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TunaCan"Ubuntu installs its own BootEntry at installation time and may update it any time the GRUB bootloader is updated." That quote kind of bugs me. can I disable that feature for my ubuntu?03:35
arraybolt3[m]I think you need that in order to boot Ubuntu at all.03:35
TunaCanI have grub chainloaded into another grub03:36
TunaCanubuntu's grub03:36
TunaCanEver since I installed ubuntu, I've been screwing with keys ALOT03:38
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enigma9o7[m]well you dont have to run update-grub, it requires sudo so it cant run itself anyway03:44
enigma9o7[m]grub3 tho boots win10/11 directly right?03:45
enigma9o7[m]grub2 can boot win7/8.1 but not 10 i dont think03:45
enigma9o7[m]definkately grub2 can boot xp03:46
TunaCanoh. My bad, I've been key hashing secure boot land for a couple days03:46
TunaCanlots of pixels03:46
TunaCanWindows XP03:47
lotuspsychjewelcome huffman04:45
jacoi need help on how to make anbox stable05:17
arraybolt3[m]jaco: How's it misbehaving?05:17
enigma9o7[m]give up on anbox.  try waydroid.05:19
enigma9o7[m]install deb get then `sudo deb-get install waydroid`05:20
arraybolt3[m]jaco: enigma9o7 has a good idea, if you're using Ubuntu 22.04. However, if you're using 20.04, you won't have Wayland, which will keep you from using Waydroid.05:20
enigma9o7[m]with 20.04 you can still use wayland05:21
enigma9o7[m]and with 18.04 you can use weston05:21
jacothank u05:23
enigma9o7[m]if you run into issues trying whatever you try, let us know, we may be able to help05:24
enigma9o7[m]there's also a waydroid channel on matrix that may be able to help waydroid specific issues05:25
enigma9o7[m](as thats not official ubuntu)05:26
lotuspsychjejaco: you can also try androidx86 on virtualbox, i would agree with enigma9o7[m] anbox is a bit flaky05:29
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pluggerHi all am running vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 desktop and noticed that its(applications) all snaps. What does terminal and apt install (flatpack or is it called an apt package or something)06:12
ThinkT510ubuntu uses both snaps and traditional .deb packages. even when you use app it may install a snap (depending what package you are trying to install)06:23
ThinkT510*when you use apt06:23
pluggerif i wanted to strip out all snaps and replace with .deb would i run into many issues as at today(and moving forward) any suggestions on expediting that process from terminal06:28
ThinkT510to be blunt, if you don't want snaps you are better off not using ubuntu. they seem dead set on going snap only06:30
lotuspsychjeplugger: as user you have the choice of installing wich packages you want/need apt or snap or ppa's,..etc06:30
pluggeri see and thank you for getting to the point its appreciated06:30
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: ubuntu can still be tweaked the way a user want right, with as less snaps as desired06:30
lotuspsychjeon -desktop snapd can be purged06:31
pluggeri'd like to give that a try as well. so would i purge snapd and all snaps installed after installing my .deb replacements? Or doesn't matter? Do i need to stop systemd snapd service or will purge take care of all (plus autoremove)06:33
lotuspsychjeplugger: thats your choice really, if you're sure you never need a snap in the future06:34
guivercThinkT510, If you use package managers for installing software (eg. synpatic, muon, aptitude..) as they handle only deb packages you won't be offered snap packages.. Yes some (gnome software, discover, software boutique) offer both & thus have more options, but just using specific package managers will limit snap packages (exceptions being chromium, firefox where deb will force snap to install)06:35
pluggera better question would be if i purge snapd that wouldnt remove any of my currently installed snap's would it? eg firefox06:35
pluggeralso thanks for all the comments has been very informative06:36
pluggerprops lotuspsychje guiverc ThinkT51006:36
guivercplugger, `apt-cache rdepends snapd` can show you some effects of removing snapd; ie. many packages rely on it06:37
pluggerthat list is kinda huge =( and my hardware is old; im noticing the lag on my system during boottimes and even browser launches, Any thoughts ppl? would really like to bring down my boottimes06:43
lotuspsychjeplugger: what kind of system specs do you have?06:43
ThinkT510it is a bit disingenuous to say you can tweak the system for wanting snaps vs debs. while technically true it will always be an uphill battle since ubuntu are heavily invested and intent on pushing snaps forward06:43
arraybolt3[m]plugger: You could try Lubuntu - you can successfully remove snapd from it without problems (at least I had no problems doing it).06:46
pluggeri dont know if i can ThinkT510 but im inclined to have a crack at making it faster06:46
pluggerunless told its a waste of time06:46
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arraybolt3[m]GNOME is heavy. That is what it is. Other Ubuntu flavooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooours are much lighter.06:47
arraybolt3[m](Wow, thanks lag.)06:47
lotuspsychjei would agree with arraybolt3[m] plugger your system would benefit lubuntu06:47
pluggeri'll give it a go06:48
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: perhaps, but its not like apt packages are gonna vanish any time soon neither, sow e always have to leave the end user the choice right?06:50
lotuspsychjeits not for us to decide to say ubuntu is not reccomended if you dont like snaps06:51
pluggeri really have loved Ubuntu for some time but im thinking with this hw at least ill probably end up jumping to a tiling manager or debian, am not so big into snaps06:52
pluggermy boot times are driving me nuts06:53
lotuspsychje!flavors | plugger pick one06:54
ubottuplugger pick one: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours06:54
ThinkT510if a person didn't want an .rpm based distro then I certainly wouldn't suggest fedora. same principle with snaps.06:55
pluggeryeah very fair comment06:55
arraybolt3[m]OK, just jumping in to say, Ubuntu is **not** all Snap. It's only got a few snaps by default, Firefox being the "big one". You can still easily replace Firefox with the apt package, and if you're using a flavor like Lubuntu, you can do away with Snap entirely.06:56
lotuspsychjei dont think thats the same comparison ThinkT510 but feel free to discuss that in -discuss06:56
lotuspsychje+1 arraybolt3[m]06:57
arraybolt3[m]Even Canonical recognizes that going "full force" into Snap mode would go poorly - in fact the one OS they have that does go full force into Snap mode is Ubuntu Core, and Ubuntu Core has a very specific use case that does not include desktop use.06:57
arraybolt3[m](It's designed for IOT stuff.)06:58
pluggerIf i removed Gnome DE and replaced with i3wm, would that have any impact on my boot times?06:59
pluggeror just after login07:00
ThinkT510that wouldn't affect boot time07:00
* plugger cluches at straws =( 07:01
lotuspsychjei3 boots the fastest of all on ubuntu, isnt it ducasse07:01
lotuspsychjesurely affects boot times07:01
ThinkT510whether you use a desktop environment or a window manager doesn't affect how long it takes to get from a cold boot to the login screen07:01
pluggerdam it07:02
ThinkT510i3 will certainly be lighter after login that gnome, yes07:02
lotuspsychjegraphical target will be much faster07:03
pluggerwhats the command your run for boottime information07:04
arraybolt3[m]Given how heave GNOME is, quite possibly.07:05
arraybolt3[m]heavy* (not heave, golly)07:05
lotuspsychjeplugger: systemd-analyze07:05
pluggerlol im in it now07:05
plugger  792ms snapd.seeded.service07:05
plugger24.646s plymouth-quit-wait.service07:06
arraybolt3[m]ThinkT510: While that might be true, background services that come with a DE will most likely affect boot time.07:06
pluggerthis list is nasty compared to how fast it was in days gone by(but not to many versions ago)07:06
arraybolt3[m]plugger: (From experience, lotuspsychje is a trusted member of the channel - however I've only seen ThinkT510 once, and that's in this exact chat.)07:07
arraybolt3[m]plugger: systemd-analyze blame07:07
pluggerthanks im very much aware of lotuspsychje he/she has helped me out many times07:08
pluggerbut still thanks to all contributing07:08
pluggerjust wondering what other peoples boottime experience is clocking in around for a desktop?07:12
pluggeris mine average, poor, or beyond help lols?07:12
arraybolt3[m]plugger: https://termbin.com/fjuvl07:12
lotuspsychjeplugger: can you paste systemd-analyze too please07:13
arraybolt3[m]plugger: Yours are a bit worse than mine - I'm on standard Ubuntu too. I know Lubuntu boots faster.07:15
plugger=) cheers07:15
arraybolt3[m]Wait - 3 1/2 minutes in the kernel? Yikes, Lubuntu might not be a total fix after all.07:16
pluggerha ha07:16
arraybolt3[m]Why... is it doing that?07:16
pluggeri know its not a happy camper07:16
pluggerIm not sure why07:17
arraybolt3[m]systemd-analyze critical-chain07:17
lotuspsychjeplugger: hd is a spinner?07:17
pluggerno ssd07:17
arraybolt3[m]I wonder if the system is trying to find a drive or partition that doesnt exist and is finally giving up?07:18
lotuspsychjeplugger: did you just file a bug against gnome-shell?07:18
pluggerno i did not07:19
pluggerlotuspsychje, why did you ask that?07:20
lotuspsychjeplugger: nvm07:20
pluggerits a fresh install07:21
arraybolt3[m]plugger: Someone was able to solve a similar problem as you by adding swap to their system. Do you have a swapfile?07:21
arraybolt3[m](Open the system monitor and see if there's any swap space.)07:21
pluggerwith not much added (anything that was added was a snap)07:21
ice9hi lotuspsychje , do you remember my issue about closing laptop lid which does nothing however suspend is enabled in gnome-tweeks?07:21
lotuspsychjeyes ice907:22
ice9lotuspsychje, so you need the full dmesg right?07:22
arraybolt3[m]plugger: (Actually, scratch that, the swap thingy was related to something else.)07:22
lotuspsychjeice9: not sure where we stopped last time07:23
ice9lotuspsychje, https://bin.linux.pizza/?294bf8ec31ec1f14#DBjaaRqbcFpSrVGh7vnKJFqb9XncDrYE8piWyTJVpwqx07:23
ice9lotuspsychje, last time I closed the lid with journalctl -f and there were lid-close/open actions in the log07:25
pluggersorry children07:27
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alocerhello all08:21
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SteelRosehi there! stupid question about certificates... My employer has its own CA to sign certs. Windows machines access internal websites fine, the https:// thing looks green. But on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS I see https:// in red, "connection is not secure", etc... is there anything I must do to trust the company's certificates? Thanks!08:31
ravageSteelRose, https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-trust-store08:32
ravageyou will also have to add it to applications like Firefox that use their own CS store08:33
SteelRoseravage: thanks08:39
SteelRoselet me check08:39
Dualityhey all08:41
DualityI am re installing ubuntu but This time I want to seperate my Home directory from the Root Filesystem and I am wondering how much space to allocated for the Root Filesystem (exclude the home) any input?08:42
ravage20 to 25GB08:44
SteelRoseDuality: do you have a 2nd disk in your system?08:44
ravageyou can get some flexibility with LVM08:44
ravagebut a second device (external for example) for backups is much more helpful08:47
ravageyou have backups and you just reinstall everything08:47
ravagewin win08:47
DualitySteelRose: no but I was planning to seperate the home into a seperate partition08:47
SteelRoseDuality: if you can get a secondary disk and use it for /home only, that'd be nice... then you can reinstall and still keep your stuff safe08:50
DualityThat might be a better solution :)08:50
BlackMagei have problems with flameshot08:52
BlackMagethe window doesn't open and only blank icon appears08:53
SteelRoseravage: I've imported the Root-CA but still the browser shows "connection is not secure" ... :-/09:02
alocerSteelRose: if you press the lock icon it shows you what certificate is missing, not exactly sure how , but i know its possible.09:16
ograBlackMage, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/help-with-flameshot-icon/21134 ... try asking the maintainer in that thread ... (seems to be a known issue he never resolved)09:22
SteelRosealocer: let me check that09:30
SteelRosealocer: I have all the files needed... so perhaps I need to wait for some TTL to expire? no idea09:32
SteelRoseI even logged out and back in again09:32
alocerSteelRose: it should work after importing, maybe you imported it to wrong place.09:37
SteelRosealocer: I followed the instructions here https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-trust-store09:39
SteelRosenevermind... I can live with a "certificate is invalid" thing09:39
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yverxhey all o/10:07
yverxhave some (hopefully minor) networking issues, cant get anything to work on my pc anymore. so i also cant googkle my way out of it ...10:08
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goddardany way to have applications grouped as tabs12:19
goddardsometimes i have 2 or 3 windows that are the same open and it would be cool if it was just 1 window with tabs12:21
BluesKajHi all12:36
lotuspsychjegoddard: spread your applications over workspaces?13:04
lotuspsychje!info x-tile | goddard or13:05
ubottugoddard or: x-tile (3.3-2, jammy): tile selected windows in different ways. In component universe, is optional. Built by x-tile. Size 84 kB / 1,165 kB13:05
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bargI have ubuntu 20.04 I want to alt-get install ugrep, it says "unable to locate package".    I see it listed https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ugrep&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all   impish (21.10)   and jammy (22.04LTS) and kinetic (utils).  Should I add all three of those repos? Or just kinetic (since my ubuntu version is before the one specified by impish and jammy)?15:02
lotuspsychje!info ugrep focal15:04
ubottuPackage ugrep does not exist in focal15:04
oerheksbarg, no, tha package is just not available for 20.04, trying to install can give a dependencie problem15:04
bargok, thanks15:04
oerhekswait for a week to get the upgrade notice to 22.04.115:04
oerheks4 august15:05
lotuspsychjegood idea15:05
tarzeaulotuspsychje: are you on 22.10 already?15:08
lotuspsychjetarzeau: sorry no, i debug only LTS releases usualy15:09
ravagenon LTS-releses are debug releases :P15:09
tarzeaui would've liked to hear from new packages i've done15:10
goddardgnome online accounts are giving me issues15:10
goddard(gnome-control-center:78878): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 11:10:01.638: gdk_wayland_window_set_dbus_properties_libgtk_only: assertion 'GDK_IS_WAYLAND_WINDOW (window)' failed15:10
goddardSegmentation fault (core dumped)15:11
lotuspsychjetarzeau: i think there are many of the volunteers in #ubuntu-next and #ubuntu-quality willing to test on kinetic15:11
tarzeaulotuspsychje: thanks, will ask there15:15
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forgotmynickI'm trying to get ssh logs into one location and sftp logs into another through rsyslog (which sends to graylog). sshd is configured with `SyslogFacility LOCAL6` and `LogLevel INFO`. sftp `ForceCommand internal-sftp -f LOCAL5 -l INFO`. There are logs being generated for ssh and sftp, but there's still log entries coming in from systemd but not sure why or what i can do about this https://i.imgur.com/D0iESZf.png - I don't want17:25
forgotmynickall systemd logs going  to ssh or sftp logs. Please advise?17:25
sarnoldforgotmynick: maybe LogLevelMax ? https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#LogLevelMax=17:32
transhumanistanyone know if nvidia gpu accelleration options are enabled by default when nvidia driver is installed? for desktop rendering and video acceleration I mean?17:43
BarnabasDKtranshumanist, you can check it with the glxinfo tool - glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" and glxinfo | grep vendor17:48
deegoin /etc/default/grub, i have GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu  and GRUB_TIMEOUT=60  and I did sudo update-grub. Yet, it shows no menu and jumps straight to the boot sequence18:24
deegothis is 2218:24
hggdhcheck /etc/default/grub.d/ instead, values there override anything set in /etc/default/grub18:25
sarnolddo you have any GRUB_DEFAULT settings?18:25
deegothaks! GRUB_DEFAULT=saved and grub.d has an empty file (comments)18:28
deegochanged it to 0. works now. thanks!18:29
deegonow, if i could just figure out why the resolution is always 1366x768. I thought nvidia t500 supports higher resolutions. have blacklisted nouveau, etc.18:31
deegonvidia-settings shows just that one choice of resolutions.18:31
deegohttps://bpa.st/EU7Q  - prime-select query does show nvidia. Does that resolution: line mean that only 1366x768 is actually supported?18:46
sarnoldtry xrandr -- it'll dump a bunch of modes that the device reports it can do, perhaps filtered by what the card can do18:47
deegosarnold: i did xrandr --prop  - the highest it shows is 1366...18:48
sarnoldhow's your cables?18:48
deegobut, again, the card is advertized to support really high resolutions, as high as 3500x..18:48
deegosarnold: this is a laptop18:48
sarnolddeego: count the pixels on your screen?18:49
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bray90820So i'm having an issue here I have an RDP setup on 22.04 but when I connect sometimes it just disconnects imeditally and I need to restart the computer for it to work again19:19
horse9@bray90820 I've only used RDP to hop onto Windows machines so far and it worked pretty well.19:23
bray90820I am connectung one ubuntu machine to connect to another19:24
BarnabasDKbray90820,  - I suggest you look into an RDP server with session control - I use xRDP19:25
horse9I used the flatpak image of Remmina (the snap one has permission issues)19:26
BarnabasDKalso from ubuntu to ubuntu19:26
BarnabasDKalso use reminna as client here19:26
bray90820Isn't XRDP only for connectung to a connect to a windows machine?19:26
horse9@BarnabasDK which store did you get it from? or repository? I had issues with the snap one. It kept crashing.19:27
BarnabasDKapt install xrdp19:27
bray90820It is the default one built into ubuntu19:27
bray90820It was preinstalled19:27
bray90820But I can connect to other ubuntu machines fine19:28
bray90820And teamviewer also shows a black screen which makes me think it's not a remmina issue19:28
BarnabasDKbray90820, thats a teamviewer issue with wayland19:29
BarnabasDKtry X19:29
bray90820I am using X19:29
horse9yeah wanted to say the same19:29
bray90820I'm using X1119:30
horse9is someone else maybe also using the remote machine and drops your connection?19:30
bray90820No one else is using it19:30
horse9can you tpy 'snap list'19:30
horse9and see if remmina is there19:31
bray90820I really don't think remmina is the issue since the issue happens with ubuntu as well19:31
bray90820But in any case remmina is not in the snaped list19:32
horse9k, thx19:32
bray90820If it happens with teamviewer why would it be a remmina issue tho19:33
BarnabasDKbray90820, you may have more than one issue here :-)19:34
BarnabasDKone is your disconnect - another the black screen19:34
bray90820Aaahhh alright19:34
bray90820I do thimk there related tho because a restart fixes both19:35
horse9you could ssh into to machine and look at the logs19:37
horse9and reproduce the crash19:37
horse9I can't tell you which exactly to look at though but network, x, rdp and there is this one kernel thingy. This could get you closer.19:38
BarnabasDKif you are using the new built in RDP server (In place of xrdp) I also think you need to consider your power saving settings - make sure your black screen is not because it does a monitor off or something19:40
horse9@BarnabasDK oh wow that is a good insight. I read a lot about the new gnome power saving options. It seems to be very complex.19:48
bray90820BarnabasDK: That's intresting still doing testing but it looks like screen timeout might actually be my issue20:00
bray90820It's crazy how complex that is20:04
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BarnabasDKxrdp lets me chose a specific window manager for remoting (lightweight through xfce) and run it all over ssh via remminas ssh tunnelling capability - I find gnome to be a little too heavy for good desktop response using it remotely20:06
horse9is this the best ubuntu irc channel?20:30
coconuthorse9, the main and biggest20:35
horse9thanks. That's the answer I was looking for.20:35
Guest57i don't know wtf i did but i can't run absolutely anything in bash anymore - everything gives me "no such file or directory"21:14
jhutchinsThere is also a channel on OFTC, and there may still be something on Freenode (can anybody confirm?)21:14
Guest57i can't even figure out if i blew away root or something21:14
jhutchinsGuest57: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?21:15
MonkZHiho, seems like de.archive.ubuntu.com serves empty files for "http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security/main amd64 Packages" is this just me or are there repo problems?21:16
jhutchinsMonkZ: First try removing "de."21:16
Guest57jhutchins last thing i did was tar -C / ghdl.tgz21:16
Guest57where ghdl had the directory structure lib bin share etc21:17
Guest57so obv bad idea21:17
MonkZGuest57: is your $PATh Modified?21:17
Guest57it is but resetting doesn't do anything21:17
forgotmynickjhutchins: only fans? :D21:17
MonkZjhutchins: thx i'll try21:17
Guest57eg `PATH=/usr/bin ls` doesn't work21:17
Guest57is there no way to see what's in a directory just using bash commands?21:19
jhutchinsGuest57: You answered about 1.4 out of 4 questions.  Would you like to continue?21:19
jhutchinsGuest57: Of course there is.21:19
jhutchins:  http://www.linuxcommand.org/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2005/05/20/terminal1.html http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/~kevin/unix-tutorial/toc.html  http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_learning_the_shell.php  http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php21:19
Guest57okay can you tell me21:19
jhutchinsGuest57: How about telling us what IS happening?21:19
Guest57"bash basic commands" such as `ls` which is not a basic command?21:20
Guest57god this is not the moment to be rude21:20
MonkZjhutchins: works. Thanks a lot21:20
jhutchinsMonkZ: You're letting the resolver pick the best site this way.  The de mirror may not be feeling well today.21:21
jhutchinsI don't know of a handy mirror status page.21:21
jhutchinsGuest57: The only possible damage a tar command can do is a full disk.21:21
Guest57clearly it overwrote *something*21:22
ikoniasimple test /usr/bin/ls21:22
BarnabasDKGuest57, if you are on the console crtl+alt+F(n) gives you a new console21:23
ikoniasorry /bin/ls21:23
BarnabasDKsee if you can login21:23
Guest57can't open a new console21:23
ikoniaGuest57: /bin/ls21:23
Guest57`bash: /bin/ls: No such file or directory`21:23
ikoniare-install your OS then21:23
ikoniaif ls is gone - you don't know what you've done to cause damage21:23
BarnabasDKikonia, maybe a little drastic21:23
Guest57fml that is indeed what happened it somehow overwrote all of /bin21:23
ikoniait's fundementally broke21:23
BarnabasDKikonia, what about a boot device?21:24
ikoniaBarnabasDK: what about it21:24
BarnabasDKcreate an ubuntu boot device on a usb stick21:24
ikoniaand what will that achieve21:24
BarnabasDKcopy in the files you need to the disk21:24
ikoniathat will break the OS more21:24
ikoniaas files will be out of sync from hte package manager21:24
ravageim sure there is an existing backup already. nobody ever operates a main system without backups21:25
Guest57is boot disk + restore an option?21:25
ikoniare-install your OS21:25
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ravagein case you do not have a backup yet you can use a live system and an external drive to backup stuff21:26
Guest57i don't understand why reinstalling ontop won't fix21:26
ravagethere is no such thing21:26
Guest57yes there is i've done it before21:26
ikoniamay as well cut to the chase and re-install21:26
ikoniarather then debate things that don't matter21:27
BarnabasDKGuest57, I would not start by doing that - I am not so fatalistic - have made systems work again that was much worse of than that without defaulting to21:27
ikoniayou can make systems work again21:27
ikoniano-one is disputing that21:27
ikoniahowever looking at the level of maturatiy operating a system (doesn't know how it was broke using tar) is that really a good approach21:28
ikoniare-install, get a system working as a stable base, learn from mistake21:28
BarnabasDKits never too late to reinstall is what I am trying to convey21:28
BarnabasDKbut once you do so - it is too late to go back21:28
cbreakBarnabasDK: nah21:31
cbreakyou can always go back, unless your backup failed21:31
cbreakif you actually want to rescue a system, the first step should be to validate, or create a backup21:32
cbreak(well, at least if you want to minimize risk)21:32
BarnabasDKthe user said nothing about a backup being available21:34
* cbreak really likes zfs boot21:34
cbreakBarnabasDK: backups being available should be the default. Or at least snapshots. Unless it's a throw-away system.21:34
BarnabasDKyeah - I agree - but I do not think the user mentioned zfs either21:35
BarnabasDKso asume ext21:35
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cbreakhmm... seems that ubuntu's snap stuff is still broken21:50
ikoniathat's a pretty wide statement21:51
cbreakit keeps complaining about having to restart firefox (and now even lxd) for updates, but when I restart it, it resumes complaining about it.21:51
cbreakand I bet the only way to fix this is to manually force snap to update21:51
cbreakjust like the past five times this happened21:51
ikoniais there a bug logged for it ?21:52
cbreakI have no idea.21:52
ikoniacan you get others to validate it ?21:52
ikoniaok - they seem like two good steps to getting it resolved21:52
cbreakeveryone can validate it.21:52
cbreakit's apparently working as designed.21:52
ikoniawell, getting someone to validate it would be a start21:52
ikoniathen logging a bug and showing the validation21:52
ikoniaand providing the details of the bug21:52
yournameI have a similiar issue with the nextcloud client21:53
=== yourname is now known as horse9
horse9I had to close down my desktop session and change into command mode and then update21:53
horse9this allowed it to properly update21:53
ogracbreak is righ, it works as designed ... prob is that the design is unfinished 😛21:54
cbreakfor me, usually forcing the update (with the program closed) is enough. And interestingly, forcing the update with 'snap refresh' gives the result: All snaps up to date.21:55
* ogra points to https😕/forum.snapcraft.i👋t/wip-refresh-app-awareness/10736/9021:55
ograbah !... emoji plugin galore21:55
horse9thank god I thought it was only me with the emojis lol21:56
ograthe post i tried to link tells you that notification has been disabled again until the design is actually finished21:56
cbreakso... firefox will just never update? :/ I suppose that's less annoying, but not really as secure as the 20.04 solution21:58
ograthere is a valid reason to tell you to close the app ... snaps use versioned "app homedirs" ... during update the home directory changes to the new one ...21:58
ogra... and apparmor denies access to the old one ...21:58
ograso if the app is open, you might lose history21:58
cbreakshouldn't app armor changes only apply to new processes?21:59
ografirefox will update21:59
tomreynhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/wip-refresh-app-awareness/10736/90 seems to be the link you meant to post ;)21:59
ograyeah, thanks21:59
cbreakalso, firefox seems to store most stuff in the common part21:59
ograi should use bit.ly to avoid teh plugin (or simply remove i from my hexchat) 🙂22:00
yournameanyone using keepassXC with firefox? It was the reason for me to drop from the snap version ;(22:00
sarnoldcbreak: during the snap lifecycle the apparmor profiles are refreshed; I see it often with matterhorn, I show up in the morning and matterhorn has hung, can't open attachments, can't open links, can't save history, etc :(22:01
cbreakI use 1password, and the snap-ening of firefox also broke that half-way :(22:01
horse9(sorry, still having trouble yourname is me)22:01
horse9anyway. yeah. apparently it's a snap thing with the password managers and browser integration.22:02
ubottuIssue 655 in flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal "NativeMessaging portal for sandboxed browsers" [Open]22:02
cbreakfrom what I read, it's related to snap breaking (intentionally of course, because, why not?) Native Messaging22:03
ograthat will fix it22:03
cbreakogra: hmm... switching to flatpack firefox? :)22:04
ogranative messaging breaks any sandboxing concept ... so you can not "just allow it" withtough completely breaking snap security22:04
cbreakfirefox has its own sandbox22:04
cbreakand native messaging could presumably be "firewalled"22:04
horse9we heard you like sandboxes, so we put a sandbox...22:04
ograright, which is essentially what the portal i linked above will do22:05
cbreak(on Mac OS, the equivalent of messaging can be restricted to only work between properly signed applications for example)22:05
horse9good link, thanks22:06
cbreakeven more annoying than 1password is the crappy software we use at work. f5 vpn (utter garbage) and aspera file transfer both fail for similar reasons22:07
cbreakon that topic: How can I convince ubuntu to read / process a .desktop file?22:08
cbreak(if it makes a difference, I'm running kde plasma)22:09
ograall XDG compliant desktops should pick them up from ~/.local/share/applications/22:09
cbreakhmm ... that seems reasonable22:10
bobdobbsI'm using ubuntu 22.04. I want to use an application whose vendor highly recommends that it be used in docker. Is it best to install docker from the ubuntu repo? Or should I install it directly?22:10
cbreakbobdobbs: I think it's generally recommended to install the one from docker itself22:12
cbreaksince the one in ubuntu might not be as up-to-date22:12
cbreak(https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ (do not get docker desktop, just the engine)).22:13
cbreakI've read some people recommend podman over docker. I never tried that one though, no idea if it's good.22:14
sarnoldyeah I hear a lot of love for podman22:14
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=== yourname is now known as horse9

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