
oerheksi see no #ubuntu log in https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/04/12/, nor in https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/04/13/12:06
lotuspsychjeweird eh oerheks 12:16
lotuspsychjemaybe thats something to report to ubuntu-ops ?12:16
oerheksnot sure who to address to12:17
lotuspsychjemarch shows up12:18
guiverccould ubotto have died?  (needed a kick but it wasn't noticed..)12:18
lotuspsychjeseems its gone from https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/03/28/12:21
lotuspsychje27/3 still shows12:21
=== Guest3833 is now known as arraybolt3[m]
tomreyni brought it up in #canonical-sysadmin. i'm not sure whom to thank for, but since tonight, ubuntulo1 is back in #ubuntu, and so are logs. https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/04/13/%23ubuntu.txt23:42
tomreynoerheks, guiverc: ^ i guess you could bring it up in #canonical-sysadmin directly when it happens again, or in #ubuntu-ops, or #ubuntu-bots (though in the end it will still need to go through #canonical-sysadmin / RT)23:45
guivercack & thanks tomreyn 23:46

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