
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Does Kubuntu support Wayland ?09:23
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManticMinotaur/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#Plasma_Wayland_session (re @MarkoB90: Does Kubuntu support Wayland ?)09:26
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Ok, thanks..didnt know about that wiki09:27
cbreakwayland worked even in 23.04, but it was quite bad :/ scaling was all wrong11:54
webchat17Hello. The "Release Notes" link on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManticUpgrades/Kubuntu still points at Lunar. Also do-release-upgrade is not working from 23.0412:05
guivercthank webchat17 ; give me a few mins12:08
guivercif you refresh page (use private mode to ensure cache isn't re-used if necessary) and it should be okay; yell out if its not12:10
webchat17(If these logs are up to date then my prior message did not work https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/10/22/%23kubuntu.html). Two bugs: 1) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManticUpgrades/Kubuntu links to lunar release notes; 2) do-release-upgrade is not working, and discover is not prompting that there's a new version available12:30
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112:30
oerhekswebchat17, sorted. and the upgrade path is not released yet.12:32
BluesKajHi all13:14
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> Hi13:19
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Hi13:21
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IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> has anyone experienced unexpected power off in kubuntu 23.10 ?17:15
IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> my laptop went off two times, each after about 2 hours being on I don't know why!? and I don't know how to investigate it.17:15
IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> after first shutdown an old HDD with NTFS filesystem been corrupted and now it's not mountable, do I need to reformat that HDD?.17:15
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> That may be some time after the main release17:37
omrhey everyone! I'm running 23.04 but do-release-upgrade can't find 23.10, should i force the upgrade with the -d flag?18:37
oerheksomr, i would wait.18:51
IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> thank you, I am trying ntfsfix at the time.20:19
IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> but I am afraid this problem happen again because I don't know why it happened before and what i have to do to stop it (re @IrcsomeBot: <mparillo> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1047344/how-can-i-run-fsck-on-ntfs-partitions-on-my-hard-drive)20:19
mparilloIf you can run fsck, then you back up your data and restore it to a reliable file system.20:45
mparilloIf it cannot resolve your corruption, then I am out of ideas.20:46
IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> I don't know how to restore data from inside a corrupted filesystem but it seems it is possible so I have to figure it out.21:18
IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> thanks for the time21:18
IrcsomeBot<mh_firouzjah> I come back with the results (re @IrcsomeBot: <mparillo> If you can run fsck, then you back up your data and restore it to a reliable file system.)21:18
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mparilloSo, for whatever you were able to recover with fsck, take a backup, then restore to a different, more modern file system.23:37
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