
=== thelou756463599 is now known as thelou75646359
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Hi @kaushik09:09
BluesKajHi all13:23
manuel_Hello. I need help with gaming17:29
manuel_I had linux mint before and I downloaded some linuxrulez games which worked out of the box.17:29
manuel_Now with kubuntu 24.10 none of them work fine, neither under steam17:30
manuel_They hang the pc and I have to do systemctl restart sddm17:30
manuel_I guess it may be related to drivers, but I've tried with default and kisak-mesa with the same result17:31
manuel_Hope anybody can help me17:31
tomreynmanuel_: generally, most folks here and in the #ubuntu sister channel will only be able to help with software which comes with k(ubuntu) / is available from its repositories. you *may* be able to get help with third party software if you can provide version numbers, complete error messages and so on.17:54
tomreynfor sharing such content, use a pastebin (see "pastes" in /topic)17:54
manuel_I would but don't know exactly what logs or commands whould I exactly share17:57
tomreynfirst of all, you could provide some more info on the 3rd party software you are trying to get to work. personally, i'm not familiar with "linuxrulez games", and i suspect others won't be either. a short summary a website link could help, so people considering to support you (in their spare time) won't need to look this up on their own. you can often gather some logs from software which is meant to run graphically by running it from a terminal18:00
tomreynemulator (konsole). some may provides command line options such as --help which expose further logging options18:00
tomreynor "-h" or "-?" or "/h" or "/?" or "help"18:01
tomreynif you know which technology (any emulation? WINE or the like?) they're using, which programming language they are written in, this can also help.18:02
tomreyni'm keeping these recommendations general so you can make a note of them and reuse them next time something doesn't seem to work.18:03
manuel_Ok, let's go: I'm trying to get some windows game to work; tried with some from steam (diablo IV), some from wine directly (dragon Age The Veilguard). Linuxrulez repacks them and makes them just playable so they work out of the box (with it's own instance of wine). They worked in linux mint, doesn't in kubuntu18:05
manuel_So I tried to make them work through steam with proton and wine, and the result is always the same (in wayland and in x11): the pc hangs and they only thing I can do is ssh and restart sddm18:06
manuel_Nothing else seems to work (no key, for instance). I've tried to ssh and kill the process but still I have to restart sddm to make the pc be usable18:07
manuel_I can run them from the console but, as I can't make the pc work again, don't know how to recover the log18:08
manuel_I've tried to use mangohud to run them and my gpu seems to go to 99% and then the freeze happens18:09
manuel_This is why I think it may be a driver issue18:10
tomreyndo native linux games and glmark2 work fine?18:10
manuel_I'm going to try, didn't try any linux native game18:11
tomreynctrl-alt-f3 or -f4 should usually bring you to a tty (text console) where you can either login and run commands or (also if you can't see) press ctrl-alt-del to reboot cleanly18:11
tomreyntry some native (linux) 3d game like supertuxkart or an FPS first of all.18:13
tomreynyou can redirect output from a command you run on a terminal emulator to a file.  instead of running    thiscommand   you would run   thiscommand >~/thiscommand.log 2>&118:14
tomreynthis would store output of "thiscommand" to ~/thiscommand.log which is a file in your home directory, so /home/YOURUSERNAME/thiscommand.log (but NOT on your Desktop)18:15
tomreynif the ctrl-alt-F3/4 and ctrl-alt-del does not work to reboot safely, you can still use this approach:18:16
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key18:16
tomreynwhen you compare your (k)ubuntu installation with other linux distributions and release versions, it's important to point out which distro versions you are comparing. specifically, the kernel versions will be relevant, but also things like 3rd party driver versions and software versions which are relevant to 3d graphics or emulation.18:18
manuel_I've installed and executed glmark2, it was working find until "terrain", when it says: amdgpu: The CS has cancelled because the context is lost. This context is innocent. I can't go to pastebin because the pc is half/hanged18:18
manuel_I barely can write in the chat18:19
tomreynif you're still using kisak drivers, i recommend you downgrade those to proper ubuntu versions first of all.18:19
manuel_But in the system monitor I have nothing draining my memory/cpu/gpu18:19
tomreynunless you have quite recent hardware, you may also be better served running a long term support release (24.04 LTS)18:20
tomreynthe kisak PPA *may* be useful (only) if you have very recent hardware18:21
manuel_The only hardware I have to struggle with is my fp reader which I finally made work. I've tried more recent release and kisak because the corrections the made for some games (like latest Indiana Jones)18:22
tomreynthere may be some other situations where it would be useful, but first of all you should establish whether your hardware is so recent that such expieriments make sense18:22
manuel_The rest of my hardware is top but not recent18:22
tomreynso which graphics card / GPU do you have there18:23
manuel_Even there, I don't know how to recover the performance right now after glmark2 without closing the session18:23
manuel_My graphic is an amd 6700xt18:23
manuel_amd cpu, 32 gb ram18:23
tomreyn^ quite relevant info to share when you're seeking support with graphics18:23
manuel_But kubuntu has been the best linux experience and better performance I've tried except for games18:24
oerhekslinuxrulez games ? those are notorious for crashing18:25
tomreynhttps://www.amd.com/en/products/graphics/desktops/radeon/6000-series/amd-radeon-rx-6700-xt.html says launch date was Q1 2021. ubuntu 24.04 LTS released (as the name indicated) in aptil 2024, by then support for this hardware should have been integrated18:25
manuel_I was waiting to paste the log of glmark but now I'm hung, guess I've got to restart and come back in a few minutes because everything is way slow.18:25
tomreynsure, give it a go18:25
manuel_About linuxrulez games, didn't give me any problem in mint18:25
tomreyni suggest downgrading drivers first of all, though18:26
tomreynand maybe install 24.04 LTS instead18:26
manuel_Ok, here I am again. Finally it totally hanged18:29
manuel_Gave me a message which I couldn't copy but make a photo18:29
manuel_Gonna try to pastebin it with text18:30
tomreyn"amdgpu: The CS has been cancelled because the context is lost." seems to be usually printed after a GPU reset, which is a driver initiated recovery mechanism for when the GPU stops responding or fails to do so on time.18:33
tomreynif you rebooted gracefully (as described above) you will be able to review kernel warnings (and worse) from the previous kernel runtime using   journalctl -p4 -eb -118:33
tomreynyou can share output from such commands directly to a pastebin-like service using:   journalctl -p4 -eb -1 |& nc termbin.com 999918:33
manuel_It's impossible to reboot this way. None of the hotkeys or combinations works when it hangs: it's like dead except for ssh18:34
tomreynthat's unusual. if ssh works, you should also be able to magic sysrq blindly18:35
tomreynyou can test that you're having the right key combo by switching to a tty, then pressing Alt-PrintScreen-h together. if it's the right key combo then a help message with available commands will be printed18:36
tomreynit shold look something like this:   SysRq : HELP : loglevel(0-9) reboot(b) crash(c) terminate-all-tasks(e)18:38
tomreynmemory-full-oom-kill(f) kill-all-tasks(i) thaw-filesystems(j) sak(k) show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(l) show-memory-usage(m)18:38
tomreynnice-all-RT-tasks(n) poweroff(o) show-registers(p) show-all-timers(q) unraw(r) sync(s) show-task-states(t) unmount(u)18:38
tomreynshow-blocked-tasks(w) dump-ftrace-buffer(z)18:38
manuel_Alt-PrintScreen-h does nothing for me18:38
tomreynmaybe you have a SysRq key instead?18:38
manuel_Not sure of what a SysRq key is, but if this is the old "windows" key, it takes an screenshot with spectacle18:40
tomreynnot the "windows"/"logo" key, no18:40
tomreynif you can reboot via ssh, that's actually better than sysrq, though, since it will shutdown gracefully, not just unmount the file systems18:41
manuel_Ok, this is what I did: https://termbin.com/4rup18:43
manuel_Nothing related to what I saw (in my first pastebin), which is related to amdgpu which is the problem18:43
tomreynthere is, it's just well hidden between the UFW messages18:46
tomreynthis will show them:   curl -s https://termbin.com/4rup | grep -Fv 'kernel: [UFW'18:47
manuel_Yes, I've seen finally and I'm searching for similar messages18:47
tomreyndid you downgrade graphics drivers, yet?18:48
manuel_No, not yet. Should I disable kisak-mesa ppa and apt update?18:48
tomreynthat#s what i suggested previously, yes. i don't think spending more time on analyzing error messages from the current setup makes sense.18:49
manuel_Ok, here I go18:49
tomreynalso, this looks like a first ever bios version. you should definitely look for an upgrade there18:50
tomreynquote: MS-7C37/MPG X570 GAMING PLUS (MS-7C37), BIOS A.P1 08/30/202418:50
manuel_I upgraded the bios like two months ago, I think18:50
manuel_I'm going to search for upgrades, too18:51
tomreynhmm, yes, looking at https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/MPG-X570-GAMING-PLUS/support you *may* actually have the latest18:53
tomreyn"A.P1" just sounded like a first ever veersion to me18:53
tomreynbut the 08/30/2024 build date suggests it may be the 7C37vAO or 7C37vAP1(Beta) version18:54
tomreynoh, actually the latter18:55
manuel_Yes, I think so. I'm doing the downgrade of graphics18:55
manuel_Ok, something went terribly wrong when downgrading and I'm restoring a (thank god) timeshift backup which I did an hour ago. Could you guide me in the process of downgrading only the kisak mesa drivers?19:03
manuel_I deleted kisak-mesa ppa and then:19:03
tomreyndisable the ppa, run apt update, install apt-forktracer, run-apt-forktracer, identify and downgrade relvant packages to the Ubuntu versions indicated19:06
manuel__sudo apt remove --purge libegl-mesa0 libgl1-mesa-dri libglapi-mesa libglx-mesa0 libosmesa6 mesa-va-drivers mesa-vdpau-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-libgallium libgbm119:07
manuel__This removed all the packages of my pc; thanks god, I recovered them with timeshift but don't know how to revert to the default drivers then+19:07
tomreynso it will be helpful that i just explained it19:08
tomreyn<tomreyn> disable the ppa, run apt update, install apt-forktracer, run-apt-forktracer, identify and downgrade relvant packages to the Ubuntu versions indicated19:08
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/19:08
manuel__Ok, gonna do and come back tomorrow, gonna go after my kids. Thanks!!19:09
tomreyni had a typo there, i wrote "run-apt-forktracer", but meant "run 'apt-forktracer'"19:09
tomreyngood luck19:10
manuel__When I do run 'apt-forktracer' it enters in a > shell19:14
manuel__how do I use it?19:14
manuel__Sorry but I'm just learning with linux and some things are pretty dificult to me19:15
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