
disgruntI installed Ubuntu 22.04 on btrfs but the site with the instructions to do that is gone and I want to upgrade to 24.04.... Any recommendations?00:32
pragmaticenigmadisgrunt: you can wait a little while longer and the in place upgrade will be available soon00:34
disgruntSorry... I just started looking and saw that.  Will in place upgrade be ok with btrfs?00:34
pragmaticenigmaI don't see why it wouldn't00:35
disgruntOK.  Thanks.  Sorry... I feel stupid now.  (Unfortunately was forced Electro-Convulsive-Therapy so my memory and cognition is fried right now)00:37
disgruntThank you, thank you.00:37
pragmaticenigmadisgrunt: I would suggest to read the release notes when the upgrade becomes available just in case. Usually, if you're running Desktop tool, it will have a link to those.00:40
webchat81Hi there, I was trying to build a embedded linux system based on ubuntu base as the rootfs. However, I just could find the init process in it, in that case, which executable is used to start up the system? Am I missing something? Thanks in advance for any help.00:49
sarnoldwebchat81: https://termbin.com/6x6a00:50
webchat81Thanks for the quick reply, but as I checked, there is no systemd in the /usr/lib/systemd/ directory with the ubuntu base package I just downloaded...00:52
webchat81I tried both 24.04 and 22.04 ...00:54
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sarnoldJZ: are you checking container-shaped things? containers often run a specific program as the 'init' in the container00:56
sarnoldJZ: there's also 'pebble' which I think does some init-like tasks for containers, but I don't know much more about it than that00:57
JZI was using this rootfs on an embedded system instead of containers which, as described on the webpage, should be a valid use case. I was referring to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Base and the package I downloaded was from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-base/releases/ ...01:00
JZGot stuck there, thanks anyway.01:01
sarnold28 megabytes zounds...01:03
sarnoldharumph no manifest file? :(01:04
sarnoldthis is crazy small01:06
sarnoldit sure looks like "bring your own init" :) sheesh01:07
mintHi can I get support for linux mint in this chat?03:21
enigma9o7God good no!  That's far to spicy.03:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/03:22
enigma9o7There are linux mint suport channels on spotchat.org tho03:22
mintSpotchat.org doesn't exist03:25
mintNvm i found it03:27
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GudduWhich is the best file copy app for Ubuntu? I need to copy folders woth 400 Gb of data for example from one external HDD to another.04:47
vltGuddu: I would use rsync.04:59
Gudduvlt, From command line?04:59
vltIt lets you exclude files if needed and even continue an interrupted transfer.05:00
vltBecause it only transfers differences between source and target.05:00
vltGuddu: Yes, I would use it from command line.05:01
pinkergloopso usually i can access my windows partition from ubuntu05:12
pinkergloopbut lately i've been getting "The requested operation has failed: Error mounting /dv/sda2 at (): wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, missing codepage or helper program, or other error05:14
pinkergloopanyone know how to be able to just move stuff to and from my windows files as i please again?05:14
pinkergloopnah, dual booting ubuntu and windows05:15
pinkerglooptbh would rather do that than wsl lmao05:16
pinkergloopbut yeah i used to be able to access my windows files just fine, now running into that problem05:16
Senophyxwhat did you do that caused the error?05:17
pinkergloopliterally just try to mount my windows partition05:17
pinkergloopand that's usually all it takes until lately05:18
Senophyxmaybe the partition is corrupt? idk much about partitions actually lol05:18
pinkerglooplol i can boot into windows still 100% fine, so not completely sure05:19
pinkergloopi just like ubuntu being my main OS, so sometimes i want to move files to and from it05:19
Senophyxyea i don't really know too, sorry05:20
pinkergloopall g lol05:20
pinkergloopif anyone else knows tho, i'm down to hear it out05:20
Senophyxwhat do you use to dual boot?05:20
pinkergloopUEFI and GRUB05:21
pinkergloopused just UEFI when i installed Ubuntu for the first time05:21
pinkergloopbut i had to fix something post upgrade to 24.04 so i reenabled GRUB05:21
pinkergloopi don't think GRUB's the issue tho as it started being like that shortly before05:22
eipip1eq0if i 'apt installed' a set of packages, can i transfer those into another ubuntu machine without taking long time reinstalling from internet?05:25
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vlteipip1eq0: Quick solution: You could copy the downloaded pkg files from /var/cache/apt. That should speed up things. More involved solution: Set up an apt mirror.05:44
vltpinkergloop: What does `blkid /dev/sda2` say?05:46
pinkergloopvlt: /dev/sda2: LABEL="Windows Stuff" BLOCK_SIZE="512" UUID="FEA652ABA6526465" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Basic data partition" PARTUUID="cec6a00d-3217-4df5-b378-cfbd1727f72f"05:47
vltpinkergloop: What command did you use that got you the error message you pasted? (And was it really "/dv/sda2"?05:49
pinkergloopvlt: yeah, and i was trying to mount it via file manager05:51
vltpinkergloop: You could try manually: `mount /dev/sda2 /mnt`05:55
hwaeti love ubuntu and i love you guys. i've used it since i was 1706:13
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pinkergloopvlt: mount: /mn: mount point does not exist.06:25
pinkergloop       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.06:25
hwaetis the ubuntu smartphone OS still a thing?06:41
todd_hwaet: we love you too!06:51
hwaeti have used the apt store most of this time. because i even after all this time have not learned the technical way to install things.06:51
hwaetmake, ./configure all that06:52
iseneSuspend issues (24.04, 6.8.0-1010-oem); After having intermittent issues with wake-up from suspend (sometimes takes ~5mins), I reverted to the OEM kernel. That seemed to fix it, but suddenly it came back (no upgrades, it just came back). After more digging and searching, I am stuck. I have the following messages when I reboot that seems to point to the issue (but no clues of this in a web search):08:33
isenehttp://isene.com/x/20240814_142630.jpg - I hope someone could take a quick look at this and maybe point me in the right direction. Thanks.08:33
iseneThe messages above is when I do a shutdown10:01
l0tuspsychj3isene: did you file a bug yet?10:19
iseneNo. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly this is related to. It seems the laptop (new Dell XPS15) does not actually enter sleep,  but hangs - not on wakeup,  but in going into sleep... I tried to reset BIOS to defaults, but that changed nothing. Do you have any pointers for me (other than filing a bug report)?10:25
l0tuspsychj3isene: does this issue occur on the regular kernel instead of the oem one?10:26
l0tuspsychj3!info linux-image-generic noble10:27
ubottulinux-image-generic (6.8.0-40.40, noble): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 11 kB / 17 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)10:27
iseneYes. I tried both, running now on 6.8.0-40 with same issue.10:30
isenebut ... 40.40?10:31
l0tuspsychj3thats the current noble kernel10:32
ravageyou could give the generic kernel a try10:33
ravagebut keep in mind there maybe be missing features for your hardware10:33
iseneI'm running linux-image-6.8.0-40-generic here...10:34
ravagenoble is the code name for 24.0410:35
ravageyou pasted oem before?10:35
ravage"Suspend issues (24.04, 6.8.0-1010-oem)"10:35
ravageto quote you10:35
iseneyes, I tried both  6.8.0-1010-oem and 6.8.0-40-generic10:36
isenebut 6.8.0-40.40?10:36
ravagei dont understand the question10:36
ravagethe current kernel version is 6.8.0-40-generic10:37
iseneSo there is a 6.8.0-40.40 - not just the 6.8.0-40 I have?10:37
ravage6.8.0-40-generic #40 to be exact10:37
isene"6.8.0-40.40, noble" to quote the ubottu10:37
ravageand thats the second 40 you see in the package version10:37
iseneah, OK10:38
ravagesee: uname -a10:38
iseneSo I exhausted my kernel options it seems10:38
ravageseems so yes10:38
ravagetime to check launchpad for bugs and report it if you dont find anything10:38
iseneBut it's so odd that it seemed to work for a while and now it doesn't work at all (after some 20 consequtive tries)10:39
ravagei would file that agains the generic kernel10:39
iseneOK, I'll do that10:39
iseneThanks for the guidance10:39
iseneravage: How do I get the messages I posted as an image in clear text? What log?10:53
ravagethrow it at chatgpt10:55
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j_w_tYou may need to add the dell PPA's to get the additional drivers10:57
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mcphailisene: is there any way in the bios you can coerce it into using traditional S3 sleep, and see if that makes a difference?11:18
isenej_w_t:  How? Where?11:19
isenemcphail:  I'll check11:19
j_w_tThis is an old page but it will point you in the right direction... https://nrogap.medium.com/dell-repository-for-install-additional-drivers-on-ubuntu-4cf06164018011:23
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isenej_w_t: In here, I don't find anything Dell for noble... http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/dists/11:43
iseneCould I go with an earlier release?11:48
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isenej_w_t: I tried this; sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates noble public'11:56
iseneBut got this: W: Skipping acquire of configured file 'public/binary-amd64/Packages' as repository 'http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates noble InRelease' doesn't have the component 'public' (component misspelt in sources.list?)11:57
iseneLooking at the subdir to noble, there is indeed no 'public' - but I have no clue which to use here; http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/dists/noble/11:59
iseneIn fact - I have no clue as to what I'm looking at there...12:00
BluesKajHi all12:13
daftheya BluesKaj use #ubuntu-offtopic for casual chat. this is for help only.  chat channel could use a hi12:15
BluesKajdaft, I'm aware, but greetings aren't considered casual chat, it's just plain courtesy12:16
oerhekshi BluesKaj12:17
BluesKajhi oerheks12:17
daftanyway. there are people only who want to help with ubuntu support. And when someone says hello the channel flashes up. and no question is asked. staying on topic is good internet ethics.12:25
oerheksdaft,  please stop it, no need to explain channel rules to an long time ubuntu supporter like BluesKaj12:26
BluesKajjust had an upgrade gli  ch take my networking wifi pw out and had to reset it. Testing 24.10 but that's the first time I've encountered taht kind glitch12:27
BluesKajoops scuse my spelling12:28
BluesKajdaft we don't pedants here trying impose thier interpretations of COC ..12:29
BluesKajneed even12:29
BluesKajhave keep resettiing my wifi pw in sys settings...rebooted, seems ok now12:36
isenemcphail: I checked - it seems that sorta works - but the machine does not go fully to suspend (consumes battery still...)12:41
iseneravage: Did this; https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2077084 but was asked to specify the package. Couldn't go with linux-image-6.8.0-40-generic, so I wonder what package to ascribe this to...12:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2077084 in Ubuntu "Suspend wake-up takes ~5mins ( Dell XPS 15 9530)" [Undecided, New]12:42
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deadromHi. The microcode patch for sinkhole, does that mitigate _all_ affected CPUs or only those that AMD addressed via firmware updates, i.e. is my Ryzen 3000 system still to be phased out?14:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Improper validation in a model specific register (MSR) could allow a malicious program with ring0 access to modify SMM configuration while SMI lock is enabled, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-31315>14:17
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mcphailisene: S3 suspend should consume battery as it is not hibernation (which never works well in Linux). Is it consuming horrific amounts of battery?14:47
iseneYeah, it seems not really sleeping at all14:52
tomreyn!info linux-image-6.8.0-40-generic14:57
ubottulinux-image-6.8.0-40-generic (6.8.0-40.40, noble): Signed kernel image generic. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-signed. Size 14,359 kB / 14,620 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, s390x.)14:57
tomreynisene: ^ "Built by linux-signed." - that's the source package to file bugs against14:58
JanCwhen suspend uses a lot of power, always check the firmware configuration for options that keep USB devices & such powered14:58
tomreyn+ bios update14:58
JanCor PCI devices (e.g. for wake-on-lan)14:58
tomreynlook for " PM: " in journalctl -b15:00
tomreynlook for " PM: " in journalctl -b -115:00
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tomreyn(the log viewer / $PAGER is "less" by default, press "/" to search)15:01
CosmicDJ is it just me or do steam games stop working every time there's a snap update?15:08
pragmaticenigmaCosmicDJ: Are you running the Steam app from the snap package?15:11
CosmicDJpragmaticenigma: yes15:13
pragmaticenigmaCosmicDJ: From what I can tell, the snap is not maintained by Valve, but is being created and maintained by Canonical. Going to guess that bugs are introduced with the 3rd party handling of creating the snap from what Valve is releasing directly in the .deb file.15:17
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ogra_CosmicDJ, make sure to report isues in the issue tracker, there is quite a big team working on the steam snap in canonical, they definitely want to know about issues you are facing https://github.com/canonical/steam-snap15:59
leftyfbl__: can we help you with something?16:10
pragmaticenigmal__: Also, if that was a password to an account of yours, you probably will want to change it.16:12
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lotuspsychj3isene: you need to change the package from 'ubuntu' to linux (the kernel) on your ubuntu bug ID16:44
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NoirHello guys. Wanna ask something. How can I remove the black screen on both side of my screen?18:19
NoirMy laptop default resolution is 1920x1080 but I changed to 1440 x 900 and got black screen on both side18:19
vltNoir: Is the entire screen used in 1920x1080 mode?18:22
pragmaticenigmaNoir, use 1600 x 900 resolution which is the next smaller 16:9 resolution format18:22
NoirYeah if I changed back to that resolution I get fullscreen18:22
vltNoir: Ah, of course! 1440x900 is not 16:9!18:23
gordonjcpyeah there's no way to display that fullscreen on a 16:9 panel without distortion18:23
leftyfbNoir: your screen is 16:9 ratio. 1440x900 is 16:1018:23
NoirOh is it thank you guys18:23
NoirI thought it was possible18:23
NoirYeah I changed to 1600 x 90018:23
NoirIt works!18:23
NoirThanks a lot. Bye18:24
vltI was about to ask *why* the smaller resolution. Maybe they just needed to increase font and icon sizes.18:24
pragmaticenigmamore than likely the reason vlt18:28
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belovedsandwormIs it pretty straightforward to install .deb on UwUntu19:07
belovedsandwormI mean Ubuntu19:07
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: sudo dpkg -i package.deb19:07
leftyfbbut it's preferred to stick with packages from the repositories19:07
belovedsandwormwhat repositories? You mean snaps?19:08
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: what package are you trying to install?19:08
belovedsandwormDigilent Waveforms19:08
belovedsandwormBut if its a snap I can't use it19:08
leftyfbI don't know if it is. But why can't you use snaps?19:08
belovedsandwormits against my religion19:08
belovedsandwormits very anti-linux19:09
leftyfbplease troll elsewhere19:09
belovedsandwormyou asked and i told you19:09
leftyfbno, lets not19:09
belovedsandwormdon't get mad when you get an answer19:09
belovedsandwormsnaps go against the way linux is intended to be used19:09
leftyfbthere's no reason you can't use snaps. You choose not to because of FUD a19:09
belovedsandwormopinions differ19:10
belovedsandwormmost linux users think snaps are a bad idea19:10
belovedsandwormbut let's not argue19:10
luna_3Is there a webpage or app that plays podcasts and allows one to speed it up and skip around? Please.19:10
leftyfbluna_3: your question has nothing to do with ubuntu19:10
belovedsandwormyeah luna how dare you come to #ubuntu seeking help19:11
pragmaticenigmaluna_3, VLC can play audio and the keybaord shortcuts `[` and `]` can be used to speed up and slow down the playback19:11
luna_3belovedsandworm, I didnt know that "most linux uses think snaps are bad?. Can you help me understand.19:11
leftyfbluna_3: don't, there's no use19:11
vltluna_3: mpv can do this, too.19:11
luna_3leftyb. ok "this aint the place"19:11
vortexxbelovedsandworm: just use .debs, there is no issue here.19:11
belovedsandwormIf you go to #linux and took a poll it would probably be overwhelmingly against using snaps for various reasons19:11
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: please stay on topic here19:12
vltSerious: What are snaps?19:12
luna_3OK bloved.. irc uses.19:12
belovedsandwormdude asked19:12
luna_3ok belovedsandworm  irc users19:12
* vlt heads to #ubuntu-offtopic19:12
belovedsandwormSure, that's fair to say. But I think it might be a general result.19:12
leftyfbvlt: it's another package format. Using snaps you're more than likely to get a newer release packaged directly by the developer/vendor. Firefox by default is installed as a snap package and is maintained directly by Mozilla19:13
belovedsandwormSome snaps come to you broken as well.19:13
belovedsandwormLike firefox.19:13
oerheksbelovedsandworm, stop it, thanks.19:13
pragmaticenigmabelovedsandworm, do you have a support question?19:14
belovedsandwormThat's a fact oerheks19:14
bob54Firefox is crap anyways19:14
belovedsandwormThe Firefox snap has several broken features. You has to install the ppa to get a working version.19:14
bob54They sold their soul to ripple19:14
belovedsandwormNot trolling, just stating facts.19:14
pragmaticenigmabelovedsandworm, do you have a support question?19:14
belovedsandwormYeah, can you fix the Firefox snap?19:14
ravagevlt: https://snapcraft.io/musicpod looks nice but I don't know about all the features19:15
pragmaticenigmathat's not a support question. if you want to chat, proselytize, or other things, please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel19:15
belovedsandwormAlso, if you stop being lazy and look above I came here asking about a .deb and installing it in Ubuntu.19:15
ravageJust try it maybe19:15
belovedsandwormpragmaticenigma: please see above and stop trolling19:15
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: and you were given the answer19:15
belovedsandwormthaks leftyfb19:15
belovedsandwormactually I'm running into a bunch of dependency issues here19:21
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: if you installed the .deb with dpkg and there's dependency issues, try: sudo apt install -f19:22
leftyfbif that doesn't work, you'll have to contact the 3rd party vendor for support with their software19:22
tomreynyou can actually use apt directly to install a .deb and that will try to solve dependencies right then19:22
leftyfbtomreyn: you know, the last few times I've tried that it hasn't worked19:23
tomreynapt install /path/to/package.deb19:23
tomreynokay, i have little experience with it, wouldn't install unmanaged .deb's19:23
belovedsandwormthis seems like the default answer here. 'contact the 3rd party vendor for support with their software'19:24
belovedsandwormno ofense19:24
belovedsandwormwhat does that -f do?19:25
tomreynthe man page will tell, no offense19:25
leftyfbtomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pZm3GdbbcV/19:25
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: yes, if it's a piece of software not provided or available in the ubuntu repositories, we cannot be expected to support it19:26
ravageIt does not check the current directory19:26
leftyfbravage: ah, that does work19:26
ravageSo you need to give the path19:26
leftyfbI just have a "dpkgi" alias that is almost muscle memory for me19:28
leftyfbbut more importantly, I hardly ever install packages from the .deb directly :)19:28
leftyfband if I do, it's part of my new machine bringup using ansible19:28
belovedsandwormleftyfb: I understand that to a degree but even snaps you don't support19:37
belovedsandwormwhile basically forcing the user into using snaps19:37
belovedsandwormmake it make sense19:37
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: when it's the known "broken" features you're talking about with firefox, there's absolutely we can do. Those are things Mozilla and Canonical are working on19:38
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb, I think you left out a word there19:38
leftyfbsorry, "nothing" we can do19:39
leftyfbhaving multiple conversations at work at the same time19:39
belovedsandwormtomreyn: no offense but man apt says nothing about -f19:39
belovedsandwormI checked there first19:39
leftyfbman apt-get19:39
leftyfbunfortunately, apt is sort of just a wrapper for apt-get19:40
leftyfb      -f, --fix-broken19:40
leftyfb           Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT to deduce a likely solution. If packages are specified,19:40
leftyfb           these have to completely correct the problem. The option is sometimes necessary when running APT for the first time; APT itself does not allow broken package dependencies to exist on a system. It is possible19:40
leftyfb           that a system's dependency structure can be so corrupt as to require manual intervention (which usually means using dpkg --remove to eliminate some of the offending packages). Use of this option together with19:40
leftyfb           -m may produce an error in some situations. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Fix-Broken.19:40
belovedsandwormi got it leftyfb19:40
belovedsandwormthank you19:40
belovedsandwormah, finally got it installed. :)19:46
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bebophas 24.x lts been released to do an upgrade yet?20:54
leftyfbbebop: 24.04 was release 4 months ago20:55
enigma9o7No, in fact it was officially delayed.20:55
enigma9o7not for upgrade leftyfb20:55
leftyfbbebop: 24.04.1 will be released at some point this month, at which point you'll be able to upgrade from a previous LTS20:55
enigma9o724.04.1 hasn't been released and is delayed until 29 August.20:56
leftyfbeverything I posted is true20:56
enigma9o7Me too.20:57
enigma9o7Amazing :)20:57
enigma9o7Such great support here.20:57
bebopenigma9o7: that's sad it was delayed after they set a date of august 15th a while back20:58
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leftyfbAugust 19th20:59
leftyfbwas the original date20:59
enigma9o7Yep, but apperantly there are some upgrade issues they want to solve first.  Better than releasing something that causes people upgrade issues.20:59
oerhekshappened before.21:00
leftyfbhm, looks like the dev who posted about the delay got it wrong21:00
bebopdoesn't look like it makes much difference since they delayed it21:02
bebopbut from what ask ubuntu stated it was the 15th21:03
pragmaticenigmaask ubuntu as well as this channel is run by volunteers... not really an authoritative source21:03
bebopguess I'll upgrade on the 29th then21:04
enigma9o7Or maybe wait til Sept 4th.  Might be safer.21:04
oerheksstay on 22.04 🤪21:04
pragmaticenigmabebop, your machine will let you know when it's ready... either in the desktop software app, or in the terminal when you run apt update (I think)21:05
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MagoHi.. ANy open source program for music sheet reading, translation and similar?21:51
ElliriaHere are some possible programs: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1514032/software-to-make-music21:55
tomreynpleas eodon't cross-post, Mago21:55
ElliriaActually, the first two on that page aren't open source.21:56
MagoAre ubuntu and linux the same channel? Why cant i post in both?21:56
leftyfbMago: what release of ubuntu are you running?21:57
MagoI think is jammy21:57
leftyfbopen the "Ubuntu Software" util and type "sheet music" into the search in the top-left21:58
MagoYes its jammy21:59
pragmaticenigmaMago, crossposting makes it difficult to help a person. If multiple channels are all trying to help you at the same time, you may get conflicting information. Or have a suggestion in one channel that interferes with the efforts of another. It's better to start with one, wait, then move on to another after a decent amount of time has passed22:00
MagoIs this an enforced rule? Because I totally disagree.22:00
MagoUbuntu is more specific to my system and linux relates to a broader range of systems..22:00
leftyfbMago: it's common courtesy22:01
fwehtcan i do something about this?  my iphone could connect to the same network (flixbus) without problems... https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/3hicNIpe/image.png22:01
MagoMost times when ubuntu fails to deliver the help I need the right "answer" or direction to further investigate comes from linux.22:01
MagoIn the other hand ubuntu is more targetted and specific to the system im running..22:02
leftyfbfweht: check the date/time on your computer22:02
pragmaticenigmaMago, you said the exact thing I mentioned. Ubuntu is focused with people who are going to offer suggestions coherent to your system. Linux is going to be much broader and suggest things that may or may not be compatible with your system.22:02
fwehtleftyfb: seems good22:02
tomreynfweht: remove the 's' in https:// in your url22:02
fwehtah will try just a second22:02
ravageTry to just enter
pragmaticenigmaMago, especially if you don't qualify your request of information about what you're working with22:03
ravageThat usually takes you to the captive portal22:03
ravageOr check if there is a URL on the WiFi sticker somewhere22:03
ravageIn any case you should get to the login page your iPhone takes you when You connect22:04
MagoFor me ubuntu and linux are 2 different sources.. Is like telling me dont check stackexchange or stack overflow.22:04
enigma9o7The difference is irc is interactive.22:04
tomreynMago: we're kindly asking you to ask in one place first, the other place later. just like you cannot read two books at the same time.22:05
fwehtah thanks i had https only mode on in firefox22:05
topcat001fweht other options are neverssl.com and captive.apple.com22:05
tomreynMago: if you need to discuss this more, we can move to #ubuntu-ops22:05
enigma9o7The channels are seperate, so someone may have already answered you on the other channel, but nobody here would know that.22:05
enigma9o7They might waste their time trying to help you for no reason.22:06
MagoThis feels like censorship.. Read your IRC guidelines, no crossposting relates to ubuntu subsections..22:11
MagoI think i can post whatever I want in electronics, python or linux for the matter.22:12
MagoIs it wrong that I as for a music sheet reader in electronics? I dont think so.22:12
gordonjcpMago: censorship does not exist on the Internet22:13
tomreyneveryone, let's move back to support here, please, thanks.22:13
gordonjcpMago: there is a difference between being told you cannot say something, and being told you cannot say something *here*22:14
gordonjcpMago: now take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please22:14
=== five6184803392 is now known as five618480339
bynarieHey guys, got a question.. Is there a way to encrypt the entire casper-rw partition with ubuntu 24.04? So making a live usb with persistence but the persist part is fully encrypted???22:35
bynarieIf someone could give me a little help and ping me please... thank you22:35
=== margie is now known as clawza
gbozzI completely cleared my iptables (-F and -X) and installed ufw. But with it enabled, not even ping works. I've ufw add'ed Postfix, Samba, CUPS and ssh. The rest of the junk in there has been added by other services that have started (sshguard, docker). Can anybody shed some light? https://pastebin.com/2yjf9bx823:47
ravageyour input chain drops everything except sshguard23:50
ravageso everything else in that firewall is ignored23:51
gbozzThanks ravage. Given the steps I took to set it up (pretty basic), what would do that?23:52
ravagei do not really use uwf. but when you enable it it should add it self to that input chain23:53
ravageif that disappears some script does not play nice and just deletes stuff23:53
gbozzufw is like everything - saves tonnes of time and is really convenient until it stops working mysteriously after an upgrade!23:54
dktgbozz: just do a ufw reset and it should clear everything out23:54
gbozzit replaces the DROP with an ACCEPT, and all its chains are still there, just empty.23:55
gbozzDoesn't really solve my problem though.23:56
ravageafter a "sudo uwf enable"23:56
ravagethere should be more in that INPUT chain23:56
gbozzI'll enable it again and see what it happens. I might disappear out of chat for a second :)23:57
ravagealso maybe share: sudo ufw status verbose23:58
gbozzYeah, then there's this nasty bug:23:58
gbozzERROR: problem running ufw-init23:58
gbozziptables-restore: line 4 failed23:58
gbozzThat error always happens on the first `ufw enable`. Second one always is OK.23:58
gbozzEver since upgrade from 20.04 -> 22.04.23:59
ravagedo you have iptables-persistent enabled?23:59

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