
oerheks 01:32
jsmoothI have asked this question on StackOverflow, but the question got closed. I have Windows 11, using Windows Susbsystem for Linux 2...Ubuntu latest version...when my computer locks-out (having to put in pin) or just after a while, Ubuntu gives me I/O errors for everything. Restarting the Ubuntu shell doesn't help, I have to reboot my computer to solve it. Anyone in here know what might be happening?01:55
leftyfb!wsl | jsmooth01:55
ubottujsmooth: Windows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide01:55
leftyfbjsmooth: /join #windows-wsl01:56
jsmoothI've already asked in there01:56
jsmoothNo answers so far01:56
leftyfbok, that will be the best place to get answers01:56
sarnoldoh nice to know there's a WSL channel01:56
leftyfbjsmooth: to be clear, this is entirely a WSL issue ans nothing to do with ubuntu itself01:57
sarnoldjsmooth: can you reproduce that with different linuxes?01:57
jsmoothI haven't tried any other linux01:57
jsmoothNot in WSL that is01:57
sarnoldjsmooth: it feels like something to report to microsoft, but I haven't got a clue how01:57
sarnoldjsmooth: I think I've heard there's a magic undocumented way to start *unrelated* VM instances, so that you could just close the busted one and open a new one, but using undocumented features might lead to worse problems than just rebooting01:58
Guest89hello, I am having some issues on a desktop PC, WARNING: the following key command can be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing! So the issue is, I hold alt+printscreen then type REISUB, it doesn't unfreeze nor reboot as expected02:39
Guest89it happens ONLY on 13th and 14th gen intel machines02:40
Guest89its like the IO locks up entirely02:40
Guest89does anyone else have these issues?02:40
Guest89I lost several hours of cad work02:41
Guest89it doesn't seem to matter if I am on xfce, KDE Plasma, Gnome with or without extensions02:42
Guest89seems to happen across all distros02:42
Guest89I have tried a few on this machine02:42
sarnoldGuest89: check the output of "sysctl kernel.sysrq" -- we have set sysctl to only allow certain operations. there may be some notes in /etc/sysctl.conf on how it works, but that might change from release to release02:45
Guest89you shouldnt change things like that, that is a HUGE nono in the Linux space02:46
lagunaloire123hello is this working03:10
lagunaloire123I can see much on this android app03:10
k_szeI'm trying to upgrade my server from 20.04 to 22.04, and I get this in the middle of the do-release-upgrade, what am I supposed to do?: https://bpa.st/YAPQ03:12
lagunaloire123ok thanks kut this is still in alpha stage not even beta yet and a little flaky but trying to get a couple of things working on this phone03:13
lagunaloire123because the electricity bill is so much cheaper03:14
lagunaloire123of course you can't play tsunamods echo s-7 for final fantasy 7 but we'll save a little on electricity when I can03:16
lagunaloire123hey kut i am back on the other machine now for just a minute...i wanted to know if anyone in here knows of a quick reference guide to convert tasm borland turbo assembly language for the x86  to the nasm provided with freedos03:26
lagunaloire123because the last i heard was that borland was giving away the dos c++ compiler but not the assembler03:27
lagunaloire123and apparently the wayback machine did not archive a lot of the free x86 assembly language routines that were floating around for the borland assembler03:28
lagunaloire123back in the dos days03:29
lagunaloire123for people that like to put the code right to the metal of the computer without needing an operating system in the way03:31
kutno idea03:31
kutthat may be more ubuntu-offtopic03:31
lagunaloire123kut yea maybe kut but they never have as many people in the channel as ubuntu has so i thought there might be someone in here that might know a quick conversion scheme between the two assemblers03:32
lagunaloire123also kut some people are saying that human beings are composed of about an octillion atoms but how many is that03:33
lagunaloire123ok' ta generally means 8 in ancient greek but i don't know how many zeros are involved03:34
Bashing-omk_sze: Does not appear that vt25m is a Ubuntu app // where did you get it ? .. as vt25m is installed from 2 different sources, one of them needs to be removed.03:35
lagunaloire123well anyway kut thanks for letting me ask here about the assemblers but i guess nobody knows at this time...so i will keep working on this for later03:35
k_szeBashing-om, good question. How do I check?03:40
k_szeBashing-om, `dpkg -S /usr/lib/terminfo/w/wsvt25m`?03:41
lagunaloire123kut by the way this is the dude that made the estimate of the number of atoms in a human being....umans are composed of about seven octillion atoms, and all those atoms would have to cram into a space the size of one atom. — Peter Jakubowicz, Discover Magazine, 21 Oct. 202203:42
k_szeBashing-om, /lib/terminfo/w/wsvt25m comes from ncurses-base, apparently, but /usr/lib/terminfo/w/wsvt25m is simply not found.03:42
lagunaloire123but i don't know how 10 to the 27 power...french or 10 to the 48 power..english..has to do with 803:44
lagunaloire123by the way how many arms on on an OCTO-pus03:46
lagunaloire123that is an enigma03:47
enigma9o7Oh wait, is that a septapus....03:47
kutdoes septultura have 7 members03:48
enigma9o7hmmmm but that means coffin, no?  chaos ad...03:48
lagunaloire123have you ever wondered why sept-ember is the 9th month instead of the seventh month03:49
kutdumb augustus and caesar03:49
kutjuly and aug ?03:49
lagunaloire123kut well i guess the fatheads wanted to add a month for julius name and then later add another month for augustus name03:50
Bashing-omk_sze: What release are you on -- I do some poking about.03:50
kuti was a name off but yes03:50
k_szeI was on 20.04, upgrading to 22.0403:51
lagunaloire123but i have never seen raw atoms sing like jessica or taeyon or celine or karen carpenter...so i think there might be something missing by just counting the raw atoms of a human being03:51
kutare you schizo or something03:52
Bashing-omk_sze: I be poking about - see what I can find out.03:52
lagunaloire123kut absolutely not...i am a legitimate doctor that was wrongly fired, then wrongly accused, then wrongly had to endure the bastards stealing and murdering my wife03:53
kutoh you're one of those03:53
lagunaloire123fuck those chemical weapons sons of bitches and sluts....with their damn shrink bullshit and their HOJO tactics03:54
kutlanguage pls03:54
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lagunaloire123they need to kill all these lying scheming crooked nigger dick suckin pigs and their shrink cohorts03:56
Eickmeyer!ops | lagunaloire123 off-topic per usual and can't read the rules apparently03:57
ubottulagunaloire123 off-topic per usual and can't read the rules apparently: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant03:57
kuti need an adult03:57
lagunaloire123they started all this shit a long time ago in Huntsville texas where i was wrongly accused of two felonies when my wife called 911 on my ass03:57
Tingok_sze: verify that might be you have Symbolink file /usr/lib/terminfo/w/wsvt25m in w folder .. $ ls -la  /usr/lib/terminfo/w/03:57
kut!ops | help please with lagunaloire123 and his langugate03:57
ubottuhelp please with lagunaloire123 and his langugate: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant03:57
lagunaloire123and then all those filthy slut corrupt judges giving my wife a pseudo divorce without even letting me speak to her...and all the crooked ass judges in the appeals court that backed that filthy slut feminist judge stovall up03:59
geekyyou done?03:59
kutI hope03:59
kuti'm sorry that i asked04:00
lagunaloire123hell no..i wont be done until i see all those corrupt murderous bastards and whores burn in hell for what they did to my kids and my family04:00
EickmeyerThis isn't the place to vent.04:00
geekyboohoo, no one here gives a hoot04:00
lagunaloire123and burning in hell forever isn't even punishment enough...to meet the demands for righteous justice against all those corrupt sons of bitches04:01
kutI am installing the latest iso > usb to my laptop but when I reboot to finish, it acts like I'm missing grub/hdd. I've tried 3-4 times now, tried with ubuntu and now xubuntu, any advise? i am telling it to write to entire disk dual booting04:03
k_szeTingo, /usr/lib/terminfo is a symlink to /usr/share/terminfo04:03
lagunaloire123yea well got to go..just thought i would pass along the actual reference of that weird octillion quote04:03
kutdoing the updated installer or iso installer made no difference04:04
geekyare you targetting the right drive to boot from in the bios?04:10
geekyor selecting the right drive as the boot drive during setup?04:10
kutyes, i have a 120gb internal and then the usb drive is 256gb04:11
kutinstalling again but i'll verify after04:12
geekysounds good04:12
geekygood luck04:12
tutani have got 24.04 on a bootable usb however i have an issue with wifi essentially not working (tried to ping ubuntu.com and got temporarily unable) and also the wifi connection drops every couple of minutes04:15
tutani searched ubuntu.com for answers and they usually involved using apt-get which i can't do (mofi, no ethernet)04:16
tutanone of the answers invovled downloading dkms and each of its dependencies, and going back to get the dependencies of the depencies as they're discovered to be needed -- haha i am not doing that. lol04:17
tutani did disable secureboot, also, and when that didn't work i said, i have to try another distro i guess but maybe i should run it past #ubuntu first04:18
rboxwell if you manually downlaod apt-offline04:18
rboxthen you dont have to do deps 1 at a time a tleast04:19
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k_szeBashing-om, the contents of both /usr/lib/terminfo/w/wsvt25m and /lib/terminfo/w/wsvt25m are exactly the same anyway (same SHA-1). I don't know what's up with that.04:25
k_szebrb, rebooting04:26
tutanim trying it out rbox04:29
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kutgeeky: same result04:31
kutI turned uefi on04:31
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kutgeeky: same result :<04:49
nickgawWhat is the advantage of ubuntu pro if you still need to apply some updates manually even when unattended-upgrades is set to yes?04:53
kutmore security04:53
nickgawHow is it more secure when you still have to apply some updates manually?04:54
kutit offers more secure updates and you can set it to do automatically04:54
nickgawHow do you do that as unattended-upgrades is running?04:55
kutthere's a setting to alert/download/install in software and pkgs04:55
nickgawThis is a virtua private server so is this possible using the command line?04:56
kuti think so04:56
Diagontomreyn / Thanks for your input.  If I blacklist nouveau, does that mean I'll be using the iGPU?04:58
tomreynDiagon: if you blacklist nouveau and don't have nvidia's proprietary driver installed, it means that you won't be using either of these drivers to manage the nvidia graphics card (which can then only be managed by the default vesa driver, if anything). you are and have been using the internal graphics all the time, i would think, unless you had, while (successfully?) using nouveau,     xrandr --setprovideroffloadsink nouveau Intel    and were06:06
tomreynrunning more graphics intense software (games?) with    DRI_PRIME=1 /path/to/software_to_run06:06
tomreynDiagon: while using the nvidia proprietary driver, you would instead be running such software using    prime /path/to/software_to_run    to switch to processing by this card, or create a profile for the given software using the nvidia-settings GUI.06:08
Guest63Hi all does anyone Read My previous messages?07:12
Bashing-omGuest63: I see nothing from you of recent.07:21
Guest63Bashing-om yesterday and before yesterday07:32
Bashing-omGuest1235: Long scrolled away :(07:44
tomreynso did the right guest07:44
ghodawalaamanhow can I change theme in ubuntu 24.0408:32
ghodawalaamani want to have some cool themes like dracula, gruvbox, nord etc.08:33
gusnanSo, doing an update on 24.04 I get the message "get more security updates through Ubuntu Pro with esm-apps" - listing among other ffmpeg. What are the fixes I would get if registering for this? Can anyone list Any CVE's?10:30
gusnanravage1: Thanks.10:35
lotuspsychje!themes | ghodawalaaman11:39
ubottughodawalaaman: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:39
BluesKajHi all11:49
ghodawalaamanlotuspsychje: thank you11:56
webmindHi, I'm trying to remove a snap as root from a system, but it refused because there is data is a user directory. That means stuff in home directories is interfering with system wide operations, can't be good. but how do I delete anyway?12:14
webmindseems quite not done to delete stuff from home directories, but also would be a pain to iterate over all homes.12:14
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sixwheeledbeastuse snap remove12:16
webmindthat's what I do...12:17
webmind- Remove data for snap "rocketchat-desktop" (680) (failed to remove snap "rocketchat-desktop" base directory: remove /home/local/snap/rocketchat-desktop: directory not empty)12:17
webmindI run snap remove rocketchat-desktop12:17
webmindalso tried with --purge, no difference12:18
sixwheeledbeastdoes snap list show the package installed?12:18
webmindit says 'disables' as a comment though12:19
webmindbut I want it removed12:19
sixwheeledbeastsnap remove --purge but if the package is half uninstalled it may need installing again?12:38
webmindinstall gives that the package is already installed, refresh says it can't for disabled packages12:40
webmindenabling it doesn't help12:41
webmind--purge makes no difference12:41
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ogra_webmind, did you manually copy anyting into that dir (potentially as root) ? .... also you have a user called "local" ?13:24
webmindogra_: nope, copied nothing there manually, and yes.13:30
ogra_webmind, well, look at the dir, there should be at least one (typically two) versioned subdirs and a symlink "current" ... try just rm'ing the content of the versioned dirs and try the remove command again13:31
ogra_(dont remove he dirs themselves, leave that to snapd)13:31
ogra_(or the symlink)13:31
webmindogra_: yeah, the problem is this is for a pile of systems.13:37
cumHereI want to ejaculate my hot semen on a muscular hairy man's chest13:37
webmindI can't have content of user directories interfere with system package management. I'll have to this manually for a bunch of systems with different users.13:37
cumHereI want to ejaculate my hot semen on a muscular hairy man's chest!13:38
cumHereI have a huge d i c k and I wanna f u c k a muscular man13:39
webmindso my question is if I can remove it irrelevant of what's in a user directory?13:39
cumHereI want to ejaculate my hot semen on a muscular hairy man's chest13:39
lotuspsychje!ops | cumHere13:39
ubottucumHere: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant13:39
cumHereI want to ejaculate my hot semen on a muscular hairy man's chest!13:40
PythonPenissuck my D I C K13:54
webmindI think some content here is offtopic...14:01
szstrmornin fuckers14:09
szstrAyt laIya had a suggort concern it would be why a3ache2 doesn't got a user ayntergace to change the /etc/a3ache2 contig14:15
MASTER_PENISsuck my p e n i s14:15
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backthenNI notice for a dual monitor setup, the primary screen is by default on the left side. Is there way to make it to default to the right side?15:30
ogra_webmind, well, snapd usually just blindy removes whats there when you use --purge, are you sure that happens on other systems too ?15:31
ogra_(and since it runs as root it should not have any probs removing files unless someone tinkered with xattrs or some such)15:31
tomreynbackthenN: i understand you're asking about how to modify the default - but why is this relevant, if you can configure it in Settings -> Displays?15:33
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backthenNtomreyn: yes it's weird. My monitor setup tends to reset to default every so often when I wake up the machine. So every time it does that I must reconfigure once again in Displays15:41
tomreynbackthenN: try replugging the external monitor next time this happens.15:42
backthenNtomreyn: I do replug as well. This is because whenever the resetting to default behavior happens, the external monitor tends to lose resolution as well in addition to being reset to the wrong location.15:44
tomreynhmm, that's a bummer. i'm not sure how this actually works under the hood, can't really suggest anything, i'm afraid.15:45
backthenNno worries. Maybe it's a driver issue15:46
backthenNgives me an incentive to try Ubuntu 24 in case it helps. But the upgrade hasn't been pushed to my machine15:49
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kenjoin #django16:22
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Guest71I have radio "Techniradio 6IR", it has bluetooth, I can easily connect to it and stream music from my phone, but somehow thinkpad running ubuntu can't stream music16:42
Guest71It shows on the radio display that it connects sucessfully but nothing happens when I try to stream the mucis16:42
Guest71I tried from firefox youtube, from vlc, mplayer, nothing f**king work16:43
Guest71What should I update/change to make it stream the music?16:43
Guest71I'm so frustrated16:43
leftyfbGuest71: what release of ubuntu are you running?16:46
leftyfbGuest71: you mean the non-LTS release that just went end of life and unsupported today?16:47
leftyfbGuest71: try upgrading to 24.0416:48
Guest71sudo apt upgrade?16:48
leftyfbGuest71: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NobleUpgrades16:48
leftyfblinked to in the 4th paragraph of the first link I gave you16:49
webmindogra_: yes, got a bunch of ubuntu systems, all the same. but running previous version of LTS16:49
Guest71well, let's see if it'll solve the issue16:49
Guest63Is here anybody? I need help16:55
din0Don't ask to ask, just ask the question Guest63 :)17:00
tomreynGuest63: if you were looking for help with something Ubuntu related, just ask your question - no need to ask if you may ask beforehand. ;)17:28
Guest63Already asked for several days, I was just asking if my messages had been read, if there was someone who could help me.17:46
Guest63Anyway i repeat. Ubuntu just starts with text based login. A volounteer told me Ubuntu is ok, there isn t any damage, just witouth graphical session. How to solve it.17:47
CosmicDJGuest63: the irclog are here -> https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/17:48
leftyfbGuest63: what release of ubuntu?17:48
CosmicDJGuest63: which image are you using?17:49
leftyfbGuest63: if it's been days, you could have just reinstalled the OS by now17:50
leftyfbGuest63: it also helps you get help if you actually respond to the questions being asked when they are asked17:50
tomreynGuest63: there's Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu cloud images, and Ubuntu Core, alls of which yould give you just a text based login. and then there is Ubuntu Desktop with the default Gnome4-based graphical desktop (and login) or one of the other graphical flavors.17:51
Guest63CosmicDJ no answers. Anyway chat Fall down continuously and I don't know why17:51
leftyfbtomreyn: they had a working GUi at some point and "did updates" and now it's not working17:52
leftyfbGuest63: what release of ubuntu?17:52
Guest63CosmicDJ leftyfb 22.04.0117:52
leftyfbGuest63: looks like you didn't actually do updates or have a broken sources.list17:53
leftyfbGuest63: ( cat /etc/apt/sources.list ; sudo apt update ) | nc termbin.com 999917:54
leftyfbGuest63: run that on your machine and post the resulting URL here17:54
Guest63leftyfb i haven t reinstalled ubuntu17:54
leftyfbwe got that17:54
leftyfbreinstalling would be your easiest and quickest way to get a functional and clean OS17:54
ioriaGuest63, honestly, if you don't paste that link, i'll start to think you're a chatbot17:58
Guest63@ioria so difficult from smartphone helping me with translator at each line from me to u and from u to me, my English not very good18:00
CosmicDJGuest63: did you check if there's a room in your lang? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:01
Guest63leftyfb i can t reistall yet, cause firts i have to try to recover a file i lost by a software like recuva18:01
leftyfbGuest63: ok, do you need any more help then?18:01
Guest63CosmicDJ no answers ofyen there18:01
leftyfbGuest63: if your ubuntu machine has internet, you know you can install something like weechat and get on IRC right?18:02
Guest63leftyfb i m by Phone, Ubuntu doens t work18:04
leftyfbGuest63: can you login to the terminal on it?18:04
Guest63leftyfb yes18:06
leftyfbGuest63: can you ping ?18:06
Guest63Just give me time, so difficult by Phone and using ofyen translator to understand all of your instructions18:07
Guest63How to ping?18:07
leftyfbyou type: ping
Guest63I can t copy paste link, i share photo by phone18:11
Guest63leftyfb in prompt or here in chat?18:12
leftyfbGuest63: reinstall your OS18:12
Guest63leftyfb why?18:12
leftyfbbecause it's broken in multiple ways and there's no telling what what wrong18:12
Guest63Firts i have to recover that very important file18:12
leftyfbI would even guess possible hardware issues (hard drive/memory)18:13
leftyfbGuest63: do you need help recovering your file?18:13
Guest63In fact, i was reinstalling Ubuntu with new version 24.04,but i see i lost that file, then now  first i need to have My current operating system18:14
leftyfbGuest63: you do not need to get your current OS working to recover a single file18:15
leftyfbGuest63: boot a live usb and copy the file to another flash drive or the cloud18:15
Guest63leftyfb file doesn't exist, but of i extract it on desktop, so i have to try to recover it by softwares like recuva, software for recovery of deleted files, so i need my current Ubuntu. I understand it may depends on more than one problem. Can we try one by one to repair their until we repair The actual problem which doesn t let start Ubuntu?18:19
leftyfbGuest63: you can and are better off running recovery software NOT in your running OS18:20
Guest63Can i use recuva or similar from live USB to recovery this file i usually extract on desktop?18:20
leftyfbyou can use testdisk from live usb18:21
leftyfbI can't speak to 3rd party software18:21
Guest63leftyfb excuse me, i don t understand what should i do18:21
leftyfbGuest63: Recuva is a Windows application. It's not going to work on Ubuntu regardless18:22
Guest63I told "or similar" because i don t know the alternative ones for linux18:22
leftyfbGuest63: also, recovering your file is not guaranteed18:23
leftyfbespecially if you keep booting your OS up and running it18:23
leftyfbGuest63: https://www.itprotoday.com/ubuntu/how-to-undelete-files-in-ubuntu-3-tools-for-linux-data-recovery18:24
Guest63leftyfb I am referring to this sentence of yours: "you can and are better off running recovery software NOT in your running OS"18:24
leftyfbGuest63: every time you run your OS, you are increasing the likelyhood that you will not recover your file18:24
leftyfbGuest63: you should be running recovery software out of band from your OS (a live USB)18:25
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Guest63I have used them in the past, usually these types of software to recover deleted files work well18:26
leftyfbyou've been lucky18:26
leftyfbnothing more18:26
leftyfbit's not guaranteed and the longer your OS runs, the less likely you are to recover your files18:26
leftyfbGuest63: if you'd like a more detailed answer/reason, when files are deleted, they aren't actually deleted. They are marked for deletion, or more appropriately, the space they take up as been marked as available to be written by anything that wants to write to the disk. If say, a log wants to write out a new file and sees that space open, it could verywell write to it, losing your file forever18:28
Guest63leftyfb ok i understand, but I only lost that file a few days ago18:29
Guest63How to do it from live USB?18:30
leftyfbGuest63: boot a live usb. Then run testdisk as per the instructions I posed to you above18:30
leftyfbyou'll have to install testdisk first from the live usb. sudo apt install testdisk18:30
Guest63What is the folder path of the desktop folder that I need to act on to recover that file?18:31
leftyfbGuest63: first off, please follow the instructions. 2nd, nobody can tell you the location of your file since you didn't tell us and it's not our file18:32
Guest63Where are the instructions? I lost them maybe18:34
Guest63I ever extract the file on desktop18:34
Guest63Ok excuse me, i didn t see the link18:35
Guest47here i am from live usb, now it's easier to chat for me18:37
Guest47give me the link here pls, i can click on it18:37
leftyfbGuest47: https://www.itprotoday.com/ubuntu/how-to-undelete-files-in-ubuntu-3-tools-for-linux-data-recovery18:37
Guest47thanks a lot18:38
Guest47so long to read all that page :-( i even have a problem at my eyes :-( i need 1 hour to read all that document18:39
Guest47can i install it by ubuntu software?18:39
leftyfbGuest47: sudo apt install testdisk18:39
leftyfbit's a LOT quicker just to use the terminal18:39
leftyfbyou might have to run this first sudo add-apt-repository universe18:40
Guest47leftyfb so I type this command first18:42
Guest47sudo add-apt-repository universe18:42
Guest47and then this other one? i.e. the following:18:42
Guest47sudo apt install testdisk18:42
leftyfbyes, then follow the instructions for testdisk on that page18:43
leftyfbdon't just run the commands from the page, read the page and understand what you are doing18:43
Guest47too long the page, i can't read all that stuff, i even have a problem at my eyes to bear it18:46
Guest47i installed testdisk, but i don't see among apps18:46
leftyfbGuest47: follow the instructions18:47
leftyfbyou can use CTRL +   to increase the font size18:47
leftyfbthere's no difference between you following those instructions already typed out and someone here typing them out for you18:48
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Guest47yex but there'are longer because there'are all more words that explain how the software works and many other information, anyway i read the part of testdisk, but i don't see the software to open it18:50
leftyfbGuest47: the instructions literally tell you where and how to run it18:51
leftyfbGuest47: if you can't follow the instructions, you're not recovering your file18:51
Guest47i didn't se the next command18:58
maliki am have and issue with youtube playback speed up18:59
malikwhen i speed it to 2x the voice start glitching19:00
malikdoes anyone know how to fix it?19:00
leftyfbGuest47: it's probably UEFI. It swon't hurt it if it's wrong19:00
Guest47leftyfb i guees first choise is right, i.e. the hd of 1000 GB is the internal hard drive on which Ubuntu is installed19:00
Guest47now, i don't know which choose19:00
maliki am opening it with firefox19:01
malikis there a liter browser?19:01
leftyfbmalik: try chromium19:01
Guest47leftyfb chromium is fantastic :-)19:02
Guest47simply, easy then perfect19:02
Guest47leftyfb first choice i did, is it correct?19:03
Guest47Disk /dev/sda - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - ST1000LM035-1RK17219:03
leftyfbGuest47: if you already picked it, then I have no way of determining what the other options were or what your setup is19:03
Guest47now what should I choose?19:06
leftyfbGuest47: https://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk_doc/undelete_fat.html#start-the-undelete-process19:07
malikleftyfb: thank u sir u saved me19:08
Guest47leftyfb https://pastebin.com/raw/Jx7uiPDJ19:08
Guest47leftyfb now?19:09
Guest47i don't know which is the partition, that's why before i asked for the pathway of desktop, i guess i just have to go on the folder of the desktop by a pathway, a path, while i'm using live usb19:10
Guest47leftyfb at the bottom of the screen are these commands.19:11
Guest47which one should be selected?19:11
Guest47>[ Type ] [Superblock] [ List ] [Image Creation] [ Quit ]19:11
leftyfbGuest47: what is the rest of the page?19:12
Guest47i just selected the second option19:12
leftyfbpastebin the entire page please19:13
Guest47this is current terminal https://pastebin.com/raw/1Bg82qqL19:14
Guest47image creation is pre-selected19:14
Guest478.1.5. Start the undelete process19:15
Guest47        Select Advanced19:15
Guest47        Select the partition that was holding the lost files and choose Undelete19:15
Guest47i don't see "Undelete"19:15
leftyfbGuest47: is your partition encrypted?19:15
Guest478.1.5. Start the undelete process19:16
Guest47        Select Advanced19:16
Guest47        Select the partition that was holding the lost files and choose Undelete19:16
leftyfbplease use pastebin19:16
Guest47excuse me, i wrong paste from translator19:16
Guest47leftyfb from what I know, no. I don't even know what it means or how to do it. I simply installed ubuntu from the pendrive19:16
leftyfbtry list19:16
Guest47leftyfb https://pastebin.com/raw/BQfE4T4219:17
leftyfbGuest47: maybe go back to the beginning and choose analyze first19:19
Guest47leftyfb the "q" to quit?19:20
Guest47leftyfb https://pastebin.com/raw/ks1KR8EW19:22
=== chalcedny is now known as Sunrise
Guest47leftyfb backup?19:23
Guest47leftyfb it let me choose just at the bottom19:23
leftyfbI don't know to be honest ... and to be clear, in the middle of stuff at work19:24
Guest47option at above are not selectable, i can't make a choose on the option above19:24
Guest47leftyfb ok, excuse me, if u want, i can wait at tomorrow19:24
leftyfbor someone else can walk you through every single step of using testdisk to recover a single file19:25
Guest47leftyfb not my intention to disturb you and I didn't know you were at work, in fact I'm sorry again, you're always very kind.19:25
Guest47that's why i ever prefer graphical programs :-( i'm not an expert user at pc19:26
Guest47leftyfb anyway when "quick search" is selected it appears "Try to locate partition"19:28
Guest47instead when i move on "Backup" it appears: "Save current partition list to backup.log file and proceed"19:28
Guest47may anyone else help me to finish the process?19:30
Guest47it's a problem for me repeat all steps tomorrow if i don't remember them exactly19:30
Guest47leftyfb if you can find some free time, I prefer to wait, because tomorrow if I have to do it all over again it will be worse for me19:38
oerheksi think you used  systemctl set-default multi-user, try systemctl set-default graphical/clear19:39
Guest47oerheks are you talkin with me?19:40
oerheksi posted that yesterday19:41
oerhekstry systemctl set-default graphical  # to boot into gui again?19:41
Guest47i have problem when i'm from phone cause chat always fall down, maybe i didn't read19:41
Guest47now, i'm from live usb, leftyfb was helping me to recovery the lost file, but now he's busy19:42
Guest47they told me there's a chance to recovery it even if i'm from live usb, but now i don't know how to proceed19:42
oerheks!info extundelete19:42
Guest47i'm using testdiks19:42
ubottuextundelete (0.2.4-3build2, noble): utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition. In component universe, is optional. Built by extundelete. Size 50 kB / 131 kB19:42
oerheksyes i read back, but those pastebins are expired19:43
oerheksoh testdisk, i dont know19:43
Guest47ok, i'll give you them again19:43
Guest47oerheks https://pastebin.com/raw/Sm9HnjAz      we have arrived at this step.19:45
Guest47first we had done "list" as a command, but then leftby said to go back and do "analyse", I did it now it gives me the possibility to choose only between the two options at the bottom. I don't know which one to choose19:45
Guest47when "quick search" is selected it appears "Try to locate partition"19:46
Guest47instead when i move on "Backup" it appears: "Save current partition list to backup.log file and proceed"19:46
oerheks#404, those pastebins expired19:46
Guest47oerheks i created a new one https://pastebin.com/raw/Sm9HnjAz19:46
oerheks1 is boot, 2 is your ubuntu19:47
oerheksfind a good testdisk manual?19:47
Guest47oerheks yes but those 2 above don't give me the opportunity to choose. I can only choose between the two below19:48
Guest47i have this https://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk_doc/undelete_fat.html#start-the-undelete-process19:48
Guest47it says that:19:48
Guest478.1.5. Start the undelete process19:49
Guest47        Select Advanced19:49
Guest47        Select the partition that was holding the lost files and choose Undelete19:49
Guest47but it doesn't appear the command "Undelete"19:49
Guest47oerheks do u read me?19:51
oerhekswait for him to return i have no knowledge of testdisk, that is why i suggested find a good manual19:53
leftyfbGuest47: maybe use photorec. I haven't really used that either. Someone will have to look through tutorials and/or documentation19:57
Lemon_DahzHello !19:57
sembandahow are you?19:58
Guest50Hey, for some reason my ubuntu doesn't want to play music when I'm connected to "Techniradio 6IR" through bluetooth, what can be the cause? The radio works perfectly fine with phone19:58
indred-colddoing well, you?19:58
leftyfbGuest50: did you upgrade?19:59
sembandaGuest50: try upǵrade your apt's19:59
Guest47The TestDisk developers provide another tool, PhotoRec, that can also recover deleted data on Ubuntu with aplomb. (Despite its name, PhotoRec can cover data of various types, not just photos.) On Ubuntu, the PhotoRec app is part of the TestDisk package, so you can install PhotoRec with:19:59
Guest47sudo apt-get install testdisk19:59
Lemon_DahzSomeone Can I talk with someone in private, who knows how to configure a VPN on Windows ? Just about a kind of ban evasion and privacy as some mods that my IP isn't that hidden. Unless they really want to manage my firewall.19:59
leftyfbLemon_Dahz: try asking in #windows19:59
leftyfbGuest50: what is installed?20:00
Guest50test disk20:00
Lemon_Dahzleftyfb I need to register and, in the second one, no one is answering.20:00
Guest47leftyfb it says it has been installed simultaneously with testdisk20:00
sembandaLemon: i recommend the cisco youtube channel...20:00
leftyfbLemon_Dahz: we can only support ubunut here20:00
leftyfbGuest47: yes, you'll have to find a tutorial to use photorec20:00
sembandaim not ubuntu user '-'20:00
Guest50So yeah, it doesn't work even after upgrade to 24.0420:01
leftyfbsembanda: that's fine, but do know this is an ubuntu support channel. For anything else, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic20:01
Guest47yes but if i'm not wrong u told that testdisk is better20:01
leftyfbGuest47: I never said any software was better than any other software20:01
Guest47"if i'm not wrong" i don't remember who said this,20:02
Guest47anyway, this is the latest step20:02
Guest50Could anyone help me please?20:03
Guest50I struggle to connect my ubuntu to Techniradio 6IR, I mean it connects through bluetooth successfully, but can't play any sound20:05
leftyfbGuest50: did you select it as the source in the sound settings?20:06
Guest50yes https://imgur.com/a/wizVDc620:06
Guest50Have no clue what's the problem20:08
Guest50Should I install some additional bluetooth things or what?20:08
enigma9o7turn up the volume20:08
Guest50Volume is 64 and 92%20:10
Guest50Serious hacker needed to solve it20:11
Guest50I'm struggling from 3PM20:11
Guest507 damn hours20:11
Guest50But what's most mysterious is that it actually connects to the radio20:12
Guest50But for some reason it doesn't play anything20:12
Guest50I tried spotify, youtube, vlc, mplayer20:14
Guest50NO_THI_NG works20:14
admin1_I am not at all familiar with Techniradio 6IR20:23
Guest50There must be something with linux bluetooth drivers20:24
admin1_I just wen to their web site https://www.technisat.com/en_XX/TECHNIRADIO-6-IR/352-10996-22902/?article=0000/396120:24
admin1_to me its a BL device to play radio20:24
Guest50yeah, and I can play through bluetooth from my phone, but not from ubuntu laptop20:25
admin1_thats what the description in the afore said site says20:25
admin1_okif you can play radio station from your phone..then your are almost there..20:26
admin1_you said "I tried spotify, youtube, vlc, mplayer"20:26
admin1_can they mimic an online radio station ?20:27
Guest50from phone i stream from youtube app20:27
admin1_I would say, you please get an online radio staion in your ubuntu an play it using your regular headphone20:28
Guest50so it's not possible to stream from youtube on my laptop?20:28
Guest50like why it doesn't work, it's sooo stupid20:29
admin1_if you can reach there .. then getting the audio to your TECHNIRADIO 6 IR  is the next step.20:30
xanguaWhat Bluetooth adapter is this?20:30
Guest50how to check it?20:30
admin1_To answer your question whther you can stream anything to TECHNIRADIO 6 IR .. I dont know.20:30
Guest50so why it shows on the radio as "connected"20:31
Guest50like i'm connected and can't stream?20:31
Guest50where's the sense?20:31
admin1_first get the radio station playing in your ubuntu n then try to get that streamed to TECHNIRADIO 6 IR20:32
Guest50is radio.garden fine?20:32
Guest50or what radio station you mean?20:32
admin1_"so why it shows on the radio as "connected" bluettoth has so many profiles20:32
admin1_in fact its more complicated than the wifi..just like usb that has so may roles20:33
admin1_usb can be wifi, bluetooth keyborad , pendrive storage etc etc.20:34
Guest50There are not many options on the radio, just pairing mode (bluetooth in pairing mode) and bluetooth (just bluetooth)20:34
admin1_its ok ...ifeven if there are not many options ..20:35
admin1_lets say..u plugin in a usb device to usb of your ubunut computer.. of course if you do "dmesg -Tw" you will see that20:36
Lemon_DahzI see, you need a rep.20:36
Lemon_DahzOn mee.20:36
Guest50What's a rep?20:36
admin1_ubuntu or any linuux kernel reporting that a device is connected..20:36
admin1_it soes not mean than .. its going to work..20:37
Guest50god damn20:37
Guest50so many logs20:37
Guest47chat fall down20:41
Guest47oerheks are u here?20:42
admin1_AVRCP is bluetooth audio/video remote control profile..20:42
Guest50is this the cause?20:42
admin1_that means you can control the playback from the bluetooth device .. thats all it means.20:42
Guest47please, may anyone help me with testdisk cause leftyfb is busy20:43
admin1_so.. pls get a radio station playing in your computer..n try to connect to the stream n go from there..20:43
Guest50where could I find "radio station"?20:43
Guest50please help me, we're almost there20:44
Guest50tomorrow morning I'll go run, so will be tired after20:45
Guest47oerheks i just don't know how to choose at this point    https://pastebin.com/raw/Ddh2qbnm20:45
Guest47>[Quick Search]  [ Backup ]20:45
Guest47                            Try to locate partition20:45
leftyfbGuest47: use photorec. I learned that testdisk is no longer useful20:45
admin1_you would need to install an app in your computer that can tune aka connect to a radio station20:46
Guest47>[ Backup ]20:46
Guest47           Save current partition list to backup.log file and proceed20:46
admin1_for example https://vitux.com/how-to-listen-to-online-radio-stations-on-ubuntu/20:46
Guest47leftyfb ok20:46
admin1_then go onlineis, make sure that you r connected to net in that computer n try a radio station... any station ..20:48
Guest50give me a sec20:49
admin1_once that plays in the computer app .. it may have a provision to stream that to other device.20:49
admin1_i have streamed youtbe to my bluethooth device from vlc..and I know vlc can do that.20:50
admin1_but I am not familiar with TECHNIRADIO 6 IR20:51
admin1_so I cant say anything about it.20:51
Guest50well, i'll try once again from vlc20:51
admin1_one other thing you can do is to play a local mp3 file in vlc & then try to get the audio in your TECHNIRADIO 6 IR device.20:53
Guest50https://imgur.com/a/QEATdLh like this?20:53
admin1_yes.. I would think that should play the local mp3 file.. so at least you would know that ubuntu can play to TECHNIRADIO 6 IR over AVRCP20:55
Guest50but there's no sound, it even shows on the radio when I change volume, but sound doesn't play20:56
admin1_all right .. good luck !20:56
Guest50that's super frustrating20:56
Guest50hey, wait20:56
Guest50I think we can do this20:56
admin1_you said that you cud play TECHNIRADIO 6 IR  from your mobile? so install a online radio app in your mobile20:58
Guest50no I can't20:59
Guest50till TMRW20:59
admin1_and see if can play. then you may want to replicate that to your computer.20:59
admin1_see its onlly TECHNIRADIO 6 IR, but the blutooth on your computer also shall have to support AVRCP21:00
admin1_from the analogy of bluetooth HID or keyboard/mouse.. if you have a usb human interface device .. you can only connect a kbd/mouse over bluetooth using usb21:01
admin1_if the bluetooth in your computer does not have the right progfile to connect to TECHNIRADIO 6 IR ... then you would need a usb adapter that woud support your TECHNIRADIO 6 IR21:03
admin1_i meant profile ..21:03
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Guest5chat problems21:07
Guest5pls can u give me the link about teskdisk and photorec?21:07
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/21:08
Guest5sudo apt-get install testdisk21:10
Guest5doesn't work, before i did another command before this, but i forgot it21:11
Guest5E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto testdisk   (impossible to fine testdisk package) :-(21:14
Guest5leftyfb [17:54] <leftyfb> Guest63: ( cat /etc/apt/sources.list ; sudo apt update )21:14
enigma9o7`sudo apt update` to update package database if you've never done that21:14
Guest5i did it again, but now, it doesn't work21:15
Guest5426 pacchetti possono essere aggiornati: eseguire "apt list --upgradable" per vederli.21:15
Guest5I also did this other command: apt list --upgradable21:17
Guest5after: sudo apt-get install testdisk   ma non funziona21:17
Guest5but it doesn't work, previous session, it was working fine :-(21:18
enigma9o7Probably testdisk is isn't in the free repo, try adding universe and multiverse etc, whatever you don't have already.21:20
Guest5leftyfb https://paste.centos.org/view/f8c52d7821:29
Guest5enigma9o7 do u know photorec? https://paste.centos.org/view/f8c52d7821:29
Guest5what to choose in this step?21:30
enigma9o7no, i dunno photorec, but I would assume partition 2, since I doubt you're trying to recover something from your efi partition.21:31
Guest5but there are three options21:32
enigma9o7well yeah i would try to select partition 2 and "start file recovery" however that works.21:32
enigma9o7try it and see21:32
Guest5enigma9o7 that one have written "Unknows - whole disk"21:32
Guest5i just to act on desktop folder21:33
Guest5 [ ext2/ext3 ] ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem21:33
Guest5>[ Other     ] FAT/NTFS/HFS+/ReiserFS/...21:33
enigma9o7ext4, right?   its your computer, I would assume you used ext4 as that is default21:34
Guest5i don't remember which is the filesystem, i'm basic user of computers. i just installed ubuntu from usb create as boot21:35
enigma9o7So then select the ext4 option.21:35
enigma9o7ext2/ext3 (which includes ext4), not Other.21:35
Guest5enigma9o7 https://paste.centos.org/view/34bd45ae     now?21:36
enigma9o7if you're trying to find your desktop folder, I can see it right there.....21:37
enigma9o7oh ok21:37
enigma9o7it's asking where to save recovered files, nvm21:37
enigma9o7If you booted from live iso, you can't likely save there cuz you'll loose data on reboot.  If you used ventoy, then you likely have space there.  Otherwise maybe usea flash drive?  Its up to you where to save it.21:38
Guest5enigma9o7 ok, since sometimes I find the desktop folder by taking a longer path through the file manager I thought I had to enter other folders and subfolders with a longer path which I always forget, but which I see using ubuntu21:38
enigma9o7Yes, you are correct, it is showing /home/ubuntu on your live iso.21:38
enigma9o7So if you save them there, when you reboot they'll be gone.21:38
Guest5enigma9o7 wait a minute, but in these steps or at least in the previous one, weren't you choosing the folder from which to recover the files? I'm lost21:41
enigma9o7Your prevoius question was yes, what partition you are going to attempt to recover.  Now it is asking where you want to save stuff.21:42
enigma9o7I'm only reading the words on the pastes you send, I don't know anything more than that.21:42
Guest5enigma9o7 i just want to recovery files from desktop because the file i lost i ever extract on deskto21:42
Guest5if i choose whole drive it would take so much time21:42
Guest5i guess21:43
enigma9o7Sometimes you ust gotta try it and see.  Select your destination and see what's next.21:43
enigma9o7If you made a mistake, you can always start over.  As long as you don't write anything to the partition you are attempting to recover from, no harm no foul,it'll stay the same, unless the disk is slowly dieing.21:43
enigma9o7Iin which case you may wanna make a copy of the whole partition before it completely dies.21:43
enigma9o7And then use that to attempt your data recovery from.21:44
enigma9o7And when I say copy I mean dd image.21:44
Guest5enigma9o7 no, i don't need to recovery anything else, i just need that important file that i lost for an error of overwriting21:45
Guest5enigma9o7 i don't have anything on ubuntu, all stored out in external hd21:45
Guest5enigma9o7 can I save it temporarily on the desktop and then if it manages to find the file I lost I can put it on the pendrive?21:46
enigma9o7Try whatever you want.21:47
Guest5enigma9o7 https://paste.centos.org/view/b547ac7e     now what should i choose?21:48
enigma9o7Whatever you want.  I'm putting you on ignore now so I don't get distracted with you constantly @me.21:50
Guest5enigma9o7 excuse me, i don't write your name anymore, i just don't know what choose in next steps, because before i selected "desktop" but now it ask me another choose and i don't know which click ok21:52
Guest63enigma9o7 it starts, it will take several hours and maybe it can create problems to all interna drive, that's why i wanted to scan just desktop folder 😕22:51
=== mrbutthead9 is now known as mrbutthead

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