
morganuabole > able00:00
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addi00I've been running a RAID6 -> LVM setup for a few years now. I recently upgraded the physical disks (more space), 1 at a time in the mdadm way resyncing, etc. The main difference is that I didn't partition the new disks, I just added failed/removed the old one from the array and then added the new one /dev/sda style, rather than /dev/sda102:34
addi00The raid array /dev/md0 is running fine, all synced and /proc/mdstat looks like gold.  however, the former LVM-based mounts aren't coming up. My understanding is that they should 'just work'.02:35
addi00I'm unable to inspect anything LVM related, as it states something like "/dev/md0 is an md component, not setting device for pv"02:36
addi00So, my system doesn't boot properly now. I'm fairly certain the data and LVM structure is still in place, but some bits somewhere aren't in alignment. Any tips?02:37
=== Linux is now known as HP-UX
addi00the boot drive is a separate SSD (not part of RAID or LVM); so the system can boot, but fails when it tries to bring up LVM02:37
kerfluffyanyone know if Chromium 106 is available on ubuntu?04:59
kerfluffyif so, which PPA to use?04:59
Bashing-om!info chromium jammy05:01
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in jammy05:01
kerfluffyi'm on 20.0405:02
Bashing-om!info chromium-btowser05:04
ubottuPackage chromium-btowser does not exist in jammy05:04
Bashing-om!info chromium-browser05:04
ubottuchromium-browser (1:85.0.4183.83-0ubuntu2, jammy): Transitional package - chromium-browser -> chromium snap. In component universe, is optional. Built by chromium-browser. Size 48 kB / 160 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, armhf, arm64.)05:04
murmel!uinfo chromium focal05:08
murmel!info chromium focal05:08
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in focal05:08
kerfluffy!info chromium-browser focal05:09
ubottuchromium-browser (1:85.0.4183.83-0ubuntu0.20.04.2, focal): Transitional package - chromium-browser -> chromium snap. In component universe, is optional. Built by chromium-browser. Size 48 kB / 160 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, armhf, arm64.)05:09
murmelahh focal already had chromium as a snap05:10
=== Furor is now known as LoupGris
ice9is it safe to install Deepin DE like this method: https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-ubuntudde-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts/06:24
ice9I still need to have pure ubuntu backend06:24
ForeverNoob[m]Hello, does this mean that because of a cert failure on one repo (L9, sur5r.net), I can't update my packages? https://paste.debian.net/1255497/06:25
murmelForeverNoob[m]: just clean up your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sur5r-i3.list06:27
ThinkT510!ppa | ice906:28
ubottuice9: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:28
murmelahh, sorry, missed the not a release file "error" yes, that repo doesn't exist for bionic any more06:28
ForeverNoob[m]Oh, in that case I should talk to the PPA maintainer. Thanks.06:28
murmelForeverNoob[m]: seems like he removed the deb packages for the forshadowing of eol bionic (without esm)06:31
ForeverNoob[m]Kind of makes sense, Bionic is pretty old now.06:33
murmelForeverNoob[m]: yeah most people do upgrade within the 5 years ;)06:33
murmelor 3 depening which flavor06:34
murmelForeverNoob[m]: but you should definitely talk to the maintainer, as the cert issue, is another issue to the whole packages being removed06:34
ForeverNoob[m]Oh, ok I'll do that, thanks!06:36
=== SteelRose_ is now known as SteelRose
adacHi. I added "AddKeysToAgent yes" into my $HOME/.ssh/config but it still keeps asking me to re-renter the passphrase again after every reboot. Any ideas on how to make this permanent?07:30
esvthe ssh-agent will ask for the passphrase every time it starts07:36
esvif you want the passphrase be stored in disk permanently, you defeat one of the arguments for using it.07:38
Squarein 20.04 i believe ESC was treated as the "meta" key in terminal (used for going beginning/end of command history     for example07:53
ice9on an unmodified installation of ubuntu 22.04, what would be the output of: dpkg --list | grep gnome-shell-extension07:53
Squareice9, i couldv'e told you a week ago, but now i installed things.07:55
ice9I have removed gnome classic session from /usr/share/xsessions/ but gdm still offering gnome-classic on wayland and it works if I logged in; how to completely remove gnome-classic packages ?07:56
Squarebeats me.08:07
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murmelice9: look if gnome-session-flashback is installed (probably)08:13
murmelSquare: https://paste.debian.net/1255503/08:14
eoli3nI have a problem, apt breaks while upgrading08:14
eoli3njust a sec for the paste08:15
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Squaremurmel, i have all those + gnome-shell-extension-manager. And that pretty much checks out with my memory, of only installing the latter for Themes.08:16
Squareice9, ^08:16
eoli3nforget it, group problem08:16
ice9murmel, it's not08:26
murmelice9: any packages installed out of the ones which show up here: apt search --names-only flashback08:31
ice9murmel, dpkg --list | grep flashback returns nothing08:38
Guest7086Hello Ubuntu,08:43
Guest7086i've installed ubuntu 22.04 ... and am having the issue of not being to login08:44
Guest7086the login screen freeze after just entering login crendtials08:44
Guest7086did someone face that with 22.04 ?08:45
murmelGuest7086: nvidia?08:47
Guest7086am running it from within a virtualbox, so i don't think it;s nvidia, or ?08:47
murmelGuest7086: can you ctrl+alt+f5 for example?08:48
Guest7086let me check08:48
Guest7086waw... it worked08:50
Guest7084now alt+f5 does not work even...08:58
Guest7084the system is freezing at login screen08:58
Guest7084does someone know the problem behind that08:59
Guest7084i tried apt --reinstall --ubuntu-desktop gdm308:59
Guest7084but am still getting the same issue09:00
Guest7084all this happen with fresh installation of 22.0409:00
CzernobogHello, I need help installing wine. I am getting this error https://pastebin.com/cLuy9bFB09:03
Illfreakhi, I am using Ubuntu-Unity 22.04 and would like to put the "close, minimize, maximize" buttons on the right side. However, I can't find the appropriate settings under unity-tweek-tools.09:56
=== denningsrogue6 is now known as denningsrogue
tomreynIllfreak: Ubuntu-Unity is not currently an Ubuntu flavor (as far as I know, and as it is indicated here): https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours - I do not know how their images are build (and how it may differ from Ubuntu's) so I'd recommend using the support options they provide - for now, until they're an official flavor.10:23
ravagetomreyn, 22.10 will be. so #ubuntu-next seems to be the right place10:27
tomreynoh, nice.10:28
ravage(if he wants to try the beta)10:28
tomreynIllfreak: ^10:28
pycuriousmy ubuntu system is freezing whenever I start using my 2 GPUs on the system (put them under load) - any ideas on how to debug this?11:35
ravageinsufficient power?11:36
ograor insufficient cooling .. or loose cable ... bad ram ...11:39
ogramost likely a HW issue ...11:39
pycuriousravage: its a 1600w psu - there are 2 x 3090s in there. I dont think its a power issue. It does look like a hardware issue though.11:41
MilenchoHey guys , anyone that have free time and wants to help me to solve some wifi issue11:42
Milenchodevice not ready :(11:42
tomreynpycurious: are you somehow related to user geosmile? (they asked a similar question yesterday.)11:43
Milenchostate change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed', sys-iface-state: 'external11:43
pycurioustomreyn: no. Is there a way to look up history of this channel?11:44
tomreynMilencho: post the full log on a pastebin and link it here. tell us about your ubuntu version (lsb_release -ds) and kernel version (cat /proc/version), too.11:45
tomreyn!logs | pycurious11:45
ubottupycurious: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/11:45
tomreynhi baptiste11:45
Milenchotomreyn, https://pastebin.com/33Nsxhby , it's same also with 5.19 kernel11:47
Milenchosuddenly just stopped working may be after 1 update but not sure11:47
tomreyn!kinetic | Milencho11:47
ubottuMilencho: Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) will be the 37th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2022 (http://ubottu.com/y/kk). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.11:47
Milenchotomreyn, thanks i will spam them but i wasnt sure that is related exactly because of 22.1011:49
Milenchoany hints i've tried anything that i found on google - editing networkconfig, disabled 10-globally devices ...11:49
tomreynMilencho: i'm not saying it is related to running an in-development release. it's just not on topic here.11:50
tomreyn(unless you have questions about a non development release)11:51
Milenchois it easy i mean something using GUI to revert to 22.0411:52
Milenchoot it will be mess up11:52
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.11:52
kerfluffyanyone know how to send mail using a custom SMTP server from the command line?11:55
ravagekerfluffy, https://askubuntu.com/questions/12917/how-to-send-mail-from-the-command-line11:58
ravagethats what google found on the first page. im sure you can find more12:00
kerfluffyi've been using the mail command12:00
kerfluffyi'll try ssmtp thanks12:00
BluesKajHi all12:30
lpehi, what's wrong with Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04 ? In snap ? works so fine before but today it's removing itself from tool bar12:50
w4v3|txlpe: which toolbar do you mean? the dock?12:57
w4v3|txor the bookmark-bar?12:57
lpeyes the dock and not appear in application screen and why a snap12:58
w4v3|txhm, i also use 22.04 and firefox and it's still here. did you change anything with snap?12:58
EriC^^it disappears for me randomly as well, 22.0413:02
EriC^^not a big deal though13:03
lpeI installed Ubuntu today, and I'm finishing the installation. I make a test of the latest LTS, in parallel of my Debian. It's begin hard. Why it's not normally available ?13:04
=== solsTiCe7 is now known as solsTiCe
ograsnaps actually replace the icon when the update .... this is why they disappear on start of the update and re-appear at the end ...13:54
ogra*when *they* update13:55
jhutchinsLet me guess, they "replace" the icon with the same icon.14:00
ogranot really ... snaps are versioned and use versioned writable dirs on disk ... when they refresh the old version is made unavailable, the new version is made available ... so the location effectively changes ... during that the icon can change or not ... that is unrelated14:02
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jhutchinsPay no attention to that man behind the curtain.14:53
user9dwhat is a game i can apt install that works with usb game controllers?15:03
user9don ubuntu15:03
user9dwithin 10 minutes of install15:04
jhutchinsOh now you're getting picky.15:07
ogradarkplaces is a quake style first persn shooter that should integrate well with the OS (so USB controllers should work well) ... also the xonotic snap definitely works with USB controllers15:07
ogra(and AFAIK all the steam games have recently been tested with the new steam snap)15:08
jhutchinsWindows games often break programming rules and use known system bugs to address hardware directly.  They're not exactly open about these techniques, and it makes it harder to reverse-engineer the effects in Linux.15:09
enigma9o7user9d: supertux15:18
enigma9o7and extremetuxracer15:18
user9dapt install supertux; supertux #worked for me15:49
user9dwith Xbox One gamepad15:49
user9dthrough usb15:49
user9dwhere the apt command was executed as root15:49
user9dwhere supertux command was executed as normal user15:50
SandyVujakovi[m]<jhutchins> "Windows games often break..." <- Wait, for realโ€ฝ That sounds kinda horrible.15:53
ravagealso OT15:54
user9dalthough extremetuxracer, snaps sound like a smart future plan for when I want more 'apt install' gamepad-ready [meaning usb gamepad within-10-minute capable] games on my Ubuntu 20.04 while although the .deb size of this supertux is only <200MB, which is nice, and therefore my next choice would be extremetuxracer because I'm 90% sure its collective .deb size is less than 500MB16:01
user9d**** sudo apt install supertux; supertux216:01
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adelgoesmadhi :)16:30
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ana_hi. suddenly on the last update, ubuntu seems to have un-installed telegram-desktop16:56
samy1028ana_, did you do "apt-get dist-upgrade" or use the GUI?  Did you read what was being updated?  Also, look in dpkg.log and see what happened there?16:58
ana_thanks samy1028 . I guess I use the GUI. Whenever the pop up window warns of updates available, I agree to install. but it should never uninstall things should it?16:59
murmelana_: if it was the gui, it never removes packages17:00
ana_I only use the gui. But I don't know what happened there or with firefox... will restart, see if that does any good17:01
ana_thanks murmel too !17:01
oerhekssnap list telegram-desktop17:04
murmeloerheks: gone17:04
oerheksit did get an update today.. maybe the pinned icon is gone, as the path changed17:05
oerheksogra, +117:05
heinz9if someone else does the administration stuff, how much time will which distro cost?17:12
matsamanI'm gonna say ... the cost of employing that person17:12
matsamanare you asking how much time it takes to install?17:13
oerheksWhat did the other channels answer, heinz9 ?17:15
heinz9matsaman, time to use17:16
heinz9oerheks, I am gonna tell17:16
oerhekshere we talk about ubuntu only17:16
heinz9someone answered: 717:16
oerhekspolling is of no use17:16
heinz9my point is, that all distris are gonna take the same amount of time17:16
arraybolt3heinz9: Do you mean, is Ubuntu time-consuming to maintain and use for practical uses?17:16
heinz9my point is, if someone else does the admin work, than using the distribution is gonna cost you the same amount of time as with any other distribution.17:17
arraybolt3If so, my answer is, no, Ubuntu is very easy to maintain and use, at least for how I use it.17:17
arraybolt3heinz9: I don't think that's a support question, but it might be a good fit for #ubuntu-discuss.17:17
oerheksor #linux17:18
enigma9o7If someone else maintains your PC, why would any distro cost "time"?  time for what?17:18
tomreynenigma9o7: let's move to the other channel, not extend the discussion here17:19
CarlFKI keep loosing track of where my mouse pointer is.  I think I have seen a thing that helps me find it, like expand it big for a moment... anyone know anything that will help?17:19
tomreynCarlFK: when asking questions about GUI features, it's useful to provide contextual information on at least which ubuntu version and GUI you're referring to.17:20
oerheksgnome tweaks, 'Keyboard & Mouse' -> 'Pointer Location' and turn it on/off , press ctrl to highlight17:21
CarlFKgnome tweaks - sounds familiar, and what you describe sounds like what I was thinking of - thanks17:23
CarlFKapt install gnome-tweaks... click click clik, ctrl oh look, there's my mouse!  yay!  another satisfied customer.17:24
oerhekshave fun!17:29
bancroftIs there a way I can pin redis-tools to a specific major version? I tried holding on to 6:7.0.4-1rl1~bionic1 but that broke yesterday and now only 6:7.0.5-1rl1~bionic1 is available17:59
bancroftredis-server sorry18:00
murmelbancroft: what broke yesterday?18:01
bancroftmurmel: trying to install redis-server=6:7.0.5-1rl1~bionic118:02
bancrofterr redis-server=6:7.0.4-1rl1~bionic118:02
bancroft5 is out, 4 is gone18:02
murmelwell it was probably removed from the mirror?18:02
bancroftI don't really know how mirrors work18:03
bancrofthow can you check?;2u18:03
murmelbancroft: depending on the mirror, most only hold the latest version of a package18:03
bancroftmurmel: the source I have is `deb https://packages.redis.io/deb bionic main` so i'm guessing I can check that?;2u18:04
murmelbancroft: yes, but the repo is not browsable :/. so I assume you have to hope that there is an apt cache somewhere on one of your servers with the deb package18:06
bancroftI don't so I guess I'm out of luck and just need to update whenever it's a problem18:08
murmelbancroft: on the other hand, just by looking at the version number, shouldn't it be only a security update? i don't know if you can mirror that repo, maybe you should look into it18:09
bancroftyeah that's already on my todo list to create some kind of apt-cache that all my docker/vms build from18:10
bancroftI don't know where to start with that though18:10
murmelbancroft: look into apt-cacher-ng/squid-deb-proxy18:10
ograsnap install packageproxy ... ๐Ÿ™‚18:10
murmelthat's the best I guess, as long as they don't offer a rsync option18:10
ogra(then point your sources.list entries to the ip of the machine running that snap on port 9999)18:11
bancroftwhy can't I google packageproxy?18:42
murmelbancroft: because it's a snap, and I assume it's pretty unknown https://snapcraft.io/packageproxy18:43
murmelthe name also doesn't help :)18:43
bancroftI see18:43
bancroftoh cool, that's you ogra18:44
ogramurmel, haha, i thought it is pretty descriptive ๐Ÿ™‚18:47
murmelogra: it definitely is, just saying that the search engine thinks it's not 1 word, but rather two, which means different results18:48
murmelhm, no source :)?18:48
ograwell, i can define search terms in the store UI18:48
ogramurmel, https://github.com/ogra1/packageproxy18:49
ogra(the initial snap creation pre-dates a big store updae many years ago ... i have not updated the missing metadata values that the store grew since (i.e. link to the source, etc))18:50
murmelogra: tss tss, somebody lazy?18:51
ogramurmel, added (should show up with the next cache update the store runs)18:52
murmelogra: nice :) other people will be thanking you for that  :)18:53
forgotmynickis there a samba equivalent for nfs no_subtree_check?19:03
rob0forgotmynick: I'd start at fstab(5) and mount(8) manuals and see what they say for CIFS mount options.19:27
rob0IIRC mount.cifs manual leads to smbmount(8)19:28
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=== Mibix is now known as Meat
Psil0[m]1HEY FOLKS20:15
Psil0[m]1woops caps20:15
arraybolt3[m]HI HOW CAN WE HELP YOU20:16
jhutchins(Now it sound like Gates barbeque.)20:18
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morganuOK (per oerheks) uSING CHROME IN 22.04 = it clogs up in less than a day, 23 tabs, only 3 of them youtube.  What's going on? dell 9020 normal desktop with dock tweak, 8GRAM.21:23
morganuThis has been going on since I started with this computer. Also with FF.21:24
oerheksmorganu, yes, you ignored the memtest result, be happy!21:25
oerhekswhat does journalctrl give?21:25
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: FWIW, MemTest86+ seems to always stall at 4 GB RAM.21:25
arraybolt3[m]If he was using Memtest from PassMark Software, then I would raise an eyebrow at the test results, but the version of MemTest that comes with Ubuntu is borked.21:26
morganuwhat are you saying? the memtest has been the same. I worked for almost a year- with people here abouty it and no conclusion was reached.  The Tell test came out fine. IN NO WAY did I ignore it.21:26
morganuThe Dell system has a test of hardware components that I did. All passed.21:27
oerheksyou said different yesterday, metest failed since you had that pc, and claim an other memtest? says oke21:27
morganuNO THE MEMTESt locks up in the first pass. And no one here has ever suggested what that means21:27
arraybolt3morganu: And it locks up at 4 GB, right?21:28
oerheksusually that means bad memory21:28
morganu*I* am not ignoring any advice I have been given. She rises up to her full height and stares the elf down.21:28
arraybolt3oerheks: Have you tried to use MemTest86+ from an Ubuntu ISO on a BIOS system with more than 4 GB RAM?21:28
morganuOK is there some other way I can test the memory? are both modules bad? Why doesnt Dell find it bad. THAT ususally means good memory.\21:29
oerheksno, i have UEFI, download from memtest8621:29
arraybolt3I have (in a VM) and it locks up the moment it hits 4 GB. The hardware works just fine, and passes a different memtest that doesn't have the lock up problem.21:29
arraybolt3oerheks: I think morganu is on BIOS.21:29
morganuwhat is UEFI download from memtest86 and should I get it?21:29
arraybolt3Free version works.21:30
tomreynpretty sure i pointed you there before21:30
morganuhi tomreyn (you spent a lot of tome with me on this a couple of years ago.)21:31
tomreynmorganu: hi. i'm glad your memory is better than mine. ;)21:31
morganuwe tested if overheating and more.21:31
tomreynif you run this in a terminal window, it tells you how you booted:   echo -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS21:33
morganuOK just a sec I am of a divided mind atm.21:33
morganuOK I cannot do hexchat on the HP laptop because th hexchat dialog box is too big for the screen. and I cant get to the OK button at the bottom. What can I do to reevaluate something. this is the good old built in monitor on the laptop. Probook 53321:36
morganuIt now has 22.04 on it.21:37
tomreynare you now moving to an entirely different issue, or is this related to the other one?21:38
oerheksare you going to run memtest on an other laptop than the trouble machine?21:39
=== brassado is now known as sam_sepi0l
oerheksand weird you get a hexchat dialog box, too big for the screen, but see 23 tabs with 3 youtubes right.21:44
morganuoerheks, the dialog box problem is on my laptop. I want to use it to see how it handles chrome but I cannot get hexchat to work and the whole system-display is like baby stuff from the past. ... big print. difficult to scroll. == inside a browser window it looks normal22:02
tomreynmorganu: on current ubuntu releases' default graphical desktop (gnome-shell) you can hold the windows key and drag windows around with the mouse22:05
=== A_Dragon is now known as Awoobis
morganugood to know tomreyn22:06
morganumy dell system (with freezing browser) is booting on BIOS.22:07
tomreynmorganu: Also note that google chrome is not a package provided by Ubuntu - I'd recommend using the Chromium packages instead.22:07
morganutomreyn, Same with FIREFOX which IS provided by Ubuntu.22:09
=== x1 is now known as wellwm
morganuIf you still want me to go chromium, i will22:09
morganuI may remove one memory module. then see how things go22:10
tomreynmorganu: no need if you can reproduce the issue with ubuntu's / mozilla's firefox snap22:10
tomreyn(about switching to chromium, that is)22:10
morganuhow can I tell if I have the snap ff?22:10
morganubecause I installed it in 20.0422:11
tomreynsnap list22:11
morganucommand, is that a22:11
tomreynis, it22:11
morganulong list...22:12
morganuthe lsit does not include firefox. should I remove my ff?22:12
tomreynso you don't have firefox installed as a snap, which is normal on 20.04 LTS. you'll have it as a debian package instead: apt list --installed firefox22:13
tomreynwhat's your bios version?     journalctl -b | grep DMI:    # yes, including the colon.22:14
* morganu is now aht tech-help hates. I went ahead and am removing it anyway.22:15
* tomreyn does not understand "is now aht tech-help hates" nor why are removing firefox.22:16
morganui did the command     journalctl -b | grep DMI:     and the terminal hangs.22:16
morganunevermind. I DID remove ff.    I cant get that  jorunalctl command to work......22:17
tomreyndid you press enter after typing this command?22:17
morganuhaha, yes it hung on the next line for a long time and NOW gives me a new prompt.22:18
morganuso grep found null22:18
tomreyncan we see your kernel log?   journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999922:18
* morganu eyebrows go up at the scope of all that22:22
tomreynyour discord installation is being prevented from doing things it probably should not be doing, and that's being logged. a LOT.22:23
tomreynunfortunately that prevents us from seeing interesting output22:23
tomreynhow long has this system been running? ->   uptime22:24
morganu7 days. I killed discord and restarted this afternnon because discord told me to.22:26
tomreynnote that discord is probably also a memory hungry application, and any other web-browser-made-single-purpose-desktop-app, too.22:26
tomreynso running those in addition to a web browser could fill your 8 GB RAM22:27
morganuaverage load 3.51 4.26 and one lower one22:27
morganuI agree about discord but the gang switched from irc.22:28
tomreynthat's a bit high but your system is somewhat dated, so it can be fine.22:28
tomreynlooks like you're using IRC right now.22:28
tomreynso, unless you're currently trying to reproduce the issue where some web browser freezes, maybe you could reboot and then post the kernel log again.22:30
morganuI can use irc just fine but a group of friends is using discord server.22:30
morganuok will reboot.22:30
tomreynideally don't start discord this time (you can start it later)22:30
tomreynor stop it right after start if it starts up automatically22:31
tomreynso that it doesn't fill up your logs.22:31
morganutomreyn, Hexchat is all that is running now. shall I just continue my life with ff. Oh you wanted the journal. just a sec.22:38
tomreynmorganu: sorry, i see how i misunderstood what you had meant with "the gang switched from irc"22:39
tomreyn<tomreyn> can we see your kernel log?   journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999922:39
tomreynalso: vmstat -s | nc termbin.com 999922:40
morganuyour eyes, inside my computer22:43
tomreynjust a tiny bit22:44
origintopleft`apt upgrade` is reporting that gcc-10-base is being held back. `apt install` wants to remove libgcc1 before upgrading those packages. Is it safe to just allow the upgrade to happen or do I need to do some kind of preparation first?22:44
tomreynmorganu: i need to read up on this for a bit.22:44
morganuignorance is bliss.22:45
=== morganu is now known as morganu-bliss
sm_please check my install problem22:48
sm__sm@(none):~/Desktop$ apt update22:50
sm__E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)22:50
sm__E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/22:50
sm__E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)22:50
sm__E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?22:50
origintopleft!pastebin | sm__22:51
ubottusm__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:51
leftyfbsm__: sudo apt update22:52
tomreynmorganu: i don't see any indications for hardware issues there (this does not mean there are none, they just haven't shown / weren't detected between when linux started up and you posted the log). you have an outdated bios version. you have A20 (build date 05/23/2017), the current one is A25 (release date: 19 Jul 2019) as per https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-uk/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=cf8tx&oscode=biosa&productcode=optiplex-9020-deskt22:54
tomreynhttps://www.dell.com/support/home/en-uk/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=cf8tx&oscode=biosa&productcode=optiplex-9020-desktop is the full link22:55
tomreynorigintopleft: did you run "apt update" first of all? if so, can you show those outputs (apt update, and whatever you did to get what you reported above), and tell us which ubuntu release you're on?22:56
tomreynmorganu-bliss: see where i wrote "morganu" above.22:57
morganu-blissoh dear. I have to make firefox be the default. it started chrome. I am going to send you the journal again.23:00
=== Bahhumbug is now known as Boohumbug
tomreynmorganu-bliss: also, this computer seems to have some form of "IPMI" (hardware) device, which can register "system events" in a hardware/firmware layer managed log, even while the operating system is not running (or while it failed). you should be able to access the system event log (SEL) using the "ipmitool sel" commands on ubuntu (after installing "ipmitool") orfrom the pre-boot system management setup UI23:01
=== jess is now known as jess-o-lantern
origintoplefttomreyn: default pastebinit destination requires an account to log in, and i haven't got one. which pastebin should i use instead23:02
tomreyn!paste | origintopleft23:03
ubottuorigintopleft: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
tomreynyou can also pipe output (stout + stderr) into   nc termbin.com 9999   and tell us which command produced this output23:03
tomreyne.g.   /usr/bin/somefailingcommand --some-option |& nc termbin.com 999923:04
origintoplefttomreyn: (apt update && apt upgrade) |& $TERMBIN links to https://termbin.com/53r623:06
origintopleftrunning 22.0423:06
tomreynorigintopleft: see the deprecation notices there. those are probably unrelated to this issue, though.23:08
origintoplefttomreyn: from my armchair diagnosis, considering how seriously gcc related packages are taken, i'm pretty sure that whatever libgcc1 used to provide is likely also provided by gcc-10-base and apt just doesn't want to clobber a file23:10
tomreyn!info libgcc1 jammy23:11
ubottuPackage libgcc1 does not exist in jammy23:11
origintopleft!info libgcc1 focal23:11
ubottulibgcc1 (1:10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04, focal): GCC support library (dependency package). In component universe, is required. Built by gcc-10. Size 41 kB / 120 kB23:11
tomreynorigintopleft: you've got a leftover package from an upgrade, or a package from an unsupported / incompatible repository23:11
oerheksthe gcc metapackage points to gcc1123:11
origintoplefttomreyn: almost certainly the former23:12
tomreynapt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 999923:12
tomreyn...lists packages and package versions installed but not provided by any currently active apt repositories23:13
origintoplefttomreyn: https://termbin.com/m2rd23:13
origintopleftlooks like mostly old versions of libraries and utilities that i haven't used in months anyway23:14
tomreynso purge them, they have no upgrade path and are security risks23:14
tomreynrun   sudo apt full-upgrade   afterwards23:15
oerheksworking script to convert those keys https://askubuntu.com/a/141570223:17
tomreyni think what oerheks just linked refers to the "W: ..." lines (warnings) in the output you had posted to https://termbin.com/53r623:20
origintopleftabout the deprecated storage for the third party repository keys?23:20
origintopleftyeah that'd been on the to do list for a couple weeks, thanks for the script23:21
howudodatI am trying to get a samba share set up and am having some difficulties.  I have the server set up and integrated with AD and windows clients are able to access based on AD groups.  Now I am trying to set up a linux client that can access both as a AD user and www-data.  I can login to the domain.  I can mount the share, but am getting permission denied when writingg23:25
=== nckx is now known as nckhexen
origintoplefthowudodat: create another share that's writable by all users in /var/tmp somewhere, have that user write to that share23:31
origintoplefthowudodat: for reference, the overall question i'm trying to investigate is "as far as the filesystem knows, who's writing to this directory"23:36
origintopleftand it's easiest to just create a temporary empty share somewhere that anyone can scribble to than to try and look at it in place in the share you're actually interested in23:36
howudodatok, give me a minute23:37

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