
maszlogreetings. today my thinkpad got the offer to upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04.1. I took it haphazardly. For the most part it appeared good, but i believe I have some settings conflicts from using the 'keep existing' option when prompted. Is there an easy why to see what was offered?00:05
maszloi tried searching if there was a prune type proceedure. I have upgraded on this thing for like 5+ years. i wonder if maybe my luck has run out and needs a reinstall.00:07
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
BlackDemonsup shadowhawk204500:20
BlackDemoni've seen you00:20
shadowhawk2045hey BlackDemon!00:22
BlackDemonI went back to Ubuntu.00:22
BlackDemonWhy? Defeat.00:22
shadowhawk2045from which distro?00:22
BlackDemonfrom numerous00:22
BlackDemona whole train00:22
BlackDemonDebian 12 Cinnamon > LMDE 6 > Archcraft > Debian 12 Gnome > Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS00:22
BlackDemonand mannnnyyyyy before the first00:23
leftyfbBlackDemon: welcome. What do you need help with?00:23
BlackDemonleftyfb: Not much at the moment but perhaps finally quitting all distrohopping.00:23
leftyfbBlackDemon: This is a support channel. If you'd like to just chat, feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:23
shadowhawk2045ive been thinking about trying some Gnome themes00:23
shadowhawk2045reading about how to use them00:23
shadowhawk2045but tbh, i think i kind of like the default Ubuntu interface00:24
shadowhawk2045i changed the highlight color to green00:24
shadowhawk2045and it goes GREAT with my wallpaper00:24
BlackDemonI made my HexChat look like Ubuntu00:25
BlackDemonalso my terminal00:29
BlackDemonchanged it from mauve to dark gray like the title bar00:30
BlackDemonthematic unity00:31
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leftyfbBlackDemon: feel free to continue your already ongoing discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic. We try to keep this channel to support topics00:31
BlackDemonsorry leftyfb00:31
BlackDemongot a bit enthusiastic :300:31
leftyfbthat's what #ubuntu-offtopic is for. Go nuts in there :)00:32
BlackDemonanyways check out my theming - i'll be over there00:32
vortexxhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1bil08j/sennheiser_gsa_670s_odd_infuriating_behavior_on/ <--- I have this exact problem since upgrading to 24.04. This is either a driver issue or an audio framework issue00:36
vortexxit worked solidly in 22.04 for two years00:37
vortexx(and in 21.04 and 21.10 before then)00:37
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tomreynmaszlo: https://askubuntu.com/questions/12699/how-can-i-revert-a-config-file-back-to-the-originally-installed-version-after-i01:36
tomreynmaszlo: see also "filesystem filenames" at https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/noble/en/man1/dpkg.1.html#files01:40
tomreynsudo find /etc -type f -name '*\.ucf-*' -o -name '\.dpkg-*'01:43
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FuraiAre there some upgrade notes for going 22.04 -> 24.04? I couldn't find it. I want to be know what I need to be aware of. So far I've only noticed that apt.sources list changed format/place.04:25
g80hi i just installed ubuntu cinammon. how do i make the mouse pointer bigger?05:17
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blahdeblahjstreet: your test message works perfectly!06:21
jstreetis this for open chat or just for support?06:27
blahdeblahjstreet: the topic has links to channel guidelines06:28
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BlackDemonWho actually likes Gnome? Lol07:06
BlackDemonI do and I got some "heat" for it.07:06
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/07:14
Guest45enzotib__ non so se hai letto il mio ultimo messaggio di ieri07:53
Guest45excuse me, i wrong07:53
Guest45leftyfb [17:56] <leftyfb> Guest40: do you run your own Active Directory server or are you on a network that requires you to login to one? If not, you don't need it.07:54
Guest45[18:25] <Guest40> Sorry but I didn't even understand the meaning of the question because I don't know what the things you mentioned are07:54
BlackDemonhello there08:29
dhanodhare you using linux?08:30
dhanodhoh, this is a ubuntu help channel08:30
ravageat least he found out himself. more than you see from most people 😛08:31
OutOfServiceI'm trying to use the rsyslog opcion in my user-data from cloud-ini in order to configure rsyslog in the deployed machine. This is the paste I'm using: https://pastebin.com/mz6cM2NE But nothing is getting configured there. The ip of the rsyslog server is, so I think the lines are ok.. I need some advice, please09:00
Guest92Help please how to start ? https://DkonApp.github.io/start.html09:31
Guest45ravage what's active directory?09:35
lowinIs something wrong with my internet connection or is the packages.ubuntu.com website really really slow?09:59
tomreynprobably the latter. and maybe the former, too.10:09
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lotuspsychjewe see you NeonCoder10:26
lotuspsychjehow can we help you today NeonCoder10:27
NeonCoderIm good, just testing the irc thing, thank you though10:27
lotuspsychjegreat, welcome to the ubuntu community10:27
PriceyI have a boring Canon printer. I have a bunch of nice photos. I have A4 glossy photo paper. I want to print 6x4 photos to it. What is the best way? Arranging in libreoffice draw etc. ? I feel like it should be easier to select 4 photos and say "print them"...10:31
PriceyShotwell lets me size properly, but won't print >1 together.10:31
lotuspsychjePricey: we had photoprint on the repos used to be10:32
lotuspsychjebut they ditched it10:32
lotuspsychje!info photocollage | Pricey10:34
ubottuPricey: photocollage (1.4.5-0.2, noble): Graphical tool to make photo collage posters. In component universe, is optional. Built by photocollage. Size 170 kB / 561 kB10:34
lotuspsychjei was using this one, as alternate to group pictures in a collage10:35
PriceyThanks, that's really cool but not what I was looking for. I want to print my photos individually in (e.g.) 6x4 size.10:36
PriceyGoogling suggests draw might be the way.10:36
lotuspsychje!pl | k1t210:48
ubottuk1t2: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:48
BluesKajHi all11:42
Guest38sub homie11:53
Guest38can I send a self promotion link in here11:55
vulpes_zerdaWhat is the purpose of this route in my nmcli? route4 metric 100011:56
vulpes_zerdai do not have that network range anywhere in my LAN11:56
voltx23isn't the address automatically assigned...11:59
voltx23when you fail to contact dhcp, it waits then you get it, same in windows.12:00
vulpes_zerdaIs that a statement or question?12:03
ioriathe first12:03
tomreynGuest38: this is a support channel (only), please see the guidelines link in the /topic12:03
vulpes_zerdaThe route re-creates upon deletion only on one Debian system but not another12:04
vulpes_zerdait must be a software issue12:04
ioriavulpes_zerda, /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd12:04
vulpes_zerdaioria: Perfect answer! I see the line causing my pain! Thanks for the solution12:05
tomreynvulpes_zerda: please note this channel is strictly for ubuntu support, there's also #debian12:06
vulpes_zerdaHow did you know it is avahi?12:06
ioriausually it is the culprit12:06
vulpes_zerdaUbuntu == debian unstable, but I kindly off myself now for using the wrong distro. My bad, dissident zerda will sign off!12:06
techniciancitHi everone, honestly I'm glad people still use irc. I miss it greatly. I have a forum post that I'm hoping someone can answer. I have googled the problem and searched the forum. I tried ask ubuntu but some are downvoting my question instead of answering it. I was hoping i can get more help here? Forum post is12:44
techniciancitIt's about me messing up the permissions on the partitions . I'm a windows user, I made the move to linux but still learning12:45
Eniothi techniciancit :-) what do you want to know on the partitions ?12:47
techniciancitThanks for asking Eniot, I posted on the forum the back story and question :) Link above12:48
Eniotok i go read the post :-)12:49
leftyfbtechniciancit: you don't ever change permissions on anything in /dev/12:50
leftyfbthat's a device file, not a mount point/filesystem12:50
techniciancitThanks leftyfb , i suppose I learnt my lesson. How do i fix it?12:51
technicianciti need to change it back to what it was and then i need to change the ownership of the partition12:51
leftyfbtechniciancit: reboot12:51
techniciancitok let me try12:52
techniciancitleftyfb I rebooted but i still see the triangles when I open disks app.  if i see the triangles does it mean that it's read only? am i meant to use sudo chown <group name>12:56
leftyfbread-only in terms of disk mount has nothing to do with permissions12:56
leftyfbtechniciancit: please explain what it is exactly you're trying to accomplish?12:57
techniciancitleftyfb I'm trying to get it off read only. If I open the partitian I can see the root folder showing the red cross on it. I basically need to change ownership so I can access all the files and copy them off the partitian12:58
leftyfbwhy do you need it off of read-only?12:58
leftyfbyou can copy files off of a read-only drive12:59
leftyfbyou just can't write12:59
Eniotthis link can be help you ? https://github.com/gestur1976/restore-ubuntu-default-file-permissions-and-owners13:00
leftyfbEniot: no, that is incorrect in this particular case13:00
leftyfbthere is nothing wrong with file permissions13:00
leftyfbtechniciancit: is there some other reason you need write permission to the drive in order to copy files from it?13:02
leftyfbtechniciancit: because from what you have stated, you can certainly accomomplish your goal in the current state. No changes needed.13:02
technicianciti do need to reset the permissions I already set. Before i tried to change permissions it was just the one partition I couldn't change I'm helping someone else who asked for my help as i know more about computers than he does. but still learning ubuntu myself. he mentioned he's trying to access the file so not sure if there's another reason he13:07
techniciancitwants to change ownership. If i copy the file off the read only partitian then will the file itself stay as read only  or is it like windows where you can copy the file and still access it fine once copied?13:07
leftyfbtechniciancit: copy the file first, worry about permissions on said file after13:08
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techniciancitleftyfb i'll try that now. Can I ask what the triangles mean on the bottom right of the partitions? They weren't there before I tried changing the permissions. And has rebooting fixed the permissions? I tried accessing the other partition and it stopped asking me for a password so I'm assuming the permissions are back to normal.13:10
techniciancitlol  i just guessed the triangles mean that the partition is mounted, i feel like such a noob :D13:12
techniciancitleftyfb i got hold of him to ask him what file he was trying to access and it's working now. So the permissions seemed to have worked as he couldn't access the file befor13:22
techniciancitwhat may have helped is i tried using the sudo chown <name> command. from then on I could change the permissions of the folder13:23
techniciancitleftyfb thanks for the help13:30
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BlackDemonhttps://imgur.com/a/oOQ0RWB - I wonder if old Snap versions can be safely removed.18:01
BlackDemonpavlos: Is it safe to remove old cores?18:04
pavlosif you run 24.04, I think it is safe to remove core18, core20, core2218:05
BlackDemonthank youuu :318:05
leftyfbI'm not so sure that's true18:06
leftyfbit's 2.3G in size18:06
BlackDemonlooks like core20 is used by spotify18:06
leftyfbI would leave them18:06
BlackDemoncore18 was nuked without further ado18:06
leftyfbI'm pretty sure they are for compatibility with older snaps18:07
pavlos sudo snap refresh to have the latest18:07
BlackDemonit's like a dependency18:07
BlackDemonI removed core18 without issue because no current snaps required it18:07
pavlossnap list --all    if Notes is disabled, you can remove it18:09
BlackDemonIs there a GUI utility that manages snaps directly?18:10
leftyfbpavlos: again, that's not true18:11
leftyfbBlackDemon: not like this, no18:11
BlackDemonah dang18:11
BlackDemonit's ok18:11
BlackDemonsnaps do seem to be simple to deal with18:11
leftyfbpavlos: leave the cores alone18:11
leftyfband "disabled" in the list does NOT mean you can just remove them18:11
BlackDemonoh.. jeez I just did that before reading - what do I do now18:12
leftyfbreinstall the cores you removed18:12
leftyfband gnome if you're using that18:12
leftyfbanything else is up to you18:12
pavlosleftyfb: https://dev.to/taimenwillems/how-to-clean-up-snap-versions-to-free-up-disk-space-22o218:13
leftyfbpavlos: yup, that's a script some dude on the internet made that deletes stuff based on a misunderstood criteria18:14
BlackDemonI removed the disabled core22 instance. Idk why my computer didn't go kaput.18:14
leftyfbBlackDemon: I'm not saying it'll definitely cause problems doing so or not, but I can tell, you, having spotify installed which relies on core20, and core20 still showing up as "disabled" means that "disabled" doesn't mean it can be safely removed18:15
Sayona_Hi! I want to install Ubuntu 24.04.1 on my desktop, where I have software raid with 2 ssd in raid1... but When I want to install ubuntu I don't see the hdds as one and no old partitions when I choose manual disk... but in ubuntu desktop I see the partitions...18:15
Sayona_it's a bug?18:15
pavlos"some dude" is an ex-Engineering Manager (popey) at Canonical18:15
leftyfbSayona_: use the installer to create the ROAD volumes18:16
BlackDemonleftfb: it was a disabled core*22*18:16
Sayona_leftyfb, yes but there I have an partition and I don't want to remove it... I want to use an existing partition to install it. but I don't see it ...18:16
BlackDemonpavlos: as in, a salty Canonical ex-employee18:17
leftyfbpavlos: false. The article you posted was written by https://dev.to/taimenwillems who sourced his information from https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/. Neither explained what "disabled" means and why they think it's ok to remove packages flagged as such18:18
pavlos and the post with 217 votes was written by popey18:18
leftyfbpavlos: ah, I see the disconnect here....18:19
leftyfbcore20 should NOT be removed. version 20240416 of core20 can be removed18:19
leftyfbit's versions of snaps, not the snaps themselves18:20
pavlosleftyfb: no worries18:20
* BlackDemon headpats ya both.18:21
BlackDemonLife of Ubuntu.18:21
BlackDemonLearned a mild lesson.18:28
BlackDemonI was able to remove gnome-3-38-200418:28
BlackDemonAt the cost of spotify even working18:28
BlackDemonSo I went back and reinstalled it18:28
BlackDemonSpotify launched in 1 second18:28
BlackDemonProblem solved18:28
=== BlackDemon is now known as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
=== EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is now known as BlackDemon
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Sayona_leftyfb, I think the Ubuntu doesn't recongnize the raid array automated because doesn't have the driver?19:02
tomreynSayona_: i'm not certain about this but i think no ubuntu installer supports reusing existing software raids. you can, however, just not configure, not use, and not remove them in the installer and only configure them manually after installation.19:09
Sayona_with an old version I don't have this issue :(19:10
tomreynanother option is to install using debootstrap, but (unless you're used to debootstrap) it's a lot more work than using an installer.19:10
Sayona_thanks, I will try19:10
tomreynwhich old version supports detecting existing software raid? which version are you trying to install?19:11
tomreynand are you using the desktop or server installer?19:11
Sayona_24.04.1 LTS is with the problem, and in the past I had 22.04, both of them Desktop19:12
tomreynthe desktop installer was rewritten not long ago, i think it was first used between 22.04 and 24.0419:13
tomreynso maybe the rewrite lacks support for this19:13
tomreynmaybe there's a bug report here https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer/issues or here https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-provision/issues19:17
Sayona_I will check, thanks tomreyn19:17
ravageif you want to report bugs i think they want those on launchpad19:17
Sayona_are a lot of bugs there :)19:18
phrack_extractorDoes ubuntu have a linux kernel archive such as arch? https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/l/linux/19:34
tomreynthat's a package archive for what i can tell. ubuntu has package archives as well19:35
leftyfbphrack_extractor: for what purpose? What exactly are you trying to accomplish?19:35
phrack_extractorI want some old linux kernel versions to do some tests with19:36
* leftyfb sigh19:36
leftyfbthis again19:36
leftyfbphrack_extractor: apt download <package name>19:37
leftyfbthat will download packages19:37
sarnoldphrack_extractor: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/19:37
phrack_extractorleftyfb I still need to get a vmlinuz/vmlinux and I don't know which package contains that.19:38
leftyfbheh, nice firehose you got there sarnold :)19:38
leftyfbphrack_extractor: as has been explained to you countless times, the vmlinuz file is the kernel as part of the kernel package you install19:38
sarnoldleftyfb: yeah, I wonder how large the directory listing is, lol19:38
sarnoldphrack_extractor: dpkg -S and apt-file are awesome19:39
leftyfbphrack_extractor: download the kernel package you want and extract it from there19:39
leftyfbphrack_extractor: btw, I don't think any Ubuntu flavor uses uncompressed kernels (vmlinux)19:39
phrack_extractorleftyfb whatever works as an arg to qemu's -kernel cmdline parameter is fine, compressed or not19:40
leftyfbphrack_extractor: good luck19:41
phrack_extractorsarnold i know about apt-file, but some archives store it renamed19:43
phrack_extractorleftyfb I got vmlinuz-linux from arch archives to work with -kernel to qemu yesterday and solved the problem for versions of the linux kernel 4.20 up19:45
leftyfbgreat, that has nothing to do with ubuntu19:45
phrack_extractorso it is exchangeable, sorry about my stubbornness. one of the vmlinuz that I tried gave me an error trying to pass an initrd qemu arg so I didn't know that that was just that one vmlinuz file19:47
leftyfbphrack_extractor: ask in #ubuntu-kernel19:47
phrack_extractorso I thought, yeah they might be exchangeable technically, but if I have to set up boot parameters and everything as though bootstrapping it manually then I'm going to die because that's too slow19:49
leftyfbphrack_extractor: you've already pointed out you're not doing any of this on a supported release of ubuntu.19:49
phrack_extractorleftyfb so, I'm sorry I was stubborn with the cmdline option19:49
phrack_extractorleftyfb I'm only downloading  the linux image from arch, its just a mirror. I'm running a flavor of ubuntu19:50
leftyfbphrack_extractor: it's a highly modified, incomplete version of ubuntu19:51
phrack_extractorleftyfb what is?19:51
phrack_extractorwhat I'm running?19:51
leftyfbphrack_extractor: you pointed out yesterday that your VM's are not the full ubuntu OS, just the kernel19:52
phrack_extractorYes but I'm hosting on ubuntu19:53
leftyfbyou're issue isn't with your host19:53
leftyfbyour issue is with the VM which isn't ubuntu19:53
leftyfbthat's like asking why the screensaver doesn't work on your Windows VM, hosted on ubuntu19:54
leftyfbphrack_extractor: please direct all further support questions for this project to #ubuntu-kernel, #qemu or #linux19:55
=== kaleozhou_ is now known as kaleozhou
morgan-uWhen the gui information-box for Software comes up it sits BEHIND chrome and also (somehow makes things slower or more difficult. I suggest it show up IN FRONT of chrome and have some notification up top as well. , more than a symbol on the panel.. -  It's just a thought.21:09
bpromptmorgan-u: that'd be up to the window manager used, AFAIK, your window manager is using that, is all, don't like it, change it maybe?21:12
JanCit's preventing pop-ups from stealing focus while you are working on another window21:23
JanCotherwise whatever you were typing & expected to go to whatever application you were using might end up going to the Software popup and accidentally activate buttons that way21:26
luna_3bprompt I have the standard ubuntu wondow manager. I am suggesting this for standard ubuntu. I would have no idea of how to change that in the window manager of even if that is possible. I have no idea how mny if any other window managers are bell-behaved outside of the standard one nor if any of them have that capability or do it on the natch. I dont even know how to call the ability I am looking for. - Perhaps I am being sent on a21:39
luna_3"wild goose chase" in a world in which all the geese have been domesticated just to "get rid of some beginner who is using the gui, Bless his or her heart!21:39
luna_3bprompt,  I have no idea how to call that ability nor how to find it or change it. I am using the built-in, standard ubuntu fare. My suggestion is that it functions badly by hiding an important prompt and should be changed for everyboy. -- In case I was not clear, Tha't's what I was saying.21:41
bpromptluna_3: well, I use Kwin as the manager, I can set "window rules" on how to treat any window, main, dialog, helper21:42
bpromptluna_3: I set a window rule a few minutes ago, needed the window at a certain size and position and opacity when opened, don't want to do it everytime21:43
luna_3Oh this seems like  a basic system as presented to 'users to use' flaw. bprompt  nd that's the gist of my suggestion that it be changed. -- A matter of window ordering.21:44
JanCsee my explanation above why (most likely) it didn't open over Chromium21:44
JanCor whatever application you are using21:45
luna_3re bprompt> luna_3: I set a window rule a few minutes ago, needed the window at a certain size and position and opacity when opened, don't want to do it everytime --- This has nothing at all to do with what I was referring to.21:45
luna_3oh maybe that wasnt to me, just two window issues from different folks21:45
bpromptluna_3: you're specifically referring about a desktop manager and window manager then, the default presented could be better, well ok, I was just saying, there are choices :)21:48
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luna_3bpi WAS ACTUALLY REFERRING TO THE SOFTWARE UPDATER. bprompt who is no longer around and so forget it. I have another question in case anyone knows.23:54
luna_3Question how do i ask a question about the ddg browser and if it shares tabs between devices.  Actually does any browser share tabs between my ubuntu desktop and my iphone??23:55
enigma9o7I think firefox can do that.  Probably chrome too.23:56
enigma9o7perhaps any browser that uses firefox sync?  I know a few others do besides firefox.  Still just guessing tho.23:57
leftyfbchrome can see/open tabs from other devices23:57

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