
Harishello all00:14
Harisis there a ubuntu legacy channel?00:14
Bashing-omHaris: explain "ubuntu legacy" .00:15
HarisI have apache 2.4.7 on ubuntu 14.04 lts. I need mod evasive on it. its installed. but acting like its not enabled or not working00:16
oerheksthere has been thoughts about it, -legacy; support for eol versions, but no.00:16
HarisI have a HTTP DDoS to mitigate00:16
oerheksno support for 14.0400:16
Harismod_evasive is like its there but not working00:16
oerhekstry the security or pentest channels?00:16
tomreynpull network cable00:17
oerheksthat would be safe, yes.00:17
Haristhat's not funny guys00:18
Haristhere's pen test channels here?00:18
tomreynnot in #ubuntu00:18
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"00:18
flybackit's not from rufus either00:22
flybackthat insist to do a efi and make a fat32 parition install appears to be a bug in ucuntu 18.04 and up00:23
flybackif there isn't a way ti disable that crap I will just reload 16.04 and do a sysup00:23
flybackthis is rediculous00:23
flybackalso if I try to do lvm it bombs installing grub as well00:24
flybacknot that I need lvm or care00:24
tomreynwho left you out of ##security containment?00:25
tomreynfor many other poeple, it just works fine.00:25
tomreynsomething must be specific to what you're doing00:25
flybackno I have seen it on 3+ machines now00:26
tomreynflyback: try some other method of writing the installation media00:26
flybackI d id00:26
flybacksame shit00:26
tomreynthree of the same machines?00:26
flyback2 laptops, 2 servers00:27
flybackall predate efi00:27
tomreynand you're using which ubuntu installer image exactly?00:27
oerheksthe iso is hybrid, so if it writes an uefi part on it, that is not a bug.00:28
flybackso it's setting up a boot system for hardware that does not exist00:28
oerheksif you talk about the usb, yes, genius.00:29
flybacksad and pathetic00:30
oerheksif your system creates a efi part during install, it is not 'predate efi'..00:30
flybackI been in the IT field almost 30 yrs00:30
flybackit's my job to take apart hardware and troubleshoot systems00:31
flybackpoweredge 840 PREDATES EFI00:31
flybackLATITUDE d830 predares efi00:31
flybacklatitude d820 predares efi00:31
flybackhell i'll read out the bios image and run it thru binwalk and prove00:32
flybackNO EFI CODE00:32
flybackk thx00:32
oerhekshttps://www.dell.com/support/manuals/de/de/debsdt1/poweredge-r840/per840_ism_pub/boot-settings    Title: Dell EMC PowerEdge R840 Installation and Service Manual (at www.dell.com) first sentence: "You can use the Boot Settings screen to set the boot mode to either BIOS or UEFI."00:39
flybackit's not the r84000:39
flybackthis is a old core2xeon based system from 200800:39
flybackanything else?00:39
flybackthis behavior didn't start till after 16.04 server00:40
* flyback smacks oerheks with a canadian00:40
flyback!bmcc oerheks00:42
flyback<corsehock> oerheks: BITE MY 'CANUCK', CANUCK!00:42
MikeRLSo I encrypted the system partition. But now it dumps me to GRUB and I don't know why.00:42
tomreynMikeRL: hey, we have soemthing in common - we also don'T know why. or what you're running, or how you installed. or what you installed.00:45
MikeRLI was looking for the program.00:48
MikeRLI used cryptsetup-reencrypt on /dev/sda6 (Ubuntu 20.04 install) and it wasn't previously encrypted.00:50
MikeRLDid so from a live USB and the encryption succeeded without error. I followed the man page for the program.00:51
tomreynand this was the system currently running at the time?00:51
tomreynah ok00:51
tomreynhmm, did you update-initramfs afterwards?00:52
MikeRLshould have. don't know how to.00:52
MikeRLLet me search it.00:52
tomreynyou'd also need to edit /etc/crypttab00:52
MikeRLMy guess is I can chroot in.00:52
MikeRLEdit it to what?00:53
tomreynyou can probably chroot to it if you're running a 20.04 live system00:53
tomreyn(possibly also with others)00:53
tomreynthere's a man page for crypttab, i believe00:53
tomreynyes, crypttab(5)00:54
MikeRLsays error mounting after unlocking in disks.00:54
MikeRLI did use the correct passphrase.00:54
tomreyni'd do it on the CLI, don't know the GUI tools well enough00:54
tomreynalso, i like to know what went wrong00:55
Aktivehow do I make my mouse faster? I already have sensitivity to max. Or how do I increase dpi ?00:55
tomreynsettings -> devices -> mouse & touchpad -> mouse speed00:56
MikeRLHmm. "mount: /mnt: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'00:56
MikeRLI typed in "sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/"00:57
MikeRLAfter fdisk -l. That shows the install00:57
tomreynyou need to     sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda6 sda6_crypt00:57
MikeRLOh thanks00:57
tomreynthen      sudo mount /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt /whereveryouwantit00:58
tomreynunless you have lvm in there or some other layers00:59
MikeRLFirst one isn't being typed in correctly.00:59
tomreynis there a key stroke eating monster on your keyboard?01:00
MikeRLI typed "sudo cryptsetup lukes0pen /dev/sda6 sda6_crypt.01:00
tomreynthis one is without using the force, luke01:00
MikeRLwas that a typo? no just using irc on phone. sucks01:00
tomreynjust luksOpen01:00
MikeRLwill change to desktop01:00
tomreynand an upper case oooh, not a zero01:01
MikeRLSays already mounted.01:02
MikeRLDisks must've done the same thing as the first command.01:03
tomreynso do you see at the mount point what you expect to see?01:04
MikeRL"mount: /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt: can't find in /etc/fstab".01:04
MikeRLMore useful error than the GUI.01:05
tomreynyou need to indicate where to mount to01:06
tomreynbut then you just said it was already mounted?01:06
tomreynif so, "mount" would say01:06
=== Guest36472 is now known as Sebastien
MikeRLI see nothing under mount.01:09
MikeRLIt appeared mounted. my mistake. Shows in nautilus. under other locations.01:09
MikeRLbut clicking it in disks and nautilus generates an error.01:10
tomreynlooks like you're still working with gui tools01:10
MikeRLUnder mount command I see the Windows partition and a few MB partition I labelled ENCRYPT.01:11
MikeRLUsed cli as well01:11
tomreynwhat is a "MB partition"?01:11
MikeRLfew megabytes.01:12
tomreynok sorry i really didn't get it, it's getting late01:12
MikeRLThat's fine.01:12
tomreynmaybe you can share the fidsk - loutput?01:12
MikeRLI did get a more detailed error from using the cli earlier, too. did you catch it?01:13
tomreynmaybe you can share the    fdisk -l    output?01:13
tomreynwhich one do you mean?01:13
tomreynthis? "mount: /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt: can't find in /etc/fstab".01:13
tomreyni had responded this: you need to indicate where to mount to - but then you just said it was already mounted? if so, "mount" would say.01:14
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MikeRLI thought it was mounted01:14
MikeRLit was not.01:14
tomreyni see. so run what i suggested earlier:01:14
tomreyn<tomreyn> then      sudo mount /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt /whereveryouwantit01:14
tomreynreplace /whereveryouwantit by an existing, empty directory01:15
MikeRLCan I place it in mnt?01:15
tomreynin /mnt ? yes, if nothing else is mounted there01:16
MikeRLmnt is ok.01:16
MikeRLSimilar error to GUI.01:16
tomreyn"mnt" is not ok, "/mnt" probably is01:17
tomreynso you want to disclose this similar error?01:17
MikeRL"mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.01:18
MikeRLsda6_crypt did print with sudo fdisk -l01:19
tomreynand the exact command you ran was?01:19
MikeRLsudo mount /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt /mnt01:19
MikeRLThe directory was empty as well.01:20
aaaardvark__why is my do-release-upgrade on a 19.10 system not yet offering me 20.04 unless I do the -d switch?01:20
tomreynMikeRL: looks good. what's the output of  file -s /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt01:20
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:20
MikeRLThe cli and GUI errors even have very similar wording. but said wording is vague.01:20
tomreynMikeRL: with sudo please01:20
oerheksit happens with 20.04.1 point release, i would wait01:20
MikeRL"/dev/mapper/sda6_crypt: symbolic link to ../dm-001:21
aaaardvark__oerheks: I get why my 18.4 instances are not offering it - my question is why does my 19.10 not offer it?01:22
MikeRLSame output with sudo.01:22
oerheksaaaardvark__, same reason, LTS gives a different upgrade path, by design01:22
tomreynMikeRL: that's ok. what's the output of   sudo file -sL /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt01:22
oerheksgo for the -d option01:23
MikeRLAt least I do have a 20.04 have from this week just in case. will get output.01:23
aaaardvark__oerheks: I relaize I can do the -d option - my qiestion remains why I am not being offered the choice without the -d01:23
MikeRLGive me a sec. can use hexchat.01:23
MikeRLtyping on the phone is a pita.01:24
aaaardvark__I have spun up a KVM 20.04 and amd REALLY impressed how fast it boots compared to 18.4 and 19.1001:24
aaaardvark__oerheks: but all docs I can find say that the 19.10->20.04 should be available by now01:25
oerhekslots of development project need this pause01:25
MikeRLOutput is "/dev/mapper/sda6_crypt: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data, UUID=e690c737-9fbc-402c-ab8a-657cfe879a5e (extents) (64bit) (large files) (huge files)01:25
oerheksall the doc, like omgubuntu?01:25
oerheksthe iso is available for download.01:26
aaaardvark__oerheks: yes - I know it is available, as I said, I spun up a KVM version and really appreciate how much faster booting is01:27
tomreynMikeRL: hmm, now i'm puzzles as to why this wouldn't mount with "mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt, missing codepage or helper program, or other error." unless /mnt doesn't exist, of course.01:27
MikeRL"/mnt" in the live usb01:28
tomreynMikeRL: you could run e2fsck against it01:28
MikeRLAgainst the unlocked partition?01:28
tomreynMikeRL: yes, /mnt on the live usb, should probably exist, and be writable, by root.01:28
tomreynMikeRL: against the unlocked partition but unmounted file system on top of this partition, yes01:29
tomreynuse -f01:29
MikeRLProof the folder exists and has the right permissions.01:30
tomreynpretty tiny proof, but yes01:31
tomreynthough i have less trust in GUIs01:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:31
MikeRLShould I specify any arguments?01:32
tomreyn<tomreyn> use -f01:32
MikeRLDidn't know that bot.01:32
MikeRLe2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.01:33
MikeRLEven though it says unmounted already after typing in sudo umount /dev/sda601:33
tomreynplease show the full command you ran and its full output01:33
tomreynor re-run like this:   sudo e2fsck -fn /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999901:34
MikeRLWill rerun.01:34
MikeRLLooks like the size is off.01:35
tomreynthe file system is larger than the container01:36
tomreynyou may have lost some data01:36
MikeRLHow to go about fixing it? Well I got a backup.01:36
MikeRLFile system had a lot of free space on it, but I take it that doesn't guarantee anything.01:36
tomreyncryptsetup-reencrypt doesn't state it with as many uppercase characters as it probbaly needs to01:36
tomreynit doesn't ensure that the existing file system will still fit onto the encryption layer01:37
tomreynbut obviously the resulting file system will need to be smaller than it used to be01:37
tomreynsince the encryption layer also takes some space on the partition01:37
MikeRLSo, what is the next recommended move? I'm wondering...01:38
tomreynyou can resize2fs the file system01:38
tomreynbut i'm not sure it'll be happy to do this with a dirty file system01:38
tomreynactually it may not have the dirty bit set01:39
MikeRLI'll run it with the -f option.01:39
tomreynis it needed, though?01:40
MikeRLUh oh.01:41
MikeRL"resize2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020) resize2fs: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda6 Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock."01:41
tomreynbusy? so it is mounted?01:41
tomreynwhat did you run?01:41
MikeRLNothing except what was told.01:42
tomreynno one said /dev/sda601:42
tomreynthat's a partition containing a crypto layer01:43
MikeRLIt's supposed to be sda6_crypt, right?01:43
tomreynyes, in a different directory01:43
tomreyne2fsck and resize2fs operate on file systems01:43
tomreynsda6_crypt is the unlocked crypto layer containing a file system01:44
MikeRLSo I tried that. But where would the directory be?01:44
MikeRLSorry I am not well versed with encryption on Linux. Or in general.01:45
tomreyn<MikeRL> "/dev/mapper/sda6_crypt: symbolic link to ../dm-001:45
MikeRLDid see that in a command earlier.01:45
tomreynso you can either specify /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt or /dev/dm-001:46
MikeRL"ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo resize2fs -f /dev/dm-001:47
MikeRLresize2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)01:47
MikeRLResizing the filesystem on /dev/dm-0 to 136758784 (4k) blocks.01:47
MikeRLresize2fs: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to resize /dev/dm-001:47
MikeRLPlease run 'e2fsck -fy /dev/dm-0' to fix the filesystem01:47
MikeRLafter the aborted resize operation.01:47
tomreynMikeRL: you got muted for posting too many lines to the channel at a time. the mute will expire shortly01:47
heitibdi need help! when i close lid i want my screen to lock. how to do that? Using 20.04 LTS01:47
tomreynMikeRL: use https://paste.ubuntu.com01:48
tomreyn(see /topic )01:48
tomreynso do what it suggests01:49
MikeRLI could try running the suggested command next.01:49
tomreynwith sudo01:49
MikeRLIt auto aborts.01:49
heitibdanyone is there?01:50
heitibdno one know how to make this work?01:50
tomreynMikeRL: details please01:50
tomreynMikeRL: so i'm not sure how to handle this situation gracefully other than by copying this file system onto a a device that provides as much space as the file system thinks it is large.01:52
MikeRLVerbose mode gives the same output.01:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:52
heitibdi need help! when i close lid i want my screen to lock. how to do that? Using 20.04 LTS01:52
tomreynMikeRL: you can re-run without -y and continue, possibly breaking the file system01:52
MikeRLFigured something out.01:52
=== gabkdlly_ is now known as gabkdlly
heitibdis this channel logged?01:54
MikeRLIt was auto-answering yes, Figured that out of the man pages.01:54
MikeRLI don't think the command fixed it. I will give another paste.01:54
tomreynheitibd: irclogs.ubuntu.com01:55
MikeRLCould try replacing the superblock01:55
heitibdtomreyn: how can i grep it?01:55
MikeRLSo what caused my error in short again? The partition was resized too small? The man page mentions that can be done to create another partition for the encryption keys.01:57
tomreynMikeRL: what you need to do is to resize the file system to match the size of its underlying layer, which has decreased due to adding the crypto layer in between01:58
MikeRLYeah no errors except the size thing.01:58
tomreynMikeRL: you can specify a desired size when running resize2fs01:58
MikeRLHow do I go about it? It coughed up issues before. Try this time with /dev/dm-0?01:59
MikeRLIs the default size in bytes?01:59
tomreynno, in blocks01:59
MikeRLIs there a way to specify in bytes?01:59
tomreynthe size returned by e2fsck is also in blocks02:00
tomreynso it should be easy02:00
tomreynsudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt 13675878402:00
tomreynheitibd: you can download logs, then run grep on them, i guess02:01
heitibdtomreyn i want to without download.. or if not possible how to download?02:02
flybackjust had to do a manual partition because the installer system incorrectely assumes it's a efi system02:02
MikeRLStuck in a loop. e2fsck -f returns no errors.02:03
tomreynheitibd: what are you hoping to achieve?02:03
heitibdtomreyn you join now?02:03
oerheksgnome-teak-tool gives the option 'suspend when laptop lid is closed'02:05
oerheks!info gnome-tweak-tool02:05
tomreynMikeRL: so yes, try a different superblock, the original one is probably no longer there02:05
heitibdno it doesnt02:05
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.34.0-2 (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB02:05
oerheksyes it does.02:05
heitibdwait suspend02:06
heitibdi said iwant lock02:06
heitibdplease read..02:06
MikeRLI may just restore and reencrypt. But where did I go wrong? I'd have to reread the man page.02:06
MikeRLThanks for all the help.02:06
heitibdoerheks suspends works but i want to lock instead02:06
tomreynMikeRL: i tried to explain twice :/02:07
MikeRLI must've not read it. Oops.02:07
tomreynMikeRL: using 'reencrypt', you're adding a new layer between the partition and the file system. this layer takes some space.02:07
tomreynso you need to shrink the file system before you do it02:08
MikeRLAs in shrinking the partition via the GUI would cut it?02:08
tomreynshrinking a partition is a different action than shrinling a file system02:09
tomreynsome GUIs would realize that they would need to shrink upper layers if you try to shrink lower layers. others may not.02:10
oerheksdconf editor gives some paths; org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-ac-action --- org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-battery-action02:10
oerheksboth are suspend standard02:10
MikeRLSo there's a difference... Shrinking a file system sets aside space for stuff like encryption.02:11
heitibdoerheks they dont have option to lock02:12
tomreynMikeRL: if you'll keep the partition at the same size, then running the resize2fs command to shrink the file system to the specific size of 136758784 blocks (or safer: a litte less) *before* doing the 'reencrypt' should make things work fine.02:12
oerheksif that does not apply, HandleLidSwitch=lock https://askubuntu.com/a/120075702:12
heitibdoerheks oh yeah it doesnt work LOL02:13
MikeRLTired. Thanks. What I'll do is shrink from the command after a restore. Maybe 136600000?02:15
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
MikeRLShould be enough. At least I hope.02:15
tomreynMikeRL: you can extend the file system to cover the full available space within the crypto layer after cryptsetup_reencrypt finished.02:16
tomreynextending is as easy as running resize2fs against the file system without any parameters02:16
tomreyneven works while it's mounted02:17
tomreynfor the preparatory step of shrinking the file system, see the example "Add LUKS encryption to not yet encrypted device" in cryptsetup-reencrypt(8)02:17
MikeRLThank you sir.02:19
MikeRLI am tired now. Goodbye.02:19
tomreynMikeRL: 136600000 is less than 136758784 so it should be ok02:19
tomreyngoodbye, tired here, too02:19
Aktive@tomreyn, I already said I have it on max02:28
heitibdsomeone wrote something?02:35
pnwiseDoes anyone from the maintainers comes here?03:12
pnwiseOr better from canonical03:13
pnwiseif so better forward this in your internal channels03:13
pnwiseI mean if you care, I am noone to tell you what to do03:13
oerheksread that,03:14
oerheksif one does not like the design and snaps, hop distro?03:15
pnwiseI used to unistall snapd before, will see if that works next few days03:15
pnwiseSure will do03:15
pnwiseI still have not tested it, I am evaluating the server for our infrastructure, but it doesn't look like the desktop will make it for me03:16
pnwiseThe thing is I don't even use the desktop, mainly I use ubuntu for the apt with i303:16
pnwisewhatever, just though someone might be interested03:16
pnwisegoing to bed03:16
OERIASDoes anyone know how to remove the studpid pantheon title bars and restore them to the classic title bars?03:17
matsamanOERIAS: screenshot?03:28
=== themacproguy is now known as Zachary_DuBois
OERIASmatsaman, this type of title bar03:48
matsamanOERIAS: ?04:06
OERIASmatsaman, https://imgur.com/LzRxXTi04:06
de-factowhat is wrong with chromium, its unable to print, generating preview forever04:14
de-factoevery few months its got some serious issues with major functionality04:15
eSoulSorry if its been asked 100 times already, any news on when do-release-upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 will work without the -d option05:02
rainmanjamHey everyone. running into a strange issue when it comes to my updates. Getting these two issues https://pastebin.com/jPv8bwSb https://pastebin.com/abbVFtJU05:02
noraatepernosI’ve been trying to figure out a good  way to recursively see which files have been modified within the past 3 hours and I get everything.  Was just subject to this zeromq exploit.05:38
noraatepernosStopped their bitcoin miner.  I’m just curious what else they left around.05:38
tripelbThere's a word that I forgot It's for a de That doesn't have a desktop It just has windows.. Oh yes I three is one Now I can look it up05:43
tripelbTiling windows manager05:46
warsoulhow i install tcl 8.5?05:49
oerhekswarsoul, not, we are at 8.6.x for some time now05:52
devslashUbuntu hangs at a purple screen after updating 18.04 to 19.04. I booted to single user mode. mounted my fs and did chroot. i do dpkg --configure -a and i see W: couldn't identify type of root file system for fsck hook05:55
warsoulTcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':05:58
warsoulcan't find package dict05:58
warsoul    while executing05:58
warsoul"package require dict"05:58
warsoulhow i install the dict05:58
warsoulneed to install dict05:59
Juniorgood morning!06:10
Juniori have a server which runs an old version of ubuntu - 14.04 LTS - untill when do i have to time to upgrade all my web apps to run on php 7 so that i can upgrade to ubuntu 16 then eventually to 18?06:11
Juniorbased on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases I have time untill April 2022 - is this correct?06:12
warsoulUbuntu 14.04.606:14
warsoulim on this ubuntu06:14
warsoulhow do i upgrade to the new version 20.0406:14
luna_warsoul: sudo update-manager -d06:15
warsoulthis erase what i have saved06:15
devslashim not sure what else to do at this point06:19
Juniorwarsoul theoretically it won't erase your files but if i recall well and if you are running ubuntu server some softwares have changed their configurations so some services might not start as disired so act with caution. If i recall well I had problems with sendmail on this06:22
oerheksi would reinstall06:24
warsoulJunior im running just a irc server06:26
warsoulafter i update06:26
warsoulshould i reboot?06:26
oerheksso long without updates, .. bad06:26
eSoulJunior:  Unless you are paying for extended support, 14.04 stopped receiving security updates in 201906:29
oerheksyes, why should we take this request seriously06:32
matsamanJunior: I don't know much about it, but it kinda looks like you can get 5.6 on 20.04 from this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+packages?field.name_filter=5.6&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=06:38
matsamanJunior: after which you should definitely upgrade your PHP stuff, and/or stop using such a poorly implemented language altogether06:38
The_LoudSpeakerHey! I have an ubuntu 18.04 server set up on AWS. I didn't yet get the option to upgrade to 20.04. even after running a do-release-upgrade.06:39
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d06:39
oerhekswait for 20.04.106:39
The_LoudSpeakerOh! Okay. Thanks!06:40
oerheksand aws, they will provide images, i hope06:40
The_LoudSpeakerAnd what about those running 19.10?06:42
Juniormatsaman i have some old apps on php 5.5, i have upgraded most of them i cannot install on 18/20 ubuntu 5.5 :)06:47
matsamanphp 5.5 isn't compatible with 5.6?06:48
matsamanif so that's worse than I thought, which was pretty worse06:48
Juniorsome elements changed from 5.5 to 5.606:51
Juniori don't have many apps on 5.5 though06:51
Juniormy sole problem is untill when i have to upgrade06:52
Juniori prefer lose one legacy app instead of losing the server06:52
matsamanwell you should probably upgrade everything (including scripts) a lot more often07:00
matsaman5.5 has been EOL for 3.75 years07:03
Juniormatsaman when there are too many things to do...07:26
Kristine86I am trying to make hdmi external monitor work with my laptop using Ubuntu, can anybody help me?07:31
Kristine86its Ubuntu 20.04 LTS07:31
CarlFKKristine86: it should "just work"07:32
Kristine86CarlFK it didn't and it didn't show up in Settings>Display either07:32
Kristine86CarlFK I was trying to solve this for a week and now it suddenly worked. I just added one more stick of 8GB ddr4 ^^07:34
Kristine86what does that symbol mean? hehe07:34
CarlFKmy arms over my head rejoicing07:34
Kristine86oh haha yipeeee. I'm so happy. Now I just need to solve issue of dual booting with Windows.07:35
fastfreshWhat is the package that provides screen sharing in gnome settings?07:44
=== fightthewalrus1 is now known as fightthewalrus
k-radso I'm doing a speedtest from a vps in SoCal and for some reason the 'nearest' server it's selecting based on ping is in far eastern Russia07:51
k-radso I'm doing a speedtest from a vps in SoCal and for some reason the 'nearest' server it's selecting based on ping is in far eastern Russia07:51
k-radSelecting best server based on ping...07:51
k-radHosted by CJSC TransTeleCom DV (Khabarovsk) [7134.77 km]: 314.325 ms07:51
olegbfastfresh: vino (https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/sharing-desktop.html.en)07:51
fastfresholegb: and what is gnome-remote-desktop?07:52
olegbubottu: !info gnome-remote-desktop07:59
olegbubottu: info gnome-remote-desktop07:59
olegbfastfresh: apt show gnome-remote-desktop ... since ubottu isnt helping much :-)08:00
olegbfastfresh: I guess both should work ..08:01
OERIAScan some help with a title bar issue?08:11
OERIASI hate the panteon title bars and I want to have the classic title bar08:12
oerheks'classic' as in gnome? elementary guys maybe know howto, ..08:15
OERIASoerheks, thanks I will check with them08:17
AndreasRI got a DELL laptop that after suspending longer amounts of time (like.. overnight) freezes after grub prompt- I searched launchpad for bugs.. found some.. upgraded to ubuntu 20.04 for testing and disabled the nvidia proprietary driver.. but still. short amounts work fine. Longer times it freezes.08:58
AndreasRfun fact: it will resume when I plug in a power cable :)08:59
AndreasRcan I raise this as a bug?08:59
matsamanyou can, it might be ignored or invalidated08:59
AndreasRit's hard to capture any useful output.. as it freezes right after GRUB09:00
matsamanI wonder if you're suspending to ram when maybe you should suspend to disk09:00
matsamanor the like09:00
AndreasRi tried masking hibernate.target and suspend-then-hibernate.target but same..09:01
AndreasRmatsaman: I will try the other route, I guess. (only hibernate)09:01
matsamansometimes also09:01
matsamanthere can be a mismatch between the BIOS settings and what the OS is configured for09:02
matsamanthe BIOS settings/actual hardware support, and what the OS is configured for09:02
AndreasRbrb.. reboot to BIOS to check09:03
AndreasRmeh.. all I can do in BIOS is "disable sleep for OS" :/09:15
AndreasRshould have gotten a thinkpad methinks ;)09:15
AndreasRahwell. there seems to be something like that - I am joining that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-microcode/+bug/185336909:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1853369 in intel-microcode (Ubuntu) "[19.10] Boot hangs at "loading initial ramdisk"" [Undecided,In progress]09:20
ghaoilIs there a way to configure Ubuntu (PAM) to connect to a SSH server with the username and password provided, and when that connection is successful to allow the local login even if the user might not exists locally.09:22
AndreasRtake care people :)09:23
broomhallDuring install of 20.04 desktop, do you need to use LVM now to use disk encryption? Can't seem to find a way to use disk encryption without going into "Advanced features".09:24
ghaoilbroomhall: No, you can add a new partition and select something stating encryption there.09:26
broomhallghaoil: thanks. There used to be an easy check box rather than needing to use the advanced partitioning tool. I guess that's not there anymore.09:28
pankaj_Does sticky bit has any significance on modern linux systems?09:32
mindofmateoIs there any way to set `alt_r` to `caps` with setxkbmap?09:33
mindofmateoI have been searching through stack overflow for quite a while and reading docs/files eg the man page, but I've only made mistakes and had to reboot so far :shrug:09:34
usr123there was a game I used to play about 1-2 years ago. It was a mix of FPS and minecraft. I can't remember the game's name. I downloaded it from the software market in ubuntu09:37
usr123any one has an idea which game I might have played?09:38
usr123got it09:40
ForzaHi. I would like to install samba 4.12 in my ubuntu 20.04 vm. How can I do that? =)09:55
roryForza: 20.04 ships 4.11, there are no packages for 4.12 (yet) - if you do need 4.12 specifically it looks like you have to build it yourself https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Package_Dependencies_Required_to_Build_Samba10:15
roryor wait.10:15
Forzarory: thanks. I'll go with Fedora for now. It is just a test VM to test the new io_uring vfs module.10:17
rorycool, good luck.10:18
Forzarory: thanks =)10:19
VozivAnyone know why when a different app makes a sound I get a popping sound in my headphones? For example if I get a bell in the terminal I get the pop, then if I play something with sound in firefox it happens again. Then the next time the terminal makes a sound the same thing.10:29
VozivWas happening previously on 19.10, just upgraded to 20.04 this morning. I'm using a usb sound card (Scarlett 2i2)10:30
BluesKajHowdy all10:35
crimson_kingSome third-party scripts look for the 'python' executable instead of python3, which is the one that comes installed by default. They fail because 'python' is not installed. It requires Python v3, by the way, not v2. How do you work around this?11:39
jeremy31crimson_king: edit the script and make the first line point to the executable needed, example #! /usr/bin/env python3.511:41
manjarowhat's up everyone11:41
crimson_kinghmmm... it's a lot of files. I'm building LineageOS. It's huge.11:41
ioriapython-minimal maybe (not sure) crimson_king11:41
crimson_kingi'll take a look11:42
ioriacrimson_king, nope, not available in repo11:42
crimson_kingah! found a way, i think11:43
tomreynif you don't have a "python" executable in path already, you could use the update-alternatives system to point it to python311:43
crimson_kingthe package 'python-is-python3'11:43
crimson_kingdoes that, so /usr/bin/python is python311:43
ioriacrimson_king, yeah11:43
tomreynhehe nice11:44
raidghostWhat intel graphics driver is recommanded for ubuntu 20.04 LTS ?11:44
raidghostThe card is a Intel Graphics 460011:44
ioriacrimson_king, but honestly might cause some confusion 'cause python2.7 is still available in focal11:46
jeremy31raidghost: the correct driver should be included in install11:47
raidghostjeremy31: weird. since have some issues trying to build openttd from source11:48
raidghostconfigure: error: no video driver development files found11:49
crimson_kingioria, "In Ubuntu, all python packages use explicit python3 or python2 interpreter and do not use unversioned /usr/bin/python at all. Some third-party code is now predominantly python3 based, yet may use /usr/bin/python." - Maybe this means it should be safe at least to what comes from Ubuntu. It would only break third-party scripts, if they need 'python' to be python 2.x, I think.11:51
ioriacrimson_king, that's true for the ubuntu packages11:55
raidghostjeremy31: so how do i solve it?11:56
jeremy31raidghost: no idea11:58
blurkisraidghost: you might need development-files for some library.  The os comes with needed libraries to run, but most often not the development-files.  You need to figure out what files. For example, library-devel, where library is the package name.12:08
blurkisraidghost: after looking,  openttd uses sdl. So you need sdl-devel.  Im not sure of the exact name.  Do a "apt-cache search sdl|grep devel"  That will most likely list the packages needed to install12:11
tasukiDNS seems to be handled in a very complicated way on Ubuntu 20.04, the following all seem involved and I'm not too sure how they interact with each other: Netplan, NetworkManager, systemd-resolved ... where can I read more about this?12:27
=== skookum1 is now known as skookum
blb4393crimson_king: you create a symlink12:34
crimson_kingblb4393, I already solved it by installing python-is-python3. Thanks12:35
rorycrimson_king: thank you for this package!12:35
blb4393probably it creates a symlink12:35
rory> /usr/bin/python: symbolic link to python312:36
roryit does :) in an apt-y way.12:36
onioHi I am looking for an application that can simulate a projector unit. I want to use with an presentation application that expects to connect to a projector on a given IP and port number12:37
blb4393I can't believe that python2 eradication story if close to be over. How long did it take, like, 10 years?12:45
tasukiMy `/etc/resolv.con` contains lines: `# Generated by NetworkManager` and `nameserver`, I'd like the second line to say `nameserver` - what do I have to do?12:46
StevenJayCohenEdit the file? Open a text editor and edit the file. Am I missing something?12:48
tasukiYes, but it gets overridden to the next time NetworkManager starts. I want this to be a permanent change.12:49
tasukiIe I don't know where the `` is coming from. If I knew, I could easily fix it I suppose.12:49
StevenJayCohenOr, you could figure out how to over ride it in a user config instead of fighting with the machine.12:50
tasukiYes, how to override it in a user config?12:50
raidghostblurkis: https://pastebin.com/prp8Q1dJ (What packages needed?)12:51
StevenJayCohentasuki: Google is your friend: https://itsfoss.com/resolvconf-permanent-ubuntu/12:51
StevenJayCohenYou do see how the question that you asked does not even come close to describing your problem?12:53
StevenJayCohenHow do I edit a file?12:53
StevenJayCohenI happened to be looking at the channel and got you to clarify, but man, you'd typically hear crickets with a question like that.12:54
StevenJayCohenTake your time, write out the whole situation in 1 long description of the problem next time12:55
tasukifwiw this doesn't work12:56
tasukiand I'm pretty angry about the whole situation hence the lack of coherence12:56
tasuki$ cat /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf12:57
tasuki# Configuration file for /sbin/dhclient.12:57
tasukiprepend domain-name-servers;12:57
tasuki14:55:11 vita@balrog ~12:57
tasuki$ sudo service network-manager restart12:57
Eickmeyer!paste | tasuki12:57
tasuki14:55:21 vita@balrog ~12:57
ubottutasuki: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:57
tasukihere, that's the way it doesn't work: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nJgYvwy3kW/12:58
StevenJayCohentasuki: You did 1/2 of what it suggested, you removed the # but ignored the other half of the instruction13:00
Eickmeyertasuki: If you don't get a response here, I'd try asking in ##networking.13:00
StevenJayCohenRemove the preceding “#” and use the domain-name and domain-name-servers which you want. Save it. Now the DNS related changes will be permanent.13:01
StevenJayCohenYou've manually assigned domain-name-servers instead of directing it anywhere13:02
tasukihmm, so what's the `supersede domain-name` supposed to be set to?13:04
StevenJayCohenwhat were you setting it to in the file that was being over written?13:04
tasukianyway, installing resolvconf helped - that's how it used to work for years and it worked splendidly and I don't understand why things have to be changed around all the time and that's why I'm upset13:04
tasukiStevenJayCohen and Eickmeyer thank you both for help and patience!13:05
xet7makara: that's just FUD13:27
cyverisWhat parts of it are inaccurate?13:31
cyverisCalling it FUD doesn't provide much value.13:31
xet7All that hate for Snap is FUD13:32
xet7Because of Snap security updates are installed fast13:33
xet7It's the best system available13:33
JacksonMikeShould I use  csh or tcsh   with ubuntu 20.04, i dont really know the difference13:34
cyverisThat doesn't refute any particular point made. The whole article is critical of snaps.13:34
cyverisxet7: Saying the whole article is wrong doesn't do anything to inform people who have little experience with snaps - like me - about what's true and what's not.13:35
cyverisBecause even a single point - such as apt install chromium-browser forcing you to go the snap route - is pretty bad. And that one, I can confirm.13:37
makaramost pesky thing for me is having hundreds of loopback devices when I want to check disk space13:38
xet7What would be solution to that?13:38
xet7Would community step up to provide .deb packages?13:39
* StevenJayCohen wonders if this conversation should be in the off topic channel?13:40
makarai suppose i could set an alias to grep sda13:40
makarahe's wrong about auto-updates. He should do what popey said and download the package13:41
makaratell me one thing though, is it true apps are slow to launch?13:41
cyverisxet7: https://packages.debian.org/buster/chromium13:41
cyverisxet7: It's already there.13:41
cyverismakara: From my experience, yes.13:41
cyverisStevenJayCohen: And probably.13:42
StevenJayCohenSee you there!13:43
xet7I do make Snap package for Wekan, it has strict confinement. For me Snap works great.13:44
Xardat least in 20.04 gnome system monitor now excludes the snap loop devices and in terminal "df -x squashfs" does the same13:44
makaraXard: thanks!13:47
JacksonMikeShould I use  sh, csh or tcsh   with ubuntu 20.04, i dont really know the difference13:47
makaraJacksonMike: zsh with oh-my-zsh and powerlevel9k13:49
XardI used snaps regularly in 18.04 and the cluttering of the disk space indicators was worst problem I encountered13:49
EickmeyerXard: This channel is strictly for support. Please take anything else to #ubuntu-offtopic.13:50
JacksonMikemakara alright ty13:50
StevenJayCohen<JacksonMike "Should I use  sh, csh or tcsh   "> If you don't know the difference, just use the default (it's the default for a reason). If you do some research and come up with a real reason to change, then it makes sense to change :)13:54
makaraby the time he's set up that lot he'll know all about shells ;)13:55
StevenJayCohenProbably best to find a #channel for each shell and talk there with people about the pluses and minuses of each. This is the support channel for Ubuntu issues. And really, "which shell" isn't an issue...13:57
EickmeyerHistorically, such "poll" or opinion-based questions haven't been allowed here.13:58
StevenJayCohenRight, that's why I suggested finding a channel for each shell and talking there.13:59
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: I was agreeing with you. :)14:00
JacksonMikeEickmeyer StevenJayCohen This channel is strictly for support. Please take anything else to #ubuntu-offtopic.14:00
EickmeyerJacksonMike: If you're going to mock or troll, please leave now.14:01
JacksonMikeim kidding, luv u <314:01
EickmeyerJacksonMike: Hard to tell. :)14:01
heitibdi installed 20.04 LTS but having issue14:08
StevenJayCohenheitibd: Write out the entire issue in 1 long post explaining as much as you can at once. "having issues" isn't helpful on our end :)14:09
AktiveHow do I make my mouse faster? I already maxed it out in settings. Or how do I increase dpi ?14:09
heitibdYes, so when I close the laptop lid it suppose to lock screen/suspend but neither of them works. Today it worked. Help?14:09
tomreynso it doesn't work but actually today it works? this seems contradictive to a degree, can you explain?14:11
heitibdyes i explained14:11
StevenJayCohenheitibd: Do you have gnome tweaks installed?14:11
heitibdtomreynwhat you dont understand?14:11
heitibdStevenJayCohen: yes14:12
StevenJayCohenheitibd: And you have that setting turned on, I assume. So, what do you see in Logs after the error happens?14:12
heitibdStevenJayCohen i dont know how to access the logs. yes its turned on14:13
StevenJayCohenheitibd: SuperKey and type Logs14:15
heitibdi dont know so many logs14:18
ioriaheitibd, in general, when suspend is not working is due to hardware not (completely) supported by the os; so ...what's your hw ?14:20
heitibdintel cpu, intel gpu14:20
ioriaheitibd, ok, it has a name ... brand ?14:21
heitibdioria can you read here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244236214:21
ioriaheitibd, so you disable it ?14:22
heitibdI actually revert on gnome-tweaks to suspend and return to default14:22
heitibdand today it lock the screen instead of suspending it14:23
ioriabetter you don't like overheating14:23
heitibdioria: can you help me please?14:24
ioriaheitibd, if you disable suspend and close the lid, the machine stays up and running14:24
heitibdI enabled it14:24
heitibdlet me update the post14:24
ioriaheitibd, lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999914:24
heitibdim troubleshooting all day since yesterday14:24
AndreasRif I close and open my lid and then do "systemctl status systemd-logind" I see:14:25
AndreasR#systemd-logind[977]: Lid closed.14:25
AndreasR#systemd-logind[977]: Lid opened.14:25
AndreasRbut no suspend, either14:25
heitibdyes i did see that but SMH it doesn't really help14:25
heitibdjust to EXAMINE it close lid14:25
heitibdioria i dont feel like sharing my hardware information. what do u want to know exactly?14:26
AndreasRin tweak tools "Suspend when laptop lid closed" is enabled.. but no sleep here, either.14:26
heitibdyep bro14:26
heitibddo you have 20.04 ?14:26
heitibdi mean do you use it?14:26
AndreasRif you stop calling me bro I will talk to you :)14:26
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heitibdalso i dont mind its an issue and 100% everyone has it14:27
heitibdi mean i really want it to resolve for the community14:27
v0lksmanI just upgraded a host from 16.04 to 18.04...now I'm ready to upgrade to 20.04 but I'm getting this error when I do-release-upgrade14:27
v0lksmanThere is no development version of an LTS available.14:27
v0lksmanls-release: DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.0414:28
Andrioout of curiosity, when is 19.10 no longer supported?14:29
standeronorev0lksman I Had the same issue from 19.10. Backed up and reinstalled completely. But did you add new repos?14:29
heitibdAndreasR im sorry14:30
heitibdi hope you are not hurtful14:30
AndreasRso.. all my fans start spinning full speed when I close the lid but no suspend.14:30
v0lksmanI have the postgresql repo enabled yes14:30
heitibdpls take my apologize sir14:30
AndreasRI don't like bro culture that's all :) trying to fix problems is awesome14:30
heitibddo you have 20.04 ?14:30
heitibdAndreasR can you cat /etc/systemd/logind.conf ?14:32
DJonesAndrio: Looks like its around march/april 202114:32
standeronorev0lksman Sorry, you mean the `deb https://...`?14:33
v0lksmanonly one non-standard repo14:33
heitibdioria hello?14:33
DJonesAndrio: Correction, July 202014:34
DJonesAndrio: https://endoflife.software/operating-systems/linux/ubuntu14:34
v0lksmandoesn't make any sense14:35
ioriaheitibd, have you tried this ? https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-close-lid-suspend/14:38
standeronorev0lksman, I've used to follow this guide: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-to-20-04-lts-focal-fossa. What it did: it changed all the repos from 19.10 to 20.04, but when attempting `do-release-upgrade` it showed me only the development version.14:38
heitibdioria what exactly?14:39
heitibdwhy doesn't ubuntu comes with pm-utils? I don't know this package.14:39
AndreasRI disabled Intel TPM in BIOS and it looks better now..14:39
heitibdu disabled and now it suspend or lock?14:39
AndreasRI can suspend/resume14:39
AndreasRtook me two reboots .. also had to disable secure boot14:40
heitibdok but do you use gnome-tweaks?14:40
heitibddoes the option enabled of suspend14:40
heitibdinside gnome-tweaks suspend option is enabled?14:40
heitibdand can you send me the file "/etc/systemd/logind.conf" please?14:41
AndreasRyes, enabled now it works. can you check bios for secure boot and Intel TPM/TPP stuff? if you don't use this for professional stuff / someone else manages your laptop remotely you may be able to disable it.14:41
heitibdi dont have intel TPM afaik14:41
heitibdand secure boot is disabled14:41
heitibdcan you please send me the file of /etc/systemd/logind.conf14:42
AndreasRit's all disabled/commented out (default?)14:42
heitibdnothing uncommented?14:42
heitibdwhat does it gives you ? echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE14:42
AndreasRI expected wayland..14:43
heitibdcan you run this and show output? systemd-inhibit14:43
heitibdno i have X11 too...14:43
AndreasRcould be due to nvidia stuff14:43
heitibdi am not sure but i dont think so?14:43
heitibdAndreasR can you please upload file if need censor ur username and do you have pm-utils installed?14:45
heitibddpkg -l | grep pm-utils14:45
heitibdi dont have it installed tho14:45
AndreasRisn't that (pm-utils) ancient?14:45
heitibdi think so too14:46
heitibdsomeone said to install pm-utils14:46
heitibdif i recall it was ioria14:47
AndreasRit's installed, it seems - ii  pm-utils  1.4.1-1914:47
heitibdsystemd-inhibit | grep block14:48
heitibdanyway i am still having issue14:49
standeronoreWell, mine have a question [Ubuntu MATE 20.04 | iMac'15 @ Intel 5250u]. Am I right that the latest LTS stable one is `5.4.0-28-generic`? Yesterday I tried to install Mainline package to handle the unsigned kernel. Later I realized that this idea is a little bit vulnerable (although Bluetooth support returned; that was the reason for such movements). I removed with all configs the 5.4.26 kernel and switched back to 5.4.0-28-generic. Sorry for such14:50
standeronorea strange question: Can I be sure that the kernel in my Ubuntu installation is safe, without any potentials for rootkits? I've never used to play around with Linux mainline kernels and do not well understand the `generic` nature of Ubuntu kernels. So, they are signed and safe, right?14:50
AndreasRmine works now.. I wonder if it's because of the reboot or the disable TPM/TPP stuff. ( I read about that in other posts)14:50
heitibdyeah but dont expect that it work again14:51
heitibdit worked for me before than not14:51
AndreasRheitibd: that's not very helpful, as others have said. you need logs/evidence/what has changed :/ sorry14:51
AndreasR"doesn't work" is not helpful. I am struggling, too. as my freeze after suspend happens only sometimes and only when no power cable is plugged in ?!?!14:52
AndreasRand the lid.. I didn't even notice until today that it doesn't work14:52
heitibdAndreasR https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244236214:53
heitibdi am trying to make it clear as it's very hard to trace what is relating to issue and people expect me to describe while simplicity is not enough14:53
AndreasRchanging systemd files doesn't help ,either. If you want to troubleshoot go to basic/default first.14:55
AndreasRlike.. vanilla install. all commented out in logind.conf14:56
v0lksmanstanderonore: yeah got it to work by adding -d to do-release-upgrade not cool though14:56
YourAverageLinuxhey guys14:56
YourAverageLinuxis it me or Kernel version 5.4.0 has screen tearing issues with an nvidia gpu?14:56
heitibdAndreasR i think logind shouldn't be commented out14:56
heitibdAndreasR if you close lid again does it work?14:58
AndreasRheitibd:  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man5/logind.conf.5.html#configuration%20directories%20and%20precedence14:58
AndreasR The default configuration is defined during compilation, so a configuration file is only14:58
AndreasR       needed when it is necessary to deviate from those defaults.14:58
genhaoqiYourAverageLinux: the driver14:59
AndreasRheitibd: don't change defaults if you want help - you are on your own14:59
AndreasRlike.. running gentoo ;)14:59
MikeRLReady to try again. I want to double check that the examples section under a URL I will post gives two correct commands.14:59
heitibdin that case i will install gentoo14:59
heitibdnothing works14:59
MikeRLI am trying to use cryptsetup-reencrypt. Backup was from Wednesday, so I was fine.15:00
YourAverageLinuxi remember when i was using manjaro, switching from 5.4 to 4.19 actually turned Prime Sync on, so i guess it's a kernel issue. xrandr --verbose outputs that prime sync is on but in nvidia-settings, it's off15:00
MikeRLWait new URL. Just saw the documentation I posted was for trusty.15:01
heitibdAndreasR how to get the default configuration?15:01
heitibdfor.. /etc/systemd/logind.conf15:01
genhaoqiYourAverageLinux: maybe try 5.4.8 ?15:02
YourAverageLinuxeh, i mean, I would prefer to not risk bricking my distro15:02
MikeRLSeeing a lot of stuff tomreyn mentioned yesterday here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions15:03
AndreasRheitibd: all commented out.15:06
heitibdUbuntu doesn't care about your modification. overriding HandlePowerKey doesn't work. overriding shortcut not works15:06
AndreasRif you want to troubleshoot/fix you can start uncommenting/changing. that's what it's for15:06
heitibdyeah but whee is the default?15:06
heitibddamn no one can  help me resolve that annoying issue? ;_15:09
Eickmeyerheitibd: You aren't treating volunteers very well. People in here are volunteering their time. Please treat the volunteers with respect.15:11
juliusjust installed a 19.10 server version and it gets a very high load (6+) in about the first 30 seconds after boot. whats running right after boot that generates that load? the cpu is idling15:13
xet7julius: updates maybe?15:14
AndreasRI must admit since systemd I don't even try to understand anymore. I have too many other problems/tasks/quests in my life these days :D15:14
AndreasRso, sorry heitibd15:14
juliusload did go away after the 3 boots today15:14
AndreasRlots of good articles have been written by people for ubuntu.. you'll learn a lot about the system when you find it out. that I promise you :)15:15
heitibdAndreasR what is better than systemd and does nvidia has anything related to that issue?15:15
heitibdubuntu modifies what i modifies like windows? maybe for securing there system but its unacceptable for me15:16
AndreasRwell.. I am very happy all my problems are gone since 20.04. I have native GNOME, can run PRIME (dual Intel/Nvidia GPU) and somehow all works.15:16
MikeRLWhat I'm thinking is inputting "cryptsetup-reencrypt /dev/sdb1 --new --reduce-device-size 158784S"15:16
MikeRLThat I meant sda6. That way, there's enough space.15:16
AndreasRheitibd: I ran Arch for many years. Sadly the Antergos distro died.. that had an amazing community for tweaking till there is nothing left to tweak. Maybe check out Arch if you find ubuntu too restrictive?15:17
AndreasRit is becoming like windows, I agree. and it's not a bad thing, I think15:17
heitibd"till there is nothing left to tweak" causing it to die? :D15:17
AndreasRheitibd: or melt down or eat your unborn children... yes.15:18
heitibdyeah i just not sure how to do luks, install nvidia, etc on arch linux15:18
heitibdand how to make screen lock when system lid close15:18
EickmeyerThis channel is strictly for support. Please take other conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to simply chat. ;)15:21
heitibdcan i ask my question again ?15:21
Eickmeyerheitibd: You've asked it multiple times in this channel. Nobody has an adequate answer for you. Try ##linux.15:21
heitibdEickmeyer no i just want to get the default config.. where can i find it?15:24
Eickmeyerheitibd: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/03/how-to-reset-gnome-desktop-settings-to.html15:25
heitibddoes it reset ubuntu settings aswell?15:26
AndreasRheitibd: # Entries in this file show the compile time defaults.15:26
AndreasR# You can change settings by editing this file.15:26
AndreasR# Defaults can be restored by simply deleting this file.15:26
Eickmeyerheitibd: Ubuntu runs the gnome desktop environment. If you modified anything in /etc, nobody can help you, it would be faster to reinstall.15:26
MikeRLAnyone know how to convert filesystem block size to MB or anything else?15:27
heitibdso if no one modified and many have this issue what would you tell them ? Eickmeyer15:27
Eickmeyerheitibd: I would link them that article. Stop fighting.15:27
Eickmeyerheitibd: You've been given several answers, none of which are adequate for you. Stop belaboring it.15:28
MikeRLUmm... I should rephrase my question. I have a 560GB Ubuntu 20.04 partition, and wonder how much space I should give it when resizing the filesystem (not partition, learned that the hard way).15:30
EickmeyerMikeRL: I've run it in as little as 32GB cleanly. It's really up to you. :)15:31
AndreasRI am off eating ice cream :) take care people. thanks15:31
MikeRLOh thaks. I would have not had a clue. Not many good examples online. Like looking for a needle in a haystack.15:31
MikeRLI ran with 2MB yesterday, following an example, and I don't think it was enough.15:32
MikeRLAs in 2MB reduced and set aside for encryption.15:32
heitibdEickmeyer sorry i just would like to know after reinstalling ubuntu can i make it to lock screen isntead of suspend?15:33
Eickmeyerheitibd: If you do that, you'll run the risk of overheating your laptop. Not recommended, and I won't support it.15:33
MikeRLEickmeyer, you mean 32GB total space, or 32GB set asie?15:34
EickmeyerMikeRL: 32 total for the installation, EFI partition (if needed), everything.15:34
heitibdbut im using the laptop and it doesn't overheating, also is this replying you causing a fight?15:34
MikeRLEickmeyer, I should have specified I'm converting an install.15:34
Eickmeyerheitibd: You were given answers about that yesterday.15:34
MikeRLAnd I'm reiszing the filesystem Linux is installed on.15:35
heitibdcan you redirect me to those or logs i would like to re-read them15:35
MikeRLNot the cleanest way to go, but I have backups and if anyone is willing to help, I can convert it with the terminal.15:35
Eickmeyerheitibd: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu.html15:36
EickmeyerMikeRL: I guess I don't completely understand what you're trying to do.15:36
XardMikeRL: needed space depends on amount of installed packages and 32 GB is plenty for packages system packages15:37
MikeRLI'm referring to resizing via this: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man8/cryptsetup-reencrypt.8.html15:37
heitibdEickmeyer i dont remember anyone replying me with an answer but i will check the logs i might forgot15:38
EickmeyerMikeRL: Yikes, that's above my paygrade (as if I get paid).15:38
MikeRLUnder examples. Last command I think resizes it.15:38
MikeRLIt does cite 4096S and it caused the whole thing to go screwball last night.15:39
MikeRLI thought I screwed up but it's possible the docs were off somewhere.15:39
MikeRLOr I misread them.15:39
tomreynMikeRL: hi there. i still don't understand why you'Re trying to convert a number of blocks to bytes (since all relevant tools seem to accept input in # blocks just fine), but you can certianly do that once you know the block size. from memory, yours is 3096 bytes, but i'm not really sure there.15:41
tomreyn*4096 bytes15:42
MikeRLSo I can just input that the difference in from yesterday? Got 158,784.15:43
heitibdEickmeyer do you recommend to reset gnome settings using gnome-tweaks? because that is not come with ubuntu15:44
tomreynMikeRL: can you sum up the situation again, and the outputs of the relevant commands?15:44
tomreynMikeRL: ...as well as the commands themselves.15:45
tomreynthe channel logs are at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu.html15:46
MikeRLtomreyn, I'm trying to resize using the command               cryptsetup-reencrypt /dev/sda6 --new --reduce-device-size NUMBERUNIT,  but I'm uncertain of how much space to allocate.15:46
MikeRLtomreyn, I tried 4096S yesterday I believe and it wasn't enough.15:46
MikeRLtomreyn, https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man8/cryptsetup-reencrypt.8.html15:47
MikeRLtomreyn, Stuck a bit on first and second (last) commands under examples.15:47
Aktiveanyone know how I can increase my mouse sensitivity more15:47
AktiveI already got the max15:48
sgt_chucklesHello, anyone else having problems after upgrading to 20.04? For some reason, my apps wont show on the application menu: https://i.imgur.com/sT33VGv.jpg15:48
MikeRLtomreyn, The bad partition from last night is kaput. I restored from backup.15:48
heitibdAktive why would you want to do that?15:48
AktiveI want faster mouse15:49
Aktivelike normal15:49
eaglgenes101The latest fontconfig is giving me a giant load of errors about the config file (fontconfig support binaries, fontconfig config, and libfontconfig1 are all on version 2.13.1-2ubuntu315:50
eaglgenes101The errors seem pretty systematic, not what you'd get from an accidental corruption, but from a backwards incompatible change15:50
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sgt_chucklesalso searching for apps doesnt work either. its just stuck here: https://i.imgur.com/15SVjnA.png15:52
eaglgenes101The text of the errors: https://paste.rs/vrn15:52
tomreynMikeRL: so you restored the entire unencrypted partition and ar enow trying to run cryptsetup-reencrypt against it again to add a block device encryption layer between this partition and the existing ext4 file system on it?15:52
Aktive@sgt_chuckles,  is your harddrive full15:53
tomreynMikeRL: if so, the first step to take is to shrink the file system by the amount needed by the block device encryption layer.15:53
sgt_chucklesAktive: no15:53
heitibdmy touchpad moves weird is there a way to fix it?15:54
tomreynMikeRL: ...so that both of them can fit within the boundaries of the partition (which I understand you don't plan to modify - and that's fine)15:54
eaglgenes101Can you elaborate on "weird"15:54
ducasseAktive: you can set accel speed with xinput15:54
Aktive@heitibd, break its feet15:54
heitibdwhat do you mean?15:55
Aktivealright let me see15:55
heitibdAktive how can i do that?15:55
Aktiveyour touch pad cant move without functioning feet15:55
eaglgenes101I mean, does it move stuffy, accelerate too fast, move in a different direction than intended, move on its own, or what15:55
eaglgenes101All of those can be described as weird, and there's no indication of which one you mean15:55
MikeRLtomreyn, Yes to the first question. Sorry I had to eat quickly and take some medication.15:57
heitibdAktive oh sorry HAHA15:57
MikeRLtomreyn, I don't know the amount needed by the block device encryption layer.15:57
heitibdeaglgenes101 i think move bit fast15:57
heitibdand not accurate15:57
Aktive@ducasse, X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)16:05
tomreynMikeRL: me neither. you could calculate it based on the example provided on the cryptsetup-reencrypt man page. but i think the safer approch is to just shrink the file system more than needed.16:05
tomreynto be on the safe side16:05
MikeRLtomreyn, How much?16:05
MikeRLLucky me I have a very recent backup. From this Wednesday.16:06
MikeRLI think it maxes out at 20MB.16:06
ducasseAktive: are you running wayland?16:07
Aktivehow can I see that fast16:07
Eickmeyerheitibd: If you don't trust it, don't use it. BUT, because it's the GNOME desktop environment, there's no reason not to trust it.16:07
MikeRL20MB will have to do.16:07
MikeRLNot multiple of 512/16:08
tomreynMikeRL: you came up with a suggestion of blocks to reduce to last night, which sounded fine to me.16:09
ducasseAktive: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE16:09
AktiveI guess not16:09
tomreynMikeRL: when you'll try to shrink the file system, ext2resize will warn you if you're trying to resize to less than the required size.16:09
tomreynMikeRL: there's also an option you can provide to ext2resize to have it reduce the file system to the minimal possible size.16:10
MikeRLtomreyn, SO ext2resize is better than using that second command?16:10
tomreynMikeRL: which is "the second command"?16:10
Aktiveducasse, I did xinput --setprop 8 293 216:11
MikeRLIn the example, "cryptsetup-reencrypt /dev/sdb1 --new --reduce-device-size 4096S"16:11
MikeRLtomreyn, after an apropos, it appears ext2resize is resize2fs.16:12
Seven_Six_TwoIf userA is in groupB, and a file is userB:groupB with 660 permissions, why does  sudo -u userA test -r ./filename.txt; echo $0;        return 0??16:13
AktiveIm gonna continue with it another day I guess ducasse16:14
tomreynMikeRL: right, sorry, i meant resize2fs. "cryptsetup-reencrypt /dev/sdb1 --new --reduce-device-size 4096S" is the command you'll need to run after shrinking the file system. we'll actually need to calculate the correct value to supply (instead of "4096S") there.16:14
AktiveIm so happy with lts 20.416:14
Aktiveexcept the pictures, they gotta get rid of them and get  better ones16:15
MikeRLtomreyn, You must be used to the old filesystem and commands. (-:16:15
MikeRLtomreyn, I started Ubuntu back in high school. Used 9.04 for my first distro.16:15
MikeRLtomreyn, Resize was successful. No errors.16:15
tieinvAktive: what pictures are you refering to?16:16
MikeRLtomreyn, So, the two commands under examples at https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man8/cryptsetup-reencrypt.8.html16:17
MikeRLtomreyn, They do what? Do I need to modify them?16:17
IndustrialI am on Ubuntu 19.10 and I am using Docker from Snap.16:17
MikeRLBesides the partition to /dev/sda6.16:17
IndustrialI have /mnt/linux-data which is a partition I want to host all the docker images / etc on.16:17
IndustrialWhat directory is used to save all docker things?16:18
Aktivetieinv, wallpaper16:18
tieinvAktive: then use your own pictures16:18
Aktivebut I think that ubuntu should provide  good ones16:19
Aktiveit would be better16:19
tieinvAkitive: those are just examples no?16:19
Aktivethey come with ubuntu16:20
MikeRLtomreyn, I shrank it to 136600000 blocks from 136760320 blocks.16:22
MikeRLtomreyn, Difference is 160320.16:23
MikeRLIt does not, divide evenly into 512, though.16:23
MikeRLDividing 160320 by 512 equals 313.12516:24
tomreynMikeRL: fdisk should say which block size you have there. sorry, i am having a longer phone call so i'm in and out all the time.16:28
eaglgenes101fontconfig chokes on a config file that came in a package of the same version https://paste.rs/vrn16:28
eaglgenes101Personally looks like the fontconfig library had a backwards incompatible change that the config file wasn't updated to account for, but what do I know16:29
eaglgenes101In any case, what's the best way to fix this problem16:29
MikeRLtomreyn, That's fine. You're entitled to a life.16:30
eaglgenes101Refreshing the fontconfig cache doesn't fix it, and the fontconfig packages are all 2.13.1-2ubuntu316:31
dhollingerQuick question - does Ubuntu not support/package 32-bit libs for Feral Gamemode? Due to the inherent issue of dropping 32-bit for gaming, several games and gaming apps I have (such as Lutris) don't recognize gamemode without 32-bit libs16:31
MikeRLSector size for the whole SSD is 512 bytes logical, 4096 physical.16:32
ioriadhollinger, probably you need to build it yourself16:35
dhollingerioria: That doesn't make for a good user experience, unless Ubuntu no longer really is going for general use desktop users16:36
MikeRLtomreyn, So would 313 be adequate? I subtracted the new fs size from the original size (136760320 minus 136600000) and then divided it by 512 to get 313.125. Rounded down to 313. Is that the number I want?16:38
ioriadhollinger, you want the link to try to build it or not ?16:38
dhollingerI'll try and build it myself as I have the technical know-how. Don't get all huffy about my comment. It IS bad UX for users to be told to "Go build it yourself"16:40
ioriadhollinger, this is the situation about 32bit on ubuntu16:42
ioriadhollinger, if you prefer i can answer you : 'no you cannot !16:42
MikeRLtomreyn, Number I got was 160256.16:43
MikeRLIt aborted. Said no space for new keyslot. Will generate paste.16:45
heitibdhello friends, i restart settings in gnome-tweaks and restart. closed lid and no suspend please help16:59
tomreynMikeRL: sorry for keeping you waiting, i should have more time now. so this is luks2, which takes more space than luks1, probably at least twice as much, since it stores two copies of the luks header.17:01
zutatheitibd: see if the system is able to suspend at all, by running "systemctl suspend" in a terminal17:02
heitibdzutat : Operation inhibited by "user" (PID 2123 "gnome-session-b", user hiro), reason is "user session inhibited".17:03
heitibdwhat does it mean17:03
MikeRLtomreyn, Sorry I myself was messing with my phone.17:10
MikeRLtomreyn, By messing, I mean I donated to the FairEmail dev. Not much, but MS is matching sponsorships for the first year for devs that registered before a certain date. Don't have too much to spare, but I spared $2, which is technically $4. That app is updated like several times a day with various notable changes each time. I replaced Gmail with it.17:12
=== flyback is now known as phlyback
tomreynMikeRL: according to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Drive_preparation#Wipe_LUKS_header "LUKS2 header is 4 MiB if created with cryptsetup < 2.1 or 16 MiB if created with cryptsetup ≥ 2.1. "17:12
MikeRLtomreyn, OK. So I assume that means version check time.17:13
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you running again?17:13
tomreyn!info cryptsetup 18.0417:13
ubottu'18.04' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, groovy, groovy-backports, groovy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, uns17:13
MikeRLtomreyn, "cryptsetup --version returns cryptsetup 2.2.2 Ubuntu 20.04.17:13
tomreyn!info cryptsetup focal17:13
ubottucryptsetup (source: cryptsetup): disk encryption support - startup scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.2.2-3ubuntu2 (focal), package size 155 kB, installed size 397 kB17:14
=== phlyback is now known as flyback
MikeRLSo 16MB.17:14
tomreynAnd 16 MiB in 512 KiB blocks is?17:14
MikeRLDoes tat mean 16000000 bytes?17:14
MikeRLOh Kib.17:15
tomreyn16 MiB = 16×1024×1024 bytes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte17:16
may1234how is the ubuntu installation dvd compiled?17:16
MikeRLDDG says 16000KiB.17:16
tomreynwho is DDG?17:16
MikeRLSearch engine.17:16
heitibdsomeone help please :)17:17
CarlenWhiteIs there a particular flow to restart Xorg on17:17
tomreynMikeRL: so you'll need to choose whom to trust, your search engine or (wikipedia and me).17:18
CarlenWhiteI was going to ask if there's a particular flow on restarting Xorg on Ubuntu 20.04, but I wasn't sure if I'm using Xorg or Wayland.17:18
CarlenWhiteGiven that I recently updated to 20.0417:18
tomreynMikeRL: or, better, consult more sources17:18
MikeRLNot IEC sizes.17:19
lotuspsychjeheitibd: try to give some more details to the volunteers, to able to help you better, ubuntu version, computer brand/model, kernel version, dmesg?17:19
CarlenWhiteYeah I'm using Xorg. Online suggests restarting gdm or using systemctl restart display-manager for a distro agnostic solution, but neither do the job.17:20
CarlenWhiteSwitching between the virtual terminals doesn't present a login or a desktop.17:20
MikeRLI'm wondering if when I ran "sudo resize2fs /dev/sda6 136600000" and it succeeded if it will mess anything up.17:20
standeronoreHi all [again]. Could someone explain me, why on macbook air'13 with Lubuntu 20.04 installed I see after 20 minutes SSD temperature around 70*C ? Well, SanDisk can hold up to 95 degrees, but using macOS this temperature is usually 55-59*C. I tried power optimizations, even removed swap partition. How to cool down a bit SSD (the CPU is fine, according to `lm_sensors`)17:22
heitibdlotuspsychje ubuntu 20.0417:22
heitibdstanderonore which year?17:23
MikeRLtomreyn, Those sizes look like IEC sizes from fdisk -l and the output of the commands that failed earlier with sudo cryptsetup-reencrypt /dev/sda6 yadayada.17:23
standeronoreheitibd Mid-2013, i5-4200u, SSD SanDisk 256Gb17:23
standeronoreheitibd Internal OEM. This happens on every Flavor, like MATE, generic or so fouth17:24
CarlenWhitestanderonore, Is is physically warmer?17:25
CarlenWhiteI want to guess a buggy sensor since I've came across a system that'd report it's temperature higher than reality.17:25
standeronoreCarlenWhite Really strange, but yeah. I can touch, how somewhere around CPU (I service internals regularly) it becomes rather warm. I thought about some I/O processes which are intensive, but I turned off SWAP at all. So, I/O seems not to be very heavy, to my guess.17:26
CarlenWhiteMikeRL, If you're wondering what the size portion of your command is doing exactly, I pulled up the `man` for it and it's in the second paragraph.17:27
standeronoreFor instance, CPU under Firefox + LO Writer is around 49-52*C, but SSD is 60 :\17:27
may1234i mean how is the ubuntu installation dvd put together by the development team? is information on this available on the website?17:27
MikeRLtomreyn, 16777216 is the number I'm looking for? In bytes I think.17:28
IndustrialHi. Has anyone worked with Docker from Snap?17:29
Industrialln -s /mnt/linux-data/docker-common /var/snap/docker/common17:29
IndustrialCan I do this?17:29
tomreyn16777216 is what I believe is 16 MiB (and what everyone but maybe storage manufacturers abbreviate as "MB" nowadays).17:29
MikeRLNow I'm hoping this succeeds. No warnings this time. Thanks.17:30
MikeRLBut I'm certain I'm not done yet. Will have to decrypt and edit /etc/fstab, right? And likely more.17:30
tomreynMikeRL: and that's, according to my interperetation of the arch wiki page cites above, the minimum amount by which you need to shrink the file system, and the exact amount of bytes you need to pass to the --reduce-device-size option (to cryptsetup-reencrypt)17:32
MikeRLtomreyn, Well that's a relief.17:32
MikeRLtomreyn, Sleep sure helped me think better.17:32
tomreynMikeRL: so you now have the encryption layer, and you have the file system on it. you can now extend the file system to cover the entire space available within the crypto container17:32
tomreynMikeRL: i agree sleep help both you and i. ;)17:33
MikeRLtomreyn, Don't I have to wait for encryption to finish first?17:33
tomreynMikeRL: right, you should wait for excryption to finish.17:33
MikeRLETA 57:47 from right now.17:34
MikeRLThen back to more fun.17:34
tomreynso which commands will you need to run after that?17:34
tomreynplan ahead if you like, or maybe i'll still be around then.17:34
tomreyn(or maybe you don't actually need me)17:34
CarlenWhitestanderonore, You could use the package `iotop` to monitor IO but it does sound like something more strange is occuring. By the way, swap shouldn't be used much unless you have a low memory system.17:36
MikeRLI'll think about it now.17:36
MikeRLI took notes on the sizes and a command.17:37
tomreynyou'll need to unlock the crypto layer, mount the root file system and other needed file systems (incl. virtual ones), chroot, update /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab and run update-initramfs -u   and   update-grub17:37
MikeRLI also bookmarked some pages and synced Firefox.17:37
CarlenWhiteAnd you'd still want swap as a 'just in case' if you happen to run more than your memory can handle without stuff crashing/killed.17:37
CarlenWhiteAnd for hibernation if you want it17:37
w0jtas_hello, my ubuntu stopped booting, it got stuck on Create Volatile Files and Directories17:38
grimetonhi, the 20.04 lts network installer is not able to detect the uefi environment inside a hyper-v vm .... not installing grub, errroring out17:38
MikeRLUnlock the crypto layer?17:38
w0jtas_what can i do ? i cleared /tmp and /var/tmp dir17:38
CarlenWhiteYou might need to consult someone else for further investigation because this is starting to look like it's outside my knowledge.17:38
MikeRLI lost all the chat history from yesterday because I was tired and didn't think of backing up the commands.17:39
MikeRLBut today I did take some notes.17:39
CarlenWhiteMikeRL, Example, the LVM that contains my /home, swap, and a partition I use for development is encrypted with LUKS. LUKS has to be "unlocked" before I can mount these partitions during boot.17:40
tomreyn!irclogs | MikeRL17:41
ubottuMikeRL: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/17:41
CarlenWhiteAnd / importantly! Derp!17:41
CarlenWhiteSo LUKS would be this crypto layer.17:41
CarlenWhiteWithout it "unlocked" by my password my system will not boot and I'll be stuck at GRUB.17:42
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MikeRLIRC log is bookmarked.17:43
MikeRLI only use one partition. /dev/sda6m I believe.17:45
MikeRLAll used for Linux. So I'm guessing I only gotta unlock once.17:45
tomreynMikeRL: so what about /boot, where is this stored?17:45
CarlenWhiteOne partition for the whole system? /dev/sda6m being your root mount with your entire system on it?17:46
MikeRLFor Linux, I think. I can check.17:46
tomreynthat would seem wise :)17:46
CarlenWhiteYou could peek /etc/fstab17:46
MikeRLGparted says it's the only ext4 partition. No swap partition. Just a swap file.17:47
tomreynsudo fdisk -l | nc termbin.com 999917:47
MikeRLKeep in mind it's still encrypting.17:47
tomreynthis won't modify your partitions17:47
CarlenWhitetomreyn, Eh I beg to differ. At least having a seperate /home partition saves some trouble if your OS blows up.17:48
MikeRLWindows 10 dual boot and an EFI partition in addition to Linux.17:48
MikeRLToo lazy for separate home partition.17:48
tomreynCarlenWhite: differ on what?17:49
MikeRLAlso I don't do a lot of mission critical stuff.17:49
CarlenWhiteOn having all your files reside only on the root file system.17:49
MikeRLOn a side note, even with most of the telemetry disabled, 10 is so slow I gave up on encrypting that.17:49
tomreynCarlenWhite: that's not a preference i stated i have17:50
CarlenWhiteThen I misread17:50
MikeRLThey really did some amazing work at speeding up GNOME shell. No CPU spikes. Someone else I know that's a dev actually really likes this release.17:50
tomreynhappens to the best of us ;)17:50
MikeRLBest in years IMO.17:50
tomreynMikeRL: let's keep it to ubuntu support in here, we can move to #uubntu-discuss for discussing ubuntu, or other channels for discussing other things.17:51
CarlenWhiteMikeRL, It's more of convenience. I've fubared my OS once and reinstall wasn't too painful since I just had to tell the installer to pave over the root file system and leave the existing /home parition alone.17:51
MikeRLSure. Will stay OT.17:51
MikeRLI think I know, out of all the things mentioned, how to chroot in and update grub. Least I can look it up. My memory isn't the best.17:52
heitibdany help17:53
MikeRLI will probably take a break now. In 30 minutes it'll be done.17:54
tomreynMikeRL: so, you're now encrypting the full partition space that contains the ubuntu system. however, the kernel needs to be booted, too, from somewhere. and while grub (the boot loadeR) can actually decrypt LUKSv1 block device encryption, i'm not sure it has yet learnt to decrypt LUKSv2, yet.17:54
banisterfiend_anyone know how to fix broken packages? I have a few broken packages that are preventing me from upgrading ubuntu....but --fix-broken install is unable to fix it17:54
CarlenWhiteI can check my system, hold on...17:54
tomreynMikeRL: what the ubuntu installer would normally do is to encrypt anything but /boot (leaving that unencrypted on a separate partition)17:54
rainmanjamHaving an issue with a dpkg package. Has anyone seen this before? https://pastebin.com/QE8vmuiU17:55
puzzolaProbably a newbie question: how to I set Ubuntu 19.10 (console, no GUI) to auto login on boot? All the solutions I found are for GUI autologin.17:55
CarlenWhitetomreyn, I'm using LUKS2 on this system and it's decrypted by GRUB at boot.17:56
StevenJayCohen<puzzola "Probably a newbie question: how "> https://vitux.com/how-to-enable-disable-automatic-login-in-ubuntu-18-04-lts/17:57
tomreynCarlenWhite: and you run whihc ubuntu release?17:57
CarlenWhiteI'm running Ubuntu 20.04. Encrypted in...Eoan I think? Maybe even earlier.17:58
EriC^^puzzola: https://askubuntu.com/questions/168706/how-do-i-auto-login-as-root-into-the-tty-upon-boot17:58
tomreynCarlenWhite: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GRUB-Boots-LUKS2-Disk-Encrypt17:58
EriC^^puzzola: note that logs in as root, i guess changing to your username might work too, not sure though17:59
StevenJayCohenpuzzola: https://blog.shvetsov.com/2010/09/auto-login-ubuntu-user-from-cli.html17:59
CarlenWhiteSo I guess it's been encrypted since Eoan at least.18:00
tomreynchances are 20.04's grub is the first one to support LUKSv218:00
tomreynunless it was backported to 19.10, but i would think that's less likely18:01
MikeRLIf that's the case, I'm in luck.18:01
CarlenWhiteThis system upgraded from Eoan.18:02
CarlenWhiteI'm partially confident I even upgraded from 18.04 as well. I can check logs to get an idea.18:02
CarlenWhite /var/log/installer points out it installed Eoan, but I have paved over the install at least once.18:04
banisterfiend_hey guys, anyone know how to fix broken packages? i get this https://gist.github.com/banister/631ba45ee9209c3e2eba5690ad02e288   but --fix-broken install doesn't fix it18:05
* CarlenWhite runs a one-liner to find the oldest file in his home directory...18:05
StevenJayCohenbanisterfiend_: what does aptitude suggest?18:07
tomreynCarlenWhite: what's the output of    findmnt --target /boot/18:07
tomreyn!aptitude | StevenJayCohen18:08
ubottuStevenJayCohen: Like apt and apt-get, aptitude is a terminal frontend for Ubuntu's package management system. Unlike the others, it is not recommended in Ubuntu because its behavior differs significantly from other Ubuntu package management tools and can cause issues.18:08
CarlenWhitetomreyn, /boot  /dev/nvme0n1p2 ext4   rw,relatime18:08
CarlenWhiteWhat are you trying to determine?18:09
banisterfiend_Steven_: holdon a minute, i just tried random commands from here https://www.maketecheasier.com/fix-broken-packages-ubuntu/ and it looks like it might have fixed it18:09
tomreynCarlenWhite: whether this is correct. <CarlenWhite> tomreyn, I'm using LUKS2 on this system and it's decrypted by GRUB at boot.18:09
tomreynCarlenWhite: you just showed that you have /boot on a separate partition, so it's unlikely that grub decrypts your root file system, rather the initrd18:10
CarlenWhiteI'll list the typography, moment...18:10
StevenJayCohenubottu: I still find it a good reference when trying to figure out broken packages, but I understnad18:11
ubottuStevenJayCohen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:11
tomreynCarlenWhite: classic multi-partition layout with unencrypted /boot18:12
CarlenWhiteI thought that was the defacto thing, but I guess it's been a while.18:13
tomreynit's what the ubuntu installers set up till this point18:13
CarlenWhiteAh. It's been changed in 20.04?18:14
puzzolaThank you, guys! For future chatlog archaeologists: https://askubuntu.com/a/1229543 did the trick (replacing root wit my username worked just fine)18:14
CarlenWhiteBecause I was led to that something has to be unencrypted to begin the process to get into an encrypted system.18:15
tomreynCarlenWhite: 'this point' being today, and tomorrow, and a while longer, until someone may work on bug 177345718:15
ubottubug 1773457 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Full-system encryption needs to be supported out-of-the-box including /boot and should not delete other installed systems" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177345718:15
tomreyngrub is usually not encrypted.18:16
CarlenWhiteOf course.18:16
tomreynif grub can open a luks2 encrypted root device it can load the initrd and kernel from there, and have the initrd decrypt the root file system while the kernel boots.18:17
CarlenWhiteI kinda want to try migrating the /boot partition into the layer but I feel like that's asking for pain.18:18
tomreynyou'll need to enter your passphrase once for grub and another time for the cryptsetup binary embedded in the initrd (or find a way to pass it along)18:18
CarlenWhiteInto the LVM, derp18:18
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 explains how this can be done18:18
lalitmeeHey guys, why is it so that the fonts look different in Ubuntu and Windows. I logged on to Github and I noticed that Github looks completely different in Windows and Ubuntu because of the fonts rendering.18:18
jkelol111Could be due to different default fonts?18:22
tomreynCarlenWhite: nowadays, as (for the most part) discussed on the article above, you can have /boot/ reside on LVM on top of dmcrypt-luks on top of a partition on top of a partition table on a storage which grub will then boot from. this way, you can have anythign encrypted other than grub, and the lower (negative) 'rings', so firmware (UEFI) and ME/PSP/TrustZone. so boot loader and firmware will remain unencrypted but can, theoretically and18:23
tomreynsometimes practically, be secured against modification by those lower layers by means of 'secure boot'18:23
lalitmeejkelol111: So the fonts setting for the website is the work of the OS or the browser or the website itself?18:23
iorialalitmee, for me, they are both identical18:24
jkelol111There is a font setting in Firefox18:24
jkelol111Not too sure about the difference in font rendering though, I find GitHub on Ubuntu to look nearly identical to every other platform18:24
lalitmeeioria: but for me its completely different18:28
lalitmeeI don't know why18:28
lalitmeejkelol111: Font setting is in every browser I think18:28
iorialalitmee, what's the font in use on ubuntu/firefox ?18:29
lalitmeeActually I just inspected Github in firefox and noticed that it uses some apple-system fonts and then on third number it uses Seoge UI font which is not installed in my system that's why I think its looking different in Ubuntu. May be its already installed in Windows18:32
MikeRLEncryption is done.18:35
MikeRLNow to unlock the cryptop lair. Sorry was on the phone checking on my grandmother and parents.18:35
valentinjust doing some sanity checking: is anyone else using an intel GPU suffering from judder on 20.04 under gnome when multiple windows are open? I can easily notice when scrolling a page in firefox, but other electron-based apps show it too. I know people usually blame gnome 3 or gnome-shell and the common wisdom is to just wait for updates. in my case it seems for some reason the GPU frequency is not scaling up fast enough to18:40
valentinmeet the demand, so I'm not sure if it's necessarily gnome-shell related. I performed a couple of tests in other DEs (KDE, Mate, ubuntu 20.04) and the GPU gets scaled up nicely with the demand18:40
valentinfwiw, I had the same judder on 19.1018:41
MikeRLHmm. Good news. Now it mounts.18:42
MikeRLWhat do I need to do a "sudo mount --bind" to in terms of folders?18:47
MikeRLI have already unlocked the partition and mounted it in /mnt.18:47
strobe2020i've been trying to initialize my own xsession through a remote ssh connection. there is already an xsession running by another user18:48
strobe2020apparently, the startx command can only be run from a virtual console on the host, not remotely. when i had the user assist me by switching to a virtual console at the host, logging in as me (using a temporary password), then initialized startx, their own x session on the graphics console crashed.18:48
strobe2020we tried 'startx' as my user (assuming it would open $DISPLAY :1) and 'startx -- :1' but either way it didn't matter; their own user's x session crash and the computer had to be rebooted to restore their desktop environment.18:49
strobe2020what are we doing wrong? ideally, i just want to remotely log in to the host with my user (which i can do), then start my own x session. i have admin rights to the host i'm remotely accessing.18:50
strobe2020and by "starting my own xsession" i mean a full desktop environment18:51
strobe2020i know those are technically two seperate issues, but still...18:51
CarlenWhitetomreyn, Almost done with retrofitting a encrypted /boot18:52
heitibdsomeone is using laptop on ubuntu?18:52
tomreynheitibd: certainly. it's also certianly not the question you meant to ask.18:53
CarlenWhiteCreated a equal-sized LV in my LVM, byte-to-byte copied, sha256 checked, regenerated UUID to prevent clashing, updated /etc/fstab, update-grub, updated initramfs18:53
CarlenWhiteDon't think updating the initramfs is needed, but did it anyways to be safe.18:54
tomreynCarlenWhite: crypttab?18:54
CarlenWhiteIt's in the same LVM as the entire system. It should prompt my password as normal.18:54
CarlenWhiteKeyword, should.18:54
CarlenWhiteBut I have the unencrypted boot partition if I fail.18:55
tomreyncrypttab will be needed. you'll also need GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y18:56
CarlenWhitecrypttab doesn't need to be touched. Did add that to the config.18:57
heitibdi dont understand if i modified logind.conf then i returned it back it copies the modification and i cant revert it. is it kind of security feature but not work well?18:57
CarlenWhiteAnyways. Restarting18:57
CarlenWhiteWish me luck.18:57
MikeRLHmm. I do not have a /etc/crypttab file after unlocking the disk. I backed up my /etc/fstab file.18:57
MikeRLJust in case something messes up.18:57
tomreynMikeRL: you will need to create it manually18:58
MikeRLI have the new UUID for /dev/sda6 from sudo fdisk -l18:58
MikeRLDo I need another UUID?18:58
tomreynthe uuid's for fstab and crypttab should come from "blkid"18:58
tomreynthose are not partition uuids but file system uuids18:59
MikeRLActually I entered in blkid.18:59
MikeRLSorry got confused.18:59
=== philipp64_ is now known as philipp64
MikeRLOutput of blkid: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ND9hpnqKG8/19:00
MikeRLtomreyn, My guess is I want sda6?19:01
tomreynMikeRL: my guess is you haven't unlocked the crypto layer that's on sda6, yet19:02
MikeRLtomreyn, How do I do that?19:02
tomreyncryptsetup luksopen ... just like we did it yesterday19:02
MikeRLI searched the chat log of 5/2 and see nothing.19:04
tomreyn<tomreyn> you need to     sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda6 sda6_crypt19:05
heitibdhow to install virtualbox?19:06
tomreynthe log keeping computer may follow a different timezone than yours19:06
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:06
MikeRLYeah. Never thought about the timezone.19:06
heitibdthis not work19:06
MikeRLMust be UTC.19:06
MikeRLOr wherever the server is located.19:06
MikeRLYeah it went into 5/3.19:07
TheFuzzballHey, I'm getting "runtime: mlock of signal stack failed: 12. runtime: increase the mlock limit (ulimit -l) or runtime: update your kernel to 5.3.15+, 5.4.2+, or 5.5+. fatal error: mlock failed" on Ubuntu Server 20.04.19:09
MikeRLOK. Now it's mounted via cli to /mnt.19:09
TheFuzzballIs it possible to upgrade the kernel to 5.4.2+ on 20.04 LTS?19:09
tarelerulzerror: out of memory.error: syntax error.error: Incorrect command.error: syntax error.Syntax error at line 566Syntax errors are detected in generated GRUB config file.Ensure that there are no errors in /etc/default/gruband /etc/grub.d/* files or please file a bug report with/boot/grub/grub.cfg.new file attached.19:09
tarelerulzI'm trying to boot an iso from grub19:09
tarelerulzEverything is old , I find that tells you how19:10
tarelerulzinitrd.lz does not have the .iz on the end wen you look in the iso19:11
CarlenWhitetomreyn, Had to reinstall grub, but after doing that it just broke booting the system and dropped me to the grub prompt. But being forward thinking, I just told it to use the old /boot. Gonna do more research.19:12
MikeRLHmm. Something interesting. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bssPCVMJ7g/19:13
tomreynCarlenWhite: good luck.19:13
heitibdneed help pls19:13
MikeRLShould I run e2fsck on /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt? No wait it's still encrypted.19:14
heitibdI ran this command and I want to undo it because it didn't work sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian '$(lsb_release -cs)' contrib non-free' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list" && wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key .. from !virtualbox19:14
tomreynMikeRL: what do you mean by "it's still encrypted"?19:14
MikeRLI think it is.19:14
MikeRLIt's not seen as a directory.19:15
MikeRLLooks like a symlink.19:15
DocMorsheitibd, how do you know it's not working?19:15
heitibdDocMors yes19:16
tomreynMikeRL: didn't you just run     sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda6 sda6_crypt   and were prompted for your crypto layer passphrase and then this seemed to have worked out?19:16
MikeRLtomreyn, I ran "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt"19:16
MikeRLAs for your previous ?, Yes.19:17
MikeRLIt is mounted, just at a different location.19:17
HamiltonWould ffmpeg ever be upgraded in 18.04? Current version is 3.x but 4.x is available and 3.x doesn't support dav!d so I can't convert (or even play) google's new codec avc0119:17
heitibdneed help how to list apt-key19:17
heitibdso i can remove virtualbox19:17
tomreynMikeRL: where is the file system that's on /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt mounted (according to "mount" or /proc/mounts/ or /etc/mtab) ?19:18
DocMorsheitibd, man apt-key19:18
MikeRL"/dev/mapper/sda6_crypt on /mnt type ext4 (rw,relatime)"19:19
ZumochiIs this channel suitable for Ubuntu in WSL issues?19:19
tomreynMikeRL: and what's the output of the e2fsck  command?19:19
tomreynZumochi: as long as it's generic ubuntu questions, not WSL specific ones, and you point out that you're using WSL, here is fine.19:19
ZumochiWell I *think* it's probably only happening in Ubuntu WSL, not regular :P19:20
MikeRLtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Tn9qTH9pMR/19:20
tomreyn!wsl | Zumochi19:20
ubottuZumochi: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide19:20
tomreynMikeRL: note line 419:20
MikeRLtomreyn, Well, crap.19:21
WalexZumochi: WSL is basically Ubuntu with an MS-Windows kernel. GNU/NT Ubuntu instead of GNU/Linux Ubuntu.19:21
tomreynMikeRL: not much of a problem, just unomount the file system, run e2fsck again19:21
devslashUbuntu hangs at a purple screen after updating 18.04 to 19.04. I booted to single user mode. mounted my fs and did chroot. im not sure what to do at this point to dfix it19:23
MikeRLtomreyn, It's giving me an option to optimize saying "Inode 10619323 extent tree (at level 1) could be narrower."19:23
MikeRLIs that safe?19:23
MikeRLJust paranoid of being locked out again.19:23
tomreyndevslash: 19.04, you're sure about this?19:24
devslashi initiated the update to 19.04, it completed and said it wanted to reboot then im at this point now19:25
devslashwhere it doesnt boot19:25
tomreynMikeRL: yes, should be safe. it's just optimazation by shrinking and inode extent tree. shrinking should always be safe.19:25
devslashi really dont want to reinstall again but its looking like it19:25
MikeRLtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KjZq3qGBVj/19:25
tomreyndevslash: it's just that 19.04 is EOL, so i'm surprised you'd have upgraded to that19:26
devslashi know but i was on 18.0419:26
devslashand it wouldnt give me the option of 20.0419:26
devslashi was planning on immediately updating to 20.0419:26
tomreynMikeRL: looks fine to me19:26
tomreyn!ltsupgrade | devslash19:27
ubottudevslash: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d19:27
devslasherr no lsb_release -a says im on 19.1019:27
tomreyndevslash: see19:27
tomreynnot 19.04 ;)19:27
devslashif i do do-release-upgrade -d it says i mered to install all available packages for my release19:28
tomreynthe purple screen showed when exactly, directly after grub?19:28
devslashif i do do-release-upgrade -d it says i need to install all available packages for my release19:28
tomreyna chroot situation is not a good starting point to carry out a release upgrade via do.release.upgrade19:28
devslashi have no other choice19:29
devslashi cant boot it19:29
tomreyn* do-release-upgrade19:29
tomreyndevslash: did you try recovery?19:29
tomreyndid you try failsafe graphics?19:29
tomreyn!recovery | devslash19:29
ubottudevslash: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode19:29
devslashi tried adding init=/bin/bash19:29
devslashto the end of the grub line19:30
tomreynthats not recovery19:30
devslashi dont have a recovery mode19:30
devslashin the grub menu19:30
devslashso thats not an option19:30
tomreynthen you haven't installed ubuntu but something else19:30
devslashi have 19.1019:30
tomreynthen you didn't read the article properly19:31
devslashlsb_release -a19:31
tomreynstep 419:31
tomreynSelect the line which starts with "Advanced options".19:31
devslashi dont have that19:31
devslashi have ubuntu19:31
devslashmemory test (memtest86+)19:32
devslashmemory test (memtest86+, serial console)19:32
devslashand windows boot manager19:32
tomreynhmm, that's strange. so highlight the "ubuntu" one, press 'e'19:32
devslashyea thats what ive been doing19:32
MikeRLtomreyn, So after e2fsck, what's next? You can help devslash a bit first if you want to, of course.19:33
tomreyndevslash: which graphics card do you have there?19:34
MikeRLtomreyn, Besides I kind of hurt in an obvious area after sitting in this task chair for hours. LOL.19:34
devslashan nvidia gta19:34
devslashgtx 750 ti19:34
devslashhad nvidia-430 drivers installed previously19:35
doug16kthat still works! nice19:35
doug16kvideo cards tend to die19:35
tomreyndevslash: on the line starting "linux", (horizontally) scroll to the end, find and remove "splash" and "quiet", add "nomodeset" and "recovery" in their place.19:35
devslashim at the recovery window19:36
tomreynMikeRL: did you have a look at the article i pointed to earlier? the one about installing ubuntu from scratch with encrypted /boot ?19:36
tomreynthis one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201919:37
tomreynMikeRL: i suggest reading it since for a large part it will contain the proper instructions for the setup you mean to do.19:37
CarlenWhiteStuck at an impasse. Grub seems to support LVM but it isn't attempting to try to decrypt the LUKS stuff. The EFI config has this LVM's ID but no indication that it should decrypt first. Grub seems to also have the command to do this but when pointed towards the LUKS/LVM it does nothing and reports no error.19:38
devslashtomreyn, so what do i do now19:38
tomreyndevslash: enable networking, drop to a shell, purge nvidia*, undo any manual nvidia driver installations19:39
CarlenWhiteCyrpto-something. Can't remember the exact command, but pointed it to the partition to only get a empty response.19:39
tomreynCarlenWhite: maybe i guess wrong and 20.04 LTS doesn't have a grub version which supports LUKS2 via cryptroot, yet19:41
devslashtomreyn, done19:42
devslashapt list --installed | grep nvidia now returns no results19:43
tomreyndevslash: "undo any manual nvidia driver installations" (and configuration, too)19:43
devslashum hoq19:43
devslashwhat else would i need to do19:43
devslashthats all that there is19:44
tomreynthis will probably involve removing any xorg.conf in subdirectories of /etc/X11/ as well as removing blacklisting of the nouveau kernel module off /etc/mod*{,/*}19:44
devslashwhen i do find * | grep nvidia from the root folder19:45
devslashit ifnds some other nvidia related modules etc19:45
devslashshould i manually remove those too19:45
heitibddevslash what are you trying to do?19:46
tomreyndepends on where they are located and which kernel you're running, i guess19:46
devslashim on 5.419:46
devslashheitibd, ubuntu doesnt boot after an update from 18.04 to 19.1019:46
devslasherr 5.319:46
heitibdmaybe boot with live cd backup and install 20.04 ?19:47
tomreyndevslash: does this return anything? rgrep nouveau /etc/mod*{,/*}19:48
tomreyndevslash: does this return anything? rgrep nvidia /etc/mod*{,/*}19:49
devslashso after purging nvidia drivers, it now boots19:49
devslashwait one sec19:49
tomreynno need to check then19:49
devslashnm scratch that19:49
devslashit doesnt19:50
devslashi spoke too soon19:50
devslashim at an initramfs prompt now19:51
devslashlet me boot back into recovery19:51
MikeRLtomreyn, I didn't catch the article...19:51
MikeRLI see it now.19:52
devslashim booting back into recovery19:52
devslashtomreyn, the rgrep return 2 rows for nvidia19:53
devslashnothing for the other19:53
tomreynMikeRL: based on what CarlenWhite reports, it may not be possible to do this setup with LUKS*2* encrypted /boot you're currently preparing with ubuntu 20.04 LTS, yet. but i'm not 100% certain that this has been proven not to be possible, yet.19:53
CarlenWhitetomreyn, We're back to the previous setup. Good thing I had the foresight to keep the old /boot for a bit longer.19:54
devslashit says /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf:blacklist nvidiafb19:54
MikeRLtomreyn, Is there any way to decrypt /boot and leave everything else encrypted?19:54
devslashdoes that mean that my nvidia driver is blacklisted by the os ?19:54
tomreyndevslash: that's ok. what about an xorg.conf somewhere in or below of /etc/X11/ ?19:54
tomreyndevslash: no it does not mean that19:55
devslashcant find one19:55
tomreynMikeRL: if /boot is a crypto container of its own, yes, otherwise no19:55
devslashwhen i do find * | grep xorg.conf from root19:55
tomreynMikeRL: in your case: no19:55
devslashi noticed something else19:55
MikeRLtomreyn, So, with these relevations, reformat?19:56
devslashi did update-grub and it says error cannot find a grub device for /dev/sdb1 check your device map19:56
CarlenWhitetomreyn, I'm trying to have a /boot inside an encrypted LVM but it shouldn't be a stretch for grub to decrypt the LVM and find it's /boot19:56
devslashtomreyn, ive nbever seen that message when running update-grub19:56
CarlenWhiteAssuming it was able to decrypt the LVM before attempting to navigate.19:57
tomreynMikeRL: that's entirely up to you. ;-)19:57
MikeRLProbably best to redo it all.19:57
CarlenWhiteBut the /boot/efi/EFI/***/grub.cfg suggests that it recongizes that the /boot but has no step to decrypt it first.19:58
* CarlenWhite throws up his hands.19:58
devslashi did update-grub /dev/sdc and am able to log into my desktop now19:58
devslashbut i dont think its using nvidia drivers19:59
CarlenWhiteBut the current setup is saisfactory for my threat-model: Prevent someone from stealing my laptop and instantly become able to rip private data from Ubuntu.19:59
tomreynCarlenWhite: the setup works as you describe with the article posted at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 (which uses a LUKS1 header)19:59
CarlenWhiteI checked that guide. I had to modify it since this was a retrofit.20:00
CarlenWhiteBut still no dice.20:00
CarlenWhiteAlso that guide has the /boot in a LUKS>EXT420:01
CarlenWhiteI was trying for LUKS>LVM>EXT420:01
tomreynCarlenWhite: i do not know whether it works on 20.04, your findings seem to suggest the grub cryptroot module on 20.04 does not support LUKS2, yet. or that you missed something.20:01
tomreyngrub can handle LUKS1>LVM>EXT420:01
tomreyni have an 18.04 LTS VM which does exctly this20:02
CarlenWhiteThat's what I'm sure of. LVM shouldn't stop grub from getting into the /boot but perhaps I should do more testing in a VM.20:02
CarlenWhiteInstead, of course, doing it on my daily driver.20:02
CarlenWhiteWhich in retrospect is a bad idea.20:02
tomreyndevslash: "/dev/sdc" is not a valid argument to "update-grub"20:03
KeithWeissharwhy does the live session default graphic mode only work if CSM is enabled in BIOS even if I boot in UEFI mode?  If CSM is disabled I get corrupted purple and green screen when booting Ubuntu.20:04
tomreynCarlenWhite: i'd personally test such 'complex' setups in a VM first of all, yes.20:04
CarlenWhiteI balance my intelligence by doing something very wise but have one major dumb thing to upset this Jenga tower of steps20:05
tomreynKeithWeisshar: probably buggy firmware20:05
tomreynKeithWeisshar: looks for an upgrade?20:06
WalexCarlenWhite: keep it simple...20:07
tomreyn"encryption complicates matters, use more plain text!"20:08
KeithWeissharI have an ASUS Z390 Maximus XI Hero Wi-Fi Motherboard with the BIOS version 1401.20:08
WalexKeithWeisshar: very specific questions/configurations don't play well on IRC...20:09
CarlenWhiteAh yes. Buggy firmware. The bane of installs.20:10
KeithWeissharIf CSM is disabled I can only use the safe graphics mode option during a live session20:11
* CarlenWhite had to use an argument in his boot for ages until recently when he updated the firmware of the system.20:11
KeithWeissharnormal and oem mode won't work, it will corrupt the screen unless I enable CSM20:11
KeithWeissharWhen I enable CSM and boot in Normal or OEM screen the monitor goes blank for a second while it switches the graphics mode20:12
TheFuzzballNo way to install the latest kernel on 20.04 then?20:12
KeithWeissharI have NVIDIA RTX 206020:13
KeithWeissharwhen CSM is disabled it crashes the noveau driver during live session20:14
elmgod<KeithWeis>: at boot time edit grub after the word quiet add nouveau.modeset=020:16
Walexis "goes blank for a second" the only downside?20:16
KeithWeissharthe blanking is normal when switching video mode20:16
KeithWeissharblanking is normal when switching any video resolution20:17
CarlenWhiteDropping into grub to twiddle things20:17
KeithWeissharthe monitor temporarily turns off the video input when it detects a video mode change from the gpu20:18
doug16kKeithWeisshar, why not enable the CSM? EFI is a trainwreck of slightly faulty implementations20:20
dbuggerHello fellas20:21
CarlenWhiteBack. Yeah if things were all equal, I should be able to use cryptomount in grub and it'll prompt to decrypt the LVM.20:22
tomreynKeithWeisshar: you can try the server installer (in uefi mode), it doesn't do plymouth, i think, which may help with the early graphics switching introducing problems20:22
CarlenWhiteBut I suppose it doesn't have LUKS2 support yet or something else weird. However I'm getting too tired to try any further than I have.20:23
tomreynkernel command line parameter "nosplash" may also help, or just the "failsafe graphics" option on grub20:23
dbuggerI have a big problem here: My wifi was acting up the last 2 days so I called to support for my provider, and after a while, he gave up and told me to factory reset my router. I have done all the steps, and now everything works fine. My phone can connect to the wifi, without changing any settings. But my computer is not so cooperative. For some reason Ubuntu cannot find the SSID of the Wifi anymore. My router has 2 different SSID,20:24
dbuggerone for 2.4Ghz and other for 5Ghz. I always connected to the 5Ghz but not that one is not appearing. Only the 2.4 appears on the network list. What could be going on??20:24
doug16kbiggest observable difference between BIOS and EFI boot is, EFI boot uses about 100x more cpu to put each character on the screen20:24
tomreynCarlenWhite: thanks for testing and reporting back, have a good night20:26
bjohasHello all.20:26
bjohasI've upgraded to 20.04 a few days ago and I am super-impressed - feels great! However, I do have a problem that I didn't have before (on 19.10), which is to do with the display of the pointer.20:26
bjohasBasically, the pointer lags visually. It doesn't lag 'actually'. Basically, it feels as if the trackpad pointer is stuttering. I move the pointer, and it doesn't move. It only moves when I release the finger. Or lags behind if I move slowly. However, I then plugged in a USB mouse, and it was the same.20:26
bjohasI then observed the following: I have the top bar hidden. If I quickly move the pointer up (on the trackpad or USB mouse) the top bar opens BEFORE the pointer visually gets there.20:26
bjohasSo it appears to be a display problem, rather than a driver problem or similar. I happened yesterday for a couple of hours, then went away. However, to day it reappeared and has so far been around for 6 hours or so. I would super-appreciate some input here, as it's clearly insanely annoying.20:26
bjohasAlso posted here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1234731/trackpad-sticky-jumpy-on-ubuntu-20-04-lenovo-yoga-52020:26
tomreyn!paste | bjohas20:26
ubottubjohas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:26
bjohasHello all!20:27
bjohasI've upgraded to 20.04 a few days ago and I am super-impressed - feels great! However, I do have a problem that I didn't have before (on 19.10), which is to do with the display of the pointer.20:28
bjohasBasically, the pointer lags visually. It doesn't lag 'actually'. Basically, it feels as if the trackpad pointer is stuttering. I move the pointer, and it doesn't move. It only moves when I release the finger. Or lags behind if I move slowly. However, I then plugged in a USB mouse, and it was the same.20:28
bjohasI then observed the following: I have the top bar hidden. If I quickly move the pointer up (on the trackpad or USB mouse) the top bar opens BEFORE the pointer visually gets there.20:28
tomreyn!patience | bjohas20:28
ubottubjohas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:28
bjohasSo it appears to be a display problem, rather than a driver problem or similar. I happened yesterday for a couple of hours, then went away. However, to day it reappeared and has so far been around for 6 hours or so. I would super-appreciate some input here, as it's clearly insanely annoying.20:29
CarlenWhitetomreyn, As quirky as distros can be, it's much more satisfying to work on them since there's always a tool somewhere that'll get you back to a working system without resorting to a live CD.20:29
CarlenWhiteThis is compared to the hairpulling from yesterday when I could not for the life of me figure out why a Windows VM would work in VirtualBox and not in QEMU.20:30
doug16kbjohas, when it happens, open a terminal and run this command: dmesg20:30
CarlenWhiteLike, a verbose output I would kill for.20:30
bjohasThanks Doug! Will try now.20:31
doug16kif any of your hardware is having trouble, it might yell about it in dmesg20:31
bjohasIt happens both with a USB mouse as well as the built-in trackpad. And it seems to be the display of the pointer that's lagging, rather than the trackpad input... So I think it's not a hardware problem.20:32
doug16ka device can be timing out and holding a lock inordinately long or something20:32
bjohasI have entries relating to konversation20:33
bjohasAnd: kauditd_printk_skb: 20 callbacks suppressed20:33
bjohasI should note that this occurs immediately after login, without having started any other applications.20:34
bjohasYeah, that seems reasonable.... :) .... though, the pointer works as such: If I drag up, the top bar opens immediately. It's just that the visual display of the pointer lags... but I'm no expert :)20:35
bjohasIt's also not really intermittent: It's been happening for the last 6 hours now.20:35
bjohasSame behaviour. I had it yesterday for a couple of hours and then it went away. I initially thought it was something updating or something processing in teh background, but clearly that wasn't the case: The cpu load is very low.20:36
doug16kbjohas, run `sudo apt install linux-tools-$(uname -r)` then when it is happening, `sudo perf top`. it might show something using an extreme amount of cpu at the top20:36
bjohasBtw. thanks for the suggestions on this - I've been tearing my hairs out :)20:37
bjohasEverything with perf is coming up in gree20:38
bjohasFew %, max 3.5%20:39
bjohasThe top one is 'unknown', but I guess that's Konveration. I have nothing else running.20:39
doug16kis it stuttering now though?20:39
bjohasIt's constant20:39
bjohasStarted about 6 hours ago.20:40
bjohasRebooting doesn't help.20:40
bjohasI had this for 2 hours yesterday, and it then just went away.20:40
doug16kyou could try disabling selective suspend on usb controller20:40
doug16klots of hardware gets that a bit wrong20:40
bjohasThat would only affect USB mouse, right?20:40
bjohasOr trackpad as well?20:40
bjohasThe behaviour on trackpad and USB mouse is exactly the same.20:40
doug16kdoesn't mean the usb controller state isn't getting screwed up by the suspending20:41
bjohasSure! :020:41
doug16kdo you know how to add kernel parameters to your /etc/default/grub?20:42
bjohasSOmething like moduel_get_kall_sym just used 10%20:42
banisterfiendhi guys how do i debug/investigate crazy-long boot times? it takes 1 min untli i get into the graphical shell, and i wann afind out why20:42
bjohasLet me have a quick look.20:42
bjohasOK, yeah, so I guess just a sudo edit and reboot?20:43
doug16k`sudo nano /etc/default/grub` then add usbcore.autosuspend=-1 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT inside the quotes, then save and exit, then `sudo update-grub`20:43
doug16kthen reboot20:43
bjohasHere's another observation.20:43
bjohasI'm running xev.20:44
bjohasCovering most of my screen.20:44
bjohasIf I move the pointer e.g. across, I see the pointer position coming up in terminal immediately. However, the epointer takes a moment to move.20:44
bjohasSo - xev is registering the pointer movement immediately, but the pointer icon doesn't move immediately.20:45
CarlenWhiteI'm chatting with someone, does Ubuntu send notifications to the desktop if a disk is failing SMART?20:46
CarlenWhiteOr more exactly, a SSD is reaching EOL20:46
doug16kthey have EOL?20:47
compdocCarlenWhit, not that Ive seen, unless you install an app20:47
doug16kCarlenWhite, if in doubt, run gsmartcontrol and explicitly check. perhaps run an extended self test if you really want to check it20:48
compdocsmartmontools, etc20:48
CarlenWhiteI was curious. I feel like it's one of those things that would be really nice for the system to keep an eye on and give the end user a chance to act upon until it's too late.20:49
CarlenWhiteBefore it's too late, rather.20:49
CarlenWhiteI can English.20:49
CarlenWhitedoug16k, I was led to believe SSDs have finite write-cycles.20:51
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compdocyou should be able to use them a few years. get the biggest ssd you can afford20:53
bjohasHi Doug - tried the grub setting, but didn't help. However - I've just created a new user account, and it doesn't have that problem20:53
bjohasso it must be a setting in this account.20:53
bjohasGOT IT!20:57
bjohasIt was the zoom option in accessibility.20:57
raidghostIs there any TROUBLEsolve for Intel Graphical 4600 graphics card And Ubuntu?21:01
raidghostNot sure whats going on, since the colors is just garbage.21:01
doug16kCarlenWhite, you'd probably be amazed how many write cycles on a good brand ssd21:06
CarlenWhiteOh. Neat.21:07
doug16kfor a normal person write wearout is unlikely21:07
doug16kthey will get rid of it because it is so small before it fails21:07
doug16kremember that write endurance scales with size, so a good size one will last very long21:08
CarlenWhiteI kinda held off on SSDs for a good while and now I can live without it.21:10
doug16kdrives will tell you their endurance remaining in smart21:10
CarlenWhiteCan't, rather.21:10
bjohasMany thanks for the support Doug - much appreciated!21:10
bjohasyay! to #ubuntu!21:11
doug16kbjohas,  nice21:11
MikeRLUgh. Can't tell if I'm a total noob or am just fed up. I reformatted with encryption during the installer and have no idea how to resize the encrypted Ubuntu partition to make way for Windows 10.21:11
WalexCarlenWhite: "led to believe SSDs have finite write-cycles" disk drives also have finite writes.21:11
CarlenWhiteWalex, Write-cycles lesser than disk drives is what I meant, Sorry.21:12
WalexCarlenWhite: for example these drives are advertised as to up to 180TB: https://www.ixsystems.com/blog/library/wd-red-smr-drive-compatibility-with-zfs/21:12
devslashtomreyn, are you still here21:12
CarlenWhiteI think it's an old fact/lie a while ago.21:12
WalexCarlenWhite: some SSDs have more write cycles than some disk drives...21:12
Walexthe problem with disk drives is that the more you use them the more the mechanical bits wear out, rather than the recording surface.21:13
MikeRLOnly option in the installer was to wipe and do an encrypted partition. No install alongside existing partitions option.21:13
elmgoddoug16k. will reformatting do more to ssd than regular erase/write21:13
MikeRLI think it needs to only see Windows 10 to allow me to create an encrypted install, but I could be wrong.21:13
MikeRLI also read resizing anything encrypted can cause damage.21:14
MikeRLMoreso than with regular partitions.21:14
doug16kif you secure erase it it's basically a giant trim of the whole drive and reset the wear leveling, you allow it to lose every block, so it has like-new write performance21:15
MikeRLAnyone know if resizing LUKS2 is dangerous?21:15
doug16kbut that's not likely to be worth doing though21:15
doug16kisn't there a cron job that trims all the SSDs by default in ubuntu?21:17
doug16k...instead of enabling trim in mount options21:17
MikeRLReferencing here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions Documentation last edited in 2015. Not very comforting.21:17
elmgodI have reformatted my ssd aorund 30 times with new gpt partition table every time how bad is it21:17
doug16kthat cron job will keep it like new21:17
doug16kelmgod, sounds fine, it's wear leveling, do as you please21:18
devslashis the grub boot menu supposed to suddenly be black with white text21:18
MikeRLGoing to sign in to Firefox, sync bookmarks, and check the IRC logs to fill the holes in the documentation.21:19
doug16kelmgod, even if it didn't trim a thing and a ton of free space wasn't trimmed correctly, once you get a desktop working the trim job will make it like new write performance in the free space eventually21:21
tarelerulzif you boot an iso from grub , and that iso lives on the hard drive itself , can you use the to install Ubuntu to other partition on the same hard drive21:21
MikeRLThink something is working for once.21:22
elmgoddoug16k: Got it21:22
DartmanXI have a box with minimal memory and a box with fairly large memory. If I enable X11 forwarding, ssh to the larger machine and run something like Firefox on the machine with limited memory, is it using the resources (memory) of that machine, or of the machine with the more memory.21:23
DartmanXrather, I run Firefox on the bigger memory machine but use X11 forwarding to display it on the more limited machine21:24
sammyg1321Hi there! for the Nvidia 710, do you recommend using the drivers in the aditional drivers app or the ones directly from the nvidia website? Thank you in advance21:40
doug16ksammyg1321, definitely the additional drivers ones21:40
doug16kyou are asking for trouble with the website ones21:41
sammyg1321Awesome! and would you say my gaming perfomance on windows should be the exact same on linux or better? Games like Portal 2 for example21:41
sammyg1321Yeah exactly, trying to make my transition as smooth as possible haha21:41
doug16ksource engine is amazing on linux21:41
sammyg1321But in terms of that performance i get on windows, i assume with linux it should be par-to-par right?>21:42
sammyg1321and cant wait to try it :D21:42
sammyg1321"On linux"21:42
doug16kit's faster than windows even with directx-to-opengl translation layer, probably due to the blinding speed of linux syscalls21:42
sammyg1321Amazing! i was worried,. Would you recommend straight up ubuntu or Kubuntu or?\21:43
doug16kthey blogged about it :D21:43
sammyg1321Oh yeah! looks pretty good on youtube for the source engine :D21:43
sammyg1321Just wondering about distros now haha21:44
sammyg1321coming from a longtime windows user which UI would be the easiest21:44
Ben64ubuntu and kubuntu are flavors not different distros, they're both "Ubuntu"21:44
sammyg1321\Ohhh flavors my bad21:44
Ben64and it's really just preference21:44
sammyg1321Hmmm, for a first-timer, youd say Ubuntu is best?21:44
sammyg1321So all these different *Buntu platforms are all the same, just different UI right?21:45
doug16ksammyg1321, my 3950x sits at the driver limit in tf2 on max on 1060, about 300fps21:46
Ben64different desktop environments and different software installed by default21:46
doug16k1060 super*21:46
sammyg1321doug16k Thats dope!! i have a feeling this is gonna be good21:47
doug16koops 2060 super. :D21:47
doug16k10xx super is nonexistent21:48
sammyg1321Ben64 interesting, alright i guess il go with the main distro then21:48
doug16kwas great on my previous 1060 though21:48
sammyg1321Because i honestly dont know what is best or whatnot21:48
sammyg1321i literally have no cluie21:48
sammyg1321doug16k haahha, i wanna play CSSource :D21:48
EickmeyerPlease keep this channel strictly to support, please. For reverything else, go to #ubuntustudio-offtopic.21:49
* doug16k zips it21:50
EickmeyerSorry, habit. #ubuntu-offtopic.21:50
openfacehow can i disable gnome-keyring21:52
openfacefor all apps21:52
sammyg1321Sorry and thank you!21:52
tripelb20.04 no sound. Nothing plugged in the audio port YouTube sound to Max panel volume to max ??21:53
Oderustrying to share from ubuntu to windows, via samba. i got it all set up, the only problem is.. when i connect from windows it says it doesnt have permission to access it. What would a root command be to give a specified user read and write access to a given folder?21:54
sammyg1321Also do you guys recommend dual-booting for the best experience or full on disk-wipe?21:54
tomreynsammyg1321: that's really a matter of your preferences / needs, so no general answer is possible. dual-boot will always remain a little bit more complex than a single system, and windows does not always play well with other OS around it.22:03
tomreyn(that's if the other Os is windows)22:04
sammyg1321tomreyn Awesome! il keep that in mind when doing my install, alright il be back soon gonna start my install now22:04
sammyg1321Wish me luck!22:04
Oderusdont need to change ownership just give a certain user read/write to a given dir22:07
rabbitnightmareis there a way to re-add the amazon stuff? I used that stuff quite a bit22:10
fred1807404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:10
fred1807Err:4 http://us-central1.gce.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco Release22:10
fred1807how can I fit apt update?22:11
tomreyn!disco | fred180722:11
ubottufred1807: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html22:11
tomreyn!eolupgrade | fred180722:11
ubottufred1807: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:11
rabbitnightmareI really really want the amazon apps back22:11
rabbitnightmarehow do I re-add those22:11
fred1807I reall ywant arch linux at amazon and google cloud :/22:12
tomreyn!ot | fred180722:12
ubottufred1807: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:12
rabbitnightmareI want gmail, google drive, amazon stuff back why did you remove all that22:12
rabbitnightmareI used it a LOT22:12
rabbitnightmarealways 1 step forward 250 steps back22:13
Oderusi didnt even know amazon had ubuntu apps22:13
rabbitnightmareis there a way to re-enable these features?22:13
fred1807how do I update this EOL ubuntu from command line?22:13
rabbitnightmareOderus it has been there for a while22:14
tomreynfred1807: read the documentation ubuntu provided22:14
fred1807there is a whole bible there22:14
Oderusfred1807 sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:14
tomreynOderus: this won't work on most EOL releases, not on disco anyways22:15
fred1807sudo do-release-upgrade -d   <--- would be sweet to have such an easy command like this22:15
dimspacerabbitnightmare: just go to amazon.com... most people didnt want amazon built into unity22:15
Oderustomreyn oh, I never had an issue so didnt know. ty22:15
fred1807I guess this is why bash was created for...22:16
rabbitnightmaredimspace why remove it entirely22:16
rabbitnightmaregive it back!!!22:16
rabbitnightmareI used it daily22:16
rabbitnightmaredont be google22:16
rabbitnightmarehow the hell do you know what "most people" wanted if you didnt bother to askl22:17
rabbitnightmareI think a lot more people used it than you realize22:17
tomreynrabbitnightmare: what'S the output of    lsb_release -ds    on your system?22:17
dimspacethey removed the web launcher, so amazon died with it22:18
Oderusi doubt anyone here is personally responsible for its removal. search in synaptic or muon for amazon22:18
rabbitnightmareit gave me a lot of important information that simply using firefox doesnt solve22:18
rabbitnightmareimportant tracking and shipping updates22:18
rabbitnightmareall it says now is "firefox needs your attention"22:18
dimspacebut it used ubuntu web launcher which no longer exists22:19
rabbitnightmareyou broke a feature that I know at least 10 people used22:19
rabbitnightmarebring it back and stop being anti-consumer22:19
rabbitnightmarereal life people22:19
tomreynrabbitnightmare: this channel is just for support q&a, not for discussions, nor for trolling22:19
rabbitnightmareI am not trolling so go fuck yourself asshole22:19
rabbitnightmareit is a feature I used that you removed22:20
tomreyn!language | rabbitnightmare22:20
ubotturabbitnightmare: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:20
rabbitnightmarego fuck yourself asshole you are trolling me22:20
rabbitnightmarekill yourself22:20
rabbitnightmarepiece of shit22:20
cortexmani can't get ubuntu 18.04 to accept a static IP on AWS - isn't this like one or two commands? (or was, back in the day)22:20
Oderus trying to share from ubuntu to windows, via samba. i got it all set up, the only problem is.. when i connect from windows it says it doesnt have permission to access it. What would a root command be to give a specified user read and write access to a given folder?22:22
tomreyncortexman: cloud images (and AMIs) differ a little from standard installations. maybe try #ubuntu-server during UK office hours22:22
bet0xHello, can Snaps be disabled & removed from the system?22:22
tomreynbet0x: generally, yes, but it can break some functionality.22:23
bet0xSo its time to move from Ubuntu?  Cause i really don't want snaps on my system22:23
tomreynthat's for you to decide. this channel is just support Q&A, but there's #ubuntu-discuss, too22:24
bet0xI got a SNAP version of Chrome when i aptd the package22:24
bet0x@tomreyn, thank you, i wanted an answer i got it. Was nice to use Ubuntu, time to move22:25
tomreynhi bit00_kzcpu, do you have an ubuntu support question?22:46
tomreynferche23: please fix your connection.22:47
RoseBushello, when i type 'watch sensor' ubuntu is not able to find sensor22:50
RoseBusi want to check my cpu temp bc i just reseated it hoping to fix a ram issue on the mobo and i dropped it _derp_ and dust got on the termal paste.  i used tweasers to remove as much as i could but i want to make sure it's not overheating22:50
tomreynmaybe you wanted to run "watch sensors" (plural)22:51
RoseBussorry typo, that's what i typed22:51
RoseBussh: 1: sensors: not found22:51
tomreynthe package providing this command is lm-sensors, i think22:52
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.22:52
Ben64RoseBus: you need to replace the paste22:52
RoseBusBen64 i ordered some, it's on the way22:53
Ben64If you remove the heatsink it needs to be cleaned off and reapplied every time22:53
RoseBusyea i figured as much22:53
RoseBusi dont have any on hand right now22:54
RoseBusinstalled lm-sensors, now watch sensors is working22:54
RoseBustemps are below 30C, i should be okay until the thermal paste gets here22:54
RoseBusi'll try not to run computational intsensive tasks22:54
Ben64you should make sure you have the system set to shut down if it gets too hot22:55
RoseBusBen64 how can i do that?23:03
oerheksnormally the BIOS does that, but without proper cpu paste, milage may vary; i would not use the machine until fixed23:07
RoseBusthere was quite a bit of thermal paste on there when i put it back on23:07
RoseBusit was still gooey23:08
Bray90820_Anyone know of a mouse that has the multi touch features of the Magic Mouse that isn't the magic mouse and actually works well with ubuntu23:08
oerheksnot good enough, paste is one time use, it hardens, and if broken, it works as a insulator, not heat transmitter anymore23:08
oerheksBray90820_, apple mouse23:09
Bray90820_Other than that mouse23:09
Bray90820_I have been trying that mouse for forever and i cant get it working well at all23:10
Bray90820_I really wanna switch to ubuntu full time but the mouse is has been holding me back23:11
oerheksmulti gestures work fine, out of the box23:11
Bray90820_oerheks: has anything changed in the past year?23:12
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Bray90820_Because i tried like 6 months ago and nothing worked well23:13
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Rozhahallo need some help23:48
Rozhasome one here23:48
Rozhaoerheks can you help little ?23:49
oerhekshi Rozha, just ask, wait and see23:50
Rozhaoerheks i install ubuntu 20.04 server23:50
Rozhai want to install apache2 php mysql23:51
Rozhabut to much differnce to install it corectly23:51
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.23:51
RozhaBashing-om yes23:51
oerhekstons of guides out there, which one do you follow?23:52
Bashing-omRozha: ^^ What is the nature of your problem ?23:52
oerhekshttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-20-04 // https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu/  https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-lamp-stack-ubuntu-20-04-server-desktop  // https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-setup-lamp-server-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa23:53
oerheksread them all, and hardening tips; https://github.com/konstruktoid/hardening23:53
sysRPLhello, can someone help with setting up a samba server and share? i believe i have done everything correctly but cannot connect23:57
sysRPLwhen i run `sudo testparm smb.conf` i get Error loading services23:58
sysRPLto install i ran sudo apt install samba23:58
oerhekssysRPL, on what ubuntu version and what guide do you follow??23:58
sysRPLUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS23:59

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