
bray90820Yeah it's not my computer so i have to send you a really crappy picture00:01
Habbiethe apt would be more interesting00:02
bray90820Whatdo you mean?00:04
Habbiethe dpkg output is as expected00:04
Habbiethe apt install -f output would be interesting00:04
bray90820yeah the guy isn't acvalable rtght now and I don't have a picture to give but it askes to remove teamviewer00:07
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Guest43hello. what makes some of the newer Microsoft fonts, like Calibri and Cambria, not render as nicely on Ubuntu, specifically in Libreoffice? how could I make them render as nicely as the other fonts, like Liberation Sans or even Arial?00:25
Guest43I've copied the .ttf files for Calibri and Cambria directly from Windows 10 into /usr/share/fonts.00:26
rboxmaybe some fontconfig settings00:26
Guest43apparently, the fonts caladea and carlito are similar, and they are in the repositories00:28
Guest43if I write a document using one of these fonts, and then export the document to .pdf format, what happens if someone views the document on a Windows PC, or tries to print it? does the .pdf format embed the fonts used?00:29
webchat3How can I recover my existing session?00:30
webchat3When I turn my machine back on I can't start, now the installer appears and it also doesn't work.00:30
BlackDalekhi. Does anyone know how to get iptux out of background? I can't unhide it. I can't find the config file to fix it01:00
BlackDalekI don't seem to have a gconf.xml file anywhere01:01
BlackDalekWhere do I find the config file for iptux?01:03
BlackDalekThis page must be outdated because %gconf.xml doesn't exist at any of the locations suggested.  please help. https://askubuntu.com/questions/156995/iptux-always-runs-in-background01:05
BlackDalekmy iptux is hidden and I am trying to unhide it01:06
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
buggerinohi. if my admin password is weak on Ubuntu, will hackers install hax on my PC? on windows, the login-password for a PC isn't exploitable over the web, but is it for an ubuntu installation?04:57
lotuspsychje!security | buggerino05:00
ubottubuggerino: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn05:00
lotuspsychje!sudo | buggerino05:01
ubottubuggerino: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:01
dtHows everyone06:17
lotuspsychje!chat | dt06:19
ubottudt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:19
alprolifehello to all! anyone can help me with this problem, when I open Remmina in ubuntu desktop I saw every time this notification the application want to inhibit shortcuts .. I want to disable this notification .. anyone know how to disable it ? thx06:36
RjGanyone kn ow how to get the kdump modual working?  no option for it appears in grub, have to use the lunar kernel on mantic to install it but so far no luck getting it to work and I need it to work on the mantic kernel whici is panic rebooting.06:55
alprolifehello to all! anyone can help me with this problem, when I open Remmina in ubuntu desktop I saw every time this notification the application want to inhibit shortcuts .. I want to disable this notification .. anyone know how to disable it ? thx07:08
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CoOlGhOsTHey. Trying to install Ubuntu 23.10 (dualboot) on an 2017 iMac. Installer fails at "unshare --fork ...." with exit code 2: "EFI variables are not supported on this system." - anyone with an idea to fix this?09:26
cc77I´m having an issue with RDP´ing into my Ubuntu Desktop. I goto to settings (app) --> Sharing --> Remote Desktop --> Authentication --> <set a password> and I can connect. But after a reboot (or other process) the authentication password has automatically been regenerated.10:52
cc77How do I set the password for it to always stay that way?10:52
StrykarOn Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, is it possible to install a recent 5xx.xx.x series Nvidia driver with CUDA version 11.x?11:13
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
alprolifehello to all! anyone can help me with this problem, when I open Remmina in ubuntu desktop I saw every time this notification the application want to inhibit shortcuts .. I want to disable this notification .. anyone know how to disable it ? thx11:39
akikalprolife: what does inhibit shortcuts mean?11:46
alprolifeakik: Nu știu ..11:46
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wadHi folks. Just installed Ubuntu desktop. This machine has 128GB of RAM. But `cat /proc/meminfo` and htop only report 16GB. Thoughts?13:30
wad(1 sec, switching my irc client to a different machine, so I can reboot this one and run memtest.)13:35
wadOkay, so memtest86+ isn't in the grub menu, and it looks like it's a hassle to add it. Continuing to search for why this box isn't recognizing my RAM.13:42
BluesKajHi all13:43
wadWait, now it's reporting the 128GB!13:44
wadWhat happened? So weird!13:44
=== project104 is now known as project10
hid3Greetings everyone. One of the servers in our estate got compromised. Someone (I know who) connected to it using root's SSH key and dis sth nasty. Luckily, it was the only one server affected. However, there are others with same SSH key in our DMZ. Question: what steps should I take to change the SSH keys?14:34
CosmicDJhid3: maybe it was a dumb idea to let others log in as root in the first place?14:41
hid3CosmicDJ: I'm not the senior in this field at that company. Neither I do any decisions, nor rake responsibility on what has been done previously... I'm just assisting in incident resolution.14:45
hid3and indeed, I completely agree with you14:45
leftyfb_hid3: delete the public key everywhere it exists and create a new one. The server that got compromised is considered permanently compromised and needs to be wiped and rebuilt15:16
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
leftyfbhid3: by "new one", I do mean a new key pair. Don't just generate the public key from the compromised private key15:20
pickanickIf "dig $HOST" always gives a  new WHEN at a SERVER != localhost, does that mean that DNS caching is not working? (Ubuntu 22.04)15:25
pickanickalso resolvectl statistics does not report more hits (nor more misses) after dig is run repeatedly on the same domain.15:27
zoomm10eftyfb_: I agree... wiped and rebuilt15:28
zoomm10before that: dd the disk for future investigation...15:30
leftyfbpickanick: no, that's just a timestamp15:30
leftyfbpickanick: https://askubuntu.com/a/128162915:33
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ashafqHow do I remove a partially install package?15:48
ashafqNow apt is stuck...15:48
lantech19446sudo apt --fix-broken install15:49
ashafqI was trying to insall linux-tools-common, but I forgot I installed linux-intel-tools15:49
ashafqlantech19446: That tries to reinstall linux-tools-common and fails.15:49
lantech19446did you try sudo apt purge linux-tools-common15:50
ashafqlantech19446: ^ that's what I get15:51
centHOGGalso might try "sudo apt-get install -f"15:51
leftyfbashafq: sudo apt remove --purge linux-tools-common linux-intel-tools15:52
leftyfbashafq: sudo apt remove --purge linux-tools-common linux-intel-tools linux-intel-iotg-tools-common15:53
ashafq no luck. I have a broken install now 😞15:54
lantech19446what happens when you run apt update?15:54
leftyfbashafq: please pastebin the output15:54
ashafqleftyfb: https://paste.debian.net/1298499/15:55
ashafqlantech19446: update also fails15:56
ioriaashafq, sudo dpkg -i  --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-tools-common_5.15.0-88.98_all.deb15:56
leftyfbioria: it's probably a good idea to get to a good state first15:57
ashafqioria: Thank you!15:57
ashafqthat worked15:57
centHOGGgood job15:57
leftyfbwhile that might work, it's still going to leave linux-intel-tools-common and linux-intel-iotg-tools-common installed and broken15:57
ashafqioria: Now, I am finally able to upgrade!15:57
leftyfbashafq: sudo apt remove --purge linux-intel-tools linux-intel-iotg-tools-common15:58
leftyfbI would remove those now if you can15:58
ashafqleftyfb: Don't I need those for my custom kernel?15:59
ashafqleftyfb: I mean, for the Intel oem kernel.15:59
leftyfbashafq: why do you need that?15:59
hid3leftyfb: thanks for advice regarding SSH keys. Done that, tested on a couple of servers, new regenerated keys seems to work. And as for the compromised server, yes, we switched it off and restored yesterday's VM backup of it. Since it was issue in firewall, we blocked SSH access from the outside world. Should give us some time to make proper, permanent and secure solution15:59
ashafqI tried to install linux-tools-common to get access to cpu scaling feature to run benchmarks.16:00
ashafqBut, I forgot that linux-intel-iotg-tools-common already has that.16:00
centHOGGwhats ur system specs?16:01
ashafqcentHOGG: It's the framework laptop with 12th gen Intel16:01
centHOGGhave you ever tried the passmark bench for linux? its pretty dinky but it gives a baseline imho16:02
ashafqcentHOGG: Well, it's for running google benchmark16:03
ashafqComparing different algorithms. Does passmark do this?16:03
leftyfbfeel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic16:04
centHOGGidk really, just check it out for a baseline number to compare between systems16:04
pickanickso why does not resolvectl statistics change after dig or curl  ?16:07
leftyfbpickanick: what probably are you trying to solve exactly?16:09
pickanick"Temporary failure in name resolution" in the middle of a yt-dlp download.  (Context: over a wg session)16:10
leftyfbpickanick: I would investigate issues with the wireguard session and not DNS caching16:11
leftyfbpickanick: run a ping to public ip and then kick off yt-dlp and see if the ping pauses or times out16:11
pickanickIf resolved is caching locally, and the download is successful for a time, I would expect that DNS resolution would not go out over wg, but this might be wrong.16:13
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pickanickIf cache size is 2, does that mean that only two entries are stored in cache?  Is this configurable?16:19
oktechHi :)16:21
BlackMagei have a macbook mid-2012 and the speakers don't working16:34
ravagemaybe they are just broken?16:34
BlackMagei have kernel Linux version 6.2.0-36-generic16:34
ravagedid it ever make sound recently?16:34
BlackMageIn any case, they worked perfectly16:35
BlackMagebut recently I haven't tested it16:35
BlackMagei have motherboard Mac-6F01561E16C75D0616:36
leftyfbBlackMage: revert to the previous kernel16:36
ravageso did sound work on this installation?16:36
ravagelike on a previous kernel?16:37
leftyfb6.2.0-36 also broke sound on my Dell XPS 1316:37
leftyfbI reverted and it's working fine16:37
BlackMageyes in the past, but i dont know whether that was the last kernel16:37
leftyfbit was more than likely the last kernel16:37
ravagemaybe you could just use the non-hwe kernel in general16:37
ravagetha will still give you updates16:37
BlackMageoh, ok thanks for the information16:37
leftyfbjust boot to the previous kernel16:38
BlackMagewhat is the latest non-hwe kernel?16:38
ravage5.15 or so?16:38
leftyfbjust boot to the previous kernel, 6.2.0-3516:38
ravagenot exactly shure16:38
ravagebut check if the previous kernel fixes it16:38
ravageit should show up in your boot menu16:38
BlackMageok i try it16:38
ravageleftyfb: is there a bug report about that?16:39
leftyfbnot sure, haven't had the time to look16:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2040020 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[82WR, Realtek ALC287, Speaker, Internal] No sound at all" [Undecided, New]16:40
pickanickleftyfb: If cache size is 2, does that mean that only two entries are stored in cache?  Is this configurable?16:41
leftyfbravage: nope, Intel16:41
leftyfbravage: ok, so I found a post saying something about missing firmware. There was just a linux-firmware update today. Maybe that fixes it16:42
ravagesomehow that happens a lot yes :)16:44
Yakovhey there, how to access ubuntu chat logs?16:46
ravageshouldnt the kernel log complaint about missing files then?16:46
ravageYakov: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/16:46
BlackMage:D Linux version 6.2.0-35-generic works perfectly16:47
leftyfbravage: fixed16:47
leftyfbBlackMage: hold on16:47
leftyfbBlackMage: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade16:47
Yakovravage: which one https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/11/18/16:47
ravageYakov: the one you want logs of16:47
leftyfbBlackMage: you should have a linux-firmware update. That should also fix the issue with the 36 kernel16:48
Yakovthis :)16:48
ravageso #ubuntu.txt it is16:48
BlackMageok and i must recreate the kernels?16:49
ravageit should do that for you16:49
ravagecreate a new initramfs16:49
ravagejust reboot16:49
leftyfbBlackMage: just do the updates and reboot and let it boot into the latest kernel.16:49
BlackMageand how can i resolve16:50
BlackMagecryptsetup: ERROR: Couldn't resolve device16:50
BlackMage    UUID=143cbda1-e27e-4bd5-a1ca-f9a85f5c38ec16:50
leftyfbBlackMage: is something not working for you?16:50
BlackMageit occurs on update-grub16:50
leftyfbBlackMage: why are you running update-grub?16:51
ravageis anything encrypted on your system?16:51
BlackMagei am not sure if standby works16:51
leftyfbI have yet to see a report of somrthing not working16:51
ravageif not check /etc/crypttab for that uuid and comment it out. but make sure you dont boot from that16:51
leftyfbBlackMage: don't run update-grub16:51
leftyfbBlackMage: just do the updates and reboot and let it boot into the latest kernel.16:51
leftyfbBlackMage: no other actions needed16:51
leftyfbI wouldn't touch crypttab16:52
BlackMageand after upgrade of linux-firmware the new kernel should work?16:53
leftyfbthat's the theory16:53
leftyfbconfirmed on my laptop16:53
BlackMageok i reboot now16:53
pickanickwhy does systemd-resolved report:  Can do DNSSEC: no  and how can this (and the cache size) be changed ?16:54
leftyfbpickanick: why do you think you need DNSSEC?16:55
leftyfbpickanick: you reported an issue with your wireguard session and now you're going down a rabbit hole of messages from commands and logs you don't completely understand are going to make a much bigger mess if you start just changing things you assume should be different16:56
ashafqIs there a alacritty official package for Ubuntu?16:58
ashafqor PPA?16:58
ravageashafq: https://snapcraft.io/alacritty16:58
ashafqravage: thanks!16:59
pickanickI reported intermittent DNS errors *in the context of* a wireguard session.  This could be a network related issue, but if DNS caching is working successfully locally, would DNS still be troubled by a network / wg issue?16:59
leftyfbpickanick: fix the network/wg issue first. Worry about DNS after if necessary17:00
pickanickWhat's the networking issue you have in mind? I'm not aware of one, I was just giving context in case that causes a complication.17:01
leftyfbpickanick: does yt-dlp work when not connected to wg?17:02
pickanickyt-dlp generally works fine while connected to wg.    I haven't tested it without wg because all the sites I use it with are not available without wg.17:03
leftyfbpickanick: your issue is with wg/networking. The DNS failures are a symptom17:04
pickanickPerhaps there were intermittent networking problems, and then the programs recovered and continue. Why aren't the used domains being cached locally?  Why only two domains are cached?17:09
pickanickI'm able to connect to these sites successfully (yes, firefox has an option of doing its own DNS, but curl? wget? Konversation? I don't think all these apps are doing their own DNS resolution. )17:14
pickanickI guess I could disable wg and see if the cache changes17:16
=== pick is now known as pickanick
pickanickleftyfb: Ok I agree the DNS failures are related to wg; but how is it that I can , with wg, successfully connect to many domains without having the cache updated?17:22
ravageyou make your DNS work over wg17:24
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pickanickI thought that DNS queries would go to a remote DNS server only if it could not be satisfied locally, and once it was received from the remote DNS server, the local cache would be updated.17:24
ravagejust make your dns available over wg17:25
ravageit will fix your problems17:25
ravageor do routing the right way so you reach your dns directly and not over wg17:26
ravagemaybe try #networking for that17:26
pickanickI am having the remote peer be my DNS source.  I did not deliberately disable DNS caching.17:27
ravageok. good luck :)17:28
pickanickI did not expect that those were incompatible choices.  Thanks for the suggestion to try #networking.17:28
pickanickravage: by "make your dns available over wg" do you mean  DNS = $REMOTE_PEER in wg.conf ?17:30
itu"Disable of device-initiated U1 failed" - what is that meaning in syslog ?17:45
ComputerTechWith my beats studio earbuds and my Ubuntu 23.10 lapptop, when i pause music, it always works, but unpausing/resuming music doesn't always work(doesn't work more than does)18:25
ComputerTechany ideas what's causing this? i tried looking through /etc/bluetooth/main.conf but couldn't find anything related18:26
mra90I noticed I have no dev_err output in the dmesg, how to enable it?18:30
ComputerTechOkay, so i can resume the music after i do "sudo service bluetooth start" but it's only temporary fix, any ideas?18:33
ComputerTechnevermind, that doesn't even provide a temporary fix18:34
=== Abrax- is now known as Abrax
mccHello, I am in a bit of an emergency situation. I have been using a new laptop with Ubuntu 23.10 for the last month. About half an hour ago Ubuntu asked if it could download new software and I said yes. The next time I tried to close and reopen the laptop, the password did not work; i could use gdm's upper right menu, but the bottom right menu and the password entry were totally unresponsive as was the keyboard. I then rebooted the19:10
mccmachine by entering "reboot" in a vterm, every boot since Linux prints the graphical startup with all the [OK]s, ending with "Started gdm.service - GNOME Display Manager.b10.service - Load/Save Screen Backlight Brightness of backlight:amdgpu_bt10…". Then nothing happens. I do not get a login and I cannot log in to X/Wayland. This is very sudden, I was supposed to have joined a video stream 10 minutes ago and am now late.19:10
mccOn some boots I can use ctrl alt fn FKEY to break into virtual terminals but not on others.19:12
cbreakmcc: can you boot into a recovery mode?19:20
cbreak(selected in grub?)19:20
mccwait, i figured out the vterm problem19:21
mcccbreak:I'm sure, but what would be the point of it, since I can also just type ctrl-alt-fkey and log in to a virtual terminal?19:21
mccor is recovery mode expected to have GUI?19:21
cbreakI think there's safe graphics, but not sure if that'd work for you19:22
cbreakif I was in your situation, I'd try, if you can log in somehow, systemctl status gdm.service19:22
JanCalways useful to have a live image on an USB ready for situations like that  :)19:24
mccjanc, i think i may have a live image, but what would you recommend i do with it?19:25
JanCyou boot it & join the video stream from that?19:26
mccCbreak: I can log in at a virtual terminal. Running that printed this https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/xDYlhscI/DSC_0000_BURST20231118142629210_COVER.JPG19:27
JanCthen you can solve the noot issue when you have time later19:27
mcchm, i think installing and configuring obs from scratch on a livecd might not be more practical than fixing the issue. but i guess it depends on what fixing the issue turns out to entail.19:28
cbreakmcc: did an upgrade fail / get interrupted?19:30
cbreakI think apt can try to reinstall stuff somehow19:30
mcccbreak: no. there was an upgrade, which claimed to have succeeded.19:31
JanCdo you know what packages were installed/updated in that upgrade?19:31
mccwhat "stuff" would your recommend reinstalling?19:31
mccjanc, no, it just popped up with the normal software updater, said it wanted to upgrade packages, I said yes and passworded, then this happened19:32
mcci imagine this is in the dpkg logs somewhere tho19:32
cbreakit seems to complain that dbm crashes with a core dump19:32
cbreakI'd try to find out why, maybe by starting it myself19:33
JanCI always check beforehand what packages will be upgraded (especially when I have important stuff to do later)19:33
JanCbut it would be in dpkg/apt logs indeed19:33
mccI wouldn't have expected that to be necessary in an operating system shipping in 202319:33
cbreaksystemctl cat gdm should show you how gdm is started19:33
cbreakI'd then try to do the same with sudo19:33
mccI previously installed systemd-coredump, but I don't find anything in /var/lib/systemd/coredump19:34
cbreakmcc: I think your situation isn't expected :(19:34
JanCchecking the system logs (journal) might be useful too19:34
mccif i run sudo /usr/bin/gdm3  it just prints "trace/breakpoint trap"19:35
cbreakthat's not helpful :(19:35
mcci'm trying to dig through my notes to find where i wrote down the logs for dpkg and the journalctl flags to get useful output but it's hard because there's no gui on the affected machine lol19:36
cbreakI'd probably debug it remotely via ssh, then at least you have copy & paste and a proper terminal19:36
cbreakbut that requires a second computer19:37
mcchmm well i do have a second computer (windows). that should have occurred to me19:37
mccssh i mean19:37
mcclots of core gnome stuff upgraded in that last aptdaemon upgrade19:38
mccmutter-common-bin, libmutter, mutter-common, gir1.2-mutter, gnome-control-center, linux-firmware, ubuntu-advantage-tools all look suspicious19:38
JanCI doubt ubuntu-advantage-tools are relevant19:40
mccGdm: GdmSession:no session desktop files installed, aborting...19:41
mccit prints this to journalctl immediately before running trap int319:41
cbreakso looks like it voluntarily terminates because of that, and doesn't actually crash19:42
cbreakprobably some assertion failure19:42
cbreakbut I have no idea what the problem means19:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1717878 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3/gdm-session-worker crashed with SIGTRAP logging 'GdmSession: no session desktop files installed, aborting...' from get_fallback_session_name from get_default_session_name from get_session_name from get_session_filename from gdm_session_is_wayland_session" [Medium, Triaged] [duplicate: 2006590]19:43
mccit appears i don't have internet.19:44
mcctemporary failure resolving ca.archive.ubuntu.com whenever i attempt an install19:44
cbreakhmm... if I understand that correctly, a session desktop file is something like "kde with x" or "gnome with wayland"19:44
JanCit says "sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-session" could fix this19:45
mccyes, i just tried that, and it couldn't resolve ca.archive.ubuntu.com19:45
cbreakmcc: can you ping or similar?19:45
mccthat's very odd as wifi was working fine before.  does wifi require internet?19:45
mccping ping: connect: Network is unreachable19:45
mccsorry i meant to ask: does wifi require gui?19:46
cbreakyour networking via wlan might somehow require a login19:46
JanCyou can use nmcli or nmtui19:46
cbreakand if login is done via part of the GUI / Desktop, then that might have gotten lost too19:46
mccwell i guess i'm glad i have onboard ethernet. one second19:47
JanCor that :)19:47
cbreakyay... one more reason to get something like a framework19:47
mccyes, i have been somewhat wishing i'd bought a framework instead of this thinkpad19:48
mccalthough i don't know how many of my problems are hardware related19:48
cbreakthis is probably some ubuntu weirdness19:48
cbreakcan't imagine HW being the cause19:48
* cbreak isn't super imaginative though19:48
mccokay. "progress", i guess…19:49
mcci ran sudo /usr/sbin/gdm3 after running that reinstall command19:49
mccnow the laptop is locked up fully19:49
mccno keyboard, no vterms, no ctrl-c19:49
mccwhich is … i guess … different …19:50
JanCit might be caused by a specific combination of circumstances that common enough to have multiple users report it but not common enough to easily reproduce & fix it...   :-/19:50
mccwell the initial problems i had seemed to be related to any amd video card19:50
mccand many people reported it, there is a very busy bug on launchpad19:50
mccsimilarly i find a copy of my current mystery bug on launchpad…19:50
mccAh! Wonderful ! that fixed it!19:51
mccI will be posting on launchpad later i guess19:52
mccthank you so much for the assistance19:52
mcci am still not used to Systemd World19:52
JanCit seems like under certain circumstances 'ubuntu-session' gets removed19:52
JanCthat's one reason why I always check what an upgrade will do  :)19:52
cbreakit's one reason I have root-on-zfs with snapshots :)19:54
cbreak(and no, this isn't something for everyone)19:54
mcclooks like it wasn't the auto update, this just… happens.. anytime you apt install fuse19:55
mcclike the auto update was unrelated, i installed fuse a couple hours ago, because i needed fuse, and apparently that set a time bomb that was going to go off the next time i entered gdmn19:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1717878 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3/gdm-session-worker crashed with SIGTRAP logging 'GdmSession: no session desktop files installed, aborting...' from get_fallback_session_name from get_default_session_name from get_session_name from get_session_filename from gdm_session_is_wayland_session" [Medium, Triaged]19:55
mcci have some more questions, specifically why apt-get now wants to autoremove "xwayland" (which sounds very bad), but I will ask them later19:57
JanCare you sure you needed fuse (and not fuse3)?19:58
mccI do not know the difference.19:58
mccI needed to run an appimage. The instructions I saw say that appimages require fuse.19:59
JanCit seems like installing 'fuse' (FUSE v2.x) removes 'fuse3' (FUSE v3.x)19:59
mccWould that affect gdm3 somehow?19:59
cbreakif gdm3 has fuse3 as dependency, it might get removed along20:00
mccalso that's… very bad… for apt to do without a warning i feel like D:20:00
cbreakit probably warns, but with all the output apt has probably not in any way that's easily spotted :(20:00
JanCthat's why APT (by default) gives you the chance to check before executing a change  :)20:01
JanCI don't think fuse3 is a hard dependency of gdm3, but maybe it needs it in some circumstances/configurations...?20:06
JanCseems like gnome-control-center & gvfs-fuse need fuse320:07
mccIf I say apt-get install fuse, I would expect that would install the newest version of fuse, not downgrade fuse.20:14
mccI don't look at the "installing/uninstalling!" lines when I apt install. Maybe I should, but apt has trained me not to. But if I had looked, I would have seen it was uninstalling fuse3 and I'd have assumed it was *upgrading* fuse, presumably to a hypothetical fuse 4, not downgrading it. I don't know what the current version of fuse is & wouldn't expect knowing about system libraries to the extent you know about fuse 2 vs fuse 3 required20:16
mccJust my opinion… D:20:16
JanCthe 'fuse' package contains v2.x, 'fuse3' contains the latest version, and when it is installed (which it is by default) it "provides" 'fuse', so such a downgrade should only happen if another package explicitly says it needs 'fuse' 2.xx20:17
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JanCwell, maybe you said you explicitly wanted 'fuse' instead of 'fuse3' and that's what happened...20:18
JanCI'm not sure why the old 'fuse' package is still needed to be honest... maybe there is something that doesn't work with the newer version?20:20
mccjanc, yes, i understand why it happened now. however, i did not at the time. i said I wanted "fuse", just fuse. it makes sense to me that old packages could be available somewhere in the repo for unusual purposes but not that an unusual (and, apparently, system-breaking) version of an old package would be installed as the *default* if you do not request a version.20:23
mccif i already had fuse 3, i definitely wouldn't want to downgrade to fuse 2. but it wouldn't have occurred to me that's something i need to keep an eye out for. :(20:23
JanCthat's not what happens20:24
JanCfuse3 is the default, and is installed by default20:24
mccwhen i told it to install fuse, i was simply trying to confirm i already had fuse.20:24
mccas an end user, i would not agree i ought to maintain a mental distinction between "fuse" and "fuse3".20:25
cbreakit's stupid naming20:27
cbreaksame with python :(20:27
JanCpackage names are often historical artifacts20:28
JanCmcc: did anything tell you to install the 'fuse' package explicitly? you might want to warn them...20:32
JanCmcc: maybe next time you need something as a dependency use "apt satisfy" instead (no guarantee that that will never break anything, but it would have prevented the problem in this case at least)20:53
Menzador`sudo apt policy fuse` would also tell you21:09
MenzadorAnd the same command with s/fuse/fuse3/21:10
JanCyou should run that without 'sudo'!21:10
JanCand that assumes you are aware that both exist21:10
MenzadorOh it doesn't need sudo to run for that21:10
JanCnothing that just queries the APT database does21:11
MenzadorAh ok. 12 years of having some sort of Ubuntu system and...21:11
JanCwould be nice if 'apt' would just ask for a password when needed21:13
JanC(basically re-run itself with sudo or a similar tool when the command needs it)21:14
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mojordoctor sleep22:45
taylor_Hello, I am hoping that I got a notification sound working, would someone mind posting a response?23:11
toddctaylor_: sound23:12
taylor_guess not.23:12
toddctaylor_: no sound for you23:13
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joeknAnybody having issues with multiple monitor setup through docking station on laptop with lid closed using NVIDIA drivers.  I resolved the issue, then had to reinstall ubuntu, forgot what I did and pretty much wasted a lot of time getting it to work again.  It is pretty finnicky a restart has to be done without my docking station plugged in, fully boot, then plug in the docking station, then the 4th monitor through hdmi23:56
joekndirectly to montor - check refresh rates in the display settings (2 monitors 2k, 2 monitors 1080p) and everything works, but it kind of a shitshow - made my own help doc to follow now but know I have some errors hitting my log just tired of messing with it23:56
joeknAnybody have similar experience?23:56

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