
namefulhi all,may i request troubleshooting for wifi pls? lately,connection is sporadic have to do restart to reconnect,tried it on old wifi adapter and seldom used wifi adapter,they are both sporadic00:18
namefulubuntu 20.04.600:20
Komunameful: check if it is about unused wifi dev, like power save future: use the device, transmit something, if it does stay up? if u pause transmittion, and nothing got transmitted get it unuseable?00:27
Komunameful: just a idea i have no real clue00:27
namefulKomu, power management is off on wifi,does that help ?00:28
Komunameful: how did u check that?00:28
namefulKomu, wavemon00:29
Komunameful: i have like wise issues with an old, half broken notebook00:31
Komunameful: the connection is rock solid if i turn it on and transmit something, but after transmitting pause,the NIC is unuseable, it even needs hard cold reset of the notebook00:32
namefulKomu, mine is almost acting same, ie: hang and needs to force restart w/o using REISUB restart00:33
Komunameful: what is REISUB?00:34
KomuOH the sysreq key method....00:34
Komunameful: i guess an intel chip wifi? here it the case, i searched a bit, and some suggest to use a different driver in ansere. but i didn't invest much time in this problem00:36
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nameful_pc restart,did i missed anything00:37
nameful_i guess an intel chip wifi : last message00:38
nameful_i hope its a bug,im using a new (3rd wifi adapter) one00:39
Komu nameful: i guess an intel chip wifi? here it the case, i searched a bit, and some suggest to use a different driver in ansere. but i didn't invest much time in this problem00:40
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namefulpc hang again00:46
namefulusing irc on desktop now just in case00:47
namefulerr,windows desktop00:47
namefulhi all,is there a way to delay the quitting of forcefck terminal ?01:15
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de-factohow do i enable source packages in this new deb822 format of ubuntu 24.04 ?02:12
Bashing-omde-facto: deb822 discussion: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/spec-apt-deb822-sources-by-default/29333 ; adding src at the tail end.02:51
de-factoyeah i just guessed it from Types being plural e.g. Types: deb deb-src02:53
de-factothanks for linking me02:53
Bashing-omde-facto: :D Small thing - can mean a lot.02:54
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ubuntu-cinnamonhey im using the live environment in ubuntu cinnamon 24.04 lts03:53
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Mibix_I am on ubuntu 22.04 on my server and I have had Nvidia 710 in there for a while so I could use it as a desktop if needed.  I just added a 1050 TI so I could potentially pass it through to a windows VM for my security camera software.  Ever since I installed the 1050 TI I can't seem to get either GPU to output to the monitor but both GPUs are being detected06:15
Mibix_monitor is hooked up to the 710 and is using a nvidia 390 driver (I'm trying to switch back to 470 now), the 1050 TI is using Nouveau06:16
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=== Mibix is now known as Mibix_
Mibix_think i got it :D06:25
=== Denial is now known as Denial8522
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fwehtis this a problem with my graphics drivers?  or is it firefox (i assume not)?  (those are just single frame glitches in animations, they are hard to capture on photo but quite visible) https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/poQzFn6C/image.png07:11
CosmicDJfweht: 13th-gen Intel CPU?07:21
fwehtArchitecture:             x86_6407:22
fweht  CPU op-mode(s):         32-bit, 64-bit07:22
fweht  Address sizes:          39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual07:22
fweht  Byte Order:             Little Endian07:22
fwehtCPU(s):                   807:22
fweht  On-line CPU(s) list:    0-707:22
fwehtVendor ID:                GenuineIntel07:22
mybalzitchmuted before we saw the important bit07:22
fwehtam i muted now?07:25
mybalzitchplease don't paste >3 lines into chat. please use a pastebin service if you need to paste >3 lines07:27
fweht Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8665U CPU @ 1.90GHz seems to be my cpu07:39
fwehtbut on windows i never had those problems07:39
LuckyManfweht, what problems?07:40
LuckyManfweht, did you went to aditional controlers?07:41
LuckyManare you using firefox?07:42
fwehtwhat are controllers?07:42
fwehtyes firefox07:42
fwehtbut its also when i have e.g. terminal open and some animation in the background07:43
LuckyManare you using gnome?07:43
fwehtno xfce07:43
LuckyManfweht, on regular Ubuntu you have an App that says aditional controllers, IDK what's called in Xubuntu07:46
fwehtah thanks i will check!07:46
j_w_t_2@fweht: What version of Ubuntu/kernel/Mesa are you using?07:46
fwehtubuntu 24.0407:48
fwehtkernel 6.8.0-39-generic07:48
LuckyMantry changing to 470 and see if that helps07:49
fwehtthanks will do!07:49
fwehtthat seems to be it!!  thanks so much!07:52
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j_w_t_2Nice one!08:58
Apachez-using 24.04 LTS and get my logs filled with: "indicator-cpufr[3286]: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed" - any ideas on how to fix that?09:03
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Guest99Hi - I'm having issues with start up as my USB mouse and keyboard are not functioning in the GRUB screen.  I've tried a wired mouse but that isn't helping.  Can anyone help me out with this please?09:27
sixwheeledbeastgrub doesn't have mouse support afaik. you should be able to move the cursor with with keyboard.09:38
sixwheeledbeast"cursor" as in highlighted option. it maybe down to the mode your keyboard is in or some bios setting.09:39
Guest99I That's the problem - it's not responding to the keyboard either09:39
Guest99I think this might be something to do with a recent upgrade09:40
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sixwheeledbeastI did have an issue with glitchy bios update on my old motherboard were 30% of the time there was no keyboard control in grub. Not saying that is the issue but possible.10:00
mgedminGuest7867: there used to be a BIOS setting "usb keyboard support" that was required to use usb keyboards to control boot menus and suchlike, if you didn't have a ps/2 keyboard10:23
mgedminI would be surprised if modern UEFI systems still have something like this10:23
=== itu is now known as Guest1627
JanCmgedmin: that setting actually uses an USB keyboard to emulate a PS/2 keyboard; it might still exist in UEFI firmware setups (but likely only used in BIOS emulation mode) because it might be needed to boot some old bootloaders & operating systems (e.g. DOS)11:05
BluesKajHi all12:06
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CosmicDJoops, ww12:34
noob39does anyone use the "to-do" app in Ubuntu?12:41
Komunoob39: no i use emacs-org-mode12:44
noob27Does anybody here use To Do list native Ubuntu application?12:45
negr_hiiiii ^__^13:36
negr_i like kanye west and rianna13:37
negr_shine bright like a diamond13:37
negr_shine on you crazy diamond13:37
tacomasterI am trying to install 32bit nvidia libs so I typed in "sudo apt install libnvidia-gl-535:i386" and it told me that it was obsoleted and to use libnvidia-common-535 instead. I then tried to do "sudo apt install libnvidia-common-535:i386" and I get unable to locate package libnvidia-common-535:i386. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.14:30
tacomasterOk I figured it out. I needed the dpkg --add-architecture i38614:39
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Saii followed all the steps to setup nextcloud file server and i do not have domain name and need help with setting up the dns and attach to the nextcloud deployment14:59
leftyfbSai: I thought you said you only want this local14:59
leftyfbSai: just use the hostname/ip address14:59
Saii am using https14:59
leftyfbthat doesn't address anything I've said15:00
Saiokay so if i wanted to setup using https do i need registered domain name15:01
Saiplease can you help me15:01
leftyfbnot if you use a self-signed cert15:01
leftyfbSai: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/howto-running-nextcloud-over-self-signed-https-ssl-tls-in-docker/10197315:02
leftyfbyou know this information can be found on google right?15:02
leftyfbthere's a difference between asking for help with a problem or asking how to setup services that have been documented already15:02
ravageAlso there is a snap for nextcloud that should work pretty well and does not require a lot of setup15:03
ravageif you only plan to use this locally or on your local network anyway15:04
Saii used all the steps in https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-nextcloud-on-ubuntu-22-0415:04
leftyfbit makes things slightly less documented for setting up a self signed cert15:04
ravageif you plan to use nextcloud on an internet facing server please get a domain name and secure it properly15:05
ravagehttps://freedns.afraid.org/ gets you one for free. but domains really are not expensive15:07
drigycan mac m1 run ubuntu server?15:12
ravagebut not supported here at all15:15
ravageand it looks like it always installs a full desktop15:15
drigyThanks. One can dream15:16
NoirHello, can anyone please help me how to fix this. I'm trying to accessing certain website to watch some anime, the server is up and i'm able to access it using vpn but when i'm using normal connection of my wifi it says "This site can't be reached" anyone please?15:45
NoirWhen i'm using my mobile data connection, I can still access the website, but using my wifi connection it only shows can't be reached.15:45
leftyfbNoir: how are you trying to access it?15:46
leftyfbby hostname, domain, ip?15:46
Noirvia browser15:46
leftyfbby hostname, domain, ip?15:46
NoirI'm using Brave Browser15:46
Noirthe website is aniwave.to15:46
leftyfbthat's your domain?15:46
Noirthat's the website i'm trying to go15:47
leftyfbNoir: not an ubuntu issue. Either your ISP or your network admin is blocking it15:47
NoirIs it possible to unblock it using certain ways?15:48
leftyfbNoir: try contacting your ISP or network admin15:48
NoirOkay thanks15:49
=== daniel_ is now known as PalesinianDaniel
PalesinianDanielIs it possible to chat with people individuali?16:10
leftyfbPalesinianDaniel: this is a support channel. If you'd like help with IRC, try asking in #libera16:12
Guest91Does anyone know how to resolve "module not found" issues in Clawpack for an Ubuntu VM?16:15
ioriaGuest91, what's the exact command issued ?16:22
Guest91ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'clawpack.riemann.euler_with_efix_1D_constants'16:24
ioriaGuest91, ok, that's the error but what is the command you ran ?16:25
Guest91claw = examples.shock_bubble_interaction.setup()16:25
ioriaGuest91, did you install clawpack with pip ?16:26
Guest91however it did run into issues when I first tried to install it so this might be a result. I also cloned the original repo of Clawpack from Github16:28
ioriaGuest91, run an interactive python session and import clawpack16:28
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oerhekslots of issues with clawpack https://github.com/clawpack/clawpack/issues/25617:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 256 in clawpack/clawpack "Issue with Clawpack installation using pip" [Open]17:00
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imachinehello how can I use nvidia-340 on Ubuntu 22.04 ?18:19
imachinewithout downgrade to Ubuntu 20.0418:19
imachinemaybe use different kernel or a ppa?18:19
imachineI tried another ppa but it was issues w/ installing the drivers18:20
enigma9o7It's in repo, just install it.18:20
ravageThe kernel version is just too now to work with the old drivers18:20
ravageSo your only real alternative is the open source driver18:20
enigma9o7There is kelebek's ppa too...18:20
imachinewell not sure; archlinux has patches up to version 6 of kernel18:20
ravageNow sure how they would patch a closed source driver18:21
ravageBut use their patch them18:21
imachineoh super18:21
imachineenigma9o7, did you use this?18:21
imachineadding kelebeks ppa now18:22
oerhekswhy not use the 390?18:22
enigma9o7I have used it, yes, I have GT330M.18:22
enigma9o7Also have 8600GTS in a desktop.  Both use nvidia-340.18:22
enigma9o7oerheks: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/legacy-gpu/18:22
enigma9o7some gpu only support up to 340... some only up to 390... some only up to 470....18:22
enigma9o7some only up to 304 for that matter, I have a 5200 like that, but use nouveau with it.18:22
enigma9o7as nvidia-304 doesn't support current version of X18:23
oerheksthere is a reason why 340 is dropped for 22.04 even with https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa18:23
imachineok super -340 is what I'm after18:23
oerheksbe happy with nouveau?18:23
imachineno, it has vram issues18:23
Guest2450guys, how can I install ubuntu'18:23
imachinehangs on 2d operations18:23
imachinefirefox fails18:23
imachine+low performance in 3d, but that's besides the point18:23
Guest2450I got a live cd, I copied it to usb flash, I booted off it18:23
imachineI already talked in #neuveau18:23
ioriaimachine, you can use the default 5.15 kernel with 22.04  and 340 should work with that version18:24
Guest2450but I can't install it!!18:24
imachineioria, downloading kelebek's -34018:24
Guest2450ubuntu_bootstrap: ../../src/xcb_io.c:278: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.18:24
Guest2450Aborted (core dumped)18:24
ioriaimachine, ok, but be warned about ppas18:24
imachineioria, it should it's just the official repos nvidia-340 is just transitional package; it points to nouveau18:24
imachineand nouveau is not working :)18:25
Guest2450is there any other installer, maybe like in 23.1018:25
Guest2450this one is buggy as hell18:25
imachineioria, it's either this or downgrade to 20.04 :) or obtain a different hardware18:25
oerheksuse 22.04 LTS Guest245018:25
oerhekssupported until 202718:25
imachineenigma9o7, looks like your solution is working, great :)18:25
Guest2450oerheks, that's what I use, it is very very very -- absolutely -- buggy and impossible to install18:26
Guest2450I tried like a 100 times18:26
imachineenigma9o7, thank you so much, all good to you! :)18:26
ravageThe 22.04 installer is really stable18:26
imachinerebooting it now to see if it works correctly :)18:26
imachinehave a good day everyone! :)18:26
Guest2450Aborted (core dumped) is what your stable is18:27
enigma9o7I wish I could use nouveau instead, as it has better EGL support.   However when I use it, machine locks up regularly.18:27
ravageBut then you can still get 24.0418:27
enigma9o7Could be an hour, could be a day, but it always happens, and never with nvidia-340.18:27
Guest2450maybe 'sudo apt upgrade ubuntu-desktop-install' or like can help? or building the fresh fix by myself?18:27
Guest2450ah you said 22 not 2418:28
ravageYou can also try the server installer18:28
Guest2450the problem is I don't have any *other* usb flash18:28
ravageThat seems to be a bit more stable18:28
ravageAnd then install ubuntu-desktop18:29
Guest2450what is "the server installer"?18:29
Guest2450where and how 'to get "thwe server installer"?18:29
oerheksmaybe time to give the specs of the hardware, is there windows installed on it?18:30
enigma9o7just another iso18:30
oerheksUEFI or legacy bios?18:30
Guest2450ah no, not another iso18:30
Guest2450I can't erase this flash, and I don't have another frlash'18:31
Guest2450only with this flash okay?18:31
Guest2450but I can do whatever I want with ssd 128 GiB inside18:31
ravageYou could start to answer some of the questions18:31
Guest2450I already vanished it removing all partitions18:31
Guest2450I don't want any windows'18:32
ravageAnd the installer should update itself anyway on startup18:32
Guest2450ravage, it crashes on this step18:32
ravageIf it does not try "sudo snap refresh"18:33
ravageIn a terminal18:33
enigma9o7You could use ventoy, if you want to be able to put multiple ISO's on one flash drive.18:33
ravageWith the installer closed18:33
Guest2450wow, it upgrades snapd18:33
Guest2450whatever it is18:34
ravageonly that?18:34
ravagewhat does "snap list" output?18:34
Guest2450not instant18:34
Guest245089.6 s left18:34
ravagethen wait 🙂18:34
Guest2450now it's snap-store18:35
Guest2450not too much to wait ... $ snap list | wc -l ---> 1218:36
ravagedoes the list include ubuntu-desktop-provision ?18:37
ravageor ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap18:38
Guest2450thunderbird will upgrade 39 minutes O_o I would NEVER need such an app18:40
Guest2450removing it from a live cd would be a great idea18:40
ravageyou can cancel the update and only update the installer18:40
oerheksupdating a live iso ?18:40
ravagesudo snap refresh ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap18:40
Guest2450did it, and then? ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap in console shows nothing in return18:45
Guest2450until ^C18:45
ravagethe refresh command must give some outpur18:46
Guest2450snap "ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap" has no updates available18:46
Guest2450then I enter just that name without any other to launch18:46
ravageif it did any updates you can just run it with the icon on the desktop18:47
Guest2450ravage, if I do it that way, then it disappears (crashes) without any message18:48
Guest2450just ceases to be present18:49
Guest2450eliminates itself silently18:49
ravagesudo snap refresh --channel=candidate ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap18:49
Guest2450ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap (candidate) 0+git.d01ed390f from Canonical✓ refreshed18:51
ravagethen try to run it agaon18:51
Guest2450and yep, the following is a must : sed -i 's/Terminal=false/Terminal=true/' '/home/ubuntu/Desktop/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap_ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap.desktop'18:53
ravageit is not a terminal application really18:54
Guest2450but how to see where it crashes and so?18:54
=== biapy62 is now known as biapy6
Guest2450how do you *debug* it?18:54
ravagedoes it crash now?18:54
Guest2450ravage, now it just hangs18:54
Guest2450showing nothing18:55
ravagehow did you run it18:55
Guest2450no any window18:55
Guest2450ravage, double-cflicking on the desktop icon18:55
ravagehow do you know it is running then?18:55
Guest2450hah, the second terminal disappeared18:55
Guest2450so it is not running anymore18:55
ravagei would reboot. quit the installer. update it. run it18:56
ravageyou should not need to change any desktop files or run anything from the terminal18:57
Guest2450is there any other way to install ubuntu from this iso?18:58
Guest2450without this app18:58
Guest2450it can't be18:58
ravagelet us know if you find one then18:58
Guest2450something like dd /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdb1 mm?18:59
Guest2450need to google exact options18:59
ravagegood luck18:59
=== biapy62 is now known as biapy6
Guest2450I always thought about ubuntu as something very easy to use, using it since 2018 or like19:01
Guest2450but this installer crashing everywhere everytime19:01
Guest2450ubuntu devs shall definitely leave another option19:01
=== nshire2 is now known as nshire
Guest2450oops, I switchd to f3 in a hope to get non-X tty, but there are just myriads of infinite "failed to send h2c command" messages from probably kmesg19:04
Guest2450rebooting now19:05
Guest9471I rebooted, apt installed hexchat, removed thunderbird and is quite ready19:15
Guest9471what was the command to update ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap ?19:15
ravagesudo snap refresh --channel=candidate ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap19:16
Guest9471as I remember, when something crashes, the system presents a dialog to send the report or not... why it's not the case on this live iso19:18
Guest9471where it just crashed and nothing more19:19
Guest9471...and other ideas while waiting to upgrade19:20
Guest9471wow now it reached at least the proprietary software selection slide ;)19:23
=== meandrai_ is now known as meandrain
Guest9471nice nice nice https://ibb.co/sbNPykg I never was so far19:30
elias1hello everyone19:43
meandrainwhy some use a separate /boot partition ?19:43
leftyfbmeandrain: it simplifies LVM encryption19:43
leftyfbother than that, a lack of understanding of how things work19:44
meandrainand If I don't use LVM, just softraid md and ext4, do I need /boot ?19:44
leftyfbdo you need /boot, yes, do you need a separate /boot partition, no19:44
meandrainthank you!19:44
elias1i haven't noticed it is august now19:46
Guest3107the installation ended as freezing completely, nothing worked but alt+sysrq+B19:46
elias1months pass rly fast19:47
Guest3107the ssd is untouched19:47
Guest3107the last thing it showed was "Enchance your creativity" slide19:47
Guest3107and then it froze19:48
Guest3107https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu.html looks quite outdated19:50
Guest3107I expected to reget the command to upgrade that installer19:50
Guest3107maybe trying it the even time will install, or maybe the moon will shift to the blessing position19:51
Guest3107any ideas what to do?19:53
Guest3107to work booting an ephemer usb live system where changes are forgotten on every reboot?19:55
Guest3107ravage, still alive?19:58
Guest3107just two minutes and I hope the log will appear19:58
ravagesudo snap refresh --channel=candidate ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap19:59
Guest3107ravage, oh yep thanks again19:59
ravageif the system just randomly locks up i would do a hardware check19:59
ravagealso see if there are any bios updates19:59
leftyfbyou know, I just did an ubuntu 22.04 desktop install on a laptop about an hour ago after downloading the iso earlier today. Zero issues. I honestly don't think the issue is with the version of packages on the iso19:59
leftyfbI would suggest maybe looking at dmesg during/after the crash to see if might be due to some hardware issue or bug20:00
ravagethis is 24.0420:00
leftyfbdidn't we suggest 22.04 earlier?20:00
ravageit is still 24.0420:00
meandrainis there a benefit in using soft raid md swap ?20:02
oerheksleftyfb, i did, and has not seen the answer what machine it is20:04
oerheksonly  ssd 128 GiB , and should be clean20:05
anankeManouchehri: as opposed to what?20:06
anankeoops, meandrain : as opposed to what?20:06
meandrainas opposed to just use every partition on both drives as a separate swap disk20:07
anankemeandrain: you'd get a more reliable swap, at the cost of it being much slower20:08
meandrainI see20:08
meandrainso it is better not to use soft raid swap20:08
ananke'better' is subjective, based on your requirements/priorities20:09
anankethough generally you probably do NOT want swap on software raid20:09
Guest3107crashed again at the keyboard selection slide20:09
Guest3107wadda sheet is goin on20:10
Guest3107where can I see the source code of  ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap20:11
oerhekssure you can find it on github, if you know how to read a src20:12
oerheksuse the 22.04 iso, best stable option for now20:13
Guest3107oerheks, if I had another flash drive I'd get 23.1020:17
ravage23.10 is EOL20:18
ravageDon't install that20:18
Guest3107but never things like 10.04 or 16.04 or 20.04 or like20:18
Guest3107in 202420:18
ravageYour options are 22.04 or 24.04 right now20:19
ravageAlso I would still recommend a hardware check and bios update20:19
ravageThose freezes are not normal at all20:19
ravageYou could also try a daily iso of 24.0420:19
Guest3107I'm with the only 1 usb stick, not the two, nor three, and an absolutely fresh drive20:19
ravageWell. You better get another one then20:20
Guest3107ravage, what on this live can do "a hardware check"?20:20
ravageThe USB should have a memcheck option at least20:20
ravageIn the boot menu20:20
Guest3107rebooting agai9n?20:21
neachdainnI'm on Ubuntu 20 and if I do `grep cgroup /proc/filesystems` or `mount | grep cgroup` I can see that there is a cgroup2 present. Does that mean I'm using cgroup2 or that it's still using cgroup1 but cgroup2 is available?20:22
oerhekscgroup2 is standard, since kernel 5.8 ?20:25
sarnoldyou can select between them for a while, it might depend upon the applications you're running and what services you need20:26
oerheksinstall cgroup-tools on jammy or higher20:26
sarnoldi don't know cgroups real well :( I just know that it's all pretty complex20:26
sarnoldsystemd has very strong opinions on cgroups, and it's possible, maybe even likely, that cgroup-tools breaks those assumptions20:27
sarnoldif cgroup-tools is in universe, probably best to not install it20:27
oerheksyou need libcgroup1 for that expanding, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1376093/is-cgroup-tools-using-cgroup-v1-or-v220:27
neachdainnoerheks: That's what I thought, but I'm getting different cgroups (or systemd, maybe) behavior between two machines. I've got a 24 that's definitely using cgroups2 and the 20 that I'm not sure about20:33
neachdainnsarnold: Yeah, I'm assuming that if there is a way to switch between them it will be via systemd.20:34
sarnoldneachdainn: probably these days systemd expects cgroup2 only20:36
oerheksas it is more advanced, yes20:37
neachdainnsarnold: According to my Googling, it appears that cgroups v2 wasn't default until Ubuntu 21. So hopefully there's a way to enable it as default in 2020:37
oerheksif that 20.04 has kernel 5.8 and up with HWE ..20:38
neachdainnLooks like it's on 5.15 and HWE until April 202520:39
neachdainnSo hopefully this doesn't break anything.20:39
sarnoldneachdainn: you could give this a shot https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Cgroups#Enable_cgroup_v120:39
sarnoldneachdainn: edit /etc/default/grub and then run update-grub, and see how it goes :)20:40
Guest632I found hw check menu in uefi20:47
Mibixso my login screen is always super low resolution and my monitor cant even display it20:47
Mibixever since i added another gpu20:47
Guest632checkd all but storage -- all is okay20:47
Mibixonce i login everything seems fine20:47
neachdainnsarnold, oerheks: The machine booted and we're running cgroups2. Haven't started any of the software stack so I'm not 100% confident that this didn't break _something_, but it looks like it's working. Thanks!20:49
Guest632freeze @ proprietary soft selection slide20:52
Guest632what's it in ps -A by the way20:52
Guest632the the t e h20:52
* Guest632 can't type t e h anymore20:53
Guest632$ ps -A | grep boot20:54
Guest632   8167 ?        00:00:12 ubuntu_bootstra20:54
Mibixhrmmm what am i doing wrong here to change the login screen resolution https://imgur.com/a/lFH9ewQ20:55
Guest632but after kill -9 8167 it can't launch again20:55
Mibixi want to use the dvi at 2560x160020:55
Guest632just quits after playing a launch tune20:56
edlr u there guys?20:59
* enyc meows edl 21:00
edlim using this for first time21:00
LuckyManedl welcome21:00
Guest632^^ and that's what the upgraded app21:00
edlis it possible to have irc on windows pc?21:01
sarnoldyes, probably mirc is still the most popular windows client21:01
bprompt!clients | edl21:01
oerheksno not possible, we are windows experts according to the topic21:01
edlhow many people is there active?21:02
bpromptedl: you can uses something like Virc, ir Mirc  or even Hexchat for windows, many clients really21:02
leftyfb!offtopic | edl21:02
ubottuedl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:02
oerhekspolling is of no use21:02
bpromptedl: but yes, you can join us at #ubuntup-offtopic for all that21:03
edlwhere to enter off topic?21:03
bpromptwell, if I could type it correctly firstly21:03
leftyfbedl: /join #ubuntu-offtopic  just like ubottu told you21:03
edlok i'm21:03
bpromptedl: but yes, you can join us at #ubuntu-offtopic for all that, simply right-click #ubuntu-offtopic and click on "join"21:03
Mibixso monitor info is no longer stored in /home/user/.config/monitors.xml ?21:04
oerhekson 22.04 it is stored there21:06
Mibixmaybe because im using kubuntu and plasma?21:07
Mibixchanging my resolution in the GUI changes nothing in there and the info in there is not correct21:07
oerheksfor plasma .local/share/kscreen , remove and logout/login again, should be regenerated21:08
Mibixi think i found it but why is it named cd3f422715f421ad5b08d0e81002b3bd lol21:09
oerheksbut if that affects your bootscreen too, not sure21:09
Mibixmy bootscreen is fine just not my login screen21:09
Guest632wooo https://ibb.co/bg33gk521:11
Guest632reporting appeared, something called subiquity21:12
sarnoldsubiquity is the installer21:12
Mibixoerheks https://imgur.com/a/kafYSRP21:12
oerheksno idea there, i am not on KDE21:15
oerheksanything 8 minutes looks interesting21:15
Guest632"request to /storage/v2?wait=true crashed with CalledProcessError"21:15
Guest632it's 5 or 6 report btw21:16
Guest632reports, they just don't appear instantly21:16
* Guest632 sent 'em all21:17
neachdainnWhoever came up with the name "ubottu" deserves a high five21:18
Guest632now it shows me this window https://ibb.co/bzHR9v521:28
Guest632telling to do 'sudo ubuntu-bug ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap'21:29
sarnoldman :( what an unhappy machine :(21:31
sarnoldmaybe pastebin your dmesg output ? I wonder if you've got dying hardware21:31
Guest632it in turn prints "dpkg-query: no packages found matching ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap"21:32
Guest632sarnold, dmesg is full of 'audit:' stuff and nothing more21:33
sarnoldprobably fine, I bet that's all snap noise21:34
Guest632"[ 3135.418186] audit: type=1107 audit(1722547791.917:146): pid=1406 uid=101 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=unconfined msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_signal"  bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/login1" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="PropertiesChanged" name=":1.10" mask="receive" pid=14625 label="snap.firefox.firefox" peer_pid=1428 peer_label="unconfined"21:34
Guest632firefox figures in dmesg O_O21:35
sarnoldyeah, snap noise :(21:35
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oerheks22.04 is your best choice, or daily build23:10
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=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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