
cbreakso... rsync or scp it?00:00
cbreakno idea if you have those tools on windows00:01
cbreakgot the microsoft linux-on-windows thing? what ever they called it00:01
cbreakWSL2 or something00:01
Drew_Neilsonyeah it started with connecting via the Windows Subsystem for Linux, but then I started using PuTTY and so now I guess that this issue is a hybrid of WSL + PuTTY + Ubuntu Server.00:08
Drew_NeilsonRegardless, I don't think I have enough energy to continue doing this today. I'm gonna have to try again tomorrow morning.00:09
Bashing-omHash: specify as a bridge ? see: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/07/07/if-youre-still-using-ifconfig-youre-living-in-the-past/ .00:13
lolipopim looking for a linux systeme admin for help please00:30
Bashing-omlolipop: State your issue and if one knows will respond :D00:31
lolipopcoll thank you00:31
lolipopso , i have this macbook pro laptop from 2011 , the gpu is AMD and it dead , i tried to install ubuntu 20.04 on it , i did change the grub config to make it work withe intel based Gpu , all worked well for me ,00:33
lolipopafter the reboot , the problem goes again00:33
lolipopi tried to make changes to the 10_linux file in grub.d , i did modify the etc/default File too00:35
HashBashing-om: alright man00:35
HashI think I used to have a bridge br0 and when I reinstalled 22.04 over 20 I think it overwrote my netplan00:35
HashI can setup a bridge and add soem ifaces to it00:35
HashThen if you bring the bridge up down, should restart networking?00:35
Bashing-omlolipop: "change the grub config" what and where did you make this edit ? Most often a change in a grub scrip requires ' sudo update-grub ' to propagate a change.00:36
HashBasically I got stupid and put some post-up rules in /etc/network/interfaces and too lazy to take them out and put em in a firewall script00:36
HashAnd I edit post-up rules in /etc/network/interfaces and then my stupid buttt nees to restart networking00:36
HashI should really stop being lazy and take out the rules from there and put elsewhere'00:36
HashBut in the meantime, how do you bring face down/up or restart networking in ubuntu?00:37
lolipopupdate-grub did not work for me , because i get the /cow thing , because im editing as a guest user from a usb stick00:37
Hash(other than adding a bridge, which I'll do soon here one of these days)00:37
Bashing-omHash: Oh gosh - I expose my ignorance - I have no direct ecperience with VMs :(00:38
HashWell, even if in a vm or not in a vm00:38
HashHow to restart networking or bring iface up/down essentially00:38
HashI have tried all kinds of variations of ip and all kill connection and I'm on dedicated server so it becomes a task to login and restart server00:39
HashBut this isn't a vm though, it's well, I guess it is, vps.00:40
HashBut that doesn't matter, I think. Even if in a vps or dedi or whatever, still there's gotta be a way to restart networking etc.00:40
Hashwithout losing connection00:40
lolipophow can i run update-grub from a guest user without getting the /cow error00:40
Bashing-omlolipop: If you are in a live environment ( say install USB) then you can not as the RFC standard dictates that the medium is read only.00:42
lolipopi was able to make modifications to the grub files , using the sudo nano ,00:43
lolipopcan i run commands from the /usr path or /home path00:44
lolipoptbh im new to this linux thing , im used to use windows , easier and user friendly interface00:46
lolipopi need to get to the grub interface at the startup of the mac , i did make a biosGrub partition in my ubuntu installation , but i can't access it00:52
Bashing-omlolipop: I am right the oposite - I did not like Windows and found it very confusing to attempt to operate in . Linux -to me - is the more straight forward. OK to your issue - what file/where are you editing ?00:52
oerheksafter editing grub file, run update-grub00:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:56
oerhekssee the manual00:56
lolipopi can't run the update-grub command from a guest user ,00:57
lolipopi get that /cow error00:58
lolipopi can make modifications to the grub files and save em , but cannot run update-grub command00:59
Bashing-omlolipop: Are you booted into your install now ?01:01
lolipopyes i am01:01
oerheksalways as root, use sudo01:02
lolipopeven with the sudo i get the /cow path error01:02
lolipopi followed this video01:03
lolipopall worked , im stuck in the 8th step01:04
oerheksi don' t do youtube, use our manual..01:04
Bashing-omlolipop: I too do not have video capabilities on this my work station.01:07
lolipopi get the grey screen of death everytime i boot01:08
lolipopGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=“quiet splash“01:08
lolipop with = GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=“quiet splash i915.lvds_channel_mode=2 i915.modeset=1 i915.lvds_use_ssc=0"01:08
Bashing-omlolipop: Yhis guide is old but may still be of value: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Raring .01:16
lolipopfailed to get canonical path of "/cow"01:16
lolipopill have a look at it , thank you :))01:16
bangkehello coy01:17
bangkehalo coy01:28
bangkehow are you coy01:31
=== M4he is now known as mahe
jhutchins: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?01:37
Luxumburg111Hey, appimages won't open for me Ubuntu 22.04 at all01:40
HashWhat's the error message01:41
HashLuxumburg111: try run from command line, then see output on console01:41
Luxumburg111Whats the command01:42
Luxumburg111Also, Torbrowser wont open01:43
jhutchinsThe illusion of appimages is that they run easily and consistently anywhere.01:43
Luxumburg111It has a TorBrowser.desktop file01:43
Luxumburg111Yeah, they usually do jhutchins01:43
jhutchinsThe reality is that they fail consistently everywhere, and require a certain amount of background work to run at all.01:43
jhutchinsSnaps would not exist if appimages actually worked.01:44
jhutchinsNor flatpaks.01:44
Luxumburg111can you guys help me get Tor working01:46
jhutchins!info tor01:46
ubottutor (, jammy): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Built by tor. Size 1,626 kB / 5,273 kB01:46
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en01:46
jhutchinsLuxumburg111: See above.  Native install is always best.01:47
jhutchinsWell, always the best place to starrt.01:47
Luxumburg111The .desktop file isnt working01:51
Luxumburg111On other Linux DIstros, ubuntu based01:52
Luxumburg111The .Desktop file works!01:52
Luxumburg111On Ubuntu, it doesnt work01:52
Luxumburg111Also, AppImages dont work on Ubuntu!01:52
jhutchinsLuxumburg111: Figure out what the desktop is trying to do.  It's probably trying to run something that isn't on the path it thinks it is.01:52
jhutchinsLuxumburg111: Or follow the docs above.01:52
Luxumburg111It worked in this exact way on all other Linux OSs01:53
Luxumburg111Extract Tor folder, run the .desktop Tor Browser ICON01:53
jhutchinsLuxumburg111: I sincerely doubt your "all" sample is in any way complete.  That's not how most Linux works.01:54
Luxumburg111Thats exactly how all Linux distros I've ussed have worked01:56
Luxumburg111I extract Tor to desktop, open Tor Folder, run the Tor icon.desktop file01:56
Luxumburg111then Tor browser open01:56
Luxumburg111Can someone help me fix Tor Browser and AppImages01:58
jhutchinsFor a reasonable (but by no means complete) list of distributions, see http://distrowatch.com01:58
jhutchinsLuxumburg111: Why not install it properly?01:58
Luxumburg111I am01:59
Luxumburg111It's reccomended to direct download it01:59
jhutchinsLuxumburg111: If you already know the answer, why are you asking here?01:59
Luxumburg111Beacuse its not opening02:00
Luxumburg111As I said02:00
Luxumburg111Also, How can I get AppImages working systemwide for Ubuntu 22.04?02:01
arraybolt3[m]Luxumburg111: Install libfuse2 to get appimages working.02:18
cpiHey all02:32
arraybolt3[m]cpi: Hello! Need any help?02:42
plujonGreetings.  I run a few Ubuntu LTS instances in the cloud, and a couple of them have hit the same kernel panic in the last 2 days.03:51
plujonRIP: 0010:tcp_create_openreq_child+0x2fd/0x41003:55
mybalzitchall using virtio for the nic?04:02
Guest62Hi, I'm using Ubuntu 22.04, and my system freezes every 20 mintes or so, not exactly.04:12
Guest62Im trying to find out wahts causing the freezing, I speculate it MAY be the GPU driver, x.org GPU driver.04:12
ppwor ACPI04:13
ppwwhat "what"04:13
Guest62Whats ACPI04:14
ppwohhh we're at THAT level, ok04:14
Guest62Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ?04:15
ppwyes, I can google things too04:17
ppwtry booting Ubuntu with the "noacpi" option. you can google how to do that, can't you?04:17
jdmarkany linux gamers?04:19
ElPresidentejdmark, suh04:24
jdmarkwhat is your advice fo rgaming in linux?04:25
ppwnot to do it?04:26
jdmarkfor FPS04:26
jdmarkand just overall gaming experience as close to windows as possible04:26
jdmarkcompatibility etc04:26
Guest62pretty bad04:28
Guest62few games work natively04:28
Guest62I reccomend Dual booting04:28
Guest62if you want to gayme04:28
arraybolt3[m]hadizhp: Hello!05:43
hadizhpWhere is here?05:44
Maikhadizhp: do you have a Ubuntu support question?05:44
arraybolt3[m]hadizhp: This is the Ubuntu technical support channel. Basically, if something goes wrong with your computer, or you need help figuing out a problem, we can help.05:44
arraybolt3[m]Maik: They're asking what the channel is, I think it's a bit too early for that.05:45
Maikarraybolt3[m]: there's something like reading the channel topic05:45
arraybolt3[m]hadizhp: We try to help with any supported Ubuntu release (currently that means 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04), and also support official flavours of Ubuntu.05:45
arraybolt3[m]Maik: If only chat clients didn't make that intentionally difficult...05:46
Maikarraybolt3[m]: users who enter the channel get to see it right away05:46
Maikbut that's offtopic here05:46
arraybolt3[m]Maik: True. Move to #ubuntu-discuss?05:47
arraybolt3[m](I mean, would you like to continue there?)05:47
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gordonjcparraybolt3[m]: you can't just type /topic ?06:36
arraybolt3gordonjcp: I can, but guess what! Quassel colors it grey!06:37
arraybolt3And makes it looks like all the other ignorable junk. Even if I call it intentionally.06:37
arraybolt3[m]Also looks like only I see it.06:37
arraybolt3[m]So it's not something that I can fire at another user easily.06:38
arraybolt3[m]I mean, hmm... I wonder...06:38
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:38
* arraybolt3[m] kicks Ubottu for not just posting the channel topic a second time06:38
gordonjcparraybolt3[m]: fair enough06:39
Guest67Hi, I'm considering using Fedora or Ubuntu, I'm liking Ubuntu because I think more software is pre-built for it. What are some advantages of Ubuntu vs Fedora?07:00
ThinkT510Guest67: what are you planning on using ubuntu for?07:03
Guest67Just a general OS07:03
ThinkT510any specific software you need running on it?07:04
Guest67I was having mega freezing frequently, almost making system un-usable, read that the OPen Source Nvidia driver couses that07:04
arraybolt3[m]Fedora delivers newer software, and is likely more unstable than Ubuntu. For a general OS, I07:04
arraybolt3[m]I'd go Ubuntu.07:04
Guest67I like Fedora but more software seems ot be precompiled for Ubuntu07:05
Guest67FEdora looks clan though07:05
Guest67My computer would freeze every 20,30 minutes or so though07:05
Guest67And I was about to re-install Windows07:05
Guest67But I think the issue was my GPU driver07:05
arraybolt3[m]Ubuntu gives you a fancy checkbox that lets you install the good GPU driver out of the starting gate.07:06
Guest67Which one is good in your opinion07:06
Guest67the Opensource but glitch one or the proprietary and stable one07:06
Guest67I've switched to the proprietary and tested GPU driver, hoping it fixes the freezing issue I had07:06
arraybolt3[m]Proprietary one for sure.07:06
Guest67yeah, why though?07:07
Guest67Because of stability?07:07
arraybolt3[m]Because it makes the card's full features work.07:07
arraybolt3[m]You actually get good 3d acceleration.07:07
Guest67I was just trying to fix the constant freezing07:07
Guest67Since Im here! ;D07:08
Guest67What are some good Linux compatable laptops07:08
arraybolt3[m]It should probably help with that too.07:08
Guest67Laptops where all the hardware works, WIFI chip is recognized by the OS by default and I dont need to manually install the driver via USB etc07:08
Guest67I was using a super-cheap ASUS, it had great battery life07:08
Guest67But it was just too under-powered07:08
Guest67I need at least an i3,i507:09
arraybolt3[m]Almost anything will run Linux - some systems with Realtek WiFi may be tricky, Intel and Broadcom WiFi work fantastic for me. (As far as Wifi goes.)07:09
Guest67It was using below i3 CPU07:09
Guest67Are there GPU alternatives other than Nvidia/RTX07:09
Guest67Or is it only Intel Integrated, AMD integrated, Nvidia RTX?07:09
Guest67Is there another major GPU providor?07:09
Guest67Im considering if I should use Intel or AMD CPU, and Intel or AMD GPU07:09
arraybolt3[m]Those are pretty much the only three (though there's also AMD discrete).07:10
Guest67Is AMD discrete comparable to RTX?07:10
arraybolt3[m]AMD and Intel historically have the best Linux compatibility.07:10
Guest67What else is there?07:10
ppwAMD has the best Linux compatibility historically? hmmmmmm07:37
Light239693Guys, help, my Linux is freezing every 5-20 minutes, using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, AMD CPU, Proprietary Reccomended GPU driver.08:01
Light239693Does Artichoke enjoy being steamed like a good vegetable :D?08:27
lotuspsychje!offtopic | Light23969308:30
ubottuLight239693: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:30
Light1825Hi guys09:17
Light1825Hi guys, my Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is still crashing every few minutes, even after setting the https://gist.github.com/ivandiazperez/83d6b6c9f30bb286d354b2aeca1bcece modification.09:17
cbreakI never noticed that freezing, and I've been using a ryzen cpu for over a year now09:45
arraybolt3[m]Light1825: How old is the disk in your computer? This might be a failing hard drive or SSD.10:11
Liblxhey, i have a problem: new windows are always opened behind the current window. the current one is not "on top" and i tried the settings in the ccsm. nothing worked. would be great if anyone has an idea! thanks.10:26
enycLiblx: ubuntu version / destkop type?  how long things beetn working and then ths happene ??10:28
Liblxubuntu 20.04, gnome. it changed some days ago. i cannot reconstruct when and what i did. that's because i ask for settings and possibilities. thank you.10:30
mybalzitchkinda frustrated, ubuntu 22.04, every time my system goes into one of the sleep states the display won't wake. its a amd 6950xt and I get errors about waiting for DMUB idle. seems there's several reports about it across various distros12:15
crizahh much bedder..12:18
crizhi there12:18
crizis there anyone who can help me ... i cant find my bluetooth headsets with my new ubuntu installation.. never had linux so i am new at the field12:18
ice9how to install the latest thunderbird version since it's not available in their PPA? https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:19
ravageor https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/102.0.2/linux-x86_64/12:20
ravagecriz, which Ubuntu version? what is the output of "rfkill" in a terminal?12:24
Liblxcould anybody help me, which settings i could try/change for my problem above? if i'd know more, i could solve it by searching for that. i searched a lot but couldn't find any solutions.12:24
lotuspsychjemybalzitch: share your dmesg with the volunteers so they can help trace whats going on12:26
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respawnwelcome this is ubuntu help channel if you need help ask here12:49
WeeBeyhi friends. Just curious if anyone has been able to install MacOS on a VM in Ubuntu.13:08
ravagethat is a MacOS question really13:10
WeeBeyI'm not sure if MacOS people would have as much interest in running MacOS in a VM.13:10
ravageit is off topic for this channel13:10
Drew_NeilsonRavage not necessarily... it's also about virtualization under Ubuntu13:10
WeeBeyI run all kinds of VMs on my Ubuntu. I imagine people do too for development. Just wondering if anyone had tried and succeeded.13:11
ravageDrew_Neilson, with your logic we have to support any OS you run in a VM13:11
WeeBeyravage are you the type that when I mentioned a GTK bug that shipped with 22.04 , you'd tell me that it's off topic because GTK4 is not Ubuntu? lol13:13
Drew_NeilsonFor sure, the installation and use of MacOS under a hypervisor would be off-topic, but maybe discussion of type II hypervisors running in Ubuntu would be okay?13:13
ravageWeeBey, im not your type13:13
Drew_NeilsonAs it relates to Ubuntu, I mean13:14
BluesKajHi all13:14
Drew_NeilsonHi BluesKaj13:16
lotuspsychjeDrew_Neilson: we have an #ubuntu-discuss channel for that13:17
BluesKajhi Drew_Neilson13:19
Drew_Neilsonlotuspsychje fair point13:21
Drew_NeilsonI installed Ubuntu Server on an old PC that no one was using because the Server version felt more appropriate for what I want to do with it and because I need for the OS to have minimal resource usage. However, I'm new to Ubuntu and so there is a learning curve. Can I upgrade Server to the desktop version of Ubuntu but make it so that it boots into13:48
Drew_NeilsonServer (with minimal resource usage) and only loads the desktop stuff (the GUI, etc) when I tell it to?13:48
Drew_NeilsonLike how with DOS + Windows 3.1, the PC would boot into DOS and you would open Windows by typing [Win] (without the brackets) at the command prompt13:49
ravageyou can install any desktop on the server version and disable the auto start of the window manager13:53
gordonjcpDrew_Neilson: yeah, you'd just need to install ubuntu-desktop13:54
gordonjcpif it's a really low-end machine, maybe lubuntu-desktop13:54
gordonjcpDrew_Neilson: installing a desktop might not really help all that much though13:55
Jim`So, I always wondered in general what is the correct term for "-(something)" ? Is it "negative" or "switch" ?13:56
ravageJim`, https://betterdev.blog/command-line-arguments-anatomy-explained/13:57
Jim`ravage: so it's a flag13:57
oerheksDrew_Neilson, ' sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target '  ## to boot in the gui https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/switch-boot-target-to-text-gui-in-systemd-linux/14:05
=== ootput7 is now known as ootput
MaNa2kso is there a way to switch off only the monitor when running the ubuntu server, the monitor seems to be on all the time ?14:16
oerhekspush the power button?14:18
MaNa2koerheks, lol, i dont want the server to go to sleep14:20
oerhekslol .. you know which power button i point to14:21
Drew_NeilsonOn Ubuntu Server, what is the command to see what files and folders I have permission to change? I am the only user.14:59
Drew_NeilsonSecond question: can it be done via SSH?15:00
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: why?15:00
Drew_NeilsonBecause it's easier for me to do it via SSH than to unplug my mouse and keyboard from my main PC and plug them into this server, and then switch my AV receiver to the server for display.15:02
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: why do you need a list of thousands of file snd directories that your user has the ability to "change"?15:02
Drew_NeilsonBecause I've been unable to copy a folder from my main PC to this server. It says "permission denied" or something like that.15:04
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: what folder are you trying to copy and to what destination and for what purpose?15:04
Drew_NeilsonI'll paste the output of the terminal here.15:06
leftyfb!paste | Drew_Neilson15:06
ubottuDrew_Neilson: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:06
Drew_NeilsonThat is the output of the Windows Terminal, not using WSL but rather PuTTY to connect via psftp.15:13
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: on the server, run:   ( ls -ld /home/drew/tempmediadrive /home/drew/tempmediadrive/videos ) | nc termbin.com 999915:14
Drew_NeilsonWhat do [ls -ld] [|] and [nc termbin.com 9999] do?15:16
Drew_NeilsonIIRC, [ls -ld] has something to do with permissions15:17
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: I've told you before, you REALLY need to learn some of these basics.15:17
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: ls -ld will list the directory information, this is all piped to termbin.com port 9999 which will spit out a pastebin URL for you to post here15:18
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: is /home/drew/tempmediadrive a mount of an external device ?15:24
leftyfbyou mounted it with the mount command?15:25
Drew_NeilsonI named it tempmediadrive because although it is an internal 3.5" HDD, I intend to replace it with a bigger one. Hence, 'temp'.15:26
Drew_NeilsonI mounted it by adding it to the file that contains the list of stuff that should be mounted when the computer boots.15:26
Drew_Neilsonsudo nano /etc/fstab15:27
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: is the drive formatted with NTFS (as well as the one you will replace it with?)15:28
Drew_NeilsonThe last line in that file is  /dev/sdb1       /home/drew/tempmediadrive       ext4    defaults        0       015:29
leftyfboh, it's ext415:29
Drew_NeilsonThing is, I was able to do   sudo mkdir -v videos15:31
leftyfbdon't use sudo to create directories in your home directory when your user needs access. That creates them with only root permission15:31
leftyfbsudo = root15:31
leftyfbbe VERY careful with what you do with sudo15:31
Drew_NeilsonSo maybe that's why this is denying me permission to [put] the pre-rolls folder there?15:33
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: is there an OS installed on your tempmediadrive? I'm going to have you change permissions on the whole thing so you can write to it, but if there's an OS installed on it, that OS will no longer function properly15:33
Drew_NeilsonNo there isn't.15:34
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: sudo chown -R $USER /home/drew/tempmediadrive15:34
leftyfbDrew_Neilson: then you can test permissions by running:  touch /home/drew/tempmediadrive/file15:34
Drew_NeilsonI just did [touch /home/drew/tempmediadrive/file] and can't see whatever it did.15:37
leftyfbthat's good if there was no error15:37
leftyfbls -l /home/drew/tempmediadrive/file15:37
leftyfbthat'll show you the file15:37
leftyfbit should be owned by "drew"15:37
leftyfbyou can remove it:  rm /home/drew/tempmediadrive/file15:37
leftyfbyou should now be able to write to it over ssh15:39
leftyfbbtw, every command you can run using a keyboard and monitor can be done over ssh. The only limitations are being able to send magic keys or things like CTRL+ALT+DEL and switching to tty1-9. None of which I feel you are ready for anyway15:40
Drew_NeilsonDoes everything look right with that file?15:42
leftyfbI need to step away for the day now. Good luck15:43
tomreynit is owned by users 'drew' and her primary group 'drew', while located within 'drew's home directory. that seems good. also, it's permissions allow the user 'drew' and members of the group 'drew' to read and write it, as well as anyone else to read it.15:43
tomreynthat's probably also fine15:43
tomreynDrew_Neilson: If you'd like to learn a little more about these shell commands, try this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto15:44
Drew_NeilsonOh I know that I need to learn the basics.15:45
HashFor me :)15:46
Haship command breakdown and stuff15:46
Drew_NeilsonBefore I do that, I need to fix my IRC client so that I am able to use it (and log conversations such as this one, for reference) instead of using web.libera.chat, which will lose my chat history when I close the browser tab.15:47
Drew_NeilsonUnfortunately, I've probably lost the conversation history from Friday, due to me rebooting this PC.15:48
tomreynDrew_Neilson: also, it's probably good that you're forcing yourself to use psftp so that you learn some SFTP commands (which are similar to FTP commands, just the SFTP protocol is much better than FTP). However, for every day use, while you're on Windows, you might prefer WinSCP (which is really a misnomer, it really uses SFTP, too) for transferring files in and out of the Ubuntu system.15:48
tomreyn!irclogs | Drew_Neilson; no, not lost :)15:48
ubottuDrew_Neilson; no, not lost :): Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/15:48
Drew_NeilsonI previously downloaded PuTTY for a different reason: to get into the internals of an old TV via a serial cable connection. I found out yesterday--I think--that I could use PuTTY to transfer files to my Ubuntu Server.15:50
Drew_NeilsonEdit: that I could *also* use PuTTY to transfer files.15:51
tomreynoh so you have another software for transferring files in and out, too?15:52
HashWhat are you trying to do?15:52
Drew_NeilsonI'll move this to #ubuntu-offtopic15:52
tomreyntransfer files from a windows system to an ubuntu server's /home/drew/tempmediadrive as the user servers' user "drew" - which previously failed due to this directory being owned by user root, and thus being unwritable for "drew"15:54
tomreynbut that should be fixed now.15:54
Hashchown -R drew:dew ~/tempmediadrive; chmod -R ug+rw ~/tempmediadrive15:55
HashThat ought to fix permissinos for you anywhere. Run those as sudo if you need in future.15:55
HashAnd from Windows, you can use WinSCP to xfer files to a remote server with ssh.15:56
HashThere are others as well, using sftp (again requiring ssh on server), filezilla can do it, WinSCP can do it.15:57
HashSo long as ssh is on some linux/unix server, you can sftp or scp or ssh into it and xfer files15:57
HashIt may also be helpful to install openssh server15:58
HashIf you don't want to deal with windows networking crap, you can use openssh-portable on windows15:58
HashThat way you don't realy have to worrya bout making SMB work with linux etc. Just keep everything scp/sftp/ etc.15:58
MeXersusGetting my Yubikey to work in WSL2 is driving me insane, was so easy on any of my "normal" distro's15:59
HashWSL2 is a hyperV layer, and not direct hardware access, virtualized.16:00
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HashThat could be the issue. Natively linux on hardware directly shou;ldn't have any issues.16:00
HashI'm not sure if hpyerv in wsl2 allows usb passthru16:00
MeXersusIt does16:01
HashThen that should work for you I think.16:01
MeXersusIt's more about the .S-pgp-agent sockets16:01
HashI'm not sure how yibikeys/hw keys work16:01
HashNot sure what kind of networking MS uses in wsl2/hyperv but it's not like vmware bridged networking.16:05
HashBridged is fast in any of my vms, 10+MB/s usually 45MB/s (super fast business class internet)16:06
HashIn my Ubuntu setup inside WSL2, I get max 800kb/s16:06
HashSo I'm guessing it uses some internal NAT type nonsense.16:06
Hashhttps://i.imgur.com/0CuqbmF.png anyway, I'll try poking more in it.16:07
HashAnd it's focal. I wonder if 22.04 made it into MS store16:07
pboxhi I installed ubuntu on a lenovo laptop and failed to enroll the key for the drivers16:10
HashWhat do you mean by 'fail to enroll the key for the drivers'?16:10
pboxapparently apt install --reinstall seems to try to enroll them again - how can I make sure I do this for all the needed  drivers?16:10
pboxMOK mnagement16:10
Hashyou mean security keys for the repository?16:10
pboxit's related to UEFI secure boot16:10
HashI see16:11
tomreynpbox: hi, can you show the apt command and output?16:11
pboxnetwork manager says wifi dapter not found16:11
tomreynon a pastebin, please16:11
pboxI randomly tried some solution online16:11
pboxfrom here V16:11
tomreynpbox: which wireless deivce do you have there according to lspci / lsusb?16:11
pboxsudo apt install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source~16:11
tomreyni see. those won't be secure bootsigned16:12
tomreynso you'd either need to sign those yourself, and create and enroll your custom MOK, or, much easier, disable secureboot16:13
pboxI tried disabling secureboot16:13
pboxdirectly from the BIOS16:13
HashI always keep secureboot disabled16:13
Hashhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers here's some more information ubuntu specific16:14
Hashreply 2, section 4 talks about Installing bcmwl-kernel-source16:14
HashAnd driver signing16:14
jhutchinsSecureboot exists to keep you from installing linux.16:15
cbreaknot just linux16:17
pboxthanks - so apparently the table in this naswer says unknown16:18
pboxit's 14e4:43ae rev 216:18
HashFor your pci id?16:18
HashHow new is this chip? Fairly new?16:19
HashI've had BCM before in my life, never an issue.16:19
pboxok apparently its building wl.ko16:19
Hash16 years ago we had to use ndiswrappers16:19
Hashglad that's not a thing anymore.16:19
pboxwith some firmware package16:19
HashUsed toh ave to extract windows drviers and run in linux with ndiswrapper16:19
HashI wonder if that old solution works. \o/16:19
HashYeah man.16:21
HashYou could try looking into ndis and using a windows driver.16:21
HashYour chip is too new and no drivers yet i think16:21
HashWhat's peculir is that listed 20.04 as 'works'16:22
HashLenovo Yoga 500-15IBD 80N6 did soemthing to make it work on 20.0416:22
Hashhttps://wiki.debian.org/bcm43xx#ndiswrapper here's info about ndis in deb16:24
HashNo clue if such an old thing would even work  in this day and age16:24
HashThe NDISwrapper project provides a Linux kernel module that loads and runs Windows kernel API and NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) API drivers supplied by the vendors within the Linux kernel.16:24
tomreynpbox: so the point that the driver is built means that it can't be secureboot signed with canonical's key (which signs pre-installed kernels and kernel modules and grub), so, if you wanted to continue using these locally built modules you'll have to install your MOK in the kernel, which i understood was attempted but failed. so you'll either need to convince your uefi firmware (possibly involving upgrading that) to allow you to install your16:24
tomreyncustom MOK, or disable secure boot.16:24
tomreynHash: ndiswrapper is not relevant in this context.16:25
pboxI will try to disable it again16:26
tomreynpbox: yet another option would be not using this wireless hardware.16:27
pboxapparently wl module conflicts with ssb16:30
pboxand with iwlwifi16:31
pboxthis is from grep wl /etc/modprobe.d/*16:33
tomreynssb is the "Sonics Silicon Backplane driver" - you are most likely not using that16:35
Jeremy31ssb is a broadcom driver16:35
tomreynand you would only be using iwlwifi if you also used an intel wireless chipset.16:35
tomreynbut that's not the problem you're dealing with here16:36
pboxhttps://termbin.com/tmjx from broadcom-sta-common.conf16:38
pboxblacklisrs a bunch of modules16:39
pboxamong them b43 bcma crcm8021116:39
tomreynthat may be, but it's still not the problem you're dealing with.16:40
pboxhttps://termbin.com/incy from iwlwifi.conf16:41
pboxhttps://termbin.com/ncyk from broadcom-sta-dkms.conf16:42
tomreynpbox: are you trying to solve a problem, or do you just like to post content you find on your file system?16:42
pboxwhich also blacklists16:42
pboxI thought one of these modprobe files16:42
Jeremy31That wifi chipset has been around for at least 7 years, maybe it never will be supported16:42
pboxcould give us some clues :)16:42
tomreynyour issue is not that one kernel module is incompatible to another16:43
pboxit's simply unsupported hardware?16:44
tomreynyour issue is that your kernel is told to prevent loading of non-secureboot signed modules16:44
pboxI disbaled secure boot16:44
tomreynoh, thats new info16:45
pboxI tried the live install USB media16:47
jhutchins13 < pbox> I tried disabling secureboot16:48
jhutchinsDid the live media enable the wifi?16:48
pboxand selected try ubuntu to see if the mdule was loaded there - no luck16:48
simba_how are you?16:52
tomreynpbox: this sounds like secure boot was not really disabled. do you want to show a photo of the bios options you changed?17:12
pboxI will double check17:13
tomreynpbox: actually, even with secure boot disabled, your wireless would not be supported on the live boot system, becasue your hardware requires a manually built kernel module, which is not present there.17:13
pboxsays disabled in the bios17:13
pboxbut it built wl.ko in the installed version17:13
tomreyni think if secureboot is disabled in bios and you're happy to keep it this way then just reinstall ubuntu now and select the option to install 'proprietary drivers' and it should work17:14
tomreynhmm if ubuntu is already installed then you should also be able to make this work, but it may be less convenient than just reinstalling17:15
tomreyndo you have another way to get the installer online?17:16
pboxI use USB tethering17:16
tomreyni'd do that, too, so it can download updates imediately17:16
pboxfrom my phone17:16
tomreynthat's fine17:17
pboxbooting the installer17:18
pboxshows wired usb connection17:19
oerheksinteresting, in #debian you say the same, pbox ?17:21
pboxoerheks:  I am installing ubuntu in hers while debian on  mine17:21
pboxso the media are ready :)17:21
pboxgave it a try17:22
pboxbut I'm trying a fresh ubuntu install nevertheless while connected17:22
pboxerase ubuntu and reinstall?17:22
tomreynpbox: unless there's data or confiugurations you want to backup, sure.17:34
pboxI chose ubuntu in the boot menu, not HDD17:34
pboxis this correct?17:34
pycuriousWas there any particular changes made to both 18.04/20.04 in the last 2 days that causes this error : error while loading shared libraries: libtbb.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - does anyone know - or how to find the problem?17:35
pboxtomreyn: I reinstalled with usb tethering and secure boot off17:35
pboxand still no wifi17:35
tomreynpbox: choosing "ubuntu" from the uefi firmware boot menu would boot in uefi mode, which is normally what you want.17:36
pboxthanks - shouldnt grub show up though17:36
tomreynpbox: okay, so this just means you still need to install the driver manually17:36
tomreyngrub would only show when needed / configured to do so17:37
pboxok - now in modprobe.d I only have iwlwifi.conf17:37
oerhekspycurious, maybe libtbb2 is not installed? sudo apt-get install libtbb2 ## or libtbb-dev17:37
DIonaDear friends, is there any firewall with GUI that works well for this distro? For example, on Windows, we have COMODO, it alerts me for each connection attempt so that I can decide, with HIPS and etc, for example "Irc Client is trying to connect" and I click to accept or decline, and when start a new soft, click to allow or end. is there something similar for linux?17:39
pboxwhat should I install now? https://github.com/sominlee74/linux-14e4-43ae - this may be interesting to try?17:39
goddardDIona: opensnitch17:39
goddardor if you like something more simple gufw17:39
DIonagoddard, Letme google it17:40
tomreynpbox: you now need to find out which driver is available for your broadcom wireless chipset that is compatible to your current ubuntu release / current kernel version, and install that.17:42
tomreynpbox: i'd do a full    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get full-upgrade    first, though17:43
DIonagoddard, With a fast see in github, opensnitch sounds good, it is avaliable in ubunto oficial repos?17:43
tomreynhttps://github.com/sominlee74/linux-14e4-43ae is 6 years old, probably not a good idea17:43
goddardDIona: don't think so17:43
goddardDIona: i think on ubuntu you gotta build it17:44
goddardwhich is pretty easy17:44
pboxtomreyn: can you just take a quick look at the script I psted here?17:45
tomreynpbox: the one i just commented on?17:45
pboxoh ye haha but the repo it gets the drivers from was updates 2 months ago17:45
pboxhttps://github.com/kvalo/ath10k-firmware this one17:46
tomreynpbox: this is for entirely different hardware17:48
pboxbut it says 14e4:43ae17:48
pboxwhich wsa the identifier of the chipset?17:49
tomreynyes, you seem to have successfully found a github source code repository of someone who does not undertsand what they're doing.17:49
pboxI see17:50
DIonagoddard, In a official repo of another distro? I preffer to use oficial repos for installs and updates for security reasons17:50
ravageDIona, there is no repository as far is i can see. so you need to update manually17:54
ubottuIssue 304 in evilsocket/opensnitch "add opensnitch to debian repo and create a ppa" [Open]17:54
DokturGood Morning.17:55
tomreynpbox: looks like there is no linux support for BCM43162. sorry, i had not checked this earlier because it initially seemed like it's just a matter of secureboot preventing the module to be loaded.17:55
tomreynhi Doktur17:56
DIona@ravage, I see18:00
DIonaThis opensnitch works for prevend executions too, like a HIPS, or only alert network traffic?18:00
tomreynDIona: on a side note, please do not cross post (asking the same question in multiple IRC channels at the same time)18:02
ravageDIona, no idea. im sure there is a feature list somewhere18:03
DIona@tomreyn, Sorry I Posted in Ubuntu and Debian because i want to know if has solutions for ubunto or debian, i do not know yet if i will use ubuntu or debian18:04
DIona@ravage, In the initial page i can see only a print showing net firewall, i will try to find more info18:05
=== Bencraft14196 is now known as Bencraft1419
MetallicRock1Hi, I'm using a 2022 released laptop, using AMD Ryzen CPU, Running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, My system will freeze randomly from 2 minutes after boot, to 30+ minutes after booting. Windows 11 never frooze, just Linux. I've only tested Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I set this setting: https://gist.github.com/ivandiazperez/83d6b6c9f30bb286d354b2aeca1bcece to set a18:56
MetallicRock1different power state, but my system still freezes. What else can I do? I speculate the problem is my AMD Ryzen CPU, as many people have reported Ryzen CPUs and Linux Freezing issues.18:56
MetallicRock1I'm hoping to patch or fix it, because I can't afford a new Linux laptop now18:57
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jhutchinsMetamorphosis: Do you have any thermal monitors installed?19:22
jhutchinsMetamorphosis: It sounds like a heat problem.19:22
jhutchinsMetamorphosis: There are logs like the journal (journalctl) and dmesg, but they tend to show everything up to a freeze.19:23
ravagehe left a while ago19:23
jhutchinsSo he did.19:23
jhutchinsMan, we're seeing a lot of kernel reversions.19:24
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ppwkernel reversions? you mean regressions?19:55
jhutchinsppw: Yes, regressions.  Brain=A, Fingers=B.20:00
ppwI'm actually skeptical about that claim. My guess is it's the same issue it's always been - some new ACPI quirk that the Linux developers have to work around.20:02
ppwit's the story of the kernel's life.20:03
jhutchinsSeems to be mostly hardware, although nothing common.20:03
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Guest83Hi all21:03
Guest83Following Ubuntu Core and Ubuntu 22, does the following URL needs to be updated?21:03
oerhekspage is fine? last edit 2022-04-1921:04
Guest83For example, regarding the usage of LUKS1 for GRUB... (does GRUB supports LUKS2 in Ubuntu 22?)21:05
Guest83Or, maybe the TPM in Ubuntu Core could be implemented as well to make a full disk encryption (instead of Almost full..)21:06
Guest83oerheks Yeah the update date is fairly recent, though sometimes stuff aren't being updated for various reasons21:07
oerheksluks1 is old, use 221:08
cbreakGuest83: I use zfs with encryption21:08
oerheksthat, is smarter indeed21:09
Guest83According to that page (in the URL) I shouldn't be using LUKS2, because of an insufficient GRUB support21:10
oerheks grub release 2.06 from 2021-06-08 now officially suports devices encrypted using LUKS221:13
oerheksso yes, that wiki needs to be updated21:13
Guest83oerheks With who should I contact about this?21:14
oerhekssee bottomline, date with author21:18
oerheksbut i'll make a note too21:18
tomreynNote that the LUKS2 support added at this date is limited, though (LUKS2 header with LUKS1 pbkdf2 keyslot, no argon2i support)21:25
tomreynactually, i was referring to an earlier commit https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grub.git/commit/?id=365e0cc3e7e44151c14dd29514c2f870b49f975521:27
ubottuCommit 365e0cc in grub.git "disk: Implement support for LUKS2"21:27
bangkehalo coy21:29
bangkewed te fek21:29
tomreynGuest83: see above and this https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?5509321:29
tomreyn!id | bangke21:31
ubottubangke: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia21:31
bangkeno i am not speak indonesian21:32
bangkewhat your problem21:33
tomreynbangke: no problem, i just tried to help you21:33
bangkeok thank you21:34
tomreynyou're welcome21:34
bangkevery shank you21:34
bangkehow are you to day21:35
tomreynplease note thsat this very channel is just for Ubuntu support - for other topics and social chat there is, for example, #ubuntu-offtopic21:35
tomreynhi gkaply53221:37
gkaply532I don't have a support question etc. I'm just testing out my irc client21:38
oerheksgkaply532, use #test for that, thanks21:38
bangkehello to21:44
bangkehelp me21:53
elquacko[m]did a triple monitor setup and my left and right monitors are kinda wonky22:14
elquacko[m]the primary is set to center but and the right works well when moving my mouse to the right side but I can't move it to the left it's more of like two right monitors instead of one center and one on either side of it22:15
oerhekselquacko[m], go into systemsettings> displays, and drag your monitors in the right order?22:22
oerheksand see more settings22:22
elquacko[m]oerheks: Well I did the little graphic thing is that what you're talking about?22:22
elquacko[m]The graphic seems to do anything it just gives the user a visual of which monitors are which22:23
oerheksyes, and you can drag them so you can move your mouse over all of them?22:23
elquacko[m]Not in the order that I would like22:24
ravageyou can move them in any order22:24
Hashchange the positonsleft of, right of22:25
oerheksno need for xrandr.22:25
Hasharandr is the gui22:25
oerhekshe is already in the ' gui ' ..22:25
oerheksset primairy first22:25
ravageand when the settings window is in focus it shows the number of every display on the top left22:27
ravageso it should be easy to find the right order22:27
elquacko[m]<oerheks> "set primairy first" <- Ok primary is set22:32
elquacko[m]But monitors left and right can't be set to be left and right monitors22:32
elquacko[m]They still feel like two right side monitors22:32
* elquacko[m] uploaded an image: (57KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/WIeDlscQrFNkrJghJJkeAORe/b09e47a0-8fb8-4e07-be1b-ca9230d13fdf.jpg >22:33
ravageelquacko[m], you have to hit apply22:33
elquacko[m]Well fuck me22:34
elquacko[m].close ticket22:34
elquacko[m]I'm also trying to do this kvm thing and can't figure out how to get to do this grub thing22:36
ravagekvm thing?22:36
elquacko[m]He is using artix linux so I suppose the commands and methods will be different22:36
ravagedo you at least gave 2 GPUs?22:37
ravageand even then that process is really painful22:37
elquacko[m]think I'm just going to use the igpu22:37
elquacko[m]igpu and dedicated gpu22:37
ravagebut you usually get into grub by hitting ESC22:37
elquacko[m]not gonna buy another gpu for this22:37
elquacko[m]is that in the startup screen?22:38
ravageyou can do most gaming in linux now if thats what you want to do22:38
ravageelquacko[m], before the startup screen actually22:38
elquacko[m]ravage: nah I don't think I can22:38
elquacko[m]either way I want things to be isolated as much as possible22:38
elquacko[m]gaming stick with gaming and work stick with work and personal stuff can be on ubuntu22:38
elquacko[m]I think it will be simpler and safer that way22:39
ravagethen do dual booting22:39
elquacko[m]I want two windows systems22:39
ravagethen thats triple booting22:40
ravagebut i have no idea why you would need that22:40
elquacko[m]Yeah that's why I think kvm will be easier then22:40
ravagemy suggestion would be to dual boot windows and ubuntu22:41
ravageuse virt-manager for additional VMs that dont need a dedicated GPU22:41
ravageand have at least 16GB of RAM22:41
elquacko[m]Is gpu passthrough with virt manager that hard?22:42
elquacko[m]With igpu and dedicated gpu?22:42
ravagetook me about 3 hours to figure stuff out only to pass through my internal intel GPU to the VM22:42
elquacko[m]I think it's worth the effort22:43
ravagegood luck :)22:43
elquacko[m]I have no experience whatsoever so it will take me much longer22:43
elquacko[m]How did you manage to do it?22:43
ravagepatience and reading22:43
elquacko[m]Any guides you followed?22:44
ravagei found about 10 guides and mixed information from all of them22:44
ravageas i said: good luck22:45
elquacko[m]fuck that sounds like a pain22:45
elquacko[m]hey ravage I think I'll need to repartition my drive right?22:46
ravagefor what?22:46
elquacko[m]do I?22:46
elquacko[m]for running the vms22:46
elquacko[m]maybe not22:46
gordonjcpjust create disk images for the vms22:46
gordonjcpwhat are you running in them?22:47
ravagemaybe find a guide how to start a VM in virt-manager before you think about stuff like GPU passthrough22:47
elquacko[m]well just 2 windows 10 machines22:47
elquacko[m]ravage: some wise advice22:47
elquacko[m]would the standard vm use igpu or what22:48
ravageit uses an emulated GPU22:48
elquacko[m]ah ok22:49
ravageworks fine for any office use22:49
ravagejust not for gaming22:49
elquacko[m]hmm that sounds good22:50
elquacko[m]if I were to try to passthrough gpu through it would it break anything if I do something wrong?22:50
ravageyou can render your system unbootable22:50
elquacko[m]that's not ideal22:51
ravageif you try a windows VM in virt-manager read up on virtio drivers. you should use this ISO for the drivers: for windows drivers make sure to read up on virtio: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/virt/virtio-win/direct-downloads/latest-virtio/virtio-win.iso22:51
elquacko[m]alright I can make one for office and use that while I figure out how to passthrough on a separate guinea pig vm22:51
elquacko[m]the commands will be different won't they?22:52
ravagefedora just provides the signed drivers so windows accepts them22:52
elquacko[m]ravage: 1 guide down 9 more to go22:53
elquacko[m]ravage: would I need to update those drivers every so often?22:54
ravagenot really22:54
ravagei never updated anything so far22:54
ravagethe most critical part is usually that during setup it will not find any HDD. so you have provide it from the ISO22:55
ravagei usually just add a 2nd CDROM drive to the VM so i dont have to switch22:56
elquacko[m]yeah I only have ssd22:56
ravageok i will let you read up on the concept of a VM first :)22:57
elquacko[m]ok did you mean virtual storage?23:02
Tahr-userWhich Ubuntu(s) would be best for this machine:23:02
ravageelquacko[m], yes23:02
Tahr-user HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.9.13 i686 ** Distro: Unknown Distro ** CPU: 2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.60GHz ** RAM: Physical: 2.0GiB, 76.9% free ** Disk: Total: 29.6GiB, 80.7% free ** VGA: 1002:954f ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI1: PC-Speaker - pcsp2: HDA-Intel - HDA VIA VT82xx ** Ethernet: 1106:3065 ** Uptime: 48m 42s **23:02
ravageTahr-user, please test your client in #test23:02
ravagewell.. ok23:02
arraybolt3[m]Tahr-user: Lubuntu.23:02
ravagesorry :P23:03
arraybolt3[m]ravage: You may have missed his first message.23:03
ravageyes i did23:03
arraybolt3[m]Tahr-user: Actually, hold on, I just realize something, Lubuntu might not actualy work...23:03
ravageat least its a 64bit CPU23:03
ravagebut 2GB of RAM is really not a lot23:04
ravageif you can upgrade to 4 somehow that would help a lot with performance23:04
arraybolt3[m]Tahr-user: Lubuntu will work. It will be a bit cramped, and you might want to increase your swap space (or like ravage said, install more RAM) for best results.23:05
guivercTahr-user, the best isn't based purely on machine, but also what you'll do with it.  I QA-test using a 2GB RAM device & still use devices with 1GB ... BUT I use them differently to boxes with more resources, esp. more RAM.23:05
arraybolt3[m]You may also want to go with a more lightweight Web browser like Falkon instead of Firefox.23:05
guivercModern Lubuntu is LXQt thus is Qt5, and yes the lightest flavor, however if you're using GTK3 apps that isn't necessarily lightest anymore...23:05
ravageif you want to stay with Ubuntu maybe xubuntu is a way23:06
ravagereally depends on what you want to do with that old thing :)23:06
oerheksthere are more flavors, mate..23:06
arraybolt3[m]Ah, I forgot about Ubuntu MATE. Tahr-user: What are some apps you use commonly?23:07
Tahr-userIt was recommended elsewhere not to risk throwing money away into RAM in other channels since this machine might not survive the summer.  I tried two Ubuntus about version 13 or so, and they seemed heavy.  Umm, I usually use wine, and I know that is heavy.  I do not like the way firefox autoupdates or tries to now, but I play browser games.23:08
arraybolt3[m]Tahr-user: You can remove the Snap firefox and install it from a PPA or a tarball to get around that.23:09
guivercthe oldest supported flavor will be 20.04 LTS; as flavors come only with 3 years of supported life for a LTS23:09
ravageif you plan to get a new PC soon then maybe dont invest to much in it anymore23:09
arraybolt3[m]Tahr-user: However, if you're trying Ubuntu 13.04 and 13.10, and they seem heavy, you may want to spring for Debian instead. Virtually any modern Ubuntu is going to be heavier than that.23:09
=== ingsock96414 is now known as ingsock9641
guivercUbuntu 13.04 was Unity 7 & GTK3 & heavy compared to Lubuntu (LXDE & GTK2 then) or Xubuntu (Xfce & GTK2) - but anything EOL shouldn't be used online  (hey even MATE was GTK2 in 2013 ; it didn't slow till 16.04 if I recall correctly)23:11
arraybolt3[m]Tahr-user: If you want to take Ubuntu for a spin, I'd try Ubuntu MATE and Lubuntu first (both version 22.04). Uninstall the Snap firefox, install the PPA version, and see if it works. If not, I'd try out Debian with LXDE (no need to mess with Firefox on that), and see how you like that.23:13
Tahr-userThe Debian requirements looked fairly heavy and complicated.  It needs a different partition from what I read.  I will look further into Xubuntu or Lubuntu.  Okay, I will check out Ubuntu MATE with uninstalled and reinstalled firefox, and Debian with LXDE too.23:16
Tahr-userThank you for the recommendations!23:17
arraybolt3[m]Tahr-user: The system requirements will mainly vary depending on what desktop and apps you use. A barebones Debian installation with no desktop can survive on 64 MB RAM (at least I saw someone run it on something like that). The desktop you install will dictate how much heavier it gets. LXDE is one of the most lightweight, GNOME is one of the heaviest.23:18
arraybolt3[m]LXQt (Lubuntu), XFCE (Xubuntu), and MATE (Ubuntu MATE) are on the lighter end of the spectrum, KDE (Kubuntu) closer to the heavier end.23:19
arraybolt3[m](And you can get lighter than LXDE and heavier than GNOME, but anything lighter than LXDE is going to be painful if you're not used to it, and anything heavier than GNOME is going to be way overkill.)23:19
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