
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> meh, I am getting faf for reducing the apparmor profiles down to just userns.... yet that is what they did for gnome.11:45
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> If that is the case, then either you will be proved right, or canonical people doing gnome will get an earful ;) (re @sgmoore: meh, I am getting faf for reducing the apparmor profiles down to just userns.... yet that is what they did for gnome.)11:50
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> lol11:51
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I guess I should find the correct solution.11:51
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore Can you point to some examples in gnome packages?11:52
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> hmm. in the apparmor package, there are 91 profiles that do this!12:06
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> already12:07
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Ah yes, that's where I found it.12:07
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Robie is giving me grief. I will link apparmor package.12:07
BluesKajHi all12:09
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore currently being discussed in #ubuntu-security on IRC12:52
=== Jozo_ is now known as Jozo
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2024/07/09/%23ubuntu-security.html13:03
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> gone quiet now waiting for replies from those pinged13:04
jozo_RikMills: compare current plasmashell profile to eg. opera/chromium13:05
sgmooreThe apparmor folks write the plasmashell profile, not us.13:05
jozo_I know that. but I disabled it cos it too restritive. (not verified..)13:07
sgmooreThis is what I get for following the herd. I should have just tried to solve my issue with multiarch.13:07
=== jozo_ is now known as Jozo
JozoIf I remember correctly current plasmashell profile does not work with spotify (snap). I can test that.13:10
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> wow, that would explain my issues with my Elisa snap I bet.13:13
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> plasmashell also has the hard coded path! https://git.launchpad.net/apparmor/tree/profiles/apparmor.d/plasmashell13:13
Jozodbus-daemon[2511]: apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call"  bus="session" path="/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" name=":1.4088" mask="receive" pid=3512860 label="snap.spotify.spotify" peer_pid=2045540 peer_label="plasmashell"13:13
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> shouldn't include <abstractions/dbus-session> allow that? ( I didn't write plasmashell ) I wonder if my include multiarch is somehow related in with that includes are not being included somehow?13:16
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Unfortunately, I have to leave for a few hours. Will catch up when I get back home.13:23
Jozono idea. what if dropping all other than userns? like chromium on other browsers.13:23
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> lol, that is what I am trying to do and I am getting major grief.13:24
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+source/plasma-welcome/+bug/206591513:24
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2065915 in tellico (Ubuntu Noble) "[SRU] Fix hard coded path in apparmor profiles." [Undecided, New]13:24
JozoBTW. aa-disable do not work when some profile has error... like ERROR: Include file /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/firefox not found13:31
JozoI tried to install KDE6 today (with plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop), but not any luck. something still missing...13:40
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> 👆🏻 (re @RikMills: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/plasma-workspace/-/tree/debian/experimental?ref_type=heads13:55
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/plasma-desktop/-/tree/debian/experimental?ref_type=heads)13:55
RikMillsplasma 6 is not ready yet13:56
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> people can't wait for it :) (re @IrcsomeBot: <RikMills> plasma 6 is not ready yet)13:57
RikMillsdebian have't finished packaging plasma-workspace and plasma desktop yet13:58
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> i know .. just saying it .... 🤞🏻13:59
RikMillseven when they have, it might be a while before plasma 6 is installable without breaking systems14:00
JozoRikMills: I know :)14:06
RikMillsah, I should have put my plasma 6 builds somewhere more secret :P14:10
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> can mixed n match? (re @IrcsomeBot: <Jozo> https://launchpad.net/~kai-kasurinen/+archive/ubuntu/klop)14:44
Jozomyfenris: ?14:45
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> that is your ppa @ rikmills? (re @IrcsomeBot: <Jozo> myfenris: ?)14:46
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> i meant , can mixed it with ppa experimental + klop 😄 (re @IrcsomeBot: <Jozo> myfenris: ?)14:46
Jozomyfenris: Yes. my ppa depends experimental. But that not just work yet.14:47
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> u have? 😈 (re @IrcsomeBot: <RikMills> ah, I should have put my plasma 6 builds somewhere more secret :P)14:50
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> No. Too late now :P14:51
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3b33aa8c/file_76595.webp14:52
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/60d708ee/file_76596_tgs.webp14:54
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> no movement yet ... 🤒 (re @RikMills: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/plasma-workspace/-/tree/debian/experimental?ref_type=heads14:55
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/plasma-desktop/-/tree/debian/experimental?ref_type=heads)14:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> The people doing it have paid jobs to do (re @myfenris: no movement yet ... 🤒)14:57
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> 🫡 indeed (re @RikMills: The people doing it have paid jobs to do)15:32
Jozoplasma-workspace-data needs breaks plasma-workspace or something....16:18
RikMillsJozo: thanks. I will see what is there when debian tag and upload16:27
JozoAnd propaply needs updating all apps in same run... :)16:30
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/1335gj5/mouse_feels_laggy_and_slow_on_wayland_compared_to/ <— any comment / thought about this?16:41
RikMillsJozo: probably not updating that many apps at the same time. More likely doing some things to make sure the current versions can co-exist with plasma 616:43
JozoAh, I propably need compile some packages. eg powerdevil16:46
RikMillsI'm more concerned with why some of KF5 kf5 5.116.0 is being removed16:48
RikMillsI guess I should set up a VM. Install every frameworks 5 package. Then install every frameworks 6 package to make sure they can really co-exist16:51
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> got any metadata packages that can trigger to install kf6 with the same installed kf5? (re @IrcsomeBot: <RikMills> I guess I should set up a VM. Install every frameworks 5 package. Then install every frameworks 6 package to make sure they can really co-exist)16:53
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> manually 1by1?16:54
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> maybe can try with 1 package 1st right?16:55
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> Installing:16:57
IrcsomeBot<myfenris>   kf6-breeze-icon-theme16:57
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> REMOVING:16:57
IrcsomeBot<myfenris>   breeze             elisa        kubuntu-desktop           plasma-desktop      plasma-widgets-addons  plasma-workspace-wayland16:57
IrcsomeBot<myfenris>   breeze-icon-theme  kinfocenter  kubuntu-settings-desktop  plasma-integration  plasma-workspace       sddm-theme-breeze16:57
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> Summary:16:57
IrcsomeBot<myfenris>   Upgrading: 0, Installing: 1, Removing: 12, Not Upgrading: 016:58
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> so the theory is not right 🙈16:58
Jozoat least plasma-framework seems seems suspicious. I don't see what replaces it....16:59
RikMillsJozo: it got moved to plasma and renamed to libplasma17:00
Jozobut plasma-framework does not seems provided any new libplasma packages. and looks like some other packages depends it.17:04
RikMillsa bug part of your breakage seems to be due to17:05
RikMillsPackage: kglobalacceld17:05
RikMillsArchitecture: any17:05
RikMillsDepends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends},17:05
RikMillsBreaks: libkf5globalaccel-bin,17:05
RikMillsReplaces: libkf5globalaccel-bin,17:05
RikMillsremoving libkf5globalaccel-bin break at lot of qt5/kf5 things17:07
RikMills*breaks a lot17:07
RikMillsthe only file that conflicts (i.e.P17:12
RikMillsi.e. is in both packages is:17:12
RikMills /usr/lib/systemd/user/plasma-kglobalaccel.service17:12
RikMillsmaybe we can do a patch so the qt5/kf5 one uses /usr/lib/systemd/user/plasma-kglobalaccel5.service 17:14
RikMillsthat would mean the nasty breaks/replaces could be dropped17:14
RikMillsI think patching those two should do it: https://i.imgur.com/8d0YORc.png17:21
RikMillsnot that simple, but will work it out17:25
arraybolt3RikMills, sgmoore: ^ this is what I did to Oracular most recently18:58
arraybolt3does this actually look good to you? If I SRU that into Noble, do you think that will be good?18:58
arraybolt3Or should I have retained the white background inside the gear?18:59
RikMillsarraybolt3: how does it look with our light colour scheme?19:14
arraybolt3exactly like you'd expect, lemme get a screenshot19:20
arraybolt3also sorry to miss the ping19:20
arraybolt3RikMills: https://i.imgur.com/gdBw4Dy.png19:21
RikMillslgtm^2 then19:23
arraybolt3https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/2072149 SRU paperwork donw here20:07
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2072149 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Oracular) "Kubuntu logo in System Settings has a white background where it should be transparent" [High, Confirmed]20:07
arraybolt3https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/2072163 SRU paperwork done here too.20:11
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2072163 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Noble) "Color scheme for Calamares is wrong" [High, Confirmed]20:11
RikMillsJozo: I think in a few hrs, you should see quite a bit less packages being removed21:13
* RikMills has fingers crossed21:13

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