
=== wsc3 is now known as gchound
loswedsededif you know how to transfer files from a redmi10c to a ubuntu 23.10, let me know. My ubuntu recognizes the android device, but no subdirectories00:16
toddcloswedseded: I transfer to/from my android --one connected you need to enable fil trandfer on the phone. the process varies depending on what version of andriod00:22
enigma9o7I have some questions about nouveau driver.  For one thing, how do I tell what version I'm using?  Is there any way to update it?  Is it just part of the kernel?00:32
toddc!nvidia | enigma9o700:33
ubottuenigma9o7: Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers00:33
enigma9o7I'm using old version of lubuntu 18.04.06LTS and hwe kernel and ELTS updates enabled, but that only gets me to kernel 5.4, and in this version, if I use Nouveau, I lock up about once every day or two (with error like "[117124.523533] nouveau 0000:01:00.0 DRM: GPU lockup - switching to software fbcon")00:34
enigma9o7However, if I use nvidia-340 all is well, but that's not supported in newer ubuntu versions, so thats why I'm still on old ubuntu.00:34
enigma9o7I've read lots of stuff on freedesktop.org, hours, not sure what you're referring to in particuldar todd.00:35
toddc18.06 is EOL consider upgrading00:36
enigma9o7Well exactly.00:36
enigma9o7That's why I'm asking these questions.00:36
enigma9o7I'm also wondering if newer ubuntu has newer nouveau, etc, perhaps its already fixed and doesnt lockup every day, and I could then upgrade.00:37
enigma9o7But if it's no better than what I have now, better to stick with older version where at least everything keeps working.00:37
rboxnewner ubunsu have newer kernels00:37
rboxnouveau is in the kernel00:37
enigma9o7And is nouveau in the kernel?  I asked that as first question....00:38
enigma9o7Ok thanks.00:38
Bashing-omenigma9o7: see in terminal: apt show xserver-xorg-video-nouveau .00:38
enigma9o7yeah i've read about that package, but i dont even ahve it installed.  (and currently using nouveau fine.... 3D works, etc)00:39
enigma9o7well it says thatst he one for 2D00:40
toddcnp what version and desktop do you plan to go to?   I have only one nvidia and hated to but installed nomodet then recommeded driver I am not on it so would need to go che3ck which I used but if you only need basic noueau shoud work if not switch to ..00:40
enigma9o7i do have libgl1-mesa-dri version 20.0.8 installed00:40
loswedsededis this the place to ask about ubuntu's hierarchy? I mean this must be the most popular open source desktop and notebook software ever created and maintained. A structure like this, to sustain the certification and standardization effort must need thousands of people and money.00:44
loswedsededyou provide updates constantly, android users can hope for regular updates for 2 to 4 times a year up to 4 years00:44
enigma9o7I'm sure there's stuff more popular than ubuntu.  vlc come sto mind.00:44
loswedsededvlc is not an os00:44
enigma9o7vlc is a media player00:45
loswedsededI still don't know if ubuntu has paid employees or runs exclusively on volunteers00:45
enigma9o7canoncial has lotsa paid volunteers00:45
enigma9o7million dollars company00:45
Yakovhow to make .desktop file to call script with alacritty, not gnome terminal?00:45
enigma9o7$175million last year00:46
enigma9o7yakov: put Exec=alactrritty00:47
enigma9o7with the script you want00:47
YakovI think I already tried that00:47
enigma9o7test from command line to check the synatx, i dont have alacritcity installed00:47
enigma9o7there is probably something like -s or something or whatever, check man page or help for alacritty on how to specify a command00:47
enigma9o7alternatively you could set the xterminal enviornment variable00:48
YakovI need 3rd party terminal00:48
enigma9o7in the desktop file you can set variables i.e `Exec="TERM=alacrity /home/user/script.sh"`00:49
enigma9o7but gotta use the right ariable, i dont think its TERM00:49
enigma9o7so two easy ways to do it00:50
enigma9o7Yakov: you dont "need" 3rd party terminal, what do you mean?   You can run alacritty from alacritty to test if you want.00:50
Yakovhttps://justpaste.it/crx2x is not correct00:51
DarkenedGentlemaAnyone know the purpose of /etc/default/grub.d/xen.cfg?  At first glance it looks like the place to set the dom0 memory values (dom0_mem=) however uncommenting that line and changing it to dom0_mem=8G,max:8G does nothing from the looks, even after running update-grub.  If I set GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN_DEFAULT="dom0_mem=8G,max:8G" then that gets appended to the kernel properly.  What's the proper way00:54
DarkenedGentlemato set the dom0 memory limits, this is ubuntu 22.04.00:54
=== rocker is now known as rocker99
rocker99As of 3-4 days ago - I switched to Radeon - its the best experience ive had on ubunu - I have a tomahawk pro board with an I7-9700 clocked @ 3.5 with 16 gig ram -  the radeon is express 2 and ram3 - why - for the last 2 years has nvidia not performed on ubuntu @ 35% less on these platforms - thanks.01:46
rocker99The radeon - with no fan runs @ 86f01:48
rocker99And ubuntu acts like its got jet fuel.01:48
rocker99So - now - i have to match my express anes with a radeon card - any preferences ? thanks.01:51
rocker99Not a gamer01:51
rocker99I repair ham radio / police radio / camcorders / commercial radio / anything electronic - no gaming - thanks.01:52
rocker99I'm going to guess - - everyone is out partying - right ??01:54
rocker99el oh el01:54
rocker99so - bougyman   any suggestions01:55
bougymanNo I don't do hardware01:56
rocker99I wish ubuntu had a site to where people could post experiences - with s;ecs01:56
rocker99i hear ys bougy01:56
rocker99anyway - while the tech are out getting plasered - ill stand by for the occasional blast of the past - thanks.01:57
rocker99seriously though -- this no-fan- radeon- runs circles on any nvidia card i have.01:58
rocker99and its express2 ram 301:59
rocker99maybe the cuda cound is less and the freq is lower01:59
rocker99it runs faster than my 1969 hemi charger02:00
rocker99I ve ran nvidia since i started ubuntu back in 0602:01
rocker99this radeon blows all of them away.02:01
rocker99have a good day people.02:02
rocker99out - since bougyman  cant talk.02:02
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== docmax is now known as Guest548
=== wsc3 is now known as gchound
rockerfor those looking for hope - not with drugs and alcohol and or falsivities - here is the link while i can post it - it is hope and peace with your creator who is reacing our to your free will as to create THAT relationship of peace and justice _ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBj9NLPa2cs04:39
rockerthank you for your time and efforts04:40
arraybolt3sigh, as a Christian, I wish people wouldn't do this. It juts makes us look bad.04:57
arraybolt3(I didn't actually click the link)04:57
JeffHthat is kinda a gross way to do that.04:58
matsamansaying almost anything about a religion one espouses is going to make that person look bad04:59
matsamanreligion is pretty gross04:59
ecapi!discuss | arraybolt305:08
ubottuarraybolt3: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:08
ecapi!discuss | JeffH05:08
ubottuJeffH: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:08
ecapi!discuss | matsaman05:08
ubottumatsaman: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:08
arraybolt3ecapi: that's enough please05:08
arraybolt3shooting !discuss at people is unnecessary unless they are actively going off-topic continuously or just starting too, and generally when it has to do with events that just happened brief off-topic things are tolerated even here. The conversation was already over, and didn't warrant redirection in the first place considering its size05:10
matsaman!spam | ecapi05:10
ubottuecapi: Please don't spam05:10
=== viroxd1 is now known as viroxd
k4k0gm all.06:16
k4k0Does anyone know if old versions of eggdrop run on current kernels? 1.6.21 or 1.8.0rc-4 ?.06:16
arraybolt3k4k0: I mean the kernel shouldn't be the deciding factor here, it's the age of the other dependencies involved that may influence whether or not it still runs. The Linux kernel itself is insanely good at staying source- and binary-compatible with userland software.06:24
arraybolt3Whether eggdrop 1.6.21 will run on recent Ubuntu or not, however, I don't know. You may need to compile it from source if some of its deps have become binary-incompatible, and it may need patching if its deps have become source-incompatible. Alternatively you could find and compile older versions of libraries and then provide those to it if it06:26
arraybolt3doesn't "just work" with modern libraries.06:26
k4k0arraybolt3 wait06:30
k4k0check: https://dpaste.com/HNJUBSAYM06:31
k4k0Even though I have TCL installed on Ubuntu06:31
k4k0$ whereis tcl06:32
k4k0tcl: /usr/include/tcl06:32
arraybolt3apt-cache search tcl | grep dev06:32
arraybolt3You need the development headers too06:32
k4k0tcl-dev - Tool Command Language (default version) - development files06:33
k4k0tcl8.6-dev - Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.6 - development files06:33
k4k0tk-dev - Toolkit for Tcl and X11 (default version) - development files06:33
arraybolt3sudo apt install tcl-dev06:33
k4k0tcl-dev is already the newest version (8.6.13).06:33
arraybolt3yeah that sounds like you've hit source incompatibility or something06:34
k4k0Can anything be done?06:35
arraybolt3You could try finding the .so and .h files06:35
arraybolt3then specify them directly like it suggests06:36
arraybolt3That might fix it if it's just a matter of things being relocated.06:36
k4k0./configure --with-tclinc=/usr/include/tcl8.6/tcl.h --with-tcllib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtcl8.6.so06:37
k4k0show erros :S06:39
arraybolt3k4k0: at this point you're looking at compiling an older version of Tcl yourself.06:44
arraybolt3Then installing it to somewhere where it hopefully won't conflict with the package manager (/usr/local usually), and pointing Eggdrop at that.06:45
=== viroxd1 is now known as viroxd
arraybolt3Really though, for something that's attached to the Internet, this could be a very bad idea security-wise.06:45
arraybolt3Can't you just update your scripts or whatever to work with a newer version?06:45
arraybolt3I have to go now.06:46
aarushhi guys07:54
aarushim new to linux07:54
arraybolt3Heya! This room is for asking for help about Ubuntu, so you might find us useful.07:54
aarushah kk07:55
aarushthank you07:55
aarushaara bolt are my messages readable?07:55
arraybolt3You might want to familiarize yourself with the rules linked in the topic, since there are some gotchas that you may want to be aware of, like avoiding the anti-flood bot.07:55
arraybolt3Yes, your messages are readable.07:55
aarushah kk07:55
aarushthank you07:56
dragonflame10so i ask for help inside of this chatroom?07:59
dragonflame10can i ask for help about armbian in this chatroom08:03
CosmicDJdragonflame10: there's #armbian08:05
dragonflame10how do i join it\08:05
CosmicDJdragonflame10: /join #armbian08:06
dragonflame10so all i write is /join #armbian08:08
ice9when gnome 45.2 will be available for upgrade on 23.10?09:00
CosmicDJice9: soon https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/12/gnome-shell-45-2-ubuntu-23-1009:06
ahcI bought a Western Digital USB 4TB Drive, but its "My Password" version. One sector only of NTFS. I took it back to the shop and got a refund.09:07
ahcShould I have reformatted it? Seems a lot of trouble to go to. Easier not to touch it. Get an exFAT without Password locking. Still looking around.09:08
ahcdoes anyone use these My Password locked USB drives? The advertising says for Windows or Mac, so that's the tell.09:09
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
JanCahc: I have no idea what "My Password" means, but it's quite likely you could have just reformatted it, and it would have worked09:16
JanCbut you returning it & asking a refund might help raising awareness with them  :)09:17
mzokudoes the system checks unmounted usb drives? I read advise that usb drivers left on the computers are being regularly checked and that is shortening the lifespan09:29
ravagea filesystem check is not a full surface test (which only makes sense on spinning rust, if at all). so even regular filesystem checks dont reduce the lifespan09:43
aarush_so how do i join the armbian server\09:49
CosmicDJaarush_: https://docs.armbian.com/Community_IRC/09:50
mzokuravage, thansk09:58
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jailbreakHi all10:13
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mzokusad to find out my battery capacity: 85.5048%. In that case its pointless to limit the 100% charge with TLP?10:35
ice9what does cloud-init do?10:43
ice9and why it's needed to submit a bug with ubuntu-bug?10:43
ikonia /last ice910:43
ikoniaice9: cloud init is for provisioning/config at launch time10:43
ikoniait's probably not 'needed' but a dependency of one of the packages10:44
ikoniaas packages often have more than one use10:44
ice9ikonia, as I read about it, it's needed for ubuntu cloud images and for live systems when they boot; so why I can't file a bug if it's systemd unit is not running?10:45
ikoniaice9: as I said, it's used for provisioning configuration, it's possible it's used for config capture when reporting a bug or something along those lines10:45
ikoniait's not just for cloud images or live systems,10:45
=== fling_ is now known as fling
flingWhich repo/branch for 6.1?12:56
lotuspsychje!details | fling13:08
ubottufling: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:08
lotuspsychjewhat are you trying to do exactly fling13:08
flingI'm looking for a linux 6.1 source tree13:09
flinggoing to cherry pick shiftfs patches13:09
lotuspsychjefling: for testing purposes you can use the !mainline ubuntu kernels if you like (if thats what you need)13:11
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:11
flingthe page does not say which one is for 6.113:12
flinggit://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack cod/mainline/v6.1.6613:14
flinglotuspsychje: found here https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.1.66/13:15
flingvery good13:15
BluesKajHi all13:26
jeremy31fling: Debian point release is on hold because of ext4 issues in 6.1.6613:34
jeremy31Looks like this fixes it https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/commit/?h=v6.1.66&id=ea574927fc0bc343016ea3337fcfc0b3fb26fe0813:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Commit ea57492 in kernel/git/stable/linux.git "iomap: update ki_pos a little later in iomap_dio_complete"13:42
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
younderI have a plot program that insists on putting the files in /tmp. The chromium nd firefox snaps block this directory. Is there a way to get around this?14:28
liebsenHi, what is the reason why ESC key does not close dialogs?14:43
younderEsc does close dialogs. On my machine anyhow.14:49
lvsmmusic_Can anyone check if virtualbox.org is down? I am getting a 50214:54
ph88i read here https://askubuntu.com/a/1175553 that installing linux-crashdump is a good idea. But when i install it i get this question and i am not sure whether to go ahead with the installation: if you choose this option, a system reboot will trigger a restart into a kernal loaded by kexec instead of going through he full system boot loader process.15:01
flinghmmm fs/shiftfs.c is missing from b4cde5552f2a4e0b467c7cf2913ef49b4d82518815:19
flingwill have to use an older tag15:19
rboxph88: well what are you expecting with installing it then15:52
ph88rbox, to get more information about crashes15:53
rboxand linux-crashdump sounds like it will help with that by doing exactly what you just posted...15:54
=== lflare is now known as Guest4229
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
mortthere seems to be a ton of people with a persistent "Important OS updates have been installed" notification appearing after every single boot, and there doesn't seem like anyone has found a solution...17:08
ravagemort: was that a public service announcement or do you have an Ubuntu support question?17:10
mortravage: well, if anyone has a solution that would be nice17:10
mortbut there doesn't seem like a solution exists, which is weird17:11
ravageso you are part of that "tons of people" group?17:11
mortit's been like this for months17:11
ravagei have never seen such a message17:11
mortI kinda would've expected it to be fixed by now17:11
mortI'm sure you're not alone in that, yet it happens to an apparently large amount of people judging by the amount of forum threads and reddit threads about it17:12
kostkonmort, how often do you reboot your system. Just wondering17:12
mortkostkon: I don't reboot often, but I boot it quite often since I turn it off at night17:12
kostkonmort, ok17:13
kostkonmort, yea mistake on my past, i meant (re)boot17:14
morthttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1469200/how-can-i-dismiss-software-updates-installed-notification, https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2492391&p=14164927, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1469033/cant-get-rid-of-ubuntu-22-04-notification-software-updates-installed,17:14
mortsorry didn't mean to split that into two messages. Anyway that's just some of the threads about this topic, no solution seems to exist other than "uninstall gnome-software and/or snap-store"17:15
leftyfbmort: close everything and run: sudo snap refresh17:15
mortleftyfb: that just says all snaps are up to date17:15
ravagesudo snap refresh snap-store17:15
mortsnap "snap-store" has no updates available17:16
mortI rebooted just now by the way after the "sudo snap refresh" and still got the notification17:17
marcopolo1snaps are giving me a headache17:21
marcopolo1when i install something that is not a snap and has to communicate with a snap it doesnt detect it in the path17:22
ravageyou have to be a little more specific marcopolo117:22
=== kimiamania464 is now known as kimiamania46
Nicolcan someone help  to rest encrypted (grub) password for root on ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS18:33
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tomreynNicol: "rest"? what's a "grub password for root"?18:41
tomreynor rather what's an "encrypted (grub) password" - do you mean you set a password for the grub menu maybe?18:42
Nicoltomreyn : sorry it for "reset" yes, here is some information: I was configure the ubuntu 22.04 system for to require a password for authentication upon booting but when I boot I get this error. error: two arguments expected. error: can't find command grub.pbkdf2. sha512.1'•Enter username:      root Enter password: error: access denied.18:44
NicolFailed to boot both default and fallback entries. press any key to continue18:44
tomreynwhich customizations did you make to your grub configuration?18:45
NicolTo Generate an encrypted (grub) password for root with the following command:18:49
Nicol "grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2" and the generated hash I put here '/etc/grub.d/40_custom' and then Generate an updated "grub.conf" file with the new password by using the following command:18:49
Nicol "sudo update-grub"18:49
ioriaNicol, if something has gone wrong, you 'll probably need a livecd , access the system and remove the offending lines in the file you edited18:52
tomreyni'm guessing that the pbkdf2 grub module (pbkdf2.mod) is not installed in /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/18:53
tomreynbut i concur with ioria there, since you can't seem to proceed beyond the boot loader in the current boot setup18:54
tomreynit's possible that just running   sudo grub-install   would have made pbkdf2.mod work. though you may also need to explicity have grub load the module.18:56
tomreyni.e. you should have a "insmod pbkdf2" line somewhere18:57
violetflametomreyn: module maybe not load until after bootloader unlocked18:57
violetflamerebuild grub include pbkdf218:58
tomreynwell the module is going to be needed for chking the enetered password18:58
NicolI cannot able to boot up and access to grub.18:58
violetflamemust be in the binary18:58
violetflamemod maybe not load until after unlock18:59
violetflameis grub a binary?18:59
violetflameit is actual machine code18:59
arraybolt3violetflame: Pretty sure yes19:00
arraybolt3There's a bunch of different GRUB modules that are separate binaries that GRUB can load at runtime or have baked into it at *image* build time.19:00
arraybolt3You can rebuild a GRUB image without rebuilding the whole thing from source.19:01
violetflame" baked into it at *image* build time. " nic19:01
violetflamecheck that out19:01
violetflameit is a mschinr code payload image not quite binary right19:02
tomreyngrub certainly interprets is configuration file and loads modules before you have to enter the password. and the key derivation functionality in this module will need to be loaded from the module before the entered password can be be hashed propoerly and be compared against the hash stored on the grub configuration file.19:02
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=pbkdf2.mod&mode=exactfilename&suite=jammy-updates&arch=any lists packages providing the module19:02
tomreyni'd assume that Nicol is using grub-efi-arm64-bin [arm64] here.19:03
violetflametomreyn: that sounds like something19:03
tomreynNicol: so get your bootable ubuntu stick and tempoarily remove the grub2 password hash / password prompt configuration so you can boot again, then install any pending updates and check whether the module is in place. if it already is, then make sure you have the insmod line on the grub configuration for it, or if it is not, then also run grub-install and check whether that places the module on /boot19:06
Nicoltomreyn : yes, and I think if I get the way to remove the  grub2 password hash / password prompt configuration it will okay since I did not change any configuration, I have two host have the same issue, the one  is the VM host and the other one is the Bare Metal server. now on the vm I mount DVD ISO image, but still not able to boot on this iso19:16
tomreynNicol: you can possibly mount the VM file system to the host and apply changes to it from there?19:21
tomreynit's difficult to comment without any details on the virtualization and the hardware you have there19:21
violetflameNicol: what are you trying to do?19:26
Nicoltomreyn : there any step to follow  to using bootable ubuntu stick or DVD ISO image.19:26
violetflameNicol: did you do as I suggested and rebuild grub19:27
violetflameNicol: you might also considering signing your build of grub19:28
violetflamemodern uefi may not allow boot from USB  what is your setup Nicol19:29
violetflameyou will need to run update-grub after input the hash in a peculiar place19:33
Nicolvioletflame : on the VM host there is no UEFI but on the bare meta server the is UEFI.19:33
tomreynNicol: there can be different steps you need to take to boot ubuntu, which can differ based on which hardware and mainboard / SOC firmware you have there19:34
violetflamethe config file may be picky about this setting you would put it at the top of the hierarchy19:34
violetflamewithout systemd config dirs19:34
violetflamethis presumsbly updates the payload image which you may need to include the pbk into bevause the partition with mods is not accessible19:35
violetflamesay it is ext2 boot and ext2 is a grub mod tgen you cannot load pbk mod at boot before unlo king bootloader nicol19:36
violetflamenicol privmsg me for further instruction19:36
Nicolit is ext4.19:38
violetflamecan you explain your hardware situation better nicol and then recap steps taken19:38
Nicolthe hardware is Dell PowerEdge R840.19:39
violetflameand do you want the bootloader on that machine?19:40
Nicolthis hard ware the the ESIX host, the one have this issue is VM host.19:43
violetflamesometimes you do not use ext4 on boot bevause the journal is open so it is pointless and fsck could corrupt the kernrl image19:44
Nicoland I am accessing this one on the vCenter.19:44
violetflameNicol: are you trying to takeover your host from inside a running virtual machine?19:45
violetflameyeah you will have problems19:45
violetflameit's made for human interface19:45
violetflameI can't support this nicol19:46
violetflameit doesn't sound right19:46
violetflamewere you authorised to do this19:46
violetflameis your buddy moriarty19:47
violetflameto what end nicole19:47
violetflamewhat are you trying to do19:47
Nicolvioletflame : let me explains you here : I was configure the ubuntu 22.04 system for to require a password for authentication upon booting but when I boot I get this error. error: two arguments expected. error: can't find command grub.pbkdf2. sha512.1'•Enter username:      root Enter password: error: access denied. Failed to boot both default and19:49
Nicolfallback entries. press any key to continue.19:49
violetflameNicol: ahem19:49
violetflameyou are describing config error19:50
violetflameI get fake support trolls19:50
violetflameyou keep changing the case as you go19:50
Eickmeyervioletflame: We appreciate you offering support here, but please abide by !guidelines when doing so.19:50
Eickmeyer!guidelines | violetflame19:50
ubottuvioletflame: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:50
violetflamethat'S why you need to put in a full request  in PM19:51
violetflameend it there you need to rerun update-grub with -c handmade config19:52
violetflamethe configfile will not work from systrmd19:52
violetflameyou will need a monolithic handmade config19:53
violetflameand specify it on commandline19:53
NicolI cannot able to boot and get to the command line,its just stop to booting.19:55
tomreynNicol: you should seek support with getting your boot configurations working with vmware (esx/vcenter) and dell. generally, the approach you took to attempt to boot ubuntu from a virtual cd/dvd drive which you assigned the iso file to would be correct.19:57
tomreynvioletflame: please do not ask people seeking support here to send you PMs, we do support on the channel19:58
tomreynthe idea is to enable multiple people to provide support, and to prevent abuse.19:59
Nicolvioletflame: I recommend you to be respectful and read the conversion history before you respond.20:02
bassettsIs there a way to install multiple packages using apt but not install recommended packages for just one of the specified packags? e.g. `apt install qemu qemu-system-x86` not installing recommended packages for just `qemu-system-x86`?20:07
rbox2 separate commands20:07
bassettsThought so, thanks20:08
Nicoltomreyn: could you share if you have step to boot on the DVD ISO image.20:11
EickmeyerNicol: Choose from the steps on the right here: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#1-overview20:13
Eickmeyer(might be different for VMware, idk)20:14
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=== wsc3 is now known as gchound
Sysypinkle here ?22:31
SysyDo you Know here Ubuntu Manga => Ubunchu ?22:33
elit's known to some in the community, but it's off-topic for here.22:33
Sysyok el . i understand thank you .22:36
=== wsc3 is now known as gchound
SysyNo translator for manga also ?=> El?22:37
violetflamedo you have public log for reading the log of nicol?; which seemed to be a spurrious support request because it ignores my suggestions and sprinkles in variant spellings which pull the focus away from support. How to manage fake support requests?22:38
violetflamepls post url of public logs of this #ubuntu channel22:39
violetflameis there some kind of trigger22:39
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/22:39
Sysyit's just ton UB 20 to 23 if i well understood. What a pity !No channel #ubunchu !?22:41
elvioletflame: you appear to be assuming bad faith. people with imperfect/inconsistent spelling and who are non-fluent in english are permitted to ask questions and should not be subject to being accused of being fake or trolls because of it.22:41
violetflameyeah but it refused to take troubleshooting steps the intentional distractions were additional22:42
elalso referring to people as "it" without them indicating that those pronouns are acceptable is hostile.22:42
eli suggest you check out the guidelines in the topic, and also the network's policies.22:43
violetflamewhy is "them" any better22:43
elbecause it's an established way to refer to people whose pronouns you do not know.22:44
el"it" however suggests you consider a person to be an object not a sentient sapient being.22:45
violetflameit suggests plurality when there was not any it is well established as singular pronoun22:45
elsingular they predates singular you :)22:45
JanCsince at least the 16th century or so IIRC, but that's all more a topic for ##English I think  :)22:46
elnow i think it's time to end this conversation and for you to go off and do some research about etiquette.22:46
violetflame'they' is a clumsy pronoun to your own ignorance the variable of possibilit-y wherase My pronoun greatly accurate with any flux of thought22:47
elthis conversation is over22:48
violetflamein real terms I spoke of what is you speak of what maybe22:48
violetflameguess so22:48
violetflamelooking at the logs the .txt file only shows a single line but the html has it , what is going on with that22:51
violetflamesuprisingly small not much support requests22:52
violetflameall day22:52
violetflamehas it been that slow lately22:53
Eickmeyer!ot | violetflame22:54
ubottuvioletflame: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:54
violetflameso nicol tells me to read the history and there was only one more line I missed and I told her exactly what needs to be did from my own experience which is not documented on ubuntu and she ignores me and starts acting snarky yet flawed as  el22:56
Eickmeyervioletflame: I have some reading material for you, and you need to abide by it or leave.22:58
Eickmeyer!guidelines | violetflame22:58
ubottuvioletflame: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:58
Eickmeyer!coc | violetflame22:58
ubottuvioletflame: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv22:58
violetflameQ. can someone help  to reset encrypted (grub) password for root on ubuntu 22.04.3 LTSA. you need to rerun update-grub with -c handmade configthe configfile will not work from systemd you will need a monolithic handmade configand specify it on commandline23:00
violetflameyou wont find that in the docs23:00
Eickmeyervioletflame: Please stop the monologuing rant. That goes against the guidelines, which you clearly didn't read.23:01
arraybolt3violetflame: update-grub doesn't even have a -c switch.23:01
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: Do not engage.23:01
violetflamearraybolt3: then how do you specify the config file23:02
Eickmeyervioletflame: Conversation is over.23:02
violetflameI wasn't actually running ubuntu to check23:03
violetflameusually it is -c for --config23:04
Eickmeyervioletflame: If you're going to be giving support here, you will be *representing* the Ubuntu community to people who are new to the distribution. This is why you *must* read !guidelines and abide by the Code of Conduct. Do you understand?23:04
EickmeyerAnd therefore, you must be familiar with Ubuntu and understand what fundamental commands, such as `update-grub`, has. It does not have a -c or --config flag.23:05
violetflameI can't sign as we but benevolent dictator23:07
violetflamedo you understand23:07
EickmeyerYou don't have to sign the Code of Conduct, but abide by it. Since you're not willing to do that...23:08
Eickmeyer!ops | violetflame not willing to abid by Code of Conduct or guidelines23:08
ubottuvioletflame not willing to abid by Code of Conduct or guidelines: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant23:08
violetflameI can't take responsibility for your actions23:09
violetflameI brought up how to mitigate fake support requests23:10
EickmeyerThat's off-topic here.23:10
violetflameafter somebody comes in and I give an answer you wouldnt be able to get23:11
violetflamebad vibes bad spirit not collaborative you do not abide23:13
violetflame!ops | Eickmeyer not willing to abid by Code of Conduct or guidelines23:14
ubottuEickmeyer not willing to abid by Code of Conduct or guidelines: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant23:14
violetflameand FYI anybody doing this start with the fat filesystem bios can read and upgrade from there until you get grub to load it right23:16
violetflamefat12 16 or 32 and efi maybe has its own fat32efi23:16
violetflamethats why I also asked for a full system report in PM23:17
violetflameyou would likely use ext2 because journal wouldnt really be needed unless you were moriarty like I suggested and have no access to the hardware layer23:18
violetflamealso note anybody using ext4 would likely read binary to see journal23:19
violetflameubuntu didn't include a human interface23:19
JanCvioletflame: please stop23:20
ubottureiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext4, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html23:20
younderlxd prefers zfs23:22
violetflamewhat is lxd23:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:22
elvioletflame: if you behave like that again, i'll have to remove you. final warning.23:32
violetflameI will further add for the republic record in this my context "it" as a pronoun not only is more accurate of what is rather than what maybe my use removes the pronoun from the source into lending as what is shown as a support request. "it" therefore is both the context of the support request and anysuch being having created said support request. This is to say my thoughts are not hypothetical but solid and real and accurate.23:47
k4k0violetflame stop23:48
violetflamefor the record23:48
violetflamehey by the rights23:49
elbuddy, i tried to help you here.23:49
spicecode what did they get removed for23:57
elbeing hostile and uh... imaginative in a bad way.23:57
elalso you weren't here. curious.23:58
mybalzitchcuriouser and curiouser23:59

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