
jadeiaHello. Installing Ubuntu from USBdrive, and after selecting "try or install" option from the boot screen, I get a series of messages "Problem blacklisting hash -13"and then the process seems to stall at this point. I've disabled secure boot but looking for some potential solutions, thanks.00:48
jadeiaPreviously I was running Linux Mint.00:48
kawalIs it a laptop?00:49
jadeiaNo desktop00:50
kawaltry another USB port or another USB stick, and if it does not work you may need a boot parameter because of particular hardware thing.00:50
jadeiaAh simple, I'll try a different USB thanks00:50
kawalIt should work fine if mint does.00:50
oerhekscheck the iso ..00:53
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu00:53
EriC^jadeia: seems to be a widespread thing but shouldnt let it not boot, just a warning message, try oerheks00:54
jadeiaOk, Yeh i read that too. But it does seem to stall the process. Its on that message screen for 10+ mins so far00:54
EriC^i wonder if 'nomodeset' might help somehow?00:56
Marxism-LeninismDoes anyone know how to install Tableau BI on Ubuntu 23.04?00:57
oerheks23.04 is EOL ..00:57
oerheksand that TAbleau is commercial stuff .. unlikely we know https://www.tableau.com/products/linux00:59
EriC^jadeia: maybe try to use a different usb port once the iso checks out as suggested, and also try using "loglevel=7 systemd.log_level=debug" in the kernel line in case it shows more info01:01
EriC^jadeia: which laptop model is it? maybe it's a known issue01:01
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jadeiaThis is a desktop - a fairly recent MSI system01:04
jadeiaI get the GNU GRUB screen on boot01:04
jadeiaHow do I change a loglevel? I am on the GRUB01:05
jadeiaTrying *safe graphics* and that seems to be progressing01:09
jadeiaOk yep that worked - looks odd but safe graphics option loaded up and on the install screen. Is this an issue installing from this mode?01:10
oerheksthe !nomodeset factoid is commonly known to fix boot/screen issues, sure01:11
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.01:12
jadeiaOk thank you good to know. I am running Mint so I assumed I would be ok. I'll check that out before proceeding further01:12
leftyfb!mint | jadeia01:13
ubottujadeia: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/01:13
oerheks"Previously I was running Linux Mint." .. and now ..01:13
jadeiaI mean, I am installing ubuntu01:14
leftyfbah, sorry01:14
WaVjadeia: What graphics card out of curiousity?01:14
oerheksjadeia, as it is a new system, check for a bios update?01:14
jadeiaNewish - 18 months. 306001:15
jadeiaOriginally Win10/11, then Mint for about 4 months. No looking to go Ubuntu01:15
WaVIs that Gefore RTX 3060?01:16
jadeiaYes sorry01:16
jadeiaPretty low end card but has served me well and I am not a heavy gamer01:17
jadeiaMint was great as a landing from Windows experience. It convinced me that Linux is totally suitable for my use case.01:18
WaVWhen the installer asks you to look for proprietary drivers say yes.01:20
jadeiaThank you will do.01:20
WaVYou will want to download the nvidia-driver for your card.01:20
mguyHow do I tell sendmail to use port 587 to send email instead of port 25? That port is closed the message ends up being deferred with a 4.3.2 service not available01:20
leftyfbmguy: you read the sendmail documentation01:22
oerheksmguy, edit /etc/mail/sendmail.mc01:22
jadeiaAppreciate the help folks. IRC has been helping me with computers for 30 years :)  So underrated! Big love from me.01:22
oerhekstons of guides like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76903390/how-to-setup-or-configure-sendmail-in-ubuntu-22-04-with-custom-smtp-relay01:23
leftyfbmguy: I would highly recommend using postfix and reading the documentation of your MTA. An email server should not be taking lightly01:23
WaVjadeia: np. Good luck on the install.01:24
mguyIt's just an internal thing...it's already sending out mail correctly but one program isn't sending it out correctly01:24
mguyoerheks: I read that earlier but I'm not using a smarthost01:25
oerheksit's already sending out mail correctly .. on port 25?01:25
mguyoerheks: no, on 58701:25
leftyfbthat's the default01:25
esvit should only listen on port 25, but sending to?01:25
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oerheksif the port is correct, the one program is not.01:26
esvshouldn't it use port-mapper?01:26
mguyIt listens on localhost and applications are sending email to users internally, it finds the mx for our domain and hits one of our 4 internal mail servers01:26
leftyfbmguy: sounds like ssmtp would work fine then01:27
leftyfbor postfix as a satellite server01:27
mguyand if I use the mail command it does the same thing, tries to hit 25 and fails01:27
leftyfbmguy: so read the documentation and set the port to submission instead01:27
esvon the remote host...01:27
mguyesv on itself01:28
mguyn/m yes the remote host01:28
mguysecurity finally turned off port 2501:28
Random6Anyone know if Linux Mint can be installed in termux?01:32
leftyfb!mint | Random601:33
ubottuRandom6: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/01:33
leftyfbRandom6: you really should be asking for support with Termux in #termux. I don't think any distro's are going to support being installed in that environment.01:34
Work-BWMerlinIs there an equivelant to Windows Sandbox in the Ubuntu/Linux world?01:35
leftyfbWork-BWMerlin: that depends, what is Windows Sandbox?01:35
esvWork-BWMerlin, would you rather rephrase your question?01:35
leftyfbWork-BWMerlin: what are you looking to do exactly?01:35
Work-BWMerlinWindows Sandbox is an instant VM that resets itself back when closed down01:35
leftyfbWork-BWMerlin: ubuntu core01:36
Work-BWMerlinIt is great for testing things like suspicious files or if you want to test a script in a turley clean environment each and everytime01:36
leftyfbyou're looking for an immutable OS01:36
leftyfbWork-BWMerlin: I would just suggest running a container in LXD and use snapshops01:36
Work-BWMerlinWill look into it01:37
krematorgood night folks, i have updated my ubuntu 22.04 to the latest and now in a plugin that i have for selecting the power scheduler and now only have "performance" and "powersave"01:43
krematori used to have "schedutil", "ondemand", etc01:44
leftyfbKuleshok: can we help you with something?01:57
Kuleshok<leftyfb> tel01:57
leftyfb!ru | Kuleshok01:58
ubottuKuleshok: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.01:58
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»02:17
sysadm1nHGood morning or good evening. You are welcome on https://twitter.com/PLocataire : #exploits #coding #OSINT #Tools #Papers ;>02:55
=== Jubes98 is now known as Jubes9
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jamiahx2I'm trying to mount an ecryptfs directory cloned from a failing hdd05:28
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berocoderI use Ubuntu 23.10 and have a problem with kvm aspect ratio. Black borders left and right.06:05
berocoderMy second big monitor is much wider than my laptop screen. Could that be the reason ?06:06
kawalyes change the resolution in the serttings of course.06:15
kawalit may not adjust properly to the aspect ratio/resolution06:15
kawaland you may also have a menu on your screen06:16
kawalto adapt the screen ratio / the other way aroiund06:16
berocoderPhysically my laptop screen has different aspect ratio than my big monitor. That is wider 34".06:26
berocoderSo of course I want to take advantage of that.06:26
berocoderI use mirror in display settings so same screen on both.06:26
berocoderI suspect that my small laptop screen dictate settings on my big screen.06:26
berocoderThe KVM guest is Windows 10.06:26
kawalyeah, try to extend the display maybe instead, cause in mirror mode maybe it cannot scale the resolution properly for your external screen06:28
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berocoderI tried that but doesn't matter. I think it would be most logical in mirror mode that the largest screen take over. And the smaller screen have black borders in case aspect ration is different06:30
berocoderOr ideally a setting. There is primary display. But set my large screen as primary display doesn't matter06:31
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RexodusGood morning mortals! I wanna surface check /dev/md0. 4 devices. They are also there as /dev/sd*. But I can't find anything to start with. I have little experience with raid except for the last 2 days. The thing is umounted. The data on it is important. What is the best approch?08:18
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ravageRexodus: surface checks are really 90s. on modern devices you have smartctl to check if the device is healthy. it also shows you relocated sectors and so on (on spinning rust)08:26
mcxninjaThis is the first time I'm using IRC. Is there any way I can see the old messages?08:34
Disconsentedmcxninja: No08:36
mcxninjaDisconsented: Okay08:37
lotuspsychje!logs | mcxninja08:37
ubottumcxninja: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/08:37
mcxninjaubottu: interesting. How often it's getting backed up?08:39
lotuspsychjemcxninja: visit the page, you will be able to see the dates08:40
lotuspsychjei think there's a renewal of latest pretty quick08:40
Rexodusravage: I didn't realize. TnX!08:51
esvhey folks, have a very weird situation here, I have this silly bash script to automate some tasks and I use getops to review the command line options, here is the relevant part: https://dpaste.com/E9EPUB6XT10:36
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esvand here are different logs: https://dpaste.com/8FGT4MZZZ10:38
esvit seems when I use -ts somehow getopts gets confused on when to end the option review , everything seems fine if I use -- after the options section10:40
esvI have retyped the command a couple of times to discard possible special characters hidden in the command line with the same result.10:41
esvjust looks odd.10:41
ph88i put a script in /etc/cron.daily/ i didn't see it running yet. How can i check if it ran? Do i need to do anything special to make it run?11:28
CosmicDJph88: check /etc/crontab; keep in mind that the cron.daily scripts will not run unless you have anacron installed (see "test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )")11:46
CosmicDJph88: systemd supports timers, maybe you want to use them instead11:48
ph88CosmicDJ, useful advice thanks i will take a look12:23
ph88CosmicDJ, the command   test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )   does not return anything12:25
ph88 /usr/sbin/anacron is present on the system12:25
bleusmancan´t i juse format the mediatek device12:30
bleusmanand install android 11 on it ?12:30
bleusmani mean ubuntu-touch**12:31
kawalprobably not, what device is it exactly?12:33
kawalif it's an android device it has boot locking, and you may only install LineageOS if it is in the list of supported devices (and it's probably not the case)12:34
bleusmanhammer 212:34
bleusmanah yes need to unlock the bootloader ??12:34
bleusmani asked sony-ericson to made ubuntu available12:35
bleusmanbeen looking at this one: https://volla.online/en/volla-phone-x23/12:35
bleusmanlast time somehow i managed to get into some kind of diagnose screen from the mediatek12:44
bleusmanbut it wall all in chinese -_-12:44
bleusman: $12:44
BluesKajHi all13:59
ph88hi BluesKaj14:05
thisisjaymehta0;10;1c/b 514:06
BluesKajhi ph8814:07
=== TheCaptain7 is now known as TheCaptain
Guest87trying to get x11vnc working, and keep getting XOpenDisplay(":0") failed where can I start looking for the issue?14:39
leftyfbGuest87: what release of ubuntu?14:39
oerheksand what session, wayland or Xorg?14:39
Guest8722.04.03 LTS14:39
Guest87Xorg should be14:39
leftyfbGuest87: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE14:40
Guest87tty right now as I am ssh'd in14:40
leftyfbthere's your problem14:40
leftyfbexport DISPLAY=:0 ; echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE14:40
Guest87still tty14:41
leftyfbGuest87: is there a desktop running?14:42
Guest87service gdm3 is up and running14:42
Guest87is that enough?14:43
leftyfbGuest87: what type of machine is this?14:43
Guest87Ubuntu server14:43
leftyfbrunning on......14:43
leftyfbwhy do you need x11vnc on a server?14:43
Guest87want to connect directly to the desktop14:44
leftyfbubuntu server doesn't have a desktop by default14:44
Guest87this was working, but something is borked, ubuntu-desktop is installed, and like I said this was directly connecting fine14:45
Guest87is the $XDG_SESSION_TYPE supposed to point to xorg?14:47
oerheksyes, as you claim you run xorg14:49
Guest87So does xorg need to be running in order for this to work?14:54
Guest87sorry I dont understand the GUI very well14:54
raffoGuest87: where you exporting a running :0 desktop session before or the login manager screen?14:54
CosmicDJGuest87: what do you try to do exactly? run X11 programs on your server? viah ssh X11 forwarding or VNC?14:55
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Guest87I just want to connect to the Ubuntu desktop14:57
Guest87this is what I was told to run and it worked up until a few days ago14:58
Guest87sudo -u gdm x11vnc -auth /run/user/128/gdm/Xauthority -display :0 -xkb -forever -rfbport 2000014:58
Guest87then I would VNC in to port 20000 and got connected to my desktop14:58
Guest87which now results in "XOpenDisplay(":0") failed."14:59
raffois the server's local firewall set up to allow connections to that port?15:00
CosmicDJGuest87: you want to connect to your Ubuntu Desktop from your server?15:01
Guest87From a Windows 10 machine, using VNCviewer15:03
spookyusersanyone have a good resource for running ubuntu (or linux in general) on mac? I wrecked my mac os and just decided to run ubuntu instead. It's going ok but few hiccups like when i close the macbook it just freezes and sound doesn't work.15:21
Haris_for my error ===> By one wonder or another, it seems that once your start using SSL certificates, this configuration line is somehow "ignored". Thus, Apache fail to find the lock dir for the mutex file.  \r\n   Just adding (remove comment) this line into /etc/apache2/apache2.conf isn't working either.15:38
Haris_You have to specifically create a configuration file and enable it. Else it won't solve the problem. <== is this also it?15:38
Haris_I'm on focal15:38
Haris_[mpm_prefork:emerg] [pid 2184334] (43)Identifier removed: AH00144: couldn't grab the accept mutex <=== error I'm getting on two VMs on focal15:39
lotuspsychjeplease no crossposting Haris_15:39
raffoGuest87: is there an actual session running at the time you're executing your x11vnc command?15:40
Haris_not sure if any of the server side guys are up-n-about15:40
Haris_they'r pretty peaceful since a while15:40
lotuspsychjeHaris_: best to ask your question in one channel at once, unless volunteers advice specific channels15:41
lotuspsychjealso for your question, try to use a !paste too15:41
Haris_its actually covered in the stackoverslow page. I was surprised about the last tid bit. Had to ask15:42
Haris_facing this one on two production boxes right now. apache2 fails at random15:43
varaindemianTrying to install Grafana - https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/setup-grafana/installation/debian/15:47
varaindemianI keep getting this:15:47
lotuspsychjetry the snap varaindemian ?15:49
varaindemianI woul like to use this15:49
leftyfbvaraindemian: curl -sSL "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x963FA27710458545" | sudo gpg --dearmor --output /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/grafana --yes15:50
leftyfbthough it looks like step2 of their instructions should have worked for you15:50
leftyfbwhich does basically the same thing15:50
varaindemianleftyfb: issued your command and I get the same error at `apt update`15:50
leftyfbok, just use the snap then15:51
leftyfbvaraindemian: or contact grafana for support with their repository15:51
oerheksi just tried, these instructions work for Jammy 22.0415:54
ApostleInTriumphHi All. I'm a root of a server and somehow it got restarted abruptly. I want to understand who/what triggered the restart. How do I find it out?15:58
oerheksCheck last reboot and /var/log/syslog ?16:03
ApostleInTriumphInside that, how do I check who restarted or was it an automatic one?16:08
tuxicknormally only root can do that16:32
ApostleInTriumphyes, I'm a root16:32
raffocheck the log and see if another user became root or logged in as root right before the reboot.16:33
ApostleInTriumphhow do I check which user became root?16:34
raffojournalctl -n10016:37
raffono, you need to dump the log around the time the reboot occurred.16:37
raffoman journactl16:38
raffoe.g. journalctl -n5000 | grep "Feb 19", or something like that.16:38
raffothere are other ways to dump particular intervals.16:39
raffoThis is assuming your system logs are persistent. In some configurations the system logs are discarded after a reboot.16:40
raffoCheck /var/log/messages too, if you have it.16:43
Guest8919where is the openvpn client config file created by Gnome/Network Manager stored?17:48
oerheksi bet you did not do any research? /etc/openvpn/client.conf17:52
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alexisHola a tod@s, para dudas en actualización de Linux Mint es este canal?, gracias.18:06
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»18:07
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mrcoffeeMy computer is not shutting down with ubuntu21:32
mrcoffeeI have tried editing grub21:32
mrcoffeeBUt still not shutting down.21:32
mrcoffeeIt will shut down once if i do a dpkg on boot..21:32
mrcoffeeBut the second time wont shut down anymore..21:32
mrcoffeeOn shut down it says something about filesystem being remounted read only -ro and then it says powering off but never fully does.21:33
preachnone of that made any sense..21:41
oerheksrun a fsck on that partition(s)21:42
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/disk-repair.html.en //https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting21:43
plastikmani guess i was too late for mrcoffee but what a strange thing to ask.  that is not a grub issue but an acpi issue22:06
mrcoffeeHi there22:11
mrcoffeeStill having shutdown issues, any ideas?22:11
leftyfbmrcoffee: if your filesystem is being mounted read-only it's typically due to a corrupt filesystem and/or bad storage device22:13
mrcoffeeOk.. Thats what i see on shutdown: https://0x0.st/H5-f.jpg22:15
mrcoffeeleftyfb but shouldnt that be fixed with fsck ?22:15
mrcoffeeMeaning i have run dpkg and fsck and the issue persists.22:15
leftyfbok, first off, I don't know why you keep mentioning dpkg. It has nothing to do with shutting down, fsck or any of the symptoms you are experiencing22:16
mrcoffeeWell, for instance running dpkg fixes the issue but just for one loop.22:17
mrcoffeeDont know why or how, but it does.22:17
leftyfbmrcoffee: what is the exact command you are running?22:17
mrcoffeeOn boot, i do the boot ubuntu on safe mode or something like that and then you get the options dpkg, fsck and so on.. resume normal boot22:18
leftyfbplease get specifics and share them here22:19
mrcoffeeUbuntu recovery mode dpkg option, that fixes the issue for one loop..22:19
mrcoffeeTHen the issue shows up again..22:19
leftyfbplease take a screenshot22:19
mrcoffeeAnd i posted an image with what i get on shutdown22:19
mrcoffeeTHats all there is.22:19
leftyfbplease take a screenshot of this "dpkg" message you are seeing22:20
leftyfbok, that menu item isn't allowing you to boot22:23
leftyfbwhy are you going into recovery mode to begin with?22:23
mrcoffeeLet me start again leftyfb22:27
mrcoffeeI have a lenovo legion 5 with dual boot, when i power off the maching it never does totally, it says powering off and hangs in there forever.22:27
mrcoffeeSome suggestions have been to edit the grub file:22:28
plastikmanyou have ACPI issues22:31
plastikmanI would recomend that you fix your ACPI tables then inject them into the kernel and try again22:31
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oerhekscheck for a bios update for that lenovo 523:01
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Cryptick_Hello there23:21

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