
=== teletubby is now known as stocktonrush
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plujonI have an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS machine, and I want to update Apache from 2.4.41 to 2.4.47 or newer.  Is there a common way to achieve this?01:04
rboxwell if its not in the repos, you could compile it01:04
leftyfbplujon: upgrade the OS to 22.0401:04
rboxi didnt evne know people still used apache01:04
oerhekswhat happens when you enable HWE?01:05
plujonrbox: Thanks; is that the usual approach when one wants newer software?01:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:05
leftyfbI still use it heavily01:05
oerheksno reason not to upgrade to 22.04 indeed01:05
leftyfbit's a release from almost 4 years ago and potentially a public hosting server running a very popular attach vector. Time to upgrade01:06
plujonThanks; I'll upgrade the OS.  I'm not sure how the LTS Enablement Stacks fits in.01:09
leftyfbit doesn't01:09
oerheksit would give the latestest kernel though01:09
leftyfbwhich doesn't help with getting a later version of apache01:10
oerheksand before using ondrj ppa or such, one must need to understand the differences01:12
JanCapache is in main so it gets security updates, but if you need a newer Apache for some reason it's probably easiest to upgrade the OS01:12
oerhekscurrent https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache201:12
oerheksall got patched01:13
JanCalso depending on what else runs on that machine, of course01:13
cryptonectorIs there a way to configure the lock screen so it doesn't blank (when running on wall power anyways)?01:19
cryptonectorer, right, so, how does one configure that?01:21
leftyfbcryptonector: set "screen blank" to "Never" in the power settings01:22
cryptonectorleftyfb: right, I've done that, and still01:23
cryptonectorthat just causes the screen not to blank unless it locks01:23
leftyfbgsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-timeout 001:24
cryptonectorhmm, no, that doesn't do it; this is 22.04 fyi, and everything I find is that this can't be done; oh well01:32
cryptonectoralso, how does one open issues?01:33
cryptonectorI'd like to report issues with sticky keys, for example01:33
leftyfb!bug | cryptonector01:33
ubottucryptonector: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:33
oerheksmaybe you need to logout/login again to take effect?01:33
cryptonectoroerheks: oh, there's an idea, yeah01:33
cryptonectorleftyfb: how would I find what package implements accessibility features?01:34
pragmaticenigmamost of those would be part of the Gnome Desktop package01:36
pragmaticenigmaunless there is a specific feature you are looking at?01:36
pragmaticenigma(I'm missing a portion of the conversation, so I apologies if this is making you repeat something)01:37
cryptonectorpragmaticenigma: there's bugs in sticky keys, like some modifier combinations can be pressed together and the obvious thing results, but others result in the modifiers being stuck on instead01:43
cryptonectorfor example, ctrl-alt works fine if I press them together, but crtl-shift causes both to get stuck on01:43
cryptonectorthe context is that sticky keys is a great feature for dealing with RSI, because one can avoid "deviations" that exacerbate or cause RSI01:44
cryptonectortypically the way sticky keys work is that if you press and let go a modifier key then it will be as if you kept holding it for the ultimate non-modifier key you strike01:45
cryptonectorand if you hit a modifier key twice then it will be stuck on (like capslock, but for all keys, not just letters)01:45
cryptonectornow, I don't always use this "correctly" -- sometimes I do hold one or more modifiers rather than press and release, and that's still supposed to work, but in Ubuntu 22.04 this is inconsistent01:46
pragmaticenigmawhat is the status of "Disable if two keys are pressed together" in settings?01:47
cryptonectoroff -- I don't want that01:47
cryptonectorin X11 this works better (and there's more settings, too); in Windows it works fine as well01:48
pragmaticenigmaWindows or wayland?01:49
cryptonectorI'm using Ubuntu 22.04, so Wayland01:52
pragmaticenigmacryptonector: is Repeat Keys enabled?01:53
cryptonectorlemme see01:53
cryptonectorit's on01:53
pragmaticenigmaI wonder if that's how the sticky keys get stuck on... might not be compatible?01:53
cryptonectorturning Repeat Keys off made no difference01:54
cryptonector(Slow Keys and Bounce Keys are both off)01:54
cryptonectoranyways, if I knew the pkg name I'd report the bug01:55
cryptonectorheck, i might look and see if I can spot the bug01:55
cryptonectoras it is I've no idea where sticky keys is implemented01:55
pragmaticenigmaI'm working on figuring out if there is a specific package, or if it would just fall under Gnome Desktop/Ubuntu Desktop01:55
cryptonectorI suppose Ubuntu Desktop might suffice01:56
pragmaticenigmacryptonector: I think ubuntu-desktop would be the right choice to make, if it's not it at least narrows down the scope for someone to accurately adjust the package if needed01:57
cryptonectorpragmaticenigma: thanks; I guess I've to make an account and stuff02:00
pragmaticenigmayep, pretty painless, but there may be some diags they ask you to run, so they'll want to be able to reach you02:01
cryptonectorpragmaticenigma: thanks!  204798902:14
arraybolt3ubottu can even do a cool thing: Bug #204798902:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2047989 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Sticky Keys accessibility feature ctrl-shift behaves differently from ctrl-alt; ctrl-shift causes both to get stuck on" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204798902:15
cryptonectoralso, how do I tell if I'm paying for any Ubuntu services?  I'd like to02:15
arraybolt3if you donate, you are, otherwise you're not :) Ubuntu is free.02:16
pragmaticenigmacryptonector: You can choose to pay for Ubuntu Pro (it's free for up-to 5 personal computer.) Canonical has made it their mission to keep Ubuntu free, they only charge for premium support.02:16
rboxcryptonector: you dont know if someone is taking money from you every month?02:17
pragmaticenigmacryptonector: The Ubuntu Pro pricing is enterprise costs, not really intended for consumer/individual people02:18
arraybolt3rbox: meh, Windows can try to pull crud like getting you to sign up for a service that they then want to charge your card for (looking squarely at Office 365), so it's a legitimate question.02:18
rboxand you have no clue they're taking money from you every month?02:18
arraybolt3thankfully there's no Ubuntu+ service or anything weird like that out there02:18
pragmaticenigmaThere is TuxCare arraybolt302:18
pragmaticenigmaso there are things out there, but targeting enterprise level clients02:19
arraybolt3pragmaticenigma: that's run by a totally different company I think. I guess technically there are *services* like that, but none of them are related to Ubuntu or Canonical except Ubuntu Pro, which, like you said, is something enterprises or large businesses would buy. Small businesses and individuals can just use it (or not, either way).02:19
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu One used to be a paid service, I think that was rolled into Ubuntu Pro02:20
pragmaticenigma(mind is fuzzy on that one)02:20
heyguysthere's an ubuntu pro?02:32
heyguyshmm didn't know02:32
leftyfb!pro | heyguys02:36
ubottuheyguys: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq02:36
leftyfbheyguys: it's probably not what you think. It's not a different distribution02:36
heyguysoh i see02:36
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
Kangarooohow can i see if live usb is ubuntu or other version? what file in live usb is for distro and version?02:56
rboxKangarooo: cat /etc/*release*02:59
guivercKangarooo, I usually look at header of /etc/apt/sources.list as it has the ISO date there  (release details don't change during stages; eg. alpha/beta/rc-released being the same).. thru to .1,.2, .3 etc) but each distribution can have its own means of identification, thus you cannot be 100% accurate03:04
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: Look for a folder under /dists ... you can cross reference with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases to convert it to the release version number03:08
Kangarooothx rbox guiverc pragmaticenigma03:10
guiverc(other answers are probably more useful than mine... mine is specific to ubuntu & detecting different Ubuntu ISOs, eg. today's daily of noble versus yesterday etc.. where other checks will report all as identical where they're not)03:11
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Kangarooonope guiverc yours works on every version even non-ubuntu. only yours helped he find i had some other non-ubuntu old usb03:26
guivercI'd still not expect it to work with every GNU/Linux (there are so many, most rather similar but some are not)03:27
Kangarooohow do i report but in 22.04 live usb about firefox that its location question popup when switching to non-firefox window, still appears floating in middle?03:27
Kangaroooguiverc: well this one was not ubuntu so other suggested files were not there03:28
guivercI doubt there is a single answer that covers everything (even just GNU/Linux, let alone inc. BSD & more) so the more ways of detecting, the better you'll be (why I offered my ^ 2c)03:29
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: Firefox has regular updates, it's possible that it's already been fixed, but ISO images are not typically updated after release03:31
pragmaticenigma!bug | Kangarooo, otherwise...03:32
ubottuKangarooo, otherwise...: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:32
cowars_im kind of frustrated with linux04:11
cowars_it seems that anything i want to do is so difficult04:12
cowars_do you guys feel the same sometimes04:12
rboxsounds like you should go back to windows04:12
cowars_ill keep trying04:13
Yakovneed to call echo "1" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo upon Ubuntu load, tried set it to /etc/rc.local -> no effect04:34
tommy__I need help05:45
Bashing-om!ask | tommy__05:47
ubottutommy__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:47
tommy__thanks I was just trying to see if my client worked05:47
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antranigvhey all. I'm getting "Login timed out after 60 seconds" and "systemd[1]: Failed to start Journal Service" while trying to login via the console. any thoughts?09:00
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YakovI can set bindings with command gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys custom-keybindings "['/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/', '/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom1/','/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom2/']", how to10:55
Yakovassign each separate binding10:55
bogdomaniahello, eggdrop shows the correct chars on another machine (also edited the files there, a trivia eggdrop on a fedora) but on a vps(ubuntu) doesn'.11:12
bogdomaniaany advice, please?11:12
bogdomaniaai dpkg-reconfigure locales, all utf-811:12
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=== telestation is now known as teletubby
Photonicthere is a problem with ubuntu pro where its blocking the download of updates in Universe in 20.0413:05
Photonicto get the update, you have to remove the package and reinstall it13:05
=== telestation is now known as teletubby
Photonicthere is a problem with ubuntu pro where its blocking the download of updates from the Universe repo in 20.0413:14
lotuspsychje!ubuntupro | Photonic start here13:22
ubottuUbuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq13:22
PhotonicI know what it is, but there is a problem with it13:22
lotuspsychjePhotonic: is apt giving you errors?13:22
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pragmaticenigmaPhotonic: There's little we can do, except recommend un-enrolling the machine from Ubuntu Pro. Give it some time, and it will likely work itself out.13:23
Photonicno, its saying to download the update to subscribe to ubuntu pro, but 20.04 isn't 5 years old yet. I should be getting the update without needing to sign up. plus, the universe is the community-maintained repo.13:24
YakovMy naitulus does not respond, how to debug?13:24
ravagePhotonic: if you dont want the updates you can just ignore that message13:24
ravageor subscribe to pro for free13:24
Photonicravage i want the update, its for security13:25
Photonicthe problem is ubuntu pro13:25
pragmaticenigmaPhotonic: Those updates are not in Universe. Go and read the Ubuntu Pro, there are specific packages that are only released to machines enrolled/enabled with Ubuntu Pro. It is explained in the documentation.13:25
ravagei dont see a problem so far then13:25
Photonici checked the package, its in the universe repo13:25
ravagethat is the unpatched version yes13:25
Photonicits the same app13:25
Photonicin universe13:26
ravageplease read the documentation13:26
pragmaticenigmaPhotonic: the releases in Ubuntu Pro do not hold back security patches, only feature enhancements.13:26
pragmaticenigmaPhotonic: You have clearly not read the documentation on Ubuntu Pro13:26
ravagepragmaticenigma: it does13:26
Photonicim not interested in ubuntu pro's doc coz im not interested in ubuntu pro. what im interested in is getting the update for the community-maintained app which ubuntu pro is blocking13:26
ravagepro is not blocking anything13:27
ravagethere is no patch available in universe13:27
Photonicyes it is, because when i remove the app and reinstall it, the app is patched13:27
Photonicno more security notices from apt13:27
ravagevery unlikely13:27
Photonictry it13:27
Photonicsign out of ubuntu pro13:28
Photoniccop the notice13:28
ravageyou said you do not use ubuntu pro13:28
Photonicremove the app and re-install it. then check apt - patched13:28
Photonicno more security notice13:28
Photonicso ubuntu pro is blocking it13:28
pragmaticenigmathat logic means nothing13:29
pragmaticenigmaother than a lack of understanding13:29
Photonicit means there is a problem with ubuntu pro because it wont let me download the update, but when i remove the app and reinstall it, i no longer get the security notice from apt13:29
ravageok. we do not support Ubuntu Pro here anyway13:30
Photonicall good13:30
ravageso try to contact Canonical about it13:30
ecdheUbuntu 22.  When I enable Sharing->Remote Desktop and then do a "netstat -an | grep 3389" I can see that the gnome remote desktop service is only listening on ipv6.  There's no indication in journalctl that a bind() failed... how to debug?13:39
ravagewhat makes you think it is v6 only? what is the exact output?13:40
BluesKajHi all13:53
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random-jellyfishin dash-to-dock isolate-workspaces is not working16:45
random-jellyfishit's always set to true I can't change it, and the apps in the taskbar are the same in all workspaces16:46
random-jellyfishI want each workspace to have its own list of open apps shown in the taskbar16:46
random-jellyfishdoes anybody know a fix for this?16:46
ioriarandom-jellyfish, what you mean ' i can't change it' ?16:58
roddyCan I ask questions about kernel 6.6 crashing on dell xps 8940? 6.5 boots fine.17:00
roddyI read somewhere the ubuntu mainline kernel broke after 6.6 started?17:01
pragmaticenigmaroddy: You can ask questions about anything Ubuntu, that is sourced from official Ubuntu respositories. Making a statement "I read somewhere..." doesn't help anyone unless you have a citation to that source as the validity can then be confirmed. Otherwise it could just be one persons bad experience and an assumption to the reason about it.17:02
random-jellyfishioria, "gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock isolate-workspaces true" does nothing17:04
random-jellyfishif I try to set it to false it's still trye17:05
roberto_Hey to all!17:16
random-jellyfishso basically workspace isolation in gnome for ubuntu 22.04 can't be done?18:01
pragmaticenigmarandom-jellyfish: you got that from what exactly? I didn't see anyone respond, which means that at the moment, no one has an answer to help you with your question.18:02
pragmaticenigmarandom-jellyfish: I can't determine if dash-to-dock is included with Ubuntu or not. If it is something you installed from the Gnome extensions website, it wouldn't be suppotred here. You would have to seek help from the developer's offerings for support, or another resource.18:03
ioriarandom-jellyfish, can you try this : https://gist.github.com/yucer/6016c4e225b8947662ebf2c46a86623d18:16
tomreynfwiw, ubuntu, by default, ships 'ubuntu dock', a fork of the dash-to-dock gnome-shell extension.18:16
tomreyn!info gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock18:17
ubottugnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (87ubuntu2, mantic): Ubuntu Dock for GNOME Shell. In component main, is optional. Built by gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock. Size 115 kB / 892 kB18:17
random-jellyfishioria, yes I have them all set to true but it doesn't work18:18
random-jellyfishtomreyn, I'll have a look at that thanks18:19
random-jellyfishtomreyn, seems it was already installed18:20
ioriarandom-jellyfish, do you have gnome-tweaks already installed ?18:20
expatjediIs there any version or fork of ubuntu that comes with only necessary packages, no gui? I mean like arch linux.18:20
random-jellyfishioria, yes gnome-tweaks is installed18:21
ioriarandom-jellyfish, maybe there something checked there18:21
lotuspsychjeexpatjedi: some ubuntu installers give a minimal packages option, there's also ubuntu server18:21
expatjedilotuspsychje, do you know any spesific distro name?18:23
tomreynand debootstrap, too18:23
tomreynall of this refers to ubuntu. not a different distribution.18:24
lotuspsychjeexpatjedi: ubuntu had a bubbly road on a minimal option, so some releases have it and some not18:25
expatjediThanks tomreyn, debootstrap is the solution I've been looking for18:26
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tomreynexpatjedi: it's not really an official installation method, i think, but you should still end up with a supportable system. after all, you'll (have) notice(d) there are many dependencies pulling in other packages, so the chance to end up with something that's close to what the "minimal" installer option installs is not that different.18:29
lotuspsychjeexpatjedi: there's also a xubuntu core out there you could give a try with a pretty minimal base18:31
pragmaticenigmaexpatjedi: would say that for a very minimal install, Ubuntu Server is about as minimal as it comes. There's no GUI, and there is no default services installed. Just the bare minimum for a what would become a server instance.18:36
pragmaticenigmaexpatjedi: during the install process there is a ballot screen to choose a role, but you don't have to select anything.18:36
pragmaticenigmawhich would avoid installation of packages you're not interested in18:37
expatjediI really don't want to use plymouth18:41
expatjedixfce4 extras18:41
expatjedioffice programs, unnecessary media plugins and players18:41
expatjediI just wanna install minimal base of ubuntu that's all18:42
pragmaticenigmaexpatjedi: Server doesn't use a boot screen (plymouth) it's all text18:42
expatjedibut it comes with several apps that does not need on desktop18:43
pragmaticenigmanothing is perfect friend, but better several apps that are just an `apt purge` away from being gone, than the hundreds for Ubuntu Desktop18:44
expatjediwould it be better to publish base installation image for advanced users?18:46
expatjedioptions options that's all we need18:46
expatjedianyway thank you very much for your opinions and helps18:47
expatjedigood night fellas18:47
pragmaticenigmawonder what packages they deemed superfluous to the minimal Server install option.18:48
SquareI've decided I must ditch my nvidia card and get a AMD Radeon for linux use. Are there some hints of advice anyone could give on such purchase. I've been eyeing "RX 7600" (Sapphire PULSE).18:55
pragmaticenigmaSquare: The focus of this channel is for support. Not for asking on opinions or taking polls. If you want those, please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic. Some advice though, make sure to test your system with the opensource drivers. The only reason to install the AMD proprietary drivers is if you need access to the Compute cores directly on the card. All other functions are covered by the AMD provided opensource drivers.18:58
bpromptSquare: that said by pragmaticenigma , I have an AMD Ryzen, sometime ago I installed the AMD drivers, saw no difference in performance to without them, so the installation driver works just the same, for my case, there was no need since there was no difference19:00
Squarebprompt, Thanks. I was talking GPU here though.19:01
bpromptSquare: needless to say, I toss the AMD I downloaded, since it was just an unnecessary extra 300Mbs, as far as GPU go, last I checked Intel as well as AMD have it in the same die with the cpu, so as I said, I don't recall noticing any advantages or any noticeable ones for that matter19:03
bpromptSquare: so the installation drivers is what I'm running right now, works fine19:04
Kangarooowhat is name of installation wizzard for ubuntu or kubuntu?19:09
arraybolt3Kangarooo: It depends on which version. For all versions of Kubuntu and most versions of Ubuntu, it's Ubiquity. For newer versions of Ubuntu, it's the Ubuntu Desktop Installer.19:12
tomreynKangarooo: the latter is https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer19:12
kangarooooIn https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/speechd-setup?as=u&utm_source=inproduct written to do apt command. Were somewhere not an apt shortlink that opens in computer from brwser url?19:23
pragmaticenigmakangaroooo: Can you rephrase your question, I don't understand what you're asking19:25
bpromptkangaroooo: are  you asking how to install "speech-dispatcher"?19:25
nbdyhi all19:26
bpromptnbdy: allo allo19:26
tomreyni'm guessing that kangaroooo is asking "wasn't there a way to have clickable apt:... links in web pages"19:27
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: that's what I think is the question too. and to that, I'm glad there isn't. that's a dangerous feature that someone could accidentally click on and install things they didn't intend to19:27
kangarooooyes clicable apt how to find some places?19:27
kangarooooi want to suggest in that page afeature to add clickable apt links19:28
nbdyI want to raise a vpn server, but it must be fully transparent for sites and it is impossible to determine to the website or service in internet that traffic is going through a vpn. what can you advise?19:28
pragmaticenigmakangaroooo: it's unlikely to happen. there is no defined url scheme for software center applications. The scheme on a url is what programs use to decide how to handle a link, and dispatch it to the correct program when it cannot handle it on it's own.19:29
tomreyn!info apturl19:29
ubottuapturl (0.5.2ubuntu22, mantic): install packages using the apt protocol - GTK+ frontend. In component universe, is optional. Built by apturl. Size 9 kB / 55 kB19:29
tomreynused to be in main a while ago19:30
kangaroooooh, it will work only when installed? wasnt some websites where can find packages and they will have links that work out of box?19:30
bpromptkangaroooo: I think that may require you a signup with that forum at mozilla, once registered, then you can add material, but doesn't look you'd be able to for that page specifically19:31
bpromptkangaroooo: nope, I don't think, pretty sure, browsers don't have an "apt://" protocol to install stuff right from a link in the browser, not to mention the huge security consideration for that19:32
nbdyAny ideas? :)19:34
tomreynnbdy: this is at least bordering off-topic. and the system architecture is not clear. there are different types of vpn's and i'm not sure which one you have in mind.19:35
pragmaticenigmanbdy: this probably isn't the best place for getting an answer to that. Focus here is on Ubuntu Desktop and it's available software. Configuration and slection of VPN protocols would be better served in forums dedicated to network security, networking, or similar19:35
ecdheravage: What makes me think it's v6 only?  It might be the fact that netstat only shows tcp6 :::3389 LISTEN but no corresponding tcp LISTEN entry19:43
ecdheOn top of that I cannot connect from a nearby host19:44
ecdheBut I can connect on port 22 just fine19:44
ravagea tcp6 socket usually also accepts v4 IPs19:44
alex_Hello! I have a constant annoying static noise in my headset when I use ubuntu (does not happen on windows or live USB). I am using Realtek ALC3246 on a dell inspiron. I've tried all there is to try in alsamixer and the power settings, but that did not help. How can I diagnose this issue better?19:44
nbdyWhy so? There is Ubuntu Channel and always in the past it was the better place for similar questions.19:45
alex_where should I ask then nbdy ?19:46
pragmaticenigmaalex_: that wasn't directed at you19:46
ecdhenbdy: try #security if you have security questions19:46
alex_oh sorry for that19:46
pragmaticenigmaalex_: Is windows installed on the same hardware as your Ubuntu installation?19:48
pragmaticenigmaalex_: when you were testing19:48
alex_I have a dual boot. One with Arch, other with ubuntu 18.04LTS and other with windows19:48
leftyfbalex_: Ubuntu 18.04 is End of Life and not supported19:49
leftyfbalex_: install Ubuntu 22.04 and let us know if you still have the issue19:49
alex_so I have to format and reinstall19:50
leftyfbalex_: if it were me, that is what I would do. It is possible, but non-trival to upgrade from an EOL release, but I would not recommend it19:50
lubuntushow me the money19:51
alex_I'm certanly going to screw everything up if I do upgrade lol19:51
leftyfblubuntu: can we help you with something?19:51
tomreynmore correctly, 18.04 is beyond end of standard support, not end of life if you have extended support.19:51
kangarooootomreyn bprompt https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptURL here is apt url work out of box- opens on Kubuntu Discovery packaga manager19:52
alex_thanks all19:53
tomreynkangaroooo: i see19:53
bpromptkangaroooo: I see, I suspected it was added as protocol, well, right, it simply opens up either "xdg open" or whatever handler you have it for it19:54
bpromptkangaroooo: for your case and webbrowser, it opens the package manager, for mine it prompts for "xdg open", which likely takes it to the package manager anyhow19:55
kangaroooopragmaticenigma tomreyn bprompt  but it cant open speech-dispatcher i made a bug with your help https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-discover/+bug/204811719:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2048117 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "Apturl not practical doesnt find speech-dispatcher in Discover package manager" [Undecided, New]19:55
tomreynthat's hardly a bug19:57
pragmaticenigmaindeed... and Mozilla's site is quite indepth on the steps needed to install the package.19:58
pragmaticenigmakangaroooo: what is likely the source of the issue is that the package (which doesn't appear to have been updated since 2012) doesn't have the needed metadata for the search function in software center to find the package.19:59
pragmaticenigmawoops... apturl is old, not speech-dispatcher20:00
bpromptKangarooo: https://jsbin.com/wimilutohi   <--- does that work for you?  that's the name of the package btw, but as I said, it depends on the webbrowser handler20:17
bpromptKangarooo: will depend on the webbrowser handler, and also if the distribution has it in its repositories20:18
pragmaticenigmabprompt: The issue isn't the handler, the issue raised was that once it was enabled, the package wasn't listed in software center which is an entirely different issue.20:19
pragmaticenigmabprompt: the ticket highlights that software center didn't display the desired package20:20
bpromptpragmaticenigma: right, does for me, since it's in these repository, but right, will be dependent on those factors20:21
pragmaticenigmaI've had lots of issues with Discover from KDE in the past. I think there's more an issue with Discover and how it loads and parses the metadata of packages20:22
pragmaticenigmaDiscover being the software center used by Kubuntu20:22
Kangarooopragmaticenigma:  bprompt  yeah it now did a search in discover but i think it found not correct package but package of similar text description in it. Your link is apt://speech-dispatcher not apt:speech-dispatcher and it looks like it does a search filling search field and find wrong package of Navi some map navigation or something20:25
Kangarooosome Navit app it found20:26
bpromptKangarooo: apt:// is correct, since it's a browser protocol, the rest is just the canonical name in the repository for the app20:32
bpromptKangarooo: I found it in Synaptic, which is what I use for searching apps20:33
dgutovHi all! My gnome-shell has been very crashy (like several times per day) after the upgrade to 23.10, so much that I first switched to the Wayland session (because restarts were more frequent with X11, and session restart is now broken: LP#2040453). The first few days it's been quite stable but today it's crashy again now on Wayland -- though less20:36
dgutovso. journalctl shows "segmentation faults", but different ones. The latest included the "unite" extension, but the previous one was some "general protection fault" in libgobject.20:36
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2040453 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Gnome 45 crash on restart in X11 session [Window manager error: Another compositing manager is already running on screen 0 on display “:0”]" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204045320:36
dgutovIf anyone has better suggestions, I'll be thankful for pointers, but I'm currently trying to install debugging symbols for gnome-shell, so at least I could try to file a bug report with a backtrace properly.20:36
dgutovI've added 'ddebs.ubuntu.com' to the sources as some advice on the internet says, but apparently it only has gnome-shell-dbgsym for 45.2, whereas gnome-shell in Mantic is 45.1. So I just get "gnome-shell-dbgsym : Depends: gnome-shell (= 45.2-0ubuntu1) but 45.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed". What am I doing wrong?20:36
leftyfbdgutov: I would look in dmesg for potential hardware issues20:37
tomreyncould be hardware, or could be buggy gnome-shell extensions (which is probably the main reason gnome-shell would become unstable)20:41
Kangarooopragmaticenigma tomreyn bprompt  i updated bug about apt: vs apt:// with your help https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-discover/+bug/204811720:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2048117 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "Apturl not practical enough doesnt find speech-dispatcher in Discover package manager" [Undecided, New]20:42
Kangarooomaybe wiki help about apturl is wrong20:43
Kangaroooor something broken20:43
tomreynKangarooo: so what you don't seem to understand yet is that apt: URIs are not guaranteed to work with every package and every package manager (frontend). you started by making up an apt: URI, which doesn't actually exist anywhere, and then insist on this working for installing a package, and filed a bug report about this theoretical issue.20:47
tomreynKangarooo: sorry for the rough tone. i do understand you're probably meaning to do good, and help out make software better. that's appreciated.20:48
Kangaroooyes, something needs to be fixed for base users to have it easy20:48
tomreynthat's an opinion not everyone might be sharing.20:49
tomreynpersonally, i think it will do most people good to learn their way around the terminal generally. they don't need to become professionals there, but learing a few most common commands can help them make great progress in using their computers. that, too, is, obviously, an opinion.20:51
Kangaroootomreyn some things dont need to be easy? what should be not easy? like installing app shouldnt be as much as easy as possible? if apturl would work as in wiki apt: or apt:// then it would help to keep users on Ubuntu20:52
tomreynapart from this i'm not sure why a speedtest web page would require TTS20:54
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: It's probably got a accessibility feature somewhere on the page20:54
tomreynyes, probably20:55
bpromptKangarooo: heheh, I'd say I agree with you, the idea of User-Friendly matters hugely, and to that extent as Debian motto has it, it "should just work", just bear in mind that's dependent on distribution, package manager, browser's handlers, and all those factors need the setup, and it'll work fine, most of the time, I think you did lots of good, just bear in mind that sometimes things are "systemic" and there's no a malign intention behind them20:56
tomreynKangarooo: if you'd like to make a case for having more apt: (or apt://) URIs and better support for them in / around Ubuntu, I think https://community.ubuntu.com is probably a better place, since this channel here (as well as the bugs area on launchpad) is really dedicated to supporting what's already implemented and how things are currently designed.21:03
tomreynbut the community is a good place to bring this up and grow new ideas, i would think.21:04
raxor2kwhy does setting up mail using postfix with docker seem like worlds most difficult task?21:04
Kangaroooraxor2k: agree, i wasnt able to find enoguht info about that too21:04
tomreynraxor2k: because you have not tried to setup sendmail with docker, yet21:04
raxor2kI tried for 3 hours today..21:05
tomreynwhat exactly doesn't seem to work?21:05
pragmaticenigmaI'm going to guess that docker may not be the best environment for a mail tranfer server. as there's a lot of things that require non-volitile storage (mailboxes) and statefulness between runs.21:07
pragmaticenigmawhich adds to the complexity of setting everything up21:07
raxor2ki just need a simple docker setup that can send noreply emails.. thats all21:08
tomreynwe only support ubuntu here, not custom docker images, but there's probably a docker channel where you could seek support with such, or an online database where you could search for it.21:11
tomreynif you'd like to try installing postfix directly on a full / proper ubuntu installation, #ubuntu's a good place.21:11
pragmaticenigmaraxor2k: I'd follow tomreyn's suggestion. try getting postfix up and running as a package install under Ubuntu to work the kinks out. It might then help to understand what's missing in your desired goal of running in docker.21:12
raxor2ki made it up running using docker finally, i just needed to change from port 25(digital ocean blocks it), to another21:13
raxor2kBut i still get access denied..21:13
raxor2kor HTTP timed out21:13
pragmaticenigmaraxor2k: I would encourage using a digital ocean forum. there's probably someone there that has encountered this before and can help21:14
dgutovleftyfb: Sorry, the connection died at some point. In case you replied to my last message, please resend.21:16
bpromptdgutov: from here your nick logged out 1 minute ago, so, noone has said anything since :)21:18
dgutovAh, sorry :)21:19
tomreyndgutov: this was the last message in your chat before you got disconnected: <leftyfb> dgutov: I would look in dmesg for potential hardware issues21:19
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/21:19
dgutovIn that case, I guess my own message didn't get through21:21
dgutovleftyfb: Any of these look relevant? https://pastebin.com/kFbdYcQL These are all the errors in my current dmesg, aside from the ACPI stuff in the beginning.21:22
tomreyndgutov: sda is potentially a broken storage media, run smartctl against ist, and fsck against its file systems21:24
tomreyn"it", not "ist"21:25
dgutovtomreyn: I understand the point regarding the extensions, but it's difficult to use gnome without 'unite' and dash-to-dock21:25
dgutovSometimes the crash backtrace ends up in an extension, but not always (and often the backtrace is in the log, but it doesn't lead to a crash)21:26
tomreyna deteriorating physical media structure would explain such 'random' failures21:26
tomreynit's porbably not a siftware issue21:27
tomreynit's prbably not a software issue21:27
tomreynmy suspicion is based on the quoted lines 2 to 5 (6 adds to it). line 1 is unrelated. and the drm failures are probably related to an intel gpu, which is either a driver / firmware bug or a side effect of a generally discomposing system21:30
tomreynan easier way to share potential errors from your system log is   journalctl -b -p3 | nc termbin.com 999921:31
bpromptdgutov: I agree with tomreyn, rule out hardware first, since in this case is a suspect, run a SMART check on it, if that's not the case, try running a LIveUSB session, to rule out badRAM, if all that works, then it's software, and maybe entertain a reinstallation21:32
tomreynyou could also replace 3 by 421:32
leftyfbdgutov: what release of ubuntu?21:32
dgutovtomreyn: Does this look bad? https://pastebin.com/Lp0hSwVu I'm not sure I'm reading it correctly.21:33
dgutovIt says "No Errors Logged", but the "TYPE" column says "Old-age" or "Pre-fail". I don't understand whether these are descriptions of the current values or the general descriptions of the counters.21:33
dgutovleftyfb 23.10, the latest21:33
pragmaticenigmadgutov: Old-age/Pre-fail are designators for a device with a lot of operating hours21:35
dgutovAll right, so this does indicate an aging ssd? nvme actually.21:36
pragmaticenigmadgutov: If you paste the output of smart, we might be able to see if anything is specifically troubling about the device21:36
dgutovThe output of smartctl is in the pastebin above. Should I resend it with termbin instead?21:36
pragmaticenigmano... I just didn't see the link that's all21:36
tomreynthe TYPE is just printed to explain the meaning of this indicator, not to state a status.21:36
bpromptdgutov:  when storage is going south, software will complain in not-so-many-words that it can't store a file or a socket, it can't access an object loaded, it can't open a file and so on, since it's not there to diagnose hardware, you get those errors, however it can't store a file because it maybe onto a bad cluster, or a corrupted area, it can't access an object from ram, because  badRAM already corrupted it and so on21:37
dgutovbprompt: Makes sense. I'm not seeing much of errors like this, though. Could be RAM, I suppose...21:38
leftyfbdgutov: [42009.459976] device offline error, dev sda, sector 0 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x800 phys_seg 0 prio class 221:39
leftyfbthat is a storage error21:39
leftyfbalong with the following 2 messages in your pastebin21:39
tomreynhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Monitoring,_Analysis_and_Reporting_Technology#Known_ATA_S.M.A.R.T._attributes helps a little with interpreting the smartctl output.21:39
dgutovtomreyn: Here's the output with p3: https://termbin.com/1a8g21:40
leftyfbyou have an issue with your drive21:40
dgutovp4 is a lot more verbose, though (with the whole x-session output, etc): https://termbin.com/c2la Apparently it got cut off because of the length.21:42
dgutovleftyb: Thank you, I guess I'll try fsck, then rebooting and see whether this error persists. And then backing up and replacing it, I guess.21:43
dgutovleftyfb, sorry for the typo21:43
tomreynbetter create a backup image first of all if you want to keep as much data as possible21:43
leftyfbif you don't have a backup, the data wasn't important to begin with :)21:44
pragmaticenigmathat's a fun sentiment until it's when creating the backup that it failed21:45
dgutovI have *some* backups ;-D It's been a long time since I tried restoring from them. And they are not for the whole disk.21:46
bpromptdgutov: though along the same lines as tomreyn, using a LiveUSB session, you'd want to see if you can pull out of there /home and all its profiles, is where all configurations are, and as you'd know, configuring packages can take between 4hours or 20hours, so not having to redo that would help21:46
dgutovpragmaticenigma I guess one should have multi-point backups. Where to get all that free storage, though ;-/21:47
causativehow is Wayland supposedly better? so far all I am seeing is that x11vnc no longer works, and when I connected to gnome vnc desktop sharing, my shift key got screwed up somehow and I can't restart wayland to fix it like I could under x1121:48
tomreynmy point about taking an image: repairing file systems should be attempted on reliable physical media only. and writes to detieriorating physical media should be limited as much as possible to increase chances to gather correct cpies of the data stored on them before they may ultimatively fail.21:48
bpromptdgutov: come on dude, I just got a 512Gbs usb-stick :)21:48
dgutovbprompt: Thanks! I guess my current problem is that things mostly work, and well. Aside from the odd crashes. Disk reads are fast enough, and so on. But the laptop is 5 years old, so this should have been expected.21:49
leftyfbuntil they don't21:49
pragmaticenigmacausative: do you have a support question for us to help with? if you just want to speak grievences, please join us in #ubuntu-offtopic21:49
dgutovbprompt: Well, to backup my current disk I'll need a 1Tb+ usb-stick. And for a multi-tiered backup session, several :)21:50
causativealright yes I have a support question: my left shift key has stopped working after using gnome vnc desktop sharing. How can I get it to start working again without rebooting the computer?21:50
dgutovAnyway, thank you everybody :thumbsup:21:51
pragmaticenigmacausative: I'd start with killing the x11vnc service/process. that's usually resolved stuck keys for me21:51
causativex11vnc is not running21:51
causativeit's gnome vnc desktop sharing21:51
causativefrom the settings, under desktop sharing21:51
leftyfbEvery other night all my machines are backed up to my NAS and the next night to an encrypted offsite storage just using rsync. The NAS is encrypted and backed up to Cloud storage every night. Then once a year I backup the most recent backups to an encrypted drive stored in a fireproof safe21:51
bpromptdgutov: well, I can tell you my story with an OCZ SSD brand new I put in my machine a long time ago, it was working smoking fast, machine went about 10 times swooping through, about hmmm was a year, not even I think 6 months, one day I shutdown at 5pm, next day I clicked the Power button at 9 maybe 10em, Pooof!!!, but I always back up, so I lost nothing, went ahead and got a Samsung SSD :)21:51
pragmaticenigmacausative: do you have sticky keys enabled?21:52
bpromptdgutov: so pretty much as leftyfb said, it works till it doesn't :)21:52
causativeI just turned gnome vnc desktop sharing off and on, no change, left shift key still not working21:52
causativeI don't see a setting for sticky keys21:52
bpromptdgutov:  btw on the OCZ SSD failure, I never got any SMART warnings or software errors, it just went poof21:53
leftyfbcausative: x11vnc doesn't work on wayland, the reason is in the name of the program21:53
causative<causative> x11vnc is not running <causative> it's gnome vnc desktop sharing21:53
causative<causative> from the settings, under desktop sharing21:53
leftyfbcausative: please don't repeat21:53
leftyfbI was just responding to " so far all I am seeing is that x11vnc no longer works"21:54
causativemy current problem is that the left shift key is not working and I want to fix this without rebooting the computer21:55
causativepreviously the left shift key was stuck ON, which I resolved by opening the on-screen keyboard and pressing it there, but now it is stuck off21:56
leftyfbcausative: rebooting would be the only definitive way you determine it isn't a hardware problem21:56
causativeit is not a hardware problem, it happened immediately after using VNC21:56
leftyfbcausative: CTRL+ALT+F1   try your left shift key there21:56
dgutovbprompt: Thanks for the warning, I guess it works like that21:56
causativeit works fine there leftyfb21:57
leftyfbcausative: ok, then log out of your gnome session and back in and it should be fixed21:57
causativeI don't want to log out if at all avoidable, I would have to close a lot of things21:57
dgutovBTW, folks, I've been a special kind of stupid for the last 10 minutes at least: my /dev/sda is the external drive. Even if it were failing, that's not much of a problem.21:57
causativeprior to wayland I was able to solve this type of problem with alt+f2, r but this doesn't work under wayland, is there any alternative to reset keybd configuration?21:58
leftyfbdgutov: unplug it for a while and see if the problems go away21:58
dgutovWill try that21:59
bpromptdgutov: the unplugging as leftyfb works when you have static electricity in the device, and that happens more than you think21:59
dgutovIt doesn't have a separate power source, though. It's just a case feeding from the same USB cable that connects it to the laptop.22:00
dgutovBut already unplugged, will observe22:01
pragmaticenigmacausative: from everything I'm reading... VNC isn't supported by Wayland. How you got it working in the first place is a bit of a mystery. I don't see any other options beyond a reboot, and discontinuing the usage of VNC when in a Wayland session.22:01
bpromptdgutov: the static occurs mostly on the plug, for devices btw22:01
causativepragmaticenigma, go to gnome settings -> sharing -> remote desktop -> check the "enable legacy vnc protocol" box22:02
dgutovAnyway, for completeness here's my smartctl output for the nvme: https://termbin.com/7q9w22:02
dgutovbprompt: Noted, thanks22:02
pragmaticenigmacausative: It's removed in newer versions of Ubuntu. I don't have that feature22:02
causativewhat version are you on?22:03
causativeI am on 22.0422:03
leftyfbcausative: I'm pretty sure legavy VNC isn't going to work with wayland22:05
causativethe option is in the gnome settings for 22.04 LTS so it ought to work22:05
leftyfb!bug | causative22:05
ubottucausative: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:05
causativewhat package would this be a bug in?22:06
leftyfbcausative: either use not legacy (pretty sure it's RDP) or revert to xorg instead of wayland22:06
leftyfbcausative: gnome-desktop22:06
tomreyndgutov: i've not seen any issues with the nvme. your conventional magnetic recording external (usb connected) small factor (laptop) hdd is likely failing, though. you have file systems mounted from it so this could causes problems like slowdowns and freezes. you should not see software errors unless software is running from there. there is some other issue with the coexistence of your internal intel gpu and the nvidia dgpu (GeForce GTX 1050 Ti,22:09
tomreynVideoBIOS: which *may* just be a result of outdated bios / video card firmware. i'm trying to stay away from debugging nvidia issues.22:09
tomreyndgutov: look for a bios update for your system, though,    journalctl -b | grep DMI:    will tell what you have now22:10
tomreynleftyfb / causative: gnome in current ubuntu releases provides rdp desktop sharing by default (though disabled by default) and VNC as a legacy options. this can be setup from "Settings" or using the grdctl CLI.22:13
tomreyni also expect VNC not to work well with wayland22:13
leftyfbtomreyn: or at all22:13
tomreynor at all :)22:13
leftyfbso the bug would be, if running wayland, the option to enable legacy vnc probably shouldn't be available22:14
pragmaticenigmaI vote at all... as there is a project "wayvnc" but it's early stages, I wouldn't expect it to be in Ubuntu without manually installing it22:14
tomreynrdp works well enough22:15
causativeI would use rdp except I couldn't find a good android phone client for it when I looked into it some time ago22:16
causativethey all had some technical issue or another22:16
causativeor required you to sign in to their "service"22:16
tomreynmaybe try one from fdroid.22:17
pragmaticenigmacausative: this looks promising: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.freerdp.afreerdp/22:19
tomreyndgutov: the "evict_inodes" messages you have on your log may actually be related to ubuntu kernel bug 203721422:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2037214 in linux-oem-6.5 (Ubuntu) "evict_inodes inode xxx, i_count = 1, was skipped!" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203721422:25
causativewell, there's aFreeRDP from F-droid, which works... except touch to click doesn't work22:30
causativeok, no, aFreeRDP is hilariously broken22:34
pragmaticenigmacausative: it was only a suggestion22:36
causativethe mouse input totally doesn't work, and the icing on the cake is that the android "back" button sends a signal to hard-close the current ubuntu application22:36
causativelost my emacs session as a result22:37
tomreynthere's #android, maybe they can help22:37
dgutovtomreyn Thanks, looks like my BIOS is the latest available (according to fwupdmgr anyway; version 1.31.0). The nvidia card is indeed there, but in the "on-demand" mode -- the Intel one is supposed to be driving the desktop normally. Though I suppose the proprietary drivers might add their part to the instability of it all. And no, no software is22:42
dgutovrunning from the external drive.22:42
dgutovThanks for the pointer to the LP bug, I've subscribed. I don't have many "evict_inodes" messages, though, so they seem to be mostly harmless in my case.22:42
tomreyndgutov: you did on the latest log you shared22:44
dgutovtomreyn: About 25 messages for the last 3 days. As I understand, somebody in the comments has these messages clogging the log ("gigabytes of messages") and bringing down 4 CPUs with that.22:48
tomreyndgutov: i think these will be gone if you either disconnect the usb connected storage or use a different kernel, though.22:48
dgutovYup, I'll see after the next reboot22:48
dgutovBut indeed, the last such message was 50 minutes ago22:49
tomreynit *may* explain the sda offline error, too.22:51
dgutovThe kernel bug?22:53
tomreyn"device offline error, dev sda, sector 0 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x800 phys_seg 0 prio class 2" and "Buffer I/O error on dev sda1, logical block 121667584, lost sync page write" and "JBD2: I/O error when updating journal superblock for sda1-8." *may* be follow-up errors22:55
tomreynafter all, all of these refer to sda, the usb connected external hdd22:55
tomreynstill, the intel gpu errors (atomic update failure on grpahics pipe) are most likely unrelated to this and something which needs solving seperately to stabilize your graphical desktop.22:56
tomreyna "[drm] *ERROR* CPU pipe B FIFO underrun" would likely cause a stalling screen, possibly worse22:57
=== Jekyll is now known as Guest5475
dgutov"FIFO underrun" features only once (for the last 3 days), but indeed there are a lot of "Atomic update failure on pipe B". My screen is not flickering or anything though (when the system is not crashing), and I'm not sure how to proceed with these. Googling either reveals old bug reports (from various years) which were usually closed automatically23:03
dgutovdue to obsoletion, or recipes for grub to add kernel parameters that disable things (either disabling PSR, or setting max_cstate to 4).23:03
=== Guest5475 is now known as G22
tomreyni'd try a different kernel and disconnected usb hdd (possibly disconnected usb hubs, too, if any) first of all, then see whether those are still occurring.23:06
tomreynwhat does "the system is crashing" mean exactly?23:07
G22Hello, I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.03 LTS on a Lenovo Thinkpad P1 Gen 4 20Y3. I'm having some slight WiFi issues and trying to figure out the root cause.23:08
G22For a WiFi card, it looks like I've got a Intel Corporation Wi-Fi 6 AX210 160MHz, Kernel driver and module in use: iwlwifi23:08
G22The issue I'm having is sometimes for a few seconds or a minute I'll be unable to do anything on the internet. Ex: refresh or visit a new webpage, ping via terminal etc. If I disconnect from Wifi and then reconnect it works immediately.23:08
dgutovtomreyn One of today's examples:23:08
G22Sometimes it happens while I'm actively using the laptop, sometimes it happens if it's been sitting in suspend for awhile.23:08
dgutovJan 04 19:52:29 potemkin kernel: traps: gnome-shell[139060] general protection fault ip:7f5b8b546ba8 sp:7ffeda6f8928 error:0 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.7800.0[7f5b8b51b000+34000]23:08
G22If anyone has any ideas of info I should collect, please let me know. Thanks!23:08
dgutovThe session dies and logs me out. This happened while I was afk, iirc.23:08
tomreyndgutov: i see. and you have multiple of these? this could be anything from a hardware error (possibly bad ram module) to a broken gnome-shell extension really.23:10
tomreyndgutov: you mentioned two gnome-shell extensions. one was dash-to-dock - i don't expect this to cause problems since it is used by many and well tested. the other was "unite", which i do not know ( https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1287/unite/ has a comment saying the versions published on extensions.gnome.org  are incompatible with gnome-shell 45).23:16
dgutovtomreyn: I'd rather want to object that any extension written in a managed language shouldn't be able to crash the system, but I guess that's where we are. Anyway, I get backtraces that don't look exactly the same. The more latest one was with an extension's code in the backtrace (already reported to the author a week ago, it happened the second23:18
dgutovtime today under the same circumstances: https://github.com/hardpixel/unite-shell/issues/360).23:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 360 in hardpixel/unite-shell "GNOME 45 + unite-shell 77 crash" [Open]23:18
dgutovAs you can see, Unite is pretty popular as well (although less so, by about 4x). It has a version for gnome 45 published in "releases" because the author reportedly is having trouble with EGO's review process.23:19
tomreyndgutov: you stated "My gnome-shell has been very crashy (like several times per day) after the upgrade to 23.10" and 23.10 uses gnome-shell version 45. i agree about an extension written in a managed language should not be able to cause a critical malfunction to its interpreter. but that's just your and my opinion, not neccessarily the reality.23:20
dgutovThe drama is described there: https://github.com/hardpixel/unite-shell/issues/339#issuecomment-176439926723:20
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 339 in hardpixel/unite-shell "Support for gnome 45" [Closed]23:20
dgutovtomreyn: It's an objective technical opinion, but indeed I understand that gnome is not up to our expectations in terms of stability.23:21
tomreynwell, i would try running without this extension for a while, if that is acceptable to you.23:23
tomreynjust to see whether it helps with stability23:23
dgutovI can try, but I'd probably have to switch away from gnome if it indeed turns out to be the problem23:23
tomreynunmodified gnome-shell is rather stable *nowadays* (and for a while now), despite all the warnings it spews constantly.23:25
dgutovOn that note - back to my original question. When I do get a weird backtrace from gnome, even if it's caused by an extension, it should be a reportable situation, right? At least if the backtrace was radable enough. So is there a recommended way to install debugging symbols for gnome-shell 45.1?23:25
dgutovStable yes, usable - matter of opinion. I really miss Unity, I guess.23:25
tomreynyou can switch to unity if you like23:26
tomreyni'm not sure about why the debug symbols package version differs from the header-less one, as you say23:26
dgutovIIUC Unity is not as well-maintained these days. Though somebody tries. And there's likely no hope for Wayland support, etc.23:27
dgutovPerhaps I've enabled the wrong repository? Is this correct?23:28
dgutovdeb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com mantic main restricted universe multiverse23:28
dgutovdeb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com mantic-updates main restricted universe multiverse23:28
dgutovdeb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com mantic-proposed main restricted universe multiverse23:28
tomreynmaybe -proposed is the issue there23:28
tomreynpotentially giving you newer versions than the stable ones which symbols are available for23:29
tomreyn(and possibly introducing more instability than a non LTS already can do)23:30
dgutovOh. Thanks.23:32
causativeaRDP Free works great though, once I figured out I can manually set the resolution in the settings for it, since that wasn't working23:33
dgutovg22: I think I've had a problem like that at some point which was related to the power management of the wi-fi card23:33
causativeaFreeRDP is very misleadingly named, probably so people would confuse it with aRDP Free23:33
dgutovPerhaps this would help: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1294591/how-to-permanently-set-wi-fi-power-management-flag-to-off23:33
tomreyng22 already left unfortunately23:34
jeremy31dgutov: I think the wifi power save issue was figured out in 201723:34
dgutovIIRC I've had that with this very same laptop, which was manufactured in 2018. And see the dates of the question and the answer I linked.23:36
dgutovtomreyn: That's too bad23:36
dgutovRemoving "proposed" really helped, thanks23:37
jeremy31dgutov: This is what started the wifi power save issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/155702623:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1557026 in network-manager (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU]Network Manager sets powersave off by default in xenial" [High, Fix Released]23:42
dgutovjeremy31: Makes sense that fixing that triggered some problems. These days wifi.powersave is set to 3, including here. But it seems like if a particular driver got powersaving enabled while it didn't work very well, you could have "hanging" wi-fi until network-manager is restarted. I've battled with such for a while.23:45

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