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bray90820So I'm trying to install ubunti on someones computere but the internal hard drive isn't detected bu the installer02:52
bray90820Kubuntu actually02:53
toddcbray90820: I have seen that with some drives that were mounted to the motherboard03:02
bray90820Yeah it's a laptop03:03
bray90820How would I actually get it working tho03:03
toddcopen a terminal check type lsblk03:03
bray90820Then what?03:04
toddcI forgot how i did it but looking for a good guide    what did lsblk show?  I.E sda mk0 ect.03:05
rfmbray90820, maybe go into the bios setup and make sure the disk controller is not set to some odd RAID mode? AHCI is what you want..03:05
bray90820Well... there seems to be no setting sof raid or AHCI or anything03:07
bray90820I was thinking yesterday I could just change it but I can't03:07
leftyfbbray90820: look for Intel Rapid Store Technology and disable it03:11
peacefulmanhas anyone tried the tpm encryption in 23.10? Has it been reliable? I take it you can finally encrypt all your partitions and not need a password on bootup now03:12
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toddcbray90820: installer did not show a sdb1 = 30GB that should be the internal ssd that you would want to install to03:16
toddcI have had issues not finding nvme drives but since lsblk is showing you it it should work03:19
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bray90820toddc: So you don't know what the issue is?03:51
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xu-irc41wHi guys07:49
gryhow are you07:51
xu-irc41wthank you very . good to see my linuxian friends07:54
JokerShellHi all10:46
JokerShellneed help with ubuntu and resolving domains with tld .local with my dns server10:47
JokerShellit seems not possibel to resolve .local domains with ubuntu10:48
CosmicDJJokerShell: did you google "ubuntu mdns"? I hope you're using .local for link-local networking and not some made-up local TLD10:51
JokerShellhi CosmicDJ mdns seems not used for ubuntu 22.0410:52
JokerShellwe have some Windows AD Domais that ends to .local10:53
Habbieif you really need to resolve .local via not mdns, you may need to change some settings10:53
JokerShellI googled and found out that .local is a dump idea for DNS names in Lunix environments10:54
JokerShellIn WIndows thats no problem10:54
JokerShellis it possible to tell Ubuntu to use dns for .local domains?10:56
JokerShellsome peaple seems to use it, but no config is working for ubuntu10:57
JokerShellHi Habbie, i try to edit the hosts line in nsswitch. move dns before files.10:58
JokerShellnot working10:58
Habbieis mdns on that line?10:58
Habbieyou should not move dns before files10:58
JokerShellmdns is not installed10:58
CosmicDJJokerShell: what's your dns resolver? systemd-resolved?10:58
Habbieresolved might also be doing it, yes10:58
Habbieif it does, it will show it near the top of 'resolvectl' output10:59
JokerShellI dont check DNS COnfig in Linux since its moved away from /etc/resolv.conf and Linux seems to uses to many dns resolve configs11:00
JokerShellI set my dns in the netplan config yaml11:01
JokerShellresolv.conf points to my loopback address11:01
JokerShellresolv.conf points to a stubfile under /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolve.conf11:03
JokerShellImpossible to resolve .local domains via DNS server with Linux ... true?11:36
Habbienot true11:36
gordonjcpJokerShell: if you can't, that suggests your network is not configured correctly11:37
Habbiegordonjcp, there is a previous conversation11:37
HabbieJokerShell, please read all advice given earlier11:37
CosmicDJJokerShell: https://brokkr.net/2022/07/03/switching-to-systemd-resolved-for-mdns/ here are some things you could try; no idea how your AD hosts are resolved though (could be mdns, could be llmnr, could be plain dns using the special .local tld)11:39
JokerShell@Habbie: Global resolve.conf mode = stub11:40
Habbieno Protocols line between those two lines?11:41
JokerShellProtocols -LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no11:42
Habbieok, so mdns is off11:42
JokerShellok but what tells me that. need i to install mdns to resolve .local hostnames?11:47
gordonjcpJokerShell: does your router actually append ".local" to hostnames?11:56
JokerShellplease one hint. iam sitting since 3hours to resolve this f******* dns hostname.11:57
gordonjcpstart from the beginning11:57
gordonjcpwhat is serving DNS, why do you think you have ".local" names anyway?11:57
JokerShell@ gordon: inmy lan the dns server will forward this names to the AD DNS server of the blabla.local domain, but the Linuxbox dont ask my DNS Server for .local domains11:58
JokerShellI have 2 AD Domains thats ends to .local11:58
JokerShellI can not tell this Linuxhost to use the given DNS server for .local name eg. server01.mydoamin.local11:59
gordonjcpit should just pick that up by DHCP12:02
gordonjcpif you set the address manually, you should set the DNS server to be the one that's, you know, your actual local DNS server12:02
gordonjcpyou don't need MDNS, that's not the same thing at all12:02
JokerShellno , nothing with dhcp. THe Linuxbox is configured static , working fine, but its impossible to resolve .local hostnames12:03
JokerShelli checkt with tcpdump ... every f****ing DNS Hostname is send to the DNS Server to resolve the IP address, but Hostnames ending with .local are not send to DNS server12:04
tyklingJokerShell: I haven't read the full backlog, but I recently had a hell of a time getting a couple of ubuntu servers to resolve anything under .local. While using .local in DNS is a bad idea sometimes you just have to make stuff work regardless. I got it to work by adding the .local domain I had to resolve to the Domains= line in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf12:04
JokerShellwhen i use nslookup and set the server with "server IPFROMDNS" it can resolf.12:05
JokerShellit must be o OS "problem" why he dont ask the dns server when i whant to resolve a name ends with .local12:06
JokerShell.local is used for zeroconf by default in Linux12:07
JokerShellbut i whant to change that.12:07
tyklingJokerShell: step away for a cup of coffee for 5 mins and then come back and read my last message12:07
JokerShellMy Box must use the DNS server for .local dns names12:07
JokerShell@Tykling i have Domains=doain1.local,domain2.local in /etc/systemd/resolve.conf after that netplan apply -> cant resolve .local names12:15
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JokerShelli deleted the symlink /etc/resolv.conf an create new to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf instead of /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf and now it works12:29
JokerShellnow I reboot the box and cross fingers it will work after reboot the system12:29
JokerShellafter reboot the box can resolve .local addresses12:32
JokerShelloh my god 4 hours to resolve a .local hostname in Linux.12:33
CosmicDJJokerShell: well at least you know now that systemd-resolved doesn't resolve non-mdns .local domains by default...12:41
BluesKajHi all12:55
JokerShellOK i build all back and get it working.13:06
JokerShellAll what is to do , is to extend the line search in the netplan conf13:07
jailbreakHi BluesKaj how can we help 🙃13:07
JokerShellI thought search define only the seach domain for shortnames, but it will bring my linuxbox to use the dns server for the expected Domains like mydoamin.local13:09
BluesKajjailbreak, I'm here to help as well, if I can :-)13:12
topolin_Hello. Anyone using liquorix?14:06
lotuspsychjewe can only support ubuntu and its flavours here topolin_14:06
topolin_i know, but maybe someone is using it14:07
lotuspsychje!chat | topolin_14:07
ubottutopolin_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:07
leftyfbtopolin_: install Ubuntu and we'll be happy to help you with any issues you have with ubuntu14:08
topolin_it's a custom kernel leftyfb, not a distro14:08
leftyfbtopolin_: ok, good luck14:09
topolin_pretending it's a stock kernel problem.. why a kernel would freeze the system the moment i enter the password to decrypt LUKS partiotion in order to boot the system?14:10
lotuspsychjetopolin_: as leftyfb said, the volunteers will be able to help you when you actualy install ubuntu14:13
leftyfbtopolin_: sorry, we don't pretend here. We troubleshoot to the environment you are running. You are currently running an unsupported environment. Please seek support from liquorix14:14
topolin_fabio@plumbus:~$ uname -a14:15
topolin_Linux plumbus 6.5.0-10-generic #10-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Oct 13 13:49:38 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:15
CosmicDJtopolin_: remove the "splash quiet" kernel command line options when booting and see if any messages on the console explain what's going on,14:15
leftyfbtopolin_: how did you grab that info if your system freezes when trying to boot?14:17
topolin_cause im on stock kernel now.14:17
leftyfbtopolin_: ok, then there's no issue with stock14:18
topolin_CosmicDJ, thanks i will try. Is system logging working since LUKS decrypt page? After grub selection, to be precise14:18
leftyfbsince you haven't decrypted the "system" to log to14:19
leftyfbor from14:19
leftyfbtopolin_: your issue is with the unsupported kernel. Don't use it14:19
topolin_does ubuntu  have a kernel designed for PCs with brand new hardware, like arch does or just the -generic one?14:23
leftyfbtopolin_: does something not work with 6.5.0-10 or 6.5.0-14?14:24
CosmicDJtopolin_: 6.5 is pretty recent...14:26
topolin_leftyfb: no, but i asked this because with liquorix (zen kernel on arch) i am able to run 5 ffmpeg conversion of 4k movies at once without even reaching 100% cpu usage. on stock kernel not only i reach 100% with like, 2 movies conversion, sometimes ffmpeg even segfault out of the blue. That's why i am asking if there's a "performance" kernel out14:28
topolin_there supported by ubuntu.14:28
leftyfbnot that I know of14:28
CosmicDJtopolin_: you could try the 6.6 kernel, but things like SecureBoot won't work https://9to5linux.com/you-can-now-install-linux-kernel-6-6-on-ubuntu-heres-how14:35
leftyfbCosmicDJ: topolin_: to be clear, packages from a PPA are also unsupported here14:36
topolin_CosmicDJ, im on dual boot with windows, secureboot is disabled anyway14:36
itaiHi there14:57
itaiis it possible to install the linux kernel 6.6 on ubuntu lts ?14:58
lotuspsychje!mainline | itai14:59
ubottuitai: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:59
itaiubottu: thank you, I will have a look14:59
KadiganHuh, this was discussed literally 30 minutes ago. :D15:03
itaiKadigan: what's the output ? I can't access the conversation as I joined a few minutes ago.15:04
Kadiganitai: you CAN, actually: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/15:05
Kadigan(this channel is public and logged)15:05
Kadigansee https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/11/16/%23ubuntu.txt at mark [14:35]15:06
itaithanks - that's a good point15:07
KadiganBy the way, that "this was discussed..." was a remark only, it wasn't meant to say "just check the public logs you muppet' :D15:08
Kadigan(I just realised it could've been interpreted as such)15:08
itaino worries. I am aware that insalling the newsest kernel on lts may be tough15:09
KadiganI honestly wouldn't tell you not to, you know? I mean, I'm on Debian oldstable (the reason I'm here is because I run Ubuntu in a VM on my Win box, and need some help sometimes), so I have no need to support the latest&greatest... but this is a *desktop* distribution, so I fully recognise that needs to test drive the cutting edge may arise and are completely normal.15:11
itaiI fully get it15:11
KadiganAt least nowadays you install Linux and it WORKS most of the time. Remember when having Intel iGPU support in *oldstable* was considered bleeding edge? xD15:12
Kadigan(back when the iGPUs in question were like 2-3y on the market... xD)15:12
FKAShinobiI have been trying to identify why my available memory is at 60% with only a shell open. I have 32 GB and top does not show any processes consuming significant memory. The available memory goes down the longer the system runs. Could a zombie process be responsible for this?15:23
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: what's the output of "free -m" (run this in terminal and pastebin the output)15:24
FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: https://pastebin.com/y2bJCf5m15:25
CosmicDJzombie processes don't leak memory btw15:25
FKAShinobiJust checking...15:26
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: you have 12G RAM in used, that is used by applications; there's more than just a shell running on your machine15:26
FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: Fair enough, but after startup services should be allocated memory. It seems odd that a system that is mostly running idle is using more and more memory. Again, top shows no process that is consuming large amounts of memory.15:28
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: pastebin ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,comm,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head -1015:30
FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: ^^15:33
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: grep ^HugePages /proc/meminfo    is the output not 0?15:38
FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: It's 0 for all fields15:50
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: weird, how many procs/threads are running on your system? ps -eLf | wc -l16:00
FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: 141716:02
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: sudo slabtop -s c -o | head -20   ?16:06
FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: https://pastebin.com/8JvMwPHp16:09
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: you're using ZFS?16:09
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: grep size /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats  shows?16:10
FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: https://pastebin.com/qzdByNbJ16:11
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: looks like the ZFS cache (ARC) is not showing up in buff/cache in free -m but rather in "used", see https://superuser.com/questions/1137416/how-can-i-determine-the-current-size-of-the-arc-in-zfs-and-how-does-the-arc-rel16:11
CosmicDJFKAShinobi: your ARC cache is ~10G in size, that's where all your memory is...16:12
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FKAShinobiCosmicDJ: Thank you for getting to the bottom of that. Does the ARC release memory if an application needs it?16:15
FKAShinobiI'm not too well versed in ZFS16:15
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CosmicDJFKAShinobi: yes it does16:43
baobaobaobaohi everybody! I'm trying to generate an apparmor profile for a binary with aa-genprof and I'm a little confused as to what all these options mean... https://termbin.com/fzkw16:48
baobaobaobaoI understand (I think) what (I)nherit and (C)hild mean, but the other ones aren't immediately clear to me and the man pages didn't really help16:48
baobaobaobaoI also scanned the wiki at the link in the output but it was more general and doesn't really go into detail on what the others mean16:50
baobaobaobaoactually I guess I just have no clue what `(X) ix on ` means16:50
johnfgHi folks17:32
johnfgI decided to go with 23.10 for my new laptop, but I think I'll go with 22.04 lts instead.17:32
johnfgOne of the programs I install on all my machines is openvpn.  But I just read that they only support LTS, and using another will probably fail.17:33
johnfgI've never done it, but is there a way to clone a complete running ubuntu system?  I've got it running on another laptop, but one that's going to be used by someone else soon.17:35
johnfgIt's running 22.04, all updates installed.17:36
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CosmicDJjohnfg: who claims openvpn is only supported on LTS? there are openvpn packages for mantic, too17:37
jailbreakjohnfg: look into clonezilla17:38
Habbiefound it17:39
Habbiehttps://openvpn.net/vpn-software-packages/ubuntu/ has the LTS quote17:39
jailbreakand openvpn will work just fine. I use it without a problem17:39
Habbiebut johnfg can just use the openvpn package that ubuntu provides17:39
johnfgCosmicDJ: It's a different version, the access server that doesn't work with mantic.  And yes, openvpn server is already installed.  I just need to configure.17:53
KadiganHabbie: when programmers say they "support" X, it usually doesn't mean that it absolutely won't work on Y - just that they probably haven't tested if it does, and they won't go out of their way to help if it doesn't; if Y is sufficiently similar to X (and different releases of the same thing tend to be, more often than not), your chances are high18:01
Habbieoh absolutely18:02
KadiganAh, I meant to ping johnfg. Apologies.18:02
Kadiganjohnfg: ^18:02
Habbienp :)18:02
Habbiewhile your note is true, it also doesn't matter - johnfg can use ubuntu-provided packages18:02
KadiganI guess so. I mean, if it's in the PM...18:03
KadiganBut I thought I'd mention it, because it will be useful to know.18:03
KadiganPM = package manager18:03
Habbieoh right18:03
Habbie'in apt' :)18:03
Habbieand yes, it is useful to know18:03
KadiganYeah, not everyone uses apt :D18:04
pyeverything I am getting this error for docker build https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/s7rpGgYX5w/ my Dockerfile is https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/33brHVWHQh/ can you please point me how to fix this in Ubuntu 22.04?18:26
golden_ticketHey guys18:27
jailbreakhi. how can we help?18:27
golden_ticketI installed xen on a new computer with ubuntu but when I boot I get a black screen with a blinking cursor. Additionally if I edit grub to have acpi=off then I get to a login screen. But then I do not get past that. Sometimes after logging in I'll get a bunch of stuff on the screen.18:28
ravagepyeverything: contact the owner of that installer. it misses the correct signing key for the nvidia repo. "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A4B469963BF863CC"18:28
golden_ticketI checked bios and it is in uefi mode. I put it in legacy mode before and I couldn't even get it to properly boot. So I reverted back to uefi18:28
pyeverythingravage: do you mean this? FROM smarker/yolo-darknet18:29
ravagepyeverything: if that is whery you got it from then yes18:29
CosmicDJyolo-darknet, that doesn't sound suspicious at all18:30
golden_ticketjailbreak: any ideas?18:30
pyeverythingravage: so initially it was a different base docker which is not available anymore https://github.com/zju3dv/clean-pvnet/issues/276 I contacted the author but no response then I searched in docker hub https://hub.docker.com/ for a docker that has Ubuntu 16.04 and CUDA 9 but I am unsure18:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 276 in zju3dv/clean-pvnet "ERROR: failed to solve: nvidia/cuda:9.0-devel-ubuntu16.04: docker.io/nvidia/cuda:9.0-devel-ubuntu16.04: not found" [Open]18:30
pyeverythingCosmicDJ: yolo-darknet is for yolo object detector which is the state of art in computer vision (its current version v8) but I need to install PVNet framework https://github.com/zju3dv/clean-pvnet which requires Ubuntu 16.04 and CUDA 9 as base docker.18:32
jailbreakgolden_ticket: no. wait around...18:33
golden_ticketokay thanks18:33
jailbreakpyeverything: 16 is EOL18:33
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CosmicDJcuda 9.0 is from 2017 as well... you sure it's state of the art?18:34
pyeverythingjailbreak: but I was able to pull darknet which is ubuntu 16.0418:35
jailbreakagain, it's EOL and will not get supported here.18:36
jailbreakupgrade or look for a recent version...18:36
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pyeverythingdo you know how to fix this internet problem in Ubuntu 16.04 inside Virtual Box? I cannot access anaconda website and websites like github are superslow but no problem with google https://imgur.com/a/ZUHMvXa18:43
johnfgThanks for helping guys. I'm all set, and on my vpn18:43
Kadiganpyeverything: is that the error you're getting? SEC_ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE?18:47
leftyfbpyeverything: sorry, but Ubuntu 16.04 went End of Life almost 3 years ago18:47
Habbiejohnfg, yay!18:48
pyeverything(01:47:22 PM) Kadigan: pyeverything: is that the error you're getting? SEC_ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE? --> yes an error for accessing anaconda website inside virtual box that runs Ubuntu 16.0419:56
pyeverythingKadigan:  https://imgur.com/a/KNhcM9319:57
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leftyfbpyeverything: you need to upgrade. 16.04 is no longer supported20:30
pyeverythingis there a way to install this Python package in Ubuntu 22.04? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/C4TS3sCbmK/ cyglfw320:36
NewtonTrendyI noticed that as well as the terminal app opening behind the dock after suspend on an XPS 13.4 4k with OEM ubuntu that the libreoffice does too21:08
linux^is it possible to expand an existing md raid 0 adding another hdd?21:23
KadiganDo you have your Intent of Will signed and submitted? xD21:51
NewtonTrendyi pledge all my leftover bad ideas to #linux they should be posted at the most annoying time dialy21:55
JanClinux^: yes, see the 'mdadm' manpage (especially options --grow & --add)21:59
paulohi! if I don't have enable-linger on, how long are my services kept alive?23:28
fuarzI got this error after updating with apt, can someone help me? https://pastebin.com/rzFhKsdS23:34
toddcfuarz: is your filesysten encrypted and what kind did you use23:41
toddc!details | fuarz23:42
ubottufuarz: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.23:42
fuarztoddc: i have an encrypted installation with LUKS, i also added an encrypted swap file of 4GB since i didn't create a swap partition on install23:43
fuarzluks and ext423:43
toddcwhat version of ubuntu?23:44
fuarzlatest, 23.10.123:44
fuarzinstalled yesterday23:44
paulowhen I run a system service, does it run as root? like this command: "sudo systemctl start znc.service"23:45
toddcfuarz: swap is the issue but not aure how to fix it but their a lot of people here stick around23:46
Guest65I'm lost -- In Files, I want to search for a word inside of a text (doc) file, but I can get only filenames with my word. I clicked on "Full Text" in the drop-down, but I still get only matching filenames. How do I search contents?23:46
rfmpaulo, the service is started by systemd (which is root) but the service definition will specify the user to run the service as.23:48
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paulorfm: thanks23:52
fuarz$sudo cat /etc/crypttab:  cryptswap    /cryptswap    /dev/urandom    swap,size=256,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv-sha25623:54
fuarzi added size and cipher23:54
fuarzsudo update-initramfs -c -k all23:54
fuarzupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.5.0-10-generic23:54
fuarzupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.5.0-9-generic23:54
fuarznow seems ok?23:54
fuarzno initramfs errors23:54

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