
=== alazy is now known as Guest7053
GudduDoes gparted require root user for formatting a external drive to ext3?00:55
JanCgparted should always start as root01:23
GudduHow long should gparted take to ext3 format a 1 TB external hard drive 7200 rpm?01:30
JanCnot long01:33
JanCformatting only has to write a little bit of data really01:34
enigma9o7why would you use ext3 instead of ext4 anyway?02:03
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brahmanaHi, I have two AWS EC2 instances running Ubuntu server 20.04 and logrotate is failing to rotate logs on both of these machines. This is what I see in the output of `systemctl status logrotate` :07:19
brahmanasystemd[1]: Starting Rotate log files...07:19
brahmanalogrotate[662336]: error: unable to open /p/www/presto_webapp/log/presto_scheduler.log.1 for compression07:19
brahmanalogrotate[662336]: error: unable to open /p/www/presto_webapp/log/production.log.1 for compression07:19
brahmanasystemd[1]: logrotate.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE07:19
ghodawalaamanHello I think I have found a bug in Ubuntu07:24
ghodawalaamanwhere should I report it?07:24
ghodawalaamando we have a IRC channel to report bugs/07:25
brahmanaHi, I have two AWS EC2 instances running Ubuntu server 20.04 and logrotate is failing to rotate logs on both of these machines. Log file and config details are here : https://bpa.st/4AYA07:26
brahmanaWhat am I missing? What additional things should I check?07:26
daftghodawalaaman, there is a website to report bugs07:26
ghodawalaamandaft: but I have to make an account to report bugs right?07:27
daftYes ofc.07:27
ghodawalaamanbrahmana: "If I invoke it manually with `sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/presto_webapp.conf`, it runs just fine without any issues." then make a cronjob to run that command periodically. it would be a stupid solution though07:27
ghodawalaamandaft: :/07:27
toddcghodawalaaman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs07:28
brahmanaghodawalaaman: Yeah, a little odd considering that there is a `/etc/cron.daily/logrotate` which actually just exists if `systemd` is found on the machine.. !07:29
daftis logrotate in the bash path of the cron deamon ghodawalaaman ?07:30
dafttry the full path07:30
imnotslayhell guyss07:30
brahmanaHowever this is an issue only on two machines. Works just fine on several others.07:30
brahmanadaft: I don't think cron daemon is running logrotate at all. I think `systemd` does it now.07:31
daftsystemd does not do logs. as far i know07:31
brahmanaThis is what is there in `/etc/cron.daily/logrotate` : https://bpa.st/J2YQ07:32
dafthad to setup a siem end point and needed to install syslog to get the logs needed07:32
sixwheeledbeastsystemd logs are journalctl07:33
sixwheeledbeastlogrotate should be in bin somewhere?07:33
sixwheeledbeastI'd say it looks like permission issue?07:39
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GudduWhich ubuntu comes with a LTS kernel?08:32
zaggynlI'd say the Ubuntu LTS releases?08:33
zaggynlhm, I forget the command08:33
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brahmanasixwheeledbeast: The error seems to indicate that but I am a little lost since the files are owned by `root:root` and logrotate is set to run as `root`.08:52
sixwheeledbeastit's complaining about permissions of existing log files?08:57
sixwheeledbeastI have since rebooted and cleared my backscroll08:57
sixwheeledbeastmaybe backup the existing log files elsewhere then trigger systemd to run the logrotate timer.08:58
brahmanasixwheeledbeast: Correct. It is saying `error: unable to open /p/www/presto_webapp/log/presto_scheduler.log.1 for compression`. Let me check how I can trigger systemd to run the logrotate timer09:00
sixwheeledbeastsystemctl start logrotate ?09:01
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brahmanasixwheeledbeast: Had to do `sudo systemctl start logrotate.service` but that did not help since I had done a force rotation earlier today and logrotate will rotate it only tomorrow now..!09:32
brahmanaI suppose I can try adding the `-f` flag in the logrotate service description file and make systemd trigger it again09:33
sixwheeledbeastyou are not starting the service you are starting the timer09:38
sixwheeledbeastthe service should be running09:39
brahmanasixwheeledbeast: Did not that and got the same error : `error: unable to open /p/www/presto_webapp/log/presto_scheduler.log.1 for compression`09:39
brahmanalogrotate service doesn't always run, right? It runs once per day. Also, as per this, there is no way to trigger the timer itself in systemd : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/206637/is-it-possible-to-manually-execute-a-single-systemd-timer-paired-service-unit-fo09:39
sixwheeledbeastwell loaded I suppose is the term09:41
sixwheeledbeastrunning would mean the timer is triggered09:41
sixwheeledbeast "systemctl start logrotate" will run the service file09:43
brahmanaYup.. did that. Only difference is that I did it with `sudo`. When I ran the start command after modifying the logrotate service file to run with `-f` I got the above permission error09:44
sixwheeledbeastAnyway I still assume it's a permission issue, maybe at "../presto_webapp/log/" or maybe the logrotate conf  file is looking at the wrong place?09:49
Rhondainitramfs seems to use zstd now for compression.  So far, so good.  It doesn't load a module for me though that it would need to find the harddisks, and drops me into the (nitramfs) shell.  I see the module is compressed as /lib/modules/..../megaraid_sas.ko.zst.  How do I load that manually?10:04
RhondaAh, it got loaded (because I put it into initramfs modules file) - so the issue seems to be in a different place …  darn :/10:07
RhondaFound the issue, it's an ancient bug with megaraid that requires specific kernel parameters.10:50
=== lubuntu is now known as zxhue
JoeBkcan anyone show me how to recover disk space from deleted files?11:53
lotuspsychj3JoeBk: dont you mean recover files from a hard disk?11:54
JoeBkno, I want to free the space the files were using11:55
tomreynJoeBk: unless some running process still has a lock on a deleted file, its space should be freed immediately when it is deleted.11:55
JoeBktomreyn: it isn't11:56
tomreynwhich file system is this?11:56
lotuspsychj3JoeBk: there are several tools for cleanup you can try, bleachbit, stacer,..etc11:56
JoeBklotuspsychj3: I'll try that11:56
mgedminalso, have you emptied the trash?11:57
tomreynoh, good point, mgedmin11:57
tomreynfiles deleted on the gui would go to trash first11:57
tomreynthough you can hold down shift while deleting to remove them immediately, i think11:58
lotuspsychj3unless they chosen delety immediatly as extra option in nautilus11:58
lotuspsychj3indeed tomreyn11:58
ramblebambleJoeBk, maybe this is an XY problem. If you are talking about 'shredding'files, that is a different manner. the metadata(this block/cell stores that file) gets deleted and the OS then tells you you have more space available, but the data is still there11:59
ramblebamblejust write a big file several times ot the disk and you are good, or use dedicated tools for that11:59
JoeBkI deleted some files to free up disk space.  The free space did not change.12:00
tomreynhow did you delete them, though?12:01
tomreynwhich file system is it? which ubuntu version? which kernel version?12:01
CosmicDJand how did you check free space?12:01
JoeBkI deleted with rm and check space with df12:01
CosmicDJJoeBk: btrfs or zfs?12:02
tomreynso open files, as i suggested initially. but you answered "no"12:02
tomreynactually you answered "it isn't". how did you rule out that it's open file handles that prevented releasing the space?12:03
tomreynlsof would usually be the tool for that12:04
lotuspsychj3welcome paganbbs12:06
lotuspsychj3can we help you paganbbs12:19
paganbbsthank you and i wanna ask from ubuntu studio 24.04lts that discover packet manager doesnt not open???!12:20
paganbbsi am joosua from vapaakirkko fi welcome!12:21
lotuspsychj3paganbbs: open a journalctl -f and paste us the results in a !paste after starting the package manager12:21
paganbbselo 14 15:22:58 rain-Legion-T5-26IAB7 kernel: [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC=00:93:37:64:33:72:60:03:a6:ec:fd:40:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=65217 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=49570 DPT=443 WINDOW=29200 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=012:23
lotuspsychj3start package manager now your journal is open12:24
paganbbselo 14 15:25:01 rain-Legion-T5-26IAB7 CRON[12812]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0)12:25
paganbbselo 14 15:25:01 rain-Legion-T5-26IAB7 CRON[12813]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)12:25
paganbbselo 14 15:25:01 rain-Legion-T5-26IAB7 CRON[12812]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root12:25
lotuspsychj3!paste | paganbbs12:25
ubottupaganbbs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:26
paganbbsjonna turunen SUPO12:30
paganbbs! -- > do u see that link.s12:31
ubottupaganbbs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:31
lotuspsychj3patience paganbbs12:32
ravageThat looks like it's already running12:32
paganbbsno its doesnt open yes that discover packet manager in ubuntu 24.04lts otherwisely best!12:36
paganbbsi mean if i wanna update bitwig studio or easily kde!12:38
tomreynpaganbbs: did you read the US release notes?12:43
paganbbsok i couldnt not find that issue or is it yet fixrd but have u that  link i will read i dd again!12:44
tomreyni only rememeber you said you are using ubuntustudio last time. i don't remember which version you were using, but you can find links to release notes for your version on this page.12:45
tomreynah, 24.04. so, yes, it's documented in the release notes, under known problems12:47
paganbbsyes i thank u will support!12:48
BluesKajHi all12:48
=== Randy_ is now known as coderandy
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bochechahi everyone, this is your friendly fedora developper having trouble with ubuntu ^_^13:17
bochechahow can I update snap-store?13:17
bochechathe system updater says there this update, but it can't update it :-/13:18
lotuspsychj3you need to kill the running proces, then update manualy from terminal bochecha13:19
lotuspsychj3its a known bug13:19
bochechaah, ok13:19
bochechaso how do I do those? :D13:19
lotuspsychj3snap refresh13:19
lotuspsychj3both can do, they will ask your password13:20
bochechaah, I see13:21
leftyfbbochecha: sudo killall snap-store && sudo snap refresh snap-store13:21
bochechawell, my virtual machine just somehow gave up...13:21
bochecha@leftyfb, updated, do I take it that's enough to fix this problem?13:25
leftyfbbochecha: fix what problem?13:25
bochechathe one where the updater couldn't update snap-store as we just talked about13:29
bochechafrom now on, will that work? :)13:29
lotuspsychj3the next snap-store update will need you to do just the same bochecha13:29
lotuspsychj3unless they fix that bug13:29
vlzuhhey im using wsl linux in windows13:30
bochechaah ok, I see, thank you leftyfb :)13:30
vlzuhi use a windows 1113:31
leftyfbvlzuh: this is a support channel. What can we help you with?13:31
vlzuhyes i usw a ubuntu from windows app store13:32
leftyfbvlzuh: ok, let us know if you need help with any issues that come up. OTherwise, if you're just looking to chat, feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:33
paganbbsnow! h! agaIN, discovery doesnt not openS and bitwigstudio needs depencies files !not satisfyWARNINg+t SjonnaT-+--13:48
paganbbsmaybe late i update focusrite ADAt frOM THOMANN UP$13:49
pragmaticenigmapaganbbs: please take a moment to collect your thoughts and try again. You messages are scrambled and do not make any sesnse13:49
paganbbsok i try, why my ubuntu24.04lts doesnt not opens discovery gui+ now i also need depencies for bitwig-studio 4 satisfying files.13:51
leftyfbpaganbbs: discovery studio visualizer?13:53
leftyfbpaganbbs: both of those are 3rd party applications. Have you tried reaching out to their respective support options?13:54
tomreynplease make use of these characters, they exist for a purpose: . , ! ?13:55
leftyfbit doesn't look like English is their native language13:55
prototipoxhello eveyone, how can I install a good PDF reader14:34
leftyfbprototipox: sudo apt install <name of "good" PDF reader>   or  sudo snap install <name of "good" PDF reader>14:35
pragmaticenigmaThere is a PDF reader built into Firefox, really isn't a need to install a dedicated PDF reader14:35
leftyfbsame with chrome14:36
iue818398test 12314:40
zaggynlack 45614:41
prototipoxIts complicated, because Im currently writing a paper, and I neet to highlight and link specific sections of the pages, but I'm unable to do this using just my browser.14:41
iue818398nice works14:41
tomreynprototipox: gnome's default pdf reader, evince, should be able to display /make useable such features. it's not a pdf editor, though, but you didn't ask for one.14:43
pragmaticenigmateachers are getting really strange when it comes to homework these days14:44
ravagei think libreoffice also opens PDFs bur no idea how well and what you can actually do  with it then14:44
pragmaticenigmalibreoffice will open the PDF in LibreDraw for editing... may or may not work for citation linking14:46
prototipoxIm Currently using Lubuntu, I'm just starting to use it now, I'm a complete beginner, and I'm switching from Windows to use free software, but I'm facing some challenges with these specific tools.14:46
prototipoxIve tried Draw, but not work14:46
pragmaticenigmawithout understanding what it means to "link" I'm affraid I can't be of much help. When I needed to cite articles offered in PDF, only needed to provide the URL and manually labelled a page and paragraph number to find the reference material14:49
pragmaticenigmaalso, in school I just stuck to windows for my educational stuff, since that's all the teachers knew and I got tired of trying spend extra time tracking down and translating everything to a different platform from what the instructors would demonstrate14:50
=== LanDi1 is now known as LanDi
ForzaHi. I have a ubuntu server 24.04 and i cant figure out how to make locale settings stick. When i open a shell/ssh session its always LANG="" LC_*="POSIX". I've tried localectl set-locale and also edited /etc/default/locale and /etc/locale.conf and re-run locale-gen15:28
ForzaPerhaps I need something in /etc/profile or bashrc? When i use 'export' no LANG or LC variables are listed15:33
pragmaticenigmathis might help Forza : https://askubuntu.com/a/19325315:34
pragmaticenigmaas is stated there,,, read the linked man page... things may not "stick" or take because some elements are not optional and must be provided even if there is no desire to change them15:35
brahmanaHi.. where is this channel logged?15:36
Forzapragmaticenigma: thank you. Unfortunately even a reboot doesn't help. Seems something is missing to actually set the configured locale. Not even C.UTF-8 works. I am wanting a en_GB.UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8 LANG15:41
genii!irclogs | brahmana15:41
ubottubrahmana: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/15:41
brahmanaThank you ravage and genii15:42
brahmanaLooks like there haven't been any more responses after what sixwheeledbeast had posted. Will see if someone else has any other suggestions15:43
pragmaticenigmaForza: I'd start looking in logs to see if any errors pop up that would explain the errant behavior15:43
brahmanaReposting the question : I have two AWS EC2 instances running Ubuntu server 20.04 and logrotate is failing to rotate logs on both of these machines. Log file and config details are here :  https://bpa.st/4AYA15:43
pragmaticenigmabrahmana: those instances often run customized versions, you may need to contact customer service with AWS for assistance15:44
ioriaForza, dpkg -l | grep language-15:44
brahmanapragmaticenigma No, it's the official Ubuntu server image from canonical. Also logrotate works on several other Ubuntu machines that I run on EC2.15:45
Forzapragmaticenigma: if I set export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 in /etc/profile.d/ it works ok15:45
vlzuhim back from busy with linux15:45
Forzaioria: language-pack-en and language-pack-en-base is installed15:46
iue818398why isnt systemctl hibernate working ?15:46
ioriaForza, localectl15:46
vlzuhwhat im talking gorilla tag server in discord!15:46
pragmaticenigmaForza: what about the alternative solution. adding the entries to `/etc/default/locale`15:46
vlzuhon im using windows15:47
Forzaioria: localectl says LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, but 'locale' shows and empty LANG string15:47
Forzapragmaticenigma: i did15:48
pragmaticenigmaForza: and then did a reboot?15:48
pragmaticenigmaokay... hmm15:48
ioriaForza,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales15:48
ForzaAll is ok if i manually expory the LANG variable. So i am guessing something is not doing that on Ubuntu server?15:49
Forzaioria: yes did that, it regenerates them. The actual locale files are ok as it works fine if i do 'LANG=xxx some_command'15:50
vlzuhim busy with discord15:52
leftyfbvlzuh: please take all non-support chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic15:53
vlzuhima play gorila tag15:58
leftyfbvlzuh: please stop15:58
leftyfbvlzuh: /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:59
Forzapragmaticenigma, ioria only solution i found was to add 'export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8' to /etc/profile. A bit weird buy I guess it's good enough for now. Thanks.16:07
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ioriaForza, does it show up in env ? env|grep -i lang16:29
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leftyfbvlzuh: stop17:01
vlzuhgoofy ahh hp victus windows17:01
Forzaioria: no it doesn't17:04
vlzuhbrooo skibidi17:05
leftyfbvlzuh: stop17:06
limpcim having trouble with nginx on ubuntu.  when i try starting it, i get: "nginx: [emerg] socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Unknown error)"17:09
leftyfblimpc: sudo lsof -i :80   # what does this give you?17:09
leftyfb( use pastebin if it's more than 1 line )17:09
leftyfbvlzuh: stop17:09
limpci checked, but nothing is listening on the port.17:09
vlzuhim watching youtube on windows17:10
limpcit doesnt say address or port in use. it says unknown error.  i have no other info from nginx or logs17:10
leftyfbvlzuh: stop17:10
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leftyfbthank you tomreyn17:16
=== camper is now known as Sankore
Yakovcan someone please guide me how to fix it17:29
YakovError mounting /dev/sdb1 at media read only17:29
mdmbkris there an easy way to copy an ssh key from host C to host A if A has passwords disabled but host B has key access to A17:40
mdmbkrwhatever, it'll be way faster in this case to just re-enable password logins =)17:44
Yakovanyone can help me? Im stuck with no usb now, need to fix it today :)17:45
leftyfbmdmbkr: I use ssh-import-id17:58
leftyfbYakov: it probably needs a filesystem check17:58
YakovI could access usb and files with cd /mnt/myusb approach, but still if i try to access it through nautilus it outputs same error, how to restore it to default?18:01
leftyfbYakov: what filesystem is the drive?18:02
Yakovleftyfb, ext418:04
leftyfbYakov: unmount it and run fsck on it18:04
leftyfbYakov: are you sure there isn't a switch on this flash drive that enabled write protect?18:06
leftyfbwait, you're in /mnt/usb18:06
leftyfbyou didn't unmount it (successfully)18:07
Yakovyes, umount: /mnt/myusb: target is busy., then i just manually unplugged18:07
leftyfbjeeze, and you wonder why you're having problems18:07
leftyfbYakov: " target is busy" means it didn't unmount. And you ripping the drive out while it's mounted is BAD18:08
Yakovplease put some light on it, as I really having  a lot of issues with usb devices18:08
leftyfbI just explained18:08
Yakovsometimes it takes like all day to unmount (bugged) how should I proceed?18:08
leftyfbyou need to successfully (" target is busy is not successful) unmount filesystems before you can physically remove the device they are on18:09
leftyfbif it "takes all day" then you have an issue with your filesystem on that device18:09
Yakovi always try to do it maturely, but sometimes it gets bugged18:09
Yakovalso some files are copying way too much18:09
leftyfbyou can't be in the mounted directory when trying to unmount it18:09
Yakovdear god18:10
Yakovhow to fck it? just unmounted18:10
leftyfbunmount it (properly)18:10
leftyfbtype "mount" after to be sure it's not still mounted18:10
enigma9o7sudo fsck /dev/sdb18:10
Yakovusually I open nautilus, left mouse on triangle18:11
leftyfbtype "mount" after to be sure it's not still mounted18:11
leftyfbin a terminal18:11
Yakov1. Am I doing right (usually I open nautilus, left mouse on triangle)18:11
leftyfbthat "should" work18:11
leftyfbbut I personally don't usually trust it18:12
Yakovnow sudo fsck /dev/sdb or another syntax for /mnt/myusb18:12
leftyfbtype "mount" after to be sure it's not still mounted18:12
YakovI d pay for some good course how to deal with backups and usb on Ubuntu, lmao18:12
YakovI did mount, have couple of hundreds lines of output18:13
leftyfbYakov: and do you see your flash drive in the list?18:13
leftyfbYakov: mount |grep sdb18:14
leftyfbsudo fsck -y -f /dev/sdb118:14
YakovRead-only file system while trying to open /dev/sdd18:14
leftyfbif it still says read-only, either you have a write protect switch on the flash drive or the filesystem is completely bad or the drive is damaged18:14
YakovThe SanDisk Cruzer Glide 3.0 USB Flash Drive does not have a physical read-only switch18:15
Yakovso now I can only use it with terminal?18:16
leftyfbso now you backup whatever is on that flash drive, get a new one and toss that one18:16
Yakovits emptynow18:17
Yakovwhat is the best way to eject usb?18:20
leftyfbunmount it and then you can remove it18:20
Yakovwith rectangle or cmd?:)18:20
enigma9o7unmount it from command line or file manager, t hen pull it out18:21
leftyfbI personally use the command line18:21
Yakovwhat command should I learn?18:22
leftyfbfor what?18:22
Yakovto unmount usb with cmd18:23
Yakovsudo umount -l /dev/sdb1 ?18:26
Yakovand then just eject from usb?18:26
brahmanasixwheeledbeast, pragmaticenigma : Found the issue with logrotate not rotating the log files. It was because of `ProtectSystem=full` in systemd unit file of logrotate. My log files are under `/usr` which becomes read-only with `ProtectSystem=full`. This became a default in Ubuntu 20.04 it seems.18:26
sixwheeledbeastthat would make sense18:27
brahmanaThis was one wild chase..! Fun though. Thanks for the help guys.18:30
Guest36ERROR: Couldn't stat '/etc/ufw/after.rules'19:17
Guest36can anyone help with this19:17
pragmaticenigmayou have a bad configuration with your firewall... undo what you last changed19:18
pragmaticenigmaor more importantly, restore that file19:18
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Square3I have a hunch there is a utility to open files by extension in bash. Is there such? I thought it was "gnome-do", but no.20:10
enigma9o7xdg-open ?20:10
Square3enigma9o7, thats it. Thanks20:13
leftyfbYakov: I don't know why you would add -l. That can be dangerous20:21
Yakovit was googled out, should I discard this flag?20:22
leftyfbYakov: I would recommend omitting that flag, yes20:24
Yakovmany thanks! any advise how to master these small but important things in ubuntu20:24
spirHello, guys. I was searching about a problem with colors I have in my Ubuntu Studio. Some applications (like the browser and Freetube) show strange colors, desaturated, like everything is grey. Seemingly it is related to color profiles, but I don't know what color profile should I choose... How can I know?20:25
spirNow it seems to have ACEScg-elle-V4-g10 as the active color profile.20:25
tomreynYakov: read man pages - would have helped in this case20:26
Yakovtomreyn, ty20:27
spirSorry, that's not the active color profile. It was selected just because it's the first on the list...20:28
=== Game11454222 is now known as Game1145422
halo100hello any one alive23:38
halo1005g funded by china CCCP party23:38
tomreynhi halo100, do you have an ubuntu support question?23:40
halo100not right now i support wine23:40
halo100will donate to Ubuntu development23:41
tomreynokay, please note this channel is exclusively for support Q&A. thanks.23:41
halo100ok cool23:41

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