
=== hatesec is now known as jimbo
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jimboslimi love you01:28
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tallybytesup gamers03:19
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NeilRGI've been trying for days and I can't seem to get the "Kitty" terminal application to show up in Ubuntu 22.0404:29
NeilRGIt used to work, but now it's just gone04:29
NeilRGI have a kitty.desktop file in .local/share/applications/kitty.desktop and /usr/share/applications/kitty.desktop04:29
NeilRG24.04 sorry04:36
explodesYou mean show up on the desktop somewhere? Or like in the side bar?04:36
explodesI'm not expert but I think that's what you mean04:37
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AlessaWrite me if you want to have sex with me05:02
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ridho_01is this for ubuntu user chat?05:09
hackinghornridho_01, yeah, we are ubuntu users here05:10
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guivercridho_01, this is a Ubuntu Support room; use #ubuntu-discuss if you want to discuss Ubuntu, or #ubuntu-offtopic if you want general discussion (not about Ubuntu)06:11
KiraIs something wrong with the libnetplan0 and netplan.io packages? They've been stuck at Phased-Update-Percentage 0 for a few days now.06:41
DumbLDoorHi All! Is 24.10 available now?07:06
DumbLDoor@sun0112 - ty! command line upgrade does not seem to work... :(07:07
sunn0112i think they dont work until a .107:10
ravagethats only for LTS upgrades07:11
guivercDumbLDoor, it's been released for new installs; the release-upgrades often don't open until early the following week (after Thursday release day..)07:11
ravagei think upgrades will be available in a few days. but if you installed a LTS version you have to allow upgrades to a non LTS version first07:11
DumbLDoorty all, i will wait :)07:12
guivercthough I do note oracular listed in https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release07:12
mgedmindo-release-upgrade worked fine for me this morning07:12
ravageand gone 🙂07:12
mgedmin(and last night, except I chose not to risk potential breakage late at night)07:13
mgedminbe sure that /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades has Prompt=normal and not Prompt=lts07:13
* mgedmin discovers he was talking to a closed door07:13
mgedminI already forgot what was exciting about gnome 4707:20
thelounge8481Check out https:// opensource.gb.net [iPods page]07:26
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ridho_01hello testing08:08
Nicklesshello, quick question. where to go get help for setting up sunbeam?08:58
sixwheeledbeastHave you followed there docs?09:16
Guest15is this the proper way to install r09:45
Guest15if no how can I revert the changes I did to the syste,09:46
Guest15system xd09:46
Guest15fuck i could just have done sudo apt install r-base right????09:49
Guest15I do think about wiping windows again and installing linux on my pc09:51
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eLdr1chhi all11:08
BluesKajHi all12:01
powershellis here something like man keywords which lists me all c keywords?12:17
powershellman return12:18
powershelloh sorry!12:18
davis135powershell: what's wrong with typing man c and then spamming tab?13:14
davis135ah nvm, you mean C as in language13:15
lubuntuhello, testing lubuntu 24.04 irc chat...13:27
lubuntuanyone available to talk a little ?13:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:30
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tomreynGuest15: yes, you could have just installed r-base (if you don't strictly need the latest version). (and mind the language, please, thanks.)14:33
Piratyhi. i booted ubuntu 24.04 live from usb on a 2in1 convertible (the ones that have 360degree hinges to allow tablet mode) with touchscreen. now most important things work OOTB. touchscreen is generally responsive, yet i think it needs to be configured as it doesn't accept 'tap' as click , at least it doesn't most of the time (sometime it seems to work) . any ideas or hints what might be the issue?15:04
aeromechieHey folks, good morning. I have a question about a dual-boot problem after an upgrade from 24.04 to 24.10. While I can boot successfully into 24.10, booting into the windows partition only works after selecting the recovery mode for my current kernel, which tries (and fails) to load, and then boots into windows.15:14
aeromechieI assume my GRUB settings are broken and/or misconfigured, and I was wondering if this is a bug report sort of situation, or a troubleshooting situation. Thanks!15:14
Piratyagain my touchscreen issue: the on-screen-keyboard shows up sometimes (for instance in firefox, when selecting a textbox) and the screen keys turn dark for a second when i tap them, yet no letters appear in the textbox. this seems to me like the touch screen feature works and it's an issue in gnome ?15:23
mortdoes anyone happen to know how you get networkmanager to manage the interfaces on an ubuntu server?15:25
mortI stopped+masked netplan and systemd-networkd but 'nmcli' still shows ethernet and wifi as unmanaged, I was able to temporarily set wifi as managed with 'nmcli dev set <wifi iface> managed yes' but that only works until networkmanager is restarted and didn't work for the ethernet interface15:26
leftyfbmort: why are you disabling the default that works to install and setup network-manager?15:27
mortleftyfb: because it doesn't work15:28
leftyfbmort: you're saying the default networking on ubuntu server doesn't work and you think installing the NM is going to fix it?15:28
mortI'm trying to share a connection from wifi over ethernet, I couldn't figure out how to get netplan to do that; netplan only seems to let me make a l2 bridge which doesn't seem to be supported between STA-mode wifi and ethernet15:29
mortleftyfb: correct15:29
mortwell, doesn't work *for my purposes*15:29
leftyfbmort: undo all the changes you did with network-manager15:30
leftyfbmort: sudo nmcli device wifi hotspot ssid <you SSID here> password <your wifi password here> ifname wlan015:31
leftyfbsudo nmcli connection modify $(nmcli con show Hotspot|awk '/uuid/ {print $2}') connection.autoconnect yes connection.autoconnect-priority 10015:31
mortleftyfb: that requires the devices to be managed by networkmanager, no? Currently, `nmcli` just shows a wifi iface and an ethernet iface listed as unmanaged15:31
Guest15which ubuntu version have I installed?15:34
leftyfbGuest15: cat /etc/os-release15:34
Guest15https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/ which of theses tarballs I need?15:34
Guest15PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS"15:35
leftyfbGuest15: you'll need to contact Posit for support with their application15:35
Guest15leftyfb how to install a .deb?15:36
leftyfbGuest15: sudo apt install ./path/to/filename.deb15:36
rfmmort, in ubunto netplan holds the network configuration which is rendered to either networkd (on server installs) or networkmanager (on desktop installs).  If you want to use networkmanager on a server install, don't mask netplan, change the renderer in the netplan config15:38
Guest15guys is amd gpu now as usefull as on linux on ubuntu?15:38
Guest15I mean like windows was like 200 fps while I had a month ago 60 fps in games with linux15:39
mortrfm: hm but I don't think I want netplan to render to networkmanager? I think I want networkmanager to be the source of the configuration, not just a netplan back-end?15:39
mortif I set netplan to render to networkmanager, should I then configure the network sharing thing in netplan and use netplan apply or generate or whatever to get netplan to configure networkmanager appropriately?15:39
leftyfbmort: what does your NetworkManager.conf look like?15:41
rfmmort, in ubuntu 23.10 and after networkmanager stores its config in netplan.  you can configure the net either by editing the netplan files or through nmcli (or the gui network settings)15:41
leftyfbmort: also, did you try telling NM to manage the device?    sudo nmcli device set wlan0 managed yes15:42
mortrfm: I'm on 22.0415:42
mortleftyfb: I tried that, but it had no effect on the ethernet device.. on the wifi device it worked ('nmcli' started showing it as managed) but it reverted to being unmanaged after restarting networkmanager15:43
leftyfbmort: what does your NetworkManager.conf look like?15:43
leftyfband the output of: nmcli device15:43
tomreynGuest15: 60 FPS on Linux is due to vertical sync, that's just a matter of configuration.15:45
Guest15no I mean like 60 fps dropping to 30 fps15:46
Guest15amd rx 7000 series is just not good compatible with linux15:46
rfmmort, then you create a stub netplan config that just specifies rendering to networkmanager, the way a 22.04 desktop install does.15:47
Guest15but you know what15:48
Guest15I will just try it15:48
mortleftyfb: NetworkManager.conf has: [main] plugins=ifupdown,keyfile [ifupdown] managed=false [device] wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no; there's also a conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf which says [connection] wifi.powersave = 3415:48
mort3 not 34 sorry15:48
mortnmcli device lists enp11s0/ethernet/unmanaged/--, lo/loopback/unmanaged/--, wlp12s0/wifi/unmanaged/--15:49
tomreynGuest15: most people here seem to have no serious issues with 7000 series https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/1c60v6a/whats_your_experience_with_amd_7000_gpus_on_linux/15:50
Guest15the issues only appear when it comes to playing games15:50
tomreynwhich issues?15:51
tomreynwhich card exactly? which kernel?15:51
Guest15frames drop sometimes from 60 to 25 generally it feels very laggy even on lower settings.15:52
Guest15on windows you just have all the time up to 200 fps highest settings15:52
mortleftyfb: regarding the 'nmcli device wifi hotspot' stuff from before: are you sure that's using wifi in station (i.e client) mode so that I can connect ethernet-only devices to the ethernet port?15:53
Guest15ravage hello missis15:53
Guest15missis simplex15:53
mortI associate "hotspot" with setting the wifi device in access point mode so that other devices can connect to it wirelessly15:53
rfmmort, I think your problem may be there's still the systemd-networkd config rendered the last time you ran netplan so netword and networkmanager are fighting15:54
mortnetworkd was also masked15:54
mortbut I did as you suggested, unmasked netplan and systemd-networkd and made a stub 'network: version: 2, renderer: NetworkManager' netplan config15:54
=== tomreyn changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 24.10, 24.04, 22.04, 20.04. #ubuntu-next for 25.04 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://bpa.st | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
aeromechieHas anyone experienced problems with dual-boot after updating from 24.04 to 24.10? I can only get into windows by selecting the "recovery mode" for my current kernel15:59
mortrfm: now, wlp12s0 is managed by default by networkmanager, but enp11s0 (ethernet) still isn't... and 'nmcli dev set enp11s0 managed yes' still has no effect (but it also doesn't produce any errors)16:00
rfmmort, the next thing I'd try is putting a empty config for enp11s0 into the netplan just to tell netplan that the renderer: networkmanager applies to it too16:09
leftyfbmort: do you have the netplan service stopped?16:10
leftyfbsorry, not netplan16:10
mortsystemd-networkd is running16:11
leftyfbtry stopping/disabling it and telling nm to manage your interfaces16:11
mortI'll try that; however shouldn't it be netplan's responsibility to tell networkd what to do and not to do to not get in the way?16:12
mortno effect, 'nmcli dev set enp11s0 managed yes' exits with code 0 and no output yet enp11s0 remains unmanaged16:13
mortNetworkManager logs to the journal an audit thingy, op="device-managed" interface="enp11s0" blah blah result="success"16:14
leftyfbmort: sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger && sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager16:15
mortthat did nothing, enp11s0 still unmanaged, dev set enp11s0 managed yes still does nothing16:16
leftyfbtry forcing them to managed again16:16
mortisn't that what dev set .. managed yes is supposed to do?16:18
leftyfbmort: sudo nmcli device set enp11s0 managed yes16:18
mortthat has no effect16:19
leftyfbI got nothing then16:19
mortthe frustrating thing is it's not even failing16:19
mortcould it be that ethernet interfaces are always unmanaged until they're actually connected?16:23
=== mrbutthead10 is now known as mrbutthead1
leftyfbmort: wait, you don't have them connected?16:23
mortit didn't seem like much reason to go farther when networkmanager doesn't even manage the interface16:24
mortwhen I read "this interface is unmanaged" I think "networkmanager will never touch this interface"16:24
leftyfbtry plugging it in16:24
mortI mean the goal isn't to get an Internet connection over Ethernet though16:25
mortI can find a switch and another computer and try to connect the computers via Ethernet and see if NM magically notices?16:26
leftyfbmort: this is just to make sure it gets set to managed16:26
leftyfbjust plug it into a port to get an ip for now16:26
mortA bit difficult, I'd have to carry this desktop to a different floor to find a router to connect it to16:27
mortI have to pause this project for a bit, I'll get back to it later. Thanks for all the help thus far!16:28
Piratyon my touchscreen device i booted 24.10 which works a lot nicer in regard to touchscreen. but now the on-screen-keyboard won't appear and there is not auto-rotate feature in gnome . how to fix?16:42
Piratyauto-rotate worked on 24.04 (and it showed the icon in the mini menu too)16:45
younderCongrats with new release Occular Oriole. The most important features as I see it are Wayland default desktop for NVidia and faster Gnome.17:08
* younder admits he had to look up what a Oriole was. Apparently a bird17:10
Piratyi hate those code names, numbers are much more precise17:13
Piratyeverytime i read somewhere "bonkers banana" i have to dig up the code name release table to find out if it's old or not17:13
NoImNotNineVoltthey're in alphabetical order.17:14
Piratyi'd still need to know what is $now's letter and when A... happened ...17:14
=== wodencafe is now known as wodiouscafe
NoImNotNineVoltif we're on 12.2.3 now, is 6.7.9 old?17:15
Piratyand know - by heart - the number for "O" to divide it by two17:15
leftyfbNoImNotNineVolt: sorry, what are you referring to?17:16
Piratydepends. if 6.x is LTS i might be fine17:16
NoImNotNineVoltleftyfb: i'm referring to version numbers being no more descriptive than codenames in terms of communicating age.17:16
leftyfbNoImNotNineVolt: the version numbers refer to the YY.MM the release was released17:17
leftyfbthere's 2 a year in April in October17:17
NoImNotNineVoltleftyfb: that's one possible version numbering scheme. there are others.17:17
leftyfbNoImNotNineVolt: that is THE numbering scheme for Ubuntu releases17:18
NoImNotNineVolte.g. semantic versioning is popular17:18
NoImNotNineVoltleftyfb: right, for ubuntu releases. i understood Piraty's comment to be about code names and numbers in the general sense.17:18
leftyfblets try to stick with Ubuntu support topics. Feel free to have other discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic17:18
NoImNotNineVoltindeed, sorry.17:18
PiratyNoImNotNineVolt: yes, this criticism generalizes pretty well17:18
=== cambam100564 is now known as cambam10056
tortillasandwichon ubuntu 24.10, VRR seems to apply to desktop environments too, in both X11 and Wayland, which means the displays may run at 50hz instead of 165, in my case. It seems to be binary all-or-nothing settings, vsync is either on or off. is there not a way to restrict this to _only_ fullscreen apps?18:41
Guest789Hey guys i just installed ubuntu18:44
Guest789I installed flatpak and added the flathub repository.  at the command-line i typed flatpak search pika.  it said noting found.  then i tried firefox nothing found what do i do about this?18:45
Guest789then i tried flatpak search flathub firefox. nothing again18:46
Guest789flatpak install flathub org.gnome.World.PikaBackup gives error: Unable to load summary from remote flathub: GPG verification enabled, but no summary found (check that the configured URL in remote config is correct)18:48
JanCseems like it should be there... https://flathub.org/apps/org.mozilla.firefox18:50
Guest789yeah it doesn't work janC18:50
JanCand that error seems to indicate something might be wrong with your configuration?18:51
Guest789i guess i don't know18:52
JanCsomething wrong with how you added flathub maybe?18:52
Guest789maybe.  i might have added the repo with extra whitespace perhaps but i don't know how to remove the repository url to try again18:52
Guest789gonna try to reinstall flatpak and add it again18:53
JanCmaybe purge it18:53
JanCthat should remove configuration18:54
JanCin addition to flatpak itself18:54
JanCso that you can start "fresh" hopefully18:54
Guest789nope didn't work18:55
Guest789i guess i will scour my home directory for anything flathub and delete stuff, reinstall, add the repo again18:56
Guest789flatpak remote-delete flathub followed by flatpak remote-add flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo  Fixed it!18:59
Guest789there was a typo in my remote-add command.19:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1967 in flatpak/flatpak "GPG verification enabled, but no summary found" [Closed]19:00
cedarGood afternoon gentlemen19:04
Guest789hi cedar19:04
cedarHello Guest78919:04
cedarI just upgraded my Ubuntu Server from 22.04 to 24.04 and bricked it19:05
cedarHere is a picture of what it is displaying now.19:05
cedarPlease advise.19:06
Rounincedar: Did it brick the machine, or just the OS? If it's just the OS, you could extract your personal files to another disk using a bootable USB or some such thing (or putting the disk in another machine, etc.) and reinstall19:06
cedarLooks like the volume group got messed up during the upgrade.  It was just a volume group on one single hard drive so the LVM doesn't even matter if I can get it to just be "regular"19:07
cedarHey Rounin, thanks for your reply.  It's just the OS.  Check out the imgur link I sent19:07
Rounincedar: It just shows a spinning wheel thing and an empty page. Anyway, messed up in what way?19:10
RouninAh... Now it shows like ... a dialog that asks to use my personal data19:10
cedaryou shouldnt have to log in to view imgur19:11
cedaranyway i can upload it to something more preferable19:11
cedarHow about that19:12
cedarALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!19:13
cedarYeah... that was my boot volume.  Uh oh.19:13
Rounincedar: Hmmmm... Software raid... I mean, I'd still suggest checking it from some sort of bootable USB (that has mdadm)... Perhaps the volume is OK, but the initrd lacks some kernel module needed to support software RAID?19:16
RouninLet's say it installed a bunch of new kernel modules, right, and then an initrd... If you're using some extra module to get support for those volumes, is that going to be there or does it need to be added, perhaps19:17
RouninOne way to find out would be to boot from a known working OS and trying to mount the disk(s)19:18
cedarYeah, in hindsight the Ubuntu LVM was a bad idea.  But when you install Ubuntu Server it prompts the user to use it, so I did.  Little did I know..19:19
cedarIts pretty unnecessary if you only have one hard drive.19:19
cedarit did the entire 22.04 to 24.04 upgrade. Complete. Successful installation.  Rebooted... then never came back up.  Came up to this screen instead.19:20
cedarSo, aside from booting from a USB, backing up the data and reinstalling, what can I do?19:22
cedarat this "initramfs" prompt19:22
cedarI have all the data backed up already.  But I don't have all the configurations backed up (maybe).  I just backed up my home folders, /etc, and /var19:23
cedarideally i can disable this LVM somehow and tell the system the boot device is just /dev/sda19:24
Rounincedar: Ah, right... So you're not using software RAID... mdadm is just checking, but probably irrelevant, but the error is at the bottom19:24
cedarIs LVM not software raid?  Seems like a similar concept at least.19:25
Rounincedar: Perhaps... Anyway, you probably want to find out whether the volume group actually does exist or not19:25
Rounincedar: It even says a common cause can be missing modules... So let's say it uses a module of some kind for LVM, right... But it's not installed. The disk might be just fine19:26
Rounincedar: Someone else has had the same issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/551446/cant-find-lvm-root-dropped-back-to-initramfs19:30
Rounin"vgchange -ay" they say19:30
RouninAnd if that doesn't work, they suggest some other solutions19:30
Guest15can I ask you something19:33
Guest15when I study, so we get scripts which we read, it seem like they already cut it down to the bone that you do not need to write it down again. But for some reason I can not stick any of the written words from the professor in my head.19:34
Guest15the question is like how to stick the words in my head19:35
cedari liked using quizlet which had a feature where you would type out the answer.19:37
Guest15do I do that every lecture? creating new flashcards?19:37
cedarhard to say without knowing what the context is19:37
Guest15can you speak germanß19:37
cedarFor me, for just pure memorization, quizlet was a very good tool.19:38
leftyfb!ot | Guest1519:38
ubottuGuest15: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:38
Guest15memorization I guess that would never work for me xd anyways cya in ubuntu-offtopic19:39
cedarBack to our regularly scheduled programming.19:40
=== stefano is now known as stevexx
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=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
davis135any idea when Firefox 131.0.2 (fixing the CVE-2024-9680 remote code execution 0-day) is coming to 20.04 focal? it's been like 3 days and every other distro is already patched21:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu- An attacker was able to achieve code execution in the content process by exploiting a use-after-free in Animation timelines. We have had reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 131.0.2, Firefox ESR < 128.3.1, Firefox ESR < 115.16.1, Thunderbird < 131.0.1, Thunderbird < 128.3.1, and Thunderbird < 115.16.0. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-9680>21:55
leftyfb davis135 sudo snap install firefox21:56
davis135leftyfb: Command 'snap' not found (...) :)21:56
leftyfbdavis135: why did you remove it?21:57
davis135because it's an abomination21:57
leftyfbok, good luck21:57
leftyfbto answer your question, 20.04 already has the latest Firefox but you refuse to install it21:58
davis135okay let's do an EOT, I don't want to install debian just to browse the internet21:58
cedar20.04 doesn't have it... snap has it21:59
davis135the default and preferred way of installing firefox on distros up to 20.04 is still apt, believe it or not22:00
davis135and it still has 7 months of security upgrades22:00
tomreyndavis135: you could ask in #ubuntu-security - see also the notes at https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-9680#notes22:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu- An attacker was able to achieve code execution in the content process by exploiting a use-after-free in Animation timelines. We have had reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 131.0.2, Firefox ESR < 128.3.1, Firefox ESR < 115.16.1, Thunderbird < 131.0.1, Thunderbird < 128.3.1, and Thunderbird < 115.16.0. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-9680>22:00
sixwheeledbeastit is available for focal on mozillas ppa22:22
davis135sixwheeledbeast: interesting!22:23
davis135is it a drop-in replacement or should I expect something to break?22:26
sixwheeledbeastshould be fine, I switched to librewolf a while ago. still waiting for thunderbird fix on the ppa tho...22:27
enigma9o7@cedar I just looked at focal with rmadison, it does indeed have firefox 131.0+build1.1-0ubuntu0.20.04.122:34
enigma9o7its jammy/noble/oracular that redirecting to 1snap1-0ubuntu*22:35
causativeupdating to 24.04, ubuntu has removed my pip packages because it wants to manage the system python itself. Is there any way to know or keep track of which packages were lost?22:51
enigma9o7it doesn't show you what it's removing and allow you to say yes or no?22:54
enigma9o7anyway if you didn't save that, it's likely in apt logs...22:54
causativeno the first I learned of it is when my script broke because of a missing package22:54
causativeand then "pip3 install playsound" gives me the error: externally-managed-environment22:55
causativeI know I can force install this, but that doesn't tell me which pip packages are gone22:55
enigma9o7if t here isnt' an ubuntu python3 package for playsound, and you don't wanna use pipx, my advice definately don't use sudo if you're gunna force the install.22:56
causativeit's not sudo that forces it, it's pip3 install playsound --break-system-packages22:56
enigma9o7right, don't use sudo with that22:57
causativeyou don't need sudo with it22:57
enigma9o7so that it installs it in your $HOME instead of messing with system22:57
enigma9o7Yes, I know you don't!  I said don't use sudo, I wouldn't tell you that if it wouldn't work.22:57
enigma9o7whatever you install that way will only worked when logged in as you, but that avoids breaking your OS22:59
causativewell there is no mention of "playsound" in any file in /var/log/apt/23:00
causativeso if there is any record of what was removed it is not there23:00
causativeI would rather not find out bit by bit which of my scripts are broken over the next several months23:00
enigma9o7the updater wouldn't have messed with stuff in $HOME anyway23:01
enigma9o7and if they were installed by pip, they wouldn't be in apt logs....23:02
causativeit removed every pip package that I manually installed with pip3 install ...23:02
causativeand I don't know what those all were23:02
enigma9o7and i don't imagine the updater would use pip to uninstall stuff, although you could look at the script itself to see if it possibly does that....23:02
causativeit looks like pip doesn't have logs by default if you don't tell it each time to log23:05
causativethis seems like a severe problem that would affect many users23:06
enigma9o7If you manual installed them as youself (without sudo) I find it super unlikley it just deleted them, the upgrade doesn't touch your home folder.23:06
enigma9o7(or anyone's home folder)23:08
causativeI don't know where pip installs packages, but I do have several "pip install" commands in my bash history, without sudo, and those packages are not present in "pip list"23:11
causativethey were also not in any venv23:12
leftyfbcausative: use virtualenv23:12
causativegreat thanks leftyfb and how is virtualenv going to solve the problem that I am currently faced with?23:12
causativetelling me I should have been using venv does not help me now23:12
leftyfbsudo apt install python3-venv && python3 -m venv myenv && source myenv/bin/activate && pip install playsound23:13
leftyfbcausative: the other bad thing you can do is: sudo pip3 install playsound --break-system-packages23:13
enigma9o7hmmm "pip list -v" shows nothing eh?23:13
causativeuseless, what I want to know is what is the list of manually-installed pip packages, outside of any venv, that ubuntu has just removed from my system23:13
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enigma9o7I think when installed locally pip uses ~/.local/bin23:14
causativemaybe at some future point I will update my various scripts to use venv, but first I need to know what exactly is gone23:14
leftyfbcausative: pip list --local23:15
leftyfbor pip install pip-review && pip-review23:15
enigma9o7I feel like I've said this twice already, but maybe third time's the charm: the updater doesn't touch stuff in your home folder.  It didnt remove anything.23:15
causativepip list --local does not show the missing packages23:17
enigma9o7Did you check .local/bin yet?23:17
leftyfbcausative: how did you install the "missing packages"?23:17
leftyfbcausative: what release of ubuntu did you upgrade from?23:17
enigma9o7(I suspect they just broke their $PATH)23:19
causativeenigma9o7, they aren't there. leftyfb (1) I installed them with "pip install rubin-sim" and "pip3 install png" and "pip3 install python-vlc"23:19
causative(2) from 22.0423:19
leftyfbcausative: ok, reinstall them23:19
causativethat would be great if I knew what they all were23:19
causativethose are just the last 3 I can see in my bash history23:19
leftyfbyou should only install packages you know you need23:20
causativeeach package I installed, I obviously needed at the time23:20
leftyfbright, "at the time". If everything is running fine at the moment, then you don't necessarily need them at the moment23:21
causativeI have a lot of little scripts I wrote for various reasons that I might use again at some point23:21
causativeand they use the packages23:21
enigma9o7although I still have no idea what happened to the stuf fyou previously installed, if you're on a newer ubuntu version, there may be ubuntu packages now for some of the stuff you were forced to use pip with before.23:21
causativeso if I don't solve this, they will break next time I use them, until I install the package23:22
leftyfbcausative: checked ~/.local/lib/python3.*/site-packages/ and /usr/local/lib/python3.*/dist-packages/ ?23:23
causativeah! they are at ~/.local/lib/python3.*/site-packages/ , thank you. Unfortunately there are also a lot of packages I didn't manually install, how can I tell the difference?23:24
leftyfbcausative: I think that's something you have to realize, pip packages are kind of a thing you maintain yourself. Ubuntu doesn't manage them and I don't think it's to be expected that upgrades to new releases will keep them intact, unless you use virtualenv23:24
causativewell I guess I can correlate this list of packages with the list of import statements from my python scripts23:27
davis135leftyfb: i understood that warning as "you're supposed to use apt install python3-<package name> instead of pip if you want to install in global namespace"23:27
leftyfbdavis135: negative23:27
leftyfbdavis135: sudo pip3 install will install packages to /usr/local/lib/python3.*/dist-packages23:28
leftyfbthough using apt packages will be managed by apt and supported across upgrades23:28
davis135then i just went back to 22.04 because a lot of things broke on 24.04 and shelved caring about it for few more years23:29
davis135either way pip3 without venv is non-functional nowadays23:29
davis135unless you force it of course23:30
mmx_in_spacehi all. is/are there such a thing as official and/or unofficial version(s) of "FreeRDP" **Server** (**Not Client**) for ubuntu anywhere?23:51
mmx_in_spaceavailable via aptitude or as PPA or something? i am pretty sure source code for the server software is publicly available23:54
mmx_in_spacebut wondering if i could take easy route 🙂23:55

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