the volunteers aswell15:56
BlackMageonly two ACPI errors15:58
ioriaBlackMage, restart network-manager and check again15:58
BlackMagenothing changed15:59
iorianot possible16:00
ioriaBlackMage,  cat /var/log/syslog16:00
jhutchinsioria: Ok come on, at least less +G16:05
BlackMagei can find only "manager: (enp1s0f0): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop16:08
BlackMagei can find only "manager: (enp1s0f0): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2)" what has to do with enp1s0f016:09
BlackMagein /var/log/syslog16:09
ioriaBlackMage,  i suggest you find a way to connect that pc (wifi, adapter, theter) so you can paste cmds outputs16:10
BlackMageyes wifi works, but not ethernet16:26
BlackMagewhen installing it was the other way around, wifi doesnt work, but ethernet over lan port16:29
BlackMageand after the install of wifi drivers both works, until before the update16:31
BlackMagenow works only wifi16:32
tomreynBlackMage: lspci -knn | grep -EA3 'Ethernet controller'     should provide details on the chipset you have. search for its vendor and device id (given in a format similar to "[abcd:0123]" at the end of the first line of output of this command) and "ubuntu 20.04" and you should find out how to make it work again.16:39
=== riderjj is now known as juanjo
=== juanjo is now known as riderjj
lidlessFYI: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1398614/upgrading-to-5-13-0-37-generic-breaks-audio-with-external-audio-card17:01
lidlessthis is what I'm experiencing17:01
lidlessand that fix does work for me. Hope this helps someone else17:03
jpmhI need to do some testing with different dates.  How do I stop ubuntu from contacting time servers and fixing the time/date?17:03
mrkubax10try timedatectl set-ntp 017:05
shadow255jpmh: for something less permanent, try sudo systemctl freeze systemd-timesyncd17:06
shadow255jpmh: when done testing, use sudo systemctl thaw systemd-timesyncd17:07
jpmhshadow255: ty - will try that right now17:07
jpmhshadow255: I get the error: Unknown Operation Freeze17:08
jpmhhowevere testig with stop17:08
jpmhshadow255: stop did it  - ty so much17:09
shadow255jpmh: good luck!17:09
jpmhWHen I try and install perldoc on a new 20.04 installation I get a dependency issue, details at: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VkK6nCnfmK/ - help please17:13
geosmilelotuspsychje, I noticed. Do you know if there are any other keyloggers that i can use?17:13
jhutchinsshadow255: What release are you running that has freeze/thaw?  I haven't seen that documented anywhere yet.17:13
shadow255jhutchins: tested successfully on 21.1017:14
jhutchinsgeosmile: What is your actual goal?17:14
geosmilejhutchins, I want to record all terminal sessions/keystrokes on a VPN (need to give machine access to an semi-trusted user)17:15
geosmileVM - not vpn17:15
oerheks!info logkeys17:16
ubottuPackage logkeys does not exist in impish17:16
tomreynjpmh: your systems' information on available packages (apt cache) is outdated, try solving this first. perl-doc in ubuntu 20.04 depends on perl >= 5.30.0-1 (not just ">= 5.26.1-1", as your apt thinks).17:19
tomreynjpmh: in case your system time is outdated, this could cause apt to fail on updating the apt cache.17:20
jpmhtomreyn: my system time is fine on the achine where I have this issue17:21
tomreynthat's a good start.17:21
oerheksgeosmile, build logkeys yourself? https://github.com/kernc/logkeys17:21
jpmhtomreyn: how do I fix the cache - I have done the apt update17:21
tomreynjpmh: so   sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade    should all run, and all without printing warnings or errors.17:22
jpmhtomreyn: ty - trying that now - the full-upgrade is the part I had not done17:23
jpmhtomreyn: the upgrade commands all worked - I still have the issue when I do the perl-doc17:24
BlackMagehello again17:25
tomreynjpmh: this is probably not the only cause of the situation reported on your paste, though. 'held broken packages' is a situation that usually caused by introducing, to your system, third party packages or package repositories.17:25
jpmhtomreyn: this is a brand new install - so no third party packages17:26
tomreynjpmh: so   apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'    lists nothing and    apt policy    only lists urls which are or end in one of archive.ubuntu.com, ports.ubuntu.com, security.ubuntu.com ?17:27
BlackMageehh how names the lspci command?17:28
jhutchinsBlackMage: Please re-phrase.17:28
jpmhtomreyn: not sure what you are asking saying17:29
BlackMageto show the details of Ethernet controller [0200]17:29
pryjanHi, can someone give me some hints on how Ubuntu keeps packages updated from a security perspective? I've notice, as example, that the version of Qemu on Focal is really outdated compared to the upstream one. I started wondering then if it is better to use the "interim" versions to stay updated, however security patches for those version are only17:29
pryjanfor packages in "main" af far I've understood and the general suggestion is to use LTE versions... hence now I'm bit confused.17:29
jhutchinsBlackMage: Well, lspci will give you some details, lspci -nn will include the PCI ID.17:29
tomreynjpmh: i provided two (series of commands) and info on how the output they shold produce, in case you would like to double-check that your system is still in a good condition.17:30
jpmhah - ok - ty17:30
BlackMageokay and -nnn?17:30
oerheks lspci -knn | grep -EA3 'Ethernet controller'   # is what tomreyn gave you earlier17:31
tomreyn!latest | pryjan17:31
ubottupryjan: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:31
oerhekspryjan, not outdated, but they are stable and supported.17:32
oerheksLTS aims on stability, not the newest features17:32
tomreynpryjan: what this is trying to say is that, in ubuntu, there is a team of developers who make sure that, while the main software version remains the same, and may look old, security patches are actually applied to these older versions.17:33
BlackMageokay i have a 14e4:16b4 as a NetXtreme BCM5776517:33
tomreynpryjan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ has more details on this, start with the FAQ on top17:35
tomreynBlackMage: this is what i told you earlier:   lspci -knn | grep -EA3 'Ethernet controller'     should provide details on the chipset you have. search for its vendor and device id (given in a format similar to "[abcd:0123]" at the end of the first line of output of this command) and "ubuntu 20.04" and you should find out how to make it work again.17:37
tomreyn!logs | BlackMage17:37
ubottuBlackMage: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/17:37
BlackMageBCM4331 is my wifi and BCM57765 is my lan adapter17:40
BlackMagebut i didnt find any usefully about it17:41
tomreyndoes the above command says that "Kernel driver in use: tg3"?17:42
BlackMageKernel driver in use: tg317:42
tomreynso the driver was loaded okay, then there must be some other issue. maybe it's best you just post a full dmesg17:43
tomreyndmesg | nc termbin.com 999917:43
pryjantomreyn: I understand that, however the Qemu version in Fossa is 4.2 while the upstream is 6.2 and there are open CVE affecting versions <= 5.0.0, does this means that all newer versions did not actually solved any CVE opened for the version 4.2 so far, that's why the package was not updated?17:44
tomreynpryjan: it means that qemu 4.2 in Ubuntu 20.04 is not just what was once released as qemu 4.2 by the qemu developers, but that with many security patches on top of it, to close (hopefully) all the serious bugs that this version has become known to be affected by, until now. you can get a better overview on this here: https://ubuntu.com/security/cves?version=focal&package=qemu17:48
BlackMagei can find only: 'enp1s0f0: renamed from eth0'17:48
BlackMageand '0000:01:00.0 eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM957765) rev 57785100]'17:50
pryjantomreyn: Oh, thank you! That's definitely a good link, now things start to make sense to me. Thank you.17:50
BlackMagebut why Tigon3?17:50
pryjantomreyn: This basically means that in Focal we have the most updated and patched Qemu 4.2 - that is, we are maybe missing some features compared to the newer versions but we are ok from security perspective17:53
tomreynBlackMage: that's the name of the driver which is loaded. those acpi errors you have on dmesg aren't too great, but the more critical ones seem to be about graphics, not the network hardware.17:53
BlackMagebut i have no problems with graphics17:54
BlackMageruns fine17:54
pryjantomreyn: and this goes for all other packages in "main" and "restricted" when using a LTE (Qemu was just an example of mine)17:54
tomreynBlackMage: that's good. what is printed to the terminal emulator window when you run    journalctl -f   and then try to bring up the ethernet using network manager? (use a pastebin to report the output)17:55
BlackMageits not listed in the network manager17:55
tomreynpryjan: LTS, not LTE, but yes, that's how it should be.17:55
pryjanBlackMage: LTS, sorry17:56
pryjantoday I can't type, my finger just do what they want17:56
tomreynpryjan: in fact this applies to all ubuntu releases while they're getting security support. not just LTS releases.17:56
pryjantomreyn: I read somewhere that interim just gets support for "main" but not for "restricted" (https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle). Maybe I did understand it wrong17:58
tomreynBlackMage: what's the output of    nmcli device | nc termbin.com 999917:58
tomreynpryjan: that's actually possible, you may know more than i do there17:59
BlackMageonly 'enp1s0f0  ethernet  unmanaged  --'17:59
pryjantomreyn: well, that's hard to believe; it is just a my understanding of what they wrote there :D18:00
tomreynpryjan: if you have more questions on this, try checking back with the security team in #ubuntu-security18:00
pryjantomreyn: Thank you, I'll!18:00
tomreynBlackMage: so this network interface is not managed by network-manager. is this something you have chosen to do, by chance?18:01
tomreynattempting to configure it by other means would cause such, for example18:02
tomreynBlackMage: journalctl -b -t NetworkManager | nc termbin.com 999918:05
BlackMagetomreyn: no, the interface first disappeared from the network manager, but it still worked fine. but with later updates it no longer worked via the console via ifconfig. the information can only be queried from the interface via ethtool, and the interface does not work18:07
BlackMageand here: https://termbin.com/7wmtl18:08
tomreynBlackMage: hmm, yes, this does not hint on why the ethernet interface is not managed by NM either. so you're saying that currently, you could not add a new LAN connection on the NM GUI, because there is no such interface listed, right?18:11
BlackMageit is a 'Ethernet connection 1' listed in the settings, but not shown when i make a right click18:14
tomreynBlackMage: run    nm-connection-editor    and delete 'Ethernet connection 1'. then close and re-open    nm-connection-editor    and add a new ethernet connection.18:15
tomreynwhen adding the new ethernet connection, try not to make any manual changes18:16
BlackMagedevice not managed is shown in the right click menu18:16
BlackMageon Ethernet network18:17
BlackMageunder Ethernet network, i mean18:17
BlackMageonly device not managed18:18
=== viridian is now known as Guest6613
tomreynBlackMage: does is say "managed=false" here?     cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf18:19
BlackMageno managed=true18:19
tomreynBlackMage: did you mean to say: No, it says "managed=true"?18:19
BlackMageyes 'managed=true' is in NetworkManager.conf18:20
Guest6613i installed ubuntu 22.04 beta on my computer. when the final stable version comes out will i have to reinstall or do i just keep doing updates?18:20
tomreynBlackMage: and    cat /etc/network/interfaces    returns an empty file, or an error message that the file does not exist?18:21
mybalzitchGuest6613: /should/ just be able to update. 99%18:21
oerheksGuest6613, just update and you are fine18:21
Guest6613ok thanks18:21
BlackMagecat: /etc/network/interfaces: No such file or directory18:22
tomreynBlackMage: i'm out of ideas, i'm afraid. maybe someone else can up with a solution. you could review the full log since boot, specifically looking for anything on the network interface and firmware loading, maybe this would help.18:23
tomreynso     journalctl -b18:23
BlackMagehmpf :/  that is bad18:23
oerhekstomreyn, rebooting the router as last resort?18:24
oerheks* with wired connected solely18:24
tomreynoerheks: the router should not cause whether or not NM is willing to manage the device18:24
tomreyn(router or whatever there is on the other end of the ethernet connection)18:25
tomreynthe web posts i spotted all pointed to missing / outdated NIC firmware, but i did not see such messages on the parts of the log we got to see (but they were not complete)18:26
BlackMagea false bit have changed and that entire driver destroyed xD18:26
tomreynit's most likely related to apple hardware being not that well supported.18:27
BlackMagei had no problems until after the update18:27
jhutchinsBlackMage: Do you suppose anybod else has the same hardware you do, and has upgraded their Ubuntu installation?18:34
BlackMagejhutchins rather unlikely, but nothing is impossible18:36
jhutchinsDistrowatch says Ubuntu is getting 1,317 hits per day on it's site.18:39
oerheksDistrowatch .. not really a genuine source of populairity18:40
jhutchinsoerheks: Your suggestion of a better one?18:47
BlackMagepuh my macbook is from Mid 2012 with 2x8GB DDR3 RAM with 1600MHz and a i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz, so not so bad18:47
jhutchinsNot much, but:18:48
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:48
jhutchinsI realise you have already installed and had it working.18:48
pulseaudioguys can't run dvd18:48
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.18:48
jhutchinspulseaudio: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?18:49
pulseaudiowell the dvd is in the tray but ubuntu is completely unaware. Gotta tell him he has to read the dvd, seems driver related issue.18:49
BlackMagetoday it is gives better but I don't need more18:50
jhutchinspulseaudio: That's usually handled by the Desktop software.18:50
pulseaudiowhat do i have to do ?18:51
jhutchinspulseaudio: I presume you have the default gnome desktop.18:52
jhutchinspulseaudio: So wait for somebody who knows about gnome media handling.18:52
pulseaudioI use ubuntu 16.04 all default18:52
jhutchinspulseaudio: Are you sure it's 16.04?  That's awfully old, and out of support.18:53
pulseaudiosure sure18:54
pulseaudio16.04 was stable as a rock18:54
jhutchinsFirst hit on google.19:14
BlackMageshould i report it with the tg3 driver?19:19
=== _filename is now known as filename
BlackMageokay, i have completed my tests, i got the tg3 driver not working19:30
jhutchinsBlackMage: Have you successfully reverted to the previous kernel & drivers?19:30
BlackMageno, how do I do that?19:32
tomreyn<tomreyn> you could try switching back to an earlier kernel version temporarily by selecting that from the grub menu, under 'Advanced'19:36
pulseaudiois ubuntu touch around ?20:07
tomreyn!touch | pulseaudio20:13
ubottupulseaudio: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports20:13
TheGallopingFoxim doing a live techno set to celebrate the wonderful world of open-source20:14
TheGallopingFoxthis is not spam!20:14
TheGallopingFoxim a slackware user20:14
leftyfbTheGallopingFox: please do not spam here20:15
TheGallopingFoxim not spamming, im actually doing it!20:15
leftyfbTheGallopingFox: this is a support channel. Anything not support related is offtopic20:15
TheGallopingFoxis there a offtopic channel?20:15
TheGallopingFoxyou sound like President Putin and his orders lol20:16
pulseaudioanyone here who used ubuntu touch20:18
tomreynpulseaudio: see what ubottu told you20:18
* pulseaudio followed20:19
trewqhi folks, I would like to install chrome on 20.04 focal - where can I find out what version would be install if I were to use apt? I have this in my sources.list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu20:30
trewqhi folks, I would like to install chrome on 20.04 focal - where can I find out what version would be install if I were to use apt? I have this in my sources.list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu20:31
LimaCharlie0410sudo apt-get yomama20:33
jhutchins!info chrome20:33
ubottuPackage chrome does not exist in impish20:33
pinetreesinstall chromium, sudo apt install chromium-browser20:35
trewqI do not want to install chromium, I would like to find out what version would be installed20:35
trewq"where can I find out what version would be install if I were to use apt?"20:36
jhutchinstrewq: Check man apt for a dry-run or -test option.20:36
trewqjhutchins: thanks20:37
jhutchinstrewq: You can also try /msg ubottu info <package>20:38
tomreyntrewq: apt list chromium-browser20:38
Jeremy31Isn't chromium a snap now?20:39
tomreynyes, but the apt package would still list the version, i think20:39
tomreynand the question was: <trewq> "where can I find out what version would be install if I were to use apt?"20:40
Jeremy31Then> apt policy chromium-browser should work20:41
leftyfbtrewq: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/20:41
leftyfbtrewq: since google chrome is not available, no tools in ubuntu can tell you what version would be installed without you installing the 3rd party .deb which isn't supported here20:42
trewqleftyfb: thanks, but not my question.. I found the answer - I think it is apt show chromium20:42
leftyfbtrewq: chromium ! = google chrome. The versions are not in lock step20:43
trewqleftyfb: yes, my apologies, I should have said chromium20:43
trewqbut my question still holds - working on what I found with the show command20:44
leftyfbtrewq: apt-cache policy <package>20:44
tomreynactually,    apt list chromium-browser    will return an old chrome version number (and only when you have universe enabled), sorry. so use "snap info chromium" instead20:48
Gabrihi, I have a problem with installing Ubuntu 20.04 on a Qnap.20:52
GabriAt the moment of installation it stops at 60% and the following error comes out written to me:20:52
GabriInstallation Error20:52
GabriThe Ubuntu operating system was not assigned an IP address to complete the installation.20:52
GabriReinstall Uninstall20:52
=== dob1_ is now known as dob1
* cluelessperson sighs that this basic file explorer "dolphin" just isn't responding for some reason22:21
cluelesspersonjust weird io errors or issues22:21
jhutchinscluelessperson: That's KDE?22:29
jhutchinscluelessperson: KDE tends to do a lot of indexing and caching, you might just try leaving it for a while.22:31
leftyfbcluelessperson: if you're getting i/o errors, that is usually a corrupt filesystem or bad storage device22:31
cluelesspersonleftyfb, it's not the storage or FS.22:32
cluelesspersonI think jhutchins is correct it's just doing weird stuff behind the scene and not caring about the user.22:32
leftyfbcluelessperson: please pastebin the errors22:33
cluelesspersonleftyfb, there aren't any foreground logs22:34
jhutchinscluelessperson: Have you checked (h)top to see what kind of load is on the CPU and RAM?22:34
cluelesspersonit's the general interface being wonky22:34
cluelesspersonjhutchins, very little22:34
leftyfbcluelessperson: why did you say "io errors" if you didn't see any io errors in logs?22:35
cluelesspersonleftyfb, because it is some weird sort of io error that I click a file and it opens like 5 minutes later22:37
leftyfbcluelessperson: again, why do you say "io error" when you're not actually seeing any io errors?22:37
leftyfbcluelessperson: "I/O" errors are usually associated with storage devices and filesystems. When you use it to address random assumed issues, not related to logs, it gets very confusing22:38
jhutchinscluelessperson: Local storage?  Spinning disk or SSD or Network share?22:38
cluelesspersonleftyfb, not really22:39
leftyfbcluelessperson: yes, really22:39
jhutchinscluelessperson: It confuses leftyfb.22:39
cluelesspersonleftyfb, I'm suggesting the problem is in the logic of how this application loads data.22:39
cluelesspersonhow *it* handles io22:39
cluelesspersonI don't think it's storage/fs at all.22:39
cbreakcluelessperson: you have an io error?22:42
cbreakmight be the file system, cabling, ssd, or other storage hardware22:42
cbreakIO errors are usually quite low level22:43
oerheksmaybe bad ram ..22:43
jhutchinsY'all are reachin'.22:43
cbreakthat could cause anything... but I wouldn't imediately suspect it to be causing an io error22:43
oerheksyes, without proper info, a wild guess22:44
jhutchinsMy file manager hangs at startup when the Network Drives are either not mounted or have dropped off.22:44
cbreakyeah, but hanging is not an io error22:44
jhutchinsIt eventually comes up, but after a wait.22:44
leftyfbthere's been no actual errors reported. Only a claim that the file manager isn't performing to their liking22:44
cbreakhangs aren't related to the issue here22:44
jhutchinscbreak: "Not responding" sounds like "hangs" to me.22:45
cbreakhangs could be caused by various reasons, either by being blocked in some syscall (because of a file system / os issue)22:45
cbreakor by some userland level deadlock / livelock22:45
cbreakor just shoddy programming leading to event processing getting delayed / stopped22:46
cbreakjhutchins: yeah, but "io errror" sounds like something unrelated to hanging or not responding22:46
cbreakan io error is by definition a response with an error22:46
alumnoHi. need help whit CUPS22:46
jhutchinsalumno: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?22:47
cbreak(have you tried turning it off and on again?)22:47
alumnoI have a printer connected by USB but when I want to print some file I list more than 2 printers with different names than the one I have22:48
leftyfbalumno: delete the other printers22:49
jhutchinsalumno: Are there other printers somewhere on the network?  Is one of them the PDF "printer"?22:49
jhutchinsalumno: Also, does the correct printer work?22:49
alumnoI delete them and they reappear22:50
alumnothe printer is working properly22:50
leftyfbalumno: set your usb printer as default and ignore the rest22:51
alumnothe ones that appear with: _ are the ones that I delete and keep appearing22:51
leftyfbalumno: they're probably on the network22:51
leftyfbdisconnect the ethernet cable or disconnect it from wifi22:52
alumnois not on the network22:52
cbreakdo the fake printers work?22:52
=== GeckoParadise is now known as FinF1sher
jhutchinsalumno: Some printers effectively present more than one interface, sometimes with different capabilities (ie raw, postscript).22:55
alumnook jhutchins22:55
alumnoanother question (sorry :/ )22:56
alumnois it normal for it to take 10 minutes to send to print 130 pages?22:56
jhutchinsalumno: Could be.  Many factors.  Printer has very little brain, if it has to graphically render each page it'll take time.22:58
alumnook jhutchins23:00
alumnojhutchins : and is it normal to consume up to 9G of ram when I send to print?23:01
Guest42hello... i typed something on sudo with my password, and it is now on journald23:02
Guest42how can i clear that one line from journal logs without deleting everything before that?23:02
Guest42or may be clear the last 5 minutes?23:02
leftyfbGuest42: you don't. You can purge the logs if you like though23:03
leftyfbGuest42: you can use --vacuum-time=Xs to delete logs older than X seconds23:05
Guest42thanks but i don't want to delete everything before that, as i said. it's months of data.23:05
leftyfbGuest42: change your password23:06
Guest42that might work. can i also pause journal logging before invoking the sudo command next time?23:06
leftyfbGuest42: when being asked for your password by sudo, it does not record your password in the logs23:07
Guest42well in general can i pause journal logging for this session?23:08
leftyfbI've never tried as it's generally not a good idea. passwords don't typically get logged to journald unless you're doing something very wrong23:09
Willy--Ubuntu 20.04LTS with Unity desktop, is there a way to customize desktop themes? It doesn't appear to be editable in the Unity Tweak Tool anymore23:24

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