Kadigan | (and also works somewhat better on Server offerings) | 00:00 |
en1gma | every 30 seconds it tells me theres no net and it has a hickup in the hotspot because without lan cable plugged in the hotspot shouldnt even work. when you turn it off you cant turn it back on | 00:00 |
en1gma | i was thinking about installing ubuntu server since i dont game | 00:00 |
en1gma | well not very much | 00:00 |
Kadigan | The only real diff between Desktop and Server is the packages it installs; Server doesn't set up graphics for one, if memory serves | 00:01 |
Kadigan | so prepare for a command line to welcome you ;) | 00:01 |
en1gma | i was headless on a couple of my RPI'3bs | 00:01 |
en1gma | i like it in the cli. even windows powershell is like terminal in linux | 00:01 |
en1gma | it does ls commands and alot of stuff | 00:01 |
Kadigan | I like it there too. If you insisted on configuring all this via the GUI, I wouldn't have been able to help you. xD | 00:02 |
en1gma | but not like the real thing | 00:02 |
Kadigan | I don't even know Ubuntu. I'm a Debian gnome. | 00:02 |
en1gma | yep yep. thanks again. i was almost going to switch to debian after i learned snaps are now intergrated into ubuntu | 00:02 |
Kadigan | But like any girl that's ever dated brothers before will tell you - | 00:02 |
Kadigan | what works on one, PROBABLY works on the other. xD | 00:03 |
en1gma | like you cant uninstall some without breaking something so i read somewhere they make a version of ubuntu without snaps | 00:03 |
en1gma | lol | 00:03 |
en1gma | true | 00:03 |
en1gma | ok let me get this good info into a txt file and take some pics so i dont lose it in during my reboot. | 00:04 |
en1gma | i still do need to test adb over the pc hotspot to make sure that works too. | 00:04 |
en1gma | i should do that now before i reboot for and make partition in windows 11 diskmanagement for ubuntu real install. | 00:04 |
cryptonector | where do pkgs like oem-sutton-akando-meta come from? | 00:05 |
Kadigan | Would "You see, if a Package Maintainer and the Packager love each other very much..." be too much? xD | 00:06 |
Kadigan | ugh | 00:07 |
Kadigan | it's 1 AM | 00:07 |
Kadigan | I'll shut up now. | 00:07 |
cryptonector | Kadigan: at least that's funny | 00:07 |
Kadigan | That's what I was aiming for, because I honestly can't help with that one. Apologies. | 00:08 |
Kadigan | Good luck with it tho'. | 00:09 |
en1gma | Kadigan you left yet? | 00:46 |
en1gma | i think non tcp traffic is getting through | 00:47 |
Kadigan | ? | 00:47 |
en1gma | maybe. i not sure yet | 00:47 |
Kadigan | Disabling forwarding should take care of *all* traffic tho'. | 00:47 |
en1gma | sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 ok. i might just be seeing other stuff while watching that hotspot/wifi interface with wireshark | 00:48 |
en1gma | im going to move the tv off that hotspot and try with a phone and see what happens | 00:49 |
en1gma | i was "trying" to use the tv by connecting to the hotspot and going to youtube which it doesnt do successfully but i see some stuff but not important | 00:49 |
Kadigan | It might be better to actually put it together from blocks (like hostapd) instead of relying on the program to do it "automagically". It's a bit more involved, but then you at least know that whatever it's doing is ALL it's doing. | 00:49 |
en1gma | when i check the tv in the settings for wifi connection it says "connected to internet" | 00:50 |
Kadigan | That may not mean much. | 00:50 |
en1gma | yea i think your right. its lying :) | 00:50 |
Kadigan | I mean, Windows actually *checks* against remote targets under Microsoft's control. | 00:50 |
Kadigan | As for other solutions - don't really know. | 00:51 |
en1gma | i had the wireshark interface option with promiscuous mode checked on so i think it was treating it as a regular non connected wifi iface | 00:52 |
en1gma | i unchecked it and took tv off so gonna recheck with a phone and see what happens. | 00:52 |
en1gma | one of the phones dont even see the AP | 00:55 |
en1gma | the phones cant connect. wireshark might have did something to it when it was selected in promiscuous mode. | 01:00 |
en1gma | gonna turn it off and back on and check that command you gave me | 01:00 |
en1gma | yea it not letting phones even connect to it. hmmmm | 01:09 |
en1gma | crap. | 01:15 |
en1gma | 1 phone dont even see the AP and one phone sees it but cant join | 01:15 |
en1gma | i gonna turn it off and on. get some sleep. its all good | 01:15 |
en1gma | probably just going to boot back into windows for the night and use router like i was. it did work but switching wifi networks for internet or phone was a little pita but it did work. | 01:31 |
en1gma | ok bye everyone for now | 01:31 |
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enigma9o7 | does anyone know what cuda is in relation to using nouveau instead of nvidia proprietary, and if I'm supposed to install anything? I ask cuz I read on https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/CodeNames.html under Tesla it has a link titled "CUDA" to github but its dead. | 02:38 |
rbox | cuda is a library like opencl for doing math on the gpu | 02:39 |
enigma9o7 | I manually installed the firmware from nvidia-340 following instructions on there, which made vaapi and vdpau work.... | 02:39 |
enigma9o7 | so I assume installing the cuda library will improve performance some way, and not having it is a bad thing? | 02:40 |
rbox | no | 02:40 |
enigma9o7 | No further elaboration? Is it packaged for ubuntu, or if I want it enabled do you know how I do that? | 02:42 |
rbox | its only for softwar ethats written for it | 02:43 |
rbox | its not a general thing | 02:43 |
enigma9o7 | well i mean the same thing applies for the vdpau/vaapi right? only used by certain software thats written for it.... like video players.... | 02:44 |
enigma9o7 | and i had to install that firmware manually cuz not packaged for ubuntu | 02:44 |
enigma9o7 | at least not that i could figure out | 02:44 |
enigma9o7 | I followed the instructions on https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/VideoAcceleration.html under the section if your distro doesnt have it packaged (substituting the nvidia-340.108 driver instead of the older one they used) | 02:46 |
enigma9o7 | which has me manually put files in /lib/firmware/nouveau | 02:47 |
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enigma9o7 | i see ubuntu has nvidia-compute-xxx packaged for propreitary driver, but dont know how to install it for nouveau | 03:06 |
enigma9o7 | errr nvidia-compute-utils-xxx | 03:07 |
toddc | !nvidia | enigma9o7 | 03:07 |
ubottu | enigma9o7: Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers | 03:07 |
enigma9o7 | Hmmmm well that bot info you triggered seems to sugguest only use nouveau if CUDA (and a couple other things) are not needed. Although its worded weird. | 03:26 |
enigma9o7 | My question is *how* to enable cuda on nouveau. I'm assuming its a manual procedure, similar to what I had to do to enable hardware video decoding. | 03:26 |
enigma9o7 | And the nouveau website seems to imply its possible, but its unclear, cuz their link is dead. | 03:26 |
enigma9o7 | and from waht I looked up after rbox said its only for certain apps, it seems those apps include matlab and CAD apps | 03:27 |
circle | Hi need help troubleshooting resume from suspend on a Ubuntu 220403 install on an old Thinkpad W530. It appears to suspend but resumes into a blank screen or one with a blinking cursor. | 03:28 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 220403 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "no more new mail notifications : system beep replaced the usual sound and no 'envelope' in notification area" [Low, Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220403 | 03:28 | |
toddc | enigma9o7: nouveau is opren source written by the comunnity vs cuda and nvidia drivers are written by Nvidia totally separate cuda should only work with nvidia and since they wrote the software it is very hard to support it or even know hoe they work | 03:31 |
groovy | can someone explain why my bash terminal keeps giving me python errors when i try to run bash commands | 03:32 |
enigma9o7 | give an example groovy | 03:32 |
enigma9o7 | command and output | 03:32 |
groovy | ok let's say i run something like ls with invalid options | 03:33 |
groovy | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1PK8eTOY/ | 03:33 |
enigma9o7 | it seems you have removed some stuff | 03:34 |
groovy | this also happened when i tried running apt-get update | 03:34 |
enigma9o7 | in the standard packages, it includes things like bash-completion and stuff that depend on python | 03:34 |
groovy | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ZsIvYGOd/ | 03:34 |
rbox | looks like your systme is pretty corrupt | 03:34 |
rbox | lol | 03:34 |
enigma9o7 | command-not-found is another one of those things that uses python from standard utils | 03:34 |
rbox | except it shoudln't be triggering from ls | 03:35 |
rbox | lol | 03:35 |
rbox | oh, its trigggering from runnig 'h' | 03:35 |
rbox | lol | 03:35 |
enigma9o7 | this shouldn't have happened tho, unless you did it yourself groovy. were you messing with any files outside your home? | 03:36 |
enigma9o7 | (i.e. with sudo) | 03:36 |
groovy | not that i recall | 03:36 |
enigma9o7 | weird. | 03:36 |
rbox | well a system doetns break itself lke that | 03:36 |
groovy | this is just a vm i use to ssh to my raspi and also i use it occasionally for CTF tools | 03:36 |
rbox | well sonds like you deleted or corrupted something | 03:37 |
groovy | i use sudo to install packages but i don't really delete things besides like temporary things i'm working on in my home directory like txt files etc | 03:37 |
enigma9o7 | did you install anything from outside ubuntu? in particular python related? | 03:38 |
enigma9o7 | do you have a previou ssnapshot you can revert to? seems easier than troubleshooting this for a VM | 03:38 |
groovy | no | 03:38 |
groovy | to the snapshot | 03:38 |
enigma9o7 | I would try some fancy command to reinstall the standard system utils. Lmeee see if I can figure one out for ya. | 03:39 |
enigma9o7 | if apt will even run | 03:39 |
enigma9o7 | if it wont, even harder. | 03:39 |
groovy | update won't work today but i've managed to use apt to install a couple things earlier | 03:40 |
enigma9o7 | sudo apt install ~pstandard ~prequired ~pimportant | 03:40 |
enigma9o7 | sudo apt install --reinstall ~pstandard ~prequired ~pimportant | 03:40 |
groovy | enigma9o7: do i include the ~ ? | 03:42 |
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enigma9o7 | yes | 03:43 |
enigma9o7 | the second command, with reinstall. it'll just reinstall all packages with prioirty standard, required, and important | 03:43 |
groovy | says it doesn't recognize the short pattern | 03:44 |
enigma9o7 | command-not-found and python3 are in standard, so should perhaps help? fingers crossed anyway. | 03:44 |
enigma9o7 | Hmmm sorry, dunno then. | 03:44 |
groovy | rip | 03:44 |
groovy | ok thanks for the help | 03:44 |
circle | groovy: open a new terminal and see if the new one works better. Maybe it is just the one terminal where you have inadvertently messed up the environmental variables. | 03:45 |
groovy | circle: nah it's been like this for a week or two now unfortunately | 03:47 |
circle | have you tried using the virtual terminals via say Cntl-Alt-F3 | 03:48 |
groovy | uh no when i press those keys nothing happens. i said vm but i guess that's probably wrong/inaccurate it's a WSL instance | 03:50 |
circle | My connection may time out; if so I'll ask my resume question again later. | 03:51 |
cryptonector | I've got a 22.04 LTS install, and also I've got pkgs for a newer kernel, but I don't get a choice for it in the grub menu | 04:47 |
cryptonector | how would I get the grub menu updated to use the newer kernel? | 04:47 |
arraybolt3 | sudo update-grub | 04:48 |
arraybolt3 | cryptonector: ^ should do it | 04:48 |
cryptonector | arraybolt3: thx! trying... | 04:48 |
cryptonector | and how do you pick one version or another? | 04:48 |
arraybolt3 | like make grub always show the menu? | 04:49 |
cryptonector | no, like make one version default -- I might have lots of versions | 04:50 |
arraybolt3 | usually the latest one will always be booted (if I'm understanding correctly) | 04:50 |
arraybolt3 | that being said if you want to pin one version, try modifying the GRUB_DEFAULT variable in /etc/default/grub | 04:50 |
arraybolt3 | then run `sudo update-grub` again | 04:50 |
arraybolt3 | you'll want to look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see exactly what to set GRUB_DEFAULT to | 04:52 |
cryptonector | oh, /boot/grub/grub.cfg doesn't have entries for the newer kernels, I see | 04:52 |
arraybolt3 | /boot/grub/grub.cfg is usually autogenerated by update-grub | 04:52 |
arraybolt3 | so you'd want to run sudo update-grub once to get the newer kernel recognized, then look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see what the menu entries are named, then modify GRUB_DEFAULT to set the entry you want to always boot into and then run sudo update-grub once more. | 04:53 |
cryptonector | what writes new kernels into /boot? | 04:53 |
arraybolt3 | The apt packages that you install. | 04:53 |
cryptonector | oh crap, that's what happened | 04:53 |
arraybolt3 | if you install a linux-image package, that puts a kernel image in /boot. | 04:53 |
arraybolt3 | cryptonector: you installed a kernel some other way? | 04:54 |
arraybolt3 | (I'm guessing you probably built one from source and are now trying to boot into it.) | 04:54 |
arraybolt3 | Really if you're experimenting with kernels, I'd highly recommend NOT pinning a kernel version and instead making the GRUB menu always display so you can pick one each time you boot. | 04:54 |
arraybolt3 | Might help you avoid a sticky situation since getting the GRUB menu to show up when something's broken can be difficult sometimes. | 04:55 |
cryptonector | no, I installed Ubuntu 22.04 w/ ZFS on root on an external drive, and then I mounted everything (except the boot pool), chrooted, and did the various apt commands | 04:55 |
arraybolt3 | oh, that makes sense. | 04:55 |
cryptonector | so the issue is that the apt commands that installed kernels didn't do it in the right place, argh | 04:55 |
arraybolt3 | yeah, you'd need to mount boot first. | 04:55 |
cryptonector | so now I get to figure out how to fix that | 04:55 |
arraybolt3 | Currently the kernels are "hidden" inside a /boot that is then masked by the "real" /boot when it gets mounted | 04:55 |
cryptonector | what would I do to get pkgs reinstalled? | 04:56 |
arraybolt3 | cryptonector: in my experience using reinstall can be flaky - what I'd do is get the system into the same setup it was in when you installed wrong. | 04:56 |
arraybolt3 | Then uninstall the exact kernel packages. | 04:56 |
arraybolt3 | Then mount the /boot pool, and then install them from scratch. | 04:56 |
arraybolt3 | The kernel packages may be tricky to find, but there's generally four or five of them per kernel - linux-image-something, linux-modules-something, linux-modules-extra-something, linux-headers-something, and sometimes linux-tools-something. | 04:57 |
arraybolt3 | (where "something" is some version and type information) | 04:57 |
arraybolt3 | you might be able to get away with just uninstalling and reinstalling the linux-image-something package though, I think it's the only thing that puts anything in /boot. | 04:58 |
cryptonector | trying reinstall | 04:59 |
cryptonector | I bet this fixes it all | 04:59 |
arraybolt3 | just make sure to check the contents of /boot (from the boot pool) to be sure it worked before you boot back into the installed system | 04:59 |
cryptonector | so to add a bit more bg the OEM install wants a later kernel than stock 22.04 LTS | 05:01 |
cryptonector | so the only kernel that I had installe properly was the stock one | 05:01 |
cryptonector | after that I stopped mounting the bpool when I was futzing with all this | 05:02 |
cryptonector | no wonder I couldn't get devices to work | 05:02 |
cryptonector | now I just have to update grub one more time, I think | 05:03 |
cryptonector | oh, reinstall didn't do it | 05:05 |
arraybolt3 | yeah that's what I was talking about earlier, reinstall is weird | 05:08 |
cryptonector | that did it! | 05:13 |
cryptonector | I have wifi and shit | 05:13 |
cryptonector | arraybolt3: thank you! you haz given me the clues | 05:13 |
arraybolt3 | cryptonector: Glad to help! :) | 05:16 |
arraybolt3 | LXD question - I've followed the instructions at https://canonical.com/blog/mounting-your-home-directory-in-lxd so I can access my home directory from within an LXD container. This works - I can read and write files in my home dir from within the container. However, for some strange reason, permissions are messed up when I write a file from within | 06:25 |
arraybolt3 | LXD. The container will see the file as being owned by uid 0 (root), whereas my main system will see the file as being owned by uid 1000000 (UNKNOWN). I can chown the file to any user I want from within LXC and it will show up in the main system as being owned by the same uid + 1000000. However, if I chown the file to 1000 from within LXC, then it | 06:25 |
arraybolt3 | shows up as owned by uid 1000 (my main user) from outside the container. | 06:25 |
arraybolt3 | I'm guessing this "add 1000000 to the UID" thing is a security measure, but is there some way to make it so that any files I write from within LXD are seen as owned by uid 1000? | 06:26 |
circle | Hi need help troubleshooting resume from suspend on a Ubuntu 220403 install on an old Thinkpad W530. It appears to suspend but resumes into a blank screen or one with a blinking cursor. Any ideas? | 06:45 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 220403 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "no more new mail notifications : system beep replaced the usual sound and no 'envelope' in notification area" [Low, Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220403 | 06:46 | |
mizuki | it I done connect? | 06:47 |
arraybolt3 | mizuki: I can see you | 07:12 |
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arraybolt3 | (re: it I done connect?) | 07:13 |
riloox | hey | 07:14 |
mizuki | こんにちは | 07:15 |
arraybolt3 | !english |mizuki | 07:21 |
ubottu | mizuki: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 07:21 |
Guest69 | Hi Team, I posed this question yesterday in ask Ubuntu SE forum, didn't get much help there so far so posting the link of that question here, if anyone could shed some light, much appreciated.. | 07:55 |
Guest69 | https://askubuntu.com/questions/1494349/ubuntu-22-04-iptables-command-not-working | 07:55 |
marcopolo1 | If i use ubuntu installet and press erase disk on a nvme it will erase it properly right | 07:56 |
CosmicDJ | define properly | 07:57 |
Guest69 | CosmicDJ my question? | 07:57 |
CosmicDJ | no marcopolo1 q | 07:58 |
Guest69 | okay | 07:58 |
CosmicDJ | Guest69: did you try using ufw instead of iptables directly? | 07:58 |
rfm | marcopolo1, it will certainly reformat it, but that's not a security erase, presumably James Bond villains could find remnants on the empty sectors.. | 07:58 |
Guest69 | yes, ufw also not working, I finally removed it just to avoid conflict with nftables | 07:59 |
Guest69 | CosmicDJ | 07:59 |
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Guest69 | CosmicDJ any luck mate? | 08:34 |
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Guest69 | am just checking here to see, did I miss anything or sort of... | 08:35 |
pagios | how can i list the depencies of a given package installed by apt | 09:10 |
ice9 | how to configure netplan to use random MAC by default for wifi and ethernet? | 09:23 |
guiverc | pagios, `apt depends` will list some package rules; the *depends* lines being requirements | 09:51 |
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iomari891 | greetings, pm2.root service fails to start every boot. | 12:23 |
alocer | What is that iomari891 | 12:24 |
alocer | iomari891: is that from unitech? | 12:26 |
alocer | iomari891: nodejs production manager with load balancer, right? | 12:26 |
lenswipe | just noticed that postfix is not only installed on my ubuntu box but actively listening on port 25 | 12:32 |
lenswipe | I plan to _un_ install it, but was curious to know if it's required by something | 12:32 |
lenswipe | I can't imagine it would be...but wanted to check | 12:32 |
centHOGG | idk, maybe older progs | 12:33 |
centHOGG | admin | 12:33 |
lenswipe | the only thing i have installed that's even remotely related to SMTP is thunderbird for connecting to my work email | 12:33 |
lenswipe | but I wouldn't have thought that would need an SMTP server | 12:33 |
centHOGG | yeah | 12:33 |
lenswipe | i mean, it does...but not installed locally | 12:33 |
lenswipe | right? | 12:33 |
centHOGG | the only thing that nags me for postfix (only once) is webmin | 12:34 |
centHOGG | so i'm thinking maybe an admin prog | 12:34 |
lenswipe | yeah. haven't used webmin in years | 12:34 |
centHOGG | heheh | 12:34 |
centHOGG | <old | 12:34 |
lenswipe | lol | 12:34 |
lenswipe | hopefully you don't have webmin open to the internet | 12:35 |
centHOGG | nah | 12:35 |
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Guest8167 | a | 13:06 |
hwpplayer1 | hi there ! | 13:07 |
hwpplayer1 | I installed Qt Creator via Qt Online Installer(Open Source version). But Only maintain tool runs and I can open it. But I can't open Qt Creator. | 13:08 |
mildkurry | Anyone know a good backup tool for desktops? I am dual booting mint and windows and want to reformat, removing windows, but keep my custom settings and configurations. Not sure how good the builtin backup tool is. | 13:15 |
centHOGG | clonezilla | 13:16 |
leftyfb | !mint | mildkurry | 13:17 |
ubottu | mildkurry: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/ | 13:17 |
mildkurry | Thank you both for the feedback. | 13:18 |
hwpplayer1 | https://forum.qt.io/topic/126731/what-is-this-warning/4 I can run Qt Creator now Thanks happy hacking ! | 13:23 |
jlrg | hello | 13:25 |
jlrg | hello | 13:26 |
jscript_ | does ndk 25 installer support cmake | 13:36 |
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BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:41 |
jailbreak | Hi BluesKaj how can we help? (again) | 13:44 |
centHOGG | bot | 13:44 |
BluesKaj | you can't jailbreak ...I have no issues | 13:44 |
jailbreak | BluesKaj: just the "hi all" normally follows an issue *with Ubuntu* | 13:46 |
MadLamb | I am trying to upgrade ubuntu from 23.04 to 23.10.... I get an error "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. " and "* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu Please use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge package to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and try the upgrade again." | 13:47 |
jailbreak | MadLamb: did you do as said? | 13:47 |
MadLamb | I checked the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and I could see some error lines about packages having no priority set | 13:47 |
MadLamb | I tried to remove such packages, but they cant be found. For example "Package 'mssql-tools' is not installed, so not removed" | 13:48 |
centHOGG | sudo apt-get install -f | 13:49 |
MadLamb | centHOGG: Are you speaking to me? Do you mean I should install such packages to them remove them? | 13:50 |
centHOGG | nah, thats a do-over command | 13:50 |
centHOGG | start clean | 13:50 |
MadLamb | I don't follow | 13:52 |
centHOGG | it will tell you where you stand as far as installing | 13:52 |
centHOGG | then you can proceed | 13:52 |
MadLamb | centHOGG: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 13:53 |
centHOGG | kk | 13:53 |
centHOGG | alright, this rig was working a-ok before upgrading? no issues? | 13:53 |
MadLamb | yes, all good | 13:54 |
MadLamb | It doesnt really start the upgrade, it tries and reverts | 13:54 |
centHOGG | alright. where u trying to upgrade thru cmd line or gui interface? | 13:54 |
MadLamb | I got the warning but nothing was happening, so I went with "do-release-upgrade" | 13:54 |
centHOGG | yeah | 13:54 |
centHOGG | i'd say restart and try cmd line terminal upgrade | 13:55 |
MadLamb | I tried that already, several times | 13:56 |
centHOGG | ok | 13:56 |
centHOGG | hmm | 13:56 |
centHOGG | what is holding it back | 13:56 |
MadLamb | 2023-11-30 14:40:18,062 ERROR Package azcmagent has no priority set | 13:56 |
centHOGG | idk that one | 13:56 |
MadLamb | that is in the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | 13:57 |
centHOGG | what did the internet say? | 13:57 |
MadLamb | 2023-11-30 14:40:20,151 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.' | 13:57 |
centHOGG | yeah | 13:57 |
centHOGG | not much you can do about that | 13:57 |
centHOGG | broken packages | 13:57 |
MadLamb | centHOGG: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1238620/i-was-unable-to-update-to-ubuntu-20-from-ubuntu-18-04 | 13:58 |
MadLamb | same thing | 13:58 |
centHOGG | except wait till unbroken | 13:58 |
MadLamb | lol | 13:58 |
MadLamb | removing them was a good idea I thing, but when I try it says they are not installed | 13:58 |
centHOGG | well ok, so any 3rd party stuff installed? | 13:59 |
MadLamb | yes | 13:59 |
centHOGG | drivers? | 13:59 |
MadLamb | but I also unchecked all the custom software sources | 13:59 |
BluesKaj | jailbreak, I've been here for over 15 yrs .. most members here know my greeting by now | 14:00 |
centHOGG | https://askubuntu.com/questions/525088/how-to-delete-broken-packages-in-ubuntu | 14:00 |
centHOGG | check that out for a bit | 14:00 |
F3D0R4 | hi gus | 14:03 |
F3D0R4 | can i ask? | 14:03 |
F3D0R4 | guys? | 14:04 |
leftyfb | !ask | F3D0R4 | 14:04 |
ubottu | F3D0R4: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:04 |
F3D0R4 | anyone know's KR1LL1N? | 14:04 |
leftyfb | !ot | F3D0R4 | 14:04 |
ubottu | F3D0R4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:04 |
F3D0R4 | KR1LL1N IS GOD OF UBUNTU | 14:04 |
F3D0R4 | u know? | 14:04 |
F3D0R4 | i need him | 14:04 |
leftyfb | F3D0R4: trolling is offtopic here | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | WHO FUCKING R U> | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | ? | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | ? | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | ? | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | tell me | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | who are you | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | don't command me bitch | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | leftyfb | 14:05 |
F3D0R4 | listen me | 14:06 |
F3D0R4 | i don't want ur command | 14:06 |
F3D0R4 | UNDERSTOOD? | 14:06 |
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk | ||
Guest26 | Hello | 14:31 |
lotuspsychje | welcome Guest26 | 14:32 |
Guest26 | Thank you. | 14:32 |
Yakov | i've sent my 1.desktop file to .local/share/applications | 15:09 |
Yakov | how to put it to favorites panel? | 15:09 |
JordiGH | I'm trying gnome-tweaks for using both ctrl keys to switch layouts in gnome shell, but it doesn't seem to be taking hold. Does gnome shell use a keyboard layout switcher distinct from whatever gnome tweaks is trying to set? | 15:17 |
CosmicDJ | Yakov: you just drag the app icon from all applications to the gnome dash/dock? | 15:17 |
Yakov | where can I find this channel logs | 15:18 |
Yakov | I have my answer but It lost | 15:18 |
CosmicDJ | Yakov: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | 15:22 |
Yakov | is there a search? | 15:22 |
Yakov | by name or something like that? | 15:23 |
Yakov | another question: can you print history (terminal command) with date? | 15:24 |
CosmicDJ | Yakov: you need to set HISTTIMEFORMAT for that (if you're using bash) | 15:26 |
Yakov | can you pls guide me :) | 15:26 |
CosmicDJ | Yakov: pretty sure you'll find smth with google; I don't use HISTTIMEFORMAT | 15:27 |
Yakov | export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %H:%M " worked, thank you | 15:29 |
jailbreak | BluesKaj: no you haven't been here for 15 years lol this server hasn't been around 3 years so........ | 15:31 |
jailbreak | Just weird why you're greeting a support channel when you don't need *support* BluesKaj but you do you. Won't say no more. Bye. | 15:32 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | jailbreak | 15:33 |
ubottu | jailbreak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 15:33 |
jailbreak | lotuspsychje: yes, I know. Maybe need to tell BluesKaj that too. | 15:33 |
BluesKaj | jailbreak, I was here when this chat was on the Freenode server | 15:35 |
CosmicDJ | jailbreak: most channels migrated from freenode (which has been around since 1998) to libera... but that's OT too | 15:35 |
jailbreak | BluesKaj: cool story. But still not been here 15 years lol no one has. | 15:36 |
JordiGH | halp halp how to change keyboard layouts | 15:36 |
Yakov | BluesKaj, omg | 15:36 |
jailbreak | CosmicDJ: yeah..... | 15:36 |
Yakov | BluesKaj, i ve been in quakenet since 2003 | 15:37 |
jailbreak | Watch, they'll !ot you in a minute Yakov | 15:37 |
jailbreak | Bye XD | 15:38 |
JordiGH | I've been in Dalnet and Undernet since 1997. Do I qualify for help with changing keyboard layouts? | 15:38 |
jscript_ | hmmm start-stop-daemon: unable to stat /usr/libexec/polkitd (No such file or directory) | 15:48 |
jscript_ | error: Unable to connect to system bus | 15:48 |
jscript_ | how do i fix this? im trying to install flatpak | 15:48 |
jscript_ | in docker ubuntu 23.10 | 15:49 |
jscript_ | i tried installing systemd but i get /lib/sysvinit not found | 16:05 |
jscript_ | also apt-file search /usr/libexec/polkitd returns nothing and /usr/libexec/polkitd does not exist after installing polkitd | 16:07 |
leftyfb | jscript_: docker containers aren't going to have any of that. I would not recommend trying to install flatpak in a docker container | 16:10 |
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk | ||
tekisui | hello | 16:24 |
tekisui | is it easy to create a bootloader for ubuntu touch on an android based phone ? | 16:25 |
Yakov83 | how to make stackoverflow dark on Ubuntu/Firefox | 16:27 |
xangua | Yakov83: if the site doesn't provide a dark theme then you'll have to use an add-on like Dark Reader | 16:28 |
ogra | or turn the lights in your office up that far that the site appears dark on screen 🙂 | 16:32 |
=== zofrex2 is now known as zofrex | ||
aspkr | https://paste.debian.net/1299732/ | 16:59 |
aspkr | booting from loopback of a 18.04 system from a 14.04 system. work great, but grub-probe is failing me for finding /ROOT/debian_18.04.img | 17:00 |
aspkr | could i get any grub advice on that pastebin? | 17:01 |
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk | ||
aspkr | i know that 14.04 and 18.04 are off-scale low for supported versions, but 14, 18, and 20 are all grub2 systems? | 17:09 |
aspkr | i'm blocked at apt upgrade on the running 18.04 system booted from the 14.04 grub install | 17:10 |
leftyfb | aspkr: very version you mentioned is EOL and unsupported except for 20.04 | 17:37 |
aspkr_ | leftyfb: i had mentioned that, hoping i could get pointers as they are all still grub2 systems. | 17:39 |
leftyfb | aspkr_: sorry, 18.04 and 14.04 are unsupported here | 17:40 |
Linuxkernel94 | Hi, I saw that currently there are lot of wine snaps, can we create a Photoshop snap for example? | 17:49 |
Linuxkernel94 | Hello.... | 17:52 |
leftyfb | Linuxkernel94: you are free to create whatever snaps you like | 17:54 |
Linuxkernel94 | but is it legal to create a Photoshop snap? | 17:54 |
leftyfb | depends on what country. This also isn't an Ubuntu support issue | 17:55 |
leftyfb | !ot | Linuxkernel94 | 17:55 |
ubottu | Linuxkernel94: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:55 |
Linuxkernel94 | It's just an idea | 17:55 |
Linuxkernel94 | lot of apps that are currently not supported in Ubuntu could be ported as snaps | 17:55 |
Linuxkernel94 | like the current notepad++ | 17:56 |
Linuxkernel94 | which is on snap | 17:56 |
xangua | I believe notepad++ is free software | 18:05 |
=== ericus8 is now known as ericus | ||
AngryTom | lunatic | 18:55 |
AngryTom | huppala | 18:55 |
AngryTom | disregard that | 18:55 |
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop | ||
Yakov | if I've put my .desktop file to .local directory, how to set this app to favorites ? I have done this before using hints from chat, but can not find in history | 19:21 |
leftyfb | you drag the icon for it from the menu or actions screen over to where you want it on the dock | 19:22 |
Yakov | hi leftyfb, oh yes | 19:22 |
Yakov | i remember, i need to type the name using start button smth like that | 19:23 |
Yakov | can't drag it, dunno why | 19:23 |
leftyfb | open it | 19:24 |
leftyfb | when the icon shows in your dock, right-click the icon in the dock | 19:25 |
Yakov | I have one copy on Desktop, one in .local, if I open it, it opens with sublime | 19:27 |
Yakov | leftyfb done tysm | 19:34 |
webchat23 | Hello. When I started the software updater on Ubuntu (20.04) it said updates are available. However, when I tried to install the updates, it didn't seem to download or install anything, instead jumping straight to (as I recall) "updating snap apps" and then (as I recall) stating that the computer needed to be restarted to complete the updates. Is | 19:43 |
webchat23 | this normal or is there something wrong with my computer? | 19:43 |
jscript_ | i cant figure out how to get systemd booting on github actions | 19:48 |
jscript_ | i can successfully boot it in host via sudo docker container create --user root --workdir /home/root --tmpfs /tmp --tty --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --privileged --security-opt apparmor:unconfined --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw --name git_local_ubuntu git_local_ubuntu:23.10 /sbin/init ; sudo docker container start git_local_ubuntu -i | 19:49 |
jscript_ | but doing the same in github actions gives Failed to create /init.scope control group: No such file or directory | 19:51 |
=== anderson- is now known as anderson | ||
jscript_ | whereas on host docker i get [ OK ] Created slice system-getty.slice - Slice /system/getty | 19:57 |
White_Cat | Hi friends | 20:00 |
White_Cat | I come from Greece | 20:00 |
White_Cat | It 's my first time here | 20:00 |
coz_ | excellemt White_Cat | 20:01 |
White_Cat | I would like to ask something about Secure Boot | 20:01 |
White_Cat | When I enable it, my WiFI card is not recognised | 20:02 |
White_Cat | Has anyone of you ever encountered such a problem? | 20:03 |
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop | ||
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop | ||
=== giampietro is now known as arciere | ||
pc | deneme | 21:55 |
Paris | Hey, i want to create a multi volume tar archive, but i need tar to ask me to continu before creating the next file of the multi volume (cause i'm tight on disc space), anyone knows how to do this? | 21:58 |
Paris | i found. tar ask interactively. ty. | 22:08 |
jscript_ | oh... bash: line 1: flatpak-builder: command not found | 22:18 |
jscript_ | sudo flatpak install -y flathub org.flatpak.Builder | 22:19 |
hamid | hello guys :) | 22:48 |
elias_a | Has someone bumped into a pre-built image file of 23.10? I'd like to test a few things with a system installed on USB drive. | 22:49 |
elias_a | 20.04 can be found here: https://phillw.net/isos/linux-tools/uefi-n-bios/?C=M;O=D | 22:51 |
elias_a | Just thought if someone has found 23.10 somewhere. | 22:51 |
=== hamid is now known as hamid86 | ||
aguitel | this is my fstab is correct ? https://paste.rs/zyvXx.txt | 23:44 |
toddc | aguitel: looks like it sudo nano /etc/fstab to edit if needed | 23:46 |
aguitel | toddc, wht means ? | 23:47 |
toddc | two drives sda5 root sdc1 is /home unusual but no reason it would not work fine | 23:50 |
aguitel | toddc, it woks | 23:52 |
aguitel | works | 23:52 |
aguitel | fine | 23:52 |
Bashing-om | aguitel: No swap ? | 23:53 |
aguitel | no swap | 23:53 |
aguitel | The system during installation generated the fstab file with all those parameters | 23:55 |
aguitel | sda5 is an ssd disk | 23:56 |
Bashing-om | aguitel: I did wonder about all those parameters :) | 23:57 |
aguitel | that's why my doubt | 23:57 |
Bashing-om | aguitel: The nomenclature "sda5" a == 1st drive with 5 as the fifth partition. | 23:58 |
=== hamid is now known as hamid86 |
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