
=== JanC is now known as Guest2458
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
madjaxHi, new here. Anyone tested the new autoinstaller for the desktop much?12:29
madjaxI work as a Linux administrator at a university in Sweden. We are trying to make Ubuntu work as a desktop platform for our researchers. Not the easiest I have done. Was hoping to chat with similar people in the same seat. Not so easy to find info about the autoinstaller. Most things doesn't work.12:35
tarzeauETH Zurich, Switzerland here. if you mean subiquity, we're using that, a collegue of mine set it up...13:21
tarzeaumadjax: 22.04 is the last ubuntu we use, switching to Debian this year.13:21
madjaxtarzeau > do you have any input to share of the reason for it? I managed to make the autoinstall code work somewhat for 24.04, but very unstable. 23.10 was worse even.  The code for installing landscape client, adding active directory is far from working I would say (unless someone with some great input is telling me otherwise...haha)13:45
tarzeaumadjax: we don't want landscape. we like selfhosted. we use https://github.com/alexmyczko/ruptime -- let me find the reasons why 13:46
dbungertmadjax: I don't have full scrollback, just what is visible at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2024/03/08/%23ubuntu-next.html - if you have bugs with autoinstall please file against https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity and as we're talking autoinstall, a sample config would help that process.13:47
tarzeaumadjax: basically this: http://sid.ethz.ch/debian/ubuntu.txt13:49
madjaxdbungbert > I don't like the bugs report thingy at launchpad. It isn't so user friendly and I feel I don't have any control over where my data goes.13:49
tarzeaumadjax: will be updated soon https://www.debian.org/users/edu/ethz_phys13:49
madjaxtarzeau > thanks13:50
madjaxI feel like I am in a catch-22. I have come to a step where the info on the internet isn't enough to progress and I feel my problems aren't common ones, at least thats what I think since there is mostly dead silence when I ask them. I tried contacting Canonical, but only get standard info with links to forum, discourse etc. The ones who is gonna approve for our Ubuntu project need to see more and know more if they are gonna allow me to buy UbuntuPro 13:55
madjaxlicenses....and without UbuntuPro license I feel Canonical won't talk to me 13:55
dbungertmadjax: if you don't want to paste extensive logs to launchpad that's fine, but that is where the bug reports live.  The options to see real bugs fixed are limited if we don't have the information to act on.14:03
dbungerta simple sample autoinstall, redact the private information, along with what was expected and what actually happened is likely actionable14:04
ogra_madjax, who do you think dbungert or I are working for ? also if you do not like to report bugs they will not get fixed, launchpad is used by ubunto for bug reporting since nearly 20y ... if you want things fixed you kind of need to make us developers known about them and since we cant work on wild guesses, smoe info in these bugs is needed14:11
ogra_most ubuntu development happens in public and we are around to help you ... 14:12
schopinIt's just not always obvious that we're Canonical employees :)14:13
ogra_indeed 🙂14:14
schopinhmpf, it seems my font has lost emoji support when upgrading to noble?14:14
madjaxok great and I understand you wish the info in a certain way...I really do.14:15
madjaxI have a lot of pressure on my shoulders at the moment. I am in middle of a Ubuntu investigation which hopefully should get funding for Ubuntu client management here.14:17
ogra_pro is really not a requirement for support ... it just gets you additional stuff ... similar to the thing that tarzeau complains about with his xrdp stuff in the text linked above ... security fixed to xrdp have simply not existed in ubuntu before pro *unless* some community person signed up to maintain them (which simply didnt happen) with pro you can get extra security fixes from a paid team now that works full time on these bits (and needs to 14:18
ogra_be paid somehow)14:18
madjaxok I thought Pro was needed to get help about enterprise things like autoinstall and landscape14:22
ogra_landscape is free for trial (but is indeed a paid for product since it exists (over 18y already))... support can be had via IRC, askubuntu, or the forum for free ... even for enterprise things 🙂14:24
ogra_(and there is a matrix server too now if you feel IRC ios too old)14:25
madjaxThe vision of autoinstall, are there a best practise that you have on it? Like how to set it up in a certain way to work best with AD, network, custom apps and so on14:25
madjaxas of now the way I have it set up, the installer says it is complete when it reach late-commands....but thats where most of my custom things start. So the whole installer gives "false" picture.14:26
ogra_i think there are a good bunch of examples on discourse.ubuntu.com ... and there are also blogs linked from there to howtos of admins using it 14:26
madjaxwe are testing the free trial of Landscape now, but kinda hit dead end there too. Not much info about it to get help from.14:28
ogra_(though admittedly they are more likely server users since subiquity has only moved to desktop installs recently 14:28
madjaxmost examples doesn't seem to work regarding landscape. I did exactly like Yanisa wrote about how to install the client, but something is missing. The PPA gets installed, but the code which shall install the client and contact server never gets in.14:35
madjaxWe bashscripted everything in with 22.04 so Landscape worked with that pretty ok, but we were hoping to not do that with the new installer.14:37
lotuspsychjejust got bug #2056562 after doing updates on noble -desktop15:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2056562 in shim-signed (Ubuntu) "package shim-signed 1.57+15.8-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subproces van pakket shim-signed werd script post-installation geïnstalleerd gaf de foutwaarde 10 terug" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205656215:12
arraybolt3Anyone else noticing logrotate.service failures upon bootup or shutdown of their Noble systems?21:59
arraybolt3I now have noticed this happening on not one but two Noble VMs, one of which I installed "manually" with debootstrap, apt, grub-install, etc., and the other one of which I originally installed from a Mantic ISO and then upgraded to Noble.21:59
arraybolt3I wouldn't be surprised if a "fresh" Noble system behaved the same way, though I haven't checked yet.22:00
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